#curtis everett and plus sized reader
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 8 months ago
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Caught In The Rain
Summary- 6.2k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Spring showers have taken over life and everyone is trying to escape the rain. Curtis stumbles upon a little stowaway while he is trying to get to his dry home where his Honey is waiting for him.
Warnings- Mentions of asshole Jake.
A/N- Hey everyone! Been a hot minute but thanks for sticking around to read their story! Special shout out to @mumbles411 and @what-is-your-plan-today for the time you all have spent editing my messes. Dividers made by the talented @firefly-graphics. Happy Reading! and remember reblogs and comments are so appreciated.
Chapter Twenty-Seven / Masterlist
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“Fucking hell.” Curtis cursed out while the rain splattered around him, the month of April certainly proving to be wet with spring showers. He was trying to get an engine moved into the overhead shelter out of the rain with Grey and Edgar so they could at least switch out the parts without being waterlogged. The mud sloughed around them while the broken machine sluggishly made its way to the overhead. All three of them pausing from their work to look out from under the shelter’s roof. The grey skies showed no sign of the much needed sunshine. 
“What was it about April showers?” Edgar asked and Curtis, thoroughly grumpy with feeling soaked through all his layers, growled out. 
“Pissing me off is what it’s about. It could let up for at least a couple hours to get those parts changed.” 
Grey handed over a towel to Curtis, letting him dry his face off. “I guess we could hold off till tomorrow? Maybe the weather will break.” 
“Tomorrow is too late, Gilliam told us to finish this today so it can leave the yard.” Curtis sighed as he handed the towel off to Edgar, who ran it over his hair, spiking it up as he dried himself off. “So unless we wanna be here all night, let's get this done.” 
Several hours and several parts later, Curtis was finally clocking out. Already he texted you that he was going to be late and that if you wanted to head back to your apartment, he understood. 
You were sure to send a photo back of you lounging in his living room with a book in your lap and cup of tea in hand, saying not a chance was he getting rid of you that easily. As if he would ever want that, Curtis thought to himself. 
He flicked off lights as he made his way out of the main office, the last one to leave for the day. Curtis double checked that it was all locked up before he made the run for his truck across the parking section, trying to avoid the rain although it was a losing battle. The drops were streaking down almost sideways, the wind picking up the more the storm raged on. He dug for his keys in his coat, willing them to unlock his door. 
Grasping them, he yanked them out of his pocket but fumbled, making his keys drop into the mud at his feet. “Damn it.” He groaned, sweeping down to grasp them when a pair of small green eyes stared at him from under his truck. 
They blinked at one another for a second before Curtis lowered down more into a squat, trying to peer under his truck at the little stowaway. “Hey little fella, you can’t stay under there.” Curtis softened his voice, reaching out a finger enough to encourage the pair of eyes forward. “Come on out, I won't hurt you.” 
The green eyes blinked at him and then a pitiful squeal was given, making Curtis laugh a bit. “You and me both buddy, how about you come here, let me take a look at you.” Curtis clicked his tongue encouraging, really hoping that it was a kitten or puppy taking refuge under his truck and not some wild animal trying to get out of the rain. 
Finally, the little black shadow started coming into the light. A very scrawny, barely able to walk properly black kitten came out, big green eyes almost too big for its face and water droplets rolling off its whiskers. “Well, damn kid…” Curtis’s palm swept around the little body, scooping him easily into his palm to bring him in against his chest and tuck him into his jacket. “You’re no bigger than a flea, what are you doing under there?” 
Pulling up to a stand, he was quick to unlock his truck and get them both out of the rain. Once inside, he opened his coat again to see the black kitten huddling into the warmth of his sweater, fur all matted and mud streaked. “Guess you’re coming home with me kid.” He sighed, knowing that now he had this kitten, there was no way he could just leave him all alone in the parking lot. “Wait till Honey gets a look at you.” 
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You liked being at Curtis’s home alone. It was cozy with the big picture window in the livingroom facing the street, you could curl up and watch the rain drizzle beyond his front porch while being warm and dry. You had spent the better part of the afternoon browsing the wall of books behind the couch, plucking out one you assumed was Lillian’s at one point. A harlequin cowboy romance- the storyline about a lonely schoolteacher and her new beau, the newest cowboy in town. 
It was a silly over the top romance with lots of drama and turned into a vivid page turner for you as the afternoon slowly melded into the evening. Curtis had already messaged you that he was going to be late and should just go back to your apartment if you didn’t feel like waiting. But you weren’t ready to leave your little happy place for the lonely apartment. It just felt like a different kind of empty at Curtis’s house, one that made you feel at peace. 
So you made yourself right at home, around dinner time you did clean up the few dishes he must have used that morning and pulled dinner together for the both of you. Putting your casserole into the oven, the sound of a truck pulling into the driveway let you know that Curtis finally made it back home. 
Quick to set a timer, you clicked open the garage door to see him step out, soaked to the bone from the look of him. “Long day?” You asked while leaning into the doorway. 
“Days like today never seem to end.” He grumbled, his hand cupping a part of his jacket near his chest. “Umm, you're not allergic to cats are you?” 
“No, why?” You straightened up, curious now and a tinge of wonder and excitement dipped into your voice. “Is that what is in your coat?” 
Curtis unzipped part of it and reached in to pull out a little ball of black fur. Now there was no holding you back as you skipped down the couple steps into the garage and tentatively brushed your fingers against the kitten in his palm, cooing softly. “Oh baby, you are so cute.” You scritched behind one little ear and couldn't stop the way you were grinning as the little kitten started to purr. “Where did he come from Curtis? Are you keeping him? Does he have a name? Is it a him or her?” You scooped the kitten into your palms, cuddling the little baby to your chest and started to bring it inside. “You must be starving. Let’s see what Curtis has for you.” Curtis was left behind without getting any answers to the questions you bombarded him with. 
He followed you, pausing to shed off his boots and wet outer clothes to hang up and dry. “Found him under the truck trying to get out of the rain. I have no clue where he came from.” Once he had his jacket hung up and boots tilted near the heater vent to help dry them out, he followed you into the kitchen while you were searching his cupboards. “I have no idea if it’s a boy or girl, I have just been calling it him.” Curtis moved in behind you, going through his upper part of the cupboards while you searched through the bottom. 
“Tuna? Or anything soft? He doesn't look all that old, can he even eat solids?” You fretted while the kitten clung to your sweater, staring wide eyed at all the surroundings. 
“If I don’t have something to use, I will run out to the corner store and get him something.” Curtis pushed aside jars of salsa and canned veggies, scowling at his lack of acceptable food for the kitten. Then a little lonely can of tuna was found, and he grabbed it to hold it up in victory. “But this should work for tonight at least.” 
“Perfect, I will get this baby all cleaned up and some food in that belly.” You peeled the kitten off your sweater and cupped him in your hands, finally getting a good look at Curtis. “You’re soaked.” Your free hand went to grab his shirt, squeezing it a bit to feel how damp it was. “I got this, how about you go dry out and get changed.” 
“You sure you don’t want help?” Curtis questioned, although grateful for the chance to get out of his work clothes finally. 
“Handsome I got this, please before you get chilled and sick.” You glanced at the oven to look at the timer. “That casserole still has a good forty-five minutes at least. 
“Damn Pretty Girl, you're really taking care of me… us.” He added the kitten in your hold after a second thought, clasping onto your chin to tilt your face up a bit and place a kiss on your mouth, taking his time to draw out a soft whimper and sure your toes were curling at the affection. “Thank you.” He whispered before splitting away, making for the stairs, the upstairs shower and his bedroom calling his attention now. 
His girl making herself right at home in his house, and damn he liked that just fine. 
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While Curtis went upstairs to clean up, you assessed the kitten in your hold. Big eyes blinked up at you before the loudest squeak came from his little pink mouth, protesting the lack of action you were doing. “Okay! Okay… how about a quick rinse in the sink? Get some of this mud off.” 
The kitten didn't like that, protested the whole time you had him in the sink, the running water warm while you worked your fingers through his fur and holding onto his scruff. But you were quick, soon wrapping him into a hand towel and carefully fluffing him up till he looked like an little angry furball. 
Setting him onto the floor, the kitten scampered to under the table, flicking each little paw one at a time as if being wet was his biggest worry. You rolled your eyes at him while a little pink tongue defiantly started licking at his chest. With a can opener in hand, you started to peel the tuna’s top open. “You know being clean and wet is much better then muddy and wet.” You squeezed some of the juice onto a saucer while also scooping out some of the meat. You were answered with a little cackle of a mew. “Oh? You agreeing with me?” You set the saucer well away from the table, knowing Curtis would be back down soon and not wanting the kitten underfoot. “Come on lil guy.” You coaxed for him, hoping the smell would bring him out. 
It didn’t though, the kitten blinked at you from the shadows under the table and then resorted to cleaning himself once again. “Alright, suit yourself.” Your hands slapped on your knees and with a slight moan, you pushed yourself back to a stand. 
“Hey, you okay?” Curtis asked as he came back into the kitchen, out of his wet clothes, freshly showered and looking more like himself. A black tee and his grey sweats were his current comfy clothes of choice, ones which you appreciated on many levels. Taking an appraising look, you let yourself sink into his arms finally, cuddling up to his chest for a moment to bury your face into the soft tee, his soap still strong smelling as you inhaled deeply. “Mmh, very. Just a bit sore from my workout today. I got him all washed, and some food out but he hasn’t come out from under the table.” You shrugged while leaning down enough to peek and see where the kitten was now. 
“He will when he gets a whiff of it.” Curtis rubbed at your back, soothing his hand where he figured you might be a bit sore. “Me on the other hand, I'm starving. What’s cooking?” 
“Cheesy chicken and broccoli casserole…” You pulled away to look in the oven. “And it's just about done.” When you turned back around, you found Curtis kneeling under the table with the little saucer of tuna, encouraging the kitten to eat. 
Without saying anything, you turned the oven off and moved to the floor next to Curtis, both of you now feeding the little stray. He started voraciously eating the tuna off both of your fingers. After a few moments, you softly nudge Curtis’s shoulder. “What are we going to do with him tonight?” 
It was such a soft sight for you to witness. Curtis holding out his large fingers for the kitten to nibble tuna off of, everything in him was about being as gentle as possible. “I can put him in the upstairs bathroom for now, make a bed for him in the tub in case he has an accident.” 
“And then?” Your mouth twists at the thought of having to find him a new home. 
“Then maybe contact the local ASPCA… see where to go from there.” 
You nod in understanding, Curtis had never mentioned wanting pets in his home before. “I used to have a cat a long time ago. Her name was Friskey, although I called her Friskababes.” You finally stretched out to lay on your belly, Curtis doing the same next to you while you took turns feeding the kitten. 
It didn't matter that dinner was cooling above you on the stove or if anyone walked into Curtis's house, they would find you two lying on the kitchen floor, heads under the table. You both were in your own little world, taking care of the kitten who was starting to slow down his feasting. Pink tongue wiping over his whiskers as he waddled now to Curtis, purring as he head-butted against his bearded chin affectionately. “I never had a cat before. I had an ex that did, every time I would go visit her place, the cat didn’t like me.” 
You smirked while watching the scene before you, your arms folded and your head resting on them. The kitten was working on wedging himself into the neck of Curtis’s shirt, batting at his gold chain. “Yeah well, I think this one likes you, a lot. Guess it’s a good thing you're not with that ex anymore.” 
“Well I like this one a lot more too.” Curtis admitted while the kitten curled up against the crook of his neck and shoulder, his little claws kneading into his tee shirt. “Both the cat and the partner.” He winked at you with a brilliant blue teasing glance, making you huff in a soft laugh. 
“Smooth move Stud. You know…” You inched over closer to him, lifting enough to whisper into his ear. “Seeing you taking care of this helpless kitten… it is sexy as hell. Too bad you are too busy taking care of him to do anything about it.” You nipped at his ear lobe, giggling as you slipped out from under the table before Curtis could react. 
“It is?” He couldn’t move out, not like you were able to with the now snoozing black bundle of fur cuddled up against his neck. But he wriggled out, cupping the little protesting kitten, scooping him up while he moved to stand, catching sight of you up the stairs. “Listen kid… You are gonna chill for a while? I got a sweet little Honey to tend to.” He lectured the kitten while making his way up the stairs. The kitten meowed loudly, either in protest for being bothered while napping or in understanding. 
Curtis didn’t really care, he was just paying attention to you teasing from the door, peeking around it to watch him stalking down the upstairs hallway for you. You gave a bit of a pout. “You were supposed to take your time, you know, not wake the baby.” 
“He is fine.” Curtis assured you, holding up the yawning little black mass that made up the kitten. In the corner of the room was a laundry basket full of his clean clothes, and he deposited the kitten into it before twisting to catch you, knowing you were getting ready to bolt out of reach. You laughed as he pulled you back into his chest, his mouth teasing against a sweet spot behind your ear. “Now tell me more about this sexy as hell business.” 
His hands slid up the front of your shirt, cupping your breasts and teasing at your nipples through your bra. You wriggled against him, sure to push your ass against his groin. “You know what those sweatpants do to me.” You whined as your head tilted to the side, “My big giant of a boyfriend going all gentle and taking care of a kitten? That’s like right out of a book.” 
His big hands squeezed your breasts, pulling just enough to make the tingles shoot through you, arching yourself into him for more of his touch. “Fuck Honey I love when you say shit like that.” He twisted you to face him and walk backwards to the bed, pulling up the shirt you wore right over your head and making you fall with a bounce onto his bed. 
You wriggled up to give him room to follow, grinning at him while you worked your bra off. “Like what?” 
Curtis hovered over you, his gaze now on your breasts, like he couldn't look away while a hand fondled one, pulling up over you enough so he could get his mouth on you. Dragging a nipple into his mouth, sensitive from his earlier teasing, it tightened against his tongue; the feeling of his hot wet mouth made you keen at the sensation, pulling and sucking on it until you scratched at the bed to grab the sheets. “When you call me your boyfriend. It’s like I’m yours and I love you for it.” He said after he popped your peak from his mouth, looking at you now, his gaze an intense sliver of blue and blown pupils, making your breath catch for a moment.
“You are mine and I am yours.” You took a moment to sink back onto the bed, catching your breath with a few deep gasps.
He rumbled from between your cleavage now, his tongue lavishing against your skin as he shifted down to kiss and nibble over your belly. “Well it’s a turn-on for me when you just call me yours, you know?” His fingers weren’t far, rubbing along your sides and down to your hips, shifting you more under him and sinking down over you while he stretched out to lay over your body. 
You caught his chain to drag him closer, arching up to meet him and kiss him. Your tongue slipped to meet his and tangle till it turned lust-filled and frenzied. Curtis groaned against your mouth, hooking an arm around you and lifting the both of you till he was sitting back on his heels and you were wrapping your legs around his trim waist, in his lap to grind against him. “You are mine Curtis and I see all of you.” Your hands swept up his back and grasped the back of his neck to hold on while your hips rocked in his lap, pushing your sensitive center against him, moaning softly whenever he pressed up against you, making excited tingles race up your spine. “Not just the man who is ridiculously handsome with his rugged good looks and blue eyes that can melt the panties off anyone.” You felt him scoff a bit, but his lips pulled in a grin while he dipped back to your collarbone now, retrailing back to your breasts. Red crept up the back of his neck, a clear sign that he was affected by you. 
