#we can even be freinds
catboyvader · 11 months
putting "you will always be second to obi-wan kenobi" on my tinder profile to weed out lame-os
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hplonesomeart · 15 days
Guys I’ve been thinking about these two all month…they deserved some more time together and if we don’t get to see that happen canonically then I’ll just need to take matters into my own hands and manifest a universe where they joke around together. This is serious business
Also just felt like this audio matched the dynamic well :))
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batvillainz · 3 months
Dude this is crazy. I suppose I never considered it outside the rhelm of possibility with how hated he is but still. The things you live to see in a lifetime
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Remeber to speak about the good things in the world and your life. We write pages on pain an paragraphs on joy. So tell someone you love them, even if that person is in the mirror. Also to people who see this, I want to hear about the good things happening in your life!
If you want to take part in a little experiment in joy, tag or reblog with what is making you happiest in life right now. Have some friends do the same - there's more love and joy in the world than we think, so let's prove it!
I'll start, today my two cats cuddled for the first time, my cat cleo is new to our house and has been very defensive, but today she cuddled with my handsome boy chonks ! It made me smile even if it was just a little thing,
How about you?
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>the baby's cleo and chonks. Cleo is in the dresser and chonks is DMimg a session. It looks like he didn't know the sorcerer had fireball :) ]
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veone · 2 years
…do y’all actually know why berie is being talked about?
#dl#do y’all? because she caused it being immature over a cc master list thinking the person behind it had a vendetta and made a weird post or#two about and then dirty deleted and then her besties brought it up again in discord all argumentive and now all y’all are like y’all talk#about people 😟 vs idk a 30 something year old there a#tantrum over a cc list and blocked everyone who liked it apparently and made a really rash assessment about the op of that list because op#said in context they didn’t follow berie because and blocked them because they made some weird comments about w/w who were lesbains couldn’t#call them selfs butch and was arguing that weird point but because they said that list was outdated and some of the creators were really#the best they have clipping for sims bigger them a size two they wanted to make another master list with more stuff#berie saw this as copying like she’s the only summer who makes bigger sims 🙄 and was bother about it and vauging and answered an ask being#real immature about it and being like we could collaborate you can credit me for….what also having the idea to make a master list of cc for#bigger sims?? this is the shit that’s got everyone talking about her 😂 everyone was rolling their eyes and commenting their thoughts on her#she always acts like this and then deletes it and her freinds and all vauge and everyone all confused#at the end of the day if your being talked for more then a day it because you did something weird or your keeping the shit up#like this is the dumbest thing that has happened in the community#the amount of people who aren’t even see this but should and assume the worst by people talking in discord about people I’m not surprising#at the end of the day though it sucks your getting people people sending you stuff that being said because that’s a really shitty freind#or anon like stop riling people up for nothing#that it I don’t care it’s a public space if you wanna lurk go for it 😂#people literally only get talked about for being weird don’t be weird to people or scammers#that the drama tbh#someone cam into discord being a dick right off the back and got banned then unbanned#so Sashima or whatever your name was you can shut up now
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My uncontrollable urge to pull up and read the entire wikipedia page on spiderman every couple of hours is really messing with my cool girl persona
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
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tinylittlebab · 2 years
bleh everything SUCKS
#sisters stupid freind/both our roommate is HORRIBLE#hes so controlling and decided hes in charge of of her#she bought a fish. something that doesnt affect him in the slightest. and hes furious with her#hes like. saying it will cause issues in their friendship if she doesnt get rid of it. hes not even saying that its a problem because he#doenst wanna deal with it bc he has acknowledged that it doesnt affect him. hes angry bc he thinks it was impulsive and irrisposible#which like 1. it wasnt and shes beentalking about getting one for years and can probably afford and take care of it and 2. even uf it was#its not a decision that affects him so he has no right. shes an adult who can make her own choices even if theyre are bad ones#hes so mean to her all the time and demands all her time. talks down all her friends. insults her for wanting a relationship. refuses to#listen to any of her problems or support her and refuses to let her talk about any of her interests he doesnt share either#talks down every hobby she has. calls all of it stupid and a waste of money even though he soends SO much money on clothes all the time#and he gets angry with her when she isnt into the stuff he is (mostly shows). even when she agrees to watch it with him he gets angry if#she isnt as into it as she is. hes just decided theyre in a relationship which means shes not allowed to pursue anyone but he is also not#interested in her in the way she wants. he insults her for wanting anything more out of a relationship bc hes content without it rn#hes awful. i hate him. i dont wanna live with him another year. i dont want her to lose him totally bc theyve been freinds for so long and#she really cares about him but fucking hell. they should NOT live together. gonna apply to some places. this lease ends in 3-4 months so#theres not much time for me to adjust but if im adjusted in time then maybe we will go get an apartment just us 2#and then maybe she can get a fucking support dog like she needs bc shes disabled but he refuses to let her get
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pjflmga · 30 days
chicago, alessia russo x reader
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summary: story based on the song chicago by louis tomlinson. angst and no happy ending. stream chicago it’s banger🔥
a/n: english is not my first language and i’m dead tired + wrote it in the middle of the night, so sorry if the grammar and stuff is shit at times🥲 also it’s like my first fic writte so yea:o ig if you have an idea of a story or smth send them in :)
wc: 1,8k ish
alessia was sitting on the coach of her apartment in north london, as she scrolled through instagram… or stalking through your instagram to be precise. your last post being a picture of your now 18 month(🥲) old baby.
“my baby girl olivia is now 18 months old🥹❤️” the caption said.
a tear formed in her eye as she thought of the name. the name that her and you had come up with together, at the age of 13. the name she thought you would name you little baby together. the name that you now used for your own baby, without her.
alessia and you had been close friends since middle school, when you both were 9.
it had been a normal school day where alessia sat daydreaming about going professional in the thing she loved the most, football, when the blondes friend lisa came running towards her.
“lessi!!! giorgio and peter are at it again.” she said while breathing out.
“huh?” the young girl answered as her head jerked up.
“they got into some argument and it’s getting heated.” lisa answered as the two began running towards the fight. “i think you can talk him out of it.” she continued.
“GIORGIO!” she yelled.
“PETER!” someone else yelled at the same time.
alessia saw how her brother and the other boy looked towards her and the other voice quickly. at that time teachers had arrived as well and told the boys off. so instead of parenting her older brother, the blonde looked over to the other voice and caught your eyes, as you were looking at her with curiosity.
“wow” she thought to yourself “she has the coolest outfit ever” so like the 9- year old she was, she walked over to you and introduced herself. “hello, my name is alessia, but my friends call me less or lessi and i think your outfit is so cooll!“ she said.
“hi alessia, i’m y/n, my freinds call me y/n/n. ” you answered excitedly. “thank you, your eyes are so, so pretty.” you continued, entirely mesmerised by her blue eyes. “oh and that potato head over there, is my brother peter.”
“the boy who fought with your brother is my big brother gio. he usually is the best, we play football together all the time!” alessia laughed.
