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mehiwilldoitlater · 4 months ago
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At the beginning, Chuck had a kind of difficult relationship with Reader. 
Despite being aware of the fact that she's just like him and his crew, an habitant of planet Earth taken without their consent, he can't completely shake off his dislike of humans. He tries to be a good sport, but it's hard when your face reminds him of when he was taken away from his land and forced to participate in some rocket experiments. It will take some time and a lot of trust, but soon Reader will become not only part of the team but a dear friend to him and all of them.
He'll become protective; she's not strong like them, but he'll always help her find her place, and he'll be supportive of her small achievements.
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missanthropicprinciple · 2 years ago
Thank you!!!
41) What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Captain Simian and the Spaaaaaaaaaace Monkeyyyyyyyyyyyys!
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Monkeys from earth are abducted by godlike alien beings and given human level intelligence so they can save the universe from an evil man who’s literally a nebula.
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The fandom is me and @sharky857 that’s it.
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sharky857 · 3 months ago
u still up for the ao3 wrapped asks? may i ask for the whole package (if nothings been asked yet)? 😈
Oh lawd...
This might take a while.
How many words have you written this year? Who even counted? :°D
How many works did you publish this year? *checks AO3* Turns out it's 15.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? The Good, The Bad and The Monkey (Captain Simian fic), mainly because it's the longest fic I've ever written, finished and uploaded.
What work of yours has the most hits? *checks AO3 again* Turns out it's Unwanted Visitor (Stardew Valley fic), currently with 1.15 hits
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Idk, probably all those that got even just a single comment.
Favorite title you used Probably "Fish Out Of Water" (Hazbin Hotel fic)
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (literally, I can't think of anything in this sense ghdsklfsdjkl)
What work was the quickest to write? Almost all my uploaded works take anything between 1 day and 1 week.
What work took you the longest to write? Tentablocked (Warframe 1999 fic), ironically also one of the shortest stories to write. I just kept on "shame-blocking" myself at every turn. :°D
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? None. I can't keep anything in a WIP state for too long, lest my inspo decides to peace out as my hyperfixation diverts its attention elsewhere.
What’s your longest work of the year? See question #3
What’s your shortest work of the year? Gamer Bond (Warframe 1999 fic), 2.655 words spread into a single chapter.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Maybe that super-dramatic fic about Amir's near death experience during a mission (totally not an Amir/Quincy fic *COUGH*). It's nowhere in any doc file, but it's still rotating in my head from time to time.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Probably "canon divergence" for the "Warframe 1999, more like Warframen't 1999 amirite fellas?" entire series
Your favorite character to write this year? Aoi "Chopper" Morohoshi (sorry, Amir!!)
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Any Hazbin's canon one who wasn't Angel Dust, apparently :°D
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Quincy/Amir (sibling relationship)
Which work of yours have you reread the most? Usually that happens mosty with my latest uploaded stories, so I'd say "Heart to Heart" and "New Year Kiss", both Warframe 1999 fics.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? *checks AO3 yet again, this time with a small calculator* Apparently it's a whoopin' 152
Which work has the most comments? *checks AO4 for the maybe-4th time* "The Final Breakdown" (Warframe 1999), with 24 comments
Did you do any collaborative works this year? Nu :(
Did you write any gifts this year? Ye :) "Intruder Alert" (Warframe 1999) has been a giftie to @gaogaigar-the-king (which has also aged like fine milk, considering what we finally know about the '99 events. But hey, that one is part of the "canon divergence on purpose", soo...)
Did you receive any gifts this year? Nu, but that's okay ❤
What’s your most common category? "Gen(eric)" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What do you listen to while writing? Nothing, I need full focus and music may distract me.
Favorite work you wrote this year? Just so I'm not being repetitive, "Tough Luck" (Warframe 1999 fic)
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
This one from "Operation: Get Along" (you'll never guess that it's another Warframe 1999 fic):
Amir gradually closed the distance with the other. He would’ve also been aggressively poking his chest, had he not needed the free hand to crawl in Quincy’s direction. “Aoi can fuck shite up, Arthur can fuck shite up, and you can fuck shite up. Each one of us can fuck shite up.” He went relentlessly on, now with his nose a mere couple inches from the one of the speechless marksman. “And you know why? Because, and here’s a shocker to your egomaniac macho self, nobody is perfect! Not even you!” “So, mark my words,” the fed up technician concluded his rant, “next time I’ll hear this is all your fault, Amir or something like that, I’ll leave you with three options: a simple fuck you, a warning zap, or a broken nose.” Quincy couldn’t hold back a snort at that very last statement. “Oh, please. You couldn’t even hurt a fl- OW!” Amir had just managed to deliver a quick blow at Quincy’s nose. Fortunately for the marksman, the space they were trapped in didn’t offer much room for a full swing and his nose was left intact, only mildly aching. “Wanna try that again, buddy?” The techie hissed lowly.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (sorry, nothing come to mind)
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garr9988 · 13 days ago
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I managed to find and buy a copy of TOON Magazine that advertised Space Monkeys a few months before it aired! I plan on scanning the pages for cleaner upload in the future, but I'll share the full article below:
(there are so many typos, wow)
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(Handsome Chuck bust, much appreciated TOON)
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Finally, official descriptions for the Splitzes and Gor! The old Amazin' Adventures website only had Chuck, Shao Lin, and Spydor. And finally, a good look at Spydor's model! The online auctions never posted pics of him, so his was especially illusive. Too bad it's only the front, but maybe someday.
