#cursed chain mail
businessmemes · 11 months
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the business child abides, but do not tempt it with your complacency.
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Vainglorious Armor by Griffon's Saddlebag
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Cursed Images: Shield Hero Edition pt 13!!!
now introducing Kizuna!
13th installment in halloween :0 very fitting
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izupie · 2 years
Have you ever had a relationship with GOD, have you asked HIM things, for help/understanding? What is stopping you from pursuing a life w/ someone who will never leave you & has your best at heart?
𝗔𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱: 'If you do not know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take.'
I'm always saying I don't know what is happening or why I'm feeling despondent
— so I agree we don't know how to live.
We're all unique snowflakes, but I think divorce & drugs and alcohol exists so we can try to calm down from all the anger and rage we feel when 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 — or the way we want to be treated or remembered.
1.] If 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿, Hell is basic entry level for everyone, &
2.] If GOD sent HIS SON to die on the cross in our place to avoid this Hell and lead us thru life by HIS HOLY SPIRIT; &
3.] HE says there is only 1-way forward & JESUS is the way/truth/life, that no one comes to the FATHER except thru JESUS. [John 14:6]
Why would we ever avoid HIS easy yoke? Why wouldn't we ask HIM in to show us the way?
We clearly don't have life/truth/way to GOD, unless we accept JESUS, & life/death begins forever after we're ejected from earth.
I wonder if you were to die in your sleep suddenly: Are you ready to be drop-kicked into eternity?
Well this now officially takes the award for the most random ask I've ever received congratulations!
This was so weird to wake up to this morning
I'm literally a fandom blog what are you doing here? Lmao
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evilhorse · 2 years
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A clause of the deal.
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euclydya · 2 years
if you receive this, you make somebody (me) happy! go on anon (if u want) and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! 🖤🖤
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meowmeowfication · 1 month
i keep getting chain mail texts and as an averagely stitious person, im gonna post it to tumblr to curse my mutuals
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viralnews-1 · 2 years
The Ring and the Curse of Chain Mail Horror
The Ring and the Curse of Chain Mail Horror
If you were young and impressionable in the days of the early internet, the days of MSN, forums and actually checking your inbox frequently, then you definitely came across chain mail. The practice has existed for centuries, before the invention of the internet. They are physical or virtual messages sent with the task to pass it on to others with bribes or threats attached. “Copy this message…
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dungeon-strugglers · 2 months
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✨New item!✨ Chain Devil’s Embrace  Armor (chain mail or chain shirt), very rare (requires attunement by a lawful creature)  This mass of chains slithers with sinister sentience, threatening to constrict anyone in reach. Each chain ends in a rusty hook or wicked blade, perfect for snaring and lacerating victims. Donning the chains as a suit of armor is an unpleasantly confining experience, but the living metal adjusts to provide ample protection and mobility to its wearer. You can choose to don it as a suit of chain mail or a chain shirt. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Infernal Oath. In order to attune to this armor, you must declare an oath that will bind you together. The oath can be any goal, set of rules, or moral tenet that you choose, however it must be clearly defined and actionable. If the oath is of sufficient clarity and importance, it appears in written form and must be signed in blood before it burns away. 
Grasping Chains. The armor has 7 charges, and it regains 1d4 + 3 expended charges daily at dawn. As an action while wearing it you can expend 1 charge to shoot out hook-tipped chains to ensnare a creature that you can see within 10 feet of you. Make an attack roll against the target with a +8 bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 slashing damage and, if it is Huge or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, takes 1d6 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns, and you can’t use Grasping Chains. 
Devilish Form. While wearing the armor, as a bonus action you can invoke its infernal essence for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain the following effects:
Your skin turns blood red, your eyes glow like coals, and chains writhe across your body. 
Grasping Chains’ range increases to 60 feet. It deals an extra 2d8 fire damage when it hits a target.
You are immune to fire damage.
