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would you look at that, folks! total mental despair over a simple game of monopoly!
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painbringer · 1 year
Holy shut it's 5 AM here istg it was 3 am like two minutes ago
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davepetea · 9 months
we fell back two sl33p but nowl we are the crownly one on our dashbird B33
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thenextchapterbegins · 3 months
His ears are flat against his head as he stands in front of Lucifer. He doesn't look pleased as if he's forcing himself to do this, "I'll admit, you entertain me. I'm curious if I were to ask, if I could in a way assist you in your endeavors. I know I have the hotel, but surely you have other ideas in mind that may have my interest perhaps."
"You know i dont think i've ever seen your ears so flat against your head before." He says with a light chuckle.
"Well i am glad i think to be a source of entertainment?" He leans back slightly in a chair as he thinks.
"You know what actually, you can do something for me extra if you feel so inclined to do so. I understand you have a radio show that has a decent amount of people that tune in. if whenever I decree a new law or important information if you could include a time-table and read out something that I'm sure my advisors could give you and read said news. crownly updates or whatever u wanted to call it. that would be a great help."
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crownlykart · 3 years
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With regards to men’s fashion, dressing for summer is definitely more complicated and trickier than it is in winters. This is the season when you need to remember the comfort while still maintaining a certain style quotient. So on the off chance that you too have been puzzling over whether there are ways of dressing better on those hot and muggy days and still keep your appeal intact then you are right in accepting so except if and until you have this one staple in your closet. Indeed, we are talking about Crownly T-shirts for Men.
T-shirts end up being one of the most fundamental closet staples and it is difficult to accept that you don’t as of now have quite a couple of sets of tees in your closet. But just in the event that you are pondering whether you need quality tees in your closet, here is a list of all the must-have cool Crownly T-shirts for Men you want to update your mid-year closet with. Peruse the list and rock the late spring look.
Linen t-shirt For Men
It comes as the perfect solution to your mid-year closet burdens. Cool, comfortable, and very stylish they are perfect to be matched with shorts, jeans, and everything else. So what are you waiting for? Here is a major shout-out to all the material enthusiasts, since summer is here, update on your favorite closet staple and jerk all the concern for a very cool and fashionable look. Experiment with different cuts, shading, and print, etc. to add more charm to your personality.
Henley T-shirt For Men
Henley Crowley T-shirts for Men are one such closet staple that doesn’t just summer appropriate but will likewise make you give you the genuinely necessary manly polish. Add them to your closet and take your easygoing look to the next level in an instant.
Longline T-Shirts For Men
Come summer and you are looking for the latest trends that will keep you cool and stylish. So assuming you are arranging a closet commotion, don’t pass up a great opportunity for the long line Crownly T-shirts for Men. The long queue tees have been around for quite some time now. They are comfortable and stylish and make for an astonishing street style. So this late spring brings some pleasant elements to your look with long queue tees and stays marvelous.
Classic White T-shirts For Men
You just cannot miss this. A white pair of t-shirts is a must-have in each men’s closet. Wear it with just everything you can put your hands on be it with jeans, shorts, with formal trousers or under the overcoat this is one such piece which is never going to disappoint you.
Printed Crownly T-shirts for Men
Prints and summer resemble a match made in paradise. But since men’s style doesn’t have a lot of degree for the experiment a printed t-shirt is a sure thing. At first, a printed t-shirt might appear to be intimidating at first but they are really exciting and can give your style new aspects. Wear them with denim or shorts and check out ease in any event, when the heat becomes excruciating.
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typewritingyip · 4 years
A Life Worth Waiting For
Into and Out of the Wardrobe
A/N: This is my first ever Narnia fic, so thank you to @edmundrex​ for posting the #CairParavelNet June Event! (Technically it’s called into the wardrobe but I couldn’t just pick one part)
Warnings: Minor Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 8,063
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The platform was crowded with weepy mothers, nervous children, and a great deal of luggage. Mothers arms wrapped around my body, as tiny as I was it felt like being wrapped in a blanket. It wasn’t cold on the platform but I was shaky from the nerves. The ringing made it to where I couldn’t even hear what she was saying to me, her words were silent even as she attached the travel tag to my sweater.
“Alright dear, don’t take this tag off until you get to your platform. They’ll pick you up there and take you to where you’ll be safe.”  
Her hand brushes over my hair, finally looking up at her through slightly swollen eyes my lip quivers as I try not to cry,  
“Mama I don’t want to leave... I- I don’t want you to be alone...”
Her smile was warm as a summer day, one from before the war when we’d spend days in the park. She lightly brushes her thumbs over my cheeks, wiping the tears there away;  
“Darling, I’m never alone. Papa may be gone but I have grandmother with me.”  
Sniffling I wipe my nose with the sleeve of my sweater. She gently turns me around and nudges me towards the train, getting caught between several people while I struggle with my suitcase. One of the ticket readers grabs the tag and pulls the ticket from it while some older kid grabs my arm, pulling me along. My eyes widen from the sudden grip, following this tall boy onto the train. The door closed behind us and my heart sunk, turning to it I tried to see out the window to see my mother as my eyes fill with tears again.  
Before being able to see out the window the trains horn blows and it starts to move and yet again, I’m grabbed by the boy while a conductor checks our tags and heads for a compartment with two children already in it. It was only then that the boy realized I wasn’t his little sister,  
“Who are you?”
Sniffling I move to sit down, hugging my suit case tightly,
“Maude, Maude Crownly.”  
The conductor nods and helps with the luggage before moving on, leaving all of us in awkward silence. I kept my head down, pulling a few sheets of paper from my pocket and a rather mangled pencil to draw on as the train picks up speed,
“Well, I’m Peter. Peter Pevensie... Sorry if I scared you.”
I glance up at him and smile, missing a tooth in the front of my mouth,
“You didn’t scare me that bad,”
He smiled and sat back, looking at his other siblings before looking down. With that the compartment went silent as it traveled for the country side.  
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Four hours after the other two children got off the train, the five of us waited in silence for us to arrive at the platform at Coombe Halt, or temporary new home. Curling up in the seat to face the window to see out into the new adventure I’d face, smiling softly as I sketched childish designs onto the paper. Feeling for the first time like one of those heroes in the adventure books father used to read to me once he came home from work. Looking down at the paper I fold it up and return it and the pencil to my pocket, wanting nothing more than to be home or at the very least father to be okay.  
The train would stop and each of us in turn would sit up to check to see if it was our stop, but then it would roll along without a conductor coming to retrieve us. None of us knew just how big England could be or how green anything outside London looked.
It was late in the day when it finally stopped again and out compartment door slid open, I jerked awake from the sound, thinking of the worst things possible before realizing where I was. Peter and his siblings were kind enough to help me from the train with them. It wasn’t a station, hardly more than a platform claiming to be a place that actually existed. Slowing down, they all looked back at the train as it rolled away. Setting down my suitcase was kind of a grunt, I sit on it and look at them,
“Do you know who you’re all staying with?”  
Peter nodded and double checked his tag, frowning as he looked around,  
“Yes, it’s a Professor Kirke... He knew we’d be coming.”  
Nodding, I smile and turn to look towards the road, hoping that they’d arrive soon. Though it was another hour before the horsed wagon appeared from over the nearby hill.
