#crying and panicking cause a stranger yelled at me
iesuroo · 1 year
Moving away from my family and then coming back for my nephew's wedding is so painful because now that I've been gone for a year I really do feel like an outsider. All my life I've felt like that in my family, I'm adopted and have always felt like a burden. My mom blood wise is technically my aunt and they were the only ones who could take me in. When they got me both parents were going through a midlife crisis so my sister and her husband had to take care of me and they are very toxic abusive people. Let me put it this way when they took care of me I was angry and mean little child and when my mom took over I became a sweet little crybaby because I wasn't getting beat up all the time.
All my life I've been neglected and just pushed off to people. My bio parents for the first 6 months they had me never picked me up or did nothing with me and I was half dead and filthy when my adopted parents got me. So you see why they had to take me in. I know they have love for me in there own toxic way but let me put it this way.
There wasn't a table for me at the wedding
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websterss · 1 year
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REQUEST: I have a really good fic idea! would u mind taking mine? If you have watched the Netflix series “you” then this request might seem familiar. Basically Ethan is about to stab Y/n but she quickly says she is pregnant then you can do whatever you want to.
WARNING(S): angst, mentions of dying, mentions of pregnancy, 
PAIRING: Ethan Landry x fem!Reader    
A/N: Hope you enjoy it love! Feedback is always welcomed!
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Fear struck every part of your body as you ran for your life. The old shrine of Ghostface trinkets and souvenirs like knives and wardrobes mocked you as you ran by the mannequins and display cases. You wouldn’t have imagined you’d be right where you were on this unlucky day. What should have been a fresh start after being almost butchered by Amber and Sam’s boyfriend Richie, well you didn’t expect to fight for your life once again, especially while at college.
You wanted a new year, a chance to leave all that was, behind you and move forward with your head held high. You wanted to fall in love…which you had. Now even that was ruined as you ran from the one person you let in. Someone you let love and cherish you in any way possible. Let him put you back together only to break you in pieces all over again. It just didn’t seem fair.
You yell out, panicking as you felt him grab you. You squirmed and wiggled in his grasp, kicking your feet out in the air as he lifted you up slightly then slammed you harshly on the ground. You gasp for air as you grow winded from the impact your back endured. You shake your head as the man you once knew became a stranger to you in mere seconds. You were scared as he stares down at you with a crazed look.
“No!” You scream as you push against his chest. “Ethan no, please!” You rasp out. Tears blind sight you, causing your vision to be blurry.
He smirks lifting a knife above you. “Remember this?” He asks. “My dad got a hold of your file you know. I knew the second I read about you that I wanted to get to know you.” He reached down and brushed some stray hairs away from your hot and sweaty forehead. Your chest rises and falls rapidly. “You were stabbed right here…” He lifts the hem of your shirt, tapping against the scar you received. “With a blade, three times might I add. God the picture they took looked nasty, but boy am I a sucker for recreations.” He chuckles darkly. “What’s three more times huh?” He goes to move the knife closer to your side.
You start to panic again as he moves his right arm to the side, getting ready to drive it past your first layer of skin. You cry holding your hands out, hoping that would be enough to stop him from hurting you physically. You were emotionally damaged by this point. “Ethan stop! Stop, stop! Stop!”
“This is for Richie, for your bitch of friend Sam for killing him! For ruining our lives!” He exclaims harshly at you. You wince, then immediately blurt out the one thing you have been excited to tell him, yet scared to do. Now it just made this whole situation worse.
“Ethan-“ You cry out.
“I should have killed you-“
“I’m pregnant!” You yell out. Your head thumping back against the hard floor. Your hands gravitate towards your stomach holding it protectively. Your face was scrunched with how hard you cried. It hurt, everything just hurt. Ethan's hands freeze in midair. Dumbfounded by your confession. “Stop, stop, stop. I-I’m pregnant!”
“You’re fucking lying!” He accuses you.
“I-I’m not…I’m not I promise!” You shake your head. “Please! Please I’m pregnant!” One hand remains on your stomach while your left hand tiredly falls limp to your side. You relax back onto the floor, waiting for the inevitable to come. Waiting to meet your end at the hands of the man you grew to love with your whole heart.
“Look at me,” Ethan instructs you to do. Your eyes open up slowly. The life drained from them as you stare up at him. The fight in you was gone. You didn’t wanna keep doing this anymore. “No, I–“ He shakes his head. He can’t wrap his head around it. His brows burrow in confusion. “Y-You’re lying!” He tears up.
“I promise you…” Another tear slips down your cheek. “I promise. I wanted to tell you…but everything turned to shit. I didn’t think you’d be one of them…” You sniffle. “It was a little over two weeks before we attended the Halloween party. You took us to your dorm.” You watch his face relax as he remembers. “I-I didn’t get my period at the time of the party when I should have…so I took a test. Three actually. All positive….” You begin to whimper as you look at the knife he’s lost his grip on. “You can go ahead and kill me if that’s what you want, I won’t be mad at you.” You offer a sad smile. “But I would’ve really liked the idea of us raising a kid together. I wanted a future you with you. I still do surprisingly.” You nod sure of yourself. “I-I won’t be mad. I’m at peace with my thoughts of you Ethan.” Ethan watched as your right hand slid down to your side this time. “M-My life rests in your hands now…”
The faint scream of the rest of the party echoed throughout the theater. He lifts his head looks around then drags you up into a sitting position with him.
“I’m gonna hide you.” He says more to himself than you as he helps you to your feet. It doesn’t take him long until he’s dragging you past the display cases. Pushing past the large screen protector sheet. You stumble over your feet trying to keep up with his pace.
“Ethan, what are you doing?” You ask him. Your head falls past your shoulder to glance behind you. You look forward again and collide into his back, you huff then feel yourself being dragged into a dark supply closet.
“Hiding you!” Ethan shuts the door behind you. The two of you are enveloped by darkness. The only light coming from the bottom of the door. Your breath hitches as a shadow moves past the door. You remain still as Ethan slowly reaches out for you. You still have your fingers looking around his own as you shift closer to each other.
You swallow your salvia down nervously as his hands shift up your arms to hold the sides of your face. Your breath shudders feeling him caress your skin slowly with his thumbs. You close your eyes as you lean into his touch. You open them back up, seeing a very faint outline of his face but the room was too dark, and turning on the light would be too risky. You had to rely on your sense of touch for now.
“Stay…” You quietly plead. “Just stay. Don’t go back out there.” You slide your hands up his arms now.
“I can’t…My dad, Quinn, they’ll know somethings up.” Ethan shakes his head even though you can’t see him do so. He leans forward and presses his head against yours. “I need you to stay in here okay? Don’t come out no matter what.”
“No–“ You begin to reject the idea.
“You need to stay.”
“No, you need to stay. Just stay.” You do your best to muffle your cries. “I have this feeling. I just feel it, okay! Once you step out the door, you won’t come back. I need you! Don’t leave me!” You breathe out harshly. “Please…” You whimper as he presses his lips to yours. You instantly move yours against his. Wanting to savor the touch of him, the feel of his skin against your fingertips, the way his hands held you with such care. You wanted it all to last, but when did anything good in your life ever truly last? The harsh reality was that it didn’t. Everything was always too good to be true. “Ethan no…” You pull away, crying out quietly. You wrap your hands around his neck, bringing his head down to touch yours.
“I’ll be back.”
“No, you won’t.” You try to control your heavy breathing.
“I will. You wanna know how I know I will.” You nod an answer. “Cause you given me something to want to stay alive for.” You feel his hands slide over your stomach. “I’m gonna be right back.” He whispers sweetly to you.
“They’re gonna kill you.” You voice your thoughts.
“Not unless I help Sam kill my dad.”
“She’ll still kill you. You stabbed Chad.” You remind him.
“Not anywhere serious. I didn’t hit any arteries or veins. He’s gonna be fine.” He brushed the thought off.
“You– You knew where to stab him?” Your voice goes quiet but sounds incredulous.
“I knew how to make you unconscious at the apartment…S’not important.” He winces, regretting opening his mouth.
“What the fuck Ethan!” You slap him over his shoulder. Your heart weighed down heavily. “God Anika…She didn’t deserve-“ You choke up, cutting yourself off. “What the fuck Ethan.”
“Nothing will fix what I’ve done okay? But I can make things right by saving them. It’s the least I can do now.” He sighs. “Just stay here. Do not come out!” He says firmly.
“If you don’t come back I’m gonna kill you…” Your empty threat makes him chuckle solemnly.
“See you in a bit okay.”
“Ethan.” Your voice trembles.
“I’ll be back. Promise.” He leans in after feeling for your cheek again with his hands and leaves a kiss on your skin sweetly. He slowly opens the door. The faint light entered through, casting a yellow highlight on his face. You catch his warm eyes for a second. He drinks in all the little details and characteristics that make you who you are. That makes him love you wholeheartedly. “I love you.” He offers a sad smile then slips past the open gap. The soft click of the door closing behind him felt like a gunshot to the chest. You just knew. You knew…he wouldn’t be coming back.
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only10th · 6 months
Todays thoughts!
Wangxian meeting at the mall, single mom wwx shopping for some clothes with his little radish.
Wei Ying had gone to the mall cause he needed to buy a nice outfit for a date he did not want to go to, but of course his shijie was the one to set it up for him. Something about being time for him to put himself out there, find someone to take care of him as much as he takes care of his son. He, of course, insisted that he was fine fairing on his own. If anything, the reason why Wei Ying didn't want to date at all is more of finding someone that would put the same love and dedication to A-Yuan as he does.
And he knows, from experience, that's hard if not impossible to find.
So cut to a very stressed and distracted Wei Ying looking through clothes while his son played hide and seek in the racks of clothes. He'd been making sure to see A-Yuan popping his head out through the clothesline with a bright smile that matches his own, every so often calling out to him if he noticed he was taking too long to pop out. At least one of them was having fun. This was the third clothing store he visited, and the frustration of not finding anything remotely nice, or something that matched his style, was taking its toll. At the end, he sighs with exasperation. He'll just have to call his sister and tell her that he's sick, or something.
"A-Yuan, come out. We're leaving." There's no response, "A-Yuan, did you hear me?"
His brows dip with concern, it did get too quiet at some point. The giggling and the scraping of the hangers had come to a stop without him noticing. "Mister, if you're playing a joke on your poor A-Niang we won't get ice cream." He mumbles as he looks through the rack, moving the clothes around in mild panic. A-Yuan is nowhere to be found.
Wei Ying is practically panicking at this point, frantically searching for his son, practically yelling his name. He's on the verge of tears as he passes the rows and rows of racks and fixtures. All logic and reason are thrown out the window. There's no way.. there's no way he lost A-Yuan. He's always paid attention, always told him to stay by his side no matter what. What the hell is he going to do? The worst scenarios start crossing through his mind, but he keeps searching. A-Yuan knows to stay put if he ever gets separated from Wei Ying, he knows to not talk to strangers but he's only a toddler. Anything can happen.
“A-Yuan! Where are you?!” Wei Ying calls as he jogs through the store.
Cut to A-Yuan staring wide eye at a tall guy with honey eyes. They're both having a staring contest at this point. That’s not his A-Nian, A-Yuan thinks to himself.
"Hello?" Lan Zhan says with caution. When did this child get here?
The child pursed his lips, slowly retreating into the rack with blue sweaters he was browsing through. "I-I’m not supposed to talk to strangers."
Lan Zhan blinks, staying quiet before nodding in approval. The toddler's parents are smart. He should probably alert security, he looks around in search of security or a staff member. As soon as he spots someone, he starts to walk away to try and get their attention but a small hand takes a tight grip on his light cream trousers.
"W-Wait! Mister— My a-niang told me to stay put if I ever get separated... A-niang will find me soon. Please, don't go."
Scared pleading eyes stare at him, the man seems to think through it for a moment. The smart thing to do would be to report the missing child. But at the same time, he's not sure how he would handle the situation if the toddler were to start crying.
"Alright.” He agrees with a nod. Though, the toddler doesn't let go of his trousers for a moment. At least he looks somewhat more calm. "We'll wait for your mother together."
Not a moment later, Wei Ying runs past them, yelling A-Yuan's name. At first, Lan Zhan looks at him with confusion. The child didn't say anything about his dad looking for him, so instinctively he shields and conceals the toddler. You can never be too safe, he knows people can put any sort of act just to take a child away. However, the toddler scrambled past Lan Zhan's legs and shouts, “A-Niang!"
Wei Ying skids to a stop, whipping his head towards the sound of his son's voice. Relief floods through his body as he falls to his knees and hugs his toddler, so glad that he's safe and sound. At first he doesn't notice the man who had stayed with his son because he's too busy peppering kisses to A-Yuan's chubby cheeks and mumbling "Don't ever scare me like that again!" And “We've talked about this, don't leave my side."
While this exchange is happening, Lan Zhan Is just thinking. The man... that drop dead gorgeous man was the toddler's mother?
A-Yuan clings to Wei Ying's neck, rubbing his face on his cheek, “A-Yuan is sorry, A-niang. Please don't be mad."
The puppy eyes win Wei Ying over and he can't be mad anymore. Silver eyes quickly scan his child, making sure there’s no injuries. He hugs his little radish once more, only then is when he notices the man watching the whole scene, and he can tell he's kinda not knowing what to do with himself.
"Um... can I help you?" Wei Ying asks a little defensive while hugging his son closer.
Before the man can utter an answer, A-Yuan beams with excitement. “That gege helped A-Yuan wait for A-niang!"
“Oh. Is that so?" He says, silver eyes softening and shoulders letting the tension leave.
"Mn. My name is Lan Zhan." He introduced himself and woah, how could Wei Ying not notice how handsome this man was.
“Thank you, Lan Zhan, for keeping an eye on my son. I really don't know how to repay you…”
"A-niang, is this the gege you're meeting later?" The toddler looked at Lan Zhan with hopeful eyes. "Gege taking my a-niang to dinner?"
Wei Ying quickly gets all embarrassed, cheeks flushed red like the ribbon holding his long hair in a ponytail. “Aiya, aiya! Stop bothering the nice gege! I'm sure he has many things to do."
"But!” A-Yuan begins to protest with a pout.
"No buts." Wei Ying picks A-Yuan in his arms, letting some of his weight rest on his hip. Silver eyes meet honey ones. “Thank you, again. I-I gotta get going."
And Lan Zhan can only watch the pair walking away, saying something about "I told you to call me a-niang at home and baba out here." And "I'm never leaving you out of my sight again. You gave me a heart attack.”
He’s sure he hears the child, A-Yuan, mumble “But I like that gege…”
Lan Zhan turns around, shaking his head before continuing his shopping. His chest aches a bit cause he just met the most beautiful man he has ever laid eyes on... It's childish, but he can't help but quietly sulk because he was in fact thinking of asking him out but... it looks like someone had beaten him to it. Wait, he didn't even get his name. He sulks even more.
Back in Wei Ying's home, he was getting ready for his date. It shouldn't be too late to cancel, right?
“You look dashing!” His sister compliments with a soft clap. “Come now, don’t make that face.”
“Jie, I don’t know this man… What if he doesn’t like A-Yuan? What if he’s secretly an asshole?” Anxiety was clear in his voice, though it was quickly soothed when Jiang Yanli walked over and fixed the collar of his burgundy button up.
“You doubt your A-Jie will pick a good man for you?” She teases with a thin eyebrow raising in question.
“Not you… I don’t trust A-Sang.” He side-eyes his friend, who is sitting on the couch making faces to his baby nephew. “Are you sure it’s not too late to cancel?”
