#cv lore ish
cvbullshit · 9 months
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I tried remaking an old artwork, sorta rushed with the background since I had no idea what I wanted for it. So it's like mid at best.
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Here's the color palette I used.
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indiavolojones · 4 years
Diavolo eats a pomegranate while Lucifer works. Lucifer doesn’t realize that the plate of pomegranate seeds that’s just been steadily growing is, in fact, for him. 
alternate summary: serving/sharing fruit with another is one of the most tender shows of love in the world and i am a soft, gentle soul that just wants canon-compliant-ish domesticity somewhere in the 1800s?? idk, they’ve known each other a damn long time. u_u 
2.2kish words, G, dia/luci, #no warnings apply except for like, idk, a sizzle of diavolo thirst on lu’s part. we can angst later, y’all
Special thanks 2 @canonlucidia for being 1) my rock and 2) my resident lucifer expert that wrote the report line and lastly 3) just being so, so good with lore and patient with me when cv brain go wuh??? 
A memory, a snapshot in their thousands of years spent at each other’s sides, the scene burned into his mind. 
Not all their moments are stretched to the extremes, interactions eternally caught in fire and brimstone. Some of them rest here, in a gentle domesticity that Lucifer is hesitant – and rightly so – to acknowledge. 
Here, with the two of them alone in Lucifer’s office, is a tentative, trembling contentment that Lucifer has yet to fully take apart in his mind. 
Lucifer sits at the desk with almost painfully perfect posture, as lamented by Diavolo, several sheets of parchment paper drying in front of him. A small white plate with intricate gold designs burned into the glaze rests nearby. Diavolo pulls out a blade from thin air, cutting it into a ripe pomegranate with the practiced efficiency of someone who grew up with the trees keeping him company.
“I will not be re-writing these reports if you make a mess,” Lucifer says apropos of anything Diavolo might do, on purpose or otherwise. 
The admonishment in his voice half-hearted at best, even as he warily eyes Diavolo slicing the fruit open. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Diavolo quips, returning a cheeky grin, slouched over the empty side of Lucifer’s spacious desk as he cracks open the pomegranate into fours. 
Diavolo opted for his human form today, which is a laughable concept to Lucifer in itself. Diavolo’s aura can barely be contained by him in his demon form, but to see his essence stifled into a mortal’s appearance… Diavolo’s human teeth are always a little too sharp at first glance or in one’s peripherals. His gold eyes are too molten to match any human shade. 
Pair it with Diavolo’s inability to sit on anything without it becoming a throne – sprawling with languid, regal grace as natural as breathing, much to Lucifer’s annoyance – and discretion is a difficult request. 
Lucifer has called him out on his slipping control of the glamours before, especially in the instances where they find themselves working in the Human Realm, the risk of detection a very real threat. Not that many princes are discrete, but Lucifer supposes that if he expected someone to spill out past the seams, it would be Diavolo, who has always been larger than life in both personality and power. 
Despite a grandiose description, Diavolo’s attire does not reflect his status. His outfit is more fitting for a common human rather than the next ruler of Hell. 
The other is dressed in indecently tight trousers and a loose, finely-woven off-white tunic that dips low on his sculpted chest. Cording at the hem of the shirt drapes over his exposed skin, and Lucifer offhandedly wonders why they even bother getting Diavolo fitted for garments if he’s just going to wear things too loose, too tight, or forego most clothes altogether. 
In the past, Lucifer might have asked why are you here? or don’t you have your own work to do? All such inquiries have been shut down with a colorful multitude of responses, displaying the future king’s creativity. 
Some honorable mentions being:
Diavolo’s wild claim that Barbatos was staging a coup, and clearly, Lucifer was the only one who can fight off someone with control over time. Lucifer had asked when Barbatos was hosting the next recruitment session, which led to a troublesome, if not amusing, outburst from Diavolo.
A somehow unionized group of suitors threatened to storm down the palace gates for his hand in marriage. Diavolo was merely hiding in the safest place, for once they believed he was not home, they would give up and leave! 
