Alessio Fracchia
407 posts
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Photoset for COS4US #COS4US #comics #cosplay #jewelry #photoset #backstage (presso Italy)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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William Turner: You knew my father. Jack Sparrow: I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else just called him "Bootstrap" or "Bootstrap Bill". Turner: "Bootstrap"? Sparrow: Good man, good pirate. I swear you look just like him. Turner: That's not true. He was a merchant sailor, a good and honest man who obeyed the law. Sparrow: He was a bloody pirate! A scallywag. Tuner: My father was not a pirate! [threatens Jack with a sword] Sparrow: Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again. Turner: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement! In a fair fight, I'd kill you! Sparrow: Well, that's not much incentive for me to fight fair then, is it? #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #pirate #cosplay #cosplayer #nerd #willturner #johnnydepp #orlandobloom #quotes #caribbean (presso Caribbean Sea)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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взгляд волка #thewitcher #geraltofrivia #cosplay #cosplayer #yenneferofvengerberg #trissmerigold
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
Trailer Fan film: Pirates of the caribbean - The Compass of the Seven Seas #trailer #fanfilm #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #cosplay #cosplayer #thecompassofthesevenseas (presso Pirates of the Caribbean)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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There is a saying, ‘When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say “why me”, say “try me”. If we face each problem that comes in our life head-on instead of shying away in a corner somewhere waiting for it to pass, then we can achieve the impossible. All we have to do, like you said is keep out head up and a positive attitude. #motivation #positive #thinkpositive #lawofattraction #❤️
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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My Crew ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ #piratesofthecaribbean #cosplay #cosplayer (presso Malnate)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Pirates of the Caribbean Backstage... 😜 #pirate #piratesofthecaribbean #backstage #movie #cosplay #cosplayer #badass #jacksparrow # (presso Village Roadshow Studios)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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...going to work. 🤙👔 #cosplay #cosplayer #geraltofrivia #geralt #thewitcher #badass (presso Milan, Italy)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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SKY time! 🎥📺 #sky #tv #interview #cosplay #cosplayer # (presso Sky Italia)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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My dream is to fly over the rainbow so high ❣ #fly #amazing #3metrisoprailcielo (presso Italy)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Be silly Be fun Be different Be crazy Be YOU Because life is too short to be anything but happy. #life #motivation #beyourself #summer #thinkpositive #positive #cosplay #alessiofracchia #goodlife #lifestyle
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Amazing photo by @pmimage Backstage of Zero la serie - Zombicide adventure Kill em all 😵😵😵 #zerolaserie #film #cosplay #cosplayer #zombie #webseries #movie #actor #cinema #imdb #backstage #videomaker #alessiofracchia (presso Spinetta Marengo, Piemonte, Italy)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Think like a proton. Always positive. The best is yet to come! #thinkpositive #positive #motivation #proton #alessiofracchia (presso Acqui Terme)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Bring me that horizon ☠ #pirate #cosplay #cosplayer #piratesofthecaribbean #comics #jacksparrow #movie #film #johnnydepp
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Official testimonial of this amazing new italian brand. 😍 I'm very excited for this new beautifull adventure!! COS4US A NEW COMICS ITALIAN JEWELS BRAND Use ur immagination and personalize ur jewels Few weeks to site opening....STAY TUNED GUYS! 💖 WWW.COS4US.COM #cos4us #cosplay #cosplayer #jewels #comics #pirate #jewellery #model #brand #2018 #newcollection #style #nerd (presso Valenza, Piemonte, Italy)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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IMDb profile 🎬 #imdb #cinema #film #movie #actor #cosplay #cosplayer #producer (presso Imdb)
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alessiofracchia-blog · 7 years ago
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Just an urchin living under the street I’m a hard case that’s tough to beat I’m your charity case So buy me something to eat I’ll pay you at another time Take it to the end of the line! #gunsnroses #rock #hardrock #slash #axlrose #duffmckagan #izzystradlin #paradise #paradisecity #relax #haveagoodday (presso Paradise City, Arizona)
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