#current affairs for  upsc
worldcurrentaffairs · 10 months
Exploring the Global Tapestry: 50 Current Affairs Questions and Answers .
Here we discuss about the world current affairs in a question and answer form that everyone  must know if you are a  student , teacher you must learned this top 50 world current affairs In which we covered all the country currency , top current news question , general knowledge , basic general knowledge , hard 2023 current affairs such as game , book authors , river ..
Question :  What is the capital of Australia? 
Answer : Read More
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mim1026 · 11 months
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Day 1/100
Had a goal set for 7 hours so I'm guessing this isn't quite as bad. Yes 100 days of productivity and what not but who's gonna get me out of the afternoon passive studying wave that hits. Istg I cannot function without music in my ears after 2pm. Passive studying really is the bane of my existence. Anyway, I finished half of my to do list so and I reached about 70% potential today so I'm guessing from tomorrow I'll have three tasks organised according to priority (I read in a self help book that that's the ideal way to do it but I've always been overconfident about the fact that I can do more. Spoiler alert : I can't) I'll do better tomorrow.
P.S. having the distraction chart does help a ton.
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fectquestions123 · 1 year
Current affairs 19 July -हाल ही में किस मराठी अभिनेता का 77 वर्ष में निधन हो गया?
Q. 1 हाल ही में किस मराठी अभिनेता का 77 वर्ष में निधन हो गया?
उतर रविंदर महाजनी
Q 2 हाल ही में चीनी जहाज दुबे हुए किश देश की नौसेना ने pbi नेनात किया? Read more
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educateupdate409 · 1 year
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how to upsc and cast study strategy
UPSC stands for the Union Public Service Commission, which is a central agency in India responsible for conducting civil service examinations and selecting candidates for various positions in the government.
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The Study. An Institute For IAS. You Deserve The Best. No. 1 Institute for History under the guidance of Manikant Singh in Civil Service Examination
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agriculturelearning · 2 years
Agriculture Schemes: SOIL HEALTH CARD
1.Soil Health Card Scheme was launched by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on February 19, 2015 at Suratgarh, Rajasthan.
2.The objectives of the Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme are to issue soil health cards to farmers every two years so as to provide a basis to address nutritional deficiencies in fertilization practices.
3.Soil testing is developed to promote soil test based on nutrient management. Soil testing reduces cultivation cost by application of right quantity of fertilizer. It ensures additional income to farmers by increase in yields and it also promotes sustainable farming.
4.The scheme has been introduced to assist State Governments to issue SHCs to all farmers in the country. SHC provides information to farmers on nutrient status of their soil along with recommendation on appropriate dosage of nutrients to be applied for improving soil health and its fertility.
5.The Nutrient deficiency in India is in the order of:  95, 94, 48, 25, 41, 20, 14, 8 and 6% for N, P, K, S, Zn, B, Fe, Mn and Cu respectively. 
6.Improving fertilizer/nutrient use efficiency is important rather than applying more fertilizer in Indian agriculture. Nutrient use efficiency presently is low ranging from 30-50% (Nitrogen), 15-20% (Phosphorus), 60-70% (Potassium), 8-10% (Sulphur) and 1-2% (micronutrients).