He once again eased you onto the bed, looming over you before dropping his weight to push you into the mattress and trap you underneath him. Scratches of his beard against your sensitive skin made you wriggle underneath him while his weight continued to pin you in place. “But the side that loves his friends like family, treats me like a fucking goddess, stargazes, reads, takes in little stray kittens found under trucks.” Your voice went a bit higher with emotion while he mapped your body, not leaving an inch of your chest or belly unexplored. 
It’s like the kitten knew he was being mentioned cause all of a sudden the little black ball poked his head up over the edge of the bed, meowing loudly in that cackle sound that made you both pause a second, then burst out laughing at how ridiculous it sounded in the middle of you two making out. 
“Kid, you are busting in at the wrong time.” Curtis pulled himself off of you while the kitten kept scrambling up the side of the bed till it was tumbling across the mattress towards you both, his little tail straight up like an exclamation point. Before he could reach you two, Curtis got a hold of him and moved back. “Don’t go anywhere Pretty Girl. I’m not done with you.” Stiff legged, he moved his way across the bedroom and disappeared into the bathroom. You stretched a bit, patiently waiting till you heard Curtis lecturing the kitten. “Stay here, just go to sleep or something. Look a nice fluffy towel, courtesy of Honey.” He flickered on a nightlight and then eased out of the bathroom, using his foot to keep the kitten back till the door shut. 
You pushed yourself up to your elbows, watching him as he turned on the balls of his feet, grabbing his shirt to pull it over his head. “Our guest is away for the moment.” 
“Uh huh… that's why I can see little paws scratching under the door?” You pointed towards the floor, where sure enough black paws were stretching through that little space, and another little pitiful squeal pierced out. 
“Shit…” Curtis used his toes to nudge at them. “Come on dude… just an hour, that's all we need.” 
That had you laughing again, rolling in the bed till you could push yourself to the edge to find one of Curtis’s nearby shirts. “I know we were busy but…” You tugged it over your head, making Curtis scowl at the sight of you covering back up. “Let’s pick this up later? It’s obvious he doesn’t want to be in there and he is not at all tired.” 
“Cock blocked by a cat…” He grumbled a bit as he opened the door and the kitten shot right out, landing at your feet in a tangle of limbs. 
“Didn’t you say you were starving?” You pointed out as you reached Curtis, running your hands up his chest and hooking your hands around the back of his neck. “Cause I do gotta take care of that casserole downstairs still.” 
It was the most opportune moment that his stomach protested, making you arch a brow that you were indeed correct. “Fine! Fine, this is on pause. Just for now.” His hands cupped your face and kissed you, a quick fast one, no lingering, no turning into something more. “But I’m certainly not finished with you.” 
“I don’t ever expect you to be.” You winked at him, before reaching to take one of his hands and lead him back downstairs. Behind the two of you the kitten followed, bouncing down each step till he bypassed both of them and trotted into the downstairs living room like it was all his. 
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A couple of days turned into a couple of weeks and the kitten was still at Curtis’s house. Slowly food bowls, a cat box and some toys appeared. You took the little black kitten to the vet, whom he hissed and swiped his little sharp claws at. The vet confirmed that he was a male kitten and just barely old enough to have been separated from his mother. 
You explained how Curtis found him and that Curtis had gone back the next day searching for more, but he only found him. You lined up for the appropriate shots and left with the understanding to the staff that you weren’t sure if you or Curtis would be keeping him. It made your heart ache though, thinking about bringing him to a shelter to be adopted by someone else. 
Even though as a kitten, he had the best chance at someone taking him. You just didn't want to let the little kitten go, even when he was yowling in the car the whole ride back to Curtis’s after the appointment. 
Curtis was sure to meet you outside when you arrived back, grabbing the cat carrier before you were able to and carrying it inside. “What did they say about him?” 
“He is definitely a boy, so we're correct in calling the little fluffer a boy. He is about ten weeks old… just barely able to leave his mom and he is a bit malnourished but to just keep him on the food we are using and he will be just fine.” You shrugged out of your jacket once inside and Curtis sprang the door open, the kitten dashing out and glaring at both of you over his shoulder for being trapped in the carrier, flicking his tail at you two. “And… the vet wanted to know what name they should put on the file and if we're going to keep him.” 
It was out there now, were you guys going to keep this kitten? Curtis’s brow came together in thought, glancing back at the kitten who now was checking out the stainless steel food bowls Curtis bought last week along with the rather expensive bag of kitten food that he insisted on, claiming it would help the ‘Kid’ get some meat on his bones. “What did you say?” 
“I said that I had to talk to you, considering if we kept him, he has to stay here. My little apartment doesn't allow pets of any kind. I’m almost shocked they haven't bitched about Peter my spider plant.” You said jokingly. 
“Well… I guess that leaves just one thing to do about him, then doesn't it.” Curtis stated so solemnly that your heart sank. He didn’t want a kitten here, you were sure of it. What if it destroyed his stuff or became a problem? You could almost hear your ex’s disgusted voice when you once mentioned that you missed having a pet. What would you want an animal in the house for? They just make messes and cost money. Jake had made up for his callous remark by buying you a goldfish, stuffing it in a goldfish bowl that you immediately got rid of, and bringing the fish to your parent's house with a proper tank since you knew that the tank would just be another issue for Jake to press on. Your goldfish was still happily living there, having gotten big and beautiful in the few years they have had him. 
A cat was a bigger responsibility than a goldfish and you were preparing yourself for Curtis to say he was going to take him to the adoption center. 
“What do we name him?” He asked, his arms folding over his chest as he stared at the kitten, studying him. “I know I have been calling him Kid, but he needs something better than that.” 
“You- you mean it? You want to keep him?” 
“Honey, he was ours from that first night I brought him home. He is family now, the little punk. Besides, I would be worrying myself over who took him home if we didn’t.” 
You felt such a rush of relief that you flung yourself at Curtis, who caught you with a surprised grunt, your hug around him turning fierce. “I love you so damn much, thank you for wanting to keep him.” 
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you in against him just as tightly and pressing his mouth to your forehead affectionately. “I would be such an asshole if I just tossed him away, this house is plenty big enough for him to terrorize.” He eased you back a bit to look down at you. “And you know once Sophia sees him, that he would have to stay anyways, as if she is ever gonna let him leave. So… names?” 
“Damn, I don’t know… I tried not to think of names, so I wouldn’t get attached. Um, Midnight?” 
“Same… although calling him Kid kinda ruined that. Hmm, Onyx?” Curtis threw out there. 
“Nah, makes me think of Pokémon too much.” 
“Coal?” He shrugged a bit, throwing another black cat name out.
“What about Salem? He acts like that sassy cat on Sabrina.” 
“You watched Sabrina, the nineties version?” You asked, having loved that show yourself. 
“Sure, Ella loved it and I would watch it on TGIF night. Hey Salem, come here.” Curtis called but the kitten curled up in a window, sunbathing and ignoring the two of them.”Guess not.” 
You two just kept throwing out names that seemed fitting for black cats, but none of them seemed to fit the little bundle of terror. 
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You both went on with the day, as you went to meet up with Claude at the school to help her with a quick project and Curtis went over to Paulie’s to do some late afternoon bartending. 
It was later when you finally got to Paulies,  patrons already getting rowdy at a baseball game Paulie had on the overhead tv. 
You scanned quickly, but their was no Curtis in sight. “Hey Paulie, where’s Curtis hiding?” 
“Out back Y/N.” He pulled the bar section up enough for you to duck through. “Make sure he swings back out for his tips before you guys leave for the night. You know, if you ever want a part time job, I can easily hook you up. You’re a lot nicer then Curtis, you'll make way more tips.” 
You rolled your eyes at Paulie as you hip checked through the door out back. “I doubt I would make more tips.” 
Paulie shook his head as he watched you walk away, tsking to himself. “That girl doesn’t even know that everyone loves her.” He sighed as he went back to refill mugs and take food requests. 
You worked your way towards the rear of the building where the backstock was kept, catching sight of Curtis and Edgar lining up to throw axes in the indoor designated area. You could see Yona standing back, watching their form. Edgar went first, his lean body flexing with strength as he leaned into his throw, making his axe spin rapidly with a heavy thunk into the target, almost at the bullseye. Yona gave a victory whoop and you had to add in your own claps of approval, making him spin in surprise at the extra praise. “Throw those last two, if you keep throwing like that, you should be captain of the team.” 
Edgar gave a shrug, finally turning back to set himself back up. “I wouldn’t know first thing about being a team captain.” He went again, able to accurately eyeball it, this time the axe embedded on the opposite side, leaving inches between the two and the bullseye right in the middle. 
Curtis swung his own, close to the middle, but not with the accuracy of Edgar’s throw. He scoffed at Edgar’s words, sure to cross his arms over his chest and study both the targets. “Man, why the hell not? You are obviously good at this, you are doing better then any of us and the whole team was your idea. Why not be the captain of it when we start competing this summer.” 
Edgar let go of his last one, both the men watching as it landed right in the middle with a heavy thud, all three almost perfectly lined up. You and Yona cheering and clapping, making Edgar blush wildly. “I don’t, I never…” He stammered a bit, unsure of how to answer. 
Curtis was blunt with him while he started preparing for his next throw. “Man, you gotta stop thinking the worst of yourself. Look at where you are now compared to months ago.” His arm curled over his head and he gave a powerful thrust, leaning into the move. The axe landed heavily into the board, making it wobble slightly and then straighten back out. “Don’t sit there and think you can’t before you even try. All of us think you can. Look.” Curtis motioned behind him back towards Yona and you who were now pouring drinks from a pitcher, lost in conversation. “They clearly think you're hot stuff, cheering at that last throw? Grey and I think you’re the man for the job. Now the question is, do you wanna be captain?” 
Edgar was looking for an answer, but with an impatient arch of Curtis’s brow he stammered out “Yes, yeah… yeah I can do it.” 
Curtis gave a nod of agreement. “Good man.” Then twisted to toss his remaining axe, sinking it into the target. 
You and Yona were watching the guys in what looked like a heated conversation, but weren’t making out much of what they were saying. Yona furrowed her brow worried. “You think everything is okay?” 
You glanced up at them while filling the mugs. “Sure, no one is being dragged out and no one is yelling. They are fine. Tell me about your date last night?” You really weren't sure, but if no one was looking like they were about to throw a punch, you figured it was probably fine. Curtis was pretty relaxed looking for the most part, his attention divided between talking to Edgar and focusing on the targets. 
Those were your favorite moments, because damn he just looked so masculine in his throws. The way his body would flex and tense the muscles in his shoulders and back, leading down to his ass. You started to let yourself imagine what that would all look naked? Wide shoulders that tapered down to a slimmer waist, he had a stunning back, you knew cause you'd admired it whenever he took his shirt off. 
“Then he surprised me with one of those midnight openings at this bookstore in the city.” Your attention turned back to Yona, who had a faraway dreamy look recalling her night before. 
“Sounds pretty incredible, the bookstore especially.” You were quick to take a sip of your beer, trying to cover for the fact that you were daydreaming instead of listening to your friend, but now you were making sure to pay attention. “I would have loved that myself.” 
“I know they do it every couple of months.” She yanked out her phone and started typing on it. “Let me send you the link. What were you and Curtis up to?” 
You let your gaze drift back to the guys, now they were both laughing while wandering to the targets to grab the axes. “Well I took that black kitten this morning to the vet for a checkup, see if he needed anything. That opened up a convo about are we keeping him.” 
“And? I know you have fallen for him.” Yona inquired while she put her phone back away. “He would be a nice addition if you are ready for a pet.” 
“I wanted to, but my apartment is no pets allowed. I had myself all set for Curtis to say no… but he said absolutely he wanted to keep him.” Your grin spread, the way he had shocked you was still making your heart clench in excitement. “Now we need a name!” 
“Oh the best part.” Yona pressed on, waving a hand for you to continue. “What’s his name gonna be?” 
“Don’t know yet, every name we thought of that seemed to fit neither of us agreed on.” It was like a light bulb went off in your head and suddenly you were kicking yourself for not thinking of it earlier. “But! I think I have it. Give me a second.” Before Yona could question you, you headed over to where Curtis was set his axes down, ready to take a break. 
“Hey Pretty Girl.” His blue eyes shifted over you and a sultry grin crossed his lips. 
“I got it!” You bypassed your typical flirty answer, too excited at the moment. 
Curtis’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Got what Honey?” 
“The name, our kitten’s name. What about Thackery Binx? Or just one of the names, doesn’t have to be the whole thing. From Hocus Pocus.” 
He looked thoughtful while considering it. “Why the hell didn’t we think of that before? It’s perfect.” His arms scooped around you, tugging you in close. “How about just Binx if you're okay with that? I like it more for him.” 
You nodded with enthusiasm. “I like it too, so I think he will.  He looks like a Binx.”
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thezombieprostitute · 2 months ago
This is a very Curtis image
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Okay! I finally found a good prompt to go with this!!! Thank you for your patience, Roo!
A/N: Written for @the-slumberparty's December Daze Challenge.
Prompt: the new boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other at the family dinner
A/N2: Written in the Fate series. Reader is Tall and Plus Size female.
Warnings: Implied alcoholism. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 4
Series Masterlist
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"You're sure you don't mind going with me?"
"I'm sure," Curtis tells you yet again, still no change in his tone or demeanor. "Family is important and you want me to meet them. I'm even wearing my good boots."
"Ooo, fancy," you smirk." And they want to meet you, too. Even after I told them what you do for a living."
"Why wouldn't they want to meet the auto shop owner that's dating their daughter?" he teases.
Playfully rolling your eyes you retort, "you know I had to tell them everything. Thanks for letting me do that, by the way. They're surprisingly relaxed about me dating a biker president."
Curtis shrugs, "doesn't hurt that I treat you like the queen you are. Nor that we're part of BACA."
"That reminds me, do your guys need help delivering the gifts for the neighborhood kids?"
"They've got it covered," he promises. "And we've coordinated with the local Santa's to make sure we're not stepping on anyone's toes."
"Damn you're good at running things," you coo. "If we didn't have places to be I'd be taking you to bed."
Curtis smiles wickedly before pulling in for a deep kiss that leaves your knees weak. You moan into his mouth just before he pulls away. "Let's get going," he winks.
"Tease!" you smile back at him.
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The initial introductions go well. Both parents are happy to finally meet Curtis and he's polite, respectful and offers to help however he can.
"You just enjoy yourself, Curtis," Sophie, your mother, tells him.
"And feel free to indulge in some of the mulled wine," David, your father, adds. "Just make sure Joe over there doesn't talk you into getting a glass for him."
David points to where your Uncle Joe is sitting, looking ready to hit someone. You never understood why he kept getting an invite but your mother insists it's in the spirit of believing people can be better. While you understand she wants to see the best in everyone, especially her brother, his record still shouldn't be ignored.
Curtis makes note of his distinguishing features so as not to get him mixed up with another family member before turning back to David with a simple "got it" and a nod.
Your father won't say it any time soon but he really appreciates the gravity with which Curtis responds. Like you, he's been trying cut Joe off the invite list. Forgiveness been be a great thing but he knows Joe takes it for granted. Again, he won't say it any time soon, but he's glad you found someone whose clearly got a good head on their shoulders.
Meanwhile you and Sophie are doing some triple checking of the food, making sure everything's going to be ready on time. In between checking the different foods, your mother also checks in with you.
"He's certainly handsome," she chats. "Even with that beard."
"I love that beard," you gently counter.
She playfully rolls her eyes. "I do worry that, between his business and his...club, does he have enough time for you?"
"It's been a challenge, for both of us," you admit. "But when his...people realized how serious we are about each other, they really stepped up. Especially his little brother Edgar."
