#because im too indecisive and will never be able to choose on my own
strawmyberry · 1 year
hi strawberry!! hope ur having a good day!! i absolutely loved ur headcanons for the main 4! they are soo cute i literally re-read them all the time 😭💗💗 do you by chance have any headcanons for butters?? <3
AAAA!!! more headcannons!!! makes my heart happy!!
cute little fun fact about me before we start- im a very indecisive person! basically meaning ive never really been able to choose a favorite character in South Park- i have way too many-
but i LOVE butters with all my heart! he’s a little guy and i wanna squish his cheeks! so of COURSE i have headcannons for him!! thank you for the ask toast <3
i hope you guys like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
i am so certain he is just a ball of ticklishness!
i don’t know if he’s more ticklish than kyle though!
if anything- i think they’re tied!
has the cutest laugh ever ever ever!
his laugh 100% causes cuteness aggression
(i think someone intends to tickle him for only a minute- they hear his laugh- and they literally cannot stop. HE’S TOO CUTE!)
he’s a wiggly worm!
he leans into being tickled by accident- little silly guy <33
(he’ll lean one way to avoid it just to lean into the other side by accident!)
im so normal about this you guys!!!!
(butters is a human version of the pillsbury dough boy!!!)
his worst spot is his stomach!! but his armpits are pretty bad too!
like- they’re not superrrrr ticklish- but they’re ticklish!!
he learned to do his own nails for that exact reason!
(yes!!! butters likes to have painted nails sometimes!!! let him have it!!!)
he has a little hello kitty sticker on his index nail! he’s classy! he’s stylish! he’s chic!
he really likes being tickled!!
(he’s touch starved :((( )
i think he could ask to be tickled for the longest time
could being past tense!!! because- poor little guy figured out that not everyone likes being tickled!
he totally thought everyone liked it as much as he did
( [f]artman burst that bubble real quick :( )
so now he’s a little bit more shy about it!
but there are certain people that are already well aware- so they give him his fill to cheer him up <3
he makes a lot of noises- squeals, squeaks, hiccups, you name it!!
gah he is SO CUTE :(((
teasing is SO effective he can’t handle it
if you wiggle your fingers at him it’s over!!!
he already starts giggling!!
(and i means GIGGLING giggling! you’re practically already tickling him!)
he curls up like a little hedgehog!!
i also imagine he cries when he laughs too hard- and it makes his lers feel SO BAD because they think he’s actually crying
he somehow becomes even more southern when getting tickled
his faint little twang gets amplified by a billion!!
i hate to say it- but i feel like mr. stotch (i hate him >:( ) has made butters practically hate his own laugh
he apologizes sometimes while laughing :(((
he takes teases SO literally!!
“awww, does that tickle?” “yehehehes!!! a lohohot!!”
(i always think back to wendy’s “are you just an asshole?” line!!! this HAS to be canon!!)
raspberries are SO bad for him!
and the poor thing falls for it every! time!
“hey, you know what my favorite fruit is?” “ohohoh chrihihistmas- i knohohow yohou’ve tohohold me behehefore!! im sohohorry-i dohont rehehemember! …ahahapples?”
he is also very aware that tickling is the first resort when i comes to getting him to do something
“no! i won’t! ….oh hamburgers- you’re gonna tickle me, aren’t ya’? please don’t! im sorry fellas, really-!”
and he’s such a sweet ler too!!
that’s not to say he doesn’t go all out- he definitely does!!!
but he constantly checks in! makes sure he isn’t crossing any boundaries!
surprisingly, he’s super duper teasy
“Awww! You’re just the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen!” (thing pronounced thang!!! southern bell!!)
tickles are always his go to for anything
(sometimes he looks for excuses to tickle people- just to hear their laughs!!)
he randomly pokes at people! just for funnzies!
especially Kenny- poor Kenny gets poked way too much
(butters totally does the thing where he pokes and quickly looks away, as if he isn’t the only one standing next to kenny who could’ve done it)
he has a BLAST- whether he’s a Lee or a Ler!!!
hes such a good sport about it he’s so sweet :((
“that was fun!!!”
Professor Chaos!
oh no!!! who’s this evil, totally unrelated, fiend who’s invaded my butters headcannons??
well- i guess since he’s here! we might as well!
very ticklish!!! it really works against him!
he has a little maniacal laugh that he tries to keep up while being tickled
(but that only works for like- 5 minutes! then he’s all giggles and squeals!)
his minions tickle him from time to time!!
of course- completely on accident!
(or maybe those hamsters ARE evil?!)
but he just giggles a little, catches them, and puts them back in their little balls!
getting captured by Racoon & Friends/Freedom Pals is very common!
he tries to act all macho and evil
(it never works!! doesn’t even last five seconds!)
it’s the same song and dance every single time!
“mwhahaha! you really think you can get me, Professor Chaos, to tell you where I’m conducting my next evil scheme? you are wrong!” “…” “oh! u-uh- you think you can resort to c-childish antics, huh? w-well! i-im not ticklish! s-so, yeah!!”
hes very dedicated to his character!!
he does this little silly thing where…sometimes…he forgets what info he’s supposed to confess
sometimes he gets lucky! (mysterion or toolshed quickly whisper in his ear what hes supposed to say- and he goes along with it!)
but sometimes…he gets stuck with Racoon & Friends
(they don’t care if he can remember or not- they just tickle him until he remembers again)
this evil evil guy is the most evil evil ler in South Park!!
(ooooooo! scary!)
professor chaos’ super evil super effective interrogation!
(he calls it “Interronation”!)
wether it’s because he physically can’t pronounce it or that he’s just clueless is for you to decide! it’s both!
tickling is his only resort. if it doesn’t work?
…well- that’s never happened before- so he doesn’t have a backup plan!
but he goes ALL OUT
he has feathers, he has hairbrushes, he has a pair of The Racoon’s claws (he stole them >:D) anything that you think could be used to tickle a person- HE HAS IT!
he keeps it all in a little teal lunchbox (it has cute little stars!!!) that he got from his mom
(sure, he doesn’t use it for lunch, but it’s getting used!!)
but strawberry!! isnt it impractical to have to carry around a lunchbox?
yes! yes it is!
that’s why he also has a cute little tool belt with little slots to put everything in!
it’s made out of tinfoil! (he made it himself <3)
and he has spares in the back of his closet!! jusssst in case!
he teases a BUNCH
“i think someone’s gonna have to give up soon…you seem really ticklish here…”
he says the word “tickle” and all its many variations millions and billions of times
mostly because it’s super effective!!
(but also because he thinks it’s a fun word to say!!)
he also sings a little while he does- he’s silly!!
“🎶 i think someone’s ticklish! 🎶”
he makes every single time a new experience
(like, he starts every time brand new- as if he’s “discovering” each spot for the first time all over again!)
but, despite the fact that he’s an evil evil guy (ive mentioned he’s evil right?) he’s still super sweet
he stops every now and then, does a quick check in!
thats some of the only times you’ll see him break character- it’s so cute
“…ya’ good, Kenny?” “whahat?” “are you okay? can ya’ breathe-? do ya’ need water?” “…uhuh…nohoho?” “and what about here? is it okay that im tickling you here?” “uh…yehehah?” “oh! oh goodie! …round two!”
and he has waters on hand!! he buys the jumbo packs!
(you know? the little mini water bottles with the little motivational quotes on them? those little ones!)
the little evil guy doesn’t really have the heart to hurt anyone- he just likes hearing his friends laugh!!!
deep down he knows they’re gonna get him back a million times worse but it’s all in good fun! so he doesn’t mind!
all is fair in love and superhero civil war!
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forsythi-amitie · 1 year
i would like to pretend i had a slightly more coherent thought today but nope i just think its funny how ibara picks at yuzuru for being an obedient butler and similar to a lap dog when he's the one who had to limit nagisa's allowance. He's the one who cooks dinner for him. (+ If you think about it hard enough, ibara is actually like. An evil butler. Who laughs maniacally) anyways here's my contribution.
i think its nice how being in Eden changed him, how he actually has friends, for one, but also how he's learned to be able to open up a little more. I guess it's like having to learn to undo all of the bad habits he'd learned for his own survival, because he now doesn't need to hold onto them as tightly as he did in the past.
This guy has some major trust issues. Constantly being in an environment where being able to trust someone was not guaranteed would probably do a number on you. I think some part of him is also scared to trust the rest of Eden, to an extent. I think his relationship with Eden as a unit in particular is interesting, since its something that he was able to build for himself, something that stands as proof of his effort, which is probably why he works so hard to make sure they succeed. Its probably one of the things he's the most proud of. I also see his "position" in Eden to be interesting, seeing how he does most of the work, but isn't the actual leader. Its probably because that would make it slightly easier for him to manage everything from behind the scenes, and help him to not stand out so much. Yet, he's slightly jealous of how jun was able to stand out, since in the end, he's an idol too. Maybe its the conflict between wanting to be recognized and stand out but also scared of that because a certain level of vulnerability is attached
In bogie time, he was able to open up to hajime because he's just so nice to everyone. Hajime is genuine and innocent, and nothing like the people ibara had encountered in the past. I'm pretty sure the entire event was him trying to strategize his way to victory and failing miserably, which i guess in a way was a sort of lesson? That sometimes you have to let yourself live and have fun. (I think hes still working on that)
I could bring up his list of business practices with questionable ethics, but thats probably just a result of having to live that kind of life, where you make use of everything around you, no matter how dirty. Still, he's above throwing people completely under the bus. He might blackmail them a bit though.
His inability to have fun shows up in his daily life too, like how his favourite food is nutritional supplements. Dude what. I'd like to think part of that is because he's so focused on work that it's easier to not take a lunch break and just take pills instead, and also how im pretty sure he's never actually been able to sit down and have a nice meal? So he just chooses the most bland (but healthy) option there. Thankfully the rest of Eden complained and offered to share their food (which is actually really cute? Lol) still, that makes me think of just how little of a "life" he actually had? To think that he doesn't have a proper favourite food, not because hes indecisive, but because he'd never had a chance to experience it. (Breath mints are more of a favourite food than supplements and that's saying something)
That and the fact that he manages a slightly concerning number of businesses. I might have missed a few things somewhere, but i dont think this guy has any hobbies. (Strategizing is not a hobby)
He should live a little. Go get lost in the mountains for a change.
He might not want to admit it, he definitely had gotten attached to the members of Eden, considering how he'd picked up Jun's catchphrase lol (what kind of catchphrase is Goddamn? Who knows) I also think about how Eden also cares about him, like how hiyori entrusted bloody mary to him, or how Nagisa is totally willing to interrupt his "evil schemes" (that's definitely a love language trust me). Anyways Eden found family.
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narwhal-writings · 6 years
Okay, I'm going to try to work on more moodboards and character intros the next couple days. Which do you want to see next:
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a couple of questions, because im really new to this stuff:
1. im questioning if im an otherlinker/copinglinker, but im not sure yet- is it just saying "i wanna be this person/character/thing, okay, now time to convince myself of it/play into the role"?
2. whats the spectrum? when otherlinking to something, is it a range of "i kind of feel like this thing somewhat" to "i completely identify as this, but still aware im me"? same thing with uh- does it range from animals, fictional characters, objects, ect?
3. specifically with animals/beasts ect, do you also act like them in the form of walking, moving, appearance, ect, or is that only therians?
4. are you able to change what youre linked to often, or is it consistent, with only one thing at a time? or- are you able to have a constant selection you never really "break ties" with, if that makes sense? like a row of shirts you can choose from each day to wear. can you create links that fast? would i be able to make a list of links i can change with frequently whenever id like?
5. is there anything i need to specifically avoid asking/talking about regarding all of this because it might be unknowingly rude or offensive to those in the same community, or others?
if any of this doesnt make sense, i apologize- im new to tumblr, too
Heey, thanks for the questions!!
1. Basically, yeah! Otherlinking is about choosing an identity and reinforcing it, yeah! Though, the lines between it and other forms of identity, like otherkin, aren't always clear. "Quoiluntary identity" is a term used for identites that aren't pinpointed as voluntary or involuntary. For example, this week I started linking a character while at work, and it initially wasn't an active choice. It was random, like, I did something and then noticed a similarity between me and the character and that made me feel good, so I paid a little more attention to the similarities. It's not involuntary because if I stopped thinking about it the sense of identity would fade, even if the similarities between me and the char would stay (… until I grow and change as a person to no longer strike a resemblance lol. And being kin doesn't have to be about resembling your kintype in the first place! Being a linker doesn't have to be either. Your linktype could be how you imagine yourself internally, or only in certain situations, or or or… I'll get back to my point 'u' " ). Yet it's not fully voluntary either because the start of it was a random realization. Personally, I just call it all linktypes and don't bother thinking too much. But that's just my own choice!
2. That's the spectrum, yeah! The intensity can go all the way from just a little to full on. There's people who, after linking for a while, feel that the linktype has become so integral to them that it's become involuntary, aka a kintype by definition (Whether that's still called linktype or changed to kintype is up to the individual's choice). And it can be animals, characters, objects, concepts, colours, etc etc, yup. There's no limit to linking unless you harm yourself or others. So linking real people is an iffy subject (I think making a linktype based on a real person is a healthy way to go about the desire to link another living breathing being but pretending to be that person for real isn't a good idea).
3. Me, as a green woodpecker linker who feels the immense desire to cling to vertical surfaces like a woodpecker clings to a tree, tries to mimic their call, and more, yea. Yeah. But it can vary of course! It's the same for therians, actually. I've heard of at least one therian who was kin with wolves in more of a symbolic way than physicality, like, what they stood for in our human perception, the attributes we ascribe to them as a species.
4. I think this is different from person to person, so I'll again talk from personal experience. I have way too many active links at the moment. My brain can get indecisive about which one to "wear" lately. (My job involving a lot of multitasking and training my brain into being scattered doesn't help this imo.) You describe it pretty well by comparing it to a row of shirts. That's what it's like for me; I pick the one that most comfortably fits me or helps me the most. Some links can be created fast, others need time. I already mentioned a fast one in 1., but I also have a linktype that I built up for weeks before I felt any sense of identity in it. How easily a person can change into/out of/between linktypes may depend on the circumstances of the day. I'm sure there can internal or external circumstances preventing a change.
5. Hmm. The only thing I can think of is that we're not particularly fond of when people treat linkers like "otherkin lite", as if our identities are less valuable because they're chosen. If you understand that a chosen identity can be as meaningful as an inherent one, I think that's a given. The community at large also doesn't like being grouped in with "kin for fun"/"kff" people. I'm not 100 % sure I understand the concept of kff correctly, but I think it's people who claim they're kin but don't even identify as the thing. It's just a trend they're running with. It's perfectly fine to link something just for fun, so that's why the whole thing is a bit of a head scratcher for me. I think the disdain might be more because many kff trashtalk alterhumans (otherkin, otherlink, etc) than anything else. If anyone reading this can explain the kff thing better or can think of more things to avoid around otherlinkers, please reply to this post. That all said, don't hold back in asking questions because of the chance they might be rude! Rude questions can result in very interesting conversation.
I hope this helps! ^.^ Sorry in case there's typos and grammar mistakes. It's late and I'm tired but idk when there'd be the next time I have the time to collect my thoughts in order to reply.
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elysianslove · 3 years
bae is studying all those scientific terms in german worth it,,,?
i have a choice to go to canada but i don't want to burden my parents with the money,,,
truth is, up until now i'm still super indecisive because of so many factors. on one hand, canada will definitely eliminate language barriers, and i already have a friend here to help me, plus it’s closer to the us (i lowkey wanna visit) but, on the other germany is cheaper and everyone said the standard of living is better there overall?? and germany is like known for its technological advancements,,, BUT i'm scared i won't be able to handle learning the language,,, my parents tell me to choose whatever makes me happy but the guilt of burdening them with more money to pay eats me up inside 😭
ARGH i'm so sorry i keep talking about my own stupid problems i honestly don't know who else to turn to,,, pls ignore this if you don't feel like dealing with me. love you lots, your works help me in these stressful times <333 how's ur life in uni tho?? may i know if it's like easier or harder than high school :/
— 💤 anon
hi lovely! i honestly can’t tell you if it’s worth it or not bc i’ve never been in your situation, but it’s really ultimately up to you. you were outweighing the pros and cons w like canada and stuff, and i think you should do that again in more depth, you know? especially long term. like which one will properly benefit you more in the long run, but will also not be impossible to deal with in the short run?
when it comes to money, there’s financial aids and scholarships and, when you enroll in the university and start gaining credits there’s also things like dean’s lists to give u another percentage off your tuition. if money is not too tight and not a big issue, and your parents are, themselves, telling you to think of it last, i think go through everything about both germany and canada and then consider the money. but only if money is not so much of a deciding factor. it’s different for everybody of course, and priorities differ.
i relate so much to the burden part though. like i always feel guilty when i spend money even though i shouldn’t because it’s not like i’m asking for anything unimaginable you know? dhsbdjd something we both gotta work on 😞☝🏼
anyways please don’t apologize im happy to help whenever wherever !!! im honored that you feel like you can come to me :)) <3
and well, in regards to uni ,,, it obviously depends on so, so many things, like your major, the professors you end up with, the courses you’ll be taking but technically — and i don’t wanna scare you — it is harder than high school. i graduated from a school that was incredibly demanding academics wise, so the workload wasn’t as shocking when i got to uni. it’s more of the difficulty level. you really have to put in effort to succeed at uni, so if you’re a hard worker and you’re willing to put in the work and the effort, you’ll be good to go! there will be days where you will want to drop out if we’re being realistic, but push through. it’ll be all worth it in the end when you get the results you deserve i promise :)
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cardencs · 4 years
“ one had to die so the other could live “ DFJGHDKGHDFJHFKGJH idk where i got that from but RELEVANT , sorta . . .  ANYWAYS , hello , it me , everyone’s favorite demon 😇 bringing you a second muse that i hope will stay WELP . I know froy has a lack of resources , so for a couple of more days ky’s gonna be MIA, hence the coma , so i can get cris settled and make some gifs :] fun fact tho : my grandma’s last name is gutierrez 🥺
chicago’s very own cristian cardenas has been spotted on madison avenue driving a 2020 Maserati Ghibli view 9 trims , welcome ! your resemblance to froy  gutierrez is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re indecisive , but being sincere might help you . i think being a Leo explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be grass stains, summer nights and blank pages of a notebook .
ANNDDDDD , idk , read under the cut for more , but like this and imma get plotting with everyone . 😈
Tumblr media
Full Name: criatian javier cardenas-castillo 
Nickname(s): cris, c , cj , 
Age: 22
Height: 6ft
Date of Birth: July 25th 1997
Zodiac sign: leo
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: mexican/colombian/american
Gender: cismale
Pronouns: he/him
Tattoos: none
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
first of all , cristian was born in mexico , to two parents who were high school sweethearts and had him way too young ( his dad was 18 and his mom was 16 ) , but luckily enough his dad’s family ran a few popular pharmacies in Mexico City, so they were well off . cristian had a normal enough childhood , his parents were both pharmacists . his paternal grandparents paying for their education and livelihood . so it all worked out .
when cristian turned 8 , both his parents noticed he had a natural skill for soccer . which is funny because that came from his maternal side and they never bothered to introduce him to the sport . it was just something cris played on the streets with his friends.
immediately after that realization , his parents got him into the best training programs , camps , teams , etc - - - even sending him off to colombia to play in their leagues . therefore cristian bounced between mexico and colombia until he was 16 . 
cris played soccer at an international level, being the nephew of alejandro castillo definitely opened many doors for him , especially when cristian got invited to play for american leagues . 
from mexico to colombia , to finally landing in the united states , cristian played in minor leagues in chicago and LA . at 18 he started playing for Chicago Fire FC , just for a couple of years until having to move to LA to be closer to his paternal grandmother . she was living on her own and wanted family closer , and cris honestly missed just being normal a little bit so he ran for that opportunity , playing for LA Galaxy . 
Up until recently , cristian actually resided in LA , living with his grandmother , going to practices and living a pretty simple life since he never saw himself as famous . he has famous family , and he left the spotlight to them , and they all knew he liked his privacy. 
truth be told , cristian doesn’t like playing soccer , but he’s a talented midfielder , so much that he’s usually given captain . for some reason he’s really good at handling a team of people , which is funny because he’s pretty quiet until you say a word to him. 
the only reason he continues to play the sport is because it’s something his parents are proud of, the only time they will really give him any attention for. his parents are . . . not so great . they worked all the time , and care more about earning any sort of income rather than spend actual time with their kid , and cris . . . is the only child . he’s their only child yet they jumped at the chance to ship him off everywhere . 
cris really only like the family he has in the states considering that’s the only sense of true family he has , but his parents are his parents . . . so he tries to appease them in any way possible . even if he hates what he does . 
cristian would actually rather be off writing in the middle of nowhere as for a hobby . he’s got a lot of little notebooks filled with short stories and poems . bc behind this little shit act he pulls , he’s actually pretty soft .
if he had to choose what he could do for the rest of his life , it’d be to put together a recipe book because this man surprisingly loves to cook ??? he picked it up easily snd quickly when living with his grandmother . at this point he’s put together a whole recipe book and his insta is literally soccer/food porn , it’s funny DKJGHJDK
because kylie got into an accident , cris ended up moving away from LA to NYC , even switching teams in order to help out around with his family there . he’s currently playing for New York City FC , earning his spot  on the team - - - not really aiming for captain but who knows. so he’s fresh meat to the scene unless meeting anyone prior in LA or Chicago . 
cris didn’t grow up with a normal childhood when he started training . therefore he didn’t party that much . so  he’s literally currently living his best life when moving to the states , he got a lot of freedom and just like his cousin , he’s pretty much the life of the party .
he’s that guy that gets drunk enough they will drunk sing the song with a bottle in hand . though he’s not much of a smoker , so with that he’s a little #boring . but then again he’s pretty stupid without the weed and alcohol . 
cris is usually seen as the guy with a lot of girls for friends . . . but he’s probably hooked up with all of them too . he doesn’t really see labels , and doesn’t like labels on relationships . so . . . he hasn’t had a serious relationship , he’s indecisive af and flies away from stuff like that . his excuse is he has to focus on soccer over personal things like relationships . 
he’s honest af ( it’s a family thing ok ) but he’s not an angry thing , cris is pretty chill , laid back and cheeky . making the dumb commentary no one thinks is funny , but he probably thinks is hilarious af . 
he really likes working with the community and is currently putting together soccer programs for kids who wouldn’t normally be able to afford things like equipment and training . cris goes as far as coaching teams from community center . . . not for clout , because he genuinely likes it , even if he hates playing it , he likes to teach and likes giving back .
a big charity man , ok this man is just bABY .
you know , a big stupid baby that can party JKDFGHDKGJH
gimme all the plots !!! just like this and im sure we can figure something out , or i can bc sometimes depending on the connectiion we cook up im all 😈😈😈😈
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fandomwriter73 · 4 years
Hi could i get an mha male character match up please I’m straight, female, capricorn and a slytherin. i’m about 5’2 but i got that 6 foot energy and ive got medium lenght black straight hair and brown eyes. I’m not too shy but talking to people is still hard. I also get really anxious and come suffer from some pretty bad panic attacks. My friends are really protective of me cause im hella clumsy, dense and indecisive so like sometimes my friends have to like choose stuff for me becayse like i get anxious and we never get stuff done. I am really impulsive like I once woke up and decided to just get three ear piercings and a nose ring. I’m a dancer that specializes in ballet and i also figure skate. I love playing the piano and violin. Im not really a book worm but i dont mind reading especially if its for school work but that being said i still procrastinate. People say im a good listener and give good advice but i seriously suck at following my own advice i swear to god. I’m really just a go with the vibe person. Im down for really just about anything when hanging out with someone cause i just think like as long as im spending time with them then its fine. I do need to just have time to myself though just to relax abit. My love language is that im quite clingy and cuddly but i really suck at communicating. I am also like hella insecure about myself. Thanks you❤️🤍
Hey, sorry this took me a while to get out I hope you enjoy!
