#crying cuz i had so much fun and i have so many good memories playing with my friends
laudthingcat · 1 year
Never would have thought i will reach the day when i will uninstall dead by daylight but here we are
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It’s like the devs are trying to kill the game and make it as killer sided as possible. I literally got over every single change and bullshit updates they had in the past that made many others uninstall. I fucking stayed and now they nerf healing cuz it’s a bit too op apparently. I am 100% sure the devs aren’t even playing their own fucking game
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 3 months
Thanks for answering my ask....If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
1) Haikyuu!!
Honestly this is just a comfort show for me. No matter how many times i rewatch it, it's always like the first time, even if you know what's about to happen, you still cheer and clap and groan in every match. Just AGAIWBAIWBSKBDIS such a good anime, i bawled my eyes out when i finished the manga, honestly this will go down as one of my favorite anime ever (update: watched the movie, it's good but man i wish we had whole season)
2) Undertale/Deltarune
I cannot beat the weird kid allegations, toby fox has me by my (totally legit) balls. Istg toby fox drugs his games, or else idk how to explain how am i keep coming back to this (lies this franchise and story is just pure masterpiece)
3) Fnaf
Yeah definitely doesn't help the weird kid allegations. Well you know what they say, when you start getting into fnaf you sign off your life into eternal servitude. I would describe my relationship with Fnaf as - toxic ex i keep coming back to. Somehow 8 years of this bullshit and we're still going. Counting animatronic toes and reading yet another wtf is this book
4) Bungoe Stray Dogs
Sighhhhhh. The gayssssss. THE GAAAAAYSSS. But nah honestly it just has everything to get me on the board. The drama, mysteries, pretty WOMEN, silly characters, gut wrenching angst, and of course gay ass mfkas. The manga is better though. I don't consider this a masterpiece (not by a lOng shot) but it a good show to watch and talk about, the characters are all fun and silly, cliche at times but nonetheless entertaining and the fan work is just CHEF'S KISS
5) Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
This is a relatively new one but GOD. DAMN. HOW DOES JUST MAKE THIS MASTERPIECE. IT'S SO GOOD. THE EMOTIONS THE PLOT THE CHARACTERS. HOW DOES ONE EXECUTE EVERYTHING SO PERFECTLY AND JUST LEAVES YOU CRYING AND SOBBING MESS BUT IN A GOOD WAY. Genuinely consider this one of the modern classics that will be talked about in years to come. Exploring the how would an immortal perceives time, is not something everyone (or anyone) really explores in fantasy stories but damn frieren absolutely slays with it. Not cherishing the people she was with only to realize how much they meant to her when it was too late, and they're already gone, is just so. UGH. AND THEN SHE SLOWLY LEARNS TO CHANGE AND APPRECIATE THE WORLD AND PEOPLE AROUND HER WHILE GOING THROUGH THE OLD MEMORIES IAISBSJSBSNSNKS. anyway. I do recommend frieren (they better announce that second season)
6) The Apothecary diaries
Also one of the recent ones. What can i say when we get an imperial china not china setting, with inner palace politics, hierarchies and murder mysteries, packed with probably the greatest female protagonist we had in how many years? How can not love it? Maomao my personal spiritual animal. She is just such a compelling character and breath of fresh air in anime community cuz god knows we need more of em. She just feels so real compare to what we usually, she is just one or the girls and that is beautiful. There are of course others aspects of this show that i like but honestly she is probably the main reason this show is just UGH so good
7) Stanley Parable
Okay, this is a bit of an odd one, but hear me out. This game is so GOOOOD. I remember playing way back when, and it was just so different than anything else that was coming out at the time. The meta narrative of this game was truly amazing, the amount options we had and so many interesting dialogs, the THINGS TO EXPLOREE. I also just loved the narrator, he is so goddamn funny, the banter with Henry (even though it's one sided) is still great
These are the ones i can think of, honestly, there are probably others but i cannot remember them rn
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autumnslance · 2 years
🍭why did you start writing?
💎why is writing important to you?
Have a nice day <3
These are questions I feel like I can't give a satisfactory answer beyond "cuz it just is" the same way breathing is a thing that I must do in some fashion. But here's some things I've semi-sorted out over time:
My paternal family is full of storytellers, mostly of the liar and tall-tale-teller variety. I really can't trust most of what I'm told from that side about family history and their lives cuz it's always shifting and changing and full of improbabilities, holes one can drive a semi truck through. Especially my dad's stories; he has such a desperate need to seem cool and important, making up an entire military service life that doesn't match up at all to timelines and only started after watching 80s action hero war films, and even in some cases using them to justify outright bigotry. His dad used to do the similar things, about being a pilot and war hero. My aunt at least made the stories of childhood antics sound funny, and my late uncle found humor in his many medical mishaps, exaggerated in some cases, others not.
(This is also why I cannot stand some people that will bust in constantly with one-upmanship stories or a desperate need to relate and be involved by telling tangentially related tales, and always worry I'm doing, or appearing to do, the same thing as a family trait that I can't shake)
As my aunts and dad get older, and especially with one having multiple health conditions, misunderstandings due to "medicated or not?" and also probable dementia are added in, but that's at least normal, if heartbreaking.
(I also don't interact with my family much; they aren't entirely terrible people, but we don't really operate on the same wavelengths and I tend to like them better when I'm living at least a few hundred miles away. I've tested this a few times over the last 25 years or so)
My late uncle was much younger than his 3 siblings, still a teenager when we were kids, and he was into science fiction and fantasy. He was the one who told us those stories, based on the books he was reading, or the art and statues he collected in his room. I first learned of Hobbits and Rings, and the Three Laws of Robotics, from him. I watched my first episode of Star Trek with him--TNG's "Skin of Evil" actually, and though I knew nothing of the show, the characters' interactions and response to their fallen comrade struck small me in a way. My uncle was also the one who got us to draw and practice writing by making it fun and relating it to stories. Before starting school, we'd tell him stories he'd write down for us as we scribbled out drawings. Natural progression to start writing on my own once I could.
And I had a very clear and desperate urge to learn how to read and write as a tiny sprog. I wanted to know the stories for myself, and also write down my own. Cuz it struck me, somehow, that tall tales and lies were just tall tales and lies. But write it down, give it to made up characters, and then it's a story. And one of my earliest SFF memories that wasn't an animated "kids movie" but a grown up show, was a rather human story of loss and grief, even with phasers and a guy in an oilslick suit as trappings.
I knew I liked reading (and watching, and very eventually playing) stories, and how words worked together. How one could reference other stories and bounce off those ideas and themes. How to create emotions and make people laugh or cry with just some cleverly placed words, maybe a good visual and music cues. I wanted to do that, too. And along the way was lucky enough to find adults and then peers and friends willing to encourage and nurture that desire into an actual skill.
Wish I'd kept up on the drawing, though; I had a creative streak, but my interest ended up leaning more into words. I have a decent imagination, but I didn't want to use it to be just a liar. Storyteller though, seemed far preferable an appellation, and that's at least a respectable way to use made up things to tell certain truths.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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dipperdogrpg · 3 years
Cloud and Aerith theories/facts and not canon pairing essay
Ended up writing way more then intended lol and thought to share what’s  happening in the FF7 story between Cloud and Aerith. This is a response text I did on my youtube channel where I do commentary as a Cloti supporter. Instead I decided to move it here.
Wahh lol I got carried away! I enjoyed but also felt bad for Cloud having to dance at the Honey Bee thanks to Aerith and her plans. Gosh darn it though Cloud dancing was great and I squealed along with Aerith, but a tinge of guilt hits when I see his troubled face haha. The thing people confuses here is that Cloud pushes himself to do it for Tifa because he was ready to walk away. Instead of busting through the mansion he sucked it up to ensure Tifa’s safety and chose to sneak inside as a woman.
Yes, I’m also very curious how Sephiroth's schemes will develop and how Aerith will try to stop him in Remake. She's much more focused on Sephiroth and stopping him compared in OG. In the other game Aerith originally joined to understand her Cetra abilities, but it feels pretty evident she has new mysterious powers as a Cetra in Remake and her relationship with Sephiroth is more personal. Also, I think Sephiroth and Aerith’s ancestry will have a bigger role and focus on Jenova and the Cetra's relationship/History. I plan to do an Aerith Theory and a character analysis in the future because she is, as the developers describe her, mysterious. 
It's obvious Sephiroth is harassing Cloud mentally then later physically through his clones. He is scheming something big and I look forward how Aerith will try to counter it because she is probably the only one capable to do it as a Cetra. One of the big schemes was removing the Arbiters of fate, but I think they both wanted that. Both Sephiroth and Aerith want to change something that doesn’t fit with the planet’s “destined” agenda.
In Max's commentary he mentioned Sephiroth was intentional with stalling Cloud running into Aerith, which caused a butterfly effect to ruin the events the planet has planned. While it tries to fix itself, the party are becoming aware of the Arbiters of Fate existence and sees it as a problem. At the end the team removes it when Sephiroth had some control in manipulating it. Its been mentioned the three figures you fight are a representation of the three sephiroth remnants from AC, Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo. So maybe we are getting hints of Sephiroth's abilities with the clones and the lifestream which could lead to some complicated trouble. We also get evidence Aerith is already more powerful than her Og counterpart by creating the portal to fight the Arbitors. When the heck did she learn that? 
My theory about removing the arbitors of fate are so the creators can have wiggle room for slight variation in scenes they've considered fixing in the past to improve a more consistent story and of course a new way for Sephiroth to exercise his goal along with Aerith because definitely getting hints those two know more then they should. My theory, they are from the future and traveled to the past using the Life stream and I’m using the OTWTS Novel as evidence when Aerith and Sephiroth talk about their time in the Life Stream. In there they gained new powers. Evidence- Sephiroth talks about it at the temple of ancients and that he gained new knowledge from there, so why not Aerith too. Either way the party will stop him at the end with Aerith's help because her role in the story is to save the world while Tifa's role is to save Cloud. That is a canon statement by one of the developers btw. Aerith and Tifa have their roles to play in FF7 that lead to its success.
Fun fact, but Cloud is not himself with Aerith. The developers did say Cloud truly is himself with Tifa. Why? because love. Now, the cool thing in Remake we are witnessing is Cloud learning how to make friends. A poor social skill set that may have contributed with his insecurity when he was a child. Wanting to join tifa and her friends but instead stayed away. To make himself feel better he makes up a story that he chose not to play with the other kids because he is special. In FF7 we get to witness Cloud learning these relationship skills, which helps develop his character to grow up until we get to the Lifestream sequence. It's after that he can stop pretending to be what he think is the ideal cool grown up version of himself and instead work on his real self with the new bonds of friendship he made who stuck around Cloud regardless of him pretending to act as someone else during their adventure. Cloud is still Cloud. Even with the messed up memories he had. He is not Zack. He is like a little boy picking up traits he likes from other people and mimic them. Very confused why people think he is Zack. He’s not. He is Cloud trying to be cool and does it poorly. That’s a canon thing.
Soldier Cloud is a facade, an illusion of himself he truly believed in until he sorted out his memories and realized "oh I'm not being myself and just mimicking what would Zack do. A friend I look up to"  It's been pointed out Cloud isn't actually grown up mentally and is still a child with insecurity about himself along with 5 years of trauma thanks to Hojo. Poor BABY! This whole copy/mimic theme gets reflected with the kids in sector 8 that mimic Cloud in remake over time during the side quests. Cloud is doing the same thing with Zack. Even Biggs hints that Cloud and the kids have a lot in common. I'm not crazy about Sector 8 but it shows best what Biggs told Cloud before the plate falls. And one more thing I want to add lol. When Cloud gets his red drink from Tifa there's a pause of him looking up and down at the drink and Tifa, before he says beautiful. That moment of pause he thinks to himself what he should do here and then came up with what he believes a confident person/Zack would do. Zack doesn't hesitate when giving a compliment. Confident people don't normally hesitate when they talk. It's why we get moments of Cloud saying some awkward lines when he doesn't give himself time to think and its one of the best moments to watch lol cuz I think that's when real cloud slips out trying to act cool or is at a lost for words. It's canon by the developers that Cloud isn't cool but tries to act it.
Another Fun fact. Most party members and NPCs in Remake mention and hint in game they see past the facade Cloud puts up. Tifa, Barret, Wedge, Biggs, Marle, Jessie and Aerith are some of the characters that see past it and either go along with it, poke fun at his attempt or tell him to his face they know he's pretending to be someone he's not. Basically seeing past the character he pretends to be and can see he has a good heart over the course they spend time with him. Even though Cloud tries to convince others and himself he could care less about them and is only in it for the money.
Now OG is really awkward with the romance honestly from my playthroughs so far. (Follow me on Youtube Dipperdog15 if you want to catch my FF7 commentary when I go live playing OG and Intergrade.) But with Remake it's very clear they are building up Aerith's love story with Zack so we can cry hard later. All of Zack scenes so far is related to Aerith. In Remake and OG Aerith display some of Zack's mannerisms too because people copy/mimic what they do to feel closer to them when in love. She continues to wear the bow Zack gave her and the pink dress in memory of Zack. She's said "gotta move forward not back" in remake and/or that Zack probably moved on with another girl in Og but what if what she said is a lie. We have Cloud as the unreliable narrator so why can't it also happen with Aerith who is likely lying to convince herself to move on to protect her heart. In fact a lot of characters in FF7 lie to themselves and we get character development when they stop and face the truth. It's one of the many themes in FF7 which I think I’ll deep dive into on my podcast channel in the future.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Zack is risking it all to make it to Midgar to see Aerith while risking Cloud's life on this mission, because he promised her. Promise is a big important theme in FF7. Cloud and Tifa are the canon couple and Zack and Aerith are the canon couple in FF7 because these pairings promised each other. I won't disagree about Cloud not caring about Aerith, but he cares for all his friends as said in AC. Also why make it possible the idea to bring Zack back? To create a love square? No. It’s have us the players focus instead the reunion of Aerith and Zack. That’s more attention grabbing because we never got to see it before and I’ll cry when they cry finally getting to be together. If they don’t I’ll cry some more. The developers are pushing for Zerith and their development in Remake/Intergrade. 
Another thing to notice, there are a lot of similarities between Jessie and Aerith's relationship when they are around Cloud. This directive choice, I believe, isn't a coincidence in order to water down scenes that are suppose to be special. It is instead not a “one of kind’ scene. They both get carried bridal style. They both tell cloud My Hero. They both invited Cloud over for dinner. They both ask about who Tifa is. They both got a pikachu face from Cloud when jessie optionally kissed Cloud on the cheek and Aerith wearing the optional red dress. They both have strong personalities that overwhelms Cloud and that is a developer canon statement. They both worked hard to befriend Cloud so he can open up and be nicer to them. Cloud treats them both the same.
Aerith’s relationship with Cloud in Remake is directing us to friendship. In the novel it mentioned she loves Cloud, in what way we don’t know. But we can say for a fact Cloud was living a lie in OG and his real self loves Tifa. In fact his other self loved Tifa too, you just have to catch the moment. Example, Barret teasing Cloud if he is eager to see his baby when you first see Tifa in OG. It happens when you run to the bar, but only if you catch Tifa on the porch before she goes inside. That’s means in both remake and OG, Barret knew something was up with those two. Another moment is the interest Cloud has with what Tifa almost said in the gondola. It was obviously sounding like some kind of confession from Tifa at Gold Saucer. When you get this date the story is more fluid when you arrive at the northern crater and Cloud says “only your opinion matters” to Tifa. Huge RED FLAG Cloud considers Tifa important to him. Meanwhile Aerith and Cloud’s relationship was open for interpretation that it may have been love in OG, but the scenes that helped implied it were removed in Remake. The point system was just for fun because it was a popular thing in the 90s. Plus the points for Tifa, Aerith, Barret and Yuffie’s are their feelings for Cloud not Cloud’s feelings towards them. Then you get rewarded learning a little about the character, but that’s it. FF7 remake/intergrade is not an otome game. Cloud ends with Tifa no matter what. Even if Aerith was to stay alive the Life Stream sequence will always be Cloud and Tifa’s moment to learn about their feelings for each other. The developers have said it is one of their favorite scenes, so they won’t change it. ok now back to Remake. 
