raydrawsdaly · 4 months
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Ad Astra Per Aspera...
Featuring @whirligig-girl's character Guz—plus Martinez and Dyani—from their days in the academy! Of course, Guz was the only one who chose to remain in her cadet uniform during their off-campus outing... She's a goo-ber.
(Bonus: cadet uniforms!)
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peppermint-pimp · 1 year
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whirligig-girl · 6 months
2379 March 19th
The air had a distinct chill to it by now, and Guz looked all around her as the sky took on an almost silvery cast. Gaps in the trees at the edge of the clearing acted as pinhole cameras, producing hundreds of little bright crescents onto the ground and onto the shuttlepod.
"I told you we'd be in the path of totality," Marta said, nudging Guz on the arm and pointing up at the sky. She tapped a button on her clear glass visor, and it suddenly became reflective and metallic. "Look at that. Any minute now." The Sun was now just a slim crescent, the Moon covering nearly all of it.
“Augh…” Guz said, rubbing her arms, “sorry I questioned your navigation skills.”
“Good,” Marta said.
"We have precisely three minutes and twelve seconds, by my count," Dyani said.
Guz had her telescope, a 5" catadioptric astrograph, set up on an equatorial mount, with a tunable Herschellian Wedge serving as a solar filter and heat rejection system. She was used to handholding her telescope, but with only three minutes of totality, she didn't want to take any chances. The holographic eyepiece she'd been using had dutifully captured full spectrum imagery of Sol and before the partial eclipse began she had tuned through the different visible wavelengths in the passthrough lens, allowing her, Marta, and Dyani to see prominences and filaments in Sol’s chromosphere, as well as detailed sunspots in its photosphere. Marta, having evolved around this especially hot star, could even make out the magnetically active plages in the deep-violet Calcium-K line, but Guz's eye lenses had a slight green-yellow tint which blocked far-violet, and Dyani's Vulcan eyes could barely even see blue--though she reported detail in the deep-red Hydrogen-Alpha view which astounded Marta and Guz. No matter--once the eclipse was over Guz would be able to process all of the spectral bands and find more appropriate wavelengths to display them in.
Guz was anxious, and she paced back and forth, shaking her wrists. They made an almost cartoonish literal slapping and sticking sound and she went, which was nice, because it was both tactile and auditory. She went back to the telescope, but she tripped on the tripod.
Guz emitted a gargling warbling sound which Marta was pretty sure was a mellanoid curse word, and she scrambled to fix the telescope’s alignment.
“AUGH!” she said “I messed up the polar alignment! It won’t track now…”
Marta stood up from her chair, and grabbed her canes. She walked up to Guz and put an arm on her shoulder. “Hey, Eaurp, don’t worry. The important thing isn’t the holos.”
“Actually the holos are incredibly important! I know you and Dyani are just here for fun, but I’m doing this for my Astro-251 class. I have to get these images!”
“Eaurp,” Dyani said. “It is unnecessary to fret. Professor Frederick made it clear that terrans have a long history of ‘eclipse madness’--”
“But I’m not a terran!”
“It is not a matter of the species, so much as the circumstance. As you are always so quick to remind us, Earth is the only known inhabited planet with a natural satellite that appears the same size as its parent star. The eclipses are rare and last only minutes,” Dyani said.
“Yeah girlie, you got the eclipse madness,” Marta said, “Just calm down for a minute. You’ll find a way to make up your project.”
Guz put her face in her hands, then looked up and began fiddling with her PADD to try and fix the alignment.
Guz tapped her combadge. "Cadet Guz's log, stardate 56212, continued. Terrans call it March 19th 2379. Local time is… 12:32. We are here in the Italian countryside, a minute away from totality, and I just bumped my telescope off of Sol. I have missed all three total eclipses that have occurred on Earth during my time here. This is my last year, and so my last shot. Everything has to go just right.”
“Forty seven seconds,” Dyani reported. Guz checked her chronometer. Dyani’s mental timing was ‘only’ two seconds off.
“Stop fiddling with that thing and just relax!” Marta said.