"So you're not just getting a man, you're getting a community?"
You pause for a moment. "Yeah, pretty much."
She nods in approval. "It's nice to know you have people looking out for you. Even if they're not my...favorite kind of people, I trust your judgment."
Your conversation is disrupted by shouting from the dining room. You recognize Uncle Joe's timbre and you can guess at what's happening. You and Sophie hurry out of the kitchen and, sure enough, he's pitching a fit at Curtis. It hasn't come to blows, thankfully, but you don't mind the idea of rushing Joe to the emergency room because you know who would win the fight.
It seems like Joe knows as well because, for all of his posturing and yelling, he's yet to get too close to Curtis. For his part, Curtis is standing firm between Joe and the mulled wine, looking at him like he does one of the drunks at Snowpiercer when they try to yell at Tanya or Andrew. To Joe's credit he's not backing down but you're pretty sure it's because he doesn't know what Curtis is capable of. You stop your mom from interfering, pointing out that it's just some yelling. There's no throwing of things, and that's progress for a Christmas with him. Best part, he's getting it out of his system now as opposed to when all your nieces and nephews arrive.
The lack of escalation on Curtis's part seems to do the trick and, after a few minutes, Uncle Joe seems to wear himself out. No one's coming to support him or try to stop him, so he opts to just storm out. Sophie goes to follow but David stops her, encouraging her to just let him walk it off. "He'll be back when he's ready," he assures.
Knowing this can't be easy for her you encourage her through distraction, urging her to get the presents for her grandkids ready while you take care of the food for a bit. She nods and smiles a thank you before heading upstairs to get them.
You pull Curtis by the front of the shirt into the kitchen so you can give him thank-you kisses in between food prep steps.
After a few minutes you're interrupted by a polite cough from your mother. "If you're going to do that, you should do it upstairs," she winks. Turning to Curtis she says, "thank you for not escalating with my brother. I...he's had a rough life and...I try to help him but..."
"You want your brother to be happy like you," Curtis interjects. "I have a little brother as well. Almost went down the wrong path several times. Lost track of how many fights we've had." Your mom nods in understanding. "Sometimes you need that lenient mercy, like you've been granting him. But you still need to hold firm with rules and boundaries."
"And that is something I've been lax about," she admits. "So thank you for helping me see it." You raise an eyebrow at her, silently saying, I've been telling you this for years. She shakes her head, "in my defense, it's different when someone who doesn't have history with him points it out. Now come on, the grandkids will be here soon so we better have the food ready."
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As soon as the kids show up, they're on Curtis. The older ones think he's cool because of the tattoos and the fact that he's a biker. The younger ones love climbing all over him. You're extra grateful he wore his good, clean boots because the toddlers are latching onto his legs and demanding rides all over the house. He's definitely happy to oblige them.
The house is filled with laughter and fun all day. You do catch your mother looking out the front door, checking her phone, looking for any sign her brother is coming back. You make sure to hug her during those moments.
It isn't until after your sisters and their kids head out that Joe comes back, hat in his hands, looking contrite.
"I...I'm sorry," he mumbles. "I let my temper get the best of me and...and I missed out on a great meal and time with the only family that'll take me in."
"Where'd you run off to?" your mother asks, pulling him inside the house.
"I called my sponsor, the anger management one. We talked out a few things. I...I'm sorry."
Sophie hugs him, "it's Christmas! It's the time for reconciliation!"
Curtis and David both move to interject. You hold back Curtis so your dad can talk to her.
"Reconciliation, yes," David begins. "But with evidence of improvement." Uncle Joe just nods. Your dad smiles, "we saved you a plate from the leftovers."
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Part 4
Series Masterlist
@alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @irishhappiness; @lokislady82; @ronearoundblindly; @thiquefunlover63
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
The assistant (9) - Revenge for champions
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Former!Boss!Steve Rogers x Former!Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader, Andy Barber x Reader, Mike Weiss x Reader
Warnings: angst, flirty CEvans characters, language, plussized/chubby reader, protective brothers, Lloyd being Lloyd, fluff, domestic brothers, Steve Rogers being annoying, arguments
The assistant masterlist
The assistant (8) – A Captain and six brothers
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That bastard is still out there. He’s lurking,” Lloyd grumbles angrily. “Let me get the big guns out. I’ll kill him with one precise blow to his ugly face.”
“Lloyd we talked about this. We won’t kill Captain America,” Andy tuts. He checks on the security cameras again.
“But the thought is nice—” Lloyd flashes his brother a smirk. “Right? Don’t you want to lose control sometimes and just punch the asshole?”
“You’ll only break your hand,” you grab Lloyd’s hand before he can punch an invisible enemy. “We talked about this. Let me handle my former boss. He’s stubborn but will lose interest soon enough.”
“I don’t think he will leave anytime soon,” Ari looks out of the window to keep an eye on Steve. He’s sitting in front of the gate, pouting like an angry child.
“Fine,” you huff. “He leaves me no choice.” You get your phone out to call someone to get Steve off your friends’ property. “I hate getting him involved, but this can’t be helped.”
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“Gentlemen,” Tony watches you and the brothers step out of the mansion. He grins and licks his lips at Steve’s reaction. The captain barks orders at your friends, ready to take the gate down.
“Mr. Stark, thank you for coming,” you usher the brothers toward the gate. “I didn’t know what else to do. The captain won’t believe me that I stay at my friends’ place on free terms.”
Tony flashes you a smile. He’s still disappointed that you didn’t want to work for him but understands that you needed space and tried to start a new life, with a new job. 
“Anything for you, darling,” he gives you a curt nod before turning his attention toward Steve. “Cap, we should go now. There’s nothing for us to do here.”
“Tony, they are holding Y/N hostage,” Steve points at you standing next to the brothers. Ari, Lloyd, and Curtis immediately crowd you. “See, they won’t let her breathe. I can only imagine what they have done to her since she came here.”
“OH, yeah,” Tony smirks at his friend. “She looks very displeased.” He quirks a brow. 
“See—” Steve nods. “You can see it too!”
“Steve, I tried to be sarcastic. Y/N is glowing and looks happy. We should leave her and her friends alone.”
“No! I won’t leave her to these vultures wanting to take advantage of her kindness and innocence. I have to save her!”
“Ah,” the cocky billionaire nods thoughtfully. “I think we are having a Snow White situation here.” Tony smirks at his friend. 
“What do you mean, asshat?” Lloyd grunts, ready to fight Iron Man and Captain America if he must.
“Seven guys longing for one woman?” Tony snickers. “Six brothers and one Captain trying to win the beautiful princess’s heart over.”
“I understand that reference, but I’m not a dwarf, Tony,” Steve grunts. “If she’s Snow White, then I’m the Prince Charming!” He points at the brother. “And these men are not friendly dwarfs but criminals and kidnappers.”
“Hey! I’m not a dwarf either, Iron Bucket,” Lloyd angrily glares at Tony. “I know you were always good to Y/N, but I won’t let you get away with insulting me…or my brothers.”
“Wait! I think Snow White got seven dwarfs, right?” Mike throws in. He furrows his brows, struggling to remember the fairytale their mother used to read to him. “We are only six.”
“This makes Captain asshole the seventh dwarf,” Curtis laughs loudly. “I think he’s the one they called Dopey. He doesn’t understand the simplest things.”
“I’ll free Y/N!” Steve points his index finger at Curtis. “You won’t hurt her on my watch.”
“Hurt her?” Jake has had enough. He steps toward the gate, hands wrapping around the bars. Jake sneers at Steve and grits his teeth. “The only person hurting her was you! She lost her job, the one she loved because you wanted to stick your dick into that stupid bitch’s snatch. What a man you are. Ordering food for everyone but the sweet woman saving your ungrateful ass every day.”
“You know nothing about me and Y/N!” Steve angrily replies. “I-I made mistakes but tried to apologize. When I came to her home, she was gone. Kidnapped by you and your brothers!”
“We didn’t kidnap her! Y/N is my friend. She came to my café to tell me about all the shit you pulled on her. Day after day she worked her cute ass off to make your life easier. Was it too much to ask for that you gave her a little respect and paid for her fucking lunch?” Jake kicks the bars. “I swear, you’re lucky the gate is in between us. If not, you’d be dog food.”
“Whoa, Jakie,” Lloyd places his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Freaking out and threatening people to kill them is my job. How about you bring Y/N back inside and leave this job to me and Ari.”
“She stands right behind you, Lloyd,” you grunt and slap Lloyd’s ass. “I can speak for myself.” You step next to Jake to look Steve in the eyes. “Listen, I know you believe what you are doing is the right thing, but you couldn’t be more wrong. These men are my friends. Jake is my friend and he’d never hurt me. Please just leave.”
“But they—” Steve points at Lloyd. “I don’t trust them. I know you are kind and believe people are always good, but there are bad people out there, who want to take advantage of a pretty girl like you. I can’t let them do this to you.”
“My friends won’t harm me in any way,” you purse your lips. “I’m not like Sandy, a damsel in distress. I don’t look tough like Agent Romanoff, but I know how to defend myself.”
“She can defend herself,” Ari places his hand on your shoulder, “but she doesn’t have to. We are here to defend her and her honor. So, if you’d kindly fuck off now, we want to have dinner with our lovely Y/N.”
“Tony, don’t you have anything to say?” Steve despairs. He can see the determination in your eyes and can only hope you are not wrong. He’d never forgive himself if these men take advantage of you. “Do something!”
“Alright,” Tony claps his hands. “I got enough of this, kiddos. I’m too old for this shit.” He says. “Even though, Capsicle is older than me.” 
“How about you let Steve stay for the night? He promises to behave, and you promise to let him have a look at Y/N’s room.”
“He can have a look at my ass before I let him inside my home!” Lloyd points at his ass. 
“Uh-I don’t know,” Mike murmurs. “If he can have a look around the house and sees that we are treating Y/N with respect, he’ll leave us alone.”
“I hate to say it, but Mike ain’t wrong,” Andy throws in. “He won’t leave and I’m not much into getting spied on. Having Captain America lurk around your house is bad for our reputation. People will start asking questions.”
Steve watches the brothers and you discuss Tony’s suggestion. He uses his enhanced hearing to listen to your heartbeat. Your heart beats normally. You’re not afraid at the moment, but he’s still not convinced that you are not in danger.
“Fine by me.” Steve finally says. 
“The shield stays outside,” Lloyd points at Steve’s shield. “…and you won’t set foot into our home wearing your ugly suit. Civilian clothes, no shield.”
“He’ll follow your rules and leave your house, tomorrow morning,” Tony stretches his hand out. “I give you my word, Mr. Hansen.”
“I’ll keep you up on that promise,” Lloyd grabs Tony’s hand. He squeezes hard, making sure Tony knows the man in front of him isn’t afraid of Iron Man at all. “If you break it…well…you don’t want to know what happens if you fuck with Lloyd Hansen.”
“Revenge for champions will happen,” Ari grunts. He points at Tony. “You better keep your buddy in line. If not, I’ll release the beast.”
“…I’m the beast,” Lloyd smirks darkly. “I love letting hellfire rain down on my enemies. Especially when I can defend our sweet Y/N…”
Part 10
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Tags in reblog.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years ago
PT x plus size reader opinion - all the boys could be become SO for our dear reader but in different circumstances. Here is my take:
Bucky and Curtis seems like type of men who would be interested in Reader after few interaction (not quite 'love at first sight', but 'I know you for a month and it is enough for me to know you are perfect), but they are awkward/too serious/can't talk about their emotions and Reader is confused. They both would do things for her and take care of her needs while giving no signs of 'hey, let's make out and date and maybe marry each other in few weeks' and are more like 'fuck this world, but you are cool, but fuck this world' vibe, so Reader who obviously has a crush doesn't know what to do.
Jake would probably bond with her daughter, taking a role of new uncle with Natasha and Wanda as aunts. While Reader is confident, she doesn't think Jake is interested in her (and she doesn't let herself even think about him becoming a dad to her daughter even though their relationship is so cute) - he is just lovely and dorky person who obviously is good with kids and happens to know her girlfriends. And Jake? He is dying inside because Reader is perfect, he loves her daughter and all he dreams about is them making out for the rest of their lives.
Steve quickly becomes Reader's gym buddy, but Reader is intimidated, because he looks like a Greek God. But he is true gentleman and actually quite shy. So, their romance slowly began to blossom while both of them don't acknowledge their feelings until tension is so strong that Steve fucks Reader in the gym or elsewhere - location doesn't matter, because the sex is 🔥 everywhere. (I feel like there should be an angsty part. Like Reader overheard a nasty comment made by other PT who implies that Steve has a sexual relationship with Reader 'for fun' and believed it).
Ari strikes me a owner of gym and girls make him meet with Reader because she can help him business wise. They bond over the gym (both sport and business parts) and Ari doesn't mind adding romantic part to their relationship, but Reader has complicated relationship with father of her child and her daughter is absolutely hostile towards him (she is just intimidated by the giant and obviously whole mess with her father doesn't let her open up to him). So, if he really wants to be with Reader, he has to win not only Reader's heart and trust, but her daughter's too.
First, I love how in depth this is! This is incredible and I admire you so much for it! Thank you!
Bucky and Curtis — 💯 they give me vibes of touch her and die, or she is mine/ours but she doesn’t know she’s mine/ours. Both a little cantankerous, they’re genuine with few people and reader/her daughter at at the core of their niceties
“Fuck then all, fuck everyone else.” “Except you two.”
Jake is the quickest (imo) to be all in all at once while Reader is hesitant because he’s so goofy and dorky and he makes everyone smile and why would he bother with a single mother?
Jake waves his hand in front of you with a cockeyed grin, picturing the rest of his life with you and your daughter. “You are the girls I’m looking for.”
Steve is a giant, he’s second only to Ari and he knows that Reader’s scared of him, but not truly scared more intimidated. He starts slow with her, knowing he’s got to ease her into a place of comfort. He starts with a fresh water bottle when she first gets in, and it slowly builds until the tension between them is electrifying—and then he takes her, reassuring her that everything she hears about his past, or what his intentions are with her, are lies
“Give me one more,” his lips suckle on the shell of your ear, sweat rolling down the back of your neck as his fingers fill you, his hands already drawing multiple orgasms from you without deeper penetration, “and tell me what I want to hear.”
I think with Ari he would’ve seen her around before with Nat & Wanda, maybe during some parties or events Reader is invited to, and he’s drawn to her. Without knowing much about her, he talks to Nat & Wanda who want to be matchmakers and know that Ari would be good for her. However Reader’s ex is an ass and that took a toll on her daughter and Ari needs to fix what was damaged
“Honeybee and bumblebee,” he crouched before her, gently nuzzling the stuffed bee into her arms, “you don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not gonna hurt you, honeybee. I promise, I’m going to keep you safe from every monster whose ever frightened you.”
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steviebbboi · 5 months ago
Stevie BB 200 Followers Celebration Writing Challenge!
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Howdy lads~ exciting news to share:
I just reached a 200 follower count on Tumblr 🎉🎉🎉
I kinda can't believe it? Writing is indeed good for my soul. Interacting with y'all on here has helped me with my mental and emotional wellness due to just finding such great community on here. Thank you for giving me the space to write and for following along/supporting in my writing journey 💖
With that spiel spoken, I wanted to host a writing challenge in celebration of this milestone! *squealing because i'm so excited to host*
Stevie BB 200 Followers Celebration Writing Challenge Masterlist
*you'll find all writing submissions and writing requests (answered) at the link above*
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You could participate by sending in either:
✨ writing request via my Asks (💙)
✨ writing submissions (💥).
