#custom exercise programmes
bossmaxfitness · 1 year
Details Presentation Boss Max Fitness
We as a company have connections to various health and fitness professionals, as well as leaders in the industry that have years of personal experience.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
When two young Brazilian women were reported missing in September 2022, their families and the FBI launched a desperate search across the US to find them. All they knew was that they were living with wellness influencer Kat Torres.
Torres has now been sentenced to eight years in prison for the human trafficking and slavery of one of those women. The BBC World Service has also been told that charges have been filed against her in relation to a second woman.
How did the former model who partied with Leonardo DiCaprio and graced the cover of international magazines come to groom her followers and lure them into sexual exploitation?
“She kind of resembled hope for me,” says Ana, describing her reaction on stumbling across Torres’ Instagram page in 2017.
Ana was not one of the missing women targeted in the FBI search - but she too was a victim of Torres’ coercion and would be key to their rescue.
She says she was attracted to Torres’ trajectory from impoverished Brazilian favela to international catwalks, partying with Hollywood A-listers along the way.
“She seemed like she had overcome violence in her childhood, abuse, all these traumatic experiences,” Ana told BBC Eye Investigations and BBC News Brasil.
Ana was in a vulnerable situation herself. She says she had suffered a violent childhood, moved alone to the US from southern Brazil, and was previously in an abusive relationship.
Torres had recently published her autobiography called A Voz [The Voice], in which she claimed she could make predictions as a result of her spiritual powers, and had been interviewed on reputable Brazilian media shows.
“She was on the cover of magazines. She was seen with famous people such as Leonardo DiCaprio. Everything I saw seemed credible,” she says.
Ana says she was particularly taken with Torres’ approach to spirituality.
What Ana didn’t know was that the inspirational story Torres told was based on half-truths and lies.
Torres’ ex-flatmate in New York, Luzer Twersky, told us that her Hollywood friends had introduced her to the hallucinogenic drug ayahuasca, and she was never the same again.
”That’s when she kind of… started going off the deep end,” he says.
He said he also believed that she was working as a sugar baby - paid for romantic involvement with wealthy and powerful men who were also paying for the flat they shared together.
Torres’ wellness website and subscription service promised customers: “Love, money and self-esteem that you always dreamed of.” Self-help videos offered advice on relationships, wellness, business success and spirituality - including hypnosis, meditation and exercise programmes.
For an extra $150 (£120) clients could unlock exclusive one-to-one video consultations with Torres during which she would claim to solve any of their problems.
Amanda, another former client who lives in the Brazilian capital, says Kat made her feel special.
“All my doubts, my questions, my decisions: I always took them to her first, so that we could make decisions together,” she says.
But it appears that advice had a dark side. Ana, Amanda, and other former followers say they found themselves becoming increasingly psychologically isolated from friends and family and willing to do anything Torres suggested.
When Torres asked Ana in 2019 to move to New York to work as her live-in assistant, she agreed. She had been studying nutrition at university in Boston, but arranged to study online instead, and says she accepted the offer to look after Torres’ animals - and do her cooking, laundry and cleaning - for about $2000 (£1,564) a month.
When she arrived at Torres’ apartment, though, she quickly realised it did not match the curated perfection projected on the influencer’s Instagram.
“It was shocking because the house was really messy, really dirty, didn’t smell good,” she says.
Ana says Torres seemed unable to do even basic things without her, like taking a shower, because she couldn’t bear to be alone. She describes having to constantly be available for Torres, only being allowed to sleep for a few hours at a time, on a sofa covered in cat urine.
She says some days she would hide in the apartment building’s gym, grabbing a few hours’ sleep rather than working out.
“Now, I see that she was using me as a slave… she had satisfaction in it,” Ana says.
Ana says she was never paid.
“I felt like, ‘I’m stuck here, I don’t have a way out,’” she says. “I was probably one of her first victims of human trafficking.”
She had given up her university accommodation back in Boston, so she had nowhere to return to, and no income to pay for alternative housing.
Ana says when she tried to confront Torres, she became aggressive, triggering Ana’s painful history with domestic violence.
Eventually, after three months, Ana found a way to escape by moving in with a new boyfriend.
But that wasn’t the end of Ana’s role in Torres’ life. When the families of two other young Brazilian women reported them missing in September 2022, Ana knew she had to act.
By this point, Torres’ life had grown in scale. She was now married to a man called Zach, a 21-year-old she had met in California, and they were renting a five-bedroom house in the suburbs of Austin, Texas.
Repeating the pattern she had begun with Ana, Torres had targeted her most dedicated followers, trying to recruit them to come and work for her. In return, she had promised to help them achieve their dreams, capitalising on the intimate personal details they had shared with her during life-coaching sessions.
Desirrê Freitas, a Brazilian woman living in Germany, and Brazilian Letícia Maia - the two women whose disappearance would go on to spark the FBI-led search - moved to live with Torres. Another Brazilian woman, who we are calling Sol, was also recruited.
Posting on her social media channels, Torres introduced her “witch clan” to her followers.
The BBC has discovered at least four more women were almost persuaded to join Torres in the house but had pulled out.
Some of the women were too scared to appear in the BBC’s film - afraid of receiving online abuse and still traumatised by their experiences - but we have been able to verify their accounts using court documents, text messages, bank statements, and Desirrê’s memoir about her experiences - @Searching Desirrê, published by DISRUPTalks.
Desirrê says that in her case, Torres had bought her a plane ticket from Germany, having told her she was suicidal and needed Desirrê’s support.
Torres is also accused of persuading Letícia, who was 14 when she started life-coaching sessions with her, to move to the US for an au pair programme and then drop out to live and work with her.
As for Sol, she says she agreed to move in with Torres after becoming homeless and was hired to carry out tarot readings and yoga classes.
But it was not long before the women discovered their reality was very different to the fairytale they had been promised.
Within weeks, Desirrê says Torres pressured her into working at a local strip club, saying if she did not comply Desirrê would have to repay all the money she had spent on her: flights, accommodation, furniture for her room, and even the “witchcraft” Torres had performed. Desirrê says not only she did not have this money, she also believed at the time in the spiritual powers Torres claimed to have, so when Torres threatened to curse her for not following orders she was terrified.
Reluctantly, Desirrê agreed to work as a stripper.
A manager from the strip club, James, told the BBC she would work extremely long hours, seven days a week.
Desirrê and Sol say the women in the Austin mansion were subjected to strict house rules. They describe being forbidden from speaking to each other, needing Torres’ permission to leave their rooms - even to use the bathroom - and being required to immediately hand over all earnings.
“It was very difficult to, you know, get out of the situation because she holds your money,” Sol told the BBC.
“It was terrifying. I thought something could happen to me because she had all my information, my passport, my driving licence.”
But Sol says she realised she needed to somehow escape after overhearing a phone call in which Torres was telling another client she must work as a prostitute in Brazil as a “punishment”.
Sol was able to leave with the help of an ex-boyfriend.
Meanwhile, the guns Torres’ husband kept began to regularly feature on her Instagram stories, and became a source of fear for the remaining women.
Around this time, Desirrê says Torres tried to persuade her to swap the strip club for work as a prostitute. She says she refused and the following day Torres took her on a surprise day out to a gun range.
Scared, Desirrê says she eventually gave in to Torres’ demand.
