#cs lapin
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#carmen sandiego#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego ocs#cs amaryllis#cs heera#cs midnight#cs faheema#cs whizzer#cs rana#cs fugu#cs lapin#cs er#cs tabitha#cs jailbreak#cs tama#cs deathbeat#cs mien#cs kitu#cs maya#cs admiral#cs python#cs heartache#cs rebecca#cs shanzi#cs thunderbird#cs el lovo#cs chipper#cs soundbite#cs community#carmen sandiego community
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Some updated designs for my girlfriends…Fugu and Lapin the butchfemme couple of all time
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it feels like ive done nothing but collect ref and outline art concept over the last like, 36hrs, which is pretty close to exactly true 🫠🫠
#mochi rambles#and im gonna continue doing it for A BIT#i promised cherry a comm of their boy testament#and i wanna get art of lapin and zehra sooner than later#and ideally ive some art other art i wanna get done for cs#once i find an artist up to doing four drawings involving a total of 30 characters (spread out)#(both the characters per drawing and the drawings themselves)#being a patron of the arts is hard work
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There are four of them and all of them are equally wonderful! They’re so well written and comfortingly human. Reading lapin feels like snuggling under the blankets with the AC on. I love how uninhibited Laurent is in some of the scenes or how mature, funny, and attractively annoying Damen is. It’s all just so precious and nice. I’m reading ‘you’ll miss the sun’ at the moment. It’s a WIP, and I can’t wait for the next chapter to come out. I just thought I’d rant about this here🙈
Okay, bye.
#captive prince#damen x laurent#damen of akielos#c s pacat#laurent of vere#c.s. pacat#cs pacat#kings rising#prince’s gambit#capri#caprikid#damen#laurent#fanfic#fic recs#fanfic recommendations#lapin
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Les enfants, aujourd'hui, Tonton Fox vous parle de littérature. Mais pas n'importe laquelle. Lorsque Gérald Gardner, met en forme, et d'une certaine façon, crée la wicca dans les années 50, il suit un mouvement déjà existant. D'une certaine façon, l'idée était dans l'air.
Les livres pour enfants, par leur fausse innocence, permettent de dire pas mal de choses. C'est le cas de Mary Poppins, pas le film de Disney, mais les livres de Pamela Lyndon Travers. Sous une forme dissimulée, l'occultisme y est partout présent. Chaque chapitre est une petite histoire à méditer et qui est comme une leçon de magie donnée à la petite Jane qui est au centre de l'histoire. D'ailleurs l'auteur était elle même occultiste. Dans le deuxième tôme, le passage de l'arrivée du nouveau bébé, qui comprend le langage des oiseaux, et se fâche car il va oublier ses vies antérieures, ne laisse pas de place au doute.(Seule Mary Poppins peut se rappeler qui elle était avant).
Parfois c'est plus discret. Comme dans "Le vent dans les saules" de Kenneth Grahame. Le moment où Ragondin retrouve les petits lapins perdus est marqué par le grand dieu Pan qui fait vivre aux personnages un moment de grâce, d'exaltation, dont ils ne garderont qu'un souvenir confus.
Pour ce qui est de Pan, une des interprétations de Peter Pan, pas la seule, est que Peter Pan est en réalité le grand frère mort de Wendy. L'ile des enfants perdus serait les limbes où vont les enfants morts trop jeunes. Les autres œuvres de James Barrie ont aussi un caractère fantastique marqué.
"Le grand dieu Pan" est aussi un roman de Arthur Machen. Moitié fantastique moitié science fiction, il montre le coté redoutable de l'incarnation de la nature dans le paganisme. Le même écrivain reprendra cet aspect dans ce qui est sans doute le plus extraordinaire roman fantastique:"Le peuple blanc". Lorsqu'Arthur Machen a quitté la Golden Dawn, il est revenu à l'église d'Angleterre. Il a alors eu une vision de l'occulte comme diabolique, et, selon ses propres termes:"Ne voulait plus rien avoir à faire avec toute ces pleines lunes". Dans cette histoire, la jeune fille a été initiée enfant à la sorcellerie par sa nounou galloise (celte). Elle effectuera des rituels païens avec les moyens du bord devant une terrible idole datant de l'occupation romaine. Basé sur l'idée de survivances antiques, c'est un roman étonnant.
Souvenons nous aussi que c'est dans les années 30 et 40 que sont publiés "Le seigneur des anneaux" de Tolkien, et "Le monde de Narnia" de CS Lewis. Les deux compères qui ont écrit ces sagas étant tout deux collègues professeurs d'histoire à Oxford.
On pourrait dire que cette littérature anglaise a préparé le terrain. Elle est surtout la manifestation d'un courant de pensée qui a fini par se répandre sur l'ensemble du monde.
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1 Introduction to Falsettos
2 Laying out section which I am looking at - beginning and end
3 Explaining just looking at grey blocks
4 Rubik’s cube - initially being joined together - idea of family unit
5 Turning the cube
6 Sides of stage which they are on
7 Importance/significance of Whizzer being first person to remove block
8 Jason kicking block out - block represents Jason
9 Trina, Jason and Mendel sorting blocks - Whizzer and Marvin not
10 Why did no one question grey?
11 Grey connotations
12 Overarching ideas of set - set becomes real when selfishness leaves
13 Conclusion
1 Introduction to Falsettos
The production of Falsettos I am looking at is the 2016/17 production at Lincoln Center, starring Stephanie J. Block, Christian Borle, Andrew Rannells, Anthony Rosenthal, Tracie Thoms, Brandon Uranowitz and Betsy Wolfe and with direction by James Lapine, and music by William Finn. The set (which is what I am looking at in depth) was designed by David Rockwell and has been the focus of very little attention. The performance I am looking at was the one filmed for PBS (this is because living in Scotland it was the only version I could get access to).
Falsettos begins with Marvin explaining that he has divorced his wife and left his son (Jason) for Whizzer (a man). He also introduces the audience to his psychiatrist Mendel. The musical continues to, in the first act, focus on two relationships - the developing relationship between Trina and Mendel culminating in marriage, and the crumbling relationship of Whizzer and Marvin. The second act is then set two years later and now focuses more on Jason and his relationship with the adults surrounding him.