That night I had gotten terrible sleep, sharing a bed with strangers and other children for the first time in my life. Though Lucy and I were becoming fast friends, it wasn’t every day during a war you met someone the same age as you with schools being called off every few weeks for safety. A storm rolled in during the night and kept me awake, too scared to close my eyes.  
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When the next day came and we were all stuck inside, it was barley noon when I started to die from boredom. I wanted to explore the amazing house we were all staying in, to read the books with familiar titles like the ones my father would have in his study. The entire house felt like a smaller version of my father's work at the university. It was amazing to feel so lost yet so found in an instant.  
“Peter, can we play hide and seek, please?”
Lucy was pouting and Peter looked mildly exasperated, giving Susan a look,  
“But we’re already having so much fun.”
Susan glares and snaps the book closed, then Peter started to count. Much to the distaste of Edmund. Smiling broadly, I run off, mostly to explore then to actually hide. It was all like the adventure books, just in a giant house rather than in a tumbling forest or open plain field.  
I could hear the Professors radio playing from his office, with the old Orquestra music quietly through the walls and pipes. Running up a set of stairs felt amazing, feeling for the first time in months much like the child I’d been before the war. Trying to duck into something I was rudely shoved out of the way by Edmund, Lucy had been right on his tail,
“I was here first!”
Scoffing, I hurry up another staircase with Lucy passing me, checking from rooms to hide in. Entering one I follow, hoping for a good hiding place only to find her removing a sheet from something massive. Gawking at it I look at her then to the massive wardrobe, we both could still hear Peter counting.  
“This is so cool...”
I brush my fingers over the wood and jump when Lucy opened the door, feeling like a breeze of icy air blew in our faces. I head in first with Lucy following, her backing up to close the door but I faced ahead seeing the strangest thing in the world. Hurrying ahead, tripping on tree branches I fall into the snow and look around in amazement.  
It was a snowy wonderland, something of a great imagination with a lamppost standing in the middle. Not something I’d ever been able to think up on my own. Looking up and back, I could see the light into the Spare Room shining just slightly through the crack of the wardrobe door. Looking at Lucy with a giant grin I stand to follow her, then get absolutely terrified by the creature before us. All three screams ring through the air.  
Lucy and I hide behind the lamppost, trying to look around either side to get a good look at the man standing there. Though it wasn’t quite a man, it was rather strange for his pants were fur but his shoes appeared to be hooves. I look to Lucy and whisper,
“It’s a fawn...”
Slowing walk out from behind the post and moves to pick up the packages, slowing looking him up and down before speaking,
“Were you hiding from me?”
I smiled and moved to help while they talked, looking around in amazement at the snowy surrounding. When it snowed in London it never stayed this white for long, whether the street or the area it would either turn grey or brown, but this was the softest of white powder snow.
“Everything from-from the lamppost, all the way to castle Cair Paravel on the eastern ocean. Every stick and stone you see, every icicle is Narnia.”  
I turn and look around, then look to Lucy,
“It’s an awfully big wardrobe.”
He seemed confused by then then chuckles slightly before speaking up,
“I-I’m sorry, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tumnus.”
Standing up straight I take Lucy’s hand, smiling at him, letting her speak since she found Narnia first,
“Pleased to meet you Mr. Tumnus! I’m Lucy Pevensie,”
“And I’m Maude Crownly, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
We both stuck out our hands and I pulled my back awkwardly, looking down, usually a rather shy person. He had no clue what to do with her hand, so she showed him how to shake it, though both is us realized we didn’t know why people shook hands.  
“Well then, Lucy Pevensie and Maude Crownly from the shining city of Wardrobe in the wondrous land of Spare ‘Oom. How would it be if you both came and had tea with me?”
My heart swelled and sank, looking back towards where the wardrobe was, he opened his umbrella to prevent any more snow falling onto his head and into the curls of his hair,
“Well thank you very much but I, we probably should be getting back.”
“Yes, but it’s only just around the corner.”  
He made the both of us kind of jump before continuing,
“And there will be a glorious fire with toast and tea and cakes. And, perhaps, we’ll even break into the sardines.”
Lucy glances my way before looking back at Mr. Tumnus,
“I don’t know.”
He shifted his wait and got a slightly sad look on his face,
“Come on. It’s not every day I get to make new friends.”  
She looked at me and I bite the corner of my lip before speaking up,
“I suppose we could come for a little while. If you have sardines...”
The last sentence was slightly sarcastic and Lucy giggled, the fact that sardines were a common thing to have with tea in Narnia was greatly odd.  
“By the bucket load,”
He held up his umbrella for the three of us to fit under before hurrying off towards his place.  
We had spent the day with Mr. Tumnus, enjoying the tea he offered, till it put both of us to sleep along with the enchanted lullaby. It hurt being betrayed by our new found friend, it was jarring. We only then found out about the witch and why the winter was so terrible. Feeling the fear of a witch for the first time, where its real and not just in a book of fairy tales. It was late when we returned to the wardrobe, we stopped outside it and turned to him,
“Will you be alright?”
He laughed nervously then started to cry, clearly scared of what would happen to him. Lucy scrambled and pulled her handkerchief from her pocket, passing it to him so he could dry his eyes,
“I’m sorry, I'm so sorry... Here.”
He tries to give back the handkerchief,
“No, keep it. You need it more than I do.”  
“No matter what happens, I am glad to have met you both. You’ve made me feel warmer than I’ve felt in one hundred years. Now go, go.”
He touches out noses gently but spoke firmly. We glance at each other then back at him before hurrying past the lamppost, heading back into the wardrobe. Lucy fell out and continued through the house at a run to find everyone else. I stood there and backed up to stare at the wardrobe, already wishing to be back in Narnia. I could still hear Peter counting till Lucy yelled, frowning I look around then out the window. Struggling for a second, I pull out my father's old pocket watch and found it to just start ticking again, as if nothing had changed and no time had ever passed.  
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Over the next several days, the others pretended like Lucy and I were mad, like Narnia wasn’t real even when we saw it with our very own eyes.  
It was a warm day and the great outdoors supposedly called us to go out and play cricket. I sat in the shade of a large oak tree with Lucy, drawing Mr. Tumnus likeness into the dirt with a stick. Suddenly I hear a loud crash and we all look up, staring at the house before hurrying inside. Within the professor's study Edmund had broken a window and knocked down a suit of armor.
“Well done Ed,”
Peter was clearly stressed about the situation at hand,
“You balled it!”
They nearly started to argue when we all heard Mrs. McCreedy start to storm up the stairs. Looking at all of them I quickly grab hold of Peter’s hand to keep up with them, running to find a place to hide from her. Upstairs, through rooms, down halls, all over the house, trying to find the right place to hide.  
Edmund led us into the spare room and opened the wardrobe,
“Come on!”
“You’ve got to be joking.”
But we could hear the house keeper just outside, still looking for us, so into the wardrobe we ran. I followed close behind Edmund, knowing we’d come out the other side. Everyone shuffles through the coats and deeper in, complaining about the tight space of it all. Till we hit the cold air and fell into the snow. I looked up and around, smiling then turned to Peter and Susan.
We got to see their reaction of Narnia for the first time.
“This is impossible.”
I grinned at her reaction and fell back into the snow; it was freezing but it was amazing.  
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s just your imagination.”
“I don’t suppose saying were sorry will quiet cover it.”
“No, it wouldn’t... But that might!”