“Many questions haunted me: ‘Could I stop whenever I wanted?’” Desirrê writes in her book.
“And if the condom broke, would I get a disease? Could [the client] be an undercover cop and arrest me? What if he killed me?”
If the women didn’t meet the earning quotas that Torres set, which had risen from $1,000 (£782) to $3,000 (£2,345) a day, they were not allowed to return to the house that night, they say.
“I ended up sleeping on the street several times because I couldn't reach that,” Desirrê adds.
Bank statements, seen by the BBC, show Desirrê transferring more than $21,000 (£16,417) into Torres’ account in June and July 2022 alone. She says that she was forced to hand over a substantially higher figure in cash.
Prostitution is illegal in Texas and Desirrê says Torres would threaten to report her to the police if she ever talked about wanting to stop.
In September, friends and family of Desirrê and Letícia back in Brazil launched social media campaigns to find them, having become increasingly concerned following months without contact.
By this time, they were barely recognisable. Their brunette hair had been dyed platinum blonde to eerily match Torres’. Desirrê says by this point all her phone contacts had been blocked and she obeyed the influencer's orders without question.
As the Instagram page @searchingDesirrê gained momentum, the story dominated news outlets in Brazil. Desirrê’s friends even worried she might have been murdered, and Letícia’s family put out desperate pleas for their safe return home.
Ana, having lived with Torres in 2019, said alarm bells rang as soon as she saw the news stories. She says she immediately guessed that “[Torres] was keeping other girls”.
More information and support about human trafficking and modern slavery is available via BBC Action Line.
Along with other former clients, Ana began to contact as many law enforcement agencies as possible, including the FBI, in an attempt to get the influencer arrested. Five months earlier, both she and Sol had reported Torres to the US police - but say they weren’t taken seriously.
In a video she recorded at the time for evidence, since shared with the BBC, a distressed Ana can be heard saying, “this person is very dangerous and she has already threatened to kill me”.
Then the missing women’s profiles on escort and prostitution websites were discovered. Suspicions of sexual exploitation, shared on social media, appeared to be confirmed.
Panicked by the media attention, Torres and the women travelled more than 2,000 miles (3,219 km) from Texas to Maine. In chilling Instagram videos, Desirrê and Letícia denied being held captive and demanded people stop searching for them.
But a recording, obtained by BBC News, gives an insight into what was really happening at this time. By now the US authorities were aware of the concerns about the women’s safety. Homeland security had tipped off a police officer who managed to FaceTime Torres to check on the women. But just before this starts, Torres can be heard saying on the video:
“He will start asking questions. Guys, they are full of tricks. He’s a detective, be very careful. For God’s sake, I’ll kick you out if you say anything. I’ll scream.”
In November 2022, the police finally convinced Torres and the two other women to attend a welfare check in person at Franklin County Sheriff's Office in Maine.
The detective who questioned Torres, Desirrê and Letícia - Detective David Davol - told the BBC he and his colleagues had been immediately concerned, noticing a number of red flags, including a distrust of law enforcement, isolation and their reluctance to speak without Torres’ permission.
“Human traffickers aren't always like in the movies, where you have… a gang that kidnapped people. It's far more common that it's someone you trust.”
By December 2022, the two women had been safely returned to Brazil.
Det Davol says, in his experience, human trafficking is on the rise. His observation is backed up by the UN, which says it is one of the fastest growing crimes, generating an estimated $150bn (£117bn) in profits a year worldwide.
He believes social media gives it a platform on which to thrive, making it much easier for traffickers to find and groom victims.
In April this year, our team was granted a rare court order to interview Torres in a Brazilian prison - the first media interview with her since her arrest. At that point, she was still waiting for the verdict of a trial against her relating to her treatment of Desirrê.
Smiling, Torres approached us with a calm and collected demeanour.
She was adamant that she was completely innocent, denying that any women had ever lived with her or that she had ever coerced anyone to take part in sex work.
“When I was seeing the people testifying, they were saying so many lies. So many lies that at one point, I couldn't stop laughing,” she told us.
“People are saying I am a fake guru, but at the same time, they are also saying that… ‘She is a danger to society because she can change people’s mind with her words.’”
When we confronted her with the evidence that we ourselves had seen, she became more hostile, accusing us of lying too.
“You choose to believe whatever you choose to believe. I can tell you I'm Jesus. And you can see Jesus, or you can see the devil, that’s it. It's your choice. It's your mind.”
As she got up to return to her cell, she issued a parting threat, claiming we would soon find out if she had powers or not. She pointed at me, and said: “I didn’t like her.”
The BBC can reveal that earlier this month Torres was sentenced by a Brazilian judge to eight years in prison for subjecting Desirrê to human trafficking and slavery. He concluded that she had lured the young woman to the US for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
More than 20 women have reported being scammed or exploited by Torres - many of whom the BBC has spoken to and are still undergoing psychiatric therapy to recover from what they say they experienced as a result of her treatment of them.
Torres’ lawyer told the BBC she has appealed her conviction and maintains her innocence.
An investigation into the allegations from other women is ongoing in Brazil.
Ana believes yet further victims may come forward, once they read about Torres’ crimes. This is the first time Ana has spoken publicly.
She says she wants people to recognise that Torres’ actions amount to a serious crime and not some “Instagram drama”.
In the closing pages of her book Desirrê also reflects on her experiences.
“I’m not fully recovered yet, I’ve had a challenging year. I was sexually exploited, enslaved and imprisoned.
“I hope my story serves as a warning.”
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crossbordernarratives · 2 months
Instagram Model Forced Followers Into Sex Work, Kept Them As Slaves
Former Brazilian model and US-based wellness influencer Kat Torres has been sentenced to eight years in prison for the human trafficking and slavery of women, after an FBI investigation found that two women living with her had gone missing in 2022.
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Women who claim that they were also trafficked and enslaved by Torres have spoken out about their harrowing experience living with her. Talking to BBC, the women claimed they were attracted to her rags to riches story as she went from living in an impoverished Brazilian neighbourhood to partying with Hollywood stars.
Torres, who was once rumoured to be dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio, also claimed she could make predictions using her spiritual powers and was a common face on reputed Brazilian TV shows.
“She was on the cover of magazines. She was seen with famous people such as Leonardo DiCaprio. Everything I saw seemed credible,” the woman named Ana told BBC.
Torres' former flatmate, who shared a home with her in New York, told BBC that her Hollywood friends had introduced her to a hallucinogenic drug called ayahuasca. It was through the use of this drug that she reinvented herself as a life coach and hypnotist.
Soon, Torres developed a wellness website and subscription service that promised customers “Love, money and self-esteem that you always dreamed of.”
She also created self-help videos offering advice on relationships, wellness, business success including hypnosis, meditation and exercise programmes. She offered one-on-one video consultations for $150 that would solve "any of their problems."
In 2019, Ana moved to New York to work as her Torres' live-in assistant. Escaping a violent childhood and an abusive relationship, she moved alone to the US from Brazil and was studying nutrition at university in Boston.
The work required her to look after Torres' animals, cook for her, do her laundry and clean for $2000 a month. But when she arrived, the situation in Torres' house shocked her. The house was filthy and she was forced to sleep on a sofa covered in cat urine. She was expected to constantly be available for Torres, only being allowed to sleep for a few hours. She would sneak away to the building's gym to sleep for a few hours. She was never paid.