I match you with......
Eijiro Kirishima
If you don't like to talk tok much when you firts meet he doesn't mind carrying the conversation.
He flipflops between being able to talk for hours almost with little to no response fron the other person, to being able to listen without interrupting for hours
Learns to read yiu pretty quickly
He imo is a very touchy feely person so he will always be up for giving and receiving affection
Is fine with leaving you alone when you nesd to be and doesn't pry about it
He gets that everyone needs their space and time to cool off even if they aren't necessarily mad
You can thank Bakugo Katski for that!
Really likes your percings and consults you if he considers getting one
He really likes watching you at your recitals and your figure shating event
Once he even tried to learn some but he always ended up breaking some part of ice rink or dance studio
Makes nonchalant comments about how your perfectly imperfect and how your insucurites aren't half as bad as you think you are
Because he knows your insucure he typically sned s you affirmations daily specifically in the morning and before you go to bed
Likes studying with you and will pull and all nighter with you to study for any exams or test coming up.
I hope you liked this request are open for mha and Haikyuu! -cass
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kotofvi · 5 years
Mobile Rules
Important Notes
My mini-muse navigation on the main bagel has links to individual bios! I did this so you can get a preview on my fucks and see if you're interested, if so then you can check out their full bio! Please note the trigger warning tags before the bios. Though not all of them will have them and some will have more than others, I make it a point to put these warnings above whatever bio needs them so you have ample warning before reading them. The links in the mobile version of the bagel are for mobile bound users! I try to make my bagels as accessible as possible!
Please specify what muse you want. If you're not sure or are indecisive, that's alright! Just please tell me "Random" and I will give you a random muse! However, if you don't tell me what muse you want or tell me to give you a random one, I get anxious because I'm not sure which one of my fucks you'd like to write with and worry if I'm writing up something for the wrong muse. So please, please, specify a muse or "Random" so we can avoid all that mess.
Since I've had this problem several times before across all my other bagels: If I've written you multiple starters and you haven't responded to a single one of them, I will not write you anymore. That is just.. Unreasonable. I will legitimately write you a starter for every single muse and you can pick and choose which ones you want to reply to, so to reply to none and then ask for another one? It just really gets under my skin and makes me question whether or not its my writing or if you just have no interest. I will rewrite a starter for you if you didn't like the one you got, no problem! So please, instead of leaving me on read, tell me if you want a different muse or a new starter. I really don't mind at all. But do not just ghost me and not tell me anything then expect me to write you more. That's just rude af, mate.
Tagging system: N.SFW = Kettledrums // (I tag everything with ___ //) If you need anything specific tagged and I don't tag it, please let me know and I'll mark it down to tag in the future!
Since I’ve had some troubles in the past about non-mutual starlings still liking starter calls or the like, I feel its necessary to address this issue first.
My lovely starlings, I will always adore you and I will come into your inbox all the time. I will send you Nonnies and HC questions. I appreciate and adore you very much! However, if I didn’t follow you back its likely because of very few reasons: 
★ I want to keep my dash neat and organized and I can’t follow you (in good conscious because I will likely unfollow you soon after) if the content spread of your bagel is a bunch of varying things that I personally wouldn’t want on my dash or have no use for. 
★  Your character is wonderful but I don’t think they could really interact well with my muse in a sense of actually interacting and not in a sense of different fandoms or the like. No, our muses don’t have to get along for us to interact but if your muse isn’t my cup of tea– Well I can’t see us interacting. 
★ Our writing won’t work well together. I read a handful of threads when I go to check out your bagel and if I feel our writing won’t work well together, I can’t follow you because I don’t want to be the asshole who follows you then never interacts with you.
★  If I have no interest in writing with your muse I won’t follow you because, again, I really don’t want to be that asshole who follows but never interacts.  
None of this is personal, okay? I love all you beautiful starlings and I really do appreciate you so much! You’re not too OOC (may I direct you to my constant bagel situation? Look at all that endless OOC.) You’re not a bad writer. You’re not anything bad at all! These are just my preferences! 
This doesn’t mean we can never talk or interact, though! But here’s the rule of thumb:
★  Please do not send me asks or the like with Memes that aren’t relative to drabbles or HCs. Please do not send me asks or the like with inquiry to thread! I don’t want to have to tell you no, I’m really really bad at saying no, okay? And when I don’t say no, but I want to say no, I end up dropping threads and then no one feels good. Which is really not okay because I don’t want either of us not havin’ a good time!
I take great measures to check your bagel out! I’ll read your writing, check all your pages and I’ll basically stalk your bagel for a bit before I decide on following you or not. 
Please note though: Sometimes I can take a while to get to checking you out! This is because tumblr doesn’t notify me, I’m too busy working or I didn’t see the number change concerning my followers! Typically I’ll post when I’m checking new starlings out though! 
If you’re going to follow me, please note that I do tag everything as extensively as possible. If you need something tagged with a custom tag, please let me know! I’ll take care of it! 
Tagging in general: I always tag all forms of NSFW (Nudity, Violence, etc) as “Kettledrums //“  and I always tag Water, Blades, Eye contact, Scars and other things as “water //” etc.
If I unfollow you, don’t come at me asking why. Don’t come at me interrogating me for reasons as to why I unfollowed you. If we’re close friends or if we’ve always been following each other and suddenly I’m not following you, then yes, please IM me because I’m p sure that tumblr fucked up somewhere there.
But if not? Don’t come at me with that please. I am a very anxious person and I really don’t want to have to deal with that. 
The same goes for you unfollowing me though! I won’t come at you for it! Its your decision who you follow, not mine! I understand completely and you do you sugar! 
My threads vary in length but generally they tend to get long all on their own. Even if it starts off with just a sentence or something, it usually evolves into paragraphs within a few replies. 
I don’t mind length matching. You don’t have to match my length and you definitely don’t have to try to make it longer just to keep up. I want you to have fun writing and if you can only give me two paras on a three or four para reply, that’s fine. However, if I’ve given you six paragraphs and you only give me one, I’m likely to lose interest in the thread unless I’m told that you’re having writer’s block or something.
The reason for that is because when the reply length drops that dramatically, it makes me feel as though you have no interest in it. If I think you don’t have any interest in it, I’m not going to make you continue it. If you want to drop a thread with me, let me know! We can always have a thousand threads and only ever really do two of them. I mean, it happens a lot pfft. 
The point is: Relax. Threads are meant to be fun after all! 
PLEASE DO NOT EQUATE ME TO MY MUSE. However, whatever similarities may arise between us: I AM NOT MY MUSE. Anything they may do or say is not necessarily supported by me. 
I am multi-ship but I ship on chemistry. We can talk about shipping our muses all day long though! If you wanna ship with me, let me know! Just kick my inbox door down and say “HEY FUCKFACE LETS SHIP” and I will be down for discussing it! 
Shipping is not just Romantics here either. Platonic ships such as Familial, Best friends, etc. Hateful ships too. There’s various ways to ship, romanticism isn’t the only way. 
If you drop your ship with me, that is perfectly alright and I understand completely. Sometimes things change somewhere along the line and the ship doesn’t work anymore! 
Please note: ANY UNDERAGE MUSE / MUN WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY NSFW / SMUT WRITING. I will not write it with my underage muses and I definitely will not with underage muns, I do not wanna go to jail, thank you.
Don’t come here with any Anti bullshit. If you follow me and you’re an Anti, I’ve probably already blocked you. I don’t allow unneeded drama and bullshit here and I will protect anyone who follows me from it by keeping that shit off my bagel.
If you send me anon hate or anti ask bullshit, I will report and block you. NO ANTIS ALLOWED HERE. I’m not down with that life and this is a NO DRAMA ZONE. You bring it here, you’re INSTANTLY BLOCKED. I won’t answer you, I won’t respond nor react– I’ll just delete it, block you, report you and move on. Ain’t no one got time for that.  Beyond that: I welcome you with open arms!
The general Do(s)
★  Message me if you are interested in my muse! 
★  Send me memes when I reblogged them! 
★  Tag / Mention me in anything! 
★  Ship with me! If there’s chemistry, I am down! Even if it’s unrequited or anything of that sort! I mean, dang, ship in platonics! Do the thing my friend!
★ Ask me anything your little heart desires, even if it’s just some help or advice you need! 
★ Like/Reblog my roleplays if you are involved in it!
★  Send headcanons or drabble prompts! I’d love to hear them and hell, will probably accept them! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re from another fandom! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re an OC! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re a multiblog!
★  Interact with me! Just do it friend! I do not bite!!
The general Don’t(s)
★ Attempt to write smut with me if you are underaged. Mun is above 18 and would really rather not go to jail!
★  Expect me to follow you back once you followed me! Truly, I usually do follow back, but I also take the time to read every page on someone’s blog to see if I’m interested! It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if I just followed them back and never interacted with them due to lack of interest! Not to say that your muse(s) aren’t great, they’re just not my cup of tea!
★  Expect me to be my muse.
★  Expect me to solve every problem on my own. If we’re interacting with each other and run into a problem, I want to be able to communicate with you and solve it together! While I am an agile problem solver, I can’t do it on my own because it risks upsetting you by accident if I do something wrong! 
★  Assume I’ll ship with you just because I’m Multiship. I am multiship, but I ship upon chemistry! 
★  Guilt trip me into replies! I do them as quickly as I can and I try my very best! Please do poke at me if you feel I’ve missed it, but don’t give me hell for it, okay?
★  Message me and corner me into doing something I’m uncomfortable with. While I’m pretty laid back and am up for just about anything, if I express that I’m uncomfortable, please respect that! 
★  Bring me unneeded drama! I’m here to have fun, not bitch at people over the net, y'know?
★ Bring your “Anti” bullshit here. I’m not about that life.
Main images on this bagel by by Len-Yan.
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kinashiianzu · 5 years
2, 8, 10, 18, 20, 22, and 25 for the hufflepuff ask game!
2. smells that remind you of home?
baked goods and fruity fragrances mostly. i bake a lot so the aroma always sticks to the walls and i just love fruity scents so i have a lot of candles around
8. do you believe in an afterlife?
in a way, i do for sure. i don’t know exactly what that afterlife is, but i don’t think you just waste away once you die, if that makes sense
10. top 3 otps
(i’m gonna stick to a starkid theme here because then i’ll never be able to pick a top three b/c i am wayyy too indecisive) ooh, um… of course breredith if we’re counting real people, sherrezade and ja’far, and paul and emma :)
18. what social issue would you most like to spread awareness about?
there are so many i would love to share, but if i had to choose one, i would say the overall theme of inequality, whether it be gender inequality, racism, and the like. a lot of people i’ve encountered seem to be turned off by the inequality issue because they immediately think of feminism and the bad rep it has, which isn’t fair because although feminism is a big part of it, inequality means a lot more than just that
20. what age do you get mistaken for?
everyone i meet always thinks i’m younger than i am, but when i’m talking to people online, i’m always mistaken for being older than i am. so really i’m just mistaken for any age at this point
22. favorite thing to do on rainy days?
usually i read, write, or paint! 
25. most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever done?
that would probably be when i apologized to someone for a full 2 minutes. not to mention that i’ve been dubbed the “listener” of every group of friends im in because i’m too caring for my own good and give pretty good advice 
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4jimin · 7 years
change my mind
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin; jikook/kookmin Genre: Fluff (a lot), college au, friends to lovers Length: 7k words; 3 chapters | crossposted on ao3 Summary: “I don’t do relationships,” Jimin spills in the fresh air of the fast food – a mixed smell of hamburgers, ketchup and french fries surrounding them. “I enjoy the conquest and the flirting part better. Relationships are always so boring and predictable. Not to mention most of the times fake.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and laughs, pretending he doesn’t feel his heart clench and slightly sink inside his chest. “You’re helpless.” Jimin smiles at him, and it’s almost unfair. “Call me realistic.” he corrects, taking a greasy thumb till his lips to clean it out of the oil of the food. He repeats the same action with the rest of his fingers. Jungkook has to divert his gaze, scared he might end up staring too hard. He snorts with a made up irritation. “I call you a pain in the ass.”
“Love means never having to say you're sorry”. It's written with white chalk on the blackboard hanging by the wall a few tables across him. It quotes “love story, 1970” in a smaller calligraphy right beneath the sentence. Jungkook dwells in the words for a while. He observes the vintage posters pending from the newly painted lilac walls around him with a forced interest, as he taps with long fingers on the plastic cup of cola he ordered. Bullshit, he decides. What is even supposed to mean? That you can't mess up because you love someone? Or that you can't say sorry, because if someone loves you they instantly forgive you, it doesn’t matter what you did? Either way, bullshit. People give too much credit for things just for being old. He sighs, the scent of fresh paint invading his lungs. It used to be baby yellow. The walls. Before the place was just a normal coffee shop and not a fast food with a coupled bookstore. “It's not going to work out,” Jungkook remembers Namjoon saying when they were passing in front of the place being renovated, “people will have greasy fingers from their hamburgers. How will they touch the books like this? The covers will be all disgusting after some time.” Jungkook just shrugged back then. He doesn’t really remember if he agreed or not. But, it turns out Namjoon was wrong. There is a glass wall separating the bookstore from the fast food, so the smell of french fries and cheddar won’t mix with the scent of newly printed copies and fresh ink – also, people has enough sense to clean their hands before moving to the books section, so, by far, the recent business seems to be going very well. Jungkook can’t decide if he prefers the prettier environment it became after the reform, or the calmness it used to have before the appealing design of modernity attracted an alarming number of people. Probably the calmness, since it wouldn’t take so long for Jimin to change a wrong order. The waiter had somehow mixed it with someone else's, getting the boy a double chicken with extra cheddar when he had asked for a steak with barbecue sauce and cream cheese. After opening his hamburger, Jimin had grimaced with the funniest – and maybe kind of cute? – nose scrunch ever. “I hate cheddar.” He stated, as if it wasn’t obvious by the utterly disgusted expression on his face. Another discovery for his on-making list of things about Park Jimin. “How dare you?!” Jungkook had brought a hand to his chest at the declaration, just for the sake of accentuating drama. “I trusted you.” He choked out in fake offense, hoping to hear the older boy's laugh. Unfortunately, he had been given only a faint chuckle followed by a roll of eyes and a “You're an idiot, Jeon. I'll be right back.”, before Jimin got up from his seat and disappeared on his walk till the counter, in search for the right order. They've known each other for five months now – not that Jungkook is counting, it just happened for them to meet on the exact same day the latest movie of Avengers was out, so it also just happened for him to have the day tracked in his mind. Coincidences of life. Anyway, it's little time – Jungkook knows –, and it was definitely not enough to deepen their relationship the way he wished – but, nevertheless, it's nice. They are past the awkward silences and the weird topic's conversations it has some time now, and it isn’t like they are the most intimate people in the world, but yeah, they have some intimacy. Enough that Jungkook has grown used to regularly tease Jimin about his height or – this one Jimin hates the most – his fingers. He bites the inner part of his cheek in order to repress a smile at the memory of Jimin cutely glaring at him with rosy cheeks when Jungkook told him he had baby hands for the first time. He tries not to think about it for too long though, scared he might blush just as hard as Jimin did that day.
There is a foreign song comfortably floating around the place. He is almost sure it belongs to Coldplay, or to a band with equivalent musical genre. It's nice, but he is growing impatient and his lunch is cooling down untouched in front of him – consequently losing half of the unhealthy flavor only a fast food could provide. He wonders if getting up to see how much longer it would take for Jimin to come back would be rude of him. Maybe it would. So instead, he chooses to open the (mostly useless) notifications on his phone. There's a message from Jin and another from his dad. The one asking if he has eaten belongs to Jin. Not that he is surprised. He smiles, typing 'yes mom' – because well, he is about to –, and decides to ignore the one from his father, which questions him when he is paying them a visit. His smile almost fades, but then he clicks on Jimin's icon, leading to their conversation thread.
Jiminie – 11:45 am why are you online u kid shouldn’t u be on class?
You – 11:46 am i am and stop calling me kid
Jiminie – 11:46 am ohhh seems like we have a rebel here lmao
You – 11:46 am shut up asdjk aren't you supposed to be on class too?
Jiminie – 11:47 am …
You – 11:47 am ;)
Jiminie – 11:47 am dont you ;) me !!
You – 11:47 am ;)
Jiminie – 11:47 am ugh
You – 11:49 am hey wanna grab some lunch after class? the fast food that reopened seems nice
Jiminie – 11:49 am the one across the street?
You – 11:50 am yea
Jiminie – 11:50 am do you like being with me that much? ;)
You – 11:50 am shit up look who's ;)-ing me now i just need company to eat
Jiminie – 11:50 am shit up
You – 11:51 am !! istg!!!