Lucy throws a snowball at Peter and I quickly join in, laughing as we pelt each other with snow. Laughing at each other it just made us all colder, but it was fun, more fun than any of us had in possibly years. Peter hits Edmund in the arm which nearly causes an argument. Looking around with a big smile on my face I walk over when Peter starts to hand out coats, practically bouncing with excitement for the thought of going on an adventure.  
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Even when we were chased by the agents of the witch, dragged down tunnels while avoiding wolves and thinking we were caught by the witch it was jarring but it’s the type of books my father would read. We stayed huddled in a small snow cave Peter having hands over both mine and Lucy’s mouths, petrified of being caught. Then we do scream when Mr. Beaver ducks back down.
“Come on, come on! I hope you’ve all been good, because there's someone here to see you!”
My heart was racing and I crawl out first, wanting to see who was there if it made Mr. Beaver excited. Before us stood a man with a red coat, his hair was as white as the snow and several reindeer pulled his magical sleigh.
“Merry Christmas sir.”
“It certainly is Lucy, since you have arrived.”
Lucy walks towards him with a big smile and I followed, tugging my fur coat closer around me.  
“We thought you were the witch...”
I fidgeted with the sleeves of my coat, embarrassed.  
“Yes, well. In my defense Maude, I’ve been driving one of these longer than the witch.”
Stepping forward, Susan spoke up,
“I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia.”  
“No, not for a long time, but the hope you have brought your majesties, is finally starting to weaken the witches' power. Still I dare say you could do with these.” 
He turns with a laugh and pull the large bag from the back of his sleigh, starting to open it and push aside toys of all kinds.  
Lucy rushes forward to look inside, excited by the thought of something new. One by one we are all given weapons to use in our battle. Healing juice and a dagger for Lucy, a bow plus a horn to call for help for Susan, a sword and shield for Peter that was beautifully engraved, and a seemingly bottomless bag along with my own smaller sword for myself.  
Father Christmas gave us the strength and hope to continue on, the tools we would need and a boost to our bravery. Putting my father's pocket watch into the bag, I look around at everyone getting comfortable carrying their new weapons before we continue toward the stone table.  
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When the ground turned from white to green, we all left our coats hanging on tree branches, I tied my sweater around my waist and ran ahead with Lucy. Both of us giggling and feeling so free. The air was turning warm, filling with voices, more voices then either of us had heard since leaving London.  
Coming up to the camp grounds full of Narnian soldiers we slow and fall back to stand with Susan and Peter, staring at the larger creatures in mild fright. A horn gets blown from the hill, causing me to jump slightly and look around. Quickly getting lost in the surroundings of it all, it felt like a dream, more than any dream I’d actually had.  
The further we walked into the camp, the more I felt at home in Narnia, in those moments I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Coming up to one of the largest tents around, several people had come to follow us in and Peter slows to a stop before pulling his sword lamely,
“We have come to see Aslan,”
He spoke awkwardly and looked around to check her was doing the right thing. Behind us the army took a knee and bowed their heads, my heart started to race and I looked to Peter to see what to do. He lowered his sword and faced the tent, so we all remained standing as Aslan, the great lion came out of his tent then and only then did we go to our knees and bow.
He was the most incredible creature I’d ever seen.  
“Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan, Lucy and Maude, daughters of Eve. And welcome to you Beavers, you have my thanks, but where it the fifth?” 
We then stood and Peter cleared his throat slightly,
“It’s why we're here sir. We need your help.”
I shift awkwardly and glance at Susan,
“We had a little trouble along the way.”
“Our brother has been captured by the white witch.”
Aslan nods his head slightly,
“Captured? How could this happen?”
Mr. Beaver steps forward, folding his paws,
“He betrayed them, your majesty.”  
The army behind us quickly gets into an uproar, turning I look over my shoulder at them all, feeling worried they wouldn’t trust us or help Edmund. Peter looks around before standing up straighter,
“It’s my fault really. I was too hard on him.”
I take Lucy’s hand as we move to stand around Peter,
“We all were... But sir, he’s out family.”
I finally spoke up for the first time and none of them disagreed with me,
“I know young one, but that only makes the betrayal worse. This may be harder than you think.”  
Aslan nodded towards Peter and they walked off together before several women, including Mrs. Beaver escorted Susan, Lucy and I to get changed into clothes better suited for Narnia. Along with getting washed up.  
They were gentle and showed their care before letting the three of us have our space to clean up, giggling like mad women. That was until the wolves came, chasing us into a tree. It felt like for a few minutes the war was miles away, either war was miles away and yet here it was trying to eat us alive. The wolf tried to kill Peter but he got the better of him, which amazed all but Aslan. He knew Peter could do it before we did.  
As the sun began to set, we all were settling in at camp the best we could, waiting for news on Edmund. We all cared and even thought I had little chance to get to know him, there was a connection to this family of strangers and I was coming to really care for them. When he did come back, the past was in the past, in more ways than one and we all showed him we cared for him.
Once we were all fed and rested, training began and even though it was deadly serious I don’t think I have ever had more fun in my life. It was truly a change in fate. Narnia was better than any dream and it’s real. The war was soon though and tensions were high, higher so when the White Witch came for Edmund’s blood. We knew the battle would be soon and that was when I started to get genuinely scared.  
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Our tents were quiet that night, the anticipation for tomorrow was building and I was completely unable to sleep. Much like the night I’d left London or the night my father died. Gently opening the bad, I push around the spare supplies inside and pull out the pocket watch, it was quietly ticking away. I could hear the swish of fabric from outside and sit up at the same time as Lucy. She gets up and quickly wakes us Susan. I get up and gather my stuff, pulling on a cloak and following the girls out.
The three of us followed Aslan quietly, sneaking behind him. It was another odd circumstance, being out in the middle of the night felt so normal here but in London it would have been just dangerous. We followed several feet behind and hid behind trees while trying to remain unseen. Aslan stalled and glances back,
“Shouldn’t you three be in bed.”
We kind of looked at each other before stepping forward and closer to him, I messed with the edge of my cloak,
“We couldn’t sleep.”
“Please Aslan, couldn’t we come with you?”
Susan kept her voice down and we all walked up to stand around him,
“I would be glad of the company, for a little while.”
We stood with him, I brushed a hand over his mane, incredible worried about him and why we were out in the night,
“Thank you.”
His voice was rough and he sounded far older than any of could have guessed or even preserved. I wrap my fingers through his fur, holding onto him while we walked.  
The four of us walked for several miles in silence, just listening to the sounds of the night, Narnia was very different then England and the night air smelled of flowers.
“It is time. From here, I must go alone.”
“But Aslan-”
“You have to trust me. For this must be done. Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. Thank you, Maude. And farewell.”
He turned away from us and continued walking, I looked to Susan and Lucy wanting to know what they planned to do before I followed Aslan myself. He was out friend and wherever he was going, he shouldn’t be alone. Susan rested a hand on Lucy’s shoulder before nodding and hurrying a different direction. Biting my lip, I hurried to follow them, resting a hand on the hilt of my sword so it wouldn’t swing all over the place.  
We came up and crouched behind a fallen tree, to see torches and part of the witch's army surrounding some stone structure. We looked at each other but stayed put, too shocked by the scene to do much of anything. I covered my mouth when they knocked him down, starting to tie him up. This is what the witch was capable of and it was terrifying.  
“Why doesn’t he fight back?”
