#crypto inovation
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The Convergence of AI and Decentralized Finance (DeFi): How AI is Revolutionizing the Crypto Ecosystem
#artificial intelligence#blockchain#ai#defi#crypto currency#fintech#crypto inovation#nft#crypto security#blockchain technology#ai algorithms#future of finance
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I wish all Crypto Bros a very Eat Shit You Fucking Pencil-Necked Dweebs LMAO
#crypto has always been a scam#blockchain usefulness has already been incorporated into the industry#you aren’t inovating shit at this point#crypto#blockchain#donald trump#elon musk#mark zuckerberg is a fucking moron#lol
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My website almost finished!! I'm making this website for all crypto lovers and geeks, it will have EVERYTHING about cryptocurrencyes and i think that this could have big success!! 👍👌 #websitedesign #website #technology #news #post #altcoins #altcoin #bitcoin #btc #network #cryptocurrency #crypto #cryptonews94 #blockchain #ethereum #eth #coin #coinmarketcap #inovation
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Crypto Startups!
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Check out great incoming ICO Experty.io!
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Halo semuanya,kembali lagi dengan DigitalYPS.Pada artikel sebelumnya kita sudah membahas sedikit tentang project Dayta,jika kalian belum membacanya kalian bisa cek disini dan disini. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang TIM dan ADVISOR Dayta. Langsung saja kita mulai. Lets Go!!!
1. Zumar Ahmed (Founder & CEO)
Zumar adalah Manajer Program Kepatuhan yang sangat cakap dan terakreditasi serta Kepala Perubahan dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun mengelola program perlindungan data dan kepatuhan di sektor Ritel dan Perbankan di Inggris dan Uni Eropa.
2.Laura Feeley (Chief Operating Officer)
Laura telah bekerja di berbagai proposal perubahan operasional dan pemasaran selama 15 tahun pada program transformasi Layanan Keuangan skala besar (HSBC dan LBG), dan dalam kapasitas konsultasi selama enam tahun terakhir. Pengalaman yang luas dalam merancang dan menyampaikan proposal berarti dia sangat akrab dengan tantangan yang dihadapi organisasi. Menawarkan perspektif customer-centric untuk merancang dan mengkomunikasikan proposisi berbasis wawasan dan model operasi transisi berbasis bukti, spesialisasinya mencakup pengalaman pelanggan ujung-ke-ujung mulai dari penelitian dan wawasan, desain perjalanan dan pengiriman ke komunikasi yang menarik. Keterampilan kepemimpinan dan komunikasi yang kuat memungkinkannya untuk memasukkan tim pengelola dan pemangku kepentingan untuk mendorong advokasi dan meminta dukungan di antara mereka untuk mengembangkan dan memberikan pengalaman pelanggan yang relevan dan bermakna.
3.Bret Calvey Senior Software Consultant)
Bret memiliki pengalaman 20 tahun sebagai pengembang perangkat lunak senior untuk berbagai perusahaan ritel dan keuangan. Dia telah mengasah minatnya dalam proyek-proyek inovatif melalui AI, pembelajaran mesin dan implementasi blockchain.
4.Danish Hameed (Blockchain Consultant)
Denmark memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 12 tahun sebagai konsultan bisnis dan penasihat bisnis untuk Arhamsoft. Dia memiliki lebih dari 5 tahun pengalaman menasihati ICO dan perusahaan di Asia atas implementasi blockchain pribadi / publik dan DApps.
5.Vitally Marinchenko (Smart Contract Developer)
Secara Vital memiliki pengalaman dalam Soliditas dan berbagai kegiatan Blockchain, termasuk tugas yang berhubungan dengan crypto seperti mengatur penjelajah blockchain, menulis kontrak pintar di Ethereum Network untuk Aplikasi yang Terdesentralisasi dan menciptakan cryptocurrency. Ia juga berspesialisasi dalam HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, Node.Js, React, MongoDb, WordPress, Shopify, Braintree, dan sejumlah besar teknologi, platform, dan perpustakaan lainnya.
6.Dr Stefan Beyer (Blockchain Architect)
Stefan Beyer lulus dari University of Manchester pada tahun 2001 dengan gelar di bidang Ilmu Komputer dan memperoleh gelar Ph.D. pada tahun 2004 dari universitas yang sama. Sejak itu ia telah bekerja dalam penelitian ilmu komputer dalam sistem terdistribusi, toleransi kesalahan, komputasi di mana-mana, dan keamanan siber. Ia berspesialisasi dalam keamanan blockchain dan arsitektur terdistribusi berkinerja tinggi.
7.Daniel Spyralatos (Community & Marketing Coordinator)
Daniel adalah koordinator Pemasaran kami. Ia berspesialisasi dalam Pemasaran Digital dan mengarahkan kampanye yang sukses sebelum terlibat dengan Blockchain. Menggunakan pengalaman dan portofolio itu, ia melompat menggunakan kereta Cryptocurrency, dan memberikan hasil yang luar biasa. Sorotan termasuk peningkatan lebih dari $ 100 Juta untuk perusahaan Blockchain pada tahun 2018 saja. Daniel juga memiliki pengalaman dengan manajemen proyek dan hubungan investor.
