#cs tabitha
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some books I've read recently, attempting to become horny
rated on: narrative kinkiness, sexual horniness, completeness, non-stupidity. The last two are different aspects of overall quality. Completeness means: did it live up to the shape of what it wants to be as a book? Non-stupidity is, is that shape stupid or not?
10/10 completeness means it completely lives up to its own vision, elicits no desire in me to mentally rewrite it. The actual best books for horny/creative purposes are around a 5/10.
10/10 non-stupid means that the vision is actually good and not idiotic. Low score might mean the characters behave nonsensically, or that the conflict is resolved with deus ex machina, or that the AI who has been keeping world peace gives up its monopoly on violence for moralistic reasons and this is played as anything other than a catastrophe for mankind.
The Scholomance by R. Lee Smith
Erotic horror. Very erotic and very horrifying, but more effective at the latter. Telepath enters a rapey and murdery school run by demons to find and rescue her friend.
Narratively kinky: 6/10.
Horny: technically 9/10 but it didn't work for me because the characters' sexualities are so violent and alien (this works within the worldbuilding though) so 3/10 for me personally
Completeness: 9/10. It could be shorter but I'm glad it wasn't. I liked all the mucking about.
Non-stupidity: 7.8/10
The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith
Sci-fi with alienfucking. First half is torture because the main character has the same 100-page conflict with two people but for 400 pages. I did not care about the lizard man she falls in love with. I did care about the worldbuilding, and the reveal at the end about why the world is shaped that way. Solid prose of the kind I aspire to – descriptive, competent, neither too sparse nor too flowery.
Narratively kinky: 4/10. It was fine I guess.
Horny: Technically 9/10 but for me 4/10. Higher than the other book because I liked the long dancing around alien genitals.
Completeness: 6/10. Docking a lot of points for the repetitive first half.
Non-stupidity: 8/10.
The Tied Man by Tabitha McGowan
Famous painter gets blackmailed into being a painter in residence for a wealthy sadist with a male sex slave she pimps out for other sadists, who is wooed and rescued over the course of the book. Man, this should have been up my alley but I just did not like the ship. I liked it as a thriller but not as a romance.
Narratively kinky: 8/10
Horny: 8/10
Complete: 7/10
Non-stupid: 5/10
Its sequel, Unbound by Tabitha McGowan
The recovery arc, where the 85:15 hurt/comfort ratio flips. Ehh. I didn't care for the rescued guy's family drama, nor the previous antagonist's son stepping into her shoes. I'm not going to remember anything about this book in a year.
Narratively kinky: 2/10
Horny: 4/10
Complete: 5/10
Non-stupid: 5/10
After the Storm by a variety of authors
Guy traumatized by his previous job reenters an old job where everyone is nice and there is no conflict except for his own anxiety. If that's your thing, and it's nonzero mine
Narratively kinky: 5/10, because of the premise and the thing where he's descended from supersoldiers who weigh 300 pounds and no one understands how much he needs to eat and keeps hurting him accidentally via underfeeding
Horny: 7/10 technically but they were cheerful and bantering and cloying during the sex, so, 2/10
Complete: 6/10
Non-stupid: 7/10
Dark Rise by CS Pacat
uhh there's a reincarnation of a dark lord except he doesn't want to be dark lord. And there's the reincarnation of the dark lord's sex slave. And then there's the other stuff which should be like 65% of the book but is 95%. Horrible!
Narratively kinky: would be 9/10 for the ship but it gets very little pagetime. You know what gets pagetime? The most phoned in YA induction into a secret magical society ever. So, 2/10. Anger.
Horny: 1/10
Complete: 2/10
Non-stupid: 3/10. All of these ratings would be higher if the author had gone hard in on the ship. The book is a weird hybrid; they seem to be trying to capture the YA market and also please their hardcore D/s readership from the previous series
Its sequel, Dark Heir
Narratively kinky: 6/10, there's more of the ship, which is by far the most interesting thing going on
Horny: 3/10
Complete: 5/10
Non-stupid: 5/10. Still nerfed by trying to be generic YA
The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow
In a war-fractured post-climate-apocalypse world, an AI takes all the world leaders' children hostage and executes them if their parents start a war. Also nukes cities sometimes. The hostages are the main characters.
