aquixoticwrites · 2 years
writeblr reintroduction <3
hello, everyone! this is a reintroduction / announcement that i've moved blogs. i have been away from tumblr for a while and wanted to join the writeblr community again and think i want to have a clean slate to start on! my old blog is @writings-of-a-narwhal !
i'm elle (she/her) and i am twenty years old! i have ben involved in writeblr on and off for a few years, more off than on in the past couple just because of a lot of things happening in my life. i honestly don't know how active i will be but please know that i want to hear about your wips and ocs always! feel free to send an ask or dm anytime to talk about writing or anything at all!! <3
i have a good handful of wips myself but i'm only going to list my two big/main ones and then the concept that currently has my brain in its grips.
and the moon sets - (warnings: war, death, trauma, blood, nightmares, ect) a fantasy story based in a setting akin to sengoku era japan. yamatochi has been at war for generations. currently, one of the biggest forces in the war is the takeda clan. genkei takeda rules as warlord with his grandchildren; the eldest is a pretty and kindhearted young woman named hoshiko, the younger is known simply as 'young lord takeda' by most and is the heir that genkei always wanted. hoshiko loves her younger sibling and it's undeniable that young lord takeda loves her, too.
however, as the war effort intensifies, so does the resistance, and the relationship between the two becomes strained as secrets are revealed and rash decisions are made...
broken thrones - (warnings: fighting, drinking, kidnapping, trauma, bad dreams, blood, ect) rosar, the youngest princess of feria, is kidnapped. her eldest sister, amary - a bounty hunter and disgraced princess - goes on the hunt for her and ends up entering the country of issera. during her search, amary stumbles upon a young rebel leader - culraes - and his forces. she gets tangled in his dealings and he in hers. they make a deal- he helps her find rosar and she helps him take out the tyrant queen.
meanwhile, in feria, the queen is now a widow and her middle daughter is trying to pick up the pieces of the shattered peace and make her country a better place, including an attempt to make magic legal within feria.
will any of them succeed in their efforts?
falling - (post and the moon sets, contains some spoilers. warnings: depression, dark thoughts and actions, trauma, mentions of war, gods) akasuki nakamura is struggling. life after the war isn't easy. she had looked so forward to the peace that would come, but now that it's here...she just feels empty. she had everything when the war first ended; her siblings, a wonderful spouse, her dream job, peace. she has lost one of those things, though, and now everything is...empty, numb.
one day, however, she comes across a strange person who tries to change her view of everything.
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rothalion · 3 years
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@culra​ said:       “  warriors are not born they are made, and so are broken souls  ” ((and cuz I'm on mobile, from Mother @culra))
| POETRY PROMPTS | Accepting |
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  The words hit home for the Warrior harder than he had expected. His head lifted slowly, eyes raising to meet the gaze of the incredibly tall woman before. Something about her felt odd - beyond just that fact that she was so tall. Yet his hesitation wasn’t in consideration of what she was - it was an attempt to think of an answer. Did she see something in him that he tried to hide from everyone else?
  He was broken. Shattered to pieces, his soul barely held together by the thinnest threads of hope and desperation. Desperation to leave behind a world safe for those he loved.
  “No matter how broken I am, I have to force myself to go further,” he said, his voice but a whisper. His gaze dropped, head tilting down to allow green and purple locks to fall over his face more. “Even if I physically shatter at the end, so long as my loved ones are alright I would have died happy.”
  He left out just his plans for the future if his journey didn’t explicitly end in his death, and yet he wondered if the being could sense just what he heavily considered every day.
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holyxvi · 3 years
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 @culra​ whispered:   16, 22, 24, and 30 for matthias   ||   meme (accepting).
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16 - Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Happiness I think fits Matthias best. Someone being happy makes him happy in turn, it’s just what he strives for, don’t matter to him if the reason is minuscule or not.
22 - What does your character like in other people?
Matthias can very well like anybody as long as their intentions are good and true like the Scions. People who are nice to him (and don’t pull a uno reverse card like a jackass) also usually win his favor.
24 - How quick is your character to trust someone else?