"A curse, Lucifer. It was a curse!" If more than two pairs of eyes were to witness Diavolo, he would surely burst into flames. That's why he tried to hide behind the door when Barbatos came to collect him!
Nowadays, when Lucifer can’t kick Diavolo out of his study/Barbatos is off running the household and can’t drag him away, he allows himself to lean into giving Diavolo a hard time – nothing unbecoming of their stations, nothing disrespectful – but enough to give Lucifer quiet vindication. 
It serves him right, for all the grievances he causes Lucifer on a daily basis. 
(Levi calls it teasing, but Levi has not left his quarters since the last major war killed one of his favorite authors before a series was finished, so what does Levi know of social interaction?) 
“If you’re in need of something to do, Barbatos and I found a few errors in your last few missives…” Lucifer begins. 
Diavolo, surprisingly, doesn’t jump to the bait.  
There are no witty remarks that come from the future king’s lips, only the lazy upward curl of a smile and a contented hum in return. 
Unused to the lack of a response from the other, Lucifer glances down at the small plate, Diavolo's cultivated pile of seeds gathered in the shallow puddle of juice.
Another pomegranate seed plinks onto the plate, and Lucifer watches through his peripherals as it topples the delicate balance of the seeds already there. 
He narrows his eyes at it briefly, as if it holds the answers to his obvious questions, but says nothing. Diavolo works at a steady pace, humming quietly under his breath as his nimble fingers pluck seeds from the fruit. 
For a while, they go on like that. 
Diavolo alternates between quietly munching on seeds and adding to his growing plate. Lucifer scribbles away at the parchment, his clean script much more legible than Diavolo’s own. 
Diavolo deserves an award, Lucifer thinks, for the longest amount of time spent not getting into trouble in Lucifer’s recent memory. Perhaps he should be more suspicious of the other’s uncharacteristically quiet nature, but Diavolo looks at ease with his menial task.
Diavolo’s tune continues, a soothing, low cadence to his voice offsetting the relative quiet of Lucifer’s quill scratching at the parchment. It’s a waltz, syrupy sweet and with a dreamlike quality as Diavolo’s humming carries the notes into creation. 
It casts a spell with charisma alone, and Lucifer doesn’t notice when his hand stills, quill hovering over the page as he tries to recognize the tune. A smile twists the prince’s lips, his lips stained darker with the sweet purple nectar.
Diavolo doesn’t hesitate in his motions, only glancing up at Lucifer through his lashes. Lucifer’s breath involuntarily catches in his throat.
Lucifer does not think about how Diavolo’s fingertips are stained as well, stained deeper than the curve of his lush lower lip. Does not think about the juice dripping down his tanned skin, drying sticky on his wrists. It is in the middle of these not-thoughts, their gazes catching in passing, that Diavolo speaks.
“What?” Lucifer startles, despite himself, brows cinching with narrowed eyes. Diavolo reaches down with one long, purple-dyed finger to point at the line where Lucifer’s quill has stopped. The smile only grows, Diavolo tilting his head to the side as he reads the line off of Lucifer’s report.
“‘The sixth circle has under reported their amaranth yield again this quarter, their numbers being off by roughly,” He pauses for dramatic effect, which Lucifer finds wholly unnecessary considering this is a report, not a performance, ”20%.’”
Diavolo purses his lips, before it turns into a huffed laugh, “It’s probably because they pay tithe to Beelzebub. You should talk to him about that.” 
His eyes and hands go back to the fruit in front of him. Lucifer does not admit that the next part of his report was about to mention that it is likely due to his hungriest brother.
Saved from having to formulate a response, there’s a knock at the door, and Barbatos’ muffled voice on the other side calls, “Lucifer? Have you seen Prince Diavolo?” 
Diavolo’s posture immediately jerks up, and then his shoulders curl in on himself, like a child that knows he’s been caught. Barbatos is, most definitely, here for Diavolo. 