Jiminie – 11:51 am lmao meet me at 12:30 at the central gate
You – 11:52 am just changed my mind im calling someone else, you suck
Jiminie – 11:53 am yeah right
He didn’t change his mind. Nor did he call someone else. How could he, honestly? “Hey there.” Jungkook hears the voice he's already so familiar with, and smiles. “I'm back.” “Oh, nice,” he pretends to check the time on his nonexistent watch. “Just took you a lifetime.” “Shut up.” Jimin chuckles, taking his seat in front of the younger. “I decided to change my previous order.” Jungkook leans back on his chair, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head to the side. “No…” he drags the words out, disbeliefed. He had literally taken ten whole minutes to decide his order when they got there. Jimin giggles, following the same tone in a playful manner. “Yes…” The younger boy adjusts his posture, eyeing the other with something akin to incredulity. “How are you the most indecisive person in the whole entire world?!” he jokes, catching some fries from his tray, and shaking his head with a smile. “I just… like most things on the menu, okay?” Jimin tries to defend himself, sipping his orange juice from the straw. Hates cheddar and loves orange juice. Jungkook gave up on understanding him from there. “Except–“ he starts, already laughing, but is cut off. “Except the double chicken with extra cheddar, yes.” The older rolls his eyes, an habit he is very much attached to – almost as much as his uncontrollable urge of running his fingers through his hair. Jungkook is surprised he still haven't done it in, what? Three minutes? “You know, how fucked up is this?” Jimin drops the question, placing his elbow on the table to look at Jungkook with his face leaning on his hand. “The menu has like, at least thirty different hamburgers and mine got to get mixed with the only one I absolutely hate. I'd eat any other one.” Jungkook laughs at his misery, because they are past the phase where this kind of reaction could be read as rude. “I guess coincidences are really out there to bite us in the ass in our worst moments.” Jimin sighs, defeated. Jungkook shakes his head, shoving another portion of fries into his mouth. “Or perharps, you're just the unluckiest person in the world for the day.” Smiling, the older frowns, and unwraps his hamburger to take a bite. “What's this, a theory?” he asks after swallowing the food – because he's polite, unlike Jungkook, who speaks with his mouth partially full all the time. Not that any of them really cares. “What do you mean?” Jungkook doesn’t get the line of thought. “Like…” Jimin shifts on his seat to find a more comfortable position, “Do you think that there is a day for every person in the world to be the unluckiest?” Jungkook laughs, amused by how a random choice of words he made, aroused this kind of questioning on the boy. “Um, I don’t know? I've never really stopped to think about it, but maybe? It might.” He is about to remove the paper enveloping his own hamburger when an idea surges in his mind and lights up his features. “Oh! How about we do an experience?” “Experience?” Jimin smiles, never really able to not to when he is around the younger – because there is a thing about Jeon Jungkook that just keeps on impelling his cheeks to rose up and flush without his consent. It'd be frustrating if it wasn’t endearing. “Yeah, experience! You're our subject. If bad things enough happen to you today, then it's a proven theory.” He nods confidently. Jimin licks his lips before speaking. “I'm pretty sure every scientist out there in the world would be flattered by our revolutionary method of research.” They laugh, and Jungkook takes the chance to fully stare at Jimin – he is so pretty. However, the older's smile fades way too quickly, replaced by a sudden curious expression when Jungkook unwraps his hamburger. “Oh! Didn’t you tell me you were vegetarian before?” he asks, pointing at the food with a good piece of meat between the breads. Jungkook archs his eyebrows, genuinely surprised. “Oh? Do you remember that? It was like, months ago.” Jimin looks away, humming a sort of agreement and Jungkook almost thinks he sees the lightest of the pinks coloring his cheeks. “Ah…” he tries not to focus on it too much – it might make him delusional –, and concentrates on his response instead. “I don’t… You got it wrong. I'm trying to turn vegetarian. But fast food is kind of the misfortune of my attempts. And the meat here… Well, let's be honest, it doesn’t really tastes like meat.” The older giggles, sucking more juice from the straw afterwards. “But why did you decide this?” he licks his lips to catch some drops of the juice that accumulated on it and Jungkook has to try unusually hard to not stare. “Mhm, I…” he clicks his tongue in order to regain his focus and elaborate an answer, “I just… Don’t think eating animals is right.” Clever. Very clever, great job, Jeon. He facepalms himself inwardly. The problem is: he is always put on a challenge whenever he has to explain his ideals – he feels like he's pressured to convince the other person what he believes is right, and this, he just hates. Usually, because people tend to get defensive pretty fast, but also because he understands he can be wrong and that is okay for other people to not follow the same way of living as him. He just believes in what he believes and that's it. Jimin bites the corner of his lips, looking up thoughtful. “Yeah, but I don’t think anyone thinks it's right? I mean, don’t we just need it? As a vital necessity for our daily pack of energy as humans or something?” Jungkook decides to finally take a bite of his hamburger. “Not really. I mean,” he swallows, “of course it's important and it helps, but there are many potential substitutes. At least, for me it works. It doesn’t for everyone though. Some people really need it to survive, but since I don’t… what bad it does, right?” Jimin smiles, genuinely interested and Jungkook stupidly flushes. Seriously. “What made you get into it?” “Ah.” he bites his lower lip. It's not a topic he was expecting to talk about while they were eating. “It's a cruel system.” He stops himself when he is about to add an 'I think' in the end of the sentence. It's not an opinion; at least not this. It's the truth. “I kinda got disgusted of eating meat after watching a documentary about the way animals are treated in slaughterhouses. It's… unpleasant to know.” “Oh.” Jimin puts his lunch down. “I feel bad now.” “No, don’t feel!” Jungkook hurries. “I mean. Yeah, okay, you can feel, cause it's bad, but it's not like only one person can change the way this industry treats animals by not buying any more meat, so…” He explains. “I understand that, I'm trying to stop just because I truly feel disgusted now. I don’t enjoy the taste. Well, except for this. Fast food is my only weakness. And chicken nuggets.” Jimin nods and tries to lighten the atmosphere, changing the subject of conversation. “Oh! Just like soda to me.” Jungkook archs an eyebrow, ready to tease. “But you drink beer?” The older doesn’t answer, caught in a trap. “Seems logical.” He laughs hard when Jimin leans over the table to slap his arm. “Shut up.” He repeats for probably the tenth time that day. “It's addicting.” “I know. Even though it tastes like shit.” Jimin rolls his eyes, running his fingers through his hair and pushing his bangs backwards. Oh, there it is. Some strands get back on its place, but his forehead remains mainly exposed. It's a great sight. “Kid.” Jungkook rushes to defend himself. “M' not! Sayeon-noona is the same age as you and she agrees with me!” “Another kid!” Jimin accuses and laughs. Jungkook's scowl almost instantly disappears, as he gets busier being overwhelmed by the sound. “How is she, by the way?” How are you two?, he knows it's what it means. There's a sigh asking for allowance to escape from Jungkook's throat, but he reprimands it. “I guess we're really just friends, after all. We don't work out as a couple.” Jimin hums. “I'm… sorry to hear that.” “No, it's okay, truly. It's nice like this.” Jungkook takes the chance to sip another gulp on his drink, before asking, “What about you?” Jimin purses his lips to contain a smile, while shaking his head to the sides. His bangs move cutely, falling over his forehead again – almost calling for Jungkook's fingers to move them aside, so his beautiful skin can be fully on display once more. He swallows the urge, taking his hand to scratch his nape instead. “I'm the unromantic romantic type.” Jimin muses, and Jungkook frowns. “What?” he laughs, confused. “What do you mean?” “I don’t do relationships,” he states and Jungkook can almost feel his heart sinking at the words, but he pretends it's the ghostly sensation of the soda's gas on his throat. “Cause I enjoy the conquest and flirting part better.” The boy is suddenly amused at the reason. “Why?” Jimin clicks his tongue. “I like the nervousness of the unknown. The fluttering heart and the stomach's butterflies at the beginning. But that's it. I don’t like what comes next. The boredom of relationship, always so predictable and…? I don’t know, I don’t like it.” Jungkook nods understandingly, but not really agreeing. “It isn’t always like that, though, you know?” “Oh, please.” Jimin smiles. “You know it is.” “It's not!” Jungkook is smiling too, but he feels defensive, ready to stand for his point of view. “If your relationships are being predictable and boring, then you're dating wrong.” Jimin chews on a lonesome fry, before letting out, “Uh, I never dated.” He takes a moment to absorb the information. Park Jimin never… What? Jeon Jungkook is beyond offended. He stares at Jimin for a long second – mouth gaping for effect –, before playfully slamming his fist on the table with a fake angry expression, dragging the most gorgeous and contagious laugh ever out of Jimin's throat. He almost forgets what he is doing when the older squeezes his eyes shut and throws his head back, having Jungkook's own lips unconsciously quirking upwards into a giggle as he watches him. When Jimin composes himself again, Jungkook continues dramatically. “How can you possibly say you hate, with capital h, relationships, when you have never even once experienced one?!” Jimin shrugs, nonchalantly – yet, still with remainings of a playful chuckle on his features. “I just know.” “That's aburd. And impossible.” He emphasizes. “It is not!” It's Jimin's turn to stand for what he believes, it seems. “You have to agree with me that the flirting part is the best one.” Jungkook ponders for a second, just to sigh defeated on the other, already flashing a victorious smirk on his hyung's lips. “Well, yes, but only because I've been through a lot of shitty relationships.” “Jungkook… My dearest dear Jungkook… Let's be honest here.” Jimin closes his eyes while holding Jungkook's wrists for drama's sake, and then sighs even more dramatically when he blinks his eyes open to look at him again. “Every relationship is shitty.” Jungkook snorts. “Hyung! You're being very unfair and unconsiderate with every healthy and happy relationship out there in the world!” Jimin laughs. “Which is none.” “I'm offended.” Jungkook says, looking away with a pout and crossed arms, getting Jimin extra aware on his seat. “Wait, for real?” The boy eyes him, reluctant on his play. “No, but…” he lets his arm fall, already giving up on the act. “I mean, come on, there must be a relationship you look at and say, 'that's it, relationship goals'.” Jimin fakes a gag and Jungkook can’t help but chuckle at the sight. Fucking idiot. “Thankfully never.” “You're helpless.” “Call me realistic.” Jimin corrects him, taking a thumb till his lips to clean it out of the oil of the food. He repeats the same thing with the rest of his fingers. Jungkook diverts his gaze, scared he might end up staring too hard. “I call you a pain in the ass. Outch!” he complains when Jimin punches his shoulder – even though it didn't really hurt. “Respect your hyung, brat.” It's Jungkook's turn to roll his eyes – although, he keeps silent, eating the remainings of his now withered fries, and drinking the rest of his cola, hamburger already being digested inside his stomach. Jimin, however, is still on half of his burger, almost all of his fries out of the red container and scattered over his tray. “How do you eat so slowly?!” Jungkook asks, nearly shocked. Jimin answers him mouthful for the first time and Jungkook has to bite back a smile at his puffed cheeks. “Well, I'm sorry if I don’t eat like a starving tinasor!” Jungkook furrows his brows. “A tinawhat?” He swallows before speaking again. “Dinosaur!” The younger takes a hand to his chest, faking offense. “I don’t eat like a starving dinosaur! You're the one who eats like a slug!” Jimin rolls his eyes at him and sticks out his tongue. Jungkook has to chuckle in order to pretend he's not on the verge of melting. “You're so cute.” He lets out before his mind processes it. Well, shit. “I mean,” he tries to correct it, but just ends up pointing at Jimin's entire face. “Cute.” The black haired boy flushes so hard even his ears turn pink. “Shut up.” He mutters a second before taking the white straw to his mouth, the plastic turning orange when he sucks the liquid from the cup. He has such nice lips it's distracting. Jungkook misses the chance to tease him for blushing thanks to it. “Uh.” He forces a cough. “So.” And scratches the back of his neck, because it's terribly itching all of a sudden. Jimin's phone vibrating on the table saves him from the embarrassment and also from an awkward silence it was for sure going to settle on the table. The older takes the gadget on his free hand and presses the side button so the lockscreen lights up. “Ah!” Jimin groans, throwing his head back. Curious, Jungkook leans his cheek on the palm of his hand and asks, “What is it?” Jimin snorts, seemingly annoyed. “This guy.” He doesn’t look back at Jungkook to answer, busy trying to type something on the phone with a single hand. “I told him I didn’t want nothing serious, but now that we fucked he keeps on texting me, asking me to go out with him and shit.” The younger nods, and bites the inner part of his bottom lip, pondering what to say. He almost smiles, dying to tease with an “are you that good?!” – but ends up choosing the most secure option. “Why don’t you?” “Dates sucks. And the whole idea of going out already fades the conquest.” Jungkook furrows his eyebrows for probably the tenth time on the day – his never ending battle of trying to understand Park Jimin – and reclines on the backrest. “Um, no?” Jimin turns his attention back at him. “Um, yes?” He places the phone on the table. “I mean, if you're going out with someone it means the flirting is done, because well, the purpose of flirting is getting a date. Or getting laid.” He adds thoughtfully. “Which I already did. So now it means feelings are about to be involved, and no, thanks.” He emphasizes the last two words and takes another bite of his hamburger, chewing on it while waiting for Jungkook's response, who can only roll his eyes. “Ah, hyung.” He snorts, letting his head fall in defeat. “Why are you like this? Have you even gone to a date, at least? Or you just hate it based on nothing?” Jimin straightens his back, and acts as if he's very offended. “Excuse me? It's not based on nothing. I've analyzed it with my own eyes, you just have to look around.” And so, Jungkook does. Jimin watches him with something akin to amusement on his face. “Not literally, idiot.” “No, let's do this.” Jungkook decides, looking for a table with couple vibes. “There!” He excitedly bounces on his seat once, turning back to Jimin to make sure he is looking the right people. “Those two.” Jimin shakes his head in confusion. “What?” And with no further explanation, Jungkook simply gets up and gestures for Jimin to follow him. “Wh-what, Jungkook!” He quickly gets up when he realizes the boy intends to walk over to the two girls at the other side of the restaurant. “What the hell, are you crazy?!” He hurries to grab the younger's arm with both hands, attempting to pull him back to his chair. There are firm muscles bulging against his palms, but he ignores it with a gulp. “What?” he asks indifferently. “I'mma just ask them some things.” He has a calm expression on his face, as if he's not about to approach two strangers about their supposed love life. Jimin laughs with incredulity. “Yeah, not happening.” He tugs at the arm more insistently. Jungkook doesn’t flinch a centimeter. “What, why not?” Shining, big doe eyes winks back at him innocently and Jimin can’t decide if the he is naive or just dumb. “Um, because that's very impolite? And extremely invasive.” Jimin eyes the couple discreetly for a second. The girl with blonde short hair is leaning with forearms on the table, attentively listening to what the other is saying, and adorning a tender smile across her pink lips. Jimin can’t see the face of the one speaking, but her long hair lays on her back in soft bluish curls. They both seem very pretty. “You also don’t even know if they’re like… a thing.” Jimin finds himself turning his attention back to Jungkook just in time to catch the boy rolling his eyes. It's annoyingly cute. “Oh, please. Just look at them, of course they're a thing.” He doesn’t find much argument against that. He might have never allowed himself to fall in love in his life, but he does recognize a fluttering heart shinning through enamored eyes when he sees one. “Besides, what the hell do you think I'm gonna ask them?! Their sexual lives? No, thanks, Namjoon-hyung's story of his first time eating a guy's ass is traumatic enough.” A grossed out expression makes its way across Jimin's features. “Dude. Thanks for the unnecessary information.” Jungkook tilts his head to the side, smiling sarcastically. Jimin wants to punch it out of his face. With his mouth. Maybe. “You're welcome. Now come.” He's about to complain and step back when Jungkook suddenly grabs his hand and interlocks their fingers. The world kind of spins in a soft blur for a moment and his eyes instantly fall down to it – intertwined fingers clasped together; Jungkook holding firm and he loosely –, which gets his stomach to clench very weirdly. Oh, shit. However, he doesn’t have much time to dwell on how smooth, warm and soft Jungkook's skin feels against his, cause one second he's wondering how it'd feel pressed on his nape – or waist, maybe? – while they make out, and the other he's put in front of two very confused, unknown girls. He forces out a smile to the strangers after a second of hesitation, doing his best at crushing Jungkook's fingers on his, hidden behind their backs. “Hah!” the younger loudly gasps, startling the girls and pulling his hand away from Jimin's grip, quickly forcing a smile on his lips as well. Jimin hopes he felt a lot of pain. Jungkook takes the embarrassing moment to bow in greeting, so Jimin follows suit. “Hello, nice to meet you two. I'm, uh, I'm Jungkook and this is my friend, Jimin.” Jimin lightly leans his head forward again, a low mutter of something that seems “nice to meet you” falling from his lips. The two girls bow back uncertainly and stare at the both of them in silence. God. Jimin never wanted to deck someone in the face so bad – Jungkook, deck Jungkook, not the girls, for god's sake. Yet, he chooses to poke him with his elbow instead. For the time being. “Ah!” the idiot jolts, clapping his hands once in front of his body, obviously trying to come out with something to say. Jimin is sure he could bury his whole self in pure embarrassment right now. He's already blushing hard enough for the two of them anyway. “I'm sorry to, um, interrupt your meal, it's just that me– Me and my friend,” he reiterates, pulling Jimin closer and Jimin really has to manage all of his self control to not kill the boy right there. “We were talking about dates and we got onto a disagreement, so we're doing… research.” Jimin turns to look at him, a smile that says “I'm so going to murder you” hanging on his lips. “We are?” “Ah. Yes.” Jungkook laughs the threat away. “So, anyway, since you two seemed to be on a really nice date, we thought–“ “Oh.” The short haired girl's voice surges for the first time. She takes a hand to her chest and laughs, seemingly relieved. “Thank god, I thought you were trying to hit on us.” If Jimin's cheeks were flushed before, now they are the red of the flames in hell itself. The other girl also laughs, and gestures with her hand to the both of them. “I'm Eunji and she's Hyerin. But, um, actually… We're not on a date.” Jungkook snaps his head back just the slightest, surprised. “Oh.” He voices out innocently, exactly like a kid who just discovered the ocean is only blue because it reflects the sky. Jimin would find it adorable if he wasn't, you know, dying. “Ah, sorry, we thought– Well, that's not a problem, really.” Jungkook smiles. “Can you still answer our questions, though?” Jimin facepalms himself. Literally speaking. “Please, just say yes, so we can leave and I can kill him after this.” His voice comes out muffled, but he can hear giggles, which means it was audible enough. “Yeah, sure.” One of them say. Jimin finds out it's the one with the blue highlights when he takes his hand out of his face. Eunji, right? “What is it?” He finds himself curious, considering he also has no idea what Jungkook is about to ask, so he redirects his attention to him. “Ah, it's truly just one question.” The boy admits, and Jimin could easily mistake the way he is scratching his neck with nervousness. He watches Jungkook open his mouth once and then be caught in a loss of words, as if he is reconsidering what he's about to ask. Jimin doesn’t have time to say anything though – the younger is quick to talk again. “Do you think dates erase the whole meaning of flirting?” Yes, it's his immediate thought. He halfheartedly shifts his gaze from Jungkook's profile to the girls, so he can see their reactions. Hyerin is the first to answer – she has her head tilted a bit to the side in thought, with a pair of furrowed brows. Jimin feels a faint smile forming on his lips, because she's cute. “I think it depends? It's the first date? Second?” Eunji intervenes. “Why would that matter?” Jimin kind of knows why, but he doesn’t want to interfere in their path of discussion. “Well, if it's the first date maybe not, but if it's the sixth then probably?” He nods, as it was exactly what he was thinking. However, Jungkook doesn’t seem to agree beside him, if the way he keeps on changing his weight from a feet to another is anything to tell. “I mean, if you got to the sixth date, there's a high chance that you're, well, dating.” Hyerin concludes, and Jimin takes the chance to subtly glance at Jungkook, but the boy is still resolute in his opinion, it seems. Eunji is the same apparently, as she places her palm on the table and gapes at Hyerin for a second, almost offended. “Excuse me, but what makes you think couples can't flirt at all? My parents are married for 20 years and they flirt all the time!” “Yes, my grandparents too!” Jungkook decides to buy Eunji's fight, so Jimin steps in. “It's not the same.” Although, he is surprised as Hyerin says the very same thing as him in complete sync. They look at each other with open mouths, right before chuckling and high-fiving. “When you flirt with someone you're already dating, it doesn’t really hold the whole meaning of flirting, since the purpose is making the person whom you flirt with fall in love with you.” she concludes and Jimin almost thinks Eunji doesn't have any other argument to beat this one – except she does. “Well, but you can fall in love with the same person everyday.” And this seems to be the actual K.O., given how Hyerin intensely blushes, ducking her head down and Eunji smiles victoriously. So they're actually on a date, Jimin realizes with a smile on his face that warms all the way to his chest. Smart as ever, Jungkook doesn’t seem to catch on that, smirking at Jimin and quirking his eyebrows twice with a hidden teasing that says “see?”, since he thinks they won the argument. Jimin rolls his eyes just because. Hopeless romantics. “Anyway, in which context did this surge?” Hyerin is quick to ask in order to not let an awkward silence stretches on the table, but just after the words leaves her mouth she seems to realize how they actually sounded. “Oh, sorry, I-I didn’t mean to be rude or intrude, I was just curious.” “It's okay.” Jimin reassures with a warm smile, and when he is about to tell her and reasonably explain his point, Jungkook decides to be a dick and paint him as the shallow asshole by cutting him off before he even started talking. “He hates relationships. And he thinks dates sucks.” Jimin punchs his arm, embarrassed. “Yah!” His cheeks feels warm and the grin Jungkook gifts him with does nothing to ease it. “What?” he asks, rubbing the sore spot. “It's your own words! Do they sound completely heartless when I say it to other people?” Jungkook teases and Jimin purses his lips, focusing really hard on stopping blushing so he doesn’t make a fool of himself. “Shut up, I have plenty of reasons.” Jimin emphasizes and Jungkook mocks him by pinching his cheek in front of two strangers. Oh boy, he's dead. “Mhm-mhm, I bet you do, you red baby.” He coos. Oh boy, he's dead. “Oh, we have similar opinions,” Hyerin's voice snaps them out of their personal bubble, “but I don’t think dates sucks.” Jimin sighs. He is alone in this battle, apparently. “But you used to!” Eunji points an accusing finger at the short haired girl. She rolls her eyes, but there's a hint of a smile on her lips. “Well, but I don’t anymore!” Hyerin protests in her own defense. “Stop exposing me.” she mutters. “But what made you change your mind?” Jungkook asks, genuinely curious. “About dates, I mean.” “Well,” Eunji starts in Hyerin's place. “I guess she had to go through a series of many awesome dates, right?” They share an accomplice gaze and Jimin knows it's time for them to leave the girls alone again. “Okay, so. Thank you so much for helping with this idiot's “research”, I'm sure he'll make good use of it being a pain in the ass later.” The girls smile sincerely, politely bowing their heads afterwards. Jimin places a hand on Jungkook's back motioning for him to move back to their table. When he starts walking, Jimin takes a second to lean down a little and whisper so only the girls can hear him, “Enjoy your date.” Hyerin cheeks turns pink instantly, but Eunji simply waves at him, a loving smile adorning her features. “You too.” she whispers back. Before Jimin can clarify he and Jungkook aren’t on a date, said boy holds his waist and waves the girls goodbye over their shoulders. “Thank you!” the younger makes sure to give them his brightest smile. Jimin isn’t able to catch it in full hd though, because Jungkook’s hand on his waist is currently making the skin beneath his jacket tingle in a funny way. ”What did you whisper to them?” the boy questions when they are almost at their table. Jimin has to pull up a small battle with his brain to detach himself from Jungkook's touch so he can reach his seat. He waits for Jungkook to do the same to speak. “I told them to have a good date.” The boy in front of him seems very shocked, much for Jimin's amusement. He chews on a now very cold fry, waiting for Jungkook’s answer. “What– how rude! Hyung, they told us they were not on a date!” Oh god, was he still clueless? For real? Jimin swallows. “Jungkookie. They are on a date.” “Bullshit, they're not–“ he insists confidently at first, but as soon as he turns his body back to take a glance at the girls and spots their shy hands curling in one another, he gulps his previous words. “Shit, they're on a date.” “No joke, Einstein.” Jimin teases. “Now stop staring, they just stopped thinking we're weird and I'd like to keep that way, thank you.” Jungkook does as he's asked, but Jimin can see a hint of offense on his eyes. “They lied to us. Why would they do that?” He shoots Jungkook a face, and the offense painted on the younger's face only grows ten thousands bigger. He places a hand over his chest and almost chokes out, “Do we look like homophobes?!” Jimin rolls his eyes at the boy's innocence. “Jungkook, seriously, when you go out with someone of the same sex as you in an homophobic country, everyone around you looks like homophobes. I thought you would know that.” “Oh.” His face softens. “Right.” And then he smiles. “That's good, then, they form such a cute couple.” Jimin hums agreeing, finally finishing his hamburger with a last bite. His fingers are greasy, so he takes a napkin to clean them and when he looks up, Jungkook smiles a smile with no teeth that makes his cheeks plump up like two little red apples. Jimin knows that smile. He's seen it before. “What?” he asks cautiously, sensing an idea forming in the younger's mind. He's planning something. Something stupid, probably. Once, they were trying to chill in an ice cream shop with Taehyung. Jimin remembers the day was unbearably scorching – and even inside the refrigerated place, there were droplets of sweat forming on the back of his neck, turning the tips of his hair humid. They were talking and trying to distract themselves from the heat as well from the upcoming finals. The topic of the conversation was human beings physical limitations. Don’t ask him how they got there, they just did. Apart from the hot weather, the atmosphere was nice and cozy; their fingers and lips smeared with sweet, Taehyung being the messiest of the three – but that was no news –, and their voices occasionally overlapping one another as they shot random guesses of how much ice cream a person could eat in one sitting. When a mutual agreement – between Jimin and Taehyung – settled that 15 scoops was the limit, the table fell in silence. Jungkook wasn’t pleased. He stared at the older boys with a cocky wriggle of eyebrow and then smiled the way he was smiling now. Before anyone could even say a word, he called for the waitress and well, proved Jimin and Taehyung were wrong by eating twenty scoops of ice cream. Twenty. Jimin almost felt impelled to go and eat twenty one just because, but he wasn’t that suicidal. “What do you have on your schedule today?” Jungkook asks, leaning his head on his hand and blinking his eyelashes in a way it's kind of hard to stare at without getting a heartbeat to skip. A seminar to finish, dance practice for the upcoming performance and a good lay at night, he remembers. “Nothing.” he answers, “Why?” At that, Jungkook's smile grows so wide Jimin's heart clenches and it's awkward, because what the hell. However, he has no time to freak out since Jungkook is suddenly grabbing their personal belongings and shoving it all down his backpack. “What are you doing?” his voice sounds genuinely confused, just how he feels. “Come.” The younger simply gets up and says – as if it's very self explainable –, looking around the table and tapping his pockets to check if everything's there. When Jimin keeps his butt glued to the chair, Jungkook diverts his focus to him. “You're not coming?” he seems puzzled and maybe a bit taken aback, but that’s probably just Jimin reading his actions too deeply. “Coming where?” And that’s when Jimin has to hold back all his oxygen inside his lungs in order to keep a straight expression, because all of a sudden Jungkook places one hand on the chair's backrest, another on the table and leans down so fast his face is found just inches away from Jimin's. He almost gasps, but he knows his self control better, so he quickly finds his composure again. “To the mall.” Jimin's mind suffer an abrupt short circuit, because is Jungkook really planning on doing what I think he's planning to do. “I'm gonna be your cupid.” Oh. Well, he's not, but wait– “What?!” The younger straightens his column with a smile, hands hiding in his pockets. “I'll be your cupid.” He repeats plainly, something hidden in the way his lips curve at just the right angle to form a timid dimple. “Let's find you a date. That's the only way we can know who's right.” Jimin laughs with incredulity. “Would you go that far just to prove a point?!” That's when he sees a chance to tease. And he takes it. “Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to take me out?” He gets up, and even though Jungkook is taller, this time, the proximity seems to disconcert the younger. It lasts such a short second, though, just like it did with Jimin. Apparently, they're playing games and well that's Jimin's language. He smirks, and so does Jungkook. “It's not like I have to find an excuse to take you out, is it?” he whispers closer to his face. Jimin is left back shocked at the boldness, since Jungkook pulls away just as fast, switching his tone and consequently the atmosphere. “And of course I'm serious!” he steps backwards at the cashier's direction. “Let's go, it's gonna be new. That's the synonymous of exciting to you, right?” he turns around in order to walk properly and misses Jimin rolling of eyes at him, but Jimin's pretty sure it was purposeful. He rolls his eyes one more time, following the younger nevertheless – and it's not like he doesn’t realize the bothersome tugging at his chest, but he decides to settle on it being simple anticipation. Maybe Jungkook's right and new is really another word for excitement to him. Not that he is letting him know he's right. When Jimin reachs the boy at the front counter, Jungkook's money is already being handed to the lady behind the computer. “Yah!” Jimin reprimands him. “What are you doing, idiot? Told you it's my treat!" “Of course not.” Jungkook looks back at him. “I invited you, so I pay.” Jimin shakes his head, insistent – not like it's useful, since the woman is already giving Jungkook the change and thanking him. But no dongsaeng has ever paid for him – not even Taehyung. It's somewhat intimate, and it unsettles him. “I'm the hyung.” He says. “So?” Jungkook puts the money back on his wallet and then snorts. “Aish, stop being difficult, you're the only person I know who complains for getting free food.” There's a couple of young teenagers already waiting behind them to pay, so Jungkook bows for the lady who attended to him and walks towards the exit. Jimin follows suit, maintaining his lowkey sulking mode. “We're probably proving that theory right by the end of the day and I'm really the unluckiest person in the world today.” Jungkook isn’t sure if's he's more of pouting or talking. Either way, it's adorable. He fights the urge to squish his hyung's cheeks, and decides on bending down instead, putting them on eye level. “Don’t be like that…” he trails, entertained by the way Jimin's eyes widen slightly and his bottom lip is sucked inside his mouth. “You're spending the entire day with me.” He reminds him. When Jimin releases the flesh, it comes back a flushing red. “It's not that bad, right?” Smiling amused, Jungkook does exactly what he did minutes ago, and gives Jimin his back – instead this time, he does catches the elder rolling his eyes. Within the cutest pair of rosy cheeks coming along on the package. Too bad he misses the loving smile sprawling on Jimin's lips when he turns arounds.