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iasgkhindi · 2 years
धर्म और राज्य क्या है ? अवधारणा और विशेषताएं ( What is the Religion and State
परिचय -
धर्म विश्व के अधिकांश देशों की राजव्यवस्थाओं के समक्ष एक जटिल प्रश्न की तरह उपस्थित रहा है । 
कुछ देशों की राजव्यवस्थाएँ धर्म के अधीन चलती रही हैं तो कुछ देशों में शासन ने धर्म का प्रचंड विरोध किया है । 
जहाँ तक भारत का प्रश्न है , यहाँ का समाज प्राचीनकाल से ही धर्म के प्रश्न पर प्रायः विनम्र और लचीला रहा है । इसका सबसे स्पष्ट प्रमाण यही है कि नए - नए धर्मों का जितना विकास भारत में हुआ , उतना कहीं और नहीं ।
 सनातन हिंदू परंपरा के भीतर से यहाँ बौद्ध , सिख और जैन धर्म निकले ।
 कुछ अत्यंत विरल अपवादों को छोड़ दें तो नए - नए धर्मों की स्थापना से भारतीय समाज में विशेष तनाव नहीं देखे गए । 
धार्मिक सहिष्णुता और सर्वधर्मसदभाव ( Religious harmony ) भारतीय परंपरा की सामान्य विशेषताएँ हैं । 
यूरोप की स्थिति इससे अलग थी । वहाँ धर्म के सांगठनिक रूप अर्थात् चर्च का केन्द्रीय महत्त्व था ।
 चर्च ने लगभग एक हज़ार साल तक अपना वर्चस्व इस तरह बनाए रखा कि वहाँ न समाज का विकास हुआ , न राजनीति , अर्थव्यवस्था , दर्शन या कला का ।
 व्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का इतना अधिक दमन किया गया कि व्यक्ति चर्च से परेशान हो उठा ।
 चौदहवीं शताब्दी में हुआ पुनर्जागरण ( Renaissance ) , जो आगे चलकर धर्मसुधार आंदोलन ( Reformation ) में रूपांतरित हुआ , अपनी मूल प्रकृति में धर्म के इसी वर्चस्ववादी रूप के प्रति प्रतिक्रियावश पैदा हुआ था ।
  इन सब स्थितियों में 1851 ई . में जॉर्ज जैकब होलिओक नामक विचारक ने धर्मनिरपेक्षता अर्थात् ' सेकुलरिज्म ' के विचार की औपचारिक स्थापना की । 
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betihindustanki1 · 2 years
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aspireias123 · 7 months
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Be Exam-Ready with Aspire IAS' Newspaper Analysis Program for UPSC
Aspiring to be an IAS officer? Ace your UPSC exams with the right guidance on current affairs for upsc and daily news analysis from Aspire IAS. Their comprehensive newspaper analysis programme for UPSC provides ready 1.5 years consolidated current affairs coverage and in-depth analysis of The Hindu Editorials - customized for prelims and mains success.
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acqiasacademy01 · 10 months
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Best UPSC Coaching Institutes in India 2023 - Aspire IAS
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vision-essay · 10 months
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worldcurrentaffairs · 10 months
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After India Which country will host the G20 [G21] Summit /2024 ?
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tathastuu · 11 months
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iasinstituteindia · 11 months
Get Daily Current Affairs for UPSC CSE Exam preparation for free only at IAS Gyan. We provide Current Affairs which includes the summary of all the relevant news of the day to boost your general studies score.
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bingo12-12 · 11 months
Union Public Service Commision
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Articles of the Indian Constitution must be known to the UPSC Exam aspirants. There are 448 articles in the Indian Constitution (originally 395 articles were there). Each set of articles covers important parts of the Constitution including, Legislatures, Executive, Schedules, Parts of Indian Constitution, Constitutional Bodies, Statutory Bodies,
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upscblogs-101 · 11 months
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Which is the best test series for ethics for UPSC CSE? 
The UPSC exam is packed with obstacles, tantrums, surprises, and other unpredictable phases. The major goal of the candidate is to utilise what was learned as effectively as possible in order to advance through each exam level.
The majority of the subjects I was unsure about when studying for the UPSC were several, but ethics for UPSC CSE was the one I was most unsure about. Because it has no characteristics with any academic background, this subject is practically certain to produce bewilderment for everyone, which makes a thorough comprehension of it necessary. 
EDEN IAS, which is the best coaching institute for IAS in Delhi and who has been known for producing fantastic results such as the latest AIR-144- Apurva Sinha score well in ethics and this has been proven in the UPSC CSE 2022 results. 
The best part is that Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir and his team of professionals, who have already taught numerous outstanding civil servants, are in charge of everything.
For More Information Visit Our Site: https://edenias.com/ethics-course-by-tirthankar-roychowdhary-sir/
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