“A-Ying, you need this. I promise it’ll be good for you.” His sister reassures, gently patting his shoulders. She smiles softly at her younger brother. “I want you to be happy.”
“I am happy.” He reassures her
She chuckles, patting the top of his hand. “You know what I mean. YingYing, are you sure you don’t want me to watch over A-Yuan?”
“Nuh-huh, if I’m meeting this guy then he’s meeting a-yuan too. If he doesn’t love him then I won’t even give him a chance!”
“I’ve made up my mind, Jie. Now, tell me A-Yuan doesn’t look like the most adorable gentleman you’ve ever seen.” Wei Ying coos as his son walks into the living room wearing a t-shirt with the print of a tuxedo. He picks him up and peppers his cheeks with many kisses.
Soon, they’re both arriving at the restaurant. At least the guy he’s meeting has good taste. Before they step in, Wei Ying sets down his son, going through the motions of fixing his clothes. “If you don’t like the guy, we’ll leave as soon as you want, okay? No one can pull my attention from my little radish.”
A-Yuan nods, and with that they both walked into the bustling restaurant. Wei Ying couldn’t help but to feel irritated at bit his sister and best friend. What the hell did Nei Huaisang mean that I’ll know when I see him? Would’ve been better if he just showed me a picture. He thinks to himself while rolling his eyes. Though, he couldn’t deny he was extremely nervous to meet this mystery guy that he had been set up with.
“A-Niang, look! It’s the nice gege from earlier!”
Wei Ying is quick to follow his son’s line of sight, and there he was. Lan Zhan sat at a tsks closer to the window, dressed up in a light blue suit with a light cream shirt. He knew Lan Zhan was handsome, but to see him in a suit? How the sleeves seemed hug his arms just tight enough to let you know the man works out. Before he knew it, Wei Ying was being tugged towards Lan Zhan’s table. “Hey, hey! Baobei let’s not bother the nice gege, he’s probably waiting for someone.” He tried to whisper, tugging his son the other way but they were already spotted.
“Gege! Hi gege!” A-Yuan chimes as Lan Zhan stands from his chair. Was he always this tall?
“Hi, Lan Zhan. What a coincidence! A-Are you here by yourself, or…”
He can see golden eyes scanning him up and down before landing back on his face. He can’t help but shift in place at the intensity of Lan Zhan’s gaze. “I am waiting for someone.” Lan Zhan responds quietly, gaze still on Wei Ying.
“Oh… Me too!” He’s quick to add before chuckling, “Well, you already knew that… A-Are you waiting for a date?”
Lan Zhan seems to consider his answer, and Wei Ying can’t help but to find it amusing at how deflated and defeated the other looks when he responds with a quiet “Yes.”
Wei Ying laughs once more, “Not really looking forward to it? I get it, my sister and best friend set me up for mine. I don’t even know who I’m supposed to meet! Can you believe they refused to give me his name? Or even show me a picture? They really took the definition of ‘blind date’ way too serious.”
Lan Zhan stares at him wide eye, and for a moment Wei Ying thinks he said something wrong. “No offense to whoever you’re meeting, of course! I bet they’re—“
“Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan takes a step closer towards him, but he doesn’t see himself taking a step back.
Brows furrow, “Yeah? Do… Do I have something on my face?”
“I’m meeting with Wei Ying… You are Wei Ying.”
The father can only look at the other in bewilderment, was… was Lan Zhan his blind date? No, this was to good to be true. A guy like Lan Zhan… he could have anyone, the man looked like a god! “Who set you up?” He decided to ask, if he’s says ut was Nei Huaisang then he really was having a date with Lan Zhan. There were no other Wei Ying’s around, not that he knows of.
Wei Ying can tell Lan Zhan is having the same train of thought. “My brother… He was convinced by a family friend that I should… attempt to meet new people.”
“Was it Nie Huaisang? Oh my god! That asshole set everything up!” Wei Ying exclaims once Lan Zhan confirms his suspicions, hands brushing the already messy bangs from his face, a loud laugh echoing through the restaurant. He winced, tho, when people enjoying their food shoot a glare at him. “I can’t believe this…Wait, if you knew my name, why didn’t you say anything earlier.”
Lan Zhan pressed his lips together before answering. “You did not give me your name.”
“Oh— I… Huh, I was really distracted. It would’ve made things easier for the both of us, huh?” Wei Ying smiles at him. “Well… mind if we join you, then? My treat, since you were my hero earlier and I must repay your kindness and patience!”
“Are we having dinner with the nice gege??” A-Yuan suddenly chimes, wide eyes darting between the two adults. Wei Ying smiles as he ruffles his hair.
“We sure are!”
“I knew it! The Nice gege is taking my a-niang for dinner!” The toddler soon clings to Lan Zhan’s leg, which caught him off guard.
“Aiya, A-Yuan! Where are your manners?” Wei Ying chides playfully, attempting to pull his son back to his side.
“I do not mind.” Lan Zhan responds with a smile ghosting over his lips.
The three of them sit at the table. Wei Ying talks away about anything and everything, and Lan Zhan pays full attention to every single word, attention unflinching. It especially melts his heart when Lan Zhan gives the same type of attention to A-Yuan, listening with much seriousness to all the stories he has to tell. He looks at both of them with so much fondness that he feels his heart bursting at the seams. Yeah… it was good he decided to not cancel the date.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
❍ the 2k event: joshua + serendipity
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alternative title: you, me, and this vast universe
pairing: joshua x gn!reader
genre: sci-fi au, dystopian au, strangers to lovers
word count: 1400
warnings: smoke inhalation, toxic chemicals mention, loss of oxygen mention
event taglist (send ask to be added): @slytherinshua @rubywonu @pepperonijem @amxlia-stars @weird-bookworm @my-moarmy-heart @hannyoontify @suminsfav @minhui896 @haocovr @lockburn-castle @sweet-like-caramel @horanghae8 @graybaeismytae @karionice
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“Warning: engine overheating. Warning: foreign objects detected. Warning: autopilot forcibly disengaged. Warning—”
“Yes, yes, I know, everything’s going wrong!” you huff, wiping your face against your arm. “Come on, darling, just hang in there, will you?”
You’re in the engine room, trying desperately to fix the damage that the latest interaction with the Galactic Officers had caused. You've been on the run for most of your life, and yet the Galactic Officers, morons that they are, never seem to get the message that you refuse to let yourself get arrested. And anyway, what self-respecting law-enforcing group called themselves the ‘Galactic Officers’?
The engine clunks ominously, and your entire spacecraft tilts dangerously to the right. One of the previous warning messages flashes through your mind.
“Ah, stars! The autopilot settings!”
You scramble out of the room and up into the cockpit, wrenching at the handheld control lever, attempting to correct the ship’s course. 
“Warning: onboard oxygen failure. Evacuate the spacecraft. Warning: onboard oxygen failure. Evacuate the spacecraft. Warning: onboard oxygen failure. Evacuate the spacecraft."
Gritting your teeth, you steel yourself against the console, both hands still on the lever even as it resists your hold, shaking and shuddering with the rest of your failing ship. There are tears building up in your eyes, and it has nothing to do with the sudden, acrid smell of chemicals permeating the spacecraft.
“Come on, Nabi, do this for me,” you manage to say, even as she burns around you, falling to pieces. But you can’t let her go without at least trying to fight for her. “I—I can’t lose you.”
Somewhere, an oxygen mask falls to the floor, and you bend down to pick it up, holding it over your mouth with one hand and trying to steer your ship with the other. Warning messages echo and bounce off the walls, lights flashing bright red as your ship shudders, creaking and groaning and you want to cry. 
But you're not going to let go. If Nabi dies, you're dying with her. 
It's not like you have any other family left, anyway. 
Suddenly, over the cacophony of warning messages, the cool voice of an information announcement makes you look up. 
"Alert: spacecraft requesting port side docking permission. Grant or deny permission?"
You grit your teeth. You hadn't noticed a ship flying any where near you. What sort of idiot decided to dock at a spacecraft that was obviously about to explode any moment? 
"Permission granted," you yell, giving a yelp when the ship groans again. "If they want to die with me, then who am I to stop them?"
There's a creaking sound, and Nabi shudders again as the new spacecraft connects with yours. You barely pay them any attention. A thought crosses your mind that it might be the Galactic Officers once again, but you can't bring yourself to care. You're dying anyway. They wouldn't be able to tear you off of Nabi if they tried. 
"Oh my god, it's only one person!"
The panicked voice makes you whip around. There, in the port door, is a… boy? 
His eyes are wide, and he's all suited up, but you can see his face, the way his hair falls into his eyes as he frantically gestures towards you. He's pretty, you think faintly. Too bad he's a bit of a fool, as well, considering the fact that he was now most likely going to die with you. 
You stumble a little, grip loosening on the lever and Nabi lists sideways once more. 
"Here! Take my hand!"
Why is the boy still talking to you? His hand is outstretched, the other gripping tight to the door, one foot in your spacecraft and the other in his own. Ah. He must be from the ship that requested docking permission. 
You chuckle a little. The lack of oxygen is getting to you. 
"Please!" The boy's voice is desperate now. "Please, let me save you! You don't have to die!"
Why is he so worried about you?
You shake your head, trying to show that you're going down with Nabi. Or maybe you only think you shake your head. 
"Come to me! Please! You're—you're going to die!"
Holy shit, he's right. You're going to die. You're dying. Your eyes widen. Somewhere, one of Nabi's panels crash to the floor, and out of the cockpit window you can see the smoke billowing around you as she burns apart. 
The stars are floating in the edges of your vision, and everything has gone all woozy. Definitely lack of oxygen, you think, just barely, before finally you keel over and the world goes black. 
———————————— 🛰
You’re blinked out of your reverie by a steady hand resting against your shoulder, and you look up to see Joshua smiling down at you.
You smile back at him, patting the empty space on the metal floor next to you. “Hey.”
He lowers himself down to the floor, knees up to his chest, back against the wall, tilting his head. “Couldn’t sleep?”
“Too many thoughts,” you reply, staring down the hallway of the spacecraft. It’s the middle of the night, and all the lights have been shut off, but the soft glow of the purple emergency lights lining the halls remain. 
Joshua nods in acknowledgment. “Jeonghan’s just fallen asleep. Cheol is wandering around somewhere, though,” he says, waving a hand. “He’s not in the cockpit, so he’s probably raiding the pantry, I think.”
The image makes your lips tug up into another smile.
There’s silence, then, the both of you sitting on the floor in one of the spacecraft’s hallways, the quiet hum of machinery surrounding you. If you close your eyes, you can almost imagine that you're back on your own ship, Nabi humming with life all around you. 
You open your eyes and look over at Joshua, who looks back at you, eyes warm. 
It's been twelve months since Nabi passed. Joshua, the boy who saved you, had taken you aboard his own ship, the ship he shared with two others. You’d been horribly injured and horribly disoriented, and it was only through the careful medical care from Jeonghan and the reassured smiles from Seungcheol and the warm, ever-comforting presence of Joshua that you managed to salvage the wreck that had been your emotions and your life.
They've been nothing but accepting of you, and you feel as if you could have a place here. A family, almost. A family after Nabi. 
Joshua nudges with you with his shoulder, eyebrows raised. “Penny for your thoughts?”
"It's almost a year since my ship exploded."
Joshua’s eyes widen and soften at the same time. It’s a fascinating ability of his, the way he can look so surprised and gentle all at once. 
“Stars, you’re right,” he says, and even his voice is soft. “How… how are you feeling?”
You chuckle softly. "Not good, if I’m being honest. She was… well, she was my everything. I don't think there will be a day where I don't mourn her."
"I'm sorry." Joshua looks sorry, like it was his fault that Nabi no longer exists. The expression of regret on his face makes something tug in your heart, and you shake your head. 
"Gosh, there's no need to feel sorry," you say quickly. "It's not your fault. In fact, you're kind of the reason I'm still here, you know?" A smile quirks up the corner of your lips. "You're the one who saved me. My angel, almost."
Joshua smiles, then, and you can't mistake the pink that dusts his cheeks. 
"In this vast, endless universe, I managed to find you," he says, and leans forward to pinch your cheek affectionately. "It's almost like the cosmos moved for us to make this impossibility possible."
You smile, leaning into his hand as his palm softens against your skin, cupping your cheek. You're still not sure what he means to you, or what you mean to him, but for now you feel safe. As if… 
"You're my serendipity," you say, quietly. "The safe haven I found in the middle of a catastrophe. My serendipity."
Joshua's smile brightens and softens at the same time, and his thumb brushes against your cheekbone. 
"Just as you are mine," he says, heart-flutteringly warm. He leans forward, then, pressing a kiss to your nose. "Don't worry, my Y/N," he whispers. "Just let me love you."
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gothicknightz · 2 years
bloodline pt. 4 | ethan landry
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notes: final part in the bloodline series!!!! im gonna miss writing about this. let me know if you guys want a post family ties thing! etc. reader finding out that ethan didn’t make it and so forth. scream spoilers utc.
finale taglist: @nuhteyam​ @wroetoslut​ @callsignwidow​ @nellyboosworld​
“Is this even a good plan?” Ethan asked, as he and the others walked down the stairs to the train station, where their plan for the public subway was laid out for them.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” Tara retorted, in front of Ethan as she followed Sam.
“So we just peel off, and the killer picks us off one by one? No thank you.”
As Sam continues to make her way to the train, Danny, Tara, and Chad all follow behind, then getting separated by the crowd from Mindy, (y/n), and Ethan.
Mindy tries calling out for her twin brother, but alas, as if the stakes for getting attacked by Ghostface couldn’t get any higher, the three were divided from the rest of them.
As Mindy watches as the train leaves, Ethan and (y/n) come up behind her, with Ethan placing a hand on her shoulder which spooks her.
“Get your Ghostface ass away from me, Ghostface.” She pauses and grabs (y/n)’s hand, “Let’s go (y/n), you have a lesser chance of getting murdered by Ghostface over there if you’re with me.”
As Mindy stands and waits alongside (y/n), she notices that Ethan is still there, and she tries to shoo him away, “Go away!”
“Where’s Mindy?” Sam asks as she and the rest of the gang are on a train five minutes ahead of the trio that was left behind, with Chad saying that she missed the train and that he attempted to catch her before ‘cute boy’ pushed him into the train.
He reassures everyone that it’s okay since she had gotten onto the train with Ethan and (y/n).
“Mindy. What if this plan doesn’t work? What if-”
“(y/n), it’s going to be fine. As long as Ghostface over there doesn’t attack us, we’ll be fine.”
“Why would Ethan attack us? We’re like, surrounded by people. Wouldn’t someone call the cops or something?”
“You never know.”
The power flickers out once again, with Mindy growing more suspicious of not only those dressed up in Ghostface costumes, but of Ethan, who she obviously suspected was Ghostface.
He waved and gave her a lopsided smile in an attempt to regain her trust; obviously, it wasn’t working.
Moments later, a Ghostface swings around the corner and scares Mindy, causing her to move further down the train and farther from both (y/n) and Ethan.
“Mindy, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll just be... right here.”
Ironically, as Mindy says that, she is pushed out of her place by some random guy making his way through to a seat, which doesn’t sit right with (y/n).
“Hey, great going, asshole!”
The stranger doesn’t pay (y/n) any mind, which prompts her to burrow her way a bit more into the crowd, standing by a person dressed up as Ghostface while Ethan tries to manage a good sight of the two.
As the lights continue to flicker on and off in the subway, (y/n) notices that the man in the Ghostface costume is getting suspiciously closer to Mindy, which was strange to her. She couldn’t signal Ethan, unfortunately, so, she was going to keep an eye out for Mindy herself.