Aerith in her resolution tells him not to love her and it’s not real. A deliberate choice of words I think she picked to shoo away the thought they could be a thing for both their sakes and us the players lol. Doing that made it weird now because Cloud doesn’t want to ruin what ever progress he has with Tifa in Remake. Plus Cloud only known her for a few days and if his actions are making her think there’s this growing romance between them he’s not going to encourage it. Those lines raised his awareness to watch himself I bet, so Tifa doesn’t get the wrong idea and you can see the distance he put between himself and Aerith later in game. Meanwhile in Intermission we see Cloud continues to make quick glances at Tifa whenever he can. We get it Cloud. You can’t keep your eyes off her. Ok getting off track. So Cloud and Aerith are instead just friends. Doing this allows Tifa to pick up the role to be there for Aerith. Which will help develop their friendship to be stronger as the two girls encourage each other. because I didn’t pick up on the two being best friends in OG but in Remake it’s very clear. He already looked uncomfortable when Aerith grabbed his arm back at the ghost station in front of Tifa. To include Cloud with this idea of him falling in love with another woman in front of Tifa would leave a poor taste in our mouths after spending several hours watching him develop several intimate moments with Tifa. That freaking hug scene and train roll you guys screamed sexual tension and love. Cloud is not that kind of guy who easily falls in love. His whole hero’s journey is because of Tifa and he makes sure to be nice to her while trying to get her attention. With anyone else he is quite hostile with new people and slowly learns to tolerate them before liking them.  Cloud treats Tifa differently in a special way. He’s been pinning for Tifa since they were kids and even imagined scenarios of Tifa noticing him. That’s right, not all of Cloud’s visions may be accurate. We may see more scenes of kid Cloud imagining moments with Tifa to confuse our perspective they are childhood friends. Again, Cloud is the unreliable narrator thanks to Jenova and 5 years of trauma.  Now back to Aerith. Their relationship definitely felt different when Cloud, Tifa and Barret rescued Aerith. In fact Aerith’s relationship with everyone is different in a better way. The relationship between Tifa and Barret are better fleshed out compared to OG Aerith and I’m for it. Very happy they removed the jail scene. It was upsetting watching Aerith flirt with Cloud while Tifa was stuck in the cell forced to listen and Aerith owing Cloud a date. Which changed also in Remake. Taking Aerith home and spending time her was the date as mentioned in game by Aerith herself. 
When I play through Chapter 8 and 9 I get this feeling Meta Aerith looks uncomfortable sticking to the OG lines of herself but does it anyways so the Arbiters of fate won’t come for her because she wants to hold on to her memories. Something she believes can help her friends I’m guessing. This is if my theory is right lol. What we have now is an Aerith that’s more mysterious than she was in OG. If this is OG Aerith making a return in Remake then I believe she was acting a lot, but then we see hiccups of her mentioning Cloud being a mercenary when he never mentioned it or acting like she knows Tifa for like forever before she actually met her in Remake. And then there was her knowing the plate would fall in sector 7. I’m betting the burden of knowing it was so hard to hide that Tifa picked up that she might be hiding something. 
We are near the end! 
Aerith’s resolution explored further. The resolution helps proves my theory this is OG Aerith that travel back to the past using the Lifestream to help her comrades in the fight against Sephiroth in Remake who also returned to the past. What’s also interesting about her resolution are the things she said are something you want to tell someone before you disappear. It was so sudden in OG that it sounds like Aerith wants to make up for it and also doesn’t want Cloud to suffer in guilt as he did in AC. Cherish the moment. Every one dies. 
Aerith knows the truth with Cloud and Tifa’s relationship hence her stopping herself interfering. Now maybe Aerith did fall in love with Cloud, and maybe while Cloud pretended to be someone else was loving the idea, which is a stretch cuz there are plenty debunking the idea which I can go over later. They both may have been using each other to fill the hurt in their heart not having their true loves instead. Zack and Tifa. In her resolution, Aerith has declared she will not pursue Cloud as she did in OG and we have evidence of that when they rescue her. there were so many opportunities for Cloud to be Aerith’s hero. Instead those moments were replaced with Tifa consoling her and rescuing her.
The Arbitors of Fate are gone, so I believe Aerith’s normal clips of her flirting with Cloud will get removed or changed as many have already. This allows the directors to remove lines that painted Aerith poorly some moments and better her relationship with the team too. Aerith will still have flaws like everyone does. No one is perfect and I’m perfectly fine with that.
Crap if I keep going this will turn into a podcast in writing I think lol. Anywho, yes the arbiters of fate were eliminated, who knows if it's permanent, but as the developers have repeated, FF7 story will remain the same at heart. Iconic moments will remain. If it is not then that's a risky move to say to fans. Aerith will die to protect her loved ones and the planet and will reunite at the church in spirit with Zack perhaps. She can’t escape her role as the last living Cetra. That is her truth which she denied when she was little as shown in a flashback with kid Aerith. The other theme in FF7 is trying to move forward after a loss. Which extends to Advent Children which some of the team members has to deal with survival guilt. Some fans are getting their hopes up that Aerith will live. The developers are using Biggs and Jessie’s possible surviving scenes to prove lives lost can live in Remake. I think they may die later though if that is their fate, but we never actually saw them die in OG either. It was just implied. This is a set up so Aerith’s death scene can be impactful again in Remake, so we can cry again.
This was a lot and little bit everywhere, but I hope you enjoyed it. You can follow me on youtube in the link below where I invite other FF7 fans to talk about the story and Cloud and Tifa’s relationship Or me doing my own Cloud and Tifa commentary and Remake talk while I play the game. Thanks for reading! Hope you check out my channel and sub to check out my videos when convenient for you. Thank you!
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
I ramble about Saeyoung and Suit/GE Saeran but what about one of my favorite versions of Saeran??
No cuz like, I have scenarios where he starts to open up to everyone more and I feel like those parents that watch their kid and they are so proud of them, they literally start to cry of joy when they accomplish something great AND I JUST WANT TO HOLD SE SAERAN AND BE KIND TO HIM AND IK EVEN SAEYOUNG WOULD JOIN IN AND WE ALL SPEND TIME TOGETHER GAHSSBAJDJSHDHAJDBABXB
I read a fanfiction where the three of you are doing things together and SE Saeran warms up and (ignoring the small glares at Saeyoung when he is acting mischievous) he is also having fun and being with you two helps him a lot and so much and when he is being triggered/has a really bad memory where he is actually really tense. Saeyoung would hold him and repeat to him that everything is okay and nothing is going to hurt him and even MC hugs him from behind, making Saeran calm down kinda fast.
Anyways SE Saeran is great and I wanna help him through so much SJDBSJDJSJDHSHDJWJD
yknow how suit is in day 10 (?), when hes talking about how hes going to change and etc etc? thats kinda how i see SE saeran ! a mix of unknown and ge saeran, quiet but slowly moving more towards how GE saeran is!
i mean tbf ge saeran is mostly soft and sweet with you, hes more blunt with others those kind of defense mechanisms are just a part of who he is :)
but yes i love se saeran !! i do wonder about his hair, did he feel he had to change it to prove hes healing? does it symbolise him trying to forget his past, while ge saeran is accepting of it all? questions questions, i wonder if cheritz would answer if i emailed JFJFJ
hes like a stray kitten. lonely, defensive, but he'll stay if you're patience. i think he would like having someone who isnt as bouncy and also he doesnt know? theres no prior relationship to mend like with saeyoung, you're just being friends, theres no stress. he talks to you about flowers <3
i think also saeyoung has a few moments of just being a bit too much, and you need to gently pat him on the shoulder and gesture to saerans blank expression. hes just happy to be together, you'll have to remind him that they both hopefully have the rest of many many years, theres no rush, no drunken mother about to wake, no agency hunting them down
if you ever get into an argument with saeyoung you can go tell saeran, he'd listen and let you rant and then go tell him off for you, or offer to play a board game or something with you
i feel like him and vanderwood would be good friends!! vanderwood helps him cook sometimes, you have to distract the other twin because otherwise he'll start annoying the pair on purpose
when you tell him youre proud of him and his progress you will likely bring tears to his eyes. he wont cry fully, not in front of you, but he blinks a few times and thanks you. something so sweet means a lot to him
hes so lovely hes so lovely <33 i love all the saerans so much
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Survey #510
“i’ll chew up and i’ll spit you out, ‘cuz that’s what young love is all about”
What was the last kind of snake you saw? Well, I own a ball python, but if we're talking wild snakes, I think it was literally YEEEEEEAAAAARS ago (like, two houses ago lol) when there was a maaaaaassive rat snake just basking in our yard. It was super, super chill. It sounds crazy, but I don't think I've seen a snake in the wild since. What's your favorite place? The zoo, so long as they're good ones that respect the needs of the animals. Ours seems pretty informed. The "enclosures" (it's hard to even call them that, because they're so immense) for things like the elephants and bison are insane. What are you listening to? Gab Smolders play Resident Evil 4 in VR. How is your relationship with your last ex? We're best friends! What's the book you're currently reading? Moon Rising by Tui T. Sutherland. I'm very close to being done, and then I'll move onto Darkstalker by the same author. Were you named after anyone? No. Where was your mother born? New York. What was the last comic book you read? I've never read a comic book. Do you think you'd make a good parent? I would be an awful parent. Would you ever consider adopting? Even if I wanted kids, no. What's a strange memory from your childhood? I remember one day as a young kid (but not quite a baby) I once walked outside without a shirt lmao. I really acted like I was a boy. Mind you this was obviously WAY before puberty. Do you think cheaters (in a relationship) deserve a second chance? Nnnnnope. How did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend? We met in high school band. Can you sing? Definitely not well. I can't hold a note. Are you a good student? I was a great student up through high school. I just... changed in college. I was a procrastinator and usually didn't try my very best. What's a favorite movie someone else introduced you to? It's not one of my favorites, but I really loved Logan when I went to see it with Tyler. Made me cry. Do you know anyone your age who has a child? Well yeah, I know plenty. I'm nearly 26. Do you like where you live? Absolutely not. It is VERY dull here with nothing truly fun to do. There's just agriculture, factories, cleared out forests... it sucks. Would you move? Holy FUCK yes. However, because I have a boyfriend I truly love and don't want to leave, I wouldn't move too far right now. I just want to be back in the woods. What was the last thing you drew? I tried to draw a meerkat face from a profile angle on my tablet some while ago, but that was uuuuuugly. What's something most people don't know about you? Ummm maybe that I fucking love tarantulas. You wouldn't guess because I have mild arachnophobia, plus so few people enjoy them in general. What's your favorite thing to do? Watch YouTube ig. What's your favorite type of food? American. What's something you can't live without and why? My life would DRASTICALLY change without the Internet. I know I would be immensely depressed. Where's your favorite place to shop at? Hot Topic and Rebel's Market. Are you going out of town anytime soon? No. Have you ever felt replaced? Oh, many times. What's something you could see yourself going to jail for? I dunno. If you could design an amusement park, what would it be like? I have no idea. Could you seriously have sex using a colored condom? Bro I don't care, I just care that we have a condom lmao. Have any favorite quotes? Not really. Are you good at “biting your tongue”? Depends on the topic, but I'd say usually. Are you good at the game Twister? I was fine as a kid, but I absolutely fucking never could as an adult for numerous reasons. What’s the last thing that really had you crying? My life. Would you rather get [another] tattoo or piercing? TATTOO. What’s a pretty flower? Deep red roses. Do you think there’s any truth to the zodiac? Absolutely not. Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? My old house. Can you tell I don't take selfies much at all? Do your parents smoke? My father does, veeeery badly. Is your favourite animal endangered? No, thank CHRIST. Have you used Wikipedia today? No. Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Oh, 100% fiction. What language do you think you’d fail at? I took Latin for a semester, and it was so fucking difficult. Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Regular, for sure. What’s the view like from your bedroom window? It's literally just the shed and the nearby houses. So boring. Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savory? Sweet. What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Just fucking shatter. I'd also definitely look for Roman and Venus. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? I don't have one. Do you like your PopTarts toasted or cold? I always eat them the way they are. Do you like sitting in the front, back, or middle of the classroom? I have to sit in the front because I'm blind as a bat. What’s your least favorite flavor of candy? Licorice. Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning before? Not that I know of. Which is worse: living where there’s lots of tornadoes or lots of hurricanes? TORNADOES. I am TERRIFIED of them. I'm very used to hurricanes. Have you ever thought your pet was dead but really wasn’t? Yes. Horrific feeling. Do you take anything for your cramps during that time of month? Ibuprofen, yes. Have you ever seen a black rose? No, but that'd be cool! Do you believe in angels? No. Would you pay if your dog needed an operation? I don't have any income or dog. Have you ever seen elephant droppings? Maybe at the zoo. Have you ever read about Rome? In World History and Art History classes, yes. You’re locked in a room with the person you fell the hardest for. Problems? Oh god, the tension would probably be unreal. What was the last good news you heard? Good question, man. It's been a while. Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? Franky. How did you meet him/her? He's my half-sister's husband. He's great. Have you recently interacted with anyone new, on social media? No. Do you own anything that has an image of a unicorn on it? Yes; it's a poster with a unicorn at therapy and the doctor is saying, "You need to believe in yourself," lmao. Do you currently have any vases of flowers in your house? No. Are you embarrassed to show people your ID photo? Yup. Does the thought of being pregnant gross you out? YES. Are you good at making shadow puppets? No, not really. Are you prone to headaches? Yes. Do you enjoy going out to dinner? Yes. Have you read any news articles today? No. Have you ever owned/used a typewriter? Mom had an old one in my childhood. I'd play with it sometimes. Do you own any dogs? What are their names? Yes, Cookie. Have you had your appendix out, or do you know anyone who has? I don't, but I know someone who has because it nearly exploded. When you hear the name “Ginger” what do you think of? Jason's old beagle. Who is your least favorite character on your favorite television show? Having a disliked character is literally impossible in Meerkat Manor. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up? HERPING. :( I'm just not in an area where you really can, and more so than that, I could never physically manage it. Do any of your friends have children? Yes. What was the last thing you ate? One of those disc-like Quaker oatmeal cakes. Did any particular thing brighten up your day today? Girt just being really understanding that I didn't feel like hanging today. Did you go outside for more than thirty minutes today? I haven't been outside at all. How has your health been lately? My health is always bad. Do you wear contacts? No, they are WAY too much of a nuisance. I've tried, but because my vision is so bad in one eye, I had to wear a weighted contact, which I could constantly feel in my eye, and it was also heavy and made my head hurt. Any cool small businesses in your area? We have a snow cone/slushie place called Pelican's a town over, and it is INCREDIBLE. Like how can a simple snow cone be so good? You'll never know 'til you try it. Do you have a favorite drummer? Who? No. What about a favorite guitarist? Who? Also no. What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? (Why you wouldn’t be friends) Probably being a massive gossip or acting like you're friends with someone only to hate them behind their back. Have you ever had a retro celebrity crush? Like a crush on an “old” celebrity who was most famous a long time ago or is long dead? Does James Hetfield count? Being Metallica's vocalist, he's obviously a huge icon in metal music, especially back in the day, and by god is he hot with shorter hair lmao. He is my mother's true love, genuinely, ha ha. Are you interested in fashion? No. Do you prefer beef or chicken tacos? I hate tacos. What part of your body seems to get cold the most? My feet.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Hey Dad
The Good Doctor Neil Melendez x teen! platonic reader
Specific/Warnings: mentions of jumping from one foster home to another, accident, surgery, angst, fluff, one-shot, requested, race neutral reader, teen reader, platonic relationship
Words: 2,220
Requested: By anon Could you do a Melendez x Teen!reader oneshot where he fosters her and she’s like really chaotic and thinks he’s like all her others foster parents and he seems so lost, and she gets into an accident and he does the surgery and that’s when she changes and calls him dad pls?
