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ramuneda5149 · 6 months ago
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"Don't you want to become my Blessed?"
"Kill me."
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blueguydraws · 5 months ago
If H.P Lovecraft was alive today, he would be an analogue horror youtuber
Before i compared his works to found footage movies, but i think this is even more fitting.
Many of his writings are supposed to be real but found documents, like the confession of someone in prison who seemingly killed their best friend, or a suicide note in wich someone explain that they will turn into a monster if they dont do it. Call of cuthulhu is suppose to be the journal of an investigator who pieces together a story from letters, newspaper entries and witnes accounts.
I think this is a very cool way of writing a story, it kinda pulls you into the world more if it pretends to be from real life. But also the modern equalnt of this genre/style is those analogue horror stories where everything is already happened and got recorded, you are just watching back everything and piecing together what exactly happened.
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comikbook · 4 days ago
Would it be okay to draw Mercy and my Call of Cuthulhu characters Wiles havin a good time, shootin sheriffs maybe XD? I love the wild west and I love your art, so I ADORE Mercy and I would love to draw her!
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roseseals · 1 month ago
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shout out to when i summoned cuthulhu or something last night
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I found my Cuthulhu dark arts tarot cards and did my own readings for the past, future, and present, so my past is creation of separation, break up, bad news, arguing, and disapointment (which has already happened a shit ton in my past, my present transition of victory at work, professional fulfillment, and energy, my future is possession, older entity, practical, organized.
im so confused on what it means this is my first time doing this shit
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beril66 · 1 year ago
Heyo folks! So here's a list of this for another fic I am going to workon. I am writing here the rules so I don't forget and I would love to see people give me their opinions on what I can add! This time it IS a crossover series with Cuthulhu Mythos! (Mostly lovecraft lore and some other writer's take on it sprinkled in. No Other gods vs Great Old Ones nonsense though that was a stupid adition to Mythos I will DIE on this hill)
Our skele bois and everyone really are going to learn the HARD way there are being infinitely scarier and powerful than measely star parasites or amalgamation of emotions :D
This came after a delightful conversarion with a friend in space battle. So some heads ups;
Other gods or Outer Gods as people know them are the undisputed strongest things for what I hope obvious reasons. Put an unshattered C'tan or a chaos god in front of Nyarlathotep and they'll beg for their life
Azathoth DID NOT create 40k or any universe. Its a fan theory. It was Yog-Sothoth ;)
The races such as Elder Things and Great Race of Yith are among the oldest and most advanced (they are basically the Xeelee's since thats what they are meant to be in OG mythos Lovecraft was just shit at math and science) creatures in the verse. Remember how Mep'het'Ran bitched to the Necrontyr about how they also fought with the cruel old ones and lost and turned into celestial fart gases...well he didn't TECHNICALLY lie.
It just wasn't the 'Old Ones' Necrontyr were thinking XD (for real though in the ONLY alliance these two races ever forged they kicked the shit out of C'tan and destroyed their OG bodies) for these races, species in 40k galaxy might as well be monkeyd hitting each other with sticks. The difference between them are that great.
That war happened not 200 million year into the big bang btw. Yeah...when the first stars were babies. Elder Things and Yith are that old...they might be that old in OG mythos too now that I think about it 🤔
Remember Nihilakh Yyth seer? Yeah that thing is another unfortunate race Yith used as bodies and left long before necrons ever came...unfortunately the inhabitation caused the race to develop clairvoyance. And we all know what happened to the poor bastards.
The Elder things came to earth was basically an amish community got tired of ultra advanced tech XD they are the reason earth has life. They came waayyy before the billion year mark Lovecraft gives. First one celled organisms on earth appeard around 3.7 billion years ago. Yeah.
Randolph Carter is/was a friend of Big E's and still kicking in 40k with his silver key. Fully living in dreamlands with his friends and boy-ahem eternal headache Nyarlathotep though. He and Trazyn will become GOOD friends...maybe Orikan too. Tech wizardry isn't just belong to necrons after all.
