#curse of the violet eclipse
flufflepantsart · 4 months
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Some more Ghongata pixel art practice
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xivou · 1 month
木星/ dr ratio x fem. reader < 🧷' AUG (2024) > # potential angst . not proofread . perhaps, ooc ratio ( a scholar, and his assistant ) ✷ you watch him sacrifice himself, for his thirst of knowledge.
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( jupiter—my heart who was meant to be a star but failed. )
Doctor Veritas Ratio’s life was a cup that brimmed with intellect, moulded with turmoil and self-deception.
( for knowledge is a cursed orbit of orderly chaos, where its striders are all disturbed. )
And you’ve witnessed it all unfold—how the woman of destiny wove her threats into an embodiment of candidness, blessed him with unparalleled aptitude, and paved a contentious, starlit orbit to cure the ignorant.
( and that same orbit, is the orbit Nous never looks upon. he persists in treading upon it. )
And you watch, as asteroids chart their courses, the planets worship the sun, and the universe expands itself, whispering proses of it's confines— how Doctor Veritas Ratio came into being.
How each flick of his chalk, and each utterance that fell off his lips seeped confusion into his students. how applause echoes in the chamber, and he steps forward pridefully to acquire yet another doctoral degree. how his name became pronounced on the lips of all— of those who loathed him and those who acknowledged his achievements, till he made his name distinguishable among the tattered volumes of history.
‘The Genius Society is hosting a collaboration with the Intelligentsia Guild. they voted for you as a representative.’
your fingers cradle through his violet lock, whilst he lies on your lap, fixated on reading a passage from a philosophy book.
‘as long as it does not clash with my schedule.’
you nod, heavily weighting and savouring this moment; this is one of those mere hours, where he is allowed to be eclipsed from the eyes of the world and slip into your warmth. a smile tugs at your lips.
‘You know I love you, right?’ you utter those words, and they are almost like a cry, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead.
in people's eyes, Ratio is a star that emits a rich luminescence.
( and it saddens you how stars are doomed to dim as a lifetime frays upon it. )
but no sooner will they concede; Ratio is a no star, bound to never seize ‘deity’, and bound to remain among mundane, mediocre planets, those who live in supreme idiocy.
( “Perhaps, he realized he would never be accepted into the Genius Society...” you’ve heard that say sometime before. )
and yet you observe as he distributes bits of his radiant soul to the cosmos, a blessing coiled with a masquerade of self-assurance, and you observe as those detached geniuses confine their knowledge to themselves.
( and yet no one gets to detect that white alabaster sculpture crack; you wonder if it is ever bound to. )
Ratio chuckles, and you think it echoes with self-deprecation. His fingertips intertwine with yours, and you feel his soul through these edges—it's desperate and coiled in vacant arrogance.
‘i told you, there is no use to dawdling on this matter...’ he shuts his book, and turns towards you, pulling you closer.
his head rests at the crook of your neck, and he inhales your aroma.
‘If this day I have not gained the recognition of Nous,’ he kisses your neck. ‘it stands to reason that I never will at any point in the future.’
‘you're still my genius, you know?’ your fingertips draw little stars on his back. ‘my star...’
Akin to a moonlit sonata, a final waltz of a melancholic medley. You bestowed the radiance of your soul to myriad starless nights, where dusk settled and he would remain awake to preserve this research. You eclipsed him and taught him respite. You acknowledged he was a star, and you chose to orbit around him—a moon crafted of Saturn's rings.
──© xivou . please refrain from reposting . plagiarizing . copying . translating . without prior consent.
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whirligig-girl · 6 months
2379 March 19th
The air had a distinct chill to it by now, and Guz looked all around her as the sky took on an almost silvery cast. Gaps in the trees at the edge of the clearing acted as pinhole cameras, producing hundreds of little bright crescents onto the ground and onto the shuttlepod.
"I told you we'd be in the path of totality," Marta said, nudging Guz on the arm and pointing up at the sky. She tapped a button on her clear glass visor, and it suddenly became reflective and metallic. "Look at that. Any minute now." The Sun was now just a slim crescent, the Moon covering nearly all of it.
“Augh…” Guz said, rubbing her arms, “sorry I questioned your navigation skills.”
“Good,” Marta said.
"We have precisely three minutes and twelve seconds, by my count," Dyani said.
Guz had her telescope, a 5" catadioptric astrograph, set up on an equatorial mount, with a tunable Herschellian Wedge serving as a solar filter and heat rejection system. She was used to handholding her telescope, but with only three minutes of totality, she didn't want to take any chances. The holographic eyepiece she'd been using had dutifully captured full spectrum imagery of Sol and before the partial eclipse began she had tuned through the different visible wavelengths in the passthrough lens, allowing her, Marta, and Dyani to see prominences and filaments in Sol’s chromosphere, as well as detailed sunspots in its photosphere. Marta, having evolved around this especially hot star, could even make out the magnetically active plages in the deep-violet Calcium-K line, but Guz's eye lenses had a slight green-yellow tint which blocked far-violet, and Dyani's Vulcan eyes could barely even see blue--though she reported detail in the deep-red Hydrogen-Alpha view which astounded Marta and Guz. No matter--once the eclipse was over Guz would be able to process all of the spectral bands and find more appropriate wavelengths to display them in.
Guz was anxious, and she paced back and forth, shaking her wrists. They made an almost cartoonish literal slapping and sticking sound and she went, which was nice, because it was both tactile and auditory. She went back to the telescope, but she tripped on the tripod.
Guz emitted a gargling warbling sound which Marta was pretty sure was a mellanoid curse word, and she scrambled to fix the telescope’s alignment.
“AUGH!” she said “I messed up the polar alignment! It won’t track now…”
Marta stood up from her chair, and grabbed her canes. She walked up to Guz and put an arm on her shoulder. “Hey, Eaurp, don’t worry. The important thing isn’t the holos.”
“Actually the holos are incredibly important! I know you and Dyani are just here for fun, but I’m doing this for my Astro-251 class. I have to get these images!”
“Eaurp,” Dyani said. “It is unnecessary to fret. Professor Frederick made it clear that terrans have a long history of ‘eclipse madness’--”
“But I’m not a terran!”
“It is not a matter of the species, so much as the circumstance. As you are always so quick to remind us, Earth is the only known inhabited planet with a natural satellite that appears the same size as its parent star. The eclipses are rare and last only minutes,” Dyani said.
“Yeah girlie, you got the eclipse madness,” Marta said, “Just calm down for a minute. You’ll find a way to make up your project.”
Guz put her face in her hands, then looked up and began fiddling with her PADD to try and fix the alignment.
Guz tapped her combadge. "Cadet Guz's log, stardate 56212, continued. Terrans call it March 19th 2379. Local time is… 12:32. We are here in the Italian countryside, a minute away from totality, and I just bumped my telescope off of Sol. I have missed all three total eclipses that have occurred on Earth during my time here. This is my last year, and so my last shot. Everything has to go just right.”
“Forty seven seconds,” Dyani reported. Guz checked her chronometer. Dyani’s mental timing was ‘only’ two seconds off.
“Stop fiddling with that thing and just relax!” Marta said.
“NO! I HAVE TO SEE THE CORONA UP CLOSE!” Guz shouted, and she buried her eye into the holograph’s pass-through. “Ok! I see Sol and Luna!” Guz said. “This alignment will have to do…”
Guz watched as the last slivers of white sunlight disappeared. She looked up, and during that last moment, the entire world changed around her. She was standing in twilight, but with the sky orange all around her. She looked around. The animals were reacting wildly, with twitters and chirps and ribbiting from the local fauna, likely confused as to why the Sun went out in the middle of the day.
When Guz had first set foot on Earth, it was very literally an alien planet. But it still had blue skies, white clouds, deep blue seas, and green foliage (albeit much dryer and less sticky than she had been accustomed to).
The planet Guz was standing on right now was not Mellanus, not Italian Earth, and certainly not Luna--it was an entirely unique world, one which only existed for minutes at a time. Guz was standing on Planet Eclipse.
Guz looked up and shouted. “Hah! LOOK! LOOK AT THAT! THE CORONA!” 
Nothing could have prepared her for it. The corona was a silvery halo that extended from the apparent black hole in the sky in all directions, with concentrated hairlike filaments stringing out from reddish pink spots on the black circle’s limb. 
Before the eclipse, Sol had been white with a few dark specks and surrounded by darkness, but this thing was nearly its inverse: black, with a few tiny starlike dots inside of it, surrounded by a pale ghostly light. The Sun had disappeared, and something completely alien took its place. Intellectually, Guz knew that all stars--even Zwo-nmu--had coronae, but this was the first time she’d seen the corona with her own two eyes. She supposed it wouldn’t have to be the last--maybe next time she was in space she’d try to blot out the sun with her finger.
Guz could make out four starlike points, one to the left of the Sun, and three to the right. “Look! Look! There’s the other planets! The bright ones are Jupiter and Venus!”
She looked down and around again to see Marta sitting in the grass just staring up at the thing, her visor completely transparent. Dyani had taken her visor off entirely and stared, silently.
“WAIT! NO! The uh! The filter!” Guz said. She hadn’t remembered to remove the filter from her telescope. She scrambled back to the telescope, and twisted a dial on the Herschellian Wedge. The view through the passthrough eyepiece brightened up by 100,000 times and Guz actually saw the corona, magnified 50 times, in unfiltered, uncompressed detail. The detail was so delicate and intricate. Guz could now see the row of cilia-like prominences to the left, which Dyani had seen so easily before but which she and Marta had been unable to detect. In true color, Sol’s chromosphere was magenta, not the spectral red she had seen before in the H-alpha. As Guz’s eyes adjusted, she could even make out Luna’s city lights. She recognized Tycho City, and New Berlin immediately.
