#currently i am in the front seat (an Angel)
ellecdc · 5 months
okok so shy!reader (similar to r in the poly!marauders + lily fic that i am genuinely obsessedddd with) but with barty and she just gets so flustered and blushy when he’s so loud and outspoken about his affection for her
barty would absolutely accidentally (& lovingly) torment poor shy!reader. thanks for your request! (I'm obviously currently in my Barty-girl era - I deserve jail time ur honour)
Barty Crouch Jr x fem!reader who tries hiding from Barty, much to Remus' chagrin
There were very few places in the castle that Remus could escape to from his nettlesome roommates. Thankfully, his roommates would rather be trampled by a stampede of hippogriffs than spend their precious free time in the library of all places. Unfortunately, Remus was still too easily spotted in his current hideout.
“Rem! Hide me!” He heard you squeak as you came flying around one of the stacks of books; eyes wild like a prey animal looking for their last chance at survival. 
“What?” Remus asked dumbly, but it was no use. 
You let out a cartoonish ‘eep!’ sound and dove underneath the table Remus was currently sat at; your head basically situated in Remus’ lap as you looked up at him desperately. 
“Please.” You practically begged. “You never saw me!”
“Who’s looking for you?” 
Remus' question was answered in the form of a haunting whistling weaving its way casually through the aisles and aisles of books before pausing directly in front of Remus’ chair.
“‘Lo, Junior.” Remus greeted politely, causing the Slytherin boy to narrow his eyes at him.
“Lupin.” He drawled suspiciously. “Aren’t there usually…more of you?”
Remus grimaced as he felt your nervous claws dig painfully into his calf. “Nope.” He replied an octave too high to be considered casual. “Just me.”
Barty simply offered him a disbelieving hum. 
“So, Lupin,” Barty continued, chewing the vowels of Remus’ surname as if it tasted particularly rancid in his mouth. “See anything around here lately?”
Remus hummed as if pretending he was in thought. “No…nope, definitely haven’t seen anyo- anything.”
But it was too late.
“Haven’t seen anyone, hm?” Barty surmised with a wicked grin. “Not even…say…a certain witch who happens to be the object of my affections?”
You dejectedly thumped your forehead against Remus’ knee, hitting the nerve which caused his leg to kick out reflexively, thus pushing you over under the table.
“Merlin’s tits, Lupin, are you having a fit?”
“Oh my sodding Godric.” You finally grumbled from under the table, causing Barty’s face to brighten up astronomically. 
It took you far longer than Remus would have liked to be sitting in the awkward semi-company with Barty to extricate yourself from under the library table, and your efforts were accompanied by an awful lot of painful sounding bumps and cursing before your - albeit rather bedraggled - form materialized beside Remus. 
“There’s my girl.” Barty nearly sighed in relief; a dopey lovesick smile spreading across his face.
“Do you see it too?” You whispered to Remus conspiratorially.
“See what?”
“That look.” You whispered again, causing Remus to snort.
“The look of adoration currently decorating Junior’s face? Yeah, I see it.” 
You scoffed at him. “Barty doesn’t adore me.”
“Says who!?” Barty nearly screeched, causing Remus to look around nervously at the attention the trio was quickly gathering. “I’ll kill them.”
“Can I be excused from this conversation?” Remus groaned as he returned to his seat.
Barty quickly agreed at the same moment that you hissed no!
“Listen - my darling angel - though I think you’re really great at just about everything you do, you are absolute pants at hiding.” Barty offered you solemnly as if he were gently giving you quite devastating news.
“Maybe you’re just too good at this finding thing.” You huffed as you crossed your arms; quite petulantly, in Remus’ opinion.
“At finding you?” Barty asked as his face broke out in a Cheshire cat grin. “Always.”
Remus was certain you were going to melt through the floor below you, and - quite frankly - if it got you two away from Remus’ library sanctuary, so be it.
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four is a good number
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gorejo · 1 year
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synopsis: he'll argue it's fate — a divine moment — that he's always in your proximity, and you call it bullshit. he says his class was in the same building, panting with a sweat pebbling on his forehead, yet you've seen him run across campus just couple minutes prior as he awkwardly stood in front of you. he's a man on a mission, determined to succeed. to have you finally fall for him.
content: wc: 6.6 k (sigh), fluff, light cursing, uses of she/her to align with the original au but the fic can be read without it. reader lovingly calls him stupid for one part and is shorter than him because the man is canonically tall af. petnames (babe, sweetheart, angel). slight nsfw towards the end, Gojo calls himself daddy in one scene just for jokes. college forbes30!gojo !!
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There was nothing but the sound of chalk hitting the board, the frustrated sighs of students trying to keep up, and the monotonous tone of Takashi sensei talking that filled the lecture hall. 
Students hastily typed on their electronics, while others chose to go old-fashioned with simple pen and paper. 
But for Gojo Satoru, none of that mattered, really.  
Impatiently shaking his legs, his body just barely fitting in the cramped seat, uncaring if the attendant in front of him sent multiple glares for his crude manner of bumping his knees against the back — why the hell were these spaces always so damn cramped? 
Satoru released another long sigh as he clicked open his phone to check the time, again.
Infuriatingly, it was still fucking 11:47.
It'll take me about six minutes to get to the quad, and another five to make it to the east building...
“Dammit,” Satoru cursed, his supposed whisper radiating a bit too loudly throughout the silent hall as he slumped further into his seat groaning as his impatience imbued his mind with thoughts. 
One more minute and it’ll be just enough time to make it over —
"Satoru-kun,” releasing an annoyed sigh, “would you mind sharing with the class what could’ve gotten you so possibly worked up today?” his professor questioned without even turning his back to look at who just so rudely interrupted his class — again. 
What excuse should I make today? Maybe I can leave now and act as if —
“Satoru-kun?” The professor's voice laced with irritation as he put the chalk down, the click of the powder hitting the rail echoed throughout the auditorium — no one dared to speak a word — not especially when the semester was so close to ending. 
“Can you answer this question because you seem to be awfully more interested in something else rather than studying for your exam tomorrow?”
maybe I can ask her to study for finals? Oh, that’s good… I can show how studious and dependable I am, and then maybe she’ll fall for me. Goddamn call me a genius! But wait — fuck, I can’t use that because — 
“Satoru, uh… sensei's coming,” Gojo felt a nudge on his side, his colleague nervously squirming in his seat, whispering to get his attention but yet it went unacknowledged — far over Satoru’s head — surely, the man currently had other priorities than to be rotting in business calculus. 
Business calculus… the bane of his existence, his utter torture of attending every session, a complete fifty minutes wasted three times a week just for him to sit there and ponder about something else — most of the time, it was him getting antsy to get to you.
It was much to everyone’s surprise that he even went to all his lectures — the one student no one ever expects to have perfect attendance for a class he gives two shits about — well, he does give a shit because it’s all for his plan. 
“So tell me why you’re trying to take this class?” His best friend glanced over Satoru’s shoulder. 
“Don’t bother me, I can’t multi-task,” Gojo murmured, ignoring his raven hair friend as he lightly bit his lips, furiously typing up his course number into the system, his back hunched as he anxiously stared at his loading computer screen, “never thought getting a class would be so stressful," Satoru groaned.
“Why are you so stressed, it’s unlike you,” Geto’s voice was serene, “and what other dumb shit are you up to?” he chuckled while taking a sip of his coffee. 
“It’s not dumb,” Satoru shot back.
“You tested out of calculus, Satoru.”
“So what?” he grumbled — just a couple seconds more…
Geto didn’t quite understand why Gojo had to go to such lengths, completely acting out of his character as he pitifully waited for his screen to load.
He’d never seen his friend so riled up about something so simple. The last time Satoru got like this was a couple of years back when a small pastry shop he searched online closed an hour before they got there. His defeat and whines were understandable since the trip took three hours by train.
But this… yea, Suguru couldn’t quite put a finger on it… well not until a very minor dialogue he had with a certain someone, such small talk that even he forgot that it occurred a semester prior.
“Are you by chance doing this because —”
Cutting him off, “fuck…” was all Suguru heard as his best friend rested his forehead on his arm, body slumping from the adrenal fatigue.
In bold, a message read: 
Congrats! You have successfully registered for all your classes
Perhaps, it wouldn't hurt to learn a bit more about limits and infinities, Satoru thought before taking a nap in the library.
Or I can ask if she can help me study. because she’s good at that, right? she’s always at the library, always ignoring my texts because of her goddamn exams…
Gojo pondered, crossing his arms with his index and thumb rubbing against his chin, his cheeks squeezed while furrowing his brows. 
but fuck, that means I won’t be able to talk to her because last time — I mean, it’s been a month since then, maybe it’ll be different now, I figure we got closer. she's smiling a bit more and we’ve gone on a couple of dates… I suppose — 
“Psst,” Gojo harshly whispered from across the table, “psst!” 
Glaring at him over your laptop, eyes sparkling and round, face needy for attention, “what do you want?” You spat out.
“Just wondering,” Gojo chirped, his ears perked in your direction with his elbows resting on the table, body leaning towards your direction, “Have you fallen for me yet?”
“No, you’re not my type.” you retorted emotionless.
“What’s your type then?” Gojo countered, unfazed, smiling as he challenged your words. 
“Someone, not Gojo Satoru.”
“Well, aren’t you spicy?” He stretched out his legs while leaning back on his chair, boyishly smiling with his arms thrown behind his neck, the lean physique of his body outlined in this position — he looked hot, no doubt about that, and… he knew that. 
“but i’m just going to tell you now,” cocking his head to the side, licking his soft lips that shined a pretty pink, confidently proclaiming, 
“there will come a day when your words will bite you in the ass.”
“Did your parents ever teach you about having some class  —“ 
“Can you guys lower it down, or move someplace else?” a student hushed, stating through gritted teeth as he witnessed the tortuous and unforgivable sight of you both, love, bantering in the library of all places. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, apologetically smiling at them before facing forward to meet your stalker — you swore he was stalking you because there was no way he and you could have this many “random” encounters, that would work out so perfectly with him just magically appearing wherever you go — it's bullshit you thought, especially when his acting skills weren’t necessarily that great… 
“Hey babe,” Gojo cheekily whispered,
“I’m not your babe,” you hissed back.
“Ooo, so you like the sweet pet names huh? Noted,” he nodded, the curve of his lips turned upward, humming a tune while he typed something on his phone.  
you couldn’t tell what annoyed you more, his devilishly handsome smile, or the fact that your heart was beating in unrhythmic patterns the more you talked with him.
A facade maybe, but you’ve come to undeniably enjoy his rambunctious company despite him getting on your nerves. 
“Then, sweetheart, do you wanna —“ 
“No.” you numbly stated while typing away at your report.
“But I didn’t even get to —“
“Still, no.” 
“Fine…” for a moment Satoru slumped into his chair, before quickly asking again, “how about —”
Smiling as he rests his elbows on the table, leaning forward as he pushes down your laptop, his long, pretty fingers lightly tapping the case, “Do you hate Gojo Satoru?” His words slyly spewed out of his lips, anticipating your shy face when he catches you slipping for saying ‘no’ without much thought.
“Boo,” Satoru pouted while retreating to his side, slumping his back to rest his cheeks on his textbook as he closed his eyes.
With your screen down it was easier to take notice of his features. Not that you were blatantly indifferent about his looks — everyone knew Gojo Satoru was handsome — but you rarely got to see him for who he was underneath all the layers of superficial worth people praised him for. 
There was a lot on his shoulders from the brief mentions about his family and childhood that you could sense. It was easy to tell that behind all the crazy and loud was a little boy hiding his loneliness and pain under a mask and careless demeanor. 
You noticed his lips were mildly protruding out, his brows slightly furrowed and his white hair gently frayed down on his forehead with his lashes long and occasionally fluttering. His skin was unblemished and his jaw was sharp yet his face still held the youth of his age.
He’ll soon prepare to work for his family business, learning about the intricacies of the business and possibly becoming one of those cutthroat bosses you’ve seen in the dramas. 
He’ll probably grow a bit more — he’s been working out a lot Gojo would say, proven by the multiple thirst traps he’ll post. His arms were getting a lot more defined, and his abs… oh, you didn’t mean to take a peak. But guess you did have a front-row seat to his almost topless torso when he mindlessly pulled up his shirt while he took off his sweatshirt.
can't say you disliked the view.
You remember feeling warm that day — stomach fluttering with something, while your back felt gently embraced with his scent and clothing. 
“You checking me out?” Gojo muttered without taking a glance at you, pulling you back into reality.
“N-no!” you quickly looked away, opening up your laptop as you grimaced at the harsh stares you got from those around you for the noise, “j-just wondering if you were going to study or not?” you murmured, hiding your face behind your laptop and your cheeks starting to feel hot.
“For someone so smart you ask dumb questions,” Gojo chuckled as he stretched out his legs, his feet purposefully tapping against yours, “what does it look like I’m doing, sweetheart?” he quietly mumbled before his voice started to fade out, “you know,” silently yawning as his body curled inward — all 6’3’’ of him on the small desk that barely housed his long legs — the tapping of his foot now softly, soothingly, rubbing against yours, “you gotta work smarter, not hard…er…”
You weren’t sure if the man before you was a complete idiot or a genius. but for unknown reasons, this guy surprisingly scores the top grade in his classes when his only method of “studying” is sleeping with his head on top of his textbook — surely, the world isn’t fair.
Despite the little snore you heard in front of you, with the light grunts he made from the uncomfortable position, you couldn’t help but fondly look at the guy in front of you. 
Smiling — yea, you’ve been doing that a lot these days.
You decided — maybe, opening up wouldn’t be so bad… 
For you, you remembered it was the first time you felt odd in the stomach. A bit like butterflies as you watched him doze off to sleep, trying your absolute best to restrain your hands from moving a piece of hair that covered his face as he slightly drooled while you studied. You’ve been catching yourself stalling time to meet him where he supposedly just ran into you — he was nice and the epitome of warmth, and you liked that in your dull world. 
But for Satoru, it was another failed attempt to get closer to you. 
He remembered waking up in an empty library — alone. he swore he rested his head for no more than thirty minutes, but how the hell was the time three hours past that? 
Stretching as he released a low groan, his gaze foggy as he squinted his eyes to look for you, only to frown when he realized you were nowhere to be seen.
“dammit” Satoru grumbled while quickly packing his bags, “I wanted to buy dinner —” 
A neon post it leafed its way down to the table, planting face down as Gojo slowly blinked in confusion while touching his forehead.
Picking up the piece of paper, it read:
Hey loser, you were mumbling about some food while you slept, so I got you dinner and placed it next to your backpack. go home and eat ( :
p.s. also, stop bothering me, weirdo.
p.p.s. you know you drool while sleeping?
Dumbfoundedly wiping his lips with the back of his hand, Gojo wasn’t sure if he was blushing from embarrassment or the fact that you were the first girl to buy him dinner — well, it wasn’t in the typical romantic sense… but who the fuck cares, it’s the fact that you bought him dinner; therefore, a step a closer to his goal. So he wins.
Carefully folding the note and placing it into the safeguard of his wallet, Gojo quickly strapped on his bag as he gently held onto his dinner, cradling it like a prized possession, mentally noting what to use for his excuse tomorrow while he made his way down the stairs to the exit.
The air felt oddly cold for the summer. the slight breeze brushed against his face, the ends of his hair tickling his cheeks as he breathed in the damp air.
Everything felt good — right almost despite his lost chances of getting dinner with you. Perhaps he can save that for another day. 
“Just you wait,” beaming up at the moon lighting up the campus, his blue eyes sparkling as Gojo declared, “you will be mine.”
“ — Satoru-kun,” his professor called out. His impatience ran thin as he tapped his foot against the floor, “if you don’t answer, I will fail you —” 
“Sensei, the limit just simply doesn’t exist — it’s limitless.” Satoru nonchalantly responded, cooly peaking at his watch now — maybe the time would read faster with that — but the second hand still stayed the same, seconds excruciatingly feeling long. 
“No matter how difficult you propose this function, if the derivative doesn’t exist, nor will its limit.” Gojo continued to calmly iterated his reasoning.
“But doesn’t this point here,” pointing at the board, the chalk panging against the surface, “exist?” his professor challenged, “it’s a point on the graph.”
“Well, no matter how far you stretch this graph within the axes, going as far as trying to touch the asymptotes, it will never. because the limit will always be limitless since the function at those points won’t exist. So, no, that point isn’t on the graph.”
“And what about here?,” pointing to the chalkboard,“what is your answer, Satoru-kun?”
“Assuming you only have one x to one y, then the answer is simple. By definition, the limit will exist if the points on both sides of that graph approach the same point. To find that point, well that depends on the graph given. And looking at this graph, no. there are two points that are open.”
It should be about damn time. 
Gojo felt his blood rushing through his body, heart anxiously pumping with each heavy thud drumming to his ears, the only sound audible that his brain could decipher instead of the pointless questions his professor was asking — why was he making it so goddamn difficult. 
His urgency spiked up as adrenaline pumped through his body, anxiously shaking his leg, Gojo clicked his phone open again, his large hand covering the device as he peeped down. 
11:48 — shit.
“Well, what about when —”
“Shit, I'm late,” Gojo cursed, frantically packing up his bag and zipping it up.
“Excuse me?” His professor frowned, obviously taken aback by his student’s daring use of profanity in his lecture.
But paying no mind, Gojo quickly stood up and paved his way out, harshly whispering past with a light smile as he hugged onto his bag,  “Psst, sorry, going through!” doing his best to swiftly move through the cramped isles while his giant, uncaring if his lanky build caused a nuisance in the middle of the lecture, unbothered if his professor was done talking to him or not, 
“Satoru-kun?” His professor was flabbergasted at his student’s rude ignorance.
“excuse me, sorry!” Satoru cheekily exclaimed while finally making his way out.
“I haven’t dismissed —”
“Sensei sorry!” Gojo exclaimed while opening the lecture door, ready to sprint out, “I promise, I’ll pass your exam tomorrow!” he blurted, voice fading off into the distance and Gojo now nowhere to be seen.
“... at least don’t sit in the middle if you’re always going to barge out like that,” his professor murmured to himself, massaging the bridge of his nose as he sighed. 
Yet the only response he got was silence, the awkward creaking of the door closing, and the clock striking the end of his lecture. 
“Fuck,” he panted while brushing his fingers through his hair, a little damp from his sweat, his chest huffing from the sprint across campus as he looked at his watch, brows furrowed as his eyes searched everywhere for a glimpse of you. 
“Not there,” he mumbled, gazing to his side, “no, not here,” frustratingly turning around as he scanned the area just in case you slipped out the back door, his eyes loosely looking past a couple of figures, “damn it, not here too.”
