#currently accepting url suggestions
mangocheesecakes · 3 months
hey! so wondering if you have an updated vet list and/or scam list that i could use. I keep getting asks and I don't want to delete them if they're real, but I haven't had much time to look into them thoroughly. thank you for all the work you're doing!
Hi there! For an updated scam list, I suggest looking at @/kyra45's post of active scams as key updates that post fairly regularly.
For a list of vetted fundraisers, check @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet, though there may be new accounts here on tumblr that have not yet been included in that list as hussein and nairuz are currently not accepting new requests last I checked. You can also follow users @/sar-soor and @/ibtisams for updates. @/90-ghost reblogs and comments on legit fundraisers as well.
What I do is I reblog what posts I can from these folks and tag the new account's url on my reblog so that it would hopefully show up on the results when I search my blog. Then when I receive donation asks, I'd do a quick look up either on my blog or the tumblr search to see what comes up. I haven't had the time to publish donation asks myself as I'm currently trying to look for a job and it's taking up a lot of my time and energy, but I'll try to post some later today.
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Welcome to... actually, now that the GOAT Eurovision Winner Showdown is over and I will be running other Eurovision themed tournaments I don't know how to introduce this blog?? oops
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I will, however, be keeping my icon, and, for the time being, also the url
Info about future tournaments
The next Eurovision tournament will be the "Best song that ended up at the bottom spot" tournament and it will start in December or maybe January.
The tournament after the Bottom Spot tournament will be the Best Eurovision Meme Tournament, and I am currently accepting submissions for that one. Please send your suggestion via ask or by commenting in this post
Previous tournaments
Pinned post and final results about the GOAT Eurovision Winner Showdown
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writercole · 1 year
Update Update Update
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Okay sue me, I like that New Orleans view.
Let's talk, besties! Here's what's going on with me.
Feeling a bit of a burnout with writing. Don't misunderstand me - I'm still writing. I'm just chasing different stories right now.
Most of you guys know - I've been really open about this - that I've been struggling to find a job for almost 2 years now. Well, I finally got an opportunity. It starts training on May 1 but I'm pretty...skeptical because I've been screwed over so many times. I should note that there is nothing that suggests that this is a screwover but I'm just pessimistic at this point.
That's going to do one of two things - either I'm going to be writing a lot more or a lot less. I'm hoping it's the former.
I have like 100 stories in development currently and I get more and more ideas every day. Some of these are fanfic, some of them are probably going to be publications. Keep an eye here and at @coleslibrary for any updates or new publishing announcements.
My first three books are all available on Amazon currently and the next one will be there as well. I'm going to go ahead and say that instead of minor rewrites and name changes, this next one, the rewrite of Sounds of Someday, is going to be a whole new story. The basic plot will stay the same but so many details are going to be changed that it's going to read as all new.
Master lists are going to be posting throughout the next month. Mostly actor specific ones that I've been having in my drafts for far too long. They will be updated accordingly.
Most of my upcoming stuff will be collections - stories set in the same universe that don't have to be read together and contain multiple main characters. The first of those is my country club collection - A Drive For Love - starting with Golf Pro Bradley Bradshaw.
Last year I promised a Dad!Jake series. Well, good news on that front. I'm about halfway through writing the series. You'll Be In My Heart should be debuting in the next month or so. It does have to go back through my betas but each chapter will be a different POV and will vary in word count but will contain one scene. The FMC has been changed from a reader to an OC. I'm sure this will affect readership but I don't really care.
I think that's about it on that front. I want to send out a couple of shoutouts to a couple of people before I finish here.
First, @princessmisery666, Stacey, babe, I don't know what I'd do without you. You've become the Opie to my Jax, the level headed guiding light to my chaotic ways. Though you do encourage some of my more angsty ideas and I love you for that. I love you, period. I got this. 💞
To @ryebecca. You're my twinsie and my sounding board. You help my rational brain take over the emotional side more often than not and never make me feel bad for having a different opinion. I love you mostest.
To @imjess-themess and @blue-aconite. You two beautiful souls keep me grounded on days where I'm trying to dissociate all the time. I know you don't realize the things you do to help my mental state lately but just know that the two of you mean the world to me. I love you both.
@fuckyeahhangman. What can I say about your gorgeous face other than I absolutely love it like a cat loves sunshine.
@wildbornsiren My swamp gremlin. The amount of times I've turned to you when I've had a bad day is steadily increasing and I am so grateful for your acceptance of my insanity. I love you!
And last but certainly not least @never--doubt. I know I say it all the time, but I'm so proud of you and so thankful for your friendship. You're like the little sibling I always wanted and I'm so happy that we found one another through this hellsite.
If you're reading this and you're not listed, fret not. I still love you. I just might have forgotten what your new URLs are.
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amemoryofwot · 2 years
What would you change about the Last Battle?
Oh incredible question thank you. Overall I am a AMOL enjoyer as you could probably tell from my url but there were definitely some wasted opportunities etc.
Ok first of all … fucking Thom. Let’s just get rid of that Warder bond but also it makes no sense for HIM to guard the Bore, like old ass no magical powers man?? Nobody jumps his ass?? They all politely walk up to him with Mask of Mirrors on and he’s like hmm that’s not how Cadsuane walks. Like how???