“Dyani, how much time do we have left?” Guz said.
After a moment, Dyani replied. “We should have another two minutes of totality left.”
Guz looked away from the eyepiece to get another look at the gaping hole in the sky where the Sun should be.
And then, in an instant, the corona disappeared entirely. A bead of intense white light bore into Guz’s retina, and she immediately flipped her visor down.
Guz’s hands shook. Then she slowly began to smile. “THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE!” she shouted, and she began to jump up and down. Her hair went jiggly. Dyani looked at her with a blank stare, and Guz felt a little shy and stopped her celebrations. “I just can’t believe Mellanoids were robbed of this.”
“It is a remarkable celestial coincidence. The diurnal stellar eclipses visible on the T’khut-facing hemisphere of Vulcan do not capture the character of 40 Eridani A’s corona so completely, nor do they produce an atmosphere of such… eerie character.”
“Marta! Marta! Was it different to a Solar Eclipse on Luna?” Guz said, turning around.
Marta was still on the floor, rubbing her eyes, sobbing quietly to herself.
“Marta?” Guz said.
Marta reached out for a hand. Guz gave her a hand and pulled her up. Marta sniffled.
“Are you okay?” Guz said.
Marta just nodded. She didn’t look ok. Guz looked at Dyani, who just shrugged. Marta wiped her eyes again. Guz picked up Marta’s canes, and she walked back to her chair to take a seat.
Guz returned to her telescope. The herschel wedge had not been re-enabled. The holographic eyepiece was fried.
Guz stuttered a little. “Oh. Uh. Dyani. Um. There weren’t two minutes left.”
“It was probably more like. Um. Two seconds. So the uh. The holograph is ruined.”
“Damn,” Dyani said.
“Haha. Yeah. Um. That coulda been my eye, haha…”
“Then it is fortunate you were not looking through the eyepiece at the end of totality.”
Guz checked her PADD to make sure the data was streamed properly to her recorder. When she was convinced that it was, she turned off the telescope and began packing it back up into the Class 2 Shuttlepod. By the time she finished, the sky had grown brighter; the air warmer. 
When she was done, she sat down on the grass next to Marta’s chair, and put her visor back on. Luna no longer covered so much of Sol.
“It was… I don’t even know how to describe it…” Marta said. “I mean I’ve… I’ve seen solar eclipses before. And they’re beautiful from Luna, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all so different when you’re on Earth.”
“It’s a shame I won’t ever have the chance to see a solar eclipse on the Moon,” Guz said. “Well, I mean, I have seen one, it’s just, when you’re on Earth, we call it a Lunar Eclipse.”
“I’ve even seen terran eclipses before,” Marta said. “They don’t look like anything special from all the way up there. Just a little dark spot going across Earth. When I was younger, I wondered what terrans were so hyped up about, you know? But I get it.”
“Indeed,” Dyani said, “the air temperature does drop noticeably during stellar eclipses due to the reduction in insolation. It is cool shit.”
“Omen doesn’t do that! When Omen got close to Mellanus, it was a lot like Luna--but a lot brighter. But it never goes in front of Zwo-nmu!”
“Why?” Marta said.
“It is a simple consequence of Mellanus’ coorbital trajectory,” Dyani said.
“Closest thing we get to eclipses is when Cold Ember transits Zwo-nmu and if you have really good vision you can see it with just a dark visor as a little dot.”
“I remember going out in my EV suit after finishing an early morning delivery in Oceanus Procellarum one time when I was 13,” Marta said. “The Sun hadn’t risen, but off to the east I could see this faint gray glow. I turned off my suit lights and just stared at the glow, with everything else almost black, just lit a little by the crescent Earth. The milky way was out, but this gray glow was even brighter than it. I kept watching it, even as my suit began to get freezing cold, I sat down on a little boulder a few meters from my shuttle. As I waited; it must have been almost an hour, I saw just about a quarter of a silvery circular halo. I saw a tiny hint of magenta come over the mountain in the distance, and before I knew it, the world exploded into light as the Sun came up. I had the ghost image in my eye for an hour after that. Made getting home a little harder.”
“Wow,” Guz said.
“In principle, what we have just witnessed was a sunset and a sunrise on Luna, just much farther away,” Dyani said.
“A couple years later I saw my first solar eclipse--what Terrans call a Lunar eclipse--and I realized what that ghostly glow was. But even then, I couldn’t see the corona all at once. Earth blocked half of it at a time,” Marta said. “But still I figured that the whole landscape around you turning orange-red from all of Earth’s sunrises and sunsets shining on the Moon more than made up for seeing the corona all at once.”
“Does it?” Dyani asked.
“It’s different when you’re standing out in the open without a space suit. You’re not in this temperature-controlled little box. It all feels… so much more real. The Sun shining right on my face, the air gets real chilly…”
“Is that why you were having an emotional reaction?” Dyani said.
“What? No. Not quite,” Marta said. “I dunno. Maybe. But I just realized, during totality, that that wasn’t just a big bite taken out of the Sun. That’s my home up there. I’ve seen it from space hundreds of times. But never like that.”
“Yeah…” Guz said.
“The Nevasan eclipses visible on Vulcan are similar to a Solar eclipse as viewed from Luna,” Dyani said. “Except the partial phase lasts minutes and the total phase lasts over an hour. It is essentially a brief second night time. 40 Eridani A’s corona is not visible for much of the eclipse.”
“My only other chance to see any eclipses was when I was doing survival training on Andoria, but they had us on Andoria’s far side and the one solar eclipse we would have seen due to an occultation by an outer moon, we were stuck inside the ice caves. Apparently Andorians don’t consider solar eclipses worth interrupting work for. Plus, 40 Eridani B is a white dwarf, so it’s not like its corona is actually visible. Also--you know how our shadows got weirdly sharp in the last minutes before totality? It’s like that all the time on Andoria. So at least there’s that.”
Guz looked down at the ground, then back up at the slowly brightening crescent Sun, and then at the dirt below her feet. The leaves of the trees still projected crescent-shaped images on the ground. Guz held her hair out, and bubbled it up, wondering if the green-tinted caustics cast on the ground would behave similarly.
“It was certainly one hell of an expedition to close out our senior years,” Dyani said.
“There she goes with the colorful language again,” Marta muttered.
“Perhaps you should speak up so Eaurp can hear you,” Dyani said.
They were arguing again. Guz didn’t think Dyani liked her very much, but she definitely didn’t seem to get along with Marta. “Thanks for coming out to Italy with me for this,” Guz said.
“Yeah,” Marta said. “It was… an adventure.”
“The Italian peninsula is home to many interesting historical sites. Perhaps we should visit some of them,” Dyani said. “For example, the fallen tower of Pisa.”
“Touristy nonsense, it’s just a field full of a bunch of people pretending to try to lift it back upright,” Marta said.
“I wanted to see it. Anyway we should probably start with finding any town, since our shuttlepod isn’t flying any time soon,” Guz said.
Marta gave Dyani some side-eye.
“That was not my fault,” Dyani said.
And yes, there really will be a total solar eclipse visible in Afroeurasia on March 19th, 2379 (at about 12:30 in Italy.)
Marta Martinez and Dyani were two of Guz's classmates at Starfleet Academy. In fact, Dyani was Guz's roommate. Dyani is @raydrawsdaly's OC. Marta and Guz are my OCs.
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ohgaylor · 1 year
afterglow 🤝 hoax 🤝 the great war 🤝 death by a thousand cuts 🤝 long story short (parallels / analyses)
always remember // flashbacks waking me up // flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur // I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me
my knuckles were bruised like violets, sucker punching walls // fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves // don't want no other shade of blue but you // I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue, put you in jail for something you didn’t do // and maybe it's the past that's talking, screaming from the crypt telling me to punish you for things you never did, so I justified it
I lived like an island, punished you with silence // cursed you as I sleep-talked, spineless in my tomb of silence // misery like the war of words I shouted in my sleep // my sleepless night, my winless fight
somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed // my best laid plan, your sleight of hand // paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans // your finger on my hairpin triggers // my twisted knife // you knew the password so I let you in the door // my only one, my smoking gun, my eclipsed sun, this has broken me down
tore your banners down, took the battle underground // I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up // I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone // chandelier's still flickering here 'cause I can't pretend it's okay when it's not
and what once was ours is no one's now I see you everywhere, the only thing we share is this small town // you know I left a part of me back in New York // my kingdom come undone // our country, guess it was a lawless land
stood on the cliffside screaming, "give me a reason" // long story short, it was a bad time, pushed from the precipice, climbed right back up the cliff
I don’t wanna lose, I don't wanna lose this with you // that was the night I nearly lost you, I really thought I'd lost you // this has frozen my ground // soldier down on that icy ground, looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops // thought I had reason to attack, but no // when I dropped my sword, I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door
the worst was over, my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the great war // your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in // no more keepin' score, now I just keep you warm // we're burned for better // I am ash from your fire // always remember the burning embers
no more tug of war, now I just know there's more // this ultraviolet morning light below tells me this love is worth the fight // and we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover // I vowed I would always be yours ‘cause we survived the Great War // and we live in peace, but if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 11 months
In honour of Halloween I present to you some spooky AUs to think about. These are free to use however you may please (though... please tag me if you do, so I can see what you did! I love seeing what people think of stuff)
Werewolf!Shadowsight: This is exactly what it says on the tin. Ashfur infects Shadowpaw with an old transformation curse during Lost Stars that turns him into a large black wolf, hungry for blood.
