#crowley/kevin tran
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years ago
Self-Preservation Over Lost Causes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Crowley/Kevin Tran Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant with Episode: s09e09 Holy Terror (Supernatural), Kevin Tran Lives (Supernatural), Pre-Slash, Attempted Murder, Kevin Tran is So Done (Supernatural), Minor Injuries WC: 2965 Summary:
When his back is against the wall, Kevin still has one person left in the Bunker to turn to, and he might be the only one who can save Kevin's life.
Something Kevin’s learned the hard way: when Dean says to trust him, don’t.
He could hear the barely disguised panic in Dean’s voice when he demands Kevin look for ways to clamp down on an angel. He’d have to be blind not to notice the weird ways Sam had been acting since failing to close the Hell gates, the way he ran off with no explanation or went so still, so deathly silent, staring at Kevin like he was studying him, a hawk's expression before it swooped. Sam's voice buzzed in Kevin’s ears in ways he let be written off as migraine auras or leftover juice from the trials. It should have been something Kevin saw through earlier, but he’s exhausted and hungry and hurting all the time. Now, on top of that, he’s terrified.
Because the pieces are falling into place and Kevin’s got a paper with his name scrawled on it clutched in his hands and the sigils on the wall are different than they were when Kevin made them and Dean isn’t someone he ever should have trusted.
He leaves Dean thinking he’s talking to his brother. It crosses his mind, for a moment, that that’s selfish, throwing Dean to the meat grinder for a few seconds more to escape, but then he remembers how Dean didn’t even bother to tell him what he was doing. If not for the paper in Kevin’s sweaty palm, with his name, only his name, drifting lazily out of Sam’s jacket, he might not have eavesdropped. He might have been left a sitting duck. So screw Dean. He’s Kevin freaking Solo.
That makes a nervous laugh erupt from his chest. He knows where his feet are taking him, even if he’s doing everything in his power not to think about it. The safest place in the Bunker. It’s a dead-end, Kevin knows that, but where else is he going to run? If he’s lucky, he hides until the storm blows over. If not-
He’s not thinking about if nots. He’s thinking about surviving. He drags the door to the dungeon open and shuts it behind him. All he can hear is his heart pounding as he backs away from it. Should he bar the door? Can he? What is there to-
“-vin. Kevin!” An annoyed growl from behind him. Kevin nearly jumps out of his skin. Crowley rolls his eyes, crossing his arms on the table in front of him. There’s a scrap of paper there. A crayon. Kevin squeezes the name in his fist harder. “What do you need now? Another translation? A spell, maybe? Or is are we getting dirty again?” Crowley glances suggestively at the tools on the wall and then back to Kevin. He looks Kevin up and down. “What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Kevin thinks he hears something, and his head jerks back to the door. “Well, maybe not so surprising in your line of work. Is that-“
“Shut up,” Kevin whispers. “It’s going to hear you.” Crowley tilts slightly in his chair, as though he can look past Kevin and through the closed door.
“Don’t tell me you’ve let another ancient horror out of a jar.”
“Shut up!” Kevin hisses. Crowley’s smile, what there is of it, falls. When he speaks again, the taunts are gone.
“Kevin. What did those idiots set free?” There’s another noise from outside, or Kevin thinks there might be. He’s not sure. Anything could be a sign of danger. Desperately, he grasps for one of the hammers on the wall. It has a familiar weight to it. He’s used it on Crowley… more times than he would like to admit.
Kevin feels like a mouse in a trap, caught wrong, his neck not snapped properly, squirming and squeaking.
But this trap has the king of Hell in it. Kevin’s out of options.
“Can you kill an angel?” he asks. Crowley leans back in his chair.
“Do you have one of their blades?” Kevin shakes his head. “Mm. Gun loaded with grace bullets? A very sharp needle?” Kevin doesn’t even bother to answer those. “Then, no, I can’t kill an angel.”
“If it gets in here, it’ll kill you.” Crowley grimaces.
“Not exactly what I had planned for today.” He lifts his cuffed hands expectantly, and when Kevin doesn’t move, he says, “Well?”