“What’s not here?” he heard a soft voice from behind him. 
“Just looking for someone,” without processing, Satoru blurted out, “uhm… sorry just talking to myself —” Gojo mumbled as he slowly turned around, impatient that someone was taking away his precious time to find you.
Call him a dreamer but he was still hopeful that you possibly didn’t just leave — I mean how could you, when he made it a point to always see you after class, you couldn’t be that clueless.  
“You’re late,” you stated, trying to stifle your laugh, his busy eyes quickly changed to ones of nervousness as he registered who was exactly in front of him. His clear, azul eyes were imbued in sheer panic as his expression dwindled to eventual ease as a droplet of sweat ran down from his temple.
“Oh god, uhm,” scratching his head as he awkwardly looked off to the side, whispering under his breath, “I- I ended class a little late, but great to see you again,” he tried composing himself while smiling — the one that made his lips twitch from nervousness.
“I see,” you hummed, “you seem out of breath, Gojo,” you teased, remembering just how frantic he looked minutes prior while running over. 
You ended class a bit earlier, wondering if he’d be waiting outside like he normally did, pacing back and forth to make it seem like he simply ran into you — how utterly stupid was he?
But it was you that would giggle, feeling the type of happiness that made your heart full and cheeks hurting — guess you were the stupid one for falling for such an act. 
So you decided to wait today, standing off in the corner to witness how he would stage his act — you just didn’t expect him to be in such a panic rush trying to get here.
“Yea, y-you know those stairs, it gets me all the time,” Gojo stiffly laughed as he fisted his hand behind his back, trying to steady his breath and nose from embarrassingly flaring.
“Satoru,” giggling as you peeped up, noticing just how much taller he was compared to you while his hands nervously twitched and cheeks rosy despite his firm stance that his class was only but a few steps away from yours, you couldn’t help but smile at his innocence, “there are no stairs in this building.”
“Satoru, huh… that’s a change… sounds so nice rolling off your tongue,” he pondered while staring at your lips. It was cute and just perfect as you said every letter, every syllable of his name —
“Earth to Gojo Sa-to-ru,” waving your hands, tip-toeing to get his attention.
“Ah, right…. Sorry,” he mumbled, shyly looking away only to take a quick glance at you looking up at him. 
“So…” cocking your head to the side, eyes doe-like while looking up through your lashes, “ what’s the plan for today? You softly chirped.
“uhm,” eyes widen, shocked at your response, “what?” his voice was unexpectedly sharp.
“I asked what are we doing today….” Rolling on your heels, “I-isn’t that why you’re here?” you nervously asked.
“Just like that?” Gojo glanced at you, eyes full of suspicion. 
“What do you mean?” you questioned, lips starting to form a pout as you awaited his answer.
“Sorry,” he sighed, stretching his legs out to match his height with yours, “didn’t mean to sound harsh,” he apologetically whispered while gazing into your eyes.
“It’s just that you always reject me…  I - I mean,” holding his hands up, shaking in defense to not offend you, “don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it,” furrowing his brows as he shook his head, “no, no, let’s retract back. I’m thrilled that you’re asking me. It's just that…” his voice slowly fading as if embarrassment finally caught up to his head.
“It's just what?” you softly mumbled. 
“Well,” sighing, “I had all these excuses planned out just in case you said no,” he confessed as he pulled his phone from his pocket, “It’s all in my notes app.”
“Notes app huh?” your lips twitched from trying to contain your laugh.
“So what was the excuse for today? or… ” you teased, gently hitting your elbow against his arm, “should I say no, so your efforts don’t go to waste?”
“Thought we could go for coffee after I uncoincidentally bumped into you after your class,” Satoru shrugged.
“Coffee sounds nice,” you hummed, “you’re buying?”
“Here gimme,” he softly encouraged, quickly taking your bag and swinging it over his shoulder, “I mean, I do owe you one for bumping into you that one day.”
“Ah, so you do admit, that was your fault,” you jokingly glared, “the headache you put me through because of your stupid five hundred dollar shirt,” you grumbled.
“Well technically it was a bit more,” he grinned, “but not really, I believe in fate,” he winked, “it was a divine moment.”
“You’re ridiculous,” rolling your eyes, “but I need to study.” 
“I have an excuse for that too.”
“And what could that be?”
“I got an exam tomorrow, so you can watch me be handsomely studious,” Satoru smiled.
“For what class?” stunned to hear Gojo Satoru and studying be spoken in a sentence together. 
“Business calc,” he frowned.
“Oh my god! Who’s your professor?” you beamed. 
“The one and only Takashi sensei,” Satoru chuckled, softly patting your head as he couldn’t resist your cute enthusiasm.
“What?” your voice suspicious, yet you had no resolve to remove it — it felt nice, his hands were big… you realized. 
“Nothing,” biting his lip to contain his laugh,” it’s just… that’s the most you’ve shown interest in me.” 
“Whatever…” you huffed to flush out the embarassment, “I have him next semester —” 
“I know,” he softly responded, his words going unnoticed.
“— and I’m worried because math isn’t really my forte,” you honestly confessed.
“That’s why you have me!” he stood with his chest tall, his thumb pointing at himself, “I’ll be your dependable, hot tutor that you fall in love with.”
“You’re ridiculous…”
Winking, “I don’t charge pretty girls like you —”
“So you’re telling me, you tutored other girls by being their hot and dependable tutor?” you raised a brow, standing to one side as you crossed your arms.
“What? N-no, that’s not it!” 
“mhm, yea… playboy,” shaking your head,” so why are you taking business calculus? Thought you tested out of it, no?”
“Well… a man has his reasons,” he cheekily stated.
“And how does that help me to study?” raising one brow as you questioned his logic, “ I thought your method of studying was sleeping on your textbook.”
“Okay wow, I was not prepared for that. You’re making it difficult for me again, but you know what?” pulling his sleeves up as he stood tall in front of you, “I’m prepared for your rejections. And in answer to that, then we can study together.”
“But you talk too much, and snore when you fall asleep.”
“Not true,” Satoru murmured, “Suguru said I was generally a peaceful and quiet sleeper.”
“Explain generally,” you eyed him suspiciously, “and I didn’t know you both were like that,” giggling, your heart slowly expanding in adoration the more you talked with him, “... sleeping together and such.”
“We just had one too many nights where we would pass out a little drunk after a party,” scratching the back of his head, “and m-my body runs a little hot… so…”
“So, Shoko may or may not have some photos of us,” Gojo’s face started to contort in disgust, “cuddling…”
“But aside from that,” he tried defending himself, “I’m very great to sleep with!” 
“Sure…” you gave him a teasing glance, “I’ll ask Geto the next time I see him about that.”
“Hey…” suddenly stepping closer to you, his voice serious yet soft. He was careful to not overstep any boundaries you might have placed, slowly reaching down to grasp hold of your fingers, 
“just give me a chance yea? I’ll be good, I- I won’t snore, I won't drool, and I’ll only talk when I need to, hmm?” he reassured
You can almost feel the sore desperation in his voice as you feel the feathery grazes of his fingers against yours; his breath held as he anxiously awaited your answer.
“Okay,” you softly mumbled.
“Great,” releasing his breath, “you won’t regret it, I promise,” Gojo whispered while smiling.
“Hey Satoru,” you lightly called out, his name perfectly rolling off your tongue — so delicate, so pretty.
“Mhm,” he invited you to continue.
“Did you run here?” You questioned, playing with your foot as you rolled a rock on your shoe, “you’re normally not so out of breath.”
“Pssh, no,” he awkwardly laughed, “I told you my class is in this building as well —“
“Stupid, come here,” you murmured, pulling him slightly down, taking a piece of your sleeve as you tiptoed to reach his face. Gently dabbing the small droplets of sweat under his soft white bangs, “next time don’t run. And finish your class, Sensei’s going to hate you,” you softly told him.
“I- I told you,” blushing because your face was way too close — dangerous even — examining your features, ‘pretty’ he thought as he watched you concentrate on him,
“I just happened to have class —“
“I’ll be waiting next time, so take your time coming,” you smiled, looking into his eyes before quickly flattening your feet, “it’s quite far to come here from across campus, no?”
Satoru just gives in, like the hundred different times where he willingly lost to you, “Not as hard as scoring a date with you,” he smiled while spreading his feet out to make it easier for you to continue.
“It’s not a date,” you mumbled, your cheeks feeling hot as his soft eyes gazed at you, his two hands lightly placed on your hips to draw you closer.
“It is so definitely a date,” Satoru professed, “and I can just tell,” his voice feathery and light, “that we’ll have many more.”
10 years later —
The light scratching on his pen against the document loomed in his office. Ijichi, his most trusted secretary anxiously waited for his boss to finish signing his papers, watching guard just in case he didn’t go running off before finishing all his duties — again.
“You don’t need to stand there hovering,” Gojo nonchalantly stated, his wrist gently peeking through his cuffs, his watch shining with every stroke of his name.
“Well, these reports are important that you have them signed by today,” Ijichi nervously answered.
“Do you have it ready?” Gojo responded without removing his gaze from the file he was reading just before signing.
“I-I do, the flower shop did say it was difficult to find the specific color, but they made it work. I’ll bring it over when you’re done… and reservations have been made, sir.”
“Perfect, because…” his voice calm and emotionless, his hair once perfectly set in the morning, now just a little frazzled from his busy day, his tie now loose from his stress, “this should be the last one I do,” Satoru smiled while giving his secretary the folder. 
“Sir, uhm you still have —”
“I’ll do them tomorrow,” Gojo stood up, reaching over to grab his coat, quickly throwing it over his broad shoulder.
“B-but!” Ijichi was frantic, his eyes shaking at the visible stack of papers Satoru had yet to sign — and oh, god, he didn’t even get to read over the file for tomorrow’s presentation.
“Satoru-sachou, the Chairman will be there for tomorrow—“
“And the flowers are beautiful, she’ll love them, thank you,” Gojo warmly smiled while taking a whiff of its scent, walking past the frazzled man to a mirror to quickly freshen up his white hair and clothes, reapply your favorite cologne and spray some mint into his mouth.
“Satoru-sach —”
“Relax, when have I ever worried you?”
'always,' Ijichi thought.
Nonchalant and unbothered as he fixed his tie, “It’ll be fine, I’ll be fine, and you’ll be fine,” Satoru stated as he took one look at the mirror, his sharp cerulean eyes looking at his secretary, “go take the night off, you look exhausted.” 
You! You are the source of my stress and mental breakdowns! Ijichi wanted to scream.
While making his way to the door, Satoru quickly noted, “I’ll be here in the morning with all of it finished,” he stated before leaving his office.
At a loss for words, helpless in front of his careless boss, Ijichi just stood frozen, mind racing at all the changes and accommodations, the phone calls and e-mails he’d have to make to fit into Gojo’s schedule because he knew for sure… Gojo Satoru will not be here bright and early in the morning to finish his work — especially when it is date night.
“I should just quit,” falling to his knees, defeated by his boss’s carelessness to simply skadoodle off on a date when he was one impacted by the brunt repercussions of his actions, “surely he wants to kill me with all this— ” 
Disrupting his internal monologue, “Ah, I almost forgot,” Ijichi’s mortal enemy spoke while opening the door and holding onto the knob, “I booked a small vacation for you and your wife for this weekend, it should be in my drawer,” the man simply blinked in response, “and don’t call me until I text you, I got important business for tonight,” Gojo warned before his voice quickly changed to that of pity, “yea… you definitely need that break,” he stated as he shook his head and closed the door again.  
Registering what just occurred, Ijichi grunted as he lifted himself up, brushing his knees as he walked towards Satoru’s desk, lightly skipping as the scales of his exhaustion flaked off from the caring act of his boss, “Well, guess I gotta start sending those emails now…” Ijichi hummed.
“Traffic doesn’t seem too bad,” Gojo muttered while looking at his phone’s navigation, his steps pacing as the clicks of his heels echoed through the halls of the empty parking garage.
Sliding his hand behind the handle, the car automatically turned on as he opened the door. Lowly grunting as he entered his Bentley, his eyes quickly scanned his back seat from the rearview mirror, his mind recalling a moment a couple of days prior that left you rather speechless in his arms — hot and sticky as he reconfirmed once again his love for you in a rather lustfully carnal matter.
He could do that with you — boyfriend privileges.
It’s not like he picked out this specific car, testing out the back specifically for its… spacious seating and tinted window. Totally didn’t bring this car to work today because he wanted to test those specifications out again… but only if you were up for it. 
And stepping on the gas pedal, Gojo drove out, the light screeches of his car heard from inside. 
“Daddy’s coming, sweetheart,” Gojo chuckled while firmly placing a grip on his wheel, his vacant arm resting on the side. 
Though a decade has gone by, Satoru still feels the same giddiness that he did when he was eighteen. He’s gotten taller, bulkier in his frame, and styled his clothes better from the god-awful sweats he always wore — though you still seem to always complain if he wasn’t wearing his specific gray ones, he doesn’t blame you. It makes his dick look nice.  
He kisses you a lot better than the sloppy ones he gave you in his teen years. He gets to wake up with you — face cutely bloated, tummy peaking through his loose shirt, legs entangled with his as he takes in your beauty. He likes that, all of it. 
He reads and understands your quirks before you even tell him. And strangely so, when you have a headache, well god be damned, he had one too. 
He’s become more influential and held power to his name, leading a multi-billion company, but in the privacy of his home, he was still silly, honest, and vulnerable. Contrary to the changes throughout the years, Satoru was still the same — a lovesick man.
Despite your harsh decision to break up with him from a simple misunderstanding, Gojo never held it against you. He’s grown to understand and works to amend the loss — together. It was his time to grow, his time to expand his horizons and his time to explore his options. But guess fate was really on his side because he walked back to where it all started with a fresh start — finding you two years ago at a college reunion. 
Life was good for Satoru — better when you came back into his world. Mornings weren’t so tough and nights didn’t feel so lonely. His mundane days of meeting and mediocre dates were of the past. Now, even the simplest days felt refreshing.
Looking out as he drove through the highway, a couple minutes from your workplace, he watched the city’s skyline sparkle in the dark. He recalled the days when he looked out the night sky, thinking if you were happy, wishing he could just understand why you decided to leave him — only for him to make some regrettable choices of relying on alcohol and texting quick fucks, slipping into weakness during the quietest of times.
It’s often when everything was quiet that felt the loudest — the most difficult to bear for him.
But now, when he sees the night sky he can’t help but feel warm with a slight tingling resonating from his core because even if it's quiet, he isn’t alone — you’ve nestled into a portion of his heart that he could never forsake, nor did he want to. 
She’ll like that, Gojo thought while looking up, making a mental note to mention it to you later.
He felt his heart beating fast as he imagined what face you would make when you would see him today — happy, relieved, excited? Or did you happen to have a bad day, the exhaustion dripping from your slumped shoulders simply needing a hug with light kisses as he expressed his love?
And parking his car, carefully grabbing the bouquet as he took another whiff — he doesn’t remember flowers smelling so beautifully fragrant when you weren’t in his life, but strangely now… it does. 
“Yellow tulips are my favorite,” you mentioned once while Satoru dropped you off at your dorm. 
“Why,” he asked. Repeating ‘yellow tulips’ in his head multiple times just so he can type it into his notes app later when he was alone.
“Just cause… they’re beautiful and they symbolize hope and happiness,” you softly said, “I like to think there’s something out there I can be hopeful for… and maybe find the answer to finding true happiness, if that even exists, ” you shyly confessed with a gentle laugh.
And grabbing hold of your hand, gently bringing it up to his lips for a soft kiss, specific to a finger on your left hand, Satoru marked a promise, “I’ll buy you all the yellow tulips in the world, till you find that answer.” 
Obviously, no flower could come abysmally close to your natural scent when he held you tightly in his arms, naked bodies touching as he breathed into your skin. 
And he hoped the time he spent with you was a step closer to finding your true happiness because, to him, you meant the world.
“She’ll be out in a few, so...” he murmured while taking a look at his watch, briefly scanning the entrance to find a good spot to wait. 
“There should be perfect,” he whispered to himself as he made his way to the corner — a place difficult to see through from the dangling tree leaves and vines.
Satoru couldn’t help but pleasingly reminiscence the times when he would run from his lecture to pick you up. Who can blame him, he was a man on a mission to find his princess — just so happens that she broke his heart eight years ago — but who the fuck cares about setbacks, things were good now.
He feels his heart beating, the familiar thumping in his chest as he waits for you. The usual sweating of his palms as he checked his phone for the time again, mentally groaning as time seemed to be infinitely fixed. Good thing there was no sensei asking him useless questions as he nervously waited.
“I’ll see you next week, have a great weekend Tanaka-san.” 
Gojo could realize that voice anywhere.
There you were, waving goodbye to a fellow male coworker that he had never liked — the lovely Tanaka-san, you always had so many great things to say about. He should just have you transferred to his company, you’ll thrive, and even have a chance to expand your talents … but you’ll give him an earful if he does.
But that’ll be a conversation for another day when he’s more willing to put up a friendly fight with you.
Because right now, he had a mission  — one he’s been striving for since eighteen.
“Ah, fancy I see you here,” Satoru voiced out, coming out from the dark with a hand behind his back, “must’ve been fate that we meet,” he stated with a wink.
Rolling your eyes with a chuckle, turning around to see your boyfriend walking over, “did you run here? Or…” you hummed while looking over to find his Bentley parked on the right, “are you gonna tell me you work here too?”
“Neither,” he shrugged while walking, “just came here to ask a pretty girl out on a date, that’s all,” his voice soft yet enticing as he now stood so closely in front of you. 
“Oh, I’m sorry but I’m actually waiting for my boyfriend,” you looked around, your knees feeling weak when you caught his confident smirk, the sweet scent of his cologne hypnotizing your senses, “have you seen him? He’s really handsome, you know?” you played on.
“You do?” Satoru warmly stated as he gave you the bouquet he was hiding behind his back, his fingers gently resting on your hips as he pulled you in, your dainty heels standing in between his larger dress shoes while he pressed a warm kiss to your cheek, “Bet your handsome boyfriend doesn’t have flowers for you like this, no?”
“He gets them for me all the time,” you took a whiff of the rose and caught sight of the yellow incarnation of hope, “and always picks me up from work even though it drives his secretary insane.”
“Pssh, what a bad boyfriend,” he whispered with his gaze traveling to your lips, “you should totally dump him for me,” he pitched while cupping your face, lips teasing to touch, the slight minty breeze of his breath warming your cheeks, as he slowly closed the impending gap between you two, 
“what do you say, sweetheart? Give me a chance and I’ll treat you to more than just coffee for our date tonight.”
