#custom memory foam mattress
torreshalstead · 2 months
what if your eyes looked up and met mine (one last time)
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Summary - She must be hallucinating, he couldn’t really be here could he?
But the stranger at the bar was so incredibly familiar; the wave in his hair, the slope of his shoulders, his jacket. She knew that jacket. It used to hang in their apartment.
When he turned around she realised it wasn’t a figment of her imagination.
Jay Halstead was here. In D.C.
Notes - This is set in a slightly different universe to the previous fix-it I posted but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless 🫶🏻 also this is my 30th Upstead story! Happy Reading! ❤️ AO3 Link
It didn’t quite feel like home yet but she had started to settle in.
Hailey had been in DC for 3 months, she had found an apartment that fitted her perfectly and was well within her budget so had managed to move out of the government funded accommodation a month ago and if she never saw a mattress that thin again it would be too soon. Apparently memory foam was not something they had ever heard of. She had fallen in love with the coffee from a little shop round the corner from her new place and had quickly become a regular who no longer needed to give her order when she entered. She had continued with her running and had swapped the Chicago Lakefront Trail for the Mall, the early morning sun hitting the white sand just right as she tallied up the miles although now she was running because she enjoyed it not to keep her mind busy. A small change in mindset now allowed her to find the joy in the activity and look forward to the times she was able to pull on her running shoes and head out the door. She had made an effort to get out and explore on her weekends rather than sitting inside by herself and had ticked off a couple of the museums already.
No, it didn’t feel like home yet, but she was happy.
She had lived in Chicago all her life but here no one knew who she was, she was just another agent on a case or just another customer in a shop. The name Hailey Upton didn’t have anything attached to it, no history with her father, no ties to a unit with a less than pristine reputation, no failed marriage. Here, Hailey could be whoever she wanted to be.
She had tried to be more approachable and friendly at work, taking up her coworkers on their offers for after work drinks or sitting with them in the cafeteria at lunch time. It was baby steps but it was working - she had even been added to a group chat that she still hadn’t muted which was an achievement within itself.
When Hailey went home each day to the apartment which was still sparsely decorated but was purely her own, she knew she had made the right decision leaving her old life behind. Sure the goodbye’s had been difficult, walking away from everything and everyone she knew for a new city had been a lot but she had never once regretted it. The age old saying that a change is as good as a rest seemed to be ringing true, at least for her.
Hailey was just tidying up her desk, the stacks of files were threatening to topple over if they didn’t get returned to the filing cabinets soon when she glanced a look at the clock on the far wall.
And she was the only person left in the open plan office space. If this was Intelligence they would all still be there, ignoring the want to go home, pushing the thought of a home cooked meal to the back of their heads when the takeout was ordered or the vending machine raided. Kim would be on the phone to the sitter apologising again that the case had run long and they wouldn’t be home as early as planned. Intelligence had taken over every aspect of their lives and it wasn’t until she started her new job and had the opportunity to see what a work life balance was supposed to be that she even realised it. It was like they had been wearing blinders for years and she had finally been given the opportunity to take them off and see everything that had been hidden.
She was still learning not to be the last one out the building every night, but it was a learning curve.
Hailey remembered she had agreed to meet some of her colleagues at a wine bar downtown tonight. It wouldn’t have been her first choice of venue but it was all part of her new mantra to say yes to things and to expand her social horizons so she had agreed to go. She probably should have remembered an hour ago and then she would have had enough time to go home and get changed into something more appropriate for the location but she had gotten distracted and now it would be cutting it a little close to the time they were supposed to meet as it was. Still, she pulled the hair tie out of her hair and shook out her loose waves, took off her blazer and draped it over the back of the chair and headed out the door. Small steps she thought as she made her way out of the building and down the street.
Maybe they’ll serve whiskey at this wine bar, she thought.
That had been wishful thinking but she had been greeted with a large glass of Pinot Noir when she had arrived and Sandra, the loud and bubbly brunette who worked two desks over from Hailey, had ordered some olives and nibbles for the table which was well received.
The wine was nice, the company was pleasant and even Hailey had to admit the bar had a nice atmosphere. It was busy, most of the high top tables were full and there were people standing around just enjoying the music that was echoing from a duo of string players in the corner who were playing softly. In Chicago it would have been the sort of place that Hailey would have walked past and never dreamt of going in, she may have even scoffed if someone had suggested it but as she accepted a second glass of wine from the waiter, she realised she was enjoying it.
Maybe she could be a new version of herself in this city, one that enjoys wine over whiskey she thought as she listened in to the conversation about two people that she had only met once and whether they may or may not be starting a relationship.
Hailey was just thinking she should probably call it a night, she had planned to run a few miles in the morning before her shift when someone sitting at the bar caught her eye. It was a familiar head of brown hair, the slope of the shoulders, ones she would never forget thanks to how many times she had run her hands over them, a brown jacket that used to hang by the door in an apartment she used to share.
Used to share with her husband.
Her ex-husband.
Who was still in South America and wouldn’t be in DC.
But as he turned his head slightly, and her eyes locked on his, she felt her stomach drop onto the beautiful roman tiled floor.
She ripped her eyes away from his and stared at her empty glass, the dregs of the maroon liquid doing nothing to still her mind from the realisation that Jay, her ex-husband Jay Halstead, was sitting in the bar with her.
Should she go over and speak to him?
Surely if he wanted to speak to her, he would have approached her.
But then maybe he wasn’t sure she wanted to speak to him.
Hell, she wasn’t sure herself.
Her mind was running a mile a minute, scenario after scenario pulling to the surface only to melt away and be replaced with another one before she had time to comprehend the first. A huge part of her wanted to run. To turn and exit the bar, return to the relative safety of her apartment and wash her mind of ever seeing him again.
But another part of her wanted to see him, to speak to him, to confront him. To find out why the hell he was in her new city, in the very bar she was enjoying drinks at and just staring at her from across the room.
