#crusty old lucas
discount--dracula · 2 months
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today i'm saying farewell to my darlings (only for a short while, but it hurts nonetheless)
see you in our new home lovelies
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wavesketcher-sq · 6 months
Your Mom's Hot
A/N: Wavesketcher writing SQ fic in 2024, who'd have thought it.
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Regina Mills is hot. Which is totally fine because she, Emma Swan, has always had hot friends. There were the girls she played sports with in high school - hot - her kickboxing teacher that bought her tequilas every Friday night in the days before Storybrooke - hot - Ruby Lucas, her Storybrooke drinking buddy - hot. 
Regina is a hot Mayor, no biggie. 
Then it happens. The shift, the capitalisation, the transition from acceptable, passing hotness to stomach pinching, dream visiting chaos.
She’s passing by Henry’s room, and lingers at the door when she hears her name. 
“Emma’s cool,” says the voice of fourteen year old Isaac, a school friend, “But when is your other Mom coming home?”
“Dunno,” says the voice of fourteen year old Henry, her son, “Why?”
“Because she’s hot.” 
“Isaac! Gross!” Henry yells, and there’s a scuffle and a thump as one pubescent teen is pushed off the bed. 
“Hey!? Everyone at school thinks so! Your Mom’s hot,” Isaac squeezes the words out between fits of laughter. It sounds like Henry is thumping him with a pillow. 
Hot Mom/Mayor Mills comes home at six pm. Emma is in Henry’s room, trying to figure out the boys pizza order. 
“Shit,” she mutters, hearing the door open, “she’s back early.”
“Maybe she’ll want pizza too?” says Isaac. Henry thumps him again. 
“Emma, please kindly leave your jacket in the coat closet and not on the stairs!”
She throws Henry a conspiratorial eye roll and shouts, “Sorry, Mom!” 
The teens snicker. 
But she’s a little helpless when it comes to Regina’s nagging - after all, she did offer to take her in when her flat basically fucking exploded, and her choices included living with her PDA obsessive parents, or, on her ex-boyfriend’s crusty pirate ship - and bounds down the stairs to meet her. 
Regina is holding Emma’s red jacket between two manicured fingers. She raises a brow, “Must I have to teach you?”
And Emma’s mouth is suddenly dry because that sounded really, kinda, very, Hot. 
Read the full chapter here.
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crayonurchin · 6 months
🌲🌿🌾 For Cammie, and/or Solo, depending on how much you want to write!
Cammie first, Solo second!
🌲 What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
The kindest thing someone ever did for Cammie is tricky. He's had many things done for him that can't ever really be re-paid. In rps, he's been essentially adopted by both @theamishpirate main boy Sandy as a brother, and @kajeaynart gummy gang as their next lil member. Outside of rps, I think it's honestly meeting Lucas as a little kid. That boy singlehandedly showed Cammie there was life beyond what was decided for him, and coming to meet him got Lucas in a lot of trouble, yet he kept it up for his friend trapped behind trimmed hedges. It's small, but it completely changed Cammie's life. - For the worst? When he ran away from home, he told nobody, including his Nanny Peppermint, who'd been caring for him all his life. She was beyond broken when he vanished, and she died before he could ever reconcile with her. He was a kid at the time, he wasn't trying to be cruel, but he was, and he regrets it constantly.
🌿 What is something true about your OC that they refuse to admit about themselves? Is there any reason to this besides embarassment?
He's cowardly. He tries to run from everything that he can't control and pretends it was never real. He wants to believe he's a grandiose man when he's really a selfish boy at times. He can't admit when he's wrong, because it would mean admitting the people he was oppressed by may have been right.
It's a tricky bag of marbles, but there's truth in it all both directions.
🌾 What would your OC be like if they were evil. Or if they’re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
An evil Cammie is a very, very manipulative person. He still wants many of the same goals, but rather than abusing himself to mould his essence into what he needs it to be, he moulds everyone else around him, without caring how it affects them. And he's clever, he's always able to use words that never make him the villain but always make him the victim. Anyone speaking out against him would look like a monster, and he's aware of it.
He'd still be in great denial of many things, but the evil Cammie uses that denial to justify his every action and it lets him sleep at night, inside a bus that everyone else got run over by.
And now, Solo!
