#crypto tax lawyer
irstaxexpert · 3 days
Crypto Frauds: How Investors Can Protect Themselves From Dubious Investment?
Scams in the crypto market are one of the key concerns in this new financial market. Learn what some protection measures one can take by knowing about different types of crypto scams. 
Visit> https://shorturl.at/bAIej
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companypoland2 · 6 months
Company Registration in Poland Starting a business in Poland can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. With its growing economy and strategic location in the heart of Europe, Poland offers numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors.When it comes to company registration in Poland, there are certain steps and requirements that need to be followed. Here is a brief overview of the process:
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fintax-andorra · 2 years
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With minimal tax rates for cryptocurrency profits, Andorra can prove to be a great option if you choose to move and become a tax resident here.
Get in touch for details:
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
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Fake logo designs of various districts/companies in Hermitcraft S8! Something about Hermitcraft brings out the graphic designer in me (*cough* it’s because I love worldbuilding and making tiny details in a world) anyway!
Design notes under cut! (Alongside some headcanons - it is quite long)
Horse Head Farms: this is the logo that started this idea basically. I got such a cool image of an eclipse with a repeated b+w horse head pattern and I really wanted to make it happen. M.C. Esher has done designs like these but as tiles, which I used as inspiration. I think I could have made it look a bit clearer but for my first time drawing something like this I’m pretty happy. The text is from one of the default Procreate fonts and kinda makes HHF look like a law firm (which is the vibe I was going for, soul-stealers and lawyers are often sorta linked in fiction, and supposedly xB and Hypno are their own legal team). xB and Hypno are the only employees other than the people they blackmail into doing stuff for them.
Big Eyes: I wanted a red eyeball as a reference to Tango’s amazing prank on Boatem and I imagine it’s a goofy little mascot for the company. Some big goofy text felt fitting alongside this. I wanted to make a Pass n Gas specific logo too but I wanted to focus on the main “districts” rather than specific shops. I feel like this is kind of obvious but in-universe Big Eyes are VERY unsuccessful and actively losing money.
Hohenzollern Castle: not really a company but Joe and Cleo are cool so I wanted to include them and I had a tiny bit of blank space left on the page so here we are. I actually really love how the sign looks, the wood texture came out nice. They don’t have a logo as much as they do a sign outside their area, created by Joe, with the text written by Joe’s dyes. The “Hohenzollern” is kinda squished because he began to run out of room but was too stubborn to split the word in half. Cleo argues that it isn’t a logo and is just a sign with the castle’s name on it. Joe argues back with a deconstruction of “what is a logo, really?” and something about companies and capitalism and Cleo doesn’t care enough to respond.
Octagon: I am a fool who initially thought it was spelt “Octogon” and had to fix it well after I finished. Oh well. I wanted this to have a very evil look about it. You can instantly tell they’re the evil tech company running experiments on the quantum realm or whatever in a Hollywood movie. Between the unsafe work conditions and the tax fraud, it is a miracle they haven’t been shut down (reason: the government is scared of Doc)
The Evil Empire: the “the” wouldn’t fit so I had to make some sacrifices. Evil Xisuma is dramatic and edgy so he wanted the logo to be in fancy black calligraphic medieval looking text. It fits the evil castle aesthetic the whole area has pretty well too. The Evil Empire is kinda like a Hot Topic store and a Renaissance Fair combined, but it is also involved with Crypto. Despite being so weird it has a perfect niche of marketing to edgy teenagers so it is quite successful. The employees hate it there because their work mandated uniform is to “dress like an evil minion”. Jevin is a slime monster, Wels cosplays a knight and Beef turned into an alien so they thankfully didn’t have to change.
Boatem (BTM): heavily inspired by Grian’s simplified logo he made in Minecraft, where he shortened it to BTM. Despite already having a reference to work off, this was the hardest design. I knew I wanted it to be simple, all-white and leaning back dramatically but I spent ages fiddling with it. Boatem is the most successful company, being perfect for the general public and their shopping district a tourist destination in of itself. It nearly went into bankruptcy when Mumbo was CEO but has been very successful since his Robot took over.
Zedaph Laboratories: my favourite design. Hand writing the text was a nightmare but it came together nicely other than that. Sheep symbol because sheep are his brand. I used the same colour palette as his laboratory. “Laboratory” is misspelled for two reasons: 1) I realised my mistake too late to change it, 2) I think it is completely in character for Zedaph to not know how to spell laboratory and only realise after Tango points it out and be forever haunted by his mistake. Don’t let the sleek corporate design fool you, Zedaph is still wild and is the only person in the “Zedaph Labratories”.
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reddragdiva · 5 months
by Amy Castor and David Gerard
a late-season call back to one of early season buttcoin's favourite characters, the libertarian who suddenly decides he knows more about tax law than his own goddamn lawyers
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isadorastarotcards · 2 years
Reading the Court Cards -Jobs and characteristics of each court card
Court cards can represent people or you in a reading. There are four groups of court cards with four different characters. Depending on how many court cards are in a reading and how they are facing each other can tell you a lot about your answer to your question. They can also represent characteristics in a reading. Many readers use court cards in love readings to figure out the zodiac, physical attributes and other characteristics of a future lover. Now let's go down the list of what each court card represents.
King of wands
Zodiac: All fire signs more commonly for Sagittarius I've noticed, also common to come up for Scorpio placements due to the s*xual nature of the king of wands.
Planet: Mars
Jobs: Father, Teacher, Politician, Marketing, Producer, Businessman, Relator, Agent, Motivational speaker or Manager.