There was an aching in her heart, a tightening with each beat that couldn’t believe he was almost within touching distance. That if she just walked across the room, at most 10 paces, she could reach out and touch him, feel his skin against hers for the first time in years. And she wanted that more than she had ever let herself believe. She had told herself, lied to herself that she was over him. That the longing she had felt for months after he had left had disappeared, fizzled out and if she ever did get the opportunity to see him again, she wouldn’t want to, she could be the stronger person and turn away. She knew, as she looked at him in that moment, that she couldn’t do it, she couldn’t turn away.
‘I’ll be right back,’ she whispered to Yvette, the older lady who reminded Hailey of Trudy who was sitting next to her. She nodded in acknowledgment before returning her attention to the conversation which had now shifted to a local musical festival they were all thinking of attending the following week.
Hailey slid off her stool and walked over to the bar. To Jay. It felt like she was walking through molasses on the coldest day of the year when the snow was 3 feet deep. Each step felt harder, heavier and longer than the last, like it was an optical illusion and she wasn’t getting any closer to her intended target. In both less time and more time than she hoped though, she was just a step behind him.
As if sensing her presence, he turned around.
‘You grew your beard out,’ she said quietly, her eyes roaming over the familiar but unfamiliar features.
‘You cut your hair,’ he said, his own eyes locked on her face.
‘It suits you,’ she said.
‘It suits you,’ he echoed.
They stayed staring at each other in silence, essays of unsaid words hanging between them, speeches that neither wanted to start but both wanted to speak.
It was Jay who broke the silence. ‘I understand if you want to say no, but can we talk?’
‘It’s loud in here,’ was all Hailey said, she still wasn’t fully able to comprehend the situation she had walked herself into.
‘Tomorrow?’ He suggested, his eyes wide in hope but his voice gentle without any pressure. He was leaving the ball firmly in her court.
She nodded before the brain cells that controlled her speech had time to wake up and realise what the ones controlling her movements had done.
‘Outside the Natural History?’ He offered, his shock at her acquiescence obvious. ‘We can walk, maybe grab a coffee?’
‘Okay,’ she said, not louder than a whisper but he heard her. ‘Before work, 7.’ She added flatly and he nodded in agreement.
‘7 it is,’ he smiled and Hailey had to battle every part of her that wanted to fall into his arms at the look of that smile, every part of her that wanted to ignore every moment of the last two years, every tear, every unanswered phone call, every angry thought and just feel his arms around her again.
She turned around and headed back towards the table with her colleagues on it, feeling like she was a character in a video game that someone had just made walk in this direction, her movements not her own. And then when she turned back towards the bar and saw the empty bar stool and untouched whiskey glass on the counter, she wondered if she had imagined the whole moment entirely.
Because why would Jay Halstead be in DC?
Why would he be in this bar?
Maybe the two glasses she had drunk had been stronger than she thought, because the chances were just too slight. It must have been a hallucination - it was the only explanation.
‘I didn’t think you’d show,’ Jay said as she approached where he was sitting on a bench outside the Museum. Considering it was now 7:45 and they had agreed to meet at 7, it was a fair assumption. With anyone else she would have been shocked they had waited that long, but not with Jay.
‘I wasn’t sure I would,’ she admitted, her shoulders raising in a small shrug. She stood awkwardly a couple of feet away from him, unsure if she should take a seat and still not certain she had made the right decision to show up this morning anyway.
‘I’m glad you did,’ Jay said, his voice thick with honesty and genuine thanks. ‘Shall we walk?’ He asked.
Hailey nodded and the pair fell into step with each other quietly walking up the mall. The early summer sun was reflecting off the sand and Hailey wished she had had the forethought to grab her sunglasses on the way out of her front door. She had been slightly frazzled this morning so they hadn’t even factored on her radar, she had been more concerned with what she should wear. What did one wear when meeting up with your ex-husband who you definitely still had some sort of mixed up feelings for and hadn’t seen in two years and had appeared out of the blue? It wasn’t exactly something she could google - she didn’t imagine many people had the same issue.
She had settled on her navy blue work slacks and a pale grey short sleeved shirt with pleats running down the front. It was relatively non descript but it was also completely new. It was part of her DC wardrobe and as such meant it had no memories of them or their relationship weaved into the stitches. It was clean.
They walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Hailey broached the topic that had kept her awake and staring at her ceiling for half the night.
‘Why are you here Jay?’ It wasn’t accusatory, it wasn’t angry, it was simply matter of fact. A question she wanted to know the answer to.
‘Guess I should lead with that,’ he said. She could feel him looking at her, a glance of his eyes and a slight head movement every couple of seconds but she kept her focus straight ahead. It gave her the grounding she needed. ‘I went back to Chicago, to find you but you weren’t there.’
Of all the things she had expected to come out of his mouth, that wasn’t it. It shocked her to the point she came to a stand still, her eyes leaving their spot on the horizon she had been focused on to stare at him, her mouth a gasp. He smiled bashfully before continuing on their walk, Hailey a step behind him as it took her a moment to regain the ability to continue forward motion.
‘I went back and Trudy told me where you were. Took a little bit but she said you’d got a new job, she might have threatened me a little before telling me. So I got on a flight and came here.’ He spoke as if it was a foregone conclusion, like why else would he have done anything else. ‘I didn’t call because I didn’t want to impose on your new life.’ He added after a beat.
‘So you stalked me instead?’ Hailey quipped back.
‘You make it sound nefarious, but it wasn’t like that. I just thought if it was meant to be then I’d run into you, I went to a couple of bars close to where you worked and then I saw you.’
Hailey was trying to take in what he was saying but she was struggling to understand.
‘It was meant to be? Since when do you believe in fate?’
‘Since it led me to that bar and back to you.’
Hailey’s breath hitched in her throat, his words washing over her like a cold front.
‘What would you have done if you didn’t see me in a bar?’ She asked.