8.Mohsin Laeeque (Smart Contract Developer)
Mohisn adalah Ahli Blockchain dan pengembang Java yang memiliki pengalaman dalam kerangka kerja Swing, Java core, Nodejs, Javascript, Kontrak Smart Solidity, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Stellar, Cryptonote, Hyperledger, Ethereum, Terpusat, Terdesentralisasi dan Hibrida Pertukaran Crypto dan Pengembangan Blockchain Pribadi.
9.Ahad Paul (Marketing Assistant)
Individu yang percaya diri dan termotivasi dengan pengalaman luas saat memasarkan untuk pemula. Ahad dapat membawa arus lalu lintas yang tinggi dalam waktu singkat melalui berbagai platform media sosial.
1.Kenn Palm (Technology Strategist)
Kenn telah menciptakan tim-tim pengembangan yang gesit dan multi-disiplin, mengintegrasikan beragam teknologi - Blockchain, .NET, inovasi-inovasi yang diturunkan dari Jawa, prinsip-prinsip berorientasi objek, Delphi, Direktur, Flash, dan lainnya - untuk menghadirkan sistem kritis-misi tepat waktu dan dalam anggaran. Ciri khas pendekatan Palm terhadap desain / implementasi sistem adalah memanfaatkan teknologi terbaru yang muncul untuk mencapai peningkatan kinerja, efisiensi, dan penghematan biaya untuk kliennya.
2.Boyan Josic (Maketing & Digital Media Advisor)
Pendiri & CEO Mogul Media, Blockchain Media, ICODashboard.io & Josic.com. Penasihat Dewan pada banyak proyek ICO dan blockchain.
3.Ruslan Kosarenko (Principal Legal Advisor (Sterling Law))
Ruslan Kosarenko memiliki lebih dari 10 tahun pengalaman dan merupakan pembicara aktif di konferensi profesional dan panel ahli. Sterling Law memberikan saran hukum strategis dan solusi khusus untuk bisnis Inggris di berbagai industri, termasuk TI, FinTech, Crypto dan Blockchain, keuangan, konstruksi, transportasi, perawatan kesehatan, media, dan mode. Sterling Law telah menjalin hubungan profesional dengan akuntan dan penasihat pajak, pengacara dan penasihat, manajer kekayaan dan penasihat lainnya yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memberikan layanan yang efisien.
4.Inna Semeniuk (Legal Advisor (Sterling Law))
LLM Hukum Komersial dan Perusahaan, Graduate Diploma in Law. Inna telah menyelesaikan Program Oxford Blockchain di Saïd Business School Oxford University yang mengkonsolidasikan informasi yang relevan tentang blockchain untuk para pemimpin bisnis dan inovator dengan menampilkan kasing terbaik, proposal nilai, dan strategi implementasi dalam industri blockchain. Inna berspesialisasi dalam nasihat hukum dan laporan tentang legalitas dan kepatuhan ICO. Inna memiliki minat besar dalam AI (kecerdasan buatan) dan pembelajaran mesin juga dan memiliki keterampilan dalam Python (bahasa pemrograman). Dia aktif menerapkan pengetahuannya tentang teknologi baru di bidang hukum ke dalam pekerjaan perusahaan dan memberikan dukungan hukum untuk berbagai startup dan proyek di bidang ini.
5.Michael Iatsukha (Legal Advisor (Sterling Law))
Michael telah berhasil menyelesaikan gelar Sarjana Hukum (LLB) di City University of London, serta, Program Strategi Blockchain Oxford di Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Selain itu, Michael secara proaktif terlibat dalam penelitian dan mengejar peluang bisnis dan hukum baru di bidang hukum yang tidak umum, seperti cryptocurrency. Dia memiliki pengalaman luas dalam hukum perusahaan, komersial, TI, IP dan Internasional. Bagian dari pekerjaannya di tahun lalu difokuskan pada penelitian berbagai kemungkinan dan kasus penggunaan penerapan teknologi blockchain di bidang kehidupan nyata dan tantangan hukum yang muncul di sepanjang jalan. Michael membantu menavigasi melalui kerangka hukum dan peraturan Inggris dan berkoordinasi dengan otoritas regulasi. Bahasa: • Inggris • Prancis • Rusia • Ukraina
More Information : WEBSITE : https://www.mydayta.io/ TELEGRAM : https://t.me/mydayta WhitePaper : https://www.mydayta.io/uploads/white_paper/Whitepaper.pdf
Bitcointalk username : yehestielsiburian
Bitcointalk url : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2112339
ERC20 Wallet : 0x7c66F494cD26b7bc6878137c7e0F896907B3acD4
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Embr Rilis Checkout untuk Kepercayaan Bukti Masa Depan dalam Pengalaman Pembayaran Web3
Embr Rilis Checkout untuk Kepercayaan Bukti Masa Depan dalam Pengalaman Pembayaran Web3
Infobitcoin.my.id – Embr adalah perusahaan jarak jauh yang membangun infrastruktur penggalangan dana Web3 global, dan Checkout adalah yang pertama dari banyak rilis produk yang berfokus pada memindahkan startup dan pembuat konten ke era baru internet. Web3 memiliki potensi untuk menulis ulang masa depan peluang ekonomi bagi para inovator dan investor di mana pun. Namun, pemula dan veteran crypto…
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[ ] “GET UR HUSTLE ON” ENTREPRENEUR, HOODIES ON SALE NOW ( AGSILVERDOJO.COM) [ ] #ENTREPRENEUR [ ] #INOVATION [ ] BLOCKCHAIN [ ] CRYPTO CURRENCY [ ] ENTREPRENEURSHIP [ ] https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp6mqS3lQk7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hp05n0m0iyw1
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Coinradr: Complete Cryptocurrency Dashboard
What is ConRadrConRаdr is a revolutionary tracking and tracking system that gives you an attractive advantage in the market. It is available for iOS and Android devices. As a comprehensive Blосkсhаіn solution, we have created it to provide the best DеF experience at once.looking for a revolutionary service currency appealed to us, and as a result, we decided to develop the service created.Ultimately, ConRаdr's goal is to provide a smile and a convenient way for anyone to get paid from them. This is made possible by the various tools and features that make it possible to do so even if you have no knowledge or knowledge of your cryptocurrency.