“no way? i love football too!” you screamed excitedly. “would you like to play with me sometime?”
and just like that a wonderful friendship blossomed out between alessia and you. years passed and the bond the blonde shared with you, only grew stronger. as the two of you turned 16 she realised she might be feeling something else than normal friendship for you. little did she know, you felt the same about her.
as the weeks past the two of you became a bit more and more bold and flirtier, and then all of a sudden you started dating. both of your families loved the other girl. even your big brothers had become friendly and only bantered up a little now and then, but more as a joke of course.
after a few months, on alessia’s 17th birthday, you officially asked the blonde to be your girlfriend. she answered more than happily with a “yes!”. the other present from you might have been even better though. it was your black nike hoodie, that smelled just like you.
both alessia and you loved football, but it was clear as a day who was actually going for it and who wasn’t, and had it more like a side hobby.
alessia was thriving and was currently playing for chelsea’s academy team as well as playing for england’s youth team. you were more than happy for her and watched as she smashed in goal after goal week in and week out.
alessia was so proud of you who were doing quite good as well, playing for the local team in kent. ruling the midfield and scoring some nice goals yourself. of course, when she didn’t have training or her own games, she was there to watch.
everything between the two of you was just perfect, you went to school, played football and had each other. and that weekly routine worked perfectly well for you.
but as they say, all good comes to an end.
the blonde striker and you had only one month left of school before graduating and you were buzzing. you had told your girlfriend that you weren’t too sure of what to do now. sure, you had applied for some courses at a university in london. but other than that your plan was to chill a bit, playing some football and so on. it was no real rush anyways.
alessia on the other hand, had big plans coming up. the striker had applied for different collages in the usa to be able to play football on a higher level, as well as studying. but these great plans of hers weren’t anything you were aware of.
so graduation came, you were celebrating with your friends from school, as well as had a graduation party with each other that your families had planned. everything was just perfect. a few days later alessia had to leave for camp, and that’s when she thought it was time to break the news to you.
“uh, y/n…” she started as she felt a big lump in her throat. “i uh- i, i have a applied for some collages in the usa for the upcoming years. and i uh, i got accepted for unc in north carolina.” she stuttered out nervously.
“oh.” was all you got out, as she saw tears threatening behind your eyes. “less that is great for you.” you forced out with a weak smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you sooner, i really am.” the blonde whispered out. “but i just, i just didn’t know how to tell you and then time passed and you kn-“
“i get it alessia.” you said bluntly. alessia frowned a bit at the usage of her full name, instead of one of a nickname she knew you had, on your never ending list.
“but i thought we could make it work anyways. i’d come back when i have breaks, and maybe you could do the same and we call and text each other all the time. i mean we can do that yeah?” she started to ramble.
“i… i have to go.” you said and left, slamming the door in her face a little too hard. with the sound of your steps leaving, alessia broke down on the floor and cried. this was not the way she had thought it’d be.
sad and slow alessia went to camp, as she put on a smile on her face. this time it didn’t quite reach her eyes though. when game day came around, the lionesses were playing in london. the blonde excitedly looked towards the small crowd to see if you were there, like you had planned. but to her disappointment, you weren’t. she saw her mom looking at her with sad smile, confirming what she feared.
after camp, alessia went straight to your house, only to be met by your mom, who didn’t look oh- so happy.
“please let me talk to her, i need to speak to y/n.” the blonde pleaded.
“alessia, she is broken, she doesn’t want to see you right now.” your mom answered with a stern face. “and you know why.” she added quickly.
of course alessia knew all this was her fault, but she also knew this was something she had to do for her career. so when august came around, she packed all her stuff and flew to her new home for the upcoming years.
the two of you hadn’t spoken since before her england camp, despite her texting and calling everyday, with no success of reaching you. as the blonde forward landed in north carolina, she sent yet another text message “i’m in the usa now. i miss you y/n, please call me<3 i know we can work this out”. to her big surprise you this time gave her a short reply “i miss you too, good luck with everything.”
maybe, just maybe this bitter end of yours, would turn around? maybe that could be the case for you two.
the years past and alessia was now in back in england, more specifically in the red side of manchester. she had also gotten her first call up to national team. her time at collage had been an absolute blast, but not one day went without her thinking of you.
thanks to social media, she knew you lived in central london now. she knew you studied at queen mary university to become a journalist, a dream you had had as you grew older. and she knew you had a new life, that didn’t include her.
the years flew by and right out of nowhere alessia was the front face for the lionesses having won the euros, gotten a silver medal in the world cup and was now settled in north london. but still, not a day went by without her thinking of you. not a day went by without her wishing she could tell you about all her adventures and experiences she’d gotten the past years. not a day went by without her wishing to have you in her life. she wondered if you kept up with her life, what you would’ve said and if you were proud of her.
it had been a tough game for arsenal against their blue london rivals, chelsea. the blues had beaten the gooners with a comfortable 3-1 win at stamford bridge. despite the loss, she bid her thank yous to the fans, as well as signing some autographs and taking some photos. just as she was about to walk away into the dressing rooms, she spotted a face she would recognise anywhere. was it you? it couldn’t be? she blinked, and just like that you were gone.
as the striker got home she burst down in tears, putting on the hoodie you once gave her, thinking back to all the times you had been there and comforted her. especially after a loss. you always knew what to say and what to do, to make her feel better.
alessia replayed the day she told you about her heading off to collage over and over again, and thought once again, what she could’ve done differently. so the arsenal player grabbed her phone and typed in your contact, because of course she still had it saved with a red heart next to your name. but she quickly came to her senses and closed her phone. she couldn’t be that selfish.
she knew you were happy and had a baby. she knew that her name was olivia, just like the two of you had planned. what alessia didn’t know was whether after all these years, you had forgiven her or not. because believe her or not, even if it didn’t work out, the years you had together ever since you were 9 years old were the most meaningful and important to her.
but, maybe it wasn’t meant to be.
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flamie-42 · 11 months
kunikida brings aya to ADA
Kunidida: so this is where we do most of our work Aya: ohhhh Kunikida: and this is Ranpo, he is the best detective in the world Ranpo: hi, do you want some sweets? Aya: *slightly confused*
Kunikida: and this is Yosano, our doctor Yosano: hiya kiddo, sorry i gotta go take care of someone *grabs chainsaw and leaves Aya: *more confused* she is pretty
Kunidida: this is kenji... our part time assistant Kenji: hi again *walks in with a cow* Aya: *even more confused* hi again
Kunikida: this is Atsushi, he can turn into a tiger Atsushi: *talking to Akutagawa* oh hi! Kunikida: and that is his freind from the mafia Aya: *confused and concerned*
Kunikida: ...and that is Dazai Dazai: *igoring him and arguing with Chuuya* Kunikida: *sighs* and that is an executive in the mafia Aya: *extremely confused* what the fuck
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
TW : Abusive family, bullying, suicide attempts!