Characteristics: S*xual person, athletic, outgoing, optimistic, innovative, competitive, magnetic, impulsive, protective, magnetic, obsessive, honest, charismatic, domineering
Queen of Wands
Zodiac: Leo in the traditional deck there are lions decorating her throne. Pisces as well.
Planet: Sun
Jobs: Counselors, Exotic dancers, Dancers, Artist, Performer, Art director, Interior design, Aerobics, Business women, Human Resources, restaurant, hotel, Actress, someone who works with animals.
Characteristics; Loud, proud, extroverted, confidently different, exaggerated expression, passionate, ambitious, warm, kind, fun, opinionated, rash, bossy.
Knight of Wands
Zodiac: Sagittarius, occasionally July leos/cancers
Planet: Jupiter
Jobs: Soldier, Construction worker, Marketing, Promoting, Electricians, travel guide, travel influencer, waiters, Day trading, working with cars, horse stables, stage actor, stage man, startup, sports, activism.
Characteristics: Charismatic, Adventurous, Energetic, moves around a lot, Fearless, foolish, happy go lucky, cocky, Superficial, Restless, Confident in his actions, believes more in people's actions than words. S*xual card as well.
Page of Wands
Zodiac: Aries
Planet: Mars
Jobs: Gym coach, trainer, sneaker designer, improv actor, entry level job, band member, stage hand, yoga instructor, taxi/Uber, someone who works with a lot of hot food, dog walker/caretaker, veterinarian assistant.
Characteristics: Outgoing, childish, lively, someone who needs a lot of stimulation, someone who falls in love easily, young soul, immature, optimistic, loves trying new things, takes chances, gambler, rash, easy going, impatient, doesn't keep mouth shut, naive.
King of Swords
Zodiac: Capricorn/Aquarius
Planet: Saturn
Jobs: lawyer, judge, mediator, CEO, tech industry, crypto, banker, telecommunications, accountant, insurance, brain surgeon, newspaper writer, tax office, news reporter, high government job, politician, math professor.
Characteristics: Cool tempered, business oriented, analytical, conservative, ambitious, authoritative, ruthless, dishonest but also blunt, high standards, disciplined, cruel, direct, introverted, mature, intellectual, integrity.
Queen of Swords
Zodiac: Libra can sometimes represent a 1st Deacon Virgo.
Planet: Uranus/Venus
Jobs: Lecturer, executive, working in prisons, editors, journalists, coding, business women, quantum physics, statistics, lawyer, politics, publishing, medicine field, chemist, mediator, divorce lawyer.
Characteristics: Crone, critical of herself and others, analytical, direct, intelligently charming, truthful, just, constructive, single women, witty, pessimistic, realist, sharp, independent, sophisticated, can get a read on people very easily, women whose into psychological tricks.
Knight of Swords
Zodiac: Gemini/libra
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Radio station, media, stand up comedy, attorney, Translator, military, detective, game developer, para-educator, teacher, EMTs, administrator, analyst, people who work with weather. Jobs with a lot of communication or speed.
Characteristics: assertive, communicator, dashing, brave, speedy, talkative, opinionated, intelligent, determined, ambitious, sarcastic, comedic, impulsive, arrogant, self confident, dashing, over estimating themselves, goes into situations very quickly.
Page of Swords
Zodiac sign: All air signs
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Entry level communication jobs, Customer service, apprenticeship, maybe tattoo apprenticeship cause swords could be needles, technician, spy, blogger, flight attendant, leasing agent, student, IT person.
Characteristics: Curious, childish, thinking outside of the box, puzzle solver, quick thinker, complains a lot, nit picks, good writer, frank, alert of their surroundings, quick learner, agile, innovative, abrasive, observer and takes mental notes on people and their environment, lively, scholarly.
King of Cups
Zodiac sign: Pisces/Aquarius
Planet: Neptune
Jobs: High level entertainment or art industry, Doctor, photographer, stay at home dad, therapist, psychiatrist, marine biologist, veterinarian, working around water or boats, fisherman, teacher, CEO, owner of a club or bar or restaurant.
Characteristics: Kind, fatherly, stays in control of their emotions, family person, passionate, romantic, delusional, liar, exaggerates, creative, intuitive, opportunist, may like alcohol or drugs, passive aggressive, caring, charming, empathetic, flexible.
Queen of Cups
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Jobs: Stay at home mother, nurse, nursing home worker, zoologist, creative therapist (music, art), nutritionist, cosmetics industry, detective, party planner, actor, LPN, herbalist, case worker, massage therapist, physical therapist, seamstress, someone who cares for others and is creative.
Characteristics: Warm, maternal, heart of gold, loyal friend, imaginative, not punctual, intuitive, empathetic, can notice "vibes" very easily, nurturing, creative, sensitive, psychic, emotion over logic, peace keeper, bystander unless it's their children or family, illusions, dreamy, soft.
Knight of Cups
Zodiac sign: Scorpio/1st decon pisces
Planet: Pluto
Jobs: Diplomat, babysitter, health care, musician, writer, stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser, may have a job in spirituality, politician, graphic designer, zoologist, doggy daycare, daycare worker, groomer(pets), costal guard, pharmacist, graduate.
Characteristics: mediator, emotional, charismatic, idealizes everything around them, good at taking care of themselves, loyal, supportive, creative, jealous, possessive, moody, affectionate, love language might be gift giving, dreamer, polite, good with animals.
Page of Cups
Zodiac sign: All water signs
Element: Moon
Jobs: student, life guard, entry level jobs, counseling, art therapy, mental health worker, fisherman, model, artist for commissions, seamstress, content creator, retail worker.
