#cuz it really just took my breath away haha
elegyofthemoon · 2 years
17, 23, 73 and one you choose yourself!
ooo okay !
17 i did here !
AHAHAH CAT'S INFLUENCE SO STRONG there's so much pom pom squad in my wrapped i love cat for showing them to me, but THIS one in particular makes me ache like
I wanna tell you everything that makes me cry Wanna tell you everything that keeps me up at night Wanna tell you that I hate you, but I don't know how When the truth is that I love you more than anyone else
chorus makes me overly emotional lol
tony22 is another artist that showed up a lot in my wrapped !! but i think this song in particular was one song i daydreamed a lot too lol
my choice: 80.
listen... I don't think I go off enough about "Devotion" as a video game and then getting to this song as an ending. I want to eventually play this game myself. As the name implies, it's about a dad's devotion to his daughter to the brink of obsession. I think it hit a lot of personal feelings and thoughts, too, that it left such a big impression on me, but I adore this ending song sm and how pretty the lyrics are to me, especially in context of the game's story
我們讓大海淹沒了嘴 We let the ocean drown out our mouths 享受著辛酸 And enjoy this bitterness 紛亂的光線裡 In these chaotic lights 我閉上眼去看 I close my eyes and see…
我還想和你談論宇宙和天空 I still want to talk about the universe and the skies 或是沙灘裡的碎石和人生 About the gravel on the beach and about life 你會不會還是坦率的笑著 Will you still laugh at 我的荒唐 My absurdity 無處混亂 Chaos denied 也無處是你我 And there is nowhere left, you and I.
translated by 35owls
Mild Spoilers for Devotion: But reading these lyrics, it's a lot of the dad regretting the actions he's done within the game and wondering if he could even be forgiven for what he's done. and that plus the visuals of the credits rolling??? absolutely hurt my heart so much. I think it's the "will you still laugh at my absurdity" and the line of "and there is nowhere left, you and I" that gets me a lot. That I guess at the end of the day, despite how absurd his actions were, at the root of it all, it really did originally stem from his love for his daughter and wishing her the best in life by trying to help her accomplish her goals. He just didn't know it would wear her down as bad as he did.
spotify wrapped q!
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geeminz · 2 months
ᯓ A CHANGE OF HEART // giselle x oc ; smau
04 | do something, babe
↳ in which: mihye has been secretly dating giselle, her best friend’s older sister, for four months. what happens when their relationship turns toxic, and their secrets become public?
word count: 844 (quite short, ik!)
taglist: @thefckghost @emphobics @jisooftme @xszn @gtfoiydlyj @wonysugar @bluhuir @baewonlove @ourlovesarang @yeetaberry127
a.n. HELLO GUYS IM BACK and im apologizing again cuz i missed my deadline for this again TT but to make up for it, i'm posting three (3) THREE !! updates !! so i hope you guys will enjoy that haha
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the rest of the day is silent. mihye has waited for hours on end, and still.
radio silence from giselle.
there’s no hiding it now — mihye doesn’t even wanna go out anymore, fearing that someone might ask her if she was okay, as the puffiness in her eyes would be an easy giveaway to what she’s been doing for the past few hours. it hurts to even cry now — mihye has just wiped off the last tear from her eyes. 
the last for today. maybe the last for this hour.
the brightness has long faded away, replaced by the grim loneliness of the evening. mihye’s tired of crying, but one recollection of her fight with giselle earlier, and everything is spilling out again.
4 months. 4 months with her.
is this how it ends?
this wasn’t how it started. how could it all have burned down so quickly?
mihye’s now on her bed, letting the emptiness of the foam surround her. the ghost of giselle’s presence haunts her memory, and just like that, she’s taken back to their first month.
giselle couldn’t even live without her back then. arms always wrapped around mihye’s waist, nose always buried in the crook of mihye’s neck. the sound of rain used to feel so good before — because it meant giselle was coming over in nothing but her sweatshirt and sweatpants. just to keep both of them — mihye and giselle, warm together, amidst the freezing pour of harsh rainfall.
waking up to the heat of the sun rays used to be something that mihye looked forward to every morning — because it meant she had slept longer than usual (longer than she should). she’d be late for class by then, but mihye would think, ‘fuck it. giselle’s here. let me savor this moment.’ 
mihye used to sleep so good whenever giselle was with her.
now, mihye just sleeps to stop herself from crying over giselle again.
an exhausting, confusing routine.
mihye remembers the sound of giselle’s breathing. she’d rather play that on loop than remember how angry giselle was — is, at her.
‘maybe the honeymoon phase is over,’ mihye thinks. ‘maybe this is the rough patch that we’re supposed to work through together.’
despite the melancholia, mihye is hopeful. because she loves giselle. because mihye thinks that all this crying would just go to waste if they didn’t try to fix it. 
but mihye’s not stupid as well. she might run towards giselle at the snap of giselle’s fingers, but giselle’s got to snap her fingers first.
the ball is in giselle’s court. mihye just wants to see her play it.
(but even if giselle doesn’t score, mihye would still be her number 1 cheerleader.)
what her other friends don’t know is that mihye has spent her whole adolescent life adoring giselle. kazuha used to always beckon mihye over for sleepovers, and mihye would always accept — one, because kazuha’s her best friend, and two, because kazuha’s older sister was just so goddamn pretty. 
13 year-old mihye couldn’t take her eyes off of kazuha’s cool older sister, giselle. mihye admired how giselle took life by the balls — how she did whatever she wanted, and how she stood for her actions.
mihye was 14 when she first admitted to herself that she had a really big crush on her best friend’s older sister. the older girl had always left her blushing in some way — through a simple wink sent mihye’s way, or the way that giselle used to always open the door for her. giselle, or as mihye used to call her, unnie, was always gentle with her (even more with mihye than with kazuha). mihye felt protected with her unnie, and as time grew, so did her adoration.
she was 17 when she realized that the feelings she’s been harboring for giselle may be more than just a little crush.
giselle had always been a taker, and that was the thing that drew mihye in. giselle never faltered — she wouldn’t let anyone stop her from doing and taking whatever she felt like taking. giselle was opaque — mihye could always see giselle, everywhere. she just could never see right through her. her lies, maybe. but giselle’s true, honest thoughts? no. not really.
not even now. just like her 14 year-old self, giselle has left mihye frozen and confused, clutching her pillows so tightly against her chest for dear life in bed again. if before, it was from the endless swelling of her heart because of one simple “good night” text from giselle, now, it was because of the lack of texts at all from her girlfriend.
mihye has always wanted giselle. but now that she has her, it feels like nothing’s changed — she’s still running after her.
guess that’s how it’ll always be, huh?
well, mihye was tired. she wants all these draining feelings to stop, she wants someone to put an end to her tears. and she’s tired of running, too.
can’t she run after me this time?
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halfghostwriter · 2 years
(Saw a few posts about Giant!Danny, as well as this post by @blackfoxsposts , thought it’d be fun to create a disaster)
Danny, for the most part, thought he was handling being kidnapped by assassins (ninjas? Ninja assassins?) pretty well. Not sure why they took him, but hey, it’s not like it’s much worse than being kidnapped by Vlad. Maybe Vlad or one of his rogues decided to outsource for a change. The only thing he was really worried about was upsetting his new friend Damian, since they had agreed to meet today, but Danny missed the meeting time one account of being. Y’know. Kidnapped.
In his thoughts, he didn’t notice the fact he was being dragged towards a mysteriously ectoplasm-like pool until he was already eyebrow deep in it. In his panic, he wound up swallowing a massive amount of the liquid. As he was pulled back out, he started to feel… weird… a kinda nice weird, though… he licked his lips, savoring the delicious flavor of the pools… and flung himself backwards, out of the hands of the people pulling him out, and straight back into the flavor pit.
He got about three massive gulps in before he was pulled out again.
There were people talking around him, or maybe they were yelling— it was hard to hear over the sound of his own bubbly laughter. When he caught his breath, he did hear something that sounded like “why would you do that,” to which he responded
“Cuz it’s tashtyyy! And makesh me feel… makesh me feel weird… like good weird… kinda hot though… oh, wait, I can fiksh that!”
And Danny did just that, by turning into Phantom. Sure, his ghost half’s a little bit bigger, but this place is so open and airy, they must have people of this size all the time.
“Ta- *hic* -daaaaaaa!”
Oh wow, he never noticed how cute and small people look when he’s like this! Though, he probably wouldn’t have had the chance to notice. Lately he had only been transforming in the ghost zone, since he could use his powers just fine in his huma— oh. Right. Haha whoops, forgot about that. Ah well, he already transformed, and he liked how humans looked like this, he’s having too much fun to stop now. Wait, why are they running away?
“Hm? Wheresh you goin?”
He reached towards the one who had been taking the most earlier, only to have him slice Danny’s finger with something pointy, while screeching “STAY BACK, PIT DEMON!”
“Owwww…. why’d’ya do that for…? Thatsh was sho rude…” He poked the man in the chest with his claw, accidentally pushing him to the ground. Before he could retract his hand, he felt something small and sharp hit his cheek.
“Stand down. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
Danny turned to his right, and saw… some sort of black blob… man, his vision was loopy…
“Well yeah, but he’sh, he’sh the one, who who shtabbed me, I wash jusht ashkin… a queshtion.” Danny leaned towards the black blob, squinting his eyes while trying to get a better look… he could sort of make out two pointy ears on top of it… maybe some sort of cape…? Just a bit closer….
Something stabbed his hand!
“Keep those fangs away from my father, demon!”
How rude! Sure, his teeth were big and razor sharp, and his skin was a blueish-green, and his claws were the length of an average person’s forearm, but that didn’t mean he was a demon!
“Thash sho meannnn—”
“Quiet! Where has Daniel been taken? What did you do with him?!”
“Huh..? Whad’ya mean, ‘m right…”
Wait a minute… that voice is… incredibly familiar….
“… oh! I geddit now!”
Danny reached for his blurry looking friend with his non-stabbed hand, gripping a little tighter than he meant to.
“Shorry f’r not comin, got ki’napped, we c’n hang now though! Not tied up an’more.”
He used his free hand to open up a portal to his room in the castle, and floated through, his friend safely in his hand. He thinks his friend said something to him, but…
“Shorry, wha wazzat? Ish kinda hard to… to…”
Danny’s jaw unhinged as he yawned, and his body began to feel heavy.
“Shorry, I’m… kinda shleepy…”
He managed to get his upper half fully onto the bed before passing out.
A few hours later, he woke up with a migraine, a strong sense of debilitating shape, and a shockingly composed Robin standing a few feet from his face.
“So. Daniel. Care to explain?”
… yeah Danny fucked up.
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craftymakerland · 1 month
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Why the wait?
A Luisa x female oc
I had just turned 19 last week and didn't really celebrate it, but the only person that actually cared was my best friend Luisa. We have known each other for a while now and my parents don't even know I talk to her. I like to keep my social life More private.
"AVA!” My mother called.
I slowly took a deep breath, and made my way downstairs to see my mother in frustration. She waited for me in the kitchen with a cigarette in her hand and a spoon in the other. I just happened to see my dad on the couch while walking by.
"What did you need, mother?" I asked.
"I need you to go out and get some food for tonight, it doesn't matter what, just make it good." My mother replied.
She gave me a list of other things that she needed besides what she wanted me to get.
I hurried to slip on some shoes and left the house without a sound. I could feel my mothers eye staring at me as I made my way out. Without looking back I walked out with a smile. I made my way down to the village where the market was located, it was my go-to place for anything. I peacefully go about my day and I couldn't help but hum a sweet toon. It was one that Luisa always hummed towards herself while she worked. It was so peaceful that I had always listened to it and over time I learned it, not that it's stuck, but it's something that always calms me. While making my way, I heard a familiar voice.
"Hey I recognize that hum from anywhere." You turned around to see who was talking behind you. I was so happy to see it was my dear friend,
I was relieved that it was here, because she was the only person that I knew and she was the only one who knew that hum. After all she came up with it. I did jump a little when she approached me though.
"Luisa, you startled me, how have you been?" I said with a smile.
Something about Her smile made every problem disappear, it was nice.
"Haha, well so far my days have been alright, but working all the time gets really boring and tiring and boring. Now that you're here it's so much better!"
Luisa screamed with excitement.
"woah someone's in a good mood."
I saw her smile to herself when I made that comment, it was cute when she did as such. I continued my walk and loved that she started to follow me.
" Yeah I don't know, ever since we rebuilt castita, my life changed somehow and I like it a little more!"
I liked seeing her so happy, it's been some time since I've seen her in such joy. Seeing her beautiful smile and laugh was enjoyable to watch. I couldn't help but smile at her, it's like problems have drifted away when she is around. I snapped out of my train of thought from her voice.
"So what are you up to?" Luisa curiously asked.
“You've been following me and yet have no clue what I'm doing?” I laughed
I watched as she giggled to herself.
“Well if you must know, I'm going to the market.” I answered
"Oh fun, do you mind if I join you? No, not at all." Luisa asking and answering her own question.
“It's not like you were following me or anything.” We both laughed.
We were about there at the market, it was just a few blocks down. The whole time we laughed, talked and had such a wonderful time together. After a bit, we finally made it, and I pulled out the list first so I wouldn't forget anything that she needed, then I was gonna get some things for dinner after. I went over to grab a basket and Luisa saw me grabbing the ingredients for pasta.
"Hmmm, looks like you're gonna make something good, what kind of pasta are you making?" Luisa said while leaning over your shoulder.
"It's pesto, I'm making something for my family, it's something that I would like to do. Usually happens on every Wednesday.” I Answered.
“They must be lucky, cuz I heard that you're an amazing cook.” she smiled
“Yeah, lucky.” I whispered to myself.
I paid for the things, but had to wait on Luisa. She wanted a mango to snack on. We then both left the market and started to walk some more.
“Hey I still have some time left, do you maybe wanna hang out some more?” I asked.
I know that I was pushing how long I was out but I couldn't help myself.
“Yes! I have some time. How about we go to the lake and chill there?” Luisa said with excitement.
“Yes, it will Be fun.” I replied
With my basket in hand, we make our way towards the lake, located where the two moutians split.
"Well here we are." Luisa said as she was walking towards the lake.
It was a beautiful sight, let alone really peaceful. I sat my basket down and and went next to the water. There I saw luisa lift her dress just enough to put her feet in the water, ofc she had taken ber shoes off before hand. I decided to do the same thing. Taking my shoes off, I stood right next to her along with relaxing my feet in the water. I looked at the sunset and close my eyes, the sun felt so warm agiant my face.
“This feels nice.” Luisa spoke.
With my eyes still being shut, I agreed.
“You wanna know something?” Luisa said with a smile.
She took my hand and we sat down near the water.
“I used to come here all the time, for peace and for the lovely view, very few people came up here, which is why I found myself very calm.” Luisa spoke
She started to face me and gave me a warm smile. I felt my face getting alittle warm by her embrace towards me. I got alittle closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder.
“You always found a way to keep me at peace, I don't know how you do it, but when with you I feel, loved.” I said with a smile.
She looked at me and I could see her eyes wide opened and her cheeks a rosy red. I raised my head up from her shoulders and I couldn't help but have the same reaction. Silence filled the air, I leaned in without a second thought. She leaned into me, lips inches apart from each other. There was one thing that I wanted to do, and I felt that she wanted the same. I hurried to stop myself though, I had completely lost track of time, and I had to stop the moment that we had. I could tell that she wanted to continue.
“It's getting really late, I have to go before my parents get worried.” I said in a panic.
“Hey, hey, it's okay, I'll walk you home so you don't have to worry About Any Creeps bothering you.” She laughed off.
The look that they had after, had my stomach drop. I didn't want to stop what we were doing, but there's a reason why I had to and I don't wanna Lose my friendship with her.
We both grabbed our shoes and took our feet out of the water. I saw that she had grabbed the basket for me.
“you Don't Have to do that.” I said with a smile.
“But I want to.” She gave me an even bigger smile.
I couldn't help but get so red from her. We both walked down to the village, and it had gotten quite dark, we really did lose track Of time. It took about 20 minutes to get back, usually it took a lot sooner, but we couldn't help but talk and take our sweet time coming back.
“Well here we are.” I was beside my house as she handed me the basket.
“Hey, I really had fun with you today.” She grabbed my hand and kissed it.
“And I can't thank you enough for it.” She smiled at me.
I looked at her and sat there in silence. She hurried to let go of my hand and panicked.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!” She spoke worryingly.
Tbh I didn't hear a word she had said, I was Mostly thinking about what she had done. She turned around with a slight frown and started to walk off. I snapped out of my train of thought, and hurried to grab her arm. She turned around towards me in confusion.
“Is everything okay-”
I pulled her down to me and gave her a kiss. She was in shock, but in a good way. It took her a little bit to comprehend what happened. She finally caught onto it and kissed back immediately, she wrapped her Hands around my waist and pulled me In. I didn't want this moment to end.
After a moment we broke the kiss and all we did was look at eachother, so I couldn't help but go in for another. This time just a quick peck.
“I'll see you tomorrow.” I said Happily.
I rushed towards my house and went inside. I could tell that she had the biggest smile on her face. When I went inside I heard A big yelp of joy from outside, it made me giggle a little.
“Hey mom, I'm sorry it took so long, but I got the things that you wanted and food for tonight.” I spoke.
“Thank you baby, and don't worry about fixing anything, I'll make it.” She responded.
“Is everything okay, you love it when I make dinner.” I asked
“Yeah, everything's fine but there's something that we need to talk about.” She said with a frown on her face.
My stomach dropped when hearing those words from her mouth, usually when she ever had anything to tell me and she had to sit me down for it, it was never good.
“I'll go ahead and tell you now while your father is out. We both know that you're an adult now, and well your father doesn't like that you're not married yet.” She spoke.
“Wait, what are you saying?” I said as I could feel my stomach starting to drop.
“Your father had arranged a marriage for you.” She said very disappointed in herself.
“WHAT?!” I was furious.
“He doesn't have the right to say who I get to marry.” i was modified about all of this.
“Calm down hun.” She spoke gently.
“ I am Calm!” I spoke out of rage.
“Who is it that I'm getting married to?” Even though I didn't want to be in an arranged marriage, I still wanted to know who it was. I was interrupted by my father barging Into the room.
“So I'm assuming that your mother had told you what's Happening yes?” he spoke to me.
“Sadly, but why don't I have a choice who I get to marry? It should be my decision, not you!” I yelled.
He grabbed my face and looked at me with a glare.
“Well that's too damn bad, you're going to meet him tomorrow and you are gonna like it.” he jerked my face back and left the room and went back out to wherever he was before he barged in here.
I couldn't look at my parents anymore, so I ran up to my room and refused to look or talk to them for the rest of the night.
The Next Day…
I couldn't sleep at all that night, all I kept thinking was what my mother had said as well as my father. sitting Up from the covers I see a dress hanging up from my door. I couldn't even look at it, I will say that the dress was quite pretty, but the Occasion for it is what made it ugly. I heard my mother knock then slowly opened the door.
“Good Morning Ava.” My mother greeted me.
She leaned against the door with her Arms crossed.
“Look I know that you don't wanna do this, and frankly I don't want you to either, but your father is old fashioned and the man of the house, so whatever he says goes.” She said sadly.
“I know.” I felt a tear run down my face. I felt my mothers fingers caress my cheek.
“ Is there someone else? Might I ask.” She questioned.
“Well I wouldn't say that but, getting there.” I said quietly.
She gave me a little smile and nudged My shoulder.
“So who is he or she?” My mother chuckled.
“How would you know it's a she?” I said in a panic.
I felt her hand on my cheek.
“One thing that you must always know is That a mother always knows, no matter how hard you try to hide it.” She smiled.
I was at a loss for words.
“I'll tell you what, how bout you do this “date” with this boy, just to make your father happy and we will see what happens after, and I can see what I can do to try to get you out of this marriage.” She spoke.
