#guilty gear imagine
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shiroisotto64 · 10 months ago
Happy Chaos Thoughts
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I feel like being in a relationship with happy chaos would be funny. But not for the reasons most would think. I think he would actually be a pretty good spouse. We see and know how intelligent happy chaos is. And good he is at reading people. That and the fact that with his interactions with I-no you kinda pick up in the vibe he the doesn’t like being alone.
I don’t think he has a problem with it but he seems like the type to normally be seen with his significant other though. Like how he kept trying to get I-no to hang out with him and asking if she’d come along with him if he complied.
Not to mention it isn’t often that happy chaos ever gets attached to anything or anyone, not for long at least. His interest comes and goes so I feel like if he actually ended up falling for someone he’d kinda hyper-fixate on them.
Especially around the house that’s funny. He’d do thing to make your day easier especially since his schedule is mostly clear but it’s the small things he’d do that would undeniably be happy chaos. Like say you asked the man to make you a ham sandwich and he brings back peanut butter and jelly instead. You asked for iced cold water and he gave you water with 2 cubes in it.
Not to mention how chaotic the dates would be. He babe let’s go robe that gas station over there! Let’s go on a high speed car case I’m bored! And on rare occasions he’d want to do something sentimental like making you dinner! 50/50 if it’s edible…or maybe he’d just ramble to you late night about some of the secrets he’s learned. Who knows?
And I feel like he’d be even funnier if he had a pet. The more outlandish the better. Like happy chaos is definitely the type to bring back a spider and look amused when you get scared or something. I bet he’d be delighted if his partner had a pet snake too. Likes he’s down and will ramble on and on about facts of the species and metaphors for it as well.
He’d probably be very open with intimacy as well. He was in the backyard for ever of course he’d be affectionate, like a ferret regardless if your bigger then him or not I could totally see him plopping in your lap or on-top of you at the worst of times as well. Submitting an easy for college? Nope! He wasn’t to snuggle. Trying to cook? Too bad he’s latched onto your back! He’s just a very clingy old man. I doubt he could stop himself.
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harventheblorbo · 1 year ago
Can i request Sol Badguy headcanons? Mostly fluff for a birthday celebration! Its for my sisters sincxee her birthday was in dec 29 actually😅
How Sol Badguy would celebrate your birthday!
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He won't go too overboard about it, but he'll do his best to make you feel just a little more special then usual. He might forget your birthday until you mention it to him a week or two before hand, and then he'll start thinking about what to do.
He won't over do it, but there is definitely a lot of thought behind what he does for you on your birthday. It's definitely something small, yet holes so much meaning but he'll be so casual about it like:
"Remember that restaurant you said you liked a year ago? Yeah we're going there, no arguing." and of course being a bounty hunter, he definitely has more then enough money to buy you the food. He'll say a snarky remark about how he's having to pay for everything yet the moment you mention you'll the to buy something he'll just shut it down with a firm. "No."
after the restaurant, he is definitely dragging you to the couch to watch a movie. Even if it's something he doesn't particularly like, he'll just watch it with you to have an excuse to sling his arm around your shoulder as you watch a movie.
He won't do anything too particularly big on a cake since he gets quite annoyed quickly with the attention and loud singing, so he'll give you a piece of your favorite kind of cake and just smiles when he sees your face lights up. But if you dare point out his soft smile or smirk, he'll just return back to his grumpy frown and deny it.
For gifts he'll give you something small or he'll give you something you've been talking to him about a lot and wanting. He won't go too overboard with it as well but he definitely trys to make the moment special and intimate.
And if you ask him, he'll take you on a ride on his motorcycle. Normally he doesn't let you since he complains and uses the excuse that you have your own vehicle, but since it's your birthday, he'll ride you around for a while to enjoy the wind before winding down at home.
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fiyrball6063 · 6 months ago
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rammliedmania · 1 month ago
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don't work, just stay 💗
(not exactly romantic for the day (sorry im so late 😓) but i just wanted to do something for it.... just a funny idea i had 2 day ago) by the way the reason why potemkin has a bruise on his head and faust bandages is because it was meant to be post-fight (just typical gg fight)
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skidcd-megamix · 7 months ago
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 1 year ago
(Genshin Impact/GFL/GG:ST) "Pocky Game with their S/O"
Genshin Impact: Navia, Lynette, Eula, Lisa Girls' Frontline: AN-94, AK-12, WA2000, SPAS-12, Helianthus Guilty Gear Strive: Elphelt Valentine
No one requested this, just ate some pocky and the idea came to mind.
