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xu minghao » seventeen » room307, new grove complex »skater » b-boy » martial artist» 2nd year @ geumjo high
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
Xu Minghao @xuminghow · 2s
someone please claim your dog
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
Xu Minghao @xuminghow · 23s
there is dog poo all over the floor?? i don't even own a dog?????
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
⌗; hyung! ⌗
    It was only 7:45 A.M., students beginning to flood into the halls of Geumjo High, and Minghao had already found himself in a similar situation he was in last week. His sneakers squeaked as he pivoted harshly at a corner. His black Jansport backpack hung over one shoulder as it bounced before hitting against his side with each stride he took. A chorus of angry highschoolers -- he supposed they were third year students since he didn't recognize the majority of their voices -- hollered after him. He really should be more careful where he sets foot. That was why he was in this mess anyway.
    His silver locks flopped against his forehead as he squeezed his way through the crowds of students. Minghao had gotten particularly fast considering how often he'd find himself in these sort of occurrences. To be quite honest, he found enjoyment in these little goose hunts since it was indeed more interesting than his experiences at home. To put it simply, he did enjoy the attention very much, and he felt his cheeks ache from having been smiling for so long.
    He craved the recognition and the thrill. A soft chuckle bubbled from within his chest and he slowed down his pace slightly knowing he had quite a bit of a lead on them. Eventually, the voices began to fade and suddenly it became rather quiet. A little too quiet even. The silence left Minghao in a state of slight uneasiness, and soon he found himself chewing on his lip gently as the reticence endured for a few moments longer. He was about to take another step towards his first period of the day when he was tugged backwards by the hood of his favorite white and light yellow hooded jacket. God, why did he have to wear that sweater today out of all days? His backpack slipped off of his shoulder, the strap falling into his hand as he shimmied out of the jacket as quickly as he could in order to escape the senior's grasp. He darted towards the crowd of students he could see through the glass on the double doors leading to the next hall, pushing against the polished wood before nearly toppling over a familiar pink haired individual.
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
⌗; help please ⌗
    Shit. Footsteps thudded against the pavement. An erratic pattern formed in his breathing. He spared a quick glance backwards before continuing to run straight forward like his life depended on it, longboard tucked between his arm and side. It seemed the jumble of worrisome and regretful thoughts overcame his common sense since he apparently forgot the entire purpose of his longboard, deciding to flee by foot instead. They were after him. He couldn't get caught now.
    The sonority in their voices were booming as they called after him. He ran into many familiar faces, muttering a quick 'sorry' or 'excuse me' as he came up with a last minute plan in his head. To his right was rather large crowd -- probably tourists or some students on their way to check out the universities. To his left was the Cattitude Cat Cafe. God, he hated that place. Not because he hated cats or the staff or anything, but he knew the moment he'd step into the building he'd emerge into a sneezing, sniffling, puffy-eyed frenzy. He had no other choice. If he were to "hide" among the crowd, he'd certainly be found out the moment they'd lay eyes on the lean kid with the small face and the silver hair. Who gave him the idea to dye his hair silver in the first place?
    He eventually dragged himself into the cafe, mentally and physically preparing himself for his body to betray itself. He took a quick look out of the window. The men were rather far down the street, but he could see they were making their way in his direction. In a panic, he handed his board to some stranger, telling them to "protect his baby" as he attempted to squeeze himself under that one fancy, white-leather sofa (and thanks to his lean structure, he did). "Please, please, please, please," he muttered under his breath. Thankfully nobody was seated on the seat as of yet, and he thanked his reputation as "that one kid who's weird as fuck" since not one customer was surprised enough with his actions to question him. "Wow. I might actually get caught this time. Great going genius. If you hadn't--" He was interrupted from his thoughts when he sneezed, his head shooting backwards and hitting against the bottom of the seat. "God," he whimpered as he rubbed the back of his head.
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
    He drew his hand back from the male's shoulder, his arm falling back to his side. He felt rather uneasy as the male examined his physique, setting one foot behind him as he awaited the male's response. "Huh?" Minghao furrowed his eyebrows out of pure bewilderment. Was it not obvious that he was underage? What other reason would he have for having to sneak in through the back? He pursed his lips and raised a brow, eyes locking with the male who was about his height. "Wait-- You mean you can't tell?" He felt like looking himself up and down to try to find one thing about his appearance and the way he brought about himself that wasn't a complete dead giveaway.