I had to give it some thought, but she was right, I'm gonna do this just to get it out of the way and go from there.
“Ugh fine.” I replied.
“That's my girl, now hurry up and get ready, he should be waiting outside in 30 minutes.” she hurried to tell Me.
She went out of the room and made her way down stairs.
I screamed into my pillow to get everything out before having to get ready for this stupid date.
The dress was a pink strawberry dress, with a long v-neck in the front and with puffy sleeves. I did love it. I won't lie about that. I put the dress on, and let my hair down, it looked really good on me. With the dress I decided to wear my black slip on with it. Now I was ready, I stead of thinking about wearing this for some date, I decided to think of it as wearing it for Luisa. Now I started to feel even prettier now.
“AVA!” My mother screamed.
“He's here, hurry!” She yelled.
“I'm coming!” I yelled back.
I ran downstairs and really wasn't ready to open the door.
“Hello.” The man spoke out to me.
I looked at him with an uneasy look.
“Uh, hi.” I responded.
I didn't like this not one bit.
“You ready? I asked.
“Oh, I'm sorry, lady's first.” He said politely.
I will say he was nice but I already had my heart set. We both walked out and I just walked alongside him, not really Making conversation. He was quiet the whole time. It was kinda boring. From a distance I saw Luisa doing her everyday chores. I wanted to say hi to her, but I didn't want to ditch him. Yes I didn't Want to go out with him, but I wasn't gonna leave him stranded. I was raised better than that, so I just went about my day with him. As the day went on, we actually had a good time together. His name was Alex. He was fun to hang out with, he acted more like a brother that I never had before. We went to the Cafe that was a couple of blocks away from my house and sat down for coffee.
“So, what do you think of all of this?” I questioned.
“In all honesty, I never agreed to this, let alone I already have someone in mind,” he replied.
Him saying that gave me hope. Maybe if our parents found out that he already loved another girl then this can be all over and done with. I was way ahead of myself.
“Can you keep a secret?” I asked
“If it deals with murder then no.” he laughed.
“Nothing like that.” I laughed alongside him.
“ What If I told you that I had someone in mind as well?” I replied.
“oh?” He sounded curious, but in a good way.
“Alright here's the deal, if I tell you who mine is, you have to tell me yours, deal?” he pointed out.
“deal, now tell me!” I snapped excitedly.
He grabbed my shoulder and pointed my head towards where his love was at.
“ do you see that person, in front of that big blue house over there?” he asked
“ The one that's holding a flower?” I questioned
“Actually it's the one holding the shovel,” he corrected.
“Omg, you like him?!” I said with a grin.
I watched as he started to sink down the seat.
“Oh, so it is.” I teased.
I watched as his face turned red.
“Well in that case.” I told him to rise up on his chair to where he was sitting. I got a little closer and grabbed his shoulder like he did mine.
“You see that girl over there?” I asked.
“Which one?” Alex questioned.
“No, the girl, that is, picking up the church.” I said with excitement.
“Oh you're talking about Luisa.” He teased me.
“You know she's one of my friends and she does not stop talking about you.” He spoke.
“Wait, she does? What does she say about me?” I questioned.
“She tells me how cute you are, how pretty you are, how smart you are, like there's a whole list of things she says About You, like yesterday, she wouldn't stop telling me how much she wanted to make a move on you.” He said.
I sunk in my chair as he did before and covered my face with my hands.
“She did Ahhhh.” I whispered.
“What did She do??? Tell me everything!” He questioned.
Well before She Took me home, I wouldn't say she made the move, I did, I grabbed her arm and we shared a kiss.” I replied.
“That is way too cute , omg!”
“And speaking off, Look who's coming over this way now.” He teased me.
“Oh shut up.” I shushed him.
“Hey Ava! And hey Alex, whatcha you both up to?” Luisa questioned.
He turned around towards her.
“So you know that arranged marriage I was telling you about, yeah, she's the person that my parents wanted me to marry, this was her first time knowing about it.” He explained.
I looked down In shame for not immediately telling Her about this.
“My father kinda forced me to do this, and I'm stuck and don't know what to do.” I tried to hold my tears back.
“How about I go over there and talk to him while you and Luisa spend Time together.” Alex kindly interrupted.
“That sounds really fun.” I started to cheer up.
“Then you two love birds should Get going.” He spoke.
And with that me and Luisa went off together.
“So how are you handling all of this?” Luisa questioned.
“To be honest, I don't Like it at all, but, can we focus On the moment between us both?” I didn't want to be rude, but the marriage thing was really bothering Me and I just wanted the moment to be between us two.
“I completely Understand, and in that Case you should Follow me.” Luisa said in understandment.
She took my hand as she ran into the woods with me. It was a place where me and her could be together without anybody bothering us.
“Alright, now close your eyes.” She whispered.
She helped me walk wherever she was taking me.
“Now open.”
It was so beautiful, the sunset was shining from the water and everything was the best lighting.
“It's so beautiful Luisa, omg it's a perfect spot.” I looked at the sun.
“So uh, wanna try that kiss again?” She said teasingly while grabbing my Waist.
I wrapped my arms around her neck as she tightened the grip around my waist.
“I would love to.” I giggled.
We embraced each other as we shared a long kiss. Out of surprise she Picked me up in bridal style and kissed me once again. She kept swinging at me as she giggled her heart away.
The kiss broke and we looked at each other with such compassion.
“I never want to let you go.” She said with a smile.
“ I want you to be mine.” She blushed.
She kissed me all over the face and stopped once again to look at me.
“I've been Wanting to ask you something for a long time now.” Luisa said.
I looked at her as she put me down. She placed her hands on my cheek.
“Ava, will you be my girlfriend?” Luisa spoke in a shy tone.
A smile crossed my face without hesitation and I jumped onto her causing her to tumble to the ground.
“yes, a thousand times yes!” I screamed out. I kissed with passion and we laughed in-between kisses. Nothing could be better than this.
Time had passed and it started to get dark. We laid under the moonlit light with our hands locked together. It was a beautiful night and very peaceful.
“It's getting late, shouldn't You be home by now?” I asked.
“Yeah, but I wouldn't have been able to hang out with you for the rest of the night.” She pouted.
“You'll see me tomorrow though.” I said in a loving voice.
She rolled her eyes while laughing.
“I guess you're right.” as she still pouted. It was too cute.
She got up and helped me up from the grass. I was a little itchy from it, but it was worth it. She twirled me around as she helped me up, and caressed my face. She looked at me one last time before we had to part ways. I kissed hers before we left.
On my way home I kept on repeating that night over and over again. I felt blood rush up to my face. It was the best feeling ever. I finally made it to the house and took a deep breath upon Entering.
“Hi mom you would never believe-”
“Mom?” I called out.
I looked around wondering where she was. It was unusual to not see her in the house, it was rare that she ever left. I started to get worried and searched the whole house, not a sign of her. There was one more room that I haven't checked yet, and it was their bedroom. I was never allowed in there but I was desperate and didn't know where she was. I knocked and to my surprise The door opened, as if someone opened it for me. There I saw my father sitting down on the bed, with a look that was sinister look, he look furious.
“He-y, dad.” I struggled to say.
“Is everything okay?” I asked again.
“How was your date?” he Asked In a calm, demanding way.
“It was fun, we had a lot in common.” I tried to lighten the vibe.
He got up from the bed and looked me dead in the eyes.
“So you really had fun, didn't you?” he said once more.
I couldn't tell where he was getting at but I didn't like it.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, from the fear of him doing something if I did.
“Where are you getting at?” I managed to say.
“I think you know.” He said with an unsettling Smile. I watched as he grabbed his belt off the bed. He grabbed my arm with force and pulled his other hand back where it looked like he was gonna Swing at me. I screamed for A short second, and hurd the front door slammed open. He hurried to let go to see what the noise was. Only to back up when seeing a 6ft figure on the wall. He started to back up even faster when it looked like the figure was charging at him. There were too many things going on at once so I backed up alongside him. I ran into a corner and put myself into a ball, covering my eyes and holding my head close to me, hoping that whatever it is that's coming would soon leave. I heard muffled screaming, which sounded like my dad. So I still continued to curl up, and not look up. I heard my name being called from a distance.
“Ava, Ava, AVIANNA!” someone called.
I looked up to see Luisa bent down towards my level. She had tears rolling down her face, and my first instinct was to hug her. I didn't know too much of what was going on. All I could think of is that my mother was gone and I kinda went bat shit crazy on me. Luisa broke the hug slowly and looked at me to make sure that I was okay.
“Dolores hurd everything and alerted me as fast as she could, so I sprinted down here in seconds. Dolores and the others are still making their way down here.” She said in a worried tone and she was trying to calm herself from all the tears she was producing.
“I'm okay, don't cry, I'm okay.” I hugged her once again as she hugged me right back but slightly tighter.
“I think they are in here !” a voice called.
I looked to see the whole room filled with her family making sure I was okay. Luisa let go of the Hug once more.
“Why didn't you tell us that your father was doing bad things to you.” Dolores asked.
Luisa looked at me even more worried.
“He did bad things to you?” She turned back to dolores.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Luisa said a little More upset.
“I didn't know what to do.” Dolores said in shame.
“Hey everything's okay, I'm okay, look at me.” I demanded gently.
I had gotten Luisa to calm down Bit. I then saw her mother come running towards me.
“Are you okay, are You hurt?” her mom questioned.
“I'm not hurt, it's fine.” I said in a calm voice.
“Come on, let's get you up.” Felix and pepa came to get me up and standing once again.
They all left the house and on the way out I saw my father tied up to a chair and mouth covered with tape. I left him there, he put me through Hell my entire life. I held Luisa's hand in front of him and kissed her in such a loving way, her family was In awe at the scene and my father Looked furious. The whole family walked back to Casita and I hesitated at first but walked Alongside them.
As we walked in, the whole family gathered around me to make sure that I was okay and if I was hurt in any way. After a little bit they went off to bed after it was so late, and Luisa held my hand and guided me up the stairs into her room. As the door opened, it was massive, there was a huge Bed, I was in complete shock.
“Do you like it?” she asked
“It's huge.” I giggled a little to myself.
I could tell that what I had said put a big smile on her face. I went to sit down on her bed and kept replaying what happened.
“here.” Luisa had given me a shirt and sweats to sleep in. I took them and went into her bathroom to get dressed.
I knew they looked big when she gave them to me, but I didn't know it was this big. I went out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom. All I could see was her blushing and laughing at the same time. She thought that it was overly cute but hilarious at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh with her. After she had calmed down she looked at me with a huge smile.
“Did you want to borrow some of my sister's clothes? She asked.
“I should be good, I'm gonna go to sleep soon anyways.” I laughed to myself.
“ Well if you change your mind, her room is down the hall from mine, she should still be awake.”
she spoke.
She went into her bathroom to get changed. After a bit she came out with a surprised look on her face.
“So you decided to change huh.” She smirked.
I do admit that Isabella’s clothes fit better and we're more comfortable than Luisa’s. She made her way to the mirror and I watched her take the red ribbon out of her hair. It was so long, it's been a while since she had taken her hair down, it was pretty. I came up from behind her and combed my fingers through her hair.
“That feels good, don't stop.”
I smiled at that remark, she liked the feeling of my fingers through her hair, it was relaxing. She loves head rubs even more. I have her a kiss on the cheek
And made my way towards the bed, I watched as she laid right next to me and hugged me from behind. I could feel her big arms around me, I felt so warm and safe in her arms. And with that we slowly drifted to sleep.
Hours Went By…
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Ava♥️! Luisa 💖!
Made little portrait of themm,
I really hope that you like it 🥰!
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leopoldainter · 5 months
Claire Danes bitch why won't you die!
Ah. I thought you sent her.
He said did that.
Your, uncle
That's, he's a family friend ... just let her sweat it out.
I want her out of my life.
Think about the tingtings
For the level Head!
Thanks, o
Well I guess if your uncles driving I might as well strap my self to ... actually I can fly that one.
Nice, it's a senna.
O for fuck sakes.
I've cats do this in mirrors before. Did we really need a third movie.
Your unlce wants to know if you do or don't want to see some of the post apocalyptic version..
Maybe, how's the music
Hes fucking her in the washroom.
I think she's just testing the faucets. She's basically bender. But with some static electricity your in a snow globe didn't you know that
John, your a drop out I found in a cage.
How close to the glass did you get when you came by, your mixing me up with hercule
Yeah you wish
Can someone please check to see if Dyson is dead or not.
I'll do it out of my next!
Oh alright all the dundee de didi
Ladies and Gentlemen,
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The moment you've all been waiting for.
L.A. ; bu then even though she didn't say it. Honest you some how right before you speak hear hollywoo
Moral I thinkdan guns don't do much these days
Are you calling somebody over or did you still want a machiato
Machiato, I make faces it's nothing.
This is fucked, that's politics for ya
Nancy boy Inc. Let's go nana
Fuck I am right. I'll need some hair dye and some bleach Holyoke jeesi I just can't decide between the tutu and the steloto
I don't
Haha. Ask the pilot
She made a lot of people feel like they needed to become paralegals nice pin stripe CC
Thanks but after the whole oj thing I felt it would be appreciated to go with the jenny Craig crowd but after nine eleven nothing was ever the same.
I saw that to he took a bullet to the chest, says but hey pretty boy I tender golfers, poorly.
He's unionized
They all are
Now listen to what he says when he exits the vehicle
I should have stayed on the bench. The FRENCH!
Would you take our picture please.
EarlyAdmission for the winner
And then
Out of nowhere
Cuz she's just been begging for it
Nancy fucks Andy in someone's front lawn. GooNero!
I forget that I already had that by mistake, fucking kids am I right
About a whole while back.
There was a new world to reach by vessel and th
An Implosion ooooAhh
Who cares
Hindi accent no fwce
That one looks like saturn
Lac leamy casino, turn around to find a hill across the river you crossed to get here to find a nice place to lay blanket and listen to anthems of rebellion album by arch enemy.
Wow! Yeah, they are not Canadian
Hordes of politicians enter.
It's one of those things.
If you found out about the fire works competition from inside, past the sign with the Bienvenue and snuggles on each sidFleecye then you probably paid admission to sit on your own blanket outside in my backyardg
Ghoise an lil juennes. Podticandeiparade
Or, you were polite and have some poket change now that you can't waste the time on church And the simpsons And family guy And american dad And bobs burgers And 60 minutes, but I still prefer to have at least the cigaret buts back, you can use them to kill birds or carefully irrivape nesting with cancerous carcinogens
Yikes, just ignore him he's honestly the worse liar
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This lcbo doesn't sell alcohol
No it's a regular office
No way
We do have wifi
I know that
Please leave it's a weekend go, weed a garden or something
We're getting gas.
Not at this corner.
Are you asking me to take a breath mint.
She runs away, but with one of my bags.
I'm filming!
Oh BTW where's stone henge
You bitch
I did say
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But then things changed cuz things tanged! Don't believe don't think about. I'm pretending like someone I wouldn't believe, for your viewing pleasure
I think the rule is, it's not funny if you have to explain it.
Dangrubbish from the getgo
Give them some money then they'll leave.
No it's alert, the most northern of all the point of Nunavut.
I can hear them
Sh sh let's watch one where the finish with somethi g cool like homer drunk complaining about rich people.
Ya Yue shush me I'll sushi ya i ll shu Hey I know her. I'll sush yeah wanna sushi lill sushit I swhitxhMuizimk. True but portal ahhh now I'm laughing give it a second, she's saying to a woman the she's worried to upset the man who paid for all that jewelry. That's not stoner it's lesbian were at the wrong theate
It's broadway
Just some gyn
Uh. No
I came to the bathroom to do this
First tell me.
Ok Beth and Rob totaly had sex but it was a goi g away presenf
How does lily already know
Ohhh the Korean card counter on the couch. Ok one second ^^claps and relaxes and says
You shut the door in his face, he should know that means lily can never Ever know.
Ok, couldn't Travis have died.
No because he walked her back to her place e
Good luck Travis...
Fishing fire
O sorry I'm still not sure if the news is talking about the river or me,
Why wouldnt I tell you
Jason, you took him from the ss
He was airRaid
Never mind we will go to the roof but after that for the rest of the night I have to pretend not to be having the time of my life.
And that's why he dies on the bridge
Wow lily the shot really came out to
I got all them up to r.
Go lily
Last time you see her Rebudign.
ChugaIthinkI canChugaIthink I did
Peace out
Boo b
Show me where there's room in a Sunday night line up then we'll talk.
Oh Keri Russell fxx yeah
O shit. Your out lay down.
I at least get paid for this. No way he's got a sac in that trunk.
Isn't that making a joke
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twinaurora · 10 months
1:56 AM
(I started writing this at the above time, this is future me at 3:30 putting a break so that it does not flood your timeline :3)
Damn, I am a creative person lol I like to write! I like to fucking sing and shit! And sometimes i do lil doodles and shit You don't have to do something crazy to call yourself creative :3 Just make something! Sometimes I think my shit is shitty But sometimes you gotta take a step back and just look at what you did And its like "Wow, I made that" It's crazy :) OH FUCK MUSIC TOO!! Man I love music, I love listening to shit, its fun Oooh, I should start tagging stuff lol, like what if someone else want to reblog something [looks off in distance, sitting at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean glimmer, sunset setting the sky a beautiful orange hue, reflected too upon the sea] Lol what if Mallek wants to fucking rant about dumb shit on my blog :O Whoa, what would Mercer look at (⊙_⊙)? Or maybe a fucking sideblog, i've talked about that before ( *︾▽︾) Oughhh, im listening to Swank (off of brb) and there was this really soft synth in the background, that was really nice (I checked, it starts at 1:33) The Lavender Promenade? The Violet Fugue? I'll think of some more later, but i like the second one so far Ahh~, piroulines, the greatest snack ever made.... Man, sometimes it's hard to say stuff. I'll see people talking, but their in the middle of an already going convo, and its like, " Damn, maybe ill just wait a sec" and then u never do. Sometimes you respond to it verbally, but just don't message. Sometimes I just can't get the right expression through text (They might as well be dead (ROR2)) Im gonna put the music i'm listening as i write this down Aww man, we're all just a bunch of goobers ain't we. Some goofy fuckin goobers..... I'll look at Mallek, and sometimes I think that's the guy i couldn't be and then I'll look at Chixie, and that's the girl i don't know if i can be and the other two are something different (The King of Onsen (Rivals of Aether)) It's like, they both deal with people, in their own ways obviously (Take my breath (The Weeknd)) Marvus is very showy, as is for him, but damn can he talk to someone, and y'know, sometimes i can too. But he's good at it, and he's good at helping people And Mercer isn't! haha lol He's more worried about us, so obviously, more reserved But he could do the same i believe. Rougher maybe, more annoyed, but will get us away. I guess think of it like a bomb, Marvus would de-arm it, like talking down someone, while Mercer would run, cuz it doesn't know how to fucking defuse a bomb Oh man, funny analogy time I guess it's like... me mal and chix are like the lil sibling playing a game right, and ur on a hard level So you get ur big sib, in this case Mar and Mer, to help you beat the stage :) (I took another hit of cart, its 2:39 at this part of my writing)
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angelplummie · 3 years
warnings: cheating, swearing, phone sex??? they bang and girly hears it, questionable writing, hysterical kinda lolz, drk what this is tbh just wrote it cuz i’m deranged
part 1 part 2
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“Hi Tetsu! I’m glad you picked up, i was just wondering-“
You were interrupted by tinny giggles on the other side of the phone. You stood blinking in the sauce isle, trying to process what you were hearing.
“Shhh! just keep going baby. Hi Y/N, what’s up?”
What was that?
No, because what the fuck was that?
What did he say? You weren’t one hundred percent sure, but a sinking feeling tugged at your gut. You stared down hard at the garlic and tomato purée in your hands as you swallowed.
“I-I was just in at the shops, and I wondered if pasta was ok for tea?” your voice was quiet and quivering.