Educational issues in the crypto space cannot be ignored despite the abundance of information available. Information at the forefront largely fulfills the dreams of new users promising them quick financial independence which then robs them of their need to be properly educated. This triggers ignorance and misperception by new users, especially those who don't know how to consume information from the ground up and improve it. This caused a lot of losses as crypto was then considered and treated as a “get rich quick scheme”.
The Crypto space is experiencing chaos in its avalanche of activity and as technology, use cases, ecosystem, tokens and coins evolve every day, we can only experience unlimited eruptions in these various data point packages. If these data points are not collected properly, they can have a negative impact on the crypto experience for both investors and traders.
Proper education of all users on every aspect of crypto will provide a crypto experience by users and encourage faster adoption of crypto by people all over the world.
COINRADR INOVATION is a trademark of COINRADR INC.Congn Rаdr is the first Blосkсhаіnf based DeFi solution to provide a complete all-in-one DеF solution today. owner owner
fiturẑAPPLICATION FOR COIN RADARA free mobile app for corporate investors, traders and enthusiasts that is innovative, easy to use and easy to use. On the go, use san trask and manage their portfolio of srurtosurrens using PDP sonradar, which performs real-time urdated rrіseѕ on 3000+ srurtosurrensіeѕ and also the ability to monitor their trades.
TRADE AUTOMATIONIn thе cryptocurrency mаrkеt, bоt іѕ thе соіnrаdаr trаdіng a іntеllіgеnсе-роwеrеd аrtіfісіаl аlgоrіthm which mаkеѕ bу аnаlуzіng vаrіоuѕ dесіѕіоnѕ trеndѕ раttеrnѕ trading market іn аnd dіffеrеnt сrурtосurrеnсу fоrесаѕtіng рrісе mоvеmеntѕ based оn mаrkеt dаtа аnаlуѕіѕ. Manual trading is also available via the bot's built-in trading feature.
CENTRALIZED EXCHANGE (DEX)An exchange for stuffed ones that is foreboding, possible, and оwelrfful, and that allows users to get over it.. In addition to ETH, ERC20 tokens, and various other owner currencies, оnradar DEX supports non-essential alternatives.Coinradr may be the way for you if you want to get into foreign currency investing while cutting your bankroll. This straightforward and easy-to-use platform gives you everything you need to get started right away. If you are already a loyal investor, this chart tool can be a valuable addition to your trading strategy, depending on your preferences.
Core Advantage
Coinradr keeps you ahead in the market thanks to its key advantages over other industry competitors:
message security
Act flexibly
cost effectiveness
data security
Instant Trading
Multi-wallet compatibility
Top Exchange Sync
special features
Earn Daily Earnings: Complete certain tasks with the app to earn daily token incentives from app earnings. High APY Warning: Invest in the highest and safest APY of multiple pools on decentralized exchanges to grow your money.
Portfolio Analysis: The profit and loss status of each asset is displayed consistently.
News Alerts: Get the latest and trending news from top project teams and online media in real time.
Anti Pump & Dump Alerts: Provides a unique algorithm to detect pumps and dump coins quickly. It prevents investment losses due to bad or wrong decisions by traders and investors.
Crypto Asset Analytics: One stop menu for quick access to all features It makes it easy to find gem projects, check coin/token health and get instant feedback to help investment decisions.
Meme tokens: Memes have ushered in a new era of adoption. This category lists the most popular meme currencies based on their social engagement data and market ranking.
NFT & Metaverse: Track the most valuable NFT and Metaverse tokens.
Trading Signals: Professional team provides hodl gems and long coin/token indicators. Trading with these signals can increase your funds up to 1000 percent.
Dapps Browser: Connect your offline wallet to a decentralized exchange for instant access. You can exchange your favorite tokens and do token exchange.