Zombie!Skyclan: Skyclan is infected with a zombie virus rather than driven out by the Kin, and now heading to the lake at fast pace while Alderpaw and Sparkpaw try to come up with a cure with Twig and Violet, the only healthy cats left.
Lunar Eclipse Gathering: A Lunar Eclipse triggers an opening for the Dark Forest to walk amongst the living during a Gathering. Will they keep the peace, or will the blood moon earn its name?
Halloween Dark Forest: The spirits in the Dark Forest with more typical "spooky monster" designs, such as vampires, witches, ghouls, mummies and the like, this is more artsy for those who wanna add a "spooky" image to the Dark Forest (or maybe you just wanna imagine Hawkfrost as Frankenstein's Monster idk you do you)
Anyway, Happy Halloween, stay safe!
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umbralrosa · 10 months
@fallesto (Yhwach)
Continued From Here
The only thing she thinks of his words, is that he has kept himself secluded to a singular perspective. Everyone is almighty or less-than in another's eyes, it is the wonder of possibility, to have freedom. Free thinking thoughts are ones she always admires, because in older times, people were so very distinct on where their loyalty resides, and not always was that beneficial.
Her snowy head tilts at an angle in question, one of a curious or confused animal – or both. What the fuck is a Soul King. "Without life, there is no death – without death, there is no life. Such is the laws Mother Nature instilled for the equilibrium of creation. Darkness and light, positive and negative, time and space... You cannot have everything, without nothing, and there is no point to know what nothing is without something to erase first." She sounds like she knows this song and dance too well, perhaps there the moment everything began, and intends to remain when it all ends. A keeper of time? Someone who tracks the record of everything that comes and goes in this forsaken life? The woman certainly looks regal enough to back it up, and her violet gaze one of far off thoughts in a vast mind. She looks too young to know everything.
"If you intend to simply kill every human on this planet, then I won't care, but if your intention is to – in some way – eradicate everything, and create from scratch..." The Despot can only go off of what he's heard thus far, and paint her own assumptions and conclusions as to what this all entails. Regardless, her mind is open, and in her tone is one of warning. The empty expression has yet to falter, but her eyes... Those violet, ever searching eyes, pierce through his person, and watch him like a cell under a microscope. If he tries anything, she's well ready to react accordingly.
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"I cannot allow the demise of this planet and life that is not human... To tell me all this, with little context than what you've given, is as good enough justification for me to hollow you out in my garden. To have a body that lives beyond its expiration date, is a curse, and I know all too well how to exploit that curse far from your favor – unless being maimed and mended over and over again, until your mind falters and thoughts become numb – is something you strive for."
Whoever this woman is, there is something about her that echoes remnants of something else, greater. In her declaration of defense of Earth, at least everything that is fauna and flora, that faint eclipse of something more whispers beneath the surface of her eyes.
"The smart answer, would to define all this as not at all your intention, and simply an overreaction of my paranoia out of misinformation."
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scuttledusk · 3 months
Lantern Eclipse Cast
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Fairywren Merlo - A hitman from Guardian City who was forced to flee after a job gone wrong.
Eddie Reeves - A successful, respected businessman of the Violet District in search of a mysterious artifact.
Ford - A Terror who spent the past 40 years in servitude and just recently gained his autonomy.
Bex Dlamini - A former Shepherd removed from service for his softness and now lost in the Cursed Wilds.
Heidi Cantrell - A wandering trader and musician, leader of a motley crew of outcasts and “freaks.”
Davin Fitzgerald - A protective sharpshooter with a mechanical heart of gold - or, well, titanium.
Ratshot Durchdenwald - A hyperactive young mechanic and medic-in-training with a venomous bite.
Judas Durchdenwald - A game hunter with a long family history and an even longer criminal record.
Gloria Tungalag - A singer and sniper, who’s been traveling with Heidi for as long as either can remember.
Marcus Ramsey - Paladin of the Breaking Dawn and a trusted, noble leader to his team.
Nisha Houghton - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, a ride-or-die friend with an indomitable spirit.
Hank Montoya - Happy-go-lucky technician for the Breaking Dawn, as well as the best cook on his team.
Arthur “Art” Danus - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, blunt and judgmental but a loyal friend.
Reuben Haverkort - Cleric (or healer) of the Breaking Dawn, who has harnessed cursed magic to help others.
Sadie Clem - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, soft-spoken and timid but never one to back down from a fight.
Anderson “Roach” Trengrove - A member of a failed revolutionary group, now the guardian of his two nephews.
Styke Trengrove - An impulsive young punk with a tendency to get into more trouble than he can handle.
Benji Trengrove - An innocent younger boy, oblivious to the horrors of the world, with a passion for sports.
Francis “Wasp” Mortimer - An old friend of Roach’s, and the only other survivor of their lost revolution.
Pearl Artair - The charismatic and elegant owner of a nightclub in the Violet district called “The Visionary.”
Finnegan “Mercury” MacEirie - A prostitute working at the Visionary, on the run from his past.
Inez Coronel - A singer at the Visionary, as well as a collector and broker of secrets and important information.
Vera Romeo - The bartender of the Visionary, who has new romantic troubles every day without fail.
Vaughn Grandis - The owner of a rival club and an influential figure in the Violet District’s underground.
Kerry Faulcon - The captain of the Rhettshore Redhawks, a cordball team known all across Guardian City.
Gage Bandy - Another member of the Redhawks, calm and reasonable but a bit condescending.
Lauren Bandy - A player on the Redhawks, who fans think may drop out of the league after this season.
Emerson Wheeler - A Redhawks player widely appreciated for his looks and charm rather than his skill.
Belle Eriksson - A skilled Redhawks player who is believed to be competing with Kerry for the title of Captain.
Antony Valdovinos - The mastermind behind the Damned, leader of a deep-rooted criminal organization.
Simon Demaret - Antony’s second-in-command and personal assassin with a secretive background.
Natalia Barrueco - A down to earth but extremely irritable member of the Damned, Antony’s cousin.
Kian Kinnerk - An entertaining young man and member of the Damned, who brings his violin everywhere he goes.
Vivi Seacoal - An extremely intimidating older woman, the muscle of Antony’s inner circle.
Lazarus Cain - Friend and rival, a mysterious young assassin who is always present yet rarely seen.
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I’ll try to update this whenever I need to, since new paras and storylines pop up every now and then! These are also just the “major” paras - there are a few side characters who just aren’t mentioned at all bc. this ain’t abt them
fun fact: eight people on this list are dead </3
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ninjago-shipping · 2 years
Master list
(B! equals Bizarro and M! equals the Ninjago movie, just so y’all know)
Abandoned || Morro x Echo Zane x Benthomaar
Absent || Maya x Libber x Misako
Abyss || B!Cole x Cryptor
AcidicFluid || Nya x Chamille x Tox
AcidRain || Tox x Nya
Adaption or Mirror || Skylor x Chamille
Aftershock || B!Jay x Cole
Allied || Lord Garmadon x General Kozu
AmberNightshade || Skylor x Chamille x Tox
AmberPhoenix || Nya x Skylor
AmberPrincess || Skylor x Harumi
Ambershock || Skylor x Jay
Anchor || Benthomaar x Zane
ArcticWolf || Zane x Akita
Arson || B!Jay x B!Cole x B!Zane x Kai
Ash || Garmadon x Ray
Avalanche || Zane x B!Cole
BadBoy || Lloyd x Brad x Gene
Bear || Cole x Kataru
BlackIce || B!Zane x Zane
BlackLightning || B!Cole x Jay
Blacksmith || Lou x Ray
BlackWire || Cole x Pixal
Blizzard || Morro x Zane
Blizzaro || B!Zane x Morro
Blue || Nya x Jay x Zane
BlueWire || Jay x Pixal
Boomer || Sensei Wu x Krux
Braincell || Nya x Zane
BrainFreeze || Neuro x Zane
Brimstone || Echo Zane x Cole
Brine || Cole x Morro x Nya
Bronze || Dareth x Karlof
Bruise or Geode || Cole x Jay
Cake || Cole x cake
Cannonball || Captain Soto x Ultra Violet
Cave || Cole x Benthomaar x Morro
Chaos || B!Kai x B!Cole x B!Jay x B!Zane
Checkmate || Zane x Nadakhan
Cherry || Skylor x Vania
Chrome || Karlof x Neuro
CinnamonWafer || Char x Glutinous
Citrus || Morro x Echo Zane
Cliché || M!Jay x M!Nya
Cloudburst || Nya x Morro
Coffee or Self-centered || Dareth x Garmadon
Coliel || Cole x Seliel
Conductor || Kai x Zane x Jay
Conya or Petrichor || Cole x Nya
Copper || Dareth x Cyrus Borg
Coral || Benthomaar x Cole
Corrosive || Tox x Skylor
CorruptedCode || Mr. E x Cryptor
Corruption or Staff || Staff!Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
CriminalMinds || Miss Demeanor x Ultra Violet x Reflectra
CrimsonLightning || Mr. E x Jay
CrimsonTech || Jay x Zane x Mr. E
Crypthor or Lackey || Cryptor x Pythor
Cryptzu || Cryptor x Kozu
Crystal || Morro x Cole x Zane
Cryxal || Cryptor x Pixal
Cursed || Morro x M!Zane
D&D or Upply || Fungus x Plundar x Korgran
DarkGeode || B!Jay x B!Cole
DarkGlacier || B!Cole x B!Zane
DarkHistory || Garmadon x Krux
DarkHumor || Jay x Shade
DarkLava || B!Kai x B!Cole
DarkOpposite || B!Kai x B!Zane
DarkPlasma || B!Kai x B!Jay
DarkTechno || B!Zane x B!Jay
DarkThinking || Shade x Neuro
Dayle or Gareth || Dareth x Gayle Gossip
DeepSeaEnergy || Benthomaar x Lloyd
Derecho || Jay x Morro x Nya
Destiny || Kai x Morro
Dilf || Garmadon x all the Ninjago dads
Disaster || Jay x Kai x Morro x Cole
Disco || Jay x Reflectra x Zane
DisintegratedSmoke || Paleman x Ash
Doglocke || Dogshank x Flintlocke
Drought || Pythor x Kalmaar
DryIce || Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
Dumbass || Jay x Kai x Cole
DustDevil || Morro x Ultra Violet
Eclipse || Kai x Shade
Ecstatic || Vania x Jay x Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Edge || Cryptor x Morro x Shade x Chamille x Tox
ElectricBoogaloo || Jay x PoulErik
ElectricEel || Libber x Maya
Electricstorm || Jay x Morro
ElectricVirus || Jay x Overlord
ElectroGlacier || Cole x Mr. E x Zane
ElectroIce or Gaydar || Zane x Mr. E
Ember || Kai & Skylor (queerplatonic!!)
