#cute yuri thingy
tank041 · 2 months
Butch Ichika x Ciel, and a breakdown to my styles of drawing them.
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ritsmew-sakunya · 11 months
i . have spent. too much money again (but tbh its mostly on stuff i either needed or been wanting a long time so its not a waste)
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evony256 · 45 minutes
Giving my thoughts on the new episode again! It's surprisingly fun
-I'm actually starting to like Nico more, they used to be the second character I disliked the most, but I really like DRDT's different take on the "shy character" trope. It makes it feel so unique and Nico far more relatable
-And just when I started to like Hu more, now she's back at the bottom again (I'm not saying that her character is bad, it's just that I don't really like the mom and emotionally-oriented mashed together. Those types of characters are usually pretty annoying to me...) Her rebuttal was cool though
-TELL HER CHARLES!!! (can you see that I'm biased)
-they're finally talking about the tape. Theorists, you can rest easy now
-god damnit why are all of the characters in DRDT so relatable. Rose I feel so bad for you girl
-TERUROSE!!! RORUKO!!! YURI!!!! WHATEVER THE FUCK IT'S CALLED!!! (It's not that I ship this, I just love the dynamic between Rose and Teruko)
-Teruko has developed so much in two chapter it's insane
-this might be bad for the Arden stocks
-David are you being /srs or /j
-why are the chibis so cute. I love it when Drdtdev does this. Just add a little chibi there while they're trying to figure out who the killer is and to not get executed. Also why is the evil Eden one so cute
-"The only person I need to believe me is Teruko." I think you're asking for a bit much buddy
-Even David has started to grow on me a lot with this episode. The way he foils Teruko is so intriguing. I can't wait to see how their rivalry develops
-WE GOT TERUDEN TOO!!! LOVE WINS!!!! (it doesn't)
-Teruko is starting to work with others and maybe even believe in them a bit. I love to see her character arc growing even more. She is such a well written character. Teruko fans, rise up!!!
-[Eden hugs Teruko] DRDTdev you are diabolical.
10/10 episode, as usual
-time to go to sleep since it's like 3 am for me rn lmao
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anoopsiedaisie · 1 year
My Fionna and Cake episode 7&8 tangent
Lets start it off with the score. 20/20 it was fantastic. my stupid theory post will happen eventually, and I will ABSOLUTELY TALK ABOUT PETRIGROF
The star - Cake thinking Fionna was upset cause her fling died was silly, Fionna was clearly upset before about the candy people. The fight with the vampires was funny but intense, I love how Cake and Fionna care a lot about eachother. Also why does Simon know what holy water taste like. Pb and "Star" was so cute, and I was so right when I talked about us getting more Bubbline on tiktok (Tiktok account is not linked anywhere btw) The vampire world is super sad though, cause they had really been eating for so long, that a potential thousands of people died. Marshall and Gary really lit up the episode from the sadness once again, Gary's tangents of his candy kingdom are so cute. AND HIS HAMBO THINGY IN HIS CAR. Marten and baby Finn are so cute, I wanna legit cry cause HES MEANT TO BE A GOOD DAD BUT HES SO STUPID IN THE OG UNIVERSE. Also imma say this now, Prismo gets in trouble for breaking the rules once and ignoring a few beeps, BUT Scarab ignores several beeps and his entire job and doesn't get in trouble, that boss better have a good reason. Second date (potentially) and Marshall already introducing his boyfriend to his mom, damn. Marshall's mom matches og Hunson perfectly somehow, duche parent club. And Marshall's little blush of embarrassment from his mom acting all weird infront of Gary. Billy's corpse is messed up, like reall messed up, and the reminder of how tall he is is also crazy. I was also wondering the entire time if Pb was human in this universe until she bit off half her arm basically. The Star's outfit is so good, but I wonder how she turned into a vampire now, maybe she was bit in front of that worlds Simon's body and thats why she screamed at something. Already long section so I'll end it here with, I LOVED THIS ENTIRE EPISODE, Huntress dying was sad though, and Gary Marshall kiss was adorable. Closing thought of this episode, Bubbline but toxic yuri. Jerry - Simon and Betty better get a happy ending or I will legit be so sad, they love each other so much, and Betty just legit became part of a god over her Fiance once celebrity crush. I love how gorgeous everything is in this show, Orbo is also a funny character. I feel like someone could narrow down where things and places they go in this Lich's wish universe it'd seem fun at first then spiral though. Simon does NOT know how to draw though get this man an art class. The tree house being naked though, all its leaves gone. Lich's wish to kill all life, really just unironically killed ALL life, down to plants. Fun little references to old episodes, and including one that revolved around Ice king, hmm. Also I wonder the age gap between Betty and Simon, I like to see it as they're like a year apart but Simon just skipped grades cause hes a smart cookie. Also Simon had slides ready for people to be loud, HE WAS READY. Nerd girls in love. I am also guessing Bmo has been alone for awhile now, at least since season 5ish times since thats when the Lich would have made this wish. All the references in Ice King's junk from the melted ice kingdom. Ninja guide books, kunai, vhs tapes and the camera, the pink diary, his bed has the wishing amulet that Gunter used to break bottles. I was RIGHT
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Fionna see's how unhealthy Ice King was, and changes her mind and wants him to not become this sad sad man again. Simon would genuinely be such a sweet and wonderful parent, he loved taking care of the babies in the baby universe, and he sees Fionna get happy when he tells his story with Betty and keeps doing it to keep her happy. Neddy is also guaranteed dead, already obvious but the candy kingdom doesn't have the juices being produced. Bmo has done a lot in his isolation, a lot of stuff is changed or moved, I feel so bad for bmo. But the lines "Help me zip up my bra" and "Ooo, butt stuff" Wow. The Simon and Betty stuff makes me so happy, they're so cute and I love them, they need to have a happy ending or I will be so sad. The lesbians ever, I love these lesbians, let the lesbians be happy. Simon struggling to say he loves her is so CUTE. Poor Bmo, I feel so bad, but he was probably so sad being alone, sad in someway. Petrigrof moment was so cute and adorable please, I want them so happy, they deserve to be happy. Now for the bombshell, Jerry. The Lich's wish monkey paw aspect is that he gets depressed and has nothing to do now that all life is gone. Billy's body decomposing as the Lich parasites it. SO, imma theory my reason for the portal finally opening to GolBetty, either it was because the Lich was used as the battle and influenced it in a way to allow it to finally work, OR Betty's wish to keep Simon safe truly included the crown being worn. Like the crown really did trigger GolBetty like "BITCH, NO" or the third that makes probably the most sense, The Scarab was literally about to kill Simon and go against what Betty wants, meaning she is going to interfere. I saw someone say that GolBetty likely wont remember Simon and this could cause something. BUT I REALLY HOPE THEY DONT DO THAT, I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY
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chairteeth · 9 months
So hey did you know Touka shows affection like cats do
I'm gonna give my two cents on this basing myself off of canon and educated assumptions/guesses. For brainrot and logical reasons I will be using Nemu as the example human to Touka's example cat (the logical reason is that, simply put, they canonically spend the most time together, literally no one else spends nearly as much time with Touka. I would go as far as to argue that Touka spends more time with Nemu than with her family). This is actually semi-serious, believe it or not, I have arguments. They are as follows:
First off, a cat choosing to be around you a lot is already a sign that they enjoy your company, otherwise they would leave. Touka tends to be in a hurry to leave places like school, but is comfortable in the observatory, Fendt Hope, and later the yuri bunker (for those unfamiliar with Arc 2, Touka has an underground bunker lab thingy connected to a house and that's where she and Nemu spend probably 85% of their time). In fact, especially the yuri bunker, she seems calmest there. A cat choosing to linger in the same room as you means they value and seek your companionship.