The lights go out for longer than (y/n) would have liked, because she had lost sight of the Ghostface, not long before she felt something slice into her arm, causing her to put pressure on the wound and cry out.
“Ah, shit!”
Unbeknownst to Ethan and (y/n), the Ghostface had caught up with Mindy and placed a gloved hand over her mouth, before stabbing her in the lower stomach twice before leaving amongst the crowd of other costume-goers.
As the light returns, (y/n) locks eyes with Ethan before watching his go wide, making her turn around and see Mindy clutching her stomach with a bloodied hand.
Both quickly make their way over to Mindy, with Ethan panicking and swearing before picking her up and yelling for help.
As the trio makes their way out of the subway, Mindy mutters about how she was wrong again as Ethan is a suspected Ghostface, with Ethan noticing the cut on (y/n)’s arm.
“Fuck, (y/n), you’re bleeding.”
Help subsequently arrives, as (y/n) mutters a swear under her breath,
“I know.”
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
“Why did Quinn have to do that?” (y/n) muttered a swear before fixing herself in the bathroom mirror, opening the door to reveal Ethan halfway in the process of putting on his Ghostface costume.
“Oh,” She paused, looking at Ethan from the bottom up before smiling, “Hello, there, Mr. Ghostface.” She chuckles before taking his hand in which held the mask, “Am I gonna be the helpless victim?”
There was a second of silence between the two before Ethan placed his free hand on the side of (y/n)’s face and kissed her roughly, making an attempt to press his body weight onto her.
“God, I love a man in uniform. You’re so sexy in this, Ethan.”
She slowly puts the mask on her face due to her injured arm, “Do you think I would make a killer Ghostface?”
“You’d make one hell of a Ghostface.” Ethan then removes the mask from her face and kisses her again, before reluctantly pulling away to put the mask on.
“But you might wanna leave, or else they’ll get suspicious.”
“But why would they? Sam and Tara did try to kill us.” A small smile appeared on her face alongside a fake pout, “I’m jealous that I couldn’t get to wear the mask.”
“I’m serious. Or else you won’t make it in.”
(y/n) hummed before heading towards the door, “Oh, alright,” She paused before digging through a drawer nearby and finding her engagement ring.
Blowing him a kiss, (y/n) slipped on her ring before slipping out the door.
“See you in the third act.”
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
“I talked to Detective Bailey,” Kirby had said, “He’s got everything set up.” 
Kirby was about to ask another question when a cab pulled up beside them, letting (y/n) out, raising minor suspicion between the group.
“(y/n)?” Sam had asked, “Where are Ethan and Mindy?”
“Mindy got attacked on the subway. Ethan’s with her now.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair, “I only got a scratch, but I promised Mindy that I’d take down that motherfucker for her.”
Sam nods, then tells Danny to stay away, not being able to trust him, including that he wasn’t Woodsboro, so he needed to stay back.
As the group walks into the theatre, Kirby mentions how she’s turned to entrance into a kill box, how she had scanned the entire area, and that since she was the only one with a badge, she got to hold onto the gun.
(y/n) then says she’s going to check in with Ethan before walking off into a section of the theatre.
Ethan’s phone chimes with a text from (y/n), with him ignoring it before he receives another one.
‘ethan answer my texts are you here?’
He sighs before getting ready to reply back before Quinn scolds him, “Who the hell are you texting?”
Ethan furrows his brows and gets defensive, “(y/n), calm down. She wanted to know if I was here.”
“Of course you are!”
Ethan groaned before reacting to (y/n)’s message with a thumbs up, “I’m fucking getting bored.” He complained, then shoving his phone in his back pocket under his Ghostface costume.
“Time to carve up Chad.”
(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! as you can see this obviously runs into family ties but ahhhhhh!!!! tell me if you guys want a post family ties fic, it was fun writing this!)
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stayinguplate · 10 months
Cold embrace ~1
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I always just wanted a normal life but I couldn’t not with my family being cursed and that curse caused both my parents to become extremely cold and not able to feel warmth except for you ,you were always strangely warm but your parents couldn’t even feel the warmth on your skin if they touched you,which made then act somewhat bittersweet towards you .
You were all in the living room it was late sunset ,you’re parents both looked sad which was unusual because they were usually upset or just in a tired mood but you’ve never seen them like this
“ mom dad are you okay?”.
You question as you look at them with a worried look,
They both look to each other and my dad looks down at me
“ we’re fine just go play…”
He grumbled as he looked away from me displeased as your mom nodded in agreement
“ yeah reader just go play we don’t have time for this right now…”
She said bitterly
You frown displeased as you walked off upstairs
As you enter your room you sit down onto the bed it creaks uncomfortably you soon get off your bed wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world so you just take your blankets and put them on the floor eventually getting out off the dirty clothes you had on replacing them with comfortable clothes eventually laying down on the floor drifting off into a deep slumber
A crash was then heard from downstairs your jolted up quickly sneak outside of your bedroom sneaking by the stairs to see what was going on your eyes widen seeing glass everywhere you then put on your slippers and carefully go downstairs you peeked around the corner to see your father holding another glass bottle ready to throw it at a person?,your mother on the couch in a odd position passed out looking like she had been thrown across the room,
A shattered sound quickly came as you wiped your head toward the noise You look towards your father again who’s wrist is being twisted by the stranger you’re father groaning in pain you panicked
“ dad?!”
Your accidentally speak out the stranger looks towards you interested and intrigued by you and then looks towards your father and whispers into his ear as your father widens his eyes as the person then seems to say something that interests your father your father nods as the stranger walks towards you your body felt frozen in place in fear you look towards your father for help but he only looks away as he shivers in delight I look at him confused before I’m hoisted onto the persons shoulder
“ dad please help me!”
I yelled desperately as i held my arms out for help but the stranger walked out into the freezing snow
As I cried for my parents to help me
Wondering why this stranger was talking you I then just cried on the stranger’s shoulder who doesn’t seem too mind as they pat my back as I cry.
You eventually find yourself awake in a ice room on a soft bed I must have cried myself to sleep as I was on the persons shoulder ,I looked around confused wondering if I was dreaming or not
Okay I know it’s short but the other chapters I’m working on are very very long i’m sorry this was short but a lot of the next chapters will make up for it I promise . please trust the process.😭
{ first • next }

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Game of Thrones - 30 EDDARD VII (pages 295-313)
Ned's murder investigation hits a dead end when his primary lead turns up dead of natural causes. Natural causes being 'killed by Mountain.' On the plus side his daughters are no longer fighting with each other, and Varys has a tasty morsel of gossip he's down to share with Ned.
The squires smiled nervously until the king turned on them. "You. Yes, both of you. You heard the Hand. The King is too fat for his armor. Go find Aron Santagar. Tell him I need the breastplate stretcher. Now! What are you waiting for?"
hehehehehehe, I do enjoy these types of jokes. Less so when it's tiktok parents filming their kids who know nothing about cars asking for headlight fluid and posting it on social media for thousands of people to laugh over. *shudders* embarrassment and tomfoolery are for the people who were there, not for social media, that's just public humiliation.
"The woman tried to forbid me to fight in the melee. She's sulking in the castle now, damn her. Your sister would never have shamed me like that." "You never knew her like I did, Robert," Ned told him. "You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. She would have told you that you have no business in the melee."
I always get the feeling Robert was in love with the idea of Lyanna Stark, like someone who has a crush on someone they've never spoken to and invents an entire persona to go with their face that has nothing to do with who they really are.
"- Oh, Cersei is lovely to look at, truly, but cold... the way she guards her cunt, you'd think she had all the gold of Casterly Rock between her legs. -"
page 300. it took 300 hundred pages for someone to say 'cunt.' Unlike the tv series where it takes up 46% of the script with 'fuck.' (and all its variations -ing -ed -er(s) -s)
Ned walked with the king to the jousting field. He had promised to watch the final tilts with Sansa; Septa Mordane was ill today, and his daughter was determined not to miss the end of the jousting.
'ill'? Please, that woman's hung over. Hmmm, Mordane's trauma response is alcoholism.
When the Knight of Flowers made his entrance, a murmer ran through the crowd, and he heard Sansa's fervent whisper, "Oh, he's so beautiful." Ser Loras Tyrell was slender as a reed, dressed in a suit of fabulous silver armor polished to a blinding sheen and filigreed with twining black vines and tiny blue forget-me-nots. The commons realized in the same instant as Ned that the blue of the flowers came from sapphires, a gasp went up from a thousand throats. ... Sandsa clutched at his arm. "Father, don't let Ser Gregor hurt him," she said. "These are tourney lances," he told his daughter. "They make them to splinter on impact, so no one is hurt." Yet he remembered the dead boy in the cart with his cloak of crescent moons, and the words were raw in his throat.
Hey, Ned, just real quick? You do know that your eldest daughter saw that death yesterday right? Like you know that his dead body bleed out mere feet from her? You get that this probably isn't just her being a frightened child who's scared the pretty man will scratch his over blinged handsomeness, she's aware that his opponent Gregor Clegane murdered someone in this exact sport yesterday.
By then, Gregor was striding down the lists towards Ser Loras Tyrell, his bloody sword clutched in his fist. "Stop him!" Ned shouted, but his words were lost in the roar. Everyone else was yelling as well, and Sansa was crying.
Oh? Crying? Sansa? Interesting, and quite a departure from the 'Sansa at tourney' we saw in the previous chapter. Obviously, her emotional state is different but whether it's because she's fully mentally present or because the horse matters to her more than a stranger... well we're in the wrong POV to be sure. Or maybe she'd not crying and Ned's just assuming that she is because she has her hands over part of her face and she's panicking. Ned is... not the most observant when it comes to Sansa. (They did really well short-handing that with the doll in the show, I don't know if that was lifted from the books or if it was like Ned's ability to understand his daughter's logic well enough to explain it to Arya: added in there because the showrunners didn't trust the audience to follow things.)
"STOP THIS MADNESS," he boomed, "IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING!" "The Hound went to one knee. Ser Gregor's blow cut air, and at last he came to his senses.
ngl, Sandor's knee-drop-dodge was one of my favourite moves from season 1 of the show. The timing of it! *chef's kiss*
"Tyrell had to know the mare was in heat," Littlefinger was saying. "I swear the boy planned the whole thing. Gregor has always favored huge, ill-tempered stallions with more spirit than sense." The notion seemed to amuse him. It did not amuse Ser Barristan Selmy. "There is small honor in tricks," the old man said stiffly.
It's interesting to keep seeing what dialogue has been given away to other people, and how that changes the characters subtly. This conversation is had between Littlefinger and Sansa in the show, where it works to create this character bond, a pseudo-relationship between them to lay the groundwork for later, but it also increases Sansa's apparent naivety, and not in a good way. D&D really did take so many layers out of her.
Ned remembered Robert's first child as well, a daughter born in the Vale when Robert was scarcely more than a boy himself. A sweet little girl; the young lord of Storm's End had doted on her. He used to make daily visits to play with the babe long after he had lost interest in the mother.
Oh! Oh, I know her, that's, uhm... Maya? Mara? I think her name starts with an 'M,' we meet her later when Sansa goes to the Vale. I never got that far the first time, but I've heard about her in some metas and seen her mentioned in some fics. Ahh, I'll look forward to meeting her! also, though: 'long after he had lost interest in the mother.' Tell me you don't read that and think "and if you'd gotten to have Lyanna after all, how long until you would have tired of her? How long until you were sick of her not being the perfect version you dreamed of? How long until you strayed from her?"
"- What was he doing that they had to kill him?" "Asking questions," Varys said, slipping out the door.
See, having seen the tv show, I think I know what's really going on, and why Jon Arryn was killed, but there's also part of me that keeps thinking "yes but I know they changed a lot of details, more as the show went on, what if this was one of them?" It's fun, because I have some context for things, but I also don't know what I know 100% so I'm trying to stay with what the text is telling me, but ohhhh, a reader cannot help themselves and has to theorize.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Sixty Two
Purpura Papilio
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
previous | next | 2099
When you and Sakusa get back on the bus, though panicked yelling and running around, you hear Kuroo’s old radio playing.You’d Be So Nice To Come Home Toplays as Hinata cries out in pain from Kenma horribly attempting to fix his wounds.
You’d be so nice
You’d be paradise, to come home
to and love
Though part of you wishes to hum the words along with Sinatra, Osamu storms closer to you angrily. “Finally you’ve come back,” he grumbles as he takes your hand. “Hinata needs your help! I was trying to tell you before but you were too damn busy worrying about,” he says before looking over at Sakusa in disgust, “other things.”
You try to explain everything to him, but he doesn’t want to hear it as he pulls you toward Hinata who’s crying on the couch.
You’d be so nice by the fire
While the breeze on high, sang a
You’d be all that I could desire
Under stars chilled by the winter
“Shit,” you murmur when you see Kenma with blood all over his hands. “What’s going on?”
“I need gauze,” he attempts to explain as he backs away from Hinata. “But we used it all up.”
“Okay,” you sigh. “Kenma, run inside the store, wash your hands before you touch anything, and pick up some gauze from the pharmacy.”
“Got it,” he nods as he stands up and runs out of the bus with his two bloody hands. When you turn and watch him leave, you notice Osamu and Sakusa talking quietly near the front by the small table.
You then look back at Hinata and continue your work to fix him up. He finally stops crying and takes a deep breath in to relax.
“Thanks, Y/N,” his voice comes out choppy and broken as he relays his gratitude.
“Don’t thank me yet. Kenma hasn’t come back with the gauze yet.”
“What do you think is taking him so long?” Oikawa asks, causing you and Hinata to look over where you see him and Suna watching you both carefully.
“Dunno. Maybe he’s having trouble finding some,” you shrug.
“Guess that checks out since the two of you took your damn time in there,” he then mutters to himself.
“Be thankful we got it for you at all,” Suna rolls his eyes before having enough and walking away. But before he gets to the bus entrance, Kenma comes in with another stranger- green-haired and freckles- right behind him.
“Jesus fucking Christ. We’re gonna run out of room on this damn thing,” Oikawa grumbles again. Those drugs you gave him must’ve caused him to get a bit loopy.
“Who’s that with you?” you whisper to Kenma as he kneels beside you and hands you the gauze.
“I’m sorry I took so long but I think you should talk to him when you get the chance. It’ll be worth it, I promise,” he tells you, inviting curiosity into your brain before he gets up and walks back to the stranger.
In the corner of your eye you watch Kenma quietly apologize to the group for the outburst and shows the stranger the way off the bus.
“What do you think that’s all about?” Hinata whispers to you as you help him sit up.
“I’m not sure,” you reply, unraveling the gauze as you ponder that same question over in your head. “But I don’t think Kenma would be so cryptic about it if it wasn’t important.”
“So you think it’s serious?” Hinata continues to pry as you wrap the white gauze around him.
“Only one way to find out,” you wink at him as you stand up. “Stay here. I’ll be right back. If you need anything, don’t ask Oikawa. I think the meds are getting to him.”
You then walk up to Suna and wrap your arm around his shoulders. “Suna, however, would be happy to wait on you hand and foot until I get back. Right?”
“Seriously?” he groans as the two of you take a few steps toward Hinata.
“Thank you,” you hum before patting his shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
When you get outside the bus you see Kenma and the stranger talking. “We really need to get the hell out of here before another person shows up. This place must be some kind of hotspot.”
“Actually, it’s not…” Kenma mumbles to himself.