I looked at Susan then to Lucy, thinking about something I’d been told by my father, ‘A real leader, when he sees mistakes being made will talk to the mistake maker, not punish them but lift them up so they learn.’ I looked back towards where bound him.
It went silent for a moment before they started to band their weapons on the ground, I was shaking from both fear and anger. They were going to hurt him and there was nothing we could do.  
“Tonight, the deep magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!”
We couldn’t hear what she said after that, my heart was racing till she shouted again,
It was like my whole world stopped, like all of Narnia held its breath as the great lion died. Tears fell down my face and I kept my hand over my mouth, preventing my own screams. Turning slightly, we all fell and held onto one another desperately. Sobbing into our fallen embrace.  
We held onto each other until the witch and her troops were gone, then we made our way to Aslan, resting as if asleep on the stone table. We sat with him, wanting nothing more for him to wake up when we drifted to sleep on him, protecting his remains.
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I woke up when the sun began to rise, brushing my fingers over Aslan with his shaved fur. It brought more tears to my eyes, though I hadn’t known Aslan long he had become a dear friend. Susan sits up and looks around, rubbing her eyes before gently shaking awake Lucy.
“We should go.”
She stepped down from the stone table and went to help Lucy, I jumped down with them shivering from the breeze.
“It’s so cold.”
Lucy and I spoke nearly at the same time, I wrapped my cloak around myself, trying to feel the warmth of spring that had just existed yesterday.  Walking down the steps and away from this place, we all glances back before continuing forward. Then the ground shook and cracked, I fell to my knees.  
I turned to Lucy and followed where she looked before standing, gawking at the broken and empty stone table.  
“Where’s Aslan?”
“What have they done?”
I brushed my fingers along the broken edge of the table, my heart aching before the sun shined in my eyes, blinking I looked toward it and my breath was taken away.  
We all ran towards him, the past hours of heart ache washing away, the warmth of spring returning, the fear of a life without Aslan vanishing. I held onto his fur, listening to him but just so thankful he was alive.  
“Climb on my back, we have far to go and little time to get there. You all may want to cover your ears.”
Lucy and I grinned at each other before climbing on behind Susan, then I covered my ears as Aslan roared his mighty roar. While a battle waged in a far-off field, we saved those who'd been turned to stone by the witch. Even helping in the battle, with Aslan on our side it was like they surrendered. Though our hearts stopped again when Edmund was wounded, my bag of holding had no healing properties but Lucy had that within the bottle at her waist. 
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Our family of five saved Narnia that day and our army traveled east, to the shining castle of the five thrones. Cair Paravel on the eastern ocean.  
The halls shine and the thrones glittered, the say we were crowned was one of beauty, all of us dressed in the finest of clothes Narnia could offer. This castle was our home, a place built for us, and we didn’t know for so long. We walked with Aslan up to the thrones the first time, seeing a beautiful future ahead of us. Peter went to the middle throne, with Susan on his right and Edmund on his left, Lucy was on the other side of Susan and I was on the other side of Edmund.
“To the glittering eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant.”
My heart was racing, it felt so unreal and perfect, Mr. Tumnus rested Lucy’s crown upon her head.  
“To the vast central fields, I give you Queen Maude, the Thoughtful.”
Looking to Lucy, I was smiling before facing front again as Mr. Tumnus brought me my own crown to wear, I smile at him, having gaps in my teeth from where I’d lost them previously.
“To the great western wood, King Edmund, the Just... To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle... And to the clear northern sky! I give you High King Peter, the magnificent.”
We all took a step back and sat on our thrones, hearts racing and smiles bright.
“Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens.”  
Then the celebration started and Aslan left us, not for forever, but he was no tame lion. There was music and dancing, Edmund and I danced for quite a while, laughing and loving Narnia. The celebrations lasted for several days then came the time to actually rule and learn what that meant, but we were all ready for the challenge.  
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Most of that first spring and summer, we didn’t spend within the castle walls or even with each other. Away learning of the places in Narnia we were to all rule over, firstly the ones we were crowned for then to learn of the others to a lesser extent.  
The vast central fields had once been covered in snow, with no one living there and now, farms were returning and people moves back to the homes of their ancestors. I learned how to tend plants and prep ground, spending that first spring and summer barefoot in the fields with Narnians and learning of my place in this world. Just as the others did, Lucy was upon ships learning to sail and fish, Edmund was in the woods learning to hunt and trade, Susan was in the south with larger villages learning the way their traditions held, and Peter spent his time in the north learning the ways of battle, how to be a predator instead of pray.  
We saw each other nearly every week non the less, growing together and learning so much, and when fall came around we all returned to Cair Paravel and if anything, the time apart brought us closer together. The fall was cooler than the spring and people began to get scared, we did a little but we knew the witch was gone and that seasons were a normal and regular thing.  
It was mid fall and I was practicing my sword work with Edmund down in one of the courtyards, Lucy sat on an old stump watching us work when it started to hail. At first none of us noticed it, to focused on our own activities. The ground started to turn white and it began to get cold, I looked to Edmund and my heart began racing. I could see the fear in his eyes, sliding my sword into its sheath before grabbing his hand and then Lucy’s pulling them inside.
“Peter! Susan!”
My call was more of a shriek, both Edmund and Lucy were stiff even as I dragged them further into the castle, trying to remember where the common room was, hoping that there would be a fire in there. I could hear running footsteps but my nerves were already on edge so I shove the other two behind me and draw my sword again, on Peter. He lifted his arms up in the air.
“Easy their soldier, what's the matter?”
Lowering it slowly, my hands were shaking.
“Peter, I... it started snowing.”
His eyes widen and he nodded, taking Lucy’s hand when she hurried to him.
“It’s going to be alright. Just a small storm. It’s winter then spring, it won’t last forever. When Aslan shakes his mane, there will be spring again. Well that already happened so there will be another spring.”
We might be kings and queens, but we were all still children. The winter we’d walked into left each of us scared in more ways than one. Peter led us to the common room and stoked the fire, making it far warmer than it needed to be but we could see the hail through the windows still. I sat on one of the many cushions and stared out the window at the hail before getting back up.  
Lucy and Edmund sat by the fire, both kind of shivering. It was the first time we’d experienced cold since the White Witch was alive, we all assumed it would be bad. Looking at them I follow Peter out of the room, knowing he’d need help, knowing the Narnian’s would react just as badly or worse. Catching up quickly I take his hand and look up at him.
“To the first fall.”
He nods and squeezes my hand gently.
“To the first fall... You doing alright Maude?”
Smiling was a slight struggle, but I shrug.
“I’ll be alright. We have things to take care of anyways.”
He frowned and brushed his hand over my hair.
“You’re just as young as Lucy, yet you act like an adult... You should be in there with them.”
Smiling shyly, I kick at the skirt of my dress.
“I can sit on a throne and pretend to be warm. Back... somewhere I... I used to pretend to be warm.”
He nods slowly and stops me, turning me back around.
“Well go enjoy the warmth and comfort of the common room. Susan and I can handle the politics for a while.”
He took off my crown for a second, ruffling my hair before putting it back on my head. I smiled at him and walked back to the common room, feeling a bit sad by his reaction to me.
Returning to the room it was a livelier then when I left it, Mr. Tumnus taking up residents inside to join the warmth. Music was playing quietly and Lucy was back to her happy self, though Edmund still was staring out the window.