EnergyEfficient || Lloyd x Pixal
Entombed || Pythor x Aspheera
Envy || Staff!Kai x Morro
Eruption || B!Cole x Kai
EternalWinter || Ice Emperor Zane x Vex
Everlasting || Echo Zane x Morro AND Morro x Zane
Eyecandy || Kai x Cole x Morro
Eyepatch || Clutch Powers x Ronin
Feral || Akita x Benthomaar
Fever || Kai x Neuro
Firefly || Kai x Vania
FireStarter || B!Kai x Jay
Firewall || Kai x Pixal
Fireworks || B!Jay x Kai
Fixation || Lou x Ed
Flood || Kalmaar x Nya
Fog || Nya x Shade
ForeverAlone || Sensei Wu x tea
Forge || Kai x Karlof
Forgiven || Brad x Lloyd
Forgotten || Echo Zane x Cryptor x Morro
FourArms || Lord Garmadon x General Kozu x Samukai
Fowl || Libber x Clouse
FriedChicken || Jay x Fugi-Dove
FriedSquid || Jay x Kalmaar
Frostbite || B!Zane x Kai
Future || Cyrus Borg x Acronix
Gambit || Ronin x Soul Archer
GarmaBorg || Garmadon x Cyrus Borg
Garmacest || Garmadon x Lloyd
GarmaChen || Garmadon x Master Chen
GarmaClouse || Garmadon x Clouse
GarmaKai || Garmadon x Kai
GarmKruxSako || Garmadon x Krux x Misako
Garsako or Harbinger || Garmadon x Misako
Gaymer || Superstar Rockin’ Jay x “Rocky Dangerbuff” x Rockstar!Kai x “Snake Jaguar”
Gemstone || Cole x Plundar
General || Cryptor x White Nindroid
Ghost || Seliel x Morro x Cole
GhostRider || Mr. E x Morro
Girlboss || Gayle Gossip x Patty Keys
Glacier || Cole x Zane
Gloomy || B!Cole x Morro
GoldenCircuit || Pixal x Kai x Zane x Skylor
GoldenMatter || Overlord x Lloyd
GorgonVenom || Machia x Tox
GreasedLightning || B!Jay x Jay
Greed || B!Kai x Morro x B!Jay
GreenCheer || M!Lloyd x M!Chen
Greenflame || Kai x Lloyd
Greenstorm || Lloyd x Morro
Greenwisp || Lloyd x Jay
Grief || Lou x Lilly x Ray x Maya
Gunpowder || Kai x Ash
Hacker || Ronin x Zane
Hailstorm || Jay x Cole x Zane
Hazard || Kai x Echo Zane
HeavyMetal || Cole x Zane x Pixal
Hellstorm || Kai x Zane x Morro
Holly or Llokita || Lloyd x Akita
Hope || Young Wu x Faith
Hotwire || Kai x Pixal x Zane
HowlingWind || Bansha x Morro
Hubris || Dareth x Clutch Powers
Iceberg || Zane x Nya x Cole
Ice Samurai or Samuraice || Nya x Pixal x Zane
Icestorm || B!Zane x Nya
Inferno || Kai x B!Kai
Inventor || Cyrus Borg x Dr. Julien
Island || Nya x PoulErik x Jay
Ivory || Hailmar x Vania
JadedSnake || Harumi x “Snake Jaguar”
JadeStorm or Morrumi || Morro x Harumi
JadeWolf || Harumi x Akita
Jagged || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane
Jaya || Jay x Nya
Jaycule || Kai x Zane x Cole x Jay AND Jay x Nya
JetFaith || Jet Jack x Faith
Junk || Ed x Edna x Dr. Julien
Kailor || Kai x Skylor
Killjoy or Vore || Pythor x Overlord
Kitsune || Morro x Akita
Lava || Cole x Kai
LavaLamp || Cole x Skylor x Kai
Legacy || Morro x Cole x Zane x Jay x Kai
Leviathan || Great Devourer x Wojira
Life or Lloya || Lloyd x Nya
LightningDjinn || Jay x Nadakhan
LightningFast || Jay x Griffin
LightSpeed || Paleman x Griffin
Lorumi/Llorumi || Lloyd x Harumi
Loner || Kai x Ronin
Loulien || Lou x Dr. Julien
Lullaby || Lou x Maya
Maelstrom || Morro x Wojira
Magma || B!Kai x Cole
Mechanic || Jay x Zane x Nya x Pixal
Mellow || Lou x Lilly
Miasma || Morro x Tox
Mirage || Kai x Chamille
Misfit || B!Jay x B!Kai x B!Cole x B!Zane x Morro
Misfortune || Nadakhan x Delara
Moriel or Phantom || Morro x Seliel
Morwu || Morro x Sensei Wu
Moss || Cole x Lloyd
MotorOil || Cole x Mr. E
Mountain || Cole x Kai x Zane
Mudshock || Jay x Nya x Cole
Mudslide || B!Cole x Nya
Mystery || Echo Zane x Cryptor
Nemesis || Sensei Wu x Aspheera
Neon || Scott x Jay
Nightlight || Shade x Paleman
Nightshade || Tox x Chamille
Oblivion || Staff!Kai x Cole
Obsession || Kai x Master Chen
Obsidian || Cole x B!Cole
Opposite || Zane x Kai
Ore || Karlof x Cole
Outdated || Zane x Cryptor
Outlaw || “Rocky Dangerbuff” x “Snake Jaguar”
PaperStar || Sally x Antonia
Parrot || Fugi-Dove x Captain Soto
Permafrost || Ice Emperor Zane x Pixal
Pixane || Pixal x Zane
Plasma || Jay x Kai
PlayDate || Nya x Dogshank
PolyMaster || All the Elemental Masters including the ninja
Polyninja || Kai x Jay x Zane x Cole
PolyPonytail || Nya x Pixal x Skylor
PolySerpent || Great Devourer x Fire Fang x Wojira x Anacondrai Serpent(Clouse’s pet snake)
Popsicle or Unique || Zane x Lloyd
Pride || Morro x B!Kai
PunkRock || Ultra Violet x “Rocky Dangerbuff”
Purple || Pixal x Ultra Violet
Pyrotechnic || B!Kai x Zane
Pythales or Skythor || Pythor x Skales
Quiet || Mr. E x Harumi
Raincloud || Vania x Benthomaar
Rainforest || Cole x Nya x Lloyd
Ratmen || Ronin x Dareth x Clutch Powers
Reaper || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane x Morro
Record || Lou x Dareth
Recovery || Lloyd x therapy
Redemption || Morro x Skylor
ResonatedGravity || Jacob x Gravis
Resurrected || Zane x Morro x Pixal
Revenge || Mr. F x Aspheera
Riptide || Nya x Ultra Violet
Risk || Jay x Morro x Kai
Roadrunner || Ultra Violet x Fugi-Dove
Rogue || Ronin x Okino
Ronya || Ronin x Nya
Rose || Gene x Brad
Royalty || Benthomaar x Vania x Harumi
Sacrifice || Nya x Lloyd x Zane
Salamander || Kai x Clancee
SaltwaterTaffy || Glutinous x Gripe
SameVoiceActor || Dr. Julien x Garmadon
Samurai || Nya x Pixal
SamuraiCheerleader || Nya x Unnamed background girl
Sandstorm or Spirit || Cole x Morro
Scruff || Dareth x Ronin
Seabreeze || Benthomaar x Morro
Seafoam || Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Shenanigans || B!Jay x Morro
Shockwave || Nya x Jay x Pixal
ShortMetal || Mindroid x Cryptor
Skeleton || Morro x Ghoultar
Skelma || Skales x Selma
Sleet || Kai x Zane AND Zane x Nya (Nya and Kai are both dating Zane)
Smelt || Kai x Cryptor
SmokeShade || Ash x Shade
S’mores || Dareth x Zane
SnakeBlizzard || “Snake Jaguar” x Morro
Snakecell || Nya x “Snake Jaguar”
SnakeGlacier || “Snake Jaguar” x Cole
Spell || Master Chen x Clouse
Spitfire || Zoltar x Kai
Static || Ice Emperor Zane x Jay
Steam || Ray x Maya
Steampunk || Jay x Echo Zane
StolenData || Skylor x Pixal
StolenDestiny || Ronin x Morro
StolenKiss || B!Jay x Nya
StoneCold || Cole x B!Zane
Strike || Libber x Krux
Sunflower || Vania x Echo Zane
SunScale || Kai x Great Devourer
Sunshine || Cole x Ultra Violet
Supernatural || Snake!Jay x Ghost!Cole x Zane x Anacondrai!Kai
Surge || M!Jay x Morro
Survival || Vinny x Garmadon
Tar || Shade x Tox
Taser || Cryptor x Jay
Tea || Sensei Wu x Mystake
TeaPost || Mystake x Mailman
Techno || Zane x Jay
TickTock || Zane x Acronix
TheyDeservedBetter || Show!Garmadon x Koko
Thief || Ronin x Clutch Powers x Plundar
ThinkFast || Neuro x Griffin
ThunderSnow || Morro x Jay x Zane
ThunderWave || Jay x Benthomaar
Timecest || Krux x Acronix
Tragedy || Maya x Lilly
TraitorousTrio || Sensei Wu x Aspheera x Pythor
Transformer || Ash x Chamille
Travel || Libber x Misako
Trident || Nya x Benthomaar
Trojan || Zane x B!Jay
TropicalStorm || Jay x Nya x Benthomaar
Turquoise or Waterlily || Harumi x Nya
UltraE || Ultra Violet x Mr. E
Upgrade || Unagami x Mechanic
User-Friendly || Zane x Overlord
VanillaCake || Vania x Cole
Venom || Ultra Violet x Tox
Vintage || Lou x Sensei Wu
Vinyl || Lou x Garmadon
Violent || Harumi x Ultra Violet
VioletSnake || Ultra Violet x “Snake Jaguar”
Virus || B!Zane x Jay
Void || Cryptor x Cole
Vortex || Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Warrior || Nya x Murtessa
WetDog || Nya x Akita
Whiplash || Aspheera x Acronix
Wildfire || Tox x Skylor x Kai
Windpower || Morro x Pixal
Wrath || Staff!Kai x Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Wusako || Sensei Wu x Misako
YingYang or Balance || Overlord x First Spinjitzu Master
Zanecule || Kai x Cole x Zane x Jay AND Pixal x Zane
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kindheart525 · 10 months
Which characters in the Auraverse and Thirdverse have pets?