    He thought over the possibility that the male could be testing him -- to see whether or not he'd break and tell him straight out. "Look, dude, it's kind of complicated, and I'd rather not waste your time explaining." He spared a glance at the watch wrapped around his thin wrist. "Most workers' shifts don't start at 7 after. Come on, let me in?"
twelve maybe ;;
   as he’s looking back, minki sees the people in line move, growing more and more restless. he turns his back on the crowd and walks just a little faster the rest of the way to the door. just as he’s about to close it though, he feels a hand grab his shoulder. instinctively, he spins around his heel and shakes the hand off his shoulder.    he takes a moment to examine the person - about his height, hair dyed silver, babyfaced, almost. “couldn’t you just go in the front door? it’s really not any different in the back,” minki responds, avoiding the obvious reason why one would need to be snuck into a club, waiting to see if the other would admit it himself or just had a burning desire to use the employee’s entrance. in the back of his mind, minki thinks that he’ll probably be late, but it’s not like he can control it at this point.    he also consider’s the stranger’s accent, korean mixed with what sounds like palm satoori and something else minki can’t quite put his finger on. it’s a strange enough combination that he can’t decide if the other is a tourist or not.  
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
⌗; teach me! ⌗
    The beat rang through his ears, and it was as if he could feel the vibrations in his bones. Two individuals in the center, bodies moving fluidly to the sounds which poured from the large stereo placed on the sizzling concrete sidewalk. He stood quite close within the crowd, head poking up above shoulders in order to be able to see what was going on. He found himself grooving along to the beat as he kept an eye on the two dancers in the center. When he examined the crowd, he noticed a face he was sure he had seen before. He didn't know his name, nor has he ever spoken to him, but something about him seemed awfully familiar. Ah! Yes. He remembered now. Quite a few times Minghao had seen the other male around. He supposed he was a dancer as well, considering he had seemed to notice his face among the crowds of nearly every dance-off or show he attended. He's never watched him actually dance, but his movements as he expressed his enjoyment in the music seemd to flow so smoothly that Minghao became quite compelled to find out how and where he learned to move so naturally.
Though Minghao typically doesn't speak much, he's definitely not the bashful type to shy away from opportunities such as getting to know someone better or in this case, improving his dance style. As the crowd slowly began to move along, he pressed himself through the crowd towards the black-haired male. He wasn't exactly sure how he was supposed to approach the other. He'd probably come off as quite creepy; not that he really cared though.
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
    The doors which opened for a few mere seconds allowed the blaring base of the stereo playing to escape for just a while as fluorescent lights embellished the concrete beneath his shoes in vibrant hues before the hues disappeared completely. Minghao has always wondered what it's like behind those doors. Which doors? V1BE's doors, of course. He's listened to those older than him go on about how great it was in there -- how great alcoholic beverages were -- and he felt the need to try it out for himself. And what better place could he get his hands on that stuff than a club? He didn't have enough patience to wait another two years until he was actually legal to enter the boisterous building where people seemed to be able to throw away all their cares for even just a while. His curiosity had him in hold for too long, and he was determined to get what he wanted just this one time. Minghao was trapped within close proximity of other bodies trying to force theirselves into the club all while shoving their IDs in the bouncers' faces. His keen eye catches sight of the older male as he made his way to the back door. Supposing he was a worker at the club, Minghao squeezed himself through the wild, building crowd to approach the male.
When he finally emerged from the outrageous horde, he pursued the male, stopping him by the shoulder before he was able to close himself behind doors. "Hey," he blurted out, "you work here, correct?" Minghao didn't wait for his response before speaking up again. "Do you think you could sneak me in for a drink or two?"
twelve maybe ;;
   it's almost nine pm on saturday night, just before minki needs to head into v1be. he takes a moment to examine the line outside the club, already forming despite the fact that it was still pretty early. he watches people come together in front of the bouncers like magnets. there aren't any faces he really recognizes, tonight, which is a good thing.     minki thinks he needs to start making his way to the back door or else he'll be late, but he casts one last look over the packed streets, neon lights just flickering to life.