Narratively kinky: 5/10. I like hostages. I like the weird little world they have – many of these kids are celebrities and future world leaders, but they're also on a little low tech farm school, doing farm chores and fearing for their lives. It's a unique atmosphere.
Horny: 1/10. There's a tepid f/f hookup. It's fine. The character's sexuality is very secondary in her own interests. She wonders if she's queer but it's really not a priority to figure out
Complete: 6/10. I'm conflicted as to which metric to dock points from for the extremely annoying secondary protagonist. I've concluded it's execution not vision.
Non-stupid: 8/10
Its sequel, The Swan Riders
It gets kinkier when the MC gets uplifted into an AI (still in her own body though) and she's having a new peer relationship with the dictator of the entire world who is losing touch with his humanity. And it's kinky when one of the bodies hosting that dictator AI gets its connection permanently severed, so there's a copy of that AI newly mortal and figuring how to exist. While they're on a roadtrip with some people who might or might not want to kill them. It's a great idea. Unfortunately, the factual mystery of the book is resolved in a stupid way, and the ethical/political dilemma is resolved in the stupidest possible way ("maybe it's bad to be a dictator, let's try global anarchy" – are you shitting me). So.
Narratively kinky: 7/10
Horny: 0/10
Complete: 7/10
Non-stupid: 3/10
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I posted 345 times in 2021
23 posts created (7%)
322 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 14.0 posts.
I added 27 tags in 2021
#h.i.v.e. - 8 posts
#good audio post - 6 posts
#higher institute of villainous education - 4 posts
#bloodline spoilers - 3 posts
#i did homework on jimmy buffet last year - 1 posts
9. #miss leon the og catgirl - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#them being like ‘hey we want to set up an interview next week’ has spurred me to fix up my resume and apply to jobs in my degree field lmao
My Top Posts in 2021
Reading bloodline as an adult I’m questioning some things I didn’t as a middle schooler.
Namely, *where* is Miss Leon’s body being kept? Does it have a cat brain? Did they get rid of it? Are they planning on her a new body altogether?? Who let the cs teacher do experiments on humans??
7 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 04:02:14 GMT
Professor Pike: Tabitha! Did it work? Do you feel more feline?
Miss Leon: Nya
8 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 04:17:23 GMT
Some fun (non spoiler) hive bloodline stats
3 - times Laura says “Aww” in chapter one only to never say it again
4 - instances of people stabbing at controls (since this happens most often in Shrouds, I can only assume their flight panel is knife-activated)
7 - times Wing is referred to as “Big guy” in place of his name
9 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 02:41:27 GMT
I also forgot how funny the adults names are
The woman who turned into a cat? Tabitha Leon
Villains? Let’s name them Maximillian Nero and Diabolus Darkdoom
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 04:08:02 GMT
I’m so out of the loop because of school the past few months. Did book 9 come out?
15 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 23:37:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
#It’s wildly funny to me that almost everything here is in relation to my September HIVE reading#year in review
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Everyone is celebrating the end of uni a bit differently.
In the end everyone got their degree, although it was mostly Cs and Bs. Tabitha has the best GPA of them all (She also rolled the most wants about learning)
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End of the Decade Favourite Book Tag
omg @bookcub this is such a cool idea! let’s see how well I remember reads pre-2015 😅
1. High fantasy books that are obsession-worthy idk if it’s all the way to obsession-worthy but y’all have gotta have a go at the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks. it’s complete now with 5 incredibly long books but the characters are dynamic and the worldbuilding is awesome and I can’t wait to finally finish it in 2020!