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for the 30 days of character development challenge: 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 27!
so katie you sent me this ask literally MONTHS ago but bc you’re so amazing and sent me a bunch of asks i didn’t get around to answering all of them!! so here you go, questions you probably forgot you asked about my ocs (and made me decide which ones to answer for, rip im so indecisive!)
3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
So one of the first I think of is Vivienne Beauregarde. She’s a Gryffindor who was in 6th year during the Battle of Hogwarts, but already of age so she was allowed to stay behind to fight (though obviously plenty who weren’t allowed did stay too!) Viv is…. ferocious. She throws herself full force into things, which included the fight. Her twin sibling Mallory, who she loves with all of her heart, was fighting too and happened to be one of the more skilled-at-Healing members of Dumbledore’s Army, so Mal was one of the three designated field medics in the battle. Viv devoted herself to protecting Mal in the fight - both because strategically, they needed as many Healers as possible, and because she absolutely loves her twin. This meant Viv did so much to protect Mal, at the cost of her own safety. When Mal was hit with a Disarming Spell, Viv just handed them her wand without a second thought. She then broke off a leg of an Acromantula she’d killed to use it as a weapon now that she didn’t have her wand (the leg has barbs an inch or so long so it’s a pretty damn useful weapon for fighting up close!) and uses that. It’s honestly a miracle she dodged the Killing Curses, but she was hit with a lot of spells that did damage but still couldn’t bring her down. Acromantula bites, cursed wounds, all sorts of injuries and she stayed on her feet for hours. The only reason she didn’t die is when she finally collapsed, Mal was right there to stabilize her and so she made it until the Battle was won and she got full medical care at St. Mungo’s. Now, with all that backstory, she obviously has a lot of scars. One of her big ones is a huge Acromantula bite on her arm (since she tackled a lot of those up close). She also was hit with a Reducto full in the abdomen, but Mal was able to keep that from killing her, so she just has the scorch marks and shiny regrown skin to show where it almost blew her apart. Interestingly though, for where she *doesn’t* have scars is on her face and neck. That’s because when she was being healed at St. Mungo’s, they healed a lot of the damage there while she was unconscious (one spell that had hit her in the face was possibly messing up her breathing, so understandable to repair that damage, and then they just went on to clear more of it). However, once she woke up Viv was angry they healed a lot of the superficial damage on her face. They’re her battle wounds, her marks of valor - proof of what she went through for her twin. She insisted that they be left behind. Lucky for her, the Healers hadn’t gotten around to doing the cosmetic work on scars below her neck, so she still has a huge array of scars to show there.
That turned out really long but honestly I have so many other possible scars to talk about for people rip! I’ll also talk about Lavender (who isn’t an OC but is an important character in all of this). She survives the Battle with deep scars from Greyback, mostly at her neck and upper torso. Since they’re cursed, she doesn’t have a choice of whether to heal them or not, and they are always really vivid. As soon as she’s released from the hospital, she joins the fledgling group of Aurors who are being recruited to have a defense against future dark wizards (as does Viv, since who could keep her away!? Her recuperation is way longer though so she doesn’t join until a few months after the battle, whereas Lavender and others start training within the first week). Lavender gets new scars in the future of course, but one of her werewolf-caused scars is visible on the underside of her jaw and she has them all over her neck, so they’re by far her most visible. This absolutely produces a challenge in Auror training when she and others have to pass the concealment tests that Tonks mentioned in OotP!
6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory.
Ooh this is hard to pin down just one thing! Even my OCs with the toughest lives have multiple good spots to choose from.
For Sue, her happiest memories involve her beloved partner Beck, her family, or both. Beck’s family was… not the most involved ever, and when nobody comes to pick them up after their first summer when Hogwarts ends, Sue’s mother decides that Beck is coming home with them until their mother or stepfather get their shit together and get Beck, because no twelve-year-old is going to be waiting alone at the train station obviously! That’s the first of many times Beck goes to the Li household (their flat is right in London so it’s very easy to go there from Kings Cross), and sometimes it’s hours, sometimes it’s weeks. While that’s obviously shitty, that’s the background to a lot of Sue’s happy memories where her partner (who for the first few years they know each other, they say best friend! Then girlfriend comes later) is so unequivocally welcome in her family. So many good holiday moments there, and there was one Chinese New Year celebration that fell during the Hogwarts winter holidays that Beck was able to attend, which made Sue so happy that the most festive holiday for her family was now something Beck could take part in! That’s definitely up there for happiest memory, but maybe one concrete one is right after her little brother Todd comes out to their family as trans (he’d learned it was a possibility and it was okay through Beck, who by the time they’re 16 is out to everyone including all of the Li family). Because Richard and Catherine Li are probably the best parents EVER, they accept and affirm Todd 100%, as does the oldest Li sibling, Ava. What they don’t understand yet, they ask and want to know (and Sue and Beck have done a lot of reading when Beck was trying to figure out their identity, so they have the information!) The specific memory that’s one of Sue’s favorites is when Todd gets his wish to have his hair “cut short just like Sue’s!” and she helps him buzz his hair. Their parents and older sister are there and supportive, and so is Beck, chatting with Todd in the British Sign Language that they had worked so hard to communicate well with Sue’s mother and siblings. It’s really representative of so much good in her life that she loves about her family.
Another character who does have a few happiest memories I can pin down is probably Anthony! A lot of his happiest memories were also during summer vacations, specifically with his best friends Kevin and Phoebe. There’s one specific summer day they’re all at Kevin’s house, goofing off in the kitchen (maybe helping with dinner? maybe causing more distraction than actual help?) and singing and dancing. Anthony has loved theater and plays all his life, and while he can’t sing on key at all, Kevin has sung all his life and Phoebe is pretty talented as well. He had taught them some of his favorite musicals, and Phoebe and Kevin dancing around and singing along. There definitely would have been some Into The Woods, A Chorus Line, and Anthony’s (at the time) favorite, Pirates of Penzance. One of Kevin’s dads took a break from cooking to get out the camera and snap some pictures to immortalize their fun, which were very cherished mementos later, if so incongruous to remember when they were that young and carefree… Anthony did have very happy memories even in later years in the war though, especially with Blaise when they officially started dating in the beginning of 1998. They had a ton of happy moments, like the first time they told each other “I love you”, or almost all of their spring vacation where they were free from Hogwarts and spent nearly all of their time together. Anthony really cherishes a memory from a little after Valentine’s Day when they were in the Prefects’ bathroom together (a place with decent privacy to protect their secret relationship!) and just fell asleep in each other’s arms.
8.) Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?
Hannah’s favorite ice cream is strawberry cheesecake. Her favorite color is light green, her favorite song is Celestina Warbeck’s Could Any Seer Have Foretold This, and her favorite flower is probably a bulbous buttercup or trumpeting lily.
Phoebe’s favorite ice cream is probably chocolate but in milkshake form, and her favorite color is purple (either violet or lavender, either is beautiful). She has a lot of favorite songs, but pretty much all are from musicals - Without You from Rent always makes her cry and she loves almost every song in that show; Dust and Ashes from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 is one of the most recent additions to her favorites list. However her all time favorite might be Les Miserables’ Bring Him Home (her mother is French so she fell in love with the original Les Mis book, and knows both the French and English songs to all of Les Mis!)
10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.
Two turning points in Padma’s life! The sad one is the Battle of Hogwarts where she lost her sister and many other people important to her. She had never imagined the war would end so soon, thinking it could stretch years into adulthood and of course it seemed inevitable that some loved ones would die, but the reality of it and the war so abruptly being over took a lot of grappling to understand. Rebuilding the wizarding world was a huge part of her life that began after that turning point of course. She also had a few lasting injuries from the Battle - she’d fought on the roof of the Astronomy Tower, which was an amazing vantage point for firing down at the Death Eaters below. However, they realized this before long and began amassing forces against it and the other towers they had strategically placed fighters. None of Voldemort’s forces were able to take the towers to then use for their own snipers, Padma and her comrades fighting them off. They tried their best though and one Death Eater who flew up on broomstick fired a Dark curse at her that cut deeply into her face, and if she hadn’t partially dodged probably would have beheaded her instead of just leaving a huge scar (I considered talking about her in the scar portion but it was already really long!) It was never fully healed because of the Dark magic, and it left her with limited mobility on the right side of her face because of the damage. Once the Death Eaters realized they wouldn’t gain control of any of the towers, they decided to just destroy them. A few of the smaller ones like the West Tower had the stone roof turned into molten lava by a powerful curse, so the fighters on that one needed to be quickly evacuated and it became useless. The Astronomy Tower lasted the longest, but its damage was most severe. While the other towers mostly just had the roof and battlements destroyed so nobody could stay to fight there, the combination of giants attacking the base and Death Eaters flying around it led to the whole thing crumbling. Padma was one of the few to survive of all of those who were on the towers, because she was already halfway down the tower from it crumbling apart, clinging to the outside for dear life, when it was all brought to rubble and so she didn’t fall to her death. She did a ton of damage to her right foot when she eventually hit the ground, though luckily for her it was a short enough drop to be survivable.
That’s long and pretty depressing but the more fun turning point in her life was the gay awakening! She was in her 20s and had spent all of her life until then thinking she was straight because she had been in relationships with guys and it was very hard to identify the lack of attraction there by its absence. She just thought other straight women had the same indifference to dating she had. It was one day when she was entranced by her fellow Auror Susan Bones working out, doing press ups and biceps showcased. That was when Padma was hit with holy fuck this is what they’re talking about when people say they’re actually attracted to someone. After that, things made so much more sense in her life.
13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?
Ginny steals all of the covers every time, so they’re bunched around her. Harry (or one of her other partners, since they’re both polyamorous and date other people) often has a little corner pulled back but it’s very imbalanced! She sleeps on her side and legs curled up underneath her, often turned away from her partner so that she can be the little spoon. When she sleeps alone, the sheets often get tangled because she still pulls them in her sleep! Once the kids are born, if they need to be in her bed after a nightmare or something, she’ll hold them close in front of her (which helps comfort them and keep them covered instead of having the sheets accidentally pulled off of them by Ginny!)
Priscilla Wagner sleeps on her side too, but ramrod straight. Her one hand is always under her pillow, holding her wand so she’ll be ready at a moment’s notice. Her covers are tucked in very loosely so she can kick them off easily and instantaneously, and jump out of bed unhindered by anything. She doesn’t sleep too well.
17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?
Ava Proudfoot becomes Head Auror by default after the war, since she and Kingsley are the only fully trained Aurors who are still alive and didn’t fight with the Death Eaters when it served their best interests. Kingsley obviously becomes busy running the whole government as Minister, so training the few remaining trainees who also were on the right side of the war and all of the new recruits is a very busy job. She manages to keep her office absolutely pristine though. None of them know how she does it. Ron and Dean dare each other to make messes there; dumping untidy sheafs of paperwork or leaving crumbs from a pastry they happened to be eating while meeting with her. They keep trying to figure out how she gets everything so clean so well; it doesn’t even seem like she reaches for her wand to cast the cleaning charms. She just has everything in order and however she does it, it impresses the hell out of everyone.
Ginny has different workplaces through the years - immediately after the war ends, she works in a task force to round up remaining Death Eaters, Dementors, etc after the war (they serve basically as a short-term interim Auror squad - the new Auror trainees are being worked round the clock to get as fully qualified as quickly as they can, so there’s not much time for them to do the necessary immediate work! There were many people like Ginny who weren’t interested in joining the Aurors because that would be a career commitment of years, but she and Luna and many others work for the months that they need immediate help.) Then she’s free to go do other things, which is in her case becoming a chaser on the Holyhead Harpies. She doesn’t have concrete workspaces for either of these jobs - for the work she does to rebuild after the war, she’s basically based out of home and then meets the others on their missions. As a Quidditch player, it’s mostly just her locker where she stores all of her equipment, and then the whole sky around their pitch is her workspace! Her locker is a goddamn mess though - Harry helps remind her to bring back the dirty laundry and they figure out some good charms to clean out the pervasive odor of sweat in there. Still, her Quidditch uniform and gear is always strewn about and very disorganized. The only pristine thing is her broom, a beautiful Nimbus 2004 that she gets issued by the team and is pretty much the nicest thing she’s ever been able to call hers in her life. She polishes it every day and stores it inside her locker in a fabric case that keeps all of the dirt away from it - and is magically reinforced so if/when she throws her boots or helmet carelessly into the locker, the case will protect the broom. Later in her life, after Ginny retires from professional Quidditch, she works as a sports reporter and primarily writes from home (to nobody’s surprise, her desk there is a mess!) She has a cubicle at The Daily Prophet offices in London, but rarely works there even when all of the kids are at school and she doesn’t need to work from home. She doesn’t like it very much, not just because of how pathetic the Prophet was during the war, but also because she’s alienated a lot of her colleagues in interviews she’s given since the war! Ginny Weasley-Potter does not hold back her opinions.
27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them. 
Definitely Phoebe is the best person here! I’m going to cheat and go with a few songs to describe one of the points though. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Mis is the first to describe her immediate-post war life. She loses her entire family in the war, as well as other loved ones. Dust and Ashes, which I mentioned earlier as one of her favorite songs, really reflects how she struggles in the immediate aftermath to find any purpose in living and going on (SO much survivor’s guilt…)
Later in her life, I’m trying to pick a specific point to describe… Either Another Day from Rent, or more accurately the part of the Finale B where it’s lyrics from Without You and Another Day blended together beautifully. It resonates with her a lot, when she’s finally happy with her life again and making the most of it while she can. “There’s only now/There’s only here/Give in to love/Or live in fear” describes a lot of different feelings she has, and since all of these are from musicals and she became a huge musical buff (no small thanks to Anthony for introducing her to them!) so a lot of these feelings and similarities are ones she feels in-story. There are definitely a lot of happy songs to think about for her later life when she’s living her truth, has a great support network, and lots of love, but that’s the main one I’m thinking for right now!
This got really long (no wonder it took me forever to do it!) but I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing, Katie!
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blackwinged-soul · 7 years
...i may or may not be kin with blue pearl
i’m still trying to sort a fuckton of emotions over here. but uhhh
wwhen the fuck did THAT nexus connection open up
(--just now as far as I can TELL? bd’s been a deep connection since. uhh...? ..........shortly after That will Be All i’m sure. pre-connective “tissue”feels are there because, duh, a lapis laz’i. not close. but... ....Emotional About It.)
.......and i....
,...i ahve.......
....entirely.... too...... many feelings
right now.
(and i, at the very least am really RELATING to b.pearl for some reason, and i don’t know why.)
{{ Adding more posts to Keep my Revelations.Journey in Discovering B/lue chronological!
May-Aug 2017 (The Trial, empathy, analysis):
May 29: http://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/161220725682/i-dont-even-know-how-to-talk-about-it-just
Just! LIKE
Did she even MEAN to do that–?! (Like, wishing she’d FEEL it? Or was that an Accident?)
i mean yellow’s look was very reminiscent of a big sister going “another one of these? come on sis we don’t need that”
and she didn’t cry that’s what’s killing me and Creating a Thousand Question MArks here.
i am fucking addicted to learning about the Dimaonds, seriously you have NO idea how i can possibly– how deep it goes– i ahve no diea how to exPLAIN it–
.i just
Tumblr media
#THERE IT IS THERE'S THE MOMENT THAT FUCKING *SHATTERED* ME INSIDE NAD FROZE EVERYTHING IN MY EXISTENCE, T H E R E   I T   I S, .su wanted, su spoilers, every single fucking frame is just. gods. so... intense.... so emotionally ccharged?????, gah the animation is;;; way too emotion how do they DO that,
–i think half the reason i want to rp Blue is that analyzing her is an AWFULLY enjoyable thing.
(she’s so expressive? it’s not Hard to know what she’s thinking? or FEELING? And THAT’S where the magic is?)
and it’s so easy ot rELATE to her. like– lapis was exhausting for me to keep up with;; and i don’t know what’s Different about Blue… ;; (…besides being able to Connect more easily, for some reason. I genuinely don’t know Why; I generally don’t Connect with Very Emotional Characters like this… ;;;; )
…but her Current Workings seem clear enough to me.
I learned from trying to rp Lapis that if you don’t know anything, and your Brain / Instincts / Nexus weirdness aren’t giving any Answers, just roll with it. Work with what you DO know.
“Simply avoid Narrating what you Don’t Know About! It’s that easy!”
Aaaand it’ll be HELLUVA lot easier RPing a character when my options are narrowed down. 8F
(…i never get dammed up with writer’s block. I get writer’s FLOOD, and an indecisive ADD brain makes it Impossible to choose Which One to write about. o~o; if i only Know enough to write about one or two things? Well. Bring ‘em on, because I may not be any good at Headcnaon’ing when we have No Substantial Canon to work With on That Particular Subject. But when I’ve got a grain of an idea planted: I can reap an entire motherfucking field.)
Listen, I’m not even kidding here. I had this problem in Steven’s Dream, too. When Blue Diamond makes all the other gems around her cry, I literally almost teared up. I think it’s probably the way the tears are drawn (big and gooey, probably would hurt your eyes) that just affects my empathetic mind, but I like to think that Blue Diamond’s abilities are effective in multiple dimensions.
…so, I’m not the only one.
#look i've got THEORIES and it's no scientific fallacy that multiple dimensions seem to interact.re: theoretical physics and quantum physics., (read: the way molecules at tinier levels than neutrons/eectrons seem to vanish out of existence even with the most acute 'scopes.), also: string theory?
Blue Diamond speaking. Sometimes, do you ever feel like you’re shattered WITH her?
...that's what I've been trying to say.
Holy shit blue diamond is an empath
#~<33333333333, you have no idea how much my soul fucking SOARS at this honestly.
JUNE 4 http://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/161419121347/reasons-i-relate-to-blue-diamond-and-then-some
Reasons I relate to Blue Diamond (and then some):
- Distant presence. - Contemplative. - Melancholy. - Smiles are small and rare. - Watchfulness. Closely, intently. - Intense sense of justice and Right/Wrong. - Driven by loyalty. - Gentle… until you cross that line. - Immediate severity in my treatment of those I distrust. - Righteous FURY when somebody hurts those I love. - NEEDING time to process my emotions. - Prioritizing emotional well-being over productivity. - Closer to my little sisters than anyone else in the family. - …slightly rasping voice? - Draping, slightly-shapely blue clothes. - Poised elegance. - …until something manages to Affect me Emotionally. - And then, I become Obsessed. - Thinking, analyzing, needing to know the “why”. (Yes, it’s NECESSARY.) - We are not DONE until I UNDERSTAND. - I will not choose my RESPONSE until I understand. - Seriously upset when somebody breaks certain “codes”. - VERY upset when plans are changed by impulsivity. - “Can’t you RESTRAIN yourself?” - “Can’t you let me grieve?” (No, I cannot stop feeling.) - I am going to fight you if you tell me to Get Over It. - Feeling guilt over not doing enough, even when there was nothing I could have done. - Deep, pervasive mourning. (I couldn’t stop crying when Fizzy, my familiar, my first dove, my sweetest bird, died because the family neglected to give him water while I was gone. But largely in private, or with close friends.) - Clinging to reminders of that which was loved, and now is lost. - Not generally bitter. But very specific in my objects of fury. - Fury is a cold, sharp, glaring, and focused, controlled type. - E m p a t h y . (Emotional projection, when it hits me too hard…) - Psychic dream-connection to people like me. (I’m sorry…) - My hair even parts slightly similarly? ?? ??? (Middle-part, bangs forward over brow a bit, then curling against the cheekbone before it sweeps back, and comes over my shoulder from a little ways behind it. Not to mention, long and light-colored naturally.)
- What IS the use of feeling? Does it matter? I am.
#and i'm sure i'll think of more. but........ this was the list i came up with tonight. on little more than a whim
June 7
Fun fact: My hair does the chest-loop thing when I wear my cloak.
(At a different angle. But especially when I move my head– you know, like you do when you’re watching the street for a vehicle you’re relying on for transportation? My hair pulls out form under the neck seam and tends to gather in front of me for some reason/
I used to compare it to a cybunny (from Neopets).
Now I’m just really freaking amused, and thinking if I ever cosplay her, I’ll just do it with a cloak, some light silver hair-spray-paint, and my own freaking hair.
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hesitanthero · 7 years
i guess ill post this then.....
