#crush: Chipp
wayfinderships · 1 year
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Sir please get out of my head I need to focus-
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taiyami · 2 years
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I never go back on my word. Thats my nindo: my ninja way!
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monkabonka1 · 4 months
Bone-Crushing Excitement Reactions from Worst to Best
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this my opinion, dont kill me :(((((
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#28, Sol Badguy
Call me soup in a house on fire cause There is Nothing
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#27, Chipp
deserved tbh
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#26, Ky Kiske
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#25, Goldlewis
When I am eating a boiled burger (the worst part of my current internship)
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#24, May
The only reason shes higher than Goldlewis is cause shes my main (im shit at fighting games)
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#23, Anji Mito
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#22, Ramlethal
Broken jaw
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#21, Axl Low
Bri'ish with the fucked up mouth angles, holy shit
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#20, Potemkin
Why does he look like my dad?????
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#19, I-No
*glasses off*
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#18, Leo Whitefang
Go crazy, go stupid
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#17, Nagoriyuki
Bonus points for locs, teeth, and my emotional support vampire
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#16, Elphelt
Just like me fr, this is what I look like when I stub my toe
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#15, Brisket
*Insert corny smile HD joke*
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#14, Giovana
The two wolves inside of me
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#13, Millia Rage
Looks like the scream painting and I love it
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#12, Asuka
Happy 70th Birthday grandpa
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#11, Zato-1 and Eddie
Bro even Eddie freakin
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#10, Baiken
The little shit weeb inside of me is screaming
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#9, A.B.A
that's actually how I stim sometimes
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#8, Johnny
Jojo lookin ass pose
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#7, Sin Kiske
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#6, Bedman?
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#5, Slayer
Can't give wifey the ick
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#4, Happy Chaos
Let's go gambling!
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#3, Testament
Turned on, cummed, and got hit by post-nut clarity in 1 second
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#2, Faust
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#1, Jack-o
Thats what the point of the mask is
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re-remake with slayer (and reasons under cut)
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sol: the meta isn't the only thing he dominates
nago: very large
gio: do i need to say why?
i-no: scares me
Baiken: mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. m-
ky: born to be a bottom but will be what ever his wife wants
millia: vibes
goldlewis: imma be honest he's here by default there's not much on him
jack-o: THE SILLY!!!
testament: again, do i need to elaborate?
Johnny: i feel like you can't be a true womanizer without being willing to go bot ways
slayer: lets his wife chose bc he's chill like that
axl: british
chipp: stupid
zato: he's used to getting fucked by god, so it comes naturally
ram: vibes
leo: came to me in a dream
anji: he's anji
bridget: much like her playerbase
asuka: god's most powerful twink
elphelt: scares me
may: strong enough to crush bone, and cartoony enough to pull fish out of places fish shouldn't be
pot: you are GONE
faust: will pull some loony toons shit
chaos: DON'T
bed: bed
A.B.A: scares me
sin: unlike the valentines who seem to have the relative maturity of adults, sin thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows
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solradguy · 1 year
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Guilty Gear hugs tier list. These listings can be debated if you want, but I'm going to post this, sign out, and go for a walk before it rains.
Dizzy: Come on, look at her. Hugs like a best friend you haven't seen in years.
Elphelt: Might be kinda awkward if there's a snowball's chance in hell she thinks she could marry you but otherwise it's a damn good hug.
Jack-O': I'm biased. Hugs like it's the last time she'll ever see you.
Goldlewis: Like being hugged by a grizzly bear. Pats your back. 10/10
Sin: Kid puts his whole heart into everything he does. No way he hugs bad.
Axl: Good at hugging because it really just might be the last time he ever sees you.
Sol: He won't hug you. However, consider: warm, big arms, big chest. If Sol hugs you then the Earth is about to explode and he doesn't want to go out feeling alone.
May: She's kinda bubbly (pun) and bubbly girls hug good.
Ky: Has rehearsed hugging. Knows the precise amount of time to hug for and how hard to hug but it still feels genuine.
Bridget: Don't have an explanation for this, just think she'd be good at hugs.
Izuna: Hugs like the cool uncle that let you take a sip of his bourbon when you were a teen. Pats your back.
Kliff: Dad hugs. Almost crushes your ribs but there's love in it.
Potemkin: Man's heart's full of love. He's careful not to kill you.
Chipp: Don't think Chipp hugs very frequently because he's a president and he's got an image to maintain, but I think he'd hug like everyone was his friend even if he just met them.
Jam: Maybe a little too friendly for a hug with a stranger, like she hugs for just a bit too long and it starts getting kinda weird. She didn't mean anything weird by it though.
Zappa: It all depends on how involved S'Ko gets. There might be insects. Decent despite all that.
Slayer: I just don't think he'd hug anyone better than he hugs Sharon. A formal hug.
Leo: Tries too hard to hug well and doesn't quite make it.
Nagoriyuki: Could be killer at hugging if he had more opportunities to. A little out of practice from how long he was sealed in that thing.
Answer: Extremely formal and quick. He's got things to do.
Testament: Out of practice like with Nago. They're getting better though and at least whatever they put in their hair smells nice.
Anji: If he hugs you, he's probably hitting on you. Depends entirely on how you'd feel about that. If he hugs you and he doesn't like you, I think it'd be a just barely acceptable hug.