🌲 What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
Once again, RP has different answers! @techmomma and I have done a LOT of rps with Solo and their blorbos, so in order: Ed essentially adopting and helping them get into therapy, survive the reappearance of their abuser, and becoming the grandparent of their son. TB doing much the same but in a very queer and motherly role from a bit more of a distance Mom being their bff that holds them accountable Pet being their bff that lets them feel joy again Outside rp, canonically at 13 years old as a runaway with a brain damaged baby, they knew this was stupidly dangerous. There was a man, Antony, that ran these awful apartment blocks, and he was a mean sonovabitch. That crusty angry man let this random child and infant live in one of his studios for seven months, with rent being 'whatever was doable', though that was never formally agreed. He was a bastard, but he saved their life at an extremely vulnerable state.
Solo's done a lot of bad things. They've let others take the fall when they're the one committing the crime, they've pushed away people who care about them. TECHNICALLY, they tried to murder their abuser by hitting her in the skull with a cast iron pan, but I think that's forgivable in context. Also she didn't die so, who cares. To name a single thing, they probably pickpocketed someone, realised this person definitely needed the money, but still kept it because fuck that other person they've got their own shit to deal with.
🌿 What is something true about your OC that they refuse to admit about themselves? Is there any reason to this besides embarassment?
They refuse to admit they had a horrible childhood. From being a kid of 13 other kids in a cramped trailer, to being sold to a circus that for sure took advantage of them, to be kidnapped by a woman and [REDACTED] for years resulting in the birth of their son, to watching that baby get smothered with a pillow and only managing to revive him after the oxygen deprivation caused a stroke that resulted in cerebral palsy, to being a teenager with an infant on your own running away because you possibly killed the adult that captured you, to developing severe OCD and PTSD as a result of it all. If they admit that it was bad, then they're going to have to deal with it, and they'll have to let go of the few happy memories that they grip like driftwood in a storming ocean.
🌾 What would your OC be like if they were evil. Or if they’re already evil what would they be like as the good guy?
An evil Solo is using their brilliant charisma to work their way into a powerful position of love, adoration and worship. So much so, that it lets them get total revenge on everyone in their life, without facing a single consequence. They can crush anyone who dares to even think about stepping on them or their son, who they basically lock in a box to protect.
Good Solo is super flawed but wants good things. Bad Solo is super flawed and will hurt people to ignore that.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 14-"It Should Have Been Lorelai" (Part 2)
Part 1 and all previous commentary can be found in my Pinned post. This will be brief since I ran out of space the last time and the episode is wrapping up. As shitty as CrustyPher is I really don't want this episode to end because I have to face the HellTornado ShitShow Circus that is "Lost and Found" after this. Please take your time, Judgy (Lorelai) and Crusty. Let's recount part 1 a bit first. I'm waist-deep in the middle of a concerning conversation between Rory and Lorelai. Christopher's victim, Sherrie, isolated Lorelai in her kitchen while she was a guest in her home, told Lorelai she had no interest in being her friend but insisted that she needed immediate access to her underage daughter to which Lorelai accepts and sends Rory out to face an unknown fate with this complete stranger who just insulted her and that she just met an hour ago. The details of where Sherrie took poor Rory are vague at best except for a mention of the movies. While Rory and Creepie are at the movies, Judgy and Crusty (Lorelai and Christopher) went to FND together, which I skipped over because who the hell cares. The mysterious Rory and Sherrie evening is over and it's the next day. Rory is recalling the evening to Lorelai, where we learn Sherrie spent the evening spilling extremely personal details about herself to 16 year old stranger Rory Gilmore and was acting "very touchy feely". Lorelai of course is showing the appropriate level of concern for a mother.
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(talking about Emily) Having not seen the scene in question, I'll just assume that Emily's reaction is a reasonable one so far as hearing about Lorelai agreeing to a premeditated kidnapping of her grandchild. Luke's arms come into frame for two seconds as he sets down two coffees they won't pay for. This episode is sorely lacking Lucas.
Cut to an amusing scene whereby Rory uses Kirk and Michel to sneak a contraband cd into Lane's totebag. Back to the diner where Crustypher and Sherrie show up to talk to Lorelai. Creepie Sherrie immediately asks about Rory and wants to know where she is.
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Someone needs to sic Chris Hansen on your ass, you weirdo.
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NO! MY GIRL RORYGIL HAS SUFFERED ENOUGH. SHE'S BEEN THROUGH IT! OKAY. Rory tells Lorelai that as a kid she sometimed imagined her real father was either Pee Wee Hermann or Matthew Broderick. Very random choices but okay. A deflated soccer ball would be a better father than Crusty.
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What ever would this show be without Lorelai Gilmore Constantly Opening Her Big Fat Mouth Without Thinking First?
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Lorelai tells Crusty he is so ingrained in her brain matter that he has caused her to subconciously sabotage every decent relationship she has ever had. But now that Crusty is settling down with Creepy Sherrie, she can finally move past him.