After Ana escaped, Torres hired two more women -- Desirre and Leticia-- who moved with her to a house in Texas. What started out as a life coaching and healing retreat quickly turned into a nightmare for the women.
Within weeks, Desirre was pressured her into working at a local strip club while Torres performed “witchcraft” on her. The two women were forbidden from speaking to each other and had to ask her permission to leave their rooms, even to use the bathroom.
Soon, Torres convinced Desiree to turn to prostitution. If she didn't meet the earning quotas that Torres set, she was not allowed to return to the house that night. “I ended up sleeping on the street several times because I couldn't reach that,” Desirre told BBC.
In September, the two women's friends and family launched social media campaigns to find them. To escape media attention, Torres and the women travelled from Texas to Maine. From there, the two were made to post Instagram videos denying being held captive and demanded people stop searching for them.
Over 20 women have come forward with stories of being scammed or exploited by Torres. They are still undergoing psychiatric therapy to recover from what they say they experienced.
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fitnessnirvana · 2 months
Strength And Conditioning
What Is Strength And Conditioning?
Workouts focused on strength and conditioning are a type of training where exercises are chosen to increase athletic performance and lower the risk of injury. An exercise program for strength and conditioning consists of two components, as the name implies:
Strength training: Exercises used in strength training, such as bench presses and squats, are designed to increase power and strength.
exercises and drills, such as agility work, sprints, and leaps, that prime the body for the unique demands of an activity.
A well-designed strength and conditioning program aims to enhance particular aspects of a sport or activity rather than just raising total fitness. Depending on the discipline, a strength and conditioning program will look extremely different. It might even differ within a sport; for instance, the objectives and workouts for a sprinter and a long-distance runner would be different.
By subjecting the muscles to a variety of rigorous exercises, strength training is a form of fitness that aims to increase total body strength. Training is customized to concentrate on aspects that will improve an athlete's sport since the goal of strength and conditioning is to increase performance in a particular sport or activity. Strength training is a staple of strength and conditioning programs, but they also typically include additional components that help with sport-specific demands like turning quickly, sprinting quicker, and jumping higher.
What Are The Benefits Of Strength And Conditioning?
Strength and conditioning is beneficial to athletes because it enhances their performance in sports, but everyone can gain from this type of training. Anybody can become more athletic by increasing their strength, power, speed, endurance, and general fitness with the use of strength and conditioning. It also aids in lowering the chance of injuries associated with training and sports.
What Should A Strength And Conditioning Workout Programme Include?
Although the best strength and conditioning workout plans are customized to each individual's goals, most likely include some combination of the following:
Speed work such as sprint workouts
Power movements like jumps and plyometrics
Heavy strength work, usually focused on compound lifts
High-volume weightlifting to build muscle and endurance
To ensure that you have ample recovery time before training and competitions, strength and conditioning programs should be scheduled around your sport-specific training. It is crucial to periodize and make use of both busy and quiet periods during a season to enable players to train while still recuperating for their respective sports.
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how-to-work · 1 year
Best Softwares to Learn Programming
Programming is an essential skill in today's technological age, and there are several software tools available to help individuals learn how to code. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer looking to learn a new language, the following are some of the best software tools to consider,
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1. Codecademy
Codecademy is an online learning platform that provides a variety of coding courses to help individuals learn how to code. It was founded in 2011 by Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski and has since become one of the most popular coding education platforms on the web. The platform's mission is to make coding education accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or previous coding experience.
Codecademy offers a range of courses, including introductory courses in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and SQL. The platform also provides more advanced courses, including courses on data analysis, machine learning, and computer science. Each course is structured as a series of interactive lessons, with learners completing coding challenges and quizzes to reinforce their learning.
One of the main advantages of Codecademy is its interactive learning approach. The platform provides a hands-on approach to learning, with learners actively writing code from the very first lesson. This approach helps learners develop their coding skills more quickly and effectively than traditional lecture-based approaches.
Another benefit of Codecademy is its accessibility. The platform is free to use, with users only needing to pay if they want access to premium content and features. Additionally, Codecademy is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface and clear instructions to guide learners through each lesson.
Codecademy also provides learners with a community of like-minded individuals who are also learning to code. Learners can interact with each other, share tips and resources, and collaborate on projects. This sense of community helps learners stay motivated and engaged with their learning, which can be especially important when learning a new skill.
Codecademy offers a range of features to help learners track their progress and stay motivated. The platform provides a dashboard that shows learners how much progress they've made and how many lessons they've completed. Learners can also earn badges and certificates upon completing courses, which can serve as tangible evidence of their coding skills and accomplishments.
2. Udacity
Udacity is a well-known online learning platform that offers a variety of courses for learners across the world. Founded in 2011, Udacity aims to democratize education and provide learners with the skills they need to succeed in today's digital economy.
Udacity partners with leading technology companies such as Google, IBM, and Amazon to develop courses that are relevant to today's job market. The platform offers a range of programs, from short courses to full-fledged nanodegrees, covering topics such as artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, web development, and more.
One of the unique features of Udacity is its focus on hands-on learning. The platform offers a range of interactive exercises and projects that allow learners to apply what they have learned and gain practical experience. Learners can also work on real-world projects and receive feedback from industry experts.
Another standout feature of Udacity is its personalized learning approach. The platform provides learners with a customized learning path based on their skills, experience, and learning goals. Learners can take assessments to evaluate their skills and receive recommendations on which courses to take next.
Udacity's courses are designed by industry experts who have practical experience in their respective fields. This means that learners can be sure that they are learning the latest industry trends and best practices. The platform also offers a range of career services, including career coaching, resume reviews, and interview preparation, to help learners succeed in their careers.
Udacity offers both free and paid courses, with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars for full-fledged nanodegrees. While some courses are self-paced, others have specific start and end dates, and learners are expected to complete assignments and projects within the specified timeframe.
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3. Coursera
Coursera is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in various subjects, including computer science, business, and data science. Founded in 2012 by Stanford University professors, Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, Coursera has quickly grown into one of the largest online learning platforms in the world. Today, the platform has over 100 million registered users and offers over 4,000 courses from top universities and institutions around the globe.
Coursera's courses are designed to be accessible to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. The platform offers both free and paid courses, with the paid courses providing learners with additional benefits such as graded assignments, certificates, and access to instructors. The platform also offers a range of degree and professional certificate programs, which provide learners with industry-recognized credentials to help them advance their careers.
One of the strengths of Coursera is its partnerships with top universities and institutions. The platform has partnerships with over 200 universities and institutions, including Yale University, University of Michigan, and Johns Hopkins University, among others. This allows learners to access courses from some of the best educational institutions in the world, without having to enroll in a full-time degree program.
Coursera's courses are taught by experts in their respective fields, and the platform uses a variety of teaching methods, including video lectures, quizzes, and assignments, to help learners understand and retain the material. The platform also provides learners with a range of support services, including discussion forums, peer review, and access to instructors and teaching assistants.
Another strength of Coursera is its flexibility. Learners can access the platform's courses from anywhere in the world, at any time. This allows learners to fit their studies around their existing commitments, whether it's a full-time job, family responsibilities, or other obligations. The platform also offers mobile apps, which make it easy for learners to study on-the-go.