2. Urban fantasy books filled with people you want as friends I mean, I’ve always called them rural fantasy because the story takes place in a small town but the Wolves of Mercy Falls series is so lovely and I’d love Sam and Grace as friends :3
3. Portal fantasy you fall in love with multiple times The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis - I didn’t read these as a kid even though I owned them and loved the movies. I read them all my first semester of uni in 2013 and absolutely loved them and I’ve revisited my favourites (The Magician’s Nephew, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) several times.
4. Novella that just makes you sigh cause it’s so lovely I just reread This Winter by Alice Oseman and it is so sweet even though it shows the characters at a very difficult time in their lives. It ties in with Heartstopper and Solitaire and just got a beautiful new cover too
5. Historically inaccurate but laugh out loud [skipped]
6. Satire that makes you reconsider your whole world view The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness - It’s got great commentary on the “chosen one” tropes we see so often in YA, has wonderful diversity and is just a really lovely story
7. Happy, happy, happy and sad, sad, sad A Note of Madness by Tabitha Suzuma - I reread this duology in February and I was amazed at how well she balances the happy moments with the sad ones in these two novels
8. No, I’m not too old for kids’ books, what are you talking about??? The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer - I bought the first one because I loved Glee but I got totally sucked into the fairy tale universe he created. I can’t wait to dive in again with the sequel series A Tale of Magic...
9. I’m also not too old for picture books either and never will be I’ve been loving the Books to Drive Kids Crazy series by Beck & Matt Stanton. They’re loads of fun!
10. Whoa, never expected that ending and to have that much fun!!! I’m gonna go with Inheritance by Christopher Paolini, the last of the Eragon books, even though I remember only one scene from it 😅 I definitely need to reread the series but I remember being really surprised by the ending and so sad that the series that made me want to be a writer was over.
11. Like I’m scared, but I’m happy about it All of Christina Henry’s fairy tale retellings. Lost Boy freaked me the heck out because I wasn’t expecting the horror elements lol but The Girl In Red is my favourite because disabled leading lady of colour 👍
12. Classically favourite The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien - the movies really cemented this as my favourite of Tolkien’s books but I just love Bilbo so much and this book always cheers me up.
13. Party in your ears If I Stay by Gayle Forman - for the movie more than the book. the songs they wrote for Adam’s band in the movie are awesome and I listen to them all the time
14. Boom!!! Pow!!! Wham!!! The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - ^^^ the sounds of this book destroying my heart
15. Oh wow, that’s me!! A Scandal By Any Other Name by Kimberly Bell - the first time I ever read a book about someone with spina bifida, like me. It absolutely blew my mind and was the final sign I needed to start writing about characters like me because the feeling of being represented and understood absolutely blew me away <3
16. I can’t stop thinking about this book The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson - it’s just a wonderful exploration of how victims cope with emotional abuse and I will forever be mad that the Netflix series made it Scary™ instead of exploring its actual themes and characters. I just want a faithful adaptation okay!