“What do you mean it’s not? First, we run into Sakusa and now this guy just shows up. This place is attracting more and more people and our bus isn’t really helping with the whole laying low thing.”
“Y/N, please stop talking. Everything is fine,” he sighs. “Do you remember how, when Tsukishima was alive, we visited his friend’s house nearby where you were staying?”
“Well, after he passed and we, uh, buried him… I left a note for his friend in case he ever came back. And, well, he did,” he awkwardly explains, not really sure how to compact so much information into a quick sentence.
“So you’re telling me that this guy is…”
“Yamaguchi,” the stranger introduces himself. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. Kenma wrote a lot about you in his letters.”
“Letters? So there was more than one?” you ask Kenma.
“I wrote him a note talking about our bus situation and told him he could come stay with us if he wanted but then we started this little quest to the airport so I wrote again telling him where we’d be if he wanted to tag along,” he continues to inform you.;
“Jesus, Kenma. What if someone else read those letters first, huh? You could have gotten us fucking killed!”
“Relax,” he shakes his head. “Nobody would’ve seen it unless they were planning to do Yamaguchi’s laundry for him. I stuffed it inside his pillow. I didn’t just leave it out for anyone to find.”
After hearing it thoroughly explained, you finally let out a sigh of relief.
“So you’re really him, huh?” you ask as you look over toward the tall man with olive green hair.
“It’s really me. And you’re really you…”
You shrug at his comment, unsure of what that’s supposed to mean. It’s not like you did anything honor-worthy to receive any praise from him.
“Thank you,” he then interrupts your thoughts. “I was really worried about him but I can’t be any happier than I am knowing all that Kenma’s told me. You made his last days- his last months happy because he had you.”
You’d be so nice
You’d be paradise, to come home
to and love
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
seriously this is gonna be fcking crazy buckle up
I was walking through a really really lovely neighborhood, looked like it could've been up north of where I live, the sun was setting but it was still bright out, I was like, this adult lady, and I was going to my dad's house to visit him, and he's my dad so I don't knock I just walk in and instead of my dad it was three strangers. dressed like members of the mafia. two guys and one lady (beautiful, might I add) and they stood up all fast and pulled me into the room and sat me on the lady's lap (I swear to god dream me is a lady killer and I had this dream like two years ago). They asked me who I was, what I was doing here, etc. then they just told me they were gonna kill my dad. naturally, I didn't wanna hear that, but then they kicked me out of the house and I ran all the way to the tennis court (apparently dream me knew that he was there) and I literally saw him playing tennis, I was running like hell so I was crazy out of breath and couldn't say anything and I was also across the street, but a car drove by and shot him. they literally drive by-ed my father. so I screamed and ran in the opposite direction, trying to get out of range if they decided to kill me, and eventually ran all the way into this forest thing, saw a hole in one of the tree roots that could fit me, and still thinking they were chasing after me, I crawled in, and on the inside, it was like this hallway, but I still had to crawl in it, but the hallway was nice. it had a very peaceful orange light and the walls had the kind of wallpaper hotel hallways have, and at the end of the hallway was a door, so I crawled towards it and opened it, only to reveal the same thing, only slightly smaller. and I kept crawling through these over and over until I was completely stuck and unable to move forward or backward, in the crawling position. and I knew I was never ever going to be able to get out of this. cause i'd been trying forever but I was wedged between the walls and stuck. and I'm an extremely claustrophobic person, so I start panicking, hyperventilating, and began smashing my head against the door in front of me to kill myself. I do that, to kill myself. because I'd rather be dead than stuck in between that. over and over I kept smashing my head against the wall, I can literally feel the dent in my head and there is blood everywhere but I'm not dead, I start screaming and crying and doing it harder and harder but I just don't die. then, all of the sudden, I'm my age again. and I'm jogging down the middle of the road at night in a suburban neighborhood. and eventually I stop and look at one of the nicest biggest houses in the neighborhood (it wasn't even a real neighborhood, just so you know) and think 'I wonder what it's like to kill someone,....' ????? so I opened the door to the house, grab a knife from the kitchen, and go upstairs to where an old lady was sleeping. now I don't know what I did exactly just that the next thing I was doing was burying her body IN HER OWN GARDEN. then I live my life for a few days but then there are cops at my door, who play a video on my TV of me burying the old lady's body in her garden, next thing I know I'm in a court room being sentenced to 24 years in prison. and while I was being taken away there were kids there who started singing "shes going away! oOooh she's going away! she'll be back in 24 years!" all cheery and I yelled at them "you are horrible kids!" then I woke up
*said in cheesy film noir voice* you lived long enough to see yourself become the villain kid 🕵️
BUT ALSO UUUUUUUUUHHH!?!?!??!!!?!?? gotta say the worst part of that whole dream was when you alice in wonderlanded yourself in the increasingly smaller hallways and decided to smASH YOUR HEAD IN!?!?!? ooooooooooooooooooof 😩. i like how murderer raya still thought she had the right to pass moral judgment on those kids 😂
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
It’s Just A Cigarette | 4
warnings: violence, swearing, drug use, illegal activity
wc. 1,465
tag list: @roxic93​ @lulu-recs​
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“What the hell, Colin? What are you doing?!”
Your words were barely registered over the sound of Colin’s fists making contact with Dominic’s head and sides. The booming music lessened to a low roar, and people flooded out of the apartment to see the commotion. To your dismay, Dominic was hardly fighting back, both from surprise and being outmatched.
“This SOB likes little girls,” Colin grunted in between hits. “Don’t you? DON’T YOU, you sick fuck!” He pounded harder, continuing to rail on the stranger. Blood spurted from his nose, followed by the sickening sound of a ‘crack’; undoubtably, his nose was broken.
“N-noorgh,” Dominic gurgled in denial.
“Fuckin’ lyin’ piece of shit!” Colin growled, landing a kick at his side causing him to cry out again.
“Hey, HEY! What the fuck is goin’ on here?!” Yelled Andjy, now entering the mix. He saw what his best friend was up to and immediately jumped into action.
“Shit, Colin, what the hell are you doin’ to him, man?”
“He tried to make a move on Marnie, know what he was tryin’ on. You better not have fuckin’ touched her,” roared Colin, getting angrier at the prospect.
“He didn’t!” You insisted, grabbing at his arm which was tensed with tightly controlled aggression. “Promise,” you tried to get Colin to look at you but he was like a bull, seeing red. Single-minded in his intent to destroy.
“I had to go to the bathroom and yours was taken. He just offered his. I didn’t know...” You trailed off at the prospect of it being true, and what could have happened if you’d stayed in Dominic’s apartment alone for any longer.
“Yeah, you fucking didn’t. Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” He turned his anger on you, ripping your hand off his and turning back toward Dominic who was a whimpering mess at this point.
“Are you seriously blaming me right now?!” You shrieked. “You left me alone, and I had to pee, damn it! If you had stuck around or, I don’t know, made sure someone wasn’t having sex in your bathroom then we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
Colin let up from Dominic a little, hearing your words and the anger and fear behind them. He almost looked guilty, sweat dripping down his face. Taking a closer look at him, you saw how red his eyes were, and the way he staggered. He was clearly inebriated from more than just alcohol. Your anger dissipated somewhat, turning to concern.
“Shit, listen to her, man,” Andjy lamented. “You gotta chill. He ain’t worth it. You don’t need this-”
Sirens rang then.
Someone must have called the cops. You looked back at Dominic, seeing him swelling up and on the verge of passing out.
“Shit,” Colin panicked, looking more freaked out than you’d ever seen him. He looked to Andjy. “Fuck, they can’t come up here-”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Andjy cried. “Where is it?”
“Where’s what?” You asked.  
“In the living room, under the couch.” Colin replied, ignoring you.
“Why’s it under there?!”
“Cause I wanted in on hand for the-”
“Fuck, never mind. It don’t matter,” Andjy interjected.”Move it, I’ll deal with the cops...shit, can’t believe I’m even sayin’ that...”
“You sure, man?”
“Yeah. Before I change my mind.”
“I owe you big-”
“Got that right. Go, you’re wastin’ time.”
As Colin booked it inside, you caught Aria, DeShaun, and Petra watching from the sidelines along with the others. Petra wasn’t doing well hiding her triumphant smile, which was, uncoincidentally, aimed at you.
Feeling uncomfortable under their attention, you fled inside after Colin. Under bright lighting, it became clear the apartment was trashed. Glass lay broken on the floorboards, empty and half-empty cups scattered throughout; the stench of alcohol was strong, making you nauseous. It smelled strongly of weed, which was the more concerning odor with the police on their way. It was decriminalized in New York, but not legalized. With that in mind you went about opening all the windows, which was a harder task than you thought it’d be (they were thick, heavy frames, and only opened so far. That said, you did the best you could with it. Picking up what you could of the glass and the cups was next, followed by drying up spills.
You didn’t know where Colin kept his cleaning products (if he had any was another question) and you didn’t have time to ask. You simply wet a bowl and went to work pushing it along the floorboards to soak up as much liquid as possible.
A toilet flushing identified where Colin was. You opened the door to find him attempting to flush several small bags of something unrecognizable.
“What is that-what are you doing?” 
“Not now, Marnie,” he mumbled. He was staggering, just managing to catch himself from falling by leaning against the lip of the sink. You saw perspiration on his face, a product of more than just the fight he got himself into and the stuffy bathroom. You stuck out a hand to his forehead.
“Shit, Colin, you’re burning up!”
“Don’t fuckin’ swear.”
“Really?!” You laughed in incredulity. “I think we’re long past that, and the fact you’re swearing while telling me really-”
The toilet sputtered several times in interruption, making an unpleasant sound. Colin swore, throwing his hands behind his head and pacing. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He growled.
“What is that? Is that what you were talking bout earlier with Andjy?”
“You don’t need to know. You shouldn’t know. Shouldn’t even be here. Why didn’t you stay out there?!” He yelled.
“Stop shouting at me!” You screamed back.
He kicked the side of the shower, slumping against the porcelain with his head bowed. “’M sorry, Marnie,” he mumbled between his legs. “I’m just so fucked. They’ll be here any minute and if they see this on me I’m fucked.”
“What is it?” You asked quietly.
“Can’t tell you. It’ll just get you wrapped up in this,” he said forlornly.
“Hate to break it to you, Colin, but I’m already implicated in this, so you might as well tell me so I can figure out how to help you.”
He was silent for a beat.
“It’s coke and fentanyl,” he answered reluctantly, glancing up to watch your reaction. You swallowed.
“I know, I know.”
“Are you using it?” You asked.
He shook his head. “No.”
“I’m not! Yeah, I had some tonight ‘cause the one kid wouldn’t fuck off until I had a sample with him-”
“So you’re selling it.”
He nodded slowly.
“At parties? Or out on the street?”
“Parties, mostly. Less risky that way. Usually,” he chuckled darkly, given the current predicament. 
Another beat. 
“I’m not disappointed, if that’s what you’re thinking.” You spoke up. 
He scoffed, getting up from the floor. “You’ve never been a good liar, Marnie.”
“I’m not lying.”
He stood at his full height now, which towered slightly over your small stature. Eyes locked, you repeated yourself, “I’m not. You did it to provide for yourself, or maybe not. Whatever your reasons, I could never be disappointed in you. I care too much about you,” your eyes lowered at that, embarrassment at your vulnerability shining through. The action drew your eyesight to his lips, which parted slightly under your attention. Your gaze flicked up to his again, seeing his eyes hazy from more than just drugs. He licked his lips, leaning slightly toward you.
“Listen, Cherry,” Colin started, voice gravelly; he’d said so after the cherry chapstick you’d always wear. His own little nickname for you. “Yeah?” You felt you were waiting with bated breath. He leaned further, and you stilled further in anticipation. 
“Take off your shirt,” he said.
“What,” you blurted out, eyes widening. Had you heard him correctly? 
“Your shirt,” he said, “need it off. The cops will be here any second and I need you to stuff these,” he picked up the baggies, “inside your bra.” 
You blinked at him. 
“Are you serious?!” You screamed at him. You didn’t know if you were more mad at the suggestion or the fact that he didn’t kiss you like you thought he would. Shit, had you wanted that? The burning feeling in your gut confirmed you did. 
“They won’t look there. Not without you being’ able to accuse them of sexual assault or some shit. Look, I know it’s a big ask n ‘m sorry but it’s not like I got options here, Cherry-”
“Don’t use that name!” You growled at him, furious.  He raised his hands, eyebrows rising. “OK, shit, chill. It’s just-”
The sound of a door slamming against the wall rang out. He turned to you, practically on his knees in askance. “Come on, Marnie, don’t make me beg.” 
God, were you really about to stuff your bra full of illicit drugs? 
Their forthcoming footsteps spurred you into action. 
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hhhecates · 3 years
Okay, hear me out, I have this hc about inumaki that I need to share bc I like to make my thoughts everyone's problem,,,
What if inumaki knows sign language, he learnt it all by himself while growing up to be able to communicate with others (cause it's canon that amongst his family they communicate with their hearts, pliz i wanna cry). And well, he uses sign language mostly when he's out and about in his daily life cause man can't really be talking in onigiri ingredients to strangers. Thing is that with his friends, he doesn't really use it??? He's so so grateful that they manage to interpret what he means, it fills his heart with a new type of warmth when he literally speaks food but yūta nods along attentively, maki mostly rolls her eyes at his misplaced and quite sarcastic interjections (because you can feel the attitude coming from that tuna mayo sometimes), megumi never misses a beat and answers him right away and reader loves having conversations with him and ever so often asks inumaki his opinion on anything and everything and they just look at him with stars in their eyes as he rambles in ingredients.
Sometimes inumaki even relishes it, he likes leaving his friends hanging and arguing over what he says because he's just a fucking menace and he knows it.
But inumaki sometimes gets insecure, sometimes he does throw in a couple of signs hurriedly to make sure that he is understood, sometimes it's even mindlessly, signing his favourite words or the ones that he uses more often just because he is used to it. Some other times it can even be desperate, during fights against curses when he wished he could cry out his friends names but restrains himself because it's too dangerous, and then it's big, hurried and shaky motions, his hands trembling and eager to shout safety when his voice can't.
But inumaki never tells, never asks his friends to learn sign language for him, he doesn't want to burden them with that, so instead he limits his use of it around them as much as he can, because he knows they would pick up on it. He just knows by the way they always make sure never to speak over him or how they hush others whenever he does speak up.
What if reader notices anyways?? And it's not like the others don't care as much, they do, they really do. But maybe reader already knew a little sign language themselves, maybe they just like learning languages in general, maybe, just maybe, they find themselves looking at inumaki a little closer, a little more attentively.
And then reader decides to start learning sign language too. They watch videos, read articles, buy books (that they have to hide under their bed because inumaki is a nosy fucker with the people he's comfortable with, hell, I'm pretty sure reader has to erase their youtube history otherwise inumaki would quickly find out whenever they binge watch videos together). And at the beginning it's hard, it's so hard learning on their own, and it's hard also for them to restrain themselves from using it around inumaki, from asking him if they're signing correctly and wondering if inumaki could teach them all of his favourite words. But they manage to keep their mouth shut, to wait until they get better so that they are sure they could have an actual conversation without inumaki having to worry about using words too complex for reader to understand.
But then, it's yūta finding reader one afternoon while they're struggling, borderline crying, over compounding and reduplicating and sentence structure and it's all getting to their head so they're  f r u s t r a t e d. And yūta, like the absolute fucking sweetheart he is, he immediately offers to help them and ofc bby wants to learn too cause inumaki is his bestfriend too >:/
And please, I just know that these two would end up dragging the entirety of Jujutsu High in their plan and teach all of them sign language.