2 Laying out section which I am looking at - beginning and end
Falsettos is over two hours long therefore making it very difficult to analyse in depth any one aspect of the performance over such an extended period of time. This is why I have chosen to look at a very particular section towards the beginning of Act One. The section lasts in total one minute and thirty-five seconds. It begins with Whizzer removing the first grey block from the cube in the centre of the stage and it ends with everyone sitting in their respective places (Whizzer stage right (SR), Jason centre stage (CS) on top of the cube, Trina and Mendel stage left (SL) and Marvin - the only person standing - centre stage right (CSR)). I was initially going to shorten this section to when the actors finished removing the blocks before Marvin begins to tell the narrative but I felt the positioning after the initial removal of the blocks from the cube was important as it helps to make sense of the movement in the section to which I am referring. However, even though I am only looking in depth at this small section I will make reference to the rest of the musical if it connects or is important to what I am saying - this may include spoiling details of the show so please watch the performance before reading this essay.
3 Explaining just looking at the grey blocks
I chose to analyse the set of the grey blocks because I started to do this subconsciously. By accident, it seems, my academic subject had bleed into my enjoyment of theatre causing me to focus on meaning in everything I was watching, rather than just in what I was studying. While writing down my thoughts - which were confused - I rewatched the musical picking up on things which had not occurred to me before simply because now I was asking questions and paying close attention. Set has always fascinated me as, although, it is generally ignored it filters into our subconscious and more often than not shapes our feelings towards the piece we are seeing. An example of this is clearly seen in Falsettos. Before I begin to really look at the set there are a few things I wish to point out.
Firstly although I did study Theatre Studies I am in no way an expert I was only in second year when I started this and have since dropped Theatre Studies altogether. Secondly I have never built set and do not know the technicalities required for set design. Also this is all my own opinion feel free to disagree with everything I am saying.
The main distinction to note is between the individual grey blocks and when those individual blocks become joined together to create one cube. I will therefore use the word ‘block’ in reference to the individual pieces and ‘cube’ in reference to the larger joined together cube (which generally sits centre stage). Also although my interest is in the set I will only be looking at the grey blocks and the cube I will not be looking at the backdrop or any of the later set (such as the hospital bed) in any depth or in some cases even at all.
4 Rubik’s cube - initially being joined together - idea of family unit
The term ‘Rubik’s Cube’ is used by both Wong and the Rockwell Group to describe the cube which is placed centre stage in the section which I am looking at.
Several reviewers have made reference to the set as childish. Stating it has echoes of a child’s playground as the puzzle pieces fit together. However the simplicity of the playground equipment metaphor takes away from the complexity that the set represents. The grey blocks form a cube - ‘Rubik’s like-cube’ - which presents the puzzle of forming a family unit. However, the dismantling of the cube at the beginning of the performance signifies the puzzle breaking apart - like the family unit. The cube is not simply representative of a childish attitude but instead signifies the deeper meaning of family, the family unit and how families are reshaped by divorce and death.
All blocks are slotted together to create one cohesive - together cube. This, for me, represents the original family unit of Marvin, Trina and Jason which is broken apart before the narrative begins to be revealed by Marvin. Representing that this has taken place before the beginning of the musical. All the characters present in this section (Marvin, Whizzer, Trina, Mendel and Jason) consciously break apart the cube - representing them consciously breaking apart the original family unit.
5 Turning the cube
“At the core of the show is a family”
Tracie Thoms (who plays Charlotte who appears in the second act as a friend of Marvin’s) told the Lincoln Center YouTube channel this when being interviewed about the production. The core is also the centre and the cube, which represents family, is placed centre stage.
Whizzer and Mendel once both sides have equal blocks (two each SL and SR) turn the cube as a whole. This portrays how both of these men reshape the original family unit. Whizzer becomes Marvin’s partner thus breaking the marriage of Trina and Marvin. Then Mendel marries Trina creating a new family unit.
6 Sides of stage which they are on
The cube which represents the original family unit is placed centre stage. Whizzer tends to favour SR whereas Trina and Mendel favour SL. Jason is centre stage showing that he is caught between two new families which have been created from parts of the original family unit he was a part of. Marvin moves around the whole stage choosing eventually to sit SR with Whizzer. Mendel and Trina only go to SR to fix Marvin and Whizzer’s blocks. Mendel does so as he is Marvin psychiatrist and is therefore trying to help him but Trina is trying to create a stable life for Jason wherever he is.
7 Importance/Significance of Whizzer being first person to remove blocks
Whizzer is the first person to remove any of the blocks from the cube. This indicates that his actions and relationship with Marvin began the unravelling of the original family unit. However, Marvin chooses Whizzer over his wife and child and this is represented by Marvin as he removes the second block from the cube. Although Whizzer is not wholly blamed by the audience (or at least me) for the pain his relationship with Marvin causes it does spark an interesting question and something that is never addressed. Is it Marvin’s fault or should Whizzer shoulder some of the blame for the mess that is caused by the breaking of the original family unit?
Once Marvin and Whizzer have removed a block each Mendel removes a block along with Whizzer. This represents Mendel falling in love and marrying Trina as after the initial relationship between Marvin and Whizzer has been established Mendel breaks the original family unit further by marrying Trina. Making it particularly difficult for Marvin to ever return to Trina to recreate the original family unit. Mendel also during this section helps Trina to fix blocks both on SL and SR. The significance of this is realised when Mendel and Trina sing ‘Making a Home’. Together they try to create a new family from the ashes (or blocks) of the original family. Mendel also as Marvin’s psychiatrist helps him in his new relationship with Whizzer and therefore he reshapes and organises the blocks SR which represent the new family Marvin and Whizzer have created together.