“NO! I HAVE TO SEE THE CORONA UP CLOSE!” Guz shouted, and she buried her eye into the holograph’s pass-through. “Ok! I see Sol and Luna!” Guz said. “This alignment will have to do…”
Guz watched as the last slivers of white sunlight disappeared. She looked up, and during that last moment, the entire world changed around her. She was standing in twilight, but with the sky orange all around her. She looked around. The animals were reacting wildly, with twitters and chirps and ribbiting from the local fauna, likely confused as to why the Sun went out in the middle of the day.
When Guz had first set foot on Earth, it was very literally an alien planet. But it still had blue skies, white clouds, deep blue seas, and green foliage (albeit much dryer and less sticky than she had been accustomed to).
The planet Guz was standing on right now was not Mellanus, not Italian Earth, and certainly not Luna--it was an entirely unique world, one which only existed for minutes at a time. Guz was standing on Planet Eclipse.
Guz looked up and shouted. “Hah! LOOK! LOOK AT THAT! THE CORONA!” 
Nothing could have prepared her for it. The corona was a silvery halo that extended from the apparent black hole in the sky in all directions, with concentrated hairlike filaments stringing out from reddish pink spots on the black circle’s limb. 
Before the eclipse, Sol had been white with a few dark specks and surrounded by darkness, but this thing was nearly its inverse: black, with a few tiny starlike dots inside of it, surrounded by a pale ghostly light. The Sun had disappeared, and something completely alien took its place. Intellectually, Guz knew that all stars--even Zwo-nmu--had coronae, but this was the first time she’d seen the corona with her own two eyes. She supposed it wouldn’t have to be the last--maybe next time she was in space she’d try to blot out the sun with her finger.
Guz could make out four starlike points, one to the left of the Sun, and three to the right. “Look! Look! There’s the other planets! The bright ones are Jupiter and Venus!”
She looked down and around again to see Marta sitting in the grass just staring up at the thing, her visor completely transparent. Dyani had taken her visor off entirely and stared, silently.
“WAIT! NO! The uh! The filter!” Guz said. She hadn’t remembered to remove the filter from her telescope. She scrambled back to the telescope, and twisted a dial on the Herschellian Wedge. The view through the passthrough eyepiece brightened up by 100,000 times and Guz actually saw the corona, magnified 50 times, in unfiltered, uncompressed detail. The detail was so delicate and intricate. Guz could now see the row of cilia-like prominences to the left, which Dyani had seen so easily before but which she and Marta had been unable to detect. In true color, Sol’s chromosphere was magenta, not the spectral red she had seen before in the H-alpha. As Guz’s eyes adjusted, she could even make out Luna’s city lights. She recognized Tycho City, and New Berlin immediately.
“Dyani, how much time do we have left?” Guz said.
After a moment, Dyani replied. “We should have another two minutes of totality left.”
Guz looked away from the eyepiece to get another look at the gaping hole in the sky where the Sun should be.
And then, in an instant, the corona disappeared entirely. A bead of intense white light bore into Guz’s retina, and she immediately flipped her visor down.
Guz’s hands shook. Then she slowly began to smile. “THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE!” she shouted, and she began to jump up and down. Her hair went jiggly. Dyani looked at her with a blank stare, and Guz felt a little shy and stopped her celebrations. “I just can’t believe Mellanoids were robbed of this.”
“It is a remarkable celestial coincidence. The diurnal stellar eclipses visible on the T’khut-facing hemisphere of Vulcan do not capture the character of 40 Eridani A’s corona so completely, nor do they produce an atmosphere of such… eerie character.”
“Marta! Marta! Was it different to a Solar Eclipse on Luna?” Guz said, turning around.
Marta was still on the floor, rubbing her eyes, sobbing quietly to herself.
“Marta?” Guz said.
Marta reached out for a hand. Guz gave her a hand and pulled her up. Marta sniffled.
“Are you okay?” Guz said.
Marta just nodded. She didn’t look ok. Guz looked at Dyani, who just shrugged. Marta wiped her eyes again. Guz picked up Marta’s canes, and she walked back to her chair to take a seat.