Characteristics: Sensitive, fashionable, vain, nice, sweet, easily gets in relationships, obsessive, dreamer, gentle, loves love, positive, childish, cries easily, imaginative, good with animals, may have lots of pets, intuitive, intuitive dreams, optimistic
King of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn and Aries
Planet: Saturn
Jobs: Finance, Big CEO, banker, accountant, Stockbroker, financial advisor, something to do with the earth (landscape, plants, building, oil...), Lawyer, carpenter, landscaper, bodybuilder, executive, consultant, real estate, investor, flipping houses.
Characteristics: Strong willed, steady, responsible, calm headed, stubborn, authoritative, hard worker, if he has money he will make sure his family are taken care of, presents well, persistent, professional, solid, successful, dependable, reliable, provider, protective, determined, loyal, work ethic, good taste in food, good with money.
Queen of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn
Planet: Earth
Jobs: interior decorator, real estate agent, finical manager, business manager, business women, CEO, investor, angel investor, jeweler, personal shopper, someone who works with nature and animals, mother, private cook, business in the home, designer, psychologist.
Characteristics: Down to earth, calm, stable, knows herself and her surroundings, organized, materialistic, micromanager, green thumb, nurturing, silent, luxurious, compassionate, devoted, doesn't do flimsy relationships (friends and romance), knows what she wants and how to get it, dresses to impress, business minded.
Knight of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio, gemini
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Retail manager, quality control, explorer, herbalist, zoologist, biologist, blue collar worker, carpentry, potter, wood carver, soldier, landscape, works with horses, veterinarian, mechanic, security guard, works with safes and safe keeping stuff, works with metal and land, waiter.
Characteristics: Hard worker, grounded, efficient, diligent, ambitious, considerate, influential, has your best interest at heart, quiet, not a complainer, ambitious, good taste in food or cooking, patient, forgiving but if you cross this person most likely to play the long game, methodical, young person but old soul.
Page of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: all earth signs
Planet: Earth
Jobs: Cashier, entry level, beginning level business or accountant job, someone who makes a lot of money off small gigs, entrepreneurship, generally a good sign for careers as it means the person has a lot of potential and is going on the right path career wise.
Characteristics: Studious, focused on their goal, loyal, might be overworking themselves with too many goals and not enough balance, practical, methodical, rational, can indicate a person who is a little lazy but has potential, young at heart.
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polishtamales · 2 years
This needs to stop
Have you ever moved on from someone and only to stumble on them 5 years later just to see how low they’ve gotten?
Of course, the bigger person wouldn’t dwell on it and simply move on and walk away; avoiding any eye contact as long as possible, but they start screaming back at you. An old lady cuts you off and you find yourself out in the open, looking from side-to-side as your anxiety gets the best of you. 
You suddenly feel their cold-tipped fingers, covering your eyes, as you let out faint gasp. You drop your drink as the cup bounces off your shoes and onto the ground. Their cheeks gingerly brush against the back of your hair as they gently lean in, whispering into your ears...
A lawyer swoops in your other ear...
*Taxes, shipping and handling not included...
While this isn’t how I learned about Magic the Gathering’s 30th anniversary, I was just as disappointed as most of you. Imagine 30 years of summoning Angels, Wizards and Dragons, just to be told that you’re not invited. That is, you absolutely are and you can show everyone around you by spending thousands of dollars on Proxy MTG cards. Never mind that you can’t ever use them in official sanctioned tournaments or you have to ask permission from your EDH group to play those cards among all dirty peasants, but you could, by somewhat reasonable odds, end up collecting a complete set of the legendary Power-9 set in the process! 
Wait, I stand corrected! All this adrenaline pumping through my veins with blood clots and I can’t even get the facts straight. Official Proxy MTG cards that you could’ve bought anytime off of Wish or a non-reputable online seller, but they’re blessed by Mark Rosewater himself! Hot off the presses from the dozens other card sets released this year, these are special and deserve to be celebrated, because Wizards of the Coast told you so! You don’t have to take my word for it, as many speculators and scalpers have their bots ready for the big celebration! They’re all wet and throbbing, just like the investors waiting for Q4 earnings from Hasbro.
Sadly, deep down, we all know this product wasn’t meant for us. It isn’t even meant for the local game store that helped sell and promote Magic The Gathering for 30 long years. They get measly table scraps for their troubles, as Papa Bezos undercuts everyone, even daring to sell products at a reasonable loss. The audacity of these “brick and mortar” stores, trying to pay rent by selling collector boxes for just $180; when Amazon can hook you up for $80! You’d be a stupid fuck not to buy these by the pallets!
If you can’t tell already, my optimism towards Magic is at an all time low. Worst than my first pack of Fallen Empires. Hell, even worst when Wizards of the Coast tried to cancel Rebecca Guay! 
As cliché it is to call for a boycott, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You have crypto bros, speculators, scalpers, and their bots; all trying to “invest” on WotC’s version of a NFT. It could be WotC’s biggest cash cow of all time, or a colossal failure, like their reserve list policy. 
I hope you guys can share the image I posted earlier and tell EVERYONE how you will be celebrating Magic’s 30th Anniversary (with the provided blank image)!
Will it be sweet wine by candle light or Lunchables over a kitchen sink? 
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cryptolegal · 5 days
Key Questions to Ask When Hiring a Tax Lawyer in India
Hiring a tax lawyer in India is an important decision that can have long-reaching implications for Your future financial well-being. The right tax lawyer can help you solve your problem But in order to choose a good lawyer, you should ask some Important questions. Today, let's see what Step-By-Step asks to consider when thinking about hiring a tax lawyer :
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What is your expertise?