Johnny: Saves his best hugs for hot women and his adopted daughters. It's a little awkward, like he doesn't really want to be hugging someone.
Faust: The image here is Strive Faust and I think Strive Faust would hug not great because he's really going through it in Strive and he just needs a moment. Xrd Faust would be up in GOOD or GREAT tier though.
Paradigm: Either you gotta squat down awkwardly to hug him or he's gotta climb up onto a table. Hugs in a professional manner, but the logistics of it make it difficult.
Bedman: Is asleep. Is strapped to a giant bed.
Ram: She's still learning. It's a cold hug because she's not sure how you're supposed to do it yet.
Giovanna: Doesn't want to hug and would rather be doing anything else.
Asuka: He was alright at hugging in 2015 but now it's 2187 and he's forgotten. The experience is uncomfortable for both parties.
Venom: Unless you're Zato, it's a quick and distant hug.
Raven: Would probably hug decently if he was in a serious mood, but odds are he's gonna make it bad weird.
BAD!! ==
Millia: She's had a rough life and also does not want to hug. A hug that makes you fear for your life and be grateful when the hug's over.
Justice: She's dead. Before that she wanted to destroy humanity. You can hug Justice but only once, and you better be fast.
Baiken: You might get stabbed. I can't imagine a scenario where she'd willingly hug anyone that wasn't Delilah.
I-No: Will just straight up kill you. Has never had a reason to hug someone before and might make it horny-weird if she's in a good mood and doesn't kill you first.
Robo-Ky: Assuming Crow programmed him to hug like Flesh Ky, it would still be like hugging a pile of sharp metal. If you're a woman he's going to say something uncomfortable.
Baldhead: Man's really going through it!! Going through it like no man's gone before!! Odds are looking like you'll get murdered.
ABA: Doesn't know what a hug is. Smells like rotting blood and flesh.
Order Sol: Sol at possibly his lowest point. Reeks like hair grease, body odor, and rotting blood. 48% chance you'll get Savage Fang'd, 48% chance you'll get Tyrant Rave'd, 4% chance he rips your heart out with his bare hand.
Valentine: She just stands there and doesn't hug back. Asks questions about hugs, hugging techniques, the meaning of hugs, the history of hugs, and what purpose they serve for as long as you're willing to bullshit answers.
Haehyun: The little human inside the robot is alright at hugging, but the robot itself will probably crush your bones.
Happy Chaos: He's going to do something really friggin weird for shits n giggles and you're going to regret it.
Zato: He's just shit at hugging. Dude died and came back wrong.
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ggstcorruptionau · 3 months
More on the Corruption and the corrupted
Corruption is a process that amplifies certain traits of a person to force them to become a perfect killing machine or just a way to strike fear into non-corrupted parties.
There are 12 corrupted currently, that being Ky, Bridget, Axl, Giovanna, Chipp, Johnny, Anji, Testament, Nagoriyuki, Elphelt, Ramlethal and Millia.
Here is more on them, you don't have to read all this but if you do I will be happy
also I had to guess for a lot of the ages on these so I'm sorry if I got any of the ages wrong.
Corrupted number 1: The King
Real name: Ky Kiske
Age: 29
Status: Alive, Uninjured, and extremely dangerous
Ky was the very first to be corrupted, most likely due to some form of vulnerability. Despite his tendency to hold back before being corrupted, this is no longer the case.
Ky in his new corrupted state as “The King” is relentless. Using his move “Sacred Edge” to take down long-distance victims before finishing them off via stabbing or decapitation using his sword “Magnolia Eclair”. Anyone attempting to break into Illyria Castle will be met with piles upon piles of bodies.
If you want to get Ky to spare you… You can’t. Though in earlier times, he could be convinced by following his commands, similarly to “The Tyrant”, he will no longer spare those who listen—instead deciding to kill those who listen more mercifully or painlessly.
Ky’s seriousness and religiousness are amplified, but the latter has manifested in a sort of terrible god complex. He will see himself above all, which makes him difficult to reason with.
Ky’s most notable kills are Dizzy, Leo, and Daryll. He has also killed numerous soldiers. 
Corrupted Number 2: The Trickster
Real name: Bridget
Age: 18
Status: Alive, Uninjured, Medium danger but be careful.
.Bridget was the second one to be corrupted, she was hit pretty hard by it. She didn’t become purely murderous since she was built more or less as a “sleeper agent”.
Bridget in her new corrupted state as “The Trickster” lives up to her name, as she will pretend to be a lost or injured survivor. Approaching another survivor asking for help or shelter. Any good-hearted survivor will then be caught in her trap. She will then settle into your shelter for a day, Before using her yo-yo to either hang her victim or she’ll suffocate them in the night. Particularly bold survivors who may attempt to “put the moves on her” may receive a small kiss on the forehead once dead. It is a taunt. Not a sign of anything else.
If you take good enough care of Bridget when she fakes injury, she will spare you. Otherwise, she will kill you without much thought, this leads to some speaking of her as a survivor rather than a corrupted which continues the trap further.
Bridget’s old personality is used as a ruse to lure in a poor victim, so she has become very conniving but still comes off as the sweet and airheaded Bridget we all know and love. This is why she is “the trickster” as it were.