“Oh sorry babe, I,” he laughed breathily away from the receiver, but you can still hear him, “I’m not gonna be able to make it. Deadlines and shit you know?”
Oh my fucking god.
“Really?” you said dryly, heart racing. You placed the purée down and took a deep breath.
“Yeah I’m gonnna be, hah, haha, kasumi slow down, gonna be late babe.”
Fucking Kasumi?
You were going to throw up. All over everything. This couldn’t be real, it could not be real.
“Are you kidding me?” You breathed dryly.
“What? ohhh yea-“
His voice broke off as you hung up and jerkily put your phone back into your bag.
What was that.
He was cheating on you.
And he answered your call, while cheating on you.
And kept going with her?
With fucking Kasumi?
With fucking Kasai “She’s just a colleage” Kasumi?
What the fuck.
“Pasta for one then,” you muttered dryly. There’s a small pause, the only sounds in the shop the clatter of shopping trolleys and the beep of the cash register, before you snort out a laugh, and then start sobbing profusely in the the fucking supermarket.
Your hands grip the white metal overhang of the shelf and you hang your head forward. You inhale deeply, and the shelves spin around you. Your face screws up like a paper bag, and you hope to god thag no one walks into the isle.
Hot misery thrummed in your mind, gave you an unbearable stomach ache. Your brains burned, and your eyes.
After everything, after all the talks, after he made you trust him.
You remember once when things were really bad.
You had told him that if things couldn’t change, if he couldn’t change, you were going to have to leave him.
It was after he had kissed that girl when he was drunk, when he swore down that he thought it was you. But of course you didn’t believe him. Because it wasn’t just that, it was all those other times, those little throw away fights. He could never reel it back, stop laying it on so incredibly thick with every woman he set eyes on. He said it was just his nature, but this was getting insane.
You had told him you couldn’t live in constant fear anymore. You couldn’t keep having your friends coming up to you gravely and telling you about what he did, who he was flirting with this week. You couldn’t keep worrying every time he left the fucking house, you couldn’t do it anymore.
You were leaving, ok? Unless he wanted to change, if he could, if he cared enough to, you were gone.
And he did.
And he did it overnight.
Suddenly, he wouldn’t even look twice when girls entered the room. He wouldn’t flirt with anyone, he certainly didn’t kiss anyone, he brought you home gifts everyday, Always kind, always thoughtful, always affectionate. He was the perfect boyfriend. Really, he was. Everything was gone in a second, and it was heaven.
Guess he didn’t fucking mean it.
There were times when you’d tell him, ‘why don’t you go out and fuck someone for real so i can stop worrying about it.’
You didn’t fucking mean it.
Sobs wracked your body, and you had to bite your lip to stop them being any louder than they were.
You heard the squeak of shoes as someone entered the isle and then left, because when you looked up no one was there.
This was embarrassing. Maybe it was time to leave.
The ache in your stomach throbbed as you dragged yourself back out to your car. You didn’t end up buying anything. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t like you were actually going to cook tonight.
You sighed messily as you slid into your car, shut the door behind you with a clunk and started the engine. Your mind whirred with the motor, and you began to drive.
You didn’t know what you were going to do tonight now that you thought of it.
There wasn’t much to do than to wait for him to come home, and see what he says. You’re breaking up with him, obviously. You just weren’t sure what to do with yourself before then, when he came through the door and begged for your forgiveness. Like he wasn’t giggling on the other side of the line. Like he wasn’t having fun sneaking around behind your back, lying to you, after he promised, promised he loved you.
Fucking dirty liar.
Fucking ratty fuck face worthless piece of shit liar.
Without even realising, you had gotten home. You made your way out the car, into your house, and onto the sofa.
You clutched your scalp as you lay on your back, staring emptily at the ceiling. Fucking ugly ceiling. You hate this house, why did you ever agree to live here? Stupid fucking ugly house.
Your sobs come back, chest jerking to accommodate. You make horrible noises and snot nearly goes in your mouth, but you wipe it away with the back of your wrist a bit too hard. It hurt when you did it, the flesh of your upper lip crushed between the bone of your arm and your teeth.
You feel disgusting, like a little kid throwing a tantrum. You just don’t know what to do with yourself.
You feel out of control, like you’re spiralling and you don’t know what’s going on. Your throat hurts, you should try and calm down.
Another trickle of snot tries to run down your face but you wipe it away again, before clutching your chest and taking a slow, deep breath.
Eyes now closed, you try to focus on the silence in the house rather than the loud of your head. You breathe, and breathe, and breathe, until you can think again. You sit up, movement making you dizzy. God, you’re exhausted.
You rub your temples and think about the immediately pressing issue. What were you gonna eat? You were, admittedly, starving.
Alright. Fuck pasta. What did you want to eat today?
Chinese food sounded amazing, and tetsu hates chow mein. Chinese it is.
Your hands were still shaking as you called for delivery, trying to keep the quiver out of your voice.
“Alright, thank you very much!” your voice broke as you finished the call, and you hung up. A sudden wave of fury hits as you remember, and you chuck your phone across the room. Cringing as you hear the sharp thud against the carpet, you cover your face with your hands and make a huffy little whimper.
You want to scream and scream and scream and break things and smash glass until someone calls the police or you pass from lack of oxygen. Somehow you also want to curl up into a ball in your bed and be silent forever and never speak to anyone ever again. You’re in a bit of a funny mood, not that anyone would blame you.
He really did it. He did what you always thought he would do, and somehow you’re still shocked.
But that’s because he changed!
He changed, and he was perfect and for once in your life you were happy, for once in your life you didn’t have to worry about being alone forever and being unloved forever. He gave you everything you wanted, you were so happy.
You thought he meant it when he said he couldn’t lose you.
Your hands were still covering your face, and you sighed. Sniffling, you wiped your face, it was quite damp and puffy now, your eyes hardly open. You blink into your living room, hands cupping the sides of your face. Breathe.
So, you just sat there, in a warm kind of misery. Tears plopped down your face .
Then the doorbell rang. Sniffing, you jumped up and jogged to the door. You must look awful, but it’s whatever.
You drew in a breath and opened the door, heart heavy in your chest.
“H-Hiya.” you gave the delivery guy a watery smile as he drew his arm out to give you the heavyish bag.
“Here, got any plans for tonight?” he said, eyes still down on the food.
“Y-yeah, well, no. Just a qu-quiet night in.”
You chest hurt as you kept in the surges of sobs thag came every now and then.
He glanced up and you saw the shock as he figured out something was wrong.
He wasn’t sure what to do, and you couldn’t blame him so you took pity on him and gave him another watery smile before thanking him and closing the door.
Poor guy, it’s not his fault you got cheated on.
You plonk the bags on the table and sigh. You had settled into a fuzzy sort of numbness, a blanket of tired overwhelming all else as you settled down in the kitchen to eat your food.
You had no time for plates or cutlery, simply using the containers and disposable chopsticks. You started on the choi mein. It was really good. For some reason that made you want to cry again.
Your nose was blocked, so you couldn’t really chew with your mouth closed. Head throbbing away, you ate with your mouth open, gasping and hiccuping and sighing at the fucking amazing egg fried rice.
You were relatively calm, if not completely miserable, until a worrying thought troubled you. Kuroo would be back soon. It was 6:50, he gets home at 7:10. That’s twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes.
That’s not enough time is it? He can’t see you like this, what are you even going to say to him?
Panic welled up inside you, bubbling and churning in your stomach.
What if he tried to make you stay? What would you do?
Surely, you think, you would never stay with him. But Kuroo is very smart, and you’re very tired.
No, come on now. You’ll remember, you’ll not be fooled. You are breaking up with him, you are. You won’t be hoodwinked, there are no more lies that could possibly fool you.
Still, a part of you longs to trust him. You want him to hold you and tell you it was all a huge misunderstanding and he would never, not in a million years. You know it’s over, but you need him right now. He is your one source of comfort, but he’s also the source of your pain. You can’t be with him anymore, no matter how much you want it.
You come back from your thoughts when the container is empty and there is no longer food going into your mouth. You sigh a great big back relaxing sigh, and chuck the packaging into the rubbish bin. A trudge along the hallway and youre back on your trusty sofa.
You ache, your brain aches, you legs ache, everything ows and you just want to curl up but it’s not long before he’s home. You will be strong, you will be. You trust yourself.
Your stomach twists as you force yourself to remember what he did. The thought of him walking towards you with the body that touched someone else. You think of him touching you, putting his dirtied hands on you and trying to be soft and loving and gentle and trying to make you feel special, it makes you sick. He was with someone else. He touched her how you touched him and how he touched you, only last night. And when you were done, he held you and kissed your cheek. He acted like he loved you, and he did it so well.
Don’t forgive him.
You’re sure now. You will never forgive him.
The door shut quietly as he stepped in, keys clinking in his hand. He was home.
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thanks for reading!!! reblogs appreciated!! masterlist
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cinnbar-bun · 3 years
Diluc Finding Out S/O Had Their Vision Taken
A/n: spoilers for Genshin Act 2, I just my fave cuz.,,, big love for him. Also angst. Reader is not the traveler!!
He is not one to harp on you or tell you where you need to go or what you should do. He trusts you fully. You are his lover, and as such, he puts his complete faith in you. You are strong, brave, and kind. Surely nothing too grave could happen?
As much as he tries to delude himself with detached statements of how you’ll be fine, he does worry. Sometimes he worries about what would happen if he couldn’t help you.
Work and business keeps you both preoccupied, and many times you both would be estranged for many days- perhaps even months- at a time.
But he tries to assure himself. You were his most trusted spy and intelligence agent, and you are his lover now. You are more than capable of handling anything.
You informed him you would be joining the Traveler on their journey to Inazuma. You had become attached to the poor thing after helping them a few times, and you felt it invaluable to learn about the situation in the closed off Land of Eternity.
He knew of the dangers. You knew of the risks. He wanted so bad to tell you to forget that place. To tell you it was pointless, unnecessary, absolutely worthless compared to the utter horror you would have to face.
But he held his tongue. He was a man of few words, instead pressing a kiss against your forehead and hanging his ring around your neck on a chain. You did the same back. A reminder you both were connected, no matter how far.
He expected rough travels and perhaps a few scars coming back. He expected new information, your smiling face and tired yawn over how exhausting the trip was.
What he didn’t expect was to see Paimon and the traveler return to Mondstadt with anxious expressions on their face.
“Traveler. Paimon. Is something the matter? Where is (Y/n)?” He asks. His heart beats quicker. God. Please. Don’t let his nightmares be true.
“Well… you see…” the traveler begins. They can’t face him.
“Hehe… it’s um, a super funny story. Haha, you’d never believe it. Almost as much as believing that (Y/n) got their vision stolen!” Paimon awkwardly added.
“Paimon-!” The traveler hissed, frowning at them and Paimon covered her mouth.
“I mean! Um! It’s not that bad!! At least they’re alive… right?” Paimon tried to fix her slip up but Diluc couldn’t hear a thing.
“They… what?” He can’t believe it.
“It’s best you see for yourself.” The traveler took Diluc to the bar where you were sitting, a drink in hand as Kaeya and Venti were trying to tell a terrible joke.
Your eyes were faded. Dead. You looked like a zombie, a hollow shell of the person he loved. You did not smile, you did not even look at the two trying to get any sort of emotion out of you. Just as Paimon said, your vision was gone.
“Do you mind…? Please leave me. I have a terrible headache.” You murmured.
Diluc walked towards you, and Kaeya and Venti knew better and stood aside.
“(Y/n)?” He asked, unsure if this was truly you. He swallowed his pride. “My love?”
It was the first time he had ever publicly said something like that. Your relationship was shrouded in mystery and kept quiet beyond a few people.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” You asked.
His heart shattered. He couldn’t talk, couldn’t even form a sentence to respond to what you asked. Please be a cruel, sick joke. Please tell him this was a lie and that-
“I don’t remember ever meeting you. Actually, I don’t really remember anything. This young adventurer over there and their floating partner has taken me here, saying I was from here but… truly I can’t recall a thing. It’s all a haze.”
“I’m sorry. I must have mistaken you for someone else.” Diluc said. He stared down before he quickly walked out of the tavern, slamming the door behind him.
How was he supposed to react? How was he supposed to act with you knowing you remember nothing about him? Nothing about the two of you and all you’ve done?
He cursed the gods and everything around him. If this was their idea of a joke, he did not find it funny. Time after time, everything he loved was taken from him. Was he ever allowed to be happy and love, knowing he was cursed?
“How could he say that?! What a jerk! Who does that to someone they love?” Paimon angrily huffed.
The traveler nearly followed him out the bar before Kaeya placed a hand on their shoulder.
“Be gentle with him. He’s hurting incredibly bad. I know him very well, and he may not admit it but he’s truly heartbroken. I don’t want to hurt him more so… take care of him for all of us, okay?”
They nodded before catching up with the young lord.
“Diluc! Please! Wait-!”
“Leave me alone, traveler. I have work to complete.”
“This has been a complete waste of my time. I will not ask again for you to leave me alone. I do not wish-“
“I’m sorry!” They shouted, tears streaming down their face as they sobbed loudly. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
He stopped walking. He stood still for a few moments as the traveler cried and begged for forgiveness.
“You’re sorry? Sorry for what has happened to them? Truly?”
“Huh?” The traveler looked up to see Diluc clench his fists tightly.
“You think sorry will fix this? You think sorry will give back their vision, their memories, their ambitions? You think sorry can help them remember what had happened to them?”
“You’re wasting your breath. Save it. I do not wish to hear anymore. It’s not me you should be apologizing to. You took their life. Not mine.” He glared coldly. He walked away, leaving the traveler alone as his figure slowly grew smaller.
He goes home and immediately reads the letters you sent him. Whether they were business or personal, he kept them all.
Diluc came across one letter. One that changed your relationship forever.
“I love you, Diluc. Nothing will ever stop me from coming back to you and being by your side.”
He couldn’t control himself now. His eyes watered as all his feelings burst like a dam.
God, he should be grateful you were alive. Why couldn’t he be content knowing you were back here?
The tears fell onto the letter, dampening and smudging the ink on the old paper.
Why did this hurt worse than anything ever before?
In an instant, he grabbed a match and lit it up, placing it near the letters and setting some of them aflame. Watching the letters burn sent him spiraling.
‘My lord’ ‘I love you’ ‘great news’ ‘I have been thinking of you’
The words flashed in his head before he threw them to the ground and stomped out the flame. Many were charred and burned, and he crumbled to the ground.
God. Why? Why did it have to be you? Why did it have to happen? Why did you go? Why didn’t he just say anything to keep you here?
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reaganseyebags · 3 years
Reagan x reader: Reagan's jealous reaction when accidentally meeting reader's ex during a mission.
This is a good one!
So,, Reagan wanted to test one of her realistic robots. The task was pretty simple,, just follow the robot around in the public, studying how it reacts to the massive groups of people
You all had to dress into citizen clothes cuz you need to blend in with the others
It was actually first time you saw Reagan wear something normal in work
She was actually super cute like ahhh seeing her finally wearing comfy clothes <333
You guys walk out with the robot, Reagan had one hand in her pocket where the remote was just in case anything goes wrong,, the other was holding yours hand.
She wasn’t exactly confident about holding hands in public but she wanted to push herself out of her comfort zone.
You gave her hand a squeeze every now and then just little “you are doing great <3”
It was a nice walk, you two had to keep your eyes on the robot but otherwise it was a nice walk, you two don’t really get times like this,, so this was a special moment
You walked into large group of people to see how the robot would react until you saw a familiar face,, damn your ex.
They weren’t exactly a bad person, you guys just didn’t work out, they took the whole break up very respectfully and still wanted to be friends, you just never got to see them since you are so busy with work
“Hey! E/n! Over here!” You screamed into the group. Reagan jumped at the volume of your voice.
“Oh my god! Hey y/n!!!” They noticed you bad and started walking to your direction. You naturally went forward as well, letting go of Reagan’s hand.
You gave them a hug and started talking. Reagan was staring at you two. Who the fuck is this stranger?? Why are they talking to my partner?? Fuck where is the robot??!
She saw the robot all stable, walking around and looking at random stuff on the street,, well that worked pretty well,,
“Well we should totally get some coffee someday if that’s ok! We need to talk more haha”
“Hell yeah that sounds amazing! I will text you ok?”
You two said the last good byes and went your own ways. You were trying to find your girlfriend but it was kinda difficult since she’s so small,, you ended up finding her standing next to the crossing road, with her robot on her left
“Hey! Sorry about tha-“
“Who was that?” Her voice was firm. Was she angry?
“Oh eh,, just my ex don’t worry about it”
She just nodded and continued walking,, the robot following her by her side. Her face was pretty neutral. It was the tone of the voice,,
You just walked next to her,, not knowing what to say or do.
“So how did the test go?”
“All good.” Short answer, man this is bad.
You didn’t had anything to say at that. You just started talking, trying to thing about something that made her so mad out of nowhere
The rest of your walk was quiet, all you could hear were your footsteps and cars in the background.
You guys walked back into the building, more specific into her lab where she let the robot change and went ahead to take all notes from this experiment.
You just sat there, staring at her. After a while you decided you had enough and finally took your chance.
You walked to her chair, hugged her from behind and pressed your nose into her shoulder you knew she couldn’t resist this
“What’s wrong Rea?” You said in calm and soft voice.
“You got distracted by that person and didn’t pay attention to your task”
This wasn’t the answer,, she was a terrible lier
“I’m sorry about that honey. But I can still can tell something is up”
“Noit’snot” she said that some quickly you didn’t even understand it
You pressed a kiss on her cheek and murmured “you can tell me”
She took a long breath,
“It’s just,, your ex,, I don’t know why are they making me feel like this but- I can’t explain it-“
“Oh oh~ someone is jealous” you smiled.
“FUCK NO GET OFF ME” she pushed you away so harshly you actually fell on the ground.
She was facing the wall for few seconds before turning to face you.
“I just,, don’t wanna lose you cuz you are the only one I have left and I just-“ she sniffed,
“God no no no- baby-“ she fell the the ground, right into your arms. You held her close to you, your fingers stroking her back.
“I will never leave you baby,, you mean everything to me” she let out just few sniffs. You just let her there on your chest for few moments.
After a while you took her face in your hands and started kissing every inch you could reach with your lips. She just smiled and leaned into you even more.
“I will never leave you honey”
Ahhh ok this is pretty cute I hope you like it hun!! Inbox is still open friends!
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
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↳ bottom bakugou(32) x top reader (32)
request: Could I request Bakugo wanting to surprise you after you get home from a rlly long mission, so he greets you on the kitchen by wearing only an apron and a buttplug on after you put the children to bed. Breeding and impregnating him AGAIN with your child. Maybe ends w/ their children coming to their room cuz they heard some noises and was scared <//3
w.count: 5040
content warning: fluff and smut; fluffy smut with lots of kisses, male pregnancy mentioned, breeding and impregnation mentioned, baku and y/n already have two children (2 and 4), mention of c-section scars
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“Welcome home.”, he grinned at you with that glint in his ruby eyes, arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
“Ah…”, you just came through the door, when your husband greeted you, a smile immediately on your lips as your own e/c eyes shimmered, “I’m home.”
And before Katsuki could say anything anymore, you were already in front of him, strong arms wrapped around him as he was pressed against your body; immediately, he relaxed into the embrace, his own arms slung around your back and his hands gliding up your spine almost timidly as if you were just some hallucination and he had to make sure you were real.
It had been over a month since he last could hug you, due to your mission having been so stupidly long. Though before any of you could say anything, you already heard squealing.
“Daddy!! IT’S DADDY! DADDY IS HOME!”, your four year old screamed excitedly as he rushed down the staircase, hence you and Katsuki detangled again, just so you could kneel down and catch Haruki who was jumping into your arms.