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That winter was colder than any day in the last hundred years, blizzards were horrific and the only ones leaving Cair Paravel was Peter and Susan. Most of the that winter the three of us sat on our thrones and dealt with the politics that could come through the snow to the castle. Most nights we slept in the common room, dragging the feather beds from our rooms to sleep near the warmest fire.  
Then we had spring again, when the snow melted away, the Narnians celebrated like we had won the war all over again, naming the celebration after us. A celebration of spring that would happen every year after. Anything before our lives in Narnia faded to void, feeling as if it were nothing more than a dream. My father’s pocket watch remained in the bottom of my bag for years.
When Mr. Tumnus told us of the white stags return to Narnia and what it could it, it wasn’t a question of if we’d go on the hunt, more so when we would go on the hunt. I spent time laughing with Lucy while we packed simple things of food and supplies for the trip. Brushing a hand through my hair I sighed heavily, my thoughts elsewhere for a moment.  
“Maude, are you alright?”
It was Edmund who asked, having come up to put his bag on Phillip. I turned to him, smiling slightly shyly before nodding.
“Yes, quite alright just thinking of what we would wish for is all.”
That wasn’t what I was thinking about of course, but Edmund didn’t need to know what I was thinking.  
“I think we’re all thinking that.”
He grins before being shoved by Peter as he came out to the stables with Susan. I laugh before climbing onto my own horse, Lillian. She was a beauty but no longer was one who liked my risky habits in battle.  
“Are we going to stand around all day or go find this stag?”
With a shout of agreement, the others all climbed onto their horses and ran off ahead of Lillian and me. The wind blew through my hair as the horses' hurries through the woods, my braids catching in my crown.
The five of us were laughing like loons, loving the feeling of late summer early fall. We road for an hour before the white stag was spotted, it kept bouncing in and out of view. I was taking up the back of the line as usual, being the youngest among five royals didn’t often have its perks.  
Lillian slowed and I pulled on the reins to make her stop, seeing her shortness of breath I slid off her back in a fluid motion. Patting her side, I smile brightly.
“Take a rest Lillian, I can run for a while. Catch up when you can.”
She bowed her head gravely.
“Thank you, your highness.”
Nodding firmly, I run ahead to try and catch up with the others. Soon being able to hear their voice I pick up the pace before nearly running smack into Edmund and Phillip.
“Have you all caught the stag without me?”
My smile was one of mischiefs' sarcasm but looking at all their faces it told me something was likely wrong. A lamppost stood in the area all alone.
“Spare ‘Oom.”
Lucy’s voice was quiet but the name rang a bell to me, as if from a dream. Then Lucy took off into the dense forest.
“Oh, not again!”
Peter shouted before the other three followed. Scowling I move to go around the dense trees to catch them all on the other side, starting to grin once I reached the other side. Waiting. I waited for several minutes before heading in and coming out the other side in a different spot then I had thought, looking around quickly I turn to Phillip.
“Did they come out?”
All the horses shook their heads and my heart dropped, I hurry to Phillip and climb onto his back, grabbing the reins and turning him roughly.  
“Back to Cair Paravel, we need to send out a search party. Who knows where they disappeared to in there...”
He took off as fast as he could manage, I clung desperately to the reins, my heart racing. I glance back at the lamppost till it was no longer visible through the trees. The winds whipped through my hair violently, the pit in my stomach became bottomless. Riding through the gates I got off quickly and ran for the doors, lifting my skirts to get there faster. It was already quieter in Cair Paravel, as if somehow the building knew it needed to be in hushed tones.
I found out search party quickly and they searched that area for hours, only coming out when they found four crowns. I stood before them, the only one wearing a crown among a land of thousands, for the first time in my life I didn��t know what to do.
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Within the first year of the four royals going missing, Telmarnies declared war on Narnia and her allies. Although I had grown up in Narnia, I grew more in the next five years than I had when the other four remained. Narnia needed their High King, so that was what I became not by title but, someone who tried to rule like Peter had, yet I was not Peter. I went from being Queen Maude, the Thoughtful to Queen Maude, the Fierce.  
I didn’t think the name suited me, but it stuck soon after the first few battles on Narnian soil began. For five years, I ruled and controlled an army, one that was being slaughtered daily and yet would still choose to fight for someone so unskilled. I tried so hard to be the others, to know how the five of us worked together and make that into one person and I thought I succeeded.
We signed a treaty, giving both armies peace for the holiday, trying to negotiate what they wanted with Narnia. Time to recuperate and see what assets we had. I sat in my throne most of that day, trying to figure out what to do. Our armies were hungry and tired, there was no sign of true peace on the horizon and if we surrendered then everything any Narnian stood for would be lost.  
It was late and I brought my things down to the treasury, putting my sword and bag within my chest. Looking around my heart ached at the faces that looked towards mw, if only they knew I was trying my best.
Returning to my room, I fell into a deep sleep.  
Awakened in the middle of the night by the castle shaking, shouts and screams were I the air as Cair Paravel was attacked.  
“Your Highness!”
A fawn girl came running in and grabbed my arms, pulling me from my bed and pushing me towards the door.
“You must hide your highness, run and hide!”
I pull away from her grip and rest my hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down.
“Why? I have a duty to protect Cair Paravel!”
She shook her head and began to push me again.
“They are after your life, they called for you and want your head on a pike!”
I grit my teeth, my anger beginning to boil, I went to reach for where my sword would typically rest at my waist only to remember I had foolishly left it in the treasury.
“They’ve already invaded the lower levels! You must go!”
“I cannot-”
“They don’t want just your head! Their monsters in men's clothing, please your highness, for the future of Narnia you must go.”
Nodding slowly, I head down the stairs, hearing my soldiers fight down in the throne room. I ran into the people I cared for most as they were both trying to fight and flee; Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers wished the same for me as the fawn girl did. Dressed in merely a night gown, taking a small bag of food from Mrs. Beaver, I fled. The head of my guard waited with Astrid, our fasted horse.  
“Go your Majesty. Astrid will bring you someplace safe and hopefully return with you in the morning.”
I nodded and climbed on, giving the familiar centaur a hug.
“Till morning then.”
Gripping the reins Astrid took off through the side gates, running out into the trees. We were barely out of the gate when the Telmarine army was upon us. Arrows were shot at Astrid and I, horrible words shouted, and large dogs barked. I leaned down to give Astrid more speed, trying to avoid the flying arrows. Looking back, I could see Cair Paravel was under siege and many parts ablaze, including the tower I had called home. An arrow lands in my shoulder, making me shout and I fall off Astrid, thankful for the darkness as the Telmarine continue to follow her instead of noticing me.  
Once they were past, I stand and pull the arrow from my shoulder, pressing a hand to it as I cursed all Telmarine especially their King Caspian. Continuing inland, my shoulder bled through the white gown. Pain wracked my body and I longed for my bag of holding, full of bandages along with other medical supplies.  
Silent asking for a sign of a way to fix this I kept walking, coming into a ring of light, then nearly smack into the lamppost.  
Turning quickly to face that patch of woods my heart sank and I looked around.
“Are you telling me to leave? Or will I find the others in there?”
There was nothing but silence. I face those woods and sigh, then turn to try and see Cair Paravel. All I could see through the trees was the light from the fire, my heart sank.
“Spare ‘Oom it is then...”
I turn back to the dense patch of woods and head in. It turned from trees to fur, then I ran into people all complaining before five of us toppled out of the wardrobe.  