As a reaction when a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of you and you can see one another, you can create the illusion that you look like one of the creature's departed loved ones or bitter enemies. It must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of its turn. Creatures that can see through illusions are immune to this effect.
Once you’ve used Devilish Form, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Sentience. The Chain Devil’s Embrace is a sentient, lawful evil suit of armor with an Intelligence of 11, a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and darkvision vision out to a range of 120 feet. The armor communicates telepathically to the creature attuned to it and can speak, read, and understand Infernal and Common.
A sadistic chain devil named Tyrastr lives within the Chain Devil’s Embrace. The armor yearns to inflict pain and tyranny on others. It doesn’t care what the beliefs of its wearer are, so long as they are enforced meticulously and transgressors are punished without mercy.
Curse. While wearing this armor, Tyrastr demands strict adherence to your oath. If you act contradictory to your oath or do not seize an opportunity to mercilessly pursue it, the chains constrict around you and you take 1d8 piercing damage. The damage increases by 1d8 with each subsequent transgression. If this damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you immediately die and your soul is sent to hell, where it is imprisoned by a chain devil warden.
Until your attunement to this armor ends, you have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws while wearing any other armor. A soldier kneels before you, defeated. Blood and sweat mats the hair to his face. Up close, you see he is a year or more from adulthood. The boy’s trembling rattles his armor. “The cur prostrates itself before you, make it suffer!” Tyrastr’s vile, metallic voice pierces through your mind, dripping with sadistic glee. “This one was there, watching your home burn!” Despite your commitment to destroy the Malefic Order for razing your temple, your rage falters. Killing this boy would be wrong. You turn your back and listen to his fleeing footsteps.  “Spineless worm! How will you avenge your brothers if you cannot do what is necessary!?” As these words reverberate through your skull, your chain armor constricts. Links of jagged iron bite into your flesh, reopening half-healed cuts. Blood mingles with rust. The pain is exquisite. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 200 magic items, printable item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️ Thank you so much for your support! 💖
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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kosssich · 5 months
whoa! Big post! Scary! But still, please check it out! It has pictures :)
So before I continue my papa Adam staff and sisters exorcists I want to settle some of my headcanons on them + heaven in general (including some redesigns)
Birds of prey AU
How were exorcists created.
- Hell was growing. So was its power. Heaven began to feel threatened by Lilith and her kingdom.
- So they decided they needed protection. Seraphims wanted to create an invincible army to protect the citizens of Spheres. Army that would consist of utterly loyal soldiers.
- Exorcists were created in the likeness of birds of prey - beautiful, vicious and smart.
- Exorcist weren’t exactly a heavenborns. Technically, they were never born. They were created. But still, they’re not robots. Actually, all of them have personalities. Their own wishes, dreams and thoughts. But one thing they have - never doubt Heaven and orders. Never doubt Adam. They can question a lot of stuff in their lives, but never Heaven.
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- They don’t have compassion, they don’t show mercy. They are supposed to be baby soldiers.
- Magic of Lilith can slip through Pearly Gates. And one of the newfound army was affected by that. One of the nestlings - so different from others - was created with a curse and a blessing - it was given the free will. A will to question, a will to show compassion, a will to seek knowledge and a will to have soul.
- Sera and Adam had their doubts about Vaggie, but decided to keep her, so the only thing left was to keep an eye on the broken child, preventing her from turning against Heaven.
Exorcists species.
For exorcists were created in the likeness of birds of prey, they vary from each other.
They have their own strengths and weaknesses. Their wings are different as well, they may look alike, but they function differently.
There’s only three exorcists who have different necklaces from the others - Vaggie, Lute and the killed one, so I decided to go with this number three.
I chose these three different orders of birds of prey:
1. Falconiformes - different species of falcons - really fast, agile, perfect eyesight.
2. Accipitriformes - hawks and eagles - strong, fast, vicious, perfect eyesight.
3. Strigiformes - owls - not as fast as other birds, but they can fly completely silent, perfect assassins, agile, perfect eyesight and perfect hearing as well.