Then, bunting! This is a really cute one, I mostly know this as that thing when a cat headbutts you with their forehead or rubs their head on you, but some friends have told me they also count it as bunting when their cats rub their cheeks against them? Anyway for the bunting I point at that one scene in the anime (you know the one, which in context is entirely definitely a purposeful gesture from Touka that is meant to convey comfort/reassurance). That scene also counts for the eyes! Cats' eyes are proportionally huge and also very vulnerable, so allowing anything, even someone's face, near them, is also a sign of trust and love (I am unsure if Touka does the slow blinking or if that has a human equivalent). In case you don't know which scene I mean (I don't shut up about it though so I don't know how likely that is):
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Next, playing! Cats often play out of pure enjoyment (hunt/prey drive aside), and their preferred playmates are typically trusted companions. This manifests in Touka in the form of human playfulness, she doesn't really do the whole friendly back and forth thing with anyone or, well, act in any sort of joking or goofy way, unless she really likes the person. The most obvious example is Well again Nemu, their typical old married couple bickering.
Next up is gifts/hunting, yk when cats bring you a dead mouse or bird as a gift? That's because they love you. They are hunting for you. Touka's equivalent of this is acts of service that she doesn't apply her ego to, such as the website in Nemu's case, and I am assuming that Touka is a gifter but also will not give Nemu specifically "formal" gifts or make a big deal about them and mostly choose non special occasions to give said gifts. The gifts part is I think the only actual assumption I'm making here? The rest is just me putting canon things in the context of Cat.
And lastly off the top of my head, sleeping. Cats sleep A LOT as any cat owner will probably tell you, and they are the most vulnerable while sleeping, so the place a cat chooses to have a cat nap or fall asleep has to be a safe and trusted location. There is no greater compliment than a cat picking your lap or even your chest as their favorite sleep spot! And guess what. Christmas TouNemu night quote, Touka falls asleep next to Nemu. I am going to assume she falls asleep on her shoulder and that they're sitting down or alternatively they're lying down somewhere, because otherwise I have no idea how Touka fell asleep in the first place. The way she relaxes in Nemu's presence is extremely sweet, especially if you've read my essays about these two.
Anyway so my point is. Nemu's wife is very catlike. This has been your improvised ramble of the month.
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digiblueslush · 5 months
I’m very conflicted cuz I’ve had this cosplan for the past couple months for anime Midwest (for context I used to be super into cosplay but now it’s like a twice a year event, and all of my wigs are super gross and tangly) but now I want to do a different thingy that isn’t as well thought out yet and it’s just djffuhvhieffvkjebvfbji
Original idea - girlboss gojo: I was gonna get a blue velour tracksuit and a white cropped tank top, and the top would say “you cryin?” In rhinestones, and on the butt of the pants it would say “nah I’d win” (trying to give those juicy couture vibes) like I think it would be super cute, but this is also insanely expensive and considering I don’t get a paycheck until may 31st, the con is like the 1st week of July, and I have negative money right now, it would be difficult to pull off
New idea - anything yuri on ice related: like I said before, this isn’t a fully fledged out idea, but I’m thinking I’d probably do yuri katsuki, but that begs the question of what outfit? Cuz I absolutely ADORE the Eros outfit, but I don’t know if I could find one with good quality for a reasonable price, and that also means it would be harder to wear as a day to day thing (outside of cosplay). I could do like the jacket too which has more re-wearable value, but it has the same issue of being impossible to find good quality within my budget
And another issue I just thought of is that I’m most likely gonna get the weekend pass, meaning I have 3 days there, and obviously it’s not gonna be possible to have 3 completely new intricate cosplays that are on the same level as the ones I listed above, but I don’t want to show up completely out of cosplay yk? Like at minimum id like to give off vibes of a character, so that’s another thing I’ll have to think about
Ooo should I do a poll?? I’ve never done a poll on here lolz let’s try it out
If you have any ideas for other cosplays (with like a 50 dollar max) LET ME KNOW!! I’d love to hear some more ideas even if they’re not from fandoms I’m in, so send them my way!
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cathchicken · 1 year
Ok yay another round of first impressions!!! Again, spoilers for Fionna and cake below the cut! (Episodes 5 and 6)
Episode one:
- I became more invested in this episode the further it went, I ended up liking it a lot!
- farmworld society is real neat. I like how ice Finn became some demonic figure to everyone
- I liked the character if the main Finn kid (forget his name already damnnn)
- the forbidden romance was funny, but they left that universe so quickly, I want to know what happens!!
- Simon curses
- what thr hell is up with the pink goop
- Farm Finn mentions his wife is dead (CMONNN). Not sure exactly who she could be, but I’m guessing farm huntress wizard, based off of a few of the kids designs. Specifically the one with ginger hair and green eyes. The soup thing is interesting too
- and I love that Cake actually likes him like aughhhhh
- (this is hurting my soul)
Overall solid episode!
Episode two:
- yeah I know what’s gonna happen. Tumblr prepare yourself
- wait I forgot about the yaoi subplot haha
- anyways time to see photos of half naked Marshall everywhere for a week now too
- ok real meat: winter king. He’s a lot more cunty than I thought. The song and animation was gorgeous!!
- why did they draw his crotch like that. WHAT cmon I can’t be the only one. It’s so… well defined. Anyways
- the whimsical gunters were perfect. Especially the fairy
- the ice Marcy??? What??
- FUCKING. CAKE. SAYING WINTER KING AND SIMON SHOULD MAKE OUT AT THR END KF THE SONG. like damnnnn she is freaky. That would have been quite something though
- oh god. Wait, is this gonna be the oncest thingy now..? Fandom wise… cake you’ve doomed us all!!
- ahem
- oh yeah bubbaline! (Garylee..?) it was a very cute montage!! And I like Gary’s candy kingdom esque idea for his bakery.
- MORE LEMONFEMS (Lemoncarb?? I don’t know how to spell it)
- idk about you guys but I like them. Well, I don’t like how they did Gary. But still. Very good
- ok back to fionna
- yes!! Candy… queen! (The name to no one’s surprise haha) she pretty much was exactly what I expected. I love her
- her song was also great!!
- unfortunately I guess her existence is short lived lol
- won’t stop me… with the power of fanart!
- I like the scene where she rolls off the bed
- yeah at this point I was sort of suspicious of winter guy
- lobotomy… thr best remedy…
- the way winter king just lets Fionna embrace him right in front of actual Simon is fucking crazy haha. I’m sure cake was loving it
- well, the team handles trauma together….
- interesting, this universes pb is like, exactly the same haha.