Before I go straight into my success story I wanna THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart you are my fairy Angel and I love you more than anyone else bestiee :)
I'm sharing this here so everyone can see this
It's been so long since I've joined loa community but I always failed to manifest Consciously , I would constantly look for the 3D to change and I literally wasted years to learn how to manifest when it's the most easiest thing in the whole universe. Then luckly I came to know about the void state but I kept on failing I was unhealthy obsessed with the void with this my mental health became even worse I started to feel like not living anymore. I felt anxious very often, then one day I decided to end my life because things were getting terrible everyday. I attempted suicide and it failed and then the very first thing someone told me after this was "it failed because you deserve to live, you deserves the best, you deserves the world" And guess who it was! SHE WAS MY FAIRY ANGEL 🥺 YOU! MY BESTIEE <3 I'm very thankful to have a friend like you
What I've learnt over time is that these feelings are definitely not permanent and this too shall pass YES it hurts and survival feels difficult but the hope I got from my bestie (Barbie) throughout my recovery process is just unmatched, unexplainable especially for someone like me who keeps thinking that things will never get better. At the same time I was living in a abusive household I was being hated by my parents, friends, neighbours And one day IT'S nowhere near as bad as what you'll get, but my mom had a small amount of narcissist in her. SHE HELD MY HAND OVER A GAS STOVE because as an 15 year old I wrote something that she disagreed with in my journal. I experienced violence with my mother and father beating each other. Seeing drugs being used and knowing that there was something bad and wrong. I also seen my mother having sex with other men and once heard her having sex and I thought she was being beaten.As I got older, I began questioning her medieval methods. Whenever I brought it up, She would always say that she did it for my own good, or that she was showing me how the real world was like. As a baby, I was ferberized. I was sent to a daycare from the moment I could walk. My mother would often punch and slap me in the face, and so I developed a reflex where I put my hands near my head in defense if anyone raises their hands. I have been bullied and ridiculed.
I have overconsumed info to a point where I even started doubting bloggers and loa but then I met my fairy Angel, my life, my bestieeeee 🥺💗 Everyone, let me tell you all of you one thing that she's a real life Angel I swear! She was there with me when my own family was against me, she helped me through my toughest times, she never let me down, she took care of me like a big sister. I'M BLESSED TO HAVE A FREIND LIKE YOU CUTIE PIE <3! we started journey together and she entered the void but I was still struggling. When she messaged me telling that she did it I literally jumped out of my bed and cried, cried and cried I WAS SO HAPPY FOR HER. I got superrrr motivated after that so I took her advice and tried to enter the void once more but I still failed, I didn't enterbut she kept me motivated . She showed me the things and her mansion that she manifested so that I don't doubt void anymore and I'm so grateful to you for that . She told me to try to wake up in the void instead of entering I again listened her and tried and guess what! SHAMEFULLY I again failed , I was giving my power to a method, I didn't realize how powerful I AM.
After all the failed attempts I called Barbie and talked to her for 4 hours straight I told her all the things that were going on in my life and I cried a lot and even Barbie got emotional too and she cried for me I can't forget that day ever 🙂 she told me "Don't worry honey! It's never too late, I'll enter void for you and after that you will be free of all this bullshit" THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY LIKE I WAS NOT EXPECTING THISSSSSSS :) she already did so much for me and still she wanted to help me out, this is why I call you my Fairy Angel <3
And next day she did enter for me and affirmed that I'll wake up in the void but in the morning nothing happened I realized that I didn't woke up there I GOT SO DISCOURAGED and I told this to her and she said that I have to assume that I'll wake up in the void unless it will not work 🙁 I literally Slapped myself for doing such a stupid thing Not assuming that I'll wake up in the void :( But she again entered for me and again affirmed for me Like? How can someone be so nice?
AND THAT NIGHT I DID WOKE UP IN THE VOID 😩💗 I felt so relaxed there, I was in a whole dark space I manifested everything that I wrote in my journal , I was beyond happy that morning when I woke up in my dream apartment the first thing I did after seeing myself in my dream house was that I messaged barbie that WE DID IT 🥺 !!
Y'all are very lucky to have my bestie here , I love you honey, ily so much <3 God literally sent you for me
Sending you so much love, hugs and wet kisses 🤭
~ your beloved 🎀
The most beautiful SUCCESS STORY I ever saw !
Thankyou bub for sharing your story here too ♡
My eyes got wet while I was reading this :) like you are so sweet and strong! ily too and I always will and no need to thank me..Your life was exactly like mine bef I entered the void , I also experienced all this bullshit so I could understand your situation that's why I helped you so, no need to thank me 💗 You should thank yourself bc everytime u felt like ending ur life , everytime u felt like giving up YOU made it through... so thank youself honey ! <3 I'M SO PROUD YOU MAHH BESTIEEE
You also played a vital role in my journey !
I've been through a lot. I have been through things that I didn't even told u . I have been through things that I haven't told anyone . Because of the things that I've been through, I used have an EXTREMELY hard time trusting people. I used to overthink abt how to talk to you and share my feelings without making you feel bad or you thinking I'm dramatic. I don't know how to talk to you without it being awkward but not only u listened me but motivated me also even when u r going through the toughest time in ur life.... Yes I have so many friends But you r someone special , I love you differently than I love my any other friend. Yes we've been through hell. And it's been insane. But still we are together! ily ♡
Idk how do I put my happiness into words :) I'M JUST SO PROUD OF YOU
Enjoy ur life to the max <3
Want me to manifest for you too?
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petew21-blog · 5 months
Family fun
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"Hi, I'm Simon and I'm an alcoholic." Haha. I'm just kidding. I'm just a normal nineteen year old kid still living with his widowed father and his three brothers. Today I was suppose to go on a trip with my 4 friends - Michael, Nathan, Daniel and Connor. I was ready to leave, but suddenly my - always happy and kind dad - started screaming about me not doing enough for our family, not doing chores and he banned me to go on the trip. I texted my friends, but only Connor replied:"Better luck next time. C ya". Then my dad even took my phone from me. I have no idea what I have done, but I didn't question him right now. Maybe later when he cools off.
My brother Alex came downstairs and offered me to go with him to the store. He acted different. I can't tell why, but he kept teasing me, which he usually doesn't. He is the quiet one.
We got into the store. I went to get some vegetable and when I got back to him. He was standing there completely naked
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"What the hell are you doing?"
"Hurry. Give my some clothes!!! I lost them!"
"How can you just loose your clothes you're wearing?!?"
"Doesn't matter. Give me something."
I gave him my jeans, my shirt, leaving me only with my socks, sweatshirt in my hand and my boxers. He put on the rest and then laughed as he took the sweatshirt from my hands and ran away.
I was standing in a storeonly in my underwear. How embarassing. Alex was standing outside of the store with a phone in his hand already recording and laughing
"What the hell is wrong with you today?"
"Haha. Nothing. Just... enjoying life."
We returned back home. Alex went to show my other two brothers how he humiliated me. I went upstairs to find my father in my bathroom completely naked. He held my phone in his hands and tried to take a nude.
"DAD! What are you doing?!"
He wasn't even shocked and kept trying to get a good photo.
