#crystal foxes
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grapeagata · 7 months
jesus christ god in heaven oh my god you seeing this????????
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It's Red Fox Agate, juses chorist my gog wow
holy fuck that is gorgeous, it's red because iron oxide, it's bubbly because gas bubbles that happened when lava was cooling, holy fuck, and then the gases are destroyed and it leaves holes, then some liquid with lots of silica in it deposits quartz and chalcedony inside tge holes
it'a like mid on the hardness scale, denser than water, trigonal crystal system, no cleavage, also it's gorgeous and beautiful and I'm getting married to this agate the marriage is today, right now, you're all invited
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vershl · 18 days
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Took me far longer than I wanted it to, but here is the comic cover!
Feast my children.
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leoruby-draws · 20 days
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Some batfam doodles set in my TrWh au, with a bit of a focus on Stephanie Brown!
The first pic with Arthur trying to make Steph his sidekick (probably inspired by Bluejay Jason following Robin around) is kinda meant to be an explanation on why Steph becomes spoiler so early in this comic. While explanations are not really needed because my au focuses on comedy and cuteness, I thought this would just be a little fun bit of background info on Steph and her father Arthur Brown in this au. The pointer name comes from the cw Batwoman show, where Steph is a redhead for some reason.
Also we see that Steph often goes to sleepovers with the other batkids, tho she's really having fun being Starling. I think in another post I was thinking on how to work around the issue of Steph being a 8 year old vigilante without her mom finding out, I even considered the possibility of Bruce somehow fostering her. But I decided that just do the classical superhero identity shenanigans is all I need to do.
Also don't worry about Jason and Cass being tossed, they're having fun there! Kids love being tossed like ragdolls, I should know as the eldest sister myself lol.
Next pic has Steph and Cass switch roles for a bit with Steph being a mini batgirl as 'Batlass', a name I considered for Cass. And Cass is a mini robin as Blackbird, aren't they cute?
Little gag comic with Barbara shrinking into a kid, Steph and Cass look shocked to say the least. Lori Zechlin with often play magical pranks on other superheroes, its can end up pretty chaotic.
More batfam doodles, look at Steph, she's such a little creature!
Lastly a glimpse in a possible future in the TrWh world, with Steph as Batgirl at last with Nell Little as her protege Starling! Perhaps she might have also use the Spoiler moniker as well too. We also see Damian and Tiffany Fox hang out as well, also Cass (as batman?) seems to be mentoring Maps Mizoguchi. Tho I haven't really thought about the details that much, just something fun to draw. Oh, theres also Carrie Kelley but she likely doesn't exist in my au, just felt like drawing her.
Anyways that was a lot, hope you like it!
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srlgemstone · 2 months
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Botryoidal Agate -I saw a small botryoidal formation on the back of the rock when I was collecting it. Once the mud was cleaned off, it turned out to be even more beautiful than I expected. The surprises are different after washing.
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My new favorite thing in AFTG fics is Neil/Jean BFFs. Cuddling in the same bed every night to feel safe? Poking fun at each other for being British/French, short/tall? Essentially willing to do anything to protect one another? But all in a (mostly) platonic way? ❤️
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classyinfur · 3 months
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void-argent · 28 days
new USWNT photo just dropped 🔥🔥
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00lari00 · 2 months
More of my toppat leaders because I love them
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They are my wives And I love drawing these tough but also silly guys, even though they don't really appear in the game I like to talk about them.
They're dead lol
(Design of my au that I created #only1toppat!au )
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zimcard-artblog · 8 months
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FOX, Crystal Tokyo, Katana Blaster, On The Run, and Paper Dolls
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fisheito · 6 months
Meanwhile, in the interdimensional kuya group chat:
White kuya: idiot.jpg White kuya: whose man is this . Can't even use magic. Only thing he's good at is embarrassing himself. Come pick him up Pink kuya: lol not mine Purple kuya: lol not mine
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smotherstories · 4 months
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Maybe you can help them pack.
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vershl · 1 month
Okay I think I made y'all wait long enough LOL
I don't really have a lot to share tbh in terms of lore/plans. This AU is very VERY fresh in my brain atm. But I will fill in some details for you guys so you somewhat/mostly understand the current characters I have for now.