- oh yeah, Fionna ain’t straight at all. You saw how she reacted when pb caressed her
- oh yeah final winter king impressions: I hate him
- also the fact he acknowledged Betty died and couldn’t give a shit. Fuck him forever
- csnt lie I’m a little sad it’s not a direct swap universe like my little theory. But ofc that’s not a problem at all, just me predicting stuff wrong
- not letting that go tho. Passionpeachy I won’t fail you. Doomed yuri is always the answer
Ok that’s pretty much it!!! Overall I really enjoyed these episodes, and I’m gonna have a good time seeing everyone else react to them :3 but now I get some sleep. I got school tomorrow
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lonestatus · 7 months
13 for the Sapphic ask thingie!!
13. good sapphic movies/shows? some options. - good for being cute girly romance: either hana ni arashi, yamada to kase-san, or maybe the guy she was interested in. - good for drama: if i could reach you, suicide parabellum, or maybe false marigold. - action: alcohol and oni-girls or i wanna quit being a hitman.
you could just ask if you wanted yuri recommendations... ^_-
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i haven’t given up on ai x rui but after making that card edit of ai (I FORGOT HER PINK HIGHLIGHTS WHOOPSIES) i couldn’t stop thinking about yuri, lesbians, the role play i had with scientist mizuki on character.ai, ehehehhrheh
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the one where she dosent have any shine in her eyes was me panicking on my phone and using the markup thingy on my photos app to get rid of the lighr( i’ll do it properly later)
normal mafuai is cute (they’re good friends) but hospital au mafuai is better
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Masterpost thingie (now partially to clean space out of my bio acakbwfobwfob)
Other blogs:
Art blog - @ammonitetheartist
Incorrect quotes blog - @random-stuff-incorrect-quotes
Horse (Centaurworld) character blog - @horsatia-wighair-beanzs
AU dumping grounds blog - @talons-and-webbed-feet
TOH words suggest blog - @owl-house-words-suggest
Nimona (Nimona) character/RP blog- @red-fox-and-more
MD words suggest blog - @murder-drones-words-suggest
Gimmick blog - @putting-wheat-in-places
All my tags.
Calamtrio - #people standing in line and don’t even know why
Possessed Marcy - #i’ll be waiting in your favorite cheshire grin
Marcy/Andrias - #love and blood and hate and some empty tunes
Calamity Anne - #teach myself complete submission while I grant myself complete permission
Calamity Sasha - #when there’s quantity we can find some clarity in something
Calamity Marcy - #if I must play fair it’ll take long to get there
Marky Wu - #five fingers two black hooves
Luz/Marcy - #when I’m dreaming tonight I can do anything
Other Fandoms:
Owlphibia - #talons and webbed feet
Encanto - #gift with an undertow
Centaurworld - #horsekai
Learning With Pibby - #telegeddon
Spirit Animals - #connections and legends
Bone - #mundane and lucid dreamers
Pendragon - #fallen angelverse
Amanda the Adventurer - #souls behind screenhell
Nimona - #zoology desecration
Murder Drones - #assimilate & eviscerate
The Amazing Digital Circus - #carousel to infinity
Rain World - #flooded inheritance
Comfort Characters:
Marcy - #tidesoul sunbeam
Luz - #spellform prodigy
Eda - #feathered renegade
Peridot - #key-lime hardriver
Spinel - #rubberjive
Sayori - #contrary cinnabon
Yuri - #bastion of chill
ENA - #pixel pallygon
Shepherd - #goodest-boy guardian
Fizzarolli - #neon hellraiser
Politics/stigma/signal boosts/self-care reminders- #important things/advice
Art advice - #art tipparoonis
Writing advice - #writing tipparoonis
Cute/calming/aesthetic posts - #serotonin booster shtuff
Funny posts - #humor corner
Art that’s mine - #ammonart
Art that’s not mine - #kewl art by kewl people
Thoughts/theories/liveblogs/slice-of-life posts - #random snippets of my day
My writing - #my jottins
Posts I relate to/that remind me of myself - #bumble vibes
Recipes - #good baking
Asks - #askeroonis
Asks from mutuals - #moot fren people
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otakebi-cam-wao · 9 months
produce 101 japan the girls ep 10 by a harowota
you know, all under the cut, probs gonna speed up or skip elimination cuz i already know the ones who were eliminated (i'm crying)
omg Kaela on the previews me crying now
OMG bby pics!!!
the words, damn
i love their way to get into the elimination set up stage thingy
so cute no matter what
Nalala so oujosama as i said bout &ME song in general
i don't even want to talk bout the elimination's part, like i dunno how they felt THERE, but i know the ones who left already
ohhhh randomly
claw-me had a salon and tokimekki rainbow cafe?
idk new f7avors...
Seul tower apparently, Kokona is afraid of heights
ohhh they eating!, me hungry now, and wanna try all that food
"the song that everyone love it's popcorn" sorry, is the one i like less
claw-me now with makeup and hair styling
i already saw Yui's new hair style (inner color mainly) and love it, really nice
they became koakuma indeed
idk if i'd like that...
so much cream
ohhh Kagura ordered 2 pieces of cake, nice nice, be happy tol girl
awwwwwwwwwww HINA
everyone happy
ohhhh Nalala has i guess korean bbq
miu looks cute like that
hehe Tsuzumi looks cute and funny eating all in one bite
Charm Holic has? what?
oh korean fried chicken, wanna try haven't been able
Kokona ate all quickly lol, mood
Tsukushi is panicking
awwww Ayane being surprised by the flavour so cute
Ayane run for your ramen!!! (me when my mom buys instant ramen)
i love to see cute girls enjoying their food!
oh they have guests
the reacciones while trying to guess who is lol
reactions in general
(don't ask me who they are never watched pd48 nor looked at iz*one... tho i knew Miyawaki Sakura cuz friend likes HKT48 and tried to see HKT)
Tsuzumi is crying so happily
they're living their happy life with them
ok cute moment from Ranka wanting to eat lot of oyakodon cuz ... Yuri? likes it a lot
""Happiness" comes first" okay, yes, food is happiness
the pink haired one, i like her way of thinking towards food lol but ofc the other one has a point to be healthy and keep a diet
Yena, that's the pink haired one... idk her but i liked her with this
this is cute... fr...
OH NO ELIMINATION SHUT UP gonna speed this up
love how parutan is saving herself so at the cut, i love her mochi mochi parutan
love u parutan, i don't care if u don't debut here, i have faith you will debut somewhere
i'm fr gonna skip this, i don't want to watch what i already know
a special gift?!
surprise visit from the "national producers"
lol this is kind of fun so many takes lol
lol this is kinda funny
everyone calling their names is cute
their faces as well, so cute
i like to see their emotive faces
you know? this is what makes me "i don't want anyone to get eliminated" since day 1... well i had exceptions, but still, even if i had them, i wanted them to debut here as well...
they left the eliminated ones talking, damn
more elimination, speeding up again
technically skipped the elimination...
okay, debut evaluation, so last step
did they wrote free debut camp instead of pre debut camp?!
live stream (but for international viewers? what? pirate i guess)
these are new songs as well? i guess
i think i'll like sozoijo who ever is in that group
this way to choose song and position is messed up tho over rank 19th can move the rest, is so messed up, but okay, rules are rules
i love how they kinda tease everyone if they want to
i love how Suzu went all "gomennasai" for moving parutan
they're so cute so apologizing so much when changing someone
Kokona stop, but u cute
Ayane taking sub vocal 1 is a shocker but she's so cute reasoning it
lol Keiko reactions to her change are funny
Ayane like "hm... wanted to be sub vocal, Miu..."