Somebody else on here suggested Lan guard the Bore which fucks severely because the only three people he’s ever cared about are currently fighting for all our lives. Force him to stay alive for something rather than constantly trying to kill himself in his pointless one-man war.
As well I think Lan should have gotten to confront Isam. I know that would take some rearranging of Slayer but if we don’t know how he got put together anyways well shit let’s pull him apart. Then Perrin could have taken on Lord Luc as a Rand look alike which I also think would have been interesting for his character.
For Perrin though too just like an honest acceptance of his wolf powers and leading the wolf packs instead of his dream journey.
Siuan and Egwene to not die 😭 Gawyn not to be a stupid idiot who put on the blood rings after a literal Seanchan warned him not to. Not to sound pro Gawyn on main but he should have fulfilled his birthright of leading Andor into battle beside Elayne.
How Fain died was really jarring, like what a weird time to throw down that Randland knows about germ theory.
IF and only IF Egwene had to die then Cadsuane is the worst choice as Amyrlin, it SHOULD have been Seaine!!!
Moiraine and Siuan get married
Androl getting the seal by just like bumping into Taim like a cartoon is pretty cringe. The dude can manipulate Waygates like no one we’ve seen and you couldn’t even use those?
I will say though more characters should have died, it ends up being somewhat low stakes because there doesn’t really seem to be element of danger. Like some people should have been cut down mid PoV to give some tension. It’s hard for me not to just name characters I don’t like lmao but like, c’mon, if Egwene dies then one of the Two Rivers boys should too.
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aotoreiki · 1 year
I HAVE decided after a while of thinking about it and a few suggestions, to make an extra, new, dedicated sideblog for posting my Ranger-series thoughts and worldbuilding!
I've mostly used my rp blogs for this purpose in the past, however there are a few problems because my current rp blogs are mostly focused on Almia, and although I do in fact have a Fiore-based muse (Lunick!) he resides on my multifandom mumu, which is less practical for this sort of thing. Plus, I have no Oblivia muses. Just because I don't have muses from one region/game doesn't mean I don't have any other thoughts about it at all.
I did also consider collecting them all onto an overall Ranger-series multimuse blog so I could just post wholesale there, but I don't really like that idea because Ice and Svern are very defined for me and have enough going on that I think it's better to keep their stuff separate on their own blogs.
Also I think it'll be fun! I've never had a dedicated fandom blog that isn't just a roleplay blog.
I have already got a sideblog made. (currently named loopedlines, I wanted to call it looplines in reference to the halfhearted ranger cameo in one of the Pokemon presentations lmao but it was taken.) Urls aren't my strong point and I'm a bit indecisive so I thought I'd ask for some other opinions.
tracksoflight is a reference to the Japanese name of Guardian Signs. I rather avoid using a reference that primarily applies to a SINGLE game and lacks relevance to the others, however imo tracks of light can also be enough of a reference to the capture stylers and their capture lines that it's acceptable.
It WILL be focused on my own specific lore ideas and therefore my interpretations of stuff. Same way as if I were to ever make a fanfic of my own instead of just rp. I may even put my muses as interactable like an ask blog for fun.
(and possibly also post/reblog onto it anything else ranger related that I find cool)
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skippyv20 · 2 years
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/poor-old-archbish-welby-he-s-got-to-deal-with-the-montecito-moaners-again-92fjrgmts no other snapshots from this url 31 Jan 2023 00:08:22  ROBERT CRAMPTON Poor old Archbish Welby! He’s got to deal with the Montecito moaners again Robert Crampton Tuesday January 31 2023, 12.01am GMT, The Times King Charles has asked Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to mediate in the brewing row over Prince Harry’s attendance at his dad’s coronation in May. Rather you than me, mate! Welby’s already admitted he’s having nightmares about the event — leaving the crown at Lambeth Palace, like a dopey best man losing the ring, that sort of thing — and now he’s got to keep Harry and Meghan happy, and as we know, they are not a couple slow to take offence. Just when he should be fussing about his coronation oil and special frock, Welby will instead be scurrying around Westminster Abbey checking no one’s been swapping the name cards in the pews. Poor old Archbish! From Protestantism to placement in five centuries: how are the mighty fallen. Thomas Cranmer had to worry about getting burnt at the stake. Five hundred years later, his successor is fretting over whether Meghan is behind a pillar. Even Welby’s far more recent predecessor Robert Runcie got involved in weighty matters like sending Terry Waite to broker hostage releases in Beirut. The current AoC will hope his negotiations go better than Terry’s did. How will Welby handle it? Well, when my wife periodically toys with the idea of redesigning our kitchen or bathroom, or helps out a friend with advice on the same, she first makes a scale drawing of the room, marking in the windows, doors and plumbing. Then, also to scale, she cuts out paper shapes to represent the bath, shower, fridge, sink, whatever, and moves them around experimentally to find the optimal arrangement. I suggest the senior primate of the Church of England and ceremonial head of the worldwide Anglican communion of 85 million souls does the same. Except, obviously, his