General Rules:
the challenge will start October 1st until the end of November (flexible on late entries for submissions only💥; let's say till mid-December or so).
I'll read/write for Chris Evans characters, Henry Cavill Characters, and Charlie Hunnam characters [and Bucky Barnes specifically lol] (these are my preferences but if there are other characters that you'd like to bring in, just ask me)!
for writing requests 💙, i will only be accepting requests (2 max/person; pls do not send more than 2 asks!) until the end of November.
for writing submissions 💥, go wild! submit as many as you like!
you can do both (send in a writing request 💙 AND send in a writing submission(s)💥) if you want to; rules still apply for the requests though.
use at least one prompt within your request 💙/submissions💥 from the lists below (but def. go crazy if you wanna use more than one! you don't have to claim any prompts).
works can be inclusive! poc, gender neutral, neurodivergencies, mid size/plus size/curvy readers are encouraged!
No word limits but please use a 'read more' after 200 words
Works can be part of an existing series but must be able to stand on their own
tag me @steviebbboi and use the tags #bbboi200celebration and #steviebbboiwritingchallenge in your entry so i can read/reblog your work! (If I somehow lose sight of your submission, please remind me and I'll take a look at it right away ☺️)
Most important one: Have fun!
How To Play:
✨ You must be 18+ to participate in this challenge!
✨ Choose one (or multiple 😏) BB's:
Chris Evans Characters
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Frank Adler
Curtis Everett
Andy Barber
Hayden/Harvard Hottie
Nick Gant
Jake Jensen
Johnny Storm
Lloyd Hansen
Henry Cavill Characters
Clark Kent
Napoleon Solo
Geralt of Rivia
August Walker
Charlie Hunnam Characters
Jax Teller
Raymond Smith *extra brownie pts if you write about him omg*
King Arthur
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes [he's all by himself im so sorry lmfao 🥹]
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✨ Choose one (or more) of the following prompts:
*if you don't want to write smut, you don't have to choose anything from the kinks prompt! feel free to only use the following two prompts :)
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soft dom!BB
clothes/naked ratio
size kink
slow and deep 👀
breeding kink (non-pregnancy version)
free use
belly bulge
consensual non-con
consensual dub-con
anal/or dp
possessive/or protective manhandling!BB
oral sex
orgasm delay
daddy/princess kink
sex pollen
prone bone
threesome (BB/Reader/BB)
ass/pussy spanking
mild degradation
body worshipping
quickie/don't get caught (public sex, threats of exhibitionism, etc.) 😏
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Grouchybb! who is only soft with you
Married and loyal!spouse
lumberjack!bb who is a teddy bear on the inside tho
mob AU
biker AU
soulmate AU
mutual pining/idiots in love
childhood besties to lovers
reformed playboy
professor AU
supernatural/mythical (gods, sirens, werewolves, witches, vampires, ghosts, oh my!)
frenemies to lovers
fwb to lovers
locked in AU/forced proximity
medieval AU
fake dating/relationship
sharing one bed
polar opposites attract
break up and make up
spy AU
meet cute
cowboy AU
gentle recluse!BB
brothers best friend!BB
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"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Yes, take it, slut"
"It's not that big of a deal."
"God, why do you always do this"
"You're impossible."
"Then I guess we gotta be quiet, huh?"
"We're trapped."
"Shh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear, or do you?"
"You're taking me so well, baby"
"Good girl" *for fem readers; adjust accordingly!*
"Tsk, uh-uh, c'mere, honey"
"You always feel so good around me, baby"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Here, let me help you."
"Yeah, are you a cockhungry slut, now?"
"I hardly think that that's necessary."
"Don't be a brat, baby."
"Aw, does it feel good right there?"
"I'm sorry!"
"What do you want from me?!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"What do you think you're doing here?"
"Nope. Again."
"Don't worry, I got you."
"Just stay still, there you go."
"Just one more, I promise."
"C'mon, don't you wanna be good?"
"Stay over there!"
"You better hurry up, baby."
"Thaaaat's it, you're doing so well, honey."
"Uhm, I'm not sure that's going to work."
"Please, I'll beg, please!"
"Be honest."
"Be careful there, darlin'."
"Are you okay?"
"Are you sure you wanna go there?"
Scenarios? Any! Go. Wild.
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✨ I love reading/writing angst w/HEA, soft dark (nothing too dark though), fluff and SMUT (as you can see w/the many many kinks).
no incest (stepcest is ok if tasteful lol), no infidelity, no watersports, no murder, no gore. if you're unsure if a trope is appropriate, ask me!
if im ever uncomfy with writing something, i will lyk and we can talk more about it to see if we could work with it!
feel free to ask any questions!
i think i got everything!
Have the best time, laddies~ thanks for celebrating with me!
All are welcome to join in the fun! ❣️
Tagging a few mutuals who may be interested but no pressure bbs:
@bigtreefest @mercurial-chuckles @stargazingfangirl18 @yenzys-lucky-charm
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork @buckets-and-trees @hotdamnhunnam @laurfilijames
@autumnrose40 @eloquentlytired @misscherry-26 @stellar-solar-flare
@darsynia @navybrat817
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royalwriteroftheuniverse · 2 years ago
Baby gazing
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Comments Welcome and reblogs welcome to not repost translate or publish anywhere 18+ just in case as always nothing but fluff chris being a dad if thts a warning
Part 2 here
I woke up suddenly. Not to a baby crying or a shrieking but rather me reaching out and finding a cold spot a very cold spot
"Chris?" I said softly maybe he was in the bathroom or I don't know. I sat up. Still confused. The ensuite was open slightly the light was on
"Chris?" I said into the opening I heard nothing opened the door fully and walked in. It was empty. So I turned the light off and closes the door. He would've heard me if he was in the walk in but if he was there instead of bed I'd murder him. Why I dont know. I blame hormones.
"Chris?" I hiss out the door. I didnt hear anything. And Sodger wasn't here because of the baby. The baby. Of course but the bed was very cold. I quietly walk to where the Nursery is, not too far from our room and the door is open and hes just standing there staring.
I wish I had my phone to take a few pictures. My phone. Ugh what am I in a bad horror movie I should always take my phone.
I walk up to him taking his hand
"Chris, honey what are you doing?"
"Watching her."
"She sleeping."
"I know she's so beautiful look at her so peaceful."
"She is isn’t she. And her hair. I think she has the cutest curls." I really wanted to play with them but now was not the time. If she woke up she'd want cuddles and to eat and my body heat or Chris for the rest of the night and mamas gotta sleep so does dada but his brain isn't receiving memos correctly
" I went to get water and I wanted to check on her."
"You got water from the bathroom."
He had turned and looked at me
"You left the light on. Not exactly the on the way back from the bathroom."
"I took a detor"
"I can tell," I wisper, "pretty far detour considering it's not in our room. Babe you have camera and monitors. Shes fine. Look I love her just like you but we need rest hon. Hes pouting and it's the cutest thing ever but its not making me change my mind and what let him stand here hours on end. Nope.
I get Chris to come back to bed and lay across his torso like dead weight because I know what will happen the ninute I fall a sleep and he chuckles.
"Is it so bad to want to watch my baby girl." He plays with my hair.
"I guess not but what if she does something so unbelievably cute or starts to climb and your miss it cause your tired?" I pout
"Or even more, trying to watch two of them you have less than nine months to figure it out." I smirk turning on my side
"You heard me," I smirk. I play Chris like a fiddle. Hopefully he'll get some sleep, after all we're watching our friends baby for the weekend. But I have a feeling Chris won't figure it out for a bit. Hehehe
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minervadashwood · 2 years ago
ready to let the impending darkness consume me.
The DUFF 3
Warnings: groping, insecurity, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
Image credit (I want to give dues where due but don't want the creator to keep getting tagged in my posts as I have been approached by some before that they don't want me in their notifs)
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You don’t know what to do. How do these things work? Do you just take your clothes and go? Do you wait until he wakes up?
You’re really not sure what happens next. You've only seen the morning after in movies and they don't exactly reflect real life.
You’re stuck beneath his arm, slung around you from behind. The scent of his sweat and yours clings to the blankets. You hug your chest as you stare at the wall and try to untangle the riddle of how to proceed.
You shift one leg against the other and repress a groan. He’s left you sore but delectably so. Each brush of your thighs reminds you of how he felt inside you, all the same inspiring a sense of hollowness.
As you try to ease the weight off your shoulder, he hums and his arm curls around you. He pulls himself closer, flush to your back, and you freeze. The soft hair along his chest presses against you and his bicep bulges as he squeezes you tight. He nuzzles behind your ear and you feel a twitch against your ass. Oh.
Maybe there’s more? Maybe it isn’t over? But you know that men often have some nocturnal activity uninspired by reality. 
You slip your arm from under the blanket and touch his wrist. You contemplate escape. You don’t want him to wake up sober and realise what he’s done. You don’t want to ruin this. 
You try to lift his arm but he merely holds you tighter. He elicits a growl that whisks against the shell of your ear. You give up almost at once. His nose brushes your lobe as he breathes you in.
“Don’t leave,” he purrs, gentle but firm.
“I… should,” you eke out.
“Mmmm,” he burrows his nose in your hair, “why?”
You swallow. You don’t have an answer for him. It’s Saturday. You don’t have work and your friends won’t be awake till noon with how much they drank. So what do you tell him? I should go before you see me?
“Stay,” he hooks his leg around yours and pulls it back, “for me, bunny.”
Your cheeks bloom with heat. Bunny? That’s cute, it doesn’t quite fit you, does it?
He runs his fingertips up your arm, a trail of goosebumps speckling your skin. His fingers dance along your shoulder before he slides beneath the blanket. You hold your breath, tense as he delves further, following the curve of your body to your waist.
“Please,” you choke out, “don’t–”
You frantically reach beneath the blanket and stop his hand as he touches your stomach. You cringle as his rough palm brushes your middle. He hums and rolls his hips.
“What? God, you’re so hot, baby,” he kneads your stomach.
You blink and your lips part dryly. Your heart flutters as hot adrenaline surges through your veins. Could he really want someone like you?
He drags his hand from beneath yours and traces the line of your pelvis. He draws circles there, inching closer and closer to your cunt. You shudder as he keeps your legs parted, his own still curled around your knee.
“Curtis…” you murmur.
“Shh, bunny, just… relax,” he coaxes as he cups his hand over your pussy.
You gasp as he spreads your lips with his index and ring fingers. You bite the tip of your tongue as he presses his middle finger against your clit and flicks. Your hips spasm and you squeeze his forearms. You feel his tendons and bulging veins against your palm. He’s so perfect but he treats you better than.
He rolls his fingertips around your bud, keeping a stirring pressure as he huffs into your hair. You heave as your insides coil in delight. He snarls as he urges you on, playing with you until your whimpering and desperate.
“Come on, baby, you can do it,” he growls, “I know you can cum for me. Hmm?”
You squeak as your muscles string tight. Your nerves storm in your core and ping off each other as the tension builds. You clutch his arm tight as you brace yourself for your orgasm.
“You want me to put it in? You gotta cum for me, okay? You gotta be ready for me, bunny.”
You moan as your walls quiver. You want him and your body clenches at the thought of having him. You push your head back as you surrender to him. You squeal as your climax crashes into you, shaking your body as you buck wildly against his hand. He purrs and helps you through, rubbing your clit until you're weak and senseless.
“How do you want me, baby?” He trails his hand along your pelvis, wiping your slickness up to your hip.
“I… I…” you can’t answer. What can you say? You just want him.
“Can I have you like this, baby?” He wiggles his dick against your ass. He rigid and wanting.
You gulp and nod, moaning out a slew of gibberish.
He inhales and holds in the air. He reaches to your thigh and pushes your leg higher. He hooks his other arm beneath you as he shifts even closer. Your head lolls on the pillow and you arch your back as he guides your body.
He snakes his hand down and tilts his pelvis, catching his tip between his fingers as he frames your cunt. He rests his cheek against your head as he inches into you, letting out his breath as he slowly buries himself as deep as he can. He holds himself there as you squirm and clench around him.
“That’s it, baby, you’re doing good,” he preens as he pulls back, “hmm, you’re so good for me, aren’t you?” He slides in again and once more stays sheathed in you, “do you feel how you fit me so perfect?”
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 1 year ago
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Six: Busted
Summary- 5.3k. Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Everyone is getting together for a dart tournament at Paulie's when everything is derailed before the night even starts.
Warnings- Unwanted attention from drunken men, vicious comments and name calling, fighting, police not taking the situation seriously, talk about Curtis's past and his mental health.
A/N- Thank you so much! Everyone who takes the time to like, share, comment, leave me messages and asks. Especially those who just feel seen in this storyline. You all have all my gratitude and appreciation. (let's be honest, I totally tear up and get all emotional) You all honestly are part of the reason I continue writing and sharing. Special shout out to @what-is-your-plan-today for editing. Dividers made by the talented @firefly-graphics
A/N 2- Is there an award for terrible titles? Cause I should have that trophey.
Chapter Twenty-Five / Masterlist
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You, Claude and Yona drove together after getting done at the school for the week, heading straight for Paulie's. The three of you were getting ready in Yona’s car, laughing amongst yourselves as makeup was applied in the car's vanity mirrors and someone played lookout while the other changed in the backseat. While you were doing the finishing last touches on your outfit, Claude was filling you and Yona in about having her first official weekend with Sophia present. You were finishing up your lipstick while in the backseat Yona helped Claude do her hair. “How are you feeling about this weekend?” 
“I’m excited. I have a bunch of games and stuff to do with her. I just… want her to like me being around when she's with her dad?” Claude fretted a bit, glancing out the window while Yona calmly braided her long hair in an intricate pattern. 
“You don’t have much to worry about. Sophia likes just about everyone. Ella and Grey are pretty good co-parents.” You assured her. “What are you doing this weekend Yona?” 
The woman whipped a couple of ties in Claude’s hair, patting on the braids to make sure none of them were loose. “Tomorrow I’m taking Edgar to do some indoor rock climbing.” She grinned in excitement. “He claims he isn't scared of heights and it's something I love doing, so we will see.” 
“Okay, that sounds pretty cool and Yona, are you like a professional stylist?!” Claude was leaning between the seats to look in the rear view mirror at the tight curls of braids Yona made in her hair, her head tilting left and right to check them out. “I would have paid a small fortune for this at a salon.” 
Yona shrugged as if it was no big deal. “I used to do my friend's hair all the time at home. What about you?” 
“Oh, I think tomorrow we are gonna have a game night with Tanya, Timmy, Ella and I think Grey was coming around too with you and Soph?” You asked Claude and she gave a nod confirming it. “Okay, I’m ready to get inside. Are you guys?” Another glance out the window made you catch sight of Curtis’s truck in its usual place as well as quite a few other regulars and out-of-state plates, meaning it was going to be a busy night.
Which you didn’t mind, that meant Curtis would spend some of the time helping Paulie at the bar making great tips and giving you a chance to shamelessly check him out while he was working. It always made some fun flirting and usually sneaking off together much to Paulie's dismay. Claiming his place of business was reputable. 
“I'm ready,” Claude said as she pushed the door open and the three of you piled out of the car to make your way to the front door, where a group of men were just stepping out and headed back to the cars that had out-of-state plates on them. None of you paid any attention to passing the loud boisterous group till one reached out to grasp your arm, stopping you in your tracks with surprise. 
“Where you running off to sweetheart?” He flashed a grin that was supposed to be flirtatious but came off more leering than anything. It made your heart tighten, reminding you so much of Jake’s grin that he flashed whenever he had you cornered. Your eyes widened in alarm as you pulled your arm from the stranger's grasp. 