Lucifer is absolutely not relieved at the distraction. He levels Diavolo with a singular stare that somehow says I’m not covering for you, and nearly rolls his eyes when Diavolo returns a pained look that begs please?
A strange, out of place idea has Lucifer wanting to concede to Diavolo’s whims, to pretend that no one is there. Ridiculous. As they sit in the silence, there’s a moment where Diavolo’s eyes light up, as if thinking that Lucifer might actually help him out –
“He’s in here,” Lucifer says, because of course he is. All three of them know there’s no way that he wouldn’t be, and Diavolo deflates. 
It’s clear from the slight, upwards quirk of Barbatos’ lips that he knows Lucifer’s hesitation. Lucifer bristles at the thought, at Barbatos’ ability to always see more than is shown. 
Barbatos does not startle easily – in fact, Lucifer believes he can recall maybe a handful of times that the other has reacted with little more than resigned acceptance or rueful amusement. 
It wounds his pride, in a sense, to have Barbatos walk in on a scene like this (like what? Diavolo slowly working at Lucifer’s carefully constructed walls, trying to carve a contented little spot in Lucifer’s life? Yes. Lucifer is aware.) and have his reaction be anything less than shocked. Appalled? 
Perhaps aghast, that Lucifer too has fallen to the whims of his lord. 
Unless Barbatos thought that Lucifer would cave from the beginning, Lucifer realizes, and it sours his expression in the slightest. 
“Barbatos!” Diavolo grins, still slouched over the edge of the desk like it pains him to have good posture. 
“I have been looking for you, my lord,” Barbatos says, his voice as even and polite as ever. 
“I’ve been taking a break!” 
“It’s been four hours since you said you would be right back, sir. I thought I would help you find your way, since you seem to be having some trouble.”  
Diavolo, a devil of almost immeasurable power and status, has the gall to look sheepish in front of his butler and aide. He glances big, pleading eyes at Lucifer as if asking for help again, and Lucifer cocks one brow, saying nothing. 
A beat of silence passes, before Diavolo suddenly exhales loudly, tossing his hands (one of which is holding a knife, and the other a pomegranate, and juice splashes on the desk alarmingly close to his nearly-finished report) into the air. 
“Okay, okay! I’m coming,” Diavolo concedes, still brimming with amusement as he easily disposes of the empty pomegranate husk with his magic. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, he wipes the remnants of sticky juice off the blade and his fingers, staining the pristine white purple. 
“Let’s stop by the kitchens on the way there, Barbatos. Fruit has only made me realize how famished I truly am!” Diavolo says, placing the handkerchief down and stretching his arms up as he stands. 
“I can bring something to your office, my lord.” Barbatos shoots down the attempt at escape, and Diavolo tsks under his breath. 
“You’re too smart, Barbatos,” Diavolo says, walking towards his butler and patting one hand on the other’s shoulders, “You know all my tricks by now.” He nods sagely as they walk to the exit of the room. Barbatos gives a soft sigh. 
“We both know that’s not true, my lord.” 
Lucifer watches, unafraid to admit to himself that he finds some amusement in Diavolo’s plight, before he realizes the mess that Diavolo has left behind. 
“Your – ” Mess? Pile of fruit seeds? Penchant for completely derailing Lucifer’s productivity? Whatever Lucifer had intended to say is cut off by a dismissive wave of Diavolo’s hand and a cheerful slant of a smile on the other’s face. 
“Those are for you!” Diavolo laughs, and Lucifer doesn’t have the opportunity to get a response in before Diavolo whirls into the hallway, Barbatos shutting the door after him with a soft click. 
Lucifer sits in silence, listening to the muffled, familiar chatter between the two, fading as they travel further from the door. He tells himself that this is to make sure that Diavolo has truly left, not for any other frivolous, flowery reasons that his brothers might claim, were they to know of his lingering gaze on the plate, the stained handkerchief Diavolo left behind. 
The plate of pomegranate seeds rests in the corner of his desk, still untouched.