Launchpad: There are onboarding menus for incubator projects, seed rounds, private sales, and public rounds. You can invest in top startups and get a fair return on your money.
News: Never miss the top trending news on your radar. CoinRadr Socials: You can learn about the hottest crypto debates and trending tokens by watching social interactions from leading influencers.
Whale Warning: If whales (the biggest investors) buy or sell some or all of their assets, you should be wary.
Import and export of analytical data: The login profile feature makes it easy to import your app details. You can create and sync your personal settings in the app. Reports can be exported in various formats.
Exchange Sync : CoinRadr also supports the top five exchanges with the same sync speed and uses encrypted data to protect user information. Due to CoinRadr's built-in security architecture, this feature is almost guaranteed. This concept is also a new approach to the coveted security of user data.
A token distribution schedule is in place to provide long-term ecosystem governance and oversight as participants and decentralization are critical.
A breakdown of TOKENOMICS based on the long-term goals of product development is provided below.
Total Supply 100 million $RADR
Personal Selling — 2%
Personal Pre -Sales - 0.7%
Presale Round 1 (Public) — 3.6% (Pinksale)
Pre-Sales Turnover 2-1.5% (XPAD)
Liquidity 41%
4.2% Liquidity Incentive
Tim 8%
Ecosystem Growth 8%
Community/Airdrop 5%
Project Development 15%
Marketing 11%
CoinRadr Token ($RADR) is for:
1. For long-term DPY staking rewards
2. The CoinRadr app DApp browser can be used to pay for a wide variety of products and services.
3. $RADR will also support NFT and Metaverse utilities in the ecosystem.
4. The more time users spend on the app and the more they contribute to the ecosystem, the more $RADR they will receive.
5. Become a payment method for all app-based purchases.
Through its DeFi technology, CoinRadr jointly provides cryptocurrency traders and investors with a uniformly accessible means of accessing the blockchain's key financial sector. The accessibility and convenience of all products provided by CoinRadr, including loans and insurance, are likely to see a significant increase in adoption.
CoinRadr is set to break the ice on all subsequent DeFi projects. And it will build an impactful foundation for all the DeFi to come. It's safe to say that if you're looking for a product or service that CoinRadr doesn't offer, then it doesn't really matter in this space.
For More Information Visit:
Website: https://coinradr.com/
White Paper: https://coinradr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/coinradr-whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/coinradrtoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoinRadr
Media: https://medium.com/@coinradr
Username: Bambangfamungkas
Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3122436
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CoinRadr is the first comprehensive Blockchain-based DeFi solution to provide a complete all-in-one DeFi experience.
CoinRadr is a revolutionary solution to help users gain an edge over the cryptocurrency landscape by providing real-time trading and data visualizations to individual users in one place. Moreover, it allows users to invest in DeFi products as well as insure their assets against loss.
CoinRadr is a revolutionary encrypted coin tracking and trading app that gives you a competitive edge in the cryptocurrency market. It is available for iOS and Android devices. As a comprehensive Blockchain solution, we have created this to provide the best DeFi experience in one package.
Coin Radr is the first comprehensive Blockchain-based DeFi solution to provide a complete complete DeFi experience, and is currently in beta testing. CoinRadr has a large number of excellent tools that provide a completely new experience and provide the following benefits to cryptocurrency asset owners:
A free mobile app for investors, traders and cryptocurrency enthusiasts that is innovative, easy to use and completely free. On the move, users can track and manage their cryptocurrency portfolio using the coinradar app, which provides real-time current prices on 3000+ cryptocurrencies as well as the ability to monitor their trading activity.
In the cryptocurrency market, coinradar trading bots are artificial intelligence powered algorithms that make trading decisions by analyzing various patterns in market trends and forecasting price movements of various cryptocurrencies based on market data analysis. Manual trading is also available via the trading bot's built-in features.
A decentralized exchange that is fast, secure and robust, and one that allows users to trade directly to their wallet without the need to register on the exchange or provide any personal information to the exchange. In addition to ETH, ERC20 tokens and various other cryptocurrencies, coinradar DEX supports instant cryptocurrency exchange across the blockchain network.
Coinradr might be the app for you if you want to invest in cryptocurrencies while putting your money at the least risk. This straightforward and easy-to-use platform gives you everything you need to get started right away. If you are already an experienced investor, this chart tool can be a valuable addition to your trading strategy, depending on your preferences.
Our mission is to help everyone earn passive income as easily as possible while providing the best possible experience. Our main goal is to provide a reliable and trusted platform to our users. We want people who buy tokens to be confident in their investment, and we want them to know that we are committed to making CoinRadr the best.
The revolutionary concept of cryptocurrency appealed to us, and as a result, we decided to develop a cryptocurrency that will be used as a form of payment for services provided by our company and other businesses.
Founded in 2014, Coin Radr is an ecosystem that allows anyone to earn passive income from their crypto assets in a simple and convenient way. This is made possible by the various tools and features that make it possible to do so even if you have no prior knowledge or experience in the cryptocurrency market.