Magic other than warp exists and it is both intransically bound with tech and seperate enough. Mostly safe too if you manage to keep your head while learning.
Assume all weird creatures in mythos exist.
Deep Ones have their own planet and allied with Big E around 2020s. They have full on STCs under their planet and still can build and understand DAOT tech, they are just smart enough to hide it really well. And since all of them are immortal most of the ones on the planet (pure and hybrids both) are over 30.000 years old. And remember EVERYTHING. Rest of the Imperium thinks they are filfhy mutants to be avoided. Deep Ones and hybrids mostly bleakly amused seeing most were alive in 1920s America how humanity seems to abandon one type of racism then immediatly embracing another.
Lost 2 Primarchs taken a worship of the Other Gods...this is magnetitudes more dire than chaos worship.
Orikan, Trazyn and Phillias will meet an interesting human who knows more than she ever should...if they are nice to her she might even draw them when they were necrontyr. She A LOT to say about their relationship during flesh times...revelations might or might not cause eternal sense to loss , pain and horror to what was lost...and maybe hope. 🤷‍♀️ (yes during Trazyn's bubble confinement)
Except Nyarlathotep to pop on Song of Oblivion and taunt Szerakh. Randoph migh or might not put the fear of actual gods in Szeras too
Anrakyr and Zulthanekh (don't ask me how they will ever meet I am just taken by the idea of their friendship because of ghostinthegalleries) will get a history lesson of the galaxy from Nyarlathotep.
Shoggoths are allies of humanity. As they lived only the really intelligent and sentient ones survived and after their ACTUAL discovery humanity (DAOT) have been not only nice to them but give them human rights Elder Thing colony never thought of. Surviving ones are fiercely loyal to humanity but few know their existance.... for obvious reasons. They are a hard counter for tyranids and help preserve Big E.
Big E was aware of other gods and there was no stopping them. Thankfully the only one who was invested into the galaxy was Nyarlathotep and Big E just pointed out sitting back and watching the inevitable clusterfucks all races cause would be infinitely more entertaining. (Randoph also threathened Nyarlathotep with sleeping on couch in Ilek-Vad XD)
...AND thats it. Thats all I got for now. I would love to see your suggestions Lovecraft and 40k lovers!
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wawek · 2 years ago
what's your ranking of all the rpg systems you've played from most to least favourite? i don't have anyone to play with atm but i'd like to try out a new system someday! (<- has played neuroshima most of her life and there's only so much depressing post apo one can stand)
1. City of Mist - great control over your character, you can basically make them do literally anything you dream up. Character progression is very focused on your characters personal growth (or getting more evil :P). Not too complicated (speaking as someone on campaign 3 whos only skimmed character creation and the moves shorthand guide)
2. Now my ranking falls apart, i have about the same fondness of both Monster of the Week and DnD.
Monster of the Week is very simple, which is good if youre just in it to have a short campaign with people who dont like learning a lot of rules. I found that playing it for longer made me feel like my characters class didnt matter that much besides my base stats... def more of a narrative based game but also i mostly took the less exciting classes so maybe thats why. Still! Pretty fun and you dont have to invest a lot to get started.
DnD 5e, jakie jest, każdy widzi... It's good, i already know how to play it and you can do a lot with it 👍 at the same time you cant do all that much, role play is not mechanically rewarding enough in my opinion, and trying to make it do what you want it to do often feels like a struggle. Its good its bad, i like it but i wish people stopped telling me to reskin dnd when im looking for a survival horror ttrpg.
Some quick mentions of things i played not enough to have an opinion on: did a one shot of Call of Cuthulhu 7e in like 2018 and ive been trying to play it again ever since with no luck 🙏. Played Fiasco once as a break between campaigns, quick and fun if youre looking for one evening kinda deal. Wanderhome is an adorable game that ive tried only once for a short short time but id love to play again at a tea party or something cute like that. Tails of equestria 👍
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feral-ttrpg-sounds · 2 months ago
Yo. It's Lore again. [ @justaloreaddict ] I've decided to start logging and sharing stories from Ttrpgs I'm in/been in, as well as just character concepts I have and worldbuilding for campaigns, plus just any other rpg nonsense.