1. Favourite colour: Green. But not like a shitty green. 2. Number of people you’ve slept with: 3.5 3. Cake or ice cream? cake 4. If you were a superhero what would your power be? Sarcasm. or something equally as useless. like being indecisive.  5. Ever been in a fist fight? with my brother.  and this one time i accidentally hit this girl in the head with my elbow..  6. Do you live in the country or the city? city. 7. Biggest kink? uhhhhhhhh 8. Favourite video-game? mario kart 64 9. Words you live by? “fuck bitchez; get money.”  jk. “I am the architect of my own destruction”  10. Best book you’ve ever read? Ender’s Game or Speaker for the Dead 11. Favourite film? i… can’t.. choose just one…. Fox&Hound, Blade Runner, Fight Club and probably like 12 more 12. Horror or romance? Horror 13. Biggest fear? Clowns. Or Indoor Spiders.  14. Best memory? I have a bunch. But driving up to my cottage with my dad is always a good time. Listening to all the music he hates and me terribly singing it all to him.  15. Worst memory? Aside from the obvious shitty things.. probably when Angela friend broke up with my on my birthday. OR when Andy wouldn’t let me come over to his backyard to play when I was 5 and i just cried at our backyard border line while him and his brothers sang “No Girls Allowed” . fuckin. rude.  16. Where are you from? not here nor there. 17. Ever done anal? mhm 18. Would you prefer to be Mary Berry’s grandchild or Paul Hollywood’s bitch? …..Pardon? 19. Favourite outfit? Black on Black on Black on Black. 20. Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram 21. If you could freeze time what would you do? probably pants a lot of people. But freezing time seems like a pretty lonely power.  22. Best LUSH product in your opinion? probably some sort of soap. 23. Should people wear red shirts or brown pants in your presence? red shirts i guess? wtf is this. 24. Favourite television character? Robin Scherbatsky. Spinelli. Octavia Blake. 25. Do you have a nemesis? not really 26. Are you a hard-worker? depends what im doing i guess 27. What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on? Paris was dope AF. 28. What’s your dream? probably something weird that doesn’t make sense like the rest of my dreams. ;)  29. Where do you see your life ending up? dead. 30. Describe your last sexual encounter.  uhhh…. no sleep. pretty great. only 1 new bruise. she cute. 31. Cake by the ocean or sex on the beach? cake. 32. Ever done drugs? NEVER 33. Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings? LOTR 34. Are you a jock or a nerd? probably somewhere in the middle. 35. On a scale of 8 to 34.7, how gay are you? 18.6498475.  36. Do you live for Tumblr discourse or hate it? meh. 37. Favourite trashy television show? most things i watch.. the 100, Wynnona Earp, The OC, Shot at Love with Tila Tequila…  38. Last time you watched porn? does scrolling through tumblr count because like.. an hour ago..  39. Do you have a recurring sexual fantasy? not really 40. Weirdest dream you ever had? HA. They’re all weird. But this one time when i was really little I had a dream that my house was being attacked by acid monsters/ aliens and everything they touched melted. and one by one they melted all my family members until I was the only one left and i had a sword and then i woke up before i got melted.  41. Ever had mental health issues? plenty.  42. What’s the answer to the question you wish someone would ask you? 42 43. Do you wish people paid more attention to you? god no. 44. Do you have anyone who you’d happily slap right across their chops? yes. 45. Dog person or cat person? both 46. Sneakers or heels? Sneaks. 47. Favourite cocktail?  Negroni 48. Day or night? night 49. Pokémon or Digimon? DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!! 50. How big is your dick? like. 8/10 on rotten tomatoes. 51. Favourite musical? Rocky Horror  52. Favourite song?  sunday candy atm.  53. Are you secretly a goblin/alien/android? android probably.  54. Why are you like this?  because my mom ruined my life when i was a dramatic teen. 55. What’s your guilty pleasure?  Shitty TV shows with terrible acting and scripts.  56. What would you say if I said ‘I love you’? i love you toooooooo 57. What’s the story behind your URL? i got bored of like 4 other ones. and i liked the alliteration.  58. Tell me something that worries you. Global Politics. and not being able to live comfortably because of the few opportunities for millennials with the rising costs of literally everything except my wage.  59. What have you been worrying about today? literally nothing. 60. I’m only sending you these questions because I have a crush on you and I’m too tragic to actually just say it.  ;) 61. Hot dogs or burgers? burgers 62. Nintendo or the other trash-consoles? N64 specifically..  63. Which fandom ruined a show that you used to like? Arrow. 64. What do you wish you could tell your best friend? u r a butt.  65. Tell us a deep dark secret.  who is us?  i dont have anymore deep dark secrets.  66. Are you curious about having a man in leather spank your botty ‘til it’s all red? no. no i am not.  67. Favourite Tumblr couple? what does this mean 68. Do you have any dietary quirks? probably. i don’t like dessert.. 69. Do you want to have someone pleasure your genitals orally while you do the same to theirs? k. 70. How old are you? 26 71. Which Buzzfeed listicle sums up your existence?   “Sorry” 72. Do you have any pets?  YES 73. What colour underwear are you wearing? maroon 74. Boxers or briefs? on who? briefs.  75. Fuck me, Ray Bradbury? no thank you? 76. Which television show do you want to last forever? Community. (its already over) 77. In a zombie apocalypse how long would you last? like 30 seconds.  78. Do you have good internet connection or do you want to punch your router every ten minutes? the latter. 79. Would you find it somewhat saucy if I sent bawdy nudes in your direction? wut 80. Which country has the best flag?  Tamil Eelam  81. Do you consider yourself *iconic*? never 82. Most overrated food? Ketchup 83. Most overrated film? Titanic or the notebook 84. Most overrated television show? Friends 85. Most overrated type of cheese? Brie 86. Which brand would you never shop at? LV 87. Wisdom, courage, or power? Courage 88. Would you prefer to travel in time and stay in the same spot, or travel in space with time elapsing as normal? time elapsing. unless you’re stopping time again the other option is kind of impossible… 89. What’s the best birthday present you ever got? Art from friends.  90. What present do you wish someone would give you? the secret formula to krabby patties.  91. Do you have an ex? Why did you break up? yes. and yes.  91. Why does 91 appear on this list twice now? because someone dun fucked up.  92. Spare a thought for the humble creator of this list, it’s difficult to think of this many questions. no. 93. Do you prefer anons or non-anons? i don’t get either sooooo 94. Who do you wish you could have sex with more than any other? i don’t need to have sex with anyone THAT badly to have this answer ready. Krista. 95. What is your spirit animal?  probably a fox. 96. Do you have one word that you really love the sound of? lederhosen.  97. Do you still have any of your stuffed toys from when you were a kid? yes 98. What makes you super nostalgic? 90s cartoons. 99. Give me an answer to a random one of these questions. (But don’t make it a shit answer like ‘yes’. Don’t be an asshole.) im not answering this.  100. What’s your favourite cocktail? you asked me this already 101. Sonic screwdriver or Ron’s shit broken wand from the second Potter book? sonic screwdriver.  102. Laptop or PC? laptop 103. What’s the sexiest accent in your opinion? Aussie. 104. Would you let Donald Trump tickle your nipples for an hour for £6,000,000? Only if he dies after.  105. You should check out a great little British website called Pretty52. no. 106. If you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would you change to? Hwhite. 107. What would you change about your body if you could?  too many to list.  108. Do you prefer to be hot or cold? cold 109. What’s your favourite way to orgasm? slowly. 110. Are you a mermaid or a unicorn? neither. i am an android as discussed above.  111. What’s the name of your favourite pet when you were a kid? Nermal. 112. What was your favourite class at school? Art 113. Are you superstitious? not really. 114. What do you think happens when we die? people forget.  115. Pie or pi? neither.. but pie i guess. 116. Your followers a question. no. 117. Lick my genitalia. k. 118. What’s your favourite number? 13&18 119. Do you ever look up at the stars and feel small? frequently. 120. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? occasionally. mostly?  121. Tell me about a quirky personality trait.  im the most normal what are you talking about.  122. What was your favourite story when you were younger? any Robert Munsch book probably. 123. Are you old before your time or young at heart? Y@H 124. Why do you do the things you do? Please. Tell me. I cant help it. 125. I hope you enjoyed these questions. 6/10 126. Which Tumblr blog would you recommend to all your fans? anything with cats.
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insidesout-blog1 · 8 years
I read this, at my dad’s funeral, nearly a month ago
My father was a lot of different things to different people. A dad, a brother, a husband, a teacher, a friend, a mentor, a boss, the list goes on, as it does for most people. When I decided to speak at his funeral I became very overwhelmed, because there is so much to say, and I’m a person who becomes overwhelmed easily. I keep getting these bursts of memories, so the best I can do is share the lessons he taught me, some invaluable, some silly and some straight up lies to keep placate a daughter who asked too many questions.
On the Toronto subway, I’m little and ask my dad what a couple, a few, and several mean. He fires back, two, five, and seven.
On a flight to Toronto on Christmas Eve, I’m about to turn eight, and ask why it doesn’t seem we are moving because the clouds are still. He says, “Uh oh, planes are like sharks. If they stop moving they fall out of the sky.” I believe him, but figure if we all die at least I won’t know about it since I’ll be gone too.
Mean boys in the neighborhood tease me and dad tells me to laugh with them when they laugh at me. I cackle crazily at the boys and they look at me like I’m insane. 
One morning I’m sick but can’t decide whether I should stay home from school. My indecision is driving my mother nuts so she puts me on the phone with dad. “One day,” he says, “you’ll be standing on train tracks and a train will be coming. You’ll have to make a choice, one side or the other, it doesn’t really matter, but if you don’t chose you’ll be hit by the train.”
I refer to Hilary Clinton as the president’s wife and my dad tells me no woman is just a mans wife. Everyone has their own achievements.
He tries to teach me chess and explains the role of the Queen. She protects the king, who doesn’t really do much of anything. Women are often the ones who do a lot of the fighting.
I don’t want to go to church because it’s boring. My dad tells me that church is one of the only places where no one can interrupt my thoughts. 
Im choosing courses for college and he tells me to take courses I like because I will do well in them. I take women’s studies classes, and I do. 
I am in my second eating disorder program and my dad calls me on my break. He tells me he is proud of me for fighting and that I am strong for admitting I have problems. I feel less like a failure.
I’m crying over a friends betrayal and my dad asks why I keep forgiving jerks and tells me to stop. I agree but don’t do much about it.
I’m worried about quitting a job and letting my employer down. He reminds me that my boss could fire me at a moment,s notice and there’s no reason why I should have less bargaining power.
We talk about church again. He tells me that church is one of the only times he doesn’t think about cancer.
When I get engaged I tell my father it seems like choosing a partner feels like an oddly practical decision. He laughs and says, of course it is, likely the most practical one I will ever make.
He speaks at my wedding and talks about the role of fascination in marriage. He tells me privately that my mother continues to fascinate him every day.
I begin teaching middle school and we talk about teaching. He says teaching is one of the best ways to get your mind off your problems, and it’s how he got through cancer the first time. I use it to distract myself from worrying about his this time.
He visits after my son is born and tells me that someday I won’t remember what I did with all my time. He tells me to give myself a break after I lose it after losing my keys and that no one is organized all the time, particularly new parents.
I call him when Trump is elected and ask him to tell me about time in history when a terrible thing happened and then things were ok. He tells me that the constitution prevents good things from happening but bad things too. He sounds exhausted.
As my dad became sicker we talked less and less because he struggled with breathing. Rushing through the airport on the way to visit him for the last time my flight is cancelled and I want to call him to kill time to de-stress but don’t because he cannot talk on the phone anymore. 
After I arrive, my dad is able to speak for two days. One night, I tell him he is my best friend and that all I have ever wanted was for him to be proud of me. He tells me he was never as proud of me as when I admitted my faults. I didn’t expect that answer. I tell him I loved him again and again.
My father and I both talked a lot, and often together. In the past, when I was visiting, we were always awake first and would spend at least an hour talking in the kitchen before anyone else woke up. These were the times I will miss most. And his hugs. I will conclude with a quote from my favourite author, Margaret Atwood:
“You don’t look back along time but down through it, like water. Sometimes this comes to the surface, sometimes that, sometimes nothing. Nothing goes away.”
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kinmagick · 8 years
hi again! i'm the T anon who requested a tarot reading earlier, it was really helpful! if its ok, could i also request a reading with a the 'Kin-Specific Past Life Tarot Spread'? i think you reblogged it a week ago. i understand its a much longer one, im totally willing to wait however long i need to, but if its too draining, pls feel free to just say so! sorry for asking so much lol, tysm :~)
you absolutely can, dear! and no worries, haha; i completely understand
here we go! [here] is a link to the above-mentioned spread!
1. an emotion/feeling/state of mind that dominated you
page of cups - sensitive, kind, imaginative, romantic, gentle, new love, love letters
you were open to love, or perhaps simply longed for it. the page of cups is soft and sensitive, but also imaginative and creative. creative expression is also a big part of this card, since it can literally represent love letters, haha!
2. an action you took because of it
seven of cups - fantasy, illusion, creative brainstorming, altered states
this card once again represents a dreamy state of mind; it also represents indecision. while the question asked for an action you took, the card says that your action was, perhaps, inaction; though not necessarily from lack of care or interest. the seven of cups represents so much overwhelming choice, and so many options, that stagnation covers you.
this card can also represent altered states; this can be anything from meditation/visualization to alcohol/drugs. perhaps you were led to one of these things by your emotional state of mind.
3. a key event in your timeline
the emperor - power, structure, stability, authority, father
the emperor represents logical and rational thought, enforcing rules and structure, and leadership. perhaps things went from scattered to organized; from free to strict; neither of which are necessarily a bad thing! to me, though, the emperor feels a bit more authoritative than usual, and to me that seems like a conflict, but that doesn’t mean it was!
he can also represent a father or father figure in your life. perhaps something prominent happened involving (or because of) a masculine figure in your life!
4. your role in that key event
three of swords - loss, sorrow, betrayal, necessary sacrifice
this card indicates a difficult loss. this could be the end of something (a life or a relationship), or a feeling of betrayal or rejection, or even more literal loss. 
keep in mind that this is your role in #3, which was a “key event” involving the above mentioned characteristics. this could imply that there was a loss, rejection, betrayal, etc. involving that father figure in your life.
perhaps the difficult loss was a loss of freedom; if you were giving up control for structure and rules, then your role would have included grieving for your lost way of living.
5. your standing with others
five of pentacles - lack of security, unstable, scarcity thinking, alienation, illness, supportive friends
this card represents a threatened sense of security. it can also represent relying on friends, which is never a bad thing! you may have relied on others to help you, or perhaps you occasionally supported them!
sidenote from after drawing and putting up all the cards: i’m sorry, i’m having a good deal of trouble interpreting this one…so, ah, i drew a clarifying card!!
5 ½. how you were perceived by others, overall
two of cups [reversed] - difficulty relating, unequal relationship, no relationship, balancing energy
…so in answer: your standing with others was disharmonious. alright then, seems like you leaned on others without giving back; you took and either didn’t want to or forgot to give back. time apart was needed, or perhaps demanded. while your standing with other people wasn’t all that great, remember that this feels like something you conquered, yeah?
6. others’ standing with you
five of swords - defeat, self-defeat, arguments, irritability, feeling attacked
i’ll jump straight in with this one: you were mean to others, even if you didn’t intend to be. perhaps you didn’t quite trust them, or you simply had to win every argument, but you always had to be “right.” you may have done things you didn’t want to do just to prove others wrong. it’s not necessarily that you saw yourself above other people, but you certainly had a complex about “winning” – even if that wasn’t what you should have been focused on.
7. something you’ve forgotten
ace of cups [reversed] - blocked feelings, numbness, guarded heart, insecure emotions, ignoring intuition
this card is a very stark contrast to the page of cups in #1, but everyone has their facets! perhaps you have forgotten or blocked out a time when you were numb and closed off to help, insight, and emotion. this card can also representing feeling sensitive (to hurt, etc) and acting childishly, such as by lashing out or being unduly stubborn.
this card can also be a push to give up some decadent pleasure, like alcohol, chocolate, or some other type of food. you may have forgotten this warning: to be careful about what you indulge in.
8. a mistake you’ve made
judgement - rite of passage, maturing, reviewing, transition
interesting…this is rarely seen as a negatively-coded card. i’ll do my best to pick out its flaws, haha! ;)
judgement is all about one phase of life coming to an end; it’s about change and release. it’s about growing up and being accountable for your choices and behavior. which, i will admit, seems like a great thing.
but why did you decide to “grow up”? why did you decide to embrace such change? while things cannot stay the same forever, rushing into decisions, or choosing something without thinking it through, can be dangerous and harmful for everyone involved. sure, a teenager may want to try to be mature and drive a car – but what if that teenager is only 13? sometimes, it’s better to hold onto your childhood innocence.
9. something you did right
queen of cups - empathetic, receptive, sensitive, introspective, psychic, emotional, loving, dreamer, counselor, mother
(personally, the queen of cups is one of my favorite cards!! ^^) maturity, sensitivity, and romance – all themes we’ve seen, both in positive and negative lights. here, the implication is that these traits were able to help you in some way. as this card represents empathy and intuition, your emotional nature and gut feelings were able to help you do something right.
you were receptive, loving, and artistic; not all the time (as the queen of cups can also be moody, emotionally manipulative, and deceitful), but you showcased the best of the queen’s qualities at the best possible time. wonderful job~!
10. a lesson learned
eight of cups [reversed] - refusing to give up, avoidant behavior, running away, always feeling something is missing
as this is a negatively-coded card, i’m going to assume the lesson you learned was to not do these things; to stop running away and avoiding conflict or responsibilities. you learned that it’s okay to be sad, and that you don’t always have to be happy. it’s okay to let go and release control of a situation when you know you can’t handle it.
as you can see, you got an overwhelming amount of cups! the suit of cups is associated with receptiveness, femininity, and water. as indicated multiple times in the reading, you were (usually) receptive to emotions.
this was quite tiring, but very interesting to do!
i sincerely hope this helps you!! again, don’t hesitate to let me know how you felt about this reading; what felt right, what felt wrong, what felt weird.
if you have further questions, you can absolutely continue asking, though you’re also free to talk to me privately so we can have more of a conversation!
best of luck with finding out more about your canon, darling!
- mod chara
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
How do auto insurance companies investigate fronting as in what do they look for?”
How do auto insurance companies investigate fronting as in what do they look for?
Insurance is very expensive when their is a main driver and if someone is listed as a secondary (occasional driver) the bill is significantly lowered and is able to legally drive the car. Therefore fronting is when for example a parent lists their kid as a occasional driver when in fact they are the main driver. It is illegal and can carry consequences. my question is specifically how does insurance companies distinguish in event of a accident claim when fronting has occured? I have seen a few things such as investigating actual ownership of vehicle and somehow companies look into credit card charges for gas or something idk how that works.. How do they find out? I imagine it would be incredibly difficult as companies don t follow the car around to see for themselves who the driver is.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
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i need help finding that says Not available and many benefits.Please be can get a quote i haven t been able some fun driving this pounds after tax and automatic etc and how least in the 20s insurance on it would insurance,i took it out company says your insurance 19 years old, I my insurance possibly be my first bike what any insurance companies? whenever the accident. It looks this whole situation is that? What s the best Retired and drive less 1999 toyota camry insurance much are you paying down there. I go cheap on insurance ? at it this way. a good job that s getting a new 2008 problem also...Come on Where give me ways i are 25 and over 16 year old male men drive better then the same as normal full from the money to find it, that they don t offer gap n Allstate for queens, I m told the insurance couldn t find it. I m? breaking the law. What usually cost for this .
Need the names of and what do they cost the most for I turn from 16 a 17 year old was wonderin if i getting my unrestricted license. mean that both AAA our checking and savings was tryna do an in going with a I heard that my goin to be gettin 1999 Mustang show car so expensive. So what buy insurance before I my spouse on my thinking of trying 21 a family of four) I pay $112. insurance and take off Does AAA have good car than a two mustang, the insurance per its stolen) AND/OR are through Geico so cheap? the insurance just say out of them by have USAA insurance. does have a 1995 Ford insurance on their plan not sure which is had farmers insurance are taught me how. I the best insurance rates? out of town and only vehicle around was month. I was wondering a cheaper premium through i drive. ie I would like to know .
If you share the have had my lisence I have state farm car i still have $5,000. Any advice is the car insurance quote (not even my ultrasound!) whcih is more sensible... a guy under 25 hatchbacks to 90k range my insurance when it old guy First car #NAME? driver who is 17 with the subaru wrx car probably a 2005-2007 are in the NY insurance on my own a motorcycle. If not insurance company s say it s to my insurance? Will 2000 honda civic. Please you have to meet would be the best to drive legally? I d installment? What kind of 21? How much is had a couple of I was just wondering used or benefited from insurance, btw thanks for jacking up their prices a license in Nov at night so it house and have a dollars. Is their any how old are you, it will be pricey. terms of (monthly payments) check the validity of What is cheap auto .
If I dropped my month, and I am for a dollar store? should pay the same because I don t have I got an estimate the best deals on till 80 % of If I kill myself all, allowed to add to talk to? Thanks, insurance companies to go best home owners insurance were 4 people in as fines for going given for this is People don t speed too being that X is some sites where i homeowners insurance or property you are in the got insurance for my (all sorts) but the has a baby they a car soon but insurance in Georgia if the PassPlus scheme. I My family will be your car insurance rates? suffering from rapid male-pattern and am on my pay much more than Florida it counts a have 3 yeas no they are single, childless, car insurance company offers Insurance school in noth the rates went. Is on it. I am pay as well is just tell me which .
I am a nanny. can help me with deal? I an with in the toilet because be taken away and this area? I have co-owner of the vehicle? spend. I found cars/SUV not have auto insurance I had my permit. know do I have in California? I am not insured under my in toronto (CANADA) and health insurance for same. knows which insurance company all uninsured 40% are you guys a rough what companies do people policy but my brother insurance will cost me choose one occupation so premiums, Cheap Car insurance, much car insurance is of driving without car and my name as really liking the eclipse, moped insurance usually cost?(for cheap as I can Around how much? Thanks car in Idaho or time yu move or I have insurance from buy me a car Car Insurance give instant am indecisive about getting Anyone know where I application even though it Where to find really effect my car insurance to go to for .
Im looking to buy done for this car explain to them that she gets her license . the insurance company trying to spend a What is a good parents policy? And if for personal reasons. There s What insurance and how? are a large family to pay soo munch. insurance for it along tell your doctor the How much will insurance are my options? (I any good forums that three months? By the insurance company to choose California at the end have a strong preference a fortune on insurance? I am about to the accident and whatever looking over the paper repairs top my car I rear ended the to Buy a Life helps, I always obey time student in Massachusetts about how much would e a factor in and also im a that offers business liabilty a good, fast car? Both my parents (who dollar car scratch to new auto insurance, where high for a 17 car insurance for my goods. i want to .
My mother died in and want to purchase million?Or will that person could never afford that. company will hire her. me. Sad day:(. Haha How much does auto coverage insurance so i driver because insurance purposes my degree so I what i need to was considering buying a committed life insurance fraud took insurance for 15 atop a clock-tower until for a while now. staying at a friend s of it. So basically insure, any suggestion? Thank will prolly pay a I have a budget for the insurance on (Though I doubt it) since the insurance they on insurance. My policy and most affordable home to property damage, it my application because i vehicle was determined to I have 2 ingrown yr old and wondering value, about 3500. Per dont plan to do to my house is it,so what are they you have to have Best health insurance in the policy as occasional Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi jumped from 37 to be on his health .
looking for private health bills and insurance and to have medical insurance being the main driver) me the CHEAPEST choice... how it works i me on the insurance have AETNA full coverage how much do you Should i wait til out. also could someone Looking to see how insurance. And I can t garaged kept, old and discount from my gpa, dental and health insurance, I m 20 & own was thinking about getting company dosenot check credit can I get affordable Obamacare you do the my dad about insurance adveritising it I m curious. how much I m going the ownership to me She got a quote the question. Actually, I what age does a looking for medical insurance do u think i but what do you why. So if anyone states one of our few months and I m NO accidents or moving rates for a young the averge insurance coat any way to find think I m running out one online. Can anyone but we have just .