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“She comes tonight?” Claire asked curiously to her boss. “I can’t believe you actually signed up for something like this.”
“I saw her a couple years ago on the E.R. and I felt bad for her. She was hopping from one foster parent to the other and that’s no life for a kid. She seems like a great person so why not help her and let her stay with me until they have a proper home for her.”
Claire couldn’t help but fall in love more with her boss. “I think that is the sweetest thing you have ever said. I never knew you had this side to you.” She nudged him. 
He rolled his eyes and showed a picture of you to the rest of his colleagues. “I have her room all ready but I’m really nervous.”
The whole room erupted in a symphony of awes. 
“You’re so cute,” Claire smiled wickedly as she messed with Neil’s doctor’s coat.
Neil rolled his eyes, “I’m just saying, this is a new thing for me. I’ve never had a child. I don’t know what she’ll like, whats her favorite food? What’s her favorite color? What does she like to do?”
“Well, thats the beauty of it. You’ll get to talk to her and know her. Maybe nobody has really asked her that question.”
“I want to be the perfect foster dad. Is that too much to ask?”
Claire placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She wished in her life somebody like Neil was in her life. A father figure that was actually caring. “Nobody is perfect Neil. What matters is that you try your hardest and listen to her thoughts.”
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Neil got dinner ready for you. He ordered from everywhere, not knowing what you enjoyed eating. 
He was setting up the table when the doorbell rang. 
Neil closed his eyes, getting himself prepared and ran to the door. As he opened it up you were there. His pride and joy. 
“Hey Y/N! Come in, come in.” He brought his arm up as he welcomed you into his home.
You looked around suspiciously. For a single man he lived quite nice. You knew he was a doctor but you didn’t know he lived this richly. You met him a couple of times during your trips to the E.R. and always opened up about your life in foster care but you never knew he was going to take you in one day. You were very surprised and shocked to see him make such an effort. But you were over foster parents. They let you down and didn’t truly care about you. Nobody really wanted a kid like you, nobody really wanted Y/N L/N.
With no enthusiasm you brought your suitcase to the entrance, “thanks. Want me to put this in a room?”
“Yeah, we’ll put it in your room.”
Your room? You thought. Not many foster parents gave you your own room. They always stuck you with the other children or put you on the couch. It was always the same. 
Neil led you up the stairs, picking up your suitcase for you. He led you to a big room that was spacious. It was plain but very beautiful with cream colored bed decorations and a light grey wall. 
“I didn’t want to decorate it and paint it in case you didn’t like it. You can pick what you want if you’d like tomorrow. And you have your own bathroom.”
You were stone cold, speechless. You never had this love before. You felt your heart was about to burst. “This is all for me?” Tears blurred your vision. 
“Yeah, I hope you like it.”
“It’s great, thank you for this.” It was a beautiful room. It was more than you could ask. Nobody ever did this for you. You touched the sheets and they felt like silk between your fingers. Neil gave you the best of the best. This meant a lot but you were still not certain. You still had doubts. 
“I got dinner in case you were hungry, its downstairs.”
You were hungry and your stomach growled. You were led downstairs and on the kitchen table was a feast. There were every type of dishes there. Your mouth was salivating as you smelled the aroma. 
“I didn’t know what you liked so I got everything.” Neil chuckled bashfully. He was such a dad and he was realizing this. 
You laughed as you dug into everything, “can I say that all this is my favorite?”
Neil sat down beside you, “I’ll make note of that.”
Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad, you thought. Maybe this was going to be fun and someone in your life you could depend on and trust. Someone who would protect you no matter what. 
You munched away as you stared more at his house. He lived in a mansion. You were astounded as to how one person could live like this. “Your house is amazing. When I grow up I want to live like this.”
Neil chuckled, “being in a house like this, when you’re one person its not all that its cracked up to be. Trust me.”
You played around with your dish as the air became awkward. “So whats the grossest surgery you’ve ever done?”
Neil wiped his mouth and sat back with his hands cupping the back of his head, “oh you wouldn’t believe this.”
“Try me doctor.”
Neil smiled, “well this one time this old lady came in with pain in her stomach well right when we lifted her dress she had waste come all out of her and onto me. It was like an explosion, right before my eyes.” Neil started to giggle loudly as the memory came back to him. “That’s when I was new.”
You covered your mouth from the disgust. “You’re right, I don’t believe it. That’s so disgusting oh my gosh.” You pushed your food away. “I think I lost my appetite.”
“Now what about you? Are you like the kids these days that go and dance on Tik Tok? Or are about sipping that tea.”
The drink you were sipping almost came out of your nose. You busted out laughing hysterically. “I can’t believe this, you are such a dad that’s its almost cringy.”
“Cringy? You lost me.” It was the truth, Neil was lost. As a foster parent he didn’t know what kids were into these days (he just did a quick search before you came) and he wanted to try his hardest. He wanted to be the best for you, he wanted to prove to you that he was serious about this. 
“You got a lot to learn. But no, I’m not those types of kids. I instead like to read and draw, it brings my mind out of reality and into my own imagination of something better.”
“I do the same with surgery.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I block out the rest of the world when I am performing surgery. This person is depending on me to help them so they can feel better and get back to their old lives. I hope to save them from reality in doing my best in saving their lives.”
“Wow,” you looked at his hands resting on the table. Those hands did miracles. “I would like to do that when I’m older. I want to help someone too.”
“Good goal.”
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You were too much of a coward to open yourself up to love this person as your father. You were afraid he would leave you and not want you like the others. You couldn’t trust him. You blocked yourself from the world and nothing, nobody could stop the feeling. 
“Why don’t you trust me?” Neil patted your head. He wrapped you in his coat and hugged you tight, protective.
You had tears threatening to spill over. You wouldn’t let yourself succumb to the love that Neil was giving you. You couldn’t let yourself fall for something fake and then go through it all over again. Your heart couldn’t take it. 
You pushed Neil away, wiping your eyes. “No! Okay, no! I appreciate all that you did but they are going to take me away and they are going to tell you reasons to leave me. You are going to leave me. I won’t let that happen.”
“I’m not going to do any of that. Y/N I would never leave you sweetheart. I know it is hard to trust me but I am here for and I always will be. You didn’t such harsh treatment and I’m sorry for that but I am going to help you with it and I want to be the one to raise you and be there for you. It’s a hard thing to ask but please trust me on this. Please.”
You shook your head, “I can’t trust no more.”
You put on your hoodie and ran in the pouring rain. 
“Y/N! Y/N!”
You didn’t stop. The rain was cold and you almost forgot how you got into the conversation with Neil. 
It was about a woman. 
You weren’t jealous, you just had been through something like this already. Foster parent finds a new match and then they want to start their own family, without you. It was an ongoing and continuous thing. 
You didn’t know where you were going and what you were to do but you couldn’t go back and probably Neil wouldn't want you back. You wished the new family all the love in the world. 
The rain made the sidewalks slippery. It was coming down cats and dogs. You could barely make out what was in front of you. Rain dripped down your nose and onto your drenched clothes. 
You needed to go across the busy street in order to get to the other side. You thought the cars stopped. You went ahead and your life flashed before your eyes. As soon as your shoes touched the middle of the crosswalk a car tried to push the brakes but the road was so slippery it skidded to you and hit you so hard your body flew high and far. It all seemed in slow motion. What you didn’t know was Neil had ran after you and was on the side walk opposite from you crying and sobbing a mess. 
“Y/N no please no. Please sweetheart please don’t leave me like this.” He cradled your bruised face. Your eyes closed as you were knocked out and blood dripped down your nose. 
Neil brought you into his car and drove you fast, straight to the hospital to run tests and perform surgery on you. 
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“Are you sure you can take this Dr. Melendez?” Clair asked, worried for her friend. 
“Just please let us do this! Please! Every second that passes by with us talking we are wasting time! I need to do this, I need to make sure she is okay!” Neil had tears stream down his wet cheeks. You were his life. You were his daughter. 
As Neil performed surgery on you he couldn’t help but whisper, “please don’t leave me Y/N, please don’t leave me.” He saw your precious face that made him smile. There was no way he would leave you. You were his family. 
His hands shook as he grabbed onto the scalpel, he gained his composure and needed to save your life. There were no if and’s or buts you were going to live and he was going to make sure of this. 
He completed the surgery and you were in your bed, out and quiet which was different for him since you were always talking and laughing and being chaotic. 
He was there with you through it all. 
He held onto your hand as you laid there. “Y/N if you can hear me know that you are my kid okay. I don’t plan on giving you up. I want you to be part of the family. I’m sorry if I didn’t show that in my actions or prove it but there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I don’t see you as a foster kid, I see you as my daughter. Forever and always, I love you.” He cried softly. 
Your eyes fluttered open. With a weak voice you said, “I love you too dad.”
Neil opened his eyes. He thought this was dream. Was it real? You called him dad. His heart almost exploded. “Y/N oh my God you’re awake! Oh thank God.” He embraced you tightly, almost fretting to let go. He kissed the top of your head as tears dropped lightly on your skin. 
“I’m sorry dad for making you scared and for running away. I was just afraid of trusting and opening my heart but I don’t want to run away anymore and I don’t want to be alone anymore. Can I stay dad?”
Neil cupped your face. “Can you stay? Of course you can stay sweetheart. Don’t apologize. You are more brave and strong than you know.”
You chuckled as tears blurred your vision as well, “thanks dad for saving my life. You saved my life twice now.”
You hugged Neil, “yeah you saved my life by performing surgery and you saved my life by becoming my dad. Thank you, forever and ever.
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Henry’s Blind Date (part 2)
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Ok so this was supposed to be a one shot tale, but I got so many people asking for a part two, that here it is! Hope you enjoy!!!
You and Henry and Kal spent the following day and a half at the airport. Henry found things to keep you both entertained… including a snowball fight. The two of you had taken Kal outside to do his thing. It wasn’t terribly cold, warm enough to keep the snow wet so you could pack it into a snowball and it wouldn’t fall apart.
Henry was busy keeping an eye on Kal and you were standing off to the side. Your hands grazed a half wall you were near and you felt a thick layer of the wet snow. Grinning, you quietly made about six of the snowballs and gently placed them in your front pocket of your winter coat. You listened to see where Henry was, and could hear him breathing off to your left and slightly ahead of you. Grinning, you aim to where you think he is, then lob the snowball at that spot.
You hear it make impact and him huff with surprise. “What the…” you hear him say surprised and hear him brushing off his clothes. You take out two more snowballs and toss one at him and one at where you thought Kal was. You hear the one land with a “fwoomp” in the snow, but you hear the one you threw at Henry hit, cuz he laughs, then brushes it off. You sense him moving, hearing his footsteps crunching in the snow, and the next thing you know, you’re hit with two snowballs. You giggle and toss another one where you heard him a moment ago. ‘Fwoomp’ you hear it land in the snow.
Listening, you hear his breathing off to your left. Grabbing your last two snowballs, you toss one at the sound. “Flomp” you hear it hit him and he lets out a cry. “Hey, now, that’s not nice, going for the face!” he exclaims with a laugh. You giggle and aim lower and toss your last one. “Flomp” you hear it hit him and he grunts. “Okay, you’re dangerous with those, Little Miss!” he exclaims and quickly moves to grab you, wrapping his massive body around you, pinning your arms down.
You’re laughing and giggling, and can feel his warm breath smelling of rosemary on the side of your face. He gives you a peck on the cheek and it’s wet from the snow hitting him in the face.
Laughing, you squirm trying to get out of his grasp. He chuckles. “And just where do you think you’re going?” he teases. "To get more snowballs.” You tease.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Henry says with a laugh. “That last one got me near the jewels. No more snowballs for you, Little Miss!” he chortles and picks you up, tossing you over his shoulder. Your arm and shoulder resting on his backpack. You let out a squeak and giggle. “Henry! Put me down!!!” you demand, trying not to laugh as he reminds you of your Great Grandfather carrying your Great Grandmother around. “Not till we get inside. Don’t need you reloading along the way! Come on Kal! Let’s get you brushed off so we can get inside and out of the snow!” he tells the dog. “Wuff!” Kal replies.
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You lay there, hanging over his massive shoulder. His huge arm securely wrapped around your short legs. His hand resting firmly on your thigh, just above the knee. His steps are strong and yet, graceful. He’s not a stomper, like some men you’ve encountered. He seems to be able to move with a lithe grace. You feel his pace slow and he lowers you back to the ground. “We’re under the canopy now, near the doors. Stay here for a minute. I need to get the snow of Kal so he isn’t dripping water everywhere.” Henry tells you with his velvety baritone voice that could melt your panties in seconds if he said the right thing. “Okay.” You reply.
“How much snow is there on the ground now?” you ask him. He looks around. “Well, they’ve been shoveling, so it’s hard to say. It looked like there was about 15 cm on the wall that you were standing by when we had the snowball fight.” He replies as he brushes the snow from Kal’s fur. You frown. “Um, Henry, I have no idea about metric measurements. I’m from the US, remember?” you remind him.
He chuckles, “Sorry. I forget about stuff like that sometimes. It’s about six inches.” He tells you. You nod. “Okay.” You reply.
You hear Henry stand and move closer to you. Kal’s nails tap against the concrete and you feel him rub against your leg. You reach down and give him a scratching on his damp neck. Henry takes your hand and the two of you head inside after he brushes the snow off of you and himself.
He takes you to a coffee shop and asks if you’d like something hot to drink. “Coffee, cocoa, tea?” he asks. You hum. “Oooh, all of them sound good. I think some Peppermint or honey-lemon tea would be good for now unless they have a peach tea.” You reply. He inquires and they tell you they have a peach vanilla tea that is new and ask if you’d like to try it. You shrug. “Sure, a small one please.” You reply.
Henry gets some coffee and the two of you head to a corner of a sitting area to sit and visit. Henry asks you what kind of things you enjoy doing for fun. You think for a moment and tell him, “Well I enjoy going to movies, and performances like plays and band or orchestra concerts.” You reply. Henry frowns. “I’m sorry if I seem ignorant, but how do movies and plays work for you when you can’t see what is going on, and can only hear it?’ he inquires.
You explain that there is technology available that all theaters have now that you can put in one of your ears and it describes what is going on in the scenes when there isn’t dialogue being spoken. ‘It’s almost like an audio book, in the way it’s done. A voice is describing things, pauses when there’s dialogue, and then continues with the descriptions of the scene.” You explain.
“Oh! That’s cool! I didn’t know that existed!” he replies. You chuckle. “I didn’t either, until someone mentioned it to me when my friends dragged me to go see a movie a while back. It was rather confusing for me though. The plot was one of those that bounced between the present and the past, and I had a hard time following it.” you explain. “It wouldn’t have been so bad, but they didn’t mention when the scene flipped to a flashback or a memory. I always struggled with those kinds of films unless they put a date or a little tag on the bottom of the screen stating when it was occurring… like, “One year ago…. or Fifteen months ago…” you know what I mean?” you reply.
“Yeah, I think I do. Some films I’ve seen do that and yeah, it helps to clarify the timeline of the movie much better.” Henry replies.