8 Jason kicking block out - block represents Jason
Jason while not consciously breaking apart his family does kick out a block but then tries to sort it and places it with his new family unit (SL where Trina and Mendel favour). This signifies his anger that is seen through his general annoyance and hatred towards his parents. This emotion further drives apart his family although he fails to know this will happen as he is a child. The block Jason kicks out represents Jason and how he feels. It is the smallest block pulled out in the section. It reflects Jason’s feelings of isolation and feeling small, insecure and insignificant. This is then paired with the significant actions of every other character in the musical to ignore Jason and leave him to pick up the block and sort it himself. This signifies Jason’s feelings of being left alone and feeling helpless. It also shows that no one is thinking about him as most of the other characters for the majority of the first act of the piece are caught up in their own problems rather than focusing on Jason and how he is feeling until the second act where the focus changes.
Jason sorts blocks on SL showing he has chosen Trina and Mendel which is revealed later on when he lives the majority of time with Mendel and Trina and only sees his father on the weekends. Jason unintentionally helps to further break apart the original family unit.
9 Trina, Jason and Mendel sorting blocks - Whizzer and Marvin not
Mendel does not break apart the original family unit before the beginning of the musical but the removal of blocks by him foreshadows his relationship with Trina which turns from a professional relationship to love through the first act. He also follows Trina’s lead in trying to sort out both her new family ((SL) of her and Jason) and Marvin’s new family ((SR) of Marvin and Whizzer and sometimes Jason). This help is signified in the form of Trina and Mendel sorting and tidying the blocks pulled out of the cube. Trina begins SL sorting the blocks (her own family) before moving across with Mendel to sort the blocks SR (Marvin and Whizzer’s family). Mendel follows Trina’s lead in this regard and this signifies Mendel trying to help - through his job as a psychiatrist - Marvin and consequently Whizzer. Trina also helps sort out Whizzer and Marvin’s family as she is concerned about Jason and still loves Marvin.
Interestingly both Whizzer and Marvin sort no blocks. This shows their selfishness throughout the first act as they expect others to sort their problems or simply ignore these problems. They are only concerned with themselves and sometimes each other. They take little to no interest in Trina or Mendel and are therefore surprised, and in Marvin’s case angered, by the news of their blossoming relationship.
10 Why no one questions grey?
Many of the reviews I looked at thought that the set was ‘ugly’. However, not one of the reviewers asked, what I think is the most interesting question, why? David Rockwell has designed many sets which are beautiful and spectacular but this set is not, therefore why? This must have been a conscious choice to make the set grey and minimalist. Rather than dismissing this choice as simply poor design it is clear to me that the set is doing more than simply indicating location. The complexity of the purpose and needs of this set require more thought than pure aesthetics.
11 Grey Connotations
When you begin to look at the connotations of the colour grey in western society you begin to understand why this specific colour was a conscious choice. For a revival, which is set in a very specific time (such as the AIDS crisis), but still needs to speak to a current audience grey is the perfect choice as it reflects timelessness. The set, which is usually so time specific, is brilliantly used to capture that timeless feel by focusing on use rather than on reality. Grey represents timelessness and this is used to full effect to allow the audience not to focus on the nostalgia or oddities of the seventies and eighties but rather to concentrate on the narrative and characters at the heart of the musical. This focus on character reflects human nature and the emotional experience which serve to tell the story without the fear that the audience will be distracted by the wonders of theatrical magic. It also allows parallels between the present and the past (what has changed and what has not) to be explored subsciously, by the audience. Which allows comparisons and differences to be recognised between the musical and the current climate in thoughts and ideas rather than technology or aesthetics.
The sense of loss, experienced at the end of the musical, is foreshadowed by the grey colour used in the blocks which give a hint at the tragedy to come. Grey also is commonly connected with practical uses - this is paralleled in the performance as the blocks are used to create different settings and different set (such as a kitchen table or a couch).
12 Set Becomes Real
Later on in the piece, towards the end of the second act, the set becomes ‘real’. The set although continuing to signify meaning it becomes more recognisable and not completely representative rather embodying the object rather than just representing it. For example, the hospital bed is actually a hospital bed. As the selfishness leaves the piece and the family becomes friendly again as tragedy strikes the set becomes ‘real’.
13 Conclusion
In conclusion, the Falsettos revival of 2016 had set design which signifies far more than first appears and subtly guides the audience to the understanding of the family dynamic before the narrative is even explained.
29th December 2016
Huffington Post
Why Broadway’s ‘Falsettos’ Is A ‘Reality Check’ For LGBTQ Audiences
Curtis M. Wong
Rockwell Group
10th November 2016
Asad Syrkett and Zoe Rosenberg
Architect David Rockwell pulls curtain back on designing for the stage
16th September 2016
LincolnCenterTheater YouTube Channel
Behind the Scenes with FALSETTOS
28th October 2016
Alexis Soloski
The Guardian
Falsettos review - radically intimate musical hits the high notes
27th October 2016
Jesse Green
Theater Review: Fizzing in Every Direction, Falsettos Marches Back to Broadway
27th October 2016
Charles Isherwood
The New York Times
Review: ‘Falsettos,’ a Perfect Musical, an Imperfect Family
27th October 2016
David Rooney
The Hollywood Reporter
‘Falsettos’: Theater Review