Guz returned to her telescope. The herschel wedge had not been re-enabled. The holographic eyepiece was fried.
Guz stuttered a little. “Oh. Uh. Dyani. Um. There weren’t two minutes left.”
“It was probably more like. Um. Two seconds. So the uh. The holograph is ruined.”
“Damn,” Dyani said.
“Haha. Yeah. Um. That coulda been my eye, haha…”
“Then it is fortunate you were not looking through the eyepiece at the end of totality.”
Guz checked her PADD to make sure the data was streamed properly to her recorder. When she was convinced that it was, she turned off the telescope and began packing it back up into the Class 2 Shuttlepod. By the time she finished, the sky had grown brighter; the air warmer. 
When she was done, she sat down on the grass next to Marta’s chair, and put her visor back on. Luna no longer covered so much of Sol.
“It was… I don’t even know how to describe it…” Marta said. “I mean I’ve… I’ve seen solar eclipses before. And they’re beautiful from Luna, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all so different when you’re on Earth.”
“It’s a shame I won’t ever have the chance to see a solar eclipse on the Moon,” Guz said. “Well, I mean, I have seen one, it’s just, when you’re on Earth, we call it a Lunar Eclipse.”
“I’ve even seen terran eclipses before,” Marta said. “They don’t look like anything special from all the way up there. Just a little dark spot going across Earth. When I was younger, I wondered what terrans were so hyped up about, you know? But I get it.”
“Indeed,” Dyani said, “the air temperature does drop noticeably during stellar eclipses due to the reduction in insolation. It is cool shit.”
“Omen doesn’t do that! When Omen got close to Mellanus, it was a lot like Luna--but a lot brighter. But it never goes in front of Zwo-nmu!”
“Why?” Marta said.
“It is a simple consequence of Mellanus’ coorbital trajectory,” Dyani said.
“Closest thing we get to eclipses is when Cold Ember transits Zwo-nmu and if you have really good vision you can see it with just a dark visor as a little dot.”
“I remember going out in my EV suit after finishing an early morning delivery in Oceanus Procellarum one time when I was 13,” Marta said. “The Sun hadn’t risen, but off to the east I could see this faint gray glow. I turned off my suit lights and just stared at the glow, with everything else almost black, just lit a little by the crescent Earth. The milky way was out, but this gray glow was even brighter than it. I kept watching it, even as my suit began to get freezing cold, I sat down on a little boulder a few meters from my shuttle. As I waited; it must have been almost an hour, I saw just about a quarter of a silvery circular halo. I saw a tiny hint of magenta come over the mountain in the distance, and before I knew it, the world exploded into light as the Sun came up. I had the ghost image in my eye for an hour after that. Made getting home a little harder.”
“Wow,” Guz said.
���In principle, what we have just witnessed was a sunset and a sunrise on Luna, just much farther away,” Dyani said.
“A couple years later I saw my first solar eclipse--what Terrans call a Lunar eclipse--and I realized what that ghostly glow was. But even then, I couldn’t see the corona all at once. Earth blocked half of it at a time,” Marta said. “But still I figured that the whole landscape around you turning orange-red from all of Earth’s sunrises and sunsets shining on the Moon more than made up for seeing the corona all at once.”
“Does it?” Dyani asked.
“It’s different when you’re standing out in the open without a space suit. You’re not in this temperature-controlled little box. It all feels… so much more real. The Sun shining right on my face, the air gets real chilly…”
“Is that why you were having an emotional reaction?” Dyani said.
“What? No. Not quite,” Marta said. “I dunno. Maybe. But I just realized, during totality, that that wasn’t just a big bite taken out of the Sun. That’s my home up there. I’ve seen it from space hundreds of times. But never like that.”
“Yeah…” Guz said.
“The Nevasan eclipses visible on Vulcan are similar to a Solar eclipse as viewed from Luna,” Dyani said. “Except the partial phase lasts minutes and the total phase lasts over an hour. It is essentially a brief second night time. 40 Eridani A’s corona is not visible for much of the eclipse.”