Lucifer ignores it until the candles in the room burn dangerously low, the only indication of time passing thanks to the endless twilight of the Devildom. When he finally decides to stop, he rolls his neck to alleviate the stiffness, eyes fluttering shut at the tension. 
When they open again, his gaze lands once more on the plate. 
This time, it stays. 
Alone in the privacy of his office, Lucifer props an elbow unceremoniously on the table. He brings his hand to his chin, gloved fingers tapping at his lips. More silence passes, a decision is made. Lucifer tugs off the glove of his right hand.
For him, Diavolo had said. 
Lucifer isn’t particularly fond of pomegranates. 
The flavor isn’t anything amazing to him, and they’re much too messy, but there’s a strange, perverse pleasure beginning to blossom inside him at the fresh memory of Diavolo devoting his time to a task solely for Lucifer, understanding coloring where there was once muted shades of gray.  
Kings are servants to their kingdoms, but there’s an undeniable intimacy in the act of servitude for one. 
It makes the initial burst of flavor on his tongue all the more sweet. 
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getallemeralds · 4 years
us n jorb literally ended up coming up with this whole explanation for a jv/cv crossover solely bc we kept wanting to ship our ocs together and now there’s like, Lore
and then also silly stuff like “not only did jv!sonic show up instead of classic sonic in forces, but years earlier a couple characters from a rp jorb was part of in 2010-ish end up in chaosverse on accident and chris fucking thorndyke has to deal with them, and that ended up being a domino effect that led to COPY deciding to cross over to cv and stay there”
i need to draw more of this bc the most i have exploring the concept of “me n jorb’s ocs actually share a multiverse and interact frequently” is silly doodles hdgjkhdgkjhfxd
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embersrevived · 3 years
merely some arbitrary CV game musings. and a bunch of positively rubbish and hackneyed ponderings in the form of word vomit pls ignore. my apologies in advance lmao
some thoughts I’ve pondered  here and there about things I either wished the games had explored more in depth, or had entertained the concept of at some point (other than very obviously one that centered on the great battle of ‘99 and the other fateful actors who played a part in it besides young Julius and Arikado): 
1. explored/developed more werewolf characters and/or protagonists , or expanded upon Cornell’s lore from the Castlevania 64 game, or even expanded on the concept of protagonists/Belmonts afflicted by such a curse 
2. more of a crack-ish concept, but for some reason the thought of Death somehow having had some sort of half-offspring is somewhat intriguing to me? influenced by master he had something that one time with that one ephemerally-special someone, and some grim reaper-ish offspring with a mostly humanoid appearance was conceived, but with an overly morbidly elaborate scythe in hand (though very reminiscent of Undertaker’s scythe from BB)? and perhaps this issue was at first an antagonist to Belmont, Alucard & co. and then proved to be something of an antihero/more neutral party depending on circumstances, whim, vested interest, etc. (also I feel said offspring’s name would be something very on the nose like Thanatos or even something like Charon or Mortimer idk kslfjsf)
3. a game that somewhat explained at least some of what Dracthias was doing to gap the bridge between the Leon-Trevor Belmont eras. when matty c decide to rock and grow out that facial forestation huh I want DEETS 
4. this thought draws inspiration admittedly from that idea of the horcruxes in the HP series, though the idea of a game in which Drac had somehow left symbolic/significant items with shards and pieces of his essence/soul trapped across various crucial points in the CV timeline, and whoever the protagonist happens to be (Belmont or other) and the result is that various versions and takes on Drac throughout the CV series have to be encountered and fought (starting with Stage Zero Drac AKA Le Maths) powered by memory and caliginosity magicks. Though perhaps unknowingly, each time the character(s) believe they have vanquished the threat, their seeming victory only has resulted in that shard of Drac’s soul having created a sort of ‘memory’ of that hero’s power and abilities, all of this information which is relayed to other elusive dark actor and orchestrator of this vast timeline machination (perhaps Galamoth or yet another future organization, albeit with malicious intent). though this does somehow feel like a rip-off somewhat McDonald’s version of Judgement and elements of GoS combined ngl also I explained this very poorly sdklfdsjf. 