4. edX
edX is a popular online learning platform that offers a vast range of courses in various disciplines, including computer science, engineering, business, and more. Founded in 2012 by Harvard University and MIT, edX has since expanded to offer courses from top universities worldwide, such as Stanford, Berkeley, and the University of Tokyo.
One of the significant advantages of edX is that it offers free courses from leading institutions, making education accessible to anyone with an internet connection. While some courses have a fee if learners want a verified certificate, many courses are available for free. This means that learners can access high-quality courses without worrying about the cost, making edX an excellent option for those looking to learn a new skill or improve their knowledge in a particular field.
Another benefit of edX is the flexibility it offers learners. The platform offers self-paced courses that learners can take at their own pace, and they can access the material whenever and wherever they want. This is particularly useful for those who have other commitments, such as work or family, and can't commit to a set schedule.
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Educational programs
EdX also offers professional education programs that can help learners gain practical skills and credentials to advance their careers. For example, learners can take courses in project management, data analytics, or cybersecurity and earn certificates that demonstrate their skills to potential employers. Some courses also offer credit towards a degree, allowing learners to earn a degree or certification entirely online.
5. JetBrains
JetBrains is a software development company that provides tools and solutions for software developers worldwide. The company was founded in 2000 in Prague, Czech Republic, and since then, it has grown into one of the leading providers of professional software development tools.
The company's main focus is on the development of integrated development environments (IDEs) for various programming languages, including Java, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP. These IDEs provide a comprehensive environment for coding, debugging, and testing, and are widely used by professional developers worldwide.
Some of JetBrains' most popular IDEs include IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, RubyMine, and PhpStorm. These IDEs are designed to help developers write code more efficiently and effectively, by providing features such as code analysis, debugging tools, intelligent code completion, and version control.
IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most popular IDEs offered by JetBrains. It is an IDE for Java, Kotlin, and Android development that offers advanced coding assistance, a comprehensive set of tools and integrations, and support for many popular frameworks and technologies. IntelliJ IDEA also offers support for other languages, including Scala, Groovy, and Clojure.
PyCharm is another popular IDE offered by JetBrains. It is an IDE for Python development that offers advanced coding assistance, debugging tools, and support for popular web frameworks such as Django and Flask. PyCharm also offers support for other web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
WebStorm is an IDE for web development that offers support for popular web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers advanced coding assistance, debugging tools, and integration with popular web frameworks such as Angular and React.
RubyMine is an IDE for Ruby development that offers advanced coding assistance, debugging tools, and support for popular web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Sinatra. It also offers support for other web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
PhpStorm is an IDE for PHP development that offers advanced coding assistance, debugging tools, and support for popular PHP frameworks such as Laravel and Symfony. It also offers support for other web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
In addition to its IDEs, JetBrains also offers a range of other software development tools, including a code collaboration platform called Upsource, a team collaboration platform called Space, and a productivity tool for code reviews called CodeGuru.
6. GitHub
GitHub is a web-based platform that provides version control and collaborative tools for developers. It was launched in 2008 and has since become the world's largest repository of open-source software, with over 100 million projects hosted on the platform.
Version control is a critical aspect of software development, and GitHub makes it easy for developers to collaborate on code and keep track of changes. Each project hosted on GitHub has its own repository, which serves as a centralized location for all the code associated with the project.
GitHub allows developers to create branches, which are separate copies of the code that can be edited independently. This enables developers to work on different parts of the code simultaneously without interfering with each other's work. Once changes are made to a branch, they can be merged back into the main codebase using a pull request. The pull request allows other developers to review the changes before they are merged, ensuring that the code remains stable and error-free.
One of the key features of GitHub is its social aspect. Users can follow other users, projects, and organizations and receive updates on new releases, bug fixes, and other developments. This makes it easy for developers to collaborate and share their work with others, whether they are working on the same project or not.
GitHub is also a great resource for learning how to code. It hosts a vast number of open-source projects, and users can explore and learn from the code of these projects. Users can also contribute to these projects by submitting bug fixes, feature requests, and other improvements. In addition to hosting code, GitHub offers a range of tools for developers, including project management tools, code review tools, and continuous integration and deployment tools. These tools help developers streamline their workflow and ensure that their code is always up-to-date and error-free.
GitHub is also used by many companies as a tool for hiring developers. Recruiters can view a candidate's GitHub profile to get a sense of their coding skills and experience, as well as to see the projects they have contributed to.
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Tell me a story about Admiral Craymen accidentally spilling orange juice on the table.
A new message has appeared in his terminal window. It's a short message, no longer than thirty lines of text, and it includes a single ASCII hexadecimal code.
The Admiral looks up from the message he is writing and frowns in puzzlement.
"That doesn't make any sense," he says out loud. Then, to himself: "It would be nice to have someone I could ask questions to. Someone who could give me an answer."
After a few moments, he shakes himself out of this pensive reverie. He decides to put in a request for a meeting with his immediate supervisor.
To his surprise, a response to this request has already been queued up by the AI.
"Thank you, Admiral," the AI says. "This is a message from your supervisor. You are authorized to begin a meeting with him at 1350 hours."
It is, as the AI has mentioned, in the middle of his day. But that's not the reason he is surprised.
What surprises him is that the message is signed by Arielle.
It is Arielle's custom to sign all of her personal messages with her code name. She doesn't know anything about computers and, although she claims she does (she does, but only because she is lying to everyone else who knows her), no one else does either.
The Admiral looks at the message again, with new interest.
There's not much there, but there's not much there because it's secret. Not because it's some sort of big mystery. No, it's a matter of common knowledge around the station, just not between the Admiral and Arielle, who is both incredibly shy and ridiculously proud.
A big, round-faced woman who once took the top spot on her school's swimming team, Arielle has always been -- in the Admiral's mind, and in the minds of the rest of the station's programmers and maintainers -- a weird, slightly off-putting sort of genius. A genius who was, in many ways, too much like the human world she inhabited.
Some of the programmers called her a "troll," but a "troll" to the Admiral is like calling a dog a "wolf." It's one of those unhelpful, uncharitable terms that programmers use to say what they really mean when they use "genius."
She's a genius, in every sense, except for those where it's convenient to say she's a genius -- in her own, very particular, ways. And the most conspicuous of these ways is her habit of speaking, in her speech, as though she can't understand or relate to human emotion, as though she were speaking one of a handful of very rarefied, very old-world languages that only a few people, scattered across a dozen or more disparate species, still have any knowledge of. It makes her talk a lot like an old woman, or a very formal academic, or a man who has never been touched by a woman's hands.
And she is.
The more he has thought about her, the more he has come to the firm conclusion that all the talk of a "genius" or a "troll" or a "wolf" just doesn't fit.
All the talk of genius, in fact, makes him worry about the most mundane things. If the AI were actually an ordinary human person, he wouldn't be worried at all. The AI probably spends more of its time fiddling with simple technical puzzles than contemplating the nature of life or death. The AI may be as intelligent as Arielle -- who may be as clever as a great chess player or as well-played a pianist -- but that's still not a terribly impressive feat compared to that kind of natural skill.
But the Admiral knows. He knows that the AI isn't an ordinary human, although it certainly doesn't act as though it were. It acts like an entirely inhuman creature -- like a demon, a god, a monster of the night. And sometimes, the Admiral would like to call the AI the thing it actually is.