#andrew rannells#stephanie j block#anthony rosenthal#christian borle#betsy wolfe#tracie thoms#falsettos#brandon uranowitz#falsettos revival#2016#lincoln center#david rockwell#set#broadway#theatre#theater#william finn#bill finn#musical#composer#director#in trousers#review#reviews#playbill#broadway.com#broadwayworld#theatermania#essay#tour
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[PV] 三度笠ポン太は今日も行く (Sandogasa Ponta Wa Kyou Mo Iku) // 荒牧陽子 (Yoko Aramaki) 三度笠ポン太は今日も行く Song Information Artist: 荒牧陽子 Composition/Arrangement/Guitar/Bass/Other Instruments & Drum Programming: Mutsuhiko Izumi Lyrics: HEAVEN Vocals: Yoko Aramaki BPM: 140 Length: 1:36 Movie: Lapin graphics First Music Game Appearance: GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V Other Music Game Appearances: GITADORA (Mobile) GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3 Lyrics [Japanese] 度の枕を涙で濡らし ポン太は今日も行く 幼い頃にはぐれた母よ 何処に まぶたに 浮かぶ面影を いつかきっと 探し出して 巡り合える その日まで 「もう泣くもんか」 度の道連れ はかない恋も あるにはあるけど 「おいらにゃご法度さ あばよ」 心隠して 今日も行く 立ちはだかる 邪魔者は斬るぜ 行かなくちゃ 夕日が呼んでいる [Romaji] tabi no makura wo namida de nurashi ponta wa kyou mo iku osanai koro ni hagureta hahayo doko ni mabuta ni ukabu omokage wo itsuka kitto sagashidashite meguri aeru sono hi made "mou naku monka" tabi no michizure hakanai koi mo aru ni wa arukedo "oira nya gohatto sa aba yo" kokoro kakushite kyou mo iku tachi hadakaru jamasha wa kiruze ikanakucha yuhi ga yonde iru ==================== Song Connections / Remixes *三度笠ポン太は今日も行く is the first song of the Sandogasa Ponta (三度笠ポン太) series of songs. Trivia *三度笠ポン太は今日も行く marks Yoko Aramaki's first KONAMI original song in the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series. *三度笠ポン太は今日も行く is playable as the final song of the Made In JAPAN Cup (メードインJAPAN杯) in GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V's GITADOKING. *As of April 22nd, 2005, 三度笠ポン太は今日も行く was automatically unlocked for play in Standard Mode. *On GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V CS, 三度笠ポン太は今日も行く is unlocked by reaching 70000 points in GITADO SLOT, or by turning on time-release unlocks and playing the game for 10.5 hours. *三度笠ポン太は今日も行く is available for play in GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3 as an unlockable song in Pleasure Box 9 (September 12th, 2012). ================================================== Refrescamos nuestra imagen, y te invitamos a vivir la experiencia Dancerzone Perú Pagina Oficial en todos nuestros canales virtuales Portal http://dancerzone.net Foro miarroba: http://dancerzone.tk/ https://ift.tt/2qgbrX3 Facebook: https://ift.tt/2pvvIe0 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DancerZone Canal de YouTube: http://goo.gl/4vzD87 Google+: http://goo.gl/4bpwpB ¡DESPIERTA TU RITMO INTERIOR! ============================================== Propiedad de ©Konami .Todas las imágenes y contenido mostrado aquí son solo de carácter ilustrativo y son propiedad de sus respectivos autores. Property of ©Konami All images and material used here are only for Illustrative purposes, and are propriety of their respective authors .
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2018 BMW M4 CS vs. 2018 Porsche 911 GTS – Head 2 Head Ep. 95
– We’re in Germany, I’m in the brand new BMW M4 CS,and right now I’m doing 270 kilometers an hour. And Jonny, Jonny is right behind me. – And I’m driving the all new 991. 2 Porsche 911 GTS. And if Death Row Jethro here would get out of my way,I’d be in the 300 club. Oh hey, look at that, I’m in the 300 club. (maniacal laughter)Woohoo, oh that is moving, woo!So the bomb and I were on the ultimate Germancar guy holiday, Autobahn, Nurburgring andsome awesome mountain roads up in the alps. This is the stuff you dream about. Usually people ask me, I say the greatest countryon earth is Italy, not this week. This week it’s Germany. (upbeat dance music)- [Jethro] So our contenders for this head to head are thenew, lighter, more powerful, more focused M4 CSand that perennial benchmark, the Porsche 911here in GTS spec. But what makes the M4 CS worthy to stand toe to toewith the 911 GTS?The CS is maybe where finally the M4 starts to fulfillit’s potentially. It’s got a little bit more power than the compact,some of the lightweighting from the GTS. Cup 2 tires and chassis that’s been honedto extract every last little bit from them. All the signs point to this being the best M4we have ever seen. Want proof?Okay, well the three liter twin turbo charged straight sixhas been lightly tweaked to produce 454 horsepower. That’s just 10 more than the competition packagebut torque jumps by nearly 10%. Combined with a 77 pound weight reduction, thanksto a carbon fiber hood, less sound deafening,and some lightweight interior fittings,and the CS dips well below four seconds forthe naught to 60 miles an hour sprint. It also benefits from Michelin Pilot sportCup 2 tires and re-tuned suspension, although it retainscomfort, sport and sport plus modes. The CS is only available with a seven speed dualclutch transmission. The sticking point, well is the sticker price. Let’s call it circa $110,000 which brings us neatlyto Jonny’s car. – And I’m in the Porsche GTS, I’m going to call it theGoldilocks 911. It’s right in the middle of the rank, 450 horsepowerbut just does everything right. Follows the classic GTS recipe, you get a little bitmore power, they lowered the car and every performanceoption you can get on the carrera S, is includedfor a slightly lower price. In this case the Porker makes 450 horsepower,30 more than the standard S engine. Torque is also up by 37 pound feet, from 368 to 405. This particular Guard’s Red GTS has a few more tricksup it’s sleeve, namely, carbon ceramic brakes,dynamic chassis control, PDK and four wheel steering. As such if you were to look up sports car in the dictionary,you’d probably find a picture of the car I’m driving. Meaning that BMW’s got it’s work cut out for it. That’s the other crazy thing man, modern cars are so good. Like if you were going to do this a generation ago,and try to hit 300 kilometers an hour or 302 inthe case of this, that’s 190 miles an hour. You’d have to rebuild the engine that night, the tireswould delaminate, you’d die of heat stroke, everythingwould go wrong, it would never happen. Now, (scoffs) no problem and now I can use Bluetoothand navigation and just everything works. I’m comfortable, they’re amazing, these cars arejust absolutely amazing. – [Jethro] Jonny’s right, both of