“My only other chance to see any eclipses was when I was doing survival training on Andoria, but they had us on Andoria’s far side and the one solar eclipse we would have seen due to an occultation by an outer moon, we were stuck inside the ice caves. Apparently Andorians don’t consider solar eclipses worth interrupting work for. Plus, 40 Eridani B is a white dwarf, so it’s not like its corona is actually visible. Also--you know how our shadows got weirdly sharp in the last minutes before totality? It’s like that all the time on Andoria. So at least there’s that.”
Guz looked down at the ground, then back up at the slowly brightening crescent Sun, and then at the dirt below her feet. The leaves of the trees still projected crescent-shaped images on the ground. Guz held her hair out, and bubbled it up, wondering if the green-tinted caustics cast on the ground would behave similarly.
“It was certainly one hell of an expedition to close out our senior years,” Dyani said.
“There she goes with the colorful language again,” Marta muttered.
“Perhaps you should speak up so Eaurp can hear you,” Dyani said.
They were arguing again. Guz didn’t think Dyani liked her very much, but she definitely didn’t seem to get along with Marta. “Thanks for coming out to Italy with me for this,” Guz said.
“Yeah,” Marta said. “It was… an adventure.”
“The Italian peninsula is home to many interesting historical sites. Perhaps we should visit some of them,” Dyani said. “For example, the fallen tower of Pisa.”
“Touristy nonsense, it’s just a field full of a bunch of people pretending to try to lift it back upright,” Marta said.
“I wanted to see it. Anyway we should probably start with finding any town, since our shuttlepod isn’t flying any time soon,” Guz said.
Marta gave Dyani some side-eye.
“That was not my fault,” Dyani said.
And yes, there really will be a total solar eclipse visible in Afroeurasia on March 19th, 2379 (at about 12:30 in Italy.)
Marta Martinez and Dyani were two of Guz's classmates at Starfleet Academy. In fact, Dyani was Guz's roommate. Dyani is @raydrawsdaly's OC. Marta and Guz are my OCs.
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nolantan · 3 days
Chapter 4 The Dragons
“Get out and don’t come back!”
Jnoque (Jin-no-k) is broken out of his thoughts by a giant green paw in his face baping him on the nose “ Jnoque you’ve been staring again!” Said a green and brown dragon with a flower on her ear “ Oh sorry Dponá.” She ruffled his white hair which was in a small bun he giggled
Jnoque used to be a human but stumbled upon the wrong cave touched the wrong magical object and cursed him to be half-dragon. Now he's got sharp gray ears, purple dragon eyes, and a dragon tooth.
" This is our first patrol of our borders Jnoque" She flaps her two sets of wings excitedly.
Jnoque smiles and he hops on her back and Dponá struts around trying to be like a guard.
After a while, they hear footsteps and hide behind a bolder.
Aurora, Dyani, and Slor stop running, panting.
" That was a close one.." Dyani says tiredly.
Slor looks at Aurora's star clip " How did your clip do that??" Aurora takes it off and holds it " I don't know it hasn't done that before.."
" Where did you get it?"
" My... mom gave it to me...." she puts it back on.
Dyani looks at his map " We should be close." Aurora sweating takes it and uses it to fan herself " Yeah I can feel it too you'd think 'cause of how high we are it would be more cool up here."
Watching them Jnoque and Dponá don’t notice that her tail is sticking out.
But Aurora does “ Hey who’s there!” Dponá quickly tries to hide better.
Then, she quickly finds herself at their line of site.
“Um hi..” she says waving nervously as Jnoque facepalms.
"Wait you are a dragon!" Dyani happily points out.
" Who are you and why are you in the dragon clan territory??" Jnoque asks.
Slor looks at him trying to figure out where she’s seen him.
“ We need help from the dragons.” Aurora exclaims
“ We’re not supposed to let anyone in..” “It’s really important!”
Then a big purple and yellow dragon comes.
