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Crystal Companions: Pairing Prehnite and Labradorite Bracelets for Synergistic Healing
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Crystal Correspondences🌙
Agate, calcite, citrine, diamond, dolomite, garnet, jade, moonstone, peridot, rose quartz, smoky quartz, tourmaline, zircon
🔮Activate Energy
Amethyst, calcite, emerald, fluorite, labradorite, opal, pearl, peridot, quartz, tourmaline, zircon, kyanite
Angelite, celestine, cuprite, hematite, jasper, serpentine, tigers-eye
🔮Astral Travel
Opal, sapphire, staurolite, quartz, hematite, barite, carnelian, fluorite
amethyst, ametrine, cats-eye, moldavite, obsidian, opal, quartz, smoky quartz, sodalite, topaz
🔮Animals (to work with)
Agate, cats-eye, diopside, hawks-Eye, jasper, labradorite, serpentine, tigers-eye
Agate, ametrine, apophyllite, aragonite, desert rose, tourmaline, opal, pearl, quartz, garnet, obsidian
Aquamarine, beryl, bloodstone, malachite, quartz, salt
Diamond, jasper, jet, lodestone, obsidian, onyx, salt, sard
🔮Business and Employment
Bloodstone, emerald, malachite, tigers-eye
🔮To Calm and Soothe
Amber, amethyst, ametrine, aventurine, beryl, blue lace agate, garnet, hematite, moonstone, opal, rhodonite rose quartz, selenite, sodalite, topaz
🔮Challenges / Difficulties
Azurite, carnelian, diamond, lodestone, malachite, pearl, rhodonite, sard, onyx, smoky quartz
🔮Changes / Transitions
Amber, andalusite, amethyst, aventurine, blue lace agate, citrine, garnet, jasper, kyanite, white quartz
Amber, aventurine, aquamarine, beryl, diamond, hawks-eye, hematite, obsidian, onyx, sodalite, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise
Amazonite, amethyst, angelite, aquamarine, azurite, calcite, carnelian, fluorite, garnet, malachite, quartz, topaz
Aventurine, celestine, cuprite, dolomite, howlite, jasper, rose quartz
Agate, Aragonite, bloodstone, blue lace agate, calcite, carnelian, diamond, garnet, labradorite, lodestone, onyx, tigers-eye, tourmaline
Agate, aventurine, beryl, calcite, carnelian, diamond, garnet, jade, jasper, labradorite, lapis lazuli, ruby, sard, onyx, tourmaline
Agate, amber, amethyst, aquamarine, aventurine, calcite, garnet, howlite, smoky quartz, staurolite, tigers-eye, tourmaline, white quartz
🔮To Avoid Danger
Agate, malachite, obsidian, sard, tigers-eye, topaz
🔮Death / Ancestors / Afterlife
Amber, amazonite, carnelian, hematite, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, obsidian, petrified wood
Amethyst, bloodstone, fluorite, hematite, jasper, jet, moonstone, obsidian, pyrite, quartz, tigers-eye
Amethyst, rose quartz, desert rose, diamond, onyx, sapphire, selenite
🔮Fear (to subdue)
Blue lace agate, calcite, dolomite, onyx, ruby, sapphire, sodalite
Carnelian, diamond, garnet, jade, jasper, moonstone, pearl, rhodonite, sapphire, topaz
Diamond, garnet, lapis lazuli, rhodochrosite, sapphire, topaz
🔮Focus / Concentration
Amazonite, amethyst, ametrine, andalusite, beryl, fluorite, garnet, jasper, kyanite, lepidolite, obsidian
Angelite, chrysoberyl, diopside, lodestone, obsidian
Aventurine, blue lace agate, garnet, lapis lazuli, lodestone, moonstone, rose quartz
🔮Grief / Sorrow (to deal with)
Amber, apatite, aquamarine, carnelian, dolomite, hiddenite, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, rose quartz, smoky quartz
🔮Ground and Center Energy
Agate, amazonite, amethyst, blue lace agate, calcite, garnet, hematite, lodestone, obsidian, petrified wood, quartz, tourmaline
Agate, ametrine, amethyst, azurite, beryl, calcite, cats-eye, celestine, charoite, citrine, jade, jasper, onyx, opal, peridot, ruby, serpentine, tourmaline
Amethyst, ametrine, aquamarine, aragonite, beryl, calcite, jade, kyanite, lodestone, malachite, moonstone, pearl, sodalite, onyx, tourmaline
Agate, amber, amethyst, ametrine, aquamarine apatite, blue lace agate, beryl, bloodstone, calcite, celestine, danburite, diamond, fluorite, garnet, hawks-eye, hematite, jasper, jet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, peridot, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, sugilite, sunstone, tourmaline, white quartz, zircon
🔮Heartbreak (to recover from)
Aventurine, beryl, calcite, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, rose quartz
🔮Hexes (to avoid/break)
Emerald, jasper, jet, onyx, quartz, ruby, salt
Agate, amazonite, apatite, blue lace agate, celestine, citrine, garnet, lodestone, malachite, quartz, salt, smoky quartz, staurolite, topaz, turquoise, zircon