I thought this was such a fun question that I decided to draw out my answers! Right now I’m only answering for the Auraverse because there are a lot just for that ng, and thus it might be less overwhelming to show the Thirdverse pets in a separate post.
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1, 2, and 3. Each of the ColorOak sisters has their own cat, and they reflect just how different (and alike!) the sisters are. Red Cedar has a big, fluffy Maine Coon named Mint Bliss. He is just as majestic and noble in attitude as Cedar likes to imagine his namesake is, and his name reflects her strong grounding in her own faith.  In sharp contrast, Blue Velvet has a hairless Sphinx cat named Velour, to go with her own name. This kitty is spoiled rotten and put in all kinds of outfits for aesthetic photos (which she accepts; Blue wouldn’t make her do it if she fought against it). I mustn’t forget her little corn snake Precious either, who has become Velour’s best friend. Velour loves to chill out with Precious wrapped around her like a sweater as if it’s the height of luxury. Much like her own position between her two sisters, Violet’s kitten is a middle ground between the other two cats in being a regular domestic shorthair. As a black cat, often thought of as a harbinger of bad luck, he was the last in his litter to get adopted. But Violet took one look at him and fell in love, naming him Maestro to reflect the kind of greatness she saw in him. He’s also registered as her emotional support animal to help with her anxiety, and he is very good at doing so.
4. Varmint Venom works with snakes of all shapes and sizes for a living, but only two of them permanently belong to her. You’ve met them before, but here we have Bartholomew (green) and Brenda (brown). Brenda is a real escape artist, never able to be left alone unsupervised even when she’s sealed in a tank. Bartholomew can be a feisty one, always watching for potential prey and flicking his tongue in anticipation, but Varmint knows just how to keep him tame and happy, being the snake whisperer she is.
5. After getting her career back on track, River Morganite eventually gets to a place where she can relax and pursue other interests, which includes adopting a macaw for companionship. Her name is Regina, which is short for Princess Regina Pluma Corona the First. She’s not quite as much of a diva as her name would suggest, as blue and gold macaws are known for being quite sociable. But she still wants to be the center of attention at all times, which is fine by River as they make quite a fabulous pair. She loves letting Regina perch upon her horns like she’s her crown…but she may have also accidentally taught her some curse words. Bloody hell.
6. Due to a mispronounced chant during one of her witch coven’s biweekly meetings, Milkweed has found herself the “mommy” of a giant, carnivorous plant that was once naught but a tiny sprout. When she tried to make the plant grow she didn’t expect it to grow this big, but she doesn’t regret this mistake one bit. Itsy Bitsy is as sweet as can be…to her at least, and to those that she has made clear she trusts. She wouldn’t let him hurt a fly though…I mean a pony, because he does eat flies. She loves to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider song to him while feeding him spiders, flies, and other bugs and small critters, as their special nightly tradition.
7. Eclipse’s best friend is a little hermit crab named Io, named after one of Jupiter’s moons but much preferring to hide from the great big universe around him. A feeling Eclipse can relate to all too well. They feel like the little crab understands them in this way and that brings them comfort. When they talk to Io about their day to get stuff off their chest, he just sits there with his cute little claws folded and listens, which is all Eclipse could ask for sometimes.
8. While not one individual pet, Snowcone is a friend of the butterflies, having started raising them as a form of therapy. It brings her great joy and comfort to be part of something bigger in contributing to the health of butterfly populations, but she also loves to watch them flutter around in freedom and peace for the sake of each individual. Glasswing butterflies are her favorite, looking so delicate yet being some of the most beautiful of all!
9. Rosemary has an ant farm! When she’s not out playing with Sandpiper, or visiting her grandparents and cousins, she loves nothing more than to sit down and watch her ants roam around, sometimes for hours. It’s so fun to see the inner workings of their lives in such a small box, and it’s a quiet activity that she sometimes prefers over the constant activity of family time.
10. Also not really a pet, but Amour Étreinte really has a charm with the birds and other woodland creatures! Almost everywhere she goes at least a few of them are following her, even in the Crystal Empire which doesn’t have any real forests. And every note she sings has the birds tweeting along in perfect tune. There’s something absolutely magical to it, a surprise and delight to many even in a world where magic is the norm. She’s a true Disneigh Princess!
11. Duchess Daisy Lace Raspberry III is the only dog who has ever been worthy of Best in Show, and anypony who even dares suggest otherwise is a jealous, vindictive bitch. She’s Southern Belle’s pride and joy but everypony else’s nightmare, with a nasty bark AND bite and a trail of slobber following her almost everywhere except when she has to look nice for the cameras. Even other dogs whine and cower in her presence. But Southern Belle is fine with that, in fact she’s downright proud of her dog’s reputation. That only means she’s the best of the best, just like her owner.
12. One might think that a high-society, somewhat snooty filly like Ingenue would have a sharp distaste for rodents, but that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to rats. They’re very clean, sociable and intelligent animals and she sees through all the myths that suggest they aren’t. She even has three of her own, a trio of sisters named Dolly, Dora, and Donna. Yes they look kind of alike, and yes their names are remarkably similar, but Ingenue will still get extremely insulted if you dare get them confused. If anything, their little tutus should be a dead giveaway to their individuality (and their owner’s fashion taste). 
13. If anyone would be the type to have a spoiled little dog who’s literally ancient and racks up thousands of bits in vet bills, it would be Saltwater Taffy. Little Gumdrop has hardly taken a single step outside of her purse in his 21 years of life because Taffy wouldn’t dare make him get his tender little paws dirty. Nor has he eaten a single bite of brand-name dog food because he deserves much better than that. (I’m exaggerating with the walking bit, he does get adequate exercise and is legitimately well taken care of despite also being coddled.) If Taffy dares leave him to fend for himself alone in her big, lavish castle, even for 10 minutes, he is absolutely beside himself. And in true Taffy fashion she enables all of it.  But the arrival of her daughter meant welcoming another new furry friend to the family. For Spring Palooza was born with some disabilities that required more assistance with mobility and pain management to help her achieve her best life, assistance which could be best provided by a service dog. Enter Jellybean, the slobbery, constantly-shedding, yet eternally easygoing Saint Bernard tasked with meeting Pally’s caretaking needs. Taffy didn’t expect to be the owner of a dog like this after choosing such a tiny, prissy little creature for herself, but it’s the breed Pally chose among the options presented for a service dog. And Taffy would do anything to make her little girl happy. As for Gumdrop’s opinion, Jellybean is his sworn enemy, but Jellybean has not a single clue about this feud.
14. Because of Stockholm’s love of all things historical, Discord thought it would be a great idea to gift her a real life prehistoric animal as a pet. Now. he could have been extra chaotic and pulled a Jurassic Park with some dinosaurs, but after seeing her get emotional over the evolutionary relationship between Joshua trees and the now-extinct giant ground sloth (Megatherium), he decided that was what he would create for her. Stockholm couldn’t be happier with his selection, loving nothing more than to lounge in the sloth’s favorite tree with her new friend who she’s named Coconut.
15. For as long as she could remember, Slumber Party had always wanted a cuddly little pet to call her own, but she couldn’t have one in the orphanage. But in her free time she did do some reading and decided pretty early on that she wanted some guinea pigs. So when she got adopted, it didn’t take long for her to successfully convince Luna to take her down to the pet store to pick out her new best friend. She settled on a bonded pair, who she’s quite fittingly named Snuggles and Cuddles. She could sit in her room for hours just watching them play and giving them lots of love!