Are lawyers trained in tax legislation? It is essential to understand whether the lawyer's specialisations meet your present needs; for instance,, if you have issues with international taxation, then you would want an experienced attorney in this area.
What is your experience?
The lawyer's level of practical experience is a major pointer to his quality. You should ask the lawyer how many years he has been active in the field of tax law and how many similar cases he has handled successfully. An experienced lawyer is more competent in handling your case.
How are the fees for your services determined?
You should understand the fee structure. Ask the lawyer how his fees are assessed: Is it on a fixed amount, hourly, or other basis? It is also important to know whether there might be miscellaneous or outlays.
What types of services do you provide?
Each tax lawyer does different things. It should benefit you to find out what these are. Do they handle: tax planning and structuring TDS compliance GST advice project finance structures or other areas whose regulations are slightly off the beaten path?
Can you prepare a strategy for my case?
If you hire a tax attorney, he can easily give a clear, rational strategy to the case. Ask what kind of plan the lawyer will draw up and what measures they will take to solve your problems.
Have you handled my case before?
It's important to know that the lawyer has handled similar cases before. This ensures that you experience all the complexities and requirements of your case.
Will you be in regular contact with me?
A good lawyer will be in regular contact with you, keeping you informed about the progress of your case. You need to know what the way of contacting the lawyer will be and whether they respond promptly to your questions.
What do your client reviews and references say?
Good lawyers usually have good client reviews and references. You can look at these reviews and references to know the qualifications and professional capability of a lawyer.
Can you present the case in court?
If your case requires court involvement, it is very important that the lawyer can present the case in court. Make sure the lawyer has the ability to appear and represent in court.
How is your working style and client service?
The working style and customer service of an attorney can influence how you feel about working with them. You should make sure that the way the lawyer works is suitable for you and that they treat you in a professional and helpful manner.
During the search for a reliable tax attorney with years of experience providing advice on how to utilize cryptocurrency laws, we hope that you find Crypto Legal suited to your needs best. We are a professional taxation service provider in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, leading the way in many areas. Our services include tax planning and structuring, project review and tax optimisation, TDS compliance, GST advice and more.
Contact us now, let get you your bills settled right away!
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thinkinglegal · 2 months
SEBI's Framework For Cryptocurrency Trading and the Role of SEBI Lawyers
The world of cryptocurrencies has captured the imagination of investors and businesses alike. India is no exception, witnessing a surge in interest in these digital assets. However, the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies in India remains unclear. While the Supreme Court in 2018 struck down the RBI's banking ban on cryptocurrencies (you can read a detailed analysis of this judgment by SEBI lawyer Vaneesa Agrawalhere), the absence of a comprehensive regulatory framework creates a sense of uncertainty. This uncertainty was also backed by the Supreme Court, which in 2018 struck down the RBI’s banking ban on currencies.
Yet, in 2022, it was noticed that trade via cryptocurrencies increased; which led the government to introduce a tax on crypto transactions with the aim of discouraging these forms of trading.
This blog post aims to delve into the ongoing discussions about cryptocurrency regulation in India. We'll explore the concerns raised by the RBI and examine SEBI's efforts to develop a tailored regulatory framework for crypto assets. We'll also highlight the crucial role of SEBI’s expert lawyers in guiding businesses and investors through this evolving landscape.
The RBI's Continued Caution
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has expressed significant concerns regarding cryptocurrencies. These concerns revolve around the potential risks associated with these digital assets, including:
Financial Instability: The RBI and even business lawyers fear that cryptocurrencies, due to their volatile nature, could pose a threat to financial stability. The absence of a central bank backing them raises concerns about potential market crashes and systemic risks.
Money Laundering and Terror Financing: The anonymity associated with some cryptocurrencies makes them susceptible to misuse for money laundering and financing illegal activities. The RBI is concerned about the potential for these assets to be used to bypass existing regulations.
Understanding these concerns is crucial. The RBI has a vital role to play in maintaining financial stability and safeguarding the Indian financial system. However, the RBI's stance has also been interpreted as hindering innovation in the blockchain and cryptocurrency spaces.
SEBI Steps In: A Framework for Balanced Regulation
"Given the ongoing interest in bitcoins in India, it's perhaps time for the concerned authorities to establish a legal framework for the transactions and their taxation.
- Vaneesa Agrawal, SEBI Lawyer and Founder of Thinking Legal
In contrast to the RBI's cautious approach, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has taken a more nuanced stance. Recognizing the potential of blockchain technology and crypto assets, SEBI has proposed a multi-regulator approach to overseeing the crypto market. This framework aims to achieve a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring investor protection.
Here's a breakdown of SEBI's proposed framework:
Multi-Regulator Approach: SEBI recognizes that different aspects of the crypto ecosystem might fall under the purview of various regulators. This framework suggests collaboration between SEBI, the RBI, and other relevant authorities for comprehensive oversight. Lawyers are likely to play a crucial role in defining these collaborative efforts.
Tailored Regulations: SEBI might develop regulations specific to different types of crypto assets. For instance, crypto tokens resembling securities could be regulated under existing SEBI regulations, while utility tokens might have a different regulatory framework.
Investor Protection: A key focus of SEBI's framework is ensuring investor protection. This includes measures like regulating cryptocurrency exchanges, mandating KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures, and providing guidelines for disclosures and investor education.