Bridget’s most notable kills are Zappa and A.B.A, she tends to go after nicer people more because they will take her in without question (or much question)
Corrupted Number 3: The Brute
Real name: Axl Low
Age: 26
Status: Alive, A tad ruffled, do not approach this man he will kill you and it will not be nice or pretty.
Axl was the third infected, and he is arguably the most aggressive. Though he is also up there when it comes to traveling around, he tends to return to L’oro Di Illyria where he was first corrupted.
Axl in his new corrupted state as “The Brute” lives up to his name as a scary big man... Well as scary as he can be in jorts. He will approach anything alive and not corrupted and try to kill it. Though he can fein wanting conversation, that is NOT what he wants. If you’re female, you have a better chance of getting away (we will come back to this in the spare conditions section) though it's still not great. He will wrap his chains around you until you’re wrapped in them completely, it will crush your bones or kill you. If you’re still not dead, he’ll then explode you. He calls this “Amphora Conflagration”.
If you want Axl to spare you then you can’t win. If you’re female, then lean into his advances and let him have his way with you, then he might spare you after. If you’re male... Say goodnight or get flirty. He’s not typically one to spare though so you may be better off running.
Axl’s enjoyment of fights (despite an additional disdain for general violence? huh) and flirtation is what he had amplified. He’s generally scary to encounter, though running from him can be done if you get out of his range. 
Axl’s notable kills are I-No, Dr. Paradigm, and Potemkin. How he managed to wrap Potemkin in the chains is beyond most who know of his notable kills.
Corrupted Number 4: The Lycanthrope
Real Name: Giovanna 
Age: 22
Status: Alive, slightly injured, and very dangerous
Giovanna and by extension, her spirit wolf, Rei,  was the fourth to be corrupted. She’s generally the most elusive, and as a survivor, you won’t tend to encounter her. 
Giovanna as “The Lycanthrope” is a dangerous corrupt to encounter (...as they all tend to be) due to how quickly she can dispatch her victims, She will often barrage a victim with kicks that can oftentimes kill them on the spot. Though if you’re battered yet still… alive, you will be finished off by Rei, her wolf. Luckily, she doesn’t get many kills (bar her initial kills) due to how few survivors she sees.
Typically you will not need to know Giovanna’s spare conditions because you will not encounter her, but if you’re unlucky enough to encounter her then just run for it. If you can outrun her for long enough, she won’t give chase. 
Giovanna’s fighting ability appears to have been amplified, as a lot of her was practically erased when she was at first corrupted. If anything her uncaringness is very much amplified, though she won’t typically just want the job to be done anymore. More so that she doesn’t seem to hesitate. 
Giovanna’s most notable kills are Goldlewis Dickenson, President Vernon, and Erica Bartholomew. Each was part of her initial kills, excluding Crow who died well into the corruption.
Corrupted Number 5: The Tyrant
Real Name: Chipp Zanuff
Age: 29
Status: Alive, uninjured and dangerous
Chipp Zanuff was the fifth to be corrupted, causing a great loss to his “country” by slaughtering half the population and beginning to boss the rest around like a... Well.. tyrant.
Chipp as “The Tyrant” is very bossy, oftentimes shouting at people and threatening their lives if they don’t listen. If his orders are not followed, he will cut the person to pieces using his arm blade. This is quick, as is typical for Chipp in both movement and attack patterns. He is also only seen in the Eastern Chipp Kingdom, for obvious reasons. He doesn’t clean up the bodies from the initial slaughter, it’s a warning. Always a warning.
To get Chipp to spare you, you need to devote yourself to him practically. Listen to every word he says, every order he barks, and do everything he asks you to. If he asks something impossible, run out of the “country” or say goodnight. If you refuse to do something he asks of you, he will kill you on the spot.
Chipp had his want for leadership amplified to an almost comical degree. He will often claim that something must be done because he’s “the president” and that is the end of that. This is much to the detriment of any “Chipp-Bound” survivor.
Chipp’s most notable kill is Ai. He doesn’t have many kills due to his easy spare conditions, though he has also killed half of his people which keeps his kill count at a good level... Well as good as it can be. 
Corrupted Number 6: The Cassanova
Real Name: Johnny
Age: 30
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous
Johnny was the sixth one to be corrupted, being out on the skies with his crew upon the corruption taking over his mind, causing him to lose it and kill all but one of them. 
Johnny as “The Cassanova” is constantly on the move, though not as active as Axl. He’ll often find small groups of survivors, and they’ll all be gone soon enough. Johnny utilizes his katana to kill his victims in the blink of an eye, Most who have encountered him do not live to tell the tale.
Johnny is not one to spare anyone, though you can stall him to the point of him just letting you get away if you offer to play cards. Though usually he’ll win since he’s still a talented gambler, it’s worth a shot if you have cards. Otherwise, run and hope he can’t reach you.
Johnny’s self-absorbedness and suave nature are amplified, as well as his love of women in a sense. Sometimes he’ll bring younger survivors along with him for a while, as well as female survivors. He’s likely to kill them eventually, but for a while, his more caring side from before he was corrupted will show. 
Johnny’s most notable kills are almost the entire group of the jellyfish pirates minus himself and May. Past affiliations are of no meaning to a corrupted person. Johnny is generally one of the worst corrupt to encounter, thanks to the fact that it's hard to get yourself spared.