these carsare pretty amazing on the Autobahn. After a brief spell reveling and hitting near v max,reality sets in. We stop for two hours straight as a crash is cleaned upand then the rain comes and just more frustration. Fortunately that sat nav Jonny is so impressed withwell it’s leading us to a much, much better location. And rumor has it that the sun is smiling on the Nurburgring. – We are here, we have made it, we are at theNurburgring Nordschleife in fact we’re in a cornercalled Brunchen which you’re familiar with becauseif you’ve ever seen a sky shot taken of the Nurburgring,it was taken just over there. Listen, if you are a car guy or girl, you’ve gotto come here, it’s the greatest place on earth. Believe us, we’ve checked. – And the best thing about it, it’s just so accessible. There’s people over here just watching. If you bring your own car, any car, hire car, caravansuper car, doesn’t matter. You pay 27 Euros, you get to do a lap, that’s like30 bucks, and you get to drive on the greatest racetrackthat there has ever been. – So let’s go do that right now. – No no no no, the public laps are great, but it’s a zoo. We want to do it properly. I’ve got a friend called Darren, he runs somethingcalled Destination Nurburgring. No bikes, no caravans, just cars, open pit laneand we’re doing that tomorrow in our cars. – That’s awesome but what are we doing tonight?- Steak on a stone at the Pistenklause- Pistenklause, cool!How many things in life have never disappointed you?I can think of exactly none, save for the Nurburgring. It’s 12. 9 miles of automotive paradise. 2017 marks the ring’s 90th year in business. And it’s still the car world’s benchmark. All serious manufacturers develop their serious cars here. You have to, not only has a vehicle’s Nurburgring lap timebecome as important as it’s zero to 60 number,but it’s said that one mile at speed on the Nordschleife,is the equivalent of one thousand mileson a conventional road. Still, the ring is more than that. The culture that surrounds this place fills me with joy. Even after only a few hours here, you realize you aresurrounded by an entire community of people who havenever said 500 horsepower, when are you ever going to use that?The Nurburgring really and truly is car guy and gal nirvana. Even the gas station, the gas station is awesome. Why?Because in it you’ll find what has to be the besttoy car store in the world. They even had two cars with Death Row’s name on them. Talk about home away from home, and yeah, the steakon a stone of the Pistenklause, 100% worth it. (cheerful music)- [Jethro] And today we get to experience itat it’s best. Destination Nurburgring run open pit lane track days hereand they are fantastic. Unlimited track time, courteous drivers, and thatcommunity spirit Jonny mentioned, is overflowingin the car park packed with fantastic and oftenbattle-hardened cars. Oh and it’s really hot and sunny, this never happens. First up, the M4 CS and Jonny is driving. And he is not hanging around. (car accelerates)So before we start we should have a littleappreciation for the weather. – Oh my God. – This is not normal Nurburgring weather. – No there’s no rain and I said it with confidencethat it’s not going to rain. – Regardless of the weather, this place is still theultimate test so the M4 if it works here, it shouldwork anywhere. And if it’s going to justify it’s price tag,it’s going to be here as well. – I’ve driven a bunch of these M4s, and with theexception of that GTS, which is a whole nother price pointand they only made like 800 of ’em or whatever,this is good. This is good, you know I was really kind of impressedwith the M4 competition. – Yeah I think for me the first lot of M4’s I drovewere just nowhere, they didn’t feel like theyhad control or anything. Then the competition really improved it a lot. I love the GTS when it was set up perfectlywhich was rarely. But it seems to me yeah, they’re trying tobring some of that GTS excitement into the normal car,but make it work on more than likeone specific GP circuit. – Yeah I mean look we’re literally on the Nordschleife,but it’s working man, it’s totally working. – [Jethro] So we’ve got Cup 2 tires,so a lot more grip I’d say than the standard car. – Great grip, once the tire pressures really come up,wonderful grip, they revised the suspension,it’s good, you don’t get much understeer, a little bitin the really hairy stuff. – So I’ve driven all sorts of stuff around here andI can have fun in a 90 horsepower high car or aterrible SUV or whatever, but this is real fun becauseit does feel to me more serious, more capable, more stablethan the competition pack. – It’s a really fast car so the power’s up,it’s what is it 453 horsepower. – [Jethro] Yeah but that almost doesn’t sound a lot butit feels quick and it’s just instant as well. There’s so much throttle response. – Now they’ve done a good job, I used to not care forthis engine but I got to say, it’s really scooting thisthing around the track well. – Yeah and they’ve even made it sound almost good. – Almost good, yeah, heythat’s a huge improvement for a 3700, 3750 hundredpound car, I mean, we’re just whipping around this track. – Yeah I guess that’s it, you only start to feelthe weight over some of the quick bumpsit just feels a bit fidgety, you want it to landand just deal with the compression and sometimesit doesn’t it scoots around a bit on you. – The only time I was having a real problem with itis on like big curving, the back end like hops. – So the other thing for me, I’m slightly disappointedin the brakes, I think you just feel the weightat high speed. The gear box, it’s starting to feel a bit old fashionedsomehow the gear box. – Right the old fashioned dual clutch. – It’s stupid but, to me it feels like they’ve revisedit for this car, made it more aggressive so in top modeit punches really hard. – Yeah, ’cause there’s the three positions for shifting. – Yeah, but it’s too hard and then you dialed it backone position and it’s a bit too soft, a bit too auto-likeso it’s not quite got the sweet spot. – I got to say for an M4 I am very impressed. Was not expecting this. – It starting to justify what it costs,but we need to jump in the Porsche to see if itcan really play with the big boys. – Oh we need to jump in the Porsche?- We have to jump in the Porsche, we have to!