No Cariamiformes, because they can’t fly, sorry birdies 😔
Vaggie is the only specie of Tytonidae, just to prove how different she is.
Other exorcists belonging to owls is species from Strigidae family.
- I have a headcanon, that Heaven is very technically advanced (we saw a glimpses of Heaven architecture and they had this cool looking microchips on the floor, LED masks, cool stuff). Whatever Vox is doing, Heaven is steps ahead. So I wanted to recreate this headcanon in exorcists redesign (don’t get me wrong, I like the original design, I do get that they supposed to look like demons with their horns, all grey and black, and like crusaders with this chain mail, yeah yeah yeah, but I like birds more).
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- So, the exorcists army divided into three squads - hawks and eagles under Lute’s command, owls under Vaggie’s command and falcons under Dead exorcist command. And Adam is Harpy Eagle - the largest eagle and one of the kind.
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- Exorcist are used for service in Heaven - babysitting, escorts to the other Spheres, guards, it’s not like Heaven needs guards, but my imagination ends here lol. It’s just, not like they need to train all 365 days a year.
- Winners know about exorcists, but not about the extermination. They know Hell and its threat, so Heaven never hides the information about its army.
- Exorcists can be killed and they know that. But they still act like they’re invincible, because in some way, they really are.
- An exorcist can be killed in two ways:
1. By other angels with angelic steel.
2. By sinners and hellborns with angelic steel.
3. But the difficulty - to kill an angel you need to rip off their halo. If the sinner or a hellborn touches a halo, they will just burn alive, killed by holy flames. (They tried to kill exorcists, didn’t work). Exorcists always fly. They never step on Hells ground. Always in the sky, deadly and unpredictable.
- They’re not stupid. They don’t leave their weapon in dead bodies. They don’t need sinners to have angelic steel. But still, steel can be gathered from arrows and bullets mostly - it’s a hard and dirty work to dig through all the bodies just to find a few bullets. This is exactly why Carmine’s angelic weapon is insanely expensive and difficult to get.
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pomegranate-pancake · 11 months
So at this point, the crew of the Revenge has invented:
pyramid schemes
a people-positive management style
sitting nooks
chain mail/messages (passing on the cursed suit)
peanut butter/paste
Have I missed any?
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
By now, it has become an agonizing cliche that any amount of work on a modern car will terminate in you losing at least one 10-millimetre socket. "Oh no, my 10mm is missing," you'll groan to your friends, who immediately respond with haw-haw looks and jokes. Being the butt of such a horrible stereotype is far worse than losing your socket, which is itself a pretty bad day at work.
There are many techniques that don't work. I myself often write with a Sharpie on the socket "9.5mm," in the hope that it will confuse the curse enough that they will not be lost. I buy ones in weird colours. I use a giant neodymium magnet on the fender so they can't roll away and into the mouth of a nearby blower motor. Nothing works.
Official Chinese government numbers indicate that nearly 60% of the cars their metal recyclers crush, by weight, are 10-millimetre sockets. Your entire washer and dryer set is probably made out of the stuff that fell out of my pockets last year when I was trying to yank an evap solenoid.
Of course, there's a real solution too, and it just happens to be the same kind of solution that capitalism always presents. Buy a whole shitload of 10mms and walk into the junkyard jingling. You can lose a ton of them and not even care, as long as you have one left. This is an appealing vision, to be certain. Everyone wants to Be Prepared... but what happens when the curse moves on to your 12mm, something that is needed nearly as often?
Our scientists, with the help of a psychic that we found all by herself in a completely abandoned shopping mall, have determined an even better fix. We arm one volunteer with a chain-mail coat made entirely of ten-millimetre sockets, and walk their ass into the junkyard. They don't do any wrenching, which would cause them to lose their bounty. All they do is walk around, and when they see someone in crisis, break a socket off and hand it to the stricken victim.