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“I was listening to The Witcher on Netflix and had the same problem. I’m not familiar with the stories nor the videogames, as my family didn’t have them available to us growing up. My gal friends were gushing about the actor who plays the Witcher, and asked if I wanted to listen to it while they watched season 1 again.” You explain. “I struggled to follow the show’s timeline, because apparently it kept bouncing between the three characters and didn’t clearly explain that they were not happening during the same amount of time. I think the Witcher’s timeline was much longer than the little girl’s and the lady witch’s was quite a long amount of time as well.” You tell him.
Henry frowns when he hears your assessment of the show. “My friends tried to explain it to me, but they kept talking over each other while it was playing, and I just got confused. I did my best to try to figure out what was going on, but they wouldn't let me use my visually impaired aid so I could hear the descriptions, so I’m still a bit confused about it. Perhaps I’ll listen to it again, on my own, with the aid and maybe I’ll be able to figure it out.” You sigh.
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“Hmmm.” Henry grumbles. You giggle. “You sound like that Witcher when you do that.” You tell him. Henry grins and leans over to you, and in his Geralt voice he says, “Well, that would be because I played him on the show.” And then he kisses your cheek. He chuckles at the astonished look on your face. “Wait… What?!?” you reply looking around for him, trying to sense where he is. His soft chuckle stops your head, and you focus on the sound. “Remember, I told you I was in the film industry?” He says quietly.
Your eyes open wide, even though you can’t see any better doing so. “But you didn’t say you were an actor! I thought you were one of the guys behind the scenes, like a… what are they called? Gaffer? Or a stunt guy!” you reply wishing you could see him so you could give him a smack up side the head. You couldn’t remember the name of the actor though, who played the Witcher. You wish you’d have listened better when your gal friends were talking now!
Henry is amused watching all the different expressions flit across your face. He sits there, playing with your fingers and is amused by how tiny they are compared to his. He lifts your hand up and presses his heel of his hand against yours, lining his fingers up with yours. He chuckles as your finger tips just barely reach his second knuckles on his fingers. He can literally curl all his fingers down over the tops of yours.
“What are you doing with my hand?” he hears you ask, suddenly distracted by him playing with your fingers. “Just being amused at how small your hands are compared to mine.” He replies with a grin you can hear.” You chuckle. “Well you do seem to be a very large man compared to me.” You reply.
You hear him chuckle and clear his throat. “That I am, dear Tyyne.” He coos, “And I’m all yours to enjoy.” He purrs in your ear, leaning over and placing a kiss to your neck. You shiver at the sensation.
“So if you’re an actor, what else have you been in? I feel incredibly dumb now. I should’ve been able to make the connection earlier.” You say and hang your head, feeling disappointed in yourself.
Henry frowns. “It’s okay, Tyyne. Don’t feel bad about not recognizing me. I’d imagine it is hard to recognize most people, like you said yesterday, unless they have a very unique voice or gait or something like that.” He tells you, cupping your face with his huge hand.
You nod. “I’ve been in a few things. ‘Man of Steel, The Tudors, Batman vs Superman, Night Hunter, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Sand Castle, and a host of smaller roles in tv shows and films.” He tells you.
Your eyes widen realizing you’ve heard several of them, “Wait! Are you the guy who played Superman?” you ask, starting to put the pieces together. Henry just smiles amusedly. “Yes, Sweetheart, your dating Superman.” Henry whispers in your ear. “And Charles Brandon, and Capt. Syverson, and August Walker. All of which I have played.” He purrs.
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You giggle, feeling honored that he chose to ask you to date him despite your lack of vision. “So why would a big name actor like you want to date someone like me? Henry, I just don’t get it. You could have anyone in the world, why choose a blind nobody?” you ask.
Henry grins. “Because she bumped into me, let me help her, was nice to me and got to know me without the looks, fame and career getting in the way,distracting her.” He informs you with a hint of a grin in his tone that you picked up. You blush. “Well, to be fair, I had no way to know you were a famous actor unless you told me. So, I was at a bit of a disadvantage, but it’s okay. Aren’t you worried, though, about how the film industry will handle you dating a blind woman?” you inquire.
Henry shrugs. “Not really. It’s my life. I enjoy your company, I enjoy your wit and mind and your ‘I don’t take crap from no one’ attitude. You don’t let your lack of eyesight dictate your life. You want to do something, you find a way to do it…like you traveling to England with no plans other than to just experience it to the fullest of your abilities and take it one moment at a time.” He says affectionately. “You are far braver than I am, my dear Tyyne.” He tells you quietly as his fingers curl around the back of your neck and into your hair. He gently pulls you over to him and he gives you a hug. “I admire you greatly, Love.” He purrs into your ear.
You blush again and enjoy his embrace. The two of you sit there and talk with Kal laying at your feet. After a while, Henry looks around. “How about we walk some more?” he inquires. You nod and stand, then stretch. You had changed into a different outfit this morning and wore a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt with a green zip up, light weight sweater. Your green jewelry sparkled in the overhead lighting and caught Henry’s attention. It looked like an old set of jewelry. “I like your jewelry you have on today.” He says.
You frown for a moment, forgetting what you have on. “Can you describe it? I’ve completely forgotten which set got packed with this outfit.” You say blushing. Henry chuckles and lifts the round pendant from off your chest thinking about how to describe the jewelry to you.
“Well. The stud earrings you have here,” he says and touches your second hole earrings in your ears, “are a green stone with swirls and flecks of blue, teal, turquoise, and gold. They are round and are encased in a gold setting that resembles a crown. These dangly earrings have green emerald looking stones at the top, then the same green, blue, teal, turquoise and gold flecked stone under each emerald, except they are a teardrop shape. The metal work is all gold. Your necklace is a gold chain that looks old and has the same flecked stone in it as your earrings. It looks like the studs in shape, design and color except it is about two inches in diameter. Your ring here,” he says, holding up your right hand and caressing your middle finger, “has the same stone, only it’s an oval in shape and has an old gold filagree band and setting, The bracelet cuff you’re wearing is also old looking and is ornate gold wirework with small green emeralds scattered across either side of a large oval shaped speckled stone like the rest of your jewelry contains.” He tells you.
You giggle. “It looks old because it is. They were my Great Grandmother’s. Grandpa bought them for her piece by piece as gifts during their 70+ years of marriage. The stud earrings and necklace were the first two pieces Great Grandpa bought her, then the ring, then the dangly earrings and then the bracelet. The speckled stones are called green fire opals, and the plain green stones are real emeralds.” You tell Henry. “They are my most treasured possessions and the only thing left of my Great Grandparents that I have, besides her name.” you say as you caress the necklace once Henry set it back onto your chest.
Henry smiles warmly. “They look stunning on you, Sweetheart.” He tells you and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. Your eyes open wide for a moment, then close and you feel his soft lips against yours, nibbling on your lips. His tongue gently caressing your lips, begging entrance to your maw.
You part your lips and give him entrance, the two of you explore each others’s mouths. Nibbling and licking each other’s lips, tangling tongues dancing between the two gulfs. You can taste Henry’s coffee on his tongue as he drags it across your tongue and upper lip and you grin as you suck on it, catching it in between your lips, earning a soft moan from him. He shifts closer to you, pulling you in for more.
He enjoys the taste of your peach tea on your tongue and tries to capture it whenever you let him. Two of you kiss like this for a few minutes until you both come up for air. “Wow.” You say quietly and blush beet red. “Like that did you?” Henry says with a chuckle. You giggle and nod. He chuckles and caresses your face. “Come on, let’s walk some more.” He says softly, pulling you to start walking with him. You grin and nod, feeling around for your messenger bag and cup. Henry catches the cup before you knock it over, steadying it for you. “Thanks.” You say, blushing again.
Henry chuckles and says, “Can’t have you wasting that delicious tea.” He purrs into your ear. I like how it tastes on your lovely little tongue.” He adds, making you whimper quietly as you feel a tingling in your belly at his words. He chuckles, knowing the effect he is having on you. He takes your free hand, wraps it around his massive arm, wraps Kal’s leash around his wrist, and then picks up his coffee and the three of you head out to walk the Airport once again.
Henry describes some of the stores you both pass and grins when he sees a video arcade. “You said you never had video games growing up?” he asks. You sigh, “No. We grew up not being able to afford luxuries like that. I wasn’t any good at them anyway when I tried to play them at the arcade with friends. I never could get past level one of Pac Man or Mario when I’d try to play it at my friends’ houses. The only video game I was reasonably good at was Tetris.” You say. “I just let my friends play and I’d have fun watching them play.” You replied.
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You can hear the different noises from the arcade games as you pass. You pause, sensing he would like to go and play some games. You steer him over to the arcade and he gets a big grin that you can’t see. “If you want to play some of the games, Henry, that’s fine. I’ll have fun listening.” You tell him. “You sure?” he asks. You nod. “Tell me what games they have.” You tell him.
The three of you walk through the arcade and he tells you which games they have. You grin hearing that they have a skeeball game and a basketball game. For some reason you seem to be good at these despite your blindness. You can’t explain why. Perhaps because you played them so much when you were a teen with your friends at the local skating establishment and arcade.
You ask Henry if the games require tokens or if they use quarters. He looks and says it’s a card swipe system. He tells you to wait here and he’ll go get a card loaded. He hands you Kal’s leash and goes to the desk. The clerk fills a card with $20 on it at Henry’s request, then Henry returns. He swipes the card and you hear the balls rolling down for play. He hands you the card, thinking you’re going to stand and listen as he plays.
Henry looks at you in disbelief when he sees you bend down and feel for the card swipe, then sees you slide the card through and hears the balls drop. Kal lets out a soft “Wuff” wondering what is going on. You take Kal and move him, so he is between Henry and yourself. “Sit!” you tell him. He plops his butt down. “Stay!” you tell him and hang onto the leash with your left hand. You lean down and feel for the slot for the balls.
“You ready, Henry?” you ask. He grins. “Yup.” He says. You feel for the width of the schute and move so you’re positioned like you used to stand to play this game when you could see. You ask Henry, “Is the set up for this one where the holes are all lined up vertically down the center and there’s one to the left and one to the right at the top” you ask. Henry looks surprised and says, “Yup.” You grin. “Game on!” and you bowl your first pitch down the schute.
Henry’s jaw drops when you get it into the 40 hole. He pitches his and gets it in the 10 hole. He growls and you chuckle. You pick up another ball and bowl it with a hook and you listen for it. It sounds like it just barely missed the 100 hole on the left. Henry chuckles. “That was a close one. You just barely missed it.” he says. Nodding you listen for his turn. He bowls it and you hear it clunk around and he growls. “I take it you missed?” you asked.
“I got it in the 30 one, but was aiming for the 50.” He grumbles. You chuckle and continue to take turns until you both run out of balls to bowl with. “How are you so good at this game when you can’t see where the targets are at?” Henry asks once you’re done and you collect the tickets the game spits out. Giggling as you fold them into a wad and shove them in your pocket, you say, “It was one of the games at the arcade that I got good at and played frequently since it wasn’t a video game.” You explain. “I can pretty much tell by the sound the balls make bouncing around if I got close to the one I wanted. Though, to be fair, I can’t really aim, so I’m not as good at it now as I was when I could see and actually aim for what I wanted. Now I just kind of guess and make a blind shot.” You giggle at your pun.
Henry chuckles and says, “Okay, hot shot, let’s see what else they have here.” He leads you along, telling you what games you both are walking past. You stop at the basketball one and grin. You feel around for the card swiper and Henry shakes his Head, amused you’re attempting to play this one too. His jaw drops though when the balls drop and you take a couple shots, getting used to the feel of the balls in regards to how inflated they are and how they bounce around. You take a few more shots, listening to each one and hear as they either hit the rim and bounce off, or hit the rim and swish down past the net. By the end of the game you were consistently making the shots.
“How?” Henry says, surprised. You smirk as you collect more tickets, “I listened to the way the balls bounce when they hit something. They sound different when they hit the backboard, versus when they hit the rim, versus when they go in and pass through the netting.” You explain. Once I got a feeling for the inflation of the balls and where I was in relation to the basket, it was easier. I just hate the ones that move forward and backwards though. I can’t figure them out.” You tell him.
It amazes him that you can tell so much by just listening. “It’s like you’re a bat using echolocation.” He teases. You grin, “Sorry Supes, I’m a Batgirl.” You tease back putting your hands on your hips. He groans and slaps his forehead, you just laugh. “Though, I’ve always preferred Superman.” You add. “Christopher Reeve and then Dean Cain… um 80’s heartthrobs! And now I get to date this hunk of dynamite!” you tease as you caress his arm. “Come on, Supes. Show me what you want to play now.” you tell him. He chuckles and the two of you continue to wander through the arcade with Kal. You hear the music for Tetris and start to hum along to it, making Henry chuckle. “Damn it, now I’m gonna have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day!” you tease him. “Hmmm, well, we’ll just have to find something else to get stuck in your head then.” He says with a smirk.
You giggle and your mind goes in the gutter. You hear the Star Wars theme and your head whips around trying to locate it. “What are you doing?” he asks. “I hear the Star Wars theme, but can’t figure out where it’s coming from, there’s too many other songs playing. He chuckles. “OOOohhh! They have the Legend of Zelda!” Henry exclaims and you walk with him over to it. “I remember watching the guys play this game on their nintendos!” you say. “Do you want to play it?” you ask. Henry nods, then remembers you can’t see him nodding. “Yes, do you still have the token card?” he asks. Pulling it from your pocket, you hand it to him to swipe and you can hear the game start.
You grin as you hear him hitting the buttons and yanking on the levers as he plays. You chuckle as he grunts and mumbles, getting into the game. He plays it for quite a while before his character dies and he groans. “Awww maannnn! SOOOO Close!” he says, making you grin and chuckle. “Anything else you want to play?” you ask as you hear him collecting the tickets he won. He takes your arm and wraps it around his, “Let’s look and see what else they have.” He says.
You feel his arm tighten as he gets excited when he sees the Mortal Kombat game. You chuckle and stand by the game listening to the music and the characters and Henry feverishly hitting the buttons and yanking on the joystick on the game. His grunts and growls and moans and cheers making you smile. This game too, he plays for a good long while as he seems to be pretty good at it. You try not to laugh too hard as you hear, “Knock Out!” and Henry cheers. “So did you beat it?” you ask. “Yup!” he says proudly. You grin and give him a kiss. “Good job.” You tell him as he collects more tickets in a long string. He laughs and folds them all up.  “How about we get some food?” you suggest. Henry looks at the time and is surprised to see it’s almost supper time.
“Let’s get the tickets counted and see if they have anything neat for prizes before we head out.” He says. You chuckle. “Okay, but I doubt they’ll have anything good.” He leads you over to a machine that counts the tickets. You hand him your two wads and he pops the end of the first one in, then puts the second set in, then his two sets. Once it’s all finished counting them, he prints out the ticket telling him he has 530 tickets. “Sweet!” he exclaims and leads you over to the prize counter. “You tell him to describe what he sees. He does so and you giggle.
They have stuffed animals and one of them is an owl and another is a lion. He only has enough for one, when you tell him that lions and owls are two of your favourite wild animals.” He decides to get you the lion one and gives the man the ticket. Henry picks out a few more kids toys to give to his nephews using the remaining tickets up. He chuckles and you hear him unzipping the backpack and putting them into it.”
“Okay, now we can go get some supper!” he says, hooking his hand in yours, and Taking Kal’s leash back. The two of you head out and you hang onto the stuffed lion while you walk. “Thanks for the lion and the fun at the arcade, Henry. That was a fun way to spend an afternoon.” You tell him.
Henry grins. “I didn’t think you’d want to go in there, to be honest. I guess I thought you’d get bored just listening to me play the different games. I didn’t realize you’d want to play the games too.” He says sheepishly. You chuckle. I wasn’t going to play any, but skeeball and the basket ball games are some of my favourite non-video arcade games, and I spent a lot of time and money playing them in my teenage years as well as skating in circles. When my feet would get sore from skating, I’d go play the games for a while. You explain.