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"Oh hey, I was going through your phone and I found this Grindr app where most of the profiles had pictures like this. I thought that maybe it is a dating website and I might have a chance. Maybe I'll find someone there."
"Dad, please. Go away. And don't install that app. I'll explain that to you later."
He checked himself out again and then winked at me
"Don't act like this isn't the dick that made you. You owe me for that, you know"
Has everyone gone crazy this morning or what the fuck is happening?
I went downstairs, ready for some more weird stuff. But fortunately my two brothers - Joe and Kyle fought. Thank god. The most normal thing in our family that could be happening right now. I sat outside on the porch just briefly watching them fight.
But suddenly the fight turned into this
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They made out passionately as many couples in love do. But THEY ARE MY BROTHERS!!!
All four of the stared at each other back and forth. My dad was the first one who started laughing, then the rest did too.
"What's so funny? Have you all lost your mind?"
"Oh come ooooon. It's just a prank, BRO" said my father
"Besides, would your brother that you secretly have a crush on let you do this?" Alex came to me and placed my hand on his abs, just going up and down and finally going down.
"How... Connor?"
"BINGO! You figured it out. We swapped bodies with everyone in your family just to mess with you. We discovered we could do that last night when we arrived at the campsite, but we decided to surprise you. So, what do you think?"
"Wait. What about my dad and my brothers? Where are they?"
"In the campsite hopefully. But they keep calling your phone, so that's why we took it from you. Seems like we might have some explaining to do. So, until we give these bodies back and might never use them again?" All four of them smiled.
I couldn't believe how perverted my freinds are. And I couldn't believe I didn't really protest.
A story from the inbox: Hello! I love your stories😍😍😍 can u write a story about some friends are doing prank by body swapping with his male family members?
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gogopri · 15 hours
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Mona (monaa__e98) (Number 6 on the Vetted List (Post with links to her campaigns)), promoted the following campaign from on her Instagram story
Her commentary, with a screenshot of the campaign:
Ghada needs your help please read her story, and support them even with $10 any amount will make a difference in her life, together we can help
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 56)
Hi, quick authors note. I have little to no experience writing action... and I'm a little afraid that might show in this chapter. That being said I do hope it's not confusing and you all enjoy it. It's a Doozy!
The next store, smaller then the toy store and really no more then a kiosk, with trinkets and scanners placed on a simple wooden table, the man standing behind it was cleaning a nixie tube with a cloth.
“You two seem a little young to be looking at these antiques…” His voice was gruff, sporting green eyelights and brown hair under a simple hard hat.
“Just… something specific.” Uzi cracked a wary smile as she took a look at what he had, ancient tech mixed with more modern parts… some of it wasn't exactly… legal. But that had never stopped her before, even if N looked increasingly nervous.
He was off duty sure, he was under no obligation to arrest the man even though his booth was sketchy and some of the parts he was selling were clearly ripped from other parts of bunker. But it still felt wrong to just… not do anything.
Uzi eyed the medical scanner, half buried under other medical equipment (mostly pain relief spikes) it was older, a screen on the front with the back shaped like a scan gun you find at registers. The ones the medical bay had now were automatic, this one was manual, but it would still do the trick.
“How much?”
She pointed to the scanner and the drone squinted at her, his eyes trailing over to Tera, who was still enthralled by her bat toy, then to N.
“Hundred and fifty.” N winced, that was like… half a paycheck. But it wasn't like they needed the money for anything else. So he transferred the credits without another word and the drone grinned wide and toothy, N just turned away as Uzi grabbed the scanner, her nerves seeming to skyrocket now that she had it in her hands.
This thing would tell her what she was, if she was still mechanical or if she was more flesh, ignorance had been bliss, a bliss she wouldn't have for very much longer.
“We got it… you wanna go home and perform it or…”
“No. No we can go home, I need to know.”
N nodded, taking her hand and attempting to lead them out of the marketplace before something seemed to catch his eye. Thad was walking with one of their female classmates, he was being hit on… clearly. But he wasn't giving her much response back, he looked almost bored….
“Hey Thad!” N shouted, making Uzi elbow him in the gut. They were supposed to be heading home! And she definitely didn't feel well enough in any way, to be put in more social situations.
But it didn't matter, Thad heard his name and locked eyes with N, his bored expression turning up into a friendly smile as his attention was turned away from the girl and to his freinds.
“Hey guys! What are you all doing here?” He turned to N, who immediately began to talk nearly nonstop, about his job, about Tera, about her. It would be sweet if she wasn't currently zoning out, thoughts running elsewhere and everywhere.
Maybe that's why she didn't see the red glint from a darkened hallway behind her.
The world around her began to slip away as she tuned out the conversation, there was so much to worry about, and it all seemed to be slowly creeping in on her, she felt like if she focused on it she would suffocate.
And that's when something grabbed her from behind, and she didn't even have time to give out a yelp and barely had time to wrap her hands protectively around Tera as she was yanked backwards, sailing quickly through the halls and into a small room that was only half finished, bare stone making up two of the furthest walls.
She was on her feet instantly, tail wrapping protectectivly around Tera, spines flexed outwards and fangs bared, eyes scanning the dark room for any sign of who dragged her here, a growl left her lips as Tera was uncharacteristically quiet, pressed up against Uzi tightly.
[Hello Uzi] A voice spoken in Russian, automaticly translated by her receptors but it sent chills down her back all the same, she gasped pulling Tera closer and her eyelights hollowing out from anger to fear. She looked around, she didn't even know where the hell she was, much less the route Doll had dragged her to get here, it had gone by too fast.
“What do you want?” She snarled, she couldn't see but a few feet in either direction, this part of the bunker was dark and empty, the only real lighting being the dim florescent light above her.
[To talk] She couldn't pinpoint exactly where Doll's voice was coming from, which only succeeded in making her frustrated, but mostly sacred, Tera was here, this was a bad situation…
“Then why drag me here alone?” She asked, focusing hard on where the response would come from. But she didn't have to, Doll stepped into the light.
She looked… awful.
Her clothes were nothing but tatters and all of them covered in some combination of oil and blood, she walked with a limp and her visor was cracked, she'd tried to cover it with an eyepatch, but she could still see the spiderwebbed fracture. Her remaining eyelight was still as peircing as ever, however.
Even still, Uzi didn't let her guard down.
Doll activated her solver, beginning to circle Uzi like a hyena about to pounce, there were black veins snaking up the leg she was struggling to put weight on, but Uzi recognized the look on Doll's face, hunger.
Who knows how long it'd been since she last fed.
[I had a plan that fell through, I've got nothing and the planet will soon be transformed. I did not find what I was looking for, for that, I am sorry.]
She started talking quickly, like she was running out of time.
[But I am not sorry for what I am going to do to your murder pets when you lure them in here for me, if I cannot be cured, then I want to take them down with me.]
“W-what?” Transformed? Cure? What the hell was Doll talking about?