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It's once again time to visit a classic Gilmore Girls Trope-The Man Who Has An Immediate Public Freakout At A Woman In Public. People are staring at you, you wad. ("People Are Staring, You Wad" should be printed on a bumper sticker they sell at the Stars Hollow gift shop. It should be plastered on the vehicle of every man who causes a scene in public with a woman on this show). No wonder poor little RoryGirl wanted to live in Pee Wee's Playhouse with a talking chair instead of having this sewer dwelling sperm donor for a father. PeeWee would make an excellent father, damn it. Globey and Jambi could be like her uncles. I wish to one day see the women of The Hollow rise up and revolt against every god damn Penis Haver on this show. They need to be sacrified to the Man Volcano. Even Jess. Okay, I can make a few exceptions. Dave Ryglaksi will be spared. Kirk will be spared. Paul Anka of course. Maybe Luke will get a trial first before being sarcified to the Man Volcano, he's kind of borderline, depends where we're at in the show.
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Oh honey, I hope you packed some high SPF sunblock because you're definitely getting sarcified to the Man Volcano along with Dean, Logan, Logan's Annoying Friends, Tristan, Taylor Doose, Jason DiggerStiles, Max Medina, Mitchum Huntsburger, Lane's husband Zac, Headmaster Charleston, that creepy old professor Paris dated, and all the rest. We ride at dawn, Ladies. Meet me at Miss Patty's. Bring skewers. Luke in the background like "Jesus Christ I'm trying to run a business here."
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Spared from the Man Volcano. For now. And this guy in the hat just trying to enjoy his fruit salad, he can live. Christopher immediately leaves to hug Rory outside like he actually gives a damn about her and looks back to make sure Lorelai is watching them through the window. What is the rent at Pee Wee's Playhouse? Rory should look into that.
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twothpaste · 1 year
do video games still exist in your au? If so what games do they play?
aw, man, intermission au is absolutely brimming with video games. here's some of their favorites & such, below the cut:
ness has a collection of old nintendo consoles passed down by his dad. kid grew up playing everything from classic NES to the switch. he likes kirby and starfox especially. he n' jeff used to play every co-op game in his arsenal, every weekend, when they were like 14.
jeff likes metroid and starcraft. he's been emulating games on pc since he was like 5. most notably though, he's got an esteemed resume of competitive pokemon accolades. dude who plays pokemon showdown in class every day and still somehow gets straight A's.
claus will eagerly play anything he can manage with one arm. and some things he really can't. he streams fortnite. his favorite game is fallout 2. there's a running bit about jeff teaching him competitive pokemon. they've got a funny little mentor-student thing going on. except instead of somethin' cool like robotics or rocket science, it's just jeff teaching claus how to optimize his dragapult's EV spread.
the twins grew up with a couple of GBAs they got used from a yard sale - lucas had pokemon leaf green, claus had fire red. though lucas isn't very into video games generally, he's sentimental about the little green gba cart that helped him through a few of his roughest years. but his favorite game is animal crossing for gamecube, which kuma shared with him.
kumatora's beat-to-shit purple gamecube is near and dear to her. raised on a steady diet of mario sunshine and sonic adventure 2. still has her childhood animal crossing town (named "Castle") on an ancient crusty memory card. she's also kinda good at street fighter. and can barely run tf2 on her horrible garbage laptop.
paula plays sudoku and bejweled on her phone while waiting for appointments. the only real gamer here tbh.
duster has one of these.
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creepereyes · 2 years
I can’t believe antis are still spouting the ‘Billy was a violent racist how can you like him?!’ argument.
One vague line doesn’t prove anything, and I guarantee you Billy would’ve reacted the exact same way if it had been Mike, Will or Dustin pestering Max in those scenes.
Even if Dacre himself confirmed that Billy WAS a little racist, people can change. Racism can be unlearned, and I’m going to make a Stranger Things/The Walking Dead comparison post that might give antis an aneurysm.
You don’t have to be familiar with The Walking Dead to understand this post, but I’d say it’s worth a read especially if you like both shows.
This post is going to get long so I’m inserting a read more.
Billy is not an irredeemable monster. He never uses racist slurs and never hate crimes Lucas. Pushing someone against the wall and scolding them is not attempted murder. Lastly, he’s a teenager. It’s not like he’s a dude in his 40′s bullying an 8th grader.
All these Billy antis need to watch The Walking Dead, specifically the first three seasons. Why, you ask? Because that show had a racist character who was on the track to changing his ways and becoming a better person.
