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luizcarlin · 3 years ago
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Aproveitando o final de tarde para preparar o material para mais uma aula do Curso Introdutório do Tarot de Thoth. Amanhã será um dia incrível onde nossos alunos irão ter as suas cabeças explodidas 😜 @espacomerkaba , @frgoya #thothdeck #thothtarot #tarot #crowley #aleistercrowley #CrowleyTarot #AleisterCrowleyTarot #AleisterCrowleyThoth #AleisterCrowleyThothTarot (em Santo André, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ceo6DgdvmvL9FRIhD8QMhM8PmLkP11mR0udKQc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ksaria · 5 years ago
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Crowley’s Tarot Guess who missed Tarot Tuesday? With the move it was hard to remember it. Crowley’s Tarot is also known as Thoth. It was painted by Lady Frieda Harris according to instructions from Aleister Crowley. Later he wrote instruction book. The illustrations of the deck feature symbolism based upon Crowley's incorporation of imagery from many disparate disciplines, including science and philosophy and various occult systems. Crowley altered the names of all the court cards which can cause some confusion for people used to the more common decks. #tarottuesday #thothtarot #crowleytarot #tarot #oneontany #shopsmall #shopsmalloneontany #themagicboxoneontany #upstatny #magic #tarotmagic #devination #theartofdevination #futuretelling (at Magic Box) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCG2q68DcRb/?igshid=18nad7k3utt04
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yogitarot · 5 years ago
Tarot Meditation: Crowley Thoth 3 of Disks
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Mars is Capricorn. Here, Mars is exalted. Also, third house.
Nakshatra: Dhanishta. Deity, Astro Casus. The "Star of Symphony."
Crowley himself studied in India under a guru.
Finding Danishta in Crowley's Thoth. Using Crowley's Thoth to find Dhanishta.
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ilcieloastrologico · 6 years ago
Extracting daily tarot card 🔮 Happiness - Nine of Cups represents the perfect armory and fulfillment in emotional matters 💎 Estraendo la carta del giorno 🔮 Felicità - Nove di Coppe rappresenta la perfetta armonia e la soddisfazione nelle questioni emotive 💎❣️ #tarotcards #crowleytarot #dailycard #dailytarot #crowley #tarocchi #cartadelgiorno #tarotdeck #tarot #tarots #nineofcups #novedicoppe #felicita #happiness #tarotpost #jupiter #giove (presso Il Cielo Astrologico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuBUTXWizwH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bg6iyqkygyre
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katalinkoda · 7 years ago
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ART Tarot card: Aleister Crowley's version of Temperance. A coming together of opposites, fire and ice, hot and cold, chaos and order, yin and yang. Where do you dance in the midst of these forces? How are you feeling in the wildness of fire and storm that are sweeping our planet? What within you wishes to transform, transmute these alchemical reactions into art, compassionate action, beauty, spirited awakening? Come see me today @the_wild_unknown for a Tarot reading to discover more about your soul journey in the midst of all this change. The Wild Unknown is located at: 1829 NE Alberta St., Ste. C (entrance is on NE 19th Ave) (503) 593-5556 #tarot #tarotreading #crowley #crowleytarot #art #artcard #temperance #fireandwater
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raijenstein · 9 years ago
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#leBateleur, el portador del #Bâton. Con la Vara crea. Con la Copa preserva. Con la Daga destruye. Con la Moneda redime. Liber Magi vv. 7-10 #DerMagier #ElMago #CrowleyTarot #tarot #Crowley #TheHand
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luizcarlin · 7 years ago
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E eu que não conhecia esse Gibi... Será que é mais Dark que o #batman ? #ThothTarot #AleisterCrowley #CrowleyTarot #tarot #thelema #AmorEALei #AmorSobAVontade (em Santo André, Brazil)
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luizcarlin · 7 years ago
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Eu sou um com a Força E a força está comigo ... Não, espera, referência errada ... #ThothTarot #AleisterCrowley #CrowleyTarot #tarot #thelema #AmorEALei #AmorSobAVontade #OsEscravosServirao #93 #maya #piramides #chichenitza (em Chichen Itza)
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