“You said it yourself. We’re both going to die. Set me free, so that we don’t!” Crowley’s voice rises in aggravation. Kevin is about to shake his head, but that’s when he hears it. Crowley does, too. He tilts his head, listening as Kevin does to the echoing sounds of footsteps. They’re slow. Searching. Still far enough away that Kevin knows they have a few minutes more to live. He holds his breath. “Make a choice, Kevin. The angel hunting us or me.”
“Like you won’t kill me the second you’re free.”
“I’m telling you I won’t. You can trust me, or you can walk out those doors right now. Better a quick death than waiting in here scared out of your wits.”
Crowley sees as well as he does that there isn’t a real choice. Kevin drops the note he’s holding and goes for the keys to his shackles.
“Cuffs first,” Crowley instructs as Kevin’s shaking hands try to fit the key into the lock. Crowley’s taken the paper and crayon, and he’s scribbling away quickly. “Then, you have to smash those marks on the floor. You’ve got the upper body strength for it. I’ve felt it when you hit me.” The cuff around Crowley’s neck falls, and he rolls his head. The cuffs on his wrists are easier, and then Kevin is down on one knee unlocking his ankles. Crowley finishes writing before he stands. “It’s going to make a lot of noise, so when your angel friend gets here, do exactly what I say, or this will just be a lot of wasted effort.”
Kevin stares at him. For a moment, the surreality of the situation is almost too much for him to handle. Crowley has tortured him, he’s killed Kevin’s mom or good as, and now, he’s going to save Kevin’s life. Crowley snaps his fingers and points at the ground. Kevin is shocked back into movement, lugging the hammer in his hands up and smashing it into the ground. It doesn’t have to make a big crack. It only has to sever the mark enough that Crowley’s free to do whatever he wants.
He’s beside Kevin in a moment. His hand covers Kevin’s arm. They can both hear the footsteps outside drawing closer, lured by the sound of the hammer. Crowley slides the drawing he’s made to Kevin, and Kevin recognizes it as an angel banishing sigil, the kind he might have thought to use himself if he wasn’t panicking. “Give me your hand.” Kevin does, and he cries out when Crowley digs his nail into his palm hard enough to tear it open. It bleeds freely. “Copy this onto the table in your blood,” he says, “and as soon as it’s done, slam your wound against it as hard as you can.” Like Kevin needs to be told.
“Why not your blood?” Kevin says. Years of this and his pain tolerance should be better than it is, not make his eyes water from a cut. He doesn’t let that stop him, pushing his fingers against his bleeding palm and scrawling the symbol onto the table.
“Has to be human. Stay behind me.” He doesn’t have to tell Kevin that, not only because Kevin isn’t going anywhere but because Crowley is the one who chooses to step between Kevin and the door as it opens. Kevin draws frantically.
“Get out of the way.” That’s Sam’s voice. That’s not Sam. Kevin’s ears are buzzing again.
“Oh, good choice. I prefer Sam myself. Never possessed him, unfortunately. I’m sure you've noticed his little tattoo when you’ve admired him in private.” Crowley’s voice is as glib as it was when Kevin entered. He reaches back, and he braces one hand against Kevin’s side as though he’s making sure he stays put. Kevin’s not even sure if the angel possessing Sam can see him where he’s hidden. It makes no difference; it knows he’s there. But Crowley won’t let it see him.
“You are the demon they keep locked up,” the angel says. “I’ve watched you talk. Let me have the prophet, and you will live.” Crowley clicks his tongue.
“Give me a moment to think about it.” This symbol is hard to draw, harder in his own blood. Kevin’s not sure if there’s enough to finish it. He digs his own nails into the wound to free more. The scent floods his nostrils and makes him want to gag. He smears it into the shape of the sigil. “It happens that I’m very attached to this adorable little prophet. What more do you have to bargain?”
“Only your life.” Kevin hears the angel take a step closer.
“I see,” Crowley drags the word out. He’s buying time. Kevin only needs a few more seconds. “In that case, having fully considered every facet of your offer, I’m going to have to-“ Kevin slaps the sigil. The broken skin of his palm screeches in agony, but not nearly as loud as the angel screams as it’s forced out of the room. Kevin’s eardrums feel like they’ll burst. He covers them to no effect, only warm blood coating the side of his head. A moment later, it’s all over, and the room is dark and quiet again. “Turn you down,” Crowley finishes. The hand at Kevin’s side falls away. Kevin leans on the table, swallowing down air until his lungs hurt. He feels Crowley pat his shoulder, and he flinches from it.