“No thank you, not interested.” You said to brush him off, going to sidestep around him to re-join Claude and Yona who just noticed that you were no longer with them. You weren’t allowed to leave though, he stepped back in front of you, blocking your way. 
“Come on, I’m just trying to be nice. You could at least give me a smile.” His gaze fell down your body. You felt sick at his gaze, taking in your figure as if he was contemplating how easy you might be. From the gleam in his eyes, he wasn’t thinking you would pass him up. 
“Let me go.” You said calmly, good at hiding the flutter of unease building. 
“Y/N… You all good?” Claude re-joined you, glaring at the man in your path as she hooked her arm through yours, making you both a joint team. 
He sneered at the two of you, his circle of friends coming to enclose the space further cutting you and Claude now off from the door. There were a few cold snickers and the heavy smell of alcohol coming off of them. 
“Yeah, let's get inside, I’m sure Grey and Curtis are expecting us.” You went to lead Claude through an opening between the strangers but that too was cut off. Over their shoulder, you saw Yona take a few steps as if to join you but then dart inside. You were sure she was going for some help. 
In the few seconds all this took place, you felt helpless. It would take too long to grab the pepper spray from the keychain in your jeans pocket and Claude was gearing up to swing a punch, you felt her practically vibrating with anger next to you. “What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Fucking dickheads, MOVE.” She snapped, pushing against one's chest to back them up a step.
He was bigger though, an unmoveable force who she bounced off.
The original prick barked out as he waved a hand towards you. “That’s the problem with the girls around here, ungrateful bitches.” He stepped in closer to you, brushing against you momentarily to make you stumble back, his hands once more catching you to pull you aggressively in while you yelled with alarm, slapping at him while losing contact with Claude. “You should be thanking me for being willing to fuck someone like you.” 
You could have sworn you felt bile roll up your stomach while his liquored breath soured the air you were breathing, panic starting to set in. 
“Let her the fuck go.” Claude yanked at you once more into her hold and you lifted your arm, throwing a punch at the drunk stranger. Your aim fell wildly off its mark but it was enough for Claude to pull you out of his reach and then a sharp roar came up behind them. You only saw a flash of Curtis’s dark face, enraged before he struck. His fist landed firmly against the back of someone's head, pitching them against one of their drunk friends. 
“Get your fucking hands off those girls.” His voice was deep with anger, while he shoved his way between you and them, his fist landing in someone's gut, making them keel over and throw up the liquor. Grey came up to block you and Claude, sending you out of the mayhem while Edgar barrelled out of the bar to help Curtis. Yona followed out right behind him to get you guys inside. 
“Someone has to help them.” You rushed, ready to go right back out but Grey caught you to pull you back into the bar. Paulie was coming out with a bat in his hands muttering to himself as he went to go outside and from the distance, police sirens could be heard. “Curtis and Edgar are outnumbered, Grey.” You said in a panic and he shook his head at letting you go back outside. Claude and Yona went around the back of the bar to search for a first aid kit. 
“Trust me, it won’t last long. Curtis and Edgar are fine.” Grey assured you, catching you from slipping around him. “This isn’t either of their first fights. Just stay, okay? Curtis would ring my neck if I let you back out there. ” He let you go and moved to slip back outside. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck.” You swore, waiting all of ten seconds to burst out of the door following Grey. Several cop's cars were flashing lights and scattered around the parking lot. Officers were dragging both Curtis and Edgar into the back of one of the cars. “Hey!” You dashed down the steps to yet again be blocked by another man. 
A sober cop this time. You glared up at him while pointing to the car you just saw Curtis and Edgar piled into. “Miss, go back inside.” 
“Why the hell are you arresting them!?” Your voice raised in question. “They saved me and my friend from being harassed and assaulted.” 
“By who?” The officer stepped aside to show the majority of the men from before bloodied and being helped up. 
“Them obviously.” You snapped. “That one blocked me from going to the bar and the rest joined in him taunting us. Fuck, he even grabbed me.” 
“Okay Miss, we can take you down to the station if you want to put in a formal statement against them.” 
“You still didn’t answer why you arrested Curtis and Edgar. Why not those men?” 
You could see the flash of irritation at you, another officer coming up to join him. “Miss, please calm down.” 
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down.” Your arms folded defensively against your chest as you kept pushing for an answer. “Why?” 
“Because Everett and Bell assaulted those men and…” He waved his hands at Paulie’s “Intoxicated.” 
“That is utter fucking bullshit.” You spat out and they narrowed their eyes at you. “Claude and I were attacked first and they haven’t been here long enough to be intoxicated. The guys who grabbed me, they’re the ones that are intoxicated!”
“That’s not your call to make Miss… What is your name?” 
“Y/N.” You snapped out. “When can they be picked up then?” You were raging now at the utter unfairness of what was going on. The men who harassed you were being treated by a few EMTs for what looked like bloody, possibly broken noses. They had all miraculously sobered up enough to put on a decent act. “Yes, I will be putting in a report on them.” You were shaking while you leaned enough to look around the cops. “THOSE ASSHOLES HARRASSED ME.” You flipped them the bird while behind you Paulie came up, bat still in hand. 
“She’s right, I just kicked them out for trying to start a fight.” 
“Yes, we are being told it was more like the other way around. That Edgar and Curtis were trying to start something inside with them and they left.” 
Paulie snorted in disgust while you rolled your eyes at them. “Bullshit, Curtis, and Edgar weren’t doing anything but hanging out at the dartboards waiting on the girls for a game. It’s a tournament night here. This lot took up the slot next to them and started in on them looking for a fight. Kicked 'em out, we all look out for each other here. It was my mistake not checking outside to see who was in the parking lot.” Paulie gave you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry Y/N, if I just followed them out, and made sure they left...” 
You put a hand on your friend's arm, smiling at him to assure him you weren’t upset. “Don’t, you had no idea they would mess with us too.”  
“Well, we will look into it, if you got cameras set up or anything.” One officer offered a way to a solution, the other looked like he wanted to be doing anything other than dealing with you and Paulie. 
“Yeah, I have some covering the front door, it should see everything that happened out here.” He motioned to go inside, the officer following him. That left you with the one who seemed to not give a shit. 
“So, I just have to go to the station to get Curtis and Edgar?” 
“We will still be keeping them overnight.” 
You wanted to continue about how ridiculous it was, but it was clear that was the most you were going to get. Turning away, you went back into the bar to grab your stuff. “They are not letting Curtis or Edgar out tonight.” You informed the group, Yona immediately grabbed her jacket to slip back on. 
“I can drive us over.” She informed. “They were arrested?” 
“Yeah, supposedly for being publicly intoxicated. And possibly assault.” Claude handed you your purse you had ditched earlier. 
“Do you want me and Grey to go?” She questioned worriedly while Grey went to dig out his car keys. 
“No, Grey you probably shouldn’t go if you have had anything to drink or else they will find some bullshit to charge you with.” You sighed in aggravation. 
He hesitated before pulling you aside. “Listen, I don’t know what Curtis has told you, but they might give you a bit of a hard time.” 
“Why?” You frowned while listening. 
“It isn’t the first time he has been arrested for fighting and it’s been quite a while but they don't let shit go.”
“Of course.” You pinched the space between your forehead and nose. “Okay, thanks. I will drop you guys a message later about what's going on.” You waved at Grey, Claude, and Paulie on your way out with Yona. 
That little dark thought lodged in your brain, wondering if Curtis was hiding his previous arrest from you all along, or was it something he simply never thought to bring up? 
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Edgar paced back and forth in the cell while Curtis leaned back against the wall, one leg stretched out ahead of him and the other folded closer to him, bouncing now and then with anxious energy. They hated this, both of them but all they could do was wait it out. The likelihood they would be let go tonight was slim. Not with his previous track record. 
His eyes were closed as he pictured the look on your face as you looked up at that asshole blocking your way on purpose. You looked calm at that moment, but he could see how wide your eyes were, shining way too brightly with alarm. He had been intent on just approaching and standing the guy down, already knowing he would back down the second he saw him.
But then the bastard had stepped into your space, purposely making you stumble back in an attempt to keep yourself out of his reach, laid a hand on you and that’s when Curtis was ready to rip the man’s head off. 
Curtis did manage to lay the man flat out with the promise that if he ever laid a hand on you or any woman again, Curtis was going to rip him apart. That was when the cops showed up. Familiar faces from years ago dragging him off and slapping cuffs on him. 
‘Bout time we brought you in again.’
He ground his teeth in aggravation at the memories it dragged up, his eyes slitting to open, watching Edgar pace back and forth muttering about asshole cops. Curtis worried about how you were dealing, were you okay? He knew Claude, Grey, Yona, and Paulie would make sure you were fine, but he just kept picturing your face. Hearing you afterward calling his name as the door slammed on him. 
You looked pissed at that moment and he couldn’t help smiling at that. 
“What are you grinning at?” Edgar stopped pacing and slouched on the bench next to him, still a ball of nervous energy. 
“Just thinking about Y/N giving those officers hell.” 
Edgar laughed then, leaning back much like Curtis was. “I saw out the back window, she was mad. Not like it do us any good, but she looked like she was ready to deck him.” 
“Yeah, she did.” Curtis barked a laugh. “I don’t think I have ever seen her mad like that before.” 
“When do you think they will let us out?” 
“They won’t, not till morning at least. Public intoxication and all that.” 
“Bullshit charge, we hadn’t even finished a beer yet,” Edgar muttered in outrage, glancing around the empty cell. “I hate this.” 
“So do I.” Curtis pushed up to stretch himself out, the bench a hard unrelenting place. He would much rather be in his bed with you, soft, and warm in his arms. “Probably those bastards will just get a slap on their hand and let go too.” 
“Fuck I hope not.”
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It was hours later when they were finally let go, served with papers for fines they needed to pay. Charges were dropped against them for assault, much to Curtis’surprise. You and Yona were sitting out in the lobby, both of you huddled in the uncomfortable seats, heads leaning against one another in what must have been an unrestful sleep. Edgar was gentle when he touched Yona, his hand brushing along the side of her face, whispering her name. Curtis squatted in front of your seat, letting his hands slide over yours till your eyes slipped open and you gave him a sleepy smile, sliding forward to hug around his neck. 
“Hey, I didn’t think they were ever going to let you out.” You muttered into the crook of his neck
He squeezed you back assuringly, rubbing at your back. “They like to drag ass over this stuff. You ready to go home?” 
“Please.” You pulled back to let him go and Curtis held you against him a second longer before letting you ease off the seat, pulling himself back up to a stand. In the parking lot, you said goodbye to Edgar and Yona, who were quick to promise to call later to reschedule the missed triple date at the bar but you could tell they just wanted to head home. Neither had gotten a lot of sleep that night. Curtis was relieved to see his truck already there. 
“Yeah, he said he had a spare to your house and grabbed your extra keys.” You dug them from your purse to hand over to Curtis. 
Getting in, the drive back to the house was quiet. But not the typical comfortable kind that happened between you two, more like you had something on your mind and it was worrying you, causing unspoken tension. “Did you stay there all night Honey?”
“Hmm?” You turned back towards him just as he was pulling into the driveway, next to your car. “Oh yeah, Yona was set on staying till she at least saw Edgar, and good luck getting me to leave after what happened. Every time we asked to see either of you, they had an excuse not to let us talk to you.” You paused as if collecting your thoughts. “They seemed to not like you. At all.” 
“Mmhh, yeah,” Curtis said, he wasn’t ready to elaborate and you let it die there for now. Instead, you both made your way into the house, yawning loudly as you looked at the time. 
“Good morning, about the time I typically wake up.” You chuckle and Curtis rubbed at his face, making himself go cross-eyed a bit. 
“How about today we nap in bed instead, take a real lazy day?” 
“I could really go for that.” You shrugged out of your jacket and hung it up, offering to take his. 
“Deal, you wanna go get comfy upstairs and I will be up with some snacks?” Curtis offered. 
“I can make you something if you want?” You hesitated at the foot of the stairs, thinking out loud. “I have those veggies diced up and you got eggs, I saw them in there yesterday. I could make us western omelets.”
Curtis shook his head, directing you back towards the stairs. “Nope, I got it. Go shower if you want and get comfy… wear that tee of mine I love so much?” 
You went up a few steps, twisting to face him while still inching up the steps, grinning. “That and what else?” 
“Absolutely fucking nothing.” He gave a feral grin, even as tired as he was and you laughed while finishing going up the stairs. Curtis heard the house's old pipes groan, signaling you started your shower. It gave him plenty of time to get some of the quick easy snacks he had in the house. Grabbing some of Sophia’s granola bars, a bag of your favorite goldfish, his stash of Oreo cookies, and some other randoms he found in the pantry. Then he was sure to make you a cup of your favorite tea with generous dollops of honey to sweeten it to your liking. He took a quick sip, making sure it was how you liked it. 
Curtis finally made it upstairs where his bed never looked so good. Especially with a few of your clothes littered on it from where you undressed to shower. Dropping the snacks at the foot of the bed, he heard you turn the water off, steam flowing from out of the shower. Yanking off his shirt and pants, he walked into the bathroom in his boxers, preparing the tub for himself while you stood at the mirror doing a few last-minute things. 
“There’s a cup of tea on your nightstand Honey.” He brushed a kiss to your still bare shoulder, the towel firmly wrapped around you while you rubbed some of your lotion on your face and down your neck. 
“Thanks Curtis, water should be plenty hot. I was quick.” You smiled at him in the mirror while he shed the last of his clothes and slipped in behind the curtain. 
You finished what you were doing, sure to clean the sink off while listening to the water splash around Curtis, now and then the curtain would move with his movements. You retreated from the bathroom before he finished, crawling up on the bed and letting yourself lean back into the pillows. 
There was a lot to take in over the past several hours. Something you hadn’t let yourself ponder on till now when it was all said and done. You hated the doubt that crept in, the way Curtis had gone after all those men without any hesitation or fear, then Grey making mention that Curtis had been in trouble before. It wasn’t that you thought of Curtis as being violent, not towards you in the least and you had only heard him lose his temper with Edgar at Halloween. But Jake was always such a nice guy until he wasn’t and you never would have guessed that from him. You knew him your whole life, your father and his were partners in their consultation firm. 
But then one day it started and you always allowed it to continue while lying to yourself to be okay with it. As much as you loved Curtis, more than you ever felt for Jake, you couldn’t be that way with someone again. 
Curtis came back out, this time dressed in his plaid pajama bottoms and a faded old tee, ready to crawl into bed next to you. You took an appreciative sip of the tea that he made, letting the warm liquid calm you down a bit more while Curtis slipped into the bed next to you, making a grab for the snacks he had brought up and deposited them on the nightstand, grabbing a couple of oreo cookies and flipping one into his mouth. 
“Thank you for coming to get me at the station Honey.” He finally said, breaking the silence in the room while offering you his other cookie. 
You took it, nibbling on it a second before setting everything in your hands aside. “As I said, after seeing the way those officers were acting, I wasn’t about to leave you there.” 
“They dropped the charges surprisingly,” Curtis admitted while leaning back against the pillows, his hand coming up to your back and tracing patterns in it while he started to relax for the first time. “I wasn’t expecting that.” 
You let yourself sink into the feeling of his fingers on you, making your body slowly loosen from his touch, you were soon easing back and curling up next to him, your hand sliding against his chest while he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his side. “They had to drop them after Yona and I went down to fill out our reports against that group, Claude will be going in later today, she told me to do the same thing. Between us and Paulie pulling up his security videos, they weren't able to make anything solid stick. Keeping you overnight was just a way to hold you and Edgar for a while longer." You frowned with frustration.  