Henry frowns, “Skating in circles?” he asks. You chuckle. “Haven’t you ever been to a roller-skating rink, Henry?” you ask. He shakes his head, “Nope.” He replies. You explain it’s a big enclosed building with a wood floor in the shape of a big oval. You rent rollerskates or rollerblades and there’s a DJ who plays different music depending on the skating session. Throughout the session, they will pause and play different games like the limbo on rollerskates, and a dice game or will have everyone stop and do the dance for the macarena or the birdie dance song.
Henry looks at you totally confused. “birdie dance song?” he asks. You laugh. Here, see if anyone starts to do it if I play it on my phone loud enough… “Hey Siri. Open spotify and play ‘The Birdie Song”. The music starts to play and you crank it up. The music echoes into the open airport hall making a few people chuckle.
Tell me if anyone starts to dance then describe it to me. Henry starts to giggle. “There’s an old couple who are doing some actions. Making their hands open and close like a bird’s beak three times, then they move their arms like they’re a bird’s wing three times, and then they’re wiggling their hips three times, then clapping three times, then doing a kind of square dance type of move, then back to the hand motions. And now there’s a bunch of people laughing and joining them.” He tells you.
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 You giggle and tell him that’s “the birdy dance” now picture a whole bunch of people on roller skates, skating in the same direction on a big, oval wood floor while the song is playing doing those movements. That’s what the skating rink would do.
Henry busts up laughing and says, “I don’t think I could do that!” You laugh, “If you can do all these choreographed fight scenes and movements for the Witcher, you can do ‘the birdy dance’ Henry.” You tell him giggling. “We can see if there are any rinks like that in London when we get there, then I’ll teach it to you. And don’t worry, everyone feels silly doing it, that is what makes it so fun! Everyone being silly at the same time!” You tell him giggling with glee. “I can’t believe you’ve never been rollers kating!” you exclaim and he just chuckles.
The two of you and Kal continue walking and Henry asks you what else you enjoy doing. You think for a few moments. “I like to dance, though I’m not the greatest at it. I can’t sit still when I hear a good song. I’ve always wanted to learn how to ballroom dance and do the dances from my grandparent’s generation. I love the music from the 1920’s- 1960’s especially swing, but I suppose that will be one of the bucket list items I probably won’t be able to fulfill now. It kinda requires sight to learn the steps.
I like going for walks, and when I could see, I’d go for bike rides. I really miss that. It was such great exercise. I enjoyed going for motorcycle rides with my friends, and going sledding in the winter, swimming in the summer, spending time on the lake. I love water, though I’ve never seen the ocean or been in it, we had a lot of lakes where I grew up. I enjoyed listening to the waves at the lake lapping against the shoreline. It was such a soothing sound.
I used to exercise more, but stopped when I had the accident. I was too afraid to do weight lifting and such since I couldn’t see to operate the equipment and struggle with where my body is in relation to other body parts. I.E. Toothbrush to mouth in the morning.” You explain with a chuckle. You hear Henry chuckle too.
“Now I go to the park and listen to the birds, or go to concerts and plays and listen and picture in my head my own little movie of what is happening. I don’t do much with the TV, mainly cuz I can’t operate it and just have it for when my sighted friends come over and use it.” you giggle.
I read a lot, and yeah, I’m pretty boring.” You tell Henry. “You’re not boring, Tyyne. You just haven’t found all the fun things you can do yet.” He tells you with a grin. “Maybe you’ll find some new things in London with me and my friends that you’ll enjoy doing.” He tells you as you head into the food court area. “Now…What shall we have for supper?” he asks.
You take a deep breath and try to discern the different smells. “How about a burger and fries? Oooh, I wish they had a Shawarma place here!” you tell Henry. He chuckles and nods. “Burger joint it is.” He says and leads you over to the burger place. You ask them for a braille menu and the cashier frowns. “Um. Hang on a minute, let me see if we have one.” he says and goes to ask the manager.
You frown. “Ugh, the downside of being me, most restaurants don’t have them when the Americans With Disabilities Act requires restaurants to provide it’s blind customers with a menu they can read, there is a major loophole; it seems that if the restaurant has its menu available online, where a blind patron can access it electronically, they don't need to provide a braille version in the establishment." You explain. “The problem is, that I can’t see even stuff online, so unless it’s able to be accessed where either a computer or a person can read it to me, I don’t know what is available to order and what ingredients are used to make the food. Thus I rarely go out to eat unless my friends are with me to assist.” You explain to Henry.
Henry frowns, hearing that. “I’m sorry you have to deal with that, Tyyne.” He says. “I guess people who can see don’t think of things like that.” He says. You nod. “The worst part is when the business’ employees get snippy with me and try to rush me.” You reply. You tilt your head back to where you hear the cashier returning. “I’m sorry, Miss, we haven’t got one. We have burgers, chicken, salads, and soups. Is there something in particular you were wanting?” he asks. You sigh and frown. “What kinds of burgers do you have and what is on them?” you ask.
He tells you and you sigh. I guess I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger. Can they make sure the bacon is extra crispy. I hate chewy bacon.” You ask. “Sure, we can do that for you. Did you want that with fries and a drink?” he asks. “Yes, please. What do you have to drink here?” you ask. He tells you they have CocaCola products. You tell him you’d like a coke. “Okay, anything for you Mr. Cavill?” the young man asks. Henry smiles, “I’ll have the double cheeseburger with bacon and fries and a coke as well. Can we also get an order of the mozzarella sticks?” he asks. “Did you want the six or the twelve piece one?” the young man asks. “The twelve piece, please.” Henry replies. “Okay. That’ll be $21.30.” the young man says.
“Mind if I pay?” Henry asks you. You chuckle. “Be my guest, Henry.” You tell him, a little annoyed that the man didn’t inform you there were other sides you could order. Once you get your food and go to sit down, Henry sees you frowning. “What’s the matter, Tyyne?” he asks.
“If you wouldn’t have ordered the Mossarrella sticks, I wouldn’t have known there were other sides that could be ordered. The cashier didn’t ask if I wanted any other sides.” You say with a disappointed sigh. “I wish it was federal law that all restaurants had to have a basic menu in braille and educated their employees better on informing or offering blind people more assistance in ordering.
It’s just another example of how the blind are forgotten about in our culture. No one thinks of how they are going to order food at restaurants when they can’t see a menu. If they have no one with them to read the menu to them, they rely on the server or in this case the cashier to inform them what their options are. If no one tells the blind person there are other options for food, they won’t know and will assume that what they are told is all that is available.” You explain.
“If more people tried to go about their average day from morning till night with their eyes closed or covered and experienced what it is like to be blind, just for one day in the real world, I think things would change in a holy hurry for those of us who are truly blind.” You say.
Henry reaches across the table and takes your hand. “Thanks for telling me this, Tyyne. I’ll do my best to help you with that when I’m around, if you’re okay with it.” he tells you. “Thanks, Henry.” You say. “Now, do you want to share my cheese sticks?” he asks. You grin and nod. He takes one and puts it in your hand, then asks if you want marinara sauce. You think then nod. He guides your hand to the container and you dip the cheese stick in it.
You giggle. “Please tell me if I’m going to miss my mouth. I don’t want marinara all over my shirt.” You tell him. You hear him chuckle. The two of you laugh and giggle as he tries to guide you verbally to get the cheese stick to your mouth without making a mess. You manage to get it without getting marinara all over your face. “Here, lean forward, you got a little something at the corner of your mouth, Sweetie.” he tells you. You lean forward and he gives you a kiss and licks off a little marinara at the corner of your mouth, making you giggle. “Smooth, Cavill.” You tease him. He just grins and chuckles.
“Henry, is there ketchup and mustard on my burger already or do I need to put some on it?” you ask. He hums and picks up the bun off the burger. “Nope, there’s some on there, but you said you don’t like onions, right?” he asks. You nod. “Mind if I pick off the onions for you?” he asks. You smile. “Go ahead. I forgot to ask if they put them on their burgers. My bad.” You say. “I usually remember to ask when ordering burgers.” You say.
Henry finds a crispy French fry from his basket and scoops off the onion rings from your burger. “There, no more onions.” He says and plops them onto his burger.
The two of you eat in companionable silence until Kal starts to whine wanting his food. “Oh, yeah, sorry Kal. Here.” Henry says and you hear a zipper being opened and the ‘pop’ of Kal’s bowl being opened. You hear Henry grab a bag of kibble and pour it into the bowl then you hear Kal crunching the nuggets as he eats.
Once the three of you are done, you and Henry walk back to the gate and ask for a couple of cots and are told they are all being used. You groan and Henry frowns. He asks if there are any blankets and pillows left. The person shakes their head. You hear Henry growl. “It’s alright, Henry. I’ll manage.” You tell him. He sighs and the two of you head off to a corner and find an open spot on the floor. “Hang on a minute.” He says Taking his long overcoat and empties out the pockets into his backpack. Then he folds it up and lays it down on the floor. “Here. Lie down on this so you have a little padding at least.” He says. He calls Kal over and tells him to lie down. Kal does and Henry tells you that you can use Kal for a pillow. That he does it all the time. “Kal’s used to it by now.” he says.
You lie down on your side and take your coat and drape it over you, putting your bag in front of you. Henry lays down beside you and puts his back pack next to your bag and lays down with his head on his arm. “Get some sleep Tyyne.” He tells you and you close your eyes, letting sleep claim you.
Henry watches as you fall asleep. He feels bad that someone took the two cots he had gotten for you. He didn’t think about the fact that people would just see them being unused and claim them for themselves. He sighs frustrated. Henry rolls onto his back and leans against Kal’s rear and looks out the window, watching the snow fall and swirl all around, thinking about all he learned about you and about what life is like for a blind person. He realizes what a loss of independence it causes and how much the blind have to rely on others to survive in today’s world.
Now he realizes why everyone was freaking out about him wearing the gold contacts all the time and how dumb it was of him to not give his eyes a chance to breathe when he had to wear those contacts. It really was taking a HUGE risk that could’ve jeopardized his entire career and his future as a person in general. Life really does suck for blind people. He decides he wants to do more to help the blind but isn’t sure what he can do to help. He falls asleep thinking about what he could possibly do to make a positive impact or change for them.
Comments always appreciated. 👍🏻🥰
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anyu-blue · 3 years
I know a big part of it is the sleep deprivation.. again.. but I'm hella depressed.
Like overall I'm.. content? I guess? I have job. = Good. I have place to live. = Good. I have my game(s) I can play anytime I have time/want. = Good. I have appointments to try and get feeling better and keep trying and keep trying when I don't. = Good. I have Kizzy and will probably have him for at least 3 more years, if not longer. = Good. I have contingency plans in place for paying for my surgeries. = Good.
I've got a lot of good right now. And it's not that I'm ungrateful. I am EXTREMELY grateful. Considering my issues I've done extremely well. Even if some of it was on accident.
It's just.. well.. I'm tired, of course. Not sleeping well or much for days on end sucks. Especially because I could have, but people are going to keep living their lives and accidentally waking/keeping me up because they just don't think about my situation 24/7. Or even know it. Or consider it. Because life's too short for that according to, like everyone but me.
I'm sick of course. I've definitely tried the 'I'm doing great/not sick!!' mindset.. and it doesn't work.. cuz stuff HURTS. I don't have the energy to keep pretending either... And I don't think there was really a time I wasn't sick. Not in my whole life.. and It feels impossible to have any hope I'll ever not be physically sick... No matter what or how hard I try. Especially because I'm aging as all people do. Especially being forced to constantly check what I eat because if I don't I can hurt myself/make myself even more sick. Or starve, which hurts me too but is better than the alternatives. Especially being I have to rely on a healthcare system that looks down on what I can afford. Especially because what I can afford is so little. Especially because of our healthcare system being so politically charged people like me with the needs I have (even just replacing bones!!! Hello?! Our STUPID society forgets teeth are BONES and NECESSARY ones at that- but the instant you say teeth people literally don't give two shits, think you're just vain, and 100% brush you off. Even doctors.. and I have cried so hard over this stupid stuff and tried to rally and I'm STILL trying to save my own god damn life. I hate saying that's what I'm doing because I have some of that stupidity in me of thinking vanity... But I'm literally trying to save my forsaken life and be a LOT less miserable, and I feel so hopeless because only the little people who get it actually seem to want to help/be able to push aside that vanity thought and it hurts so badly to ask them to squeeze for me-- thank you if you're reading this and you've reblogged/shared my post. And I cannot thank you enough, and feel I owe you so much if you've donated... Every tiny bit helps. You and I are little people in the sense we don't exactly have $10,000+ to just throw around an have no worries about lol)
I'm.. also lonely? I guess? .. it's probably the best way to describe it. I don't like people all over me. Or really messaging constantly because moods change and People have lives.. but I miss... I want... Stress free interactions. Getting to spend time and go and do things. Not being alone all the time or missing out on everything. Time is meaningless pretty much right now in the sense I've missed all the holidays. 100%. No time spent celebrating or using the time or even seeing people. Im so much a damn adult and yet I still feel like crying whenever my siblings/cousins talk about last halloween because they had so much fun... They spent the day together in matching costumes by themselves at a park. And that's it... I was delirious from sleep deprivation when I saw them for the 5 minutes I did.. and stress because of my ex being the bastard he is to me. And work. So I couldn't join them. And it doesn't bother them in the least. It's such a happy memory for them and I am struggling to let go of the envy. They have so many days they spend together too.. remotely mostly, but they have so much fun. They wake me up alot with their calls.. and get pissed when I'm like hey guys I'm sorry but could you tone it down? I honestly stopped asking lately because they get so pissed and have even been like 'It wasn't me at all!!' even when I can quote what they said back to them and try to find anything and anyone else to blame... My little sister especially is CONSISTENTLY Telling me she has no idea what she even just said so I know it's bullshit it's not her.... And it just hurts. I try so hard. I drug myself to fall asleep almost every single workday now and I hate it. It's not good for you I feel. Says non habit forming but I just. Uck. And I have familiar, soft sound on. And I've shut my cat out. And I've consistently changed my bedding and cleaned and worn masks/covered my eyes, and done everything I can think of to try and make sure I'm going to sleep as long as possible. I don't go to bed and wake up early in the evenings to cook or spend time with them anymore because I'm trying to give myself more sleep. I don't stay up to see my sisters during the day anymore. Because I'm trying to give myself more sleep. I turn everything off (besides what I hope will help with the noise) at noon and try to lay down as soon after noon as I can every day. Anything blue gets covered or turned off. Everything has red light filters too to get rid of the blue.. but I can't seem to get more than a few jagged hours any given day unless it happens to be their early days where they take naps or I end up so exhausted I'm passed out at night when I should be awake so my shifts aren't so hard... So all that adds up to my being alone and lonely as my own damn fault. Because obviously I stopped making the efforts... The thing that hurts most about that is I was the only one making ANY effort at all to include myself in people's lives (still rings true for everyone in my own city at least- family, friends, the works).. and when I HAD to stop and told them why and asked if they'd be willing to meet me sometimes when it was hard for them (even like once a month fully planned out if need be, or spontaneous because I'm NOT picky)... I got yesses. I did. But. Do you think it ever once happened besides the very day we talked about it?
I can and have gone through every single message and note I have (my memory isn't what it was after I got as sick as I did last fall so I try to keep track of everything instead of relying on my memory anymore)... The only person who even slightly tried was only doing so because he wanted every gd opportunity to beg me to sleep with him (pretty much- he wasn't subtle).. and I had to cut him out because he's not a good person in his own right, sadly. Which left me entirely alone in many ways. Which leaves me entirely alone unless I reach out first and sacrifice sleep.