17. A book you got from Tumblr that made it to your fave both of CG Drews’ books - A Thousand Perfects Notes and The Boy Who Steals Houses. two beautiful novels about teenagers dealing with abuse and poverty and finding ways to save themselves. I absolutely love them and I hope to the great publishing gods that she gets to keep writing forever <3
18. A book you had high expectations for and then the author OVER delivered Amelia Westlake (Was Never Here) by Erin Gough - I tend to be pretty tough on Australian YA because I’m always looking for it to capture my experience as an Australian teenager and this novel is one of the closest I’ve found. the struggles Will and Harriet face with their teachers and parents and friends felt so true and I just loved that. I’ll sing this book’s praises to the moon and back 💫
tagging: @nothinglessthanseven @thelivebookproject @lost-in-a-story @coffeebooksorme @storytime-reviews and anyone else who’d like to join in :D
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Are you ready to find out what Tabitha and Zoey become??? ***Available Now FREE with Kindle Unlimited!!!*** Becoming by E.S. McMillan & Mandy Kim mybook.to/BecomingFVP Best friends from birth. Sisters forever. Things start to change for Tabitha and Zoey Ryan right before their sixteenth birthdays. When secrets are confessed and strange things start happening, will a premonition come true? Find out what happens when Tabitha and Zoey start to become whom they were born to be. #ReadyToRead #FieryVisionPublishing #FieryGraphics #YoungAdult #YA #ESMcMillan #MandyKim #Amazon #ebook #Kindle #Witches #Werewolves #Shifters #Twins #Sisters #Prophecy #ComingOfAge #paranormal https://www.instagram.com/p/CS-VC1pLHvx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Boardroom Wrangles After Media Chief Fires Staff in Leaked Document
Boardroom Wrangles After Media Chief Fires Staff in Leaked Document
A leaked letter is the cause of internal wrangles pitting media chiefs against one another, roping in ICT CS Joe Mucheru and Attorney General Kariuki Kihara. Media Council of Kenya (MCK) CEO David Omwoyo dismissed Tabitha Mutemi as a member of the board which regulates the media industry in a leaked letter dated January 11. Omwoyo argued that Mutemi, who was appointed to the board by CS Joe…

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A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
TAGGED BY: nobody lol ;0 —————————————————————————-
NAME: i/graine ( ragnelle de winter, nee comstock. ) AGE: 47. SPECIES: demigod. GENDER: gnc non-binary woman. ORIENTATION: lesbian, struggling with compulsory heterosexuality. ( has a ‘rlly rlly rlly rlly strong preference, haha,’ ) PROFESSION: shieldmaiden commander under queen nessa i / founder and owner of small talk arts centre and instructor for g.u.t.s womens self defence.
—————————————————————————- { PHYSICAL ASPECTS } BODY TYPE: tall and muscular. EYES: grey-green. SKIN: ruddy / freckled. HEIGHT: 5′11″ WEIGHT: hell if i kno my guy lol!! heavy, probably muscle weighs a lot!
—————————————————————————- { FAMILY } SIBLINGS: half-brother padraig / patrick comstock. ( deceased. ) PARENTS: cuchulain, legendary celtic hero ( deceased ) & aine, goddess of the summer sun. ANY PETS?: yes [ ✓ ] tabitha, cat. || no [ ]
—————————————————————————- { SKILLS } COMBAT: 10/10 SPEED: 5.5/10 STAMINA: 10/10 INTELLIGENCE: 8/10 TEAMWORK: 10/10
—————————————————————————- { LIKES } COLORS: W A R M C O L O U R S esp warm earth tones. favourite is golden yellow, but also inc every other variation of orange, yellow and red. SMELLS: citrus, campfire, cinnamon. forest, paint. cloves. FOOD: mediterranean, citrus and vegan dishes. FRUITS: guys this just in…..i/graine loves citrus…..just…..pile those oranges Right On my pals….. DRINKS: caramel flavoured coffee, taken black always and hot usually, LEMONADE, ORANGE JUICE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? yes [ ] || socially [ ✓ ] || to excess [ ] || no [ ]
FAVORITES: PAINTING, drawing, HORSES, CATS, ( bumble )bees, other animals, kids, talking about ya feelings, punching things, the Futch Aesthetique™ ( 3 cs: cute, comfortable and constructive!! ) swords, shieldmaidenry, fucking your art teacher
—————————————————————————- { OTHER DETAILS } SMOKES? yes [ ] || no [ ✓ ] || Occasionally [ ] DRUGS?: yes [ ] || no [ ✓ ] || Occasionally [ ] DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [ ✓ ] || no [ ] —————————————————————————- DONE!! Now tag other 15 people [ or more/less if you want ]: @mxdam, @bestvictim, @defenestratio, @electrifiedx! @heroheart also if anybody else does this and say i tagged you ill Vouch!