Curtis tilted forward to press an affectionate kiss to your forehead, scooping you in closer to him.
"It should have never fucking happened. You, Yona, and Claude should be able to walk across a parking lot at any time." 
You felt the tip of his fingers lift your chin so you looked up at him, the sheer concern in his expression, the way his eyes were a wide blue boring into you, you yet again felt foolish over your concern that this man would in any way hurt you. “Curtis…” You twisted to your hip to face him, letting there be a bit of space between you so you could comfortably look at him to talk. "Yes, I was scared at the moment, but I knew you were close.” 
“Mmmh, They will probably just get a slap on the wrist and nothing further than that.” He practically growled and you let your hand raise to smooth the worried lines in his forehead. 
“Unfortunately that is probably gonna be the case. I hope that they learned a lesson in what the word ‘No’ means though. You and Edgar left them quite a few reminders” You let your hand drop once his forehead smoothed out. “But Grey said that you were familiar with the cops picking you up?” You hesitated, not wanting to bring up his past like this, but you had to know. 
Curtis nodded a bit to confirm. “I can’t say the local Duluth precinct and I are on the best of terms. Of course, this was many years ago, but bar fights weren’t an uncommon thing for me.
You stayed quiet, intent on letting him continue with whatever he wanted to share. “As a young man… I was angry? Lost and unsure of myself, my grandparents did an amazing job being my parents. But I was still mad at the world for having never gotten to have that time with my mom and dad, I never got to see Tyler grow into the man he should have been. I had so many what-ifs built in me. Lillian and Wilford tried to help me, but you know when you are young you miss what is right in front of you.” 
“So all this anger, it turned into fighting?” 
“It did, I would get into it with other people. Looking for it I guess would be the best way to put it. It was the only thing that made me feel good.” He glanced at you worriedly but you kept your features neutral. “I don’t know if I’m explaining it right, I was an angry young man. I’m glad you didn’t know me then.” 
“Hey, we all have our shit, right?” You said with a gentle smile. “Keep going, what happened?” 
“I hit rock bottom. Had to spend some time at a minimum security prison. Not long, but it was several months. My Gram came to visit me several times, and my grandfather did a couple of times. But it was easy to see how disappointed he was. I hated it, I was ashamed of how low I went with it. The judge released me and I went to Nam for a more permanent job.” His fingers flowed up and down your arm, making pleasured sensations settle in you, retaining that connection even while you two were separated a bit to face each other. “Sent me to training and I started from the bottom up. Grandpa was retired by then so I worked up to his position.” 
“You must have wanted the change to work that hard Curtis.” You wiggled a bit closer. “Did all those feelings, the anger… they stop?” 
“Um, I channeled them in a new way. Grey and I were friends during this time, he was always trying to get me to go with him to his uncle's gym, just beyond the school called Big Jon Boxing.
When I got out, I finally took him up on the offer. Big Jon taught me some boxing, tossed me in the ring to punch and kick out all those feelings.” 
You half pushed up, leaning on an elbow. “You’re just sharing with me that you can box?” 
Curtis laughed, shrugging a shoulder. “Yeah, pretty good at it too, not to brag.” 
“Do you still go?” You eased down again, now back in his side, curling a leg through his. 
“I haven’t in a while, not since last summer. Grey was telling me Big Jon was asking when I’m coming back.” 
“So since you met me?” You huffed out, making Curtis chuckle again. 
“Well, I also have some equipment down in the cellar for when I couldn’t go. But yeah… I haven’t felt the need to.” 
You smiled a bit to yourself, it was hard not to feel a bit of pride that Curtis didn’t need such an outlet. Your hand slipped under his tee, tracing your fingertips on his belly, sinking into your thoughts. ��Would you go back?” 
“Of course, it is like another home, much like Paulie’s is. I just… haven’t. Actually, in light of what happened, would you like to go?” 
“Me? To a gym?” You wrinkled your nose, the idea of it making you wildly self-conscious. Gym’s always felt like a nightmare, all those fit people and then there is you. You tried, in the past. You went to Jake’s gym using his membership. Always when he was at work, not that he ever said anything, but you could tell that he was embarrassed to see you struggling with the equipment. 
“Yes you Honey. We can teach you some self-defense moves in case you ever feel unsafe or have to be alone.” His hand was assuring on your side, all while his belly flexed under your fingertips. You felt him grasp at the back of your thighs, easing you over him till you were straddling him, leaning against his chest till you pushed up to a sit, using your knees folded under you to keep from leaning too heavily against him. Underneath you he looked perfectly relaxed and content, waiting on you to sort through your doubts and fears about going to the gym. “You could knock Edgar out next time he pisses you off.” He smirked at you and you couldn’t help the little amused smile you gave at your friend's expense. 
“So tempting, but…” 
“But what Honey.” His hands slipped up the bare part of your thighs to grasp gently on your hips and ease you to relax against him. “Tell me.” 
“It’s the gym, full of beautiful fit people.” 
“Nah, this is a cool gym. It’s for everyone.” Curtis said. His hands flexed against your hips, making him smirk a bit up at you. “I could buy you all those hot leggings too. All the leggings.” His eyes glinted up at you wickedly, making you feel heat flush your face and down your chest, your heart race in excitement and apprehension. 
“I have leggings already Curtis, you don’t have to buy me more.” 
“I know and you are always fucking hot in them.” He slipped a hand up your back to lightly grasp the back of your neck, pulling you in close for his mouth to find yours, drawing you into a heated kiss as he set out to prove just what he felt when seeing you in those leggings. Being tired completely forgotten when he flipped you to your back and hovered over you, chaining kisses down your neck and working your shirt up while you did the same with his to toss it away for the rest of the day. 
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thezombieprostitute · 1 year ago
Dream Come True - Masterlist
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Summary: The “Garbage Men” are the guys in the mob who get the dirt on others and clean up after the higher ups. They have many different ways of gathering intel by running legitimate businesses. One such business is Jefferson/Jensen’s cyber cafe where you regularly go to work. You’ve actually become good friends with Jefferson’s daughter and Jensen’s niece. You even volunteered as their after-school tutor. One day, there’s a robbery attempt where you get hurt protecting the girls. This is how you are introduced to Curtis Everett, the guy in charge of the “Garbage Men”.
A/N: Reader is plus sized, femme. No other descriptors used.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 (End)
Curtis's Dreams
Reader's Dreams
Rough Day Cure
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
This is practically perfect in every way! 😍
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strawberries & cream ♡
Curtis Everett x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
Written for @buckysbirdie 's Birthday Bash Writing Challenge! So, I used @tinabelcherseroticfriendfiction 's great idea of using d6s & d20s to choose a prompt and I got:
🍨 Paper Bowl: Chris Evans characters outside of the MCU
🍦 Make Your Own (AU)
🥥 First date
🍐 Person A saves Person B’s day
🍊 Picnic
🥝 A catches B singing while doing chores/cooking/ whatever
words: ~800
warnings: a jealous (and a bit possesive) Curtis, mentions of sex (p in v, unprotected, creampie), mostly fluff but it's not a Curtis Everett fic if he doesn't mildly threaten someone 🥰 lol
a/n: Happy Bday Birdie! 🥳💖 This was super fun!! (I might do another one since this one came to me so fast lol)
a/n: unbeta'd & edited by me. moodboard by me. if you see any mistakes, no you didn't :)
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You decided on having a picnic for your first date together. A picnic. Curtis doesn't know if he's ever been on a picnic before.
He's nervously watching from afar, wringing his black beanie in his hands as he stands by the park entrance. You're not too far away. Curtis assumes you picked the spot so he could find you easily when he got there. He wants to run to you but he's calculating all the ways he could screw this up and it's holding him back.
You look too perfect to be real. Sitting on a blanket by the lakeside, peeling and cutting up fruit you brought in a cute wicker basket, and singing. Humming the parts of the song you forgot the words to and singing to yourself like some kind of fairy tale princess.
There's no way an angel like you agreed to go on a date with a grease monkey like him. He barely leaves the garage, he doesn't know how to date. It's a miracle he even saw you in that bar. That you gave him the time of day.
Curtis is a giant in every sense of the word, but he feels like he's light as air when you look at him, breathe near him. He makes up his mind then, that he can't leave you alone. So he's walking, no, floating towards you on a cloud he never wants to come down from.
That is until he sees another man approach you. Some asshole jogging in place in stupidly short running shorts with his shirt off is asking for your number and Curtis sees red. It's only the first date. Why is he like this? He doesn't own you, he's being ridiculous. But the man's eyes drop to the neckline of your pretty floral sundress and your ample curves contained within and Curtis doesn't care anymore if he makes a fool of himself in front of you, he can't let this happen.
"No, I'm waiting for my boyfriend actually."
Those words nearly freeze him in place. He's desperate to hear you claim him as yours over and over again.
Your voice is loud, carrying over the water on purpose so anyone nearby might know how uncomfortable you're being made to feel.
The prick's about to say something in response but he's cut off by Curtis' massive paw clamping down on his shoulder.
"The lady said no, pal. Beat it."
You light up when you hear Curtis' low, growling voice and when your eyes meet, Curtis almost forgets himself. Right, intimidating. Have to be intimidating.
"Did you hear me? I said move."
The man sputters in indignation as he's pushed off down the path by Curtis. "Hey! Get your hands off me, buddy!"
"I'm not your buddy, pal."
Curtis grinds those words through his teeth and you have to jump up and grab his arm to stop him from following after the quickly back pedalling man.
"Curtis, it's okay. I'm okay."
Your hand on his bearded cheek seems to snap him back to reality and his gaze softens on you.
"Sorry, angel. Didn't like him coming on to you like that. Can't even sit in the park without some dick for brains trying to check you out."
You laugh at his poor, jealous pout and rest your head on his chest, your arms wrapping around his thick midsection with a tight squeeze.
"My hero. I should've told him I've still got some of you leaking out of me from last night. Think that would've shut him up?"
You lift your head, biting your lower lip to hold back a smile when you feel a groan rumble through his broad chest. Sure enough Curtis has the same heated gaze pointed at you that he had at the bar last night. The last time he had that look on his face he was taking you back to his place so he could worship every inch of you and keep you so stuffed full of him you thought you might burst.
But he promised, in a sleepy half-drunk haze, that he would go on a real date with you. Anything you wanted he'd be there. And here he was, as promised, about to lay with you in the grass to eat fruit and talk and do whatever other adorable first date stuff you wanted to do.
Your heart and your pussy are having palpitations at the thought of just what this man is willing to do for you. But for now you appease the best with a chaste kiss to his lips and he settles. 
Curtis takes a deep breath and sits on the laid out blanket, pulling you down with him. With your back to his chest, sitting between his legs and resting against him like he's some great oak tree, you think this might be the best first date you've ever had.
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
The assistant (5) - Job
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Former!Boss!Steve Rogers x Former!Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader, Andy Barber x Reader, Mike Weiss x Reader
A/N: Okay, I went a little crazy with all the CEvans charaters in this one.
Warnings: angst, flirty CEvans characters, language, plussized/chubby reader, protective brothers, Lloyd being Lloyd, fluff, domestic brothers
The assistant masterlist
<< Part 4
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"I made breakfast," you call to the brothers. “Guys, I know you are outside. I heard Lloyd grumble.”
“Cupcake,” Lloyd pokes his head into the kitchen. He grins as you point to the counter. You placed a plate for every brother on the counter and wait for them to enter the kitchen to fill it with breakfast. “Whoa, we have homemade food today.”
“I made you eggs, toast, and bacon,” you grin. “I know you like eggs. At least you talk about them all the time.”
Lloyd is the first to claim one of the counter stools with high backs. “I love me some eggs, Y/N. Thank you.”
“It’s the least I can do,” you wink at Lloyd. “You all listened to my rant. Day after day. You even called a lawyer to help me. And now, you offered a position in your organization to me.”
“How about you take over our main café? You can help me with all the paperwork and create delicious cupcakes and cookies." Jake sits next to Lloyd. “What did you make for me?"
“YAY!” Jake cheers. “You know me so well, sweetie.”
“You talk about pancakes whenever I come to your café, Jake. It’s not rocket science. I’m an excellent listener, that's all.”
"Morning sunshine,” Curtis walks into the kitchen followed by Andy, Ari, and the man you didn’t see so far, Mike.
"Good morning, Curtis. I made you bacon and pancakes.”
“Damn me, do you want to marry me, Y/N?" He sits down next to Jake. “We will never let her leave this house.”
“Curtis don’t scare the girl,” Andy tuts. He sits far away from the others, on one of the spare stools. “You barely know her.”
“It’s fine,” you grin at Andy. “I know their humor. Curtis acts like a grump sometimes, but he’s a cute puppy.”
“I’m not a puppy,” Curtis mutters.
“Breakfast and lovely company,” Ari steps behind you to purr in your ear. “How about you move in with us? This mansion is too big and empty without the woman’s touch.”
“Hands off, Ari,” Lloyd grunts. He doesn’t like watching his brother get cozy with you. “We agreed to take things slow. Did you forget we still have to take Captain America down?”
“So-uh is that a codeword for sex?” Mike awkwardly stands in the kitchen. He’s unsure if it’s okay to sit down and have food.
“Oh, you must be Mike,” you softly say as the last brother steps toward the kitchen corner. “Why don't you sit down? I don’t know what you like, but I got more than enough food.”
“Toast and some eggs, maybe?” he asks nervously. Mike knows he must earn his place among his brothers after so many years. “Thank you.”
“Oh, I like your tattoos,” you point to the tattoo on his right upper arm. “Did it hurt?” you ask. “I always wanted one, but I’m scared of needles.”
“Cupcake! Do you want a partner tattoo with me?” Lloyd flashes you a smile. “I’ll get a cupcake and you can have a tattoo of my mustache.”
“No,” Jake grunts.
“I got more,” Mike takes off his shirt to show you all of his tattoos. Well, at least the ones on his upper body. “It didn’t hurt much. I mean…I was high most of the time. I wouldn't recommend using drugs before getting a tattoo.”
“Damn right,” Lloyd grunts. “It’s unhealthy and dangerous.”
“Lloyd, he meant well. He just returned. Don’t make this harder for him,” Jake warns. “Back to breakfast, coffee, and light conversation."
“I’m good,” Ari moves his hands to your hips, squeezing lightly. “I’m just going to stand here and enjoy Y/N’s company.”
“Have a seat, Ari,” you slap his hands away. “We will all have breakfast. What do you want to eat?”
“Bacon and toast.”
“Good boy,” you coo.
Ari grumbles but takes a seat. Mike takes the last free counter stool. He grins as you serve him his food first.
“Andy, what can I give you?" you ask, looking at Andy, waiting for the lawyer to open up a bit more. “Did you hear me?”
“Nothing,” he huffs. Last night didn’t turn out well. The brothers welcomed him home. But Andy knows better than to trust his brothers so easily.
“Andy, be nice,” Jake mutters. “Y/N did nothing wrong. She was kind enough to make breakfast for all of us. Get the stick out of your ass and tell her what you want.”
“A normal family. Not being part of a criminal organization. Brothers who don’t share a woman," Andy bites back.
“Share me? What are you talking about? Jake, Lloyd, and the others tried to help me. That’s all. How can you say such a thing? You don’t even know me!”