JUST IMAGINE, study nights in reader's dorm room, with snacks and energy drinks cause they gonna need them for sure, yūta and reader are teaching the others with like 12 different books strewn all over the floor, 3 different videos playing in the background and it's so damn chaotic. Megumi is probably a natural cause he already uses hands gesture to evoke his shikigami, so he can remember hand signs very easily and can do them so cleanly while like nobara and yuji be struggling and just yell at fushiguro cause "it's not fair" and "he has an advantage". Panda is there just to support them cause he can't really sign with his paws, but he just manages to instill more chaos by teasing and poking fun at Maki (poor girl has zero patience).
And gojo would 100% join them just to sprinkle more chaos and be the absolute menace that he is. (But lowkey he wants to learn too ofc).
And ofc, they're probably so outwardly secretive about it that inumaki notices it right away and he just has to be a nosy little shit about it (cause how dare they leave him out of it) so one night he quite literally bursts into reader's room only to find Maki and Itadori yelling over "how the fuck non-manual modifiers work" and Gojo and Nobara laughing their asses off and making jokes about their awful awful hand coordination, reader and Yūta are probably so fucking done, Panda is enjoying them freaking out like it's the last season of his favourite tv show.
And it's honestly hilarious how quickly they fall silent in complete and utter horror at the sight of inumaki standing there.
And then they all kind of fumble around and try to greet inumaki and like introduce themselves or say something in sign language one by one bc that's what they had been preparing for, right?? And it's probably so messy but inumaki doesn't give a fuck and then, he just starts crying.
Prob they take it the wrong way too, and they all start panicking, but he is quick to try and reassure them, hands shaky by how overwhelmed he is, that warm feeling he had learnt to associate to his friends is back, but tenfold, and it makes his cheeks burn and a smile so big break on his face. And then he signs back "hi everyone, I'm Inumaki Toge".
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Legal Guardian
ugh this took way too long lol, but here it is!!! i forget exactly that sparked this but i thought it was a cute idea.
warnings: injuries (nothing major), hospitals, cursing, harry being a protective dad 🥺, talks about adoption and legal guardians, crying
wordcount: 2481
harry styles x reader, stepdad!harry x reader, stepdadharry x oc!stella
Stella gets hurt and Harry is the only one there- but he has no legal jurisdiction…
It all happened really fast. Harry can’t even recall how it started, but he knew very well how it ended. A sobbing Stella strapped into her car seat as he raced to the emergency room, frantically calling Y/n who was in a different state on a work trip.
The 5 year old didn’t understand what was going on, she just knew she was hurting… really bad. And that she wanted her mommy and daddy.
The traffic seemed to be working against him, getting in his way at the most inconvenient times, all the while he was trying to console his weeping daughter, crying out “Daddy it hurts so bad!” effectively shattering his heart into a million little pieces.
Stella had been playing happily in the backyard at home, showing off her wonderful dance moves to Harry who watched with an adoring smile on his face, taking little videos to send to his fiance, when suddenly she was laying on the ground, clutching her ankle, and crying for him to come get her. He rushed into action, not having seen her take the fateful step into what must have been a hole in the ground or something.
Screeching into the hospital car park, he stops somewhere he obviously wasn’t supposed to but he couldn't care less. His mind was racing. What if she broke her ankle? Or tore a ligament? What if she has to get surgery? All of this is what he worries about as he flings the back door of his car open, trying his best to appear calm for his daughter (but it’s not really working), and scoops her carefully into his hold, bringing her inside and shouting for someone to please help him.
A few nurses rush to his side, asking him different questions and asking for someone to “Page Dr. Robbins, tell her we need a peds consult.”
Stella is whisked away from him and before he can start to follow after her, a hand is placed on his chest, stopping him in his place.
“Sir, we can’t have you in the room with her. You’re not on her file as a legal guardian!” A doctor tells him. In that moment, he sees nothing but red, steam pouring out of his ears.
“The hell I can’t, I’m her father! I’m not going to let her sit in there all alone while strangers poke and prod at her!” He all but yells at the man. Harry is not violent. He really isn't. But he’s not afraid to lay somebody on their ass when it comes to his girls. With kindness or course. And maybe a black eye.
From the room she was taken into he can hear her crying for him.
“Wan’ my daddy! Daddy!” Harry didn’t think his heart could break any further than it already had but he was proven wrong by the ache in his chest that only grew stronger the longer he was kept away from his lovebug.
“Doctor, respectfully- if you don’t move the hell out of my way, I will move you myself. That is my daughter, and my fiance is in a different state right now on a business trip so I am the only parent she has right now. If you try to keep me from my child I will take legal action against the hospital and sue for everything you’re worth. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Harry is seething, trying to move past the man in the white lab coat and light blue scrubs. Again, he is stopped.
“I will call security, sir!”
“DADDY!” Stella is now screeching, her little voice hoarse from all the yelling and crying.
“Don’t you fucking hear that? She needs me, and you’re telling me I can’t go be with her! What the hell kind of doctor are you?” Harry is in the man's face, pointing at him vehemently. He doesn’t care that people are starting to watch the scene. Doesn’t care that some people have recognized him and are recording the ordeal. Let the people see him fighting for his family. He doesn’t give a rat's ass if his “image” takes a hit. His daughter is on the line and he won’t back down.
“She’ll be fine-”
“No she won’t! Go ahead and call security. My daughter needs me and you’re not going to stop me from being in that room with her.” With that he pushes past the doctor (who must be an intern or something with how he’s handling this situation) and rushes into the room where his baby is screaming for him. He’s at her side in a matter of seconds, wiping the tears from her face, peppering kisses onto her head, petting her wild hair back from her face, just consoling her in any way that he can.
How fucking dare they try to keep him from her, especially when she’s in a state like this.
“It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here now. I’ve got you. You’re ok, you’re ok!” He mumbles into her hair, doing his best to stay out of the way of the people examining her but still close enough so she knows he’s right there with her.
Little tears still streamed down her face but she was much calmer now, her breathing more even and body less tense.
“Mr. Styles we’re bringing in the portable x-ray to take a look at her ankle, so you’re going to need to wear this.” He nods and takes the vest given to him, putting it over his shoulders like he sees the others do. A similar article is placed over Stella, who is clinging to Harry’s hand, fearing that she’s going to have to be without him again. But he promises he isn’t going anywhere.
As they’re taking the x-ray his phone starts ringing in his pocket and he checks to see that it’s Y/n calling him back.
“H, what’s wrong, is she ok?” Her panicked voice rushes out as soon as the call connects.
“We’re in the ER right now and she’s getting an x-ray to see what’s going on with her ankle-”
“You’re in the room with her right? She’s not alone?”
The little shards of his heart keep breaking into smaller and smaller pieces as her voice breaks.
“Yeah, I’m right next to her. Don’t worry m’love, she’s not alone!” He glared at the doctor that tried to keep him out as he said that, letting him know he hadn’t forgotten.
“I’m gonna facetime you so I can see her.” She said and he nodded, waiting for it to come through. When it did he quickly accepted it, seeing the love of his life’s face on the screen, with her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks as she wiped away the remaining tears so she didn’t freak out her baby.
“Stell, mumma’s on the phone, she wants to talk to you.”
“Hi baby girl!” Y/n said as soon as Harry held the phone so Stella could see her mom. The little girl's tear stained cheeks looked exactly like her moms, and her heart broke for her baby.
“Hi mumma,” Stella pouted into the camera, clutching onto her daddy as tight as her little hand could. Harry was a little uncomfortable but he would take this over not being in here at all.
“How do you feel, baby? You ok?” She asked.
“My foot hurts and they wouldn’t let daddy in here and I was scared, but he’s here now so I’m ok.” The little girl rambled off. Y/n almost missed how she said they wouldn’t let Harry in the room but when it finally registered, she was fuming. Absolutely, royally pissed.
“What do you mean they wouldn’t daddy in there?” Stella shrugged and looked up at Harry for an answer. He brought the phone back so he could see her after looking around at the doctors in the room, all doing their job and pretending they weren’t listening to this conversation, but a few of them winced when Y/n asked her question.
“Some bloke tried to keep me out of the room while Stella was being examined but she was on the verge of a whole breakdown. It was like Disneyland in Paris all over again.” He said, referencing the time Harry took his girls to Disneyland while they were in Paris and Stella got separated from her mom and dad. She had never not been able to see at least 1 of her parents before. Needless to say… she didn’t handle it very well. Screaming, crying, and hyperventilating (which freaked her out even more- causing her to scream louder and cry harder) ensued very shortly, disturbing every person around her. But it made it easy for them to find her and she spent a very very long time clutching her tiny arms around her daddy’s neck, not letting him set her down for anything. That was an interesting trip to the bathroom …
“Why would they try to keep you out of the room? You’re her father!” Y/n was on the verge of popping a blood vessel. Of course the one time her baby really needs her, she’s hours away.
“Uh, Mr. Styles, I’m so sorry to interrupt! But the x-ray is complete. There’s no break, it looks like a sprain at worst. Also, about why my intern was saying you weren’t allowed in the room, not that I was listening to your conversation, with ped’s cases we typically only allow legal parents or guardians in the room and your name isn’t anywhere on her file or on her records so he was just trying to follow safety protocols. He didn’t go about the situation as well as he should have because we always want to make sure our patient has what they need and that was obviously you- but that is the reason why you initially weren’t let into the room. You’re not a legal parent or guardian. Based on your situation- you’re legally considered a step-parent and that title doesn’t come along with any legal jurisdiction.” Dr. Robins explained, in quite a few words Harry thinks, but he doesn’t say anything about it. Just sits and realizes that while for the better part of a year and a half, he’s been calling himself Stella’s dad but the whole he���s not been anything… not legally anyway.
Y/n realizes this too and makes a mental note to call their lawyers to do something about that.
“That makes sense… Thank you, Dr. Robbins! I have her mum on the phone, but you knew that, so if there’s anything else I legally can’t do, she’ll have to take care of it like thi-”
“Mr. Styles, we won’t tell if you don’t! Anything else that needs to be signed, we’ll just go ahead and have you do it. Save the hassle for everyone.” Dr. Robbins interrupts him and he smiles, silently thanking her.
“Daddy, what's a legal guardian?” Stella asks after a quiet moment.
“A legal guardian is someone who takes care of you because the law says they can. So because I didn’t help mumma make you and I came into your life a little later, I’m not a legal guardian of you. Not yet anyway.” He mumbles the last part but Y/n catches it.
“Does everyone have a legal guardian?” She hiccuped, rubbing at her eyes with the hand that wasn’t clutching Harry’s.
“At one point yeah, but once you get older you don’t need one anymore because you can take care of yourself.”
The girl pauses, thinking about her daddy’s words before muttering “Don’t wanna take care of myself. Wanna stay with you and mumma forever.”
All the little shards of his heart slowly start to piece back together.
“I want you to stay with me and mumma forever too lovebug.” He cooes. Y/n’s eyes light up, her gaze filled with adoration for her little family.
. * .
“The documents are all drawn up Mrs. Styles, everything is ready for your husband to sign.”
“Thank you so much Ben!”
. * .
“Baby, c’mere. Wanna talk to you about something.”
“Yeah mommy?”
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to quell the tears she could already feel threatening to fall. Her newly wed husband sat beside her on the couch, running his hand along her back and squeezing her shoulder and letting her know he was there if she needed him.
“Do you remember when you and Daddy had that conversation about legal guardians?” The woman asked, pulling her baby into her lap, brushing her hand over the girl's hair affectionately.
“Uhhh, kinda.” She murmured, curling into her mom.
“Do you remember what a legal guardian is?” Y/n rephrased, hoping to jog the girl's memory. Stella nodded and when prompted by her mother explained that “It’s someone who takes care of you until you're old enough to take care of yourself.”
“That’s right baby, very good!”
“And do you remember when we were at the hospital and that doctor was being mean, not letting Daddy into the room with you?” Harry chimes in, scooting closer to his girls. She nodded with a roll of her eyes and a huff of breath, causing a little giggle to erupt from her parents. She really is her mothers daughter.
“Didn’t like him.” She mumbles.
“Do you remember why they didn’t let him into the room?” Y/n asks, knowing she should probably get to the point before her little one checks out and gets bored.
“Cause daddy’s not my legal guardian.” Stella huffs again, rubbing her eyes and nuzzling further into her mom.
“Do you want him to be?”
Stella’s quiet for a moment, tapping her little finger on her chin like she’s thinking hard. “Yeah.”
“Yeah? You want that baby?” Harry asks, pulling her into his lap. The girl wraps her arms around his neck and lays her head on his shoulder, nodding.
“Yeah, Daddy. Want you to be able to come to the doctors with me.” She mumbles sleepily.
The tears Y/n had been fighting off finally broke through, despite her efforts. It’s official. Harry is going to adopt Stella and they would be a family in every sense of the word. No one would be able to take Harry's little girl away from him. All he had to do was sign the paper. Harry felt tears spring to his eyes as well, smoothing his hand along his baby’s back.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that…” He says, squeezing her a little tighter. Y/n snaps a quick picture before she snuggles into them.
“Love you Mommy, love you Daddy.” She murmurs before falling asleep in Harry's arms. Something that isn’t new, but feels different now for some reason. Things felt a little more official and he hadn’t even signed the papers yet.
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angelofbloodlust · 3 years
Bunny (Billy Loomis x Reader)
A/N: Long time, no see, y’all 😳 sorry for my disappearance, I’ve been going through quite a lot but I’m happy to be back! I apologize if this story isn’t the best, it’s been a long time since I’ve written something like this and I’m still trying to get back in my groove- but if this ends up being well-received I’d be happy to try writing a part 2! <3 hope u guys enjoy!!
Your eyes scan over the backyard of the tan house sat in front of you once more, zoning in heavily on the blackened windows as your boots take hesitant steps forward towards the home of your fellow peer that you’ve been watching for weeks now. Shallow breaths escape you as your chest begins to pound, a flurry of both panicked and thrilled emotions swarming your stomach as your hand tightens on the butcher knife in your hold.
You were finally about to experience your first kill, after taking so many precautions and endless planning. You figured now would be the perfect time with the other murders that has had Woodsboro in chaos, the police department has already got themselves absorbed in solving the murders of Casey and Steve, if you manage to get through this unscathed you could easily let the other nutjob take the blame and get to work on your next plan.
But, that’s easier said than done.
You suck in a breath through your nostrils as you cautiously approach the cracked window ahead of you, the one you’ve witnessed be pushed open by the student’s mother each night before bed, just like clockwork. Though of course, you ensured that neither of her parents would be home that night, and you were glad they were dumb enough to trust their daughter enough to be able to defend herself with a psychopath on the loose.
Your teeth remain clenched as you slowly lift yourself up and climb through the window after pushing it open, being careful to not let your costume get caught and allowing your jaw to relax once you step from the marble of the countertops down to the wooden plank flooring below. Anxiousness to get upstairs and cut the girl’s head off stabs at you as your eyes find the stairs from your view out of the kitchen, though you force yourself to keep your pace as you take light steps on your path towards your goal, and feel relief at the fact none of the floorboards have creaked so far. Annoyance swiftly follows after as you notice the stairs aren’t carpeted, internally grumbling a couple curses while readying yourself to have to take your backup plan in case you accidentally make a noise and wake the girl up.
You make your way up slowly, begging in your mind for each step not to creak, and as you’ve made walked up all but 2 steps, you can’t help but feel a smug grin curl over your lips underneath your mask as you relish in the fact that everything’s gone so smoothly.
