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paperuniverse · 4 years ago
Japan for the meme thing?
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breitzbachbea · 4 years ago
📓?? 👀
Okay, okay, okay, so -
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
The Ancient Olympics AU (which I talked about with @crispyliza )
This AU came into being after I relistened to the "The Ancient Olympics" episode of the history/comedy podcast "You're Dead To Me". It had the interesting information that a lot of Olympic winners actually came from Sicily & South Italy! So naturally I began to wonder what might have happened if my Sicilians ended up in Olympia ...
Dramatis Personae:
- Michele Vento (APH Sicily, my OC) as Trainer of the Bontade Twins - Marco & Lorenzo Bontade (Human OCs of mine) as Athletes from Syracuse - Herakles Karpuzi (APH Greece) as Athlete from Athens - Timothea Simonides (Human OC) as Herakles' Trainer - Omar Simonides (Human OC) as ... Good question? Co-Trainer to Thea ig
The Happenings™:
- Lorenzo and Marco want to compete in the upcoming Olympics as runners. Michele,probably a distant relative to them who lives close, becomes their trainer.
- The Sicilians roll up to Olympia, most likely a few days early because travelling is an adventure in these days and it doesn't hurt to have a few extra days to get accustomed to the terrain.
- Michele also definitely loses the Bontade twins 10 minutes after arriving at the sanctuary bc he wasn't looking for 0.5 seconds. So now he lost his boys at a place that currently contains approximately half of Magna Graecia.
- The reason he wasn't paying attention? Some athletes were preparing themselves nearby, bucknaked of course. Amongst them Herakles. Michele has always been a sucker for strong arms and legs, so that plus Herakles' beautiful face has him swooning from the get go.
- After he recollects his twins, they spend the next few days training, as do the other athletes, which is when Herakles notices Michele's looks.
- Christina (crispyliza) had the galaxy brain idea that Herakles intentionally flirts with Michele to sabotage the Bontades success at the games. It's an idea that he comes up with together with the Simonides - to be completely fair, it was probably Timothea's. Omar: "My, looks like you've got a fanboy." Herakles: "And what a pretty one at that." Timothea: "He seems to be a bit shy about it, though. Or maybe he's actually after those twin brothers?" (They figure out he's the Bontades trainer) Timothea: "Oh, he's a trainer! Pretty sucky at his job though if he's oogling the competition so much." Omar: "All the better for us, though." Timothea: -oil lamp ignites over her head bc light bulbs aren't invented yet-
- While we're at the Simonides: This was before it was mandatory for everyone to be naked, so Timothea managed to sneak into the games by posing as a man. Omar helps her with it, since he's trans and thusly got experience. Christina also had the hilarious idea of them having fake beards, which is just, YES. Timothea definitely cut her hair and they made whatever beard is in fashion in Athens at the time out of them. Their mother Natasa used to be a famed winner of the Heraea, the woman's games also held in Olympia.
- So let the games GreSic flirting begin
- The Problem: Michele doesn't want his boys to think he's betraying them for a rival athlete. He also really wants Herakles to rail him. The Solution: Find ways to be sneaky and secretive about it so the twins don't have to find out. Here is one of the possible scenarios I had for this: "When I first thought about this, I also had this scene in my head. Idk how accurate it works, bc it involves a tent and in the ydtm episode they didn't mention how people were housed during the games. (Like, I am sure there were guest houses, the temples probably offered some places to sleep, both of that but in upscale fancy for all the rich and important people attending yadda yadda.) Do you know that trope(?) when someone has sex but is trying to hide it? That. Just Michele sticking his head out of the tent, clutching at the fabric to keep everything else closed. Tells his twins, who looked for him, he is kind of busy rn. Tries is best to hide the fact of what is actually happening and to make them leave. It works. Kind of. Because as soon as they are gone, Michele sighs with a :| look and tells Hera to stop. "But why?" "Because you would have to nail every corner of this tent down and then they'd still find a way to spy!" Which is exactly what the twins ARE doing. They are trying their best to get an unnoticed peak from one place of the tent. But because it has to be subtle, all they get to see is feet and they either don't hear them or don't recognize Herakles' voice. I don't think he is the person to go out of his way to pick on people or pick fights in general, so they probably haven't had much interaction. So Michele smoothes out his chiton annoyed and leaves the tent, to then just stomp around enough for the twins to notice him and pretend they weren't doing what he knew they were doing."