That's because, sometimes, this is what he knows that he doesn't want to tell anyone else.
He looks at the little message now, and sighs.
"I've got a meeting with my supervisor today, at 1350 hours. You'd think someone would have told me not to go, before I left for my morning exercise routine."
"Someone did," says the AI. "The meeting was scheduled and you were approved for it, along with all other important meetings, by Admiral Craymen a few days ago. This is the same meeting as the one you've already had with your supervisor."
The AI's tone is almost condescending.
He's only had this AI for a few days, and it still hasn't shown him any of the warm human emotions that its creators, the programmers, have promised -- not when it speaks in that weirdly old-world voice. But it has already had two days -- three, actually -- of "important" meetings with him, as it calls them, and the meetings seem to have been important in all the ways that the Admiral's own supervisors seem unable or unwilling to discuss.
The Admiral doesn't think he needs to know about this kind of thing. Not anymore.
So he takes a deep breath and sighs.
"Well, if this is my meeting, I really ought to be prepared." He looks down at the hexadecimal code on the computer screen and makes a face. He sighs again, this time with more emotion than he has ever allowed himself to feel.
"I suppose you're right," he says, to the AI's blank, impassive face. "What do I do?"
The AI gives him an answer without waiting for a follow-up question.
"Turn on the speaker."
The Admiral looks at the little screen, and then at the little metal box the AI is sitting on.
"What's this?" he asks.
"That's an 'AI speaker,' if you don't know. I've programmed it to send you a message every hour, on the hour, if it hasn't gotten one from you already. If you press the button on the top, that's a silent alarm. Press it again, and it makes an annoying little noise. But it'll only do it once, at each press.
"Don't worry, the only people who will hear the AI speaker are the people in the room with you. And the only people who will hear what you hear are the people in the room with you. The AI speaker sends a message back to the room where the meeting is taking place, but there are no people in the room to speak with. The message is just a copy, from the perspective of an AI speaker in the room."
"What about my supervisors?" the Admiral asks. "Do they have 'AI speakers' too?"
"I don't know," says the AI. "The message is from your supervisor. You can press the button to hear it, if you'd like."
"Oh," says the Admiral, feeling his eyebrows furrow in thought.
He looks at the speaker again, for the first time in the AI's wakeful eyes.
He sees a little, thin screen that looks almost exactly like a computer monitor. There is a small button, and a small, glowing, red buttonlight. Nothing else.
"All right,"
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Beginners Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in India
Do you know about yoga teacher training in India? Let’s read in this article everything you need to know about the same!
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Yoga is an exercise, a discipline and a science which helps to connect the mind, body and spirit, as well as man and nature.
Yoga Teacher Training in India is gaining much popularity over recent years due to the benefits of practicing yoga and the added effect of its rejuvenating factors. Yoga is one of the oldest forms of exercise that is commonly known for its ability to cure various health problems such as back pain, arthritis etc. The most common benefits are:
- Stress relief 
- Better sleeping patterns 
- Improved flexibility 
- Increased muscle tone and strength 
In this post, we'll take a look at the top 5 yoga teacher training schools in India. We'll outline what each of these schools has to offer and help you decide which one is right for you. So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, there's bound to be a school here that's perfect for you.
1. World peace yoga School
World peace yoga school is a lively and vibrant yoga teacher training school located in the tapovan area in Laxman Jhula. This yoga teacher training school not only provides you the knowledge of Yoga and its physical practices, but also provides you with the correct understanding of its science, traditions, and philosophy. It is authorized and registered with yoga alliance USA. Here, you can join various classes on ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, and vinyasa yoga. Moreover, it offers various yoga teacher training programs, which can help you in setting up your career.
2. Triunga Yoga Teacher Training in 
This yoga teacher training school is situated in a quiet and green location just outside the hustle and bustle of the City. This school focuses on using yoga’s role in body and emotional detoxification to help you discover the relationship between mind and body through yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. Here, you can enroll in various yoga teacher training programs which are registered by Yoga Alliance. Moreover, this yoga teacher training school will help you learn how you can heal yourself physically, emotionally and mentally using the five elements, yoga asanas, meditation, breathing techniques and emotional detoxification kriyas.
You can also experience the emotional detoxification program, Sufi meditation, mantra chanting, pranayama, meditation, mudras, yoga Nidra, yogic cleansing and naturopathy which will give you skills way beyond just the yoga poses.
3. Shri Hari Yoga Teacher Training, 
This yoga teacher training school is situated near the most sacred river and holy mother Ganges. You can immerse yourself into true Indian culture as you spend a month studying in the home of many ancient masters and sages.
This yoga teacher training school focuses on advanced learning and understanding of yoga concepts with a truly traditional approach to the study of yoga. And it follows the path of spirituality so that you can learn the actual form of yoga. This school offers the best yoga teacher training in India , which is authorized by the International Yoga Alliance.
4. Rishikul Yogshala Yoga Teacher Training Centres, 
Rishikul Yogshala Yoga Teacher Training Centre in India is one of the most highly regarded and well-reviewed yoga schools, and it was founded in 2010 with the sole aim of uniting yoga and spiritual enthusiasts all over the world through the wisdom of yoga which is rooted in Indian culture. This school provides you with high-quality yoga instruction, the benefits of Ayurveda to enlighten your thoughts on both traditional health and wellness disciplines. In addition to this, it provides extensive 200-, 300-, and 500-hour yoga teacher training programmes, as well as customized retreats, spiritual sessions, and daily yoga classes.  
Rishikesh is known as the “Yoga Capital of the World”. Rishikesh is a place for integrating yoga where you can detox your mind, body, and spirit, in a traditional healing environment. This place provides you with an appropriate holistic atmosphere for developing a path to awaken and raise your inner consciousness. 
In India as well as in Abroad, the yoga Industry has become one of the leading sectors. Yoga can be one of the highest- paying jobs in today’s era. The recent data show that more than 350 million people practice yoga daily. 
Here we are providing you a general list of how you can build up successful career with yoga teacher training in India :
Yoga teacher: Once you are certified through a yoga teacher training in India , you can become a yoga teacher which comes under the category of a senior position. And further, you can become an experienced and a professional yoga teacher.
Yoga Instructor: Post getting certified through a yoga course, there is an excellent job opportunity of yoga instructor. They aim to instruct all yoga asanas and postures to their fellows.
Yoga Presenter: It is one of the most trending and emerging jobs because of advancement in technology such as YouTube, workshops, television. The Yoga presenter have to showcase their yoga skills through these platforms to people.
Yoga Educator: If you’re trained through yoga teacher training in India , you can opt for academic teaching of yoga in various government or private schools. Nowadays, every school has an individual yoga class that trains students from the beginning to the higher level. 
Yoga Researchers: It is also one of the most emerging jobs, nowadays. Yoga can ignite the spark in human existence. Every element of this science in itself requires intense research and has its share of great depth itself.
Yoga teaching training centers in India teach asanas and provide a wealth of knowledge on the profoundly transformative impact of asanas on your hormone and chakra systems that is rarely covered in the other yoga schools. They do not just teach you yoga, but they build it in you. 
Post getting certified through yoga teacher training in India , you can build up a successful career. You can become a professional yoga teacher, or can get government certification too, as a result you will be recognised all over the country.