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He is a red diamond (ultimate lifeform yada yada), and as stated, a "blood" diamond. I mean this somewhat in modern terms, but not entirely. In real life, diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to fund the costs, hence "blood". In this case; Shadow was created by the other diamonds (primarily white) as a weapon, the plan was to have a gem on equal footing in terms of strength and power that they could order around to do their bidding and do their dirty work.
Clearly, that didn't work out the way they wanted. Shadow pretended to be obedient, following white, and the other diamond's orders. He shattered other gems for whatever reason the diamonds deemed fit (among other things I haven't decided on yet), only doing so to avoid the risk of being deemed defective and shattered himself, or the gem being shattered regardless by someone else.. he at least knew he could give them a swift end without pain.
Once Shadow gained the diamonds trust to wander around as he pleased, the moment no one was looking, he stole a ship and left Homeworld. Going as far as he could into the universe until he found Mobius and crash landed there. It wasn't very long before Sonic found him, and eventually became allies, inviting Shadow into the Crystal Gems, to which he accepted, and chose the name 'Shadow'. He didn't want to be called 'Red' or 'Red Diamond' anymore. He was free now. (This is as far as I got with him, sorry y'all HAHA)
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Sonic is a yellow prism in the shape of an isotoxal star (the yellow is a nod to super Sonic). In my AU, because offical SU lore with gems is relatively limited, different colored gems even if of the same type, give different abilities/powers. In Sonic's case, yellow prisms give the ability of super speed, because of course, and he chose his name based on that fact as well.
Lore wise with Sonic-- He's the leader of the Crystal Gems (makes more sense considering the CG's signature symbol is a yellow star, so I just ran with that but changed the normal star to the isotoxal). But that's all I have for him.
the rest of these characters have 0 lore at all, i will just try to explain their gems a bit- sorry
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Amy is a Mimetite, a heart stone which helps with emotional stability, inner balance, serenity, joy, and adventure (according to google). Because Amy is basically canonically that 'therapy' friend, mimetite fits perfectly with her personality. As you can see, there are only a few designs that have weapons currently, Amy's being obvious because it's her signature weapon and just works here in the AU as well.
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Tails is a yellow peridot, it's obvious why, and I don't need to elaborate LOL. There isn't much different between peridot colors, it's more-so personality traits than abilities. Green peridots are quite egotistical and arrogant in themselves, while yellow peridots are more adventurous and selfless.
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Sorry for his naked hands btw. Honestly, I don't think I have to explain why Knuckles is a garnet. It just tracks. (Reminder that in the show, Garnet isn't a real garnet, it's just what she decided to call herself. In this case, Knuckles IS a real garnet.) Is his signature gem weapon gauntlets/gloves, yes. Did I steal the idea from Garnet? Shut up. :] Besides, Knuckles needed his usual gloves somehow, and he fights by punching shit anyway, so why not? Star on the back of the gloves ofc for obvious reasons.
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GOD this stupid bat bitch, aaaanyway, ahem. In my AU beryls are information gatherers, either by stealing it or manipulating their way into obtaining it. Beryls are generally under diamond control and report back to their assigned diamond with information they demand for, obviously Rouge is part of the Crystal Gems, so she gathers information for them. And more often than not...is her usual self, and snoops around, digging up dirty secrets/information about her comrades and teases them to no end with it (Shadow being her favorite to torment for... reasons.)
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I chose Silver to be a sapphire simply because of the fact that in the Sonic universe, he can time travel. So instead of time travel in this Steven Universe AU, he gets future vision. I mean it works, right?
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We can talk about her gem right.. right? It's really tasty and I want to eat it. So; opals are very, VERY rare (which fits with her whole being a princess thing or whatever). She was originally going to be a fire opal... that is until I found out about dragon's breath opals and changed my mind. Blaze is an absurdly rare gem, who knows, maybe even the only one of her cut. :]
Her gem gives her the ability to control fire as a weapon, and her unique cut gives her fire more power as well as makes the flames an unusual pinkish hue.
And that's everyone for now! I'm doing some little doodles that I might post a bit later on to compile together, but you can have the two I made of Shadow for now. eats him
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heartnosekid · 11 months
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leftover stims!
(as always inspired by helium-stims)
🌈-🌈-🌈 / 🌈-🌈-🌈 🌈-🌈-🌈
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ghettoasswitch2011 · 5 months
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breadbugg · 11 months
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sonic crystalized tails au/design by @12neonlit-stage !!!!
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