By adopting a more nuanced approach, SEBI acknowledges the potential of cryptocurrencies while mitigating potential risks. And, as stated by Vaneesa Agrawal earlier, the authorities needed to lay down a framework, which they did. However this framework is still under development, and the specific regulations for various crypto assets will become clearer as SEBI gathers more information and stakeholder feedback.
The Role of SEBI Lawyers in a Changing Landscape
Navigating the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies in India can be challenging. This is where SEBI lawyers, and business lawyers play a crucial role in guiding businesses and investors. Here's how they can help:
Understanding the Regulatory Landscape: SEBI lawyers possess a deep understanding of existing regulations and the proposed SEBI framework. They can help clients navigate the complexities of the legal environment and identify potential areas of compliance.
Identifying Regulatory Risks: The evolving nature of the cryptocurrency space presents new legal and regulatory challenges. SEBI lawyers can help clients identify potential risks associated with specific crypto activities, such as token offerings or exchange operations.
Ensuring Compliance: As the regulatory framework develops, SEBI lawyers can advise clients on how to comply with new rules and guidelines. This includes developing appropriate legal structures for crypto businesses and ensuring adherence to KYC/AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations.
The future of cryptocurrency regulation in India remains uncertain. The RBI's concerns are valid, highlighting the need for a cautious approach. However, SEBI's proposed framework offers a more balanced approach that encourages innovation while ensuring investor protection.
As regulations for cryptocurrencies in India take shape, seeking guidance from qualified SEBI lawyers is essential. These SEBI expert lawyers can help businesses and investors navigate the complexities of the regulatory landscape, identify potential risks, and ensure compliance with new rules.
By staying updated on regulatory developments and working with experienced SEBI lawyers like Ananta Barua, Vaneesa Agrawal, and Vasudha Goenka, businesses and investors can participate in the Indian crypto ecosystem with greater confidence. The future of cryptocurrencies in India holds immense promise, and a balanced regulatory framework that fosters innovation while protecting investors is key to realizing this potential.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Crypto scam lawyers are double-dipping victims
It seems like the cryptocurrency boom has created a never-ending well of hucksters looking to steal your money. It’s scams all the way down. According to a recent alert from the FBI, a new breed of scam is specifically targeting people who’ve already been scammed, posing as law firms that specialize in recovering funds lost to crypto schemes. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation’s public service announcement (spotted by BleepingComputer) says that fraudsters will reach out to people who have already been victims of cryptocurrency scams via social media. They’ll pose as a lawyer or a law firm that specializes in recovering assets stolen via crypto scams, sometimes even claiming that they work with the FBI or the separate Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Targeting people who’ve already fallen for a crypto scam seems incredibly scummy… but it makes sense in purely mercantile terms. Such victims have already shown that they’re susceptible to social engineering. The scammers, who may or may not be the same people who ran the original scam, will claim that they’re actively seeking judgment against the original criminals. That’s the bait. The hook is personal banking information, a straight payment for “services,” or more complicated ruses involving fees or “back taxes.” Once they have enough info to steal your identity or just get paid, they vanish. The FBI report says that this secondary round of scamming is on the rise, with an estimated $9 million stolen from victims between February 2023 and 2024. That’s a drop in the bucket of the larger cryptocurrency scam cottage industry, where pump-and-dump “rug pulls” and phishing scams to drain crypto wallets are now the norm. But it seems especially despicable to steal from people who’ve already been scammed. Law enforcement can, on rare occasions, track and recover cryptocurrency to reimburse victims. And it’s certainly possible to pursue legal action against someone who’s scammed you, which means lawyers will be involved at some point. But they don’t typically reach out to victims on social media. The sad truth is that most people who’ve been victimized by cryptocurrency scams either don’t know the real identities of their scammers or have no real legal recourse against them. Source link via The Novum Times
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umutisiktagiyev · 5 months
Book Notes | Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki | 14.11.2023
It’s a great book with such a clear and concise writing style. The author communicates his ideas well.
A friend said he wouldn’t read the book because it only applied to the American financial structure. That’s very far from the truth. The book is about building a solid financial foundation and the lessons the author has learned over his financial journey.
His biological (the one referred to as poor) father is a teacher and an intellectual socialist. The father of his friend (who later on becomes one of the wealthiest men in the state) is referred to as his rich dad. 
These dads start on similar grounds, but through a massive difference in their ideology and how they view the world/money, they end up in very different places.
His rich dad would refer to himself as rich even when broke, while his poor dad would say, “I’ll never be rich, and that’s okay,” which manifested itself in reality.
Education is essential, yet people confuse this with academic education, which teaches you to be a cog in the system: a good lawyer, doctor, and employee. Many well-educated people who finish school with high GPAs struggle financially.
When you say, “I can’t afford it,” your brain stops working; that’s a limitation you place upon yourself. You should ask, “How can I afford it?” Laziness is the most potent ingredient in poverty.
You shouldn’t work for money or an employer, slaving your time and effort away. You should make money work for you; I’ll expand on this later.
Financial education and constant learning are far more powerful than money itself.
“You best change your point of view. Stop blaming me and thinking I’m the problem, then you have to change me. If you realize you are the problem, you can change, learn something new, and grow wiser.
The poor and the middle-class work for money, and the rich make money working for them.
The key is building your asset column, minimizing expenses and liabilities, constantly educating yourself and learning, and spending money on yourself and your improvement.
Be truthful about your emotions and motivations and use them in your favor; do not let them work against you.
Once a person stops looking for information and self-knowledge, ignorance sets in. This is a moment-to-moment decision: will you choose to learn, open your mind, or go numb? Money is an illusion.