Currently my top ttrpgs are:
D&D [5e]
Blades In The Dark [Bitd/BITD for short, sometimes Blades]
Pathfinder 2e [PF2e]
A Fallout D&D3.5 overhaul [lovingly homemade, very fun]
A Star Wars D&D3.5 overhaul [painstakingly formed, much variety]
Pendragon [medieval knight simulator]
The Cosmere RPG
In the future I hope to play;
Call of Cuthulhu
Adventure Skeletons
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treefrogsoup · 1 year ago
Okay, so actually answering this, there's three major families of TTRPG.
d20 games, which mostly take from DnD and similar
d6 games, which take from various sources from FUDGE die systems, a lot of GURPS games, and most PbtA style games, and finally
d100/2d10 like Call of Cuthulhu, MOTHERSHIP, and more.
Each are simulating a different thing. d100 is trying to simulate flat 0%-100% chances, d20 wants variance while allowing stability, e.t.c.
And that's not counting games that want dice like d8's, games hat use mixes of different die, and games that just go "fuck it, you're playing online, roll a d43".
A basic checklist for your one-page or pamphlet-size indie RPG which involves rolling dice:
Does the text at any point indicate how many sides the dice you're rolling should have?
That's literally 100% it. You would not believe how many short-form games I've run into that don't specify that.
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the-random-hamlet · 1 year ago
The NPC Reviews: The Record of Lodoss War - Episode 6
The war is in full swing and the Parn Squad have decisions to make and revelations to accept, or not accept as the case may be. Join the NPC and Cuthulhu as they ruminate.
Enjoy and please leave a comment or suggestion. 
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roodbaardtatsandart · 2 years ago
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Cthulhu for@my buddy Niels done a@while back @tattoo_ronda #leek #groningen - - - #traditionaltattoo #traditional #tattoo #oldschooltattoo #boldwillhold #dutchtattoo #dutchtraditional #oldschool #tradtattoos #whipshaded #bright_and_bold #tattoopunks #vegantattoo #frankie_deny #cuthulhu #cuthulhutattoo #nielshond #hardshoulder #fryslanhardcore #cornered #bloodsucker #zangerniley (bij Tattoo Ronda) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQgAZehIgS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cupofteasolveseverything · 2 years ago
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Constructing a couple of cute cosmic horrors. #amigirumi #amigirumiofinstagram #cosmichorror #cthulhu #cuthulhu #crochetofinstagram #crochet #crochetart #chibistyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckp7b3_Lmro/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magical-kaleidoscope · 6 years ago
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Beware creatures of the sea. Eldrich mermaids in particular.
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romirplayhouse · 3 years ago
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Você comanda cientistas em uma estação científica submarina russa em plena guerra fria. Que tal ficar demais e despertar uma criatura monstruosa? O que poderia dar errado? Isto é DP6, um jogo de Nordan Manz, publicado pela @burobrasil #nordanmanz #buró #burobrasil #redbox #dp6 #cuthulhu #estaçaosubmarina #guerrafria #coldwar #monstro #monster #jogosdetabuleiro #boardgames #brettspiel #boardgamephotography #jeuxdesociete https://www.instagram.com/p/CgmUxbmLo1Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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karlitachan · 3 years ago
Les comparto este pequeño #Haul de Compras, en el encontraran prendas #cthulhu , #DVA , #SailorMoon y mucho mas, son mis #Comprasdelmes y la mayoría de cosas son #Kawaii , ve a dejar musho amor al vídeo, por allá los leo 😃
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dehartmusicblog · 7 years ago
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Any Tumblr artists want to draw this?
Late night tirade on twitter exploring the depths of my impostor syndrome. This is something I came up with the other day and now realize it would make a cute four panel comic that @drawfee or @drawfee-ooc would appreciate. To be clear, my girlfriend’s brownies will seriously kick your girlfriend’s brownie’s asses though. Wtf am I saying. I should go to sleep.
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