Memories quickly flood back, feeling more recent then the last twenty years I had lived in Narnia. Looking around quickly I smiled at Edmund, all of us smiling at each other before the door opened and the Professor walked in.
“What were you all doing in the wardrobe?”
Peter looked around at all of us before looking back to the professor.  
“You wouldn’t believe us if we told you sir.”
He tossed the cricket ball back to Peter, the one that had broken the stained glass all that time ago, smiling and crouching down some.
“Try me.”
Quickly everyone breaks out into the tale of our life in Narnia, I kept my mouth shut only thinking about how Narnia would be taken over if we couldn’t get back soon. Wrapping Edmund in a hug I watch Peter and Lucy explain it all, the fifteen years we had lived there.  
It shocked me to understand they thought I’d followed them into Spare ‘Oom, the five years I had lived without them completely unknown to them. The story lasted well into the night, till we all got tired and were helped to bed.  
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I didn’t even lay in bed for more than twenty minutes before I snuck down to the wardrobe with Lucy, trying to get back into Narnia.
“I don’t think you’ll get back in that way.”
I turn quickly with Lucy, facing the Professors who was sat in a chair in the corner of the room. Not a word even had to pass our lips before he answered the silent question.
“Well you see, I’ve already tried.”
“Will we ever go back?”
My voice was quiet and full of pain.  
“Well I expect so, it will probably happen when you’re not looking for it.”
He offers each of us his hands, so we take them and start to head out of the room.
“I’ll say, it’s best to keep your eyes open.”
We left the spare room. The only sounds other than our footsteps was my fathers pocket watching ticking, making noice for the first time in a long time. 
He helped us back to bed, then went to bed himself. Neither of us could sleep, nor could Susan so we went to the boy's room where they had already dragged the mattresses off the beds to the floor, trying to get some rest. The three of us joined the two of them and were able to get some sleep, like the winter nights in the common room when rain would pelt the windows.
We spoke of Narnia often those first few days, going outside and practicing with the professor's swords and armor, much to the distaste of Mrs. McCreedy. Soon enough though the memories of England grew stronger than the ones of Narnia, though none of us forgot. Feeling older than we were but young enough to still play.  
Within months the Pevensies’ went back to London, I stayed with the professor while my mother was away in the war as a nurse, having completed her training soon before my grandmother passed. I studied and learned with the professor, we talked of Narnia often and only he knew that Cair Paravel had fallen.  
The world of Narnia was mysterious and glorious, when they all saw and all believed, when we lived their we brought peace to the land. 
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nyaacatboy · 7 years
ok. this may be too much to ask. but I favor hetero ships and before you ignore this. I really really want a Kaider fic. maybe just a quick one-shot. but I'm dyin here. theres like 2 good ones and I neeeeed moreeeee
Ask and ye shall recieve (with 2 days wait). Kaider is a pretty darn good ship (even if I have a cressder wip shhh). This is set in like…the year after Winter ends or just whenever, idk what a timeline is. About 670 words (fun fact:when i finished this it had 666 words so I added a sentence). 
It had been a month and a half since Cinder had last seen Kai, and although she was trying to tell herself that it didn’t matter, this was the longest time she’d spent away from Kai ever since they’d really started dating. Sure, there had been some really amazing video calls, but nothing beat seeing her boyfriend in the flesh. And he was a lot more interesting in the flesh, Cinder had to admit. You can’t kiss a netscreen properly.
Scarlet’s house was comfortable as usual, but Cinder found it harder to enjoy the scenery when she was counting down the hours until Kai came. They’d both taken a vacation from royalty duties in order to see each other, but Kai had important legislature to pass over the weekend, so Cinder got some quality, “girl time” (Scarlet’s words, not hers), for today.
They were washing dishes in the kitchen, which was a very sophisticated way of saying that Scarlet had turned on the dishwasher and proceeded to make small talk with Cinder, mainly focused on Kai.
“Do you miss him?” she asked, cutting up vegetables for tonight’s dinner.
“Yeah, definitely. It’s been so long, and video calls just aren’t the same.” Cinder stood awkwardly next to Scarlet, not quite sure what to do with herself. “Do you need any help with dinner?”
Scarlet expertly scooped her now-cut vegetables into a pot. “No, your job as a guest is to stay out of my way while keeping me company. That’ll be enough. On the subject of your emperor, I can’t believe you two haven’t run away from your crownly duties and eloped yet, you spend so much time apart but you could both use a little more.” She shot a teasing glance at Cinder, guaging her reaction to the “eloping” comment.
Cinder looked a little put-out by said comment, but managed to stand her ground. “What would you do if you were separated from Wolf for a month and a half?”
“Quit my job,” Scarlet deadpanned. Cinder suspected she wasn’t entirely joking.
Kai was coming tomorrow morning, as Wolf helpfully pointed out during dinner.
“And do you want to share a room with him or put him in the other guest bedroom?” Scarlet asked Cinder.
“The other guest bedroom is perfectly fine,” Cinder answered, nervously fiddling with her napkin ring.
They finished the French onion soup, cleared away the dishes, and went to bed. Cinder lay awake, thinking about seeing Kai tomorrow.
Breakfast was waffles, which Cinder enjoyed as she kept a careful eye on the clock. She burned an hour fixing a glitch in one of the farm droids, then waited by the door for Kai. Scarlet had gone to pick him up from the hoverpad.
She made shadow puppets with the flashlight on her left hand, then settled into impatient waiting, starting a countdown in her mind for when Kai got there. Cinder also commed Scarlet twice, and debated comming Cress to distract herself.
The door swung open just as she was going to look through her and Kai’s old comm conversations. Scarlet entered first.
“He’s coming, his team is busy scoping out every centimeter of the farm before they’ll let him enter. Be patient.” She left to shoo some clamoring journalists away.
Cinder looked out the window and couldn’t see Kai. She prowled around the house, trying to see Kai and distracting herself a little more, but ended up back in front of the door.
Cinder sat down on the chair again, preparing herself for another hour or so of waiting. The door opened. She looked up, expecting Scarlet again or some Eastern commonwealth official.
“Kai!” Cinder tackled her boyfriend in a hug, throwing them both onto the ground. She landed a kiss on his lips. “I missed you.”
“Me to,” Kai replied. They disentangled from each other, Cinder keeping one hand holding Kai’s.
“How’ve you been?” he asked, “I’ve never been better.”
“Same here,” Cinder replied, then pulled him into a proper kiss. They’d missed this.