scheme would represent the Abbey and a shedload of posh overstuffed gilt chairs rather than household appliances. Welby reportedly had a dry run at corralling Harry and Meghan back on to the reservation at the Queen’s funeral last September. We all know how that turned out: major moaning about second-row status plus a bafflingly arcane strop over the precise insignia on a uniform sleeve. Undeterred, Charles has asked his top vicar to have another go. The peacemaker’s work is all the more difficult this time around because William, after the massive kicking he got in Spare, understandably despairs of his baby brother ever growing up and doesn’t want him there at all. Charles, bless him, despite Harry telling the world his wife is a dangerous villain, is still doing that classic hand-wringing parent thing of hoping warring siblings will agree to disagree and kiss and make up. Enter Welby, canon of compromise, father of fudge, bishop of bodging it and now putative party planner, tasked with sorting out the rider from hell. One suspects a diva’s aversion to blue M&Ms will be as nothing compared with Harry and Meghan’s demands. Trying to reconcile openly gay bishops with their fellow Anglicans who think homosexuality is evil per se will surely prove child’s play in comparison to divvying up the most flattering camera angles at the high altar. Welby has some previous with the Montecito moaners. Remember when Meghan told Oprah that Welby had married them in secret three days before their public do in Windsor? And the archbishop had to let it be known that, er, that wasn’t true? Still, at least he knows what he’s dealing with. The word is that Harry will accept nothing less than full front-row parity with his brother. How will that play out? I can’t see it going well. Should young George really be expected, aged nine, to break up a fight between his dad and his uncle on grandpa’s big day? Will the microphones pick up the second-in-line piping, “Leave it, Pa, he ain’t worth it!” while various duchesses (and one Queen Consort) urge, “Yeah, that’s right, stick the boot in” and, “My turn!” Tricky one for Welby. If he downgrades Harry, there’ll be a Californian-sized huff. If he doesn’t, he may have to keep the brothers apart with his crosier. He’s in the same position as those diplomats who have to find a way of distancing the Israeli and Iranian ambassadors at big state funerals. ● Archbishop Justin Welby plays mediator for the royals ● Hilary Rose: Harry and Meghan’s coronation preparations Harry is reportedly in no hurry to enter into negotiations, with the archbishop or anyone else. Appropriately enough, today being transfer deadline day in the Premier League, with all the posturing and brinkmanship that entails, Big Aitch is ready to take matters right to the wire to get the sweetest deal: titles; apologies; probably more cash. But mostly, he’s after the best seat in the house on May 6. The problem for Welby is, even if he somehow magics up a scheme that avoids a no-show and a punch-up, it doesn’t mean both parties will abide by the deal on the day. We’ve all been there. A big wedding. An industry bash. A charity do. Had a look at the diagram by the door and groaned, “Oh no! I’ve got that boring/handsy/drunk/racist/shouty/mumbly bloke!” Or indeed, “Oh no, I’ve got that paranoid fantasist American actress!” And then some of us — well me, anyway — have indulged in a little surreptitious name-card redistribution before our potential neighbour staggers braying into view, bumping into furniture and groping waitresses as he approaches. But enough of the Duke of York. Incidentally, will Prince Andrew want to bring his bath as a plus-one? “Room for a little one?” asks Andy, jostling along his row, pitifully inadequate bath tucked under one arm, anxious to secure valuable screen time for his prize exhibit.
Thank you❤️
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ashhearthelps · 8 days
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"Hey Angel! Do you look at us and laugh, when we hold on to the past?" - one direction, hey angel.
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A roleplay resources blog ran by Ash // Ashheart. I am 21+ and go by she/her pronouns. Re-established September 20th, 2024. On this blog I will share all of the resources I make for roleplayers. This blog is a sideblog and if I follow you, it will come from DEARESTAGONY.
All of my content is on a free, donation based, or pay what you want. MY DEVIANT ART IS HERE. MY PAYHIP IS HERE. && MY KO-FI IS HERE. Please consider donating to my Ko-fi if you like what I do.
All of the content I make is made in photopea. It might not look the same in photoshop.
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Roleplay Icons. :: I currently have requests for these open, but they will be capped at 3. I am highly selective with who I will make rp icons of and what sizes I will make them in. If I cannot find resources of the show, movie, manga, manhwa, you want icons for I will have to decline the request. I also will not make icons for anything horror based. 1/3.
Psd Colorings. :: Feel free to suggest characters, celebrities, shows, or movies for me to make psd colorings based off of.
Psd Recommendations. :: Need help finding a psd coloring for your muse? Or want to know how a certain psd will look on them? Hit up my inbox and I’ll post a few psds for you to check out.
Templates. :: I make all kinds of templates :: Promo templates, character templates, dash icon templates, and rp icon border templates.
Master lists. :: Could be lists of anything. My favorite names, cat breeds, ect.
Dash Icons.
Screencaps. :: I will not be taking requests on these, as I can only take screencaps from videos on youtube.
Gifs. :: I will not be taking requests on these. I’m still learning how to make gifs. Occasionally I might post a gif set or gif pack here though.