“Whoa, cupcake,” Lloyd drops his fork. He gets up from his stool and jumps over the counter to bring you into his arms. “Great job, Andy. As if Captain Asshole hadn't already done enough damage. What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m just…the last time I got homemade food was before my family died,” Andy sniffs. “It’s all too much at once.”
“Food makes you sad?” Jake groans. “Andy, it’s been three years. I get that you are still grieving about your loss, but Y/N didn’t do anything wrong. Eat her food and shut up.”
“…and don’t think we will share Y/N with you,” Ari adds before burying his fork into the food you made for him. “You haven't earned her attention yet.”
“I’ll take pancakes too. Please,” Andy glances at you in Lloyd’s arms. “I’m sorry for what I said, Y/N. This has nothing to do with you.”
“I got more pancakes,” you sniff. “Do you want syrup too, Andy?”
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“If you pull shit like that again, you will leave town and never return," Jake barks. “Y/N is vulnerable and hurt because of all the things happening lately. We try to cheer her up and give her the chance to find happiness again.”
“I’m sorry, okay,” Andy murmurs. “I told you that I was sorry more than once.”
“Act like a man and stop blaming others for your misery. We understand that you have lost your family and your stability. But we are right here, holding out our hands for you, brother,” Ari says. “We’ve missed you.”
“What do you want me to do?” Andy sighs deeply.
“Help us pay them back for what they did to Y/N, and we are even,” Lloyd smirks darkly. “I got a plan. You must choose, brother. Are you in or not?"
Andy looks around the room. He sighs as his brothers look back at him. “I’m all in, Lloyd. What’s your plan?
>> Part 6
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years ago
Yet another idea but…
Physical trainer Natasha/Wanda/whichever character introducing their single/single mother plus sized friend to their co-worker physical trainer whose been dying to meet reader after hearing about her and her daughter
Thinking some one like:
The grumpy yet stacked, Curtis Everett
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A giant in real life, Ari Levinson
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Beefy and a little cranky Bucky
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Dorky yet fun loving Jake
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Or serious Steve whose a soft!dom
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ilovefandoms102 · 2 years ago
I have the urge to do a Professor series with a chris character just not sure which one so y’all help me out😂
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minervadashwood · 2 years ago
the delicious tension!
The DUFF 4
Warnings: groping, insecurity, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
Image credit (I want to give dues where due but don’t want the creator to keep getting tagged in my posts as I have been approached by some before that they don’t want me in their notifs)
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The prospect of doing your walk of shame is intimidating. You try to plot how exactly to skulk home as you search for your panties. It’s the only piece you’re missing. You have your skirt on, your shirt, bra, even both your shoes. Goddamn, they couldn’t have got that far.
You grab your purse and check inside. Of course they’re not there but you want to make sure you have everything. As your keys jingle noisily within, Curtis pokes his head out from the kitchen. You didn’t even realise he was in there.
“Off already?” He asks, “I was just about to start breakfast.”
You stop short as you look at him. That’s not exactly how these things work, is it? You clasp your purse shut and let it dangle from your elbow.
“Breakfast? Well, uh, I guess…”
“I don’t mind. You like smoothies?”
You remember all the times Stephanie complained about a guy sticking around too long. Or how Isla called her last boy toy a stage five clinger because he wanted a kiss. Were you doing this all wrong?
You meet his eyes. A cornflower blue so soft and pale you could sink into them like water. It’s an innocent offer. You feel bad just racing out but it seems just as awkward to stay. Still, you feel like you owe him.
“Sure,” you answer, “I like smoothies.”
“Bacon? Oh, shi–oot, you vegetarian? I got tofu, too.”
“Bacon’s fine, really,” you assure him, “is there anything I can help with?”
“Help? No, no, you’re a guest, just… sit down and relax. I’ll take care of you, bunny.”
You mull over his insistence. He’s being a good host but you can’t help but wonder why. He’s almost too nice to be true. Are you missing something?
“Everything okay?” He startles you as he touches your arm gently. You can’t help but wince.
“Y-yeah,” you stammer, “it’s fine, I just… I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Not at all. Please.”
You can’t argue with him. Not when he’s being so nice. You can��t complain for the night you spent with him. What’s another hour?
You retreat to the living room and take out your phone. You still haven’t heard from the other girls. That’s not really unusual but it’s not often you split up for the night. You typically keep a sort of buddy system. You feel a bit forgotten.
You sit on the couch as you scroll then pause and look down. You remember last night, right in this spot. You swear you can feel him still, hear his sultry growl as he coaxes you. You still can’t believe it. 
You never thought you were the one to fall for sweet words, yet you never had the opportunity before to prove that true. You melted like sugar at his first touch.
The blender whirs, followed by the noise of his cooking. You tuck yourself into the corner of the couch and try to distract yourself with a game of solitaire. You’re hungry but almost too nervous to eat. You’re not sure you’ll even be able to keep any of it down.
He emerges with a tall glass, a dark purple smoothie that he places on the table next to your elbow.
“I hope you don’t mind blueberry. Guess I should’ve asked.”
“It’s fine, thanks,” you assure him.
“Anything else?”
“No, no, that’s good.”
“Well, let me know. Anything you want, bunny.”
You smile and nod as you lift the smoothie. There it is again; bunny. It’s adorable but you’re not too sure about it. Pet names aren’t entirely warranted after a single night. You think. You need to stop acting like you know everything because quite clearly you’re clueless.
You sip through your straw as he goes back to the kitchen. You flick your finger up and close the card game. You can’t even win against yourself. The smoothie is delicious. You nearly drink half of it before you catch yourself.
You set the glass down on a wooden coaster and steady your phone. You flip through your contacts; Stephanie, Isla, Mindy… You should text them, make sure they’re okay.
“Here we go,” Curtis interrupts your indecision.
You put your phone down, tilting it on the popsocket as you look up at him. He carries in two plates and places them on the low coffee table. He stands and glances around.
“I have TV trays. Sorry, I’ve been tryna get outta this place. Somewhere a little more roomy.”
“It’s okay, really. My place is tiny compared to this.”
“This one’s yours,” he takes a plate and a keeps the cutlery from slipping off, “hope you like sunny side up.”
“It’s wonderful,” you affirm.
You admire the sliced avocado and the rye bread. The bacon looks like it’s turkey and his own plate only has egg whites. You can’t help but feel a bit self-conscious. You don’t often have such a healthy breakfast.
You balance the plate on your lap and grab the cutlery. You get yourself situated and your phone buzzes loudly as he sits beside you. You glance over at your phone and quickly swipe away the call with your finger. You’ll call them back later.
You go to slice into your eggs as Curtis clears his throat. You focus on carving out a small bite, not enough to make you seem piggish.
“So, who’s Andy?” He asks.
Hsi tone carries an unexpected edge. You peek over at him then shake your head. You’re confused.
“That’s who called. Boyfriend? He’s okay with you going out?” He prods tersely as his knife hits the plate sharply.
“Boyfriend?” You laugh anxiously, “no, I don’t— he’s my boss. Probably had a call-in.”
“Ah,” he nods and you hear his breath, each one measured. You don’t know why he’d care enough to ask.
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royalwriteroftheuniverse · 2 years ago
Maybe drabble: just wanna cry her POV
From HER point of view cause I'm having a bad a day.
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So stressed just kinda wanted to cry out of no where. Overwhelemed and underwhelmed too many choices and not enough so I wrote a "Maybe" drabble.... choose your he. You all know who my he would be he just looks cuddly.... God I feel like I sound like a creep.
18+ just incase Comments and reblogging welcome no reposting or publishing
Warnings are: angst and fluff and sadness feeling of being overwhelmed
"Hey babe what's wrong" he sits down next to me nuding me in the shoulder playfully
"Nothing" I'm kinda solemn
"You're pouting " he smirked
"I am not"
"You are too and it's adorable as much as I love it tell me what wrong I want to help."
"I'm just I can't im so overwhelmed I'm just"
"Just what." As she talked he grew more and more concerned
"Wanna give up......... and just leave move away"
"For a second there you scared me." He let out a sigh of relief. "You had a bad day or longer but it'll get better. I'll be right here if it doesn't. And then we can move away somewhere."
"Someone will always find you." She knew it was useless
"So I'll shave my head and dye my eyebrows pink" hoping he'd get a laugh out of her.
"You shave your hair and you're dead."
It's just I just want to cry I can't do this anymore."
"Can't do what baby, I can't help unless I know whats wrong." He pulled her closer practically on his lap with his arms wrapped around her holding her as tight as he can sitting sideways /next to eachother.'
"Just work and deadlines and I dont know what to write and it's overwhelming and there too many choices and too many options and classes and then I have no idea what I'm doing." The tears finally came to the surface.
"Shhhh its ok just let it out."
So are you shushing me or telling me not to sush?
He chuckled "I'm trying to comfort you. Am I doing that bad of a job."
"Yes" I pout.
"Tell me then tell me how I could make you feel better."
"Just hold me."
"Just hold you that's its?"
"Don't let me go."
"Never he wispered into my ear.
Its so clear like a memory a memory that's a dream of a memory like a deja vu of a dream where you're having deja vu. Everything is so clear.
That's what I think he would say anyway what I wish me what I wish he would do.
I wish I he could just hold me and let me cry and he wouldn't care if his shirt got wet or if we sat there for an hour. He'd just want me to be ok. And I'm writing this my tears are falling because millions of girl wish that. Millions of people I'm no one. I'm nothing just a drop of rain in a hurricane. I think he was the man on the train but who knows maybe it just wasn't meant to be maybe I....I dont know just maybe.
Hwr Facebook status said bad day kinda wanna cry and move away and start another life
Hw read it.. his heart broke. Little did she know that that had happened that he had held her as she cried made her could hot chocolate and they snuggled. He had stayed awake all night and watched her sleep. He remembered that day all too well.
He thought if only he could be with her now...maybe one day...maybe
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 1 year ago
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Heart Felt Truths
Summary: 4.7k Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. While still dealing with the power outage, you get to spend more time with Curtis's family and Curtis takes you out with Sophia to show you something special.
Warnings- None.
A/N- Wow it's been a while but I hope you all are still here for the ride. @what-is-your-plan-today edited this chapter for me ages ago, so I have to thank you for doing, I always appreciate your input with these two. @mumbles411 ... This is for you! You have been asking for this moment for a while. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading and sharing. Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Chapter Twenty-Four / Masterlist
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There was a soft patter of feet across the old creaky floor and a giggle at the end of the bed. Curtis knew it was coming, had warned you that Sophia would probably crawl in with you both first thing in the morning. He let his gaze slit open to see her at the foot of the bed, grabbing onto the blankets to pull herself up. 
The room was still gray, the hues of dawn barely coming, not quite arriving fully yet and of course, his niece was wide awake right now. He was going to need coffee, coffee would require more work than usual with the power out. 
Maybe if he waited long enough Ella or Lisa would make coffee, that sounded like a better plan. 
Next to him, you stirred, lifting your head enough to see what was moving at the end of the bed, before you burrowed back into your pillows, making Curtis snort softly in amusement. You weren’t a morning person, not unless you had to be. 
“Uncle Curtis.” Sophia whispered, crawling up the middle of the bed. Curtis lifted an arm for her to come snuggle in against his chest, Sophia tumbling under the blankets while both you and Curtis shifted to give her space. “Momma is snoring.” 
“Does she sound like the train at work?” Curtis muttered sleepily. 
“Louder!” Sophia said with some enthusiasm and Curtis pressed a finger to his lips, pointing at you next to them. 
“Quiet voices, Y/N and I are still sleeping.” 
You were quick to fall back asleep while Sophia tucked herself up under her uncle's chin.
“Can I have your phone?” She whispered and without opening his eyes, he reached behind him on the nightstand, feeling around for the device. When he handed it to her, she expertly unlocked it and picked her favorite app he had downloaded for her. 
“Volume off Soph.” He whispered against the crown of her head, which Sophia compiled while she started her game. 
Curtis knew he wasn’t going to be falling back to sleep, but he could just enjoy this moment of peace before the day came blaring full force, requiring him to participate. Now very grateful that he had insisted the two of you get fully dressed again just in case this happened. He let his mind wander, recalling how good a day yesterday was for all of you. The house was full of laughter and games, Sophia keeping all of you busy while the cold weather and loss of power kept you all together. 
He knew Lillian and WIlford would have wanted their house like this, full of family and friends and no longer an empty shell of what was once a home. 
Finally, Sophia got bored and announced she was leaving, so Curtis let her back out into the cool air and he pulled in closer to you, hugging around your waist to press his hand under your shirt to rest just under your breasts, making you wiggle back into him. 
“Your hand is still cold.” You muttered, pulling the blankets further over them. 
“Hmm sorry, do you want me to stop?” He nuzzled the back of your neck as he slipped further into the bed, spooning you from behind. 
“No, it's warming up now.” Your hand rubbed against his arm around you and settled over the top of it. “It’s cold out there, isn't it?” 
“Yeah Honey, I should go check that fire.” Curtis made no move to get up, just letting himself not leave his little warm bubble for a few more moments. “I was hoping Lisa or Ella would start coffee.” 
“Oh god…” You half twisted to face him, your eyes hopeful. “What are the chances?” 
He grinned, pushing up to lean over and kiss you, morning breath be damned, he was feeling good and wanted you to feel just as good. “Give me ten minutes and I will be back, with coffee.” 
You squealed in laughter as he flushed more kisses across your nose and then pulled away while you flipped all the blankets back over yourself. 
Curtis hummed as he went down the stairs, his bare feet cold on the floor when he landed on at the bottom, making him hop from one foot to the other till he got to one of the runner rugs he had scattered around the downstairs. He glanced around to see the bedroom where Lisa had the door eased open enough to let heat in but she must still be in bed. The pullout couch where Ella had slept with Sophia was back to being folded up in place, meaning his cousin must be awake. Curtis assumed Sophia was in Lisa’s bedroom by the sounds of a tablet playing a cartoon.
“I already got the fire going.” Ella said from the kitchen as she stepped into view, a steaming mug in her hands as she sipped from it. “It was chilly.” 
“Thanks, I should have gotten up and checked it earlier.” Curtis bypassed her, stealing her cup to sip from. When she smacked at his back, he flashed her a grin and took another before handing it back to her with a grimace on his face. “Too much sugar.” 
“Heathen.” Ella sputtered as she claimed her mug once more, scowling at him. “I need it to sweeten me up. Mom’s here, but you mind watching Soph for a while? I gotta get to the aquarium, check in on what the upcoming plan is and help feed. Cole already sent me a message saying he was there all night.” Ella sputtered to herself as she glanced once more at her phone. “Idiot never told me he actually needed help keeping everything functioning.”  
Curtis was busy at the stove to make you both a mug, giving a nod. “Of course, you know I’m never gonna say no to watching my favorite niece.” He motioned with his hand that she should go. 
“Your only niece and this is why I keep you around. You are useful.” Ella teased as she savored more of her coffee. 
“Glad to be useful.” Curtis pipped up as he mixed everything together. “Want me to take you over? I don’t think it snowed or anything last night. But you never know what the wind kicked onto the roads.” He peered out his back window over the sink, but it looked like yesterday, his backyard knee deep in snow.
“Nah, I’m good. Stop trying to take care of all of us.” Ella scolded him while draining the last of her cup, Curtis mimicking her with a roll of his eyes. “Have more fun today, chill out. You are just getting the hang of it.” She winked as she set her mug in the sink. “Even Mom noticed how much you have changed.” 
“What do you mean changed?” His brows arched in surprise. 