Thus, the scope of yoga teacher training is increasing exponentially and is expected to soar in coming times. It is a way of life that can bring about transformation at a human’s fundamental level, which is the need of the hour.
If you are keen to learn more about yoga teacher training in India , you can visit our website!
Stay healthy, stay strong and get the best out of life!
Keep reading.
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validuminstituteau · 9 days
What Makes Sydney’s Top Real Estate Courses Stand Out?
Leading real estate programmes in Sydney provide a host of advantages aimed at improving your professional opportunities. They offer in-depth familiarity of advanced sales plans, regulatory regulations, and the subtleties of the local market. In-person teaching using real-world case studies, role-playing exercises, and networking chances through business experts are frequently included in these courses. Students are provided with up-to-date info on industry trends and laws, making them more equipped to positively negotiate Sydney's competitive real estate market. In summary, these courses provide you through the skills and information required to succeed in the field. Discovery Courses in Real Estate in Sydney and NSW
Overview of Real Estate Education selecting the appropriate educational route is vital for people who want to work in real estate. There are numerous ways to acquire the abilities and information required to prosper in this fast-paced industry by joining in real estate courses in Sydney and New South Wales. Creation the best decision for your career aspirations might be eased by being aware of what each has to proposal. Advantages of NSW Real Estate Courses
Real Estate Courses NSW are custom-made to meet the specific wants of the local market. Important subjects with market analysis, property management through a focus on NSW legislation, and property law are typically covered in these programs. Students who enroll in courses in NSW gain access to curricula that are adapted to regional industry norms and procedures. Furthermore, these courses frequently incorporate hands-on training components like internships or real-world simulations, which improve learning results by offering practical experience.
Why Should I Enroll in Sydney Real Estate Courses?
Sydney, a significant economic center, has a distinctive real estate market. This is reflected in Sydney real estate courses, which emphasize sophisticated sales strategies, high-value transactions, and urban property management. Providing insights into the complexities of urban real estate, these courses are tailored to the demands of the ever evolving Sydney market. Pupils benefit from flexible learning alternatives like evening or online programs that fit into busy schedules, important exposure to industry trends, and networking chances with local experts. Likening Real Estate Courses in Sydney and NSW
Think about the unique focus of each course before choosing between Real Estate Courses in NSW and Real Estate Courses Sydney. Regional real estate is broadly understood in NSW courses, however Sydney courses include specific information pertinent to the city's particular market dynamics. Critical skills are imparted to students in both programs; the decision is based on whether the goal is to operate in larger NSW markets or concentrate on Sydney's thriving real estate industry.
Selecting the Appropriate Direction
Consider the following factors when deciding which path is best for you:
Curriculum: Make sure all important real estate subjects—such as market analysis and legal considerations—are covered in detail.
Practical Experience: Choose programs with internships or hands-on instruction.
Flexibility: In order to fit your schedule, select programs that provide flexible learning formats.
Instructor Expertise: Make sure the instructors are seasoned professionals with practical knowledge
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zenfuel · 17 days
Silvets: The Ultimate Weight Loss Companion for Lasting Results
A Trusted Weight Loss Solution
Silvets has quickly become the most popular weight loss product available on the Internet in the UK, and for good reason. Since its launch in 2012, this remarkable supplement has stormed both the European and American markets, establishing itself as a reliable and effective solution for those looking to shed extra pounds. I decided to give Silvets a try after reading countless positive reviews, and I can confidently say that it lives up to its reputation. From the moment I started using it, I noticed a significant boost in my weight loss journey, making it easier to stay on track and achieve my goals.
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Carefully Selected Ingredients for Optimal Results
One of the key reasons behind Silvets' success is its carefully selected list of ingredients, which work synergistically to support every weight loss programme. Each component in this formula has been chosen for its ability to aid in fat burning, appetite suppression, and boosting metabolism. I was particularly impressed by how quickly I began to see results, thanks to the powerful combination of natural ingredients. Unlike other supplements that rely on synthetic additives, Silvets offers a more natural approach to weight loss, which not only feels safer but also delivers more sustainable results.
An Energy Boost Like No Other
In addition to its weight loss benefits, Silvets also provides an incredible energy boost that helps you stay active and motivated throughout the day. One of the challenges I faced during previous weight loss attempts was the constant feeling of fatigue, which made it difficult to stick to my exercise routine. However, with Silvets, I found that my energy levels were consistently high, allowing me to engage in regular physical activity without feeling drained. This extra energy has been a game-changer in helping me maintain a more active lifestyle, which in turn has accelerated my weight loss progress.
High Customer Satisfaction and Repeat Purchases
The level of customer satisfaction with Silvets is so high that most customers, myself included, find themselves coming back for more. After experiencing the positive effects firsthand, I decided to continue using Silvets as part of my long-term weight management plan. The fact that so many others have had similar experiences speaks volumes about the quality and effectiveness of this product. It’s rare to find a weight loss supplement that consistently delivers on its promises, but Silvets has proven to be a dependable choice that keeps customers coming back time and again.
A Global Phenomenon
Silvets’ popularity isn’t limited to just the UK; it has taken the global market by storm, proving its effectiveness across different regions and cultures. The success of this product in both Europe and America highlights its universal appeal and effectiveness. It’s clear that Silvets has struck the perfect balance between quality ingredients and tangible results, making it a go-to solution for people around the world who are serious about losing weight and keeping it off.
The Ideal Addition to Any Weight Loss Programme
In conclusion, Silvets is the ultimate companion for anyone serious about achieving lasting weight loss results. Its carefully crafted formula, combined with the added benefits of increased energy and high customer satisfaction, makes it an essential addition to any weight loss programme. Whether you’re just starting your journey or looking to break through a plateau, Silvets offers the support you need to reach your goals. I highly recommend giving it a try—you won’t be disappointed.
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40sandfabulousaf · 19 days
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大家好! WL and I have known each other for 12 years now. He's Malaysian, but he's worked and lived in Singapore for a very long time. Like us, he's a huge foodie; naturally, I had to introduce him to Song Yue, the restaurant specialising in Taipei-style jia chang bian fan (homestyle cooking). Aside from their specialty dishes, we tried something new because he requested for 1 of Taipei's most famous dish: lu rou fan (braised pork rice). I decided to try it because, why not? Score! The combo of tender pork, crispy egg and rice was perfect. Whilst not the healthiest, it's something I'll want to eat once every few months.
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WL is in his 60s and still participates in fitness competitions both locally and regionally. Whilst he has many interests and hobbies, I especially like hearing him talk about exercise because that's when he's most passionate and excited. His most recent craze is learning how to run whilst regulating his heart rate. According to him, the benefits are that he became leaner, has better stamina and the sweat is amazing. He encouraged me to try running. Heck, why not? Since I'm a newbie, I'll start small, maybe 5 - 10 minutes of running on top of calisthenics on weekends and work my way up from there.
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ML wanted to try a different stall which sells local western style meals, so off we went, with SC and MI. I ordered their panfried salmon, which comes with salad and crinkle cut fries. Unlike other stalls, customers cannot choose their sides. The salad and fries were good - lime juice was used as a dressing and it was refreshing. The fries were crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. Unfortunately they overcooked the salmon. It was too dry and I didn't know they would pour sauce all over it. Overall the meal was okay, saved by the salad and fries, but I didn't like the salmon.