In TWD season 1 episode 2 we meet Merle Dixon, older brother of series favorite Daryl Dixon. Merle is a violent, unapologetic racist who, shortly after being introduced, provokes a black man into attacking him so he has an ‘excuse’ to beat him up. He’s a terrible person. (Though early series Daryl is no saint either, he’s quick to violence and is often hostile to other members of the group).
After Merle saws his own hand off to escape a bad situation, he goes missing for over a season. When he comes back, he’s different. He’s still an asshole and while he still drops a racial slur, he doesn’t sling the n-word anymore and shows the odd moment of compassion. As the season progresses, we start to understand why Merle is the way he is and that he has more layers than expected. Much like Billy, he has sides to him that other people rarely see, and that really shines when he interacts with Herschel, the one person who shows him kindness.
As unpredictable as Merle is, he does the right thing in the end. And guess who really gets through to him and convinces him to do the right thing?
Michonne, a black woman.
Just like Billy, Merle sacrifices his own life and dies to protect a group of people who don’t give a shit about him, and is then mourned only by a younger sibling with whom he had a very complicated relationship.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s no justifying or excusing his hateful actions in season 1. We as viewers are supposed to have conflicting feelings about Merle. He starts off as a racist asshole, but he turns out to be more complex than he seems, and if he lived past season 3 I’m confident he could’ve really changed for the better. In my opinion, Merle is a great character because despite his heinous past actions, he’s complex, layered and interesting. His interactions with other characters are fantastic and his actor, Michael Rooker, did a great job giving more depth to a character that could’ve easily been a one-note villain. (Sound familiar?)
My point? Anyone can change. If a 50 year old violent racist can begin changing his ways, so can a teenage boy.
If Billy had survived season 3 and gotten away from his abusive father, he would’ve changed too. It would take time and he’d need support, but it would’ve happened. He could’ve formed healthy relationships. He could’ve teamed up with Steve, Robin, Eddie and Nancy to kick Vecna’s crusty ass. 
Antis blatantly refuse to admit it, but Billy would’ve changed and flourished if he got out of his toxic home and had people believe in him. 
They just can’t handle a character with layers.
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arrogantsoap · 2 years
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coldnovemberrain11 · 3 years
I still don't know how Tumblr works.
Sorry now I won't bother re writing the whole thing.
Go watch Luca, gay or not I promise you'll like it.
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clonehub · 2 years
To kinda bounce off what mysteriouslypleasantcat said, it's already a difficult enough issue to balance and Disney-Lucasfilm keeps shooting themselves in the foot by not even stopping to consider the implications of anything they write. (Sorry in advance if this is weirdly or badly worded)
If you look at Star Wars in a vacuum, it makes plenty of sense why anyone with any random skin tone would join the Empire. At least on paper there's no such thing as "race," everyone is ostensibly just human. In-universe, blackness does not exist as a cultural concept, Asian-ness does not exist as a cultural concept, etc. Sure, there are cultures that may be dominated by people of a particular persuasion, but the line between them and anyone else is cultural, there isn't a universal collective mindset that separates dark-skinned humans from light-skinned humans, etc.
But art doesn't exist in a vacuum. And it's obvious to anyone who thinks about it for even a moment that all of the decisions with regards to casting PoC are done purely out of a desire to increase "diversity" or are specifically racially-motivated. Every single piece of Star Wars content that's come out in the past 7 years has been affected it: the VAST majority of PoC included in the Sequels, the Disney+ series, the recent video games are all either villains working FOR the fascist overlords, are heroes that get sidelined by other characters (usually white people), or are ultimately reliant on white characters to solve their problems.
Finn, Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, Boba Fett, Moff Gideon, Reva/Third Sister, Trilla Suduri/Second Sister, Cere Junda, Lando in TRoS. Fennec starts as a villain, graduates to anti-hero and then secondary protagonist, then gets shafted along with Boba on their own show. Pedro Pascal's face is hidden 98% of the time he's onscreen. 2/3 of the Sequel trio is overshadowed by a forced romance between a white woman and a literal fascist dictator. The core cast of an entire animated series is literally white and whitewashed clones of a brown-skinned Polynesian man. Trilla is the primary antagonist of Jedi: Fallen Order before being redeemed and then immediately and graphically executed, and her and Cere's personal issues are apparently only solvable by the intervention of a white man that is younger than both of them. Sung Kang and Rosario Dawson are both heavily made up for their roles as aliens. Giancarlo Esposito is very openly and 1-dimensionally fascist, Lando has, what, 3 cumulative minutes of screentime?