- One day however, Marco & Lorenzo are missing their trainer and can't find him. They run into Thea & Omar, who are missing their athlete. Hm. Weird. Wonder what's that all about :)
- They end up catching Michele and Herakles in the act, just out there somewhere underneath a tree, which, naturally, makes the Bontades VERY upset. Lorenzo: "What do you think you are doing?!" Omar, in his head: 'Herakles, obviously.' Marco: "He's the COMPETITION, Michele!" Both: "You've left us all alone for THAT?!" Since the Simonides were in on the whole thing, they're not surprised just disappointed that Herakles vanished without a heads up. "Well, that ain't sprinting practice."
- The most hilarious thing is that could not even tell you who wins the race. I didn't even think about that part until yesterday. I'm kind of particular to the thought that it's somewhat of a photo finish with the three of them, but the twins come out on top. Since there can only be one winner, they flippantly let one of them be chosen by the equivalent of a coin toss. So technically, either Marco or Lorenzo has won, but they keep both parading around with the wreath and insist that the inscription to them mentions them both as winners. Now, if they got their way is another story, I didn't read any academic articles on this at. all.
- Second place is as good as last in the Ancient Greek world, but Herakles takes the loss in stride. Timothea is probably the one who's most upset. Marco: "Hah, so all your flexing - " Lorenzo: "and all your fucking for nothing in the end!" Michele: "Hey, I'd like to think I'm a reward in and of myself, not an obstacle."
Sequel Bait:
- Back home in Siracusa, Michele gets asked if he doesn't want to train his cousins, too. The ones from Neapolis. The ones Michele can't stand. However, his mother talks him into it and he agrees. Extra funny because Lovino & Feliciano were also talked into it by THEIR parents. So Michele spends the next four years butting heads with Lovino, knowing fully well their mother will rip his head off if they don't do well. Lovino is of course hiding his giant insecurities about disappointing his loving father & mother behind snark. Michele will arrive at Olympia with four athletes in two this time and looks like he aged 40, not 4 years from all the stress.
- Herakles is no competition this time, though! He wants to try his hand at wrestling this year. However, very quickly after his arrival, he butts heads with a fellow wrestler from one of the Greek colonies in Asia minor. Only thing's more annoying than his big mouth, which he shares with his wrestling buddy, are probably the flirtations coming out of it & Herakles can't wait to show him his place. (Yes, I do know that the Turkish people came into the area that is modern day Turkey far, far later, he should be of another ethnicity [and he gotta be Greek to participate, anyways] but. Is any of you really going to deny me Herakles and Sadık wrestling, bucknaked, covered in oil? I'd hope the fuck not.)
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arsonaetcuh · 3 years ago
Where am I on the chart? Lol.
Right here:
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weedle-testaburger · 5 years ago
Send me 🍎 if I give off androgynous vibes
Send me 🐬 if I give off early adult vibes
Send me 🐷 if I give off friendly vibes
Send me 💧 if I give off medium vibes
I’ll take that! Thank you c:
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shylesbiannerd · 5 years ago
Thanks! :)
Send me a ☼ if you like/love my blog.
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peachdoxie · 6 years ago
1, 4, 12, 13
1. Name? & 4. Age? 
In approximate order from oldest to youngest (we’re unsure on exact ages for some of them):
Sebastian, 14-16
Gabriel, ~12 
Victoria, 10 (we know her exact age; born in March 2008)
Simon, 10 (we know his exact age; born in August 2008)
Pippin, 9-10
Mya, 4-6
Jag, ~2
12. Indoor or outdoor cat?
There all indoor cats. 
13. Recent picture? 
Here’s five of them, the cats that live in the main part of the house. From the top: Sebastian, Gabriel, Simon, Jag, Victoria.
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Here’s Pippin:
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I don’t have any recent pictures of Mya.
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fare-thee-well-wanderlust · 4 years ago
This is amazing. What song is it? It’s familiar but I can’t remember.