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note: hope you all enjoyed! it was rather difficult to pull out this piece because I was heartbroken from the last jjk chapter... but all is well now because gojo is healthy and well in the forbes30! universe. this was a headcanon that spiraled into a 6k fic... and hopefully i'll be able to expand on the other hc's i have for him, without breaking the word count rip
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msmk11 · 5 months
Congratulations: You Like James Potter
James Potter x fem!reader
Word count: 4k
CW: Idiots in love, kissing, unbearable fluff
Summary: Clothes are a game changer when it comes to feelings. Who would've thought?
A/n: Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you are having a lovely week. Currently I am in the midst of finals week, so I am stressing! That's why I pulled this out of my drive instead of writing something new. I hope you enjoy my loves :)
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The cold stone of the dorm seeps through your socks as you pace back and forth across the width of the room. Although you love Hogwarts, winters are never kind inside a large castle with no insulation.
Usually when this happens, you go roast in front of the fire or take a long, hot shower. However, seeing that you have plans to go to the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin game in ten minutes with Lily, Dorcas, Remus, and Peter, those options are out of the question. You go and stand in front of your chest again, looking at the various sweaters and sweatshirts packed for the colder weather. Despite having so many options, none look warm enough, or let’s be honest, cute enough, to wear to the game today. As you stare at your trunk with a sigh, you hear the door to your room open behind you. 
“Are you almost ready to go?” You hear Lily ask.
You turn to her with a glum look on your face, “Not yet. I don’t know what to wear!”
She comes to stand beside you, “Babe, wear one of the many sweatshirts you have sitting in your trunk.”
“But none of them feel right!” You whine. 
“Then take something from one of our trunks,” she suggests.
“I already looked.” You say, collapsing onto my bed. 
“Well you better figure it out in the next five minutes. If not, we’re leaving without you.”
“I know, I know. I promise I’ll make a decision.”
You hear her leave the room as the door thuds behind her. 
As you lay on your soft bed, engulfed by your comforter, you wish you could just wear it outside to the pitch. Dreaming about such a reality where that could actually happen, you realize that although you can’t carry your comforter around, you can think of something that is likely just as comfortable. One of Remus’ sweaters. You throw your shoes on and barrel down the stairs into the common area. You see your friends waiting for you.
“Are you finally ready?” Lily asks again.
“No, but go on without me. I finally figured out what I want to wear but I’ll meet you guys there,” you reply.
“Okay, we’ll save you a seat,” She says.
Once they’re out of the room, you take two steps at a time up to Remus’ room that he shares with Sirius, James, and Peter. You walk to the far right corner where his stuff is and open the trunk. The angels seem to sing from above as you feast your eyes upon the millions of big, wooly sweaters sitting before you. You see a nice brown one, something that will go perfectly with your blue jeans, and pull it on. You are instantly engulfed by the warmness and sigh with relief. You go and stand in front of the full length mirror against the wall. As you check your appearance and smooth out your hair, you see a flash of red out of the corner of your eye. The flash of red turns out to be none other than one of James Potter’s many quidditch jumpers. Slightly curious, you take the sweater off and put on the sweatshirt. You are pleasantly surprised to find that it is somehow even more comfortable than Moony’s sweater. Plus, it’s perfect to wear to the quidditch game. You go to stand in front of the mirror again and are taken aback slightly by how nicely the red pops against your skin. Satisfied with your appearance, and also feeling incredibly cozy, you rush down to the quidditch pitch, a few minutes before the game starts. You find Lily, Dorcas, Remus, and Peter in the crowd. 
“Hey,” you huff, as you sit down next to Remus.
“Hey, see you finally found something to wear,” he replies. 
“Only took her a million years,” Peter teases.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck off,” you retort, swatting him on the back of the head.
“Hey, I thought you didn’t want to wear any of our stuff?” Lily asks.
“I’m not?” you answer, confused.
“But isn’t that Marlene’s sweatshirt?” 
“No, that’s what I’m wearing” Dorcas says, unzipping her black winter coat to reveal her girlfriend’s hoodie. 
“Then whose is that?” Lily questions. 
Before you can answer, the crowd starts cheering as both teams walk out onto the pitch. Madam Hooch’s voice bellows outward as she asks the captains to shake hands. From the Gryffindor team, James steps forward, and from Slytherin, Lucius Malfoy. The two shake hands then return to their respective teams. They kick off from the ground as the quaffle is thrown into the air and the game begins. Although you’ve seen plenty of quidditch games in your time at Hogwarts, you never cease to be amazed at the agility with which James and Marlene are able to move on their brooms and toss the quaffle between them. Likewise, you are always impressed by Sirius’ strength as a beater and his ability to aim the bludgers at other players perfectly. Within minutes, Gryffindor is winning thirty to ten. The lion’s side of the stadium is screaming as James speeds down the field, heading towards the goal posts yet again. With a quick throw, he tosses the ball through the far left hoop, scoring the team another ten points. We all cheer loudly. He looks to our section and winks, blowing a kiss to his fans. From behind you hear a few sighs and giggles. You turn to see three girls in your year, two from Ravenclaw and one from Hufflepuff, swooning over James’ flirtations. You slightly roll your eyes and huff fondly at James’ fan club. 
Your staring must not have been too discreet because a few moments later, you hear loud whispers from behind.
“And why is she wearing his sweatshirt?”
“They’re not dating are they?”
“They better not, James is mine.”
“Anyways, he could do so much better than her.”
“Yeah, she’s so ugly.”
Confused as to how they know you’re wearing James’ hoodie, you pull on the sleeve, shifting it so you can look at the back. In big, gold letters you see the word “Potter” printed across. 
You simply sigh before getting up and moving down next to Lily on the other end. 
Just as soon as you get settled, Lily turns and says to me, “Wait, turn around. Why are you wearing Potter’s sweatshirt?”
“Merlin, does everyone have a problem with it?” you ask loudly.
Dorcas, Peter, and Remus all look your way in slight surprise. 
“No, sorry. I was just wondering.” Lily answers softly.
Dorcas grabs my hand, “hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah m’fine. It’s just that those three girls,” you point to them, “are bitching about the fact that I’m wearing James’ jersey. Apparently, he’s their man, so how dare I.”
“Just ignore them,” Peter tells me. “They’re just jealous that-”
He suddenly stops, a slightly horrified look on his face.
“Jealous about what?” you implore.
“That they’re not as cool as you!” Remus interjects. 
Curious as to what Peter was going to say, but too tired to bother to ask more you simply scoff, “Right, thanks guys.”
“You know what, the cold be damned, since they’re giving you shit for wearing Potter’s hoodie, I’m gonna show mine off too.” Dorcas announces. She unzips her black jacket and sets it beside her. The bright red hoodie she has on is identical to the one I’m wearing except it says “McKinnon” in big gold letters across the back.
“Me too” Remus proudly declares, pulling off his sweater to reveal another bright red hoodie, with the word “Black” on it. 
“But since you are both dating Sirius and Marlene, won’t it make it seem more likely that I’m dating James?” you ask.
“Is that so bad?” Lily says to me.
You’re about to declare that yes, that is in fact bad, when it dawns on you, “N-no…  I guess not.”
You turn back to the game, slightly in a daze, unaware of the pointed looks shared amongst your friends.
About an hour later, the game is uncomfortably close with the score being Gryffindor: one hundred and Slytherin: ninety. As you watch Marlene dart towards the hoops you hear shouts that the seekers have caught sight of the snitch. It’s a close race as flashes of green and red blur by. We cheer loudly, urging on our team. Within a minute the snitch is caught by Gryffindor. We erupt loudly, celebrating our victory. You watch as the teams land on the ground. More specifically, you watch as James jumps off his broom and runs towards his teammates. You watch the way his black hair shines against the bright sun, how his cheeks are rosy from the cold but also from the rush of winning, how even through his sweater, you can see the definition of his muscles as he lifts the seeker into the air. You begin to realize that maybe the reason you didn’t find it so bad that people thought you were James’ girlfriend was because… 
Merlin. You have feelings for James.
The world seems to go quiet for a moment, and there’s a sort of ringing in your ears, at the realization. 
“Hey! Are you coming?” Lily asks. 
You look up from your spot to see that Remus, Dorcas and Peter have disappeared down into the crowd surrounding the team and that Lily is near the edge of the bleachers, waiting to go join them. 
You shake your head, “Yeah, sorry.”
You get up and follow behind her, feeling a little queasy at the thought of seeing James up close. 
The crowd is wild as people scream congratulations at the team and hug their friends. In the middle you see James, Sirius and Marlene beaming as they eat up the attention. Marlene has her arm around Dorcas’ waist, unafraid to show off the girl she loves. Though Sirius is a loud person, he is a quiet lover and merely grips Remus’ hand beneath his sweatshirt while he talks to others. 
Lily grabs your hand and drags you towards the rest of your friends, “come on, you really are slow today.”
“W-wait Lily, no I,” but before you can resist, you’ve approached the rest of the group. Too afraid to face James first you turn and engulf Sirius in a hug, “nice work today Black! I just love to see Slytherin eat shit.”
Sirius gives you a huge grin, “what can I say, it’s one of my favorite pastimes.”
You then turn to Marlene and squeal, “Marls! You killed it out there. You and James were just so fast, I don’t know how you do it!”
“Natural talent” she brags. 
You laugh and begin to turn away when you bump right into someone’s chest. They grab your shoulders, “woah there, careful.”
You look up to see James towering above you.
“Hey, Potter” you say, your voice softening. 
“Hey, darling. Enjoy the game?” He asks, a small smile on his face.
His smile, it makes your heart melt. And the term of endearment, one he has always used, suddenly makes you flustered. You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. You look down at the turf to avoid his noticing and dig your shoe into the ground, “yeah, it was great! You guys did great!”
To your relief, the crowd starts to disperse and the team starts to walk towards the locker rooms. 
“Well, uh, see you in a bit. At the party sometime I suppose.” You tell him, before walking off towards the castle. 
“Yeah, see ya.” He says quietly.
You only make it a few steps before you hear him call your name. Your heart beats a little faster as you turn back towards him, “Is that my sweatshirt?” 
You cringe inwardly as you walk back towards him, “Oh, yeah, sorry. I should’ve asked. I was just cold and nothing in my closet looked appealing. I’ll go put it right back when I get back to the tower.”
“No, don’t. It looks good on you.” He answers. 
You feel butterflies in your stomach, “oh, okay. Thanks. And really, nice job today.”
You turn back around and run to catch up to your friends.
When we get back to the castle you immediately go up to your room and collapse onto your bed. All of these new emotions leave you feeling confused, nervous, and exhausted. You decide that maybe you shouldn’t go to the party and should instead just sleep away your racing thoughts…. Suddenly, you feel two plops down next to you onto your bed. 
“What are you guys doing?” You mumble. 
“We’ll explain when Marlene gets back.” Dorcas responds. 
Not even a few minutes later, the door opens and Marlene comes in, throwing herself on the bed.
“Right, I’m here,” she says, out of breath.
“Did you run here?” Lily asks.
“Of course! We have very important business to attend to.” 
“We told you to be discreet!” Dorcas scolds.
“I just told James it was a fashion emergency!” Marlene protests. 
You lift your head up to look at your three roommates, “what are you lot talking about?” 
They share a look amongst each other and suddenly sit up very seriously. 
Lily pulls you up into a sitting position as well. 
“Shall I start?” Marlene questions. 
The two nod their heads, “Right. Well, congratulations, you have feelings for James Potter!”
Your heart drops, “What? No I don’t. What are you talking about?”
“Ah yes, denial,” Dorcas says smartly.
“We were expecting this,” Lily adds.
“I’m sorry, you were expecting this?” 
“Yes. It’s been very clear to all of us that you have feelings for James. We just didn’t know how long it would take you to realize. It seems today is the day.”
“B-but, how? I’ve never once thought about James as anything besides my friend until now.”
“She admits it!” Marlene cheers.
Dorcas glares at her slightly, “It’s okay, love. Sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of us. That’s what happened to me with Marlene, remember?”
You think back to how the two used to interact before they were dating. They were always close and very touchy. You often caught Marlene looking longingly after Dorcas and remember Dorcas always being jealous of Marlene’s other girlfriends. 
“But you two were so obvious!” You proclaim.
“So are you and James,” Lily tells me kindly.
“Does that mean he knows?” You nearly shriek. 
Marlene takes your hand lovingly, “No, of course not. James is a lot of things, but observant is not one of them.”
You let out a sigh of relief. But then a wave of panic brushes over you, “What am I supposed to do? I can’t even act normal around him now that I know. I just feel all sweaty and nervous!”
“Just be yourself. He already likes you for you.” Dorcas says warmly. 
“How can you be so sure?”
“Honey, when have you ever known James Potter to be subtle about anything? He’s always trying to do everything to get your attention. You just aren’t always paying attention.” 
You huff and fall back onto your bed, “Merlin, I hate feelings. I wish things could just go back to the way things were.”
Lily grabs your arm and pulls you back up, “well, seeing as things can’t, let’s make the most of it.”
You give her a questioning look.
“The reason Marlene rushed back up here so fast is because we knew you would need all three of us helping you once you realized your feelings.”
“Yeah, no offense, you’re a bit hopeless when it comes to dating.” Marlene says bluntly. 
You smack her arm, “that’s not helpful.”
“Everything will be fine” Dorcas tells you, “now let’s get you dressed for the party. You have a certain Mr. Potter to impress.”
An hour later, the four of you are dressed and ready to go. Your friends have put quite the ensemble together, dressing you in a red, cropped sweater with a pair of dark blue mom jeans that supposedly “make your ass look amazing” (according to Marlene) and gold jewelry. After you told them that James said you looked good in his sweatshirt, they decided that your outfit needed to remind him of it (hence the gold and red). Lily is wearing an adorable green sweater dress with brown boots and her hair is pulled back with a clip. Marlene has on black leather pants and a long sleeve, pink, sheer shirt with only her nipples covered. Dorcas is wearing a blue crop top with an open back, black jeans, and combat boots. 
“Guys, we look hot.” Lily announces. 
“Hell yeah we do,” Marlene agrees.
“I’m sure Mary will love it,” Dorcas teases. 
Lily blushes a bright scarlett, “you really think?”
“Absolutely. You look killer, babe.” You tell her. 
“You too, Mrs. Potter,” she says, winking. 
You roll your eyes at her before taking a deep breath and staring in the mirror one last time, “right, let’s get this over with.”
“Oh yes, let’s get through this terrible party.” Marlene jokes. 
We walk down into the common room where music is blaring and people are spread about talking, laughing, and dancing. As we weave through the crowd of people, Dorcas and Marlene are pulled into a conversation with a Ravenclaw friend from potions class. Lily soon leaves you too, after checking that you are okay, to go and flirt with Mary. 
Trying to calm your nerves, you grab a bottle of firewhiskey and plop yourself down onto one of the red couches pushed out of the way. 
“Did your fashion emergency get solved?”
You jump a mile at the voice coming from behind. You turn to see James leaning over the couch, smirking.
“The what?” You stutter out.
“Marlene said there was a fashion emergency? Was it solved?”
“Oh! Right. Uh, yeah. Lily had simply no idea what to wear to the party. And that’s very important, you see, because she’s trying to impress Mary.”
He leans closer to me, “I think it's working.”
The smell of his cologne wafts to your nose. You can barely breathe as you turn to look to where he’s pointing. 
Despite your anxiousness, you can’t help but smile proudly as you see Lily kissing Mary.
You cough awkwardly, “clothes can be a game changer.” 
He looks at you intensely, “yeah they can.”
You think about his sweatshirt from earlier. How he liked it, how it made you feel all safe and cozy, how it made you realize your feelings for him. 
“You know, speaking of clothes. I need to give you your sweatshirt back, now that I’m done wearing it.”
“I told you you could hang on to it,” he insists. 
“But you’ll want to have it for your future partner.” You say quietly.
“What?” He asks you.
You clear your throat, “oh uh, earlier, when I was wearing your sweatshirt, some girls thought I was your girlfriend, because I guess that’s a thing a boyfriend would do- let them wear his clothes. So, of course, you need to have it so you can give it to your actual partner… when you get one. You know, they seemed pretty interested in you, I’m sure I can point them out if you’re interested. They’re pretty too, so…”
You look up at James to see a pained look on his face. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
His voice sounds strained as he says, “yeah. I’ll just go take that sweatshirt off your hands then.”
A lump forms in your throat as you nod. 
It seems pretty clear to you that James doesn’t like you.
We walk through the crowd and up to your doom. The door shuts behind us and James stays near the doorway as you go to grab his hoodie from the edge of your bed where you put it, neatly folded. You turn to give it to him but his hands remain at his sides. 
“James, your hoodie?”
“Was it really that unbearable for you, for people to think that you’re my girlfriend, that you refuse to hang onto it?”
“James, what?”
“Look, I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t be saying this, but I just can’t help it. I want people to think you’re my girlfriend. Because, I like you. I do. And I’m sorry, I know this ruins things, and I know you don’t feel the same, but I can’t keep hiding it any longer.”
You drop the sweatshirt and walk towards James quickly. 
“You mean it?”
He nods.
Slowly, you reach your hand out and cup his cheek. You stroke your thumb across his jawline, studying every feature of his face from his hazel eyes, to the slight smile lines around his mouth, and the soft pink of his lips. 
“James, I feel the exact same way about you. It took me a bit longer to realize than you, but I do. I really care about you.”
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that” he tells me.
Suddenly, he turns you around and pushes you up against the stone wall, “can I kiss you?”
You nod before he catches your lips between his. He tastes like chapstick and mint gum and it’s simply perfect. 
You tangle your hands in his already tangled black hair as he grips his hands on your waist. 
Eventually, we pull away. 
“Maybe we should go back down to the party. People might be wondering where their star player is.” You tease.  
“I’ll only agree if you put that hoodie back on. I want to show you off.”
Heat rises to your cheeks, “fine, but turn around.”
He turns around while you change out of your sweater back into his sweatshirt. 
“Okay, you’re good to look now.”
He turns around with a huge grin on his face, “my don’t you just look ravishing, darling. I declare you shall never wear anything but my clothes ever again.”
You walk forward and pull him into a hug, “fine by me. I’ve never been more comfortable in my entire life.”
He goes to pull you in for another kiss but you stop him, “later,” you whisper in his ear, winking. 
You giddily turn around and quickly escape the room. He chases after you.
Before we enter the common room, you grab his hand tightly. He squeezes it back. As we walk towards our friends, you feel some people staring at the two of you. When we approach Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Dorcas, and Marlene they are beaming like idiots. 