 Corrupted Number 7: The Dancer
Real Name: Anji Mito
Age: 29
Status: Alive, Injured, currently not dangerous
Anji was the seventh corrupted, and he’s one to stick around the colonies. He was making those areas almost uninhabitable. He was slaughtering anyone in or around this area until he had a bad encounter with a strange tall man.
Anji as “The Dancer” acts similarly to the trickster, but rather than trick his way into your camp, he will trick people into coming to dance. Claiming to be docile. If you dance with him, he will take that as an excuse to kill you using his zessen. Being wary and not dancing with him will cause him to chase you until you agree to come dance.
Anji isn’t very merciful, but if he likes how you dance enough, he will spare you. If you can tell him something he didn’t know and found interesting then he will spare you. However, it is hard to fulfill these conditions. You’ll be better off running. 
Anji’s passion for dance and thirst for knowledge are enhanced to the point of practical insanity, these two things being the only things of his ire. He spends a lot of time dancing by his campfire near the colonies, causing him to be associated with a firelit shadow through the trees by some. 
Anji’s most notable kill is Delilah, who was staying with Anji due to some other circumstances (anji and Baiken DO kiss please subscribe to my headcanon). Anji got corrupted and began going on a rampage through the colonies. 
Anji’s injury status is due to an encounter with a feisty survivor, leaving Anji with bite marks all over his neck, legs, and chest. 
Corrupted Number 8: The Reaper
Real Name: Testament Age: 26
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous Testament was the eighth one corrupted, they are the corrupted with the least amount of initial casualties. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous in their own right.
Testament as “The Reaper” tends to appear randomly, popping up without much explanation as to how they got there. This can sometimes be in survivor camps, unfortunately leading to a bloodbath. They tend to make their presence known with one simple sentence. “Nice day for a stroll, isn’t it?” This is before they slice up the whole camp using their scythe.
Testament unfortunately does not spare. To survive an encounter with them, hear the audio cue and run for it. Run until you’re well away from the camp and well away from your fellow survivors. It's all you can do to save yourself. If they decide to chase you then there isn’t much you can do.
Testament loses most of their progress in loving themself, instead becoming empty feeling as they were after Justice’s death. They don’t seem quite right even if you don’t see the physical changes, they aren’t their normal self.
Testament’s most notable kill is Crow, They left that lab in what can only be a bloodied mess as they left. They didn’t seem to be quite happy with their actions as they did this, implying that unlike most corrupt, they’re somewhat aware of their actions.
Corrupted Number 9: The Samurai
Real Name: Nagoriyuki Age: 1000+
Status: Alive, Uninjured, dangerous usually
Nagoriyuki was the ninth Corrupted, he is typically seen meditating and being a bit more docile. Though he is still dangerous, it is not hard to avoid him.
Nagoriyuki as “The Samurai” is a very easy to spot corrupted, since he tends to meditate in plain sight when he isn’t on the warpath. However, if you encounter him when he is, then you’ll be sliced in half by his katana. It is a certain death. 
To be spared, keep out of the way. Don’t bother him and he won’t hurt you, he’ll make it clear if he’s in an area, Since it's not hard to find him, then it’s not hard to keep out of the areas that he’s in. If he’s suddenly completely aggressive then hide or run since he’ll eventually stop... Keyword eventually.
Nagoriyuki’s meaner behavior from when he’s being controlled by Chaos is present here. He’ll often express aggression if he wants to be left alone in that moment, but if he’s not completely aggressive then he’ll simply let passersby go by. Making him the least aggressive corrupted.
Nagoriyuki has no notable kills. He has a fair few kills though.
Corrupted Number 10: The Soldier
Real Name; Ramlethal Valentine
Age: 23
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous
Ramlethal was the tenth corrupted, a week after escaping Illyria castle with her sister in tow, both she and her sister got corrupted at the same time.
Ramlethal as “The Soldier” reverts to her initial demeanor of emotionlessness, with added aggression. If you manage to have an unlucky encounter with her, you will be hurt or die. She will ambush her victims and cut them into ribbons, she’ll be the last thing you’ll see. It’s a real shame.
To get Ramlethal to spare you, give her a burger and make a run for it. She won’t give chase. If you do not do the first step then she will give chase and most likely catch you. She’s a very agile corrupt, which isn’t uncommon. 
Ramlethals unfamiliarity with emotions flanderises itself into complete emotionlessness, she seems to kill without much thought, just doing it and then leaving. She’s very much an incredibly perfect soldier down to the final trait. She retains her machine-like devotion to her goals.
Ramlethal’s most notable kill is Kum Haeyun since she and Elphelt found Kum and started staying with them just before being corrupted.
Corrupted Number 11: The Lover
Real Name: Elphelt Valentine
Age: 21
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Docile 
Elphelt was the eleventh corrupted, she was corrupted right beside Ramlethal, but whereas Ramlethal became extremely aggressive and dangerous... Elphelt focused on a different goal.
Elphelt as “The Lover” is everything that makes it bad to encounter the Brute as a woman, in the sense that she will see you and decide that you are now hers. Thus you are married. Thusly… YOU NEED TO COME WITH HER!! She’s often seen dragging away survivors to spend around a week with them before she lets them go. Thus her docile status. Some find it a good grace period since the other corrupted will not harm whoever Elphelt is with, others find it stressful due to how scarily aggressive she can be in other ways. 