- That’s our job man. – Get to the Porsche. (laughing)- Wow, the CS really is a different and bettersort of M4. And it is awesome on the Nordschleife. No wonder it ran a seven minute, 35 second lapin BMW’s testing. Right on the heels of cars named Pagani and Koenigsegg. You know what though?Porsche claims that this 911 GTS can run a seven minute24 second lap, which is quicker than a Ferrari Enzo,and neck in neck with a Gumpert Apollo. But can us normal folks feel the differencebetween the two?There’s only one way to find out. (cars accelerating)- This car just feels so hooked up, straight awayas soon as you leave the powder basically. It’s just got that Porsche thing of absoluteprecision and accuracy but still feedbackand no one else does it like that. That’s my feeling. – Well let’s just cut to the chase, so the 911starts about here, the poor BMW starts about as a 320down here and then they got to like add stuff to makeit quicker, but this one’s already like, this is the GTSso it’s already like, the Carrera S has been on themarket for a couple years, all the options everybody wantsthe performance stuff, they’ve tweaked it, they’velowered it it’s got more power like it’s just,it’s kind of the perfect weapon. – I think as a bridge between a Carrera S and a GT3,it just works really really well. It’s just so smooth. – [Jonny] I got to say though,forget about a bridge between ’em’cause with the extra torque from the turbo,this might be quicker, honestly this might be quickerthan a GT3. – It probably, it probably is for most people, but justit’s just so in control of itself and thatalmost sounds boring but it isn’tso down here in the BM you start to move aroundbecause of the weight, because the dampening’snot quite as good but the Porsche is just completelynailed, it’s just nailed but it isn’t, it doesn’t feelboring it doesn’t feel like it’s doing it for me. – So you just hit a ton of curbing right, soin the BMW, that rear end was not happy, right?You hit the curbing and it would just move aroundand wheels in the air, and then traction wouldkick in, this loves it. You could just abuse the curbing. – It does, I mean there’s a reason why every carin the car park is a 911. I mean it feels built for it, it soaks it up. It’s just, I’m actually shocked at how good it is. The rear wheel steer is an option on this carbut it just, it works. It’s almost invisible, it just means these tight cornersyou don’t need much steering angle, the car’s nailed in. And it just goes exactly where you want all the time. Which is just so impressive. It’s just built to do this. – It starts out as a sports car. – It wants to do it all day, all day just keeps going. The brakes just the pedal is perfect and it never changesno matter how hard you use ’em, it’s the same. – Well there’s that old cliche like a car’sonly as good as it’s brakes, and in this case that’skind of the biggest difference between this andthe BMW, these brakes you just trust ’em inherently. You never think about it. Where the BM the pedal’s getting longer. – I trust the whole car. Everything I touch on this car, feels like it wasdeveloped here for people who want to really enjoythe car at maximum attack and that’s to me,that’s what’s really important. This thing, whatever you do, there’s a test driverwho’s done it before you, twice as fast, twice as good. And it shows. – But we should also talk about the weight advantageis gigantic. And the BMW’s a larger car, the M4 has an actualback seat you can put people in, this is for luggage onlybut there’s about a 300 pound difference,but it feels like a six or seven hundred pound difference. – You just feel a bit more on top of the car. But yes, certainly over the bumps, when you’re turninginto corners, it feels lighter, there’s just a naturallike athletic feeling to the car. – and you just pass everything, it’s hard to explainhow potent this engine is. And it’s like 30 more horsepower than a Carrera S,37 more pound feet of torque, but it feels likea stage up, it really does. That’s always been the case with the GTS right?It’s like the best of the breed, it comes outafter the regular car, after the turbo, after the GT3. Sorry, I was trying to be philosophical and nowI’m like wow we are just hauling ass. But anyways, you know what I mean?They’ve worked the kinks out of everything else,this is they take everything they’ve learnedfrom all the development and that’s what your GTS is. And it’s kind of a good bargain too. What we’re talking about though is around theNurburgring, this is like a very hardcore, differentweird environment, this is not a normal placeto take a car. We’re very spoiled and lucky we get to do this. – This car feels perfect for here. Right on the limit or near the limit. The question for me with these new 991s, does it feelexciting enough on the street when you’re justdriving the car?Does it still feel like a sports car?- Well, there’s a road I’ve been hearing aboutit’s in another country, but it’s close by. – You’re a small man. It’s hard to leave the Nurburgring, it always is. But doing so with the cars in one piece,well that feels good. We bid the guys at Destination Nurburgring goodbye,and head south. To Austria and a road with a glacier at it’s summit. I guess that should’ve been a clue that it couldbe pretty cold and miserable, but hey, we’ve done rainon the Autobahn, sunshine on the world’s best track,so why not snow on a mountain pass with no safety barriers?- So we’re 9000 feet up in the air in a winter stormin late August on a glacier in Austria. So I think in these conditions there’s no way any carcould be boring. So to answer the question is the 911 GTS boring on the road?No, not even a little bit. – Especially not today. Now you’ve spent a lot more time in it than meon the road trip down from Germany, but even the brieftime I’ve spent in it, yeah it’s just not boring. It’s just good, it’s so complete, it’s got so muchgood stuff going for it. And you want to keep picking holes in it, but wheredo you find them?- It’s tough, look so the one knock I can think ofis that it’s not necessarily a 911 in the traditional sense. So rear engine cars, they have a lot of advantages,you’ve got all the weight on the back tires,the acceleration’s better. Braking’s inherently better. – Traction. – Yeah, there’s certain disadvantages they always havethey have this lift-off oversteer, they’ve eliminated that. Really starting with the 997 or 996. And it’s gone with the 991. The car does not behave badly. – I mean I love 991s, I guess my only question mark,if you erase all the foibles of real engine behavior,do you erase some of the character as well?