There's a reason George Lucas portrayed all the Imperials in the OT as crusty old white men with names like Wulff and Wilhuff. Setting aside any in-universe reason non-white people might join the Empire, setting aside any real world examples of non-white peoples interacting favorably with fascists and imperialists, the image of fascists as crusty old white men was and is the predominant image of fascism and there is a reason George Lucas played into this image in his movies.
This message that Disney seems to be putting out, intentionally or otherwise, of "hey look brown people can be villains too" really REALLY sucks when you're aware of the fact that brown people have ALWAYS been villains in white culture
(posting without comment bc all of this is right)
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americankimchi · 2 years
trying to find more padawan obi wan fics out there that don’t do the following:
turn qui gon into a villainous caricature by reducing him from a complicated, traumatized character to Horrible Person Who Abused Our Poor Obi-Wan Unjustly For His Entire Padawanship Without Pause
turn yoda into a crusty evil gremlin who is cold, calculating, and supremely manipulative. usually framed in a way to make him stuck in his old ways. basically the jedi equivalent of a republican conservative.
and for some reason ki adi mundi also gets this treatment??? what’s going on here
forget that the jedi are a religious community and not a government/military organization
ignore the jedi’s philosophies and ignore or misinterpret the tenets of the jedi code in bad faith
CONSTANTLY say that the jedi are incapable/not allowed to love because ~love is attachment and attachment is forbidden~ when this is so far off what canon AND george lucas tells us it’s hysterical
have obi wan defect/be abandoned by/get kicked out/otherwise leave the jedi order for whatever reason to join the mandalorians
if above happens, uses obi wan and the mandalorians as a mouthpiece to criticize the jedi order for being an inherently flawed organization for which there is no redemption
and instead does the following:
literally just treats the jedi with respect. please. i’m begging you. if i see another “the jedi order lets their children be abused within their organization because for some reason an entire temple full of level 100 psychic empaths would either not notice or care that one of their own is suffering” ice cold take i’m going to explode
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discount--dracula · 4 months
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movie night !!!
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whumpzone · 4 years
On the idea of Rowe old master being mad if a guest was kind to Rowe when he didn't deserve it. What if one of Tommases (i blanked on spelling there) friends where nice to him and he got scared?
oh hell yeah anon YOUR MIND!!
Master Tomas was so excited to have his guest over. Rowe was sure of it. He checked himself twice, thrice, four times in the mirror, fixing stray hairs Rowe couldn’t even see, and his speech was torn between telling Rowe how lovely his guest was, and making sure Rowe didn’t mind. Rowe always told him it was fine. He knew it wasn’t his place to have an opinion anyway, and truth be told, he liked seeing Master so giddy. A happy Master was a good thing.
“I’ve told him about you,” said Master, and Rowe couldn’t help feeling a flicker of pride. “So you can meet him too and say hello. Or! You can stay in your room. We won’t mind either way.”
“I- I w-would like to meet him, Master,” Rowe hazarded.
It was the right answer. Master smiled brightly at him. “Oh, that’ll be so lovely, pal.”
Master’s friend introduced himself as Luca. He was almost Rowe’s height, maybe a wisp taller, and wore a shy smile. His dark, neat hair was held up above his temple by a pretty hair clip with a golden sun on it. When it caught the light, it shone like a lighthouse, and Rowe realised he was staring far too late.
He knelt neatly in the corner of the living room, trying not to listen as Master offered Luca a glass of wine and a slice of crusty bread. He knew how this was meant to play out. Rowe was meant to pour the wine, and serve the food, and not listen to a word because he was just a dumb Pet, and Master and his friend were meant to ignore him, if he was lucky and did a good job. But Master’s house was endlessly strange. No sooner had Master excused himself and trotted upstairs had Luca fixed his eyes on Rowe.
He settled himself on the sofa’s armrest, one leg tucked firmly under his thigh. Rowe stayed kneeling, looking up at him. Trying to give him a small smile.
“Well, R-dawg. Hahah, actually, ignore that,” he quickly said, hiding his face as he laughed. It was quite endearing, Rowe thought. He thought that maybe one day, in the future, when he could laugh, he should hide his face too. It could make him look pretty. “Tomas tells me you’re very sweet,” Luca offered, looking down at Rowe with a hint of curiosity.
Master seemed so happy with him when Rowe spoke. Rowe wanted to try, really try his best, and impress Master’s new guest. “I like- I like your h-hair pin, sir.”
