caeruleums · 2 months
closed starter for @tearfest.
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"such a strange coincidence that your car broke down right outside of my house――i can drive you home if you want? it looks like it's about to rain."
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lovesruined · 2 months
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" i wrote a new song and i want your opinion. " damien isn't nervous per se, but he is a little bit worried as it's been a few years since he submitted work as he had took a rather long vacation whilst his brother had been in the hospital. / @tearfest.
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dedicatedesire · 27 days
"What's bothering me?" — Uriel scoffed, rubbing his eyes. He laughed, attempting to avoid an argument so early in the morning, but he could feel the woman's jabs with intensity, and he figured that perhaps it was that morning that it would all come tumbling down. "Your heels, my dear. It's your heels. Every night they conveniently find themselves strewn on the floor, and you blindly assume that they must walk themselves back to your wardrobe each evening. I clean after you every day, and you've never thanked me or even acknowledged it, so I apologize if your complaints have fallen on deaf ears,' he was irritated and bold for the first time ever. "How is your attention to detail so attune when it comes to being the inquisitor but for nothing else, my love?"
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she-karev · 1 month
The Worst Day (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Angst with a Happy Ending)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 6
AN: Here’s another tearjerking chapter guys so get your tissues out and don’t worry I’ll get to Japril and Jolex once I finish this story.
Summary: Jackson and April find out what happened and go help Amber who is beating herself up for walking away from Andrew DeLuca the night before.
Words: 1638
May 3rd, 2020
Jackson Avery is sitting at the park bench waiting for April Kepner who asked to speak with him last night. Yesterday they worked together for the first time in years on two young girls who were kidnapped. The night was long and sorrowful for both of them, and it made them question their feelings for one another. It made him question if he was ready to give their relationship another chance.
He sits at the bench thinking about his conversation with Alex last night and his advice when Jackson told him about him and April. Alex said that maybe the timing was right for them this time, but the question was did Jackson want it to be? It’s a question that has been wracking in his head all night and ultimately, he came to a conclusion that has been building inside of him for weeks since he found out April and Matthew broke up.
He sees April approaching him in her casual clothes and black mask. He stands up and keeps six feet away from her.
“Hi.” Jackson greets her, “I’m glad you texted me last night, I uh I needed to talk to you about some things.”
April nods, “Me too…let me start by telling you what Amber said that pissed me off so much. She said that the reason you are unwilling to take me back is because I left after Samuel.”
Jackson’s heart tightens at the reminder of that painful time of their marriage but lets April continue, “And I thought she was being awful but there was some truth to what she said and I realize that now and I know now the real reason you signed the papers that day.”
“April I-” Jackson tries to respond but his phone rings and he looks and see’s it’s Alex to his confusion, “I gotta take this it could be a patient of mine.”
Jackson answers the phone and holds it against his ear while April looks ready to give the rest of her speech, “Yeah?” April sees Jackson listening to Alex on the phone and something he said caused his eyes to widen.
“DeLuca did what?” April begins to grow concerned as she sees Jackson’s face pale and his mouth drop open, “Okay, okay, I’m coming.” He hangs up the phone, “We gotta get to the hospital come on.”
Jackson doesn’t wait for a response as he walks in the direction of the hospital at a fast pace with April following, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I’ll explain on the way but we gotta hurry.” Jackson continues walking fast with April following as he explains what happened.
Alex sits on a pew at the chapel with his sister next to him. She is still wearing her casual clothes with her mask on. Her elbows are against the back of the pew in front of them leaning down and closing her eyes trying to take slow and deliberate breaths to keep from having another panic attack. Also in the chapel are Carina DeLuca and Maya Bishop who are at the first pew sitting in silence as well.
After she cried on his shoulder, he got someone to cover her service knowing she is not in the right state to treat patients. Alex knows his sister is trying to focus on her breathing so the million bad things in her head can be kept at bay. It’s what he and Aaron taught her, rise through the pain. He admonishes himself for telling his baby sister to shove down the pain that she needs to feel otherwise she could explode once the emotional dam bursts.
Jackson and April enter the chapel with worried looks on both of their faces. They see Amber in the pew and their worry morphs to that of sympathy. Alex stands up to allow them to comfort her in her time of need. Jackson takes Alex’s place; Amber opens her eyes and sees her best friend right next to her who pulls her against him.