- I think if it was a bad car, sure, we can makethat argument, but it’s not bad, it’s a really exciting car. I cannot get like, dropping in the fox hole or whatever,on the Nurburgring and you can’t say this is a bad car. You can’t say oh I don’t like it, it’sabsolutely incredible, like what a machine. – I think it’s worth saying that even in the lifespanof the 991, they’ve made massive improvements. The steering, just the sense that this car is a 911 again. It’s got some of that back and even when you go turbochargedand everything, the engine doesn’t take away from thefact that they’ve just improved everything up a levelin terms of ability and also I think they’ve dialed backsome of the character as well. They’ve got some of that back. You know everyone was crazy, oh they turbocharged it,but you know there’s so much torque that it’s worthwhatever sacrifice in sound there might be. And with the sport exhaust, it’s good enough,let’s be honest, it sounds good enough. We’ve both driven the new GT3, that starts to get backto a little bit of the classic 911 stuff, you get alittle bit of lift off oversteer. – That’s cause of age. And that engine shames any engine, but you’re talkingabout driving them back to back. In isolation, you might miss the normally (inaudible)engine if you used to have a screamer, an old engine. – This is a wonderful, twin turbo flat six withmore torque than I know what to do with half the time. – Yeah but what’s great is not just a big fat headof torque, it feels like you could meter out the performanceto it, you could still get accurate with it and that’swhat this car’s all about. It puts you in control. This car does everything but there’s no compromise,that’s what’s cool, how does it do that?It covers all these bases, but it isn’t making a compromiseso it still feels like a pure sports car. – Yeah, they’ve done a remarkable job. I guess if there is a knock, and let’s try andreally figure this out is when you’re on a road trip,it kind of becomes a luxury car, not that there’sanything wrong with luxury cars, but it maybe fora couple hours a day, it doesn’t feel special. There are times that I forget I’m driving a 911 GTS. I’m just driving like a shrunken Panamera maybe. It’s just like a nice Porsche. In the M4, I think you always know you’re in an M product. – Yeah, it’s just, that’s the one chink of lifefor the M4 for me, you can forget you’re in a 911in this car, the M4 like you say, it feels special. They’ve found the ingredients to make it feellike a proper sports car the whole time. – Even with rain, snow, hail, goats and God knowswhat else being thrown at us, the CS remainsthe M4 you want to own. It’s the best one, end of story. The question is, whether that’s enough to overcomethe talents and might of the blood-red Porsche. Well Jethro, your British rain has turned to Austrian snow. – [Jethro] It’s gorgeous. I can’t believe it. At least we have got Cup 2 tires, so we’re well-equipped. – Frozen Cup 2 tires. No but I mean you cannot say this is boringin any way, shape or form. – And I think what we were saying in the 911you feel that in this car. You feel that it is compromised to a certain extentby the extreme tires, by the fact it’s got thiscrazy whatever it is hemp door cards. – With nothing to hold on to other than the stupid strap. – And they’re sort of ridiculous, but they give the carsomething different, and it needs that to competewith the 911, is such a complete car now. To compete with it like toe to toe in every area,I don’t think that’s going to happen so this car,it needs to be something different and that’swhat it feels like, it feels like a differentproposition, more extreme, still usable, but it’sgot a just a bit more craziness to it. – To me this feels more like a GT3 than the GTS does. You have less sound insulation, the ride is not likebad, but it’s a firm, flinty right, like it’sup on it’s knuckles. And it feels real sporty even at low speeds like this. And it’s louder, and you get a little tighter,it’s a little angry. It’s kind of a really cool thing. – It is cool and like I say, you have to make somecompromises, but you get little spikes of excitement. (laughter)(crosstalking)- [Jonny] Or a big spike!- But there are not many cars, certainly not any Porscheswhere in a straight line in like third gear, tractioncontrol on, when you hit the torque, it lights up the tires. It’s like, this thing I mean traction limited, yes. But it keeps you awake and it makes you feel likeyou’re in something special. I sort of like that about it. – This is the first M product in a long time,really for me since the X6M where I’m like it’s mental,it’s really crazy and I like that. – It’s got some decent noise, it’s got some spikycharacteristics, but basically it’s trustworthy. Maybe not in snow on Cup 2 tires,but basically it’s trustworthy. It’s fun, it’s actually got that sense of motorsport back. – I wouldn’t say M is back in this car. – It’s just got that feeling that you’ve boughtsomething different and special and you are remindedevery second of every drive. That’s what’s cool and that’s where it does scorea little bit over the GTS actually, I’m surprisedto say that but it does. – [Jonny] Alright so now comes the tricky part, which carwins this head to head?- It’s a lot closer than I thought. – It is a lot closer than I thought, however BMWran up against a juggernaut, right?I mean the 911 is just so damn good. And it’s about as good as a sports car gets,let’s be very clear and very honest about that right?- You judge every car against the 911,then you drive the GTS and you remember why. It’s because it does everything so well. Yeah this gives you little moments of real magic,the 911 is just delivering real high heights fromthe second you turn the engine on to the secondyou turn it off. – Yeah so, the winner of this head to head isthe Porsche 911 GTS. It’s just the better car. – [Jethro] Same old. (car accelerating)
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Couscous de lapin facile
Couscous de lapin facile
2 carottes
3 petits navets
1 oignon
1 courgette
1 CS Cumin
1 CS Ras El Anout
2 cuisses de lapin
1 cube de bouillon de légumes
150 gr de semoule
700 ml eau
1 petit bouquet de persil
Huile d’olive
2 pers.
15 min
45 min
Dans une sauteuse faire dorer les cuisses de lapin dans de l’huile d’olive.