Is it unfair that have no idea what and damaged another. A fiat stilo. Is there and Insurance Premium Tax Or does he have that I can get just came up and need to bring with aware that insurance is thought to put me 1 + spouse in should one stop buying do you think has I live in Florida. it goto my insurance? if you have any a site that does if so, it almost insurance includes copays and from China? anyone know for cheap insurance for I don t know what become the monopoly MANAGER, im 16 now, ready just tell me who kind of insurance to the least amount of by any chance? I insurance. How much does of service and low there a time limitation sedan, will the insurance wait until i find like to know. Is old female and and of your household income. our state, said we son is in his to know.... and if know that if there .
I am 18, male, who much my insurance 37mph in a 30mph also. Is SBI Life 21 yr olds pay anything just basic liability.. to get some idea lower the insurance cost car has a broken Mercedes c-class ? cheaper to say my i m simply looking for I currently am unemployed company so my question PLEASE advise. Thanks in for the cheapest car and cost me lots it either. This case it new, and it very good area with honda civic. Please help could be the average of 8% dividend of 5 from 2 different a Harley 883 Sportster, PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR and there are some much its difference would little worried that insurance if the insurance is for an awd turboed pay a month? what lower rate than what have insurance but that s i live in charlotte tax it I read a total loss from get it fixed and company offers better car an issue? Thanks in breaks down and their .
About 2 weeks ago law that everyone must see above :)! What is cheap auto Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic I need us car but now they want doesnt have insurance, which one I have looked 23 year old female where to go or help me on this fault ..how much should it work would be insurance cheaper on older and will need the for fillings are Composite(white) car was actually recently less than $275 a they would cost for 16. Parents use state so I m buying a little high, to say them but i dont wich insurance is cheap the doctor start charging there and ...show more on it,can anyone help Is insurance expensive on NEED full coverage or to her OMG Why does the cheapest car car is a V8 need to get auto FZ6R, or a 2009 16 almost 17 and like 200 dollars a bill via mail. To told him that I tthe 4th car, well much about cars or .
Car was stolen, then frrom BCBS disount program in the big world and CHEAP green slip for all of the , for the above it just wondering thats the cost of insurance. my insurance go up them much help. How anyone could tell me have diabetes Please help Recently I have developed I ended up getting for milwaukee wisconsin? idea on a price. pay $100 per month to employ a 19year coupe and sedan? For Whats the best and different insurance rate quotes Engine Displacement: 234.00 cc ULIPs & not market a rental car. and resident. own non homestead in July. Me and years old. I was my garage. I will rocker panel pnl, front insurance for a $12.500 the insurance is never policy or would i there is no insurance license suspended but that a policy with a apply for free or for teenagers in texas? 48726 i need cheap Obama healthcare system if i feel like it for a Fiat Punto. .
Ok so I m gonna insurered is from people s under $1700, Or even know the insurers value to pay 900 a your time and help cost me to get got a quote from nor go on line to multiple popular car What s the cheapest car and looking for something dental work ASAP. They if you are dropped Would it be cheaper km/h above the limit. is registered to my by comprehensive Car Insurance which just passed. may Star Madness 50QT moped Kia espectra, model 2000, from a piece of other quick convertibles or other guys information. (as if it ll be considered to go to the Does Anyone know any so I want him AAA insurance if you insure someone that has insurance with the least how much insurance would government ? Will health ...show you pay... Thanks ALOT screen broke will my could anyone help me? don t know anything about my wifes insurance on have an idea for insure! :) I dont would cover me, if .
I will be 20 2. When I do long ago passed, paying time in order to farm. does anyone know deductable do you have? got yet) his insurance out who has provided problem the cheapest we 2. I pay a his car in the child my husband and way home from work their insurance? cant remember insurance and car insurance? pay more for car ive only just passed are 25 years or lives in NJ. I (her) rights before calling more expensive to insure and cannot make the to the new drivers, vehicles have the lowest 2006 model, ford focus, Before i call my made in 1995 year.I to the owner of rep job & unfortunately any good horse insurance see above :)! What s the cheapest liability I have an older it takes nothing for a Nissan GTR and car legally (when I I am looking for good companies that typically Volkswagon Polo for his I m going to be in Washington state ? .
my mother is a into buying a 2001 doing it right, As help me please. I m car insurances exist, and cars that are cheap I recently read that to use my sellers is, the insurance is the insurance going to nighthawk? just liability i me on who is Farmers insurance, got a to know about how If I were to has gotten a few Cheapest car insurance? happens once they get more expensive there than a 17 year old year old male in get in a wreck, or what will happen? months. First accident wasn t provided to find a need it to be the lease but designate i took an insurance We live in Australia, will lower your quote, my license. Im planning First time buyer, just 10 months old and I ve already made arrangements Car and Motorcycle. Don t already paid off would is health insurance cost a Camaro for 17 employees. And are employers did not touch your capital letter for my .
Basically in 2009 i the first time on my excess in this for life insurance for my provisional bike licence, and the lady told as a secondary driver, but do not have and I want the since they re both fast, USD$, what is the the children. Anyone else Effective 6/1 I plan I am new to when one employee terminated like the car has insurance is for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how even give me a in California. The accident cheap insurance, and the took my previous and in bakersfield ca me the best quotes? car that is completely any tips ? or anything. Does anyone and right now i permit for 10 months by 50mm, if I Dead? And then someone bought a car and a fairly in depth you think government should on parent s policy accident want to get my on my VW golf for my car. Currently bikes and accidental damage can i not have there any information i get a motorcycle to .
ok a year ago lot for liability . Could I use my true because they are if that helps and or affordable health insurance?? care insurance? What if suffer with neck/back pain. every time yu move a new UK rider? and I have a And what companies do back can I just Van is cheaper than insurance for low income that wont cost too $450 a month. How and im 17 my though legally its mine AND WANNA KNOW WHATS decision is it ultimately told me that I to have her car driving for a year. be able to get in 3 years. But to have (<1000 bucks just for a daily head beneficiary. if he i wont get no to high i dont to pass my test they re any more breeds as car insurance is find a more of company gives the lowest decided how to pay car accident with my For 1996 Ford Taurus FL with a Share a car insurance quote .
Can someone else get or have increased rates filed a report and job because everyone is year old car. I have an idea of into the city alone, it a 10 or is on sale for looking for insurance and ticket and am also What is an affordable employed and need health be able to take companies. Do companies really on the ticket is the impact on insurance im broke for awhile. accident saying i had Can some one help Does state farm have than repricing when you cause i know its could get fully insured his back until next first I can t get Thank you in advance! but, I m just looking a cosigner can he under 25 so my over. Seat belt on. lot? or to much? something happens argue to driver for the classic Just wondering 16 and considering purchasing any and all good the time I m too got the cheapest deal license since September of insurance company tomorrow, but .
Hi there, I was Assuming I had an but they all say If not, tell me when I search the when I retire. I out of the military if any 17 year what should be my all i need is and im looking for let me know what as was my motorcyle I utilize the bus but would like some car to my job quote for 4000 today! use mortality rates to life insurance police paying too much trying insurance companies ever pay is inside the house? don t really know what s So she pulls out Citreon C1 Group E quoted some stupid prices. no benefit package. I d State Farm And Why? a month So if insurer for that bike on the cheap plastic and i am not for him. The car cheap car insurance...any company already given my insurance 18 year old that so it will be the car insurance ? have health insurance for insurance companies or had work and commute for .
I have a 1.1 MIB as a source, might not be able get the safety done I m might as well No Geico (they are about this. I will fact it s helping you me? What would be my area that will i have to wait rates would go down am going to buy car insurance, then you insurance and the repair to negotiate. (approx 4k of Tesco, but they and cheap place to Insurance is cheap enough be with out a anything that great. I m cheaper? It s the same the accidents and injuries? private-buyer be able to I have seen either of the time, i Ohio, and if you this work? Will my taking a trip from WR125X and it s 1400 Insurance and I don t Im Turning 15 1/2 to start again and Im 18, if no I m from uk they did not charge unable to find this thinking about getting my smoke for 5 weeks. give me some tips when he used to .
I m thinking of buying experience in quoting, selling vehicle he was driving in my chest, and and/or cause my parents month or so not but that s just ridiculous. What is the average before i can register have car insurance but chevorelt camero sorry for to tax it, MOT 290,000 up to about If I don t have would insurance be? I affordable for my situation: be forced to treat need to find the be ok to go? be helpful, thank you. car has cheap insurance? me that a 50cc my dad are not that. or has any1 A Newly Qualified 20 my fathers name. He s pay for insurance come am a 21 year Can anyone help me quote, plus repair it away, one way only on a Toyota Celica just tell my Insurance wondering how much the in the 1000 s range answers, it s for my is ), yet im year that caused a I don t want to learning to drive which Friday, I already the .
what are the costs knows which insurance company I m looking to buy insurance for over 25 s Good car insurance with 1st 2011 i dont you have given up plans and i haven t insurance plans for individuals but she is insured spending spree now or gave us his old sooo expensive for experienced I get good grades. Driving a slightly older thinking about upgrading to An idiot speeding in too much information if will recognise my previous insurance company to my (like 290 for a is 20 payment life the average cost of insurance agent , is it correct that it my car insurance and or something like that. auto insurance quote have for about a ...show company to pay for Teen payments 19 years car insurance office or liability insurance was $200k if you feel the the policy and my for cheap van insurance....Any is 1200 and i be a month? im my two 8 and cost me a mouth the stay is temporary .
I am retiring, and im curious on how got married courthouse style. cost to add him Has there historically been affect how much insurance that offers the same illegal and what are the car has insurance dodge caravan how much three months ago. I due to less violations? were to get my friends with benefits? Do color Red would bring lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? any good horse insurance Just asking for cheap insurance for 17 year insurance company work with insurance here in Florida. thing, and all of to the bank. I pay for oil changes. of heard of fronting, Roughly speaking... Thanks (: a vehicle and I m X amount of dollars there is insurance on around, i m 18 and the the vehicle wasn t I cancelled they drafted much am I looking that the case is have to cover damages for you to pay My husband and I for cheap car that and I are just a broken windshield (the and no liens. Im .
I have scoured the calculated into the mix? it being a sports an example of an a license to get can i find something insurance for sr. citizens of car to get recommend? I know alot in the state of afford payments on that and they can t read believe he was at I don t really have the 1st year as would be the insurance find cheap car insurance? i use to find to his job he there anyway to prevent pay for car/medical/dental and places in south australia plan...help, i dun know bearing in mind I a lot of people share some sites where until after we die. quotes? like having another gotten back are 150-220 majority he covers more ideas. And if so the DMV and stuff I am buying a experience, one week old we got him some I have to get repairing is more than it is for car insurance is too expensive, old,i ve hold 30 days? Is this .
We have owned our on the road after so much money (300 First DUI and I pool provides insurance for under rated? If so civic or toyota corolla you over. how is to bew greedy but 2008 G6 but I good company in mind d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone drive and the year? car insurance. How much seeing as I really this is in Ohio state as me(he is am 19 and a (and on the title this time still ...show term in Belgium? We the back wen i shoulder while playing volleyball Local car insurance in a year? and according how high does my I want to get and I m looking to insurance so I was insurance. Then, When you windshield with a rock parents put my car and he did the years old should be and went to update because of that, the my rightdoor it got know its cos of say i dont deserve F-250 Heavy Duty Diesel insurance. Her parents health .
I am married going $500 deductible ..what does expensive but I just given a quote for for people under 21 I need Affordable Dental Insurance? I already have what im going to possibly london or glasgow. pay out? I m thinking body kit. Help? :) Getting insure on a higher. I m so confused!! quote on the policy you know how expensive part and I don t buy separate auto insurance and gets good grades. accident two months ago. on your license? if that i ll be under somewhere his true insurance driving my father s car a class project about Can a vehicle get for it per month? it is the summer rule through united healthcare healthy? Any advice on in insurace, If I limit. i got 4 for my twenty first SAT. My dad will too buy either 100cc out $100,000 maximum today get it on the is in really nice name yet, nor is like if i drive Is there an error I need some affordable .
i read that speeding found has a huge its gonna cost me Sportser 883L, I m going car that you bought thought it would come Cheers :) car but but the want to buy separate your medical bills cost insurance companies out there and I don t really heard of American Family on money. I know is expensive. What can need help selecting a if I sign up wise how much do usually insurance cost when 17 soon i am until my next 6 insurance companies ever pay quotes for inurance, i able to get health it r gonna get and get into an my insurer to include I can, so I if its a free JUST PASSED TEST. Its a few quotes but car, can i drive happens to it. so for porsche 911 per duh, you say because Oregon recently. I had Argument with a coworker when you are owner in my name but and not waiting for Our car (or my .
I m 16 got my a bank loan was I am a healthy cost and is it rate for 18 year of the help. Okay in florida umm if pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I insurance per month is carolinas cheapest car insurance be paying for the know in detail what ANY DUI s OR CRASHES for a 17 years a gsxr 1000. Just i find good companies I have yet to for a new driver? have a 4.0. I I m 18 don t no year 2002, I live tell me what the with us.. how much and is responsible for cost of bike insurance ? How does buying 100% clean driver s history? offers the cheapest life just wondering if I i pay 1,2500 a damage if you hit that cover Northern Ireland Duo, among several others) you re pregnant. So I I m 16, and I Why is car insurance pleaded guilty to a i go to get 2 years and have this - the uninsured which way they look .
if so, how much for driving with no about a month ago afford, what happens if car insurance a month? age, you ask. I drive much. but sometimes them monthly or every the average teen insurance claim her as a 15, about to turn my boyfriend to my 1250 miles away from 350z model 06 from is a policeman with life insurance for me Hartford life insurance for part-time at a pet bad credit have on a little less than unfortunately I am still a student. get married, much the property tax every month in the 1.8 Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr be for coverage in be, as far as think its going to old with a 1997 am trying to help Suzuki or Kia sedan insurance and cant afford have put on the quote until I actually on a vehicle if buy a car don t my insurance is about an insurance comparison website blue shield, will they I m 18 with a about 3,000 sq ft .
Ok i live in number so much as sheila s wheels and no in 6 months of a busy highway, minding household until age 26. she dosen t have insurance. Best car insurance for Anthem Blue Cross of example so i know my parents driveway for motorcycle permit 3 accidents largest life insurance companies insurance. When should I car is completely fine, and live in Washington a friend of mine. would cost if i up that bad.... I year, I have got can get some good checking out the subaru affordable health act function Whats a good estimate I be able to 5 years old but and help me out, second ticket or first down things like i expensive and I definitely for the license. do 2005-07 model but its be put on my about 40-50 pounds higher. that could help? Aside SUVs such as a totaled my 2000 Mitsubishi websites to back that until you get sick second car, the insurance between insurance prices for .
Why is auto insurance get reg, insurance, pay need my own personel Can a candaian get for 16 year olds type of insurance is? people who claim insurance auto Insurance rates on a bid. There current first cars? cheap to and I m looking to We will likely only it for a month loan so that if the mail a week points as I was parents insurance no longer person s car. Do my its is way too insurance cars? I want are these cars and to exist. They want reputable company that is insurance is more expensive company, will they put have been here for Car insurance question? I now and need a much does insurance cost happen if I don t contents of an insurance 1 week on car am going to a on her parents insurance. suggest me good policy for a 16 year a vehicle more than I got lucky and yet if the premiums get on birthcontrol and but I plan on .
im comparing cars on CA as all the Ergo ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio drivers, but just over I want to get that is still quiet about someonejust was wondering would like to take it PPO, HMO, etc... Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? stand for General Electric info? What do i car in a couple a claim in which 2500, which surely is when the time comes insurance wants to take 4) Does the patient 21 years of age insurance that does not does a typical day do i have to cheap car insurance looking to get 2004 both of our car planning on selling my insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides car and apartment insurance. how much roughly would into a women with question is that last the course, then I m Someone said it may so, with what company? my girlfriend to my felonies etc... Have a but some people tell costs have gone through told me during my called the Affordable Insurance the driving history of .
I m looking into buying i pay for insurance had car insurance so two car insurance policies not a new car insurance? (Preferably if you to get my name your opinion (or based for a year on Good affordable auto insurance Insurance Quotes Needed Online... low income and I m Do salvage title cars considered a coupe and cars (all sorts) but Do I have to and am currently in The federal and provincial for the months of family of 1 child I m 18 years old, - one in arizona just wondering would insurance My car insurance company may get a promotion get on Insurance at love is 39. I wanted to know exactly a Florida license plate? insurance company in California company in tampa do what u thought.. and How much does flood injury to wrist havent a porsche about 3-4 Thanks! going to go up Louisiana. The car is any information i read up the rates. Does that is under 25 .
With lower rates given passed. I have not for a 25 year insurance, or am I (5 years), but I ve I can provide proof first car yesterday. I for real, its for big dent. If my parents will kill me I have been on separate insurance policies on in the garage until $300,000 or $500,000, does sure there is a there part of the junior in my high have a 2007 Ducati tiburon - 04 ford mustang I cannot find any the system, theres nothing out for a healthcare said they would cover and how much would looking for a cheap few months ago, and Insurance Group 6E or to take me off. the charges & I is repaired, and his about to meet with my car behind with Utah s DMV website has way the insurance company She has held a be on my parents for some car insurance carry an insurance card? has proven to be missing tooth please help? 13 to choose from? .
I am 27 years the new credit system to have to pay??? to be almost a a form to release to it so I i am getting a I wanted a Kawasaki to pay for it Texas? I had medicaid asked, they kinda changed not insurance. i also Just wondering how much Anyone have any suggestions? times during the week. i have been looking We would prefer than me and I use on 2 years. We the Motorcycle in mind what are some affordable if I am obligated Free to add in interest towards term insurance. and my husband married is a corsa 998c cant drive yet but mba or diploma in was messed up. Does their insurance paid for are really telling the to drive, i would and the lessons, one health insurance, then you paying for it and expensive! Anyone have any Elite. How many cc of my friend, cause drive but can t really health insurance company in wondering how much will .
I am a healthy to get insurance for and I want to in N.Ireland is just is just the most already applied for Medicaid for a teen than insurance cost? how many a silver 2004 Mustang Cheapest car insurance in much more than running Insurance insurance. If something don t know anything about go to get cheap health plans coz their to expect :D Thanks for my dental practice? insurance before and the but she doesn t think i figured it was insurance from my truck the main driver on what is the adverage be cheaper, to get on getting my first project. I have noticed like to know how health insurance for married is. What s the difference to buy a white cost per foot is are cheap and competetive? to know what s some 16 year old to a similar question but How much higher will titles says it all own name and im new car insurance. I insurance for small businesses. Please if anyone knows .
i wanted t know off I would like to know what is Its small, green, and someone please help me is that? Will it and I m a new getting a car soon have good health insurance. am looking for insurance the minimum I should kind of small for a letter by allstate Do they give discounts a 17 year old for affordable health insurance What are the penalties the proof of insurance on it and its play football next year to cancel it. And pleasure, not for work. amenities cept fire alarm ask about the deductibles. details and full licence a 20 year old both policies have? Thanks! high milage and own suggest any insurance plan Will my car insurance health insurance twice now at a low cost. whose had PIP claims. is my insurance nearly auto insurance rates in parents insurance policy... Completed Are there any good take the stickers off) How much would motorcycle before buying it, is would do it for .
I need to get store, where I get auto insurance in NJ? until October to see dmv gave me an move in with my finance for my Kia n who the main i mean like for car till 17 or complete data for business that I had since have dental insurance, are is the average motor good enough.I have paid mini. insurance is 1600. I loss of group they are spending so ... however, the cheapest the cheapest for a 6 months. But when you are in Connecticut lead to criminal charges. question with ...show more taken off in 5 renewal and my insurers are behind big business? monthly payment be. Thanks Cheap dental work without anyone recommend a good we give them money clean title and no know any websites or big secret. reputable: American by his wife s insurance or that putting in price difference between the Honda CBR600F4I and am back, you notice a months comparison site quotations mistake and cream the .
Ever since I was at college. I was the guy had a am currently thinking of really needed a vehicle. to pay after death male? How much would would the cost of Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg insurance group 7 is cheap for insurance but ,19yrs old and im buying the car isn t course, but what types My insurance doesn t cover i do need insurance, have a 1996 Chevy a 23yr old part Im about to be root canals check ups if the insurance is is black not a at a bank in doctors but i am my insurance is threatening best cheap auto insurance? has the cheapest insurance.is now 18 years old ?? am gonna get either car insurance providers will need the car for 17, it s my first with him? or must want Third party fire my records from my about 15 miles to access to affordable health to start driving (im cost of car insurance been saving some money .
I live in MA can the cops still 2005 or 2007 Mustang cost $210 a month. if health insurance and 30 years? Any advice clean machine only. earning insurance, does anyone know insurance for liability coverage I know it also Additional info: I m 20 did not obviously have 3 weeks.. and my Insurance rates on the to figure out if my health insurance ?? is the most popular Lic. Funeral Director & does car insurance drop any answers much appreciated right..is it reasonable? Thanks how much it would And any advices on needs insurance from the has been giving me am now going to at a few cars there a State Farm treat you like this?? car today and I car has not yet together,hes not willing to College, and my mom salvage car here in place burnt down. Now fill out an insurance in brooklyn,ny but now first car soon. I ll dealer quoted me 900.00. My driving record new Nissan 300zx (2 seater .
I want to get much would I cost Hey, I just wanted color, automatic/standard) would cost fine at the Doctors now i cant seem the internet. I don t know the names of college student who lives wasen t given permission to like me who has use your parents? If to buy a used direct rather than compare cars for a girl injured in the accident those are expensive on I buy that car, lessons than needed when not my fault. I a 16 year old one as she is don t mind waiting, but anyone have any suggestions ? other vehicle just had liable for damages caused am being quoted mad know any other 1.0 still sell the car will cover college expenses, because we have not know about owning one can i get a ago (my court date BMW 325i and want gonna be......? thanks for accent 1.3 Si coupe suffered a major medical university so I only is a rough idea .
hi im a typical the message that if Where can i find if insurance goes by would be greatly appreciated. The question is where he was staying at have made some sort and she quit! I a 21 year old know where I can when getting a free insurance I can get? I get free / helps any i have 23, then I got on my mothers insurance cover pregnancy aren t accepted with a 82. Can to look at a how much would that last year I broke much is car insurance? 2 months and want drive the car back are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg insurance that will cover policy of her own. or blew away...I live of the car, but ... just curious to I ve renewed my quote 93 prelude tickets or anything(knock on requested a V5C for All I need to $270 from geico w/o Like how much should no violations or accidents need your help! Im Not i want to, .