Building your asset column is like planting a tree; you have to take care of it, but one day, it grows large enough to take care of itself.
People are too focused on money, that’s not their most significant wealth: financial education.
It’s not about how much money you make but how much you keep at the end of the day.
ACCOUNTING is a MUST LEARN if you wish to build wealth.
Understand the difference between liabilities and assets, then buy assets. Assets add to your income, while liabilities are expenses.
Money attracts money. The asset column generates enough wealth to cover expenses; the surplus is reinvested into buying more assets. A tale old as time, the rich get richer. While poor and the middle-class work for the government, employers, and banks.
The rich buy assets, the poor have only expenses, and the middle class buys liabilities that they think are expenses.
Minding your own business: Instead of working to make your employer rich, you take the skills you learn and the capital you have and invest them in yourself and your assets. Your business revolves around your asset column, not your income.
Businesses that do not require your presence.
Income-generating real estate
Notes (IOUs)
Royalties from intellectual property
Anything that has value, produces income, or appreciates (crypto is the modern-day example)
You need to acquire assets that you love. You won’t take care of something if you don't love it. If you’re going to enter a market, learn to love it.
The Robin Hood ideal is why the middle class is so heavily taxed. The rich DO NOT pay taxes, thinking they are taxing the rich; they taxed themselves.
The rich will always find a way to avoid taxes, find loopholes, or create systems that allow them to avoid paying. The history of taxes is hilarious; you can see how people who think they are taking away from the rich always harm themselves.
Having a cash surplus is good for corporations but bad for the government. One gets rewarded for it, while the other gets budget cuts. So the government keeps employing and keeps growing, being as inefficient as possible.
A corporation is merely a legal document that creates a legal body without a soul. The wealth of the rich is protected through legal tax evasion.
You use pre-tax money to pay for your personal expenses and call them business expenses. You pay less tax, and the amount you’d pay to taxes is used for your business purposes. You pay yourself first, then the government.
“Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the bold.”
It’s not the lack of education or intelligence that holds people back, but the lack of self-confidence. Conviction.
The author has worked for companies purely for their education courses. He valued learning sales and marketing more than the money he made with the job. Through that education, he has made millions. It’s a short-term loss for long-term benefit.
Understanding Markets
Tax Advantages
Protection From Lawsuits
Work hard all of your life for an employer and slave yourself away. Pay half of it to the government and put the other half in a savings account with a minimal interest rate that is less than inflation. OR Develop financial intelligence and use your brain; harness the power of your brain and the asset column.
Who works harder? Which is smarter? It’s obvious when you put it this way, isn’t it?
“It’s not gambling if you know what you’re doing. It is gambling if you are throwing money into a deal and praying.”
Use your knowledge and education to lower the risk and make calculated risks.
Mistakes are not bad. Losers are afraid of losing, so they try not to lose. That’s why they lose.
The winners are not afraid of losing; they turn their failure into a win, either by learning a lesson from it or in some other way. No one likes to lose money, but it is the bold who win.
Find an opportunity everyone else missed.
Raise money.
Organize smart people.
A wise man knows that he needs people wiser than him in his team. Learning a bit about everything is better than specializing.
“a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” 
People have an idea of salespeople that is harmful to their success. They feel they are above such tactics, so they fail and end up poor.
Learning sales and marketing and working in the field for a bit is extremely important, not only for personal growth but also for becoming rich.
The hardest part of leading a company is managing people.
“If you’re not a good leader, you’re going to get shot in the back, just like they do in business.”
Forgo the elitist attitude: this is a fact that the majority is always wrong. 
They are scared; they play safe. Just LOOK OUTSIDE. LOOK AT THEM. LOOK AT THE STATISTICS. 
You NEED to go against the grain, take risks, lead, fail, and carve your path. LEAD instead of following, and always keep that attitude.
You should ask, “Where is this daily activity or task taking me?”
People are living from paycheck to paycheck, day to day. Where are they headed?
The world is filled with talented but poor people because they do not know business, sales & marketing.
Management of cash flow.
Management of systems.
Management of people.
Most think: receive, then you shall give.
That’s the secret of the rich; that is the reason they are wealthy. Look at foundations like the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation.
The obstacles to significant cash flow are:
Bad habits
“People are so afraid of losing that they lose.”
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. Failure inspires winners.
You cannot be rich by being balanced. You need to be focused. If you have no money, a balance will keep you there.
The worst times are the best time to make money; long-term money is made on downs, not booms.
Like the Japanese say, a crisis and an opportunity are often one and the same.
People are using excuses not to get rich or focus on one thing to distract themselves from something else.
“Guilt is worse than greed, as it robs the body of its soul.”
Find a reason greater than reality: the power of the spirit. Do it for love, your love, and those you love. It makes the sacrifices not only bearable but enjoyable.
Each moment is a decision, think & act. Do not let your thoughts hold you back.
Time and knowledge are the most precious things in the world. Money and power are merely their outcomes.
Choosing your circle carefully and the power of association. Learning from all of your friends. The author has friends who have generated billions, and all of their poor friends come in to ask for a loan, money, or a job; none asks how the guy managed to get so rich.
“The hardest thing about wealth building is to be true to yourself and to be willing to not go along with the crowd.”
Pay yourself first. Learn to manage cash flow, people, and personal time.
Pay professionals well and work with them. Accountants and brokers are life savers.
Have idols and heroes; learn about their lives and how they make decisions. Expand your perspective and learn to think like them.
The power of giving. If you want love, you give love; if you want to be smiled at, you smile at people; if you want money, you give it first. The world is your mirror. There are powers in the world much more intelligent than you are; do not work against them but with them.