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(Navia) "Oh? Sounds fun, let's try it!"
Navia cheekily grabs the pocky and puts it in her mouth, extending the stick towards her S/O expectantly.
One of the rules of the game that intrigued her was that you weren't allowed to look away from your partner.
Something Navia has no problem with, as she stares into their eyes.
Her lips form into a smile with each nibble, before she ends up grabbing S/O's face and kissing them anyway once the stick becomes short enough.
(Navia) "Huh? We lost? Hm...Well, we can always just try again!~"
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Lynette questions why this game exists.
Why was eating chocolate a game? Isn't it just better to eat the pocky directly?
Well, whatever. If S/O wanted to try it, she can at least give it a shot.
Lynette fidgets a little as they make direct eye contact with each other, slowly taking away a piece of the pocky with each bite.
Right before their lips make contact, she pulls away, a little proud at the short length of the cookie.
(Lynette) "Hm. We did a pretty good job, considering."
She gives a slight smirk to them before resuming her important task at hand: spacing out and mindlessly munching on some cookies the proper way.
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Eula's eyes widen slightly before she makes a "hmph!"
(Eula) "As if a simple game like this would be enough to make me falter."
Spoilers: It was.
Eula's cheeks are a crimson hue the entire time, her eyes constantly looking everywhere except S/O.
And already failing the game.
(Eula) "Just, give me a moment to compose myself! The chocolate has a strange taste is all..."
Her heart is beating fast the entire time as their lips grow closer.
It doesn't matter if they were already a couple or if they already kissed, Eula would still be extremely flustered.
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(Lisa) "Hm, I think I like the sound of this game."
Lisa has no trouble at all putting the chocolate end into her mouth, waiting for S/O.
Instead of taking nibbles, she takes a massive bite, already being a few inches from their lips.
Still keeping eye contact, she gives them a wink, making S/O falter before she simply bites down completely and breaks the pocky.
(Lisa) "Oh, looks like I lost. Here, grab another one, I want a rematch.~"
It's clear that she does so on purpose, just simply enjoying S/O's reactions. Part of her wants to kiss them directly, but where's the fun in that?
This game made things a lot more fun!
Plus, it was a pretty cute idea.
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(AN-94) "There is a game with candy?...I will attempt it for you."
94 is confused, but goes along with S/O's request.
She puts the pocky into her mouth and doesn't even blink as she stares into S/O, calculating how many bites it would take to not make contact with their lips.
94 doesn't react until S/O kisses her, making her eyes widen in surprise.
Not that she hated the sweets or S/O kissing her, but she tilted her head in confusion at their reaction.
(AN-94) "May I ask what the purpose of this game is?...It is for lovers to bond?...Then, I request that we continue playing."
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AK-12's eyes remain close, but her eyebrows perk up in curiousity.
(AK-12) "Sure, we can play. I'll take the chocolate end."
She waits until S/O grabs the other end with their lips.
Her eyes finally open as her pink glowing eyes stare directly into them, smile still present and making them pause.
Before she just grabs the pocky with her hand and just kisses S/O full on the lips.
(AK-12) "Mmm~, tastes sweet. Oh, right, I failed the game. Let's try it again."
She would "accidentally" fail a couple more times just to see what kind of reactions S/O made.
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WA's normal frown completely vanishes the moment S/O brought up the pocky game to her.
Instead, replaced with a surprised and embarassed expression.
(WA2000) "Wha-Why do you not just eat the cookies normally, are you a child or something!?"
WA begrudgingly (not really) accepts S/O's proposal to play the game and is shutting her eyes, before hearing their laughter.
(WA2000) "I'm not supposed to close my eyes? What does it matter, we're still eating the damn thing!"
The entire time, WA2000 is trying her best to look angry and unaffected, but is failing miserably.
After a few kisses, WA just sighs when she sees S/O's happy expression.
(WA2000) "...Yeah, the pocky tasted fine, now wipe that stupid smirk off your face..."
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(SPAS-12) "OH! I love pocky!"
SPAS happily starts munching on the cookies before S/O stops her and tells her about the game.
(SPAS-12) "You wanna use this for a game? Oooooh, okay! That explains why there's a lot of boxes!"
Truthfully, S/O bought multiple boxes because they knew SPAS would just start eating without listening first. They were more for emergencies.
Regardless, SPAS gets a little flustered as she stares directly at S/O, and takes massive bites because she gets distracted by the taste of the pocky.
(SPAS) "Mmmm, chocolatey!...Huh?! I lost?! T-Try me again, I won't lose!"
She loses every single time. Her love for food seals her fate every single time.