‘I hoped I would.’
‘And if you didn’t?’
‘I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet,’ he admitted, his boots scruffing lightly against the sand as they continued their way south on the mall. The silence was thicker now after his reveal that he had come here to find her. Before that moment Hailey could have written it off as purely a coincidence, that it had been just one of those moments that you couldn’t explain when you ran into somebody from your past in a place you least expected to see them.
‘What did Trudy say?’ Hailey asked, curiosity getting the better of her.
‘Told me I needed to be sure of what I wanted before I saw you, that if I got on the plane to you it needed to be for good this time, I couldn’t leave again,’ he echoed the sergeant's words back to her. ‘And I am Hailey, I am sure.’
She swallowed and nodded her head - he might be sure but that didn’t mean she was. She didn’t know what she was.
‘So you’re back?’
‘I am,’ he agreed.
‘Did it work? Getting away?’
‘No,’ he answered without taking a breath, without a single hesitation impacting his gait. ‘It made me lose you.’
‘You lost me when you walked away,’ she said without bitterness. The bitterness had ebbed away after the first few months, it was hollowness now that took its place.
‘I know I did, and I have never regretted anything more,’ Jay said, his voice cracking slightly.
‘Why didn’t you come back?’ She asked, hating the brokenness that tinged her voice, the pain that was still evident in her words. ‘Why didn’t you fight for us?’ For me.
‘I was a coward,’ Jay said. She stole a glance to her left, to see the man who for years she had known better and more intimately than anyone else, have genuine pain etched across his face, even the newly grown in beard couldn’t disguise it - his eyes told her everything she needed to know. ‘Didn’t think you’d want me and before I had plucked up the courage, the strength to reach out to you and be honest and admit my mistake, you filed for divorce.’
‘You stopped fighting, I had to too.’
‘And I never blamed you for it, I understood. As much as it hurt, I understood Hailey. I still do.’
‘You signed them,’ she said, the question unasked but obvious.
‘Of course I did,’ he said surely. ‘You asked me to.’
His words were true enough, she had asked him to. When she had filed and knew that the papers had been sent to him she sent him a text, a singular line and asked him to sign them. She had assumed he had wanted to and he never responded. Her message sitting on read until she had stopped looking at their previous conversations and had hidden them from view.
‘But you came anyway.’
‘I tried to be happy without you, to move on, you clearly were so-’
‘I was a mess Jay,’ she interrupted him. She needed him to know the truth, she didn’t know why but that she knew for certain. She couldn’t have him believe that she had brushed him off and that his leaving hadn’t left a deep hole in her that she was still healing day after day.
‘You left Chicago.’
‘I did, I got a new job and came here and I like it, Jay. I really do.’
‘Are you happy?’
She took a moment to respond, to consider his words, the question he was asking. ‘I am.’
‘That’s all that matters,’ Jay said lightly. She wanted to look at him again, to see if his face matched the words that he was speaking but she couldn’t do it, she kept her focus down at the ground, watching as their feet walked in tandem.
‘Where will you go now?’ She asked, her mouth voicing a question she wished she didn’t care to hear the answer to. But she did.
‘That depends,’ Jay said.
‘On what?’ She asked, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.
‘If I burnt every bridge with you or if there’s even a slight chance I can earn your trust back.’
The belt that had been tight around her chest since she had seen him last night constricted even further, the breath in her lungs vanishing and her heartbeat quickening in an attempt to make up for it.
‘I don’t know,’ she said honestly, her thumb absentmindedly rubbing the spot on her ring finger that she still hadn’t got used to being empty.
‘That’s not a no,’ Jay spoke slowly, a voice she had often heard him use with children or people in pain on multiple cases. The voice he used when he didn’t want to spook them.
‘I need time Jay,’ she said breathlessly, the tightening not offering her any reprieve.
‘I’ll give you all the time you want, Hailey.’
‘I can’t be the only thing keeping you in DC,’ she said quickly. ‘You can’t stay here just for me.’
‘I’ve got an interview tomorrow. Training Academy with the feds. Thought it was time to try something new’
‘Good luck,’ she said and meant it. Jay had always excelled when training recruits, she had often imagined him taking up a position at the CPD academy when he decided field work wasn’t what he wanted anymore.
‘Can I let you know how it goes?’ He asked gently.
‘I’d like that,’ she felt the corners of her mouth upturn in a small smile. The first smile she had felt since spotting him on the bench and swallowed her pride to walk over to him.
‘And Hailey?’
‘Yes Jay.’
‘I truly am sorry.’
‘I know,’ she nodded. ‘I am too.’
‘Is it enough?’
‘It might be,’ she said. ‘I hope it is.’
‘Me too. Me too,’ he said and the silence fell over them again except this time it wasn’t as heavy or raw. It felt hopeful. Like the future she had once envisioned was coming back into focus again, a little changed, a little different but a possibility.
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pure-ablution · 2 months
Tips for a good night of beauty sleep?
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I use aromatherapy to relax me and go to sleep at night, and I use it to wake me up and energise me in the morning. It’s a really powerful tool, especially when used over a long period of time and with high-quality products. These are my personal favourites: I use the balm on my wrists and temples, the oil in my nightly bath, and the pillow spray on my bedlinen. I suspect that I’ve essentially just Pavloved myself into good sleep but if it works, then it works.
Clear breathing
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I desperately need a rhinoplasty but I can’t have one yet, so this is my makeshift solution. I tape my nose and mouth and use the magnetic nasal dilators to keep my airways as clear as possible during the night, and I have my air purifier/humidifier on 24/7. The air circulation and quality in my dorm is really not the best (the purifier shouted at me the first time I turned it on) but I’ve found that everyone sleeps and breathes better with the Dyson, my roommates and I suffer from fewer infections and colds, and the dorm is probably as good as it’s going to get.