Kassa taking main vocal for the lyrics is so Kassa!
Ayane frustrated for sub 6, but at least she wanted to be sub vocal, not main...
best sub vocal you'll be i think
Koto, you're wrong there's no 50% chance to debut, there's 55% chance to debut
PARUTAN KAWAII!!!! if u don't debut, i'd love u to go knock on up front's door for an audition (but somehow doubt she could get into H!P...?)
i'm just watching cannot actually write
the trainners' words awwwww
i love Nakasone, so mother!!!!! she's my mom now
surprise event made by Kaela?!
they will all sing a song?!
a ballad from her?!
OMG CUTE, i'm releasing some tears cuz i can feel what Kimura felt while writing it
ahhh class w Kaela!
i'm crying! wtf?!
i wish i could have the eliminateds singing this as well, just to make it like for everyone
making them tell their strength/weapon
that part was so cute... and made me sentimental... i'm not like that...
also made me think about my own weapon, i might find some day
RIP KOTO&YUI, they're so cute
stop i'm crying from before this, don't wanna cry more
i see so many friendships here, i love all the girls in this show, how they say goodbye, how the eliminated ones comment to the others on insta, how even after they left the program they meet, how they're doing covers, and all
omg i'm so attached to all these girls!
that was all, i'm crying, bye
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grimaussiewitch · 7 months
Third try is the charm for ship bingo
Season eight swamp gals. In other words, you've been summoned for yuri duty
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Yuri duty isn’t going great for me…
While it’s not a ship I actively search out for I can see why it’s ship and yes, it’s a very cute ship. But it needs more angst :3
It would almost be a bingo but I don’t really see them all trying to actively kill each other. If we threw Xisuma in the mix (cause that’s where the name came from, him trying to help with a village thingy with the gals) then we would have a bingo lol.
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troubadour-malin · 1 year
"Slip and fall (in love)" is both a great title and an adorable premise for a meet-cute~ 💕 could you share some of your ideas for it? 😘💋
Aaaah thank you, I'm so glad you like it heheheh
Putting all if this under a cut because I got carried away and it got a bit lengthy oops
So it all starts with : Ollie watched Yuri On Ice once and thought to herself: "How hard can it be?" (very hard I'm afraid). Right from the start, you need to know that Ollie is, in fact, very stupid.
So the main idiot is Ollie. Either short for Oliver redacted or Olivia original character, still thinking about it (but it's most likely gonna be Olivia hehe, I'm feeling the pull to write wlw these days).
That day where everything happens, she's only ever had one ice skating class. She'd decided to practice on her own on an early morning. She thought the rink would be empty, and that she could goof around for a bit and fall flat on her ass in peace. But when she arrives there's already someone there, skating on their own.
That's our second character: Leo! Leo's been figure skating pretty much her entire life, she's done competitions, she's won medals, in short, she's good. She doesn't do competitions anymore though.
When she sees Ollie stepping on the ice with her rental skates and clothes that aren't appropriate at all, she doesn't think much about it. She thinks she's gonna skate for a few more minutes and then leave. She usually comes here to be alone, so no point in staying, right.
So Ollie starts "practicing" and Leo decides to call it a day. She goes over to the entrance thingie and is putting on her skateguards (is that what it's called? The plastic covers you put over the blades so you can safely walk on normal ground).
At the same time, Ollie gets cocky, and wants to try something that clearly is too hard for the level she's at. She picks up speed - too much - and she fails to stop and ! BAM! She slams into poor Leo who didn't see it coming.
They both fall over, ouch. Good for her, Ollie isn't too hurt. Because Leo cushioned her fall. Woops. Ollie profusely apologizes, and leads Leo back to where she left her bags and stuff.
Ollie's training in school to be a nurse, so she patches Leo up. (Classic wlw stuff, is it really a wlw fic if there is no patching up involved?). Anyways, it does NOT go well, Ollie's really nervous, ends up spilling some of that "eosin" red stuff that stains all over both of them, it's BAD. Leo is not having a good time, Ollie isn't either. Not a good start.
Eventually they both leave, not on especially good terms. Leo seemed quite resentful (she wasn't hurt that bad, but still). While she leaves, Ollie swears she's never coming to the rink on this particular day of the week at this particular time so she doesn't have to see Leo ever again and suffer through the shame of it all.
But the thing is. This town, it's not a big one. And ice skating isn't that popular. You can bet all the local skaters know each other. Which means...
Leo needs a job (cause she has another secret hobby that requires money, don't ask me what that hobby is because it is a secret also to me). And how lucky! One of her friend wants to give up teaching one of their classes, maybe Leo could teach it in their place? Great, the director of the ice rink's okay, it's all set up. Leo's gonna start teaching kids. She doesn't like people in general, but kids, they're alright. So it's great right?
You see it coming. She's teaching that class that Ollie signed up for. Aand the classes are non-refundable. Shit.
Aaaaand that's all the outline I got (which is already a lot). After that they obviously don't have a choice but to spend time together, eventually Leo starts to grow fond of Ollie, eventually they fall in love, eventually they kiss.
Tadaaa. No angst, no misunderstandings, no love triangle this is gonna be pure fluff and fun (for me at least) from start to finish (if it ever sees the light, that is :>> )
I'm really excited about that one, I feel like I'm gonna have a blast writing it hehe.
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theproblemcallednight · 8 months
sending you akutagawa and/or bram for character ask game
hii soda!!!
k imma do both cuz im bored :D
ok it got rlly long so it’s under the cut:
first impressions- tbh i thought he was a weird ass bitch who needed cough drops bc his lil villain cough was making no one but the butterflies scared. like his ability was rlly cool but i didn’t really get him at first. also his name took me ages to pronounce 😭😭
impression now- genuinely one of my fav characters!!! he’s such a guy y’know. a goofy little guy. but i do rlly like his backstory and how he persevered and fought through ever and still was a morally bad person. like i luv seeing characters i adore suffer to hell and back and then finally find some sort of broken peace with themselves. aku allowing himself to value his own wants and needs after fighting atsushi and seeing him grow as a character is just perfect. 10/10 i luv him my blorbo forever <3
favourite moment- anything in wan tbh. i know i just went on a heartfelt rant abt aku but. wan aku is the true star let’s be honest. i mean look at him. just stare into those soulless eyes.
