#cube storage
sheilamurrey · 1 year
Integrating the Spirals: Putting a cube bookcase storage center
After completing the second cube storage center, it occurred to me to apply my spiral methodology from, Integrating the Spirals™ to finish the third set. Duh! Had I applied the spiral principle on the first two sets they would have turned out much better! You may be wondering why I would use such a methodology for putting together such a storage center. I didn’t consider it either until I got…
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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all set up and ready to go for the weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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internetskiff · 3 months
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Anyone else remember Portal 2's singular official loot crate BTW? The Portal 2 Official Loot Crate is my favorite.
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legoprime · 3 months
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My second mosaic crochet pattern is officially available!
Y'all may remember me teasing this one many months ago. I put it aside for a while to work on my D&D Dice pattern (this one!) but I'm happy to say it's finished now!
The pattern includes not just everyone's favorite Companion Cube, but also the original Weighted Storage Cube. It also has instructions for both of the bags pictured, as well as how to add a third color in mosaic crochet.
These are advanced patterns that use a number of special stitches, all of which come with detailed instructions.
Available here and here!
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nitrosparxx · 1 year
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These are vectors I originally was going to use for a Portal 2 themed Team Fortress 2 war paint. But the skin just wasn't coming out right, and looked very strange. Still, I do like how well these two cube vectors came out!
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roomwithavoid · 8 months
heya, been a while since i updated you on what WAS a companion cube base, but is now five cubes.
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(apologies for the hotbar and hand, my f1 key is broken, lol)
the base is far from finished but i am very pleased with the progress being made.
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the companion cube is pretty much finished. i plan to put pearlescent froglights behind the heart caps to give it a glow, but making a froglight farm is a bit of a hassle.
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there is a hard light bridge to travel between the cubes the storage cube is blue on the inside to match the light it gives off, same as how the companion cube is pink
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the old cube contains the trading hall, and is designed to look like the old aperture lobbies. the center is a testing chamber where the villagers breed before being moved to their workstations they can take an elevator to the top or drop down to different levels via landing on slime blocks, which have blue carpets over them to resemble repulsion gel
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the least finished cube atm is the franken turret (highly complex so im putting it off lol) that houses our small automatic farms. larger automatic farms go elsewhere.
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inside of the redirection cube, there are crops and bees. thought this fit since it kinda looks like a glass terrarium. the wood is red to match the laser, and there is a beacon going through the middle to make the laser come out the top. eventually there will be 9 beacons in a 3x3 shape to match the scale of the build.
[if you wanna join this server and help us fill the world with portal-themed builds, you can find information here]
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eldritchmochi · 6 months
i think, finally, after a year of living in this flat, i have found a solution to my Craft Hell Zone problem!!!!
it involves me continuing to do ill advised furniture tetris as well as hoping to god that the shelf i got actually fits the way i think it will. its a duplicate of a shelf i got for my living room last fall that i really like which, by measurements, has a quarter of an inch clearance between the top of my desk and the top of my wife's desk, except my desk is a vanity with beautiful curvy legs that have been the bane of my existence for the entire time ive had it. these legs mean the shelf, by measurements, is a quart of an inch *too wide* to fit in the space
the shelf
has a metal frame and open sides
meaning i should be able to slot the curve of the offending vanity leg into the open space of the side of the shelf and have just SO MUCH MORE storage for my eight million crafts
for context, The Craft Hell Zone, in its current iteration
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it stresses me out so bad 🥲
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skin-bible · 6 months
LED lights make this place look better.
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graxkyub · 1 month
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i haven't made smaller boxes from larger boxes (ingenious) in forever. this was for a purpose but i would enjoy making more somehow.
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ghostsinthecellar · 1 month
so far today I've had 'real' breakfast (required cooking), started drying the last of yesterday's laundry, put all the display stuff back in the bookshelf that friend borrowed and returned, sorted out a couple of things neither of us want, put most of the tools and tape that were scattered into one container and put it where it goes in the laundry room, picked up the scattered trash in the back room, gathered all the change into one place (if not one container), and stacked up some cardboard to break down. :)
I still have a bunch of DVDs to put in the bottom of the shelf (for now) and a couple of large bins to empty and wipe out, another bag of laundry to dry, some things to haul upstairs, dishes to do, and some dirty laundry (low priority/intense wash stuff that's waiting for either a future laundry run or the magical arrival of a new washer) to sort so I can have my laundry baskets back but I'm doin pretty dang good today
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cloaksandcapes · 1 year
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I don't know exactly how happy I am with this item? I really liked the concept idea of it. It's probably serve better as some type of plot item for a Dungeon Master or Game Master to use.
What do you think?
Memory Storage Cube
Wondrous item, very rare
“A small cube that fits into the palm of your hand. It’s made of hundreds, if not thousands of smaller shapes that interlock in indecipherable ways. When light hits it, the beams are refracted into a myriad of colors.”
This magic item can hold up to 10 memories. If a memory is added when it’s at capacity, it deletes the oldest memory which returns to its original owner.
You can use an action to put a memory into this magic item. When the magic item stores the memory, you lose all knowledge of it. Memories can be viewed by anyone holding this magic cube.
You can use an action to attempt to steal a memory from another creature. The target must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or they resist the effect and become immune to it for the next 24 hours.
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baladric · 9 months
[heavy southern accent] hello thank you for calling house of leaves storage¹, we are unable to come to the phone right now due to the ceaselessness of our wandering and advise you to ignore the door that does not belong, the lights are on timers equal to the scant minutes remaining of your lifespan and we remind you that the gate code is george crumb's schenkerian analytic reduction of the second movement rhythmic cell of alban berg's violin concerto². happy new year! may your liminal consumption³ be as gradual as it is transformational!
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legoprime · 8 months
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I was curious how difficult it would be to create a Portal companion cube in mosaic crochet. I'd never made a mosaic crochet pattern before, so it was pretty challenging, but I'm happy with how it came out!
There are lots of patterns out there for companion cubes but none (that I found) that use mosaic crochet. If anyone's interested, I'll be making the pattern available on Ravelry once I get it all written down!
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actualbird · 1 year
of all the fidget toys i got when i was in college, only two have survived. this fidget cube which has largely stayed the same in spite of my actions and this tangle which used to be completely metallic pink but i wore its paint coat down so much due to constant use
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i-scavenger · 5 months
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A nice storage cube found outside a dumpster enclosure.
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kadocphotography · 1 year
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