If you need to be “spared” for whatever reason, just run back into your camp and let her latch onto someone else. She may stay in your camp for this time which means the entire camp is under the grace period. She’s generally a welcome presence despite her behaviors, quirks, and desires.
Elphelts want for love and marriage and her ability to jump to conclusions are amplified. This didn’t end up as a “live with an insane woman for a week then let her kill you” and more as a “be married for a week then she lets you go and she may come back”.
Elphelt is a docile classed corrupted, meaning she has no kills. She is the only corrupted classified this way.
Corrupted Number 12: The Executioner 
Real Name: Millia Rage
Age: 25
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous
Being the Twelfth corrupted, Millia is considered the one with the scariest killing method by those noting things down. She can be elusive but not as elusive as the lycanthrope.
Millia as “The Executioner” is cold, calculated, and quick. Utilizing her cursed hair to quickly behead victims (which is where her title comes from) or doing a technique known as the iron maiden. You get the idea, but if you must know… she surrounds the opponent in strips of her hair, creating an iron maiden-like structure. Then she uses the general sharpness of her hair and the nature of the structure to her advantage as she skewers them to death.
To get Millia to spare you, beg and hope she decides to spare you based entirely on what you say. It’s difficult but possible. Either do that or hide, since she doesn’t tend to spend too long looking.
Millia’s quiet and cold nature is amplified by the corruption, making her become the dangerous executioner that she is now. Most who live an encounter say that she didn’t say a word, unlike most of the more active and dangerous corrupted who like to taunt their victims.
Millia’s most notable kill is Zato-1 and by extension Eddie. She killed Zato first, either due to a connection or due to the anger and annoyance toward him being secretly amplified too.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 2 years
Here's a masterlist for this blog. It will be updated regularly, so worry not. This will be accurate representation of everything on this blog.
Last updated 13.11.2023.
-Anji relationship headcanons.
-Anji having a crush.
-Nothing yet.
Axl NSFW headcanons.
Axl being a father figure to younger reader.
A.B.A relationship headcanons.
Baiken NSWF headcanons.
Baiken relationship headcanons.
Baiken with a s/o with abusive family.
Baiken with a mute s/o, because of a gear attack.
Baiken with a s/o that has a insomnia.
Baiken domestic headcanons.
Bedman relationship headcanons.
Bedman with a ditzy but smart s/o.
Baking with Jack-O and Bedman.
Bedman with a s/o, that feeds and pets the bedframe.
Bridget relationship headcanons.
Bridget with a bounty hunter s/o.
Bridget trans headcanons.
Bridget's s/o surprising her with breakfast.
Bridget t4t headcanons.
-Chipp courting someone.
Dizzy relationship headcanons.
Ky and Dizzy in a poly relationship.
Elphelt with a crush headcanons.
Elphelt relationship headcanons.
Elphelt cuddling headcanons.
Elphelt with a op s/o.
Elphelt with a dressmaker s/o.
-NSWF Elphelt headcanons.
-Elphelt going on a date with her s/o.
Faust relationship headcanons.
Faust's s/o finding about his past.
Faust's s/o taking care of him.
Faust finding out his s/o is pregnant.
Goldlewis getting back to his s/o after worktrip.
Giovanna relationship headcanons.
-Giovanna with a op s/o.
Giovanna finding her s/o watching Re:Zero.
Kum Haehyun.
Haehyun relationship headcanons.
Haehyun with a op s/o.
Haehyun cuddling headcanons.
Happy Chaos.
NSFW Happy Chaos.
I-NO relationship headcanons.
I-NO comforting her friend after break-up.
NSFW I-NO headcanons.
Fluffy I-NO headcanons.
Jack-O relationship headcanons.
Jack-O friendship headcanons.
Baking with Jack-O and Bedman.
Jam relationship headcanons.
Johnny relationship headcanons.
Ky and Dizzy in a poly relationship.
Ky fluff.
-Nothing yet.
May's sibling getting bullying.
May relationship headcanons.
Millia Rage relationship headcanons.
Nagoriyuki relationship headcanons.
Potemkin relationship headcanons.
Potemkin with a chubby/fat s/o
-Ramlethal relationship headcanons.
-Ramlethal taking care of their sick s/o.
-Ramlethal cuddling headcanons.
-Ramlethal with a op s/o part 1.
-Ramlethal with a op s/o part 2.
Ramlethal with a werewolf s/o.
-Ramlethal crush headcanons.
-Nothing yet.
-Nothing yet.
Sin relationship headcanons.
Sin with a s/o, that is a complete opposite of him.
-Nothing yet.
Sol relationship headcanons.
Testament relationship headcanons.
Testament bellydancing headcanons.
Testament with a s/o, who is afraid of gears.
Testament NSFW headcanons.
Testament wedding headcanons.
Venom relationship headcanons.
-Nothing yet.
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gear-project · 9 months
Annon-Guy: Please refresh my memory on how Ragna would do in Guilty Gear?
Same for Naoto, Es and Mai.
Hahah... I once wrote a huge "article" extolling the concept of putting Sol Badguy in BlazBlue, talking about all the mechanics that would translate in to the "Drive Button" that BlazBlue mechanics center around.