And immediately you regret that thought, once you and the short brunette standing in front of the bathroom door both freeze up in shock from the sight of the other.
“Shit, you’re not supposed to be awake!” You groan out, scowling at yourself once you process that you accidentally said that out loud.
Your body tenses as your words seem to have triggered the girl out of her state of shock, a blood-curling wail slipping from her lips at the sight of the knife in your hand before she runs to attempt scampering back into her bedroom to hide from you, sobs and screams pouring from her as you growl under your breath while bolting up the last couple steps and over the carpet towards her.
“Stop yelling!” You whine in panic from her loudness, before narrowing your eyes at your sudden idiocy with the situation. Why the fuck would she listen to you?!
A frustrated huff leaves you as she manages to slam the door on you, leaving you to violently push and slam on the now locked door while spilling out any indecent word your brain can think of in the moment. How could this have gone any worse? Your plan was all for nothing now!
Anxiety twirls in your gut as you look between the door and the stairs, having to make a quick decision as you’re sure the cops have been called by now and won’t take long to arrive. You exhale out, before making the final call to abandon the plan and speed back down the stairs, hopping over anything in your way as you head into the kitchen and back out the window.
Brief relief hits you as the soles of your shoes meet the grass again, taking a swift glance behind you while running for the patch of woods ahead of you. Your exhale out is interrupted as you suddenly collide into something, which you thought was a tree for a split second until the object ahead of you slips out a grunt once they stumble back slightly.
You look back forward in surprise, shock waving you as your vision is taken up by the same white and black mask morphed into a scream that you previously slipped on after making the discovery the other killer had worn it. A squeak leaves your lips as the man in front of you takes a rough grip on your upper arms, shifting around to face your towards the woods and push you forward as he gives a huff out.
“Go, I’m not gonna let you get us caught.” He hisses out, balling the back of your costume into his fist to ensure you keep moving as he leads you further way from the house while you struggle to wrap your head around what’s happening.
“H-How did you know I was-”
“We were in the area prepping, and we could hear that bitch’s scream from a mile away.” He huffs in response.
“Oh..” You mumble, embarrassment now filling your cheeks as he continues to guide you like you’re a disobedient child, wanting to pull from his grip but feeling unsure of how he might react. “...Did you say we?” You question suddenly as you shift your head to look back to him.
“Yes. No more questions, I think I have a right to be the one questioning you instead. Who the fuck are you?” He asks in a strict tone, and despite his mask covering his expression, you could somehow feel the rage radiating off of him at your presence.
You narrow your hidden eyes, “Why would I tell you that?? I don’t even know who you are!”
“I said no more questions.”
“I think it’s a pretty reasonable one if you’re gonna only ask questions I don’t wanna answer!”
“Fine, if that’s how you want to be then we can both remain anonymous. How about this, instead?” He hums, “Did you even kill her? I don’t see any blood on you.”
“..No.. She locked the door on me before I could grab her, I wanted to kill her in her sleep but she was awake once I got inside.” You admit in a sheepish mumble.
He scoffs, “A door stopped you?” You scowl as he chuckles in amusement at your actions. “I suppose that’s reasonable, you are pretty small. Wouldn’t expect you to be able to be able to break it down.” He teases, causing you to grumble out as you wiggle from his grip and turn to face him.
“Hey, it was my first time, and I was panicking! Take it easy on me.” You demand with a pout.
He crosses his arms as he looks down to you, “Tsk, you tried to do it all on your own? No wonder you failed.”
“I spent months planning it, I thought I would’ve done well..” Your voice cracks through your sentence, leaving you to attempt sighing away your urge to cry while you turn back to keep walking, your eyes sticking down to watch your steps while the man with you gives an exhale as he follows at your side.
“Alright, alright, I’ll quit being so harsh. But it takes someone naturally skilled to be able to do it on their own, you know? You think you have everything you need, but even the littlest thing that doesn’t go to plan can fuck it all up. Maybe for you, you just need a bit of teaching to make sure you’re ready for anything.” He shrugs.
“Are you.. offering to help me?” You question gently through the mix of shock and confusion in your chest as to why this stranger is willing to take you under his wing, tilting your head slightly up to him.
“Maybe. But you need to prove that you’re serious about this.”
You begin to question him on how you can prove it, before stopping at the beginning of your sentence once the two of you cross through the patch of woods and up to a parked car on the lone street in front of you. An unsure sensation fills your gut as he makes you stay back while he walks over to the driver’s side window, and you begin to question to yourself if this might really be a safe decision to go with the psychopaths that you were about to frame.. But at the same time, this might be your real chance to be able to finally learn the proper ways of murder.
Soon enough, he walks back over to you and gestures to your mask. “To go any further with this, I need to see your face if you’re going to see ours. It’s only fair.” He requests you in a calm tone, and you hesitate as you frown as you pick up sudden worried thoughts. What if he just wanted to be able to rat you out and let you take blame for everything?
“Hey, you know you haven’t really proved your loyalty to me, either.. What if-”
You freeze as his hand reaches up for his own mask, watching him pull it off to reveal his cold, yet neutral expression as the guy you recognize to be Billy Loomis from your school stands in front of you. Your face reddens at the sight, you know him enough about him to have a thorough crush on him, though you suppose you didn’t know him quite enough to have realized that part of the reason you had been so drawn to him was the fact you were more alike than you had known.
“I’m risking everything for this. Do you know how much this could fuck up everything with us letting you in?” He sighs, and you watch as his lips form in a displeased pout. “The last thing I want is you getting caught doing this dumb shit, and if you’re going to steal our costume you at least need to not act like a moron while you’re in it.” He huffs with narrowed eyes.
“God- fuck, whatever. If you guys end up killing me, I have nothing to lose.” You grumble as you pull off your mask, holding your own pout while he takes up a smirk while looking you over.
“Just as cute as I expected you to be, bunny.” He purrs out in a playful tone, which causes you to give him a questioning expression through your heated cheeks at the nickname.
“You’re small, cute and quick. Like a bunny.” He grins.
“I will actually deck you if you call me that again.” You hiss out while he starts to lead you towards the car.
“No, you won’t. I could tell you liked it.” He chimes in a proud tone, laughing out once you reach to smack his arm with your face on fire.
“Shut your mouth, Loomis! You’re so annoying!” You whine as your voice pitches up with your embarrassment.
“Get your ass in the car, Y/N.” He snorts out as he nudges you towards the backseat.
“..You know my name?”
“You’re in my Physics class. I recognize you.” He chuckles gently, flashing you a brief smile before slipping into the passenger’s seat.
“Oh.” You hum, feeling content as you feel joy at the fact that he recognizes you, holding your own smile as you get into the back of the car before pausing once Stu Macher shoots you a grin from the driver’s seat.
“Hey, Y/N! Billy says you wanna join us, that true?” He asks through his classic happy tone, starting up the car while you manage to get yourself to nod as you confirm to yourself that the man you had only ever expected to be the class clown to be Billy’s partner in crime, though you weren’t entirely sure why you were caught off guard with the insane amount of loyalty Stu’s always shown to Billy over the years you’ve watched them be friends.
“Yeah.. Uh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting to see you. Didn’t think you were this kinda guy.” You snicker.
He gives an unbothered shrug, “Well, people always have their secrets, don’t they?” He chuckles, causing you to quirk an eyebrow once he flashes a grin over to Billy and laughing out once he smacks his shoulder in a manner to tell him to shut up. Stu smiles back at you again through the rear-view mirror, “It’s nice to have ya join us, though. I’m sure it’ll be real fun for the three of us.” He purrs, and you can’t help but get an unsettling feeling from the tinge of malice in his smirk, which you couldn’t tell if it was meant to be towards you.
You could only hope not.
262 notes · View notes
tendertenebrosity · 2 years
And we’re back! New piece for TJ and Danny’s series. It’s been a while, so for a refresher: Carrying on directly from previous piece here. Masterpost is here. The Pathverse is a creation of @wildfaewhump!
TJ jerked back, hands pressing themselves into his armpits, cringing. Voices hammered at his ears – at least two voices? Had somebody else approached, too?
The man was swearing, yelling – of course he was, it was bad and wrong for TJ to be here, he knew that, this person had every right to be upset. But TJ hadn’t gotten close, hadn’t looked at him, hadn’t – if only he would listen, but he wouldn’t. TJ wondered, panicked, if he ought to just sit down, fold his arms over his head, and wait for the Agency people.
The new person had a loud voice too, but not as angry – and also getting closer. Almost in his space – and then TJ stiffened, his mouth opening to cry a warning, because the new person had walked right up to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
No, you can’t touch me, he tried to say – but before he could get the words out, her bare fingers had found his and closed around them.
And then everything was fine! TJ hadn’t needed to worry about it at all. He closed his mouth, feeling a little silly he’d been so panicked. Relief washed over him like an ocean wave, inexorable, dizzying. The fingers squeezed his and he found himself grinning. Everything was going to be okay.
“I’m so sorry about my brother,” the new person was saying, her voice higher pitched than TJ’s or Danny’s, warm and friendly and with an edge of a laugh on some of the words. “He promised me he wouldn’t make a scene or cause any trouble! Here, let me help you with that…”
The warm arm around TJ’s shoulder disappeared as the woman stepped away, her voice chattering, saying something meaningless and friendly. And after a moment – the man laughed, as well, sounding shaky but relieved.
“It’s only a costume, of course!” the woman said. “I’m working on a film for school!”
“Oh, thanks – really, a film, haha, what sort of…”
“Oh, kind of – a psychological horror, sort of thing, you know.” A self-deprecating chuckle. “It’s probably not going to be very good.”
“Well, I’m sure it… the costuming is pretty, um, pretty realistic…”
“Thanks! I worked really hard on it!”
TJ tipped his head, a slight frown wrinkling his forehead and making the hastily-applied blindfold slip and let in a crack of light. He couldn’t quite get his head around how fast things had changed – now these two strangers were talking and laughing, as if they were old friends? But something wasn’t right. It was a good thing, of course it was a good thing, but why...
The woman was lying to this stranger – or was she dreadfully confused? Was it TJ’s fault? Maybe he ought to say something. Had he somehow managed to convince her, in that one brief hand-touch that shouldn’t have happened, that he was her brother?
Oh, no - he’d touched her, he’d touched a real person and his handler was nowhere near him, no, that was never ever ever supposed to happen…
She draped her arm over TJ’s shoulder again, and for a moment he felt the prickle of her thoughts like he was used to – anxiety, play this just right, waiting for somebody, he’d better get here soon, determination – before they were gently moved out of his reach. Comfort and warmth replaced them, and it seemed like a much better deal, so he let it happen. He didn’t need to worry about reading her – that was such a relief. And she was nice, she was so nice. He couldn’t see her but he bet she was pretty and smiling, he could hear the smile in her voice. And she’d soothed the angry stranger, too, so did it matter how she’d done it?
He grinned, wordlessly, filled with a kind of shy happiness, and leaned into her side. He listened to her talk without really following the words, just enjoying the cadence of her voice. Everything was going to be all right now.
“… yeah, like a third of our grade. My friend said they’d be here with our camera and stuff but they’re running late.”
“And your brother…”
“Oh, no, he’s not in the class. I just promised he could play the monster, but I didn’t think he’d be such a dick about it, he keeps sneaking up on people!”
“Oh, well, you gave me the fright of my life, not gonna lie, kid!”
The arm around TJ’s shoulders tightened. “Oh, um, my brother doesn’t talk much,” the woman said quickly. “Is your food still good to go? Sorry if it got ruined, I can replace it if you want.”
“No, no, that’s fine, no harm done.”
“Great!” A new note appeared in her voice, and if TJ hadn’t been so distracted, he might have wondered if she was nervous. “Oh, look, there’s my friend arriving with all our equipment, we’d better go! See you!”
She took hold of TJ firmly and turned him around, pulling him with her as she strode out into the rest of the concrete-and-fumes wasteland of the carpark.
He went without complaint, reassured by the firm grip on his shoulders. He stumbled once or twice over irregular surfaces she didn’t know to cue him about. But that was okay. He wondered dreamily why she was almost running.
There was the familiar sound of a car door opening, and the woman seemed to want him to get into it, so he did his best. That had to make her happy, right? It was more important than anything that the nervous bright-voiced girl with hurried hands was happy.
She climbed in after TJ, pushing him until he slid along the seat and fetched up against the opposite door. The car jolted into motion without anybody strapping TJ in, which was weird. He found his grip tightening around the woman’s hand, which was somehow in his again. She squeezed back, which was oddly reassuring.
“Thank Christ,” she said, out of breath. “Glen, don’t go home, I think we’re going to need to dump this car.”
“Yes, probably.” The person driving the car sounded distracted. “How bad do you think? Are we going to need to move?”
“No,” she said, after a moment. “No, I don’t think so, it was only a minute of conversation. I spun that guy a story, hopefully he’ll believe it for a while. Had to put the whammy on him pretty hard.”
The car turned, making TJ slide across the seat and knock his shoulder against hers. It sure was a good thing touching her was fine, he thought. Otherwise this would be a disaster.
He didn’t feel the slightest bit afraid of either of them; he could tell they were good people. Everything was going to be just fine now that he’d found them.
The thought of Danny, still probably stuck in the car, gave him pause. He shouldn’t be this happy while he hadn’t gotten Danny out yet, should he?
“Violet,” the driver said, tense and careful. “Sometimes I really do wish you would hang back for more information.”
“There wasn’t time,” she – Violet? - protested. “If I’d waited, the whole place would have been freaking out calling the Agencies and the cops.”
Glen sighed, heavily.
“Hey,” he said, his voice suddenly different, cheerier. “You all right back there?”
TJ, startled to be addressed, flinched away from them both into the car door. “Um, yes,” he said timidly – then more sure of himself. “Yes, I’m all right. Thank you!” He caught himself wanting to subside back into the seat, smiling and waiting to see what happened next. No, not yet! He pushed forward. “Only, only, I need your help with something!”
“Of course,” Glen said, sounding surprised. “We can – Violet. Are you still doing something?”
The fingers in TJ’s twitched. “Yes. He was pretty panicked when I found him. I needed him not to give the game away.” Something bled around the edges of the warm, happy feeling. Defensiveness? Impatience?
Wait, why did the warm feeling and the defensiveness both seem to come from somewhere…
“I know,” Glen said. “That’s fine. But, you can let him go now.”
“Are you sure? I think he might lose it.”
“Well, why don’t we give him a chance and see.”
The fingers uncurled from TJ’s, reluctantly. He felt, for a bare couple of moments, mostly empty. Then the awareness that he was in a car with two strange people – people who’d been touching him – seeped back in. Didn’t they know how dangerous this was?
When he got back to the Agency, things were going to be… bad. If they hadn’t been going to get rid of him before, they definitely would now.
“Oh,” he said. He pulled his arms and legs in close – hands buried under his elbows. Then he just sat, breathing quietly, head down, feeling the fear rise like dark water around him. He felt sick with dread, and guilt, and fear.
“All right,” the voice from the driver – Glen – still calm and cheery as if everything was fine. “Take it slow, now, I know it’s a lot. What’s your name?”
“Um. TJ,” he whispered. That was… a weird question. Nobody had ever needed to ask his name before. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t – I didn’t mean to do anything, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to! It’s just that Danny’s hurt and, and, I’m not supposed to be out here but I need to do something, I need to find somebody to fix it!”
“OK, OK,” Violet said, soothingly. “TJ. Like tee-jay? OK. I’m Violet. The guy driving is Glen. Everything will be fine, don’t worry. We’re going to take you somewhere safe.”