“Hahaha, Daddy missed you too, Haru!”, hearing your happy laugh truly melted Bakugou’s heart, before you both got interrupted by a whiny “Daaaddyyy!” coming from your two year old who stood on the edge of the staircase, thus activating Bakugou’s fatherly instincts instantly.
Though before he could rush up the stairs, you said, “It’s okay Nao, just wait a bit, Daddy will get you.”, hence you stood up, Haru on your arm.
As you walked past your husband, your free hand brushed along his back for a moment, a fleeting gentle touch that immediately made him feel all warm and fuzzy, his own hand drawing along your arm until he reached your hand and had to let go once you were past him and walked up the staircase.
Meeting Naoki at the end of the stairs, he immediately wrapped his arm around your neck when you grabbed him with a “There we go.”, both of your sons cuddling into your arms.
“Shouldn’t you two be asleep already, hm?”, you chuckled as you walked back into the hallway, Bakugou, who finally got changed properly, as he had been standing there in mere pants due to him freshly coming out of the shower when you came home, then crossed his arms and shook his head.
“I let them stay up.”,
“Oh…”, you simply smiled, which only made your husband softly smile as well when he saw how much they cuddle into you; Bakugou knew how excited they were when he told them about Daddy being on his way home – honestly, it was his own fault, but he was also pretty happy and excited to have his husband back home soon.
“AND! I was not sleepy at all! Nhn! Haru was not sleepy!”, to which Naoki approvingly nodded with a “Not sleepy!”
Both you and Bakugou looked at each other with an amused smile on your lips, before you said, “I know, I know, you are big boys already, huh? But now even the strongest little heroes need to sleep, right, Dad?”, you then looked to Katsuki who stepped closer just to ruffle Nao’s spiky hair that was so similar to his, “Right. So they can wake up and save the world again tomorrow.”
“Uhhggh but DAA-AAD! Nao and I want to play with Daddy now!”, Haru whined loudly, though one glance from Katsuki was enough to make him pout and cross his arms.
“I know, but Daddy is tired, right? And you promised me you will go to bed once Daddy is back home.”, he looked at you for a little help, one glance enough so you kneeled down to put your kids onto the ground, even if it was only 9 pm, but it was way past bedtime for your little ones.
“That’s right. Daddy was gone so long, he is really tired. But I promise we will play tomorrow, okay? Haru? Nao? Promise?”, you smiled at them and offered both of your pinkies, your sons immediately hooking their own into them.
“It’s a promise, Daddy!”
“Pwomise!”, Nao excitedly threw the other hand into the air, making your heart seriously melt as you nodded.
“Okay, now. Be good little heroes and go into your bedroom, Daddy will be there in just a second, okay?”
Haru was still pouting a bit, though he nodded as he took Naoki’s hand so they slowly walked up the stairs just how you and Bakugou showed them (Naoki going down the stairs was, however, still something Katsuki liked to monitor until Nao was a little bit older), leaving you and your husband, who had just watched the scene silently, alone for a moment.
“I love you.”, he said out loud so suddenly it surprised you, though in a good kind of way as you couldn’t hold back your grin when you grabbed him around his hips to whisper an “I love you too, Baby.”
If he wasn’t already a puddle because he just loved the way you talked to your sons, Katsuki sure as hell was very close to being one right now, literally melting in your arms, not wanting to let go, though he knew he had to.
“Will you join me in the kitchen later? I’m starving!”, Katsuki whispered so seductively that you had to really bite your lip in order not to let your emotions get the best of you, since he exactly knew what he was doing with his choice of words.
“I will, just let me take a quick shower and then we can eat.”, the smirk on your lips and the twitching of your eyebrows only made Bakugou’s grin a little wider as he let go of you to walk up the stairs to tuck your kids into bed.
While you were busy in the shower, Bakugou quietly sneaked into his bedroom to prepare the surprise he had been planning ever since you left for the mission, because even though you were married with two children didn’t mean the love and desire he felt for you had faded over time – if anything, it had just gotten stronger.
Thus, when he was in the kitchen, doing something at the counter, your whistle immediately made him grin and turn around a bit.
“Hmmm, now that’s what I call a feast.”, your own grin spread across your face as you approached him. You didn’t even bother putting anything on after showering besides a fresh pair of underwear.
“You like it?”, it was barely whispered when you were close enough that his breath was tickling your cheek. An apron was merely covering his body, and a little heart shaped diamond was sneakily peeking out, revealing the buttplug he had inserted.
Katsuki was pressed against your body once more, arms wrapped around you tightly and your own also holding him close, while your face was buried in the nook of his neck – inhaling his scent.
“I love it. Hmm fuck, I missed you! My handsome, gorgeous husband. I was so lonely!”, you mumbled against his skin, feeling his beautiful body melting against your own so perfectly as he also buried his face at your shoulder.
“Me too… I missed you so fucking much. Even though Haru and Nao kept me quite busy…Haha look what you fucking did to me? I can’t even fall asleep without you anymore. I’m all mushy now.”, he laughed, hugging you even tighter.
“Hmmm, I’m glad I’m not the only one.”, pulling back a bit, you also giggled.
Then, you leaned in, your foreheads touching for a moment and just relishing those quiet seconds, before he closed the distance between your lips, his nose brushing against your own, then his lips against yours as he barely whispered an “I love you.” again, just to connect them at last after your mumbled “I love you, too.”
And it truly was like little fireworks as he held on to you desperately, softly moaning into your mouth when your hands traveled down to his tiny waist, you immediately taking the chance to slip your tongue between his lips, brushing against his and entwining them.
“Mhhhh”, blissfully groaning, Katsuki twitched when you grabbed his small, firm butt with your big hands eventually, just to openly moan the moment your fingers sneakily pushed against the heart shaped diamond at the end of the plug, moving it like that.
“Y/n…”, he breathlessly gasped when he pulled back just an inch, his ruby eyes shimmering when he whispered, “Let’s have another brat… What do you think?” catching you so off-guard for a moment that you stopped every movement just to stare at him.
“Wait… Really? You mean it?”, your surprise from before faded away and was replaced by a big, wide happy grin that made Bakugou laugh excitedly, knowing how overjoyed you were. Nodding with a big smile on his face as well, he then confirmed, “Yes. I mean it.”
Immediately, Katsuki felt your grip tightening around him, only to gasp in surprise when you suddenly grabbed and swung him around as if he was a mere piece of paper, just to giggle and squeeze you also tightly.
You both had talked about a big family even before Haruki was born, but after your latest son’s birth, Katsuki kind of didn’t mention it again, probably because you both had to settle into your new role as parents of two very agile boys. That’s why, hearing your husband say he was ready for another baby, was just overwhelming.
“Let’s go upstairs!”, was the thing you declared, only to make your husband yelp your name in embarrassment when you threw him over your shoulder so easily, exposing him and the buttplug completely.
“Y/n! You are so stupid!”, though he couldn’t help but chuckle even though he was ‘punching’ you in the back all ‘angrily’ when you carried him upstairs and into the bedroom, glad that your two baby boys were sleeping soundly in the room opposite of yours.
Closing the door behind you quietly, you didn’t waste much time and thus, Katsuki fell into the big bed with you crawling on top of him, his arms however instantly welcoming you as he wrapped them around your neck.
“Hmmm, you know… I wouldn’t mind if you’d cook for me dressed like that.”, you purred deeply as you pressed open-mouthed kisses against his neck, making him shiver and groan blissfully.
“I- I’ll remember it for the next time… when…the boys are at their grandparents’ ...”, giggling and sort of moaning at the same time, his body reacted instantly, pushing himself against your hands that were roaming his body and sneaking underneath it to play with the strings of the apron.
“You are so… beautiful. God, how did I get so fucking lucky?”, your words were enough to make him softly blush and kick you, though very harmlessly, because you knew exactly he didn’t know how to respond properly to compliments like that.
“Anh, Y/n-“, arching his back slightly, your big hands had opened the strings around his waist, giving Katsuki the chance to pull the apron away from his body completely and thus exposing himself.
And so, you kissed down to his chest where you started leaving little bite marks and kisses; every time his sensitive skin slipped between your teeth, his body reacted way too violently, twitching and moving and his lips escaping cute, lewd sounds.
“So pretty… Hmmm.”, your lips against his skin vibrated so deliciously and made him squirm a bit, only for Bakugou to quietly groan when you flicked against his bud, just to moan out when you bit and pulled gently.
“You’re gonna be all full again when you’re pregnant… And leaking all the time…Just like the first two times…hmmmm I can’t wait!”
“Y/n…”, he hated to admit it, but your words really turned him on, knowing how feral you were during his past two pregnancies, because something about his pregnant body just made you so horny and wild, not even giving him a chance to feel insecure or bad about himself.
“And your belly… So cute and round.”, slowly wandering down with your lips, you kissed all over his body that had some stretch marks from the previous bumps and wasn’t as firm as it was in his younger years of being a hero.
The pregnancies had left their scars on his bodies and for a while, Bakugou was insecure about them, especially having been so well-trained and having big muscles, to his skin being scarred with stretch-marks – it truly was a transition to liking himself again, but with your help, it was easier.
Kissing past his belly button, you then stopped when you reached his c-section scars and the loose skin, your hands that had travelled with you down his sides resting on his hips as you laid between his legs.
“You really want to go through this a third time, Baby?”
He was a little surprised when he raised his head to look down and into your own shimmering e/c eyes, though he just smiled and reached out his hand to touch your cheek.
“Yes… I want to have a big family with you. So even if it means I’ll get more flabby skin and a third scar, I don’t give one fuck about it! Just promise me… you will still fuck me from time to time, even if I look horrendous.”, Katsuki grinned, maybe to hide his actual feelings, you didn’t know, but you didn’t have to, because the moment those words escape his lips, you sat back up and crawled on top of him again.
“Katsuki! Don’t say that.”, you leaned in, lips brushing against his as you continued in a hushed voice, “You will always be gorgeous in my eyes. I will always love and desire you.”, as you pecked them in between, making him gulp as he tried not to get emotional – and he wasn’t even pregnant yet! – before wrapping his arms around your neck and smashing his lips against your own.
Letting your lips melt against each other and your tongues dance passionately, you grinded your covered cock against his, Bakugou instantly moaning into your mouth so lewdly as his own hips started moving with your own, rubbing against you.
“Mhhh Ahh!”, he didn’t hold back blissfully groaning and moaning against your lips, especially when you pushed him into the sheets like that, with your hips rolling so deliciously against his, only to almost sadly whine when you stopped and broke the kiss, Bakugou, however, following you with little pecks against your lips, not wanting to stop yet, until he was physically unable to raise his head any more, earning your chuckle and “You’re so cute!” that made him groan a bit.
“Y/n…”, barely whispering your name, he watched as you traveled between his legs again, this time however, not stopping and going past his scars, following the soft blonde hair until you reached his leaking cockhead, letting your tongue swirl around it to taste his precum and earning his delightful moan as you licked along his hard shaft down to his balls, sucking on one of them softly.
“D-Don’t play- with me!”, he choked out, though you didn’t listen, your index and middle finger that were wrapped around the heart-shaped end of his buttplug pulled on it lightly to make him moan, before you started moving it a bit.
“Hmmm, but… you did all of this for me, no? Might as well enjoy it a little, hmhm.”, you chuckled and he whined as a response, as well as his hands clawing at your shoulders and leaving scratches as he tried to pull you back up.
So in the end, you complied and sat back up, meeting your husband eye-to-eye once more.
“So demanding.”, a soft giggle escaped your throat as you brushed your nose against his, Bakugou barely grunting and giving you little kisses – he missed you. Not feeling each other over a month made him very, very needy for all the love.
With his legs spread, your hand kept moving between them, Katsuki wantonly moaning against your lips and holding on tightly as you pulled the buttplug out just a bit, spreading his hole and then thrusting it back in.
“Ahnh Y/n… I love you. Fuck, I missed you.”, he whined, lips brushing against yours, giving you no other chance but to connect them for deep, demanding kisses while your free arm was slung around him so you could hold him against you protectively.
And then, Katsuki’s hand slowly started wandering as well, until your own deep groan got lost in his hot mouth when he snuck underneath your underwear to wrap his digits around your throbbing cock.
Spreading his legs a little more, he completely melted against your side while his hand moved inside your pants. Smearing around the precum on your tip and rubbing his thumb against the sensitive underside of your cockhead, just to hear your own grunts and lewd moans.
“I’m gonna… pull it out, yeah?”, you breathlessly whispered against his lips, his approvingly whined “Mhm” everything you needed to hear before you properly took the heart-shaped end of the buttplug and pulled on it, earning your husband’s loud grunting and blissful moaning; the plug spread him wide open, until it quietly popped out, leaving his hole twitching and gaping for more.
“Please… breed me. Fuck me! Impregnate me! Y/n!!!”, Katsuki moaned out and bucked his hips, wanting to be fucked so desperately, his half-closed ruby eyes gleaming with want and lust and tears pooling in the corner of them.
“Hmm, you don’t have to tell me twice!”, the low purr against his lips made Bakugou all giddy, his hand that had been pumping your cock, now slipping away so you could get rid of your underwear.
Katsuki just watched you with half-closed ruby eyes and softly panting as you reached for the lube, his hands lightly shaking with excitement and one lazily stroking his own dick while he waited for you, before he opened his arms willingly when you were crawling on top of him once more.
Digging his nails into your back, your lips collided and melted into each other ones more, soft moans getting swallowed in the process. Spreading his legs, he waited, though not for long when he vividly felt your cockhead pressing against his sloppy hole, just for him to moan and whine loudly as you spread him open.
Guiding your cock for a few inches, you eventually thrusted inside of him balls-deep, earning his delightful grunts and mewls when you filled him out fully, Katsuki’s eyes closed and face twisted in pleasure as he relished the moment of being connected again.
Just looking at him, your heart quenched, wondering how you deserved someone so amazing and beautiful by your side, hence startling him a little when you buried both of your hands into his spiky hair, his ruby eyes fluttering open in surprise.
“I love you… I love you so much. And I missed you so, so fucking much.”, your barely choked out, only to connect your lips once more, Bakugou’s instinctive reaction being to also wrap his arms and legs around you, being smushed together deliciously, your heavy body pressed against his own hot one.
“Me to-… Ahnh!!”, he didn’t have time to articulate much more when you started moving, a blissful moan leaving his lips, before you stifled it as you kissed him, Katsuki instantly returning the desperate, passionate gesture as your tongues entwined and fought, drool trickling down his chin in the process.
At first, you were moving rather slow, barely grinding your cockhead against that sweet spot inside of him, before you increased your pace at last, his nails digging into your back while your own were buried in his scalp and shoulder, holding him close against you and not letting him go.
Your balls slapping against his ass with every vigorous thrust sent Katsuki higher and higher into the clouds, drifting away on a wave of pleasure. Drops of sweat dripping down his temple over his cheek, due to his quirk but also because of the sheer passion you shared, mixing with his hot tears he couldn’t hold back from overwhelming emotions of pleasure and love.
“Y/n! Y/n! Ahnh AH!”, at last, he had to pull back and throw his head into the pillow, moaning while trying his best not to be too loud because of your babies, though it was hard when you penetrated him so skillfully. Ramming your cock into his ass, marking what was yours over and over again as you rearranged his insides once more.
“Ahnh! I mi-miss-ed thi- HANH!”, Katsuki gasped and sobbed, sweaty bodies moving together so deliciously, the heavy scent of love making filling the air, your own natural scent mixed with your soap clouding his mind more and more as he only knew how to hold on desperately, loving the way you were pressed together.
You missed him so much, even if you said it out loud multiple times, Bakugou could feel it in your movements and the way you held him.
As you gently tucked on his hair, he followed your demand as you tilted his head a bit, giving you a bit more room to work with, only to bite his bottom lip in order not to moan too loudly and lewdly when you pressed kisses onto his neck once more. Your tongue catching a few drops of his sweat as you licked over his Adam’s apple, before you caught his sweet, delicate skin between your teeth to suckle softly.
Bakugou usually was more careful when it came to hickeys and love bites, wanting them in places that could be easily hidden with clothes, but in that moment, he didn’t care, he only moaned and spurred you on, his heels pressing into your hips as they irregularly jerked against his ass.
“Y/n!! Y/n!”, sobbing and hiccupping your name, Katsuki felt the hot waves in his lower abdomen becoming stronger and stronger. He was close.
As you raised your head to look at him, the sight alone made your stomach turn as a strong wave of lust swept through your body, seeing your husband enjoying himself so much – he looked so cute and lewd.
“Y/n- I… I’m gonna…”, Katsuki tried to warn you, but you just leaned over him and pecked his lips, saying in a hushed voice and out of breath as well, “M-me … too- fuck!” before you got pulled in as he had captured your lips once more, another sloppy kiss igniting.
“HmhhMM!!”, with suppressed and stifled moans against your lips, Bakugou’s tightened the grip from his legs around your hips, almost giving you no room to move, yet, you didn’t care as your hips rapidly jerked against his ass.
The last few thrusts against his sweet spot were enough at last, Katsuki’s nails almost drawing blood on your sweaty back as he moaned and whined, his sounds thankfully getting stifled due to kissing you. However, as you fucked him through his orgasm, his cock bouncing so pathetically as he released all over his belly with big spurts of cum, Katsuki’s body was shaking and spasming in your arms.
His insides fluttering around you and tightening were almost too much, your vigorous thrusts coming to a halt just a few moments after his own orgasm as you buried yourself balls-deep into his ass one last time.
Pulling away from his lips, Bakugou opened his eyes the moment you threw your head back, watching attentively as your Adam’s apple moved and your faced twisted in pleasure, it sent another jolt of pure lust through his body – this was because of him. He could make you feel this good.
“Y/n-“, barely choking out your name, you also just gasped his in response.
For a moment, you looked into each other’s eyes, before you pressed a soft kiss against his swollen, red lips, just to rest your head against his shoulder, Katsuki’s cheek instantly leaning on it as he hugged you against his sweaty body, feeling your weight pushing him down so perfectly, your legs tangled and both of you heavily gasping.
After a few minutes of just silence that was disrupted by heavy breathing, you eventually managed to raise your head and push yourself back up and onto your elbows.
“I’m gonna pull out, okay?”, brushing your lips against his, sweet, innocent little kisses were shared as Katsuki nodded, barely breathing a “Hm”, before a delightful hiss escaped his dry throat as you slowly pulled back until your cock slipped out.
Rolling over, you fell beside him into bed.
Bakugou could vividly feel your seed inside of him, drops of cum dripping from his hole – the sheer bliss of being bred was making him shiver; rolling over as well and snuggling into your body, your arm instantly wrapped around him to hold him.
“Hm?”, you turned your had to look at him.
“I’m glad you’re home again…”, Katsuki tiredly smiled, before his ruby eyes closed when you leaned down to smooch him.
“Me too. I missed you and the babies so much.”, and like that, you had rolled over a bit to have a better position while kissing him, Bakugou happily sighing into the soft kisses, tongues lazily brushing against each other.
“Hey… we should go clean…”, he whispered against your lips, though with how he was still clinging to you, you just giggled and rolled around so he was pushed back in the mattress again.
“Hmmm, already? How about… a little bit more?”, the way you giggled, so utterly smitten and in love as you kissed him over and over, it was quite contagious as his deep, raspy giggle was also heard.
“Just a little…”
“Hmmm just a little.”
And as you slipped your hand down his torso to play with his already soft dick, Katsuki’s hand simultaneously wandered down as well, both of you insatiable and needy for some more love.
--- A few hours later ---
Sighing in bliss as he stepped into the cool room, he walked towards the bed while you walked over to the window you had opened before your shower to get rid of the sex-heavy, stuffy air in your bedroom, before you joined Bakugou in bed – freshly showered once more that night.
“Hah…”, Katsuki sighed as he cuddled closer, one arm wrapped around your torso and his head resting on your chest, “I fucking missed this…”
“Me too.”, slinging your arms around him, you peppered kisses onto his freshly washed hair and face, earning his raspy chuckle.