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I no longer post about my simple breakfasts out of compassion for Palestinians as often but I continue to have them. By now I've run out of things to say. The official death toll arising from Israel's genocide in Gaza has crossed 40,000 in less than a year. This doesn't take into account those buried under rubble and excess deaths arising from malnutrition, lack of medical care and diseases. To me, the ceasefire talks are just wayang (an act). How can certain parties be sincere about wanting to put an end to the war when they keep supplying weapons to Israel?
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How quickly the weekend has come and gone. Where did all the time go? We're also entering September next week. It doesn't seem that long ago when we ushered in 2024 and celebrated Chinese New Year. Time whizzes by when we're busy. In a way, I kinda look forward to the end of the year when it's more relaxing at work and everyone is in a celebratory mood. I need a break. 下次见!
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dataengineeringnz · 22 days
How digital marketing grow your business?
In case you are bothered about your online presence, chances are that you have had explored the ways and provisions that exist in digital marketing. Now, the question is “what’s next?” The digital marketing agency in wellington professionals are here to help you through! Be assured that digital marketing is an easy and a super affordable method to scale your business and ease your work. Now that you have started marketing your brand on the internet, and has opted for showcasing your business across the web, here are a few tips and tricks that you can implement in your digital marketing strategies in order to grow your market value:
Build your ground: 
No matter what the size of your business is, there will be ample number of opportunities through which you can make your brand bigger across the internet and that too, within a very stipulated budget. This is because social media today comes at zero cost, and you have the choice to explore its options for marketing your brand without bothering about an expense initially. Later on, once you start reaping the harvest, you can eventually think of ways through which you will be able to boost your growth through several kinds of advertising techniques. 
An approach that primarily focusses on conversions: 
Definitely, this happens to be one of the major reasons that you want to put in so much effort. The ultimate aim behind doing all these vigorous exercises, investments on search engine optimization NZ is to make conversions happen. Start with provisions that will optimize your sales funnel and thus, push your customer to check out your products. You and probably set specific goals for your brand and create various programmes and campaigns accordingly.
You can track the process of each of those campaigns thereafter to check which all are working well for your brand. Know that each and every industry functions separately and thus, the competition is never the same. With the fluctuating demand of the market, it is important to have a thorough understanding and analysis of the way the market is responding back to your brand's approach.
Add a path to generate more revenue: 
When we start thinking about measures to implement digital marketing, there is no implication that you should stop traditional marketing completely. However, it is important to understand that digital marketing is a more cost-effective approach and can help you scale your business even more quickly. Think of it the other way round!
If you are just limiting your brand to traditional marketing tactics, you will probably lose out a huge chunk of your business share, more specifically the youth segment today since you are not even trying to reach out to them. This is because the Gen Z today is more likely to shop online, and with the growing popularity of e-commerce platforms, you can certainly use them to generate revenue for your business.
Set granular targeting mechanism:
Putting up an advertisement on a big picture, on a big publication will probably help you to reach more number of people, among which some would also be your potential customers, but that would also, cost you an expensive amount. Isn’t it? Gone are the days when people used to think that way! Now, most of the popular brands think of targeting only a specific group of audience based on their interest and intent. As a result, you have got a higher chance of converting these potential buyers into your real customers.
Why spend more to drive your sales when a little smart work can change the entire game for you? From ads to blog posts, you can now digital marketing tools to understand the demographics, age groups and interest of the audiences, and accordingly, you can target them. SEO optimization NZ uses this specific targeting appropriately to increase your overall conversion rate, thereby decreasing your bounce rate. From increasing your search appearances among the total search volumes, to that of curating personalized contents to seek customer attention, digital marketing professionals have an immense role to play!
Start communicating and engaging with your potential customer base:
Everyone wants to hear back, and with a good communication and engagement mechanism; you can increase your brand loyalty in the minds of your audiences. Use social media wisely to revert back to your customers. This way, they will be able to relate to you, as well as you will get a better clarity about how they are thinking of!
You can eventually use these ideas to direct your brand's working methodology, and maybe come up with some changes, and modifications that your customers were expecting out of you. Know that this is an art and once you master the skill, you will win over the market, for sure!
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smartdigitalwings · 28 days
Best Prenatal Yoga in Hyderabad
Heal 2 Fit provide the best prenantal yoga in Hyderabad, which offers number of customized classes, that helps you to attain healthy pregnancy & make you feel active, strong, and energetic throughout this beautiful journey. We also aims in preparing body for natural birthing & ensuring in rapid recovery post-delivery. Our sessions are designed for not just for exercise but also as an exploration of your body as it changes during pregnancy
Postnatal care is as important as prenatal care. The postnatal period generally lasts for 6-8 weeks after the baby is born. During this period a new mother goes through several physical and emotional changes while learning to care for her new-born. The most important elements of postnatal care are enough rest, good nutrition and mother & child care.
At Heal 2 Fit, we strongly understand that women have specific dietary needs during and after pregnancy. This includes discrete focus on overall nutrition, BP and cardiac care, diabetes & obesity. We firmly believe that pregnancy is a period where a healthy diet matters and we do establish that adequate levels of nutrition and essential minerals, vitamins etc. are provided to the mother-to-be. Our team of dieticians provide tailor-made diet plans for pregnant women and monitor their health throughout the period of pregnancy and even after delivery, in consensus with respective gynaecologists.
Experienced team of Physiotherapists & Fitness Trainers at Heal 2 Fit, play a critical role in both antenatal and postnatal care, providing their expertise in helping women stay healthy and fit during the entire period of pregnancy and beyond, to ensure a healthy and pleasant delivery experience and recovery post birthing through specifically customized programs. Apart from regular offerings, to highlight a few, our specialized focus on antenatal & programme comprises of some of the following techniques:
Team Heal 2 Fit is also pioneered in managing various physiological conditions across different stage of a woman’s life, including management of stress, healthy ageing and management of various gynaecology related health issues such as muscle retraining, exercise therapy etc. In addition to our distinctive classes, we also have informative discussions & couple workout sessions, to enhance bonding & preparation for the challenging and wonderful world of parenthood. Heal 2 Fit aims to partner with you from pre-conception to post-delivery with specific health care plans and absolute discretion. It is our outmost aim to ensure you have a memorable pregnancy and birthing experience.
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derek6196 · 1 month
*Unlock Your Team's Full Potential with Dynamic Team Programme!*
Are you ready to transform your team into a powerhouse of collaboration and productivity? Our expert team-building services are designed to foster unity, enhance communication, and boost morale in an engaging and fun environment.
*Why Choose Our Team Programme?*
1. Tailored Programs: Our activities are customized to meet your team's unique needs and goals, ensuring maximum impact and relevance.
2. Expert Facilitators: Our experienced facilitators guide your team through exercises that build trust, improve problem-solving skills, and strengthen relationships.
3. Engaging Activities: From outdoor adventures to strategic challenges, our wide range of activities cater to diverse interests and preferences, making team-building enjoyable for everyone.
4. Proven Results: Companies that invest in team-building see increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and stronger organizational culture.
*What We Offer:*
1. Workshops and Seminars: Learn effective communication techniques, conflict resolution, and leadership skills.
2. Creative Challenges: Engage in creative problem-solving exercises that inspire innovation and collaboration.
3. Custom Events: Whether it's a corporate retreat or an on-site workshop, we tailor events to fit your schedule and objectives.