Block out noise and light
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I grew up in a small rural area where the only noise at night was the sound of the wolves, and even though it’s been almost ten years since I left, I still can’t sleep with the sound of a city in the background. I survived on cheap earplugs for a while, but eventually took myself down to the audiology clinic near me and paid up for some custom-made plugs. They make a huge difference to me and block out just the right amount of noise—I’m able to ignore my roommate crashing in at 4am, but I still wake up to the sound of my alarm. I also like sleeping in complete darkness, and our curtains are pretty bad, so buying a silk sleeping mask which cups around my eyes to protect my lashes and block out light was a wonderful investment.
Make sure you’re comfortable
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If you’re a student like me, I can almost guarantee that your bed is uncomfortable. I’m obviously not sleeping on a cloud right now, but I do what I can to make my sleeping space as comfortable as possible. I researched the best mattress toppers and found this one from a company called Simba, which contains a hybrid of memory foam and springs for better support. Pure foam mattresses don’t support my joints enough, and I like a hard mattress; this topper isn’t as hard as I’d like, but it’s a significant improvement and I sleep much better. I keep my bed extremely clean, I air it out every morning and change my linen twice a week, and I make sure to have a weighted blanket and fresh pyjamas that are comfortable and breathable.
Natural sleeping aids if needed
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I have a confession: I was completely addicted to cough medicine during my first year. I had a chest infection in the first month of uni, and was given something that contained a mixture of codeine and diphenhydramine. I was entirely hooked on it for the rest of the year, and couldn’t sleep without it, until I forced myself to go cold turkey over the summer. I use more natural sleeping aids now, but I think I’d still struggle without them and I wouldn’t recommend taking anything unless you really need it.
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damodar-hd · 1 year
Beedroom Designs in Hyderabad
Elevate Your Bedroom with Stunning Designs and Bed Selections in Hyderabad
Customized bedroom designs Hyderabad - Looking to create a haven of tranquility and style in your bedroom? Our expert team specializes in crafting exquisite bedroom designs and offering a wide range of bed Room Designs Works Hyderabad. From contemporary and minimalist to luxurious and traditional, we deliver personalized solutions that cater to your unique preferences and transform your bedroom into a serene retreat
Why Choose Us for Bedroom Designs and Bed Selections in Hyderabad:
Customized Bedroom Designs: We understand that your bedroom should be a reflection of your personal style and taste.Bedroom designs in Hyderabad - Our experienced designers work closely with you to create customized bedroom designs that suit your aesthetic preferences and lifestyle. We pay attention to every detail, from color schemes and lighting to furniture placement and decor, ensuring a harmonious and inviting ambiance.
Diverse Bed Selection And Design Works in Hyderabad : We offer a vast selection of beds to match your desired style and comfort level. Whether you prefer modern platform beds, elegant sleigh beds, or cozy upholstered beds, we have a wide range of options to choose from. Our beds are crafted with premium materials and designed to provide optimal comfort for a good night's sleep.
Quality Craftsmanship: Bed Room Design Works in Hyderabad Our skilled craftsmen bring your bedroom designs to life with meticulous attention to detail and precision. From intricate woodwork to seamless upholstery, we ensure that every piece of furniture is crafted to the highest standards of quality and durability.
Space Optimization: We understand the importance of optimizing space in bedrooms, especially in urban homes. Our designers employ creative solutions to maximize storage without compromising on aesthetics. From built-in wardrobes to under-Modern bed Room Design Works near Hyderabad options, we help you make the most of your available space.
Attention to Comfort: We believe that a bedroom should be a place of comfort and relaxation. Our bed selections prioritize comfort Design Works near Hyderabad, offering options such as memory foam mattresses, adjustable bed frames, and ergonomic support systems. We ensure that your sleep experience is restful and rejuvenating.
Timely Project Completion: We value your time and strive to complete projects within the agreed-upon timeline. Our team follows an efficient workflow, ensuring that your bedroom designs are delivered on schedule without compromising on the quality of work.
Customer Satisfaction Bed Room Design in Hyderabad: Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority. We aim to exceed your expectations and create a bedroom that you truly love. Our numerous satisfied customers in Hyderabad are a testament to our commitment to excellence.
Create your dream bedroom with our exceptional bedroom designs and bed selections in Hyderabad. With customized designs, diverse bed options Design Works near Hyderabad, quality craftsmanship, space optimization, and a focus on comfort, we elevate your bedroom to new heights of elegance and tranquility. Modern Bed Room Works near Hyderabad Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us bring your vision to life, providing you with a bedroom that is both stylish and comfortable.
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mtdoor · 4 months
Discover Comfort: Top Mattress Stores in Scarborough
When it comes to finding the perfect mattress in Scarborough, the options are both abundant and diverse. Scarborough's mattress stores offer a wide range of choices to cater to every preference and budget. Whether you're looking for a firm mattress to support your back or a plush one to sink into after a long day, these stores have something for everyone. Each store prides itself on offering high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and knowledgeable staff to help you make the best choice for your sleep needs.
One of the standout features of mattress store near me in Scarborough is their commitment to providing a personalized shopping experience. As you walk through the doors, you'll be greeted by friendly staff members who are eager to assist you.
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They understand that choosing a mattress is a significant decision and are trained to help you navigate through various options. From memory foam and innerspring to hybrid and latex mattresses, you'll find a variety of types and brands to test out. The stores often have showrooms designed to let you try before you buy, ensuring you make an informed decision.
Additionally, many mattress store Scarborough offer comprehensive after-sales services, including delivery and setup, ensuring a hassle-free experience from purchase to installation. Some stores even provide sleep trials, allowing you to test the mattress in your home for a specific period. With competitive pricing and regular promotions, finding the perfect mattress Scarborough is both convenient and affordable. Whether you're upgrading your current mattress or setting up a new home, these stores are equipped to meet all your sleep-related needs.