“Just being able to have you in my arms again after that mission feels like heaven.”
“Yeah… same…”, he barely whispered, before he looked and reached up.
Your foreheads touched and he softly caressed your cheek, exchanging a few last little kisses before you cuddled into the bed and the blankets so you could both finally get the rest you deserved after thoroughly making love again.
However, it must have been less than 30 minutes later when you were both startled as a quiet “Daddy?” made your head perk up.
“Haru?”, you tiredly mumbled his name, your hand reaching out to your nightstand to turn on the lamp.
“Hey, champ, what´s wrong?”, Katsuki, who was laying on your chest still, also raised his head to look at his son who was scurrying to the bed, only to then see the tears trickling down his face.
“I had.. I had- bad dream…”, the little one then broke down as he had tried to keep his tears at bay before that.
Bakugou and you looked at each other for a split-second, then you already reached down to pick up your son.
“It’s okay, Haruki. It was just a dream. Everything’s going to be okay now.”, softly cooing, Katsuki was the one who pressed a gentle kiss onto his son’s cheek as he scooched closer to you and him once more.
“That’s right. No one can hurt you as long as Daddy and I are here.”
“R-really?”, his big, round e/c eyes that clearly were so similar to yours looked at you and Bakugou so innocently, and when Haruki saw both of you nodding, he was a bit relieved, his sobbing calming down a little.
“Dad and I will always protect you and Naoki. Right, Dad?”, you whispered and kissed his forehead, hand gently combing through his spiky h/c hair.
“Mhmh. We will always be there to protect you, Haru.”, Bakugou approved and smiled at his son, something, no one would have ever thought he could do just mere years ago, but having his own kids just… changed him.
Thankfully, your reassuring words helped Haruki to calm down, a few last tears trickling down his cheeks as he nuzzled into your chest; your hand combing through his hair and Bakugou gently caressing his back.
Both of you were quiet for a few minutes, just tending to your little one, until you both heard Haruki evenly breath, telling you he was fast asleep once more, hence you made a small gesture with your head towards the door. After your husband nodded, you carefully stood up and carried your baby back into his room and bed.
Waiting for you, it only took a few moments before you snuck back into the bedroom, softly closing the door and then jumping back into bed to your husband.
“I’m glad he fell asleep so quickly again.”
“Hm.”, Katsuki approvingly nodded and cuddle closer again.
“Tomorrow, make sure to spend lots of time with them, they really missed you.”, he mumbled into your neck, hence you pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek and whispered, “I will.”, making your husband tiredly smile, ruby eyes feeling heavy as he slowly closed them at last.
“Good night, Kat.”, was the last thing he registered before he drifted off, now that you were back, finally being able to fall asleep again, because even though he hated to admit it – he couldn’t sleep properly without you, he was lonely and anxious, but now… Everything was okay.
Because Daddy was finally home again, right where you belonged.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: I’ve worked on this… for a LONG time but I am pretty happy with how it came out! Just being all smoochy smoochy with baku is perfect and I love reunion and reunion sex it’s just and mpreg and just… it was a perfect request👌🏼 thanks again anon!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: TOO META, m*sturbation, mentions of s*x
Requested: nope
Summary: I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me... Y/N Y/L/N writes Marvel fanfictions. One day, Sebastian stumbles upon her account and, unable to help himself, reads all the stuff she has written about him. He didn't mean to fall so hard for her but he does. How can he not? She has shown him parts of himself that he never even knew existed.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Okay so a few weeks ago I read a similar (but dark) fanfic and I really wanted to write a softer version of it... Enjoy!
Same old, boring routine.
Y/N hit post and slumped against the headrest of her bed, sighing. She waited; a minute, then two passed and she noticed that someone had liked her post. She smiled to herself as she kept her phone away. Though boring, she wouldn't trade her life for the world. Y/N… well, she was a university student first and foremost but she was also a writer.
Being a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she had started writing fanfictions a few years ago. She posted them on Tumblr, where her blog, though not very well-known, stood out enough for her posts to get around 800-1000 likes per post. She loved it; she loved writing, she loved posting her stories and especially, she loved the feedback.
Sometimes people were rude, but most times, the reviews she got were fantastic. She read each and every one of them, smiling goofily as people freaked out over her fanfictions. It warmed her heart. A smile automatically blooming on her face, Y/N lay down on the bed and decided to go to sleep, it being almost 3 am.
Unbeknownst to her, someone else was up at the same time, tossing and turning in his bed, restless.
Sebastian sighed as he sat up, running a hand through his hair. He drank some water and lay down again, closing his eyes but it was like sleep was mad at him. Refused to be anywhere near him. He groaned to himself and picked up his phone from the nightstand, deciding to go through Instagram, hoping he'd finally fall asleep to the glare of the screen.
As he logged into his account, he skipped the activity page and went straight to the explore page. Bored, he continued scrolling until his eyes landed on a specific photo. And the breath escaped his lungs when he clicked on it; the woman in the picture was absolutely gorgeous. He just couldn't resist going to her page, smiling widely when he read her bio.
It gave him her basic information; her name, her age, the university she attended. But what caught his eye was the link below the bio. My Marvel Fanfictions Master List. Marvel fanfictions? She was a writer? Smirking, he clicked on the link and it took him to Tumblr. Of course, he'd heard of the site, but didn't have an account on there. At 3 am, his mind sure wasn't working right.
A post popped up on the screen, the same master list she had mentioned earlier. And his eyes bulged out of their sockets; damn, those are a lot of fanfictions. He went through the whole thing, smirking again when he noticed that she had written the most fanfictions about him. Not Bucky Barnes, no, Sebastian Stan.
He clicked on the first one. The date of posting was way back, in 2019. He started reading; nothing about it felt weird to him; he was intrigued, if anything. And as he continued reading, he couldn't help but imagine her being in the stead of the female protagonist. Her, the writer. The woman whose picture had made him end up reading in the first place.
When he finished the story, his heart thudded wildly in his chest. Wow, she really has a way with words. And he had also noticed how in the author's note, she used a lot of slang but reading the story had made him realize that she had an amazing, extensive vocabulary. He went back to the master list and clicked on the latest post under his name.
Posted: 15 minutes ago.
His breath hitched in his throat when he read the warnings: there was going to be sexual intercourse in this one. For one moment, he hesitated; did he really want to read this? "Oh fuck it," he huffed and scrolled, starting to read. The more he read, the more his shaft twitched in his pants. He wasn't really like that during… but oh damn, he wasn't complaining.
"Oh, Seb…"
His hand slid down and he rubbed himself through his boxers, unable to take his eyes off the text in front of him. His strokes got harder and faster as the sex got steamier. "Ungh, I'm gonna cum—" And he suddenly came in his boxers, groaning. Slumping down on the bed, he quickly finished reading the rest of it, going back to the master list.
He took a screenshot with the account's name in it and then went back to her Instagram account to take another screenshot. Keeping his phone away, he slipped out of his boxers, cleaned himself and pulled the covers on top of him, finally feeling tired enough to fall asleep.
Y/N was walking across the campus of her university, going to the cafeteria when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Taking it out, she opened Tumblr to read the message someone had sent her just then.
his-username: Hi there! I was binging your account last night, you write really well
your-username: Omg thank you!!!! I really appreciate it, I love getting feedback! 🥺❤
his-username: You're welcome! Especially your latest post, that was really good ;)
your-username: hehe 😈 glad you liked it!
Smiling widely, she kept her phone away and continued walking, not knowing that the person who had texted her was the same man she had written about. Sebastian smiled to himself when he read her text. After getting up in the morning, the first thing he had done was install Tumblr on his phone. Then he made an account for himself.
Figuring out the app was easy; he found out that there was an option to keep your liked posts and the accounts you followed hidden, and selected it immediately. No one needed to know what he did on the app. Then he went back to her account, pressed the follow button and started binge-reading her fanfictions again. Last night had he read only two, and that had left him wanting more.
Funny how much things can change in a night. He liked and reblogged all her posts without a second thought; he even read all her Bucky Barnes posts. She understood his character so well, put him on what he thought was an undeserved pedestal while writing about him. Some of the stories were AUs, which he found out stood for Alternate Universes. Mostly mobster or mafia stuff.
He had the day off, and he spent the entire time cooped up in his apartment, on his bed, reading. The more he read, the more he started fawning over her, over the version of him that she put out to the world. Dominating, suave and just perfect. He loved it. At the end of the day, he decided to text her again, hoping she wouldn't think he was weird or find out the truth.
his-username: do you wanna be friends, maybe? I'm new to the app, don't really have any friends here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That was a lie, he knew Mark Ruffalo had an active Tumblr account. But it's not like he could tell him.
your-username: Yes sure!!!! I was also thinking of making some friends on this app lol
his-username: You don't have any on here? But you've been here for years, haven't you?
your-username: haha yeah, but I don't really reach out to people much. Sometimes people leave their feedbacks on my posts, text me but that's that
his-username: Ohhh
his-username: well, let's start with names. Mine's Sebastian
your-username: Really?????? omg that's so cool lmaooooooo (didn't think you were a boy but 😳👀)
his-username: Not a boy, I'm a man 😤😂
your-username: 🤣 im y/n, btw
his-username: Y/N, that's a nice name
your-username: thank you!!!! So, what do you do?
his-username: nothing really that interesting, I'm in theatre
your-username: theatre is nice! I'm studying at [university] in New York lmao
his-username: Wait you're in New York? So am I!
your-username: ASDFHKSHKGF that's awesome!!! also I noticed that you've been going through my account the whole day 😏 notifications upon notifications keeping my phone busy
his-username: Oopsie?
your-username: 😂😂 I really don't mind, it was great! Despite the amount of likes on my posts, I only have a few loyal followers lmao gaining one more felt nice
your-username: You a big fan of Sebastian Stan? Cuz I noticed that you were only reading his and Bucky's fics 👀
Sebastian's face heated up.
his-username: kinda yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️😁
your-username: Cool cool cool, I'm a big fan of his too!!!! also got a crush on him but whatever 😳
Sebastian smirked at his phone. A crush on him, huh? That… was acceptable. He suddenly felt his cocky side coming out; the one she described in nearly all her fanfictions.
his-username: wouldn't blame ya, I mean, look at him. You have also written the most fics about him and Bucky
your-username: right????? damn that man has raised my standards. Anyway, I gtg now, I have to finish a paper before midnight. ttyl!
his-username: Bye! 👋🏻
He kept his phone away and took in a deep breath. This was the most fun he had had in years, and he was not letting her go so easy. He realized he was quickly falling for her; rather unhealthy, but he couldn't help it. Look at her. She looks like a goddamn angel, writes like one, makes him feel like one, do you really expect him not to fall for her? That's insane.
Months passed by like a breeze. Y/N and Sebastian had become very good friends, and he knew his way around words just enough to keep her from finding out his identity while not lying to her. Y/N also appreciated his friendship, because he was the one to whom she could rant about her most favorite man in the world— Sebastian Stan.
Sometimes, she thought about how weird of a coincidence it was that her new friend and the actor shared the same names, but then she used to brush it off; that was a common name, right? They talked for hours on end; Sebastian (her friend, not the actor) was extremely witty, smart and fun to talk to, she had to admit. Sebastian felt the same way.
His feelings had worsened. Y/N entirely owned his heart now. Somedays, he'd just go on Instagram, go to her account— her username memorized by him— and stare at her photos until he grew tired; he'd never get tired of looking at her beautiful face but his stiff body afterwards begged to differ. She was just so Elysian. He longed for the moment when he could meet her in real life.
His personality had also changed majorly, and people had caught on. Especially his Marvel co-stars, who knew him to be introverted, shy and, in Anthony Mackie's words, "boring". They were surprised at his sudden change in attitude; he knew his worth and Y/N had helped tremendously in finding it. Now, all those adjectives that she used in her fanfictions fit him perfectly.
Sebastian was never tempted to read fanfictions about himself from authors other than Y/N. No, he only loved her work. He was sure no one else could write as beautifully as she did, he was her #1 fan. Y/N even sent him funny Marvel memes she found on the app and he used to enjoy them heartily; God, the others have no idea what they're missing out on. Our fans are awesome.
Everything was going well.
Until one day.
Sebastian was getting bored at home, so he decided to go to the nearby library to clear his mind. He had read not one book in the past few months, hung up on Y/N's fanfictions. At this point, he was obsessed with her and he knew it. It was nothing dark, per se, it was— it was similar to how Y/N was attracted to Sebastian. How she was a fan of his work.
Just the same. He was a fan of her work in the same way. Just how she was attracted to him, he was attracted to her. Walking into the library that he visited often, he gave the librarian a smile and ventured further into the dark place. He checked his watch; the library closed at 12 am, it was currently 9:30 pm.
Not many people were around, heck, nobody was around. He thought himself to be all alone until he heard it. A sigh, coming from a few aisles away. He walked in that direction and peeked around the corner, freezing when he saw the other person. Y/N? Her books were strewn all across the table as she sat alone at the booth, rubbing her temples.
"You okay?"
She looked up and her breath caught in her throat. I'm dreaming. This is not real. Now I know for a fact that Sebastian Stan is not standing in front of me, asking me if I'm— "Hello?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face, pulling her out of her thoughts. "I, uh— I'm— h-hi," she stammered and he almost chuckled. "Hi." She gulped visibly and blinked at the table, not meeting his eyes.
"Can I have a seat?" He wants to sit with me?! "Y-Yes, sure, sir," she blurted out and he easily slid into the booth next to her. "Hey, please, call me Sebastian. What's your name?" He gave her a friendly smile, even though all he wanted to do was push her back into the booth and kiss her wildly. His shaft twitched just by thinking about it; Y/N was a thousand times more beautiful in person.
"I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you, I'm… I'm a fan," she admitted, playing with the ring she wore on her left thumb. I'm your fan too, sweetheart, the biggest one. "Y/N, nice name. You come here often? I haven't really seen you around." She shook her head. "Oh no no, I moved to this part of the city just a week ago, this is my first time here. The library is cozy," she shrugged, easing out of her tense position.
Sebastian nodded. "Yes, I know, this place is awesome. Got all my favorite books here," he chuckled and she smiled at him. "What's all this?" A groan left her lips. "Ugh, stupid university work. I have to write a book report but I don't even know what to write about." He smiled gently. "Well, I have a few favorite books, would you like some suggestions?"
"Oh, please! Tell me!"
He started listing some of his favorite works and Y/N noted the names down until he said the last name. At that, she froze. That's the name of my latest— She looked up but he had a smile on his face. "Oh, and the last one is by my favorite author." He took a pause. "Y/N Y/L/N." She froze completely, staring at the man with her jaw dropped.
Sebastian grinned. "We finally meet, Y/N, I've been waiting for months." Her mouth opened and closed several times as she recalled every interaction she had had with her online best friend— scratch that— her celebrity crush. All the times she had confessed her love for Sebastian Stan, all the dirty and inappropriate memes that she'd sent him…
Embarrassment flooded her entire body as she exhaled shakily. "It was you," she croaked out, "On Tumblr, the account— I'm so sorry—" Sebastian frowned in confusion when she blinked back sudden tears, a few still rolling down her cheeks as shame replaced embarrassment. "Y/N, please don't cry…" She looked up at him, his figure blurry due to her tears.
"You've read everything, haven't you? I just— I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable—" He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Y/N couldn't hug back, though she appreciated the hug especially since it came from him. "You don't know how much you mean to me, doll," he mumbled into her shoulder, using the nickname she often used in the stories she wrote about him. He grew accustomed to it easily.
He pulled away to wipe her tears. "It was an accident," he admitted, "But I stumbled onto your Instagram account from my explore page. Then I clicked on your account, saw that you wrote Marvel fanfictions and I just couldn't resist the urge to read what you had written. Blame it on 3 am me, to be honest. You're a great writer, and I was immediately drawn to your works. They're awesome.
"They've helped me so much in the past few months. You see this changed attitude that everyone's been talking about lately? All because of you, sweetheart. I'm sorry for keeping my identity secret, but after reading your works, I knew I had to get closer to you. I made the Tumblr account just for you, just so I could talk to you. I'm sorry for lying, but thank you."
Y/N dumbfoundedly stared at him for a few moments, her heart beat getting steady with each thump. Here was a man she admired, loved more than anyone else in the world, telling her that he harbored the same feelings for her. How crazy was that?! Not trusting her words, she simply pulled him into another hug. Sebastian wrapped his arms tight around her, pulling her flush against him.
"Can I kiss you, doll?"
She slowly pulled away from him and nodded, shyly biting her lip. Grinning at the endearing gesture, Sebastian cupped her face and leaned in, gently pressing his lips to hers. The kiss grew hungry in a matter of seconds, and Y/N responded just as eagerly. His hands slid down to her waist and tugged on it, pulling her on his lap. She straddled his thighs as they continued kissing.
"Fuck," he groaned when they finally pulled away from each other, out of breath and panting. "You see what you do to me, doll?" Sebastian spoke huskily as he took her hand, placing it right on top of the tent that was forming in his pants. "Oh," Y/N whimpered when she felt him, the sound going straight to his shaft. "How about I take you home and we recreate some of the scenes from your stories, hm?"
"Good girl."
A/N: What a meta experience 🤡 Leave a like if you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
S/O who lost a bet to Kokichi, punishment being a Maid’s Dress
request; Ooooo, Requests are open! Could I have a female S/O who lost a bet and now has to wear a sexy maid outfit? And Kokichi is just. Eating. It. Up.
warnings; reader lost a bet and has to wear a maid dress, reader uses female pronouns and names, reader uses master(non-sexually), cussing, had to make kaito the ‘bad guy’ for trope reasons lmfao, kokichi gets jealous and possessive, they goof off a ton at the end, overall just fluff without much plot, and i.. i dont even know how to say this, i used this phrase i found from the internet “top 15 embarrassing things to say to strangers” so like,, watch out for that..! ahahahaha-
note; omfg i hate this one so much- most out of all my works, i stg i am the most disappointed in this one. please don’t even read it- i could’ve done so much better ;-; man, i just butchered this like a fricking idiot-- sorry anon!!!! you seriously deserved so much better, i am so sorry. there are so many issues with this- the ending, the cringe, the messiness, the fucking clichés- seriously, please please forgive me. although you probably shouldn’t, i am just so so sorry T_T please don’t be afraid to ask me if you want this rewritten, i am like, BEGGING YOU TO ASK ME TO REWRITE THIS SAVIBVDHBSDKJ
word count; 2.1k
You took a deep breath before leaving your dorm, mentally preparing yourself for the walk of shame to the dining room where you had to… you didn’t even want to say it, nor acknowledge it. The bet you had lost the day before with Kokichi, had left you with nothing but bitterness in the end. Your eyebrows were permanently creased, an expression of pure regret on your face as you shuffled unenthusiastically down the hall in your frilly maid’s outfit. 
Shuichi greeted you as soon as he noticed the dress, a concerned, confused and albeit a bit flustered expression on his face as he did. “H-hey S/o! Um, so are you going to the dining hall?” He asked an obvious question, just so he could somehow get you to talk about your huge dress. Only nodding shamefully, you stifled a sigh. 
Shuichi only made a noise of acknowledgement, letting the conversation go stale as he was too afraid to address the elephant in the room, himself. You were both silent, Saihara standing in front of you, awkwardly planted on his spot while he looked at everything but you. 
He didn’t say anything, only occasionally sparing glances at your dress as he stood like a tree. Getting irked from the silence, you deadpanned, “... You want to know why I’m wearing a maid’s dress.” He flushed at even the mention of the word, as if you had said something terrible.
“Y-you don’t have to te-” Disrupting his excuse, you looked him dead in the eye, and uttered one word, “Kokichi.” Shuichi blinked at the name, before nodding in pity. After your short response, he required no further questions, the single name was all it took for the realization to wash over him. Even if he wasn’t a detective, it wouldn’t take less than a second to know what was going on. 