“Oh, thanks,” Luca said. His voice was calm, with rounded edges. “My little sister gave me the clip, it’s just one of those snap hair pin ones. And I hot glued this little sun pendant to it. Cute, right?”
Rowe nodded, although his stomach had turned at the mention of hot glue. He didn’t even know that existed. He thought about Master using it on him when he’d been disobedient. Gluing his eyelids shut or restraints to his wrists, or just letting it drip down his stomach until he’d learnt his lesson. He wanted to shake his head, to try and focus on the now, focus on just being a normal well behaved Pet, but he couldn’t with Luca crouched right in front of him.
“You like it?” Luca asked, ignoring Rowe’s defectiveness, then dug in his pocket when Rowe nodded again. Another stab of fear flashed through him. What was he getting? Had he done something wrong?
But all that he pulled out was a similar hair pin, red and shiny. He held it up, opening it with a snap. His nails, Rowe noticed, were painted a happy mustard yellow. “Here. I think it’d suit you.”
Rowe’s fingers curled together. No, no no no. Rowe knew what happened when old master’s guests treated him nicely. Only Master could decide how and when to bestow kindness onto his Pet. Rowe hadn’t earned it! If- if Luca was nice to him, he might get bad ideas about what exactly he deserved, and how to behave, and then he wouldn’t be able to please his Master and he’d be in trouble- but would it be right to refuse him?
Rowe doubled over, putting his forehead to the floor. “P-please, sir, th-that’s very kind b-b-but I- I think only my M-Master can be- uh- be kind to m-me. I’m sorry.”
Rowe heard Luca take a breath, and braced himself, but then-
“Everything okay?” Master’s voice made Rowe freeze.
“Master! Master Tomas I didn’t- I d-d-didn’t t-take it, I know o-only you c-c-can choose to treat me with mercy, I know, I- I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“I was- I only offered him this hair pin,” said Luca, with a breathless laugh.
Rowe heard footsteps coming closer, and he braced himself. This lesson was one his old master had made sure Rowe never forgot.
“Come on, pal, up you get,” Master coaxed, in the same gentle voice he always used. He didn’t sound any different, but surely? Surely this was unforgiveable? Rowe lifted himself up and saw Master looking down at him with his usual soft features. Luca gave him a sad smile.
“B-But I-“
“Hey, it’s okay. You know, Luca, I think I’d like that pin,” Master said, winking at Luca. Rowe didn’t understand why his heart sank. He shouldn’t have wanted it anyway. Master took it between his thumb and index finger, then looked back to Rowe. “You know what? I actually think it’d suit you better, pal. What do you think Luca?”
“Oh yes, absolutely.”
Master gathered some of Rowe’s heavy fringe and snapped the pin on, holding it up. Rowe lightly touched it. It was nice.
“Th-thank you Master, thank you sir,” he said, and although he didn’t understand the wide smiles both men had, Rowe was sure it must mean something good.
“You’re very welcome. Shall we eat?”
tagging cause Luca might crop up again! sorry to people who have already seen this 😅
@sola-whumping @just-another-whumper @misspelledwitch @looptheloup @briars7 @black-polarf @zipadeedooda-drabbles @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @rosesareviolentlyread @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @jazz-0307 @kestrelsparverius @whumpsy-daisies @whumpersworld @memoriesneverforget @sky-or-something-idfk @ghostcomit @cupcakes-and-pain @frankieswhump @ihaventwritteninsolong @mybrokenlittletoy @kiretto-laorentze @morelikepainsley @lave-e @tears-and-lilies @whump-me-all-night-long @newbornwhumperfly @itaina-anta @whump-it @haro-whumps @simplygrimly @alex-ember @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @mnmlover2002 @thekatastrophic @princessofonward @xmonster-under-the-bed @as-a-matter-of-whump @5boys1house @crystalrainwing @starnight-whump
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smellysoobin · 3 years
first dates with wayv
\- uwu so soft
yangyang takes you to the movies but insists that you pay for your popcorn. he also fucked up and got you seats sitting three rows away from each other. tbh you were grateful.
lucas takes you to walmart with the premise of buying you something. stands in the aisle of mirrors for twenty minutes just staring at himself. he didn’t notice you leave. 
winwin wants to go on a picnic, yet he did not check the weather. you’re in the middle of eating the crusty sandwiches he brought when it fucking downpours. 
ten thinks its cute to invite you for dinner at his place. you were not aware all of his roommates would be home. tells you to ignore them as they fling dirty socks at each other. 
kun convinces you to try this new cafe with him. you quickly figure out he brought you there to make the cute waiter jealous. the waiter is a old man.
hendery wants to take you to the mall! encourages you to try on outfits, but when you show him he says you look fat.
xiaojun can’t be bothered. your first date is just eating pizza in his living room. you payed for the pizza. 