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missanthropicprinciple · 5 years ago
Yeah honestly 720p would be an improvement at this point.
I would of course kill for a Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys poster, but I would literally have to commission one because they don’t exist.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 5 months ago
I'll be the one that's going to make it, like it or not.
Monster Lovers, Assemble!
Reader gets kidnapped by an alien (Rhesus 2) that mistakes her for one of the most intelligent humans on the planet and wants to take her brain.
Reader gets rescued by the Space Monkeys, who still hold some small grudge against humans but learn that not everyone is the same. Reader, on the other hand, learns that she can't get home so soon and decides to follow the team and try to find her spot in the crew.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 3 months ago
"tread lightly"
Oh, hi! Sorry to bother you (it's my first time making a request so I'm nervous😅), but can I share an idea about Captain Simian? (I saw your post and was wondering what kind of show it is, and now I'm watching the first episode😅, there really isn't much content about them🥲),So, what if the reader/oc, gets into this little-known show, and meets Charles at the very beginning? (Maybe the reader/oc turns into a monkey? Like a fluffy Japanese macaque or a cute Capuchin 🐒) And they become a support for each other, they were there for each other on the worst and best days, heck even just drinking tea in a quiet place talking heart to heart, they overcome traumas together (being sent into space and frozen for many years and being taken by aliens, who drop a whole bomb of responsibility, I think it was hard for Chuck, even if he doesn't show it, and for the reader/Oc, being transported to another reality with no visible way back home is a test of nerves🥲) and they become inseparable friends, and then maybe more?(I like to imagine my version of it as a queer platonic relationship ����and the sun and moon dynamic🎑🌅). Sorry if it's a lot and also for the mistakes in the text (English is not my native language, so I mostly use translators😅) I hope you like the idea (you don't have to answer, just wanted to share my thoughts)I like your work, it's interesting!
I love looking at the art, especially the sketches about the reader and the rat prince🤣
Thank you for your attention and take care!
"A little clumsy coming out of the request box"
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Darling this idea is so cute and i love it so much?!
I just love this sibling dynamic that they have?! Like he's the only one that can call her "little one" and no one else?
The fact that she's smallest of spider and she have to rely on her agillity only?
That she LOVE to sass him around and make a few jokes about him and Shao lin?!
That, despite her being so small she's quite fierce?!
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mehiwilldoitlater · 5 months ago
Me: Please brain, I don't need more ideas! Just keat Stick with the new ask that I GOT, then maybe we can.
Brain: What about a crossover of your favorite shows from when you were small? A big crossover where the reader is now in possession of some very important information and now has to travel in space with the space monkeys, biker mice, street sharks, and the extreme dinosaurs? 
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missanthropicprinciple · 6 years ago
O 👏 M 👏 G
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I’ve decided to finally throw my hat into this meme. There have been some awesome ones made lately. I’ve been thinking about making this for a while, so I did. I hope some of you get the joke. I did use a forgotten 90′s American cartoon. 
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missanthropicprinciple · 1 year ago
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missanthropicprinciple · 2 years ago
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I recently got an actual animation cel from the wonderful, and mostly forgotten television show Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys. It features striking animation of Lago Thrix, a character in the episode “Monkey Puzzle Man”. This frame is from after the scene where he acquires Gor’s powers and appearance, possibly after shaking hands with Captain Simian as well. However, I can’t find the scene that includes this exact frame, so I imagine the scene or clip was edited out of the final episode cut. The background animation is beautifully drawn. Watching the show on YouTube you can see that some of that vibrant color is lost due to heavily worn VHS transfers. Lago is drawn and colored on transparent plastic. I am very privileged to have this beautiful cel in my possession. Can’t wait to frame it!
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missanthropicprinciple · 4 years ago
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Something only @sharky857 would understand. 
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missanthropicprinciple · 1 year ago
I believe most episodes are up on YouTube!
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Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys S01E01 | Yes, We Have No Bananas
“The fate of the universe is in your hands. Or is it your feet?”