Visit: https://mattresstodoor.com/pages/mattress-store-scarborough
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chordsykat · 1 year
If you’re willing to do those character questions, how about 2, 8, and 9 for the Baen-Shee gals!
Sure I am!
2. What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)
Nita: She certainly has everyone beat on the longest haircare routine. Her hair is insanely long, chemically straightened, and I imagine, has the honor of having been worked on by practically every stylist in Hollywood. That said, it's her pride and joy. She brushes her hair exactly 100 times every morning and wraps it up at night to minimize damage and tangling. She has a strict hair washing and conditioning routine, along with a custom-formulated hair mask that she uses once a week.
When it comes to everything else, I imagine it's significantly less involved and pretty normal on the day-to-day. Nita is fond of soaps that are obnoxiously fragrant to the point that she doesn't need perfume. She likes to go out in the sun and is big on the SPF in all her lotions and balms. She is that person who always has some. She will put it on you without your consent.
Caj: I see her spending a long time "pampering" herself to mean she's got a lot of bandages that need changing. She's lucky to have been blessed by the Life God(s) and canonically said to be one of those celebs that never age. Therefore, I think she's a basic shampoo, body wash, five minute shower-taker with minimalistic aftercare. She probably uses aftershave as frequently as perfume and cologne because I see her as being into spicier scents.
Cherry: Not big on heavy smells and perfumes (they make her gag) and is more interested in natural/organic bodycare stuff. She adores a good soak in the tub, though. With a good joint, of course. And some wine. And something really trashy on the TV in the next room she can listen to so things like drips of water coming from the sink don't drive her bonkers.
Sparkles: I like the idea of Sparkles' aftercare involving shaving and oiling her bod to get that smooth, slick, bodybuilder look -- as a tactile enjoyment sort of thing. And despite appearances, I have said before that she has excellent hygiene and takes good care of herself. She's just really rugged and not put off by the idea of getting messy, shortly after a scrub. :D
Eden: Had no idea they made soap that wasn't gray, on a rope, and smelled like a hospital. Has been doing the lukewarm shower thing as far back as she can remember and was unaware that humans still used bathtubs (she thought they were house-pools). Is amazed to find out that toothbrushes can have all sorts of different bristle layouts and come in such a wide array of colors.
8. Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.)
Nita: King sized bed that her tiny ass still manages to take up most of, if you happen to be sleeping with her. Way-too-many pillows to be comfortable. Silk sheets, memory foam, and would love ordering a mattress that comes in a box just so she can watch it roll out and take shape.
Caj: Basic bed setup. It is always made unless there's sex being had in it. Has insomnia and a truly awful sleep "schedule" - often only 3-5 hours per day. She passes out wherever her body can find the ability to shut down, comfortably.
Cherry: Cherry doesn't need an especially large, comfy or cushy bed and is another one who is comfortable taking a snooze pretty much anywhere. She is the opposite end of the resting hours spectrum as Caj and looks forward to frequent naps where she can quiet her busy thoughts. Likes cold sheets in the summer and having music playing while dozing off.
Sparkles: Likes to curl up like a puppy sometimes. I'm never letting this idea go.
Eden: Used to cots, hospital-beds, and other "sterile" bedroom furniture. Considers boxsprings and bedframes a rare luxury. Really likes ultra-soft mattresses and is fascinated with waterbeds. Probably also big on way-too-many pillows and fluffy comforters. Definitely has a stuffed animal or two. Something quirky, like a cat-thulhu or squid or crow or bunny with three ears.
9. What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
Nita: Had a friend post this morning about how they like to go to the beach on New Years Day, and since it's my favorite holiday, it's also going to be Nita's. The ritual my friend had was for good luck/prosperity in the new year... the usual stuff. I think with Nita living mostly in warmer places during her lifetime, and the whole connection the show itself has with oceans in general, this would be fitting for her.
Caj: Goes all out for the 4th of July. She's there in spirit but her use of popular American iconography could use a little help in the authenticity department. She doesn't quite get that cardboard standees of Jimmy Carter aren't as 'Merican as those of George Washington. The Independence Day banners she makes at the Fed Ex store by herself often feature clip-art of cowboy hats and AR-15s. Has a tradition of inviting Skwisgaar just so she can watch him get really drunk, overdo it on hotdogs, get sick and pass out while hitting on the Jimmy Carter standees.
Cherry: One of the things she'd wanted to do after the Baen-Shee tour was over, was to petition the United States government to recognize 4/20 as a national holiday. She had made soft-plans with Snoop to march on DC and everything. Sadly, it none of it came to be. :(
Sparkles: Arbor Day. Sparkles doesn't need a special day to celebrate how awesome trees are. She's just happy to have everyone else celebrating, too.
Eden: It's almost gotta be Christmas, for how utterly insane and commercialized and extravagant it gets. Again, she's probably never seen anything like it. I guess this could also mean she hates it? ...Her favorite day might also be Easter, though. Because bunnies. :)
Here's a link to the original set of questions. Thanks for the ask, buddy :D
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wild-moss-art · 2 years
If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is cover my entire bedroom floor in one big custom mattress plus 20 memory foam pillows and 10 of the blankets they sold at wal mart briefly in 2019 to make the coziest pillow nest known to humankind
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mattressstar · 1 year
Innovations in Mattress Technology: Exploring the Latest Trends for a Better Sleep Experience
In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the mattress industry has also embraced innovation to provide us with the ultimate sleep experience. It’s more than crashing after a long day of work on whatever soft surfaces happen to be around. The quest for a quality mattress begins and ends with the materials, comfort level, and technology backing up the construction and design.
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Let’s run through a quick journey of the various top trends the mattress industry is experiencing due to tech advances. These features will help transform your sleep into a fantastic new experience with the comfort and support you need to wake up ready for the next day.
How Technology is Changing the Mattress Industry
Advancements in technology have paved the way for groundbreaking developments in the mattress industry. Manufacturers are focusing on improving comfort, support, and overall sleep quality, offering new options for consumers seeking the best rest possible.