“No, you don’t understand,” TJ said, urgently. How much time had he already wasted? “Danny’s hurt. I need you to call our Agency, or somebody, to come get him. He’s back there, he’s in the car, he stopped talking….”
Neither of them said anything, and the car didn’t stop or turn around. Neither did anybody seem to be making a phone call. TJ wasn’t explaining it properly, they didn’t understand. TJ should know better than to get the story all jumbled like this.
“There was a car crash,” he said, slowly and carefully. “Danny’s car, it rolled over. I came out here – without him – to find someone who could call our Agency. Danny’s too hurt to do it for himself. So, you need…”
“TJ,” Violet said, speaking over him. “We can’t call an Agency. OK? Agencies aren’t safe for us right now.”
But she was wrong, the Agency was the safest place – the only safe place. But he supposed normal people wouldn’t think that way. “No, it’ll be fine,” TJ said, his voice starting to wobble. “That’s where I’m from – it’ll be safe for you, it’s not – I’m not normally wandering out alone. Agencies are safe. And it’s where Danny and me came from, so we need to go back.”
“We know that’s where you came from,” Violet said. “It’s okay, we’re not scared of you, TJ. We’re like you. Agencies would hurt us.”
“No, they wouldn’t,” TJ said, bewildered. “Maybe not ours, but another one? That’s what Danny wanted. You could find Julie, I think hers is Southwest...”
“No! We’re not calling any agencies.”
“But you have to call them! You have to call somebody!” TJ felt his voice rising, bouncing off the interior of the car back at him, and he was too upset to care right now.  He still wasn’t buckled in, and it felt wrong and bad and distracting. He put his hands out, feeling the surfaces around him, soft fabric fuzz and hard plastic, nothing familiar.
“TJ, it’s OK, I - ”
Glen’s voice cut over the top of Violet’s. “Vi, let him be. TJ, who is Danny? Your friend?”
“Nnnno?” TJ gulped in a breath. “My handler Danny. He takes care of me. He was taking me somewhere in his car, but then it crashed - he’s stuck. Somebody needs to go get him out, so we have to call. Or – or, you have a car, he isn’t far, you could go get him?”
There was a long silence in the car, in which he heard somebody hiss in a breath.
“Look, if you go back along the road,” he said, the words falling over each other. If he could just get them to see Danny… “Back where I came from, the road with the grass and the trees, the, the hill – it isn’t that far, if you go back there you’ll find him -”
“Your handler,” Violet repeated carefully.
TJ nodded. “My handler, Danny. Yeah. You’ll help, right?” He’d felt so sure they would, just a few minutes ago when Violet was holding his hand. He shouldn’t be talking to people like this – Paths didn’t talk to people – but Violet had been so nice, and this was so important. Surely people wouldn’t just let somebody die if they could help. Would they?
Another long silence, filled with the little noises of a car on the road, the rush of wind and the small clicks and beeps.
“We can’t, TJ, I’m sorry,” Glen said.
TJ filled his lungs with one huge, horrified breath, like he was drowning. How could this all be going so wrong? “But you have to! He might die!”
“We can’t,” Glen repeated. “I’m sorry, we just can’t. You, me and Violet are going to go somewhere safe. And I’ll try to explain it all later.”
“No! You don’t understand!” TJ’s hands gripped his knees, so hard it hurt. Somewhere safe? Safe wile Danny was maybe dying? “I can’t go with you somewhere without him!”
“It’ll be OK, TJ, I promise. Someone else will get Danny. You won’t -”
“No! No, it won’t!” His eyes stung under the blindfold, the blindfold that was slipping and letting in cracks of light, hot tears seeping through the fabric. “It won’t be OK. He’ll die! He’ll die and it’s my fault! Why won’t you do anything, I- !”
TJ stopped, gasped for breath for a second, and -
And everything went away. Again.
Violet’s fingers nudged him to let go of his knees, and there suddenly wasn’t any reason to be gripping them so hard, so he let the fingers relax – distantly he felt the ache of something that might bruise later.
And then once that wasn’t hurting anymore, there was nothing to do but sit back in the car seat, watch the glittering bits of light in the darkness, and… drift.
His body felt weird. Why was he breathing that hard? He listened to his heartbeart – it was very fast just at the moment, but it was slowing down. The others were talking about something, and they both seemed kind of agitated about something.
“… isn’t fair or right, Vi. You can’t keep - ”
“Glen, he’s fresh out of an agency! He doesn’t even understand what consent is!”
“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to respect it.”
“Like I told you, he is flipping out, he’s fucking traumatised, you can’t expect to talk him down out of this in the course of a fifteen minute drive!”
“And do you really think this is helping that in the long term?”
“Long term, jesus, let’s just get through today, all right?” Violet sighed, a heavy sigh that moved her shoulder where it was brushing against TJ’s. “Look, I’m sorry, we can argue about it later but it’s done now. We need to focus on getting everybody locked down.”
“You’re right. Fine. We’ll talk about it later.”
TJ wondered, for the first time, who these people actually were. Glen and Violet. Afraid of Agencies. Did that make them criminals? Probably. He hadn’t really read anything from Violet, and -
In fact, he still couldn’t. That was…  strange. He’d been too afraid and confused before to really think about it.
TJ struggled against the emptiness, the blank lethargy that he seemed to be floating in, to find that thought compelling enough to keep thinking about. It was difficult. It’d be so much easier to just sit here, thinking of whatever crossed his mind, and not needing to go anywhere or say anything or be upset about anything.
But this was important, he reminded himself. Really important. Danny needed these people – he needed TJ.
“I think we call it. If they’ve had a unit go missing, this place is going to be crawling with Agency goons any minute now.”
Violet. Her fingers were resting lightly on top of his. It was wrong of him, but he quested towards her, like a hand patting around to find something that wasn’t where it should be.
The something pushed back, gentle but impatient, and was back in the drifting impassivity again.
The pieces fell into place, as he drifted, and felt only the vaguest impression of surprise as he realised that these people were other Paths. She’d even said so earlier, she’d said we’re like you.
But they were nothing like TJ. They talked more like… just, well, people. Like anybody, any random person from the borrowed memories TJ plunged into every day.
“Who do you think they are? The uniform doesn’t match any of the locals.”
A hand touched TJ’s shoulder, plucking at the scrub shirt to look at something on it. The pocket?
“Damn, this says Smithfield…. Off their turf. What are they doing all the way out here?”
“I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.”
This is really important, he told himself. The blankness pressed back against this thought - no, it wasn’t important – but it was.
When you’re done with this, then you can rest, he told himself – feeling the echo of Danny in his mind again, pushing him onwards, always when he felt like he couldn’t take one more instant in foreign minds. Just a little more. Just a little further. TJ could always go for just a little longer.
He set himself against the blankness, against the source of it. Pulled together all the little scraps of strength he could muster, and tried to throw the smothering nothingness off like a blanket.
It fought back. Slipping under his guard, a slow inexorable pressure that bore him down. He struck out, and a little bit of fear crept in underneath it. Had he felt this before? He had a sudden – fleeting sensation that maybe he had. Not the blankness, exactly, but… pressure. The fuzzy, painful, untouchable edges of a mind, sudden emotions that seemed to come out of nowhere.
He lifted up his hand and pulled it away from Violet’s.
“Hey, uh - ” The hand grabbed his again, before the nothingness could truly lift. She sounded surprised. “TJ, don’t.”
He resisted, trying to hold a space free for himself underneath the blankness. “Stop it,” he managed to whisper. “This is… important. It is.”
“Just chill out, it’ll be okay…”
“No! It won’t!” TJ found the weirdly slippery, elusive boundary that should have been Violet’s mind, and shoved it as hard as he could.
And just like that, the hand was gone, the mind was gone, and the world came flooding back.
TJ huddled against the car door, panting. Tears were running down his face, the blindfold was wet. “Stop it!” he said, with more force than he’d ever used in his life. Anger. That was a bad, a dangerous feeling, but he didn’t care. “Don’t! I don’t want you in there, you can’t make me forget it! You can’t get me to just sit here and do nothing!”
While he was trying to get his breathing under control, Glen spoke again from the front of the car.
“Well. That’s that.”
“Ow,” Violet mumbled. “I didn’t – ” There was a sigh and a thump. “Fine, we’ll drive all the way to the second safehouse with him in hysterics. Great.”
“You’re wrong,” TJ blurted out. “People aren’t going to be coming to look for us. We’re not supposed to be here.”
“The Agency will still know where you are, TJ,” Glen said gently. “They always do. I know you’re worried about this Danny, but once he doesn’t report in - ”
“The Agency doesn’t know we’re here! Nobody knows, we’re not on a job, I’m not supposed to have left! I’m only here because Danny stole me!”
He could hear surprise in Glen’s voice. “Stole you?”
“That’s why it’s my fault!” TJ hung his head, feeling a drip of moisture fall from his face onto his knee, warmth soaking through the thin scrub fabric. Blood? Tears? He blotted his elbow over his face, speaking muffled through the folds of fabric. “He only came out here to try and, try and get me better, so if it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t be hurt. He’s not supposed to get hurt because of me.”
“He took you from the Agency?” Violet pressed. “Why?”
“He said – he said they were going to kill me,” TJ snuffled. “I don’t – know – why, I guess I’m not good at it anymore, the reading. But he said he wasn’t going to let it happen. S-so he took me here.” The words were coming out all wet and mangled, could they even understand him? “He can’t die. Please. He’s – he’s the only person who’s ever been nice to me – just nice for no reason – ever, that I can remember, ever ever. You have to help him.”
The car was quiet again for a moment, only the sounds of TJ’s difficult breathing.
“You’re not thinking of actually picking this guy up, are you?” Violet demanded.
“That’s crazy! You know it’s crazy.”
“Well, it might…”
“You will?” TJ’s head snapped back up. “You’ll go back? Oh, please! I promise I - ”
“Shhh, TJ, just a minute. Look, I think it might be worth it, especially if it means the trail goes cold. No Agency car, no path, no handler…”
“What are we going to do with him?”
“Elise will help. And… depending… if it goes south, we can always call in Peter.”
Violet made a scoffing, incredulous noise. “You’re really serious about this. Damn.”
The car suddenly changed its speed and direction – swinging across the road, making TJ gasp and grab at the seat in front of him. We’re turning around?
“Shit. All right,” Violet said. “TJ – I’m gonna touch you, don’t freak out, just strapping you in, okay? No tricks.”
“No tricks,” TJ echoed, sitting back. He felt a smile – the biggest smile he could remember – spreading across his face. “We’re going back? We’re getting Danny?”
“Guess so,” Violet muttered. Her hands firmly pulled the seatbelt across with a zzzippp, careful not to touch TJ’s bare hands this time. “But, hey, I’m the one who acts too fast and doesn’t think things through. It’s me. Yup.”
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bookishofalder · 4 years
Rainy Days
Spencer x Reader
Request: @starwithoutdarkness - Hey! I heard you were looking for requests! Maybe Spencer Reid x reader fake dating fluff? Combined with Request: @paulaern  - Hello!  What about Spencer Reid x reader when they realizes they love each other? Like reader makes something for Spencer and he thinks like "I can't deny anymore, I'm completely and hopeless in love with her" or something like that  (G!neutral if you want)
A/N: Thank you so much for sending in requests! Hope this makes you smile!
Warnings: Swearing, moderate BAU violence, creepy men, fluffiest fluff, intense headache description. Set randomly post prison Reid but Hotch is still there because he should have been! WC-2,488
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Spencer was staring at the geo-profile he had been working on all day, very glad to be inside. The weather in Seattle had stayed consistently rainy for the two days the BAU team had been in town assisting in catching a killer, who had been committing serial robberies/murders with no apparent rhyme or reason. And while Spencer didn’t mind the rain, he did mind loud, busy cities. Combined, they usually led to a headache that would take a day or two to recover.
The door to the conference room he was working alone in burst open and slammed shut so suddenly he nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to see-
Spencer hated it when you appeared without warning, catching him entirely off guard and presenting the risk that you would notice the visible effort it took for him to compose himself around you.
While he’d noticed how beautiful and hilarious and empathetic you were the moment you joined the team, he’d fallen in love with you when you had your first case with them. Spencer had begun to ramble about the specifics of casinos, and how ‘beating the house’ was nearly impossible, when the rest of the team had tuned out. A temporary member, Agent Seaver, had sneered ‘I’m sorry I asked.” Effectively shutting him up. But then you had turned in your seat next to him and, after shooting Seaver a look had asked him to continue. And though he didn’t have that much more to say, and it wasn’t all that interesting, you listened to every single word and thanked him.
It had been years since that had happened, your friendship had blossomed into best friends, something Spencer cherished immensely. This was partly why he shoved his feelings down. The relationship did not need to change for Spencer to remain happy; as long as he got to spend time with you at work, or watch movies and make tent forts in his living room. And visit his mom (who adored you and always gave you book recommendations that you would be sure to read the moment you could), or go to comic conventions and museums...yes, as long as he could always do those things with you, he was happy.
No need to risk changing a perfect thing.
Now though, you were shutting the door and giving him your most panicked look, wide-eyed, with your hair damp from the rain you no doubt had run through to get inside, accounting for your breathlessness. If it weren’t for the worry that had sprung up inside of him upon seeing your expression, he would have fixated on how beautiful you looked at that moment.
“Spencer, you’re my boyfriend.” You whisper yelled at him, quickly stepping closer and setting your bag down on the conference table.
“Wha-“ He began, but you cut him off frantically.
“I’ll explain-just, oh fuck-“
Spencer stood frozen to the spot as the door reopened and one of the senior detectives sauntered in, a friendly smile somewhat overshadowed by the almost predatorial glint in his eyes. You awkwardly stepped closer to Spencer, raising a hand in hello.
“Agent (Y/L/N), great to see you’re back, I was hoping to catch you before the end of the day!” He said merrily, placing two hands on the back of the nearest chair. Something about the way his hands gripped the chair made Spencer feel...on edge.
You gave the fakest little giggle Spencer had ever heard from you, “Oh, nice to see you too Detective! Just had to catch up with Agent Reid here...”
When his eyes moved from you to assess Spencer briefly, he felt a protective force rear up, instincts entirely at alert. Without hesitating, he casually draped an arm over your shoulder, brushing some hair back as he did, and replied, “And you promised we could get some coffee from the Starbucks down the road, hon.”
He enjoyed the way your cheeks flushed and noticed the pulse in your neck pick up. You glanced up at him, trying to look coy but he knew you too well and could see you were partly surprised, and also trying not to laugh.
“Um, of course, I nearly forgot, babe, let’s go in about 5-unless, did you need something specific, Detective?” She broke off to glance back at the now scowling man, who gave an annoyed jerk of his head before stomping back out of the room.
Once the door banged closed behind him, you let out the biggest sigh of relief, raising a hand to your face in dismay.
Spencer hadn’t removed his arm yet, “I’m assuming I just helped you avoid being asked out, but why-?”
“Uhg, Spencer, I’ve already turned him down TWICE since we’ve arrived! He’s literally the kind of dude who doesn’t take no for an answer unless another man has some fucking misogynistic claim over the woman!” You exclaimed, before moving to stand right in front of Spencer and lean just your head to his chest, staring down at the floor, “I hate everything.”
Spencer laughed, patting your back softly, but internally making note that he wouldn’t be letting you go anywhere alone for the rest of this case-that detective gave him the creeps. And while you were beyond capable of protecting yourself, he just knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything if he thought you could be hurt.