She doesn’t fight it, instead she lets him pull her into his embrace allowing her to cry in his presence. Amber holds Jackson’s forearm around her for dear life and the small chapel is filled with her small cries and sniffles that Carina shares as well in the front row. Maya holds her as she breaks down over her brother being in surgery while Amber breaks down over the man, she loves being hurt the day she was gonna tell him she still loves him. Alex and April look at the couples in sadness, not knowing how they can mend their pain.
“Any updates?” April whispers to Alex anxiously.
“No, he’s still in surgery, Hunt and Altman are working on him.”
April blanches at that, “How bad was it?”
Alex looks just as tormented, “It’s bad.”
April shudders at that and sees Amber still crying in Jackson’s arms, “How is she?”
“She was a wreck when they brought him in, she was right there we both were.” April closes her eyes at the thought of Amber being right there in the middle of all of that chaos, “She had a panic attack, but I calmed her down and now…now we’re just waiting.”
“Waiting is the worst thing a person can do at a time like this.” April’s eyes glisten in tears, “She loves him, she never stopped. She was gonna give him another chance and then…”
Alex sighs at that, “I imagined so many bad things happening to him. He hurt my sister, and I saw the damage he left and I…he’s gotta pull through. He’s gotta pull through.”
April can see her old friend beating himself up and blaming himself for what happened to DeLuca, “Even if you specifically wished it, a sex trafficker attacking him would not have been you’re doing. Don’t blame yourself, your shame spiral is not needed, not when your sister needs you right now. I blamed myself for what happened to Samuel so many times until someone convinced me that it was out of my control. This was out of all of our control and all we can do now is pray for the best and prepare for the worst.”
Alex nods at that sage advice, “Have I told you I missed having you around?”
April grins at that, “No but I wouldn’t mind you saying it every day I continue to work here.”
Alex’s phone beeps and he looks at the message in regret, “Damn it, Hayes found a bronchogenic cyst in Luna, he needs me in the OR. Can you guys stay with her while I go?”
“Yeah of course. We’ll call you if we need anything or if we have any updates.” Alex nods gratefully before leaving. April approaches Jackson who is holding Amber in his arms as she begins to calm down, “I’m gonna light a candle are you good?”
Jackson nods letting April do her praying routine as he focuses on his friend in his arms. Her sobbing has stopped though he can see tears streaming down her cheeks from her red and blotchy eyes. Seeing her like this makes him want to go to the OR and make sure DeLuca comes out alive for his sake as well as Amber’s. But he knows she needs him here, holding her and making sure one of them is strong enough to carry the other.
“Hunt and Altman are the best people we could ask to patch up DeLuca. If I was in his position, I would want them to treat me. I know it’s hell but all we can do is wait and I’ll wait with you, you can count on me for that, I promise.” Jackson rubs Amber’s arm up and down with her head against his chest.
“I should have told him last night.” Amber sniffles and exhales a shaky breath, “I ignored his calls and made him think that the night we spent together was just some random hookup. He thought things were the same that I…that I couldn’t forgive him or love him.”
Jackson’s heart breaks for his broken best friend as she continues to confess her regrets in his arms, “He tried to change my mind last night. He came to me, and he told me he would earn back my trust. He told me things would be different, he said that I was the love of his life…and I walked away.”
Amber’s voice breaks with every sentence that destroys her already fragile heart, “I walked away and left him there. I didn’t say anything, no I love you, no good night just nothing. The last moment I had with him I let him think I was never gonna love him again. My last words to him were nothing and now he could die, and I’ll never say the things I wanted to say last night to him. He’ll never know how much he means to me…he’ll never know I never stopped loving him.”
Jackson sighs at this pressing a kiss to her head in brotherly love, “He knows, deep down he knows.”
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Amber states in shock and despair, “I mean with everything that’s happened and now this?”
Amber sobs softly in Jackson’s arms with her face pressed against his chest. He allows her tears to soak through his shirt as it’s the only thing he feels he can do at this moment. Jackson holds her against him by her arm letting his chin rest on top of her blonde head. He closes his eyes and says a silent prayer to every higher power he can to let DeLuca live so this beautiful and strong girl in his arms can say what she needs to say and get the happy ending they both deserve.