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manyblinkinglights · 7 years ago
Also, Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension goes so well thematically and symbolically in between Samurai Pizza Cats and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes there should probably be a law against it, but a really big component of those two is how crisp and snappy they are, and Buckaroo Banzai really wasn’t... it was not-hateful and intriguing and pretty John Dies At The End but it didn’t always, yknow, swing. (What?) (Swing, I repeat, doing a gesture). It was almost, it was so SO almost I should probably just put it up there. I can’t imagine anything that would fit there MORE--Captain Simian & The Space Monkeys aside, which you can’t get posters for... 
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garr9988 · 7 months ago
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Starting another collection of Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys pictures, this time of handsome monkey men that make my heart go ook-i ook-i
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sharky857 · 10 months ago
About your csatsm ocs: what phobia would they display if they had their own mind over monkey episode (if you remember it)?
I distinctly remember the episode, as "main cast faces their respective phobias" has always been one of my favourite tropes (along with "characters getting whatever-swapped", because I always found this latter hella fun). 👀
That being said, if my personal, little bunch of monkeys & apes were to have their personal fears exposed (for whatever reason), and it were to happen in the same fashion as in that episode... 🤔
Brenda: Definitely a phobia related to her own past (for those who may have missed the note: Brenda's a failed cloning experiment, resulting in an accidental chimp-bonobo hybrid. In the end she had been kept secluded in a shady lab for some unnamed experiments, until an unknown human freed her and ultimately left her in Orion's care). Everyone would find themselves trapped in a glass cage, slowly filling with some unknown but definitely toxic gas. No way to break said glass, not even with weapons. Given that this would be Brenda's own phobia manifested, it would be up to her to come up with a way to fight her phobia back (assuming anyone could snap the-curled-up-ball-in-the-corner out of her sheer panic) and eventually plug the air vent that's releasing the toxic gas (either her own jacket and/or Orion's short cape would come in very handy for the task).
Jordan: People on Altwidus (aka: his home planet) believe that "only a dimwit" would master less than five completely different languages, no matter why they can't grasp more. Mastering languages might become a bit of a challenge to someone completely unable to hear; thankfully hi-tech hearing aids are available a little bit of everywhere. That being said, in his own manifested phobia, Jordan would be suddenly unable to hear and -consequently- understand jackshish. He would still get that his crewmates are trying to talk to him, but he would only see their mouths moving, much to his own increasing anxiety. This until he remembers that he also knows a handy language (quite literally) and starts to signs back at them. This would also ultimately count as him fighting his own fear back.
Deneb: The only medic (and scientist) of the crew is scared shishless of guns. Not at having a gun pointed at himself, but at using them. All because he once saw someone trying to use a fire arm obtained through sketchy means, and the weapon exploded in the other's face. Fun times, fun times. :°°°) His phobia would manifest with himself being seemingly all alone in the middle of several guns scattered on a non-existent floor, with the rest of the crew on the opposite end. Even if they had something like an Insta-Vine, Deneb couldn't even swing over that "minefield" of defective weapons, because there would be simply nothing where he could tie/latch the vine for the attempt. All he could do would be to cross the "minefield" on foot, being very careful where he would take his next step while sweating several bullets too (metaphorically speaking, ofc). On a small side note, if you're wondering what Deneb's weapon of choice is: it's a single, surgical scalpel. Small enough to be easily concealed and also sharp enough to cause some more or less serious damage, depending on where he would strike.
Mintaka: Her main fear is linked to an unfun thing called "anger management issues". Simply put: she's very, very, very afra- concerned to accidentally hurt her friends and crewmates. Her own phobia would manifest with Mintaka herself seemingly all alone in some kind of pitch black void, where she would suddenly see the images of some very familiar enemies taunting her, to the point of causing her to strike with her sword, only to find out she'd actually plunged a laser blade into a random crewmate instead. This illusion/manifestation would come to an abrupt end with some Japanese macaque bawling her eyes out on the floor of the Exile, with the "allegedly-unalived" crewmate right next to her trying to tell her that it was all just in her head and that nothing really happened.
Maxine: Small Maxine is absolutely terrified of only one thing: the dark. Her phobia would first manifest as herself and the rest of the crew in a brightly lit room, only for the lights to go out as they are trying to figure out where they are/whose fear that one might be. Maxine's initial and absolutely panicked screech might or might not pierce a few eardrums. In that complete darkness, she would frantically call out for the others (especially Brenda, considering her as some "big sister from another planet and species") while also trying to physically reach out to anyone, only to grasp nothing but thin air, all while hearing the others calling out for her in return from somewhere a bit far away. Maxine might then try to grab and turn on whatever torch she might find in her several tactical pockets, only to find out that none work. In the end she would realise that she is actually carrying an alternative source of light: Xenia. This would ultimately lead her to activate her own commlink to access and release the holographic monkey, which light glow would be already enough to start and calm the albino mechanic and engineer down.
Orion: N/A. "Big boss" is MIA, remember? :^)
Kaine: Kaine's biggest fear is [REDACTED].
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