5. a game based in the era of Soleil Belmont? I know he is perhaps the more obscure Belmont ever, but it is still something to think about lmao 
6. some sort of focus/explanation on the exact transition Alucard had into taking on a position in the government agency and assuming his Arikado alias, what prompted this, etc. and what part he had been playing in the decades leading up to this more modern role 
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What do you think about the Lords of Shadows games? I myself don't like them, i like the IGA era the most, because it's more beautiful aesthetically, and i like the 2d metroidvania gameplay better (and some other reasons). But i want to know what you have to say.
I’m meh on LoS1, because I think they were still feeling out the new direction in gameplay, and it’s the least Castlevania-ish in terms of plot. (Like, it’s a good plot! But it’s a new fantasy IP far more than it is a CV game, which they remedied in the sequels.)
Mirror of Fate is actually my favorite CV game. I talked about the reasons for that here.
LoS2 has major flaws (looking at you, stealth sections), but I really loved the combat, and I love that we finally got a game about Dracula reconciling with his family.
Obviously my opinion is skewed by the fact that I actually don’t really enjoy 2D sidescrolling gameplay - 3D action games are much more my speed. Ironically, many 2D Castlevania games aren’t games I would want to play on the merits of their gameplay alone. I just happen to really love CV’s lore/aesthetics/music/everything else.
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cvbullshit · 10 months
TW: Blood even if it's a different color!
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"One day, you'll need to finally shed your skin."
I was sorta inspired by a joke comment my sibling made to make this, also have the color palette I used lol
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cvbullshit · 9 months
News flash
Blue x Mad is now a thing in CV
Was gonna draw it, got lazy, was gonna tell Discord members first then draw it and reveal it here, realized I had no motivation to do so, so y'all also just get it handed to you
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cvbullshit · 9 months
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Brotherly love
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cvbullshit · 10 months
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A vacation well spent!
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getallemeralds · 4 years
yall i am on my second cup of coffee and blaring riders music, lets go on a misadventure together
and that misadventure is HOW GAME PLOTS HAPPEN IN CHAOSVERSE
holy shit the full version of High Flying Groove is really good. anyway
i dont have like.. everything planned out yet, but there’s some stuff i DO have planned that im really excited about and usually i just talk abt Forces but stuff happens in the previous games too, yall! go crazy aaa go stupid aaa
SADX & SA2 are still being worked out which is why i havent started writing yet but, SA2 does have some fun stuff in it? like Chris! haha whoops. Chris is a whole-ass adult in CV and helps Team Sonic out, and is up on the ARK when things go to shit. also he might get kidnapped instead of Amy as bait for when Sonic gets shot out into space? he’s also a man that makes a whole lot of mistakes. those mistakes include [drumroll] creating Sonic! well no that wasnt a mistake but not telling her until like literally during Cannon’s Core is. Sonic’s an artificially augmented hedgehog that was engineered to have higher aptitude for using the Chaos Emeralds, kinda using Project: Shadow as a baseline. she does not take this well! or well she gets over the actual backstory part bc she is not the type to give a fuck for long but finding out that a good amount of people in her life knew or suspected it and just outright hid it from her really Gets to her yknow also Shadow is... really weird in CV... they’re basically their own species and that species is “mobian hedgehog / black arms cyborg science hybrid” and they dont so much as get mistaken for Sonic as it is that Sonic is deliberately framed by GUN to cover up Shadow’s existence. Amy still needs glasses though. ilu amy also Shadow does actually die at the end, like they dont miraculously survive the fall theyre just... dead. but between SA2 and Heroes Eggman finds them and repairs them, and also creates the Shadow Androids to both figure out how Shadow, like, Works and also bc an army of Shadows sounds like a fantastic idea
i havent figured out a whole lot about Heroes yet but Neo Metal Sonic is actually pretty important as far as lore goes bc the liquid metal thing actually ends up becoming a setup for a WHOLE lot of stuff to happen! woo! also, after Heroes, Metal Sonic doesn’t get ditched and instead Tails takes them home! and they basically do that scene from IDW where Tails and Sonic like half-repair them and offer them the choice to stay, but instead of the hand-slap exit-stage-right thing Metal actually accepts! kind of. they still have a grudge against Sonic and try to beat her up a lot bc of their programming but Tails is working on fixing it and theyre friendly-ish to everybody else. Tails Receives A Friend