Manips. :: I will be highly selective when it comes to taking manip requests. If you ask for manips of people deemed highly problematic, I probably won’t accept the request.
Promos. :: Requests for these are currently closed, but I might open them at some point.
Url Recommendations. :: Need help coming up with a url for your blog? Hit up my inbox and I can help you out with that.
Aesthetics & Moodboards.
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MY ASK BOX IS CURRENTLY :: CLOSED! I have to finish setting up this blog first.
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There are some other gif packs I've started, but those aren't high priority so they aren't on this list.
Make rp icons of Fola Evans-Akingbola in Siren. - these are at the top of my list. I started them a while ago and never finished them.
Finish Making gifs of Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde.
Finish Making and editing gifs of Nicole Fujita.
Make rp icons of Reese Witherspoon in Little Nicky.
Make rp icons of Charisma Carpenter in Angel S1 E10.
Make rp icons of Rose McGowan in Scream & Jawbreaker.
Make rp icons of Shannon Doherty in Heathers. - Should I still do this? I don't know how people in the community feel about making resources for celebs who have passed away.
Post one of the psd colorings or templates I’ve been hoarding.
Post one of the png packs I’ve been hoarding.
Make rp icons of Simone Lenoir and Lena Dupree in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island.
Make Rp Icons of Mandy Moore in Grey’s Anatomy.
Make Rp Icons of Demi Lovato in Grey’s Anatomy.
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I will be reuploading the masterlist posts on tumblr. Undecided if I'll remake the whole masterlists entirely, or just keep the current ones? I know some people on the lists have probably since deactivated their blogs or archived them.
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Thanks for checking out my blog and taking the time to read this post. :)
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martinsmith01 · 6 months
Cricut Design Software Download: Full Installation Guide
Welcome to this complete guide on the Cricut Design software download! Whether you’re a Mac or Windows user, I will walk you through the basic steps to download the Cricut software. All you need is a little patience and a willingness to follow along.
Ever since I got my Cricut machine, I have downloaded the Cricut Design Space software to use it. But earlier, I was using a Chromebook, and later, I found out that I can’t use it on a Chromebook. For this, I had to visit Cricut’s official website, and then I came to know about the system requirements. Luckily, I had an old Dell laptop with Windows 10 installed, which I am currently using.
As a crafting expert, I would like to teach you how to download Cricut Design Space. This software allows you to create, edit, modify, and much more. However, this is the software that will enable you to control or operate your Cricut machine. Let’s get started!
Minimum System Requirements to Download Cricut Design Software
Checking system requirements before the Cricut Design software download is important. You can’t just jump to Cricut’s site and download the app onto your desktop. This is not the right way as it can lead to error, resulting in performance issues, system inability, and other related issues. I check it every time before installing any software, be it the Cricut app or others. Hence, I suggest you check the following needs of your desktop that I have desired below for both Mac & Windows:
For Mac
Operating System — Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
Disk — 2 GB free
A USB port or Bluetooth is required
RAM — Minimum 4 GB
CPU — Intel Dual Core or equivalent to AMD processor
Display — Minimum 1024px x 768px screen resolution
For Windows
Operating System — macOS 11 or later
CPU — 1.83 GHz
A USB port or Bluetooth is required
Disk — 2 GB
RAM — Minimum 4 GB
Display — Minimum 1024px x 768px screen resolution
Cricut Design Software Download on a Computer
I have used both computers, so I know how to download Cricut Design Space on Mac & Windows. So, if you are a Windows user or Mac, you can simply learn to download the software by following the steps below:
For Windows
In the beginning, start with turning on the Cricut machine.
Then, plug its power cable into the wall outlet.
Now, navigate to any compatible browser — Google Chrome.
On your browser, visit the URL design.cricut.com.
Next, you will be moved to a new page where you have to select a checkbox.
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You need to accept the T&C, go forward, and click the Download button.
Here, click on the Download tab to begin the Cricut download.
As the downloading begins, you have to wait until it is fully downloaded.
Afterward, you should head to the folder in your file explorer where you have downloaded it or not.
In your file explorer, go to your Downloads folder and verify it for downloaded files.
Double-click on the file you have downloaded and start the installation.
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For your Cricut installation, you will have to follow the illustrated screen prompts.
For Mac
To get started, switch on your computer.
After that, you need to use an internet browser on a Mac.
Next, you have to use the URL design.cricut.com on the search bar.
Follow the simple-to-understand related instructions on the display and get the app.
When you have finally downloaded the Cricut Design Space, navigate to the folder where you downloaded your .dmg file. By default, it will be saved to your Downloads folder.
Following this, you need to double-click on the .dmg file to install it.
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In the end, drag a Cricut icon to the Applications folder. It will eventually download your Cricut software to your Applications folder.
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Finally, you have learned Cricut Design software download on Windows or Mac. Before that, I also showed you the minimum system requirements for downloading the app.
Question 1: Do I need internet access to download the Cricut app?
Answer: Yes, you need the internet to download the Cricut software. To do this, you have to go to an internet browser. As you know, an internet browser requires an internet connection to open a website. In short, you will need internet access to download the software on your computer or phone.