idea for a story- uhhhhh i not very creative gimme a sec… i think him finding himself with a pet would be cool. yknow like he gets attached to some stray cat and then ends up taking it in. and i feel like it would force himself to see that he can be a good person and there is beauty in life. the cat may or may not resemble a certain someone
unpopular opinion- ummm idk rlly? i guess i hc him somewhere or the aro/ace spectrum but i dunno if that’s an u popular opinion
favorite relationship- right so obvi sskk bc i am unoriginal and one with the masses. but. i luv it when chuuya and aku have like a father son relationship. or even when gin and him get to just hang out and chill. i just luv the idea of aku constantly chasing dazais approval and chuuya being like “bitch i fucking raised you the mf left after a year”
fav headcannon- hmmmm prob the hc tha he can’t cook? like he can’t boil water even. i just find it funny that it’s like the one thingy dazai passed down to him. father son duo that can blow up your kitchen in five seconds.
first impressions- i was so exited when i saw the name bram stoker omg. i haven’t actually read dracula but i’ve heard enough to abt it that ik brams ability would be sick. and god i thought it was so cool. and also the fact that bram was just a shish kebab was sending me and i immediately loved him
impression now- still absolutely in live with him and his character. he’s just like the biggest mood in all of bsd. and his and aya’s relationship is so freaking cute i luv them sm
favourite moment- either when he says he’ll be aya’s knight at the end, or when aya’s like bram what do we do about the apocalypse he’s like “sleep in a hole for a couple centuries.” i would love to sleep in a hole for 200 years every time i had a problem. it would be great.
idea for a story- i think it would be rlly interesting if it was a college and no abilities au and him and mary shelly and adam were besties. like it would be great. they would be the besties fr
unpopular opinion- uh i dunno… i kind of think that he shouldn’t have gotten his body back? at least not when he did? like don’t get me wrong he slayed and saved aya and stuff. but i feel like tbh ere was so much to use with his shish kebab state. i don’t know i think it was underutilized
favourite relationship- oh def bramcraft or lovestoker or whatever it’s called now. bram and lovecraft are ancient yuri and i will die on that hill. they can be eldritch monsters together. and be ancient together. that being said i like kunikifa and bram more platonically. like they become friends through joint custody of aya. and it’s one big happy family
favourite headcannon- oh i don’t know where i saw this but i luv the idea of him using like a cane or mobility aids. for balance probably, but i think it would be so cool for bram to have a cane. he’d look badass with it. best part is he can bonk ppl with it :D
well that got long. but it was rlly fun!!! ty for the ask soda!!!
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chuluoyi · 9 months
Hi Chu!!!!! OMG This AU looks so cute AHHH I regret not buying schips thenn 😭😭Backing Rosa against the sofa!?!?!??!? SIR ME NEXT-
OH and I got the Marius SSR too! The story is super cute you've got to read it soon! You're so right! If it were a 4 SSR event I would die...
Yeah!! Unholy blood is really a unique webtoon, and Father Michael 😭😭😭 I cried too it was so sad... I somehow always cry when I see the main character devastated...
The author's new work is called "Killer Peter"! I haven't heard of Apostle's creed tho...
HAHAHA Callisto's smirk 🤣 Is he your fave male lead?? I despise Derek with a burning passion... I started liking Reynold after a while, and my fave so far is Eclise 🥹🥹 Vinter is useless ngl like he's just there...
I already returned from Kuantan! It was so fun! The beaches were really beautiful, I wished Nanami could've seen it once 😭😭😭
You can do it Chu!! 💪🏻💪🏻 Jan is coming soonnnn!!!
Yeah! I'm studying in a "Polytechnic" instead of a Junior College. Polytechnics don't have uniforms, and we study things that relate more to our dream career! My extracurricular is actually SFX, but my instructor is a makeup artist so he teaches me beauty makeup too! Omg You're allowed to cut your skirt?? My secondary school would expell me if I did that... And what even- They mock girls with or without makeup??! What's their problem? It really isn't easy being a woman 😭😭 Somehow we're always wrong... So are we supposed to all be naturally pretty? [I think they would call naturally pretty girls slutty ngl] THEY'RE the problem, not girls bruh.
Omg I thought Yuri on Ice was like some anime that not many knew about 🫠🫠
YUH OMG FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWSS!!! 🩵🩵🩵 Shin Hyesun is so talented! You should watch "Mr Queen" she's so funny in this kdrama 😆 I've watched Angel's last mission too! I love how she actually immerses herself in her roles like her acting is just perfect she's sooo natural
THE XMAS ONE 😭😭😭 That one is so brutal 😭😭😭😭 Your bf needs to be hollow purpled by Gojo-
I'll use the forum once my school starts in Jan!! For now I'll just chill 🫠
HUH 50?! THAT'S NUTS I thought 20 marks was bad 😭😭😭 How did you score in that 😭😭 Ooo was engineering interesting tho? Hahah! I'm doing banking and finance but I plan to switch courses to Accounting or something... I'm so done with crypto and stuff I'm not cut out for it...
Sorry babe I despise Econs with a burning passion 😭 I'm a math girlie ✨️✨️ I love Algebra HAHAH but I hate Trigo... Idk why we need to find X and Y... But if I'm somehow good at it, sure! Right? I can't remember anything from the nervous system... I remember being so done with it 💀💀 Omg the whole periodic table?!??!! That's crazy 😭 I was already happy with memorising the metallic table thingy...
YEAH- I think it's different tho! HAHHAHA Everyone would flock to Kuantan 😭😭😭 But Kuantan is pretty good on its own too!! There's always turtles there! If the timing is right, you'll even get to see the turtle eggs hatching and baby turtles too! The beaches are STUNNING
P.s Sorry I took so long to reply again 😭😭 I spent the past few days painting my house walls 🫠🫠🫠
disco anonn!!🥹 sorry for taking my time to reply!
SIR ME NEXT is soooo relatable omg😭 aaargh i haven't got the time to read it comfortably yet but i will soon!! the illustration is legit sooo cute😭
ohh killer peter! okay, i'll add it to my reading list too next!! apostle's creed is quite good! but well, nothing measures up to unholy blood to me still...
AHAHAHHA honestly i hate him at first🫠 ugh but that's my cycle with cocky male lead. hate him -> get soft -> love him. it applies the same with callisto too argh i love his hair like i'm weak for men with that sort of hairstyle― but yes, i think he's still my pick and YOU'RE SO RIGHT FOR VINTER HAHAHAHA he's just there like 😭 sir, thank you but next
waaah i'm happy that you've returned safely!🥹 do you like beaches? i love it too but i can't swim so i can only wait from the sidelines :')
oh and nanami... have you seen the recent leaks?😭 gods, i'm sad all of a sudden while reading the latest chapter. i'm happy that he's mentioned after so long in the manga but...
ahh that's so interesting! like yes, the more focused it is, the better it'll help in your future endeavors🥹 well, "allowed" is not exactly... but i went and cut it because i just didn't like it🫠 it went past the knees and i felt like... a walking stick? i just hate the way it feels, so i make it shorter... to a bit above my knees🥹 my teacher once suspected i did cut it but then when i played the fool, she was just like "nah" and went on her way HAHAHAHAH
that's also what makes me so ??? like why are you little clowns like that you don't even know the first thing about beauty🫠 nah so true, the best we could do is to be on our ways, don't bother with them because they're not worth our time
I WATCHED IT!! omg that was one of the best kdrama all time to me like i can't stop laughing for each and every episode😭 shin hyesun is soooo funny and the king (kim... jung hyun? omg i forgot)'s face is also naturally funny as heck too even when he's staying quiet. they're the best crack pair ever i swear!🥹 but i just watched see you in my 19th life but sadly i think it's quite average... but i think it's because of the script and ahn bohyun's stiffness though...
i so agree i will hollow purple him― oh wait, have you seen the new gojo hollow purple figure!? it's sooo majestic i swear!