16. As a young adult, Etheria decides to really lean into their gothic and intellectual side and get a pet raven, just like in the poems of old. Edgar lives up to expectations in being extremely intelligent, able to solve puzzles and even use tools to aid Etheria in her work. In her true blunt fashion, Etheria likes to pit their pet raven against her brother Raven, even though the latter is plenty intelligent in his own right. It’s all just affectionate teasing.
17. When he reaches his teenage and young adult years, Meteor Shower follows his mom’s hoofsteps in being a lover of reptiles and gets a badass-looking bearded dragon as a pet. Many reptiles are considered stereotypically masculine pets, especially when the owner is such a guys’ guy like Meteor, but despite his friends’ confusion his little lizard is actually a girl! Pepper is obviously completely indifferent to what she’s called, and is content being part of his aesthetic because it also comes with companionship and quality care.
18. After seeing how much Sahar adored the sea and all the colorful life teeming within, Heavenly Glow decided to give her the ultimate surprise for her birthday and commission a personal fish pond to be built just for her. Needless to say Sahar loved it; in fact, it’s one of her favorite birthday gifts she’s ever received! She loves to watch the fish explore their colorful little habitat, and Heavenly loves watching her love enjoy herself. Although, as something of a half-fish, Heavenly is surprised to find herself feeling slightly jealous when Sahar picks a favorite fish from the pond.
19. The apartment building they live in isn’t particularly welcoming towards pets, but even if it was, Minted Glacier and Blueberry Sticks probably wouldn’t have room to take care of one after putting all their time and money into raising Mint’s daughter. But a pet found its way into their lives anyway when a raccoon fell through their ceiling one day and Mint was unable to deny the begging of his daughter and sister. The young CheBe named him Stripy, but Blueberry has her mind in the gutter with her choice of spelling. Unsurprisingly, this literal wild animal soon proved to be too much to handle, so after less than a week Mint finally put his hoof down and “gave him to somepony with a bigger house” (released him in the wild).
20. Meet Polished Antique’s prized purebred Pekingese, the latest in a long line of esteemed show dogs. Her name is Priscilla Pearl (AKA PeePee), and she is the daughter of Jet Set’s dog William Warwick (AKA WeeWee). PeePee lives a very pampered life with only the most expensive dog food and most luxurious beds. But her whole lifestyle goes out the window when she finds anything even slightly edible on the ground, including literal garbage. Which is what Polly’s cooking looks and tastes like, but he doesn’t seem to realize that even when it sometimes sets the smoke alarms off. In his mind he’s just making his precious girl a special treat. And of course, her eager approval of such putrid sludge tells him absolutely nothing about the actual quality of his dishes.
21. While she doesn’t have a pet of her own, Luster Dawn has a pond behind her house that’s a popular attraction for ducks. When she’s not busy studying or spending time with Flurry, she likes to sit by the pond and meditate on its stillness during her breaks. When she’s lucky a duck will come by and accept her offering of corn and peas that she tosses into the water, and sometimes even a family! Seeing the little ducklings follow their parents reminds her of herself in a bygone era, but in a heartwarming way. She’s happy for them.
22. Following his family’s legacy, Bumblebee has healed many ponies and woodland creatures alike, but one case is extra special to him. One day he found an injured baby squirrel with no parents in sight and vowed to do whatever it took to nurse him back to health. He always tries to follow proper protocol to not hurt their chances of returning to their proper habitat, but he just couldn’t help but fall in love. He even gave the little critter a name, Theodore (AKA Teddy). The time eventually came to release Teddy back into the wild, despite how much it broke Bumble’s heart, but it only took Teddy a couple days to return and make it clear that he was staying. He wasn’t physically incapable of surviving alone, he just didn’t want to. Now he’s Bumblebee’s little companion and helper, and neither would have it any other way.
23. After her father died and it became clear that her family would be spending a lot more time at the rock farm, Limestone decided to buy a rooster for the place to keep everypony’s schedules on track (really because Applejack wanted a piece of Sweet Apple Acres there and she couldn’t say no). She named him Igneous as a homage to the late patriarch, even though this rooster is a lot more loud and boisterous than his namesake ever was. He technically belongs to the whole family, but aside from his parents, Mountain Peak is the one who enjoys interacting with him the most. He just needs to invest in some earplugs!
24. As if the universe didn’t hate Summer Beauty enough, it also made her allergic to literally every furry animal. Yes, even the hypoallergenic and hairless ones, it is possible. And she doesn’t particularly care for reptiles or fish so she hates that those are her only options if she doesn’t want to be sneezy or hopped up on allergy medicine all the time. Applejack (despite her own disappointment) tried giving Winona away to another branch of the Apple family when Summer was little and her allergies were first showing up. However, the filly was so utterly and despairingly beside herself that AJ realized Summer really would rather sacrifice her sinuses for her mental health. So Winona came back and now the family has another dog named Ryder, who Summer insists is “the only one around here who likes me anymore.” She loves him the most out of all her siblings and cries the hardest when he dies, and the allergies are only a small price to pay for his love.
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usagimen · 3 months
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               𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝?
Kobayashi Sayuri, Special Grade Sorcerer
            The enigma of the Kobayashi Clan, her origin story is shrouded in tragedy && a tale older than the land the family resides on. Beneath a sea of violet, Sayuri is fabled to be the only daughter of her lineage to break tradition && find herself at Tokyo Tech in a political gamble. From there forth, she would discover the familiarity of love && companionship through her peers, wishing to guard this precious freedom with the entirety of her heart, she swore to denounce the God within her && cave a legend of her own. A body to rival that of stone, with an even greater fortitude, she became known as the God Hand Sorcerer. In the ruins of Shibuya, through the midst of the flames, Sayuri weaponized the grief within her heart to claim ascension to Godhood. In a torrent of fury, sorrow && utmost agony for her failure, she commanded the firestorm becoming an inferno && transcending the limits of what a Kobayashi woman could be. Neither cursed nor blessed, she was the scale of judgment in the veil of darkness only the Eclipse could bring. She would never utter the monikers of the Honored One’s awakening, instead, her hymn was a warning; in this life one should not fear the abyss, but I alone, for now you will witness true horror.   
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flufflepantsart · 4 months
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Mocked up a fighting game character select screen using characters I've made
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glassautomaton · 1 year
Top 5 favorite story tropes? :]
I'm sorry I've spent so long sitting on this ask, but I really had to think about this one. Spoilers for Xenoblade below because this is me we're talking about. Also, I'm sorry if the specific examples I bring up somehow ruin your opinion of me, but I wouldn't mention anything I don't recommend.
This is the big one. I love characters that are outwardly stoic to the point of being inhuman. Maybe they buried their emotions deep down, maybe they convinced themselves they never had them in the first place, maybe they never truly did. Oh man. I love seeing them start to really feel, and rationalize it away, only for it to get harder day by day. Maybe they accept it in a quiet moment, accepting the kindness of another for the first time, or maybe it's an explosive culmination of a life not truly lived. There are so many ways to take it, and there are tropes within this trope, but whenever I see a character who's so stoic and unemotive as to be described as a life-sized doll, to whom insults and complements fall off like water against steel, I rub my greasy little hands together. Notable examples off the top of my head include, of course, Violet Evergarden, the titular character in one of two series I own on DVD just because I love it so much. Vivy from Fluorite Eye's Song also goes here, the main character in, you guessed it, the only other series I have on DVD (at great expense I mean come on Funimation it wasn't even a nice box set like Violet Evergarden). Recently, Alice Kuonji has been a character that scratches this itch for me, as I've been reading Mahoyo and just finished Chapter 10. Fuck, man.
Characters who are just so consumed by a task that they start to forget who they are. Bonus points if the task is violent. Always fun to see a character gradually lose the light behind their eyes [citation needed]. Everyone loves to see someone have something ripped away from them and try to fill that void with something that utterly consumes them until there's nothing left of what they were trying to hold onto in the first place. I'll bundle a character coming back from this brink in with this as well, with yet more bonus points if the character gets a warm hand to the cheek, the first kind gesture in years, and some variation of "You must be so tired." The Boar Boy, Dimitri Fire Emblem, is, of course, a fine example, but NieR: Automata is the prime example for me. Having two characters go about this arc in more or less opposite directions to end with "That's all there needs to be for us to kill each other" is just. *Chef's kiss*
This might be a pretty simple, tried-and-true trope, but magic swords of destiny are great when pulled off well. There are a few ways to do this, be it something the hero must go on a great quest for or something that only appears to those deemed worthy in one way or another. Recovering the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom is such a spectacle, on top of the story behind the blade's restoration, that I think it'll be a prime example of this trope done well even if it might be early to tell. Xenoblade also fucking whips when it comes to this trope. I mean, it's in the name. Shulk seizing his destiny to create a world with no gods, and wielding the Ontos Monado? Rex finally taking on the fear Pyra and Mythra carry and helping to shoulder their burden in a way even Addam failed to, and awakening Pneuma? Noah, finally accepting that if the world holds the lives of the people of Aionios back, he must end it, and unlocking the power of the Sword of the End? Peak. The Eclipse Homecoming/everything at the Ascension Grounds is probably going to be the top sequence of at least this console generation for me.
Who doesn't love a good breakdown? More specifically, when a normally put-together character has a breakdown, well-kempt hair falling into their face as they stagger around, cursing the sheer injustice of their situation. We love to see someone throwing their arms around, absolutely shrieking. Granted, these can easily feel forced or hammy if not built up to, but when a well-developed internal conflict finally reaches such an explosive and satisfying climax, or when a character has a beloved thing or unimpeachable ideal ripped away from them, seeing a satisfying blowup can get you excited for what comes next for the character like nothing else. I don't have that many examples off the top of my head, but even though I mentioned Xenoblade 3 already it's worth mentioning the most cucked man in all of fiction. I have a video of him screaming saved on my phone and the dialogue in each scene memorized.