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photographmyproduct · 6 years
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Chopping board excellence. . We had a beautiful bamboo chopping board from Crownly in our studio. Was amazing to create such a beautiful studio lifestyle for their brand. Contact us if your business needs product Photography. . #photography #productphotography #packshotphotography #choppingboard #lifestylephotography #layflatphotography #product #amazon #knife #vegetables #wood http://bit.ly/2B1Dno4
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Networking Building and its Benefits
Networking is integrity of the proven strategies that provide patron build your passage over the long term. With net incomeing you seldom see the benefits sound away, just long term with go along bothiance management and full-grown you exit see the issuance both victorly and mortalally.\n\n analogous any separate(a) relationship, professional relationships be not one sided. In fact, since they are not as personal they a lot require more(prenominal) prominent than you would think. But how do you triple-crownly start off a business pertainion and fit its continued success?\n conciliate it ab expose the other person simply when you re sacrifice the person, inquire them close their calling and experience for ways you bed help. If they mention they are sounding for a job, keep that in the tush of your judging and offer a connection if you weed. Did they just grad from a program or halt a publicity? Congratulate them. Or do you hold out of an horiz ontalt they efficiency benefit from let them know well-nigh it.\nReach out to connections you construct not perceive from for a while po baby-sition the recipient a expeditious email asking them how they are doing or comment on some amour you saw on their LinkedIn profile, even extending an invitation to a networking event or coffee meeting is a good idea!\n fatiguet always be the giver like in any form of chat, if somebody is always taking and never better-looking, its time to jaunt on. The point of networking is to build a professional network that allows muckle to help each other out.\nHow about the start of the networking relationship how do you rightfully tug started on the right ass and how do you find the right places to give way connections?\n\nHave a plan the biggest mistake networkers dissemble is lecture to the tout ensemble room. How practically of an impact can you really make in 2 hours if you go to meet 40 different wad? model a goal 3 to 5 mean ingful connections and anything beyond that is a bonus.\nDecide what your objectives are Are you sounding for modern business, potential employment opportunities, or just to meet impudent peck? Once you corroborate determined your objective youll admit to determine the outflank places to meet these people.\nFinding the crush venues to connect Seminar? Open Networking? Event where you endure soulfulness who can claim you to others OR are you looking for a fresh newfangled approach? Once you sport determined this you can destine an event. Keep in mind your comfort levels. If you are looking to meet a whole new set of people, merely are not similarly sure about deprivation into a room of strangers mingling, call up a seminar or a lunch and learn, you leave alone sit with other people, learn and connect. other great way to make connections is to volunteer, consider joining a board of directors, or giving pro bono services.\n\nCourtesy: The splendour of Networking\ nNow with all of these strategies considered, you should systematically be planning your conterminous networking move and seeing where you can help out. Not all networking situations give be soothing or payoff, but acquiring out to know people will show shipment to your career and meliorate your favorable skills immensely. Networking will expose you to mixed types of people and communication styles. signify about it this way, if you encounter someone who doesnt make you sprightliness your best when communicating with them, you will learn how to improve your communication skills. Observe other professionals who depend to have no qualms when talking to others, observe what draws others to them? Is it their personality, presence or how they talk to others? One thing you will see with people who see very successful at networking is that they are oft willing to talk to others, and more importantly ask about others.\nWhile networking can improve your business communication you will also reap other benefits you can learn about current business trends and best business practices. People will let you know what is divergence on in their industry, when you can learn about the challenges or changes in the business world, it will allow you to determine your best practices in business.\nFor individuals who are considering consulting in their career networking is call, while you susceptibility not be considering it for a few years, building your network with the idea that you will someday be moving into the consulting business, could present you with potential opportunities earlier that you had planned. Which in return could launch your consulting career and help you build a reputation before you are ready to officially launch.\n structure a professional networking get in college is essential, and it is never also late to start if you have not already begun. The key is to build a reproducible and ongoing network, which will in the long run help you to buil d a secure successful career.If you want to get a full essay, browse it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential! Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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|| welcome to this silly little ask blog for some Billsonas! it's us, but if we were Bill! ||
|| go wild. just keep it sfw ||
|| I know some people like to flirt with characters. only certain ones are available for that. and that's Kayon, Cal, Sen, Wally, and Crownly ||
The Bills!
Kayon Numeral - she/he/pup! - @glitterwolfvi
Cal Code - any/all! - @lunasilverpelt
Crownly - they/them! - @bebackthen
Echo - she/her! - @e-lynn-chuols
Click Captcha - it/he! - @cathackz
Sen - she/her! - @razmonik
Wally Walspurgisnyacht - They/!/[REDACTED] ! - @erotophs
Veta - she/her! - @inking5
10 notes · View notes
Does the crown named Crownly have…. A crown???? Is the little crown atop the crown named Crownly sentient?? Does the little crown atop the crown named Crownly cry out to the heavens to be freed from the prison that is atop the crown named Crownly’s pointy little head?
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i dont,, 😰
im a heptagon...?
3 notes · View notes
Why must the crown named Crownly say such lies? The sentient crown sitting atop the crown named Crownly knows your sins, crown named Crownly. You cannot hide, crown named Crownly. You cannot run. :3c
let me speak in a language your stupid brain can comprehend.
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crownlykart · 3 years
The vast majority of individuals wear track pants while they go out running. It is casual base wear for guys of all age ranges. All of you should be exhausted from wearing proper pants at the office. Jeans are viewed while going out with companions. Yet, once in a while jeans become excessively awkward because of their hard fabric. The inconvenience can be felt during summers. Presently you can easily replace it with track pants for men.
Types and examples of track pants for men
The track pants are accessible in a wide scope of assortments. There are numerous fabric producers with various examples and shades of such garments in stock. You can now browse those varieties. Some of you should be searching for extremely essential track pants or Joggers. These are extremely basic which individuals use for wearing at home or for running reasons. Tightened fit track pants are one more sort of pants accessible in the market. These are mid-rise track pants that accompany the pocket. It is a blend of cotton and polyester. Tight-fitting joggers with line configuration are one more sort of track pants for men. This is for that multitude of men who wish to go for cardio exercise, Yoga, or pranayama. Denim Joggers are accessible for casual visits. You can now try the best Crownly track pants for men according to your need.
Advantages of track pants for men
The first important advantage is the way that the track pants are entirely agreeable. Some of you should be wearing perspiration pants while working out. In any case, those can cause you to feel minimal heat when your internal heat level becomes hot. Be that as it may, a Crownly Black Track Pant is really superb. This will keep your body comfortable and even attitude. This will be truly great for wellness reasons. At home, you need to remain free. An excess of snugness in the conventional wear will make your body unbending. The baggy track pants will be great. Whenever you are going to the neighborhood market while strolling, wearing track pants will be great.
Also Read:- What Are the Best Track Pants for Mens?
Accessibility of track pants
The track pants are currently broadly accessible in the market. There are numerous approaches to getting them. Either go to the market with physical stock before you or go for web-based shopping. There are display areas with explicit brands of track pants. In the event that you are captivated with regards to explicit brands, visiting those showrooms will be a decent choice. Presently individuals are generally leaning toward internet shopping. They can sit inside the home solace and shop easily. Likewise, you don't need to confront the group which is probably going to establish itself in the physical market. You don't have to trust that the business people will show you the things. You personally can see it easily. The highlights of the item are easily shown on the web. You don't experience a lot of difficulties. You will be able to find the best track pants for men at Crownly.
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crownlykart · 3 years
They are a solid pick for every outfit and one of the most comfortable wardrobe basics. Choosing the best t shirts for men in india can be difficult, so the Twisted Thread team has put up a helpful guide on how to choose the best tee.
1. Think about the type of material and fabric you’ll be using. Should choose 100% cotton fabric that is devoid of any fabric blends, such as polyester. Cotton and other natural fabrics last a long time, are easy to care for, and allow your skin to breathe. Egyptian cotton and Sea Island cotton, as well as ring-spun cotton, are softer and more pleasant than regular cotton. Polyester should be avoided at all costs in your clothes. This is because as the fabric shrinks, stretches, or thins (which is inevitable), the polyester will maintain its shape while the other material changes shape, resulting in a strangely proportioned shirt with some parts being tighter than others. Choose a t-shirt made of high-quality cotton. This is frequently due to the thread weight used in the t-shirt for men. The finer, softer, and thinner the thread is, the higher the thread weight number. A 30/s shirt is a delicate, velvety shirt that is considered top grade for men. The premium shirt producers frequently employ a 30/s or 40/s for women. Crownly T-Shirt for men Collection is made with 100% combed cotton for a luxurious feel and a high-quality 30 singles thread weight.