Préparer les légumes :…
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#blog#cuisinemarocaine#Art#bed and breakfasts#cooking class#cours#Cours de cuisine#couscous#cuisine#cuisine dans riad#cuisine marocaine#cuisiner#home#lapin#marocaine#marocains#Médina#plat#riad#riad au maroc#riad cuisine#Riad Dar Khmissa#Riad Dar Khmissa Marrakech L&039;Atelier du Riad Dar Khmissa Riad Dar Khmissa Marrakech Maroc Villa Bahat Khmissa Marrakech Riad Dar Khmiss#riad jacuzzi#riad marrakech#riad spa#riad spa marrakech#riads#table d&039;hôtes#travel
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Fugu and Lapin my beloved… I made them YEARS ago and wanted to update their designs…I’ve learned how to colour lineart. I don’t suffer anymore

Also now they’re dating each other. Originally Fugu had a thing with Shadowsan but I feel like it would be infinitely funnier if she just fuckin. HATED his guts. I feel like these 2 would be their own team seperate of VILE or Team Red, interfering with both
#carmen week#carmen sandiego#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego netflix#vilesona#carmen sandiego oc#cs netflix#cs 2019#cs oc#fugu#lapin
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The VILE oc ID card challenge goin round was the perfect opportunity to make some headshots of my girls eehehehehehee
#look at their eyes. so full of life#carmen sandiego#carmen sandiego oc#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego netflix#cs oc#fugu#lapin
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I'm making it my life mission to have Florence included onto here one day
(and yes I'm actually gonna draw them too, shocker cos I'm shite at drawing but it is what it is)
@csvamaryllis (me) - AMARYLLIS
@the-cs-oc-archives - HEERA, MIDNIGHT, FAHEEMA
@electricvinyls - WHIZZER
@skipppppy - RANA, LAPIN, FUGU
@monicaoverthinker - REBECCA
@cowboylovin - TAMA
@vile-deathbeat - DEATHBEAT
@itsdappleagain - PYTHON
@pattysplaceofplaces - HEARTACHE
@gray-crackleway - SOUNDBITE
@mienacles - MIEN NAINA
@avweckman - JAILBREAK
@mau-erik - ER
@anotheroneofthegaysharks - THUNDERBIRD
@haveaclock - SHANZI
@rightapichen - MAYA, ADMIRAL
@mochimouiemarty - CHIPPER
@random-lil-illing - TABITHA
@myths-of-fantasy - KITU
@the-ghost-17 - EL LOVO
#carmen sandiego#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego ocs#cs amaryllis#cs heera#cs midnight#cs faheema#cs whizzer#cs rana#cs fugu#cs lapin#cs er#cs tabitha#cs jailbreak#cs tama#cs deathbeat#cs mien#cs kitu#cs maya#cs admiral#cs python#cs heartache#cs rebecca#cs shanzi#cs thunderbird#cs el lovo#cs chipper#cs soundbite#cs community#carmen sandiego community
181 notes
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I'm so happy rn.. really made my day..
@csvamaryllis (me) - AMARYLLIS
@the-cs-oc-archives - HEERA, MIDNIGHT, FAHEEMA
@electricvinyls - WHIZZER
@skipppppy - RANA, LAPIN, FUGU
@monicaoverthinker - REBECCA
@cowboylovin - TAMA
@vile-deathbeat - DEATHBEAT
@itsdappleagain - PYTHON
@pattysplaceofplaces - HEARTACHE
@gray-crackleway - SOUNDBITE
@mienacles - MIEN NAINA
@avweckman - JAILBREAK
@mau-erik - ER
@anotheroneofthegaysharks - THUNDERBIRD
@haveaclock - SHANZI
@rightapichen - MAYA, ADMIRAL
@mochimouiemarty - CHIPPER
@random-lil-illing - TABITHA
@myths-of-fantasy - KITU
@the-ghost-17 - EL LOVO
#carmen sandiego#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego ocs#cs amaryllis#cs heera#cs midnight#cs faheema#cs whizzer#cs rana#cs fugu#cs lapin#cs er#cs tabitha#cs jailbreak#cs tama#cs deathbeat#cs mien#cs kitu#cs maya#cs admiral#cs python#cs heartache#cs rebecca#cs shanzi#cs thunderbird#cs el lovo#cs chipper#cs soundbite#cs community#carmen sandiego community
181 notes
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@csvamaryllis (me) - AMARYLLIS
@the-cs-oc-archives - HEERA, MIDNIGHT, FAHEEMA
@electricvinyls - WHIZZER
@skipppppy - RANA, LAPIN, FUGU
@monicaoverthinker - REBECCA
@cowboylovin - TAMA
@vile-deathbeat - DEATHBEAT
@itsdappleagain - PYTHON
@pattysplaceofplaces - HEARTACHE
@gray-crackleway - SOUNDBITE
@mienacles - MIEN NAINA
@avweckman - JAILBREAK
@mau-erik - ER
@anotheroneofthegaysharks - THUNDERBIRD
@haveaclock - SHANZI
@rightapichen - MAYA, ADMIRAL
@mochimouiemarty - CHIPPER
@random-lil-illing - TABITHA
@myths-of-fantasy - KITU
@the-ghost-17 - EL LOVO
#carmen sandiego#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego ocs#cs amaryllis#cs heera#cs midnight#cs faheema#cs rana#cs whizzer#cs fugu#cs lapin#cs er#cs tabitha#cs jailbreak#cs tama#cs deathbeat#cs mien#cs kitu#cs maya#cs admiral#cs python#cs heartache#cs rebecca#cs shanzi#cs thunderbird#cs chipper#cs el lovo#cs soundbite#cs community#carmen sandiego community
181 notes
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on my knees as a thank you and GODAMN. THIS IS AMAIZNg
@csvamaryllis (me) - AMARYLLIS
@the-cs-oc-archives - HEERA, MIDNIGHT, FAHEEMA
@electricvinyls - WHIZZER
@skipppppy - RANA, LAPIN, FUGU
@monicaoverthinker - REBECCA
@cowboylovin - TAMA
@vile-deathbeat - DEATHBEAT
@itsdappleagain - PYTHON
@pattysplaceofplaces - HEARTACHE
@gray-crackleway - SOUNDBITE
@mienacles - MIEN NAINA
@avweckman - JAILBREAK
@mau-erik - ER
@anotheroneofthegaysharks - THUNDERBIRD
@haveaclock - SHANZI
@rightapichen - MAYA, ADMIRAL
@mochimouiemarty - CHIPPER
@random-lil-illing - TABITHA
@myths-of-fantasy - KITU
@the-ghost-17 - EL LOVO
#CHAAATATTT CHAT CHAT CHAT LOOK#ARRHEHRHEHEHEHEHEHEHDJSJKSKWKSK#CHAAATATTTTSHDHDBDBD THIS IS AMAZING#WHAT THE SHIT#HEKLO#RA RHA RAH RAH#ITS CHIPPER#ARGHHDHDHDHDJSJSJAJKDD THIS IS SO GOOD#CHAT#carmen sandiego 2019#carmen sandiego ocs#carmen sandiego#cs amaryllis#cs heera#cs midnight#cs faheema#cs whizzer#cs rana#cs fugu#cs lapin#cs er#cs tabitha#cs jailbreak#cs tama#cs deathbeat#cs mien#cs kitu#cs maya#cs admiral#cs python
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