“Like I'd just let you do that.” She replied, deciding to focus on the most important thing, which was keeping her daughter safe. She activated her own solver, feeling power from her core rush to her fingertips as she accessed it.
[I thought you might say that.]
Something hit her shoulder and sunk in deeply, causing her to yelp and wince as oil oozed out of where a kitchen knife dug into her metal, Uzi immediately made Tera look elsewhere, silent tears of fear shining in the toddlers eyelights as her mother hissed in pain.
“Fuck…” Uzi used her solver to pull out the knife from her shoulder, the wound already beginning to heal over the moment it was removed, she aimed it at Doll and got into the best fighting position she could while carrying a toddler.
[Don't worry, I'll just knock you out.] Doll grinned before summoning more knives and taking aim, Uzi growled, and dug deep to what she remembered doing with the pens to duplicate them, there was more at stake now, her daughters safety depended on her winning this fight.
She duplicated the knives nearly effortlessly, and launched them at Doll at a speed even the Russian was surprised at, though she just teleported out of the way of them, she looked back on them with a half smile.
[You've been practicing]
“Bite me.” Uzi lept out of the way of knives sailing towards her, ending up unfurling her wings to crawl on the ceiling while she held Tera with her actual arms, she felt a different kind of white hot rage fill her, and another feral growl left her lips. Her tail whipped in front of her, sending razer sharp spines raining down on Doll's head, once again, the projectiles just seemed to bounce off, but ever the observant one, Doll had something to say about it.
[I have never seen that mutation before… how cute, you're literally prickly now]
Uzi just growled, crawling over the ceiling and the walls around Doll a lot like an actual bat, she had to keep her distance, her kit was in danger and she had to make as much space between Doll and Tera as possible. She sent more spines her way utterly filling the wall behind the Russian like a stone pincushion.
[What the hell are you holding anyway? It can't be that important.] Uzi blinked, could… could Doll not see very well? That would make sense, she only had one working eyelight…
But that thought came at a bad time, a knife came flying her direction that she couldn't dodge and it caught her in the side, sending her falling off the wall and tumbling to the ground, she sheltered her daughter the best she could from the fall.
She lifted her arm to try to launch the knife back but her core suddenly lurched and visibly sparked with gold, gold glitched across her screen and her solver turned a similar color, her entire body screaming at her to stop what she was doing instantly.
“Agh!” She yelped, curling in on herself and pulling Tera into her, she felt like she was on fire, but Tera was still in danger…
[Oooh… that looked painful.] Doll closed the distance, pointing her solver directly at Uzi's visor, she closed her eyes shut and shielded Tera in her wings as best she could, N could take care of her… V might even step up, she had family still…
“No! Bad! Bad! NO!” Tera flung herself at Doll, slamming her tiny fists uselessly against her, Uzi wanted to scream, but any movement to try and rip Tera away was sending so much agony through her that she just ended up sinking further into the floor.
“Tera No!”
She kept at it though, punching as hard as her little fists could, Doll stopped after a moment of processing, her solver dissolving into nothing as the toddler did her worst… which wasn't much.
[What?] Doll blinked before picking the toddler up with one hand and holding her slightly away, Tera kicked and screamed and spat in her direction, digital tears streaming down her face.
“No! Mama! Bad! No!” Her limited vocabulary spoke volumes, and Doll looked back over at Uzi, who had switched from fighting to downright pleading.
“Please don't hurt her… please… you can do whatever you want with me, but let her go…” It wasn't like Uzi to beg for anything, but the life of her daughter was too important, too precious. Doll's eyes went hollow, her breaths came in quick pants.
[You- Since when?] Doll choked out before she dropped the toddler like she had burned her, Uzi fought through the pain to catch her and hold her close, both mother and child clinging to each other, pushed up against the wall.
[I… I'm…] She looked down at herself, at her ratty clothes covered in oil and blood and the strange growth on her leg as she tumbled backwards, looking terrified, of what, Uzi wasn't sure.
She locked eyes with Uzi, breathing heavily, before red code began to scrub her out of existence, dancing around her like a veil before… she disappeared.
Uzi waited for something else to come, for Doll to come to finish the job or her body to genuinely begin to fall apart or some combination of both, but the pain slowly subsided, her core returning to it's normal functioning, and the room fell silent, absent of Doll.
Tera was sobbing into her, gripping her like she was her only safe haven, digital tears began to fall from her own visor too, she gripped her back, petting the back of Tera's head.
“You were so brave sweetheart… so brave.” Uzi was proud and terrified and tired so tired, but mostly she was relieved that she was safe, although no doubt traumatized.
“Mama…” Tera whimpered, curling up tight next to Uzi's core and refusing to let go, Uzi took several deep breaths, okay, Doll was gone, and even though she didn't know why. It didn't matter, she just… needed to get up off the floor.
But… her legs weren't listening, it didn't matter what she told them to do she was frozen there, either from shock or fear or even the slight aftershocks of pain or the combination of all of them, she just… didn't have the strength.
There was a banging somewhere, a furious, desperate type of banging that progressively got louder, Uzi cocooned them both in her wings and wrapped her tail around them, becoming a living full body shield.
Then a door opened and light poured in.
“Uzi!” Oh… that was N. He was here, thank Robo-God he was here.
“N!” She popped her head out of her wings just in time for her to get scooped up into his warmth and his scent and everything was suddenly feeling so much better.
“What happened? You disappeared!” He sounded so worried, and on the verge of tears himself, he looked her over, the gash on her shoulder was almost healed but her side was still bleeding freely, she didn't respond, only trembled as she tried her best to melt into him.
“D-doll” She choked out and she felt him flinch as he looked around, she assumed he was using his other vision modes, since she heard the soft beeping of his HUD switching modes.
“She's gone, Tera uh… scared her off.” N helped her stand, her legs were wobbling and she was still struggling to take deep breath, Tera was crying so hard in her arms that she was near silent aside from her harsh sobs and whimpers.
“Tera?” N replied, confused.
“Yeah, I don't know either.”
“Uzi! N!” There were more footsteps as Thad ran into the room, out of breath and venting heavily, his gaze met the family and his eyelights turned worried.
“We're fine…” Uzi said immediately, trying to hide how beat up she was, artificial adrenaline slowly waning, replaced by a dull ache in every joint, every servo and every gasket. The area around her core felt sore…
“Yeah I don't belive you…” Thad replied, immediately looking her over in much the same way N had done, just with far less lingering touches.
“Since when did you become so doting?”
“You're my freind Zi, I'm like… Tera's uncle at this point.” He held something in his hands, something small, purple, and shaped like a bat.
“Hey, I think you dropped this.” He knelt down to where Tera was and brought the bat plushie into her view, she gasped, and breifly let go of her mother to grip it tightly and hug it to her before curling right back up in her previous position.
“Thank you…” Uzi found herself choking up again, causing Thad to back away slightly, he wasn't used to seeing Uzi so… vulnerable.
But in the next second she pulled him into a hug, making his eyelights go hollow for a moment before he returned it, squeezing her tightly.
“No problem.”