This one is kind of odd, and I'm not even sure if it's really a trope so much as an emotion, but things that leave me just feeling hollow after I finish them are special. I can't really go into things looking for this, but when it hits, it hits like nothing else. Not sad, just empty. Utterly hopeless. Questioning what the point was. I won't give any specifics, but after I beat Signalis, an amazing horror game, I just laid awake in bed until like 4:30 that night. I wasn't even particularly scared, it just left that much of an impact on me. What a special, special game.
I ended up leaving some stuff out as they were too broad and/or overlapped significantly with things I listed. I love stories about androids, but the search for 'humanity,' in whatever form it may take, is a major appeal that's also covered by my first point. Violet Evergarden is basically an android show, as nobody who I've show the show to can tell if Violet is a human for a good four episodes. Alice is pretty different than the other examples I listed, and doesn't quite fit into that trope as cleanly, though the magecraft equivalent to androids, Homunculi like Irisviel von Einzbern, do a better job of displaying their emotions (bisexuality) than Alice. Similarly, I left out redemption/corruption arcs as I sort of touched on those in the second point.
If you have any questions/additions/recommendations about anything, feel free to send them in. This was a great ask, and really fun to type up.
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Okay, I had this weird idea: Would you write a Mafia Au with the fraction leaders with Sukuna that was doing some meeting over something? I'm curious to how you will write that.
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((Hmm? A Mafia au idea with the leaders, their fractions and sukuna? Hmmm, I think I can write something like that. Just a moment. Some of the fractions, leaders, and Sukuna belong to me.))
((While some of the fractions and their leaders belong to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
Another day, another meeting. Sukuna was sitting in his chair having hands resting on the desk while he was sitting at a table with some other guests. He agreed to speak to the leaders from the other mafia fractions in NYC. So, he's in a meeting with them talking to them. Each one took over a territory while one was outside of New York but it was ruled they were to meet ever 2 years in 4 months for this for a update.
"Alright, I see what your all talking about here. Though, I'm shocked your not trying to ask for extensions to your sections. You all already got that didn't you or did you need another boost? So greedy.." Sukuna sighed seeing the other mafia leaders but one sighed to speak.
"Were not asking for some damn increase, Sukuna. You said you were going to leave us be. I get your asking for some update but everytime you do, it's like your asking for trouble." Mafia demon leader Van ink the dragon of the DBT was annoyed and that was rare for her. Her fraction was quiet sitting on the side but didn't speak unless asked.
"You sound like you are, Miss Ink. I already explains to you and.." he eyes the other leaders, "Your 'friends' are allowed to do what you wish as long as you help me with what I request. You do that...we have no problem." he warns.
"Even so, you already made demands for us to help you with some things. So why not just let us be?" Jinx Violet, the mafia demon leader of the cursed vixens. Her team was quiet looking at their leader.
"..And you think I'm wrong?" he said to the two young women. "Or do I need to remind you both as the others in this damn room about my requests?"
"You don't need to do that." Mafia demon leader Joshua Star said while sitting by Mafia demon leader Ashley butterfly. Both leaders of the Knights of darkness and Shallow butterflies. Their fractions said nothing as well.
"We did the requests like you asked. Were not trying to cause a problem." Mafia demon leader Guam great said with his own fraction, The Upstanders Campaign. "He's right! We did what you said so why are you asking for another update!?" Fin Reer, mafia demon leader of the Lupins said slamming his fist on the table annoyed. Sukuna really is a asshole.
"He's right! We did your damn requests already! You said you would leave us be!" Kali vin-shia, mafia demon leader of The Elite Anthem said with Rex oxford mills, mafia demon leader of the season demon warriors fraction remains quiet.
"Their right. Please, you already got what you asked for. We are trying to stay out of your way after doing the tasks you requested." Willow phoenix, mafia demon leader of the elemental phoenix feathers said with Ethan gaol, mafia demon leader of the Seekers Tribe said nothing.
"We only ask if you just leave us be! I understand you agreed if we do simple tasks for you, you would leave us be for the time your asking for and now your trying to extend it!" Yuuka Nakano, mafia demon leader of The Dark Eclipse nightshades
"......" Matt Knack, mafia demon leader of the lovely horrors remains silent as the others were trying to ask Sukuna or demand he leaves them be. He already got what he asked for so what else could he want?! He said nothing hearing the leaders arguing in the meeting room but it got him annoyed before it got louder and louder until..
"ENOUGH!!" He roars banging his fist on the desk cracking it that made the leaders stop speaking or tense. They felt his power in that room, even making their teams nervous now.
"......I know what I said but now I'm increasing the request. You punks think you know what it takes to run the fucking world? You don't.....You all should be thanking me for at least letting you still keep your areas without me forcing you all out." he saw the fraction leaders silent now.
"Besides, each one of you spoken to me privately so you know what I'm asking for. You did what I said for the time limit yes but for that, you know our contract. If you want to keep your sections, you will still do what I ask. You all know that..don't you?"
"........." The leaders did but said nothing now sitting back down quietly as Sukuna stood up but begins walking from his chair. "I know you all hate this but it's an agreement we made. I already know your main heads of your mafia gangs so don't start shit I already know. For my request, I'm making it where you'll all have to triple your increase intake to double what you do. If it involves the police you will be helping me with it." he looks to one of Ink's members, Shdwkyz who looks quiet avoiding his gaze. He hated when he asked him for a task or having Ink tell him. Even so, he didn't like it. Looking away from the snake, Sakuna keeps walking.
"And making sure the police don't catch on. You all agreed it won't lead back to me. I'm still the head mafia in this damn city and I demand you respect that. Even if your not part of New York. I'm still known throughout other areas." he said looking to Matt, Willow, and Ethan.
"....We already know about that, Sukuna. We know but even so-"
"What? You think it's easy to keep everything under wraps..do I have to remind you all that I did help some of you. Both leaders and some teammates. You still under my rules so don't get too cocky." he growls but no one said nothing.
"So you get it. You get me the information I ask for, other tasks, etc. For me..and I won't end up hunting your fraction down and demanding it. We get it right?" he said but the leaders said nothing. "Do I need to repeat myself?" he orders.
"...No.." the leaders said quietly.
"..Good. Now, you take your new updated contracts and get out of my sight. I'll expect to hear from you all soon." he said as he snaps his fingers, showing some of his members leading the fractions out. However......"The leaders stay..I need to give one last word." he said seeing them stop to look behind. They tense seeing Sukuna's eyes glowing blood red.
"I expect you all to follow that new contract...because if not..you know what will happen.." he warns but everyone understood but quickly leaves as the doors close. The mafia demon leaders said nothing but anger and fear was felt. Sukuna was a king but even he was someone not to mess with.
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dawn-of-worlds · 1 year
One Last Day
Corobel starts turn 20 with 8 points: 2 (roll) + 1 (nonhoarding) + 5 (left over)
[Anyway, this is a bit late, but it's certainly my final contribution, and finality lends itself to procrastination.]
Command Avatar (-1): A night-singer “poison child” (one of those born with the holy curse of poisonous skin), living in the south-east of Incarien, resolves that his people’s passive and mystical role in history should resolve itself into something a little more imperial. His name is Left-Eye, of the Eighth Green Choir. It is well that history will ever but rest on the cusp of this unfolding, for it is a course of keen and unenumerable suffering.
[This is a resonance of the Two Stars, of course. Another fact about the Night-Singers: some of them will tell you, and some outsiders may even believe, that they may take any shape they please when they metamorphose: they simply choose the frog, every time, because it is the most perfect of all possible forms.]
Command Avatar (-1): The Heresiarch Juzan, an Oracle, retreats with a small circle of followers to a wind-swept temple-city in the Bone Wastes. Atop the lonely columns of a devastated acropolis, beneath a blue-and-orange evening sky, he founds a circle of ruin-worshippers, devoted to the cycle of history—the immortal crown of the world, that which encloses all things, which winnows the real from mere alternatives. For the endless tragedy which is time’s passage, the Ruined Church will mourn; in the liminal places, where the past and present mingle, they will keep their vigil. Besides the Sky, they venerate Omeara, Laneth, and Tepponilamek.
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[Elihu Vedder, The Questioner of the Sphinx, Wikimedia Commons]
Command Avatar (-1): Strange incidents of possession spring up across the world. Eyes glow; voices boom; and the light that pours forth from wounds is certainly not the sun.
[Some False-Fires have started kindling smaller, falser fires in mortals; this is somewhat like possession, and the signs may only burst forth intermittently. The Fire may be transmitted in sublime and transcendent experiences in which a False-Fire is (generally covertly) involved (“you think that was a shooting star you wished on?”). Depending on the nature of the parent fire, the victim may become a violent menace, a furtive recluse, or a cryptic plotter. Over time, the victim’s insides will burn and melt away; eventually, a Pale Imitation of the parent fire will slough off its skin and emerge, flickering.]
Command Avatar (-1): Under the sponsorship of the Court of the Two Skies and the tutelage of Págar astronomers, beside the Violet Chambers and the Red Palace, an Ultimate Observatory is built on the city-palace’s mountain outskirts. Among other functions, it aims to calculate certain details about the Hatestar.
[Anyway, because there’s no point in thinking this up and not writing it down, and it’s been sitting in a notes doc for months: The Secret of the Moon is otherness, unknowability, finitude; it is, by definition, what may not be known. This is what gives human life its discrete and coherent existence, what made the sun finite and birthed the moon; it may not be spoken until the last day because its final expression is the end of the world and the revelation of what lies beyond it—the final decision.]