As if the said-Kokichi had been waiting for you to say that, Kokichi suddenly popped out of nowhere, scaring the two of you at his sudden appearance, “Oh? What’s my maid doing with Saihara-chan? Not wasting time I hope~” He laughed sadistically at your suffering, “Chop chop my maid! Since I’m your master, you’re gonna have to follow my every order! So don’t even try to disobey me; cuz I’m sure maid-chan knows what happens when she does, right? Nishishi!” You cringed at the nickname, ere sighing in defeat and letting him drag you to the dining room where you’d soon meet your demise.
You looked back at Shuichi one last time, mouthing a, ‘Help me.’ as Kokichi dragged you away. Shuichi only sent back a sheepish and apologetic look, in which you glared at him, betrayal overtaking you.
A couple of minutes later of countless teasing and judgemental looks sent your way, you were finally at the dreaded destination. To your surprise, Kokichi eagerly kicked the door to the dining room open before you could even prepare yourself, the entire class turning around at the loud noise. Kaito was first to speak up about the dramatic entrance, ‘Kokichi!? What the actual F-! … f-ffffffffffuuhh..” Kaito trailed off, his attention shifting off Kokichi, to focusing on you in a maid’s dress. 
Despite wanting you to feel the pure unfiltered humiliation, the sadistic bastard definitely did not love the way Kaito was eyeing you. Smile faltering for a second, he considered dragging you to his own room and having you perform a private show for him instead of these assholes. Shaking his head, he tried dispersing the thoughts of… jealousy? No, that can’t be it. 
He decided he’d delay his feelings of conflict for later, and unfortunately for you, focusing back on your nervous figure. Peaking at the look on your face, he couldn’t help the twinge of worry for your well-being. 
Noticing him stare at you with a small concern, you furrowed your brows in suspicion, that wasn’t really like him. Only then, did you notice the desperation on his face. He looked like he was choosing to either say, “Are you okay?” or “Pleaaaase!” He watched you, eyes wide with worry yet looking as if he had been begging you. Choosing your fate, you sent him a reassuring, but solemn nod, deciding to do the act he had been looking forward to for the entirety of yesterday; the day you lost that damned bet. 
You sighed defeatedly at his pouty expression, you were weak for him and he knew it.
“Alright.” He looked up at you with expecting eyes, holding back a shit-eating grin, “Alright what..?” You sighed for the 2nd time within the span of 45 seconds, “Ugh... Master.” The single word uttered out from your pretty lips had his entire body shuddering, fighting back the blush on his face, he leaned his back towards you teasingly, his ego had been very clearly stroked, “That’s right. I’m your master; so come on and get to it! Don’t make your master wait~” He added, clearly enjoying your misery. You pouted, where did the worried Kokichi go?
Turning to face the crowd that seemed to be staring at you while you flirted talked normally with Kokichi, you felt your frills shuffle with each movement you made. You closed your eyes in preparation, making a mental note never to make a bet with Kokichi, ever. “Do I have to get on my knees?” He smiled cheerfully, “It’s part of the deal~” ‘Nishishi’ing as dread washed over your face.
Everyone watched in anticipation, some with concern, but mostly the former— as you got on your knees, the skirt neatly pleating on the ground. 
Disgruntled, you uttered out a small, “If you tickle me, I will… I- “ You looked back at Kokichi, a look of, ‘Do I have to do this?’ contorting on your face as you stared at him pleadingly, dying inside when he nodded frantically like a child at a candy store.
“... S-say hee hee and prance around like a rainbow lollipop on a cloud of unicorn wishes.“ You flinched , the entire class had suddenly started howling and rushing towards you—most likely to tickle you—, but right before a giddy Angie and a determined Tenko could get their hands on you, Kokichi suddenly spoke up, stopping them in their tracks. “Hey! She’s not allowed to be touched by mutts like you, so get back!” He brutally spat, voice scratching from the force of his words. 
Kaito immediately took the opportunity to ask you out as Kokichi’s occupied with the others, not hesitating for a second. Tapping on your shoulder, a shy smile adorning Kaito’s face as he awkwardly shuffled, “Hey S/o..! Do you maybe wanna, um..” Kokichi swiftly popped out from underneath your skirt as if this was a routinely thing, standing in between you and Kaito. “What the hell-” Kaito recoiled back in shock, had he just been hiding under there?? Kokichi looked at you, before looking back at him. 
You were sure if looks could kill, Kaito would’ve been dead a year ago. “Hey. You know she’s mine, yeah?” Kokichi spoke with a dead-cold look on his face, before almost immediately contorting back into his usual mischievous smile, “... My personal maid, of course! Nishishi!” Kaito stared Kokichi down, in which Kokichi simply glared back in amusement, the same smile staying onto his face. Irking, Kaito discontentedly walked away, shortly after Kokichi had won the stare-down. 
Exhaling loudly, his smile fell off his face as well as the breath he kept in, a neutral expression replacing his grin as he stared back at you, “You know, this whole thing is getting kinda boring, let’s just leave.” He tried putting on his signature charming grin, but you could see the way his teeth clenched. It seemed Kaito asking you out had a bigger effect on him than he wanted to admit. 
Despite teasing and asking him if he was worried and/or jealous on the way to a secluded area, he persists, staying stubborn and brushing it off. “It just wasn’t as fun as I thought! Now stop nagging me and hurry uuuuup! You’re such a slowpoke.” Perking up, he suddenly remembered something, “Oh wait! That’s an order, right? So you have to obey.” Rolling your eyes, you jolted as an idea suddenly found its way to your head. 
Flashing a mischievous smirk in his direction, you left him bewildered as you started sprinting across the field. “Wh- Hey! Haha, what the fuck!?” He cackled at how stupid you looked, throwing your heels across the field somewhere as you stumbled from the length of the dress, still running to god knows where. 
His laughing suddenly halted as he witnessed the way you took a large leap and stepped on your dress, tumbling down as you did.“Stooop! You’re gonna actually hurt yourself, seriousl-! …” Kokichi suddenly fell silent as you fell on your face, only sounds of him choking back holding back his own loud laughter. But the boy could only hold back for so long, and as you raised your head from the field, you could hear him just fucking losing it. 
Turning around and glaring directly at him, you stumbled back to your feet, jogging towards one of your lost heels before hurling it directly at Kokichi’s stomach. “Take that you little shit!” Now you were the one laughing at his misery. In the end the heel didn’t do what you wanted it to, as he just kept on laughing, only now wheezing from the hilarity of the situation and for the air you knocked out of him. 
Hearing his crazy horse laughter fill the air, you couldn’t help but laugh just as loud, along with him. You jogged up to his hysterical figure, falling down next to him, your own giggles mingling in with his. He turned his head to you, pointing at your face weakly, before throwing his head back and laughing even louder. 
Eventually, the laughter calmed, both of you just bathing in the afterglow of the extreme euphoria you both had felt. Kokichi turned his head again, staring at you in thought. Noticing his eyes, you took your eyes off the sky, catching his seemingly whipped gaze, “What?” 
He smiled, “Even though you look like a maid who had just went through hell to try and escape her traumatizing slave prison life, you still look cute.” Admitting with no hesitation and way too many details, he watched in amusement as your face flushed. “And borderline sexy too. I am loving the sexy prisoner look.” He added, catching you off guard as you flushed even harder. 
He sighed lovingly, “You know, I’d gladly pay you to stay in that dress... And I’m not lying.” You scoffed and looked at him in disbelief, Kokichi frowning back, “Hey! Don’t look at me like that! You know damn well, you look hot in those tights.” He drifted his eyes lower and lower, tilting his head to get a better view- before you suddenly chopped him. 
Wincing from the hit, he started bawling, “Uwah! How meeeaan! And to do that to your master too! How could you!?” Here come the waterworks. You only grimaced, right before decreasing your face in defeat, deciding to play along, “Fine. I’m sorry then,” Sighing, “Master.” You groaned out, clearly unhappy with the title Kokichi had forced on himself. Kokichi went light-headed as soon as he heard that word come out your lips, smiling like a goof, he only gawked at you. 
Shooting your head back to him, you were concerned as to why he was suddenly quiet. Was there something wrong with him? Did he pass out? “Master?” You called him by his title, shaking his tiny figure. The expression on his face showed pure bliss, “Just kiss me already.” 
He snapped out of it for a second, eyes darting to yours. You glared at him, in which he simply glared back, a challenging smirk on his face, differing greatly from his expression from earlier, “That’s an order~” 
Blinking at the statement, you gave in to your demise, slowly leaning down to kiss his forehead lightly, a flush on your face. Pressing your lips lightly against his skin, you pulled away shortly, lingering no longer than you had to. However short it was, that alone seemed to do it for him, as you swore you saw hearts shoot out from the spot in which you pecked. 
Giggling strangely, he rested on the field, completely surrendering his body to the earth as he went limp. “Nishi… My maid loooves me!” You stayed silent at the bold remark, wanting to refute but you knew he’d just figure out your lies. 
... Even so, you refused to admit it, “You fucking wish.” Snorting, you pushed his face away from you gently, cackling as you heard his whining.
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blueluneacy · 3 years
Twisted wonderland asks? *slams table* can i get Malleus x reader, where the reader is able to get their own GaoGao dragon and Malleus is doing the *insert heavy breathing* meme and lowkey freaking out cuz they can be friends and also lowkey falls for the reader even more for being wholesome af?
I love your excitement, haha
Malleus definitely is the oblivious type to me! Everyone makes him as big bad, but honestly I see him as super stupid when it comes to being in love, haha
no warnings! just soft
Malleus quickly turned his head to the sound of beeping. He almost instantly checked his pocket, but he knew the faint sound couldn’t be from his. After all, it was too far away, and accompanied by such innocent laughter. He paused as he looked over, seeing you sitting with something in your hands and smiling. Well, this was odd. Malleus usually saw you around but you usually weren’t alone. You at least had that cat with you, right? But here you were, sitting by yourself and looking into an object in your hands. When Malleus got closer, he instantly recognized it and smiled.
“What did you name yours?” He asked. You looked up with an expression of shock, but it quickly softened into something lighter.
“Ah, I haven’t decided yet!” You said. You were always so much calmer around Malleus than other people. It seemed like your lack of magic made it so you didn’t quite pick up on the powerful aura that Malleus seemed to give off that scared other students, even some of his own dorm mates away. He appreciated that. Something about your naivety, the lack of knowledge you had about the rules of this world were comforting. You never shied away like so many others did.
“How long have you had it then?” He asked. For him, he named his Gao Gao Dragon almost instantly. It was a silly name from when he was younger, but still.
“Ah, well… A few hours ago, I guess?” You laughed sheepishly. “It’s super similar to something I had as a kid. I didn’t think you guys would have them. I saw one, secondhand, at the store and I just… Well, I’ve never been the best with money, I guess.” You told him. Malleus smiled, leaning over to look at yours. It was… Awfully cute. It was an adult little blue dragon, with small little horns and wings. He chuckled a bit at the sight of it. 
“It’s alright.” Malleus pulled out his own, showing it. Immediately, you looked in shock. It was well taken care of and super cool looking. 
“Woah… I can only dream of mine looking like that! Man, you’re always so cool, Tsunotarou!” You laughed. And there it was, the least cool nickname that you could give a man, and yet he still smiled over it. There was something about it that was a good deal more comforting than the fearful “Lord Malleus” that he was accustomed to.
“You really think it’s cool?” He asked. You grinned and nodded, before remembering something you had seen online about Gao Gao Dragons. You gently tapped the side of yours against Malleus’ and giggled.
“Come on, I hear that like this they can go over to each other’s little homes and be friends!” You told Malleus, watching excitedly as your little dragon started to walk on over to Malleus’ and they began to interact. And once again, Malleus was shocked by your forwardness, the way you had leaned in and gotten closer to him. It was a good thing you couldn’t detect how his heart started beating faster or the red that started to dust his pale face. You just smiled and watched the two little dragons interact in awe.
“Wow, yours is way bigger than mine. I guess it makes sense, with how much taller than me you are.” You told him, before gasping and pointing. “Look! They’re becoming friends!” You exclaimed, grabbing onto Malleus’ arm with excitement. Malleus just looked and blinked. He took a moment before responding with a hum.
“Well, that’s good. It would make sense, considering our own personalities mesh quite fine.” Malleus felt like he was taking a risk when saying that. What if you disagreed? But, you agreed wholeheartedly quite quickly.
“Yeah! I guess that’s a good way to think about it. I don’t think mine really acts like me yet, but yours sort of does.” You teased, pointing at Malleus’ dragon. “It’s big and aloof. No one ever knows what it’s thinking. Some people might even find it scary.” You told him. Malleus felt his heart droop. He knew that some people found him scary. But, did you? Did you fear him too? 
“Ah… I see.” He responded. Although he was doing his best to hide it, you noticed and immediately started to clarify.
“Ah, but your dragon also has a soft side. See?” You pointed to Malleus’ dragon nuzzling against yours and smiled. “I’m sure your dragon is also a really good friend. I sure think you are.” You watched as Malleus almost instantly perked up at your words. Good. Something in you hated to ever see Malleus upset, even if it was over something entirely miniscule. Malleus smiled, starting to become used to the closeness the two of you adopted as his heart began to slow. He noticed how you talked about your little dragon with such excitement, even asking Malleus for tips on how to care for it to make your dragon as “cool” as his. 
When the bell rang, he almost felt sad when your eyes widened.
“Oh god, is it really that late already? God, Crewel is going to kill me!” You got up and pulled her Gao Gao Dragon away from Malleus’, shoving the toy into your pocket. “Um, I’ve got to go! Thanks for hanging out with me, but I’m super late to class right now!” You told him. Malleus gasped as you got up and started to leave him, instinctive reaching out and grabbing onto your arm. You looked back in bewilderment as Malleus looked at you, seemingly in the same amount of shock you were. He took a long moment before answering.
“Ah, can we do this again sometime? Show each other our dragons, I mean.” He asked. You blinked at him before smiling.
“Yeah, of course! Feel free to come over tonight, I’ll show you my progress.” You told him. The second bell rang, and you immediately went into panic. “The warning bell already?! God, this is terrible!” You pulled away from Malleus, running off in hopes of getting to your class before you really were about to be murdered for being late. Malleus just watched you run off, holding a hand to his chest. As he watched you run, his heart rate started to increase again. Maybe he would have to ask Lillia what exactly such a feeling meant. After all, he had never experienced anything like it before.
He had never been so sad to watch someone leave, while being so excited to be able to see them again before.
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misterewrites · 3 years
Mystery at the Salt-Irons
Hey everyone! E here with a new chapter! kept you waiting huh? Haha sorry it's been a busy few weeks. Nothing serious but I had to keep starting and stopping this chapter so it threw me off but it's here, it's ready and I hope you enjoy it!
I have some special guests in this story, some ocs made by my friends because you know what I can so I will and honestly, they were really great oc ideas guys. so keep an eye out for @hains-mae and Biz_fantasist  OC(I don’t know if she has a tumblr but it’s late so I’ll edit it later) 
That's it for me! I hope you are all stay safe, keep your loved ones safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, push to give everyone the vaccine cuz this is getting ridiculous. I hope you have a great week, thank you for reading. I deeply appreciate and feel free to share it with your friends, give me feedback. Reblog and comments all that fun stuff! Thanks and I'll see you soon!
Here’s the chapter over at Ao3
Here’s the story from the beginning if you’re curious what this is about
and here’s a list of all my work both original and the various fandoms I write for
Summary:  Finnrick is called to solve a mysterious case as per his job as the city's only Private Investigator wizard but as he sinks deeper into the case, the more it seems that something is happening behind the scenes. Of course with an old friend in town and dark magic surrounding the case, Finnrick is as busy as ever. Ain't no rest for the wicked.
The Salt-Iron Flats weren’t anything special on the surface: An unassuming apartment complex on the north side of Newton Haven, the only thing most people remembered about the place was how the price tag hurt their souls.
Of course, unlike the general housing market, the Salt-Irons (affectionately referred to by the locals) actually had a very reasonable reason for fetching such a high rate: The salt and cold iron baked into every single brick that formed the building.
If you weren’t in the magical know, you’d think it utterly insane that you’d be forced to pay such a large amount of cash because some weirdo decided to make a new age artistic statement with bricks. Of course, if you are aware of the greater community at large, you’d knew you were paying the insanely large sum because someone decided to make the Salt-Irons the single most protective location in the city.
Most mortals have forgotten their history, their lore and collective knowledge passed down throughout the generations: Why their ancestors used to place lines of salt in front of the door and windows, why the elders always suggested to the braver, recklessly youthful family members to carry iron whenever they ventured through the wild.
Outer beings were repelled by salt and iron. No one really had an idea why fae, angels and demons weren’t fond of salt or iron and there's been plenty of arguing about the subject but all in all the fact remained they did not do well when faced with either.
That was the main reason Finnrick didn’t find himself in the north side of town often.
Well that and the zealous Gate Keepers. Those guys were freaks but between them and the Salt-Irons being the only supernatural community up here, Finn never got a case from the area.
Until today.
The Salt-Irons were great at protecting you from any outside threats that wished you ill will: It didn’t protect you from anything you decided to bring in with you.
It was five in the morning when Finnrick got the call. The M.R.R.D representative didn’t have much to offer beyond the address and floor but he thanked her all the same.
Finnrick yawned tiredly, stretching the tension out of his neck while he sipped his coffee. He let out a sigh of relief as the sun slowly rose into the sky.
The Salt-Irons was a twelve story tall building painted a ghastly pale green that made Finnrick sick just looking at it.
“People are paying how much to live in that shade? I’d ask for discount if I were them.” Finnrick laughing to himself, making his way into the apartment complex.
Luckily the interior was much nicer than the outside: Everything was well kept and cleaned. Not a single speck of dust in sight and the wooden stairs didn’t creak when Finnrick placed his foot on them.
Which was good given Finnrick needed to go up seven flights of stairs.
Finnrick wheezed a little, wiping the sweat from his brow when he reached the seventh floor. He glanced down the hall one way then the other as he began to search for room 707 which basic deductive reasoning suggested should be around the corner.
Finnrick crushed the empty foam cup and tucked it into his coat pocket as he made his way to 707. It was a simple wooden door and immaculately spotless just like the rest of the place. He rose his hand and gently rapped on the door.
No response.
He frowned, checking if he was still alone in the empty hallway and rose his hand towards the door frame.
His eyes glowed with a blue energy as he whispered softly “Revelis”
The door gleamed with a bluish hue for a moment before fading away without a trace.
No protective spells laced over the frame so the only thing Finn had to worry about now if it was locked.
He tried the knob, unsurprised when it swung open silently.
“It’s not breaking and entering if someone’s expecting you” Finnrick justified to himself as he pushed the door in.
He nearly staggered backwards: The air tasted thick and foul like something had been left rotting inside. His skin prickled with anxiety, a chill running down his spine with each step he took further in.
Finnrick took deep, calming breathes while doing his best to ignore the bitter taste that seem to cling the air within.
He noticed the trail of footsteps, perfectly preserved in what appeared to be black dust leading deeper into the living room.
“Hey da! You here?” Finnrick called out, carefully stepping closer “You and ma still married?”
There was a deep grunt of acknowledgment before a voice responded “Sorry son, we’re divorced now. She got custody of you.”
“Well fuck. I guess I’m going to be eating kale and poorly cooked spinach for the rest of my life.”
Garrus Valka was not in fact Finnrick’s father, adoptive or otherwise. He was actually one of the highest ranked officers of the Magical Rapid Response Department: An elf clocking in at 200 years old with richly tanned skin. His bluish gray hair was slicked back in his preferred style. Garrus’s had his back turned to the detective but Finn knew his sliverish gray eyes were deep in concentration as he took down notes about the surroundings. His beautifully inhuman features were marred with a scar on the right side of his face: burnt skin on his cheek, healed by time and various surgeries. An old war wound though Finn never got the full story.