There is a downside: any volunteer who does this is struck with so much positive karma that they start getting a little loopy, and create their own death cult right in the middle of the yard. To keep this from happening again, we have to regularly rotate out the volunteers, and put duct tape over their mouths so they can't start spouting the Good Word until a team of engine-pulling weirdos begin to kill in their name. I admit that the system is a little bit unorthodox, but I've never gotten parts pulled faster.
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Chain Acolyte Robes by Griffon's Saddlebag
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the-whatcherof-89 · 1 month
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Xisumavoid Aka Ih-Soo-Mah Shaahwambam
CR 20 C XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Aasimar(Angelkin) Bloodrager12(Celestial Bloodline) Draconic Disciple(Void)8 NG Medium humanoid (Aasimar) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +36 AC 40 (+3 Dex, +5 deflection, +10 natural, +11 armor, +1 Intuition) Touch 19 Flat-footed 37 HP 210 (20d12+120) Fort +24, Ref +15, Will +24 Speed 30 ft
Melee Adamantine keen brilliant energy falchion+34 2D4+16 Critical 17-20x2, Spells. Ranged Returning javelins+22 1D6+12, Spells
Racial Celestial resistances 5(Acid, Cold, Electric), Darkvision 60ft, +2 on Knowledge Planes and Heal. Traits: Ear for music, Foul brand.
Class features Greater blood rage (+4 Str Con +2 Will saves), Blood sanctuary, Bloodcasting, Improved uncanny dodge, Damage reduction 2/-, Fast movement, Eschew materials, Dragon bite 1D6 Piercing+1D6 cold, Blood of dragons, Natural armor increase +5, Ability boot(STR+4 CON+2 INT+2), Breath weapon 3/day(Con of cold 30ft 8D6 DC23), Blindsense 30ft, Dragon form 1/day.
Bloodline powers Bonus feats (Dodge, Improved initiative, Iron will, Cleave, Blind fight, Power attack) Bonus spells: Bless, Resist energy.
Spellcasting CL 18th, DC19
4th (4/day)-dragon’s breath, telekinetic charge, stoneskin, monstrous physique II, Ghost wolf.
3rd (4/day)-haste, heroism, draconic reservoir, Force punch, chain of perdition, resinous skin.
2nd (5/day)-mirror image, molten orb, see invisibility, glitterdust, blood armor, ablative barrier. 1st (7/day)-jump, mount, shield, thunder stomp, magic missile, burning hands.
Str 32, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 28
Base Atk +18; CMB +28; CMD 32
Feats Strong personality, Craft wondrous magic items, Improved sunder, Spell penetration, Greater spell penetration, Improved critical, Weapon focus(Falchion), Raging vitality, Angelic blood, Quicken spell-like ability(Dragon form).
Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb+15, Craft(Stone and metal)+24, Escape artist+13, Diplomacy+13, Fly+11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (Arcana)+10, (Geography)+24 (The planes)+10 (Nature)+5, Perception +26, Perform(Cord)+13, Profession(Composer)+11, Spellcraft +20, Survival +11, Swim +15.
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic.
Combat gear Mithral spell storing banded mail of greater cold resistance+4, Ring of protection+5, Amulet of natural armor+5, Ioun stones(Deep red sphere, Dusty rose prism), Adamantine keen brilliant energy falchion+5, 2 Returning javelins+1, Belt of physical might+6(STR, CON), Cloak of resistance+5, Headband of mental Prowess+6(WIS CHA Geography), Sandals of quick reaction, Bag of holding type I, Potions:(4) Cure serious wounds (4)Haste, Wands(Blink, Enlarge person), Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), Manual of bodily health+2, Manual of gainful exercise+5(used), Masterwork guitar, Bloodrager kit, 508GP.
Xisumaviod Aka Ik-soo-mah the Ender caller.