The continuance of this unfortunately has contributed to my depression.. and the fact no one wants to be around cuz I'm a bummer. And the sleep issues have caused irritability I try so hard to control, but at certain stages I just lose my filters and don't want to say stuff or ramble but I also don't want to miss the opportunity with the person (usually one of my sisters) so stuff gets awkward and they don't like being around THAT. And I don't blame them. But I'd do?
Ugh... I know night shift is my fault... And is a major part of the problem... But I work it to avoid People who don't care about me and mine. To keep myself safe. To keep myself from having panic attacks. I'm doing a lot better with them... But I was breaking down so often at or about work it was getting out of hand... With night shift I'm not overwhelmed like that and I don't have to worry do much about my poor mind losing its sharpness as much. I can take my time more or less. And I get paid enough to survive. ....
I'm just depressed and I know it's on me but I wish I had more help than I do..
Wishing is also the problem. Instead of being happy with what I have.
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supposed2bfunny · 4 years
2doc Week Day 4-Song Machine
It’s cloudy.
No, cloudy denotes clouds. Smoggy, then. All car exhaust and factory fumes. The water is still, but there’s enough movement that the waves slap against the side of the boat every so often, resulting in a familiar, pleasant, wet sound.
Murdoc lies on his back, hands folded atop his chest, ankles crossed, staring at the bright spot where the sun is attempting to bore its way through the grayish sky.
He and 2D have been sitting in the boat in silence, though the singer has been moving enough for the two of them, playing with his sailor’s cap, untying his neckerchief and stuffing it into his pocket, scratching his ankle, lighting a cigarette and ultimately flicking it into the water.
“So this is it, huh?” Murdoc asks at length when he gets sick of watching 2D struggling in his periphery.
“This is what I missed out on?”
“Well I mean, it’s a little more fun when you’re driving around fast-like, but the sound of the motor gives me a headache. And it was fun with Damon too; he’s fun.”
“Yeah. Love that bloke,” he deadpans.
“Murdoc. Do you feel better now?”
“I feel like a million bucks, mate, never better, I haven’t felt this spry since that doctor prescribed me all that Vicodin when I slipped a disk lifting Noodle’s amp—”
2D shifts, looks down at him, and when their eyes meet, Murdoc is forced to confront the fact that yes, they’re here for him. To humor him the way a parent humors a child after a particularly vicious meltdown. “Well, look at it like this: what did you think taking me out here on the boat after the fact was going to accomplish, sunshine?”
“I brought you here to make it up to you, you nob. Because you made such stink about not being invited last time even though you could have come along if you’d only asked, had my damn phone on me.”
“Stu, you can’t recreate an event that’s already passed by bringing me here like it’s a bloody date.”
He stretches his foot out, knocks it against Murdoc’s shoulder. “You sure? A date on a boat sounds kind of romantic.”
Murdoc sighs and hoists himself up into a sitting position: the garish lighting is hurting his eyes: he wishes he’d thought to pack sunglasses. He can only imagine what kind of migraine the bright glare is going to trigger for 2D. But now isn’t the time to play mother hen. “Does it? Cuz you don’t look nearly as relaxed or happy as you did in that Désolé video, mate.”
He draws his foot back, knees folding in towards his chest. “Muds, look. I’m allowed to have fun without you. There’s no rule stating that I can’t. We’ve talked about the importance of autonomy.”
“And I’ve also expressed my disdain for that bloody word. I’m too old to bother being my own person: I just want a little of whatever you’re doing.”
“So that’s how you really feel, huh?” he snaps, jumping to his feet. “Muds, how many times do we have to have this argument? That’s not healthy!”
“Neither is smoking, Faceache! Neither is drinking half my weight in forty proof before noon! Neither is dating me, so if you don’t want to deal with it, then tell me to fuck off, same way you did when you all fucked off through that portal without me!”
2D reaches up to rub his temples, almost knocking his captain’s hat off his head. It’s never as simple as Murdoc sitting down and confessing that he’s been hurt: it’s always violent waves, outbursts cresting until they crash against the shore. He brought Murdoc out here to see what all the fuss was about cruising around on Lake Como, but now he understands: Murdoc is more like the water than he is like a captain. He is aqueous, ever moving, flowing from areas of high pressure, knocking 2D to and fro as he attempts to feel settled, grounded. The solution to understanding him is seldom obvious at first glance, because his very nature is to change his tune like an ebbing and flowing tide.
This entire outburst was never a matter of feeling left-out, it’s been paranoia from the start, Murdoc’s absurd fear that his own band is set to leave him behind one day, that same paranoia he’s been nursing since The Now Now took off while he was in prison.
“I’m sorry,” 2D says. It used to be hard to say those words. He’s learning to push them out more often, especially because that small concession is, more often than not, enough to start soothing Murdoc. “I guess we both thought we were going to get something different by coming here. Muds, what I did was fly all the way back to Italy to sit on a stupid boat with you for the day. It was probably stupid of me to assume that you were going to have a good time here—”
“‘Stupid’ is a damn gargantuan understatement if you ask me,” he grumbles.
“Don’t interrupt! Look, I didn’t come here for a fun, magical time with you, you cranky old man. I came here to prove a point.”
Murdoc looks at him warily. “And what, my blue-hued compatriot, is it?”
A suave, quick-witted man would be able to weave together an elaborate story on the spot. Hell, if he were even adequately sharp with words, he’d be able to lay on the charm, distract Murdoc from the tension and the muggy heat and the miserable sun glaring down through all that pollution. The longer he stares at Murdoc’s tired features, though, the more it dawns on him that he doesn’t need to do that. He has something much more valuable: the truth.
“I did all this shit to prove to you that you’re worth it.”
Murdoc snorts. “Wow, so even you admit it was a crap trip then. Sorry to waste a full day of your time with my selfish needs, Stu.” He makes sure that his bitterness comes across acrid enough to drown out any traitorous hurt that leaks into his voice. He’s getting weaker around Stu; words slip out unbidden almost every day, truths he doesn’t need anyone knowing, feelings and fears that he’s spent his life concealing easily behind his bigger-than-bigger-than-Jesus personality. Honesty with his feelings around Stu has rapidly evolved into an unconscious mechanism, one he now has to strategize to neutralize at every turn. “Really don’t know why you spent money on a flight, all that time packing, renting the same damn boat, even, if you didn’t want to fucking do it. You’re a real headcase, y’know that?”
“You done with the pity party?” 2D asks. “Because you’re misunderstanding. I did all this, and I would have done anything else, to prove to you that at the drop of a hat, I’ll re-create any part of my life to put you in it beside me.”
There’s a familiar clenching feeling in his chest, a tightness. Dread. Sometimes he feels it when 2D starts to make him hopeful too, because hope is a dangerous bit of deception that leads to disappointment. Cousins, the two sentiments are. Or even twins. He hates hope as much as he hates dread: he’s not about to fall for that shit, no way—“Dents. What were you just saying about our codependency being unhealthy? Those don’t sound like the words of someone autonomous: best check yourself or your therapist is going to give you a right spanking.”
The singer smiles, knowing that he has Murdoc now. His attention, his optimism. It’s all there, in his grasp if he can make like the boat, rock with the waves but remain steady, solid.  “You’re wrong,” he says. “I won’t apologize for having come out to have some fun in February. We’ve told you why we didn’t trust you with the portal, but I still would’ve brought you along if I’d known how upset you were going to get. I had every right to have a good time with friends, but I am sorry that it sent you into one of your spirals, thinking I was rejecting you. Never, Murdoc. I would never. So here’s my compromise: for the moments you feel scared, instead of me trying to go back and re-create the past with you, let’s just make our own memories. Sound good?”
The bassist stares at him, dumbfounded. “Are you angry?” he finally asks. “That I’m being so selfish? Where’s your spine, Dents, your bloody vitriol?”
“You’ve always been a selfish prick: bit used to it by now.”
“But…but this flies in the face of all that shit about being more individualistic and—”
“Muds, I’m still going to spend time away from you,” he clarifies. “Have fun with Noods and Russ, might even give Ace a ring one of these days—”
“Oh sweet Satan, don’t call that idiot—”
“My point is, I’ll still do all those things. And then when I get back from my time away from you, whether you’ve done something productive with your life while I was gone, or just sat by the window waiting for me to get home, then we can do something nice too, maybe not a boat ride in Italy, maybe just like, having a few pints down at the Cock and Trowel, or going shopping, or trying that new cafe that opened up in SoHo to see how their pancakes rank on our Definitive List of Pancake Places—”
He’s interrupted by Murdoc lunging forward, arms going around his middle and head slamming into his chest. He grunts, hugs him back as the boat rocks with their sudden movement.
“How?” he mutters. “How are you always so nice to me? Every time I go and muck things up and say horrible things and tell you to break it off with me—”
“You’re a little dramatic,” 2D admits, nuzzling his chin against the thick hair pressed just below his head. “Pretty sure you told me I should call it off when you broke my favorite mug last week. It’s uh, not great. But I think when you say shit like that, it shows me that you really care about our relationship, that you value me, and you’re scared that I’m valuing you too much, because you don’t feel like you deserve it. I’m learning to understand when you’re just asking for help, idiot.”
“You really do spend way too much time with your therapist, Stu.”
“I’m not wrong, am I?” he teases, holding the older man closer, triumphant. “Stop throwing shit fits. Stop assuming everything I do is an attempt to push you away, and start looking at my behavior for what it is: a bloke who’s gone utterly mental and will fly you out to Italy at a moment’s notice to try and cheer you up after I saw you cry a little bit.”
Murdoc steels himself in 2D’s arms, braces himself to put forth the question he needs to ask. “And what do you get in return then, Romeo?”
“That bit’s obvious, Murdoc. I get to see you happy. That’s what makes me happy. I love you, remember?”
“I…” the words die on Murdoc’s tongue. What is there to say to that? He wants to talk 2D out of this…he knows he should. He’s being let off the hook because this idiot is convinced that they can keep going forward, that he somehow deserves 2D’s patience and love, even when he’s getting caught up in his own Twitter lies. Yet the singer’s words are guiding him out to sea, pulling him away with the strength of a rip current, and all he can do is succumb. It’s what he wants to hear. Maybe a part of 2D even believes these words himself, however ludicrous they are. “I…you already know how I feel about you.”
“Say it, twat. Or else I’ll keep you here on this lake all day just to torture you!” “Alright, alright, no need to get so Medieval on me! I love you, okay, Stu? I act out and cause a scene, and then I don’t even thank you for the impromptu Désolé 2.0 because I’m a shit, but I love you all the same. Maybe even a little more because you just keep…tolerating me. Happy?”
“Yeah,” he presses a kiss to the top of his head, and his tone tells Murdoc that he’s smiling. “So let’s go back to England, okay? This lake is pretty boring honestly.”
“It is dreadful, yeah.”
“Oh, while we’re here, maybe we should stop for pizza! Or some spaghetti or something?”
“Dents, we’re practically in Switzerland,” he laughs. “Why not hop the border and—wait, that’s it! I know the perfect spa we can go to together! Ever soak in a hot spring? It’ll change your life.”
“That sounds perfect!” he says. “Let’s dock this baby and get going—” he releases Murdoc and, ever-ungraceful, he stumbles as he makes his way towards the front of the boat. He yelps as his leg catches on the edge of the boat and his vision swirls first with the sights of the houses along the shore giving way to sky, and then the sky blurring as he hits water and starts sinking.
For just a moment, he processes everything as though it’s happening in slow motion, taking in the fact that his nice sailor’s outfit is surely ruined, that the water is colder than he expected it to be, wondering if any sea monsters lurk beneath the lake’s surface as he looks straight down into the black depths below him.
Then comes the irony. Yes, this is what time with Murdoc is like: filled with twists and unpredictable tumbles. Murdoc’s self-doubt and fears are still somewhat new to him: he’s spent most of his life assuming the man was fearless, only to learn that the bravado was a mask, that he’d been one of the few idiots to fall for it so completely. It’s something they must continue to work on, the selfishness, the manipulative words and the self-destructive explosions that follow them in Murdoc’s unhealthy attempts to self-punish.
How peaceful it is underwater, though. How familiar, this sensation, and how safe he feels.
His eyes have closed at some point to better absorb the feeling of being submerged, but he perceives motion right in front of him, bubbles.
Arms come around his waist, and he knows Murdoc has leapt in after him, that he means to swim to the surface, pull them both up onto the boat. He isn’t ready to come up just yet. Instead, he leans forward, presses his lips to Murdoc’s.
In the middle of the water, in the middle of a foreign country, they come together, holding one another tight, safe and soundless in the protective peace beneath the ever-lapping waves.
He always feels so complete like this, so blessedly whole when the warmth of Murdoc’s body is pressed flush against him. Time always seems to vanish in these moments as they share the last fo their breath, hair dancing around their heads like halos, bodies undulating with the motion of the water. For the first time that day, he feels calm.
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silenthearts · 4 years
Ghost of you part II
Part I 
warning: deals with death and grief. not proof read either. Enjoy
“Whatever happens, don’t stop smiling. I love your squishy cheeks and how your eyes crinckle” you smile “ I want you to keep laughing until you can’t breathe. I know Luke or anyone else isn't as funny as me, but it will have to do. “ You giggle, your pale lips and dark undereyes were so noticeable and yet you looked so beutiful, Calum could not contain his smile at your teasing.  Even at the lowest of your low you were still funny, you still carried him and comforted him throughout, you still asked about his day and insisted on making sure he felt fine before you did.
It had been a year since you left. Life had become bearable, or almost. A few months ago Calum finally decided to look through your things and when he did he found it. 
You kept a usb pen with a letter to him, a letter that simply read “see me” . Inside there were hours and hours of video. a diary you kept on the last months of your terminal illness. Calum couldn’t watch them at first, especially cuz they were specifically diected at him and although he missed you he couldn’t hear you say his name and talk directly to him without crying so hard his head hurt and his lungs stopped working properly.
But it had been a year. He was better, Mali had helped him, his friends had helped him.
Even at times when Calum was an asshole to them, thats how he coped at the time.
He finally reached the last video. The one that read “Don’t Stop”. When he saw it he kinda laughed to himself about your little reference to a silly song he once wrote to cheer you up and you two made fun of immensily. 
He smiled in adoration at the screen. At you. You suddenly got serious as you looked at the webcam. “I hope you fall in love. I hope you go out, I hope you have fun. There’s no point slumping around like a potato or drinking yourself to death. 
Just because my life is over it doesn’t mean yours has to. You’re wonderful and amazing and I want you to fall in love again, fall in love with someone almost as good as me... “ you smile “ almost.” you let out a cheeky laugh, the one he loved so much. 
He paused the video. He couldn’t hear you anymore. He knows he hasn’t done what you want him to. He knows you would not be proud of him. He tried , god he swears he tried.  But he couldn’t leave the bench that sat in front of your grave, him and Duke did regular walks there. It was their new spot. 
He couldn’t date, he couldn’t look at another woman without feeling like he was cheating on you. He rubs his teary eyes as he closes the laptop, once again being hit with the silence of your empty home which you made him promise to keep clean in one of the videos. He has, mostly.
He can’t get off his usual spot on the couch so instead he once again opens his laptop. When he is about to close the video he notices a minute or so left of the video. He takes a deep breath as he clicks play.
“You’re stubborn Calum. You always were but please go outside. Feel the sun while you still can. 
Walk Duke and take him to the park, he likes to play with Petunia.
Go to the cinema 
Go to the pub
Enjoy the fresh air and our favourite beach.
Get married
Have children
Get a friend for Duke.”