In the very beginning Matthias was too trusting, he was willing to trust anyone as long as they gave him a crumb of attention, an unfortunate side-effect of having been emotionally neglected by his own father for the past five years along with being shut in his own house with nobody else to talk to. Of course, after getting hurt one too many times, Matthias has learnt not to let people in so easily, and unfortunately this also means those who only wish to help him and have zero ill intentions at all. :(
30 - What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
If there’s anything Matthias happens to be repulsed by, I think its being surrounded by (sometimes overly) sexualized things/topics, which is understandable due to the fact that he was born and raised in Ishgard. So to put it in perspective, he’s not repulsed by sex itself because he’s had it a few times (Haurchefant and Eaulvoix), but it would be more like standing in the Beehive in Eulmore --- Matthias absolutely hated getting on its stage and hasn’t re-entered the place since.
This sounds ironic given his status as a Warrior of Light, but Matthias is not a fan of gore, the sight of his own blood sometimes makes him nauseated and he would prefer to be knocked out if he has horrendous injury. This distress stems from his obvious violent nightmares, especially the one where he is forced to watch the carnage of the Palamecian Genocide over and over (also something he can’t be blamed for).
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lays on the floor. why can't the search function on Tumblr work like it's supposed to.
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abalonetea · 6 years
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“everything doesn’t always have to be a battle.”
“yeah? must be nice, looking at the world like that.”
there are scars under his gloves and places where the skin has been charred away to black, brittle callouses. 
“watch this.”
fire ignites on skin. Culraes leans close, watches it dance with wide eyes. it smells like burning cinnamon.
sunlight catching on the steel of a sword and Locke watches from a distance, too nervous to step any closer. a different style from anything he’s ever seen in Fara and he’s itching to try and copy it but - Culraes is sharp edges and sheer determination, so he watches from the base of a pine tree instead.
halfway through Culraes pauses, shoots Locke a grin that is all fierceness and ire. he jabs the tip of his sword in Locke’s direction. “you’re supposed to be some kind’a knight, right? why don’t you show me what you’ve got.”
“so. what do those numbers mean, huh?”
“...you can see them?”
A nod.
A shuffle of boots.
“...they mean i did something really bad.”
“oh. heh. guess that makes two of us.”
@writings-of-a-narwhal i couldn’t resist here’s a moodboard and some words for Culraes and Locke! i hope i did a good job at capturing your boy!
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culra-a · 3 years
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tellusbane · 3 years
INBOX:  liightwarrior, crystalblut, prxsperpina, dystcpiia (x2), crownedveil, lavender-ancient, primalvessel, luxprotector (x2), box-of-characters, sakuranosuke, itsraiyninmeteors, moonfleeting, chevalierhaurchefant, forgedbyduty, zephirinthejust, salutaryruin
REPLIES:  salutaryruin, crossedtime, luxprotector, lunaetis (x2), etoileballad, lavender-ancient (x4), culra, florafate, thosewecanyetsave, enteleion, zephirinthejust, tartarusdwells, vialacteus (x3), meteorwinged, paragonrogue, kolak-magiya, dystcpiia, valebatcattus, alisgrxvis, salveticn, prxsperpina, crownedveil (x2), sakuranosuke, referentblood, aestuavis, ritterblood
CONTINUATION:  tsckcyomi, rosafulmen, luxprotector (x3), hcmitheos, screpseh, etoileballad (x3), itsraiyninmeteors (x2), seatedsacrifice, moonfleeting, cnavant, chteru, solistyr, interwovenrhapsody, valebatcattus, meteorwinged, lxght-brdnd, fellcleaved, sakuranosuke, koysroleplays, ardensfides, calledbeyond (x2), lemura
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Nature and the Hunt You are the divine parentage of the earth and the wilds, as well as the ancient art of the hunt. Your verdant forests, vast grasslands, and lush jungles are a source of wonder and sustenance for the skilled tracker, but conversely a place of fear and doom for the lost and unprepared. Many mortals revere you as a nurturing mother figure or a generous provider of protection and prosperity; however, you are equally capable of unleashing vengeance, famine, and destruction unto those who drink too deeply and greedily of your plentiful gifts. Hunters, gatherers, and herbalists look to you for guidance in the wilds, and your mythological equivalents are Greece’s Gaia and Artemis, Scandinavia’s Skaði, Eurasia’s Devana and the Iroquois’ Sky-Woman.