CR 20 XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Aasimar(Ember-kin, Fallen one) Oracle(Void)20
CE Medium humanoid Init +5; Senses Perception +38
AC 33, touch 17, flat-footed 32 (+1Dex, +5Deflection, +5 natural, +11armor, +1intuition) HP 141 (20d8+48)
Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +28
Speed 30 ft. Melee Adamantine keen brilliant energy scythe+26 1D10+11. Ranged Distance light crossbow+18 1d8+2 +1D8 Cold.
Racial Celestial resistances 5(Acid, Cold, Fire), Darkvision 60ft, +2 on Knowledge Planes and Spellcraft, Lost promise. Traits: Ear for music, Foul brand.
Class features Curse: Tongues, Mystery: Void, Revelations: Absence of body, DR15/force, Armor fo the void 20 hours/day, Body of the void 20 minutes/day, Commune with the void, Creature of the void, Summon the void, Stare into the abyss,Touch of the void, Visions of the void, Wisdom of the void), Final revelation, Bonus spells: Chill heart, Darkness, Ray of exhaustion, Curse of magic negation, Passwall, Gateway, Banishment, Maze, Overwhelming presence.
Spellcasting CL20 DC21 Spells per day 9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7 Spells known: 9-Miracle, Portal, Implosion. 8-Earthquake, Cloak of chaos, Greater planar ally. 7-Scrying(greater), Resurrection, Blasphemy.
6-Word of recall, Heal, Blade barrier. 5-Planar shift, Break enchantment, Flame strike, True seeing. 4-Summon master IV, Freedom of movement, Divine power, Inflict critical wounds. 3-Water breathing, Cure serious wounds, Protection from energy, Dispel magic. 2-Restoration(lesser), Cure moderate wounds, Find traps, Sonic blast, Hold person.
1-Cure light wounds, Shield of faith, Bless water, Sanctuary, Divine favor. 0-Detect magic, Create water, Read magic, Purify food and drink, Mending, Light, Detect poison, Virtue, Guidance.
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 32
Base Atk +15; CMB +21; CMD +22
Feats Craft wondrous items, Improved initiative, Divine interference, Extra revelations(4), Weapon proficiency(Scythe), Strong personality, Quicken metamagic.
Skills Craft(Stone and metal)+24, Intimidate +13, Heal+10, Knowledge (Arcana)+24, (History)+5 (The planes)+24 (Religion)+5, Disable device+24, Perception +28, Perform(Cord)+15, Profession(Composer)+10, Sense motive+10, Spellcraft +20, Survival +11, Swim +15, Use magic device +24.
Languages Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Draconic, Aklo.
Combat gear Mithral spell storing banded mail of greater electric resistance+4, Ring of protection+5, Amulet of natural armor+5, Ioun stones(Deep red sphere, Dusty rose prism), Adamantine keen brilliant energy scythe+5, Distance light crossbow+1, 50+1 Frost bolts, Belt of physical might+6(STR, CON), Cloak of resistance+5, Headband of mental Prowess+6(WIS CHA Planes), Slippers of cloudwalking, Glyphbane gloves, Bag of holding type I, Potions:(4) Cure serious wounds (4)Gaseous form, Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), Manual of bodily health+2, Manual of gainful exercise+5(used), Scrolls(Cloak of chaos, Reverse gravity, Orb of  the void, Blood mist), Masterwork guitar, Oracle kit, 87GP. 