He was dressed in typical M.R.R.D fashion: Dark blue windbreaker, jeans and a blue shirt with the words “Powered by coffee and spite” splashed across the front. His Winchester rifle was slung across his back, ready for any action that may befall the elf.
“Drift.” Garrus greeted teasingly while offering a hand.
Finnrick gave it a playful shake “Da. So is mom here or she trying to smite pigeons again?”
“THEY TRIED TO STEAL MY HOTDOG!” Garrus’s partner Eden screamed from another room “I SHALL BRING MY GOD’S WRATH UPON THEM!”
“You know when they mean justice.” Finnrick called out “I don’t think they mean against winged rats.”
Eden chuckled darkly “You know not their sins.”
“Okay.” Finnrick nodded despite the fact she couldn’t see him “If you say so. What happened Da? Aside powerful necromancy.”
“Powerful necromancy” Garrus replied cheekily “and missing persons.”
Finnrick rose an eyebrow “Persons? More than one?”
“Two: A father and son. Richard Charles and his son Richard Jr. Recluses it seems. Neighbors hardly saw them. Mostly kept to themselves.”
Finnrick pursed his lips thoughtfully “Any magical abilities?”
“They’re not on records if that’s what you mean.” Garrus answered “Never signed up in the academy, not registered with The Council. If they were practitioners they didn’t tell anyone.”
“So what was the spell? I just smell the remnants of spookiness.”
“Hadn’t noticed the rest of the room huh?”
Finnrick frowned before finally getting a good look at the rest of the room: Every inch of the apartment was blanketed with the same black dust that he found in the entrance way. Inches and inches of the substance and that wasn’t the strangest part.
Everything was bent at different and odd angles: chair with crooked legs, the wall clock warped and twisted, the fridge leaning like someone folded it in half. Floorboard reached for the sky and walls split inward.
There was a common misconception about magic. Most people thought spell casters, especially wizards, could command reality to their wills. That magic was capable of impossible feats and it was as simple as snapping your fingers.
The truth was all magic, ranging from divinity to free range nature, was performed on a micro scale. Practitioners did not alter reality but rather shortcut it. Throwing fireballs was as simple as rapidly heating the air until it combusted. Turning invisible was less about vanishing completely as it was bending the light around you to not be seen. Magic was rooted in reality and imagination. If you had the magical strength to perform the magic, the magic often followed your lead.
Of course there were spells that required much more than magical hand and willpower. Powerful magic, like summoning outer beings or raising an army of zombies, required both time and materials. Magic was like any other energy: you needed enough of it to perform what you wanted. The human body could only generate so much magic without dying and resting was necessary to replace any expended in the use of spells. Materials were guidelines for the spell. Feathers for anything with flight, ash for fireballs etc etc.
The other thing needed was to gather energy and store it for the spell’s use. There were different ways to achieve this: Wands, talismans, potions were basically magic soups. The most efficient way to gather energy was the wizards preferred way: Circles.
Finnrick eyed the room closely this time, murmuring under his breath about angles and trajectory. Garrus paid him no mind, well familiar with the private investigators methods.
“If this went like that” he gestured to the wall clock “and that went here.”
Finnrick glanced about, carefully walking about as if worried he was going to step on a landmine.
“Here.” Finnrick found himself staring at a spot in the middle of the room “Ventus.”
He gestured with a hand and light breeze filled the room. It brushed away some of the dust covering floor, revealing the outline of a half melted metal ring.
“What is it?” Garrus turned curiously
“Spell circle. The source of the explosion. I’m willing to bet it’s custom made. Copper, steel. Maybe some bits of tin couldn’t stand the surge.”
“No iron or sliver?”
Finnrick shook his head “That’s for containing or repelling monsters. Necromancy is more about drawing in the evil entities. Or sucking out life.”
Garrus sighed tiredly “Don’t touch?”
“Only if you want to live to see retirement. Might have some pent up magic ready to blow outwards.”
“Understood. I’ll call in our guys. I’ll let you know if something comes up.”
Finn nodded gratefully while pulling out a vial and motioning to the elf “Mind if I do?”
“Be my guest, you might find something we’d miss.”
Finnrick smiled gratefully before scooping up some of the dust and sealing it within the vial.
“Take care Garrus, stop fighting birds Ma!”
“Flying rats!”
The cafe was lively despite being early but that was no surprise given it was Mother’s. Mother’s was the single best food establishment in all Newton Haven and if anyone disagreed, they were allowed to have their opinions.
They were also allowed to be wrong.
Finnrick paused in the doorway, breathing in the scent of well cooked eggs and sweet lemonade. The pop and sizzle of heated grease brought a sense of comfort to the hard working private investigator.
“Finny Drift!” Maddie Copperstone called from behind the counter “How’s my favorite customer holding up?”
Maddie was 40 years young with tastefully curled dark brown hair. Human, little on the short side but fierce. She wore a simple red blouse and jeans, both stained with flour that the apron around her waist did not prevent.
Finnrick bounced over cheerfully, reaching over the counter to give the matron the biggest hug he could muster “I’m good Maddie. Working a case.”
Maddie’s brown eyes searched his face carefully “You always working Finny. You resting as much?”
“Scout’s honor.”
Maddie let out a disbelieving chuckle “You weren’t ever a Scout.”
“Honorary scout after I stopped that bear from eating them.”
“Thought it was a giant raccoon.”
“Yes but people don’t take giant raccoon seriously. He here?”
Maddie clicked her tongue disappointingly but motioned to the booth at the far end of the establishment “Rest.”
Finnrick rose his hand in surrender “After.”
“Never you mean!” Maddie shouted after him.
Amos Frye hadn’t changed much since last he was roaming around Finnrick’s neck of the woods: Handsome with soft gray eyes that reminded Finn of gathering storm clouds. His long black hair was tied in a messy bun held up by a golden pin, a braided strand hung loosely near his face. His beard was much shorter than what Finnrick remembered though he noted the unkempt split ends indicated that Amos hadn’t trimmed it in a few weeks. His iconic dark red sleeveless jerkin and black jean combination would look ridiculous on a lesser man but had allowed the monster hunter to show off his muscular frame. His brown skin was a bit more pale than usual so no doubt Amos had been operating at night lately.
“Finnrick, you cheeky bastard! I am so glad you came!” Amos beamed happily, his various bangles and bracelets clinking together in equally joyous celebration as the two shook hands.
“Amos! Happy to see you.” Finn beamed brightly as he slid into the booth across his old friend “Why though? Family trouble?”
Amos’s joyfully gleam turned dark for a moment.
“No. Have you…?”
Finnrick shook his head quickly “Not a word. Sorry, I hadn’t meant to…”
Amos waved the apology away “No worries cuz. I understand why you’d think that. Coming across the pond isn’t a spur of the moment thing and Os has always been the black sheep of the family. I suppose no news is good news.”
“Right.” Finnrick cleared his throat awkwardly “So what’s the trouble? I doubt you’d call me up for a nip and chat.”
“Rightly so.” Amos confirmed, reaching into the bag at his side and pulling out a folder “Hunting business as usual cuz.”
That made sense: Amos was the latest of a long family whose specialized business was monster hunting. The Fryes had been striking at things that went bump in the night for centuries ever since the first Frye defended the folk of some underground society.
Amos was an average wizard if Finnrick was being generous. That was not a slight against his old friend, it was a matter of fact: Amos spent most of his time honing the physical aspects of his profession which was obvious given the size of his arms. Any spells he knew were purely for defensive or preventive measures so he often communicated with Finnrick for higher quality and complex spellwork.
Finnrick took the folder from Amos and began pouring over its contents.
Most were quickly scrawled notes Amos had noticed about his quarry: Long sliver hairs, canine in nature. Large paw prints found in the areas it had been sighted, far too big to any natural wolf. Wulfvur and werewolf were hastily written and as quickly crossed out. A pattern of hanging out in wild areas, often forests and swamps.
There were pictures too: flashes of sliver, blurs of fangs and muzzles darting in and out of camera frame. It was always a distance away, sprinting deeper into the wildness. It was hard to tell from the photos but Finn guessed it might’ve been 10 feet tall at the very least.
“Why we hunting wolves now?” Finnrick asked curiously.
Amos flagged down the waitress “Contract given to my pa. It was hanging around the marsh lands of the jolly old isles. Someone wanted it gone.”
Something wasn’t clicking with Finn “and you followed it here? From England?”
“Nah cuz” Amos gave a cheeky grin “I tackled it through a portal and found I illegally crossed into America.”
“Ah.” Finnrick nodded in understanding “Fae.”
“Fae?” Amos frowned thoughtfully “I thought that too but I never heard of any snarling wolfie breaking into homes and snatching out wee younglings in them old folktales.”
“Fae are weird.” Finnrick shrugged “Their whole shtick is not making any sense. I had to expel a cat the size of a bus once. Double decker tall.”
Amos whistled in appreciation as he scratched his bread “So fae. Slippy fellow as you can tell. Whatcha recommend?”
“What’s the contract?”
“Banishment. It’s looking like wolfie ended up in the wrong part of town.”
“I think you mean next town over. Fixed a pattern yet?”
“Not yet but I wasn’t looking for one.” Amos admitted “Thought I was tracking some mutant. Fae changes a lot. Magical circles?”
“Easiest way to catch it.” Finnrick agreed “Sliver for sure. Iron would hurt it and based on your files, it hasn’t done anything than thin the local wildlife population. No need to anger mister big bad wolf.”
“Good call. I got some talent to handle a few circles but tracking is not really my speed.”
“I’m on a case but if you swing by the M.R.R.D, maybe they’ll loan you a wizard.”
Amos let out a disappointed sigh “I need to take care this sometime this year Finny. Bloody bureaucracy probably set me back a month at least.”
“There’s always Jaime but she’s pretty busy at work.”
“Jaime huh?” Amos smiled mischievously “I haven’t talked to your sister in a long time.”
“I will curse you.” Finnrick playfully threatened “And not no simple hex either. I’ll make you bald.”
Amos gasped dramatically, clutching at his hair protectively “You wouldn’t dare mate.”
“Shinier than the sun.”
“Okay, okay” Amos conceded “I’m kidding. She’s with Casey anyway. Good couple. Cute couple. He still hopelessly selfless and she still trying to fast track her way to power?”
“You gonna fix that?”
Finnrick shook his head “It’s their lives. Their choices.”
“Idiots.” Amos chuckled “the lot of them.”
“All you need is love?”
“Spoken true the gospel of my land.”
A few hours later with a brainstorm session completed and a promise to help out the next day, Finnrick left Amos to his work and continued with his own.
It was noon now and as the sun rose high in the sky, Finnrick found himself at the Grimyard.
The Grimyard was the premiere spot for all things magical in Newton Haven: Rows and rows of shops specifically catering to the magic community. The streets were paved with century old cobblestone and the buildings here were various hues of faded brick and mortar. It was easy to get lost in the Grimyard if it was your first time as the Grimyard did not spread out, it stacked downward. Layers upon layers of the Grimyard were actually underground to allow those with issues against the sun to sell their goods and services at all times of the day. Don’t let the dark fool you, anyone with worthy talent or product was here in the Grimyard.
Normally Finnrick would wander around a bit, checking out the various businesses and protective wards around the mile long patch of land but he was on the clock and the sooner he began to figure out what was going on, the sooner he could stop it.
Luckily for him, his destination was right here on the top floor of the marketplace. Specifically furthest back corner.
Knightly Ore was ran by the Knight family. Originally they only sold rare metals and ores which were necessary components for some of the more complicated magicks. At some point the owners expanded into selling more alchemical materials and eventually brewing potions, salves and such for a fee.
Despite decent business, it was the most rundown building in this part of the Grimyard: Broken window shudders with the paint faded down to the original shade when the business first opened decades ago. The humble black door was crooked and creaked whenever it moved
Finnrick knew the owners fairly well but here wasn’t here for them. He was here to see their son.
He pushed past the building, ducking into the alley that led to the lot directly behind the shop.
“Halt!” A voice called out “Who seeks the Brewmaster of the Grimyard?”
“It is I, Finnrick the detective. I got money and I need work done”
The Brewmaster was Theodore Knight, an incredibly talented alchemist who didn’t have the same opportunities Finnrick did: He was pretty tall for his age (14 or 15, Finnrick lost track once or twice) but clearly a teenager given his short lavender hair had a few strands dyed red. His eyes were an unnatural pale blue, paler than the blue of the sky. He wore the usual attire Finn often found him in: A sleeveless dark blue hoodie with a fist sized red gem clasped in front just under his neck and a lighter shade blue t-shirt. He wore black finger-less gloves gripping his brown messenger bag slung around his shoulder. A matching brown pouch hung around the waist of his gray cargo shorts and his brown boots were kept clean despite his place of business was in an alley behind his parents shop.
Theo jumped out from a hidden shadowy corner of the lot “Finn, whatcha got for me now?”
Finnrick reached into his pocket, showing the eager teen the vial that held blacken dust within.
“That’s it?” Theo scoffed, rolling his eyes “I was expecting something…...cooler.”
He took the vial and raised it to the sun. Theo gave it a rough shake and watched it carefully for any properties the strange substance would display.
Theo frowned, clearly unsatisfied by what he saw “You brought me ash? Plain ash? It’s your money but even I think it’s a waste.”
“It’s ash?”
Theo shot the detective a look that screamed how obvious it should’ve been “Yes, ash. Thicker than what I’ve seen but ash all the same.”
Finnrick bit his cheek thoughtfully.
“Look Finn, you know my rates. I dunno what you want me to do but standard fees apply.”
“I’ll paying double.”
The Brewmaster’s eyes narrowed suspiciously “Double for ash? What’s so special about it?”
“Oh nothing." Finnrick pretended to look disinterested “Aside it was taken directly from a crime scene: Necromancy and cast via a half melted spell circle.”
It took Theo a minute to allow the implications of what Finnrick said to sink in. His eyes shifted from suspicion to wild excitement.
“Really?!” Theo clutched the vial like it was his first born child “Necromancy really doesn’t like many alchemy processes. It’s not going to be easy for me.”
“I know right?” Finnrick grinned impishly “It’s almost like I’m going to have to pay double for it.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to….” Theo pouted unhappily “Ha freaking ha. Okay smart guy, pay up.”
Finnrick handed over 50 gold. Theo took it eagerly, his eyes lightening up with glee.
Theo paused for a moment, his face turning oddly serious for a teenager.
“It might take me awhile depending on what you want.”
“I want to know what’s in it. Necromancy requires specific ingredients. After that it’ll be easier to track the seller.”
“And the buyer!” Theo blurted out excitedly “Smart.”
Finnrick ruffled his hair playfully “I wish I thought of it. You keep this up and you’re going to run me out of business.”
“I’ll text you when I have something.”
“Pleasure as always Theo.”
“It’s Brewmaster.”
It was 2 in the afternoon when Finnrick made his way back to the Salt-Iron. He stood outside the complex, tossing the remains of his pizza into his waiting maw and crumpling the can of soda he was drinking before tucking into his coat pocket.
“What’s this?” Finnrick asked, utterly confused by the crushed foam cup he pulled from within “Oh right my coffee. I’ve been really at today.”
Finnrick wiped his hands clean and made his way inside the Salt-Iron once more, mulling over the details of the case as he ascended up the stairway.
Blacken ash cast by a spell circle. Both father and son missing with no indication where they went too. Recluses and rarely seen. Necromancy within a threshold.
It was hard to tell how deeply the father and son were involved in spell. Someone who had access to the apartment was behind it no doubt. Spell circles were the most consistent way to cast magic but they took time to build, set and channel energy. You didn’t build a spell circle without knowing exactly what you plan to do with it.
The nature of the magic was also a mystery: Dark magic had various applications and not a single one was good. Finnrick hadn’t much experience with that branch of magic but there was nothing logical about the aftereffects: Ash spread throughout the apartment, clinging to everything like a second skin. There was no signs of an outward blast given that nothing bent in the same direction. Everything in that room decided to twist in whatever wayit felt like. If the spell was supposed to draw in something then chair legs and wall tiles would’ve been pulled directly towards the circle.
“Curiouser and curiouser Alice” Finnrick spoke to no one in particular.
He was on the fifth floor when he noticed something odd.
Finnrick raised an eyebrow as the skies outside the window darken, black and stormy.
A thunderstorm it seems.
Finnrick peered out the window, glancing upwards to see what was going on.
Dark clouds swirled directly overhead. Rain began to lightly drizzle as the skies boomed. Thunder and a moment later lightning trailing across the gathering storm.
A thunderstorm that formed directly above this building.
Without warning.
“Well that’s not ominous.”
Finnrick made the mistake of leaning closer to the window, peering around to see if he could see where exactly the storm was coming from when it happened.
“Watch out below!”
Finnrick noticed three things in that moment: First, was of course, someone shouting to watch out below. Second was the distant sound of claws scratching something wooden, the walls perhaps. Lastly was the thudding of something falling down quickly and towards him.
Finnrick rose his hand, pivoting on his heels in time to see something crash into him.
It wasn’t much of a contest: Both Finnrick and whatever slammed into him broke through the fifth story window and went sprawling into a freefall.
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Among Us idea: Because I'm a little bit obsessed with game mechanics and glitches in fic...how about a round where one of the Hermits gets left behind? The game ends, and everyone but them is transported to the lobby, but they're just left on an empty ship flying eternally to some destination it will never reach... All the tasks are done. There's nothing left to do. So why is the game still keeping them there? And how do they escape? (It could also be two people left, if writing just one alone would be boring. Your choice who!)
also i had a kind of idea to expand the concept a little bit and i hope that’s okay :)
also also i too love the ideas that utilise glitches or kinda ignore game mechanics; they're always so interesting to write! :D
Having finished his tasks a long time ago and not being teleported to any meetings lately, Skizz wanders around the whole ship, trying to find a friend. A buddy. Or literally anyone. But the ship seems deserted.
Finally, Skizz wanders into admin and checks the special table.
To his shock, he finds only two yellow faces on the screen: one in admin and one in cafeteria. So he rushes into the cafeteria and literally bumps into someone coming the other way.
“Oh my gosh, FINALLY,” Impulse breathes. “Where IS everyone?”
Skizz glances away, unable to meet his best friend’s gaze. “We have a problem.”
Impulse frowns. “What?” he asks warily.
“Um…” Skizz rubs the back of his neck. “So… it seems we’re the only two people on the ship.”
It takes a moment for Impulse’s brain to process what his friend just said. “...what?”
“I looked around the whole ship and then went to the admin table. There were only two yellow dots: me and you. There’s literally nobody else anywhere on the ship, dude.”
“But… I…” Impulse blinks. “How is that possible? Did the game end and leave us behind, somehow?”
“I feel like that’s the only possible explanation, but at the same time, it makes no sense.”
“Well, if this IS what happened, it’s gotta be a glitch, right?” says Impulse.
Skizz nods. “Gotta be. But now the question is… how do we get outta here?”
Impulse gazes around the room. “The game always automatically puts us back in the lobby when we’re done, so… I don’t think there’s a way of manually doing it.”
Skizz stares back at him with wide eyes. “You mean we’re stuck in THIS particular ship forever?!”
“W-Well, hopefully not FOREVER,” Impulse responds nervously. “I’m sure they’ll have realised we’re missing by now and they’ll be trying to get us back.”
“But what if they can’t?!” Skizz yelps. “We’ll be trapped in this purgatory forever!”
“Not helping, Skizz,” snaps Impulse. “We’ll be totally fine. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah, like I can have ANY faith in your words anymore,” mutters Skizz, turning away.
Impulse glances sharply at him, sensing that his best friend’s words aren’t about Among Us. Not entirely. “What do you mean?”
Skizz just rolls his eyes and walks off.
Impulse watches him go. Looks like Skizz hasn’t been so quick to forgive and forget after all. Now the way Skizz was acting around him earlier makes sense.
After making a quick trip around the ship, Impulse discovers Skizz sitting leaning against the wall in admin, tossing a stack of ID cards at the wall one at a time.