In most cases, this involves technology used to create a better designed mattress. Manufacturers apply everything from AI to deep-sensor manikins to test new materials and eco-friendly options for your sleep habits. The result is you get a wider choice than your parents or grandparents ever did.
Top Mattress Trends for Better Sleep
1. Customized "Split Firmness" Mattresses
Recognizing the unique sleep preferences of individuals, customized "split firmness" mattresses have gained popularity. With different firmness levels on each side of the bed, these mattresses cater to couples who desire personalized comfort without compromise.
This helps eliminate the frustration of being woken up by your partner at all hours of the night. Simply set your side of the bed to your preferred firmness and comfort levels and drift away happily.
2. Eco-Friendly & Organic Materials
With increasing environmental awareness, the demand for eco-friendly and organic materials in mattresses has risen. Materials like natural latex, organic cotton, and sustainable foams are not only better for the planet but also provide a healthier sleeping environment.
You’ll find many customers asking about the origins of the materials being used to ensure their allergies don’t perk up and for the peace of mind of knowing they are doing their part for the environment.
3. Multi-Functional Beds
To enhance convenience and relaxation, manufacturers have integrated smart technologies into beds. Features like LED reading lights and USB ports, make it easier for individuals to enjoy their favorite activities and stay connected without leaving the comfort of their mattress.
We spend a third of our lives resting in bed with smartphones and mobile devices on our nightstands. That means you have a full-blown entertainment center needing lights, chargers, and stands. You can find most of those options at a nearby mattress store.
4. Mattress with Cooling Technology
Overheating during sleep can lead to restless nights. Mattress manufacturers have introduced cooling technologies that regulate temperature and wick away heat, ensuring a refreshing and comfortable sleep even on warm nights.
The goal is to lower your body temperature. Even the healthiest human being can “burn a little hot” while off in dreamworld. Having a mattress designed to cool your body offers a much more comfortable experience, especially when that tech is extended to your pillows.
5. Bedding with Smart IoT Tech
The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way we interact with our surroundings, including our bedrooms. IoT-enabled bedding allows users to control mattress settings, track sleep patterns, and access personalized sleep insights through their smartphones.
Many of these mattress options will be integrated with voice control technology like Google Voice, Amazon Alexa, or Siri from Apple.
6. Latex, Memory Foam, & Hybrid Mattresses
The search for the perfect mattress material continues, and manufacturers offer a variety of choices, including latex, memory foam, and hybrid mattresses. Each material provides distinct benefits, catering to different sleep preferences and needs.
Be sure to ask our professional salesforce at Mattress Star about the specific combination of springs, materials, and support structures inside our latest mattresses. You want to get the spinal alignment you need for comfort as well as the durability of materials for your investment.
As technology continues to revolutionize the way we sleep, the mattress industry presents us with exciting innovations that enhance our sleep experience.
Embrace the future of sleep by exploring the latest innovations in mattresses and bedding. Upgrade your sleep experience today to enjoy the benefits of cutting-edge technology. Visit our store in Glendale, CA, to discover a range of options that promise to transform your nights and greet your mornings with a refreshed mind and body.
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mattressvenue · 1 year
Normal Mattress VS Foam Mattress
When it comes to choosing a mattress, there are a variety of options available in the market, and two of the most popular choices are normal mattresses and foam mattresses. While both types of mattresses can provide a comfortable sleeping surface, some key differences between them may affect your decision.
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Normal Mattress:
A normal mattress typically refers to a traditional innerspring mattress, which is made up of coils or springs that provide support for the body. These mattresses often have a layer of padding on top to make them more comfortable, and they come in a variety of firmness levels. Some of the benefits of a normal mattress include:
Durability: Innerspring mattresses are generally known for their durability and can last for many years.
Affordability: Normal mattresses are often less expensive than foam mattresses, making them a more budget-friendly option.
Breathability: Because they have a lot of open space inside, innerspring mattresses are generally more breathable than foam mattresses, which can help regulate your body temperature while you sleep.
Support: If you prefer a firmer mattress that provides more support, a normal mattress may be a better choice for you.
Foam Mattress:
Foam mattresses, on the other hand, are made entirely of foam, often a combination of memory foam, polyurethane foam, and latex foam. Buy your Mattress in Tirupur at affordable cost and longevity. Some of the benefits of a foam mattress include:
Pressure relief: Foam mattresses are known for their ability to contour to the shape of your body, providing pressure relief for areas like your shoulders and hips.
Motion isolation: Foam mattresses are also known for their ability to absorb motion, so if you share your bed with a partner, you’re less likely to be disturbed by their movements during the night.
Customizability: Because foam mattresses are made entirely of foam, they can be customized to your specific needs and preferences, with different levels of firmness and support available.
Hypoallergenic: Foam mattresses can be a good choice for people with allergies or asthma, as they don’t harbor dust mites or other allergens like traditional innerspring mattresses can.
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squigglydigglydoo · 2 years
Bed mattress size
When it comes to mattresses, the UK is known for its wide selection of sizes especially at https://www.simplyfurnituredirect.com From small single beds to king-sized mattresses, there is something for everyone. But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which mattress size is right for you? This blog post will provide an in-depth look at UK bed mattress sizes, so you can make an informed decision when purchasing a new mattress here or visit simplymattresssuperstore.co.uk
First, let’s take a look at the standard UK mattress sizes. Small single beds are the smallest size, measuring 2ft 6in (76cm) wide and 6ft 3in (190cm) long. Single beds are slightly larger, measuring 3ft (90cm) wide and 6ft 3in (190cm) long. Standard double beds measure 4ft (120cm) wide and 6ft 3in (190cm) long. King beds measure 5ft (150cm) wide and 6ft 6in (200cm) long. Finally, the largest size is the super king bed, measuring 6ft (180cm) wide and 6ft 6in (200cm) long.