“Well, just so we’re clear I would never want to be called ‘babe’ in a relationship.” He joked and the desired effect was his immediate reward when you lifted your head and giggled-your genuine, beautiful little giggle-and then grinned.
“Spencer, you called me ‘hon’ like we were 70.”
Spencer considered a moment, “We could be, you’ll be Gladys and I’ll be-“
“Winston!” You supplied eagerly, and he frowned at you, trying not to laugh.
“It’s really very dignified, the kind of name where people call you ‘sir’.” You replied cheekily, and while Spencer grinned, a part of him felt a swoop of pleasure when your lips formed the word ‘sir’.
He decided very quickly that he liked the idea of you calling him that. And then, just as swiftly dismissed that train of thought and chastised himself.
As you both stood together and laughed, the door swung open and Hotch and the team followed him in, all in various stages of the results of exposure to the rain, looking equally grim. Spencer and you abruptly stopped when you saw their expressions and launched back into work mode seamlessly.
Two days later, the team was closing in on the unsub and everyone was on high alert. Taking the profile and applying it to the geo-profile he had been working on, Spencer had narrowed down this grubby old apartment that sat above a nightclub as the most likely spot the unsub was staying at. Of course, they were arriving at night which meant the club was busy and loud, people lined up out the doors waiting for their chance to enter, pay too much for a drink and grind their bodies against strangers.
Spencer’s headache from the unforgiving rain was thrumming now with the music that seemed entirely unencumbered by the walls of the stairwell, the team slowly climbing. It was bad enough that his eyes narrowed somewhat, but he didn’t lose focus.
You were behind him, watching his six as Hotch and Morgan approached the door ahead and prepared to breach. Spencer slipped a hand behind his back and, on cue, you’re pinky wrapped with his. A brief promise to each other, ‘I’ve got you.’.
They had anticipated violence and heavy arms, so when their announcement was met with silence and the door was kicked open, the tactical response was to secure positions and carefully proceed. Agents and SWAT members lined the building and were, at that moment, securing the club below to ensure the unsub couldn’t flee into a room full of potential hostages.
Spencer and you were the third pair to enter, quickly moving ahead of the others to secure more rooms, eyes peeled for movement. The floor was covered in litter and random spots of dirt and dried substances. It smelled like body odour and axe body spray-which immediately went to Spencer’s headache and caused it to throb in protest.
You had shouted right as Spencer noticed the movement from a back room down the hall, as the unsub leaned out and, not abiding by the command, opened fire. Spencer grabbed you and swung you both behind the wall of the kitchen, out of the line of fire while he shouted the unsubs location.
You recovered quickly, dropping to the ground and leaning out to return fire as Hotch and Morgan ran across to the living room to join the battle. It only took a few moments after that before Morgan managed to get a shot to the suspect's shoulder and he fell with a cry of anguish.
You popped up from the ground, watching as Prentiss and Rossi moved forward to secure the man, and barked into your radio for medics to come in.
Spencer, meanwhile, was reeling. When the shots in the room had all joined together in a cacophony, sound and noise piercing his skull, it had converted to pain and panic in his skull, overwhelming him. He had used his own body to shield yours when he pulled you with him into the wall, and the caution he took with you meant he hadn’t caught himself carefully enough, his head bouncing lightly off of the stone wall.
Which, on a normal day would have simply been annoying. But today, with a headache so severe he was beginning to get spots in his vision, it was detrimental. The scene was secure, so he allowed his eyes to shut, a meagre reprieve but at least it was something, at least he didn’t have to see the beams from the flashlights or the pulsing of the neon signs outside of the windows...
“Winston, take my hand.” Your voice was so, so soft. Spencer let his mouth open slightly, a small rush of air all he managed, trying to say ‘I can’t-it hurts, make it stop’ but you grasped his hand tightly and pulled and he followed, his other hand reaching and grabbing that back of your vest, he let you lead him.
He knew from the reduced foot traffic of agents and crime scene workers that you were taking the rear exit, a stairwell that was narrower than the main. He peeked through his lashes to take the stairs, and then suddenly, the cool night air hit him and the door was closing behind you both.
You kept walking with purpose, leading Spencer further away from the loud building. The rain spattered his face but with each step the noise reduced and after a short walk it became relatively quiet.
“Sit.” You murmured, halting. Spencer opened his eyes and saw that you had led him to the farthest spot in the parking lot from the building, where trees lined the lot along a community park that was probably utilized by vagrants and drug dealers more than families. But there was a bench, and you were waiting for him to take a seat. You had pulled out a compact, expandable emergency rain shield from one of the pockets on your FBI utility belt and tossed it on the bench, protecting you both from soaking your underwear.
Spencer sat, setting his elbows on his legs and leaning forward with his hands pressed to his face. He took deep, steadying breaths as you joined him, your hand on the back of his neck. At first, he thought you were just resting it there because his FBI vest would have prevented him from feeling your hand on his back, however, a moment later it was joined by your other hand and a very cold object.
Resisting the urge to pull away, he gasped at the contact, “What-?”
“On-the-go cold compress, Doctor.” You explained, leaving it in place and then rummaging again. Spencer wanted to look but the compress, combined with the quiet, was already doing wonders. He continued to take deep breaths.
“When you’re ready, try this.” You said softly, pressing something to his hand. Opening his eyes, he saw a mini flask that had his name written on the side.
He turned his head slowly so as not to move the compress and met your eyes, which were assessing him with concern. “(Y/N), when did we start drinking on the job?”
You giggled quietly, “It’s just water mixed with this like, vitamin powder that’s supposed to be good for rehydrating you quickly. I did some research on how to help headaches like yours on the go, just in case, and I made this ‘Spencer’ care bag.” You rambled a little when he didn’t reply.
Spencer looked back at the flask and opened it, quickly downing the contents. It tasted pretty fruity and he realized he was thirsty, this taking the edge off.
“Is it okay?” You asked. Spencer raised his head and met your eyes, searching them.
He was overwhelmed, the headache already fading, in its place an intensely warm feeling building inside of him as he considered the time and effort you had taken to care for him. He hadn’t asked you, or hinted, you had just taken it on to find a way to help him and you were right there when he needed you the most.
You had always been there when he needed you. When he had been shot protecting Blake, when he struggled to care for his mother, when he had gone to prison, when he was freed, you were there.
The words tumbled out, unable to be contained a second longer.
“I am hopelessly in love with you.”
Your mouth opened and closed in surprise, taken entirely off guard. Though he worried what you would say, he couldn’t deny the relief he felt having finally said it out loud. He watched patiently as your mind processed his confession, holding his breath.
“I-Spencer,” And then suddenly your lips were pressing into his and the pain from his headache ceased entirely. Spencer was consumed by the feel of you against him, of your hands holding his face and the hum of content you gave when he returned your passion, dropping his flask and sliding his hands up your neck, gripping tenderly.
After what could have been hours, weeks, or years, you both broke apart, pulling back just enough to make eye contact without your eyes crossing. Neither of you let go, your breath puffing out in wisps in the cold night air.
“I love you too,” You breathed, “I could grow old with you, Winston.”
Spencer laughed, relief and happiness swooping through him at your words, “Gladys, I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.”
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You grinned back at Spencer, and then he kissed you again.
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tyongxnct · 4 years
𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 - 𝑁𝑎 𝐽𝑎𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 - 𝐍𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
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pairing: Jaemin x reader
special guest: Jeno
summary: Letting random guys use your body wouldn’t bring him back, you knew it, but you still let them use you. Jaemin, the love of your life, promised you to come back. When Jaemin left to fulfill his dream of becoming an idol, he told you that he’d come back to get you. You fed yourself with lies and you were still waiting for him, even after years. You didn’t want to let someone else love you, only Jaemin could love you.
song: nobody - Selena Gomez
genre: breakup!au, idol!au, angst, a dash of fluff
warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, not a happy ending
word count: 1,7k 
A/N: This one’s really short but i still love it so much. I hope you like it as much as I do. Have fun reading 𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 !!!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
No heart, no hands, no skin, no touch Can get me there, nowhere enough To love me like you do, to love me like you do No kiss, no lips, no feel, no rush Can you keep me high, I swear no one Can love me like you do, can love me like you do, no
“We should do that again.”
You felt bad. You felt so bad for trying to replace him, replace his touches on your body and the taste on your lips.
“Yo, can I use your bathroom?” Jeno asked you. You just nodded. You hid yourself under your blanket, you didn’t want to look at your naked body, painted with a stranger’s touches.
It was always like this, you trying to get over him with someone else, but nothing and no one helped. Whenever you closed your eyes, it was him. Only his face, his hands on your body and the way he told you that he loved you as he made you cum.
You’ve been dreaming about him, thinking about him, and missing him. It was hard not to, everything reminded you of him. Your apartment, work, even your friends and family.
You felt empty, lost, worthless.
You let them fuck you and use your body, but you still felt useless.
Your soul was wandering around as they thrusted into you, deep, but you never felt like how you felt with him.
Nobody is going to love you like Na Jaemin.
Nobody's gonna love me like you Nobody, uh
three years ago
“Why are you staring at me?” you asked Jaemin after a while.
“You’re pretty.”
It was a night like any other night with him, you had dinner with Jaemin and then you watched a movie, well you watched the movie, he was staring at you the entire time.
“Watch the movie, not me.” You said shyly. “I’d rather watch you.”
You turned your face to him and pecked his lips, the little kiss was too short for Jaemin, so he took your face in his hands and pulled you closer to kiss you fully on the lips. His right hand pulled you on his lap, your legs one each side of his hips and his arms around the small of your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.
He slowly pulled away after your heavy make out session, both of you breathing heavily. “You know, you are the love of my life.” He breathed out as he put his forehead against yours. “You are my soulmate, my better half. My everything.”
“I love you so much, I never thought I’d be capable to feel so much for someone. Well, not just someone. You are Y/n and you are perfect. I don’t know what I did in my past lives to deserve you. I wish we could get married now, I can’t wait any longer, but I promise you, I’ll marry you one day.”
You felt the tears roll down your face. The words that left Jaemin’s lips made you feel so special, so loved and just over the moon.
“J-jaemin-“ you whimpered.
“Baby, are you crying? Fuck, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He panicked and wiped away your tears with his thumbs.
“J-Jaemin I love you so, so much, I don’t think that I could live a day without you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” And then, he kissed you again.
His hands caressed your skin under your shirt as your hands wandered to his hair. “I love you.” He whispered against your lips.
No oxygen, can barely breathe My darkest sin, you've raised release And it's all because of you, all because of you And I don't know what it is, but you've pulled me in No one compares, could ever begin To love me like you do And I wouldn't want them to 'Cause
“We should go on a date, like, a real date. Not just fucking. I’m mean I love to fuck you, but yeah, I like you-“
Going on a date with someone who wasn’t Jaemin? You would never do that. You would never even think of doing romantic stuff with someone who wasn’t Jaemin.
They could fuck you and that’s it. No strings attached.
“Not gonna happen.” You put your bra and panties back on and ignored Jeno’s gaze on your body.
“Why? You can give me a chance. A simple dinner. Come on, Y/n. It won’t kill you.” Jeno still insisted.
It won’t kill you because you were already dead.
You couldn’t do that, you couldn’t let him manipulate you. You promised yourself that you’d only love Na Jaemin and you promised him. You would never dare to break that promise, because you only loved Jaemin and that would never change. Nobody could change that.
“I said no. If you want more than what we have, fine, go to someone else. I don’t need that, and I don’t need you.” You said coldly.
“He won’t come back. You know that right? You can push me away as much as you want, you’ll never get him back. He’s gone, Y/n. And he will never come back. Not for you. He left you, he left you because he didn’t love you as much as you love him. He left you because you weren’t enough for him. Jaemin left you behind, he left you all alone and broken and you will never get him back because he simply loves his idol life more than he has ever loved you. He’s in a fucking relationship and here you are still crying over him after years! Jaemin is not worth your love! Get that through your thick skull Y/n!” Jeno yelled at you.
You looked at him without any emotion on your face. “He loves me. He promised me he’ll come back to me. Jaemin promised me. He promised me that we’ll marry each other and that we’ll be happy together forever. Jaemin promised and he never breaks his promises.”
You were breathing heavily without noticing it, your voice broke and tears streamed down your face. Your hands were formed into fists and your nails dug into your palms. “He promised…” you whispered before you broke down completely. You were on your knees, crying your heart out because deep down you knew. You knew that he left you forever.
You were screaming hysterically and punching the floor with the little strength you had left.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please stop crying. I shouldn’t have said that.” He caged you in his arms to stop you from hurting yourself. You let him. For the first time in forever you let someone who wasn’t Jaemin hug you.
“It’s okay, let it all out, it’s okay.” He whispered. You hugged him back, “It hurts so bad.” You sobbed into his chest. “I know, it’ll get better, I promise you.”
You cried in his arms until you fell asleep. Your body was exhausted and so was your soul.
Nobody's gonna love me like you Nobody, uh
Two years ago
“I love you, baby. But this is a huge opportunity for me. I can finally live my dream. I can finally become an artist.” He hugged you and you didn’t say a word.
“You know how much this means to me, right? Babe. Look at me.” He cupped your face and you looked at him with bloodshot eyes.
“You know I love you right?” he asked.
“I-I love you too a-and I’m so, so proud of you. I’m c-crying because I’m so happy for you.” You forced a smile on your face.
You weren’t lying. You were proud and happy for him, but the thought of being apart hurts you so much.
“So, you understand that I have to go?” he pecked your lips.
You nodded, “Y-Yes, and everyone is going to see my talented boyfriend. Everyone’s going to love you- Na Jaemin. You’re perfect and you deserve this so much.”
“You’re the best supportive girlfriend someone could ask for. Don’t worry baby, I’ll come back, and I’ll take you with me. Remember? I promised to marry you and I always keep my promises.”
“I love you, Jaemin. So much, I don’t know enough words to describe it.”
“I love you too baby. I’ll love you forever.” He pressed his lips on yours. Jaemin kissed you with so much passion and longing and you kissed him back and you knew that would be your last kiss.
That night, Jaemin showed you how much he loved you with his hands and lips all over your body. It was not your first-time having sex with Jaemin, but it was your last time.
I don't want nothing else Not when I've had the best I don't want nothing else 'Cause you showed me the best
One year ago
Na Jaemin and Shin Seolhyun reported to be dating!
You looked at that article for hours. Dispatch also added pictures of their secret dates, it was definitely Jaemin and a really pretty girl was on his side. It was hard to see his face. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses, he looked like a celebrity- well, he is a celebrity.
You cried yourself to sleep that night and when you woke up the next day, you wished you would never have woken up.
That was the big headline, once you started reading, you couldn’t stop the tears.
Na Jaemin and Shin Seolhyun are currently meeting each other and have mutual feelings for each other. They have been dating for 4 months already!
Congratulations to the couple!
He broke his promise. Na Jaemin broke his promise to love you forever.
You tried to erase that day, that day you decided to let men to use your body to forget about Jaemin. You and Jaemin were dating for four years and it’s been two years since he left you without contacting you ever again. Jaemin broke his promise but you were still completely in love with him. It hurt so much, so much to see him happy with someone else. Did he promise her to marry her too? Did he love her like he loved you? Did he forget about you?
No matter how often you let someone fuck and use you. No matter how much you tried to distract yourself. No matter how much you tried to hate him, you couldn’t. You couldn’t hate him, and you couldn’t let someone else love you, because nobody, nobody could love you like Na Jaemin.
SEQUEL:  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 - 𝐍𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
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