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good luck!! holidays is coming soon let us rest before we tackle more new year shit :'))))
i... think i scored only about 30 out of 50 marks? i was sooo bad at economics and i think it's the power of my prayers that i was able to pass at all🫠 engineering is... interesting yes, but it's also making you scratch your head in confusion. like i met math and physics again there and it's more of technical things like machine and such (which i have 0 interest in) so most of the time i would sit in class and try not get caught being sleepy―
accounting is pretty useful in the working world!🥹 i think it's great should you decide to pursue that because anywhere we need accountants~ ah, tbh i'm afraid of trying crypto because well, for one, my luck isn't that great so...
SERIOUSLY how did you like algebra that was my natural enemy😭 but yeah if you're good at it, of course you'd like it!🥹 i was a total dummy so i hate it ahaahahah ooh i actually started out not hating biology but ever since my teacher got me to try this national competition, i realized how much i'm not cut out for that and even in the end i WO-ed🫠 periodic table isn't that hard when you compare it to biology though AHAHAHAH
omg really?! that's sooo cute! i definitely want to visit there now that you said it like that!🥹 baby turtles always get my heart soft like awww they're so smol and yet walking...
that's okay! oh and that's so fun that you're painting your walls by yourself?? like you can customize it and such too??
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v episodes 101-115 thoughts under the cut but first....yuyas dad is FINALLY here and I feel bad for being so suspicious of him. but also still Mildly Distrusting bc i KNOW how ygo dads ARE
-NEW OP!!! its very Cool, sounds like smth in ddr. still think believexbelieve and kirifuda are above it but its a solid third place I think. very hard to pick bc theyre all rly Good and the visuals on this one are rly rly good
-strongly disagree w yuya saying 'umm kaito if u card ur enemies ur just as bad as them >:/' dude cmon lol hes fighting against ppl hunting everyone in his city for sport. not the same thing at ALL
-the second shingo fckin said hed duel kaito i was like. well shit rip lol. gon and yuya reluctantly doing the action duel chant with him was so funny pls
-kaitos deck is weird as hell what happened to it. where is your galaxy eyes photon dragon i MISS Her. photon deck > cipher deck just bc photon had his magical girl transformation. i do appreciate how rainbowy cipher dragon is. wait wasnt photon stuff implied to be from another dimension (like, barian/astral stuff, not..arc vs version of Other Dimensions) so..yeah this kaito never got his Space Illness!! hes Healthy Kaito! wild
-ok. so just from yutos like exposition of saying he knows of kaito and his expression is different now (and us seein a flashback to a smiley happy kaito…) …and the lack of orbital and his photon form and the fact he was going to be a duel champion…haruto never got sick in this au version did he? which means faker wouldnt have had to shove tron/kazuma into the barian/astral portal thingy, and faker wouldnt have made a deal w vector or made kaito a numbers hunter? so he could focus on his own goals and live a more normal life I guess? so..does that mean yuma and astral NEVER MET?? DO THEY EVEN EXIST IN THIS WORLD. SAD. like even in a world that seemed to be kinder to kaito by not making his dad such a dick or his bro sick, he still got fucked over by a WAR in the end which is worse than what happened in zexal akjsfkjhn. well. at least this kaito hasnt taken the Moon Trip.
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-ohhh my gosh yuto, shun, and ruri in casual clothes hangin out and watching kaito duel (also, this heartland has duel schools! named after card suites! thats fun) shun and kaito must be the same age, right? …so I assume the flashback is when they were 17ish and kaito is 18 now like in zexal? so the attack on heartland took place over the course of a few months to a year (ongoing it seems like but only to get stragglers now…oof) I thought shun, ruri and yuto were all the sameish age but nope. knowing yuzu and yuya are 14 makes me think all the counterparts are the same, so its probably pretty likely all three went to normal (non dueling) school together AND then duel school together, but yuto and ruri are prob in the same age so they mightve been friends first from going to the same school, and ruri later introduced yuto to her brother? so they have a cute lil trio now…this is my headcanon. (it rly does seem like all the yuboys and bracelet girlies were bffs from young ages EXCEPT serena and yuri jkdshfk)
-also can I assume at least SOME of the original characters from zexal are in this universe if not yuma for whatever reason (and prob not any of the barians?) like. would kotori have been goin to school and been in the grade right under yuto/ruri? …I want ruri and her to be bird friends
-the ED is still a dsod commercial booo let me see the ed animation! I had to go look it up on youtube. and its prob my least fav so far sadjfhkj its nice looking but so Plain compared to the others..the song is nice?
-oh my god kaito said he dueled yuto countless times and yet it took him halfway into the duel to realize yuya looked like him. kaito faceblind like me confirmed? also I like how kaito didnt beat yuya SUper fast like jack did the first time lol, makes me think yuyas getting a lot stronger gradually which is fun!
-yuto during the kaito stuff started speaking to yuya? he literally has not regularly done that at all up until this point. was..he able to do that all along and just Never did?? lmao?? not even to pass along messages to his bestie shun??? nope, kaito is Thee Important Guy to talk to yuya abt I Guess haha. good to see him again. also still good that yuya is not Questioning Why yuto is Tagging along inside of him or why that happened in the first place. lol
-yuto rly told yuya YA DONT TELL THEM IM HERE DONT TELL THEM MY SOUL IS IN YOU bro…theyre just gonna assume ur missing forever….yuya NEEDS to let them know lol
-'then my dad rly wasnt a coward!' yuya why is that your reaction to your dad having gone to xyz?? did he rly not tell ur mom at least?? was he helping in the War??? i still am salty he left yuya at home to do that seemingly w/out word of when he could be back or what was going on to at least his WIFE?? I get not telling ur small child maybe but cmon... the xyz ppl called him a coward tho lmaooo??
-14 yr olds HAVE to be in academia…literal child soldiers!!! oh god yuzu!!! (but also I NEED her to go and hang w the other girls lmao) the fact kids regularly run away and the adults are like WE GOTTA SEND HER BACK…chasing her down for it…GOD
-LOVE THE DRAMATIC REVEAL OF ASUKA. AS IF I COULDNT RECOGNIZE HER. I lichrally dont recall anything abt her but im glad to see her again anyway. looks like shes not with academia despite still wearing the uniform LOL. love cyber angels designs too
-on the other hand im very lukewarm to edo being here. hi I Guess u were not my fav in gx nor did I dislike u...just some guy to me... same hat on us both not liking yuyas dad? (I DONT HAVE A VALID REASON I AM JUST SUS ABT HIM AND DONT LIKE HIS VIBES SO FAR. like i GUESS theyre implying hes a good guy but im like :/ ok.)