“Well done, Kevin,” Crowley says, and whatever note is in his voice, Kevin doesn’t want to analyze or worry or think about it.
“And now you kill me?”
“No. No,” Crowley huffs. “That was a deal we made back there. My freedom for your protection.” Adrenaline is a nasty thing. Kevin’s got too much first-hand experience. He might actually throw up. “We made a good team.”
“Fuck you,” Kevin says. Crowley chuckles. He's free to go. There's nothing Kevin could do to stop him. For some reason, he stays, and he speaks again, his tone serious once more.
“I’ve been meaning to ask something for a while now. I told you that your mother was still alive, and I wasn’t lying about that.” Kevin’s head shoots up so fast, his vision dances with black spots. “It seems exactly like the kind of rescue mission the Winchesters would love to undertake for family.”
“She’s as good as dead,” Kevin repeats what Dean said, but the words sound even more hollow now.
“That’s what I thought,” Crowley says as he tries to place his hand on Kevin’s shoulder again and Kevin moves away. “I tried to warn you. The Winchesters burn people up. I’ve been around them a long time. I’ve seen it again and again. What do you think would have happened today if you didn’t come looking for me?” Kevin’s hands curl into fists.
“He didn’t tell me. He put an angel in Sam, and he didn’t say anything. It could have killed me whenever it wanted.” If his voice shakes, he hopes it sounds like the anger he’s finally letting out rather than fear.
“Years of your life gone. No closed hell gates. One mother you miss dearly that they wanted you to condemn rather than look for. Countless nights letting you abuse that irreplaceable brain of yours. And one near-death experience because despite everything you’ve given them, you weren’t important enough to be in the loop.” Crowley counts out the score. Kevin squeezes his eyes shut. His nails dig back into his already injured palm. “Does that sound like a life you want to keep living?”
“You’re doing the ‘work for me’ speech,” Kevin says. The last few times he heard it, Crowley had a one hand outstretched and the other holding a knife. He doesn't think he needs a threat to coax Kevin onto his side anymore.
“I am,” Crowley answers, “and do you know what you’re doing? Considering it.”
Kevin doesn’t want Crowley to be right.
“Look at what I’m offering. Protection from anything who tries to hurt you, whether it’s coming from Heaven or Hell. Lavish living arrangements, food, housing, you name it. The first thing we’d do is pick your mother up and make sure she’s kept safe with you. Is the deal sweet enough?”
“You want me to hand over myself and the tablets to help you rule Hell?”
“You'd be helping people. Hard to see it from your, or Sam and Dean’s, point of view, but I kept Hell organized. If Abaddon’s left in charge, she’ll bring her reign of terror to Earth as soon as the deals she’s collecting early dry up.” He pauses. “But screw helping people. Be a little selfish for once, Kevin. Haven’t you given enough?”
Kevin takes a deep breath.
“Yes,” Kevin whispers.
“Couldn’t hear that.”
“Yes!” It’s freeing. He’s tired. He’s done. The Winchesters promised him this would be over by now. He thought he lost his mother for this fight. Dean couldn’t even give Sam up when he was willing to die to finish things.
“That’s what I thought. You go fetch your tablets, your notes, whatever you think is important. I’ll meet you at the exit.”
“What are you-“ By the time Kevin has turned around, Crowley is gone.
Alone in the dungeon, he’s left to wonder if this was the wrong choice.
His hand stings. He hisses in pain as blood continues to drip down his palm. He looks back at the angel banishing symbol, at the walls around him, and he walks out without any more doubts. He’s had a bag ready to go for ages, even if he could never convince himself before now to leave. He had nowhere else to go, and even if it turns out he's exchanging a prison with the Winchesters for one with Crowley, at least he knows Crowley will feed him better. He sweeps his notes into his backpack, filling it near to bursting but he can’t leave any of his scribbled thoughts behind or risk losing days of work. The tablets go in another bag that he slings over his shoulder. They spark outraged pain in his head at being jostled like trash, but he shoves it away. He’s been hauling them around for years. He’s used to it.