“ What’s the problem here?” He sees the group “A human and both Fawns together??” “ Iquén ( I-qwen) they say that they need our help,” Jnoque says looking up at him.
Iquén sees Aurora’s star clip and perks up “How do you?-“ he gestures for them to follow.
Confused they do.
Back in the artic, Iceal is gathering his thoughts after what had happened.
Walking through the snow Aurora stumbled upon the chef's hut now normally she tried to avoid this place as much as possible she hated the chef of the Winter Fawn Iceal but this time she heard voices inside and decided to eavesdrop.
"So you say this weapon will get me what I want?.."
"Yes but since The Frostbite has been sealed away for so long it will take a long time to regain strength.."
"That's fine I am patient I can still freeze the world."
Aurora peaks in and sees Iceal with this sharp sword with a black-and-white gradient and blue glow. Next to him was what looked like a spirit he was all icy and floating.
The second she looked at him her star clip glowed and the spirit locked eyes with her.
"It seems we have a little eavesdropper!~" Iceal grabs Aurora " You..you've always been a troublemaker!"
Aurora struggles and shakes as Iceal points the sword at her she can feel the cold aura of it and it is too much for her even with her crystal.
"It would be rude to not introduce myself I am Glacius Frostbane spirit of The Frostbite. You are in luck child to see us reshape this world--" he stops when he sees the star on her head " The Solar Crest…" The star creates a black shield that pushes Iceal and Glacius back.
Aurora confused and scared runs for the forest.
" We need to go after her now!" Glacius urges Iceal " She has a piece of the only thing that could stop us!"
Since then Iceal has sent a big group to get Aurora.
Usually, Iceal hates being bossed around but since The Frostbite will help him expand territory and freeze the world over he can deal with it for now.
“ So what must I do to get this thing to full power?” Above him is Glacius “ It absorbs the cold around it. So it will get a little warm around here but once it's at full power that cold is yours to command.
Iceal smirks as he practices swinging the sword around and ends up poking a small snow puff.
It makes a squeak and turns to ice.
Jnoque and Dponá walk along with the group." So what's your name? I'm Jnoque and that's Dponá and that's Iquén." Dyani smiles " I'm Dyani and that's Aurora and Slor." Jnoque looks at Slor and tries to avoid looking at her.
They get to a bunch of huts surrounding a lake of lava and lots of dragons around who stare at them. “Woah that’s a big lava pool!” Dyani amazed.
“ We are at the top of the volcano. We dragons keep it inactive." Dponá explains.
They go to the biggest hut where there's an orange and brown dragon talking to an older lilac dragon ones he sees them he snarls at them.
"Iquén! why have you brought outsiders here?!"
" Commander Gmńeon (Gim-eon) Elder Zomkì forgive the intrusion but this is important." “ Um Mr dragon do you know what the Emberstar is?” Dyani politely asks.
All the dragons in the room except Dponá and Jnoque were shocked
“ I haven’t heard that name in centuries..” Zomkì replied.
“ So you know what it is?”
She nods “ I was there when it was created. But it was broken up and scattered into 8 pieces… the only reason you would need it is if the world was in danger..”
“ My Chief has come across The Frostbite!”
“ Impossible!” Gmńeon yells “ That has been sealed away for two thousand years!”
Iquén speaks “ The Winter Fawn has the Solar Crest.”
Zomkì looks at her “ Tell us exactly what happened.."
Aurora looks at her confused but tells them everything that happened at Iceal's hut.
" That star in your hair is a very powerful artifact."
Slor butts in " I'm confused just what is the Emberstar?"
They all sit for storytime.
" When The Frostbite was created by someone named Glacius it caused a giant ice age and no one was safe no one knows why or how he made it but anyone struck with the sword would freeze from the inside out."
" Zomkì is the only dragon still alive to witness it."
" I remember feeling cold that I've never wished to feel again.." she shutters.
" The Emberstar was made to combat The Frostbite eight brave souls called The Emberstar Guardians created a spell to turn their bodies into the eight pieces of the Emberstar and with their combined might they were able to seal The Frostbite and Glacius into the deep artic where no one could find it."