I suppose the reverse would happen in Ragna's case... instead of a Drive attack, his move kit would get replaced by Heavy Slash and Dust and several special inputs (though likely also simplified for STRIVE, given more modern conventions).
Also, Ragna's Crush Trigger frames could easily be modified in to a Wild Assault attack, come to think on it...
Much of Ragna's abilities centered around regenerating Health while his attacks were blocked by his opponent, often frustrating players because of his natural offensive capabilities. But it was also because of this that Ragna also suffers the same fate as Chipp Zanuff: having a low Health capacity, so that would also come in to play (and maybe even get adjusted accordingly to GG's standards of damage).
Also, because BlazBlue is technically more "Defense-Oriented", Ragna and the rest would also have to be adjusted to Guilty Gear accordingly as well. Including Roman Cancels, Faultless Defense, Wild Assaults, Air Dashing, and other aspects.
Naoto's Drive Attacks centered around the idea of Wild Assaults and guard breaking, so they could probably do something special for him there as well. Also, because Strive has a "Dash Button" Naoto's "Momentum-based" combos would be much MUCH easier to initiate and perform (less stress on the thumbs and wrists for us players!)
Es is centered around setting up Projectiles and placing Crests, so in many ways she plays very similarly to how Testament currently fights, as well as Elphelt and Bedman: the idea being setting up and mounting a stream of offensive attacks that are hard to deal with.
Es would most likely be very similar to Bedman's current style if she ever were to fight in STRIVE that is.
Finally, regarding Mai... her Spear acts very much like Elphelt's Rifle in Strive, with the varying homing abilities it can shoot. Still, Mai has other techniques that made it easier to break her opponent's defenses, effectively making her much like a Dragoon (or Dragon Knight) who darts through the air and strikes downwards... so her style would likely be a mix of Elphelt's and I-No's current styles. Though given how aggressive Strive is as a game, she would probably have to be adjusted similarly to how Giovanna got adjusted in terms of mechanics, because of how offensive a character she naturally is.
Mai's "combo system" would also have to be adjusted like how Elphelt's Lolipop Chain (Noel's Chain Drive) operates: a selection of fixed moves that she can alternate with that can still be reasonably dealt with on block... just to make things at least semi-balanced when dealing with Mai players.
Also, Mai had a "parry counter" move which is similar to how Anji Mito plays currently, so that would also have to be adjusted.
By and large, BlazBlue characters would likely have to be toned down a bit to exist in STRIVE... but even if they took the "Accent Core" approach, they'd still have to make a few adjustments to how Guilty Gear used to do things, since even proximity Throws were different in older GG games.
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broken-clover · 1 year
Your tags in the filler episode post has made me think, so for your enjoyment consider: for the fandom of your choice (gg sly whatever) what do you think is each character's favorite board game?
I'm quite serious, it is so fun knowing all sorts of minute info and trivia about characters because it makes them feel so much more fleshed out and like actual people. Tell me what flavor of ice cream they would pick!! What kind of drawing skills do they have!! What do they do in their free time!! Tell me!!
(But man, it has been a hot second since I've played board games! I suppose part of it is just that I don't really have any irl friends. Also because I know like four board games I'm gonna throw in some card games too)
-Chipp likes playing Settlers of Catan as practice for trade delegations in the ECK
-Nagoriyuki used to play Shogi, but it's hard to find anyone with enough patience to learn it and enough aptitude to be an actual challenge for him. Secretly, though, sometimes he still confuses the osho and gyokusho pieces for each other, and he's embarrassed about it
-Likewise, Baiken is trying to teach Delilah about hanafuda and how to play Koi-Koi but it isn't going super well, she's mostly just interested by the artwork and likes to look at the pretty designs
-Faust plays mancala, sometimes as an intellectual pursuit and other times because he just likes playing with the little glass beads and making them plink against each other.
-Johnny is a gambling man, as we all know, but as of now all board games are banned on the Mayship because he realized his habits were rubbing off and the girls were making bets over yahtzee. He's trying to set a good example for them but so far hasn't been able to come up with a good explanation for why it's bad without making himself look like a hypocrite. He means well.
-Ky is one of those sickos who unironically enjoys Monopoly. He finds it relaxing. Mysteriously, whenever he goes to play it with someone, the box vanishes
-Perhaps not a board game per se, but Sin loves those water toys where you squeeze the button to make the water shoot and you try and get the little colored rings on the little hooks. It's very enriching.
-Sol claims he hates board games, but he absolutely gets a smug sense of satisfaction over the fact that he whoops ass at Trivial Pursuit.
-You would think Axl would also kick ass at old-timey Trivial Pursuit but he doesn't actually remember a lot of that stuff. He's quite fond of shut the box/canoga though, he played it a lot back during his bar-hopping days
-Elphelt likes candyland because she has a crush on literally every character in it
-Ramlethal will play just about anything the others offer up, but she will gleefully make up her own rules just to throw everyone off mid-game. Ram is also a knockout at Risk, but nobody plays it with her because she gets really intense about it
-You would think Bedman would be good at chess because of the whole 'smart guys play chess' bit but secretly he's only half decent and the only reason he has such an impressive winning streak is because he mostly plays against Sin
-Scrabble is officially banned from Illyria castle because of what happened the last time the Kiske family played it, referred to as 'The Great Scrabble Disaster of 2187'
-Taokaka loves playing games with people! Unfortunately she doesn't play any of them correctly. Whether that's on purpose or not is a question for the ages
-The Cooper Gang in general like playing card games to pass time between jobs. Sly always cheats. They are fully aware that he cheats. Nobody says anything.