Crowley is waiting by the stairs, as promised. There’s no blood on his hands or his clothes, so Kevin has to presume that if that angel didn’t kill Dean outright, then he’s still alive somewhere in the Bunker. It doesn’t matter except to lend some peace of mind that Crowley didn’t go straight from his newfound freedom to murder.
“There you are,” Crowley says. He motions Kevin closer, and hesitantly, he comes. “No second thoughts, I hope?”
“None.” Crowley holds out his hand. Kevin lifts his injured one, and when Crowley nods and flexes the fingers of his outstretched hand, Kevin lays it in his. Instead of some sort of painful retribution for the days Kevin has blown off steam hacking away at him, Crowley draws out a pristine bandage. “Where did you get that?”
“I stole it. Hold still.” Pressure on the wound stings a little as Crowley wraps it. One hand keeps Kevin’s still, and the other winds the bandage around and around his palm, securing it. Staring at his hand, Kevin realizes it’s the one that Crowley once cut a finger off of.
And now, he’s making a pleased noise as he checks the bandage is tied properly.
“That will be enough for now. Once we’re somewhere a little more secure-“
“After we get my mom,” Kevin insists.
“After we get your mom. It’s at the top of my priorities, I promise. Then, I’ll see if I can throw together a spell to have you good as new.” Kevin adjusts the bags he’s carrying. “Ready to leave?”
“More than.” They climb the steps side by side. Kevin doesn’t look back at the Bunker.
“Since this is a deal we’re making, we’re going to have to follow protocol,” Crowley says off-handedly as the Bunker door swings shut behind them and Kevin hauls himself up the final steps. He can’t tell if he feels like he’s going to pass out because he hasn’t slept in days or because he’s finally out of the rush of nearly getting killed.
“What?” Crowley stops and turns to him.
“We have to do it right. Pucker-“ Kevin’s brain catches up with what Crowley wants before he finishes speaking. He’s the one who grabs Crowley’s coat and yanks him down to get it over with.
As things go today, kissing Crowley isn’t that bad. He’s awful, and Kevin still hates him, but the kiss itself isn’t horrible. Crowley’s hand on his shoulder isn’t horrible. Kevin pulls back, letting Crowley go, realizing a moment too late that Crowley would have to let himself be pulled for Kevin to be able to drag him around.
“Hm. Really, we made two deals today. You owe me one more.” Kevin makes a face.
“Bite me.” Crowley smiles, and it is disturbingly fond.
“All in due time. I’ll collect on that second kiss later. What say we go pay your mother a visit. I’m sure she misses you.”
By the time Dean wakes up from being knocked out on the cold Bunker floor, Sam is gone, Crowley is gone, and Kevin is long gone and never coming back.
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 2 months ago
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@butterflyslinky @kerryweaverlesbian CHRIST
kevin deserves to get in on the genderbent femslash fun!! plus imagine f!kevin once she's all disheveled and sad on the prophet boat 💖
when she's so miserable and hasn't slept in 56 hours and is pretty sure she can hear colors 💕💕
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acecroft · 2 months ago
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archangelbong · 5 months ago
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asbeel · 8 months ago
I imagine Dean is protective as shit of his pie
Like he is hissing and scratching at anyone who even attempts to poke a fork into his pie
So if he lets you to reach out and eat a bit of his pie, it's a sign of respect
If he willingly hands you a slice of pie? Youre the fucking world to him
People I think Dean would let eat a bit of his pie:
- Mary Winchester
- Jack Kline
- Garth Fitzgerald
- Ellen Harvelle
- Kevin Tran
- Jody Mills
- Lisa Braeden
- Sam
People I think Dean would give a slice of pie to:
- himself (obviously)
- Sam (but he always refuses cos he's a health nut)
- Castiel
- Bobby
- Benny
- Charlie (sister energy)
- Jo (sister energy again [wdym they kissed they're literally siblings])
- Claire
- Eileen (as like a "ur my sister in law now" vibe)
- Missouri (fr she deserves some)
- Ben Braeden
I really wanted to add Crowley to this list but it's just the sad truth that Dean wouldn't trust him to be within 90ft of pie
And yes, John Winchester isn't on here. His ass does NOT deserve pie
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awitchwithocd · 6 months ago
I have been on a spree my entire teenage and adult life to consume entertainment in the form of series, tv, movies, international reality shows, books etc..