“The eight pieces the Phoenix Feather, Flameheart Shard, Inferno Edge, Blaze Stone, Solar Crest, Ember Cloak, Volcanic Core, and Pyre Crystal were scattered across the land and their spirits going into a deep sleep inside the parts.” “ Who were the people?” Jnoque asks.
“Emberion Torrent the archer and Phoenix feather, Cinderis Emberlight the healer and Flameheart Shard, Lavara Flareborn the unpredictable and Inferno Edge, Scoria Blaze the strength and the Blaze Stone, Solaris Ash the strategist and the Solar Crest, Pyros Ignitia the mage and the Ember Cloak, Emberis Pyra the warrior and the Pyre Crystal, and Ignis Flare the leader and Volcanic Core.”
Everyone takes time to process all that information.
Aurora takes off the star- Solar Crest and holds it.
" How do we even know that they are telling the truth Zomkì? They could be lying to use The Emberstar for bad." Gmńeon warns.
"The spell they used stated that if any of the pieces feel the presence of The Frostbite they will start to active, waking up the spirits."
" It has been doing weird things since I ran from home.."
" Solaris must be subconsciously protecting you."
Dyani speaks up taking out his map. “ Do you know where the other pieces are?”
“Not anymore I did help in hiding them but it’s been 2 thousand years they might not be where I originally put them. But I did keep the Volcanic Core with me." She leaves to go get it.
Gmńeon huffs fire " I still don't see why we have to help them! Even if The Frostbite is really back it's probably weak now! "
" Commander Gmńeon we should still be careful it could still turn all of us into ice." Iquén rebutted.
" How come me and Jnoque didn't know about this?" Dponá asks.
" 'Cause you are too young and he's not a true dragon!" Gmńeon snapped.
Slor finally says something. " I know where I recognize you from you were that kid who got chased out of the village a few years ago yes?.."
Jnoque doesn't say anything and just nods being reminded of sad memories. Dponá lays her head on his lap, and he smiles " I was adopted by Iquén I've been living here ever since."
Gmńeon huffs " You still haven't proven yourself to me yet if I didn't respect Zomkì so much you'd be out of here boy!"
Jnoque just sighs.
" So how are you half dragon?"
Jnoque stays quiet when a dragon comes running in.
" Commander we are under attack!"
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blossom-meat · 2 years
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Going to be crazy and start using Tumblr again. Anyways here's my very self indulgent Inscryption ship 🤖 💙
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micxsso · 1 year
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BOLD THE FACTS  tag by @helenofsimblr
Rules are easy, the person who is tagged will bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
I was tagged by @seokolat, thank you so much!! ♡
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate /poor/ in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other (Dyani attended uni for a few months but dropped out)
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted /introverted/ in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious /in between (she can stay calm under many circustances but is often avoidant if something makes her too uncomfortable)
♦ disagreeable / agreeable/ in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured /uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic (she used to believe there is something bigger out there but lost more faith after her mom's death)
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes /no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no (she does think about things from time to time but not more than the regular person)
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit/never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict (she tried so a few times only)
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never/ special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never/ sometimes / frequently / shopaholic (whenever she can she spends in all on the ranch)
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler (tried once for fun with a couple of friends)
This was fun to do!! Had to think about it for a bit though hahah. I tag @literalite, @aries-sims, @d4isywhims, @lunarcatrena, @elysiantrait, @simatomica, @warmsol and whoever else is reading this post!! ♡
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asg-stuff · 9 months
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Podcast host Chloé Lula interviews professor Iris Yob and musicians Laraaji, Dyani, and Eris Drew about their experiences on the therapeutic and transcendental sides of music. (via Sonic Healing: Exploring the Restorative and Spiritual Qualities of Music)
0 notes
dhusa · 1 year
D'yani- Yaadman [Official Video]
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View On WordPress
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topcat77 · 5 months
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Dyani White Hawk
She Gives (Quiet Strength V), 2019
acrylic on canvas
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slackville-records · 2 months
Magwaza · John Tchicai · Dudu Pukwana · Alfredo do Nascimento · Luez "Chuim" Carlos De Sequaira · Mohamed Al-Jabry · Johnny Dyani
Witchdoctor's Son is an album by bassist and pianist Johnny Dyani. It was recorded on March 15, 1978, and was released on LP later that year by SteepleChase Records. On the album, Dyani is joined by saxophonists John Tchicai and Dudu Pukwana, guitarist Alfredo Do Nascimento, and percussionists Mohamed Al-Jabry and Luez "Chumi" Carlos De Sequarira.