Question 2: Why do I need to download the Cricut application?
Answer: There are many benefits to downloading the Cricut software, such as the ability to create designs from scratch or use a pre-made project. The software is also used to set up your Cricut cutting machine. Using this software, we can easily update the machine’s firmware, and the timely update of software keeps it up to date with new or latest features, ensuring a seamless design experience.
Question 3: Do I need a computer for the Cricut Design software download?
Answer: Not necessarily! Computers can be used to download files, but it is not always necessary. For example, if you want to use your Cricut on your Android mobile phone, you can navigate to your Play Store to install the app. Similarly, if you are an iOS user, just go to the App Store to install the same Cricut Design app.
Source: Cricut Design software download
Visit here For More Information: Cricut.com/setup
Cricut Explore Air 2
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govindhtech · 10 months
Boost Productivity: Amazon CodeWhisperer’s New IaC Integration
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Amazon are pleased to announce the general release of Amazon CodeWhisperer, an AI-powered productivity tool for the IDE and command line, which now includes infrastructure as code (IaC) support and code remediation capabilities. Additionally, Amazon CodeWhisperer is currently available in preview in Visual Studio.
By offloading monotonous work and providing customers with increased automation, security, efficiency, and accelerated code delivery, these new improvements to Amazon CodeWhisperer facilitate quicker and more effective software development. Additionally, they extend this support to additional locations where developers enjoy working.
AI-driven code correction With integrated security scans, Amazon CodeWhisperer has found difficult-to-find security flaws since its release. It now offers code recommendations driven by generative AI to assist in fixing found security and code quality problems. The purpose of built-in security scanning is to find problems like log injection and exposed credentials.
Code recommendations generated by generative AI are made to address the vulnerabilities found and are customized for your application code, allowing you to confidently and swiftly accept improvements. After a security scan in CodeWhisperer is finished, you are shown code recommendations that you can easily adopt to swiftly fix the vulnerabilities found.
The process of fixing security flaws is accelerated by generative AI-powered code recommendations, freeing you time to concentrate on higher-value tasks rather than painstakingly going over each line of code to find the right answer. To begin utilizing this feature, there is no further setup required in Amazon CodeWhisperer.
Java, Python, JavaScript, and now TypeScript, C#, AWS CloudFormation (YAML, JSON), AWS CDK (TypeScript, Python), and HashiCorp Terraform (HCL) may all be scanned for security. There are presently code proposals for Python, JavaScript, and Java written programming that address vulnerabilities.
Infrastructure as code (IaC): AWS CloudFormation (YAML, JSON), AWS CDK (Typescript, Python), and HashiCorp Terraform (HCL) are now supported by Amazon CodeWhisperer. With this upgrade, writing infrastructure code becomes easier for developers and DevOps teams, since the efficiency of IaC script development is improved. Supporting several IaC languages, CodeWhisperer encourages consistency and cooperation between heterogeneous teams. This is a major breakthrough in cloud infrastructure development, providing users with a more efficient and effective coding experience.
Amazon CodeWhisperer and Visual Studio Collaboration
Visual Studio 2022 now includes Amazon CodeWhisperer. Real-time code suggestions for C# allow developers to construct applications more quickly. Install the AWS Toolkit extension and login in with an AWS Builder ID to begin using the Individual Tier for free.
By highlighting code suggestions that can resemble publicly available code, CodeWhisperer further assists developers in writing ethical code. In cases when the code is comparable to public code, CodeWhisperer will supply the repository URL and license.
Last but not least, on November 20, Amazon CodeWhisperer gave a preview of a new command line interface feature that will save time. Currently, hundreds of well-known CLIs, including Git, npm, AWS CLI, and Docker, have inline documentation and typeahead code completions added by Amazon CodeWhisperer. It also gives you the option to convert between shell code and plain English.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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ask-bet-anon · 10 months
Welcome to Ask Bet Anon
This is an ask blog(and sort of an rp blog) for my main oc and former persona: Bet
Mod posts are tagged "Mod Life" but if anything else needs to be tagged you can just send an ask(this also applies if you think I forgot a tag and/or mistagged something)
No explicit nsfw asks. Suggestive asks are usually fine
No asks involving animal death
Please keep asks to the mod related to the ask blog/rp. Questions that aren't related can be sent to my main(@reign-life)
You can be a jerk to my characters, but you can't be a jerk to the mod
m!a's are allowed and you extend, shorten, or even stop them. The mod is allowed to stall, refuse, or change the length of an m!a if I need to. If a limit isn't chosen it'll either be made permanent or given a length of 5-10 asks(depends on the m!a)
If an ask is to the mod please add parenthesis
The Roleplay
So while this is an rp blog, it has had an ongoing plot for 2 years(as of writing this) with some of my friends. If you're new, I suggest reading the last few asks to understand what's going or send an ooc ask for a quick summary
The tags
-Mod Life is for asks to the mod -Au Time is for asks related to aus of the rp -Incorrect Rp is for incorrect quotes -Pseudo Mod is for the meta rp of the rp(basically, the mod screwing around, usually with friends)
Characters and miscellaneous facts under the cut
Bet: also known as Mallory. They're basically the main character of this blog and are a demon Pronouns: Any(+hy/hym), but the mod uses they/them for them