Agate, amber, cats-eye, jasper, moldavite, opal, sodalite, spinel, topaz, tourmaline
Amethyst, aquamarine, calcite, carnelian, quartz, jade, labradorite, quartz, ruby, selenite, serpentine, tigers-eye, topaz, tourmaline, white quartz, zircon
Agate, amazonite, amethyst, aragonite, azurite, calcite, tigers-eye, labradorite, fluorite, moonstone, pyrite, ruby, sapphire, sard, sodalite, turquoise
🔮Justice/Legal Matters
Amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, diamond, hematite, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, sapphire, selenite, tourmaline
Apatite, apophyllite, beryl, cats-eye, charoite, epidote, garnet, sodalite, tigers-eye, tourmaline
Loss (to deal with) Ametrine, aquamarine, garnet, hiddenite, malachite, moldavite, rose quartz, smoky quartz, topaz
Agate, alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, apatite, aquamarine, calcite, chrysocolla, calcite, desert rose, diamond, emerald, epidote, garnet, jade, jasper, kunzite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, pearl, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, sard, onyx, selenite, tourmaline, zircon
Agate, alexandrite, amazonite, aventurine, bloodstone, cats-eye, citrine, diamond, jade, jasper, jet, lodestone, malachite, obsidian, opal, pearl, sard, onyx, smoky quartz, staurolite, sunstone, tigers-eye
Amber, amethyst, andalusite, blue lace agate, calcite, citrine, garnet, hematite, lepidolite, onyx, pyrite, tourmaline, sard
Aquamarine, beryl, lodestone, onyx, rose quartz, sard, onyx
Agate, aventurine, bloodstone, calcite, jasper, lodestone, malachite, opal, pearl, pyrite, staurolite, tigers-eye, tourmaline, topaz
Amber, calcite, celestine, fluorite, labradorite, serpentine, zircon
🔮Negativity (to dispel/avert/protection from)
Amazonite, ametrine, azurite, carnelian, charoite, dolomite, epidote, garnet, hawks-eye, hematite, hiddenite, jade, jasper, kunzite, lepidolite, malachite, obsidian, onyx, peridot, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, salt, selenite, smoky quartz, tourmaline, turquoise
🔮Nightmares (to ward off/subdue)
Chrysoprase, garnet, jet, lepidolite, onyx, sapphire, topaz
🔮Obstacles (to overcome)
Agate, azurite, barite, bloodstone, diamond, epidote, fluorite, malachite, moonstone, obsidian, opal. petrified wood, quartz, smoky quartz, tourmaline
Agate, beryl, cats-eye, chrysoberyl, citrine, dolomite, jasper, sunstone
🔮Past Life Work
Andalusite, cuprite, desert rose, howlite, petrified wood, white quartz
Amethyst, aquamarine, blue lace agate, celestine, desert rose, jade, jasper, kunzite, lapis lazuli, larimar, malachite, obsidian, pearl, peridot, sard, selenite, sodalite, sugilite, topaz, tourmaline
Agate, alexandrite, aventurine, cats-eye, calcite, diamond, dioptase, emerald, jade, jasper, malachite, opal, peridot, ruby, spinel, tigers-eye, tourmaline
Agate, amber, amethyst, andalusite, angelite, aquamarine, aventurine, calcite, carnelian, cats-eye, citrine, diamond, emerald, epidote, jade, garnet, jasper, jet, onyx, obsidian, quartz ruby, sapphire, sard, serpentine, smoky quartz, sunstone, tigers-eye, tourmaline, turquoise, zircon
🔮Psychic Abilities (to enhance)
Alexandrite, amethyst apatite, aquamarine, aragonite, beryl, calcite, charoite, citrine, desert rose, diamond, emerald, hawks-eye, jasper, jet, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, moldavite, moonstone, obsidian, opal, peridot, pyrite, quartz, ruby, sapphire, smoky quartz, sodalite, tourmaline
Amber, amethyst, ametrine, aquamarine, aragonite, calcite, charoite, lepidolite, moldavite, pearl, peridot, quartz, smoky quartz, topaz, zircon
Apatite, beryl, diamond, lodestone, quartz
Amazonite, amber, aquamarine, barite, beryl, chrysocolla, garnet lodestone, lapis lazuli, obsidian, onyx, peridot, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, tourmaline
Agate, aventurine, carnelian, dolomite, fluorite, moonstone, obsidian, peridot, quartz, topaz
🔮Renewal/Rebirth/New beginnings
Ametrine, aquamarine, bloodstone, calcite, carnelian, citrine, garnet, hawks-eye, hematite, peridot, petrified wood, quartz, selenite, serpentine, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise, white quartz
Agate, Ruby, cuprite, garnet, jasper, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, serpentine, smoky quartz, spinel, tigers-eye, topaz, zircon
🔮Spirit Guides
Amethyst, ametrine, azurite, barite, bloodstone, emerald, howlite, jade, labradorite, moonstone, quartz, salt, sapphire, sugilite, tourmaline