“Soooooo…. You two, huh?” Sirius smirks suggestively. 
James shoves him slightly, yet still has a goofy grin on his face, “piss off.”
“I’m just glad we don’t have to watch them pine over each other anymore” Peter says, relieved. 
“No, but now we have to watch them be all lovey dovey,” complains Lily. 
“As if we didn’t just see you getting it on with Mary,” you retort. 
“Wait, so are you two… official?” Dorcas enquires.
We look at each other. “I guess we didn’t officially establish that.” You answer. 
“Hold on,” James says to you, letting go of your hand. 
He jumps up onto the table, “excuse me, may I have everyone’s attention.”
The room quiets as they all turn to look at him. 
“Oh no,” you sigh. 
“I have a question to ask a very special someone and I want you all here to witness it!” He turns to you with a huge smile on his face, “darling, sweetheart, apple of my eye, will you go out with me?” 
You feel the eyes of dozens of people on you. You even feel the glare of many girls you know would kill to be you right now. Yet even then, nothing can bother you. Because when looking at James, you see nothing else. 
“Yes! I’ll go out with you James!” You respond, giggling. He jumps off the table and pulls you in for a kiss. The room cheers loudly. 
Safe to say we were the talk of the school for a week. 
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br4ttyeilish · 2 months
billie x VS angel HC ?
- Thank you 💖
Billie x Victoria Secret Angel Head canons !!
Authors note: to the anon who requested this i NEED to know who you are because i am OBSESSED with the idea of this. i might even make a full fic inspired this soo stay tuned for that (maybe idk i lie a lot LMAO)
Warnings: not proof read
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swf :
when you find out that your gonna have a runway show coming up in a few months you immediately get into that mindset
even though your excited you start worrying a lot more and becoming overwhelmed and stressed 
you start stressing out a lot about working out and your appearance and making sure your fit in time for the runway
billie notices and sees how much your over working yourself and assures you that you dont need to stress
"what are you doing?" billie asks you as she stands by your door. your currently laying down in a starfish position on your wooden floor, face pouring sweat and your cheeks flushed red.
"im getting ready for the runway, you know this." you remind her. "the runway isnt until 2 months from now?" billies eyebrows furrow in confusion as she begans to enter the room more. you sigh, "i know but all the other girls have such pretty fit bodies and i wanna be prepared in advance. i wanna look like them." you tell your girlfriend. you look up at her with pleading eyes. billie looks down at you softly.
she sits down next to you, "baby what? your the prettiest girl on that entire runway. the other girls probably worry about looking like you. stop stressing about this you look absolutely gorgeous the way you are." 
billies always constantly assuring you that you look gorgeous and especially even more gorgeous than all the other models (because she genuinely thinks that)
billie always comes to your shows and you even sneak her backstage all the time so she can watch you get ready for the show
you always make sure billie gets front row seats to your shows so she can see you better
billie always makes you matcha tea right before your shows 
she watches you as you get your makeup and hair done. taking in how beautiful you truly are.
when shes backstage you make sure to keep your robe on tight so she doesnt get a sneak peak at your outfit until your out on the runway
billie obviously is only there for you so when the other girls come out she's usually very bored and looks extremely uninterested 
when you come out she can finally see what was under your robe the whole time. shes taken aback. completely in awe. starring at you with blown out pupils. thinking to herself "how did i get so lucky?"
you make sure to make direct eye contact with her when you come out. giving her an ever so slight smirk and looking away. posing in very seductive poses for the show, but also for your girlfriend
she always take photos of you with her phone when your on the runway. if the show yall are at doesnt allow phones she will sneakily get photos of you anyways
billie always tries to get you some type of gift after all your shows. usually containing a bouquet of flowers and your favorite drink/snack
after the show you immediately run to her and try to find her. once you do you run into her arms and give her a huge hug
she absolutely praises the FUCK out of you
"baby you looked SO good out there holy shit" 
she tells her all about her favorite looks with you and her favorite things about what you did
nsfw : 
when billie sees you out on the runway in you revealing clothes it gets her hot. immediately feelings herself clench her thighs together for some type of relief
all she can think about is how good youd look like that in her room together alone
or she thinks about how good id look on her bedroom floor..
in the car ride home she has her hands rubbing on your thigh. wanting to just take you there in the car but patiently keeping it together.
the second yall get home (or to the hotel) after your shows, billies hands are all over you.
you always wear your runway looks under your clothes home so when you get home you can give billie her own show.
once she starts tearing your clothes off and realizes you still have your runway lingerie on she gets super happy
"god, you looks so hot on stage in this.. even hotter right now for me."
she usually just ends up fucking you in the lingerie. its too hot not to for her
she always makes sure to call you her little "angel"
you'd pretend like you hated it but deep down you absolutely loved it
once yall are finished she always tells you "you have to wear this again for me, you look so good baby." 
and you always keep that in mind for the future
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TAGLIST (dm,inbox,or comment to be added!) : @muchloveforhacker @chrissv4mp @mseilishmwah @chrissfawn @dev-sturns
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crumbledcastle28 · 1 year
Azriel Shadowsinger: Young God
Pairing: Azriel x fem!reader (afab; she/her)
Request: “Okay I’m annoying you with these now hehe sorry. But I have another idea/request. You know how in angst Azriel x reader oneshots it’s always the reader who’s in love with Azriel and he’s in a relationship? How about we switch that and make it so Azriel is in love with an unavailable reader?” @aroseinvelaris
Excerpt: “He looked up at you like a boy, a little boy, who had been pushed too far. And yet, at the same time, the Azriel who quickened your heart with only a glance was still there, giving his face and body the look of what you could only describe as a young, bleeding god. Covered in sweat and tears and blood, his hair soaked with the same alloy, he was a fallen angel, begging for mercy.
His eyes said to you make it stop. Please, make it end.
“Az,” you whispered, and he fell into your arms.
Your brain instantly tore you in half. You had never felt so overjoyed and crestfallen in the same moment.”
Warnings: illyrian!reader, jealous!azriel (so yummy), idiots in love, reader has sex with someone else, heavy swearing, kind of toxic reader and az, drinking, mating bond, punching bags, blood, kissing, and our lord of bloodshed and high lord make an appearance.
Word Count: 3.7k 
A/N: I have been sitting on this request forever, and I feel I am finally capable of doing it justice. I hope you enjoy @aroseinvelaris, thank you again for your request.
A/N 2: I’m a lot a little rusty with acotar vernacular and Azriel descriptions. so please be kind. This is also incredibly not canon.
SJM Masterlist 
If you would like to leave a like, comment, ask, or reblog, it would be much appreciated :)
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The last thing you wanted to do in the infamous, disreputable Windhaven War-Camp was drink, but with the presence of its current war lord, you were really fucking tempted to.
You could hear his remarks from a multiple tables away. 
 Training females, a waste of resources if you ask me.
What the fuck else does Rhysand expect of us? To put bitches in our camps? On our front lines?
Rhysand’s dogs wish they could prove what we do to with them after their training.
He was a cocksucking pig, and that was enough of an excuse for you to bring a cup of wine to your lips and practically guzzle it down.
“You hear him too?” said the Lord of Bloodshed to your right, or as you knew him, just Cass.
You nodded, taking another sip despite the sour grapes coating your tongue, and his leathers squeaked as he leaned forward on his chair. He was gripping his own glass like a sailor dangling over a hull.
“Mother help me,” he replied.
“Mother help us all,” you countered, and Cassian chuckled.
“And Rhysand most of all,” he replied, gesturing across the crowded dining area.
Rhys was elbows-deep in documents, going over how exactly Windhaven was functioning under his rule with the other war lords. You didn’t blame him. With Ironcrest continuing to defame him and grip onto their dissent, Rhysand couldn’t afford to lose anyone else.
He would never admit that, of course, but after over a century of spying for him, you had your ways of reading him; shoulders tight, back hunched, eyebrows creased, and chin resting on his palm. Yeah, he was a bit stressed out.
If only you could read another Illyrian in the room’s body language so well.
You and Cassian sat and drank for some time, grateful Rhys trusted you to be his backup but simultaneously regretting ever joining him in the first place, before the rest of your backup arrived.
You begged your heart not to quicken. The alcohol was already fucking with your head enough.
Azriel sat in the seat to your left, his distinct musk of cool air, leather, and shadows breezing by you as he did, and poured himself a glass of his own.
“Notice anything?” Cassian asked him as he poured, well aware that your heart was in fact quickening, but Az shook his head.
“Nothing out of the ordinary.”
You nodded as he sipped his drink, leaning back into his chair. His wings and chest widened, giving your peripheral vision the perfect angle of his leathers. Him and Cassian had gone all out - adorned with every dagger, cuirass, pauldron, and gauntlet you could think of, in addition to their shimmering siphons bouncing off every metallic object in the hall. You blended in with them as best as you could.
Except, of course, the fact that you were a female.
Az’s voice ripped you from your thoughts. “I would feel more confident if Y/N did my route over again after dinner is served. Would you be okay with that?” 
You nodded without looking at him, and were surrounded by silence once more.
The three of you continued to keep your eyes open, scanning the room for any sudden movements, suspicious glances, or unnecessary walks towards your High Lord. Your body besieged you to get up and get away from the male beside you. Escape the nervous energy he always seemed to coat you with made especially worse given the fact that you were surrounded and outnumbered by enemies, made your fight-flight-or-freeze response ache with strain.
The alcohol wasn’t helping the feeling at all. You needed something else. Right then and right there to make your heart pound and sweat pour from your pores.
With one glance to your right, you spotted your solution.
“Is that who I think it is?” Cassian asked, following your line of sight, and you grinned.
Ozia. A name perfect for his image in your mind.
Azriel followed your gaze as well, his spine straightening and his eyes squinting, and looked back to you with a look that could only be described as a mix of puzzled and panicked.
The male’s hazel eyes met yours across the hall, and in that moment, you knew exactly where your night was going to end.
The male was tall and chiseled, skin tanned and freckled, and his hair was brown and curly. It hung over his eyes slightly, etching his curved nose and pouted lips perfectly. He was quiet, reserved, but one of the few Ilyrian males you had ever found yourself able to trust. You had met him the last time you had visited Devlon, enforcing Rhysand’s rule of training before chores with an iron fist, and Ozia had backed you up completely. He explained that he had even started taking the females back to his home to teach them proper stretching and breathing techniques, and his support made your trip infinitely easier.
Maybe that was the reason you had ended up in his bed, or maybe it was because of his borderline piercing resemblance to the male on your left. Either way, Cassian had never teased you as relentlessly as he had the day he had found out - you still had no fucking idea how - and with the look in his eye as his gaze bounced between you, Ozia, and Az, he was not going to let this one go either.
Not a morsel of you cared. It was infinitely better than sitting in the want of a male you could never have.
You finished off your wine before standing up, scraping your wooded chair against the floor as you did. Azriel looked up at you and, likely having put the two pieces together, asked, “What about dinner?”
Your excitement to escape him caused you to overlook the venom in his tone.
“I’m not hungry,” you responded, and made your way towards the male you knew, and away from the one you wish you did.
Azriel willed himself to remember a word of what Cassian had said to him from the moment you left to the moment he finally made his escape, but as he trekked up the creaky, circular stairs to his dust-ridden bedroom for the evening, he could not recall a single word.
Not after the look in your eyes as you looked at the male across the room, the grin tracing your teeth as you eyed him, and the way your hips moved as you walked to him. Not after Azriel could not eat more than a few bites of the chicken soup provided for them without becoming queasy at the thought of what that male - Ozia - was doing to you, what you were doing to him. Not after the blow to his heart after waiting for you to walk his route with him, as you had agreed to, and you never showing. 
And especially not now, as he prepared himself for the necessity of passing your room in order to get to his own.
With the alcohol muddling his mind and the exhaustion in his muscles from one of the longest days he had experienced in recent memory, he thought he could pass it by without a second thought. He was in the clear at the top of the steps, throat closing and head pounding, but as he made his way past your door, his hope dissolved like a sugar in tea.
He didn’t hear you, or him, or have any proof that you were together in your room in any way...
... except for the smell of it.
He had never hated anything more..
The smell of you - you - that he had gotten to know so well. Vanilla and green tea with just a hint of rose, a mixture true to who you were at your core, mixed with the smell of someone else. It was sex and sweat and spit and sheets and you so much of you and so much of him.
It was acrid, pungent, and so fucking heart shattering that he had to put his hand to his chest to ensure his heart was still beating.
He wanted to keel over in pain, rip his heart out of his chest, shatter every window in the cabin, and rip you away from him all in the same moment.
But he just kept on walking, ignoring the tether in his chest pulling him back to you more than anything else.
                                  ��                    ~*~
If Azriel thought that night was long, he was not ready for the morning after.
At breakfast, you reeked of him, yet the smile on your face was what burned Azriel to a crisp. As the four of you traveled home, you and Cass snuck glances at each other like two females who knew something Azriel didn’t. When you finally reached the House of Wind, you immediately went up to bed, mumbling something about how you hadn’t managed to get much sleep anyway.
He hadn’t either.
As you headed upstairs, Azriel headed down, vibrating with an energy he could not describe. All he knew was that he wanted it off of him. He needed everything he was feeling inside of him off and away it was cutting him so deeply - 
“Hey,” came a voice, the arm attached to it finding its place on Azriel’s shoulder. He turned, startled to finally feel his body after living solely in his head, and was met with violet.
“What’s going on?” Rhys asked, and Azriel softened a bit from the look of concern in his eyes.
After centuries of having brothers - real brothers - he still wasn’t used to being loved.
“I’m fine,” Azriel replied, and Rhys raised his eyebrows. “Honestly, I am. Just overtired, and sick of Illyrians.”
As if on cue, Cassian walked through the house with a dagger in one hand and an even bigger bottle of liquor in the other, likely headed upstairs to bring said items up to his mate.
He turned to look at his observers as he made his way up, exclaiming proudly, “I picked the dagger out myself.”
Rhys and Az looked at each other after he reached the top, and Rhys chuckled, patting Azriel on the shoulder. “You and me both, brother.”
 Azriel couldn’t remember how many punching bags he’d sent flying across the training room’s floor. He didn’t fucking care.
All he knew was that the feeling inside of him was not stopping.
He had done pushups until he collapsed, a plank until he dropped, crunches until he puked, and now he was punching the bags without any wrapping protecting the skin of his hands. He would take anything else - anything else - in place of this anguish. He could still smell it, couldn’t stop picturing it, and every time his brain seemed to release him from the torture of its vividity, it would snap back in almost instantly like a punch to his stomach.
He’d been hit many times, but nothing that felt like this. It was a feral, dirty, venomous beast inside of him tearing him apart with its nails and teeth. His arms were jelly, his hands were spilling clumps of blood, but it still wasn’t enough. The beast was relentless, beating Azriel no matter what he did.
His chest ached so badly. The thought of you kissing Ozia.
Tasting him. 
Feeling him.
Laughing with him.
Smiling at him. Enough to crinkle your irises. While Azriel waited for you.
And possibly even loving him.
A punch, a crack, and a scream echoed through the chamber, and Azriel smiled with victory as his body finally gave out on him.
You woke covered in sweat, an unidentifiable scream echoing through your mind like a stone in an empty cave, and a searing pain etching its way down your right hand. Tears coated your eyes as you sat up, hissing as the throbbing made it down to your fingertips.
The scream continued to reverberate all the while.
“Fuck,” you whispered, your hand laying limp by your side. You felt stupid for crying. You had broken your hand before.
But your hand wasn’t broken.
You attempted to wiggle it around, flexing your fingers and widening your grip, and the pain slowly faded to a dull ache. You wiped your eyes as you pushed down onto the mattress with it, attempting to gauge how harsh the pain was engrained your bones.
The searing sensation returned.
“Fuck,” you whispered again, and scooted off the bed and onto your feet. The sun had begun to rise outside your window, illuminating you with gold as you walked into the hall and down to the kitchen. 
Your mind muddled with pain and sleep so harshly that you relied on your body to navigate for you, allowing it to think for you. You didn’t even know why you were going to the kitchen. You just needed to move the rest of your body to distract you from your hanging hand.
As you blinked the sleep out of your eyes, you realized that, instead of the kitchen, your body had begun to take you down further. 
“What the fuck am I doing?” you questioned, but still walked down, down, down.
Maybe your body was telling you that some training would do you good. Maybe your hand was just stiff and sore, and needed renewed blood flow. You had been skipping out on your morning routine due to your guard duty. Maybe your body was itching for it back.
You yawned, whispering, “Whatever.”
You began rolling your shoulders as your feet hit the ground, warming up your back and neck. You rubbed your eyes one last time with your left hand, allowing your still aching right one to remain hanging at your side, while simultaneously becoming overwhelmed with the scent of sweat, rubber, and blood. For a second, you smiled, content with the feeling of walking into a space you knew so well - that knew you so well. You were excited, your adrenal gland suddenly pumping you with adrenaline and dopamine.
You were home.
That euphoric pairing was suddenly doused with cortisol as you turned towards the punching bags, only to be met with nearly a dozen lying flat, and a mass of dark wings kneeling on the hard ground.
A mass of dark wings that you could recognize with only the sound of them.
“Azriel,” you whispered, watching as he breathed heavily, clutching his bleeding hand. He was surrounded by small sprays of crimson blood and clear sweat, painting the floor a muted color. His expression was...pained, haunted.
It was his right hand he was clutching.
“Azriel,” you said again, a bit louder that time, and picked up your stride. He hinted at no recognition.
Your own pained hand was long forgotten.
You reached him quickly, kneeling down beside him and touching his shoulders gently. You turned him to look at you, tempted to finally understand the exact feeling of his face slightly stubbled, but his head remained low.
“Azriel, what the fu -” you began, but were unable to form another syllable when his golden eyes connected with yours.
He looked up at you like a boy, a little boy, who had been pushed too far. And yet, at the same time, the Azriel who quickened your heart with only a glance was still there, giving his face and body the look of what you could only describe as a young, bleeding god. Covered in sweat and tears and blood, his hair soaked with the same alloy, he was a fallen angel, begging for mercy.
His eyes said to you make it stop. Please, make it end.
“Az,” you whispered, and he fell into your arms.
Your brain instantly tore you in half. You had never felt so overjoyed and crestfallen in the same moment.
His face was pressed against your collarbone as he began to weep, and his arms wrapped around your waist. He was timid at first, waiting for you to push him away, but you didn’t. Your body molded him to you, pressing him against you and holding him like glass. He was shaking, sweating, and bleeding all over you, enough that blood dripping from his mouth had begun to soak through your shirt. You closed your eyes and held him impossibly closer, and brought your still throbbing hand up to the back of his neck.