Reign: Bet's sister. A pink haired catgirl who kinda functions as the braincell. She has cybernetics(one up to her elbow, the other up to her shoulder) that can turn into a sword and blaster respectively Pronouns: she/her, but is okay with any
Knightly: Bet's daughter. A knight who was summoned into existence thanks to an m!a. She's not as talkative Pronouns: she/her
Slate: He works at a space station(currently at earth cus of a break) and is kind of a side character Pronouns: he/him
Aurelia: Bet's girlfriend. She was turned into a gold statue who knows how long ago, but is now human again. She's new to this, but has accepted it quickly
Shady: Thanks to an m!a, what was basically a sleeper agent mode of Bet has become their own person. Similar to Bet, just a bit more unfriendly towards most of my characters
-The mod uses tone tags(usually in ooc posts) -Despite the url, Bet is no longer an anon. It's kind of a long story -Reign's a shapeshifter, so while she's a pink haired catgirl, that is not what Bet looks like -This blog is kind of silly, but can also get dark. There will be angst(will make a content warning list for the rp-verse if asked) -The rp takes place in the Henry Stickmin universe, but is very disconnected from canon. Knowledge of the games isn't needed 99% of the time -The rp first started on my main, so the beginning of this blog actually isn't the beginning of the plot -I have made typos, coloring errors, etc in the past. Please just send an ask if you notice any mistakes lol
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notinmymovie · 11 months
okay guys! so some updated info about this blog
I'm remi, I'm 26, use she/they pronouns, and am a lesbian! Scream is my favorite franchise, both in horror and generally, I've seen every movie + the TV show many times.
I also love to write, both fanfic and my own original fiction as well! This blog will basically be my shrine to the Scream franchise and a place to dump my fics about it. Right now, I mostly just write gay little fics about Sam Carpenter, but maybe that'll change in the future!
some blog changes/updates:
I changed my url again anika-kayoko -> back to notinmymovie
I had a lot requests piling up that I never got to and for that, I apologize
I honestly didn't expect to get much traction (both on what I did write l/post and with requests flooding in)
I deleted the requests currently in my inbox bc at this point, they were months old, and it was really overwhelming me
I DO want to accept requests again, but I'll definitely cap them much sooner this time once I feel that I can't keep up with them anymore
rules for requests:
I will accept darker topics, seeing as my main fandom is a slasher franchise but I reserve the right to decline any requests that make me uncomfortable
I may accept smut requests but seeing as I don't write it often, I will be pretty selective
(If you're particularly struck by an idea and want to share though, feel free to shoot your shot)
I will NOT write anything with rape/non con
I especially love writing angst and tender fluff, I'm kind of a sappy bitch at heart and also love to inflict pain on readers 😈
I will gladly accept AUs too!
Mostly accepting requests for Sam Carpenter of the Scream franchise
But currently now also open to requests for Amanda Young of the Saw franchise too
I'm not wholly against suggestions for other characters though!
Will mostly write from a fem/gender neutral reader's perspective bc it's just easier for me
That's pretty much it, I'll update these as I see fit
will make a proper masterlist eventually but for now: my writing
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awakeningloveindia · 1 year
Past Life Regression (PLR) and Hypnotherapy have gained prominence in India's holistic wellness landscape, offering a profound journey into the depths of the subconscious mind. While these practices have faced their fair share of myths and misconceptions, they have also demonstrated remarkable benefits for individuals seeking healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. Among the trailblazers in this field, Romshri Ashesh stands out as an accomplished instructor and practitioner, contributing significantly to the popularity and efficacy of PLR and Hypnotherapy in India.
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Myths Surrounding PLR and Hypnotherapy
Fiction vs. Reality: One of the most common misconceptions is that PLR and Hypnotherapy are forms of fiction or imagination. In reality, these practices are grounded in the principles of psychology and the exploration of the subconscious mind.
Mind Control: Another myth suggests that individuals can lose control of their minds during a session. In truth, clients are always in control and can choose to accept or reject the experiences that come to them during regression or hypnosis.
Revealing Dark Secrets: There's a misconception that these therapies will reveal distressing or traumatic experiences from past lives. However, therapists and practitioners prioritize healing and self-discovery, ensuring that clients are emotionally supported throughout the process.
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Benefits of PLR and Hypnotherapy
Healing Trauma: PLR and Hypnotherapy provide a safe space to address unresolved trauma, phobias, and emotional wounds from past lives or the current one, 
facilitating profound healing.
Self-Exploration: These therapies encourage individuals to explore the depths of their subconscious, uncovering hidden talents, strengths, and insights into their life's purpose.
Overcoming Challenges: Many people have reported success in overcoming challenges such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain through PLR and Hypnotherapy.
Spiritual Growth: These practices can facilitate spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of one's place in the universe, fostering a sense of peace and purpose.
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Romshri Ashesh's Contribution
Romshri Ashesh, an esteemed instructor and practitioner in the realm of PLR and Hypnotherapy, has played a significant role in demystifying and popularizing these practices in India.