Alexandrite, amethyst, ametrine, apatite, barite, beryl, bloodstone, blue lace agate, calcite, celestine, charoite, citrine, desert rose, diamond, dolomite, fluorite, garnet, lapis lazuli, lodestone, malachite, moldavite, pearl, quartz, rose quartz, staurolite, tourmaline, turquoise
Amazonite, amber, amethyst, ametrine, azurite, calcite, celestine, cuprite, dolomite, garnet, jasper, kyanite, lodestone, quartz, rhodochrosite, sphene
Agate, amazonite, amethyst, ametrine, aventurine, bloodstone, charoite, diamond, garnet, hematite, kyanite, lodestone, moonstone, opal, petrified wood, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, sard, onyx, tigers-eye, tourmaline
Agate, angelite, aragonite, beryl, blue lace agate, celestine, diamond, dolomite, howlite, kyanite, labradorite, larimar, lepidolite, petrified wood, rose quartz, selenite, sodalite,
Agate, alexandrite, amazonite, amber, amethyst, andalusite, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, epidote, fluorite, garnet, jasper, labradorite, malachite, sodalite, spinel, staurolite, sunstone, tigers-eye, turquoise, zircon
Amethyst, angelite, azurite, blue lace agate, cats-eye, cerussite, chrysocolla, labradorite, moldavite, obsidian, salt, staurolite, sugilite, white quartz
Aquamarine, beryl, emerald, jade, garnet, lapis lazuli, lodestone, malachite, staurolite, turquoise
Amazonite, apophyllite, blue lace agate, charoite, diamond
Aragonite, danburite, emerald, pyrite, spinel, tigers-eye, turquoise
Amazonite, charoite, diamond, smoky quartz, zircon
Agate, aventurine, beryl, calcite, dioptase, garnet, jade, jasper, kyanite, sugilite, sunstone, zircon
Amber, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue lace agate, carnelian, chrysocolla, desert rose, garnet, diamond, dioptase, jasper, labradorite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, petrified wood, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, sard, onyx, smoky quartz, spinel, sugilite, tigers-eye, topaz, turquoise, agate
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a gentle reminder:
eat something. take your medicine. you are not a burden to others. your emotions are just as real as theirs and deserve to be listened to. relax your jaw and shoulders. it’s okay to take a break sometimes you deserve rest. it’s okay to be yourself. you’re not hard to love and anyone who opposes that does not deserve your time. you’re going to be okay.
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Little Ways to Worship
In our current day and age, it can be hard to find time and/or energy to devote to the deities you worship or look upon for guidance. So here are some small ways to worship in your day-to-day that don't take too much effort!
1.) Carry around crystals, stones, or other objects you think your deity would like --> An example from my pracitce is carrying around rose quartz (a crystal known for its love related properties, such as increasing one's self confidence, attracting love and compassion, and healing relationships) for Aphrodite, a goddess associated with love, both from other people and towards yourself
2.) Incorporate worship into day-to-day activties --> An example from my practice is one again tied to rose quartz and Aphrodite. I love placing rose quartz crystals in my shower while I bathe to infuse the shower and steam with self-love while showing myself care and compassion as I bathe. (NOTE: Be careful with putting crystals or stones into water! Some cannot touch water as they will either dissolve or leech harmful chemicals or elements into the water they touch. Make sure to do your research and make sure your crystals are water safe!)
3.) Research your deities! Read their stories! Research the religions and peoples that originally worshipped them! --> This might be easier for some (for example I read a lot of Greek myths and legends as I'm a classics major and that's like, more than half of my degree) but it can still be as simple as purchasing a book of myths or watching YouTube videos about them! (If you want a good channel for hellenic deities and their myths, check out OverlySarcasticProductions! They do a wonderful job speaking about and animating the stories and both creators are LGBTQ+ and have a very inclusive community!)
Well, there's my list of simple ways to worship your deities in day-to-day life! I hope something from this post was helpful or interesting and if you want more informaiton, more ideas, or just want to chat, feel free to message me! I always love making new online friends!