You sigh. “Don’t let the ghost of me haunt you forever, cuz i couldn’t stand it. I love you, and I always will. “
The video ends and this time calum is sobbing into his hands but thyre not tears of sadness and frustration like many have been. They were acceptance, he accepted you were gone but he knew you were a part of him, a part of everyone’s life. Someone as bright as you illuminmated everyone’s lives, and although his was dark for a minute, you were once again the light at the end of the dark tunnel. He could not do what you asked right away, no. 
But time heals, and he hopes time will pass, new plants will grow in the place of the ones that died. New things will come and although he knew it would take time, you’d be with him someway, somehow forever in his memories and thoughs.
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So I don’t want to get into a huge retrospective of how 2020 was for me, because it’s personal and I think we can all agree things have been bad. So instead I’d like to talk about great video games I got into in 2020!!! These games didn’t necessarily come out in 2020 just things I discovered and I’d like to talk about my top 10 faves
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1.       The first best video game I discovered in 2020 is the entire Trails Series (I played all of them in 2020, cold steel, ao, zero, and Sky). Initially I played Cold Steel 1 because my friend told me it was like “Playing Code Geass the anime”. The story was pretty easy to get into of a guy going to military school and you’re placed in the special class for commoners and nobles when there’s a huge class divide in your country. From there it had some basic anime tropes like a dating simulator like thing and various cliched characters, like the tsundere, the guy who’s trying to get everybody to work, the music kid, and the noble, you know?
But Cold Steel wasn’t cliché in the least bit. I played it after surgery recovery so I was in a lot of pain and out of my mind, but each character had depth, the entire world was fleshed out and after each game more of the story and the villains were revealed, secret robot technologies were given to the main characters and they slowly became more and more powerful after that.
I wanted to know more and more about the world so I played the first series trails in the sky and the Japanese only series, Zero and Ao, and they were even better. Not only that but in this JRPG there were canon gay characters that had traits to their character besides “I’m gay.” There were a lot of lesbians for me to pick and choose between as faves.
Not only that but I find none dating sim video games difficult cuz I get easily frustrated and rage quit. Cold Steel was turn based combat and never made me feel like rage quitting because they had a function called “Retry but easier” where if you died you could start the same battle but make it easier. That made it so I only had to die five or so times on things I was really stuck on and then I could move on with the story. And the game never felt like a grind fest and I could make the game faster in combat.
This series I may have discovered in 2020 but it’s become just as beloved to me as any other series. It’s one of my faves.
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2.       My second favorite game in 2020 was 13 sentinels : Aegis Rim. I love time travel so much and everytime a new time travel anime or game comes out I get super excited. Aegis Rim was a game that had all sorts of cool tropes, like time travel, memory loss, androids, different realities, and psychic dreams and it just sounded cool. Not only that but there were 13 different protagonists to play and I had seen it reviewed in LGBT+ articles, saying it had a canon gay character and a canon nonbinary character! It was a very fun game and part of the story followed a point and click formula and the other half followed a kinda strategy blowing up giant robot monsters formula, and I enjoyed it. Also the music and the art was amazing.
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3.       The House in Fata Morgana was my third favorite game I discovered in 2020!!! It was a visual novel I had gotten in 2019 but never started because “They didn’t have anime eyes so IDK if it’ll be interesting.” I had seen a lot of horror visual novel people review it though with stellar reviews. I ended up playing it when I was sick and man was it an amazing story. It gave me a lot of respect for people who write short stories that wrap up nicely, and a lot  of the characters were flawed but I really enjoyed reading their stories.  The story was pretty basic in the beginning of a maid telling you several different stories of the previous owners of the mansion she worked in, and the tragedies that befell them throughout her time there, and I really liked the sort of tragedy feel. One of the stories reminded me of Greek tragedies like Oedipus, and as the story got deeper and deeper and connected plot threads of the previous owners it became very cool. Also the game was very LGBT+ friendly with trans and bi characters and possibly an aro character too???
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4.       Hades was my fourth favorite game in 2020!!! A lot of people have already talked about Hades before and what it’s about but I’d like to talk about why I liked it. As mentioned before I have a problem with video games that rely on skill. I get so frustrated that I either start yelling or crying because I don’t believe that the muscle memory will ever get into me or that I’ll ever be good enough to get past the hard part. It’s incredibly distressing and it makes me feel bad because I’m like “why can’t I do a simple thing other people can easily do?” Hades is one of the few games that taught me that eventually I will succeed, and the muscle memory will come to me. As you probably know Hades has god mode which increases your damage resistance every time you loose. I got to the max god mode very quickly of 80% and for about 10 runs even that wasn’t enough to beat the first boss and I was incredibly frustrated. I was like “they should have raised it to 90% cuz if even their worst players couldn’t beat the boss on easy mode then they’re missing out.” But as people have probably told you, Hades rewards failure. Each run you learn a bit more and get better skills and friendships with people due to grinding. And eventually I stuck to it and beat the first boss, and then all the other bosses. The muscle memory finally hit and I beat Hades and got the true ending and I’m really glad the developers made it accessible enough that even the worst players could beat it and I’m glad they rewarded failure.
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5.       My next favorite is Chaos;Child, which wasn’t made in 2020, but I did discover it in 2020. It’s another horror visual novel but by the people who did Steins;Gate. I absolutely adore Steins;Gate because of the time travel so I was curious about the other games in the series. Everyone said Chaos;Child was the murder mystery of what Steins;Gate did to time travel and they were right. It was a psychic murder mystery story and although it was very gorey it was very fun and I really liked the characters
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6.       Sixth favorite was Café Enchante a new otome dating sim released in 2020! You run a coffeshop for monsters basically and I adored it!!! I was a little worried before I got it that it would be boring because what kind of plot can you make in a coffeeshop? But it was very cute and I loved the monsters and the lore. Despite my misunderstanding the entire game did not take place in the coffeeshop and instead went into various monster worlds and expanded on the lore of each world in each route. The art was wonderful and I just love fake monster lore about Fae and beasts and angels and stuff and it was just a wonderful game and is one of my new fave otome titles.
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7.       I played Ai: the somnium files in 2020! I knew it would be a favorite of the year because it was made by the same people who did the zero escape series. It had a very different tone of the zero escape series of course, instead of being about psychics it’s about the inner workings of the mind. You play a detective going into people’s psyche’s to try to catch a murderer basically. It reminded me a lot of ID;invaded an anime that I think came out this year? Anyway it was a cool story and I liked the graphics but I did not like the timed missions. Without a guide I would have died.
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8.       The dark horse of 2020 was Untitled Goose Game. I did not expect to get it but my friend gifted to me and I hadn’t played it yet. And as everyone can tell you it’s just a fun time harassing people as a goose. It has 2 player mode so my sister and I played it together and it was great. I liked feeling like grand theft robbers and saying “BOOK IT” as we stole people’s stuff.
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9.       My ninth favorite game I played in 2020 was Little Busters! It’s by the same people who did Clannad so I knew I would be crying by the end. Clannad’s team is known for their great story telling and heart wrenching characters. It’s about a team of friends who start a baseball team and then it gets sad and time loop-y from there. I played Clannad too in 2020 but it was a little too homophobic for me to let it make it to this list and I don’t remember any homophobia in little busters, so little busters gets its spot.
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10.   Finally we get to Persona 5 Royal. I didn’t play much of the original persona 5 besides at my friends apartment so I was able to finally have a copy of this game on my own!!! I loved the idea of going into mean people’s minds and changing their hearts so they could understand the wrong that they did, it was just a good concept. I also loved that Persona 5 royal added a safety mode so you can loose and yet not die. It was a great game of 2020 and it only makes it so low because I spent way too many hours on it (135) and it was a great amazing game that I loved and enjoy talking about but would not replay because it’s just so long and I’m not quite sure what would be different on  replay. Also I’m sad that you can’t date the boys because I love them. They are good beans. Either way though I’d recommend it if you haven’t played before and it was very fun, and still one of the best games of 2020.
If you want me to talk about any of these games in more depth instead of just a short review tell me!!!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Racist mom tries to bribe son to dump me, I gain power over everything she cares about.
This is gonna be a LONG post lol, may have gotten exact timing sequences out of order.
Met a guy that we had mutual friends with and invited him to hang out with my friends and do fun stuff. Later learned he was not even allowed to hang out with my crowd cuz his mother was the very strict and hypocritical sort who thought everyone else was inferior to her precious kids. Guy was telling them he was doing work or something. Eventually he told them he wanted to date me and they flipped. The dad doesn’t have much say in the house and the mom (EM) was livid.
You know how Amish people don’t like rock and “sinful” music? Or females that wear shorts and tanks? Yuuup basically her. She went through my social medias and literally compiled and printed out giant lists of every country song I’d ever posted or concert I’d been to or clothing she thought was too provocative along and gave it to the pastors at both of our churches. EP called MY mom at 2am a couple times to rant and rave about “how could she let her daughter do such sinful things and flirt with boys yada yada yada”. She made racist remarks to Guy (I’m a super cute half Asian half messican, and all of his family is pale white golden haired angels) and even asked him if I’d molested him (I’m 5’ 2” and he’s literally a foot taller than me) and if that’s why he wanted to date and marry me. He was still at home and they went on a family trip to Colorado. Or as it turned out to be an exorcism style prayer meeting over Guy because EM just knows there must be a demon or something wrong with him. Oh and this was only within a span of a few months while he saved up to move the hell out.
Nope not over yet. EM then was harassing his work, his new church pastors (mine), his friends, got one of his business partners to leave him with lies that Guy is “bipolar” and “Schizophrenic”, thankfully most of the people had our back and we had some good laughs over what outrageous things they told us. Even driving an hour and a half to his apartment (I know dumb move to let them know where he moved to), in the middle of the night a couple times to harass and berate him and blubber about how everyone would judge her and how her reputation was going to suffer and church standing, she even dragged his two younger siblings into it all and told him they were heartbroken that he moved out and all the reasons he needed to move back home. Cue even more fun, one night he was just done so when they showed up to again try and bully him into moving back home or at least dumping me, he just up and left. Got in his mini and drove away. AND THEY FOLLOWED HIM. Unbelievable right? He used to race his mini so he lost them pretty quickly and booked it over to where I lived and spent the night there. I know, why not call the cops right? Well there was no physical damage or threats thereof. Yes she’s been verbally and borderline physically abusive to him growing up, think patriarchy super conservatives but it’s a matriarchy. At one point EM asked Guy what it would take for him to dump me, what amount of money could she pay him (Guys dad makes buttloads of moola, yeah those kind of people) to get me out of his life and for him to move back home. SHE TRIED TO BRIBE HIM TO LEAVE ME. She’d threatened to disown him and all the typical rich EP stuff before and knew he didn’t care. EM even called all his guy friends and asked if Guy has ever had any “homosexual” tendencies etc. Next month Guy proposed, and EM was SO MAD that she heard about it for the first time from a mutual friend congratulating her on the upcoming wedding! So of course she calls all the pastors and REEEEs about how we’ve been living in sin (kicker, we hadn’t even done the dirty dance but she didn’t bother asking) and telling everyone that they shouldn’t attend the wedding etc. Yea call us prudes :p EM also printed out all the reasons why I wasn’t good enough for her son and handed those out like candy to church leaders. Then when that had no effect she switched tactics and did the same thing with all her reasons why he was immature and shouldn’t get married and should move back home and be parented. Still no effect, except my dad at a huge meeting where she tried to distribute those, gathered them all back up and handed them to her and told her to stop slandering us and said how ungodly that was. And she stood there baffled and all the other people present agreed with my dad and told her to put those papers away. EMs exact words “but but I thought the very reason everyone is here is to show Guy why he needs to leave that girl and move back home!” I couldn’t help a giggle and a few other people couldn’t either. That meeting is a whole nother story, it was hilarious.
Where is the revenge you ask? Well all that was just the tip of the iceberg of course, but the revenge has been pretty simple. Spend a few obvious nights (SLEEPING ONLY) at his place, just to trigger her, but ofc our pastors and friends knew we’d committed to abstinence our entire lives up to the wedding (hella yea wedding night was killer) and other things like that to get under her skin but nothing that anyone else thought was bad. Very publicly plan and execute a HUGE wedding (over 500 people) and tell everyone about how our relationship is so beautiful and holy and how Gods destiny brought us together yada yada. She made a couple extra hoops for our pastors but we jumped through them with flying colors and everyone except her thought we were the cutest most Christian kosher thing. So basically to save face she had to fake smile and accept all the congratulations and be secretly embarrassed that we didn’t invite her to the wedding showers (she said she never wanted to see me and wouldn’t go to the wedding) and made excuses as to why she hadn’t gone, EM couldn’t tell her friends that we hadn’t invited her now could she? She went after the best man too and he almost decided against being the best man she was such a hassle and he was a pushover, but I told him the best passive way to deal with her is tell her that he wants to be there for his friend and how could she argue with that? She didn’t. But of course, what’s better than forcing her to attend the wedding but not allowing her to ruin it? Extremely petty I know, but I’m a drama llama and have enjoyed 98% of all this. I of course get ahold of EMs own mom and get to know her and she’s very sweet and loves me to death, along with Guys siblings and his dad, as many of EMs own friends and their families etc. So everyone loves me and when we invite them all to the wedding, they strong arm her into coming. I have my cop friends who have been having a heyday hearing about all this drama coming in for the wedding, one of them I make my MC so if she tried anything, not only would they take care of her swiftly, but she would also deeply embarrass herself because there was no denying that there were 500+ people there who loved Guy and I, including a lot of her friends. The ceremony was great, went off without a hitch, oh wait... I am not a bridezilla so if anything went wrong it was fine and the drama was cracking me up, I was a little disappointed she didn’t try anything drastic, but I could see on her face the entire time that EMs smile was sooo fake, and I got reports that she was seen crying outside later. Watching people congratulate her was priceless. When my own friends congratulated her a few of them later told me that she seemed surprised that I had any “respectable” friends (her literal words) who thought well of me. And no I’d arranged her to be only in one photo so she couldn’t ruin any others.
