#cut out t shirt
saltpepperbeard · 2 years
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The beauty of Stede Bonnet
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mao22716 · 11 months
happy late halloween they r coming to take ur candy
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bonus saiki dialogue:
read from left to right
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also if u saw me repost no u didnt wipe it from ur memory thnanks :))
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my-t4t-romance · 1 year
you ever just minding your own business and then you catch yourself in the mirror and you realize, I'm… I'm a hot butch!!
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 27 days
if u think ao3 author curse isn’t real rest assured it WILL get you eventually. i posted a fic last night and was already getting ready to start a new one today and yk what happened !!! i was doing a box jump at wrestling practice after school and SPLIT MY SHIN OPEN
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Spent a very nice morning taking crewneck t-shirts , cutting off the strangulating necks, and making a slightly wider, slightly deeper neckline that does not make me feel like I’m getting choked by my clothing. Yeah it’s a kink but not when it’s my most casual comfy clothes. Yay herringbone hem stitch! Boo my poor pricked fingertips.
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gayghostrights · 2 months
I am begging people to stop making novelty, one use t-shirts. You Do Not need a shirt that says bride tribe for a single night, I promise. if you desperately need to flag your bachelorette party go to a thrift store and pick up one of the 10 thousands already there. Please.
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dykeofmisfortune · 11 months
hey girls did u know that um. (bruce springsteen voice) I WANNA CHANGE MY CLOTHES MY HAIR MY FACE
#transgender bruce springsteen moment
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
FASHION QUESTION!!! if u could design an outfit for urself rn. maybe something u always wanted to wear but u havnt seen it before or mybe just a cool design on some clothes....how would u describe it
i really like amavel's girly/doll style outfits i wish i could get that but like pride flag colors and turtles like this. im not describing this sorry im just drawing it out. i dont have any of the bracelet ring chain accessories bc theyre always sold out when i find them but i think theyre neat i want one. idk if i want tulle over the skirt or lace at the bottom mayeb even both i didnt draw either but the thoughts there too.
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that said i already own the two most euphoria inducing outfits ive seen and thats these. ive given up thinking of my own designs bc i will never top these. i dont even care these are MY outfits now. the embroidery really makes them top notch to me
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ozymoron · 6 months
dude its always "be yourself" till youre trans and now suddenly oh i get to nitpick every little thing about you oh that gesture was very feminine made you look like a girl oh youre wearing a shirt thats cream coloured? seems a little feminine to me oh you paint your nails? so youre a girl after all like ???? youre giving me mixed messages here am i meant to be myself or am i meant to conform to your idea of what a man is in order to be accepted as one by you
#⚠️#one time after i came out my mum saw me lounging around in a black t shirt and she was like oh it made you look like a man thinking it was#compliment but dude i got so mad i was like for fuck sake is that seriously what i have to do to be considered a man is lounge around in a#black t shirt??? lounging around is masculine???? what????????#i was also just a very angry person in general but still that really confuses me#had a psychiatrist note down shit about my appearance saying whether they thought it was feminine or masculine (they thought it was all#feminine) which was fucking crazy cause i went in for an adhd diagnosis#people just find out youre trans and suddenly start acting like experts on whats feminine and whats masculine and what makes you either#gender like shut the fuck up#can also come from people who they themselves accept some cis men are feminine and some cis women are masculine but suddenly as soon as you#try to transition now you have to be masculine or be feminine or youre not valid in their eyes#its fucking crazy#like if i showed them a dude with long hair theyd be like thats a dude with long hair but as soon as i have my hair long im told to cut it#i can show them a dude in a skirt and theyd probably laugh thinking its funny or some bullshit but theyd still think its a dude in a skirt#but if i wear a skirt suddenly im a girl#i know at the root of all this they truly believe people cant switch genders cause in their minds sex and gender is the same but still its#so annoying especially when they pretend to be accepting or think theyre being accepting and when you challenge them on their transphobia#they get all mad at you and act like youre being rude for criticizing them for doing the bare minimum whilst also just continuing to be#transphobic#like yeah you use my correct name but when im not around you use she/her for me and you say i **want** to be a boy instead of i am a boy bu#when i talk to you about this suddenly im the bad guy like its my fault youre using language for me thats transphobic#like ok man. whatever.#sorry for asking you to be a decent fucking human being toward me and treat me with respect#its like people just treat trans peoples gender like something they can just dismiss like its nothing liek we're just playing pretend or#something#like god its frustrating. i need to cut my mum out of my life fr
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There is something to be said for
“I like these clothes because they mess with your preconception of me and I want people to stop sticking me in a certain box”
“I like these clothes because they make me feel more comfortable in my own skin”
and how they’re sometimes but not always the same thing
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ronanlynchbf · 1 year
this summer i need to cut my hair and buy silly t-shirts and stop being apologetic abt merely existing and do things even though i'm very bad at them and be earnest & bouyant and stop thinking i'm being punished when bad things happen and read books i've never heard of and be in any body of water as much as possible and be less afraid of people crushing my heart when i give them it!!!!! Basically i need to go on walks even when i don't feel like it so every time i do i will be enraptured by the world like i always am 🙏❤
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stinkrascal · 2 years
i jsut saw softpine talk about this but like cc creators please why is every other shirt a crop top. wheres the full length shirts for the comfy enjoyers
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catboyvader · 11 months
putting "you will always be second to obi-wan kenobi" on my tinder profile to weed out lame-os
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mrdollhouse · 2 years
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Ash's shadow shirt design
》free to use for non commercial use《
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kn-rainbowblood · 1 year
I survived the extreme sport called "going out shopping for clothes while on my period" and I'm really proud of myself. I didn't EVEN cry ONCE.
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urbanfiltered · 1 year
exhibiting never before seen signs of self actualization/mental illness
#dancing around the apartment with the same emo ass screamy song on repeat for the 20th time and randomly#cutting various t-shirts into crop tops as i see fit#it IS 4 am and i am swinging my hair around like it is midday which is so dangeous for my sleep schedule but#in my defense an evening coffee happened#anyways why did i wait this long to move out lol i love it here#also i think an interesting thing has happened to my brain and i am finally O.K with not having plans on a friday night#comforted by the fact that i have an extremely busy saturday night so i am just allowed to like#chill with myself tonight#and after the week i have had BY GOD do i deserve it#and i dont feel 'lame' and i'm not constantly checking in on other people to see what they are doing like#im genuinely just vibing#extremely new feeling for the girl who always has to be Somewhere#i think i no longer feel like i am making up for lost time#tbh trutfhully i am in my ''disaster undergrad'' era at 25 but with like.#money.#in an unfurnished apartment sleeping on the floor with the rattiest and shaggiest haircut i have ever sported in my life and#eating my breakfast cereal out of a mug with a plastic spoon bc i dont own much dishware#and going to bed at 4 am when i have work at 8 am and somenow manageing to get it all done#cooking my own meals messily and making mistakes#except i can afford to make the mistakes and i can make the adult purchases and plan vacations and trips and buy clothes etc so it is like#the best of both worlds in a way#i feel like i worked really hard to be in the exact space that i am in now and i know a lot of it was sheer luck#of being in the right place at the right time to know the right people to get jobs and stuff#and a SHIT ton of prayer and reflection and introspection and indecision#but things are looking the way i want them to now!!!#veeeeery slowly#anyways on an unrelated note does someone want to help me pick a bedframe <3
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