ShTH is SO incomplete but some important stuff happens in it! i mean, obviously Shadow is here. also at some point i found a route that makes the most coherent sense for Shadow’s character arc but i dont remember it offhand uhhh one of those important things im just realizing might make more sense to get moved to Colours bc uh, Colours is... something. Colours has a whole lotta stuff happen. the other important thing is Double is here now! Double used to live in Westopolis but then it got exploded, so he joined up with GUN to help fight against the Black Arms and was also p hostile towards Shadow. Shadow kicked his ass :,D this also led to a whole lotta stuff like Double meeting Vent later down the line and a lot of OC plotline setup
06 doesn’t happen. there’s some other unrelated adventure in Soleanna though but i dont have anything abt it planned out. Silver and Blaze might still show up there though! originally they were gonna get introduced in Forces but i think itd make more sense for them to have like, more history to them. they probably do the thing Archie/IDW Silver does where they hop back and forth in the timeline a few times trying to figure out what causes their future to go to pants, only for it to end up being bc of Forces so their timeline is FINALLY averted and they cant go back so they just. live here now. woo 
i mentioned Zero Gravity is important and here’s why: it’s the arc that introduces none other than ya boi SIK THE HEDGEHOG. although he’s going by SK back then! he’s, like, 14. the Babylon Rogues initially mistake King for Sonic so Jet gets all fighty, and then like near-immediately realizes his mistake but oops King is REALLY into having a rival now so he just. wont let it go. Team Advance also ends up with an Ark of the Cosmos! they might get one instead of Amy, i dunno, havent figured it out yet and i need to rewatch cutscenes. either way, Sik gets ahold of it in an attempt to prove himself to King bc King is an asshole, which gets them involved in the plot further beyond just “King really wants to race Jet” and Team Advance works together with both Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues to stop Master Core: ABIS and the lightless dark etc etc. however shit kinda goes sideways during the ending in which like, theyre able to stop ABIS but have to figure out how to use the Arks to stop the black hole which is now A Thing and being A Problem, and Sik ends up in actual legit danger before Team Sonic & the Rogues are able to save the day (Team Advance is kinda busy trying to not die), theres a funny bit at the end with everyone safe and Sonic complaining abt what they just went through in a call-forward to Colours where she has to outrace ANOTHER black hole (and loses. oops) while meanwhile Sik is lurking around in the background and quietly makes the decision to leave Team Advance. this is also where Sik gets a really debilitating phobia of heights and weightlessness/falling :,) which comes back in Forces! bc Infinite is a douche. sorry Wayne
Unleashed is shaping up to be pretty fun so far! Chris is back and takes the place of Professor Pickle, bc after the complete disaster that was everything he did in SA2 he decided to settle down and become a university professor while also continuing his research into Chaos Energy on the side, hence him finding and studying the Gaia Manuscripts. him and Sonic also have a lot of tension between them still bc of what happened in Cannon’s Core but Chris is trying to make up for it and also hes able to explain why Sonic’s brand new form happens bc it’s a side-effect of the Chaos aptitude... thing speaking of characters getting swapped out: the Dark Gaia Phoenix isn’t a thing! instead one of Seven’s friends from before she joined Team Advance, Lynn, is in training to be Chu-nan’s Gaia Temple guardian but falls victim to DG’s corruption and Sonic has to fight him. i really need to do more with this guy. Chip exists and i love him. also the Gaia Colossus doesnt happen, instead Chip’s collar is like a power limiter thing and so Sonic takes it off and literally ends up fighting alongside an actual god in full-on god form against DG and i think that’s cool as hell. and also apparently something me and jorb came up with independently? its just really cool, yall. also Sonic keeps the collar as a bracelet. like it doesnt.. go away. she keeps it and hides it under her glove cuff. ALSO this isnt really like a major story alteration or anything, just a fun thing that i figured would make sense to happen in the leadup to Unleashed: Tails makes an AI! or rather he gives the Tornado-2 an AI and she later ends up getting moved to and living in his handheld computer NICOLE-style. her name is Ripley and i love her.