Every part of his body that you could feel was warm - too warm.
“Azriel,” you whispered, your voice suddenly cracking at the effort to speak, “what happened?”
He said nothing.
“Why are you down here, Azriel?” you asked, beginning to rub your fingers along the top of his spine. “Tell me why.”
He inhaled shakily, his hot breath mixing with the heat of his blood still staining you, and tried to speak. Nothing escaped besides another quiet sob.
This Spymaster, Illyrian warrior, the strongest there had ever been, was shattering in your arms.
“Please just tell me,” you whispered again. It was your own way of begging him to get up again, be the male who never cracked, never crumbled. He was a rock - he was always a rock - and seeing him like this was scaring the living shit out of you.
He had to have caught on, because after a few shaky breaths, he whispered quietly enough for only you to hear. “Because I can still smell him on you.”
Your eyes widened, and a copper taste coated your tongue.
“You...” you whimpered, “you smell him?”
Suddenly Azriel pushed himself off you and looked at you with something other than pain and hurt.
It was...you didn’t know what it was.
“Yes,” he replied, his bloodied, broken hand trembling, “that’s all I can fucking smell and see. I can’t stop it. No matter what I do, I can’t stop it.”
You recalled Rhysand’s words from the past, about Feyre.
When I would feel her on Tamlin, he said, it was all I could see. I couldn’t stop it.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Azriel continued, “my chest...it hurts.”
It was all in my chest, Rhysand had said, the pain was, at least, The rest was somewhere deeper, like it was engrained in me. The wrongness of it was inside of me.
“It’s inside of me, Y/N.” Azriel’s mouth was dripping blood now, adding to the mural he had painted on the floor, “I don’t...your hand?”
You looked down at your limp one, and back up at him.
“You...you felt it?” he asked, referring to the shattering of his own bones.
You nodded, tears streaming down your cheeks, but from something other than pain. Your voice was breathy and perfumed with triumph as you traced the pattern in both Az and Rhys’s words. “Yes.”
Azriel’s defeated eyes suddenly lit with curiosity. “How...how is that possi -” 
“The pain’s right here, isn’t it?” you interrupted him, putting your left hand on the area right beneath your breasts. “Right here?”
You moved your hand to the same area on his chest, and he nodded. 
“It burns, doesn’t it?”
“Everywhere,” he agreed.
You nodded. “It’s deep, like in your bones it feels -”
“- wrong.” He completed your sentence for you.
You smiled, big enough to wrinkle your irises, and kissed him.
He was bloody and hot, but you kissed him anyway, hard enough for drops of it to begin to drip down your lips as well.
You pulled away and took his injured hand in yours. “Why do you think I was with Ozia in the first place?”
Azriel’s voice was quiet and unsure. “I... I don’t know.”
“Because he was as close to you as I could get,” you said with a chuckle. “I thought, after a century, there was no hope. That the Cauldron destined you for someone else. I figured, if I couldn’t have you, I would drown the grief in someone who I could pretend was you.”
His eyes widened, and he licked his bloodied lips before asking, “Did it work?”
You chuckled back and kissed his cheek. “Not even close.”
With your lips still buzzing, he pulled you in for another kiss, and finally - finally - the cracks in your chest bloomed into a bond. It was soothing, spreading itself over all the wounds that remained open from a century of festering, and replaced them with a garden of roses. The feeling stretched itself around your body, wrapping you in a cocoon of solace. You had been carrying the ache of an untethered line in your body, and it had finally found its dock.
He kissed you softly, holding back enough to prove to you of his uncertainty, before you pulled away and mumbled, “I feel it too.”
He swallowed and smiled, enough to crinkle the skin around his eyes and accentuate his dimples. With his blood still dripping from both of your mouths, he said with full confidence, “You’re my mate.”
You wiped the blood from his chin and brushed back the strands of hair sticking to his forehead as you replied, “And you are mine.”
With eyes only filled with love, Azriel said, “So that’s why I wanted to tear his jaw off.”
You smiled and pressed your foreheads together, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone. Your shattered hands were placed on top of each other on the ground.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” you said to him. “I thought the pain I felt was merely jealousy, and I was with Ozia to escape from it. If I knew you were experiencing it too, or if I was honest from the beginning, you never would have gotten hurt.”
You leaned back to look him in the eye as you said, “I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry I left you to do the route alone. I am sorry for all of it.”
He only smiled. “I had every opportunity to be honest too, and I didn’t take it. This isn’t your fault.’
You nodded, but he kissed you again. “This isn’t your fault.”
 You kissed him back, showing him you believed him through your tongue and teeth.
You had dreamed of this moment, internalized every spat of poetry Rhysand and Cassian had iterated about the feeling of it, but nothing could have prepared you to know the feeling of being honestly, rawfully, and purely loved.
 Taglist (if you’d like to be added please let me know!)
@leahkenobi  @notquitehero @lovelyladymayyy @seraphqueen @em---r @azaideen @katiebellf @llovelydove @tinasbookishlife @xxpeachyxo @evlyncelia @icarusave @forever-paramore28 @peachyxlynch @feyretopia @wingedmiken @moonslattes @hollyismentallyillhelp @esposadomd @redhighlady @bsenpai-blog @buttercake2234 @perssepeony @whor-3-crux @avengerswhre @mystic-sculpture @wolfyland7 @are-y0u-serious-blog @hilism @tooobsessedsstuff @simplysensual @hernameispa @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @i-am-fascinated @seraphimluxe @just-living5 @saphiraprince22 @azsazz​ @thatonespriteobsessedbitch​ @moisyinfluencerstrawberry @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​ 
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radioisntdead · 16 days
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No longer you
Adam x F! Reader
Warnings: mild OOC because it's my first time writing for this prick.
Song used
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Adam begrudgingly walked down the long heavenly hallway, Lute was left behind to prepare for the extermination that would take place later that very day.
Paintings decorated the walls, ones of his time in Eden with Eve, He wished he could just grab them off the wall and smash them to smithereens but unfortunately he couldn't because Sera would be on his ass about it, as would the folks who painted them.
Eventually he arrived to the door at the other side of the door, immediately pounding on it.
"Hey, Sweet cheeks, I'm here open the fuck up!" He called out.
A loud sigh was heard before the door cracked open, a dove-like cherub flew out.
"The prophet is inside, do keep your voice low as-" the poor cherub was interrupted by the first man,
"Yeah yeah, I know We do this every fucking extermination." Adam proceeded to walk pass the Cherub and walk into the dim room.
You were sat in some fancy looking chair, a floral tea pot infront of you, the light outside shined onto you, you looked positively ethereal through the translucent veil covering your face.
Adam couldn't deny that he got fucking lucky landing you as his wife, and if he could he'd pepper you in kisses and more but alas, he couldn't unless he wanted to get scolded by Sera, not here at least.
In this room you were a prophet, someone who gave him an idea of how each extermination would go, obviously it'd be the same as every other time, they'd kill a bunch of fuckwad sinners and come back, like every other time.
Adam couldn't even open his mouth to say anything before you began to speak.
"I am the prophet with the answers you seek,"
You looked towards him, normally you'd bring a decent vision, but with what you saw, you couldn't state it outright.
"Time, I've unlocked it,"
Adam immediately grimaced at the look of pity you held in your eyes, the last fucking thing he needed was to be pitied, not by you of all people.
"I see past and future running free," you gestured for him to take the seat in front of you.
"There is a world where I help you get home," you picked up the tea pot, you poured the tea within into a matching floral teacup.
Adam sat down the chair creaking from the force he used, he picked up the cup muttering a "Thanks"
"But that's not a world I know," you didn't dare make eye contact with him.
"What?" You heard the teacup get placed back into the table, a droplet flying out and staining the white cloth that covered the aforementioned table.
"I see a song of current romance," you closed your eyes as the visions replayed in your mind, you had a vague idea of who they were having caught a glimpse, The princess of hell and a former exorcist.
"I see the sacrifice of woman,"
So, so many exorcists would lose their lives, and even if you didn't approve of the whole extermination thing, you didn't think they deserved death.
"I see portrayals of betrayal," the image of the day Lute tore Vaggie's wings and eye out flashed.
"And a snake's final stand," Poor guy, he never stood a chance.
You took in a breath, opening your eyes to look Adam in his.
"I see you on the brink of death," you heard Lute's scream, it sent cold shivers down your spine.
"I see you draw your final breath," that smile, that stupid, goofy soft smile of his, that would only be reserved for you usually.
Adam looked unimpressed, not taking your visions seriously, him? Dying? Because of little miss hell's princess? What a joke.
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you" It wasn't Adam, but the fallen angel who had stolen away both of his wives.
Adam scoffed, "This can't be,"
"We've slaughtered and sailed through the toughest of hells," He waved his hand around in a circular motion.
''Now you tell us our efforts fail now?" You sigh as you slip out of your seat, standing up.
"I see her hotel covered in gold," truthfully you saw it in rumble, but the angelic golden blood was spilled up on it.
"Faces of sinners who had long believed you invincible," you saw them cheering, cheering at the fact that the first man, the man you loved for some reason, was dead.
"I see your wife with a man who is haunting," you saw him, no longer as he was now, no longer a winner but a sinner like those he slaughtered each year.
Adam on the other hand immediately thought that you meant Lucifer.
You prayed that he wouldn't break the porcelain tea set that rested on the table, it was gift from Emily.
"A man with a trail of bodies," "Who?!" He stood and shouted with such anger that a normal person would flinch, but you simply pointed your finger to him.
He visibly relaxed at that, still on edge on whatever you could mean with the word choice of haunting.
"I see a song of past romance," you saw Eve relaxing on a beach, or who you thought was Eve.
You moved, taking Adams hands in yours, locking eyes,
"Adam, I see the sacrifice of woman, I see portrayals of betrayal," he turned away from you,
"And a snake's final stand," you moved to pull his head towards you.
"My love, I see you on the brink of death, I see you draw your final breath," the faint trace of tears filled your eyes as Adam rolled his.
he didn't believe you for whatever reason, was it the over abundance of confidence that he had in his exorcists? The very ones that would perish, that would lose their lives and their friends.
Adam scoffed, grabbing your face taking the chance to plant a kiss on it.
"Relax Sweet cheeks, it'll be like every other extermination, we go down there, fucking slaughter them then come back and party like every other time,"
"Adam, did you not hear a single word of what I was saying?"
"Yeah, yeah I die or whatever, which is impossible because if you forgot, I'm the first fucking man, dickmaster sixty-" a knock was heard at the door, causing you to snap your head at it.
"Sir Adam? Lieutenant Lute told me to tell you that it's almost time." The Cherub from earlier called out, causing Adam to groan, "Adam, please-" "You got nothing to fucking worry about Sweet cheeks, see you later." He booped your nose for whatever reason before leaving, slamming the door behind him.
You watched as the remaining Exorcists returned, injured, traumatized and without Adam.
You sighed as leaned against the window frame in the house you shared with Adam, glancing out the window at the night sky you fiddled with his Halo.
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive," you tossed it onto the bed before looking back at the window.
"But it's no longer you."
Oh you were so going to tell him 'I told you so' the moment you saw him again.
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Good evenin' folks! Surprise surprise I actually posted on Wednesday! Now I do hope you enjoyed this little thing with Adam, it did not come out as angsty as I would've liked, but I got another future seeing reader fic slow cooking in my WIPs only that one is a TAD bit more angsty! As always thank you for tunin' on in! Thank you and goodnight!
Psst! Join our discord, it's kinda dead rn!
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In the final episode, Vox and the other Vees don't realize that Alastor came back. They think they have or will have free reign of Hell.
So, I would love for season two to begin with the Vees calling a meeting of the overlords and declaring that, in the wake of such chaos and violence, they will happily take charge of things and in the middle of their speech, Alastor just waltzes in, apologizes for being late then makes direct, smug eye contact with Vox as he sits down and Vox is so enraged his system crashes and Velvette and Valentino have to carry him out of the room.
The Vees: .... and we are more than happy to take charge of any district from any overlord currently overwhelmed or missing and-
Everything stops as the doors open, and Alastor strides in.
Alastor: My humblest apologies for being late! The princess required my assistance this morning.
Valentino and Velvette immediately turn to Vox, whose face glitches in enraged shock. Alastor stares directly at Vox with a smug smile as he takes his seat and then looks around at all the other overlords.
Alastor, while gesturing towards the Vees: How kind of you all to stall the meeting with trivial matters until everyone was present! Well, I am here now. So, shall we get started?
Velvette: We already have started, you pric-
Vox shoves Velvette aside to get as close to Alastor as he can.
Vox, his entire face a furious shade of red: FU-
His scream is cut off abruptly, and his screen goes black. His body tenses for a moment, then goes limp and falls back.
The other Vees rush to catch him, and Velvette ends up holding him up under the arms, and Valentino holds his legs.
Velvette: What did you do to him, you outdated prick?
Alastor chuckles: Why, I didn't do anything! It must have been stress. You know, technology can be so sensitive these days!
The Vees begin carrying Vox out of the room.
Valentino: Fuck you, Alastor!
Alastor, cheerfully waving goodbye: No, thank you!
The Vees manage to get Vox back to their place and are waiting for his system to reboot.
Valentino, while pouring himself a drink: So, I can't cause a scene when Angel leaves me for Lucifer's little brat, but he can crash his entire system in front of everyone over Alastor of all people?!
Velvette: Oh, shut up, Val!
Suddenly, Vox's screen goes bright, and he bolts into a sitting position.
Velvette sighs and pours herself a drink.
Velvette: Well, I hope you're proud of yourself, Vox. You humiliated all of us for the sake of your weird little crush!
Vox looks around, realizes where he is, collapses into a fetal position, and begins sobbing.
Vox: Why won't he just die!
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Pushing the Barrier Part 2 (Eddie X Reader)
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A/N: A present for my fellow insomniacs <3. It is currently 4am and I couldn't sleep so I worked on this. Thank you guys again for all the kind words. I hope you enjoy part 2. I DO have ideas for a continuation so if you're still down so am I :)
Warnings: Stripper Eddie, unprotected sex for sure (be safe my angels), readers husband is an asshole but fluffy Eddie got her.
Word count: 3907
Tuesday night you find yourself home alone staring at the tv as you flip through the channels. You sigh before giving up, pressing the off switch, and throwing the remote against the couch. The phone startles you as its ring echoes through the empty apartment. It’s too late to be anyone else so you allow it to go to voicemail. 
*beep* “Hey honey. It’s me. I just wanted to let you know I probably won’t be home anytime soon. I swear I need a vacation! Hahaha but I wanted to tell you I love you and don’t wait up!”
You huff as you grab your coat and stomp out the front door.
“Haven’t I seen you already? Why are you keeping this thing on?”, Eddie gestures towards the glass. 
“I thought maybe you would want more time to gaze at your own reflection.”
Your laugh makes him smile. “Fair point but I’d rather spend my time looking at you.” You pull on your bottom lip with your teeth as the heat rises into to your cheeks. 
Tonight, Eddie had a bit more clothes on than usual when he was in his confinement. He was wearing his torn up blue jeans with his leather jacket over his bare chest. His guitar was on his lap but he had stopped playing when he heard your voice. He still looked as handsome as ever. 
“So, what brings you down here, Princess? Were you not going to come tomorrow?” His confident smile faltered slightly.
“My husbands at work again…” Eddie nods as his fingers strum the strings in front of him. “Hey. Why does that sound familiar?” 
He chuckles as gets up with his guitar and heads for the front of his area. Eddie knocks his knuckles against the glass and you respond as his smile widens and he takes a seat in front of the sound. His fingers move across the strings again as his soft voice carries through the room.  “Well, just look at that girl with the lights coming up in her eyes She's got to be somebody's baby She must be somebody's baby”
You sigh as you listen to him. If this is what he sounds like now you can only imagine what he’ll sound like in person. 
“She's probably somebody's only light Gonna shine tonight Yeah, she's probably somebody's baby, alright”
That lonely ache started to tug at your heart. You did belong to someone else but he never seemed to care. He didn’t appreciate you or treat you like you deserved to be treated. When you left here tonight you were going to be going home to an empty bed and that thought killed you. Eddie closed his eyes as he continued to sing and you coyly reached out to flick the switch to your right.  “I try to shut my eyes, but I can't get her out of my sight I know I'm gonna know her, but I gotta get over my fright Well, I'm just gonna walk up to her, I'm gonna talk to her tonight”
When he opened the again, he was met with your gorgeous smiling face. “That was good. I like the way you sing it. Your voice is beautiful.” His eyes drink you in from head to toe, making you feel a bit self-conscious. “I’m sorry I didn’t dress up or anything. I swear I’ll look nicer tomorrow.”
Eddie’s eyes lit up at the word “tomorrow”. “Why are you apologizing? I think you look absolutely breath taking.”
 “Please. I’m basically in my pjs.” You do a little twirl so he can see. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sweetheart, I told you. You can ask me anything.”
“Do you only wear this when you’re in there?”, you point at his clothes. 
“Kind of. I mean, I start my shift in basically what I wear out in the real world. The wardrobe decreases as the night goes on. I’m sure it’s different for the ladies here.”
“Soooo what were you doing before me that got you in just the leather jacket and jeans?”
“Well, I put the jacket on before you came in because I’m cold.”, Eddie laughs before his eyes search yours cautiously. “Are you sure this is something you want to know?”
When you nod, he continues. “The person before you was a guy. An older man I’m assuming by the sound of his voice. He said tattoos are a turn on for him which was awkward since his religion forbids getting them.” You took note of him as he spoke. How his tone and body language changed when he talked about his client. Eddie sounded almost matter of fact as if this was just something that happens. 
“We just talked but I assume by the occasional grunting there was more happening on his side of the glass then mine.” He chuckles again as he reaches forward to knock on the cube. 
“How did you fall into this line of work?”
“Need mostly.”, he sighs. “I was working 2 jobs trying to pay my rent which sucks because it made it harder for me to make gigs to play with my band.”
“I can understand that. Everything is so expensive here especially rent.”
“What about you, Princess? What do you do?”
“I’m a teacher.”
He beams over at you. “Aw, that’s nice. And the husband?”
“Good lord. Um, honestly, I’m not sure. His position carries a long title of something VP.”, you giggle. “It’s something with numbers I know that. Every time he explains it to me, I zone out. I just know it keeps him busy.” You fold your arms across your chest as you lean your side against the glass.
“I wish I could hug you.” Eddie growls as the lights above you both flash twice. “I never feel like we have enough time.”
“Time’s up, Honey!”, Mira’s voice seeps through. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” The eyes that meet yours are filled with hope. 