I stumbled upon Supernatural and my brain was like, enough, we are stopping here, we like this so much and we don't want to move on..
It's been a year since I finished binge watching and unable to pick up anything new..
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deanswifey838 · 6 months ago
I had to, obviously main characters are going to be favorited, and I love Sam, Cas, and Dean, but the rest didn't even stand a chance, so here's a poll with side characters!
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deanwinchestersbabygirll · 7 months ago
Sam Winchester, Hunter?
warnings// angst, possible death, maybe, maybe not you'll have to read to find out ;)
lil summery// this is Part 2 to Sam Winchester, Hero
Sam x Reader
Part 1
word count// 4795
(gif from pinterest)
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"alright, dads on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days".  Dean announced
You felt Sam's body tense beside you "Y/N will you excuse us for just a minute please" Sam asked quickly. You could feel the worry radiating off him "yeah of course I'll just be in your room..." you told him quietly before walking slowly backwards into the room. You tried not to listen to the brothers conversation but it was hard not to with the silent yelling.
You sat on the bed quickly to look like you weren't listening when you heard big foot steps coming toward the room, the room door was open and shut quickly and there stood Sam who didn't look too happy "hey... what's happening?" You asked sauntering over to stand in front of him, you placed your hands on his hard chest getting him to look you in your eyes "I have to go with Dean for a few days. He can't get in touch with my dad and he's worried and I don't want him to look alone" sam confessed before moving to get changed, he pulled off  his pyjamas in frustration and pulled on the clothes he was wearing at the library earlier.
You sat on the bed watching as Sam threw some clothes into a duffle bag, you felt anxious watching him, what were you gonna do without him here, you could barley sleep last night without running into his room, not to mention the fact he just asked you to be his girlfriend what two hours ago? And now he was heading out already, he had to be back for Monday that you knew for sure he couldn't miss that interview. You wouldn't let him
"Sam?" You called quietly he looked over to you booking his head for you to continue with what you were gonna say "how long will you be gone?" Sam smiled and leaned in to give your lips a soft peck "just a few days I promise I'll be back before Monday for the interview" he promised but that still didn't settle you "so you'll be back in three days? You swear?" You wanted to beg him to stay, just get back into bed and forget this happened but you couldn't do that. They need to find their dad...
"I promise you I'll be back in three days, and that I'll call you every night before bed" Sam compromised, he knew you were worried, hell he was worried! He didn't want to leave you here alone, only it was safer than bringing you with them...
"Okay I'll walk you to the door" you smiled grabbing his hand and heading out to his brother who was sitting on the small couch waiting for him "alright let's head out Sammy. Don't worry sweetheart i’ll bring your boyfriend back in one piece" dean joked making you giggle "well I'd like to hope so, he's gotta look perfect for Monday. It was really nice finally meeting you Dean, you should come visit Sam more often" you said putting your hand out to which dean took in his big one giving it a friendly shake "ah I don't know if Sam would like that much but it was great meeting you too sweetheart,  you take care of yourself now. I'll wait down the car for you Sammy, let you say goodbye to your lady" dean smirked before heading down the steps towards the parking lot 
Sam turned to face you, his big arm wrapping tightly around your waist and pulling you into a warm hug "I'll see you in a few days, don't walk home alone or at night, always lock our door even during the day when your here, and if something happens there's a box in my closet-" you cut Sam's ramble off with a quick kiss "what's got you so worried? I'll be alright I promise. If I get scared I'll call you" you assured him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the longer hair at the back of his neck as you pulled him into a long kiss, Sam moaned lowly against your lips his own hands grabbing your hips roughly, holding you in place as his tongue invaded your mouth, you kissed him for as long as you could without passing out from the lack of air 
You pulled away from the kiss resting your forehead against his "who would have thought our first night together and you get shipped off for a few days" you joked and Sam let out a airy chuckle as he still tried to catch his breath "I know it sucks, but I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back" Sam told you before pulling your lips into one last kiss before he headed down to his brother, you watched him go so you could wave a final goodbye before coming in and locking the door and heading back to Sam's room to go back to bed.