Valete, friends! <3
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✨ Magick Throughout the Week ✨
The days of the week each have their own unique magickal properties and correspondences, which can be useful for planning rituals and spells. Here is a brief overview of the magickal properties associated with each day of the week:
Monday: Associated with the moon, intuition, and emotions. Good for spells related to psychic abilities, divination, dream work, and emotional healing.
Tuesday: Associated with Mars, courage, and strength. Good for spells related to courage, protection, strength, and victory.
Wednesday: Associated with Mercury, communication, and intellect. Good for spells related to communication, divination, wisdom, and knowledge.
Thursday: Associated with Jupiter, abundance, and expansion. Good for spells related to prosperity, abundance, growth, and success.
Friday: Associated with Venus, love, and beauty. Good for spells related to love, attraction, relationships, and beauty.
Saturday: Associated with Saturn, discipline, and structure. Good for spells related to organization, discipline, boundaries, and endings.
Sunday: Associated with the sun, vitality, and success. Good for spells related to success, vitality, energy, and healing.
By incorporating these correspondences into your magickal practice, you can enhance the energy of your spells and rituals and work more in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe.
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Plants and Stones Associated with the Moon and the Sun
Throughout history, various stones and plants have been revered for their unique energies and symbolic meanings, often associated with the celestial powers of the Moon and Sun.
By incorporating these stones and plants into rituals, meditation, or personal spaces, one can tap into the distinct energies of the Moon and Sun to enhance healing, protection, prosperity, and spiritual guidance.
Known as the "Goddess Stone," moonstone connects to the cycles of the Moon, fostering intuition, emotional depth, and inner clarity. It represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone aspects of the Goddess and is ideal for rituals honoring the Goddess, particularly those tied to emotions, intuition, or new beginnings.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz embodies the Mother aspect of the Goddess, encouraging love, nurturing, and healing. Use it in rituals for self-love, relationship harmony, and compassion, asking the Goddess to open the heart to her boundless love.
Amethyst aligns with the Crone, the wise elder. It protects, purifies, and enhances spiritual wisdom, making it ideal for meditation, divination, and deepening intuition. This sacred crystal is often used when seeking guidance or protection from the Goddess.
Lavender is calming and purifying, drawing the gentle yet powerful energy of the Goddess into rituals. It’s ideal for soothing anxiety, promoting sleep, or creating a serene space. Dried lavender can be placed in sachets, baths, or used as an offering on the altar.
Roses symbolize the Goddess’s love, beauty, and compassion. Rose petals are used in spells for love, self-care, and emotional healing or scattered on the altar as an offering to the Goddess of love, beauty, and creation.
Sacred to the Goddess, especially in her Moon aspects, willow symbolizes intuition and emotional healing. Use willow wood in wands or ritual tools for protection and emotional release.
This crystal embodies the energy of the Sun, promoting joy, confidence, and motivation. It is a powerful tool for dispelling fears and enhancing creativity.
Known as the "Merchant’s Stone," citrine is associated with prosperity, success, and the Sun's vibrant energy. It's used to attract abundance and encourage a positive mindset.
Tiger’s Eye
A stone of protection and courage, tiger's eye connects with the Sun's strength and is often used in empowerment spells to boost self-confidence and decision-making.
Symbolizing warmth, happiness, and abundance, sunflowers are often used in spells for prosperity and joy, capturing the Sun’s vibrant essence.
Marigold is known for its protective and healing properties. Associated with the solar aspect of the divine, calendula is used to bring brightness and uplift the spirit.
St. John’s Wort
A solar herb, St. John’s Wort is used for its protective qualities and for promoting joy, energy, and vitality. It is also linked with enhancing self-esteem.
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Good vibes only today ✌🏼🌞💜🖤
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Crystal Companions: Pairing Prehnite and Labradorite Bracelets for Synergistic Healing
Crystals are essential to one's overall health because of their unique energies and therapeutic qualities, which have been valued for generations. Among the various gemstones, Prehnite and Labradorite stand out as powerful friends in the pursuit of self-discovery. Labradorite's mystical and transformational qualities are complemented by Prehnite's peaceful radiance and affinity for unconditional love. When combined, they produce a beautiful synergy that promotes spiritual development, emotional healing, and a barrier against negativity.
For More:
#crystal stone#crystals for beginner#crystal bracelets#prehnite crystal bracelet#labradorite bracelet
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𓆩♡𓆪I made a little graph for you, guys.𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪You can print it and put it in your grimoire if you want.𓆩♡𓆪
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#witchy#baby witch#beginner witch#witchcraft#witch community#witchcore#crystals#gemstone rings#rings
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