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(Helianthus) "Pocky game? Do I really seem that young to you...?"
Before S/O could retract their pocky, Helian immediately starts backtracking.
If anything, Helain is flattered that S/O wanted to play this game with her, despite her usual stoic demeanor.
Helian has a hard time keeping eye contact, but tries to tough it out.
She fails at not having their lips connect, but it's not a failure she exactly minds.
Helian gets carried away in the moment, forgetting the original purpose of the game and instead just focuses on kissing her S/O.
Before tasting the chocolate in their mouth and quickly leaning back.
(Helianthus) A-AHEM! "I...suppose we failed the challenge..."
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Before S/O could even finish proposing the idea to Elphelt-
(Elphelt) "YES! Gimme that pocky!"
With zero hesitation she immediately puts the pocky in her lips, excitedly leaning into S/O with bright eyes.
She kicks the challenge up a notch, by having her hands latch onto S/O's, giggling all the while as she took each bite and savoring the bite and sight.
Elphelt fails the challenge in multiple ways, mostly just by how giddy she is during it.
Accidentally biting too hard, kissing S/O, letting go of the cookie, each result makes her pout and slightly blush.
(Elphelt) "Wha-OH COME ON! I didn't even bite that hard! Hand me another one!"
Elphelt loves playing this pocky game with S/O.
She always had these cookies around due to her love for sweets, but this was the first time they've been used for something this fun!
(Elphelt) "Another one!...We're out? Alright, fine! Lemme grab another box and we can try this again later, I will win!"
S/O at the end of each session has a lot of lipstick, chocolate, and cookie crumbs on their lips.
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golden-stag · 1 month ago
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submech · 10 months ago
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Bappy birthday boy 🎊🥳💙
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
I love that Pudding’s default outfit is her in a turtleneck because nothing sells the concept of “girl who has a boss that’s a vampire who is obsessed with her” quite like her having to cover her neck where the bite would be
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the-alpha-doodle-dome · 11 months ago
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the miracle of life <3
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artoriarts · 10 months ago
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I think that being alone in frasco made aba a very sensory-oriented person. and that translates a lot into how she shows affection, especially given paracelsus, while he can be hugged or kissed or humped, can’t really reciprocate too terribly much and probably doesn’t feel it as vividly or in the same way as those of biological body. basically what I’m saying is aba does asmr for paracelsus as a form of intimacy
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freezybreezyy · 12 days ago
you should do sol and Axl wedding
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+1 teeny doodle that i couldn’t fit anywhere under the cut
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harventheblorbo · 2 years ago
fluffy hcs for happy chaos? ive fallen in love with this exquisite man 👉👈
Tooth rotty HCS for happy chaos!
Authors Note: ngl I wish I got more happy chaos requests (jst gg requests in general) because I think he's not wrote about enough!
Warning: ooc possiblely.
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Definitely the type to randomly just cling onto you. Like you will just be gaming and he'll plop on your lap and hug you like a giant teddy bear. It'll be random so you have no idea when it's gonna happen.
Omg when you two are cuddling, he loves to hold you tight like a teddy bear too. No matter what position, he will be clingly. And everytime he's with you, he will just be smiling ear to ear.
He loves to hold your hand and have a arm around your waist in public. If physical contact isn't being made, he will have the biggest pout and frown on. He loves you so much it's not even a joke.
Happy chaos is very much protective when it comes to others. Even if it's your own parents. He'll just be like "hey, 5 feet from my partner and we won't have a problem".
I feel like he isn't much of a baker but if you encourage him to do some baking, he'll do it if it's with you. Of course it might taste a little odd but happy chaos doesn't mind the taste.
Definitely a sucker to watch shows and movies with you in his lap as you both eat popcorn. He just loves it. He gets to watch something that makes you and him entertained and you're together!
He also loves taking you on car rides. It's not a full day until you both have a relaxing car ride after a wild day full of antics. Definitely also the type to hold your hand and occasionally kiss your knuckles.
I feel like you help him feel grounded and not losing his mind every other day, and he appreciates you for that and tells you alot how thankful he is for you and how you mean the world to him.
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grymmdark · 12 days ago
they need to bring back anji and axl being friends. they're just such a fun duo. imagine all the stupid shit they get up to together. it's a shame they dont have any unique lines together in strive
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broken-clover · 6 months ago
Deeply deeply attached to the idea of Potemkin and Dizzy being friends and an unreasonably large portion of that is the thought that she's basically one of the few things he would be able to hug and not immediately reduce to paste
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lokh · 2 years ago
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you know that redraw meme going around
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