It took several minutes for Uzi to calm down enough to begin to try and walk, N steadied her on one side, Thad on the other, Tera resting on N's back, gripping him tightly.
She limped home, ignoring how slowly her wounds were healing compared to normal, ignoring the aches and pains and desire to just collapse into a pile of spare parts and letting herself get near dragged back home.
N and Thad lowered her onto the couch, tye furniture creaking unhappily with the addition of her weight, N turned to Thad, talking about something she couldn't focus enough to listen to.
She'd lost… and the only reason her and Tera weren't dead or used as bait was because Tera surprised Doll… She'd failed to protect her, her one job.
“Hey Thad's going home, do you want me to move you to the bed?” N's voice broke through the thoughts, and she nodded without thinking, he scooped her up in her arms and was off towards the bed, shutting the door behind him with his tail.
He sat Tera down on the edge of the bed first, before he laid his girlfriend down gently, Tera immediately crawled towards them both, refusing to be anywhere but curled up next to them.
Her wounds were healed well enough, neither no longer openly weeping, but her hoodie was still stained with oil, no blood thankfully…
She had no qualms with sleeping like this even through she felt filthy… she was too exhausted to even think about getting up and changing, not to mention the dull ache of her limbs and joints only adding to it.
N wasn't satisfied with that though, and began to change her into her clean pajamas instead, Uzi just let him, she'd never felt more tired in her life. The glitch with the solver draining every ounce of energy she had.
“Wait.” She managed to get out, pointing to her pocket weakly as N was throwing it into the hamper, he dug into the pocket, pulling out the scanner.
“Scan me.” She asked quietly, and he looked at her worry etched on every inch of his face.
“You've been through a lot today… maybe we should wait until you've recov-”
“My solver glitched out during that fight… I need to know what's going on… inside.” She gulped, she really wanted to sleep but… this was more important.
“O-okay, walk me through it.”
So she did, she showed him how to calibrate the scanner and tune it for her systems, how the data it collected on her internal systems would be displayed on the screen, and all he had to do was slowly scan her.
He started with her head, pulling the trigger on the scanner and allowing a little blue light to roll over her, the scanner beeped as a map of her head was taken, first just her silicone, then the metal underneath, then through that.
He had to hold the scanner over each part of her for several minutes to completely map each part, on the side of the tiny screen, her code read out flashed, all bathed in purple and running nominally, as far as he could tell.
“You look fine so far.”
‘Keep going, end on my core… that's the most uncomfortable.”
He continued the scan, taking note of any abnormalities he could find, her limbs were all normal, no fleshy bits or arrant code, just basic, stock worker limbs, complete with the ball joints and industrial hydraulics running through them.
Her head was… mostly normal, her processors were all neatly wired up, but the scanner had picked up… extra wires? At least that's what they looked like, that made a web over most of her main processing units, connected to bits of organic tissue.
It was her torso that really held everything… off.
The scanner picked up her wings and tail, folded into compartments he knew for a fact normal worker drones didn't have, but that had to normal for Uzi, at least since her transformation, but those weren't the only organic parts.
She had a small, but fully realized set of human lungs, breathing in time with her vents to pump air in and out, her oil tank was artificially enlarged and rerouted into… a very strange organic mass in her midsection. When the scanner broke through the tissue, he realized it was a digestive system.
“Not liking that face your giving.”
“It's fine. Let me finish up” He quickly said, he didn't want to freak her put before the scan was done, despite the weirdness and the fusing of flesh and metal, none of it was damaged or working improperly, so none of it had the capacity to make her sick.
Slightly further down, below her midsection there was another, extremely small ball of… something. It wasn't organic, but it was dense, and the scanner couldn't get a good read on what it was. N kept it at the back of his mind as he raised the scanner again, this time over her core.
“Alright, last little bit, you ready?”
The scanner flashed over her core and she gave an uncomfortable shudder, the scanner beeped incredibly rapidly as it both mapped through her casing and exploded in code readout; which made sense, the core was like a motherboard.
Only… the code it read out looked different from the code running through systems in the rest of her body. For starters, some of it was mixed with gold instead of the ocean of purple code it had read out to him before.
Her core was also beating, like a human heart, it still thrumed normally, but surrounding it was a fleshly mass that beat in a constant rhythm. N blinked, feeling his own core and feeling the soft beating that had always accompanied it. It was like his now.
The more the scanner dug in though, the more golden code it read out, as he slowed down to read it, he realized that he recognized it. After all, it was easy to recognize your own code.
“Uh…” He made a noise of confusion making Uzi look up at him with a brow raised, he blinked before showing her the screen that was still reading put mixed code.
“I- sorry I don't know what this means.” He admitted, but Uzi suddenly grabbed the scanner, eyes growing wide as she looked through the model of her internals and the code read out.
“Holy hell I have lungs! And an actual stomach! That might explain why I've been so hungry…” Honestly? It wasn't as bad as she was expecting it to be, none of her internals had been replaced, just added onto, she held her chest and felt the the rise and fall, something that had started after her transformation that had been so imperceptible she hadn't noticed.
Shen she looked over at the core code and felt everything stop.
That was gold code.
That was gold code in her core.
She wasn't stupid, she knew what that meant, she'd seen it in nursery screenings about a thousand times shown to prospective new parents. It was N's code, mixing with hers.
She was… pregnant.
Next ->
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spamgyu · 8 months
One day, when College!OC isn’t paying attention, she’ll hug or cuddle homeboy Mingyu “by accident”
u guys are really out to get me bc i love this au so much and i love the slow burn and the pining i......
alright here we GO
COLLEGE!Mingyu drabble – flus and cuddes
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
College!Mingyu Masterlist
"What are you doing here?"
It was a rare sight for y/n to be anywhere near their school basketball arena at this time – 9pm on a school night to be exact. More importantly, it was a rare sight for him to see her so.... glum.
He had just finished practice for the night, ready to jump into bed and soothe his sore muscles when he had caught sight of the girl trudging slowly towards the building.
"I'm going home with my dad." She sniffled, adjusting the straps of the duffle bag on her shoulder.
Mingyu reached forward, placing his cold hand against her forehead – wincing once he felt the temperature. "You're burning."
"I know, I think I caught my roommates flu." She sighed, allowing Mingyu to take the heavy bag from her.
"Come on." He put his arm around her shoulder, walking to match her pace back into the building and to her father's office.
She would typically shrug off his touch, but considering her current state, she allowed it – leaning into his body.
"Special delivery." Mingyu announced as they stepped through the doorway – her father looking up from his laptop, grinning once he caught sight of who had entered his office with his daughter.
His dreamteam.
"You guys look close." He smiled.
"Dad, please I'm dying." She whined, not in the mood for her father's teasing. It was enough that he found ways to sneak Mingyu into any conversation they were having, she couldn't have him do this while she was under the weather too.
"Take a seat, I just have one email to send." He nodded over to the couch that had been well loved by many of the boys on the team – napping in between classes or after practices.