-Murray likes playing mousetrap but nobody else ever wants to play with him because getting all the game parts set up takes forever
-One time Dimitri suggested a gang-wide game of Cluedo and long story short it ended up with the board being broken in half and several murder attempts. Penelope still insists she was framed.
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
May: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase? Axl: I accidentally fell down. Bridget: BAIKEN PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay THEIR part of our rent! I-no: Axl bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money. Chipp: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by I-no.
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wayfinderships · 1 year
🥀🎵💗! (@eid0lons)
Hey Haze!!! Hope you're doing well! <3
🥀 Talk about some of your fictional crushes and why they aren’t your F/O!
Oh man...I have too many atm-afjsnfnsh one of them is Chipp from G.uilty G.ear! A friend is into the series so I got curious and looked at some of the characters and he seems neat👉👈 He isn't an f/o simply because I haven't gotten into the series-I get intimidated because idk where to begin fjdjfjdjf
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🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
Oooh Ok! I think for these two question, I'll pick Snow! <3
My Hands by Leona Lewis (does it count as cheating if the song is in the game? Maybe but shhhhh)
I See the Light by Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi
Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery
💗When did your F/O first say ‘I love you?’
Tbh it was probably when he confessed-afnsbfndb He's probably said stuff like "I love [Trait of Panchi]" before they got together but didn't say an "I love you" till the actual confession-
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jamlabs · 1 year
your tag on the chipp post reminded me how much i adore revolver ocelot. i need to know everything about him ever i think
Ocelot is such a freak. He's the worst and I love him for it. Sometimes you get possessed but not really by your crushes shit kid and terrorize a Twink and the other two shit kids. Ocelot is like if you took a quadruple agent and then made them a gay man who never gets any action. Ocelot is a Russian catboy who pretends to have an American accent and uses a revolver because his crush told him to. I wish you luck in knowing this loser more deeply
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I want a list of every cool things Venom has done
Being a wall
Refusing to bring cheese to an apero
Slapping Millia
Losing 20% of his blood
Getting drunk
Shining shoes
Teaching Chipp about the inherent flaws of the system
Not having the right to vote
Failing to kill himself
Raising a child named Eddie
Thinking Zappa would be a good assassin
Writing a letter to "Dear Z"
Thinking Robo-Ky would be a good partner
Almost killing a baby
Actually killing a teen in his sleep
Failing to kill himself again
Taking care of a guy in a coma
Playing pool for money
Opening a bakery
Trying to hire literally everyone he encounters inside the syndicate which ruined his life
Choosing this haircut
Liking chess
Being compared to both a flower and a sheep in the same sentence
Listening to relationship advice from Slayer
Threatening to kill himself (I guess it's a threat that can be taken seriously given his records)
Being seen laughing ONCE and it was to make fun of Chipp
Carrying around his pool cue in a suitcase under pressure
Being british
Being sleep deprived because tormented by nightmares of his deceased crush
Having someone (guess who) magically dying his hair in order to better control his hypersensibility
Liking compassion and disliking blood
Unionizing the Assassin's Guild as a working force while the blonde bitches were away
Willingly and openly bothering the blond bitches post-coitus
Telling Millia she should fix her hair, with this haircut
Being dripped out of his mind in one ending for no reason
Not being in Strive
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gg ship tier list bc fuck it (explanations under cut)
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Asuka x HC: i don't like mentor and mentee dynamics, also i headcannon HC as aro/ace and really not wanting a relationship unless it's for the memes
A.B.A x Ramleathal: i don't want ram to get hurt
all the bedman ones: isn't he like at most in his teens?
I-no x HC: i don't think i-no likes HC at all
Millia x zato: i think their dynamic is more father/daughter. i just think that makes Zato's redemption far more interesting
Sol x Ky: let them be rivals
May x Chipp: why? i think they'd kill eachother
Chipp x Nago: why? (pt.2)
Bridget x Sin: would be great friends, but i can't see them as a couple
Gio x Goldlewis: see above
crushing apathy for all of them
Pot x Gabriel: i like it
Johnny x leo: a fun himbo x himbo bRomance
I-no x Jack-o: the silly
Goldlewis x Vernon: i get he hates his job, but old man yaoi
Bridget x jam: i wish i could tell you. i just think it's fun
April x May: they give comedy duo vibes, and comedy are always homoerotic
Anji x Chipp:
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Anji x Asuka: Anji flirting with the dude who blew up his home will always be funny
Asuka x I-no x Raven x Jack-o: i would not want to be next to their booth at dennys. so i like it
Asuka x Raven: (see april x may)
Asuka x Sol: weird enemies to lovers that i like
Sol x Axl: i like the idea of the comic relief x the MC
Ky x Dizzy: not the best but im a sucker for cannon, and their marryed
Chipp x Answer: nerd x dumbass. i like it
Leo x Ram: i think it's super cute
I-no x Axl: LORE
Millia x Elphelt: wasn't expecting to like it as much i as do, but i find it sweet
Robo-ky x Venom: my sillies
Slayer x Sharon: dandy
Johnny x Testament: my other sillies. also fanartists do better with this one
A.B.A x Paracelsus: i love these two
Baiken x Anji:
Aria x Sol: most of the plot comes from this so yeah it's a given
Sol x Jack-o: super wholesome ,and also I tend to like cannon ships a lot
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solradguy · 2 years
So if the entire GG Cast had animal ears, who do you think would be each animal and why?