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gcholdtrops · 2 months
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      𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮  𝐏𝐎𝐕  :  the  actual  𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝  kind  of distraction
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aerachnid · 2 months
@tearfest. sc. MIJA.
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❝ ----- you should see the other guy. ❞
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puretalents · 4 months
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❝    of    all    the    people    i    could    be    stuck    with    when    the    world    ends,    it    had    to    be    you.    ❞
randomized    :    zombie    apocalypse    /    @tearfest
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silverspringed · 1 year
for @tearfest ,
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' you'll have to face it : i'm the greatest love that you wasted . '
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dismaltouch · 1 year
♡  muse  ↝ ava martinez
♡  closed for  ↝ @tearfest
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" you don't know when to give up. do you ? "
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purehoneybees · 1 year
closed starter for: @tearfest
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It had been about a month that Sauske had been with this fishing company. The giant vessel sailed the sea and would be out for another five months. He'd never brag about his job. It was modest and he was good at it. But something happened recently. A few nights ago, just like any night, he was out on the deck with a beer in hand. Not many of the other crew cared to socialize after the sun went down so he took many of the evenings to relax by himself. That night he saw something.
At first it felt like he was seeing things. Maybe hallucinating? It was dark. But he was certain he saw someone. A woman swimming as fast as the ship would sail. Even thinking that made him feel crazy. But he needed to know. When brough up in random conversation, many of the other sailors would mention the mythological sirens that drew men to their deaths. Was that what this was? 
So he found himself out on the deck once again. Looking over the water. He just wanted to see her. Just to know he wasn't insane. To know something like that existed was enough to make any man curious. Finally he saw it—saw her. That was a human body, he was sure of it. It was at least a human torso. The myths had to have been true. So he shuffled over to the lower portion of the boat, trying to get closer to the water.
The images of evil sirens played in the back of his mind. But his curiosity was too great. If he were to die, this wouldn't be the worst way to go. Going down some steps and reaching the lower deck, he calls out. "Hey!" The tone was slightly hushed, so not to cause a commotion. In his head he was begging for the other to reciprocate interest. 
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caeruleums · 8 months
closed starter for @tearfest (based on)
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the wolfe family was all kinds of fucked up, so lauren never had a chance. despite being the 'perfect' one, she found herself constantly looking for validation and throwing herself at just about anyone seemed to happen more often than anticipated. however, bending over for someone in the costume closet after a show wasn't supposed to be something she ever thought about until approached about it. her face was red, her heart thudding in her chest, and she was swallowing thickly. "i... don't know what you're talking about," she muttered out, and as good of an actress as she thought she was―she was a horrible liar. "..... please don't tell anyone."
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ofdamnation · 2 years
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         ‘  i  wish  everyone  would  just  fucking  leave  me  to  drown  my  sorrows  alone  .  ’     //     closed  starter  for  @tearfest​!
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niieve · 1 year
open to: @tearfest based on: plot in source made with beta
"what... what the fuck just happened?" his voice was low, barely even a whisper, so unlike his usual tone, face growing increasingly pale as everything began to sink in. this wasn't a dream, this was very much real, and no matter how many times he squeezed his eyes shut, the body was still there when he opened them once again. they'd killed someone. they were murderers. and there was no going back.
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orbicularia · 2 years
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the fans loved it, they loved the football player and the singer together. it was one of the best things kennedy had done for her career. their pr teams matched them together and they both were down to do it. it had been better than she expected it to be. she liked being around haeil, more than she realized. “ are you wearing a suit tonight? “ she asked, coming up behind them. it was another red carpet they were attending together. when new pictures of them were taken, their fans went crazy. “ i’m wearing this red thing. “ // @tearfest​
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mapdrawn · 2 years
☾ 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 for @tearfest​ 
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“i wish we had never met.”
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aerachnid · 4 days
@tearfest. sc. CHERYL.
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his brows furrowed when he spotted the older woman and he made a bee-line toward her the minute he saw the look on her face. ❝ are you okay? ❞ he questioned and tilted his head, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt.
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