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
⌗; finally summer ⌗
    It's been nearly a year since the two have seen each other. Though they kept in touch through social media and the internet and whatnot, the days seemed to go by as if a single twenty four hours lasted for a month, and Minghao found himself longing for her. He missed how they'd always get ice cream and sit on some road side. He missed how they'd joke around and tease each other to the point where it would be considered rude by most (though, they didn't mind). He missed having someone he could argue with one day and return to their previous status the next day. To put it simply, he missed his best friend.
    "Stay strong," is how their phone calls, text messages, and video calls typically ended. Minghao was well aware of her situation. In fact, Minghao might be the only person she has ever dared to tell: she was bullied. Because of this, the teen couldn't help but have this recurring pang of worry for his friend whenever his phone light up to alert him of an incoming text message. Some nights he wished he could come to her personally -- he wanted to defend her. She was so dear to him that he felt troubled being unable to help. In this circumstance, he was completely powerless.
    As the school year began to wind down to it's end, it seemed as though he couldn't manage to keep his composure knowing she was to return to Palm Island in a few days. The night before Yeoreum's expected arrival, he promised her he'd be present when she did arrive. And he was. As soon as he caught sight of the female, he practically clinged to her for a good five minutes before giving her the good old noogie (which she probably hated -- not that he really cared).
"Man, you have no idea how boring it is without you here. It was like mischief was begging to be made. Thank God it's finally summer."
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
⌗; wrong again ⌗
    The air was hot and humid, and the sidewalk seemed to sizzle as the scorching sun's beams appeared to radiate against it. Today was quite a slow day, and the sultriness in the air did nothing but aid in bringing the teen to a state of apathy and unwillingness to work. Gliding down the half-pipe, he came to a halt on the flat center of the ramp. He was instructing a younger boy of a rather small build, and Minghao could admit, the boy was a handful. As the boy cruised down the pipe, he awaited his stop before flashing a grin and gave a thumbs up approvingly. He hopped off of his board, assisting the boy in removing his protective gear before giving the child a pat on the back. "Same time tomorrow," he mentioned as the boy went off to take his mother's welcoming hand into his own.
    The sweltering late afternoon heat left him rather exhausted, hoping that a prayer would fast forward time so he could just go home and take a nice cold shower. He heaved a sigh as he combed through his damp, silver locks of hair with his slim fingers, other hand pushing the door to the East of Maui Surf Shack. At last, his shift ended and it was time for him to head back to his room at the Newgrove Complex. Minghao grabbed his longboard (which he had placed directly behind the counter so that customers wouldn't see it and possibly mistake it for an item for sale) and set off for the complex.
    He sailed steadily on his board, pushing on towards the comfort of his own room. Afar off, he could see the Summer House which was run by the Kang family and the line that followed afterward. His mouth practically watered for the refreshing dessert (especially in the condition he was in), and he found himself stopping for a quick treat. He shoved his hand into his front pocket and pulled out his wallet. Shuffling through the bills, he plucked a few dollars from within the leather fold before taking his place behind the last customer in line.
    Pursing his lips, he peered over heads and above shoulders at the two ladies scooping icecream and neatly piling them onto a cone. He had been to the Summer House once or twice -- it had been the taller blonde who had been there to serve his ice cream both times. As the line seemed to slowly disappear, he stepped up to the window, eyeing the variety of flavors he could choose from.
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
I recently added a plot page for Minghao if you guys haven’t seen it yet. pleaSE do send me a quick message if you are interested in any of them (there are only quite a few there, but i prOMISE i’ll add more later on!!). If you’d still like to plot but are uninterested in those, please still do hmu so we could brainstorm or something. the page is here!
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
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minghaopalm · 10 years ago
{- woops!! read more for lame introduction!! -}
{- hello! my name is candice, and i am minghao’s mun who is also lame af. thank you for all your sweet welcomes. it's a pleasure to be here! i won't be able to get to your messages tonight, but i'll try to make sure i get to follow every single one of you ^^ -}
{- anyway, i can’t wait to roleplay with you all. if you wish to plot please, hmu ;] -}
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