Aside from the standard sizes, there are also a few specialty sizes available in the UK. Small double beds measure 4ft (120cm) wide and 6ft (180cm) long, while large single beds measure 3ft (90cm) wide and 6ft 6in (200cm) long. Additionally, some manufacturers offer custom-sized mattresses, so customers can get the exact size they need.
It’s important to consider your sleeping habits and lifestyle when choosing a mattress size. For instance, if you tend to move around a lot in your sleep, a larger mattress size may be more comfortable. On the other hand, if you are a light sleeper or have a small bedroom, a smaller mattress size may be a better choice.
When shopping for a new mattress from us at www.sleepingbeautybeds.co.uk it’s also important to consider the type of mattress you want. Different mattress types offer different levels of support and comfort, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. For example, memory foam mattresses are ideal for those who need extra support, while pocket sprung mattresses are better for those who want a softer feel.
Finally, it’s important to measure the space you have available before buying a mattress. Although the standard UK mattress sizes are listed above, it’s still a good idea to measure the space you have available to make sure the mattress you choose will fit your space.
By taking the time to consider your sleeping habits, lifestyle, and space available, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a new mattress. With a wide selection of UK mattress sizes available, you are sure to find the perfect size for your needs.
The mattress-making process is a complex one, involving a variety of materials and techniques. Design, materials, manufacturing, and packaging are all important steps in the mattress-making process. By understanding these steps and the materials used in the process, you can better understand the quality and craftsmanship that goes into a good mattress.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
If money were an object and you needed to replace a more-than-30-year-old spring mattress, what would you recommend? I've been looking at memory foam, but I think I can probably only afford a mattress topper if I go that route. I've also been worried about the chemicals and offgassing, but that's much less of a concern than the cost.
How much of an object is the money?
A decent low range queen is around $700. I’m partial to Sealy’s around that price point because they make solid beds.
There’s beds under that range that will be better than broken, but almost all of them are bed in boxes that won’t stay a better option for more than a few years.
I’d still say going in person to lay down and test beds would be best. There’s clearance beds like older floor models or customer returns, and there’s financing. If it’s a huge hurdle right now you can get a crappy replacement while you save up for a better long term solution.
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sleepyard782 · 1 day
Find Your Perfect Sleep Solution at Sleepyard's Mattress Store
At Sleepyard's mattress store, you'll discover a wide selection of mattresses designed to cater to every sleeper's needs. From orthopaedic memory foam mattresses that provide superior support to hybrid options offering both comfort and durability, Sleepyard has something for everyone. Each mattress is crafted with high-quality materials to ensure long-lasting performance and better sleep quality.
Why Visit Sleepyard's Mattress Store?
Sleepyard's mattress store stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction. The store offers expert advice to help you choose the mattress that best fits your sleeping preferences and health needs. Whether you need pressure relief or enhanced back support, the range of options available ensures you find the perfect match.
If you're ready to upgrade your sleep experience, a visit to Sleepyard's mattress store is a must. With a focus on quality and personalized service, you’ll leave with a mattress designed for comfort and better health.
Read more : https://www.sleepyard.in/
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primemattresses · 3 days
Discover the Best Premium Mattress in the UK with Prime Mattresses
When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, nothing beats the comfort and quality of a premium mattress. At Prime Mattresses, we understand that quality sleep is essential for your well-being, and that’s why we’ve curated a collection of the best premium mattresses in the UK, designed to cater to your unique needs.
Why Choose a Premium Mattress from Prime Mattresses?
At Prime Mattresses, we believe that a mattress isn’t just another piece of furniture — it’s an investment in your health and comfort. Our range of premium mattresses combines the finest materials with advanced sleep technology, ensuring that you get the support and comfort you deserve.
1. Superior Comfort and SupportOur premium mattresses are crafted using high-quality materials such as memory foam, pocket springs, and hybrid designs to provide the perfect balance of softness and support. Whether you prefer a soft, medium, or firm mattress, our selection ensures that you’ll find the ideal match for your sleep preferences.
2. Long-Lasting DurabilityInvesting in a premium mattress means investing in longevity. At Prime Mattresses, all our mattresses are built to last, with durable materials that maintain their shape and support over time. You won’t have to worry about sagging or losing comfort — our mattresses are designed to stand the test of time.
3. Breathability and Temperature ControlMany of our premium mattresses feature cooling technology such as gel-infused foam layers or breathable fabrics that regulate your body temperature throughout the night. This ensures you stay cool, dry, and comfortable, even during warmer months.
4. Tailored to Every SleeperWhether you're a side sleeper, back sleeper, or stomach sleeper, our premium mattresses offer customized support. With options ranging from memory foam to hybrid models, we ensure you’ll find the perfect mattress that supports your sleep position and promotes proper spinal alignment.
Shop Premium Mattresses Online in the UK
Shopping for a premium mattress in the UK has never been easier. At Prime Mattresses, we provide a seamless online shopping experience where you can browse our range of products from the comfort of your home. Our website offers detailed descriptions, customer reviews, and comparison tools to help you make an informed decision. Plus, with fast, free delivery across the UK, your new mattress will arrive quickly and hassle-free.
Why Trust Prime Mattresses?
With years of experience in the mattress industry, Prime Mattresses has earned a reputation for providing top-tier sleep solutions. We are committed to delivering not only high-quality products but also excellent customer service. Our team of sleep experts is available to assist you in selecting the best premium mattress for your specific needs.
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sevamattress · 4 days
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Tailored Comfort: Discover Your Perfect Night's Sleep with Seva Mattress's Custom-Made Mattresses!
Elevate your sleep sanctuary with Seva Mattress's custom-made mattresses, meticulously crafted to redefine your slumber experience. Tailored to your unique preferences, our mattresses seamlessly blend comfort and support, ensuring a personalized haven for rejuvenating rest. Choose from a curated selection of premium materials, including memory foam, latex, and innovative hybrids, expertly combined to meet your specific sleep needs. Embrace the luxury of personalized comfort as Seva Mattress invites you to design your dream mattress.