Ultimately, CoinRadr's mission is to provide a simple and convenient way for anyone to earn passive income from their cryptocurrency assets in one location. This is made possible by the various tools and features that make it possible to do so even if you have no prior knowledge or experience in the cryptocurrency market.
Educational issues in the crypto space cannot be ignored despite the abundance of information available. Information at the forefront largely fulfills the dreams of new users promising them quick financial independence which then robs them of their need to be properly educated. This triggers ignorance and misperception by new users, especially those who don't know how to consume information from the ground up and improve it. This caused a lot of losses as crypto was then considered and treated as a “get rich quick scheme”.
The Crypto space is experiencing chaos in its avalanche of activity and as technology, use cases, ecosystem, tokens and coins evolve every day, we can only experience unlimited eruptions in these various data point packages. If these data points are not collected properly, they can have a negative impact on the crypto experience for both investors and traders.
Proper education of all users on every aspect of crypto will provide a crypto experience by users and encourage faster adoption of crypto by people all over the world.
special features
Earn Daily Earnings: Complete certain tasks with the app to earn daily token incentives from app earnings. High APY Warning: Invest in the highest and safest APY of multiple pools on decentralized exchanges to grow your money.
Portfolio Analysis: The profit and loss status of each asset is displayed consistently.
News Alerts: Get the latest and trending news from top project teams and online media in real time.
Anti Pump & Dump Alerts: Provides a unique algorithm to detect pumps and dump coins quickly. It prevents investment losses due to bad or wrong decisions by traders and investors.
Crypto Asset Analytics: One stop menu for quick access to all features It makes it easy to find gem projects, check coin/token health and get instant feedback to help investment decisions.
Meme tokens: Memes have ushered in a new era of adoption. This category lists the most popular meme currencies based on their social engagement data and market ranking.
NFT & Metaverse: Track the most valuable NFT and Metaverse tokens.
Trading Signals: Professional team provides hodl gems and long coin/token indicators. Trading with these signals can increase your funds up to 1000 percent.
Dapps Browser: Connect your offline wallet to a decentralized exchange for instant access. You can exchange your favorite tokens and do token exchange.
Launchpad: There are onboarding menus for incubator projects, seed rounds, private sales, and public rounds. You can invest in top startups and get a fair return on your money.
News: Never miss the top trending news on your radar. CoinRadr Socials: You can learn about the hottest crypto debates and trending tokens by watching social interactions from leading influencers.
Whale Warning: If whales (the biggest investors) buy or sell some or all of their assets, you should be wary.
Import and export of analytical data: The login profile feature makes it easy to import your app details. You can create and sync your personal settings in the app. Reports can be exported in various formats.
Exchange Sync : CoinRadr also supports the top five exchanges with the same sync speed and uses encrypted data to protect user information. Due to CoinRadr's built-in security architecture, this feature is almost guaranteed. This concept is also a new approach to the coveted security of user data.
Tokenomics And CoinRadrToken Utilities
Since the 4th Quarter of 2021, we are constantly working to bring something unique to the crypto space. A special project was created to serve all members regardless of their experience in crypto.
Let us quickly polish you with some CoinRadr utilities as well as tokennomics.
CoinRadr . Utilities And Functions
CoinRadr Token ($RADR) is for:
1. Serves as a betting prize for long -term DPY
2. Support all utility payments using the DApp browser of the CoinRadr app.
3. $RADR will support all NFT and Metaverse utilities in the ecosystem.
4. Active users on the app will be rewarded with $RADR, which will be commensurate with their activity and contribution to the growth of the ecosystem.
5. Serves as a means of payment for all transactions made in the application.
CoinRadr Tokenomics
This is to demonstrate the dynamics of our native token in serving the community and its growth.
Total Supply: 100M
Token Ticker: $RADR
Private Sales: 2%
Personal Pre -Sales: 0.7%
Presale Round 1 (Public): 3.6% (Pinksale)
Pre -Sales Round 2: 1.5% (XPAD)
Liquidity: 41%
Liquidity Incentive: 4.2%
Tim: 8%
Ecosystem Growth: 8%
Community/Airdrop: 5%
Project Development: 15%
Marketing: 11%
Learn more:
Website : https://coinradr.com
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/coinradr
Telegram: https://t.me/coinradrtoken
Media: https://medium.com/@coinradr
by Campurejoh
link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3166183
0 notes
COINRADR is the first Blосkсhаіnf based DeFi solution to provide a complete all-in-one DеF solution
What is ConRadr
ConRаdr is a revolutionary tracking and tracking system that gives you an attractive advantage in the market. It is available for iOS and Android devices. As a comprehensive Blосkсhаіn solution, we have created it to provide the best DеF experience at once.
looking for a revolutionary service currency appealed to us, and as a result, we decided to develop the service created.
Ultimately, ConRаdr's goal is to provide a smile and a convenient way for anyone to get paid from them. This is made possible by the various tools and features that make it possible to do so even if you have no knowledge or knowledge of your cryptocurrency.