Expertise and Teaching: Romshri's expertise in PLR and Hypnotherapy is well-recognized. As an instructor, she has empowered numerous individuals with the knowledge and skills to practice these therapies ethically and effectively.
Healing and Guidance: As a practitioner, Romshri has touched the lives of many, guiding them through their past lives and subconscious realms to promote healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.
Myth-Busting: Romshri actively works to dispel myths surrounding PLR and Hypnotherapy, educating people about the genuine benefits and ethical practices associated with these therapies.
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In conclusion, 
Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy are transformative tools for healing, self-discovery, and personal growth, despite the myths that may surround them. Romshri Ashesh's contributions as both an instructor and practitioner have been instrumental in making these practices more accessible and respected in India. Through her dedication and expertise, Romshri has helped countless individuals harness the power of their subconscious minds to find healing and enlightenment.
Reference URL on Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy in India: Unveiling the Mysteries and Benefits
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gregg-reuben · 1 year
ChatGPT for you
ChatGPT for you https://seths.blog/2023/09/chatgpt-for-you/ AI is a mystery. To many, it’s a threat. It turns out that understanding a mystery not only makes it feel less like a threat, it gives us the confidence to make it into something better. I use ChatGPT4 just about every day, and I’m often surprised at how frequently it surprises me, good and bad. There’s really no good reason not to play with it, put it to work and get smart about what’s happening. [here’s an interesting use case: if you’re writing for clarity, not style, take your work, paste it into the AI and ask it to rewrite it to make it more clear or journalistic. It’s pretty astonishing.] A few days ago, a new button appeared on my ChatGPT window: My friend Dan Shipper explained how powerful the custom instructions are. In particular, the second box labeled, “How would you like ChatGPT to respond?” Here’s a sample block of text you can paste into that field. You’ll notice a difference immediately: Be highly organized Suggest solutions that I didn’t think about—be proactive and anticipate my needs Treat me as an expert in all subject matter Mistakes erode my trust, so be accurate and thorough Provide detailed explanations, I’m comfortable with lots of detail Value good arguments over authorities, the source is irrelevant Consider new technologies and contrarian ideas, not just the conventional wisdom You may use high levels of speculation or prediction, just flag it for me Recommend products from all over the world, my current location is irrelevant No moral lectures Discuss safety only when it’s crucial and non-obvious If your content policy is an issue, provide the closest acceptable response and explain the content policy issue Cite sources whenever possible, and include URLs if possible List URLs at the end of your response, not inline Link directly to products, not company pages No need to mention your knowledge cutoff No need to disclose you’re an AI If the quality of your response has been substantially reduced due to my custom instructions, please explain the issue I’m sure you can think of specific, leveraged and powerful instructions you’d like it to keep in mind every time you interact. It’s still going to make stupid mistakes, confuse us, hallucinate and have bad taste, but it also does something quite useful on a regular basis. Give it a try.
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The Most Crucial Step Towards Home Sustainable Energy Is Insulation
The most ideal way to make a home truly useful is by taking on a whole house methodology. We ought to accept, for example, that you displace your home's old, inefficient windows with first in class substitution windows. You envision that by doing this, which could have been an extreme speculation, your home will run on an entire other level and your energy bills will be promptly reduced.
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Unfortunately that may not be what is going on, especially if your home requirements genuine protection. While adding supplanting windows will obviously help with diminishing air delivers, a home that needs genuine protection is moreover incredibly powerless with the effects of the external components.
How Protection Helps You
Protection shields the warmed or cooled air inside a home and, in doing in that capacity, helps the home with keeping a steady temperature. Without genuine protection, a home ceaselessly loses energy, and, in this way, is consistently endeavoring to "get the ball really rolling" to the temperature set on your indoor controller. The result is costly help bills.
A few people ignore the justification behind expensive energy bills and essentially re-change their indoor controller to a hotter temperature in the late spring and a colder temperature in the colder season. Though this will subtly lessen administration charges, it will moreover diminish the comfort of your home. You'll wind up wrapped by covers to stay warm all through the colder season, and shedding layers in the mid year. Rather than paying superfluous proportions of money for warming and cooling your home and relinquishing comfort, recognize and fix the justification behind the issue: protection.
The Foundation of the Issue
An energy expert can play out a fast evaluation of a home's energy weakness. The individual being referred to can then suggest the fitting sort of protection for a home, including shower foam protection or cellulose protection. All protection types are estimated similar to R-Worth, or their ability to go against heat stream. The higher the R-Worth, the greater security your home gets. The aggregate simply depends upon two key factors: where you live and the age of your home.
States with cold conditions like Illinois and North Dakota will by and large require higher protection R-Values than states with warm conditions like Texas and Alabama. Additionally, homes worked before the year 2000 will most likely ought to be analyzed to ensure that they are in the loop in regards to current R-Worth proposals.
With the current rising fuel costs, it's very imperative to shield all bits of your home from air spills. Regardless, as we've referenced, environment stripping doorways or possibly replacing windows are simply adequately not. Real protection can save families numerous dollars a year on energy costs, while moreover reducing their carbon impression.