Y/n trudged over to the couch, dramatically plopping down. "My head is pounding, my nose is running, my chest hurts–"
"Sweetie, I'll be quick." Her dad chuckled. She had always been his little princess, and she was not planning on letting go of this title anytime soon – knowing that she had her dad wrapped around her fingers.
Mingyu couldn't help but laugh as well, having only seen this side of her once. She really did act different around her parents; her little devilish tone she used around him and her freinds disappearing anytime she spoke to her mom and dad.
"Scoot." Mingyu lightly tapped her, motioning her to move from the center of the couch to make room for him.
Groaning, y/n obliged to his request – earning a smile from the boy.
"You know you can leave." She grumbled.
"Y/n." Her father scolded as he continued to type.
"I'm just saying." She defended.
"I'm keeping you company."
"I don't need company. I need to go home."
"Just take a nap for a bit." Her dad suggested.
"Nap? I thought it will be qui–"
"Sh..." Mingyu slowly pulled her head down to rest on his shoulder; y/n letting out a sigh as she felt the pounding from her head dial down to a soft pulse.
Though she didn't want to admit it aloud, she was grateful to have his shoulder to lean on; finding it a little too comfortable as she felt her eyes grow heavy.
Maybe it was the nyquil she took before heading over to meet her dad, or maybe it was the fever, but Y/n found herself sinking deeper into the couch — and deeper into Mingyu's shoulder.
As if she could be any closer than she was now.
Which, in fact could be true.
Y/n could have sworn she had just closed her eyes for a few seconds. Maybe even a millisecond.
She was awoken by the sound of Mingyu and her dad laughing; blinking as she adjusted to the light of the room.
It didn't take long before she realized she was not in the same position she was earlier – one of her legs hooked over Mingyu's left leg, her arm wrapped around his arm.
One heck of a nap...
"Cozy?" He smiled down at her.
With eyes wide, she quickly unwrapped herself from him – scooting to the far end of the couch.
He was her friend, and sure, they may have gotten closer. But not this close.
Hell they haven't even hugged before.
"Aw come on don't be like–"
"I was sick. It was the virus. Don't you dare say another word." She shook a finger at him.
"I told you, she's mean!" Mingyu turned towards the older man with a frown.
They talk about her when she wasn't around?
No scratch that, Mingyu brings her up to her dad?
What are they? In-laws? Bonding over her? Don't they have other things to talk about? Like sports?
"You guys talk about me– I don't want to know actually." She shook her head, getting up to grab her bag from the floor. "Can we go now? Please!"
There's no way in hell Mingyu was going to let what had just happened go — Y/n internally groaning at the thought of him teasing her about it.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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myladysapphire · 10 months
My Lady Strong (V)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 2,323
CW: maniplation and bullying, toxic relationships, stalking, obssession, not beta read
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n we get to see some of aemonds perspective and lets jsut say hes a 'little' mad and obssessed with Aemma
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“My Lady strong” Aemond mumbled, taking her hand in his arm as they walked into the great hall. It had been four years since the event of her ninth name day, and since then her and Aemonds relationship had become more and more turbulent. 
“Aemond!” she grumbled, walking forward, a smile plastered on her face as they entered the feast held to celebrate their bethrothal. 
She had officially become a woman in the eyes of the court and the gods. Her moons blood having arived four moons prior, allowing plenty of time for Alicent to prepare her for her wedding to Aemond, a duty her mother should have performed. But her mother scarcely came to red keep, her favorite child and only daughter had quickly become forgotten over the five years since driftmark. 
Though the past four years had been spent with sneers and loathing glares, atleast on Aemmas end, between her and Aemond. These past four years had been some of her favoruite. 
She had quickly become a favoruite at court, with lords and ladies throwing themselves (literally in some cases) at her, to get a glimmer of her attention. It seemed that the second her and Aemonds obsession with eachother ended (as far as Aemma was concerned, though Aemond still stalked her and obsessed over every detail of her, just now in secret). 
She had her beloved ladies. Girls from throughout westros, handpicked by Alicent and her mother (a very rare event and scary event, that she knew they both had loathed, and she loathed the thought of the two people that hate eachother to such a large event that the court had even taken sides, just to find her freinds) to be her closest friends and her confidant. 
There was five of them in total, Cassandra Baratheon, her dearest friend and fellow hater of Aemond, Rosia Tyrell, the youngest of them at ten and one namedays,  having replaced Yara Reed, after she was sent to bear island for her marriage to lord Rickon Mormont, then there was Cerelle Lannister, Jason lannister. Maergret Fossway, and Cersci Costayne. 
They had been her ladies for four years now, though she knew soon enough they would all have to leave, they would be married off and scattered throught westoros, and she would have new handpicked friends coming and going every few years. But she still adored them, though her and Cersci had a turbulent relationship, these girls were her sisters and she dreaded to think of life without them. Life without their daily tea and gossip, or their walks through the gardens, their days without tormenting Aemond with petty pranks. Yara had been older than them all, being seven and ten namedays already, and she being three and ten would be the youngest, and once wed would arrange all their marriages herself and be able to let them go when she felt they were ready, and not as soon as possible to help appease a waring family.
“Aemma!” Aemond sneered, they had reached the high table already, “stop daydreaming!” gods, he was annoying.
Patting down her dress and they moved to sit, she spoke “can you for once not be so cruel, we are too wed in seven days, lest us be civil” she spoke, her smile still pastered, a fasle calm to all onlookers.
But to Aemond he could tell she was worried, the pranks she would play on him had stopped, the teas and walks with her annoying ladies had halted, and she now spent most of her time in her room or the library.
Since her moon's blood, She was scared, and he had been making her scared, for years, and now they were actually getting married he could tell she was scared, of what, he wasnt sure.
He had been cruel and taken his pain out on her when she was innocent. A mistake he can never take back. And yet he had no remorse for it, as he would torment her, calling her lady strong, whispering bastard in her ear in the guise of sweet nothings. He would deliver dead pink Hydrid tea flowers (also known as Aemmas Rose), with their heads cut off in her room. Shredding what was once their favorite books, and leaving the remanst scattered in her spot in the library. He had taken over every corner she had once seen as hers.
“Hmm” he sighed “fine, prephas…on one condition” he spoke, seeing the fake loathing she loved to look at him with turn to…hope?
“What? You get to pluck out one of my eyes? Or no, I must pluck out my little brother's eye? Oh wait that is your right, an eye for an eye, something i agreed with in case you have forgotten, which if the last five years have been worth anything then you have-”
“Aemma” he shushed her, “gods, i do not want your eye, and yes i may have forgotten that you had taken my side once you found out what had happened, but that does not change that you” he whispered the next part, moving closer “are your whore of a mothers bastrad”
She flinched “that is not somehthing i can control, and you know that, so you can't fault me or hate me for it, espcially when in seven short days i will be your wife”
“Gods, I know that, I do, but everytime i look at you and i see your wretched brothers.”