You can ask me what I think their fursonas would be, it's ok. I'm just gonna do Strive or I'll never finish writing this haha
Sol gets cat ears. He wants to be a dog so bad but he's a cat. Sorry Sol but you're cranky and love people anyway and that's catman behavior
Ky would have wolf ears. Wolves can be beautiful and majestic but Ky is a machine in battle and is a good leader. Him and his squad will destroy anything they need to like a pack of wolves.
Jack-O' would be a colugo, I think. They're these sort of stubby-tailed squirrel-like animals with webbing around their arms and legs that lets them glide from tree to tree. They're also kinda green!! Colugo are very cool. Anyway, they're weird and silly and bendy. Jack-O' animal.
Chipp is a squirrel. I see the little grey and black squirrels around here jumping around and climbing on shit and I'm like "Yeah, Chipp behavior"
Potemkin is tricky hmm... Maybe a buffalo? He's big and lumbering and just wants to chill but he'll fuck shit up with his giant horns if he has to. I'm getting lost in the image of him being big and fluffy...
I don't have an explanation for this but I want Nago to have a bat motif so badly. Not in a vampire way like Slayer though, more like one of those flying foxes with the cute little ears and big ol eyes. I love them.
I wish I knew Gio better because all I can think is "dog" but that feels like a cop-out lol
Goldlewis would be a dog too but like a St Bernard with big floppy ears. St Bernards don't get angry easy, but they're so big I don't want to see one ready to throw down. I think a St Bernard could juggle me across the room and crush my guts like a bug on the wall.
Testament would be a cat but one of those really classy sleek black cats with a lithe build. I don't know the breed name but Testament is always talking about baths and probably loves to be pampered like a fancy cat.
Bridget would have hamster ears. Look at those squishy little cheeks. Hamster girl.
Sin is a PUPPY he eats EVERYTHING and he's SILLY. Give him the floppy baby half-wolf ears he deserves
I-no would have lion ears. Female lions are very fierce but efficient hunters but they've also got a bit of an attitude.
Baiken is another tricky one. Maybe a hyena? Spotted hyenas especially have a very interesting relationship with gender and the females are quite masculine. They also get mischaracterized a lot, similarly to Baiken... Spotted hyenas live in groups but they can also be pretty independent and are capable of some wild stuff, like having one of the strongest bite strengths amongst mammals and being able to eat bones. I think Baiken would eat bones if she had to.
Ram is pretty cat coded too but I don't think she'd be a house cat. Maybe something like a caracal? They're charismatic but they're still large cats. I wouldn't want to fight a caracal, it'd bite my arm off.
Zato is an interesting one. A lot of the cast has at least a bit of an underlying animal motif but Zato really doesn't... Zato would have luna moth antennae. Luna moths, once they enter their moth stage, don't have mouths and can't eat. They're doomed to die the second they crawl out of their chrysalis, like how Zato was doomed to die the second he summoned Eddie.
Millia would have a feathery crest like a bird even though she also has some cat motifs in Strive. Birds kill and eat moths. I don't know what kind of bird though. Horned owl?
Axl has labrador retriever energy. Sort of silly/relaxed by default but those dogs can get serious when they work.
Faust... Hmm... God I honestly have no idea haha Faust is really in like his own little category, I have no clue what to file him under. He kinda has this indescribable frog energy but those don't have ears in a traditional sense lol
Leo is leo. Another cop-out answer but the man's a lion through and through haha
Anji is so pretty, he's another bird. Like one of those ones where the males have an elaborate mating dance lol Maybe he'd have a peacock crest.
May would have bunny ears. She's kinda round and adorable but rabbits are a little crazy haha They'll bite you!! But they don't like getting wet so maybe making her a rabbit is oxymoronic rofl
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barcodebar2d · 1 year
How To Combine Uncle Chipps Spicy Treat With Other Edibles?
There are a variety of inventive ways to pair this spicy delicacy with a common fare. For instance, Uncle Chipps tastes delicious when mixed with tea, and coffee, as well as sodas like Pepsi, Thums Up, Limca, or Sprite.
Children also enjoy eating this crunchy delight with cheese spread. They enjoy Uncle Chipps with a cheese dip as well.
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How about a mouth-watering flavor blast? Put Uncle Chipps in a dish and spread it out.
Go through your pantry and add any ingredients you choose to the chips, such as crushed basil leaves, oregano, chili flakes, garlic powder, and Cayenne.
You can add some shredded cheese on top, microwave it for a quick minute, and enjoy the delectable dish.
Last but not least, combine Uncle Chipps well with sliced tomatoes, chopped coriander, cucumber slices, finely chopped onions, and some spices.
Even some salad dressing will perk things up. Enjoy the nutritious mixture as much as you want.
See more: https://barcodelive.org/barcode/uncle-chips-8901491400008
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