NOW WE GET TO COLOURS and Colours is. basically like 3 games stapled together! Colours, Lost World, and [drumroll] CHRONICLES. it is VERY rough rn but: Eggman finds out about the Wisps and about Colour Power and everybody goes on a big ol space adventure to stop him! in the middle of the chaos, the Mauraders show up and kidnap Knuckles + steal the Chaos Emeralds. initially Team Sonic thinks theyre working for Eggman (who has enlisted the help of Zavok, a Wisp hunter) but they just have really bad timing in CV, the Twilight Cage isn’t a thing: Nocturne just got launched into deep space, and the Mauraders have been living there since as like, basically space pirates? and didn’t even realize Mobius was their home planet, they just dropped by to snag the Chaos Emeralds, met Knuckles, and freaked out + kidnapped him bc “YOU’RE AN ECHIDNA, WHY ARE YOU AN ECHIDNA????” and there’s a whole thing with Ix wanting to invade Mobius and reclaim it + wipe out everything but he gets his ass suplexed and Shade joins up with Team Sonic to help with the main plot. also some of the Mauraders do return to Mobius and re-integrate into society but an amount of them stay in space because they enjoy being space pirates i guess. also Nocturne would take the place of Asteroid Coaster! and Lost Hex is here instead of Sweet Mountain. there’s not really a theme park thing though, just like a bunch of worlds Eggman invaded while hunting down Wisps. MEANWHILE IN THE MAIN PLOT the whole thing with Negative Colour Power happens and Sonic’s like “that’s fucked up!” and tries to put a stop to that, only for Tails to get captured and used as a test subject for the roboticization process that would later be used on Vent, Brooke, and Aile! Tails is able to sabotage it like in Lost World, but the most that does is stop him from being fully converted and Eggman overrides his free will and personality with Negative Colour and throws him at Sonic for baby fights to happen. Sonic is able to break through to him, but Tails has no idea how to turn himself back and is stuck as a cyborg for the forseeable future. ALSO ALSO the Blue Typhoon is a thing! and Chris is also here. and originally i was considering having the seedrians show up during ShTH but they might fit better here? i dunno! maybe a specific seedrian character shows up in ShTH and then shows up again here. ~Work In Progress~ and then the BIG THING which is Terminal Velocity and the ending! the “Tails gets kidnapped” thing happens during the leadup to Terminal Velocity, so like Sonic has just befriended Shade and are like YEAH LET’S DO IT TOGETHER and Tails gets kidnapped and they have to fight and etc. after what happened to Tails, Sonic isn’t willing to risk anyone else getting put into danger so she decides she can do the rest of the plot herself and shoves everybody into the Blue Typhoon (AKA NOW SHE HAS LIKE.. A BETTER REASON FOR THE ELEVATOR SCENE IN COLOURS.......) Sonic is able to take down Eggman’s Nega Wisp Armor, only for him to try and fire the Negative Colour beam anyway and for it to self-destruct like in the game. CUE YET ANOTHER FUCKING BLACK HOLE and Sonic having to outrun it and failing, only to get rescued by the Wisps canceling out the Negative Colour and the Blue Typhoon coming to the rescue so she’s not lost in orbit or anything. insert callback to Zero Gravity with Sonic wondering if she should put “outran a black hole twice” on her resume and Tails pointing out a) she doesn’t have a resume and b) she didn’t exactly outrun the second one
and then they go back to the planet as cool and blue as Sonic and the leadup to Forces happens!
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