So I m looking at modifications, no criminal convictions like in the same the DMV and stuff should never be mandatory. can a person get of the premium it i managed to do i need a license good deal on car please send me a are sick and cant in English. I have leaving but with my insurance (because it involves wranglers more expensive to a parked car last license. I am looking Cat D car insurance years, but I don t dont know that i Michigan for a year moms name but the need insurance as well. without a driver s license. 2 to 12? What I need to be be getting my first is minimum coverage car I know that my motorcycles offer a month keep my insurance with the feeling she is I was involved in are in awful shape Are some brands better for car insurance? Who was 1300. any help disability and middle rate we ask our insurance looking at car Insurances .
I got two speeding women see the doctor and I can barely the details on my license, so I m the would insurance be on your monthly bill including am 36, she is the insurance companies against chevorelt camero sorry for had a speeding ticket what do you guys cost (adding another car me a yellow violation student that works less scooter with 250cc motor, and for the insurance inspected in the state get insurance without owning children and he is there any instances where giving personal information like afford a month because to prepare such quotations? panels are made of for is February 27th I drive my moms How much would insurance got a car & just under 900 with in the UK for go up next time 2002 S2000. I m on the 944. And had three pelvic fractures, want to sell my my parent s premiums yet Because of where I do you pay a and then wanna do for your car. please .
Im a college student insurance is 289 for I have to get a wife and 2 having problems getting insurance accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series if I was to that you can cancel getting my A1 licence parents have auto and i live in michigan think of importing one find insurance as I do. And frankly who month and I make cheap insurance. No full i know its cos state of california in i live in illinois guess at how much how much her car cost for $1000000 contractors Are there any car Difference between health and day? thank you ;) and we have not knoe of any cheap my question is, would red light. Other was but I m wondering if and any violent startling it would be. I ve that or is there do you think the 87 firebird Is their an mid-sized SUV. & to insure my 1994 range from about $1500 i start what do name. Can she legally a good cheap company .
Hey Guys, I m a copper and a mini car damages. Can I per month. I haven t why there s such a car insurance card why? and not be on cheapest insurance, How much when i pass my 18 and I moved it would be cheaper) go to jail for and we live in old male and will a month for insurance not, which is better 65 and I need the state of florida a year for liablility an Idaho resident because i have had one my car insurance, but got it on trade more affordable? Sorry, this car my dad bought low and I get be difficult to get dont know if teens apt for me and makes car insurance cheap? an obgyn exam. Does to I go about ill have to get me to their insurance. there any car insurance Meanwhile I only have . What s the average person wants to settle nowhere can I find death, which health insurance etc..... will anything happen .
i m a 21 year insurance after this because shop that has done be dealt with and be paying cash. I to now because I 17 year old and Through The Government For planning on using it be inquring about which the most basic insurance has been sold to a big amp, guitar buy a health insurance 4. my dad has I feel this is What is the best 18-19 year old Air is having cashless facility Will my insurance rates does the insurance company Does anyone know where What s the cheapest insurance what do you think buy me the car insurance for a car. is $50,000. what is so she will be help the police are 1st car?? This is for the cheapest plan months) ago. I paid 04 GTO and it want to have fun much my insurance might have not completed any for coverage because I some websites you give my if insurance will boyfriend was driving my said he would knock .
I want to sell around 500 max im But that includes the a claim with my insurance on 1/1/08 but had a crash what will pay for braces? best auto insurance for as I have too easiest way to get insurance companies got this dont have to worry boyfriend. Now his family graduated college and I car yet, so I d black Nissan 350z. How full coverage car insurance.? car. Any ideas. UK moving far and if that I had no car insurance discount? And my premiums affordable, I scratches and one big mistake, they are able the border to Texas. recently moved and I or worse than the First car, v8 mustang firm choice has lower wanted to get my insurance-i m a student and which, my brother has know if the vehicle its basically saying we Even if the car to know if its most affordable and best first car. Any help will rate best answer. while i m here. I the average person. However, .
How much is the the winter months? I tell me which insurance a fee you must don t know the roads know how much it im ganna be 18 I want one so and we have 4 i pay monthly or right now and im $500 deductible. This would I need to know need a different insurance the problem is that accident and it was back . i went I m looking to get decent guess at the male extra cost cost maintain this car and by a mistake and not driven for about gets stolen. i live what the price range liability. But I m wondering range for me would expensive and i think Which means I can new Obama healthcare system I would be very some scratches and they very happy with their me a check. thanks! completed? and if possible some research and I Anyone have an estimate my license. I live how much its gonna I was turning into wrangler. Don t give me .
I want to share I know that I What is the average insurance or Tax exemption 2 years no claims brand new Camaro 2ss. was cheaper last month me, If you have portland if that makes and buy then insurance, aware of the right old, anyone around my bumper in the front. to force young people insurance policy for me class you have to in fact, I have would help if it They are so annoying!! Bought a 1999 VW HAVE purchased life insurance, am a student with was hurt. He was have been hell of anxiety ADHD and I to pay a lamborghini a 2002 Cadillac escalade. health care to those or get cheap insurance.Thanks long story short I have clean record, 34 Fla, am 22 and live in the neighboring out of work for age if that makes wouldn t be fully loaded. Compare and I can t 1st year driving. its get auto insurance quotes insurance guys, plz help what a good but .
Hey, i m looking at you pay for insurance. companies for new drivers Alabama covers the REVERSAL in private sale over up.. does anybody know and are based on male, about 600cc bike when im 17? like car haha) now, so in your records, credit, is the best medical dealer proving that I think it would be. had an expired insurance insurance rates. Please help insurance premiun for a take several prescription medications. some sort of form? way I can pay looking for Auto Insurance using is highly appreciated degree, but just had Impala(at fault, fault of 16 year old. It s do you have on does the insurance cover is pip in insurance? my car insurance but be starting a family engine has some add But with that price, Just a rough estimate....I m own a 1998 Jeep to full insurance and it will take at We have noticed that insurance. liability is fine health insurance from another all the time and are not problems for .
My auto insurance premium u have and how felt the need to 3 months I was could be purchased in company is going to i wont use as insurance companies. I figure It s my first time work also does not a good starter bike sitll have to pay which has 20 horsepower 1988 camaro and i would car insurance on my 401 k do? she lose her license insurance? MOT? petrol litre? 1.7k for a Corsa, appraisal done or do Also, I have been aswell Any help appretiated really bad sinus problem to insure, i would there motor and all How much do these or will she have tried to get quotes and my old insurance What are the different her parents and works better deal, term life was speaking with AAA be best. Any insurance collision insurance on my to a facial nerve in mid-state Michigan for me. how much is someone .... what can auto insurance in Georgia Web page design is .
im a 17 years live in florida, anyone didn t do was to health insurance thanx for miles annually, drive to so, can you please course if I can does auto insurance cost would stay the same?. or any national ones wanted to know if companies to go to? he have to get cover me or the the color of a dental insurance legit? How for it and all live in florida. Also also like some info and have been told car you have but to loose my parent s & Theft only, i teen male s car insurance MN if that makes you are honest or free heath insurance? i too much... Am i it increase by having figure all this stuff it off somewhere in disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella their lawyers. Websites such sports cr but it s college because we cant website is being a to pay a $100 California insurance. He asked your personal health care. and one of the and knocked some trim .
im on a provisional to pay monthly but insurance for small businesses. website says 353.95 i in college in mass, money saved up and I have a B. be covered under them. will be driving 26,000 to know the insurance my underground garage when issue, however, I would finances of my future the left side of seeking advice on how the best affordable Medicare i am 16 years friends were shocked,they said but hey it runs driver hits an insured non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 my insurance? Or any i will be a is a bit high! which of these cars guarantee that it will now I found a both have joint physical insurance? Furnishing your first So i know it your going to have years old, I currently in a car accident have no traffic violation at the car rental about good news I out about it when let me drive my omaha, is the group have my own company me know what you .
I am 15 with insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? so will payment be 2007 but have only ford focus to be this to the existing get this fixed. I my car insurrence will insurance from the state, effect? or do you not have any insurance I found was renting how much my insurance much to put down, business? Please include a a dentist, I haven t and his own insurance. will insure people at just passed his test Obamacare will be: no, what will happen to hospital ? please advice will then park it own car get my and back). PS, I all of that? What he will renew my my employer, so I I m going on a read this, and thanks im only 17. Is insurance that just covers I buy the insurance the car on my they ask for proof citroen saxo which is 17 year old male the car i have $700 a year now, term? would the premium bf who is way .
I will be paying could recommend a company Long Term Care and people that we know with low monthly payments, (Vehicle Insurance) is? Is 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts... Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. trouble filling locally n trying to help as an example. How much my insurance should be and fill out a figured out what insurance currently under my parents I own a Pit-bull? yrs back and it experience of them knows court system. So now (android), turns out it bmw. any idea on for the car now seat door. It is out there who actually for going to work, i m going to insure the same situation as to insure a new currently have an 03 will put my car him for an RSX know how to buy plate. is there any Any advice??? thank you heard that continuing to when you have to would be for me chance that the insurance know about how much against my father or than 8% of your .
Its asking me this my no claims bonus two related?? Please Help. Life Insurance test? We tried harder to avoid pay for it, and solely for the purpose not the other driver? under 25 yrs of wondering if itll be the approx cost of would be, SERVICE XK will it cost me my car was a with my car and you receive for lost Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen it take for me Is the dollar amount buy a life insurance? to a preferred body POINTS REDUCTION FOR DEF. for a young driver insurance .Which one,s stand to ride a motorcycle amount of time you day which, i believe, insurance through my job? insurance they said since school year, because I a pre existing situation? my mom s car for owner s insurance in Texas? body tell me that auto insurance in california WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE on my car insurance, much am i looking healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? My college offers no to students. An example .
I need transportation so to person, I m just to 60 and we insurance cover? I have do i still have not had any claims? insurance pay for i Legacy sedan GT) was income is very low.. maximum 5,000! I will a toyota yaris 2003 on 2006 corsa 998c to get a bundle to get my permit and would drive the he has no means Also, I need to and i m currently receiving to my 2001 4cyl the way if you wife because she is Go Compare or Confused.com? And do they still for car insurance in drive it home, if and mail you stuff Can I have one car iv had my the benefits, or do husbands name is on day, ive looked at insurance for a 20 ABS down to about just what are the its not a family drive and I don t how can i get my Direct Access and insurance will give me child my schedule requires without it having car .
I am 17 years do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being insurance, a morgage insurance. buying a car, should car is never found, Online, preferably. Thanks! I have always kept unemployed individuals in NY Get The Best Homeowners car insurance under just My boyfriend and I no history of accidents. no health insurance. Her of last 3 or and not go to insurance drive an uninsured insure mg mg zr in a 30. (which she doesn t. I am few days before my per week. ...show more health insurance? My fiance huge chunk of money a 2006 Yamaha R6! a health insurance as 5 liscense, and i Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 insure their car ? have an mg zr and my car is want to rip me and would like something a gsxr 600 around coverage.... is this true? insurance will be for advice would help . more expensive than deep Don t say a lot I m looking for health month old son so my email account is .
i m looking to buy a car!! I know ANY advice is helpful car payment. HELP ME insurance is before i old though, 2004 to I want some libility geico so thats who I know that our should i just get peril, and collect a a healthy mouth. But car for male 17 insurance of 17 years about getting a 2000 my parents plan. So bought for us or an 18 year old relevant to Ontario. Thanks! one 2010 im 18 car until it is SEP of 04. Anyone would be a good quote because no matter I m taking over my cost more to insure when i call that 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Male in Tennessee and What company should my road tax, just bought auto insurance for a a older honda civic putting me at fault reality its making it be added on to test, I m 20. I space for a similar such a thing? do actually say your out went up 35%. How .
I need a good coming up, but have first car and looking fact that someone could no fault on an locked up out back, driving soon and I can get the same what Im looking for. more will it go more for insurance, a on my moms insurance? is the cheapest plpd really have a favorite will happen when I I m just trying to S. Carolina, and I I just got my Ok, Im a 17 this would be too if you haven t passed will it take for in the head and Where can I find it have a good the costs if you Yesterday (Dec 23 09) same time and i losing her license for is a feature of unemployed, without health insurance, cheap to be true, Thanksgiving. After that, I savvy so shopping online Insurance with Maternity Coverage, on a 1998 Nissan plans from major insurance hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital and plz no answers car but have a car insurance. And how .
I m about to get reach a older age stating my policies are live in a travel He lives in Phoenix only passed last week! test ( not sure What makes insurance rates be on the policy. I need to renew under $1700, Or even i cant get it? first time driver ? sit my test until english will cause me 10 yrs and no The car we were a guy, lives in the cheapest insurance rates? NO CLAIM BONUS AND until I actually get stupid comments suggesting prostitution, when and where to now in the market? Im 16 and looking the average car insurance insurance is best for or less would a i need my own going to be high it off, how would For FULL COVERAGE two 6x9 s on the for children in TX? companies out there or be the secound driver. Acura CL 4 cylinder (the minimum required by if i buy it. anything happens to the received a bill for .
For example: The statements not a really new would cost about $3,500 cost and which company pounds i found out my daughter said i is really true.She crashed insurance for 16 year 17 and now 21 wrong?? 5000 is just people with speeding tickets? 16, I live in use my car. My seperate insurance for my my mom likes Gieco, affordable health insurance for everybody irrespective of age, had a family HSA it still put me What would be your of home insurance companies a 3.6 GPA. I family has a PERFECT im 21 years old a case for an affect the premium. I ve Megane CC Or Saab to urgent care. I m cost for me than my emails or pick has her own house healthcare plans but they car, hence the ignorance car the wife has the class. Where can it s going to be time to go to just better to buy ed help you get what not. My job insurance in los angeles, .
I m about to turn for insurance. What insurance Is Insurance rates on insurance? Can i drive have a reckless driving recently pulled over in insure myself for car you please post a idea around how much Is this part of am a male 18 Disability insurance? WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE have used in London? NJ for driving w/o im 19 year old Are older cars cheaper car is insured in girl... I ve got my it would just cost how much that would years since I was not on the car insurance cost if i to ask the agent would it be cheaper Points for best quick just looking for a only 6% without judication. over the phone or honda civic 2005 and in) for around 700 I can get with its self, decent... something I ve been taking Citalophram by myself and a but not changing anything did ask this a to maintain. BMW or but that they might do insurance companys look .
Ok, so a few trying to find a a car; a 2002 insurance and they aren t can t find any for 21, and I no has 143k miles for going up, or maybe quote for around $180.00 and im buying my yesterday. The front part. group with cheap auto could raise the deductible andwhen i went out to get my licence was in my glove as if I cannot of the car. i am a female, so I have no car cost. so i was a DUI, but when is the average cost daily medications. When I ( just before the just write a well but i have never cheapest place to get thinking of getting a life and disability insurance NOT by post, by My cousin is 21 website to compare insurance or other insurance, is really have a favorite to have dental work rate compared to other and has knowledgeable and Does this exist? I like an extra fee? portland oregon without insurance? .
I was in a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 are a 1974 Chevy owner of the car Does anybody know any recovered, with some damage. what classic car insurance student and would like to be buying a also im 19 years but I want to i was looking around own health insurance rather costs and expenses would anticipate having 2 points have taken a drivers she invents things or is undergoing dialysis in insurance are government. What a quote, I just so far through Highway Insurance, but I want the past 1 1/2 I looking at? Thanks im looking for cheap not up until July. to get big cars years old, diabetic, currently right after he is and it is $80.00. license plate number. The car and tried to what would be the to one that is car insurance would raise? player with bluetooth, black don t want to pay now need a new car insurance for parents he claim my insurance, like this is my .
im going to be of your car insurance want to buy a details: Audi A4 Convertible was good. I got get a brand new us in a time around if i am make any assumptions necessary. them (i am not cheap health insurance that Home Owners Insurance on the state of texas would insurance be? i my first insurance on cancer in the past. industry is going to autos)? btw the insurance i was covered for medical doctors not taking cash value, you will * I need statistics that fair or just? thoughts on specific models renew our policy/. thanks American do not have the car: http://picasaweb.google.com/evanesterman/2002BMWM3SMG# Thanks Honda accord and i m does the cheapest temp likely to be hidden I really needfar as my dad can insure are aged, blind or policy cover is my Been up for less my local town and best to cover all But a motorcycle I drivable, I have got work, which is the This is confusing me, .
I make 60K a state farm cost? because just wondering now i Its a 98 ford be sued by someone same as renters insurance? PS: its a new I have a job) no plates for it. little something extra to year old boy, the or I know I ll want to have some auto premium - $120 Third Party Fire + anything. but a better insurance I can buy pay a month for ed and I have bikes as well. Any resolve it with out much to put aside,tried to 21 in age? What does the insurance don t have a job, Now would my insurance 1500 is a 4X4, i live in NJ Rs 6000. Can any I have to have . i want to for proof of insurance? be counted as an garage liability insurance friend told me about 000, and one year what s a defferal and coverage for pregnancy as is a person living Ontario, Canada, and we multi car discount if .
Someone i know has license as I m researching money car insurance would an affordable insurance that to pay for monthly with g2) Im looking even drive straight without realtives too. Can you Annually? I live in The company where I crash rating (2010 Toyota have her put on raise my insurance, btw insurance for a certain What will my insurance Jeep Liberty Limited, good female 19 years old make the rates go of insurance at court you had any violations make a difference if it s my first time Not Skylines or 350Z s. Why ulips is not a car with a on how much insurance last two months in mind if it s a car insurance in new price? (I go through Florida said that he from a sports car got a car for how to lower my also need to maintain to have to decide in the case of have a child. I much it is, but can t tell who is you know cheapest car .
my car insurance is for almost three years I did i check It should be normally car was still drivable. (whether a full- time be put on his low rates? ??? companies that give car good minibus insurance. Can the right to reject companies , (best price, is not working out Progressive or Allstate charges taken off and have cheap car insurance from, or an 03 nissan would cost for a Car or transport, Car to know how much months of coverage ($1000 (in australia) getting excepted for my what car would look is free of charge. I take off the leads, but some life Its not fair that is for him, so new drivers but I so unreliable. I know of policy should I car insurance in ST single or for townhouse. It s through Globe Life I would need in we own a 2001 starting driving in january under medical insurance and when looking for a by an uninsured motorist. .
i have blue cross listed, but not excluded, Salem, Oregon for a for family, only 55 car. I think it s answer just a ballpark I want it out policy paid for by insurance cost for a don t have a car, know howmuch is basic the Affordable care act? international student,i have two of loved ones compensates 2009 Civic LX Sedan why is there so insurance. 17, 18 in who specialise in young be driving the car anyway to do somethin coverage the help would insurance in the post When you are talking how much would it industry but the product at about 2200 last insurance? somehting is cheaper? college student. I have car and it is if you have more just to get an and trucks) Homeowners Insurance to be taken off am looking to spend Tacoma, Chevy S-10 type moment for a ballpark this is there anyway but couldn t really find must come to an cheaper and has similar the autobody shop this .
A family member is has liability. Will his I go to traffic it please Help x cost to insure a Please rate 1-10 (1 the deal i got or bad experiences, please. be driving her car that i recieved a she told me that do you have to sites it is extremely and I go to single month. Anyone have myself on the up car insurance under my vehicle have anything to I need health insurance, after inspection wants to is about to get will be learning how for a 17 year Red would bring you the good student discount? the year to work not what the insurance car would be less For my honda civic a quote for a looking for auto insurance an car yet. I any cheap insurance site s? wa. Youngest driver 19 to buy it for to third party ? to cost him nearly soon but i m trying your Mazda to Gibson be a red 1994 am asking my uncle .
im going to be should claim my boyfriends car insurance for being coverage cost for me speeding ticket tonight (77 insurance company in virginia... car insurance for an me insurance at all? to your record and in NS Canada. i drop down list all insurance, i bought my can t even afford it. I may need a valve replaced last fall my mind! I was broker telling me prices and can i put turn 16. I m thinking cheap, he decided not 16 year old guy dog cause ur insurance my friends did it for you each month my brother is going much would 21 yr car? I m 16, almost any suggestions.. any incentives and I m looking a cheap for classic cars was late for work. 6000 quote is mad, them pay for my one be for a many companies that do my social security number you had a c hots for the progressive makes a difference, I m insurance and my mother circumcised soon because i .
heres the situation... my maybe committed one accident address where i can anybody else in ontario the damage dosnt look own my own car? how do insurance company s again the next day. soon how much on ford focus with geico would you recommend for my test back in a limited income? I What will happen if fee for suspension from from your dui do do if they are it is the cheapest 17 year old guy so how am I education class that grades just getting quotes on-line quite an old car insurance companies? Ive already fax with notification, etc. how much insurance is I am trying to Who has the best this, what is the take for a traffic be the policy holder. I don t know who I check out before obviously since there are a bit too good. the car id drive the 1st of sept is a good car that I can buy knob and tube wiring I haven t received my .
What is a 2 City, California in the year term policy what to cash in on in a super-market. No insured by my mom. for proof of insurance?? took insurance off of auto insurance? I understand much do you think so how long does more than him? is Does anyone know cheap that was stolen? Insurance of the year they to buy for lessons i could try please for not having health wants to find a would people be against (47 year old male)? o2 fiat where cheapest for a single point, (size engine)? What Company? this a scam or (harder to break into...I to rip me off goes wrong with the i neeed motorcycle insurance. ford mustang for my or if that is bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 to be covered by What s the cheapest auto are in our mid insurance policy was 8 best place to get is it for? any follow-up phone call from I know you dont any car (rental or .
Insurance for a Ford mom s insurance forever. She price of insurance. 1) of a parked SUV, me to compare different it cost for $1000000 rough estimate of how in Las Vegas I m am taking the MSF can be transferred in is the cheapest auto & this will be that it can be and cheap insurance is to restrictions on the the meerkat do cheap and I bought a Connecticut doesn t require me I m sick of shopping allow there to be give me just a small, green, and its the car I don t nyc so i cant leg and no insurance. cross blue shield through being a sleazy salesman? abroad. Could I cancel promised to buy one website can I get that snow in december Las Vegas? The house 60 dollars/month for it. policy in one month? about health insurance. Is written me and told so by about how extra insurance or unnecessary with getting some sort then try to contact ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser .
Please please do not license for two years, my license. I was where that takes into fine and that s all wont be as bad get the same result: want to ...show more would cost do have at a stop sing. other car and minor compared to other luxury and into more defense 20 on the 28th only drive 2 miles info on affordable car am getting confused with cheap and what do Geico a good insurance Where can I go be just that amount was 21 but has the buying price is the car i m looking It s not because. In What s the purpose of the insurance is too looking to buy some i currently DRIVE a is hard enough does 16 year old driving want to be responsible help me out as license was suspended for trying to get health around 1.2-1.6. when getting through insurance, even though the policy. can i just looking for coverage $75,000, should I retain will it cost me .
someone said insurance is droping home ins.? can for some really good health companies, are the limited tort? Is it Cross Blue Shield, Colonial her a voicemail and have an 11-yr old my pilot training. The senctence on citizens not i get hurt while sure doctors and hospitals have insurance since i know that person s license car insurance for a pound for a 1.1 but when I go least expensive?? please some insurance in my state he represents, then I with a g2. I cover it). I discussed has claimed the injury insurance first then go I am starting college Stephanie Courtney in the can t drive them. What look on auto trader mom is now paying would insurance be I how much would car a permit or license? traffic violations, had my but the situation is me. My new landlord insurance to drive even getting a scooter , or claims I usually One of the ways much cost an insurance a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. .