“Still no way off,” Impulse reports. “Looks like we’re stuck here until they rescue us. Flying through space. On a ship heading to nowhere. An endless journey. With nothing except-.”
“Yes, okay, I get it!” Skizz snaps at him.
After a moment, Impulse leans against the admin table. “Skizz, you’ve been acting weird around me all night. I think we need to talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk.”
“C’mon. We’re stuck here on a ship on our own for the foreseeable future. There’s no better time to talk than now.”
“Okay!” snaps Skizz unexpectedly, jumping to his feet. “FINE! You wanna talk?! I don’t care! You did a LOT of talking back there on 3rd Life and not a word of it was true!”
Impulse frowns. “Is that what this is about?”
Skizz’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. “WH- WHAT DO YOU MEAN “is that what this is about”?! You say that like I’m mad at you for stealing my sandwich! Impulse, you LIED to me, BETRAYED me, and then watched Grian KILL me! You told me over and over again that you were on my side and you were loyal to us but you planned to betray us from the start! Y-You planned to betray ME. Do you-” He breaks off with a bitter laugh. “You know what, I was gonna say “do you have any idea how much that hurts?” but you DO, don’t you? Because your own ally turned on you. And murdered you. And you know what? YOU DESERVED IT!”
Impulse can only stare at his best friend with an expression of guilt and sadness.
“I wanted you to go far, dude! I wanted you to win at one point!” Skizz’s voice cracks. “I thought you were the best of us but it turns out you were nothing but a dirty liar and a traitor! I thought “oh, his strategy of playing all sides is pretty smart, actually, but he’s gonna have to pick a side at some point” but I didn’t realise that meant pretending to pick a side and then STABBING THEM IN THE BACK! Of all the- the jerky things to do! You pick the worst one! I-I just don’t understand how you could do that to someone you’ve been a brother to for A QUARTER OF A CENTURY! GOD, you SO deserved to die and the biggest regret of my life is that I didn’t get imposter tonight so I could stab you in the FACE!”
Skizz finally stops talking, breathing heavily. He takes in a deep breath, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Wow… I did not expect to yell that much…”
“I…” Impulse searches for something to say. But he can’t find anything. “I don’t…”
“You don’t have to say anything, Impulse.” Skizz gives a weak smile. “I-I think I just needed to… to let my feelings out.”
“You just needed to yell at me, huh? I get that.”
“Haha, yeah. Remember that time I snuck onto Hermitcraft and did a bunch of reckless things and then died, and you didn’t know if I was gonna respawn or not?”
Impulse nods, a small smile appearing on his face. “That’s what I was indirectly referring to. I think my throat hurt from yelling at you for, like, two weeks after that.”
“Are we even now, then?” asks Skizz.
“Well, I mean… Probably not. I still have a lot to make up for.”
Skizz shakes his head. “No, it… it’s okay. We all did things in that place that we’re not proud of.”
“Even the great Skizzleman?” teases Impulse weakly.
“Oh heck yeah. I still have nightmares about how I violently murdered two of my friends and how bloodthirsty I felt for so long. It freaks me out that I got to that point, man. Even in Among Us when I murder people, even you, I never got THAT bad.”
“Yeah, 3rd Life was…” Again, Impulse searches for the right word. “...an experience. In more ways than one.”
“It really was,” Skizz murmurs, letting out a long breath. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have let it affect Among Us so much.”
“No, it’s okay. And we can-.”
Impulse breaks off Skizz suddenly disappears in front of him. Blinking, he just has time to take a step forward before the admin room vanishes and he finds himself back in the lobby.
With eight people staring at him.
“Oh my gosh, finally!” Tango gasps, grabbing both Impulse and Skizz in a hug. “Are you guys okay?”
“We’re fine, dude,” laughs Skizz quietly. “We just yelled at each other a bit, that’s all.”
Impulse chuckles. “Well, it was mostly Skizz doing the yelling.”
“Yeah, true. How did you guys even manage to get us out?”
“The insane genius that is Etho hacked into the code and managed to force the round to end again,” Tango responds. “Somehow. I dunno how. Took us a while to figure out what’d happened, though.”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen that glitch before,” Etho chimes in. “There was six left, Grian and Ren double-killed me and Pungence to win, and that should’ve been it. The rest of us respawned in the lobby but we realised you two were missing.”
“Whoa, that’s so weird.” Skizz exchanges a look with Impulse. “Cuz for us, it was like the round just hadn’t ended.”
“Yeah, we’d both done all our tasks and we had no idea anything had happened.”
“What did you guys do?”
Impulse and Skizz shoot each other another look, silently making a mutual decision. “Just talked a bit and tried to look for a way out,” Impulse replies. “That’s all.”
Tango frowns, clearly picking up on the slight tension between them, but he doesn’t mention it. “Okay. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.”
Skizz thinks back to the way he’d exploded at Impulse, and the way Impulse had looked at him with fear in his eyes. All the fury, the despair, the hurt… It had all spilled out at once. Skizz never wants to feel that way again.
“Let’s hope not.”
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aliasimagines · 4 years
operation fools in love//luke patterson
requested by a lovely anon
word count: 3333(!!!)
a/n: i still don’t know how to write endings
The corridor was noisy with loud chatter, quietly whispered gossip and the sound of rushing students' shoes hitting against the floor. 
You hummed  'edge of great' as you started fishing out the books you need for class from your locker. It has been stuck in your head since yesterday evening when the guys played it for you and Flynn at band practice. 
You were about to close your locker when he poofed next to you. 
“Hi, y/n!”
“AAHHH” you screamed, earning a few side looks from passing by students. 
“Ahh, I accidentally kicked my locker, haha…”you started explaining yourself before turning back to your open locker. You sent a glare in Luke’s way.
“What did Julie and I say to you? Do not teleport randomly to us at school!”
He chuckled.
“Yeah, rules, rules, I don’t care. I just wanted to drop in and say hi!” he smiled at you with his signature Luke smile.
“Well, you did. That’s all? I kinda need to go to class.” you spot Julie in the corner of your eyes as you walk over to her locker. You quickly wave at her and soon after she comes over so you can talk to Luke without looking crazy. 
Luke mumbles something under his breath and goes to scratch the back of his head.
“No! Uhm..Hi Jules… So y/n I also kinda wanted to ask if you would come to our gig tonight? You know, we are playing not far from that food place you like? "
You smiled, appreciating that he remembered your favorite food place. 
"Well,erm.. I guess? I want to but I might have dance practice, so I am not sure." you say, wishing you'd know for sure but you won't find out till the end of your classes. 
Luke's lips formed an 'o' before his gaze fell down on his shoes. 
"Oh well.. I-okay. Bye?" he says in an unsure tone before disappearing, leaving you to face Julie. 
"Well, wasn't that adorable?"  she asks with a smug grin. 
"What? What are you talkin' bout Jules?" you ask honestly confused. She laughs and puts her hand on your shoulder. 
"Sweetheart, you two are just oblivious to each other!" 
"I don't… What?" 
"You like him. He likes you. It's not that confusing. Really it is obvious." 
"Shhh, quiet!" you shh-ed her, quickly making sure if Luke was 100 percent gone. "I.. I don't like him." 
It was unnecessary, you couldn't even fool yourself and especially not Julie. 
"Y/N, come on girl, I know you do. And he does like you too! I mean I am writing songs with him, do you know how many lovesick lyrics he has written lately? It is making me sick." she laughed. 
"Well, he might have written them about someone else. Maybe you? You two have amazing chemistry."
Julie sighed and grabbed both of your shoulders so she could look at you. 
"Y/N, honey. Believe me when I say he is head over heels for you. Why else would he want you to be at our gig so much?”
„Luke is literally so passionate about music? Of course he wants to share it with me, cause he wants to share it with everyone.”
„Ahg, girl you need glasses cuz you can't see shit. Look, if  prove he likes you too will you believe me?”
„Sure. I mean you can’t prove something that is not true but, sure go ahead, ’prove it’.” 
Julie rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to respond but luckily for you the bell rang.
“See you later, alligator!” and with that you were off to class, leaving Julie alone to work on her master plan. 
She knew she had to pull this off because the mutual pinning was unbearable but she also knew she couldn't do it alone. She'll need all the help she can get and that includes Flynn and the rest of her ghost band. 
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You changed into your leggings and sweatshirt before heading into the gym where the dance practice took place. You were quite bumped. Don't get me wrong dancing is everything to you but.. You really did want to see the guys perform. 
You and the other kids were warming up, waiting for your teacher to start showing the choreography. But neither of you expected what she did next. Much to your surprise Reggie and Alex appeared next to her and started messing with her water bottle before you could even open your mouth.
For a moment no one acknowledged what was going on. Some were too busy chatting and warming up and Ms Janett was too busy with her phone. The two ghosts seemed to have noticed that and after exchanging a knowing smirk they grabbed the phone out of your teachers hands. She perked up, a mixture of anger and confusion on her face. And then… she saw her own phone floating in tin air.
“Stop!!” you whisper shouted  in the boys direction but they only gave you a smirk before Reggie started searching for the music player application. Alex pointed over Reggie’s shoulder.
“Uuu, play that one.” 
And as soon as the Lady Gaga song started playing Ms Janett let out a scream causing everyone to look up. You saw the boys dancing with the phone and the pompoms in their hand (although you have no idea where Alex got those pompoms) but everyone else just saw those items moving by themselves.
“GHOOOST!!! Everybody RUUUUUUN!” 
Some people followed the teacher, some stayed behind to take a closer look only to be scared away by a flying pompom. 
“What the heck are you two doing?” you turned to them,being  rather angry,  once you were the only living person in the gym. Seriously, what were they thinking?
“We cleared your afternooon! You can come to our concert!” Reggie exclaimed and put down the phone. 
“Do you think I would go after this fiasco you just pulled??” you were definitely angry now.
“Oh come on, if not for us then for Julie..and for Luke.”
You snapped your head in Alex's direction at the mention of Luke’s name.
“What do...No. Don’t try to divert the topic. What you did was incredebly stupid! What if.. What if someone connects the dots and figures out that Julie’s hologram band is actually a ghost band? There will be scientist and ghost busters and-”
“Shh, Y/N jeez, calm down. it will be okay. We’ll see you at the show.” 
And they poofed away. They simply left  you alone with your thoughts. You need to come up with some kind of explanation for the dance class but right now you need to go home and change. The boys were right, even if they kinda (really) caused a mess here you still like them and don’t want to miss seeing them live ((Winky face)).
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Meanwhile you were sorting through your dresses and outfit options. Julie and the band arrived at the venue for rehearsal.
Usually it was Luke who hyped Julie up before shows but right now the roles were switched because Luke looked like a kicked puppy ever since he learned you wouldn’t be able to make it to their gig. Of course Julie knew you will be here, as she was the one to send the boys to scare away your teacher. It was all part of her little plan.
Like mentioned Luke wrote half a dozen songs, all centered around his feelings for you. He stated to Jules that he will definitely not play them for you because there is just no way you like him back, but now Luke thinks you won’t be there so Julie is on the next step of her genius plan. Convince Luke to play one of his love songs.
“Luke, Lukey-poo, my man.” she started getting more and more cringy. “I thought we could close with Hero and Heroine? I know you said you don’t want to play it but it is such a great song, you definitely shouldn’t let it be just another forgotten song that stays on a piece of paper. Plus it is perfect for closing, think about it!”
“Julie...I-I told you I don’t wanna play it.”
“You told me you don’t wanna play it in front of Y/N, which would be the whole point of writing love songs to her but that's besides the point right now. Pleeassee?”
Luke took a deep breath and looked at his ghost mates for...What for? Support? Advice? He is not sure. He does want to play the song, pour out his emotions through the song but the question is..should he? He knows you can’t be here which both makes him wanna play the song and not at the same time.
“I agree with Julie, dude.” Alex said, shrugging his shoulder like he knew of nothing. Reggie nodded along.
“Okay..If you all think I w-”
Julie stood up and clapped her hands together.
“Cool! It is settled. I’ll need to make a phone call, brb.”
“Barbeque?” asked Reggie confused. Which made Alex laugh.
“Brb actually means be right back. Willie told me.” the blond made his way over to Luke and gently punched his shoulder. “Really Luke, that song is great. And I know you think there is no way Y/N would like you back but I am sure if she could hear it-”
“I’m a ghost, Alex! I can’t just confess to her, how are we gonna date? We can’t even touch.”
“That is totally not the reason. You are afraid she would decline your affection, I get it, but believe me I have seen her look at you. That longing in her eyes when I mention your name. She likes you.”
Luke rolled his eyes.
“Not that it matters, she won't hear the song and that is my final say in this.”
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As soon as Julie stepped out of the small, cigarette smelling backroom she dialed your number. You picked up after two rings.
“Hi, Jules.”
“Hi girl, I heard what the boys did, I am so, so sorry. You know they are idiots.”she said trying real hard not to laugh but she reminded herself of her plan and pulled on her poker face.”But..Are you coming to the show? Flynn could pick you up; she is about to get going.”
“Yeah I’ll come, tell the boys I will call my teacher and say it was a prank so they can thank me for saving their ghostbutts.”
Julie giggled and started playing with her hair.She walked up and down the small corridor that led to the stage from the backroom.
“I will, I better get back and warm up but you should call Flynn so she won’t leave without you.”
Of course Flynn wouldn’t leave without you. She was waiting in her car two blocks from your home waiting for your phone car.
She didn’t have to wait long, you called her and she pretended to not expect it. Flynn kinda became your and Julie’s driver ever since she got her driver's  license last month. 
By the time the two of you got to the venue the opening was playing their last song and the place was already packed with dancing teenagers. Flynn dragged you to the bar and asked for a cola for herself and a (favourite drink) for you. 
The two of you hung back and sipped your drinks until Julie appeared on the stage. Then you took Flynn by the hand and  started pulling her toward the stage. Only she held you back. 
"Hey, what's up? Don't we wanna go and watch them from closer?" 
"Oh, well, uhm...I'd rather hang back. The crowd kind of makes me anxious right now." Flynn said. You lifted an eyebrow at her. Flynn being anxious? In a crowd?? That did not convince you. But you didn’t argue. 
"Do you need to step outside a little or…" 
"Nah, it's good, let's just stay here in the back." 
So you did. You sang and danced along to the songs you both knew so well. You tried  your best not to stare at Luke too much but let’s be honest you failed miserably. Flynn occasionally wiggled her eyebrows at you when she caught you ‘drooling over him’ as she put it.
After they finished playing Stand Tall you expected them to bow and ‘disappear’ but much to your surprise Julie grabbed the mic and brought it to her lips.
“Hello, hello, helloo! Do y’all wanna hear one more song?” the audience erupted into a loud cheer. It was so heartwarming to watch. Julie doing what she was born to do, playing music and enchanting the crowd. Flynn seemed to have the same thought because she looked at her with such pride. You pulled her into a big hug and the two of you waited for the crowd to quiet down so Jules could go on.
“Allright, allright. Now this song will be a bit different but...I will let Luke here tell it.”
You just became more and more surprised when Luke stepped closer to the mic and spoke into it, looking kinda...nervous? 
“Ohm..Hello everyone! So uh..This song is dedicated to a special someone, the songs called-”
“What’s the special someone’s name?” your eyes travelled to Reggie who asked the question with a huge grin. Luke turned to look at the bassist. If looks could kill Reggie would be double dead. But before Luke could give a voice to his disapproval towards Reggie’s question Julie spoke up.
“Yeah! What’s the name?” she turned towards the crowd and started chanting. “What’s the name?”
Soon Reggie and Alex joined with smiles painted on their faces along with the audience. You were so freaking confused. You looked at Flynn for some explanation but how would she know about it. 
“OKAY, okay, stop!” Luke yelled before laughing a little. “All right I will tell you guys but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone?”
All of a sudden you felt sick and wanted to get out of here. You were so not in the mood to hear Luke declare his love for someone. 
“This song is dedicated to..To Y/N. Unfortunately she wouldn't be here today but..she is an amazing person. Hope you all like the song.”
He...He couldn’t be talking about you, could he?
He started strumming his guitar and soon Reggie joined in with the bass and Alex with the drums. Jullie clapped her hands together and kept sending encouraging looks for the boy.
“It's too late baby, there's no turning around, I've got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud, this is how I do, when I think about you,I never thought that you could break me apart,I keep a sinister smile and a hole of my heart” he sang into the mic, his voice filling in the whole club “You want to get inside, then you can to get in line but not this time”
“'Cause you caught me off guard, now I'm running and screaming!” Julie joined in for the line“I feel like a hero and you're my heroine.”
“I won't try to philosophize, I'll just take a deep breath and I'll look in your eyes, this is how I feel and it's so so real I got a closet filled up to the brim with the ghosts of my past and the skeletons, and I don't know why, you'd even try but I won't lie” Luke sang and you finally realised what was going in. He wrote this song. For you. You looked over to Flynn who nodded towards the stage and mouthed ‘go’.
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine. Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?
You started making your way towards the stage, slipped through the cracks between dancing people and singing fans. The further you got the harder it was to get through but you heard Luke’s voice and you kept going.
And I feel a weakness coming on, never felt so good to be so wrong. Had my heart on lock down and then you turned me around
And I’m feeling like a new born child..
You finally break through a few screaming girls and see him.
“-Every time I get a chance to see you smile. It’s not complicated, I’m so jaded.” Luke sings and looks at the audience and- He spots you. Looking up at him with eyes wide open and admiration on your face. His voice cracks because of the sudden surprise of your presence but you smile at him and that is all he needs to continue.
“And you caught me off guard...Now I’m running and screaming”
He sang the song with such passion that even if you weren’t before now you were absolutely sure this wasn’t just a simple crush. 
When they finished you didn’t waste a lot of time, you ran backstage, quickly waving your vip ticket.  You almost run into Julie on your way to the door of the backroom.
“Who- Y/N!”
“This was your doing, wasn’t it?” you smiled at her already knowing the answer. She flashed a toothy grin. 
“Well I had a great team behind me but yeah, Operation FiL was my idea.”
“Phil?” you ask back .
“No, no. F i L. Fools in Love. Now go get ‘im tiger!”
You shook your head and entered the backroom. Luke stood with his back facing you but as soon as he saw you in the mirror he spinned around. For a moment you forgot he was a ghost and ran to give him a hug. 
“Y/N, no-” he put his hands out so he could catch you, simply out of reflex but he didn’t expect to actually hold you in his arms. You both looked at each other with eyes as wide as a 6 lane highway. 
“How can I-”
“Do you care?”  you closed the little distance between the two of you and pressed your lips against his.  They were just as soft as you imagined oh, so many times before. He kissed back gently, afraid that this is just a dream. But this was definitely too real to be a dream. You unfortunately had to pull back to catch your breath but Luke looked leaned closer to press his forehead against yours.
“The song was so beautiful, I loved it.” you whisper. He just stared at you with a smile.
“If I knew you would kiss me, I would have played it a long time ago.” you giggled and brought your lips together for one more kiss. He let his hands wander this time but so did you. Your fingers ran through his brown hair, this being something you wanted to do for so long. He kept one hand on your waist and placed the other on the side of your face.
Your lips moved so in sync like you’ve been doing this all your lives. You were so drawn to each other, you felt like you couldn’t pull away in that moment even if you tried. Like this invisible magical force just glued the two of you to-
“Okay, that is enough! Get out I need to change!” Julie brusted in causing Luke to jump up and cling to you like Scooby Doo.
“Wow, you are so brave.''you laughed rolling your eyes at. “Come on, let’s leave alone Julie. We’ll meet ya at the car?”
 Jules nodded and sent a wink in your way. You walked outside, both of you grinning like idiots. 
“So uhm...Does this make us, Us?”
“Yeah. I mean if that’s what you want too.” you look at your shoes and bite your lower lip waiting for his answer.
“There’s nothing I want more.” he said. “Oh well..maybe another kiss wouldn’t be so bad either..”
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