“You think i dont know that, me and my brothers never gor along, do you not remember their ‘pranks’, such as the black cells? You remeber that don’t you? Rememebr how you wouldn’t rest until i was found, and when you did you were the only one who could sooth me, you were the only one who could get me to sleep. What happen to us Aemond, why did you turn to hate, when all i hver gave you was love. I understand we had somesort of obsession with one another but if it was really that bad then why did you not tell me, instead of hiding behind your pitiful excuses. We could have had a great love Aemond, and instead you made me hate you, so what what is this one conditon you desire, because i can assure you i'll do it, but it does not mean i will stop hating you, and i doubt it will stop you from hating me” she spoke these words, with a cold smile, looking out onto the feast, a fake look of happiness, as if they were the perfect couple, the couple she knew they could have been.
He remained silent, looking down at the table before standing and rezching his hand out “would you like to dance?”
She was shocked, not once in his life had Aemond asked her to dance, he despised it, would do everything to avoid the act, so the shock on her face wqas hard to disguise, as she nodded her head and accepted the outstretched hand. 
“You hate dancing” she mubled, as his hand descended to her waist, their hands outstretched.
“ i do” he nodded, before pulling her closes, and sniffing her hair. 
Gods if only she knew, knew that he only did those things so that he was always on her mind, as she was on his. “ and yet its the only way i can get this lcose to you before we are wed.”
She jolted back, not enough to worry onlookers, but enough to cause Aemond huff, and pull her even closer.
“What?!” she hissed “ you hate me?!”
“I never said that” he spoke truthfully.
She huffed “no, but it was heavily inplised” she sneered, “what were all of those-thoose…you were a bully for all thoose years, you ignroed, me berated me… called me” she looked around before whispering “my lady strong-”
“That's because you are, my..lady..strong, you are a strong and you are mine. Your mother made you a bastard but she also made you mine.” 
“YOU-” she said, a little too loudly, “you are mad”
“The best targeryens are” he replied, “i want you, i need you, i always have and always will. I just liked to play with you a little” he msiked, “ and in seven days i get to play with you even more” 
The song ended, and Aemond went to sit down. Leaving Aemma all the more confused. Just how he liked it.
Later that night Aemma sat alone in her chambers, her ladies having just left to retrie. Her conversatiuon with Aemond replaying over and over in her head.
She had always been a little slow, always compared to her great grandmother Daella. She was always called naive and had things dumbed down. And Aemond had always liked that she supposed. When they were younger he had always liked to dumb things down for her, even if she understood, making her reliant on him. She would stop thinking, stop wanting to understand things for herselves, because Aemond had made her believe he would do it for her. But she didn't know that, she overtime just started to think perhaps everyone was right, she was slow and needed the extra help. The help Aemond always amde surehe was giving her, even when she thought he hated her, he still did it. He had made her entirely reliant on him, and she would never know. 
“Aemma?” she heard someone whisper, unsure of where it was coming from.
“My lady strong?” the voice almost taunted.
“Hello?” she called out, standing up to look around “who's there?”. Aemond stepped out of the shadwos, causing her to jump “Aemond? What are you doing her” she asked, hand on her heart, and taking a deep breath.
“Too see you, my bethrothed.”
“We-we can..cannot be alone together until the wedding night..you should go” reaching for her seven pointed star pendant.
“I should, but we should also talk.” she sat down on her bed, reaching for her and pulling her down next to him.
“yes, yes i suppose so” she agreed, nodding her head, hand still wrapped around the pendant.
He smiled, not the cold one she was used to, but a warm one, one she had longed to see again (not that she would admit it) “good” he moved closer, his hand reaching to stroke her cheek.
That night they talked, it felt liek the old days, when they were the closest of friends. When they were envied by all for how close they were. It was like they were children again, and it made Aemmas heart skip a beat. 
The next day at breakfast, her ladies were told what had happen, with Cassandra shaking her head, “no! We hate him, hes a bully,” 
“Yes but he is also to be her husband, they should be close” said Cersci.
Clapping her hands, Cerelle agreed “oh its perfect, hes obsessed with you! After this we should go to his chambers and you two can go on a walk through the gardens, and have a picnic” she gusehd, grasping Aemmas hand.
Cassandra huffed “he has been nothing but cruel to her, and all of a sudden we love him? No its one of his games, hes taunting you”
“No” Aemma shook her, “no, hes changed, last night it was like we were the old Aemond and Aemma, before driftamark. He cant be-he-” she shook her head, her head dropping. “ its too cruel, even for Aemond. Why would he wish to strat a marriage based on a cruel game?”
“Beacuse hes mad!”
The ladies at the table all gasped at cassandra.
“What? He is, everyone can see that! He lost his sanity alongside his eye-”
Aemma slapped her arm “ Cassie! Dont say that, you werent there, that night was horrible!” she sighed, “ all know is that this is the start of something, we could be civil. Our marriage was meant to ease the conflict in our familes, and we agreed to try, and just let me be a little delcusional please” she laughed, “you all are!” causing the ladies to huff, “i mean it, like Maergret batting here eyes at Daeron verytime he visits and he doesnt even glance your way and he calls you Mary! And Rosia, Cregan Stark? We met him once and you have not stopped obsessing over him, not to mention he had a wife when we met him. And Cassie, lord Redwyne?” she gave her a look, “and dont get my started on you Cerelle and Cersci, i may be slow but dont think i havnet noticed to two of you!” she taunted, “let me think there might be a chance, please, and who knows you may be right, but either way in a week i will married, and he will be my husband. Whether we like him or not!”
Aemond thought she mad, not as mad as he, but as he watched her, sat in the gardens, as he hid behind a rose bush. One night of his undivided attention on her and she, well it was playing out perfectly. The games he had been playing fro years. The constant thought of eachtother on the others mind, the way he taunted her, made her beg fro his attention. Allowing one night of undivided attention to make her think they would be them old selves again. The old Aemma and Aemond. The Aemond who would slaughter the whole of Westros for her, the Aemma who believed very word he said and relied on him to do everything for her. The Aemma who when it came to the inevitable war would believe her mother had hated her, forgotten her, and that he was the only one who loved her. 
It was fun to taunt her, yes. But he loves her, always has, but he supposes the rumors at court were right, perphas all his sanity was in the eye stolen from him.
Next part
Taglist (bold means could not tag)
My lady strong: @aemondssiut@idonotknowenglish @sydneyyyya @wondergal2001 @whitejuliana1204 @meowtastick @bellaisasleep @tinykryptonitewerewolf @sarahkimtae @winchesterfamiliebusiness @iiamthehybrid @zzz000eee @spookydaddy01 @melllinaa @ateliefloresdaprimavera @aelora-a @aleemendoza2425-blog @chittakii @gghoulzz @ryiana @duckworthbean @cynic-spirit @may-machin @Gianinaa19 @wolfiealina @unique7676 @yentroucnagol @loserwithnofriends @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @urmomsbananabread @azaleapotterblack @delaynew
Hotd: @targaryenmoony @theanxietyqueen17 @flrboyd @zillahvathek @dark-night-sky-99 @apollonshootafar
Aemond: @blossomedflowerofluv @violet-potter
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