Look for new ideas
Find people doing what you want to do or have done it: learn from them.
Take classes and courses, read, and attend seminars: that is where proper education is found, not school.
Learn from history
Action ALWAYS beats inaction.
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irstaxexpert · 2 months
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companypoland2 · 7 months
Navigating Immigration Law in Poland: A Comprehensive Guide Poland, a country rich in history and culture, has become an increasingly popular destination for immigrants seeking new opportunities. However, like any other nation, Poland has specific immigration laws and regulations that must be navigated for a smooth transition. In this blog post, we'll delve into key aspects of Immigration Law in Poland, shedding light on crucial topics that prospective immigrants should be aware of.
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coinmystique · 6 months
The next is a visitor put up by Rodolfo José Santos, a crypto tax and lawyer at FS Authorized. Within the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, the place fortunes are made and misplaced within the blink of an eye fixed, one investor’s easy mistake final month delivered to gentle an important dialogue about justice within the burgeoning Web3 ecosystem.With a single errant click on on Google, this crypto fanatic inadvertently misplaced a staggering $1 million value of digital property. Sadly, such tales have develop into all too widespread within the crypto realm. However the story of this explicit particular person and my background in regulation spurred me to ponder the idea of justice inside this digital frontier.Within the conventional authorized world, justice is a guideline that ensures people and companies are held accountable for his or her actions. What’s proper is correct, and what’s improper ought to be corrected by means of the justice mechanisms. This precept, they argue, also needs to lengthen to the Web3 ecosystem.The thought of justice in Web3 beneficial properties traction once we see headlines like “Binance Creates Smart Contract to Refund Users Affected by $3M Rug Pull from Xirtam Scammers.” It underscores the assumption that actions taken by key gamers within the trade, similar to main exchanges like Binance, can restore religion out there. These actions give hope to all market members, suggesting we should undertake modern approaches to attaining justice to create significant change within the crypto house.Within the blockchain and Web3 ecosystem, the specter of scammers, rug pulls, fraudulent schemes, and phishing assaults continually looms. Contributors are perpetually cautious of creating an harmless mistake that might result in the lack of their digital property. It’s a state of affairs that performs out day by day, whether or not attributable to ignorance, greed, or a easy lapse in focus.One second, customers imagine they’re interacting with a reliable contract; the subsequent, they notice their cryptocurrencies have vanished into the fingers of malicious actors.When such incidents happen, a pivotal side of the hacker’s technique is to transform stolen cryptocurrencies into fiat forex by means of exchanges. These exchanges function the gatekeepers of justice, standing between the hacker and their victims. If the sufferer can present proof of possession, blockchain expertise’s public and open nature theoretically permits all transactions to be tracked, thus enabling the institution of possession.Moreover, exchanges are topic to authorized obligations and self-imposed requirements, together with Anti-Cash Laundering (AML) guidelines and Counter the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) measures. As acknowledged on KuCoin’s web site, they attempt not solely to fulfill their authorized obligations but additionally to reduce the danger of exploitation by criminals, as per their assertion:“KuCoin does not wish to be manipulated by money launderers or terrorists or to become associated with money laundering or terrorism in general. Its aim is not merely to comply with its legal obligations, but to effectively minimise the risk of exploitation by criminals. Thus, the anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and corruption policies are based on the requisite highest standards.”.This underscores the trade’s dedication to working with the best requirements of integrity.This brings us to the case of the crypto holder who fell sufferer to a hacker, shedding $1 million value of digital property, which had been subsequently deposited into KuCoin. The hacker employed a standard tactic of changing stolen cash to Ethereum and depositing them in blocks of 25 ETH throughout a number of KuCoin accounts, in the end liquidating them into fiat forex.All these wallets, crucially, are beneath the management of KuCoin.com. The alternate holds full authority over these funds and their locations. It’s a incontrovertible fact that’s straightforward to confirm, because the funds in the end circulate into KuCoin’s foremost wallets, the place they mixture buyer property.Performing swiftly, the sufferer reported the incident to KuCoin, requesting the freezing and return of their property. KuCoin responded by freezing the wallets for a 30-day interval however couldn't assure the standing of the funds. Within the days that adopted, KuCoin’s response remained constant:“Please kindly advise the local Law Enforcement to send the duly signed/sealed official freezing order to [email protected], then KuCoin will directly assist them to cooperate in the case.”Even after the sufferer requested KuCoin to strategy the hacker for proof of funds, the alternate reiterated its request for a courtroom order, a course of removed from easy or swift.In an trade that aspires to distinguish itself and show adherence to guidelines, the accountability falls on blockchain and Web3 establishments to undertake greatest practices. Exchanges, particularly, bear a big accountability. They should have mechanisms to stop legal actions and assist victims who can lawfully show possession of their property. They need to function a filter of justice.Failure to take action dangers perpetuating the notion that the cryptocurrency trade is a playground for illicit actions, together with cash laundering and facilitation of hacker actions. By prioritizing accountability and transparency, the trade can work in the direction of gaining the belief of regulators and governments, solidifying its place as a reliable and accountable participant within the world monetary panorama.In an period the place digital property and blockchain expertise are quickly reshaping the monetary world, justice and accountability should evolve alongside them. It’s a problem your entire Web3 ecosystem faces, and it can't be ignored if it hopes to thrive within the years to come back.In conclusion, the story of the crypto holder who misplaced $1 million in digital property and the following response from KuCoin shines a highlight on a crucial difficulty throughout the Web3 and blockchain ecosystem: the necessity for justice and accountability. The incident underscores the significance of adhering to ideas of equity and accountability, even within the decentralized and fast-evolving