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nervosims · 5 months
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Dyani learns how to walk!
BROKEJAW: week six
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abwwia · 9 days
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Dyani White Hawk (Sicangu Lakota, b. 1976), “Dreaming,” 2022, Lithograph, Purchase, gift of Mrs. Frederick Ferris Thompson, by exchange 2024.4.1. © Dyani White Hawk
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mentaltimetraveller · 2 years
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Dyani White Hawk, Wopila | Lineage From Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet As It's Kept
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bossymarmalade · 8 months
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Dyani White Hawk, “Untitled (Pink and Blue)” (2022), acrylic, oil, synthetic sinew, 24k gold seed beads, glass bugle beads, and vintage glass seed beads on canvas
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nolantan · 14 hours
Chapter 5 The Treasury
They look outside and see a bunch of blue dragons attacking.
“ The Blue Fire Clan!” Gmńeon snarls and charges outside.
Iquén looks at the rest of the group “ You kids stay here!” He runs out too.
“ Who are those blue dragons?” Aurora asked.
“ The Blue Fire Clan they are another dragon clan we tend to fight a lot over territory.”
“ None of the other dragon clans know about me yet if they did they’d probably try to kill me 'cause I’d be the easiest to get to” Jnoque explains.
" We have to go help them! We can't just stay here!" Aurora gets up and puts the Soler Crest back on.
" What can we do? We'd get fried out there." Slor points out
" The Soler Crest will protect me, right? So you just need to be near me." " We don't know its limits and those dragons can breathe hotter blue fire," Jnoque warns.
Dponá looks outside " We should find Zomkí we don't know what the Volcanic Core can do and we don't want the other clan to get it."
" But we don't know where she went."
"Hm we could check the treasury it's our most guarded spot if an important artifact is anywhere here it's there." " We can show you where it is."
They sneak outside and see dragons fighting it’s chaotic. They see Iquén fighting a big blue dragon
Jnoque wants to help but Dponá stops him “ He’s strong he’ll be fine we need to keep moving.” He nods sadly. They get to a big door connected to a rock wall and see four big blue dragons surrounding Zomkí and she has an injured wing growling at them with other dragons knocked out next to her.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" Dponá yells at them.
They turn and look at the group.
"HA! Do you think you can stop us? A youngling and none dragons we'll burn you up!" He shoots fire at them and Dponá combats it with her own green fire and flies up and they fight.
While that's happening Zomkí fights the other three dragons and helps the rest of the group get inside the treasury.
Jnoque is very worried Dyani noticed this “ Hey their’ll be ok.” Jnoque looks at him “ Y-Yeah..”
“ This place is huge” Slor looks around at the mountains of treasure “ How will we find the Core in here?” The Solar Creat starts to glow again Aurora takes it off and looks at it. One of the star ends is glowing a lot more like a compass.
“ Maybe it can sense the core?”
“ One way to find out.” They walk through the mountains of treasure searching and following the glow. On a treasure pile they see a round, core-like rock that shines with the intensity of molten lava. The Volcanic Core “ Is that it?” Aurora and Jnoque climb up to it. Once she gets close to it both it and the Solar Crest shake and two spirits pop out.
The spirit in the Solar Crest has long, flowing black hair with streaks of silver like cooling embers. His skin is a deep ash color, and he wears a robe that shimmers like the dying light of a fire. He opens his glowing amber eyes.
The other spirit in the Volcanic Core has fiery red hair that flows like molten lava, with eyes that burn a fierce orange. His skin has a warm bronze hue, and he wears armor with glowing ember-like veins running through it.