-yuyas dad. right there. running a duel school for academia runaways. cool? glad hes kinda helping stuff?? god yuzu's reaction to seeing him broke my HEART she is so compassionate and immediately cries out of relief bc she knows how much everyone was worried abt him. she prob was too bc he was prob like an uncle to her...agh
-oh my god yuto POSSESSED YUYA and his eyes turned grey. gonna be real bodysharing is one of my fav tropes and im enjoying yuto being more Active A Lot :3c (also, yuya seemed to be in PAIN before and after yuto did this. so. interesting)
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-shun talking to kaito abt the power of friendship was RLY cute and I appreciate his effort BUT HES GONNA BE A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK. HIS WHOLE FAMILY IS CARDED. poor haruto :( (do not care too much for dr faker at all tho tbh)
-ppl rly just accept when yuya says yuto is inside of him. love the ygo universe bc its such a Normal Whatever thing
-106 kicks off with some BOMBSHELLS. leo and yuyas dad worked together to make real solid vision?? I was under the impression his entertainment dueling was created separately but No. they worked together. classic ygo dads moment. and yuyas dad looked tiny baby reiji in the eyes after being asked to be the leader of the lancers and decided to go do stuff on his own anyway to try and TALK to leo. I get it! he didnt want the kid to be involved! understandable actually but he fucked up by going before the system was ready and landed in xyz oof...dumbass moment but I get it. he wanted to try and solve things himself...does he know what leo's plans entail?? can he tell me if so jkdsjfn is it rly just Rule All Dimensions bc thats sooo lame if so
-glad to see a lot of fusion kids were running away and doubting stuff going on… the random girl begging asuka to run away with her…lesbian moment. and shes a nameless bg character. damn. so sad
-yuzus new outfit is SOO cute!! and hair down moment!! need more hair down gel-less hair moments in ygo lol
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-there had better be fanart of yuri or fanfics where he has plants (esp venus flytraps and stuff) bc of his deck
-OJAMA MOMENT. YURI CALLING THEM UNPLEASANT TOO LMAOOO says the guy with plants with eyeballs on them!! his reaction was SO funny. he is like a little cat to me. funney little guy. also when it zooms in on him and in the last (or the one before that?) op he has slit eyes sometimes. is that like. for a reason or just stylistic. its FUN
-jesus christ he took 5 of them out in 1 turn! overkill much! but also once again showing him as a Threat. right before he gets teleported AGAIN LMAO yuzu is Immune to Yuri
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-the…effect yugo has on women.......... ^ (+how serena was constantly kicking/punching him away) hes like a golden retriever JKSDHFJK he just needs to find someone to match his energy!! poor boy 😂
-leo could not look more like a villain if he tried. my god sitting on his chair with THAT villain pose. ordering ppl around but seemingly doing NOTHING himself. his vibes. I RESPECT the aesthetic even tho hes a piece of shit father (the same goes for reijis MOMs vibes, my god its a wonder reiji doesnt have Villainous Mannerisms from being raised by them LMAO)
-poor sayaka with her survivors guilt ;^; Feel Bad for Her
-OH!! sayaka uses fairies!!! FAIRY CHEER GIRL IS BACK YES KOTORI DECK LETS GO. I have now decided sayaka, ruri, and kotori were besties. two birds and two fairy users. it just makes Sense!
-'the professor would never send us for duelists of your caliber' they say then keep taunting the kids. my god grace and gloria arent just evil women. theyre MEAN women pro assassins for academia. I am OBSESSED with them. are either of them single
-iron wolf trains design is so funny to me. ive seen the card before but i didnt kno there was a character who used it in the animes...train deck is such a funny concept. beep beep
-I mean Obviously yuya/shun would win against the ladies, but it was very nicely done? gloria/graces strats were cool, they got their LP to an INSANE number before bein taken down and yuya did it with STYLE and a FLARE and put smiles on everyone (sans edo)'s faces which was. good to see. good.
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-hey i was gonna say 'edo love ur shoulder fringe thingies' but then…I saw the rest of his fit…what are u WEARING. SNUGGIE??? thought u had beef with xyz but maybe ur mad the barians stole ur fit like HUH. WHAT IS THAT OUTFIT. LMAO. (going to get roasted alive if it turns out he wore this in gx and I just forgot but tbf I remember like. 4 things abt gx. yubel was there. there was a...caveman? dinosaurus guy. he got the dino bone in him and went to space. vampires? that is all. manjoume was there.)
-sayaka's visceral reaction/panic when the obelisk force's monster came out…I knew she had severe anxiety+ptsd but GOD IT MAKES ME SO SAD. PROTECT HER. (+ the chaos named monster being in xyz world…yes. good)
-i think kaito is the only person not to flinch at all during the 2000 interference policy bs. icon
-'i will KILL SAYAKA YUUSHOU'S SON' …I wonder if the literal translation is KILL?? thats what the subs said but my god edo, do u not mean 'turn into a card' kill seems like. well. a bit SEVERE.
-aww edo fuckin. put yuya in a CAGE MATCH. I was hoping we'd get edo v kaito. I am still holding out hope for kaito and jack to interact somehow
-grace wanting to watch while gloria is like UGH LETS GO ALREADY peak sisterisms. …damn they arent gonna keep these women evil are they (they were prob child soldiers too, which, fair enough)
-kaito rly said nO PROB takes out entire obelisk force alone KING SHIT
-this duel prof guy whos name I am not committing to memory (guy with coconut hair) is mad annoying. I miss the actual professor from gx, he at least had cute clothes and lipstick for that certain gnc flair. this dude is like if spock sucked
-oh. ok edo has pants under his robes and stuff. from the side its more obviously like, a cape situation with hangy bits, but, I like my idea that its a snuggie better. </3
-it makes perfect sense why edo is upset but him being like 'I DIDNT SMILE!! I DIDNT!!' is a LITTLE funny. and ofc he would think duels arent supposed to be fun, yuya. my god hes only known them as tools of war! its like goin to someone and being like 'i KNOW guns are scary but where IM FROM all the bullets are marshmallows and we shoot them in each others mouths and into our friendship cocoa so dont worry, I want to understand u by shooting u gently with marshmallow gun :)' and u gotta be like. ok well where im from they are Death Weapons :( HHHH.
-also now that we're seeing more of yuyas dad can I just say. I DONT UNDERSTAND YGO GENETICS. DOES YUYA DYE HIS HAIR??? HIS DAD HAS BLACK HAIR AND HIS MOM IS A REDHEAD. anime genetics in general are screwy but with multicolored hair…its like. it MUST be hair dye right. if we are being honest. in a realistic au where that IS the case do we think yuya has 1. natural black hair or 2. natural orangy hair like his mom 3. some mix of the two (brown hair??) hmm.
-I feel like yuya's performer persona has come out 10000% more in these two past duels than the entire series and i LOVE IT YUYA FEELS LIKE HES GETTIN IN THE GROOVE OF IT. YES. MAKE THEM SMILE BABY. i am smiling too. cute…
-aw edo swapped sides and threw his fake snuggie away. also grace being SO READY TO JOIN YUYA HAHA. even edo and the tyler sisters hear yuya explain 'o ya yutos a guy whos Me from xyz ^^' and theyre like oh ok :) I LOVE HOW THEY ARE JUST. FINE WITH IT. I LIKE when everyone is friends so this is fine.