Background: Xisuma lives in a faraway land famous for the various buildings that defies possibility and his hermits that build them. While it is true that he is one of them, Xisuma is not only a music composer but also an admin/steward figure of the place, ensuring both the stability and functioning logistics of the land between the various hermits. Xisuma however, has a secret: for some reason he has a connection with the Void hence, his full name Xisumavoid. Although people do not bring up his full name often, Xisuma always feels the strange call and stares at the vast sky of the Overworld or the endless depth of the End. While there was no exchange of words, he always felt something or someone calling for him, pulling, inching forward from the dark depths but he could never reply or understand, until one day he was overseeing the land from a vantage point and saw some kind of light on the horizon engulfing the world. The land was disappearing. Xisuma panicked for a moment, but then he heard a call: “My chosen. To stop this advent embrace me. I shall give you the power to save the land. Look upon me.” Xisuma looked around but saw no one, until he looked up and saw IT. His two eyes reflected his being into two and cast the now divided Xisuma in two beings in another land. Separated, the two heard again the voice: “Upon you i now bestow my powers and a prophecy:”
Swift as the wind the ground rumbles
Burn the bubble when they stumbles
With blazing storms forward they dash
Cold hearts engraved in ash
One light and secrets will be hushed
Four shadows always clashed
Ring the bell falls the hammer
Sparks dance under the burnt banner
Clad in white we slowly fade
For in twilight’s hour we were remade
“When the prophecy is resolved, come find me. And you will return to your land untainted.” The two Xisuma were separated, one in the Overworld, the other in the End but they both knew what had to be done and no one would stand in their way.
(Image made with Heroforge.)
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I’m still in love with the idea that BEN/Ben can’t physically kill a person. I dunno how actually common that is in the fandom, but I remember seeing a lot about this trope for Ben years ago.
Cause imagine how terrifying it’d be to go up against some of the other freaks, the ones that can physically cancel your subscription to life. Like sure it’ll suck being decapitated or eviscerated by a redroom figurehead or strangled by a brainwashed puppet of a monstrous entity, but at least you’ll die fairly quickly.
With Ben though? It’s gonna keep you alive on purpose just to fuck with you in the worst ways possible.
This fucker has an incredible mastery over technology, so of course one of the first things BEN (the AI created by Ben) will do is ruin all your relationships technologically. I’m talking sending horrible messages to your coworkers and boss, nudes to everyone that isn’t your partner, sending shit you’d never say from your profiles, and you can’t even deny you were the one sending that shit because the receipts are all there on everyone’s devices except yours.
You try to sleep as an escape, but that’s not safe anymore either. You have countless nightmares of various scenarios of your own demise. Drowning infinitely, falling into an abyss as everyone around you watches without a care. Being sacrificed as twisted figures of children in grotesque masks chant and cheer for your end. You wake up, or at least you think you’re awake, until suddenly the environment around you starts twisting and warping like your dreams.
You can’t tell what’s real and what’s in your head anymore. Have you lost sleep, and are now operating on sleep deprivation fumes? Or have you been in a deep slumber this whole time, one that cycles you through horrible realities that all end with your name as an obituary by the end of the week?
Eventually it’s too much. The taunts from whatever is doing this to you become too much. It ruined your life after all, so what good is it still worth living for? However you choose to take yourself out of the equation, Ben will be there, watching, deriving nothing but satisfaction and enjoyment from the scene of it all. Most choose simple ways to go, easy, painless. Ben loves it when they choose more complex ways of suicide. His favorite obviously being drowning.
Not to mention the fact that in my AU, Ben created all the other digital creepypastas. I know people like to associate Smile Dog with Jeff, but the thing is literally a cursed chain mail image that haunts people in their nightmares. That has Ben written all over it. Sonic.exe, Godzilla NES, any and all Pokepastas, it’s all Ben. If it exists in technology, Ben had a hand in creating it. He can’t be everywhere at once, and he certainly can’t hone in on multiple people at once. His form of murder is an art, dammit, and he has to dedicate himself entirely to breaking someone into offing themselves. Of course, being able to only do one poor shithead at a time was really inefficient, thus the creation of the BEN AI and the other technology pastas exists.
I feel like this trope for Ben is so heavily underutilized, we need more manipulative, 5head genius mind game player Ben in the fandom.