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sodascherrycola · 3 years
Halloween 2021
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vani.jules I finally got my wings 🧚🏽‍♀️
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keatonbrooke AVANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every1luvsxio when ur big sis got the better genes 🤧
fan22 The way avani ate this up and CLEARED HER FUCKING PLATE!!!!
.bear_ I just wanna know how she got the wings to look real as hell?? Anyone else?? Is this a well known trick or am I just a boy????? HELP?!
↳ every1luvsxio ur just a boy
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imleightonlee My bunny boo 🐰
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haileyjunehet Suddenly I’m Hugh Hefner
fan93 dude istg every time i see leighton she just keeps getting hotter and hotter
fan27 ughhh why couldn’t i have been a nepotism babyyyyyy
↳ fan25 Ikr it’s like our parents hate us or something 😞
↳ fan21 brb gonna go kms
katemckagan 😘😘😘
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u.emma? baby one more time...
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fan17 She understood the assignment completely 😌
anxxie y’know people say she looks like me...just sayin’  🤗
fan22 A whole goddess 😍😍😍
keatonbrooke Britney would be proud, I AM proud 😢
vani.jules 🥵🥵🥵
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parkerjovi 🎃🎃🎃
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1ndonlyrome0 awhhhh so cute *runs myself over w/ a remote control car*
↳ pres_ awhhh I hope you guys find out ur related 😃
↳ 1ndonlyrome0 awhhhh I hope he finds out you still sleep with ur crusty frog stuffy 😝
↳ pres_ awhhhh I hope she finds ur secret stash of back up toothbrushes 🥰
↳ 1ndonlyrome0 awhhhh imagine if you guys drowned in a puddle 🥴
fan17 not their younger siblings dragging them in the comments 😭😭😭
hollycarpenter Romeo how many times do I have to remind you to stop bullying your sister on her instagram posts.
↳ 1ndonlyrome0 sorry mom...
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jj..bongiovi Happy Halloween from us to you :)
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fan22 I know that everyone is sick of the playmate costumes but I’m obsessed with them 😩😩😩
hayden holy shit y’all look good 🤤
ari.angel Not hayden thirsting for you guys in the comments but like same 🥵
lizzie.ww 🥰😘🥰😘
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hayden where’s my tommy lee?
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ayoits.luke he’s my dad if that counts??? I’ll do anything
↳ hayden Can you hook me up?
↳ ayoits.luke lol what abt me????
↳ hayden You’re too young honey 😙
↳ ayoits.luke AND MY DAD ISN’T TOO OLD?!?! He’s like 60???
↳ tommylee I’m 59 Lucas, get your facts right, also hey Hayden
↳ hayden AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean heyyyy 😎
audreyatwood @tommylee plz get out of my daughters instagram posts she is far too young for you old man
↳ tommylee It’s been a while Aud
↳ audreyatwood I will call Kelly, Thomas.
↳ tommylee PLEASE DON’T
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shoesandsocks · 3 years
I was cleaning the garage this morning. I decided to take another big swing at reducing the amount of cables and wires and spindles of optical disks and old/broken gizmos. I've had an old sports/equipment bag full of that stuff for 15 years or so.
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From its hideous mid-90s colors I'd have guessed it was my little brother's. But... See the deep purple under that velcro strip, where it's still brand-new? All these years I'd never paid attention to the pocket there. I emptied the whole thing and gave it a once over to make sure I hadn't missed anything... and...
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I'd missed three Crystal Light Fruit Punch singles and my dad's receipt from an Indianapolis pancake joint, just before Xmas of my junior year in college.
I vaguely recall FedEx having....
>>break while I mouth-blog this whole thing to my wife, who notices there's an address on the receipt<<
FedEx has a history in Indianapolis but '92 is pretty late for that. T said "Is it still a pancake hut?" so I googled the address. It's in Union Station, across from the convention center. I looked at it on the map. Oh hey, the convention center is across from Lucas Oil stadium. *looks up at TV with the Alabama/Georgia Please Let A Meteor Strike The Venue Bowl on*.
Yeah that one.
So I dunno. By '92 he was mostly flying MEM->ANC->Asia routes. If he was at a convention center in Indiana... maybe some kind of DC-10 convention?
He was a strong tipper, really liked being friendly with servers. This must've been a take-away thing. Four coffees for the guys or something.
(I will mix the crusty Crystal Light packets into water and drink them, in exchange for a $100 donation (each!) to the Leon County Humane Society.)