Ella continued getting ready to leave, sliding on a jacket and stuffing a scarf around her neck. “Yeah, she said you hadn’t laughed like that since you were a kid.” Ella gave a wave. “And yes, if I need anything, I will call. See you later!”
Curtis mused a moment at what Ella said. She was right though just as she had been before Christmas, he was happier. Life has been better since the beginning of September. It made him smile, a content feeling settling in his chest. 
His thoughts drifted to last night and how different even that was for him. Last night he was overcome with just needing to feel you and make you feel good. He didn’t even have his own pleasure in mind when he was with you. It was all about making you feel beautiful and appreciated. It wasn’t sex, it didn’t feel like sex. 
Sex was always good, but that wasn't it. He never was that kind of intimate with someone, rarely did he bring anyone home before and the times he was dating, sex was always just for fun. Now you lived here part time and it was still for fun, but he craved that connection it built each time as well. 
This was more and the tingles of realization tickled his mind. Love, that was love and it settled like he was wrapped in a blanket around him. 
He really loved you. 
Curtis inhaled deeply in a calming manner as he let this knowledge take hold, in the silence of his kitchen with the morning sun shining bright to light up the room, he glanced up, looking around the old kitchen, swearing he felt someone with him. 
“Is this what it's like? You two would know.” 
As he picked up the mugs to bring back upstairs, Curtis could have sworn he felt a hand on his shoulder like it was confirming that it was a yes. 
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You rolled to your back, still wrapped up in clothes and blankets, the sun warming your face. A soft smile played on your lips. Last night had been incredible, you never felt such passion and connection with anyone before. It made flutters fill your belly, excited at what overcame the two of you last night. Whatever it was, you wanted more of that feeling, that feeling that it was just the two of you in the world.
Curtis had always been an affectionate man with his loved ones and that attention was what you felt last night. His complete devotion. You wanted to think of it as love, but you just weren’t quite sure that’s what it was. You thought Jake loved you, he said it early on to you and you were sure that's what it was for you too. Towards the end, he said it less and less, only when he was trying to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to. It was always the nudge to push you to do what he wanted till that last night. The memories that you had yet to talk about out loud with anyone made you shudder for a second, pushing it away. 
That was something you still weren’t ready to deal with. 
Instead, you went back to thinking about last night, your connection with Curtis, how it felt so absolute for you. Curtis never said anything beyond needing you, but it felt like so much more than just a quickie for you two. 
But you didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You were still mulling over the sensation when Curtis came in, two mugs carefully balanced. You pushed up to a sit, taking a steaming mug gratefully to take a sip. 
He knew you well, having your coffee made just the way you liked it. “Ella is already out the door, I told her I didn’t mind watching Sophia today.” 
“Mmmh.” Your eyes closed peacefully as the caffeine worked its magic. “Anything you wanted to do? Or anything you had to do away from the house? I don’t mind sticking around with Sophia while you go out.” You offered and peeked at him while you took another sip, sensing his surprise at your offer. “What?” 
“You would do that?” Curtis asked incredulously, like you were offering the world. 
“Well yeah? Why wouldn’t I? I love hanging out with Sophia, she is such a great kid to be around.” You shrugged it off, still not seeing why he was so surprised. 
Curtis blew on his coffee before taking a rather large swallow, getting as much of the hot liquid in him as possible to prepare for his niece's energy before answering. “Not many jump at a chance to babysit, especially someone else’s kid in my experience.” He shrugged back, a grin forming on his face as he leaned forward to peck your lips affectionately. “So thank you, I know Ella would let you take Sophia anytime. But today you are stuck with me. I don’t have to go anywhere.” He set his mug down and rubbed at his head, waking himself up further. “I wish the power would come back on so I could trim this down.” His fingers tugged at the slightly longer strands, making your gaze lift. 
He might not like the longer strands, but you did. You bit at your lip and set your mug aside to shift to a kneel before him, running your hands through his hair and marveling at how soft it felt against your palm. “Not gonna lie stud, I like it.” 
A wicked gleam formed in his eyes as he watched the way you enjoyed touching him. “Do you now… I might have to keep it.” Your fingers tightened in the short hair, barely able to tug on it a bit. 
“Will you? Not for long, I just really want to…” Your fingers gave another slight pull to drag his head back to expose his neck, making you lean into it, nipping playful kisses along his bobbing adam’s apple. Your tongue darted out, another playful seduction that made Curtis groan in your hands. 
“Anything for you.” He muttered, letting himself enjoy the change in the room, both of you edging on staying in bed just like this. 
“You spoil me Curtis.” You let your hands smooth through his hair and lean into him while he wrapped you into his arms, pulling you in against him while stealing a coffee laced kiss from you. 
“As long as you will let me.” He winked and the bedroom door creaked open to show Sophia poking her head in, staring at the two of them. “What's up Sophia Bear?” Curtis questioned while you moved back for your mug on your nightstand. 
“I’m hungry!” 
Curtis pushed up and swiftly grabbed a giggling Sophia in his arms. “Alright, let's go feed you, what do you say? Brussel sprouts? Last I knew that's what little cubs like you eat.” 
You give him a look and snort into your coffee, Sophia mimicking you with utter repulsion. “Ice cream!” 
“No way kid, it's cold out already and you want ice cream? How about…. A chicken leg?” He wrapped his hand around her ankle giving it a shake and lifting like he was gonna take a bite out of it. 
“NO!” Sophia squealed, squirming till he dropped her on the bed, making her roll into you to protect her from her uncle. When she was snuggled in your side, she contemplated what he could make her. “Tater tots.” 
“Where am I supposed to get tater tots, Soph? Powers out.” Curtis flopped back on the bed next to you two. “I can make you some toast.” He started and she gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. 
You pipped up just as Curtis was gearing up with another hopeless suggestion. “Have you ever had cinnamon sugar toast?” 
“What’s that?” Sophia asked and Curtis smacked his palm against his forehead. 
“Oh I forgot all about that. Sophia wouldn't want that though… it's too good.” 
“No, I want it.” Sophia started and you shrugged, sipping from your coffee. 
“You sure, I mean… It's pretty special. Much more special then tater tots and ice cream.”
You said in all seriousness and Sophia’s eyes got huge. 
“I want it.” 
You looked at Curtis, his eyes showed relief that you were able to bring Sophia around to the suggestion of something easy. “Alright kiddo, let's go make it together.” He held his arms out and the bouncing child leaped at him, clinging around his neck while Curtis moved to a stand. “My grammy used to make this for me and your mom so I got the super-secret recipe.” He glanced over at you still curled up on the bed, savoring more of your coffee. “Take your time coming down Honey.” He dropped earnestly and you nodded with a smile, watching as the two of them headed for the stairs, Sophia now asking questions about the super secret recipe. 
You sighed in pure happiness at where you were right that moment. 
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The morning went quickly, Ella sent a message saying that she was going to be at the aquarium for the day helping out, which Curtis told her to take her time. Sophia loved the cinnamon toast, which you also diced up an apple with some yogurt you had in the fridge, luckily still cold. Lisa came out later in the morning, looking bleary-eyed and angling for some hot water that you heated on the stovetop. 
You were able to keep Sophia entertained with coloring at the table while you read through some manuscripts looking for the next drama club play. Curtis was back and forth between hanging at the kitchen table, coloring with Sophia and out in his shed out behind the house, a motor once in a while sputtering to life before it would die out. Lisa spent her time in the living room, back to her crochet project. 
When you sank in the couch next to her, Sophia cuddling up under some blankets next to you to watch her tablet, you took a few more lessons from Lisa, listening to her talk about more of Curtis’s past as a kid and her own memories of her childhood in the house. 
It was late afternoon when Curtis triumphantly came inside, Sophia having just woken up from a nap in her grandmother's bed, all bundled up back in the blankets on the couch watching some other cartoon Ella had saved for her.
“How would you two feel about going for a ride?” 
“What kind of ride?” You asked, knowing he wouldn't ever consider taking the vintage Camaro out in the snow. However, Sophia jumped right up as if she knew what he was talking about. 
“Yeah!” She bolted down the hall off the kitchen for where the coat closet was. Lisa tucked the blanket over her leg all that much more. 
“Have fun and be safe.” Clearly she had no interest in going. 
“Snow machine.” Curtis grabbed your coat to hold it up, enticing you to join them. Sophia already was trying to wriggle into her snow pants. 
“Oh no way, you have one?” You asked excitedly while going to stuff your arms into the jacket sleeves. 
“Yeah, an old junker, but with some tweaking she works just fine.” Curtis admitted while you zipped up your coat. 
“It’s not gonna break down on us, is it?” You asked with a tease, but the worried hint was still there, questioning if he had to work on it.” 
“It’s fine, trust me.” He turned to help Sophia, who was almost dressed now while you were also pulling on more clothes for the wintery ride. “Right Sophia Bear?” 
“Yeah! Uncle Curtis goes fast.” 
“Not too fast!” Lisa called from the living room and Curtis huffed.
“Of course not.” Then he ushered you two out the door before any more questions could be asked. Out in the backyard, you three crossed to an older modeled two-seater. You stalled a bit, noticing it was just the one. 
“Are you sure Curtis? It might be too much with both of us on it.” 
Curtis tugged you closer, easily lifting you by your waist which you yelped in surprise and he perched you up on the back seat, making you sit slightly higher than his. “Honey, I swear this thing can easily handle more then the two of us.” Sophia was already climbing on, grabbing at the handles like she was going to drive. You fidgeted a bit while Curtis leaned forward, hands braced on the machine's seat as his forehead dipped with yours. “I also have something I really want to share with you. Please?” 
When he asked like that, how could you continue to question it? With a nod, you smiled and Curtis dipped his head enough to kiss you, making you giggle as he disappeared into the shed to go grab some helmets. You fit yours on while Curtis made sure Sophia’s was on correctly. Eventually, he swung himself onto the sled and settled with you as you wrapped your arms around his waist to press up behind him. Sophia sat in front of him, protected in his arms, excited to go. He turned the key, and the sound of the machine filled the snowy area and you lurched off into the woods, on a well-worn path Curtis had made over the years. 
It was exhilarating, watching the trees zip by as Curtis took turns on occasion, leading you further away from the house. He was sure to slow at the curves, having you all lean just right to keep the sled from tipping on the uneven ground. Eventually, you guys made your way towards the snowy covered lake, severely frozen over in the late winter months, all across it were tracks where other people enjoyed the freedom the lake provided. Sophia squealed excitedly from the front, loving the rush of the machine with all the speed it gave. Curtis revved the motor several times, making her all that more excited. 
He took you along the lake’s edge, letting you all see the quiet expanse of the town, just the occasional lights and hums from someone’s generators making a disturbance in the quickening approaching evening. The sky was turning all hues of color, stars quickly dotting the landscape's edge of the lake. The wind howled across, making you feel the bite of it escaping under the helmet and you would hide your face against Curtis’s shoulder when he turned the machine towards the middle of the lake, opening it up fully to zip further away from the shore. It wasn't far though before he started slowing back down, the ice far ahead was giving way to choppy water where the lake was to wild to freeze over.
You lifted your head to admire the way the snow glinted off the bit of light coming from the stars and moon above where twilight finally gave way to the night sky. The frozen crystals started putting on a show, once the motor quieted, the water could be heard even from quite a distance away. You leaned off Curtis’s strong back to sit up straight again, tugging off the helmet to let the cool air wash over your face. Curtis swung off onto the ice and helped Sophia off. 
“Soph, what are the rules when we are on the lake?” 
“No going past Mater.” She patted the snow machine and Curtis gave a nod before letting her go. 
Sophia pushed herself across like she was ice skating on her boots, back towards the shore. He popped his helmet off and held out his hands to help you off as well. Swinging your leg over the seat, you slipped off, sliding into his arms, which he held you up with a grin. “Watch out, it's slick Honey.” 
“We need ice skates.” You clutched at his jacket till you were steady.
“Next time we can grab some. I have a bunch stored in the shed I kept the snow machine in. The snow is kept just shallow enough here by the wind to easily skate.” Curtis backed up slowly, taking your hands and bringing you with him while Sophia shot around you two, giggling and dancing to some music she was imagining.
“Is your snowmobile named Mater, after the Disney truck?” You asked as he suddenly swung you closer, making you two grip at each other.
“Last winter she was obsessed with Cars. She named the Camaro Lightning McQueen.” 
You laughed with a tilt of your head. “Perfect name. You know, I used to skate all the time with Jade when we both lived in Lake George together. When she moved to Florida, no one was interested.” You shared while you two slipped on the ice, using each other for balance. “What did you want to show me?” 
“Look up Honey.” His head tilted back and you followed suit to see a night sky as brilliant as your first date. Only here the Milky Way took over, stretching overhead in a light-colored streak, dappled with so many stars it was impossible to count them all. “Do you know what mythology says that is?” 
You gave a slight shake of your head, still in awe of the miracle above you. Curtis turned you around so you were tucked under his chin, your back pressed to his chest. “That’s the bifrost or birost depending on what you're reading. A rainbow bridge from earth to Asgard, where the Norse gods live.” 
“Did Wilford tell you that?” You questioned as you admired the sky, appreciating all that much more, you could tell from Curtis’s tone that it was a thing of beauty and wonder for him too. 
“He did, he would bring me out here on nights like this. Usually ice fishing, we had to hike out here. But I always looked forward to it, when you get to see something like this…” His tone drifted off, tucking his face in closer to your neck, you could feel the warmth of him seeping into you. Around you Sophia plopped in the snow, singing Frosty the Snowman although it was the very beginning of March. “Honey, I gotta tell you something. I’ve been waiting all day, for this moment really..” 
You tore your gaze away from the wonder above you, trepidation seeping into your pores. Curtis sounded so serious what you turned in his hold, to face him. Whatever he was going to say, you wanted it to your face, so that there was no mistaking what it was.
“Honey…” His hands came up to your cool face, the touch warming you as calloused fingers slid against the softness of your full cheeks. “I love you, I have for a while and right now, when I get to show you some of my favorite wonders in this world that I have never wanted to share with anyone else, you have to know.”
You let out a huff of surprise at his words, not at all what you were expecting. Your lips parted, unsure of what you were about to say because so much was filling your mind in this moment, standing before Curtis, someone who treated you better then anyone ever has before.
“Before you say it Honey, mean it. I don’t want you feeling like you need to say it because I did… do it when you are ready to, if you ever are.” 
That was it, you literally couldn't fall more in love with him anymore and you shook your gloves off to fall at your snow-covered boots. You placed your warm hands over his on your cheeks, to feel his hold in your own and luck would have it warm up his fingers with yours as you weaved your touch into his, tucking his hands down and closer to your heart, your warmth able to fill him. 
“Curtis of course I love you! You showed me what I wanted in this life, what being with someone should be like. You have so much to give to everyone in your life and every day I count myself lucky to be yours, to be able to love you back.”
His blue eyes were soft in the small bit of light the Milky Way provided. Around you Sophia was still entertaining herself, flinging herself across the ice and smacking into Curtis’s legs, making the two of you tumble on the ice into the snow, laughter ringing out from you. A very shocked Curtis rolled off you enough to make sure you were okay while Sophia pulled herself up off the ground. Curtis gave a quick glance at his niece, who was happily back to skating on the patch of ice before turning back to you. 
“Are you okay?” He leaned over as you lay in the snow under him, looking up once more at the Milky Way streaking across the night sky, so clear without the light pollution from the nearby city. 
“More than okay Curtis.” You pushed yourself up on your elbows, facing him. “I'm the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am with you.” You felt his arm slip under you, pulling you up enough to share the most passionate kiss you have ever experienced. 
The stars shine as your witness.
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