PROBLEMEducational issues in the crypto space cannot be ignored despite the abundance of information available. Information at the forefront largely fulfills the dreams of new users promising them quick financial independence which then robs them of their need to be properly educated. This triggers ignorance and misperception by new users, especially those who don't know how to consume information from the ground up and improve it. This caused a lot of losses as crypto was then considered and treated as a “get rich quick scheme”.The Crypto space is experiencing chaos in its avalanche of activity and as technology, use cases, ecosystem, tokens and coins evolve every day, we can only experience unlimited eruptions in these various data point packages. If these data points are not collected properly, they can have a negative impact on the crypto experience for both investors and traders.THE SOLUTIONProper education of all users on every aspect of crypto will provide a crypto experience by users and encourage faster adoption of crypto by people all over the world.
Congn Rаdr is the first Blосkсhаіnf based DeFi solution to provide a complete all-in-one DеF solution today. owner owner
A free mobile app for corporate investors, traders and enthusiasts that is innovative, easy to use and easy to use. On the go, use san trask and manage their portfolio of srurtosurrens using PDP sonradar, which performs real-time urdated rrіseѕ on 3000+ srurtosurrensіeѕ and also the ability to monitor their trades.
In thе cryptocurrency mаrkеt, bоt іѕ thе соіnrаdаr trаdіng a іntеllіgеnсе-роwеrеd аrtіfісіаl аlgоrіthm which mаkеѕ bу аnаlуzіng vаrіоuѕ dесіѕіоnѕ trеndѕ раttеrnѕ trading market іn аnd dіffеrеnt сrурtосurrеnсу fоrесаѕtіng рrісе mоvеmеntѕ based оn mаrkеt dаtа аnаlуѕіѕ. Manual trading is also available via the bot's built-in trading feature.
An exchange for stuffed ones that is foreboding, possible, and оwelrfful, and that allows users to get over it.. In addition to ETH, ERC20 tokens, and various other owner currencies, оnradar DEX supports non-essential alternatives.
Coinradr may be the way for you if you want to get into foreign currency investing while cutting your bankroll. This straightforward and easy-to-use platform gives you everything you need to get started right away. If you are already a loyal investor, this chart tool can be a valuable addition to your trading strategy, depending on your preferences.
special featuresEarn Daily Earnings: Complete certain tasks with the app to earn daily token incentives from app earnings. High APY Warning: Invest in the highest and safest APY of multiple pools on decentralized exchanges to grow your bankroll. Portfolio Analysis: The profit and loss status of each asset is displayed consistently. News Alerts: Get the latest and trending news from top project teams and online media in real time. Anti Pump & Dump Alerts: Provides a unique algorithm to detect pumps and dump coins quickly. It prevents investment losses due to bad or wrong decisions by traders and investors. Crypto Asset Analytics: One stop menu for quick access to all features It makes it easy to find gem projects, check coin/token health and get instant feedback to help investment decisions. Meme tokens: Memes have ushered in a new era of adoption. This category lists the most popular meme currencies based on their social engagement data and market ranking. NFT & Metaverse: Track the most valuable NFT and Metaverse tokens. Trading Signals: Professional team provides hodl gems and long coin/token indicators. Trading with these signals can increase your funds up to 1000 percent. Dapps Browser: Connect your offline wallet to a decentralized exchange for instant access. You can exchange your favorite tokens and do token exchange. Launchpad: There are onboarding menus for incubator projects, seed rounds, private sales, and public rounds. You can invest in top startups and get a fair return on your money. News: Never miss the top trending news on your radar. CoinRadr Socials: You can learn about the hottest crypto debates and trending tokens by watching social interactions from leading influencers. Whale Warning: If whales (the biggest investors) buy or sell some or all of their assets, you should be wary. Import and export of analytical data: The login profile feature makes it easy to import your app details. You can create and sync your personal settings in the app. Reports can be exported in various formats. Exchange Sync : CoinRadr also supports the top five exchanges with the same sync speed and uses encrypted data to protect user information. Due to CoinRadr's built-in security architecture, this feature is almost guaranteed. This concept is also a new approach to the coveted security of user data.
The $RADR Token is CoinRadr's main currency that powers the entire ecosystem.
This will serve as a betting prize for the long -term DPY prize.
This will push all uli for payment using the app's dapp browser.
The $RADR token will drive Launchpad listings & incubator subscriptions.
Incentive rewards in $RADR for APP users based on their activities and contribution to ecosystem growth.
All NFT and Metaverse uli in the ecosystem will be driven using $RADR.
Core AdvantageCoinradr keeps you ahead in the market thanks to its key advantages over other industry competitors:message security Act flexibly cost effectiveness data security Instant Trading Multi-wallet compatibility Top Exchange Sync
The participants and decentralization of the ecosystem are key, therefore token distribution is designed to provide long-term governance and ecosystem monitoring schedule.