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pepiranhas · 3 years
Pt 2 of the Luca fic! Unbeta’d once again. Here’s Pt.1
Back to the present - Massimo was not wrong about being able to fix a simple crush, especially one that’s been sewn and continuously growing since Alberto was thirteen. Now, He’s seventeen years old and working outside of Massimo’s pescheria - He took on maintenance jobs, paint jobs, even temporary part time jobs at restaurants during the summer when Portorosso would see its share of tourists. Santa Ricotta, how Alberto despised the summer tourists. 
But then again, Alberto and a few other locals were the ones volunteering their time to clean up the seaside and this year he convinced Luca to do the same. Giulia said she might come along later, but would more than likely be assisting her father in the pescheria for pocket money today. Once the boys were in motion, Alberto began to grumble to himself as he shoveled rotting food and trash and then shoving them in a separate trash bag. 
“These tourists have no respect for marine life - Luca, look at this! They’re trashing our home!”
Luca looked shocked by the sudden outburst; he was probably in his own little world before he was yanked away from it, but agreed nonetheless. 
“We should really ticket people who litter - but the police don’t think it’s that big of a deal ‘till summer ends and now it’s their home that looks ugly.” “They don’t have to swim in this muck,” Luca adds. Alberto sighs, leaning against his shovel after he digs it into the sand as hard as possible to get it to stand in place.
Alberto decides he’s hot enough from work on top of the unforgiving sun and strips off his sweat stained shirt. It felt disgusting sticking to his skin anyway. 
In the split second he pulls the shirt over his head, his gaze naturally goes over to Luca - but he finds that the other boy is staring at him with wide eyes.
Alberto’s heart races in his chest as he tucks the shirt into his pocket, pretending like he never noticed when Luca quickly glances away, cheeks red as the tips of his ears are. 
“You’re not hot?” Alberto raises a brow, trying not to grin or read into Luca’s actions, lest he ends up disappointed. “I’m not, but you are- I mean-- You look hot, but I don’t feel it- the heat, I don’t-!”  
Alberto blinks, but goes to pick up his shovel again to resume scooping trash.
“We should go for a swim after, but probably on the other side. We should ask Massimo to let us borrow his boat and take a net out here tomorrow to clean further out!”
“Yeah! We should bring Giulia too!” Alberto rolls his eyes, “Man, what’s she gonna do but boss us around all day?” Luca, seemingly over his sudden stutter, scolds Alberto. “For company, stupido.” “Don’t call me stupido, imbecil.” Alberto fires back, all in good nature. Luca also fires back in good nature - by grabbing a handful of wet sand and flinging it at Alberto. Alberto screeches indignantly and the boys declare war against each other. By the time they called a truce, the sun was down and they picked up less than half the trash, the rest of the volunteers picking up their slack. They sheepishly apologized and promised they’ll clean further out tomorrow and quickly left.
The boys made it home past dinner. Giulia was already in her room and settled down for the rest of the night, since the lights were out and there was light snoring coming from her room. Massimo is probably out playing poker with some friends. 
The boys heat up some leftover pasta in the old and kind of crusty microwave in the kitchen and make their way to Alberto’s studio out in the back garden that he and Massimo built almost two years ago after Alberto was continuously scolded for leaving his art supplies around the house. Massimo was also not happy to find those art supplies scattered on the floor in Alberto’s room after Alberto allegedly cleaned up after himself. 
The boys decompress in comfortable silence and Alberto can’t stop feeling giddy about it - is this what a life together would feel like? Alberto coming home from a long day’s work, convincing Luca to stop studying and have dinner with him, and oh, Luca, it’s great weather tonight, we should eat dinner outside and I can pop out the good wine--
“Alberto? Are you listening to me?” 
“Huh?” Alberto snaps out of his thoughts just as quickly as they appeared. 
“I said if you’re done - I can take these back to the kitchen and wash them if we’re sleeping here tonight.” “Uh, no, that's fine, I can take them. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be back.” Alberto quickly stacks the dirty dishes together and walks out, trying to calm his nerves as he washed and put the dishes away. He sighs into the air of the kitchen, the sound of a ticking clock keeping him company. 
He’s slept with Luca before, it’s nothing new. So what was he so worked up about this time?
By the time he came back to his studio and shut the door behind him, Luca had finished setting up the blankets and pillows on the floor. Both boys settled in and Alberto, with all the oxygen he could muster in his nervous state, blew out the light from his little lantern, allowing for the darkness to engulf the boys and hope for sleep to overcome them both.
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