You smile at him as you kiss the tips of your fingers and place them against the barrier. 
“What do you mean you’re going out?” Your husband follows you around the apartment as you get ready for the evening. 
“I’m. Going. Out.” You head into the bathroom and double check your outfit. You didn’t want to seem too eager but you also wanted to look nice. The simple black short sleeve shirt you decided on was just tight enough to expose all your curves along with your blue jeans and leather-bound boots. Every time you had seen Eddie your hair was pulled up so tonight you thought you would let it flow around your shoulders. 
“Where are you going?”
“Jesus! Out with some friends. Is that a problem?!”
“No. It’s just the one night I’m actually fucking home.”
“Look, my schedule doesn’t revolve around you. I spend half my time alone up here anyway. Maybe, now you can see what it feels like.”
“Can you at least fucking change? You look like a whore.”
You pause halfway to the front door, turning to face him. “You…are a fucking asshole.”
“Why am I an asshole? Because I tell you the truth?”
“Fuck you!”, you grab your purse as you slam the door.
When you arrive at the bar, you see Eddie with his band on stage making sure everything looks good and the instruments are in tune. His smile shoots straight to your heart when sees you. He jumps off the stage, jogging over to you. 
“Hey! You’re here. Goddamn you look gorgeous.” You grin up at him but when he looks in your eyes, he can tell somethings wrong. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Go get ready!”, you gently try and push him away but his feet remained planted in their place. 
Eddie reaches for your hand, guiding you up the stage and behind the curtain. Feeling him touch you sent tingles through your body. Every time his skin connected with yours in anyway it made it feel alive. 
“What happened?”
“My husband decided to pick a fight with me before I left.”
“What did he say?”
You fold your arms, looking away from his intense gaze. “He said I looked like a whore.”
Eddie exhaled an angry sigh. “Fucking dick.” His fingers reach out, grabbing your arms as he pulled them apart and away from your chest. “I think you look fantastic.” You finally look up at him, meeting his eyes. “Believe me. I would know what whores dress like.”
You giggled and his smile grew.
“Eddie, dude. We’re on in five.”, one of his bandmates passed him, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Yeah, okay.” His palm comes up to rest against your cheek. “I told you. Never enough time.”
Corroded Coffin was the first band to play and they did amazingly well. You could watch Eddie on stage all night long. Everything about him from his eyes to his hands moved differently than when he was behind that glass wall. He seemed genuinely at peace as if that’s where he belonged. His soft brown eyes would occasionally glance at you, making sure you were having a good time and enjoying the music. 
Your smile never left as you banged your head lightly to the rhythm. When they finished their set Eddie winked at you, holding up his index finger silently asking you to wait one moment while moved their instruments off the stage. 
“Hey! So, what did you think?”, he asked when he finally reappeared. 
“I love it. You guys were so good!”
“Why, thank you. I was thinkin’ we could go eat at that restaurant down the way. I mean, only if you want to.”, Eddie smiles at you nervously.
It was both adorable and refreshing to see him be nervous around you. When you two talked in the room he always displayed such confidence. To see him let that wall down and for you just made those butterflies flutter wildly in your tummy. 
You walked with him to the Chinese restaurant and shared a delicious meal together. He asked you a ton of questions about yourself. It felt nice to have someone care about you and what you had to say. You tried to do the same but you noticed pretty quickly with a lot of questions you asked he either gave you short, clipped answers or just insisted you didn’t want to hear any of that.
“I don’t want to push you. I do want to hear anything you feel like telling me. No matter what it is.”
“Naw Sweetheart, trust me. My life isn’t…It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows.”
“Neither has mine. I mean…”
“Ah, see? You don’t want to tell me, do you?”, Eddie chuckles playfully as he runs his hand through his hair. 
You look down at your hands as you speak. “I don’t want to make you feel bad.”
“I don’t understand.”
“A lot of my storms come from my husband.”, you whisper. 
His fingers reach out for your chin, lifting your face to his as his lips tenderly meet yours. The kiss starts small at first, steadily growing as his confidence does. You pull away to catch your breath. 
“Do you want to come back to my apartment?”, Eddie asks with a tone filled with need.
When you nod, he quickly throws money on the table, grabbing your hand, and pulling you outside to hail a cab. 
You and Eddie wait silently outside the elevator of his apartment building. When the door dings open, he gestures for you to enter first. Before it can close, you hear loud cackling as a group of people pile into the elevator with you guys. You back into Eddie’s chest as he backs up towards the corner. The door finally shuts and you’re on your way up. 
Closing your eyes, a sigh leaves your lips as you feel Eddie’s hands wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. His warm breath hits the back of your shoulder as his nose nuzzles into your neck. 
The elevator shutters open as the group in front of you piles out. You can still hear their laughter as the door close again and the elevator moves once more. Eddie’s palm glides under your top and the feel him touching your skin shoots shivers through your body. He trails gentle kisses along your neck as you reach behind you to tangle your fingers through his hair. 
You whine as the elevator stops again and Eddie releases your waist to take your hand, guiding you to his apartment. 
He watches you as your head moves from side to side, taking everything in. It was a modest studio style apartment with brick style walls. There were posters all over the place of different hair metal bands displayed with concert tickets pinned to the corners. You giggle in front of one that is just the poster by itself. 
“Are you trying to tell me you haven’t gone to see Def Leopard yet?”
Eddie slides up next to you, playfully smacking your hand that’s pointing at the frame. “Hey, ok, look. I haven’t really had time or money to go see them yet.” 
While you continue looking around, he removes his jacket and throws it on to the couch behind him. You pause by his bed, grabbing a picture frame off the bedside table. 
“Aw. Look at you. Are these your friends?”
He comes up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he points to the people in the photograph. “Yup. These are my friends from high school. Steve, his girlfriend Nancy, Robin, and this little butthead is Dustin.”
“Are they here in the city?”
“No, they are back home.”
“Where is home?”
Eddie grabs the picture out of your hand, leaning over you to place it back on the table. When his arm comes back, his hand stops to grab your cheek and bring your lips to his. He lifts you up by your waist and places you down on his bed. 
“Indiana. Hawkins.”
His hair tickles your face as he leans his head forward to pull off his shirt. 
“Is that where your family is to?”
Eddie’s lips come down to meet yours as his hands roam your body. You reach down lifting off your own shirt, throwing it to the floor. You moan as his mouth leaves you to trace down your neck. He hovers over your stomach as his tongue darts out to lick your skin. 
He sits up, grabbing your feet as he takes off your boots and throws them to the ground. Leaning over you, he reaches to unbutton your jeans and you raise your hips as you help him pull them and your panties off your body. When you remove your bra, he breathes a heavy sigh as his eyes take you in. 
“Fuck. I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful before.” Eddie lays down, placing himself between your legs, spreading them wider with his palms on your thighs. “Do you know how long I’ve thought about this? Since I heard your voice.”
His fingers dipped between your folds, spreading them into a V shape. Just this feeling alone, the feeling of his fingers touching you and his breath hitting your core was enough to drive you wild. You felt your pussy clench around nothing. 
“Eddie, please.”
“Then I heard you moaning while you were touching yourself. I desperately wanted to know what you tasted like.” Your body shuttered as his tongue licked a long stripe from the bottom of your cunt up to your clit. His cheek fell against your thigh. “Oh my god. You’re so fucking sweet.”
His head leaned in as his mouth began devouring you. You whimpered as his tongue reached deep inside of you. Eddie’s hand came up to rest on your mound as his thumb pressed against your throbbing clit moving in quick circles causing you to squirm against his hold. 
You cried out when you felt his head suddenly move away from you. “I know, Princess. I just need to…” He reaches for your hand and places it between your legs. “Keep going for me.” Eddie moans when he sees you nod and slide two of your fingers into your dripping hole.
He stands up, quickly removing his jeans and boxers. You move your hand faster into your body at the sight of his hard cock, licking your tongue across your lips. When he sits back down on the bed, you sit up, and scoot your body down to meet his. Leaning your face over his lap, you spit on his tip, running your hand over it and down his length. Eddie growls as you groan, crashing your lips sloppily to his. 
He reaches between your legs, rapidly shoving his fingers into you. Your kisses turn into pants as you moan into his mouth. His eyes open, watching your face contort with pleasure as the coil in your stomach snaps and your head falls onto his shoulder as his fingers continue to pump into you. 
You lazily reach up with your hand to cup his cheek. “Fuck me. Please.”
“There are condoms in the drawer behind you.”, he whispers against your lips. “Can you grab—”
You cover his mouth with your fingertips. “I’m on the pill. Please, Eddie. I need to feel you.”
His forehead leans on yours as his cock twitches at the needy tone of your voice. “Do you trust me? I’ve been tested I swear. I’m clean.”
“Eddie,” your arms wrap around his neck. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust you. Fuck. Me.”
He abruptly lifts you up and pushes you back against the bed. Your legs encircle his waist as his hand guides his dick to your entrance. Your eyes roll back as he slowly pushes himself into you. 
“Oh my god.”, you moan as his head falls beside your own. “Eddie, you feel so fucking good.”
His head gently turns and you feel his lips against your ear. “Do you remember when I was stroking my cock in front of you in the cube?” The English language seems to escape you when you feel him bottom out inside of you. “Tell me, baby. Do you remember?”
You nod as you drag your nails down his back. “I told you I was imagining my dick inside of you. Inside of your tight pussy.” The sound of him whimpering in your ear as he began thrusting his hips made your cunt flutter around him. “Fuck! This is so much better. Feeling your pussy stretch open for me.”
Eddie pumped into you harder, making your brain go fuzzy. He lifted his head to look down at your face. Your eyes were squeezed shut and your mouth was open as you breathed out moans. Every time his hips smacked yours, your eyebrows came together and your hands gripped harder to his shoulders. 
His mouth hovered over yours and he relished the feeling of your moans against his lips. “Are you almost there?” The tip of Eddie’s nose grazed yours, urging you to answer. “Tell me, Sweetheart. Are you about to cum?”
You lick your lips as your nod. His head falls to your side again. “Can you say it for me, please?” Eddie reaches his hand down to hold up your leg as he slides his cock all the way out and pushes it roughly back in.
“Fuck! Yes! I’m going to cum. Please, Eddie!”
He repeats his motions a couple more times before his hand releases you and he thrusts into you with aggressive purpose. The coil that had been steadily winding snapped for a second time and Eddie groaned as he felt your pussy cling around him as you came. His rhythm slowed as he felt you come down from that ledge. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck as your hand brushed his hair to the side. “Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you cum inside of me.” He whimpered against you as he started thrusting into you again as you continued to whisper to him. “Please, Eddie. You feel so good. You made me cum. I want you to cum to.”
His hips slowed as they sputtered and he grunted into your ear as he came inside of you. Eddie laid still on top of you as he panted into your neck. You held him to you, continuing to run your fingers through his hair. 
After a while, he rolled himself off you, disappearing into a room and coming back with a washrag. Eddie was silent as he reached between your legs and delicately cleaned you before throwing the rag into the pile of his clothes on the floor. You expected him to come lay back down but he didn’t. He remained at the edge of the bed staring off into the void. 
It broke your heart. Eddie’s face looked like it did when he was searching for you behind the glass in that room. When he was searching for a voice but was only met with himself. 
“Eddie?” You crawled over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. 
He turns towards you with a smile but when he spoke his voice didn’t match his face. “I know you have to leave now. Just, uh, give me a minute and I’ll walk you down.”
“Eddie, wait.” You reach to pull him back down when he tries to stand up. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Of course I don’t but… I know your husband is probably waiting for you. Shit. I know I would be if you were my wife.” His smiles slants when he finally meets your eyes. 
“I don’t have to go home yet. I’ll bet you anything my husband isn’t even there. After I leave you at the club or whatever the fuck that place is I always come home to an empty apartment. When I wake up in the morning, he isn’t there.” You feel the anger in your chest start to rise as you fend off frustrated tears. 
“So, Eddie, if you want me to leave than I will go but I assure you no one is waiting for me.”
“I don’t want you to go.” 
You reach below you and pull his covers over your body as you lay back down on your side. The mattress shifts as crawls up the bed and gets under them beside you. One of his arms slides under the pillow holding your head as the other wraps around you, pressing you against his chest. 
“I’m waiting for you. When I’m at work I think about you all day, praying your voice is the next voice I hear. Today I was nervous you wouldn’t come to my gig. I kept glancing around the bar hoping you’d appear.” His lips tenderly kiss your shoulder. “I just can’t understand how any man especially the one who has you doesn’t get how lucky he is.”
You lean your neck down to kiss the hand that’s griping yours. You were afraid to turn around and face him, knowing there was more to wait he was saying. I’m waiting for you. You knew he would always be waiting as long as you were with your husband. Your mind started to race as you laid there in his arms. 
Maybe I should have left…
@munsonsuccubus @samunson83
@tayhar811 @bibieddiesgf
@maximus2354 @nevermore66 @ajkamins
@dollalicia @secretdryrose @staandupanndscream
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Seeing POTO Live: Part 1 (An Unexpected Journey)
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On Monday May 20th 2024, I was fortunate enough to see The Phantom of the Opera live on the West End in London. It’s safe to say that I left as a changed person.
For my own posterity’s sake and in case anyone is interested, I want to give a little background about how I was able to see the show, because the story is a little crazy. I still can’t believe it happened. For my commentary and thoughts on the show itself, see Part 2 of this post.
So, at the time of this post’s writing, my parents and I just finished a vacation to various places in the UK that we’ve been planning since June of last year. We were scheduled to spend our last two days in London, so while making a list of all the things we wanted to see in the city, we briefly discussed seeing a West End show. However, when I went to look at tickets to see Phantom (because I was already a phan at the time so of course it was already on my bucket list), the website was only showing tickets available through March 2024. For some reason, my brain assumed this meant that the current West End run was only doing shows through March and then they would take a break for summer or whatever (idk how theaters work, so it sounded plausible to me at the time 😅). So we ultimately decided to not make plans to see a West End show, and I gave up hope of seeing Phantom on the West End for the foreseeable future.
That is, until a week before our vacation.
Out of curiosity I checked the website again, and I saw that there were now tickets available for a 7:30pm show on Monday May 20th, the day we were scheduled to arrive in London after sightseeing in Oxford in the morning. A little bit of hope returned, but I still didn’t get too excited because there was a lot we wanted to see in London and not much time to do so. I didn’t make seeing Phantom a priority because my parents weren’t as interested in seeing it as I was, and it didn't feel right to me to force all of us to go on an expensive outing that only I would enjoy to the fullest. So I again put the possibility of seeing the show out of my mind, and we enjoyed the start of our vacation.
Monday afternoon rolled around, and my parents and I were on the bus ride to London with our tour group after sightseeing in Oxford in the morning. Our tour guide told us we were due to arrive between 4:30-5:30 but that London traffic was very unpredictable and it may take even longer. My family and I had planned on walking over to Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace that evening, and I off-handedly mentioned that we should stop by Her (now His) Majesty’s Theatre for a picture of the POTO decor and stuff. They asked me to check if any seats happened to be available for the performance that evening. I highly doubted it, but to my utter shock, there were still six seats available: three in the balcony that were close together and three on the ground floor in the stalls (the area directly in front of the stage). I was THRILLED, and my parents (the absolute angels they are, no pun intended) noticed this and suggested that we try to get the tickets to the show and see Buckingham Palace the next day. However, because we still didn’t know exactly when the bus would be arriving in London, we decided to wait until we reached our hotel to make sure that we had the time to get to the theatre in time.
The entire ride to London, I could feel the adrenaline and excitement pulsing through my body, and yet it still didn’t feel real yet. Sometimes I struggle with appreciating big events like this in the way they probably should be appreciated because I just get stuck in a state of shock that lasts until the event is over, and by the time it’s over I feel like I missed it. But this time, I told myself that if my prayers were answered and it all worked out, I would make a point to appreciate it to the fullest (and that’s what I am doing by making these posts).
We were BLESSED with easy traffic (a rarity in London, according to our tour guide) and got to our hotel at 4:30pm. I checked the availability of seats in the theatre again, and the same six seats were visible on my screen. However, when I went to purchase the three balcony seats for me and my parents, it said that one of the seats I wanted to buy had already been taken. I refreshed the page, and there were now only four seats available: one in the balcony and three in the stalls (ground floor). The ones in the stalls had two next to each other about four rows from the stage (these were EXPENSIVE, like £175 each), and one on its own DEAD CENTER in Row L, which is a couple of rows below the balcony (so not directly under the chandelier but close). My parents (again, angels) told me to get the lone seat in Row L and see the show on my own, and that they were fine with walking around London by themselves for the evening.
So I booked the ticket. We walked 40 minutes from our hotel to the theatre. The entire time, I still couldn’t quite believe it, and my shock was making me delusional—I was convinced when I got there they would say that my online ticket was invalid or that someone had already bought my ticket in advance. But it was all okay. The kind ushers let me in without issue, I bought myself a programme and a water bottle, and I made my way to my seat an hour ahead of showtime. I wanted to make a post telling you guys what was happening, but Wi-Fi didn’t work in the theatre (probably for the best). It was easily the best money I’ve ever spent.
I probably don’t have to tell you how damn lucky and fortunate I am in every aspect to have been able to afford a last-minute ticket to see the show I love in such a great seat. I wish I could have shared that luck and fortune with all of you and had you there with me so we could all enjoy the incredible performance (and trust me, it was INCREDIBLE). Since I unfortunately can’t do that, I want to try and do the next-best thing—in my review post (Part 2), I will be sharing my notes from the show that I wrote during intermission and when it was over that describe the details that I noticed about the performance as well as my own commentary/reflection. I hope you all enjoy sharing this experience with me and feel like you were there in spirit, because I know you all were!!!
Thanks and have a wonderful day,
Angie ❤️
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mpregstory · 1 year
Student life is hard. I would not have thought that at the age of 25 I would not have started a permanent apprenticeship. It's 3 p.m. and I still got my tram. It's totally full and I only got a side seat next to a guy. He must be around 30 years old. Next to his jogging pants and his sweater, both of which are black, I notice his large stomach which causes his right leg to press against mine. He looks stressed and I keep hearing him moan. It's not loud, but noticeable. We drive a few minutes and after he takes a deep breath I whisper to him: „Hey man, are you alright?“ he recognize me and says: „Yes, I'm actually fine. Just some strong baby kicks and a full bladder, damn.“ His leg presses against mine again. I take off my headphones and look at him. "Must be far, right? How long do you have to drive?” He turns his head to me and I look into his ocean blue eyes. "About 30 minutes left, I just have the feeling I can't last that long. It's all so stressful." He seems really stressed. Should I let him go with me for a moment? I live right around the corner. „Hey boy, maybe you can use my toilet? My place is next stop. Then it's just a few minutes to my apartment. Wouldn't really be a thing.“ I smile a bit. "Oof I don't know. Only if you really don't mind. I'm a little embarrassed, haha" When he laughs, his whole stomach shakes with him. I lean towards him and whisper: "I don't mind." Then I get up and ask "Shall I help you to stand up?" He declines with thanks and slowly stand up after me and I see big baby bump again. It’s enormous.