-kaito putting the fear of god into loser spock. amen
-…ok academia soldiers immediately switching sides and helping was cute. idc if its a bit unrealistic for all the child soldiers to flip that quick. its NICE in theory.
-edo being like 'o ya we can return the carded ppl to normal' casually and everyone being SHOCKED. i …kept forgetting everyone prob thought it was forever Permanent LMAO??? like. obviously /i/ know they return everyone to normal (just bc on a meta level Killing Everyone including minor charas FOREVER is too Much for ygo probably, and itd make academia a LOT more unforgivable imo) but. still. wild
-yuya/yuto speech abt 'yeah, we NEED to forgive to move on, ofc theres unforgivable stuff and thats even more painful but the best we can do is try to make ppl smile' …sweet sentiment. like I get what he means but I also dont 100% believe ppl in xyz would realistically be That WIlling to let academia ppl Help Them jdsafhkj
-so yeah, the cards are being used for Soul Energy or whatever, and edo thinks all the ppl are gonna be reborn. wonder if thats bs from leo or real? and 'reborn' as in like, immediately the same? so more like respawn that reBORN right. anyway what in the world is leo ACTUALLY aiming for bc i still dont believe its some utopia bullshit. hes using child soldiers and kidnapping girls…
-they put shun in A POD?? MAGIC HEALING POD??? HOW IS HE /THAT/ INJURED CMON. WE NEED FIGHTING BIRD. nooo are we rly leaving him in xyz for now boooo :(
-wait we're really going to fusion NOW? are we coming back to xyz after? it feels too SOON we have like 40 eps left, also, we spent way longer in synchro comparatively…
-christ, im GLAD yuyas dad is finally like 'yes ill go, ill take charge and talk to leo' buddy your old pal is using child soldiers and causing genocide, we are a little past trying to get him to egao!!! also how long have u been in fusion, u didnt IMMEDIATELY GO TO DO THIS??? IF UR SO SURE U CAN TALK TO HIM??? annoying asf im sorry i dont have a valid reason to dislike this man but i DO i do dislike him. one thing abt ygo is all the dads usually suck so im just WAITING to hear some SHIT abt him ToT
-dennis is finally back??? I forgot he existed. sorry dennis. you're FUN but not one of my favorites
-i do love all the students being like. NOOO YUYA'S DAD SENSEI STAND DOWN LET US HANDLE DENNIS. fuckin DENNIS trying to be a threat jdsfkj. as if yuyas dad is like, old and weak?? his leg might be injured but my god I seriously doubt he, as a pro duelist, who INVENTED A NEW TYPE OF DUELING, cannot beat DENNIS. funny
-…I do think dennis wouldve lost, but THEY RAN AWAY FROM THE DUEL. how many times has this happened in ygo ever?? wild!! theyre rly going for academia right NOW?? OH GOD ITS HAPPENING. WILL THE BRACELET GIRLS ALL FINALLY MEET UP
-kinda mad abt yuzu being relegated to Damsel a bit, but glad she can also protect herself and duel
-yuto is SO funny popping out while yuya homosexually Duels kachidoki right after he says smth like 'bring out ur evil xyz dragon' and yuto says 'wow he rly hates u…' BRO ITS /YOUR/ DRAGON HES TALKING ABT LMAO??? yuto is so. well. im glad after this long, for this arc hes so much more PRESENT
-ok, yuya says smth REALLY interesting to me. he makes a point to be like 'because of how I was dueling back then (against kachidoki the first time, when the Demon Thing overtook him n yuto) I couldnt save kachidoki, but it's different now!' and. yeah? his character development has been kind of subtle, but in MY opinion he went from trying to force himself to smile as …a kind of Repressing of his Real feelings, and to just kinda emptily echoing his dads words without understanding them deeply, to actually wanting others to smile with him because hes Witnessed the Horrors and Injustices and wants to uplift ppl genuinely while honoring his dad too and…idk, it's NICE. I think the Demon thing is Less of an Immediate problem now bc hes! feeling his feelings More or smth? …is the Demon Form a Metaphor. (I know it wont be lol im still mildly worried abt it, esp since we got all the yuboys in the same dimension now..) anyway its nice and i already KNOW hes gonna befriend kachidoki :)
-kachidokis rainbow magic evil tattoos are so fun. love those
-the way yuya is struggling on roller shoes but was a natural on a bike in sychro is SO funny. granted his mom was a biker, so
-yuto's little 'hey are u doing this on purpose…' to yuya my GOD he is SO funny. emo king has JOKES (I think hes being serious which is even funnier actually)
-my god kachidoki's backstory is so sad but hes been fixating on yuya for EIGHT YEARS? yeah they are so. hmm. rotating them in my mind together. kachidoki was willing to make them both lose if it meant yuya losing…and yuya stopped him from doin that…offered him a friendly hand….going to CRY
-this is prob the first time kachidoki got praised like that in a duel too HHHH IM SAD. also why are u walking away, ur in a random dimension king, howre u gettin home? DENNIS? is DENNIS gonna send u home? jdsfkjhk
-my god dennis v kaito. why am I laughing so hard. kaito is like the biggest straightman ever to dennis' silly Menace and…yeah it's very funny to me. kaitos gonna beat his clown ass. kaito is THEE undefeated ygo rival I am not even a little worried
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-ok quick card appreciation moment. bubble gardna is so CUTE
-Ok i expected kaito to win. did not expect. DENNIS TO, INSTEAD OF JOINING THEM, TURN HIMSELF INTO A CARD. jeez. ok. this was immediately overshadowed by the fact SERENA BACK!!!! ITS BEEN TOO LONG. HIIII SERENA :D
-…PIRATES ARE CANON. yet another epic win
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-Moment. (followed by immediate betrayal, lmao I was wondering why we didn't get to see what she'd been up to and she just gave a vague summary...up to being brainwashed I Guess? unsurprising)
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-I'm actually mad at how easily yuzu gets captured and goes along with this tho. bc it looked like serena just..mildly twisted her arm?? s1 yuzu would've fought Harder and been yelling (her being so spirited was one of my fav things abt her!) and they keep making her More of a Damsel and im >:( u still have legs girl! kick! bite! I want u to go down swinging if u must be caught!! struggle more!! damn!!!
-YUYA CAN SKATE ON TIGHT ROPES!!! i think I wondered earlier in this liveblog if he could do Circus Skills and he CAN MY GOD I AM SO VALIDATED RN. LOVE THIS
-reiji, layra, tsukikage, and crow are finally here. about god damn time. AND SORA IS TOO. YAY. why is jack not with them :<
-sora using a kraken monster against the pirate (pirate..cosplayer? lmao) so why DOES academia employ Fake Pirates exactly. like im not complaining I Just Want To Know
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-this little?? approving nod and smile reiji gives to sora?? so cute ;_; genuinely glad to have both of them back, reiji is Best Team Leader and sora is very much needed if we're goin to academia (and look..hes all buddy friends with the other lancers now…cute…his FRIENDS…HE HAS FRIENDS NOW.......PROUD OF U DOT COM)
-also very glad yuya was like 'yeah serena wouldnt fucking DO THIS of her own will' and they did establish its Brainwashing. like, good on them for being smart and trusting their friends. refreshing to see
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