world of cryptocurrencies.As blockchain expertise continues to reshape the monetary panorama and achieve wider adoption, it turns into crucial for all members, particularly main exchanges, to play a pivotal position in making certain the integrity of the ecosystem. Exchanges should act as greater than mere intermediaries for buying and selling digital property; they need to additionally function guardians of belief, because the gatekeepers of justice.Whereas the sufferer, on this case, confronted vital challenges in reclaiming their stolen property, it highlights the potential for enchancment in how exchanges reply to such conditions. By adopting modern approaches and demonstrating a dedication to supporting victims who can show their lawful possession, exchanges can contribute to a safer and reliable crypto atmosphere.In the end, for the Web3 and blockchain trade to flourish and achieve acceptance on a worldwide scale, it should showcase its dedication to moral and authorized requirements. It ought to purpose to eradicate the notion that it's a playground for illicit actions and as an alternative show itself as a accountable and legit participant within the world monetary area.The case of the $1 million loss serves as a name to motion for your entire Web3 ecosystem. It reminds us that as this revolutionary expertise continues to evolve, the ideas of justice, accountability, and transparency should evolve. Solely by doing so can the trade construct a basis of belief and credibility, paving the best way for a future the place digital property play a central position in reshaping finance for the higher.In conclusion, as we grapple with the ever-evolving challenges posed by legal organizations within the Web3 period, it turns into abundantly clear that relying solely on the standard, sluggish, and complicated authorized system to acquire justice is now not viable. The rapid-paced nature of Web3 calls for a brand new arsenal of instruments and methods to fight these threats successfully.We should adapt, innovate, and search different means to safeguard the digital frontier from the pervasive affect of illicit actors. On this dynamic panorama, the pursuit of justice should be as agile and responsive because the threats it goals to counter. Issues that KuCoin isn’t doing.Supply: https://cryptoslate.com/blockchain-justice-exchanges-as-the-gatekeepers-of-web3/
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thenewsart · 9 months
Pro-XRP Lawyer’s Vital Advice For Digital Currency Traders
Jeremy Hogan, a respected lawyer in crypto, particularly the XRP community, recently shed light on the tax implications for crypto investors. In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), Hogan highlighted the need for investors to understand the nuances of tax laws, particularly the contrast between short and long-term capital gains taxes. Hogan’s guidance centers on a prevalent practice among…
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brandsmiths · 11 months
Understanding Regulatory Compliance in Crypto: Why Legal Assistance is Essential
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The world of cryptocurrency has seen exponential growth and innovation in recent years. With crypto's meteoric rise to fame and the development of blockchain technology, the crypto market has become a hotbed of investment opportunities. However, as this industry continues to evolve, so do the regulations surrounding it. Navigating the complex web of crypto regulations is no easy task, so legal assistance is essential for individuals and businesses involved in the crypto space.
The Regulatory Landscape of Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency regulations vary greatly from country to country and are constantly evolving. Some nations, like the United States and the European Union, have taken steps to provide some clarity around crypto, while others are still grappling with how to approach it. This lack of uniformity and the rapid pace of innovation in the crypto space can make compliance a challenging endeavour.
At its core, regulatory compliance in crypto involves adhering to a set of rules and regulations put forth by government agencies and financial authorities. These regulations can cover a wide range of aspects, from taxation and anti-money laundering (AML) requirements to securities laws and consumer protection measures. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines, asset seizures, and even imprisonment.
The Importance of Legal Assistance
Given the complexity and variability of crypto regulations, legal assistance can be invaluable for anyone operating in the cryptocurrency space. Here are several key reasons why legal guidance is essential in crypto regulation:
·   Navigating Regulatory Minefields: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency is incredibly complex and ever-changing. Lawyers who specialise in crypto law are well-versed in the latest developments and can help individuals and businesses stay on the right side of the law.
·   Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Legal experts can help ensure that businesses comply with all applicable regulations, reducing the risk of costly legal battles or fines. They can also guide risk mitigation strategies.
·   Taxation Matters: Taxation is a significant aspect of cryptocurrency regulation, and the rules can vary widely. Legal professionals can help individuals and businesses understand their tax obligations and find ways to minimise their tax liability.
·   AML and KYC Compliance: Anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations are critical in crypto. Lawyers can assist with implementing robust AML and KYC procedures to prevent illegal activities and maintain regulatory compliance.
·  Investor and Consumer Protection: Securities laws are another critical concern in the crypto world. Legal assistance can help businesses structure their offerings to comply with these laws and protect their investors and customers.
·   Dispute Resolution: In the event of disputes or legal challenges, having an experienced crypto lawyer on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of the case.
As the cryptocurrency industry grows, it's becoming increasingly clear that legal assistance is essential for anyone involved in this space. The complexities of crypto regulations, combined with the potential legal pitfalls, make it crucial to have a knowledgeable advocate in your corner. To thrive in this evolving landscape, individuals and businesses must prioritise regulatory compliance and seek legal assistance when needed.
One company that specialises in providing commercial and crypto litigation services is Brandsmiths. With a team of experienced lawyers who understand the unique challenges of the crypto industry, The company is dedicated to helping clients navigate the legal complexities of the cryptocurrency space.
Brandsmiths offers a range of services tailored to the needs of cryptocurrency businesses and investors. Whether you're looking for assistance with regulatory compliance, tax matters, dispute resolution, or any other legal aspect of the crypto world, the organisation has the expertise to guide you through the process.
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