Command City (-2): In Meridian, the Occidental city ruled by prophecy and taboo, a vast mechanical calendar, the Garden of Years and Days, is constructed. The upper portion, visible to the public, displays unequalled power in predicting eclipse and comet, solstice and equinox; but most is not visible. What, in its hidden depths, do its oracles contemplate? Does it show them the weather to come, the harvests, the plagues? The turning of empires? The fate of the world? And what do they, of all people, need with an abacus?
Command Order (-2): Since I never got around it it, I’m taking the opportunity to specify some things about the Celebrants: tools of which they have the use, lies told about them. These are below the readmore.
0 points remain.
[Oligo did a wonderful thing in starting this game. It’s been a pleasure; I have been consistently amazed by the quality of ideas and expression people have poured into it—the god concepts, the writing, the excellent coastlines. I think we did a good job.]
Their reputation; legends which shadow them
They are calculating, ruthless, and mercurial, rigidly following strange designs, with an affection for aestheticized violence; their political program involves a vision of an ideal society, but also of an ideal history—and that involves destruction as well as creation.
No, really, when they appear in the epics, it’s often with stuff like the following: “It is given to you to separate holy from unholy. Which part of the man was holy, and which unholy? And the Celebrant said, ‘the soul was holy; the body profane. Mark you that I have divided these with absolute precision.’”
If their actions seem to contradict each other—well, some things resolve themselves only from an Ultimate Perspective.
In the beginning, there were 30 days in every month, but two were given away to make the Crown and Veil.
Creation's last day will involve the most beautiful sunset anyone will ever see.
Things they have; things they make
Blessings of wakefulness and watchfulness.
The fruit that the Great Flowering Tree still bears, which remains a potent ecdysteroid.
The great illustrated books of religious passages, parables, and apocrypha on which secular rulers pride themselves; these are called Florilegia.
The rare Suspension of Disbelief, ground snakeskin in chrysalis-fluid and Oracle-tears, which allows the drinker to see through falsehoods. Indulged in to excess—a temptation for those of a morbid and neurotic disposition—it strips away all of so-called reality, allowing sight only of the basic and terrible truth of Being. This is a terrible inconvenience.
The peacocks which wander the lawns around the Arboretum, in bright-skied Azimuth; the chameleons inside.
Its penultimate room, where paradoxes are resolved; it is in its inmost sanctum that the Morning Star and Evening Star became gods. It is open to the sky, but any who fly above it see nothing.
Colors too rich to bear, which draw blood to them in sympathy, which make the chest bloom and the heart leap out.
The power which commands a thousand kinds of sunlight: as it filters through waters and leaves, glints off snow, shines through the pure air of the mountain's peak.
The Eye of the Beholder—wherever it may be.
Things they can do; things that may happen to them
Your image imposes itself permanently upon mirrors.
Your vision breaks mirrors; you must wear a blindfold.
Your reflection is always smiling.
Your face, like Borges’s Zahir, cannot be forgotten. Perhaps it is always visible. Perhaps one who looks upon you will see every face as your face.
You draw all color in your presence into yourself; things pale before you; you may even be the only visible thing in any given room.
You may wield the Glancing Blow, in which a gaze long suppressed bursts forth with terrifying finality.
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yuuugay · 1 year
I had this grand and stupid idea for a hot while now,,,I could make an IF based off the world in my comic story that doesnt exist. yet.
Everything would have a lot of greenery, thinking of crawling vine son the walls, leaves, more leaves and a copious amount of greenery. The architecture would be pillars, pearlescent walls reminiscnet of old greek buildings
but coding....idk that, idk them, let alone twine coding which is what i wanna do which is, according to a number of twine if authors is apparently, kinda, pretty hard and i cannot do that jnbdjdfjedf
i just wanna make the interface pretty with those cool lil side bars filled with information, and small lil character portraits when u click on their name that i could draw....
anyways, will have ros because im a pure romantic at heart, so 4 of them.
one of them a main cast for the sequel that doesnt exist yet, but i think i could maybe do it, but just sadly a 3am idea i had at the time fndsjfkwejnf. And if people do want to read it, i could add their mc in the comic story as students nsdjbajf thatd be fun
The title would be 'Spring nostalgia' and the sequel is called 'Begin Again'
*RO descriptions*
'Aster White' of the Astral eyes (NB They/Them) *the drawing at the bottom is their design, well old design*
Sinewy build, average height, long lashes with violet eyes, long hair of pale blue snow with pale skin. Voice is of a velvety Baritone.
An unusual individual, some say outright creepy. Their actions leave a lot to be desired. Yet still loved by their fellow council members. The group you will inevitably get to face personally if you ever choose to tangle yourself with them.
But they are of human blood, a purely non magical race. How can one contain the power of the aether while being the race whose blood cannot intertwine with those of magic? Let alone one of a house bereft of magical lineage? Are they cursed? tainted? possibly a product of magical experimentation?
Yet all assumptions are thrown out the window once you see their 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯, terrific skill of the rapier. And an even more terrifying talent for turning thin air into frigid ice. One cannot refute such primal talent as that!
But at the end of the day, they are an old soul at heart. Perhaps even wiser than the oldest of individuals.
'Cerulean Night' of House Night (He/Him)
Lean build, with some muscle definition. Very tall height, vibrant yellow eyes, curly ear neck length deep green hair, with iridescent green scales gracing their unmarred russet skin. Voice is of a steady tenor. Yet can sound truly whiny at times.
A truly proud man, some say annoyingly so, but many swoon nonetheless. A gifted man of powerful naga blood, the most scarce of races in the Daylight sphere. Making him revered by many just by blood alone.
Talented in the art of compulsion and of the lance. Yet even without compulsion, his charisma and passionate heart is enough to make you do things for him.
"Truly a feat fitting for House Night!" One admirer said.
"Truly the pride of House Night!" Another repeated.
"The shining sapphire of House Night." One lovestruck individual uttered quietly.
"Always the perfect son of House Night!" His own father said to him.
A...𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 son of House Night.
'Clancy Rosetta Thornewall' of House Thornewall (She/Her)
Muscular build, yet soft at the same time. Stands at a head shorter than Cerulean. Gorgeous opalescent eyes, beautifully waved long golden hair with scarred sun-kissed skin. Jewel studded ears. Voice is of iron-willed alto.
A beauty only to be expected from full elven blood! Only ones of 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 blood can achieve.
But fear eclipses her bright qualities. Many say she's intimidating, so intimidating that her mere presence can drive people away before she even tries to utter a simple greeting.
Why does she try when time and time again all she ever receives is a cold shoulder and open fear?
But tell me, what makes a woman who enjoys long walks under the bright sun, trains with a greatsword so passionately it rivals the heat of the sun, and someone who sits on the sand with a melancholic expression so terrifying?
Wouldn't be the case if not for someone who is accused of the decimation of her entire bloodline. A sin deserving of death.
As nothing is more precious than bloodline.
'Sage Wanless' of House...Wanless (He/Him, She/Her)
Stocky build, average height, eyes of barely contained rage, an intense pure crimson, shoulder length raven hair and ash colored skin as if the 'hollow' has touched their entire being. Both ears lightly tapered at the top, but their left ear, raggedly cut is shown. Voice is of a raspy bass/contralto.
"They are 𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥!" someone had boldly cursed at them. Being tainted is a sin of sins. One who is tainted, touched by darkness should not be allowed to walk amongst the gentle warmth of the daylight sphere. Yet they remained seemingly unbothered. Even as their eyes had started to spark a dangerous fire that promised chaos, one that would inevitably combust one day.
But when you pass by, why those eyes turn from a raging flame to a mere gentle candlelight laced with longing.
But you don't know them, do you?
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dethvoid · 2 years
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She sits on the rooftop of the Shop, chilled zephyrs strolling through the air and her locks. Gilded rays of the setting sun kisses her cheeks, reflecting in her emerald eyes. Cogged heart pounds, thuds, THUNDERS; a crescendo rising in swirling jovial warmth of oranges and yellows, fuschias and bursting baby blues. She waits. Waits for dusk to come. Waits for him.
And he waits in turn.
For the clouds to eclipse the sun, for the moon to overtake the skies. For the skyline to sway from orange to scarlet, and dissolve to violet and blue. The shadow waits for night.  He lurks in every crevice of the roof she sits on, all of him hidden between the cracks of asphalt shingles and the space beneath the boards of an ill-gotten accident long ago that had carved a hole in the roof. 
The devil watches her silhouette, able to see her sun-kissed hair spun gold by the sun, her face hidden beneath the basking light. What it would be like to see each colour reflected in her viridescent eyes, her expression as she watches the sunset. Imagination roams to fill the gaps, the attempt to stifle his ingrowing impatience goes to no avail. 
He muses in the wake of biding his time, wonders if she can feel him near---No matter how thin his presence was scattered in the shade. Would she be able to hear the darkness call out to her? The ceaseless whispers of I’m here,  I’m here with you now,  please never forget I’m here.
A risk is taken by the first shred of violet; the shadows collect together just behind Ivory, herself a shield to her lover, the protector, even when unbeknownst. Strength wanes, his form shimmers and dissolves with the pinpricks of light until he angles himself in a crouch just right. This form, this body not his own, an illusion he’s trapped in / he curses it.
The benefits though, to be able to wrap his arm against Ivory waist and pull her close to him, ( ignore the flits of smoke emitting from his hand, caught against the final flecks of sun ). His head buried to her neck, he pushes against blonde tresses to lay a kiss upon her neck / to the mark etched in skin. Their eternal bond. 
❝ Meus. ❞  Mine, as I am yours.  ❝ How long have you been up here? ❞
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