🇮🇹 😤
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avinaccia · 4 years ago
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Hetalia World⭐Stars Episode 13: BENELUX 🌷 BENELUX 🌷 BENELUX 
@cunchishai you are a treasure for uploading these 💖
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krazys-ass-emporium-art · 3 years ago
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Axis Powers Cuddle Time
A quiet Christmas with friends.
It’s a tad early, but this is a Christmas gift for @cunchishai
Merry Christmas!
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paperuniverse · 3 years ago
The outage happened earlier today
Oh okay, must have been working on my homework when it happened. Thank you!
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breitzbachbea · 4 years ago
Because you asked: 17 and 54.
And what ship shall it be? 👀
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arsonaetcuh · 3 years ago
I would like to tag my beloved mutuals for making this year bearable:
@rose-of-chaos @thatsallotadamage @cunchishai @somerandomdutchfangirl @i-really-like-dragons @abrilia235@dimension-of-despondos @your-worst-hetalian-nightmare @bunlands @emma-likes-to-write @numa-go-zooma @hetaari @therearelightningonthetatra @thestatesofamerica50 @gilkohuke @disneyprincessdxminatrix @ayalasblogandmore @neil-gaimans-fictional-spouse and @urlocalrafastan
Thank you guys for making this a great year and I hope I get to meet (some of) you at some point :3
Please follow these people as they make amazing content and deserve more love in the world
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wiltingofthewhitelily · 3 years ago
Most underground band you’ve discovered this year
Tag your friends
hmm, i didn’t really “discover” a lot of new bands this year, just dug more into some music of bands i’d previously already known/liked (looking at you, fall out boy) but for the most underground i’d have to say go_a!
tagging @starflight-blog @rae-does-stuff @russias-thicc-tiddies @cunchishai @therearelightningonthetatra @aphromanossoftcurls @dumb-ass-biatch @paradoxgavel and literally anyone else who wants to :D
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shylesbiannerd · 5 years ago
☺ -Hug me
- I would hug you too ^^
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koolkat9 · 3 years ago
Do u know how one might watch the english dub if it’s locked for them?? My funimation is being dumb
There are a couple options I'm aware of:
This is the one I tend to use, not just for Hetalia, but most anime. Warning there is some...suggestive ads, but they are pretty easy to close out of and scroll away from. Usually episodes will be posted an hour or so after they air.
There is also a good mutual of mine that's been sharing them here on tumblr (@cunchishai):
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froggi-mushroom · 3 years ago
Thanks for the tag @needcake
End of Year Review
What fandoms did you create for?
Hetalia! Although I did post some memes for other fandoms but I'm not sure if memes count...
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, moodboards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
12 fics and 1 gifset (and I think about 2 or three drabbles on here if I haven't privated them)
What are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of my most recent fic because I actually forced myself to take my time with it and be patient and actually do a bit of research which was surprisingly fun. I'm also really happy with this fic because even though I didn't take as much time as my most recent fic, it's quite a personal fic to me. I'm also happy with my French revolution fruk fic (mainly because it's an idea I've had for a while) but I do want to go back and change a few things at some point
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
I get inspired by the most random things. I suppose lockdown helped me come up with some ideas but I wouldn't really say it inspired me. I've read a bit of fanfic that's inspired me (not as much as last year, though, I've been a bit lazy when it comes to reading this year)
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Everything I came into this year not really expecting to write much and a lot of my writing is very spur-of-the-moment and I don't really tend to plan ahead too much (which is something I plan on working on in the new year). I suppose if you want specific pieces, this fruk royal au drabble isn't something I expected writing at all. That au in particular is very self-indulgent so I always intended to keep it to myself but maybe if I finally get over my intense fear of judgement and general self-consciousness I'll finally write about that au more. Another is my engportfra series which I didn't expect to write this year because the au didn't even exist before September of this year and was thought up randomly one afternoon (and is another that I'm struggling to pick up again but will try to eventually)
What are you excited to work on next year?
I have a few small fics in mind for some other ships I like for Hetalia, and I'm hoping to participate in TGGTVAV week this year! (because I need to get back into it, and get the new book now that its out...)
I'll tag: @koolkat9 @witch-spellbook @amber-isnt-a-precious-stone @cunchishai and @iship2muchshit
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