My pace adapts to the man and I ask politely: "Hey, what's your name?" The sunlight gives his curly brown hair a red tinge. "I'm Phillip. What about you?" I have to smile again. "Hey Phillip, I'm Max, like Maximilian, but Max is fine, nice to meet you. Don't worry, there are only a few steps left." He groans once more. "You have no idea how grateful I am that you let me use your toilet. You really are an angel!” We cross the street and enter my place. He takes longer to climb the stairs to the second floor but I wait for him. „This is my front door. I actually live in a shared apartment, but my roommate is on vacation. I'll tell you after you're done where you can and can't go haha. Um...your-...your water won't break, right? The parquet floor was really expensive, haha” He has to laugh a little. "I don't think. It's embarrassing enough that I'm here, Max" he smiles and enters the bathroom. I take a seat at my table and drift into thoughts and for some reason my thoughts find themselves in Phillip's eyes. Those ocean eyes. He's already a cutie. Under other circumstances maybe even crush potential. But I don't know if I would be ready to have a child at my current age. But his face is very attractive- "-Max?" My thoughts fall apart and I'm back to reality. "I'm here, oh man, sorry I was on my mind. How are you?” Phillip comes to me: “Much better, thanks again. It's so warm to be honest.” I look at his sweater. "No wonder, also black." I get up and get drinks from the fridge. "Do you have a problem with me taking off my sweater for a moment?"I shake my head briefly and reach for the soda, then turn back to Phillip who is just pulling his sweater over his head. I see a large tattoo below his navel, a pierced nipple and Calvin Klein underpants, as well as his bulge which is accentuated a little by taking off his clothes. "Nice Tattoo, oh there are more…"
"Yeah haha, I'm glad my stomach didn't stretched them that much. You know, it wasn't all planned." I let Phillip sit down next to me and he grabs the soda as I said. "I know the question is weird, but how old are you?"I try to keep eye contact because I'm just fascinated by the color of his eyes. "Actually 32, what about you?" He takes a sip and looks at me expectantly. "Um...I'm 25, studying. What do you do for a living?” I delve into that face again. "Well, currently on parental leave, but otherwise I'm a graphic designer. I've only been feeling uncomfortable at work lately due to my back pain when sitting at the computer all day. I'm glad to have some free time now. Oh, did you still want to learn today or something? I don't want to disturb, you know-" I immediately interrupt: "What?, no, haha, you're not disturbing me and you can stay longer if you want. A little company and such. In addition, I always find it great to meet new people who are hot, uh, likeable, yes yes" he laughs and then leans slightly towards me while looking straight in the my eyes and says, "So hot? So that's what it looks like. Cute.”
It was really unbelievable how well we both could have conversations and small talk quickly turned into hours of conversation. In addition, sparks jumped between us, which was even more incredible. What an afternoon.
It's already getting dark and it's just like jumping back into reality and I realize that I can't and don't want to let Phillip go outside alone anymore. I get up and grab the toast. "Hey, do you want some toast? Then I'll do several.” I can hear a slight mumbling behind me and turn to Phillip who, with his eyes closed, is pressing his right hand to his stomach. "Everything okay?" His chin presses against his chest but he slowly answers "Yeah, just braxton hicks again like this afternoon on the train. Yes, I'll take two of the toasts too." I let Phillip breathe and take care of the food. "Well I only find it responsible if you sleep here tonight. I don't want to send you home now. You are so alone and fragile. Would that be okay?” Phillip seems to regain his composure and looks me straight in the eyes. "Okay, if that's okay with you? I'll take the couch back there-" I interrupt Phillip directly, "No no no you get my bed I can sleep on the couch. No arguments.” Phillip laughs a little and even gives me a reassuring smile as I put our toasts on the table.
I got both sleeping places ready and did the rest of the household chores and then somehow ended up with Phillip, both of us in our underpants, brushing our teeth in the bathroom. It was a difficult situation. From time to time his stomach touched mine and of course I biological reacted and I had to constantly watch not to get hard. Despite everything, there was also a lot to laugh about.
I wash my mouth and put my toothbrush back in my mug as Phillip's gaze captures me again. It's an intense moment and we get unusually close. He's a little taller than me but leans in and kisses me. I can not move. I just feel his soft lips on mine and my arms automatically go to his neck. It's weird, but I want it. I'll let it. Eventually our lips part and I escort Phillip to my room. "If anything, I'll be right next door, yes? Make yourself comfortable and with that I think I'll say good-" Phillip grabs me and throws me onto the bed. I'm startled and lie on the bed with my legs apart. I then assume that I will not sleep on the couch and at the latest when Phillip starts to mount me and we both get hard, I knew exactly where this is going...
Please make sure to support my work if you like my stories <3
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lizzypuppet1711 · 7 months
things about toronto’s production of the great comet at crow’s theatre/musical stage co that i need everyone to know about because i am obsessed with this show.
as of writing i have seen this show five times.
very long under the cut:
full cast listed here. at time of writing, donna garner replaces louise pitre as marya, tyler pearse replaces lawrence libor as dolokhov, and ben carlson replaces marcus nance as andrey/bolkonsky. currently i’ve seen the og cast four times and the replacements once.
the stage is set up with seats on three out of four sides, with front rows at tables, back of house left and right sides at barstools, and a small balcony with some seats on house right. there are balconies on either side, with a revolving platform in the middle of the stage (revolving by being pushed by cast members or stagehands). seats around 200 people or so.
the actors are EVERYWHERE. it is so incredibly immersive
the music is very punchy
during prologue, everyone is taking shots as they’re introduced, except dolokhov, who drinks straight from the bottle and sprays it into the air
i’m a dolokhov girlie through and through and once he nodded hello at me during the prologue and i legit swooned
mary is walking around holding a program showing off the family tree, actors will point to them on tables etc
once anatole pointed at his face on it, pointed to himself, all in a very flirty manner
he winked at me during prologue once and i’m still thinking about it
evan buliung is acting his ass off as pierre
he is definitely is more gruff and acting focused (think dave malloy over josh groban)
at “hours at my screen”, pierre takes an audience member’s phone (from one of the tables… or once out of someone’s hands LMAO) and mimes tapping, scrolling through it etc
two stagehands move things on and offstage (such as the sofa, church props etc) and they are also in little costumes. it’s very adorable
dolokhov’s little soldier walk thing??? during moscow????? i’m sure there’s a reason for it bc both of them do it but i have no clue why it’s there???? love it tho
heeyun park as mary is also acting her damn heart out
private and intimate life has a faster tempo and is SUCH a banger as a result
an audience member gets briefly pulled up on the platform to be the cheap french thing, he typically kisses up their arm, hugs them, and sometimes sits on their lap a bit
pierre is playing the tambourine in the background during natasha and bolkonskys and it is honestly kind of funny
hailey gillis plays natasha very emotional and headstrong. her no one else has a sense of urgency, desperation, and deep longing
the platform is spinning and people are walking around and she is singing like an angel…
basically i want to be hailey gillis when i grow up
actors are rotating the platform during no one else and it ends with andrey standing behind her and pierre standing in front of her. no one talk to me i’m losing it
as the run has continued, dolokhov’s adlibs during his intro in the opera have increased drastically
lawrence libor as dolokhov had such an air and presence (rizz?) about himself i cannot DESCRIBE. the comphet he gave me… i miss him v much. he was also very much giving toronto mans. and he made SO MUCH eye contact. he loves to look at you. i miss him. i need him. who said that
tumblr theatre girlies you would go insane over lawrence libor. if this show had ANY b roll footage i know i would be seeing edits all over the place
i am president of the lawrence libor fan club and everyone should join me
tyler pearse as dolokhov has heavy frat boy energy. he is also gayer, and somehow, sluttier. gives short king energy despite only being an inch shorter than lawrence (apparently)??? don’t ask bc i don’t know either he just does. anyway thank u tyler pearse for making dolokhov bisexual for real
either way dolokhov is doing SO MUCH in this production. he is wild he is a whirling dervish he is arrogant he is a bastard he is everything to me
“YEAH BABEY LETS GOOOOOOO” -lawrence libor as dolokhov, upon his entrance
in one performance he would go YEAH BABEY three separate times in act 1. yeahh
flirting with a girl in the balcony, dabbing up a guy in the balcony, generally being hilarious
and tyler pearse leaning over the balcony, rose in his mouth, wolf howling… i can’t.
basically i can’t with this production’s dolokhov. i’m obsessed
anatole’s entrance… he’s a whore. all i can say
rita dottor (ensemble) does the high soprano bravooooooo and she always sounds so fantastic. live laugh love rita dottor
george krissa, who plays anatole, is probably the most attractive man in ontario. like if you googled hot guy he would be the first result.
“where did they find this anatole. was he made in a lab or something. he was perfect” — my friend after seeing it
tumblr theatre girlies you would also be obsessed with george krissa. like jeremy jordan andrew rannells level obsessed. please love these toronto actors with me
i’d let him ruin my life ANY DAY. it is a fact that lesbians love george krissa. i hope he knows
the way he plays it… my friend described it like “lucas steele is like an alien david bowie, and george krissa is a bridgerton man. just a very charismatic, but normal, guy”
while i would say that lucas steele’s anatole believes he is truly in love with natasha, i would not say the same for george krissa’s. some of the manipulation happening here during the opera is. quite clear
when he is entering the box natasha struggles to open her fan, fans herself frantically, under the arms etc. then when he enters immediately shifts to fanning in a cool and collected manner. hailey gillis master of comedy
“we are speaking of most ordinary things” is especially like. this is a male manipulator if i’ve ever seen one
natasha lost was added back in!! fantastic obviously
anatole checking his hair in the mirror before waking pierre up. fucker
“look dolokhov’s coming around… and we’re off to the CLEURB”
brendan wall (ensemble) walking around during the club scene with a glowstick necklace on is peak comedy to me
i’ve said it but tyler’s dolokhov is an absolute slut at this scene. and for what AND FOR WHAT!!!!
also fun tidbit but all the glasses (other than shots) and any clear bottles have real liquid in them. i am very concerned something will spill one day
when dolokhov gets right up in the audience’s face during “known only to his intimates” i LOVE it idk
during the duel, marya and rita steal off to house left directly beside the barstools and chatter about how bad of an idea this is, they’re so drunk, etc
special shout out to divine’s “he will kill you STOOPID HUSBAND” so good
dolokhov’s adlibs during the duel… i need him. sorry
dolokhov gets shot in the side rather than his shoulder, and unceremoniously rolls off the platform as it’s moving. looks painful
hélène screams when dolokhov is shot but not pierre. so much to think about here
a life changing dust and ashes from evan. i can’t describe anything more just that he’s incredible. i’ve learned so much about acting just by watching him a few times
natasha’s face at “am i guilty…” breaks my heart she is so tormented
we are canadians we are going to pronounce our french correctly! no more charmantay
hélène has started adding some very fun runs into charming as the run has gone on. divine brown marry me
anatole is shirtless during charming. btw.
again i know he’s gay and i’m gay but.
the entirety of this rendition of the ball has been stuck in my head since december
his “don’t lower your eyes i love you” that whole section is delicious i want to eat his voice
plus “BEWITCHING AND I LOVE YOUUU” UGHHH such an ear worm but only when it’s their voices
the choreo going on here is very nice btw
i love the way he says natalie at this part idk. it’s not overly enunciated and the vowel is just right <— vocal nerd
the kiss feels like it lasts forever
music gets very very loud at the end and you can feel it in your skin
also fun fact the house music before and after the show is orchestral but during intermission it’s electronic. bc. anatole. gah details
when marcus was still in the cast you could really hear his voice during letters and it sounded sooooo.
dolokhov’s stupid little thumbs up to indicate he will be ok. pleaseee. i laughed i did
generally lawrence would grab at the place he was shot at a lot; while pushing the revolve etc. loved that detail. (tyler does too but less so)
sonya and natasha just sounds so great. like they just always sound fantastic i love that song
sonya alone. yes i am weeping. yes camille eanga-selenge is everything i want to be and more. she’s phenomenal
dolokhov sitting in a big fuckin chair at the beginning of preparations just absolutely clearly regretting every decision he’s made to facilitate this. is great.
i know i keep talking abt lawrence libor but the image of him at this part is just. really great. to me. sorry
very campy and exaggerated scowling and grimacing from anatole
dolokhov is so sick of anatole’s shit
“here feel how it beats” is NOT entertained he pushes him back immediately
lawrence dolokhov’s “dawdling” business was him tuning his guitar i miss musician dolokhov sooooo much gah
balaga truly does not sing any of his lines. he is basically yelling the entire time. i don’t know how he does it. it’s chaotic and hilarious and so fun
sonya and mary hand out the egg shakers on house right and left respectfully
near the end of balaga, four audience members are brought up to dance with the cast! (i got to dance with mary once!)
dolokhov writhing on the floor during anatole’s long held note thank u
during the goodbye section, anatole comes around to said audience members and interacts with them; dancing with them, booping them on the nose etc, and at “kiss me one last time”, invites a lucky audience member to kiss his cheek. (this once, was me. yup. still processing it.)
once he accidentally knocked someone’s egg shaker from their hand, dolokhov picked it up, laughed, gave it a shake, and handed it back, and yes i’m still thinking about it
when they sit down, balaga and dolokhov will sit on the house right stairs, though once there was an empty seat nearby so dolokhov wedged his way in between two people, guitar and all. so fucking good
anatole will squeeze himself between two audience members on house left, put an arm around each, and look around at everyone sitting in that area, out into the audience, etc. if one is going to make eye contact with him, it is now
once he threw his head back to look at the people behind him, and someone, at the speed of light, took their phone out and snapped a picture of his upside down head. i scream laughed
lawrence’s BETRAYED BETRAYEDDDD was sooooo good. so so so good
hailey gillis is an absolute powerhouse during in my house
usually when “natasha’s whole body shook” she falls to the ground silently but last time i went she YELLED and i gasped so loud
at “i have refused him” louise would go NO in shock and i FREAK OUT ABOUT IT.
and i loved her “what then? would that be alright???”
when the call to pierre music starts i always get goosebumps
the fight choreo when pierre grabs anatole by the collar is very good
if we’re comparing to broadway, it feels less like anatole’s life is in danger here but like i’m not upset about it
at this point anatole does not seem sad or upset to me more just. pissed off that it didn’t go his way. like annoyed
as anatole leaves during pierre and anatole the staging has him stepping around/over natasha as she is choking from the arsenic and it is such a. show of his shallowness
his petersburg note is fantastic obviously. live laugh love george krissa
marcus nance (andrey) has such a deep and beautiful legit singing voice. it’s sooo gorgeous. any word that raises against marcus nance will fall.
I MISS HIMMMM ok sorry.
i am more sympathetic to ben carlson’s andrey, however. marcus was Incredibly stoic ben has a bit more emotion to him i think
i could swear sometimes hailey is actually crying during pierre and natasha
her “pytor kirillovich” sounds so tiny and fragile ugh my heart breaks
and his “…pierre” is so assuring AUGHH
it’s such a beautiful scene obviously. i love the two of them so damn much i hope only good things happen to them forever
“it was clear and cold” also. chills EVERY TIME
“having traced its parabola” and “like an arrow piercing the earth” hit me so hard i cannot explain
genuinely evan buliung gives the most effective inspiring fantastic mind blowing performance i maybe have ever seen on stage. he is such an incredible actor and he inspires me beyond belief
the end when the lights get really really bright and then fade out. god. so simple and so fucking beautiful
now this post is very long. thank u for reading it all if you did! (will update after seeing it more times if there’s things to say!!)
if you’re anywhere near toronto i BEG of you to go see it!! it’s closing march 24th :(( so if you get the chance i deeply implore you. beg borrow or steal a ticket just get there! best comet production ever in my biased opinion :)
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awritersstuff · 9 months
Can I request hcs about school leaders or faction leaders reactions when they go to a cafe or park and suddenly the reader caught their attention? Thanks 🫶🫶
First of all , thanks for the request
- out of all the leaders fujio is most likely to fall in love at first and if he falls In love at first sight then he will probably do anything to find you again,  even if turns him into a stalker .
- As fujio entered the dinner,  there usual hangover spot , "oh, sorry I am late " he said with a small smile as he saw that everyone was already there . He sat beside seiji , in front of madoka.  " baka , why are you always late." Madoka scolded fujio as always. They all ordered the food and got lost in talks as usual. Fujio was laughing at something that masaya, when it happened.  When he saw you for the first time , you were still in your uniform skirt and a lose hoodie that made you look even more smaller then you really are . He was mesmerized by your smile,  you and your friends sat on the table just in front of them and he couldn't stop looking at you . "Oii, fujio where are you lo-!" Madoka stopped In the middle as she saw where fujio was looking. Fujio didn't bother to even look at anyone he was too lost in you. All of the others looked at each other as arata got closer to fujio's ears "soo, pretty right ?" Arata whispered and fujio was so shocked that he fell off his chair and just at that time you happen to pass by there table , so you thought that he fell because of you . You immediately gave him your hand as you kept saying sorry . As fujio toke your hand in his , he felt a current all through his body that at the end reached his heart.
-sachio is not someone who falls in love at first sight,  he is a mature guy , he tends to think about everything too much .
- "how much more time is your friend gonna take ,yui" sachio said in annoyance.  "Nobody is stopping you , you can go" sawamura said way more annoyed then sachio "me , go ? And leave you too alone , not happening " "oh God, sachio you are soo annoying just go , dude" "No means no"  " can you two just keep quiet " yui said meddling in between the argument of her brother and boyfriend.  "Oh she is here !" Yui squealed in excitement,  as sachio looked at the direction that was looking his heartbeat suddenly stopped,  you were running towards yui with the most beautiful smile he has ever seen . Sachio suddenly frowned when you suddenly stopped In your track , you were looking at your right,  you started running to the direction you were looking at . Sachio kept watching , you stopped in front of a old woman who was sitting on a wheelchair. The old woman was knitting a sweater but her wool was fallen on the ground and she was unable to reach it , you picked up all the wool from ground and kept it on its original place . And after some days yui was sick of her brother always asking about you .