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joyner111 · 9 days
Some of the key benefits of choosing a timber bed frame
Timber bed frame offers a range of advantages that make them a popular choice for many individuals looking to furnish their bedrooms. Here are some of the key benefits of choosing a timber bed frame:
Natural Beauty: Wood has a natural aesthetic that can complement various interior design styles, from traditional to modern. The grain and color of the wood can add warmth and character to a bedroom.
Durability: Well-constructed wooden bed frames are sturdy and durable, often outlasting other materials like metal or upholstered frames. Hardwoods, in particular, are known for their strength and resilience.
Versatility: Wood can be crafted into numerous designs, from simple and minimalist to ornate and decorative. This versatility allows for a wide array of choices to fit different tastes and room styles.
Environmental Sustainability: Many timber bed frames are made from sustainably sourced wood, which contributes to environmental responsibility. Some frames are even made from reclaimed or recycled wood.
Healthier Indoor Air: Wooden frames typically do not off-gas harmful chemicals like some synthetic materials might, making them a healthier choice for indoor air quality, especially in bedrooms where you spend a significant amount of time.
Easy to Maintain: Most wooden bed frames are easy to clean and maintain. A simple dusting or wiping with a damp cloth is often sufficient to keep them looking fresh.
Customization: Wood can be stained or painted to match your existing bedroom decor, and some manufacturers offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the bed frame to your specific preferences.
Supportive: Many timber bed frame are designed with support in mind, providing a solid base for your mattress and helping to distribute weight evenly, which can contribute to better sleep quality.
Eco-Friendly: Wooden bed frames can be more environmentally friendly than those made from metal or plastic, as they are biodegradable and can be sourced from renewable resources.
Longevity: A high-quality wooden bed frame can last for many years with proper care, making it a worthwhile investment in the long term.
Warmth: Wood provides a sense of warmth and comfort that other materials may not offer, creating a cozy sleeping environment.
Versatile with Mattresses: Most wooden bed frames are compatible with various types of mattresses, including memory foam, latex, innerspring, and hybrid models.
When selecting a timber bed frame, consider factors such as the type of wood used, the construction quality, the finish applied, and the overall design to ensure you're getting a product that will meet your needs and last for years to come.
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mordormr · 11 days
European Mattress Market 2024: Key Trends Shaping Consumer Preferences
Market Overview
The Europe Mattress Market is projected to be valued at USD 11.19 billion in 2024 and is anticipated to grow to USD 13.20 billion by 2029, with a CAGR of over 3.5% during the forecast period (2024-2029). The market in 2024 is expected to be shaped by several key trends that reflect evolving consumer preferences, according to market research from Mordor Intelligence. These trends are driven by a growing awareness of health and wellness, an emphasis on sustainability, and the increasing demand for smart technologies.
European Mattress Market Key Trends:
Health and Wellness Focus: Consumers are prioritizing sleep quality as a critical component of overall well-being, leading to a growing demand for ergonomic and orthopedically designed mattresses. This trend has particularly influenced the rise in sales of memory foam and hybrid mattresses, which offer better support for spine alignment and improved sleep posture. The increased focus on sleep health is encouraging mattress companies to invest in innovations that enhance comfort and support.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Materials: Sustainability continues to be a significant factor driving consumer behavior in 2024. European customers are actively seeking eco-friendly mattresses made from organic, biodegradable, or recyclable materials. There is a growing preference for products that minimize environmental impact, such as natural latex, organic cotton, and bamboo fibers. Mattress manufacturers are also adopting sustainable practices, including the reduction of carbon emissions and the recycling of used mattresses, in line with stricter EU environmental regulations.
Smart and Connected Mattresses: The integration of smart technology in mattresses is revolutionizing the industry. In 2024, connected mattresses with features like sleep tracking, temperature control, and customizable firmness are gaining traction. These smart mattresses cater to the rising demand for personalized sleep solutions, providing real-time data to improve sleep quality and comfort. The trend aligns with the broader shift toward smart home products and connected devices in Europe.
Online Sales and DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) Models: The shift to online shopping continues to grow as consumers increasingly opt for direct-to-consumer mattress brands that offer convenience, competitive pricing, and home delivery. These brands often provide free trial periods, which appeal to consumers looking to test products before making a final decision. The rise of e-commerce has also created more competition in the market, with established brands adapting to this growing channel.
Luxury and Premium Mattresses: A segment of consumers is willing to invest in premium mattresses, seeking high-quality materials, advanced technology, and longer product life. These luxury products often come with enhanced features, such as superior craftsmanship, natural materials, and advanced sleep systems. This trend is particularly prevalent in more affluent regions of Europe.
Market Outlook:
The European mattress market in 2024 is expected to continue its steady growth, supported by these key trends. The focus on health, sustainability, and smart technologies is reshaping consumer preferences, leading to more innovation and competition in the market. Brands that can align with these preferences and provide a combination of quality, sustainability, and technology are likely to capture a significant share of the market.
For a detailed overview and more insights, you can refer to the full market research report by Mordor Intelligence: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/europe-mattress-market
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metlinemattress · 18 days
Find Your Perfect Foam Bed Mattress with Metline Mattress
Welcome to Metline Mattress, your go-to destination for the best quality mattresses in India. As one of the best mattress brands in the country, established in 2011, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of premium mattresses that cater to all your sleep needs. Whether you're looking for a bed mattress shop near you or searching for the most comfortable mattress in India, Metline has you covered. From cool gel memory foam mattresses to king-size memory foam mattresses and memory foam spring mattresses, our products are designed to provide optimal comfort and support. Experience the luxury of a soft bouncy mattress from Metline, known for being the best mattress company offering unbeatable quality and value. Discover why discerning customers choose Metline Mattress for their sleep solutions.
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