2. Make sure the size and measurements are correct. When it comes to selecting the appropriate shirt size, the most important consideration should be comfort. Because shirts can stretch over time, choose a slim fit or a size that is on the small side rather than the large side. After a few washes or so, this enables for a decent fit. Avoid buying shirts that are too big or too little because you misjudged your size. The simplest approach would be to try on the shirt before buying it, which is tough to do while shopping online. The majority of online retailers offer size chart comparisons between nations or list body dimensions in relation to product sizes.
3. Examine Your Overall Fit The ‘Fit’ and ‘Size’ of T-shirts are different. To ensure that the style and design of the shirt matches you, you should constantly be aware of your body proportions and body type. Some people, for example, may have a longer waist and prefer shirts with longer hems. T-Shirts  for men frequently have labels on them that describe the fit or style. Brands may use different language or names for different types of fits, but a general rule of thumb is:
Slim and trim (for those who are petite, this fit is a tailored cut that curves at the waist and is common choice for female buyers)
Regular Dimensions (a basic design that fits most people)
Big/Tall (for persons who are taller than average)
0 notes
crownlykart · 3 years
With athleisure on the ascent, pants and chino have some new rivalry. The jogger or track pants are new and should have a style for gentlemen and it's ruling the road style scene. Presently not only for the games slanted, but these agreeable jeans are also another closet staple.
What to Wear track pants for men’s With
Today, track pants for men can be styled in endless ways. While they surely don't fall into the class of formal wear, joggers can be styled to suit distinctive dress codes or events. Easygoing is, obviously, the normal method for wearing joggers. This can be accomplished by matching them with other easygoing things, for example, T-shirts or hoodies. Track pants for men can likewise be made to seem shrewd, easygoing with the wardrobing choice to dress up or down with things like a dress shirt or overcoat.
What to Wear Joggers With
Sweatshirts + Joggers
While a sweatshirt and track pants for men might be your go-to search for lazing on the sofa, they can likewise be a genuinely snazzy streetwear outfit. With the ascent in athleisure patterns, the blend has become increasingly more proper for ordinary wear. To keep the look more cleaned than your loungewear, settle on polished tennis shoes, boots, or organized things.
Shirts + Joggers
Joggers are expected to seem easygoing and loose. By matching them with a T-shirt you'll supplement this style and make a simple end-of-the-week look. Also, you'll likewise be extraordinarily agreeable. Simply ensure your T-shirt is well-fitted and the lower part of your joggers holds on at or over your lower legs. This will keep a cool, clean style while giving a more clean outline.
Track Jackets + Joggers
The unassuming track coat is cool indeed and standing by to be matched with your joggers. Hyping the general active apparel allure of your outfit, a tack coat, and track pants for men blend convey genuinely athletic energy and can be styled up with extra outerwear.
Hoodies + Joggers
Nowadays, a hoodie matched with track pants for men is a fitting relaxed choice. It very well may be extraordinary for basic tasks and events, for example, going to get espresso. Assuming you need to make your essential joggers and hoodie somewhat sleeker, attempt numerous layering choices for a tense road-roused look.
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Denim Jackets + Joggers
A denim coat is an incredible outerwear decision to go with joggers. The relaxed at this point jazzy piece can polish off your outfit and will make a cool end-of-the-week look. Assuming you need to present some more construction, then, at that point, a denim coat and track pants for men are an extraordinary styling choice.
Also Read :- Different Types of Track Pants for Men to Choose From
Biker Jackets + Joggers
Despite the fact that you might be more disposed to wear your cherished thin pants with your biker coat, you should attempt your joggers all things considered. Blending the delicate and agreeable active apparel pants with a hard, calfskin coat gives a contemporary, athleisure look.
Coats + Joggers
Joggers are shockingly versatile and can even be combined with a jacket. Part cleaned, part lose, the exceptional mix makes a striking appearance. To make the look work, keep your shading range dull or unbiased and choose a less organized coat. Rather than a dress shirt, pick between an easygoing shirt or your beloved piece of knitwear.
Polo Shirts + Joggers
Like joggers, polo shirts have an athletic apparel vibe, implying that the two things go well together. To keep the look easygoing, pick delicate and light styles of joggers. Assuming you need the hope to show up more cleaned, make certain to pick track pants for men in a marginally heavier texture. In the event that your joggers are a plain tone, you may likewise need to think about a designed polo. The detail will promptly make your shirt the element of your outfit and your joggers the supporting demonstration.
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crownlykart · 3 years
Track Pants for men were designed considering exercise, so they will consistently have one shared factor solace. That implies naturally (despite the fact that they can be tidied up) they will generally loan themselves to the more laid-back look. 
Nonetheless, you don’t need to look so loose in your joggers that you look messy. With regards to wearing a couple outside with style, there are a few rules. For instance, pick some unacceptable style, cut, design and out of nowhere those joggers begin to look dubiously like some surrender pants. 
Here we uncover a couple of decisions so you can stay away from any fashion faux pas. 
The best shading jogger? Actually, the skies are the cutoff points, yet if all else fails go for black. These are the most well-known shade of decision for joggers since they are downplayed, classic and versatile. With black joggers, you have more space to explore different avenues regarding the remainder of your outfit, as it fills in as an impartial base. Need to go lively? Pick some tightened-fit black joggers. Need a hint of class? Select black chino track Pants for men. 
Black Joggers 
Obviously, grey and black joggers are the most famous. Grey joggers are seen more in streetwear and are nearly as exemplary as black. In truth, grey joggers are somewhat harder to tidy up than black, yet assuming you are going all out for casual wear, they are a brilliant decision 
Simply remember that black track Pants for men are just a glimpse of something larger, there are many colors to browse in joggers. Assuming you need to look colors somewhat further, without getting too wild, attempt camo. This tone is becoming progressively well known and can likewise be combined with such countless different things of the dress. 
As referenced in the kinds of joggers, the style you pick will characterize how they can be worn. Casual joggers will quite often arrive in a variety of colors and prints. The more casual joggers are additionally baggier, similar to the drop groin jogger. On the other side, the brilliant joggers are more restricted in their colors, (black, naval force, dark) and are normally a slimmer fit. Shrewd joggers think clean lines and an unfussy appearance. 
Types of Track Pants for men
Assuming you need to realize how to wear Track Pants for men with panache, it’s great to know the kinds of joggers there are out there. Here we show you a portion of the principal assortments. 
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Tuxedo stripe joggers 
At the point when you consider tuxedo stripe Track Pants for men the Adidas brand ordinarily comes into view. These are hitting black joggers with a white stripe running down either side of the legs. Assuming you need to take these from pants you relax in, to joggers you swagger the town in, take a stab at blending these with a white turtleneck and a few loafers. 
Twill Jogger 
What are twill joggers? Joggers produced using cotton twill, as a rule, have elasticated drawstring midriff in addition to some side pockets. These kinds of Track Pants for men will quite often have tightened legs and a zoom at the sewing. extraordinary for those looking for a more intelligent jogger style. 
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