- I have a very strong believe that Rao will never fall in love at first sight,  he might feel that oh that person is pretty but love ? No.
- you were a part timer at a Cafe near suzuran and Rao faction were regular customers by now you are quite close to then specialy binzo, he thinks that you are super cute and you think the same for him.  When Rao saw you for the first time he just thought that you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and whenever your eyes met and you gave him a innocent smile.  You always make him the feelings he never felt but Rao still stopped his heart  because he doesn't know what kind of person you are , you can be a devil with angel smile. Until today , when he entered the cafe with his friends and  they sat on there usual seat . Rao peaked up the menu and pretend like he was looking at the menu when in reality he was just looking at you . You were doing your usual task standing and taking your orders , as you heard the bell ring you looked at the gate . A small boy was standing there looking at you in anticipation you knew what he wanted , you looked around making sure no one was watching you and then you picked up two cupcakes and kept them in a box and gave it to the boy. but you did a mistake , someone saw you and that was Rao but he also did a mistake in hiding,  mercy saw him all the time as he was looking at you with a smile on his face .
That's it , thanks for reading I hope you like it .
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theriverspath · 4 months
Ineffable May 2024 Day 13: Heavenly Hosts
I'm playing catch-up for the last few prompts, so please accept this fever dream of a crossover as my day thirteen. Rated General Audience. Spoilers for the first episode of the anime Ouran High School Host Club, maybe?
Beez packed their bag and left the library’s quiet room. Unfortunately for their plan to study there after classes, it had become anything but quiet. The background buzz of other students chatting or giggling wasn’t entirely unpleasant. It just made it difficult to concentrate on their work. A familiar dull ache in their chest accompanied their thoughts as they closed the library door.
Hey, Mom. These angels are so different than what I’m used to. I’m managing ok, I guess, but I wish you could give me some advice on what to do about it.
Their sigh and their footsteps echoed down the endless corridor of huge windows and locked classrooms. Maybe one of the club rooms was empty? Beez stopped under a sign indicating that they’d found a music room. When they didn’t hear any instruments or singing, they gingerly pushed it open and peeked inside.
The door unexpectedly swung inward, pulling them in and causing them to stumble. They wobbled back, and the door closed behind them with a solid thud. As they caught their footing, white sparkling light filled their vision. A delicate rain of rose petals floated down from the ceiling. They barely had time to register the frivolous miracle before a chorus of voices rang out.
“Welcome to the Haven Host Club!”
Beez blinked, trying to clear their vision enough to see the group of angels gathered in front of them. A pair, as opposite in appearance as two beings could be, gasped in unison. Though the timbers of their voices were different, the shocked inflections were perfectly in sync when they spoke.
“A low ranking angel?”
“Uriel, Sandalphon, that’s no way to treat a guest. Especially an honor student.” Another member of the group admonished the duo. Their calculating expression was accented by their perfectly coiffed hair and the delicate lace cuffs below their uniform jacket’s sleeves.
“An honor student? Michael, are you saying that we have the privilege of entertaining the infamous Beelzebub?” An arm draped itself over Beez’s shoulders, its hand cupping their upper arm and guiding them into the room. The brightly lit expanse was dotted with little clusters of low tables, finely crafted chairs, and elegant settees. In the middle of it all rotated a large globe. The brilliant blues and greens practically glowed underneath swirling wisps of clouds. Beez had never seen such a lifelike representation of Earth. It was almost as if it had been plucked from the actual heavens and placed here to be admired. After a moment, they realized that the owner of the guiding arm had said their name.
“Wait. How do you know who I am?” Beez looked up into a pair of shining violet eyes. They crinkled at the corners with amusement. The tall angel smiling down at them had a solid, athletic build. Dark hair was cut short, and their school uniform was immaculately tailored.
“Are you kidding? Everyone’s heard of the scrappy little scrivener striving to climb their way up the ranks.” Their voice was smooth and charismatic. It wasn’t displeasing, but it approached condescension in a way that made Beez narrow their eyes in annoyance. Before they could reply, another voice, bubbly and full of sunshine, piped up from the group.
“Yeah! You must be a hero to the other low-rankers!” A being almost as short as Beez skipped forward and clasped their hands around the arm that wasn’t currently smooshed against the other angel. “Don’t you think so, Saraqael?” That last question was directed at a stoic angel seated in a floating chair. Their only acknowledgement of being addressed was to raise a single eyebrow. A feeling of acute claustrophobia swept over Beez. What in all of creation was going on here?
“Look, I’m no hero. I’m just a regular student looking for a quiet place to study.’ They tried shifting their shoulders and raising their arm, hoping that the two beings attached to them would get the hint to let go.
“Nonsense!” The taller angel actually hugged Beez closer in a too-familiar jostle. “Not only are you trying for the academic angle, but now you’ve gathered up the courage to attempt to engage the services of our elite host club! Of course, we usually restrict reservations to Thrones, Dominions, or above. But, I think we could make an exception in your case.” The jostle was escalated by the shorter angel on their arm jumping up and down with excitement.
“Brilliant! Come sit at my table with me! I have tea all set up and ready. I’ll even let you drink out of my favorite cup! It’s so pretty to look at. Oh! My name is Muriel, by the way…” The claustrophobia turned to a rising panic.
“No! No reservation! No tea! I just need to find a quiet and empty room!” Beez wrenched their corporation backwards, and the two angels released their holds in shock. The sudden lack of support sent Beez sprawling. Their fall was broken by something large and round. They swung around just in time to see the glowing globe tip off of whatever invisible pedestal held it upright. It hit the ground and shattered. A burst of glittery shards skidded across the floor in every direction, decorating the white tiles with pieces of continent and ocean. Beez stood frozen, unable to believe what had happened.
“Oh, you’ve done it now, low-ranker.” The shorter of the two mismatched twins spoke up. The taller finished their thought. “Indeed. That globe was created using an eight million Lazuri miracle.” Beez felt their knees go weak as they realized the implications of what they’d done.
“I … I’m going to have to pay you back.” Their voice cracked as they struggled to get the words out.
“How?” Uriel and Sandalphon chimed in stereo. “There’s no way you could perform that kind of miracle with your current rank.”
“Well.” Michael leaned down to pick up a particularly pretty piece of the broken Earth. They kept their eyes on it as they straightened back up. “What do you think we should do, Gabriel?” The violet-eyed angel flashed a self-satisfied grin at the question.
“There’s only one way this aspirant academic is going to climb that steep social ladder to reach their full potential, Michael, and that’s with the help of the Haven Host Club!” Gabriel turned their attention to Beez. “That means starting today, you work for us.” The edges of Beez’s vision started to close in, narrowing to a pin-point surrounded by fuzzy black. They lost track of the beings around them as they thought, I don’t know if I can handle this, Mom. I’ve been captured by a bunch of angels that are calling themselves a host club. They felt two little pokes of someone’s finger on their shoulder, then the room quickly tilting to the side as the floor came up to meet their fainting corporation.
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miscreantroses · 1 year
Not another heartbreak (Diluc x f!reader)
"You had enough of dating. Until he thaw your heart."
Genre: fluff??
A/N: Been a while since I made fanfics... here goes nothin.. enjoy haha
It's been over a year since you arrived at Mondstat. You left Fontaine when you found out that your ex was cheating on you. After that incident, you decided to come back. Start over.
But... no dating... its tiring
You just finished the day and decided to head over to Angel's share to have a drink. The commissions weren't that hard, it was just errands. And a bounty.
"Ah. Welcome y/n. Please have a seat." Charles waved and smiled as you sit in front of the counter. You missed this kind of atmosphere. And this time of day, the taverns are always full.
"I'll just have an Apple Cider." You smiled at Charles. And he quickly nodded. You took a quick scan in the room. And noticed....
It's full of girls???
"We're not doing an event. If you're starting to ask." Charles laughed as he handed down my drink. "They're just here for Diluc."
Ah. Diluc, the uncrowned kind of Mondstat. The owner of this very tavern. And a friend of yours. You started to became good friends after you recovered, from your collapse the moment you returned to the city. After settling down, and went back adventuring. You always visit the tavern for a drink. You always thought of him as a bit of a cold type of guy. But as time goes by, you started to talk about your days. He sometimes would scold you when he sees you covered in cuts and bruises. And just give you grape juice instead of wine.
"Okay. Weird. Why?" You tried to construct a question. Only to realize that the place if full of women. "This is... disturbing?" You glanced back at Charles only to chuckle at your facial expressions.
"Well... The people heard that the Master has taken a liking on someone. And she's currently living here at the city."
"Diluc? Liking someone. Huh. I never thought that I'd see the day." You smiled. "Who's the lucky gal?" Leaning on the counter. Thinking that he might know who she is.
"Actually we have no idea. No clues." He shrugged.
You pouted at his response. There goes a chance to tease the red head. You always sees him to be reserved with his feelings and kept his private affairs to be...private.
"Well... That's a bummer." You hummed and take a last sip of your drink. And decided to call it a day. You were going to head out early tomorrow since you had a commission at Liyue and will be gone for 2 weeks. You were asked to assist in a caravan and needed manpower. And for some reason you were enlisted.
You stood from your seat and paid for the drink. "Well, I'm calling it a day. I'll back in 2 weeks." You smiled at left the tavern.
"Huh... Never knew you had quite a fanclub." You hummed as you make your way to your house.
Little did you know... that certain redhead smiled as he watches you leave the tavern with a smile.
...and you were the woman that he likes
After two weeks, you finally came back from Liyue. The caravan went smoothly. No one was greatly harmed. It's just another day for you.
Until... you went back to your house and was full of flowers.
"How.?" You were completely dumbfounded to see the state of your house. It was completely covered by flora. It was something out of the story book. You were just standing in front of it, you dropped your bags and your mouth.
"Oh, y/n. You're finally back." You turned your head, to see Margaret. "Yeah we didn't know who did that. It started as a bouquet and one thing led to another. And we just noticed your house is completely covered by it." She chuckled as she noticed that you haven't said a word. Everyone in Mond knew that you weren't dating anyone. Let alone do something as grand to cover your house with flowers.
"Well, someone likes you and good luck with that." She patted my shoulder before walking back to the town's square. "If you ever found the culprit is, don't try to punch them."
"What am I gonna do with these flowers?" You fell to your knees and continued to stare for another hour or so.
"Kaeya..." Diluc summoned his brother at the winery. "You did what to her house?" He slammed his desk and gave a scornful look at his brother.
"Oh Diluc. You should be thankful. She'll love those." The Cavalry Captain laughed. "Besides women likes flowers. She should be happy."
"I've known her for quite sometime. And her initial reaction would be pure speechless."
"Because she'll love it." Kaeya cuts him off. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."
"Y/N is still in the state of shock." One of the winery workers butted in to the brother's conversation.
"Oh come on, Diluc." Kaeya laughed. The room was getting a bit hot. Diluc has a pyro vision after all. "Let's just take a trip to the city. And see that I'm right."
"Ugh fine." Diluc scowled. You were back after a 2 week journey. It was best for him to not lose his cool. "But if she's... mad. You're banned from entering my tavern."
"Y/N, you sure you're just giving away these flowers?" Bennett asking for the nth time already. "They look pretty."
"For now, and will wilt after a couple of days." You sighed as you're removing the flora on your abode. "I think its better to give it away. Or replant them."
It took you a good hour to process everything that happened the moment you arrived back. Your house... was covered in flora while you're away. Cecilias, Lilies, Roses, and Windwheel Asters. Who in the world would do that? You’re never had been the attractive type. So, you only sighed as you continue to remove the flowers. Thinking its just another prank.
An hour passed and your house was back to normal. Exhausted, you entered your home and stared at a letter that was hiding among the flowers.
The brothers were standing a few feet away from your house, you removed the flowers one by one, most of them were given away, the remaining ones were potted and placed at the front door. 
Diluc turned away as you entered your house.
“That’s it. You’re banned.”
“Oi. She loves it.”
“She saw it as an eyesore.”
He walked away, thinking that you had no feelings for him.
You kept on staring at the letter. You were too shocked to process the contents of the letter. Someone likes you? Diluc likes you. You knew Diluc would not be so grand when it comes to confessing. You knew him. It was probably Kaeya’s idea to covered the whole place with flowers. And judging the letter, it should not be seen since it had a lot of scribbles. You only chuckled as you try to imagine Diluc writing this letter to you.
You shook your head. You don’t want to be so sure. You’ve been through many heartaches. You promised to yourself that you don’t want to love again.
“Maybe a good rest can help.” You sighed as you lay down on the couch.
But no, hours had passed and your were inching a confession from the Red Head. You were in denial for so long, you like Diluc. The whole reason you always go to Angel’s Share was to see him. At first, he gives you a cold shoulder. But overtime, he was the sweetest person you knew. The people of Mondstat saw how the both of you grew closer overtime. Even Donna, who adores Diluc even told you that the both like each other.
You went outside, and noticed it was nightfall. The streets of the city were barren. You enjoyed nights like this, and decided to take a walk to Windrise. If you’ll go to Angel’s Share, you might see Diluc behind the bar. He was the last person you need to see. Today was too much for you to process.
“Going somewhere, y/n?” Swan asked as you exited the city’s walls. “It’s a bit late for a night stroll.”
“Just need a breather.” You smiled. “Besides, if I get in trouble... I can fight.”
As you were approaching Windrise, you noticed someone standing in front of the tree. You weren’t sure who was that since they’ve cloaked themselves. You thought it was an enemy. So, you slowly crept behind them, as you went closer you slowly draw your sword.
“You're here? I was about to go to you.” Diluc turned around to face you. You noticed he was holding a bouquet of flowers. “I had something to say to you. I like -...”
“I know, Diluc.” You drew back your sword. “I’ve seen the letter.”
“What letter?”
“This letter.” You gave the letter to Diluc. “It was hiding amongst the flowers.”
“You weren’t supposed to see this!” Diluc covered his face in embarrassment. You could notice a faint tint of pink on his ears. “That damn brother of mine, he snooped around my office.”
“But at least, I like it.” You smiled. “Shocking, yet I like it.” You blushed.
“I also wanted to tell you that I like for a while now.” You stared at the ground. “I... I’ve just been through a lot of heart breaks. So, I put up my walls. But when I met you, I didn’t knew that I’ve fallen hard for you. I was always in denial with my feelings. I just decided to shut myself, taken on more commissions just not to see you even though it aches my heart. But I can’t go through another heartbreak.” Tears starts to well up, Diluc reached out his hand and lifted your chin. You were now staring at his eyes. His crimson eyes, that you fell for. “I...I don’t want to be hurt... again.”
“But I won’t hurt you.” He spoke softly. “Those bastards didn’t knew your worth. But I knew... I love every aspect of you, your bravery, humility, kindness... You never back down from a fight. You always try to find the good even though you were envelop in darkness. I saw you build yourself. You’re strong, y/n.”
He cupped your face and you finally let yourself cry. Those were the words that you were longing to hear from him. You were fighting your own demons, he saw your strength which made him fall hard for you. “I like... no... I love you, y/n.”
And to that, you hugged him. You let out an ugly cry, making clothes wet from your tears. He hugged back and kissed the top of your head. “I love you too...”
“You sure, you won’t...break me?”
“I promise.”
“Diluc~” you shouted as you ran towards to your lover. You completed another commission from the guild. He embraced you as you landed on him. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, love.” He kissed you on the lips. “How’s your trip to Inazuma?”
“It was fun. There’ll be a festival by next month. So, I’ll be going there with some fellow adventurers. I’m glad the Sakuko Decree was abolished. It was a pain to venture around the country. You should come with me.”
“I’ll think about that.” He chuckled as you let go from the warm embrace.
The two of you had been dating over a year. And it was a complete bliss. 
“Two hearts had been thawed.” Charles smiled at the distance as you continue to talk to Diluc about your adventures. 
A/N: Okay... This had been in my drafts for so damn long. I've been writing fanfics for as long as I can remember, but I've stopped and decided to give it another shot. Don't know if I'll write another, but I'm currently working on a series lmao.
Okay see you around~
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mists-reading-nook · 2 years
Heyo, hope you dont mind me sending in a letter too -- your so good at making responses xD
SAGAU! Pre-reader isekai
A letter appears in front of Venti's usual seat at angels share, neatly folded. On the back, in neat handwriting, are three simple words. "Read when alone."
Dearest Barbatos,
Hello Barbatos! I am Adin, or I guess you would know me as 'creator'. Hi there! I'd like to apologize actually -- your literally always on my team of weirdos ever since you arrived, I know it must be tiring running around the time. I just can't help it -- I'm a total, ah, whats the word you would use? Hm, well, you know Donna? The girl who often talks about Diluc in near the flower shop in Mondstadt? I'm like that, with you, but less worship-y, I guess.
I can't be with you at this current moment, very unfortunate I know. But, just know, if you see a traveller for that drink he promised on the last day of the festival, just know that I'm there, watching. Not in a creepy way, just using the traveller since, [a bunch of scratched out text], well you know celestia. They're a bit hard to bypass, I'll say.
Thank you for reading beloved,
[Secured with tape, behind the letter, is a perfectly preserved green rose]
Venti takes up the letter,not really knowing what to expect. He pales at the use of his archon name,and brings the letter closer to his face. His eyes brighten at the mention of the creator,and he giggles as he takes the rose gingerly between his finger. He gets his hands on some paper before writing a letter of his own.
"Dearest Divine One,
You don't seem weird to me at all! I do not mind doing errands if you are the one who wants me too! I'm well aware of Donna,and i'm quite flattered that you think of me in such a way. Is that truly what you think of me,or are you just being kind? I would hope it's the former.
I am well aware of how Celestia can be,although I do wish I could meet with you face to face. I'm quite happy to know that you are watching over me,it's nice to know that you care for me. To think me,a simple bard,is deserving of a message from the divine light themselves! I am quite honored. The rose you gifted me is beautiful. I've never seen one in this color before. Did you create it just for me? I'm quite flattered.
I shall sing of your grace to all that will hear,as you have made me feel quite loved on this glorious day. I cannot wait to finally meet you face to face,my divine Adin creator.
-Your Beloved,
He bit his lip as he wrote out your name,before crossing it out. Would that be considered blasphemous? Would it be heretical to call the divine creator themselves by thier name? Would he be struck down for even thinking it? He couldn't help but think of it though. Adin...what a beautiful name... he sighed,placing down his pen and sealing the letter. How he wished he was speaking to you,instead of writing this letter with no way to send it. He bit his lip,before writing your name on the paper and standing up to leave. As he turned his back to leave,he saw the letter vanish in the corner of his eye. He smiled,before twirling the rose between his fingers and leaving Angel's Share.
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