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Agriculture and the Home You are divine progenitor of the home, the hearth and agriculture—and, perhaps, of the fluctuating seasons and blistering elements which make these things a necessity of survival. You are one of the most revered of all deities, as your sheltering influence and gifts of health and prosperity are sought by all walks of life; however, you may be equally liable to revoke these things as you are to bestow them. You are loyal and dutiful in temperament and have a close connection with Death deities due to your governance over the familial sphere and their departed ancestors. Mortals look to you for bounteous harvests and orderly domestic affairs, and your mythological equivalents are Greece's Demeter and Persephone, Egypt's Osiris, Eurasia's Morana, and China's Shennong and Zao Jun.
tagged by : @empyrcal​ tagging : @banairai​ . @culra​ . @salveticn​ . @drachenblood​ . @referentblood​ . @ritterblood​ . @ancsthctist​ . + whoever needs an excuse to do this .
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bookish-actor · 5 years
question !!! do you see Culraes as bi ?? i'm curious !
Honestly, yes! He's so extra and dramatic, but also ready to fight. I can absolutely see him being bi!! I've kinda lowkey always imagined it for him anyway haha!
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skeletonhugz · 5 years
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culraes for @writings-of-a-narwhal !
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cwritesfiction · 6 years
I'm finally getting back into one of my wips are burning myself out a bit and I'm now obsessed with one of my ocs, Culraes. He's my current go-to character for writing at the moment but then I realized that everything I write for him is angst and I don't know how to make him happy or even get him to smile without it seeming forced
It’s great that you’re getting back into writing! I know how hard it can be to bounce back after burning out.
And if you don’t mind me throwing my two cents in, I’d say write as much angst as you want for now, especially if you’re just getting back into the WIP. I know the more time I spend writing a particular character, the better I understand them.
Happy writing!
Let’s have a social Saturday!
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holyxvi · 3 years
Five Songs
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tagged by: @culra​ (ty)
tagging: @elisethetraveller, @pretty-little-teacup, @idno41269​, and idk who else just steal it honestly
Hold on Tight - ELO
Hmm, it's a long time to be gone Oh, time just rolls on and on (hold on) When you need a shoulder to cry on When you get so sick of trying Just-a hold on tight to your dream
Dance in the Memories - Caitlin Myers (cover)
I just dance in the sweet memories Like a hurricane mixing love and pain I just dance in the sweet memories Don't ya know? I won't forget their glow 
If you'd give me one more chance, open up your heart of glass and let me pass Then I swear this time I’ll make it last
Everybody Wants to Rule The World - NSP (cover)
Most of freedom and of pleasure Nothing ever lasts forever Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do, I'll be right behind you
If You’re Gone - Matchbox Twenty
I think you're so mean I think we should try I think I could need this in my life and I think I'm scared Do I talk too much? I know it's wrong, it's a problem I'm dealing
Komm, süsser Tod (Come, Sweet Death) - Astrophysics (cover)
I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could live for no one else But now, through all the hurt and pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love mean more than anything
So with sadness in my heart I feel the best thing I could do Is end it all and leave forever What's done is done, it feels so bad What once was happy now is sad I'll never love again, my world is ending
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narwhal-writings · 6 years
Okay, I'm going to try to work on more moodboards and character intros the next couple days. Which do you want to see next:
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culraes would wear a crop top and be so confident in it
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abalonetea · 6 years
train with me burning boy part 1
@writings-of-a-narwhal​ look what i finally started! i’m doing it in two parts because i just??? don’t think i can get the fight scene written today but wanted to share this first part with you!
sunlight catching on the steel of a sword and Locke watches from a distance, too nervous to step any closer. a different style from anything he’s ever seen in Fara and he’s itching to try and copy it but - Culraes is sharp edges and sheer determination, so he watches from the base of a pine tree instead.
halfway through Culraes pauses, shoots Locke a grin that is all fierceness and ire. he jabs the tip of his sword in Locke’s direction. “you’re supposed to be some kind’a knight, right? why don’t you show me what you’ve got.”
“what?” the question catches Locke off guard. Despite his attempts, Culraes is often less than amicable. “me?”
“I don’t see anyone else around here.” Culraes jams the blade of his sword into the ground, leaning against it. there’s sweat damp on his forehead, leaving dark marks on the cut of his shirt. “unless you were just running your mouth before?”
“no? of course i wasn’t!” Locke only hesitates for another moment before moving to join Culraes in the small training field. it’s not that far away from Barrier Town proper, just close enough to the Deep Greens that it won’t cause a ruckus for anyone trying to relax.
with a flick of his wrist, Locke lets warm magic curl around his fingers. his preferred sword for practice pops into existence. the femur is heavy in his hands. it’s a good, strong bone - malleable in ways that a lot of others aren’t. the edges are left blunt, despite the fact that the sword Culraes is using looks very, very pointy.