The TOKENOMICS distributed according to the long-term product development goals are as follows:
Total Supply 100 million $RADR
Personal Selling — 2%
Liquidity 41%
Ecosystem Growth 8%
Personal Pre -Sales - 0.7%
Tim 8%
Brand 11%
Community/Airdrop 5%
Project Development 15%
Pre-Sales Turnover 2-1.5% (XPAD)
Presale Round 1 (Public) — 3.6% (Pinksale)
4.2% Liquidity Incentive
Nama Token: CoinRadr ($RADR)
Total Supply: 100,000,000 Tokens
Private Sales
2% of Total Supply
2 million $RADR Token
Price: 1BNB — 20,000 $RADR
Personal Pre -Sales
(0.7% of Total Supply)
700,000 $RADR Token
Price: 1BNB — 15,000 $RADR
General Sales
5.1% of Total Supply
5.1 million $RADR Token
Price: 1BNB — 12,000 $RADR
CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x71648f61d21d3c75b08414ffa817c4ac2157f89e
TECH AUDIT Here is a link to our Smart Contract Audit report by Tech Audit: http://bit.ly/3lhzkva
Spy Wolf Network: https://bit.ly/35vZ4yW
A second security audit with Spy Wolf Network was conducted to ensure the security of the contract. We will continue to audit the contract regularly to ensure the contract is secure.
Q4 2021
Formation of core project technical team, ecosystem idea, and legal framework.
Domain registered and website created.
Private selling rounds and seed rounds for first time investors.
Opening of VC Partners and Supporters (private Investors only)
Social media assignments & Marketing schedule
Lite Paper Publishing marketing campaign
Public Sales
Token integration and testing with Dex
List of CEX Bursa Exchanges
Staking pool :RADR
Q1 2022
Portfolio Manager V1.0
Integration of the top five exchanges
Offline mode integration
Wallet integration
Report Integration
Alert Notification System
Performance Testing
Marketing & Airdrop campaigns
Register: CEX
Q2 2022
Multi Language Integration
Day and night mode
Application Interface Stabilization
Auto reconnect for API exchange
Speed boost
V2 Design
Stock List
Q3 2022
Price limit integration
Coinradr Swap — test launch
Coinradr pad — test launch
Coinradr Trading Bot — test launch
Chain tab integration (eth, Solana, bsc, phantom, terra)
Stock List
Q4 2022
signal tab
Social module / Referral System Integration
Airdrop Distribution 2.0
Exchange Coinradr — launch
Coinradr pad — launch
Coinradr Trading Bot — launch
Fee system for Premium Portfolio Features
Integration NFT & Metaverse
List of multiple exchanges
Q1 2023
Future development
Contact information
Website: https://coinradr.com/
Whitepaper: https://coinradr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/coinradr-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoinRadr
Telegram: https://t.me/coinradrtoken
Media: https://medium.com/@coinradr
0 notes
List of services that will be available on MONCRYPT platform.
Biometric wallet Pay bills Transfers Exchange Marketplace Gambling & Betting Depositaries Virtual debit card Buy, using crypto Loans Investment platform Trading platform Gift cards Insurance Investment portfolio Booking aggregator Hedge platform Social network Notary Digital assets Assets issue NODE service Mining
0 notes
New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/alchemy-is-secretly-fixing-blockchains-node-nightmare/
Alchemy is secretly fixing blockchain’s node nightmare
The top cryptocurrency companies have quietly begun to outsource their infrastructure problems to a tiny stealth startup. It’s called Alchemy. Today it’s making the big public reveal of it’s technology that could help developers finally build the killer use case atop Bitcoin or Ethereum.
If the operating system connected computers and software, and if browsers connected HTTP to web apps, Alchemy wants to the bridge enabling the blockchain ecosystem. It’s this middle layer that’s produced Microsoft, Apple, and Google — some of the most valuable companies in the world.
Alchemy replaces the nodes that businesses use to read and write blockchains with a faster, more scalable decentralized architecture. It also offers tools for analytics, monitoring, alerting, logging, and debugging for cryptocurrency-connected software. The two-year-old startup already powers infrastructure for hundreds of businesses serving over one million customers in 200 countries per week, including big names like Augur, 0x, Cryptokitties, Kyber, and the Opera browser.
“Right now people are trying to build skyscrapers with picks and shovels. We need to give them construction equipment” Alchemy co-founder and CEO Nikil Viswanathan tells me. “None of this exists for blockchain.”
Investors are lining up to see that it will. Alchemy revealed to TechCrunch that it secretly raised $15 million through a seed round and now a Series A led by Pantera Capital, and joined by Stanford University, Coinbase, Samsung, SignalFire, plus angels like Charles Schwab, Yahoo founder Jerry Yang, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, Google chairman John Hennessy, and more.
“For any new technology, developer infrastructure and tools are required to enable broader application development and adoption. We’ve seen this happen in previous tech waves like PC and the web” says Yang, who rarely does interviews. “Alchemy is trying to do the same thing for the blockchain space . . . they have the opportunity to meaningfully accelerate the entire blockchain industry.”
From Down To Lunch To Decentralized Apps
Yet despite its momentum, it’s immediately clear that Alchemy doesn’t want to become some overhyped blockchain promise that doesn’t deliver. “There are two vanity metrics in Silicon Valley” Viswanathan says. “How much money you’ve raised and how many people you have on your team. In reality, you want to keep both of these as low as possible while being a big success.”