Once they are aware of their surroundings they become alert and panicked. “ Where are we!? What happened to us!” The Volcanic Core spirit shouted.
“No time to explain! We just need your help!” Aurora declared.
Jnoque touches the core and it glows becomes a necklace around his neck pulling the spirit with it.
Jnoque feels a surge of power in his veins and hears a roar of pain.
Panicked he runs outside to find Dponá and Zomkí on the ground with lots of injuries. Filling up with rage he runs at them.
"Come on this way!" " Where are we going again Apool (app ool)?" A young Jnoque follows his big brother in the woods " I hear there was a cool cave near here" he replied.
" Mom and Dad wouldn't like us going out this far..."
" We'll be quick Jn don't worry."
Apool was so cool he could do all the things Jnoque couldn't he was brave and fearless and always did the right thing.
They approach a cave that has a bunch of keep-out signs
"Ah here is it!"
" I don't think we're supposed to be here Apool..."
"I'll protect you! Come on!" he holds his hand and they go in.
Inside the cave was a pile of glowing gold
" Woah cool!" Apool approaches it but Jnoque stops him and points to a sign that says do not touch. " We don't know what's here and shouldn't touch its stuff.."
" I guess but we could take this back to the village" he goes to pick up a piece of gold and Jnoque pushes him away from it.
Annoyed Apool pushes him back and he lands on top of the gold.
The golds shine dims and zaps him causing him to hold his head in pain and feels ill.
His eyes turn purple pupils turning into slits his hair turns white and his ears turn pointy and black and he grows a fang. The transformation was very painful shaking with tears in his eyes he looks at his brother who has backed away in fear and grabs his arm to pull him off the gold but the transformation has already completed.
Then his throat feels like it’s burning something is building up and he tries to hold it in.
But can’t.
Fire comes shooting out of his mouth burning it
Apool try’s to move out the was but his arm got caught in it burning it off. He screams in agony and passed out.
Realizing what he just did Jnoque panics and runs to him crying he picks him up and it’s a lot easier now and runs to the village to get help.
Someone screams at him and everyone turns to him some doctors snatch Apool from him and run to the clinic. Jnoque tries to follow them but is stopped
" Stay away from him!"
"Are you gonna hurt us too!?"
In the crowd, he spots a woman and a man.
" Mom! Dad!" scared he goes to them for comfort but they hit him away just look at him disgusted. " Leave freak! How dare you hurt our son!" " If he dies we're hunting you down!" " Get out and don't come back!!" Scared and confused he runs away crying.
Seeing Dponá hurt Jnoque is full of rage and runs at the blue dragons The Volcanic Core glows and he shoots white and purple fire at them. Frightened the blue dragons immadaly run away.
" White fire! Run!"
When they leave Jnoque runs to Dponá and Zomkí and hugs them.
The others come out of the treasury.
Dyani sees their wounds " Are you ok?" Zomkí just smiles " We will be dragons can heal quickly."
" Zomkí..?"
She looks at the spirits " You got them to wake." she smiles " Solaris, Ignis, it's been a long time. But we can catch up later right now we got to help the rest of the clan."
They nod and go the find the other dragons still fighting.
Iquén is seriously hurt. Seeing this both Jnoque and Dponá jump into action Jnoque hopping on her back and she flies towards the blue dragon.
They both breathe fire at the dragon combining their fires together to seriously burn the blue dragon causing him to retreat.
They then run to help Iquén get to a safe place.
Another dragon tries to breathe fire at Aurora and co but she without thinking creates a black shield causing the fire to fly back at the dragon.
“ You have my ability?” Solaris questioned.
" Makes since cause you are the Solar Crest that it has your powers." Aurora shrugged. Before he could say anything some of the dragon clan members come to help them aganst the blue dragons.
Once all of the blue dragons leave they go to help the injured.
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themissinggoldfish · 6 months
I guess this is one way to introduce my ocs lmao (everything is previous to the main story)
All the sprites :]
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