“i’m training under the most well known knight in the land,” says Locke, carefully not mentioning that he’s technically also still training at the Academy. when he grins, it’s easy and big. “i just didn’t think that you were particularly interested in sparring with me!”
Culraes shrugs. the action would be dismissive, coming from someone else. “i’m curious.” his sharp eyes are watching the sword carefully. “though maybe i shouldn’t have been. is that really what you’re going to use?”
Locke laughs, the sound bubbling out from behind his teeth. he holds out his sword, offering it so Culraes can get a better look. “yes! it absolutely is! i know it doesn’t look like much - “
something dark flashes over Culraes face. he huffs, shoves the sword roughly back at Locke. 
he fumbles, nearly drops the tapered femur.
“if you’re not going to take this seriously,” snarls Culraes, ripping his own sword free from the ground. “then you can forget the offer.”
Locke blinks, looks down at his sword, then back at Culraes. He raises his brows, questioningly. “I’m taking this very seriously? this is my preferred weapon at the moment. I try not to use any fire magic while I’m here, to reduce the risk of something catching, and I’m not permitted to use my official sword for training with someone that isn’t a member of the Royal Guards.”
Culraes’s upper lip curls. “that isn’t even sharp.”
“neither are clubs, but they can still do a hefty amount of damage.”
“I can’t believe – you know what? fine. let’s just get started.”
“okay!” Locke ambles after Culraes, moving closer to the center of the field. He falls into an easy stance, legs a little more parted than they should be, shoulders slouched and sword pressed against one of them.
He can feel the judgment crawling on his back.
Does Culraes know what kind of Intent he gives off?
It’s not something that Locke has ever asked about before.
Culraes own stance is sharp and pulled taut, like a bow about to be loosed. The curl of his mouth is full of ire and sharp, strange things.
This, thinks Locke, belatedly, is probably more than just a friendly sparr.
It’s a test, maybe, or at least something close to that. and while Locke is mostly just curious about the techniques that Culraes has brought with him, there’s clearly something that the other man is searching for as well.
Here’s hoping that they can both find it.
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salveticn · 2 years
@banairai asked : 2) for sender to pick up a sleepy receiver and carry them to bed. ((from Jeb @culra​))
     today’s episode had been something out of this star ! something that has kept elidibus’s face plasted right against the screen , with a beating , throbbing heart clutched within his quivering palms while the excitement and suspense quickly filled him up ; poor medusa found her head and body strangled by the youth’s enthusiasm , every time he wrapped his arms around her to squeeze her whenever something happened in the show -- something that elidibus considered mind-blowing ... or at least something that made him touch the highest notes in his tone and eventually leave him voiceless for several minutes after .
     but elidibus didn’t do well with cliff-hangers , much to his own displeasure . the way the episode ended left him with a certain bitterness that was almost choking , unbearable ! yet , every time an episode ended , he was always left with familiar warmth stroking his palpitating heart and a visit from a certain character that he seemed to have grown a certain obsession over . oh yes , he was his hyperfixation in fiction !   and as he dragged his tired , sleepy body to bed   ( he was not going to sleep just yet , he had reading sessions to do ! )   , he visited him that night as well and elidibus swore he screeched !
     in fiction he believed he could hit the highest notes without his voice breaking ; so , that screech didn’t take away from him his graceful , softened tone .   he thought of him -- of jeb , his fictional hyperfixation -- welcoming him into his arms   ( strong and mighty arms ! )   , carrying his exhausted feather-light body to bed , all the while with a certain smirk on his lips .
     “ uwaah -- !! ”   he was thrown on the bed , when in truth his weary body simply rested on it and his head sank into the pillow to smother a single yawn and a sigh .   in his mind , it played at least a second time : the way jeb carried him to bed with a smirk on his face , throwing him right on the bed and his smirk growing wide   ( it did grow wide , yes ? it did ! )   , allowing mismatched hues to admire him in all his splendor . after all , he was just a miserable soul gazing over ruination ... lovingly gazing ...
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     ... and that was tonight’s title . playful giggles were stifled under his breath , one of the many pillows thrown in between his arms as he quickly tapped on the story’s title to read it .   stay jeb , don’t you dare go anywhere . the night was still young , after all .
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