You groaned when the light burned your eyes, the phone ringing interrupting your sleep you bitterly answered "hello?" You heard a laugh erupt on the other side of the phone "I forgot your not a morning person, I just wanted to call and let you know how it's going, we got to Jericho a couple of hours ago. Still no sign of dad but we know he was definitely here we checked into the same motel" Sam told you and your anger instantly disappeared "that's god news sweetie, at least  you guys are on the right track I just hope you get back home before Monday, it sucked when you left last night. I could hardly sleep last night after everything" you told him making him chuckle down the phone the sound running straight to your core 
"Yeah I couldn't sleep either.  I hated leaving you like that I wanted to bring you with me but your better there, me and dean will have to look through a ton of shit to find. Not something a girl like you should be seeing" Sam flirted "yeah I was ready to jump in with you too I just didn't want to over step, besides I have my dumb exam in an hour. I didn't spend that long studying just for me to miss the damn thing” you told him "your gonna do great, I'll let you go, I'm sure you wanna get breakfast and get showered before your exam so good luck I know your gonna crush it and I promise I'll call you tonight" Sam promised, you always forget how well that boy knows you "yeah I'll let you know how it goes later... if I survive the exam" you joked making Sam let out a hearty laugh "I'll talk to you later gorgeous" "bye Sammy" you replied and then all you could hear was silence at his end of the line.
You sighed placing your phone back on Sam's night stand, this sucked first you were almost attacked, then you and best friend confessed your feelings for each other... had the best sex of your life, got a boyfriend then poof next day your alone again. At least you only had to be alone till Monday.
"Everything good with the misses?" Dean called from the bathroom "yeah she's good just going in for her exam" Sam told him, Dean hummed sticking his head out the bathroom door, shaving cream on his face "we'll head to the library in 30 mins that'll take your mind off her for a while" Sam rolled his eyes giving his brother a pointed look "she's my girlfriend dean, I don't need to my mind off her" dean smirked at his brother and shut the bathroom door again. This was going to be a long three days.
You went about your day as normal first you had your exam, which sucked you know for a fact you've failed and it sucked you couldn't even bitch about it to your boyfriend for a few hours. You decided to kill the time by watching some tv and ordering a pizza, you decided to switch on law and order but couldn’t help but watch as the hours kept changing on the clock, you stopped checking when it hit 8pm and you still heard nothing from Sam. 
Sam didn't call until after 3:46pm, you groaned as you looked around to see the shopping channel playing on the television, you winced when you moved your head to quick, obviously falling asleep on the couch wasn't the best idea. You grabbed your phone from the coffee table and quickly answered "hello?" Sam let out the breath that he was holding, he wasn't expecting you to answer, he just needed to hear your voice, even if it was a voicemail "hello, is someone there?" You asked rubbing the sleep from your tired  eyes  "I- I'm sorry I woke you- I just I really needed to hear your voice, had a bit of a rough day…” Sam confessed and you were instantly awake 
“What happened Sammy, did you guys find your dad? Did he do something?” You ran through every possibility hating that Sam was feeling so crappy “we haven’t found him specifically, but he left coordinates, so Deans gonna drop me back home tomorrow and head off to se if he’s there” Sam said quietly down the phone “oh Sammy I’m sorry that sucks… I mean don’t get me wrong I want you back home but I really wish you guys found your dad. Dean seemed really worried yesterday…” you confessed 
“Yeah my dad will end up turning up at some point, he always does, anyway how did your exam go, do you feel good about it?” Sam questioned making you sigh and let out a dry chuckle “god I hoped you forgot about that. It sucked definitely see a giant F in my future” you joked making Sam laugh quietly because Dean was sleeping beside him “I’m sure you did great. That’s just your nerves talking-” Sam was cut off by another voice before him
You could only make out a little of what was being said “dude it is 4am I need at least another hour of beauty rest now shut your damn mouth or take it outside” Dean grumpily exclaimed “alright Dean Jesus, relax” Sam retorted and you could practically hear his eyes roll from the phone “hey Y/N I’m really sorry but I gotta go before Dean’s head rolls” Sam said making you giggle “okay well I’ll see you tomorrow won’t i? Call me when your close I don’t care how late it is” you asked and Sam complied “yeah of course, good night. Make sure the doors and windows are all locked, I’ll call you tomorrow gorgeous bye” Sam reminded you “bye Sammy” you said sadly as you hung up the phone 
You shut the tv off before checking the door one  last time before heading to bed making sure Sam’s window was closed, Sam was always so paranoid it ended up rubbing off on you over your time living  with him. You weren’t in Sam’s bed two minutes before you were out cold in a deep sleep. Completely unaware of evil entity in the room watching you. 