Viswanathan and co-founder and CTO Joe Lau already had a shot at the startup big leagues. For a brief moment, their simple social app for finding out where friends were around to hangout, called Down To Lunch, topped the app rankings and had VCs knocking down their door with term sheets. But the pair of Stanford computer science grads got knocked off the charts by a viscious rumor that their app helped kidnappers, which they call a purposeful smear campaign.
The two were resilient, though, drawing on Viswanathan’s time in product management mentored by executives at Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. He sat next to Mark Zuckerberg, brought Steve Ballmer to campus, and had meetings with Larry and Sergei. His takeaways was that “You can have massive impact on the world. If they can do it we can do it to.”
So when cryptocurrency hit the zeitgeist in 2017, they cast aside the successors to Down To Lunch they’d built, and dove in head first. Through the frustration of spinning up nodes to build anything decentralized, they spotted the opportunity to start something with more potential than college kids’ social app. They saw the chance to seize bridge layer of the next computing platform — the blockchain.
It’s not magic, it’s Alchemy
“It’s 1972. Who used computers? Only computer companies. By 2019, the entire world. In 1992, who used the web? Only internet companies. By 2019, the entire world. In 2019, who uses blockchain?…” Viswanathan explains.
The implication is that ubiquitous adoption is coming to building transactions into code, and blockchain will become so common we don’t even talk about it the same way. “No one says ‘I’m using an internet application’” Viswanathan says with a laugh.
Making the same true for blockchain Alchemy’s goal. Typically just to get started, businesses have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to set up and operate nodes that can interpret and write to blockchains. It’s not only slow and costly, but it sucks up a ton of engineering resources. And worse yet, node architecture may not gracefully support massive scale. Load balancing across servers, as is traditional with web applications, breaks down when nodes mistakenly return block numbers out of sync. Blockchain apps run slow and buggy.
Alchemy uses a whole different decentralized architecture. This lets it separate different types of data into their data stores for much faster and more reliable access. The result is that it’s easier to build apps on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins with fewer engineering resources. In that sense, it’s not unlike an Amazon AWS for blockchain.
“Since using Alchemy, our team has been able to refocus it’s time on building new product features for Augur that we wouldn’t have been able to otherwise” Augur’s director of operations Tom Kysar tells me. “We used to spend a notable amount of time dealing with infrastructure issues, and now we don’t worry at all.” The prediction market startup writes that Alchemy resolved 98% of reliability issues and made its users’ applications load 3X faster.
Crypto exchange AirSwap ditched the node system it had built and open sourced to use Alchemy instead. When I looked at it top competitor in infrastructure, Infura, most of the clients it listed on its site are now actually working with Alchemy.
“This is what spins the inovation cycle”
One of the most heartening signs? Alchemy has already turned away acquisition interest. “For us, selling for $100 million or $1 billion isn’t a success” Viswanathan says. They want to empower a generation of developers.
The real question, though, is one of timing. “The biggest threat is how quickly will crypto become a massive market” Viswanathan admits. He says Alchemy is already making a fair amount of money selling tools and service packages that start in the tens of thousands of dollars. But it may need its technology to jumpstart the blockchain developer flywheel by powering a breakout success serving mainstream consumers. Luckily, since it powers everything from exchanges to games to banking to integrating distributed ledgers into traditional businesses, it just needs something to win on the blockchain.
Many startups have died waiting. Why will Alchemy persevere? The CEO says it’s a sense of duty to pay it forward. “I just feel so lucky to live in 2019 and have technology and computers and internet. Never before in human history before the last 20 years could you build something and potentially have every one on the planet’s life improved by it” Viswanathan concludes.
“These technology shifts happen even 20 to 30 years. If this is a massive technology shift, we have chance to build a really foundational company in the space. It’s not about the money. There are so many less stressful ways than startups to make money.”
0 notes
So power ledger, I think they are doing some clever things in renewable or alternative energy. Electric car inovation for your household. Check out my crypto playlist if you didn’t see that video in which I spoke about them.
Incase you didn’t know. The general sentiment towards fossil fuels is getting more and more negative. People are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment. The fact of the matter is that we are going to need fossil fuels less and less as we move forward in society. As renewable or alternative energy gets more popular and cheaper due to technological advancements. It’s a fact, fossil fuel and fossil fuel based energy companies don’t want this happen. Obviously.
These companies are heavily invested in countries all over the world and governments have huge interest in the fossil fuel game. A lot of the financial and political infrastructure is based around oil with the "SDR" and all that. I think this has been part of the reason why no substantial technological advancements have been made by these guys to improve energy efficiency in a whole bunch of sectors like transport for example. But major vehicle manufacturers who also are invested in these fossil fuel companies are seeing the increasing demand for renewable or alternative energy usage and their ways of operating are slowly changing as evidenced by BMW and the increasing popularity of Tesla. We’re seeing a shift towards electric cars these days.
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Disclaimer: all thoughts expressed are my personal opinion. I am not a financial adviser.
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