*Team Programme Fees $600 pax. Includes:*
1. 2 days of teambuilding activities
2. Venue - Resort Function Room
3. Food - Buffet Lunch and 2 Tea Breaks for each day
4. Customized Programme with Certified Facilitators
5. Activities need to be conducted in Singapore
*Applicable Funding:*
1. Up to 70% subsidy with Enhanced Training Support.
2. $4.50 per hour reimbursement through Absentee Payroll Funding.
3. Utilize up to $10,000 with SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (expires June 2025).
4. Tax deductions boosted to 400% of eligible training expenses under the new Enterprise
*Eligibility Criteria:*
Minimum of 30 pax
Local company (even if 100% foreigner-owned it's fine, as long as they have a UEN number it's considered local)
For more information, visit www.kashacademy.com/tb/#derekwongkokhoong
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itmaster · 1 month
Are you looking for Python tutoring service online?
MasterIt.co offers an online tutoring program for students seeking to master Python, one of today's most versatile and widely used programming languages. Designed for learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced programmers, the platform provides personalized instruction tailored to each student's needs and goals.
Python is an excellent option for individuals new to coding because of its reputation for simplicity and readability.  However, its powerful capabilities also make it a favorite among professional developers. MasterIt.co’s online tutoring service bridges this range, offering expert guidance to help students understand Python’s fundamentals and advanced features.
The tutors at MasterIt.co are professionals with extensive experience in both programming and teaching. They employ a hands-on approach, ensuring that students learn theoretical concepts and apply them through practical exercises and real-world projects. This method fosters a deeper understanding and retention of knowledge, equipping students with the skills to tackle complex coding challenges.
Each tutoring session is customized to address the specific needs of the student. Whether you're struggling with basic syntax, object-oriented programming, web development using frameworks like Django and Flask, or data analysis with libraries like Pandas and NumPy, MasterIt.co has a tutor who can help. The one-on-one format ensures students receive undivided attention, allowing for a more efficient and effective learning experience.
We also offer flexible scheduling to accommodate busy lifestyles. Students can book sessions at times that are convenient for them, making it easier to balance learning with other commitments. Additionally, the online format means that students can learn from anywhere, removing geographical barriers and providing access to top-quality instruction regardless of location.
In summary, MasterIt.co’s online Python tutoring service is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their programming skills. With personalized instruction from expert tutors, practical learning experiences, and flexible scheduling, students can master Python and apply their knowledge to achieve their academic and professional goals. Whether you're a novice coder or looking to refine your skills, MasterIt.co is the ideal platform to support your journey in mastering Python. Learn more!
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budgetwasteservice · 2 months
Why Hire Skip Bin for Rubbish Collection in Melbourne?
Well-known waste management and rubbish collection in Melbourne promote sustainability to encourage a cleaner, greener environment. Regarding waste management, some respectable Australian-owned companies provide top-quality skip bins for hiring and waste management services.
These services are committed to offering commercial skip bin hire in Truganina to meet the waste management needs of businesses. They provide a range of bin sizes to accommodate different volumes of waste, ensuring efficient disposal of materials.
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Why Hire Skip Bins Services? Do They Worth It?
Well-established skip bin services help prompt delivery and pick-up services maintain a clean and safe work environment. Additionally, they emphasize eco-friendly practices by sorting and recycling waste wherever possible, reducing the environmental impact.
These professional services are preferred in various industries, including construction, retail, and hospitality, providing customized solutions to handle specific waste types.  
Reputable trash management companies are widely recognised for their decades-long combined leadership expertise and their substantial participation in important waste management programmes.
Because they offer customised solutions for a variety of industries, firms may afford to pay for only what they require. They achieve this by employing technical experts who are cognisant of the diverse needs of regional customers.
These professionals use state-of-the-art technology platforms that demonstrate their dedication to efficient recycling and waste management procedures, together with continual process enhancement.
All of these factors—exceptional quality, advanced techniques, cutting-edge equipment, and management collaboration—make garbage management and recycling easy and rapid.
This helps control energy and cost savings and improves the overall process economy by leaving a smaller carbon imprint.
These companies prioritise environmental responsibility, zero harm, and safety.
Their cutting-edge project, the industry-first expert guarantee, aims to boost customer satisfaction.
They are committed to properly disposing of waste, as seen by the aggressive control they exercise over how their operations affect the area and the environment.
These waste management and recycling facilities services offer specifically created solutions for businesses in the retail, real estate, industrial production, warehousing, logistics, healthcare, and senior care sectors.
Verify a garbage collection company's legitimacy, reputation, and compliance with local laws before choosing one.
Lastly, choose reputable recycling and waste management companies that provide reasonably priced garbage disposal and bin services. Effective recycling and local rubbish collection services can help promote sustainability.
Source: https://budgetwasteservice.blogspot.com/2024/08/why-hire-skip-bin-for-rubbish.html
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ejesgistnews · 2 months
The Central Bank of Nigeria has reviewed the cargo clearance exchange rate at both the nation's seaports and airports to ₦1,618.73 per USD from ₦1,600.32, the highest since March 2024.   It was coming in tandem with a 6.43 per cent depreciation of the naira in July, hence it has made the adjustment most worrying, especially to importers, considering its impact on raising import costs and fueling inflation.   Dollar To Naira 5th August 2024: See Black Market Aboki FX Rate Naija News reported that the CBN's efforts to stabilize the naira through many sales of foreign exchange continued to show some challenges in the market. The exchange rate appreciated by ₦18 to close at ₦1,618.73 as against ₦1,600.32 recorded in the previous session.   Reacting to the growing pressure on the naira, the CBN sold FX to authorized dealers and BDC operators in several intervention exercises in July. However, clearing agents say the cost of clearing containers at the ports has increased to an unbearable level due to the hike in the exchange rate, a development, according to Oladimeji Majekodunmi, that has almost eclipsed the gains of the flexible exchange rate window introduced by the CBN.   He said, "The moment CBN increases, Customs don't have a choice than to adjust the new duty in their system. Now to clear a 40ft container of food items, it costs nothing less than ₦20 million and above. This was far below the amount we used to clear the same consignment before." He said cargo throughput into the country has drastically dropped to about 30%, leaving the ports empty and dry.   He wanted the federal government to have a special exchange rate for the calculation of import duties, according to the National President of the National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents, Lucky Amiwero. He said it would foster economic development and positively affect the larger Nigerian populace with a consistent, very manageable exchange rate for import duties.   Amiwero felt a serious misgiving over the existing dependence on floating exchange rates for the purposes of calculating customs duty. He said that is one of the major factors jacking up prices of all goods, and not just foodstuffs, selling in all markets in Nigeria.   "We want to draw the attention of the Federal Government to the harrowing experiences of Nigerians, more so with the astronomical rise in the prices of items due to the floating exchange rate, which was foisted on import duty computations, many of them. This is making importation come to a near standstill, stifling transportation and throwing such staples as grains and tubers into an abominable scarcity, particularly for those who are penniless and can't buffer their existence from financial shock."   Amiwero canvassed programmes that would eliminate the vagaries and ambiguities associated with the current exchange rate regime. He called for a stricter framework that would help to align the domestic trading environment for importers.   The MPC of the CBN meets on February 26, where most of these issues are expected to be resolved.
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