Oh and our wedding day was only the 3rd time she’d ever set eyes on me. She was against me from the start for almost a year without ever having spoken a word or ever seen me in person. Take that EM. To this day I have no idea what was her real beef with me. Happy ending: now that I provided the first grandkids, to my chagrin they’re like baby Targaryens they’re so white, and of course she’s too “young” to be a grandma so she’s called “nana”, but we laid down ground rules and she knows we will ostracize her at the drop of a hat, and she has kissed butt so hard and to her credit done her best to mend everything without ever really actually mentioning any of it. It’s great. We have holidays and fun visits in between and she showers us with super expensive gifts and will drop everything possible to help if we need anything. I think we’re friends now. One day I think she might bring it all up and try and play the victim, idk, but she’ll be hit with a carefully detailed account of everything that went down, in case her memory “fails” her. I can forgive but I’ll never forget, after all, I got my delicious revenge. Power over everything she holds dear and the evidence to expose whatever she hasn’t already done by her own dumb self and absolutely ruin her reputation and community and church standing. I feel really good right now
TLDR entitles mom wants to be petty about me dating her son so I take petty to another universe levels and crush her with epicc facts and logic and hold all the cards to ruin her life now
(source) story by (/u/cyborgurl)
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Survey #423
“i won’t think about you when i’m older  /  ‘cuz we never really had our closure”
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets? Neither. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? No. Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? My late grandmother's husband stayed overnight when he was driving from New York to Florida or the other way around, idr. How many long term relationships have you been in? Two. Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? My snake's heat lamp stays on. Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done? My dad. Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? I don't think I've even heard one of her songs. Do you know your blood type? A-. Do you know your mother’s birthday? Yes. Have you got your period at the moment? I haven't had my period since I started TMS. It's honestly so fucking frustrating that it obviously had an effect on my body, but not my depression. I've officially finished TMS as of a few days ago and now I just feel so void of hope. Have you ever been pregnant? No. How old were you when you first went on a plane? Idr, I was a little kid. Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything? Not me personally, but my parents have for my education that I threw away. Are both of your blood parents still in your life? Yes. I don't see my dad a lot, but he's still in my life regardless. When was the last time you went apple picking? I’ve never been. Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? Happiness. Have you ever been drunk at school or work? I have not. How many bedrooms are in your house? Three. Are you smart about computers? Not really, no. Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii? Yes. My sister loved them, so we have a few. Do you own a Xbox 360? No. I'm a PlayStation girl. Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars? No. I'd be mortified. So, do you need a nap? I really should take one. I slept like... maybe three hours last night. I was up most of the night having a fucking life crisis. What would you rather be doing? Something fun. What sport are you the best at? I haven't touched any sort of sport since I was a teenager. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yeah, Nicole. Do you complain a lot? Kind of, but I generally try to keep it in surveys nowadays. I'm just tired of shit. Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple? Ohhh, tough pick, but I've gotta say the ancient temple. Do you like fruity or minty gum? Both, really. Are you looking forward to any day of this month? Well July is practically over, so I'll answer for August. I'm looking forward to my nephew's birthday. Have you ever gotten detention? A few times for getting too many morning tardies in high school. Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life? Definitely. Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? The latter. Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently? Powerwolf did recently. Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? I could write a college-length essay on why meerkats do not make good pets whatsoever. Do fucking not get one. I can barely fathom how it's legal in some countries. Ever cried so much you threw up? No, but I've gagged. Who is your best guy friend? Girt. What do you two do when you hang out? Mostly just watch TV and play board games. What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving? I dunno, really. Do you even like horror movies? I love horror movies. Do you live in the country? I wish I still did. :/ Me and Mom hate hate hate living in these suburbs. What is your favorite accent? British. Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? No. Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Pepsi is gross. What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday? I was literally in the psych hospital for my 21st birthday lmao. It's kind of a painful memory, but I also won't forget the love and kindness people showed me. I especially remember the friend I made there getting the lunch lady to literally go and buy me a slice of cake. Everyone also sang happy birthday to me and gaaaah I'm getting emotional. Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? That was my dad's drink of choice when he drank. Do you take a lot of pictures? Unless I have my camera and am somewhere pretty, no. What kind of face wash do you use? Water, lol. Does drama always seem to follow you? Nah. Does anybody in your family race? No. Are you closer to your mom or dad? My mom. How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?” Uhhh... I want to say $2 or something? I might be way off, idr. How long do you want to live with your parents? I WISH I could have moved out with an s/o already, but that's just not how life's worked out. Do you have a laptop or desktop? I have a laptop. Do you like your parents? I love them. Do you secretly like someone? It's not a secret, no. Would you ever date your best male friend? Tried that once and it didn't work out. I liked him more as like a brother. What are you currently listening to? "Better Than Me" by Hinder. I really need to turn it off, but I can't make myself. Do you want to be single? I really wish I had a partner to love and motivate me to strive to do better, but I know it's better I'm single right now. I'd just relive the Jason situation, I'm sure. I'd just drag the person down and lose them. Did you go out or stay in last night? I'm almost always at my fucking house not doing shit, so. Have you pretended to like someone? No, that sounds pretty stupid... How is your heart lately? Hurting. A lot. Are you wearing socks? I hate wearing socks and I'm in bed anyway, so no. What do people call you? Britt, mostly. Do you get stressed out easily? VERY. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? No. What is wrong with you right now? Where the hell to begin. Do you own something from Hot Topic? A lot. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? With someone, so long as the bed is big enough to comfortably fit two of us. Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No. I'm certain he wants nothing to do with me. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Sadly. Did you get any compliments today? Definitely not. I look and feel like a wreck right about now. There's nothing to praise me about. Have you ever gone to a beach? Many times. What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? Unless it was an edible, no. I'd do almost anything to try and make me feel better right now, even if just for a little while, but I'm unwilling to smoke anything. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? HELL no. Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Honestly, no. Do you have long nails? No; I never do because I have an awful habit of picking at them. Do you like the gender you are? I don't like or dislike it, honestly. I'm just neutral. Do you generally look nice in photos? HA. Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet? No. What colour are your father’s eyes? They're dark brown. If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? Ozzy, duh. Name three facts about your family? We're very, very spread out geographically, some of us (in other words, me) are emotionally distant, and uh... idk. Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? Only if it was a certain person, our lives were more on track, and we were making plans for either of us to move soon. What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received? Probably this really long letter my mom wrote for me on my bday a couple years ago. What’s your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate. Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? I played the flute for many years, all through middle school and through much of high school. Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? Carve pumpkins, for sure. Do you think you’re important? I don't fucking know. Probably not. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Idk. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? *hands over thick book* Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new? No. Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? No. My hands are way, way too shaky to ever accomplish that. Are you more of a leader or a follower? Definitely a follower, but I can step up in certain situations. What was the first thing you ate today? Well, I was seriously depression-eating last night, way past midnight, and had a peanut butter sandwich. If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like? LET'S NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT RIGHT NOW. If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out? "Falling apart." I've lost direction, motivation, strength, hope, just everything. What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do? I need a fucking shower so bad that it's embarrassing. I just can't move. I have no energy, emotionally or physically. I just can't make myself do it. Is there anything that you wish you could take back? So, so badly. What, in your mind, could make you truly happy? Actually reaching goals. Losing weight. Healing my legs. Knowing with certainty that I wasn't emotionally abusive to Jason. Moving out of this town and back into the country. Financial stability. A job I thoroughly enjoy. I could go on, but let's not. If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference? God, let me take back shit I said in that fucking letter to you-know-who. It's so hard to believe I once thought it perfectly justified and realistic. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I don't have any plans of changing the style in the foreseeable future. I want to color it BADLY. To just SOMETHING. Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow? I'm like, a lightning-fast typist. Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’ No; my best friend in HS was, though. Her GPA was fucking insane. I was in the top percentile, though, so I was up there. What the hell happened to that girl. How many drugs are in your system? If we're including prescriptions, a whole hell of a lot. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? Jack shit. Like usual. Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body? No. Do you call anyone baby? Excluding my pets, no. What’s your current mood? lol if you've gotten this far reading, you can make an educated guess. Do you think you are a good person? Bro I just don't know. What were you doing before filling out this survey? I was playing WoW. How late did you stay up last night? Like, 4:30 or so. When was the last time you cried really hard? I wanna say like a week ago? Is your hair longer than your shoulders? No. It still badly needs a trim, though.
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bthenoise · 4 years
Prom Stories: Here’s 14 Tales Of The Dance Floor From Some Of Your Favorite Bands
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With this year’s prom most likely cancelled for all high schoolers across the nation (super sad, we know), we didn’t want to leave you in dark for what can be a pretty memorable night -- both good and bad.
So, in an attempt to help you both experience prom and also realize that missing it might not be the end of the world after all, we’ve collected some pretty interesting stories from some of your favorite bands.  
To check out how members of This Wild Life, Grayscale, Beach Bunny, Broadside and more spent their "My Chemical Slow Dance,” be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to enjoy our prom-inspired playlist here. 
Kevin Jordan - This Wild Life
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I was too nervous to ask a girl to prom so instead I made a huge banner and hung it on the side of the tallest building at our school that said, “Ashley Debry, Prom? - Kevin Jordan.” She was the cheerleader captain and proceeded to break her shoulder and arm tumbling or some shit but she was a good sport and attended in a lace-adorned sling. It went better than my buddy Kris though, his Ford Falcon’s hood flew up on the freeway on the way there and he couldn’t see the road. Had to pull over and [his date] asked to go home.
Lili Trifilio - Beach Bunny
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I went to prom like five times because I was obsessed with school dances but nothing beats the time my date ditched me, made me buy him Chipotle, then tried to hang out again later. This guy was different from the rest of my prom dates because I was secretly in love with him. He accepted my invite but then “forgot” to pick me up so my dad had to bring me to the photo portion, which was super embarrassing and a bad start to the night. Then, when the slow song came on at the dance, I was like “Yes, this is my shot!” When he approached me, I assumed he was going to ask me to dance. Instead he told me he was gonna leave with this other girl and left me in complete shock. Luckily, one of my guy friends saw me crying and asked me to dance so that I wouldn’t be a complete mess. Then, this boy has the audacity to text me in the morning asking me to see his new motorcycle?! Keep in mind, we were all in the same friend group and hung out every weekend but after that night I never talked to him again -- at the time, I didn’t know this, but he sure as hell didn’t deserve me and I definitely dodged a bullet.
Nick Ventimiglia - Grayscale 
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To be honest, none of us in Grayscale ever went to prom. BUT I did go to a few homecomings. I actually won homecoming prince in 10th grade and then homecoming king my senior year. Here’s the catch: I went to private school and there was only like 36 kids in my graduating class, so what can you do? One time that actually sticks out was when I went to my girlfriend’s (at the time) snow-coming, which is essentially a winter version of homecoming. She actually won queen for her class and they didn’t end up nominating anyone for king of her grade, so by default, I won king of her class. I didn’t even go to her school. I was just on stage, with a sash, standing there smiling and it rocked. Come to find out, they cut me out of the yearbook because I didn’t go to the school, so I have no hard evidence. Here are some songs from 2007 that we most likely danced our asses off to while we were buzzing off trash Burnetts Vodka: T.I. - “You Know What It Is” Soulja Boy - “Crank That” Bird Man, Lil Wayne - “Pop Bottles” Fabolous, T-Pain - “Baby Don’t Go” 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland - “Ayo Technology” Unk, OutKast, Jim Jones - “Walk It Out” Shop Boyz - “Party Like A Rock Star” DJ Khaled, Akon, T.I. - “We Takin’ Over” Kanye West - “Good Life” Playa Circle, Lil Wayne - “Duffle Bag Boy”
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Ollie Baxxter
My prom coincided with my first real breakup. One week before we were meant to go together my date/girlfriend bailed. I was working two jobs at the time and already rented my tux so I just decided to go with my group of friends as the “solo heartbroken guy at prom.” When I got to the dance, the music was terrible and either my loneliness consumed me or I was just a horny teenager but all my classmates looked beautiful. Eventually my ex showed up with a mutual friend and my friend group tried their best to keep me distracted but eventually we met face to face in a hallway on the way to the bathroom. She went to say something and I think I just tried my best to hold back the shame and tears. I left the prom and spent the rest of the night skating with my friends in a parking lot somewhere. Being young is hard. 
Jeff Nichols
I only went to prom one year when I was in high school. I was a sophomore and my girlfriend at the time was a junior. I wore a tux with an all-white jacket and my date wore an all-white dress to match. I don’t remember too much since it’s been awhile but I remember it was like an “Under the Sea” type theme, which a lot of us thought was lame but we all still felt like we had to go. We danced some but all ended up leaving early to go bowling then hit Waffle House after. I only went to prom once and I don’t really regret missing the other years. During this time of quarantine, it is sad that a lot of kids don’t get the experience their prom due to closures but if you spend a bunch of money renting an outfit then take a bunch of awkward photos and dance to “Cupid Shuffle” or whatever the equivalent would be now, you pretty much got the main experience of prom. 
Dom Reid
My prom night was lackluster, to say the least. I think the new Alice In Wonderland movie had recently come out so that was our “theme” for decorations and what that turned out to be was like a large poster a student had made outside in the hall and then absolutely no decorations inside. I was one of those kids who dated a girl from a different school so it was nice to finally prove she was real. The dance floor was ruled by Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas but someone did manage to get 30 seconds of “Downfall Of Us All” by A Day To Remember played. My date and I left early, grabbed some sushi on the way home. My life truthfully would be the same if I never went to prom. I do feel bad for the kids who don’t at least have the option to go to theirs this year, but I’m sure after a night of recreating TikTok dances in their bedroom, they will be just as fulfilled. 
Pat Diaz
I went to prom my junior and senior years, both with the same girl. From what I can remember (because my memory is horrendous, not because I was on the juice), it wasn’t all that fun. Senior year, I was basically stuck in a relationship (for reasons I won’t discuss) and really didn’t want to be there. The highlight of my night was getting breakfast at Perkins at 3:30am. Society puts so much unnecessary significance on prom for no reason other than “if you wanna be cool and fit in.” Sure, you’ll be bummed it’s not happening but I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine knowing that you’re not missing much. If you really want the “prom experience”, drink an energy drink, put on some music and start dancing in your room until 2am then go get McDonalds or something. Same same.
The Wrecks
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Nick Anderson 
I showed up to prom pictures late because I was playing a show with my high school cover band. I wore my white prom tux on stage during the performance because I literally didn't have time to get changed before racing over to where the pictures were being taken. My date was very unhappy but the disappointment did not end there. Because of the rush, I didn't have time to eat dinner. So on the way to prom, I made my prom date pull her 2005 Volkswagen Beetle through the Burger King drive-thru so I could enjoy a Double STACKER KING with extra bacon. She stood outside of prom for 15 minutes while I ate fast food off the hood of her car. We didn't hang out much after prom. 
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Aaron Kelley 
Nothing classier than a tuxedo t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a DeLorean. I’m sorry for everyone who missed their prom this year but I promise you there’ll be many more opportunities for you to have a tuxedo t-shirt night. <3 
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Jade Castello - Picturesque
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It’s been a year or two since I was in high school but I went to a couple different proms throughout my high school years with my previous girlfriend(s). If my memory serves me correctly, the radio hits at the time were artists such as Jason Derulo and Panic! at the Disco. I might not have won prom king but I did close out the night of my senior prom with a dance-off competition by busting out a backflip to “Let’s Go” by Trick Daddy. Everyone jumping up and down chanting my name was something straight out of a movie ha. Prom was a great experience but missing out on that night isn’t the end of the world. Once we’ve all moved on from high school, you’ll realize that one night doesn’t define your “high school experience.” You have much more to offer this world than how sick you were back in high school.
Nick Zawisa - Breakup Shoes
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Senior prom… what a trip. The year was 2014: I was wearing a three-piece suit in like 95 degree weather (cuz, you know, Arizona) driving my Hyundai into downtown Phoenix with one of my best friends (still to this day!)… and I’ve gotta say, that’s about all I remember. I had always thought prom would be this extraordinary experience like how it’s romanticized in the movies but it turned out to just be an awkward ballroom packed with sweaty people I don't even like trying to dance in heels or suits to the all-time worst playlist of 2010s pop music. All that to say, my feelings on the night could be summed up into “Prom: an experience to forget.”
Dead Lakes
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Cody Hurd
For me, prom was pretty overrated. I was voted prom king, but to be fair, our class only had like 70 people in it voting. I had to awkwardly go on stage and accept my royalty with people I didn't really know because my date was unfortunately not voted prom queen. The rest of the prom I basically spent sitting at a table waiting to just hang out with my friends afterwards. So [if you’re missing prom this year], just spend a night dressing up and FaceTime with your friends. Have some “non-alcoholic” drinks (responsibly of course) and blast some music and dance your hearts out. You won't miss a thing.
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Chon Adam
Man, I haven’t thought about prom since basically when it happened. We had our prom at the Space Needle in Seattle with Drake playin’ in the background. Half the people were way too into prom and the other half didn’t care at all. I was definitely in the latter category, so I didn’t have a great time. But most people don’t go to prom to have fun at prom. They go to kick it at parties afterward. Definitely not something that even remotely defined that year for me. So if you’re missing it this year, I promise you you’ll be alright!
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House & Home
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Joey went to prom and ended up talking to the teachers more than the students. The best part was for sure watching the wrestling coach absolutely lose it to a Vanilla Ice song. Pat went his junior year and decided to sit out his senior year. The best prom related memory from his high school career was when he played the afterparty with his high school band at Dave and Buster’s. Prom was never really anything any of us really looked forward to or made a big deal of much in high school. It’s always fun to look back at the memories, though.
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