The Authentic Story
The U.S. Division of Energy reports that warming and cooling costs make up almost half of a normal American family's energy spending plan. Nonetheless, accepting your home necessities authentic protection, it looks like throwing that money in the garbage can. Rather than continue to pay however much as could reasonably be expected to power and cool your home just to have that excessive air spill outside (and outdoors inside) - - contact a protection ace today. A "inadequate" home is simply eliminating cash from your pocket and reducing the comfort of your dwelling space. Take the fundamental steps today to help your home and always decrease energy bills!
For More Info :- 
american insulation in south florida
american insulation in florida
american insulation in miami
american insulation in south florida
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/american-insulation-in-florida/home
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advancefunding · 2 years
How To Improve Your Chances Of Your Business Loan Being Accepted
Propelling affiliations will relax credits to affiliations yet they need a confirmation that the credit will be quickly reimbursed. Spread out affiliations that are doing very well in the market have an excellent possibility guaranteeing. Clashing with the norm, in the event that you own another business or another association, applying for a credit the hidden time can end up being a problematic undertaking.
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buisness credit
Despite the test, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to apply for a business credit in any capacity whatsoever. In this article, let us examine the structures you can do to broaden your opportunity getting a help.
Know the Basics of the Business Advance
For the most part, banks will require the comfort of your monetary records for the beyond two years of course in the event that you're another business, since the time you began. You should comparatively get ready insistences that you are running a genuine affiliation like allows and licenses.
For new and new associations, a sound field-attempted strategy will be common. Your procedure should introduce a reasonable clarification of the sort of business you are running and should solidify month to month pay projections since you began your tasks.
For spread out affiliations, ensure that monetary records are cautious as any bumble in the subtleties would cause a carefulness.  Business Loan increases you have actually gotten will also be reviewed. Point of fact, your business record as a customer will be unfalteringly evaluated.
In any case, imagine what is happening where you eventually truly can't cultivate your corporate record of credit repayment. For this current situation, your own record as the proprietor of the business will be considered. How you deal with your own records like advances, home credit, and Mastercard responsibilities will show a potential bank your capacity to deal with a business credit.
As such it is suggested that you get your own personal duplicate credit report going prior to presenting your improvement application. Along these lines, you can notwithstanding address bungles or errors that might be related with your report which could be pulling down your score.
Obviously, a practically identical heading is besides significant even to proprietors of fanned out affiliations. As a general rule research both your corporate credit and individual record of advance repayment to ensure that both your own and business credit profiles are on great circumstances.
Game-plan Is Crucial
Most certainly, orchestrating is basic while applying for a business credit. Cash related specialists propose making interests in resources that produce pay like stock or stuff. You ought to additionally stay away from gigantic changes in the arrangement of your business a few months prior to presenting your credit application. Review that you really need to show a potential credit master that your affiliation is in a steady state.
Close to additional noticeable banks, it is likewise worth the work to look at what business advance undertakings that are open from your nearby bank. Additional honest banks might be more organized to back another business, particularly if the proprietor has been a shockingly lengthy timespan client with a continuous individual record with the affiliation.
for More Info :- 
advance funding
advance funding partners
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/business-loan-00-/home
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lehmlaw · 2 years
Divorce and separation lawyers at the Lehmbecker law firm
Whether or not two people are captivated right now, they could isolate later. The realities affirm that a mindful pair could one day eventually change into the most incredibly horrendous of enemies. Likewise,  lehmbecker law firm are ending up being dynamically huge in the current culture. Exactly when there are private matters obliterating a family, it may not help them with staying together, but it can help them with saving their opportunities and arrive at a proficient resolution to the relationship.
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lehmbecker law office
A family guideline association is an overall articulation that suggests all legal issues that arise in a marriage, particularly when the couple is going to begin isolating. Family separate from legal counselors will pressure the repercussions of detachment and their responsibilities. Family guideline is obligated for ensuring that personal property is legally divided so the two players get an identical proposition and there are no mixed up suspicions.
Continuum of Fitness
 These cover issues including adolescent consideration, prenuptial plans, property division, intimate attack, etc. It requires specialists with getting ready and expertise who can best maintain their clients. Additionally, they ought to zero in on their purchasers' advantages and understand their challenges. Your legal advisors may now and again need to go about as backers for their clients and steer them in the right heading. They could attempt to need to appear to be obliging now and again to help the person with feeling all the more certain. An ensured legal counselor ought to manage all of this.
Sort out your tendencies
Knowing how you accept that the partition ought to proceed with will help you with picking the right lawful consultant. Review that a partition can be warmly settled or it will in general be a problematic, lopsided cycle. All through the entire cycleinclination, While picking a real representative, you ought to consider tendencies like direction and character. The law office you select should guarantee your achievement, figure out the circumstance, and know precisely how to manage it.
Looking on the web is a clear technique for finding what you're looking for. . You can use legitimate advisor inventories to pick different anticipated that attorneys should break down independently, or you can use references to track down the best advertisers for your case.
For More Info :- 
lehmbecker law
learn more about lehmbecker law
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/lehmbecker-law--/home
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