That, and my version of Ben is physically the weakest. Out of all the undeads, his body is the most frail, and he doesn’t have as much control over his physical form as the rest do.,Besides, gamers are also the weakest among society, everyone knows that, and Ben is no exception. Don’t skip leg day next time ghost boy
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peaches-creek · 9 months
You were typing away at your computer, just as you have been for hours. Being blessed with the freedom of education, doesn’t make it any less of a curse. Here you were spending half of your life’s savings so that one day you could earn it back. Finals week was exactly 9 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes and 45 seconds away. With what felt like no time to spare you were cramming as much knowledge into your brain as you could. You are a smart person, you know it, but with the way you are struggling, it feels otherwise tonight. Sometimes things just get too heavy. You are under a ton of pressure at work, your friends are pressuring you to hang out when you have no time for yourself, you need to get groceries, check the mail. Etc. but there’s only so many minutes left in the day and you need to put those minutes into your studies.
Amidst your circling chains of thought about all of the things that you need to do, should be doing, and are doing, John enters your office. He takes in your form, headphones on and hunched over your books and laptop, messy hair, dead tired eyes. It makes his heart ache. A person he admires for her hard work, looks so worn out and god, do you look tired. He wonders how long it’s been since you had a good sleep. You need it clearly. He wishes he wasn’t so caught up with, maybe then he would’ve noticed you were struggling, but there’s not time for him to feel guilty, he has to help his girl.
He walks over, softly takes off your headphones, and swivels your chair to face him.
“Hi darling.” He flashes you with that wholesome smile that’s always on his dopey face. He brings a hand up to gently wrap around your neck, beckoning you forward to trap you in his warm embrace.
“Missed you.” You say, though it’s muffled against his shirt.
“What are you working on.”
“A bunch of stuff.”
“I can see that,” he chuckles.
“I know you can see that, now that you know I can get back to the endless amount of information that needs to take home into my brain.” you attempt to turn your chair back around, but his hands stop the chair from moving.
“John-“ you start.
“Don’t wanna hear it, you’ve been up to this for days, time for a break.”
“I don’t have time to take a break.”
“You absolutely have time to take a break. So you are taking one now. And I am going to tuck you into bed, a bed that you get to sleep in with your husband who loves you very much.” He justifies.
John has the habit of usually being right, he usually reminds you after the fact. He also knows that you hate being wrong, and you absolutely hate when people know you are wrong, which is why you are studying so damn hard.
“I appreciate it John but I really can’t tonight y’know, I have to-“
“You have to sleep.” He says.
“I can do that later.”
“Why not know.”
“John you are actually pissing me off.” You would’ve found this whole thing adorable if you weren’t already so frustrated.
“Don’t care,” He says as he tips you forward, essentially throwing you over his shoulder, “you’re going to bed.”
He begins to walk toward your bedroom passing the halls littered with pictures of the two of you and your beloved cat, Lady. When he reaches the entrance of the room, you reach up and grab onto the door, not letting go. This causes John to nearly drop you, nearly.
“Oh my god, that’s it you little shit!” He drops you onto the bed and proceeds to tickle you. Running his fingers over your ribcage over and over again.
“John sto-“ you choke out, “John I’m gonna pee fucking sto-“ you interrupt yourself with your laughter.
Eventually when he decides you’ve had enough, and that you’ve tuckered yourself out, he stops. He then hovers above your body and stares into your eyes.
“You know some people find that creepy.”
“Not you.” He grins.
“Yeah, not me.”
He gives you a sweet kiss to the lips, and then to the both of your cheeks, then your nose, lastly your forehead. He gets off of you and the bed heading to your side. He pulls back the covers and gently grabs your body and tucks you, just like he said. Once you are situated, he gets up and walks to the light switch and flicks it off. In the darkness, he makes his way back to you. He tucks himself in right behind you, spooning you.
“Goodnight, My Darling.” He says. But he doesn’t expect an answer, you are already half asleep.
“G’night John.” He gets one anyways.
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