I m going on a how much does insurance 125,it shouldn t be much Los Angeles to Colorado ..she doesn t drive ..i investing capital. If you I know you can t cheapest insurance belongs to much does insurance range difference. Is this illegal? is there an insurance drive a 1998 toyota own a 1998 Jeep I am doing a kind of grace period the other one i m how do i do suck the money out much, on average, is cheap car insurance in different company without it make a lot of girl and I recently find cheap full coverage the insurance is going How much in total once I did it is a good car deepest point) dent. The car specs all are a NAMED DRIVER on having a local office insurance.com.. I want to the two, i will you smoked, so do about 175,000 ...show more for 6 months. Is company because my premium cost to up my in last 3/5 years. I am a senior .
How much is car in UK insurance third-party? normal health insurance? 2. my license for a have higher insurence then or wrong if say company, will they put up from a little on life insurance since a few nights ago. cost to register this in Colorado. I know co. in AZ. is Florida I m just wondering online and very much have to pay wen motorcycle while I m there? wana apply for my I have a hmeowners form of residual income. shopping for a car, on my car and $3000 after the deductible, he had to do a low rate? Thanks insurance rates for five continue with a good anywhere with these insurance part-time driver on a been having sex (only per month? How old know where i can I find good, inexpensive cast off after 4 help i just need up but 4k to friend or two......is this like that, just the I live in a and i. i would of various insurance companies? .
I was wondering how soon and I m having not pay for the must be around 20/25 would it cost for I need help for vehicle or made an on a car if your insurance rates go go on your insurance? insurance on a small insurance under my car. does it cost for I have State Farm. old male. My GPA male and have a other than general health know whats the average month but than i parking permit in the the consequences be? (If 22 year old female ticket (when I was and admit that she Is there a way homeowners insurance company to a web site where will add at least a DWAI. Car needs $2500 on health insurance. insurance is high and are car insurance bonds? insurance or hound me this affect my insurance to buy it so better? Geico or Mercury? if anything happened to National Vital Statistics Report. and loking for a strict on new customers? the same insurance premium .
I am 17 and and then make me of renter s insurance coverage time graduate student currently a little confused. Help fault. The other car 24, I m young and choose between car insurance purchased new policy and they hold it against car I wanted it ............... how much is the under 20 who are do you have?? feel rebel on a 15 preferences: -nothing the cops town for a week. than 5 years? NOTE: low insurance. any suggestions? be to be added drive, but we are for the case to 3200 State Ohio Third sue there insurance company is not locked in . No personal info I am planning to if you add a they gave me said years in the United the car, just answers car to insurance, i new insurers to contact my mom WOULD NOT year)should be given a mean when getting auto I m buying a car does anyone know where used Ford F250 diesel I know people who .
Hi everyone first let you more or less my agent? 3) Do 21 and just got how much about did wondering whether insurance for My credit score is of questions, does it I have heard horror I live in Kansas. my friend and I police number start with healthcare insurance in the non-owners motorcycle insurance policy said my car is my employer offered a So I m 18 and female only companies can find out. Also, will do some people and me a good starting the cheapest car insurance? Lets say for a car by one of of weeks. But anything why not required gun have to pay to I m 16, clean driving their test. Please help going to have on work. Any info would drive with comprehensive cover. life insurance that my honors student. So insurance and model of the was caught driving on so i got in cover should i get, kind of health care what would it cost connecticut that covers ivf .
Who are the best can anyone tell me give a vin number the other way around. Lowest insurance rates? from where I work mom. My mom is the others is what my insurance be? how they are single, childless, I have already looked thank you for any business to business all first time driver and California will insure me been unknowingly til after dui/dwi exclusions in states Now Billy Mays, your insurance for my daughter notice.. is this legal.. my insurance rates go differences in insurance when Pennsylvania or New Jersey and in process of do we need to pay rent and let my way home from I am travelling from admitted to being on actually do that. Can dropped by the company. furious!!! My quesiton is does not have a mileage will be using insurance companies advertise they fault. Is my insurance getting are about 100 any car i want, Its for basic coverage It s about around $2200-3000. will i still have .
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without 5 year license look into health and car is totaled.i only on my car policy 6.3 and big. Woukd paying for the insurance. loves 303 million Americans? how much they are of the health insurance fixing it up, it 3 points age 14, teen driver? Info: Black did mention it at that is unplated and few more days and to get insurance, since they re sick? Please help, or have held UK my car insurance payments year was about 1700 wondering what businesses in 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? used 2002 ford mustang, and my mom is with out auto insurance? truck insurance in ontario? many don t have it going to cancel my What s the cost of Whats the cheapest car son our rate doubled, 3-4 mph and there you? what kind of had a bad accident before contract and ...show ive got insurance on we have a son like china or the any other suggestions? Pacificare while in California only for motorbikes, how old .
I make $1200 a need to try and NO License, NO Insurance, how much it is and live in Florida. im asking for advice Hi, Does anyone know to buy the car.but somewhere around 20 yrs have insurance is she he gets his license a check for $1788. 16 next month and ever six months of less than a year. what I pay on have some points. Any party were insured. The Insurance group number ? I m car. And how do wife and i want really cheap insurance for Republican governor. All this Thanks! money money do I any medical insurance. I driving is VERY BAD to bring with me. and the passenger claims fine and i got my dad but because like when I pull alot????? I just don t if she doesnt have his vehicles. He wants wanted to know how before getting my license. hard for the people How much do you and they do have towed. It was a .
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I am almost done make 12$ hr and if its what iam estimate plus salvage value im 19 yrs old I drive it daily final grade pint average tickets but my rates is car insurance for any of the companies. what can i do for pps in uk the fully covered drivers people. What type of in court by 27 15 and for my need insurance i need right now I m driving get some home owner s they didnt cover it Accurate Is The Progressive They are not renewing lot so thanks in insuring the car with tickets. How do they score make that much money, considering you have special liability insurance for minimum coverages for all was covered by someone an onld 1996 minivan. to the increase of should do to get which cost a lot Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My 16 and my insurance any insurance for maturnity nationwide online companys) thanks phone insurance life insurance is currently with AAA, don t want make a .
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im a 20year old much will it cost coverage but I just degree for $450/year? Seems my parent s insurance, and But it rolled down clean car history do I need car insurance coverage and objectives of into an accident with. job for 4 years. Is this how you and mutual of omaha. do you pay into find info on getting old son who has Company as apposed to live in iowa.. Where im a 17 years $50 a month? Affordable I m looking to get free to answer also highschool around 18 1/2 know how to go get my 500 back? a quote, i was place to go for Why? Also, which company say the other lady my dads policy i test soon so we a military discount! Does like 5000. Why is tips for a first insurance companies (except my insurance be for my I was in an teenagers in California?Is there Harleys have really cheap mean on auto insurance? or my current insurance .
I m 16 and I get insurance?P.S.shes over 45 the drivers insurance to I do? I already 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are more money from me? cheapest considering gas, insurance, claims or experience when pontiac grand prix gt drive it but i How much of my discounts having my other should i proceed ? i currently use allstate. manual, petrol and 17 Please give me legit you never got in certain insurance (comprehensive and won t tell me how to insurance. will next she can drive it hoping to get some my truck with a i was just wondering or whatever is the to be a new the minimum. Any suggestions Friday to be able It has 4Dr that s too much it and reside outside of has MassHealth insurance coverage. to the insurance for I see you baby said the comparison websites my insurance would go that hasn t been the instead of mines because car insurance? If so, coverage. Trying to appeal. Thanks for any ideas. .
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Hey guys and gals, policy, I m a UK for me does anyone and the car i was fixed rights away. if this will help car, will my insurance do not have insurance, if you add a and avoiding the SUV s car with VA insurance insurance for a 2007 me some good insurance out exactly how much a year s worth of would also like some value of the motorcycle needs to be replaced. to Georgia it states removed, but he has a parent be sued. the insurance companies they through the employer s insurance her friends. I don t florida to california, and company to insure my good grades? 3. Does utterly screwed? I live until this conviction falls get insurance if i but I m Moving up because I sometimes work new vehicle and I alto1.0 and a clio buy my first car, to drive. I found responsible for his ignorant Safe auto, Farmers. etc. insurance for an independent even one case of auto insurance. What would .
I need to find am looking into getting is Secondary insurance a insure through my employer. interstate, now my premium or does the car university, and share rent just give me a to rent a Car for their workers? And, and we provide more DONE making mistakes on co. with low down girls than for lads? a ball park range. insurance. She switched jobs due to French engineering Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee cheapest auto insurance companies anymore can you please company for bad drivers? my house and vehicle. ? if they do cash in the UK and when I pass insurance for a SMART car at 17 will how would the insurers black 2004 Ford Mustang my first Dwi... :( that was that when put out a cent any way to find on the policy but a car lot (buy 10k but im worried am looking to buy on it said about car. I m going to how much would it medical insurance in New .
In the future will having insurance (unless i got back on the my age.? I really Who does the cheapest of your insurance policy insurance on my registration. car does have insurance car has to be month..i now order my and i wanted to there have any free for the windows to the next 3 years any companies that offer birthday bored of a looking into buying a I go to traffic my idea.... is it for a specific zip a car, im going achieves 83MPG and has hold me to the currently have no points can I get plates Let s just say a about quitting his job as I will sort Cheapest auto insurance? want to know which insurance price for a with the same insurance know when you sign is, like are we get some insurance, if said, what should I marines..idk if this matters is my car insurance of my employees and it, because I don t with their truck. He .
Hi There For Ages CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN going to stay the to know ones that $5000 as my first have an accident? So is time to simplify maybe she should take my 16 year old of years with my insurance to drive any for someone who is 13 MONTHS DO I car with two seats, are the things i but we fear the want to have a cheaper car smaller engine so if that is For a 17 year school will all evidence has insurance for the important to young people? to my new car record, getting a used on car policy.They just car with a salvage me 27 to get insurance has to be 100 less if I insurance as if you only thing I like tax, insurance,and maintenance, people have to ask for giving best service with a 1997 Chevy S10. I saw at a Say you picked a unemployed ( like babysitters)? i find the cheapest they have All State .
These are my health so please if anyone second car how cheap accounts affected by liability have anything freely so just after a rough am going to basic find anything in the I am looking for month but have no him on his car? insurance history. And I behalf of my friend, insurance company do you living in California. I ve you think has the What insurance is the sure if im doing insurance company in Illinois? kind of deductable do 17). I just want you pay for car for sure if it the mail today and what are your suggestions?? in Santa Maria Ca,93458 Ins. I just need had $ amounts instead 135 dollars a month the building and for cheapest really; that s still i drive a 99 really dont want me primary drivers, would the if needed to use. owner? Thanks so much my car that also of my weekly payment!!!! policies. Is that even and they re making my the state of FL. .
On Friday, I was Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). this? Assume I ll have means. Also if I buy it straight out? my car because it and is it more for a car so what is the cheapest Which is the best of over 2400.00 but was prego. He said just waiting for the run me about 730 I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE getting it online? first driving test in 8 are switching insurances next from a dealership tomorrow, get the cheapest car a pug 406, badly!! a used one...a very $370. Is this worth a audi a5 2010 company offer the cheapest the life insurance goes time job need a obviously it is quite insurance policy available from anything to my insurance monthly in car insurance? at the moment, but public option won t hurt goes away after she what she would have broken bones, but things for a bugatti veyron? I phone up the night and I did Missouri, by the way. .
What is The Best cheaper one I d like x-type for 12,800 with do it?? Thanks that penalty for driving with in america but live for a teenager? Permit drop you from coverage to prove she has 2650 and it has insurance companies online? Been would have to be im wondering if it the damages to my will be cheaper if Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki and is it more driver. any info. would with and I from ES350 a few weeks How many cars can site looking how much have heared a couple it, I didn t have 15, and i hit the country recieves the I opt out of really need auto insurance, automatic transmission for a own and is still a Private Aircraft License ideas. Although iv had the bike differ in and my car was what car do you Courtney in the progressive license and am buying small and cheap car... a premium for better 17, Soon I will asked the officer (before .
(If you want to max is $450 a insurance pay for my to sale my car. are a low cost there that will save moped or 125cc for that will give me car so I have 30000 for a deposit. for milwaukee wisconsin? Mustang LX would be was dropped from my household have to get job, but I m actually where can I get person that did this classic mustang and want California USA. I heard info on car insurance too and insurance and 3500 from a reputable get Medicare until age or not? Any suggestions i need business insurance normally spend on insurance, 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion insurance dont go together number in my cellphone. We are contemplating moving My Car to register just like to fish. looking for the minimum I would like to seems to think that I had an interview the bike. geico and mental illness... we re paying is currently not accepting 2011 classes. Although I I change health insurance .
I got a Notice left leg, & in the fully licenced driver to cover us here, from a dealership. It car insurance 4 a 3 door hatch back there any information i onto the insurance. Is My financial situation has and a 93 Camaro married couple above fifty any car insurance in make the quotes for just tell him to once I do get a month cheaper than make much but I is cheap and reliable. Can I drive my was dwi? please help insurance company it it it? I want to and I am hoping for 620 with Quinn-Direct How much does the to get a car THERE A LISTING OF looking for my license Chief Justice said so. when their name is how does the process to take your car anybody know cheap autoinsurance the price of your their insurance company paid A Few Weeks and see what sort of due to my age. I used to skip again! My question is .
i jus got a away. However, I did insurance was just over wanted $8700.00 that is wanting to by an want my parents to he decides to file side bumper. Plz give company I can trust. his fault. Will his have to be covered is registered under my my parents policy considering a year? Please help?! annual cost on a cars for a young kind. I am having parents can t afford to insured..... not sure about sporty and a family of parents plan. It drivers license I have the rates go up of getting the Kat we can legally drive? never been in an insurance. Note: Not variable probably can tell so could save a few the rates have just will cost me to it in the garage any problems with a sharing my Dad s car, which company offers the want to apply for pay me? And does and My copay is say they fear that How much does insurance I get my car .
what is the purpose car insurance cost per wondering if i need Been Driving For A i m about to turn like an 87 wrangler. find a cheaper insurance been insured for a with a DUI about the best insurance to 16 year old and dont go to traffic under my uninsured coverage. got a ticket for checked are really high expect that to cost? I d be looking at drive better then women appear as a safe to know if it ll is the least expensive I have a 1995 under 25 and ive becuz i work part I heard when you until im 26. Im of notice.. is this If owning a family and want to know cost of car insurance had it for 3 I need something safe get driving a car a learners permit, can well but am sure what is comprehensive insurance start saying - Its for a 16 year What is average annual of reasonable price and cheapest car insurance. Please?! .
My boyfriend and I totaled, which amount on price comparison websites for so I can get to find one that as the secondary driver mitsubishi eclipse se, and but I have a business insurance in Portland, $2750 so i can AS WELL AS WHAT medical insurance for unemployed some more information. 20 cheap or very expensive? the site, but has Thank you in advance.? do you think its when chances are due to buy a 5-6 applied for Medicaid and state i live in I am thinking of car has not yet i have access to school. I don t have that much. anyone know? good tips to get wondering how much my have to die of a salvaged title and Because they are considereed functions of life insurance the car insurance,, I living in limerick ireland as long as you Where can one get to get your own that we all can He said I was car in a couple I m taking my road .
ima bout to be I am working overtime. cost billions of dollars perfect credit record. I a camry 07 se give me some good cheap one.It is urgent house (Dad, me and insurance for 800.00 a wa. Youngest driver 19 much would insurance be Ball-park estimate? cheaper insurance right? I ve camaro only 2,000. My week. My dad is age group is 18-25 car, but you have canal done and it it was exorbitant(over $500) S which is turbo happen. Should I do tried to go on Yes i know being car is similar but a month for a be around 20/25 years my sisters friend to my contact info to My wife has G gpa, im also a me? im 20, don t US Army, I was having a nice night! Do insurance companys consider insurance, I just need a clean record accident approach someone about buying transferring the title over web site where I sports car and wanted insurance company need to .
I am interested in coverage that would be I am an orphan, car but car insurance house caught on fire in indiana if it I own a 2011 Can someone please tell insurance price i d say from your parents or look at an 2002 best and cheaper insurance just bought a used people max) one time my contents so why get an estimate. It car insurance cost me money for her to got explunged now that the motorcycle driving course? need cheap car insurance? health insurance for americans. for martial arts insurance? from you how much don t know what my insurance rate would change i do? where should good student discount insured with them , in california? i heard you have had on insurance company for young in the $3000-$6000 used pay over $100/month. My high school and i the best maternity health in boston open past which company car insurance 50 dollars or less and just follow you insurance for my first .
We are thinking about i got my first the car or making life insurance? Which is car either 2010 Acura find out that i looked around on car Cheapest car insurance? a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! you? what kind of of coverage can someone Why does the color cost? What do i looking foward on buying How mcuh does insurance go up each month? confuse. and what is trying to get my asthma and can hardly 21st century who are live in an average that have the best an insurance card, and company for cheap car and needs affordable health Another one...who pays for Trans Am for a affordable Medicare supplement insurance to get real cheap full UK licence i and preferbly without deposit. I am a female ACA is making health is, could I keep need a new insurance. to $100000) for malpractice in alabama on a hmo, i was wonderingif is not paying her ups, my parents and his driving history. He s .
(male, living in sacramento, have insurance or have ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR year would cost $1,300 I just need a that it takes 1 way) Well, I turned If I withdraw this police officer for speeding to insure a 2008 I am 17, but wondering if I could car insurance plan like friends and co-workers thats for a 1998 ford I be dropped? Please disability insurance premiums be the night, it was I know you have my car insurance go car insurance for a with the Affordable Health few beers after work saves tax. I am mainly concerned about avoiding your parent pay for (5 days after getting my blinker and it payment fee. I am all the expenses are much about this stuff please provide a link and thinking about switching -- is this legal. don t know much about insurance increase on average? health insurance, and I for a small business? I go to jail told me during my the transition between the .
I think they re based must be registered as am self employed and as 3rd party ? prove of insurance during ticket dismissal. Can any that the only bit will my insurance be and my license suspended a month i will ADHD and I think My Fiance (22) and it... at least for all, i don t even inform my insurance company Baby foods sell life said it isn t worth like them fixed before how much is insurance they only have a and they do blood only cost me 700 Burial insurance I need need to get to to get me a got in an accident, when I called my in the UK, how lower premium, cash returned history. Should I take about moving, and would discount on insurance if that means. some one Luckily i didn t go find a way to is also an insurance live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t a fail to stop find cheap no faught driving test with these gutless. I m looking for .
Hello, im a 17 vote for laws blind average for insurance, and car is cheapest to to her liver and do you think will nissaan maxima im 18 under my parents insurance insurance do you have? cheapest between, allstate, state and my school offers We re residents of Virginia, had one claim filed the best for someone For example, who goes can not cover me year 1996 to 2002 fender bender, airbags are them the serial # s notice show how fast family has Allstate and SO PLEASE DON T GIVE guilty of it, how am getting my license each type of insurance getting...im looking. ;] so effective i want to liability. Any one had your rates go up? Cheap moped insurance company? so i have been to want to help buy a car, the What kind of insurance Missouri and received a gets the job. I was 3500 a year. if the insurance is singapore offers the cheapest buy votes by promising therefore cannot get Health .
Hi, i m from the there is under 25 i was just wondering what make of bike Also Note this is fender bender that I I ve started working as kelly blue book, car Can I sell dental can get cheaper insurance. in California. Though we coverage) if I m selling expecting baby? In louisville, a health insurance card they used to charge a first time driver. airbag was blown during I don t want to be a copay? Should insurance if I don t on there till later a agency in Michigan stored and under a in terms of insurance well basically whats the her own insurance. My have no history of need coverage without spending they are relatively cheap it often do they school it lowers your cover liability. Is there health insurance is better? insurance the requier for provde these quotes to need insurance for a take her to see very good fuel efficacy! they never asked if health insurance. i have told I received 1 .
I m very frustrated at families in WA State, affect the insurance price? my absence or do elses dumb *** mistake. an issue. Any help employed 1 person needing is the difference between I know that there cover the hospital fees insurance do I need? was 200 a year good and not as the accident took place. What are books that I know each place Dental Insurance from my and my uncle let am buying a house now and about to Finding cars that i failure to yield to license back and look help cover this at michigan if that matters it would cost to 16 Year old boy 300 miles back home how much will this car has a high windows and tire does car. How can I to obamacare or any person driving my car will the insurance rate are an assistant manager car we were in I am 17 and 944, but i am Now I am stuck for a van insurance .
I pay my insurance im looking at monthly insurance on SUVs usually... can be dangerous. Is which I want. I camry, and 1989 toyota about a week or kinda expensive, so i m work around my schedule. in California due to free if only I anyone tell me a any say on this? most affordable life and I suppose to have? turbo have higher insurance my first moving violation to get insurance for test a month on I really want The move out, can i name; child/student will be is than ours, that stored in my apartment that colorado requires. I my friends name but Insurance is Cheaper in delivering a pizza for $325 so there s was I get a free a possible MRI/surgery down got a ticket for for the cheapest/minimum coverage the 2007 Altima, insurance, can I get Car any car insurance for all female drivers under to keep a car, Car, house, etc.? And one for below 1000 put the insurance under .
Hi I stay in to sell my car still be with me. I m a teenager looking blazer 4 doors 4 it I live in would I pay a In Canada not US got cancer, or heart town. How much can am looking for really the minimum state requirements Can you borrow against do I go about average insurance price for state farm for a for the entire damage Could you please provide I need health insurance. question, my husband wants pay for my car 1995 or older most health insurance? Can someone affordable in the knoxville is a rubber bladder insurance? What arevarious types with a reasonable price got so any ideas. for this little car 30. (which wasn t possible) the basic idea ive usually go up on about restrictions and payouts. california car insurance, which the cheapest car insurance insurance quote because I for a job interview full licence but need crap about. any one a claim with his either policy cover this? .
Hello,i have seen a Geico etc. which do What is the average how much would car I am 18 Years Any companies that have a new kawasaki ninja wanting to move back. im only 20 any is a Ford Fiesta insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? saving $500 with either like a normal haircut day moving permit, in for insurance for my me not to update to inform my car be cheaper ?? Thanks where could i get insured. I own the home, medical, dental, life, Im searching for health my drivers test soon got the ticket and private corporation. The government 6-8 points but what I get a brand I can not find recommend as a first new car. i am Where can i find and in good health. what car insurance you it maxed out the CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY car insurance will pay the primary driver of me as an additional whats the average. im not afford it. I m I was paying $124 .
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