#☼ ❀ wear their history like a map on their face. ( igraine’s canons. )#⚢ ♡ beauty queen on a silver screen. ( dashboard meme. )
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New video by Tuko / Tuco - Kenya: Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV https://youtu.be/WK8adSI3rdo
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Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV
Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja says growing a company in Kenya is not easy, wants a policy put in place to protect homegrown companies from unfair competition from foreign investors Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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New video by Tuko / Tuco - Kenya: Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV https://youtu.be/WK8adSI3rdo
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New video by Tuko / Tuco - Kenya on YouTube
Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja says growing a company in Kenya is not easy, wants a policy put in place to protect homegrown companies from unfair competition from foreign investors Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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New video by Tuko / Tuco - Kenya: Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV https://youtu.be/WK8adSI3rdo
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Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV
Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja says growing a company in Kenya is not easy, wants a policy put in place to protect homegrown companies from unfair competition from foreign investors Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV
Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja says growing a company in Kenya is not easy, wants a policy put in place to protect homegrown companies from unfair competition from foreign investors Subscribe to Tuko TV on Youtube: https://goo.gl/y8QBbm __ Top-5 | Tuko TV - Kenyan Top List - https://bit.ly/2G2RR75 Would you like to be the first one to know the latest news about Kenya and Africa? Tuko TV can definitely make it happen. These top 5 videos contain the most interesting and shocking data on politics, sports, medicine, residents of Kenya, and many other important facts about the country. The Kenyan Top List contains the most shocking miracles by African pastors, the most surprising facts about Kikuyu people, and even medical miracles achieved by the Kenyan Doctors! Save this playlist to get an access to the Kenya Best Lists and stay updated with the latest stories and trends in Kenya. Entertainment news in Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2G0C1JX In this playlist, you can find the best Entertainment news in Kenya. Do you want to hear about the latest celebrity news in Kenya and Africa? Tuko.co.ke has collected the most intriguing and fascinating Kenya news that will leave you speechless. Do you want to find out why Kenyan women cook “maini” for their husbands? What is a female and how to properly use it? Save this playlist and be the first one to find out all of the answers! Special projects of Kenya | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2Iu6ntz Are you ready to hear the most horrific facts of Africa? Tuko.co.ke is ready to present you the most interesting documentaries and stories that recently happened in Kenya. Watch the people telling stories about child marriages, small businesses ideas, gender violence, and many other important topics among Faces of Kenya. Do you want to hear a story of a Kenyan domestic worker in Saudi Arabia and find out how a Kenyan man is spending millions to change his gender? Save this playlist and stay informed about all of the latest updates and topics in Kenya. Current affairs in Kenya | Tuko TV | Kenya News - https://bit.ly/2IdnUTO In this Tuko.co.ke playlist, you can find all of the current affairs in Kenya! It is full of the latest news from Kenya, including politics, scandals, reactions, and statements. Do you like watching people’s reactions and opinions on different life situations? Are you interested in being the first one to share the news of Kenya among your friends and family? Save this playlist and be updated on every major situation and problem happening In Kenya at this very moment. Tuko BUZZ | Tuko TV - https://bit.ly/2KRtFIb On Tuko BUZZ, you can find the latest collection of Kenyan music news and facts. This playlist will come in handy for all of the music lovers out there. We explicitly created this playlist on Tuko.co.ke to help you stay informed about all of the influential Kenyan singers, including their relationships, family lives, marriages, and life crisis. Do you want to know what is going on with your favorite Kenyan artists today? Save this playlist and stay informed on the popular Kenyan artists and their lives at the moment. __ Connect with Tuko TV Online! Site Tuko: https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Follow Tuko TV on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2qEwBQ6 Follow Tuko TV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tuko_co_ke Tuko Lifestyle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUKtbAqPI5RcdfnABVnSOg __ Visit TUKO’s official YouTube channel to get today’s breaking news, latest and most relevant updates, most pressing issues in Kenya, Nairobi news, entertainment news, sports news. #tukotv #tukonews #tukocoke #
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Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja makes a bold proposal to treasury CS Ukur Yattani | Tuko TV https://youtu.be/WK8adSI3rdo
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