You ended up sleeping right through your alarm clock this morning but it was fine it’s not like you had a class, you just wanted to get the place ready for Sam coming back, you dreaded the thought of leaving the nice warm bed but you knew the living room was a mess and you wanted to clean Sam’s room and change his sheets just to do something nice for him. You groaned in exaggeration as you pulled your self from the bed, you decided to pull on a pair of shorts and Sam’s shirt so you could at least be comfortable when cleaning. You checked your phone and your stomach dropped slightly at the zero messages, you were hoping you would have from Sam hoping that he was on his way back, you shook of that thought and decided to get to work and pulled off the bed sheets.
“Dean for crying out loud hurry up please” sam said to his brother who was busy flirting with the diner waitress. Dean rolled his eyes and turned to his brother “dude, would you give me ten minutes to talk to…. I’m sorry what’s your name again sweetheart?” Dean asked the now pissed waitress who gave him a hate filled look before rolling her own eyes and storming off “alright then I guess that’s our cue” dean said getting up from the chair. 
Once they were on the road they travelled in silence for a few hours Sam’s eyes were focused on the world passing by out the window most of the time while led zeppelin played in the impala, Dean who was drumming away to the song against the wheel looked at his brother “you know, you and me make a pretty good team” Sam nodded and forced a smile “yeah we did” Sam agreed “you know we should team up like that more often, you and me kicking ass. Just like old times” dean pushed and Sam sighed “dean…” Dean nodded his head sadly, “yeah you have an interview tomorrow and a girl at home. I get it” Sam turned to look at dean properly who refused to take his eyes from the road “look dude it’s not that I don’t like spending time with you. I just don’t want it to be because of  hunting, I want that shit to stay as far away from me and Y/N as possible”. Sam exclaimed and dean said nothing, just kept his eyes on the road and turned the radio up to tell Sam he was done with the conversation. 
You finally finished, the apartment was spotless, the kitchen had only a fresh pizza box and a bottle of wine with two glasses waiting for Sam and you to have when he came home. You decided when you were out getting everything ready earlier to make it as romantic as possible for sam coming back. You went the whole nine yards, rose petals scattered from the door all the way up to the bed, you had a few candles lit around the room as the lights were turned off the cancelled being the only source of light. You were showered and had a baby pink teddy adoring your body, nerves practically consumed you as you waited for him.
“Can you turn it down a sec? I’m gonna call Y/N and let her know we’ll be back in 10” Dean nodded and turned the radio down so you could still hear it slightly. Sam pulled the phone away from his ear giving it a strange look “Huh no answer” dean chuckled “dude give her 5 minutes she might call back she might be in the shower or something, if she doesn’t call back in a few minutes then try her again” dean reassured his brother “yeah I guess. Just can you speed up a bit” dean nodded and put his foot down. Speeding towards Stanfords apartment complex.
“Alright Sammy I guess this is it for a while” dean said as Sam pulled his bag over his shoulder “yeah I guess… look Dean don’t think you can’t visit us. You can always come over here, preferably with no hunt-” the brothers heart to heart was interrupted by a loud scream. Their heads snapped in the direction of Sam’s apartment “no, no Y/N!” Sam yelled and took off running, his brother right behind him his gun in his hands ready.
Sam kicked the apartment door down and ran in in. His eyes scanned the room not seeing you anywhere, both boys took off running towards Sam’s room when another scream shattered the room “Y/N!” Sam yelled not seeing you anywhere before a force forced  him  down to the bed his eyes stuck on the ceiling “no! Y/N no” Sam struggled against the invisible force as he saw you stuck to the ceiling crying unable to talk “son of a bitch!” Dean yelled looking for a way to get you down. You gained your voice back quickly when you let out another scream of agony  as a slice pulled it’s way through your stomach “No!” Sam yelled fighting against the force, he felt like his head was being ripped apart as he fought. He wasn’t letting you die, he didn’t care if it killed him. 
Sam was able to get up and he stood on the bed trying to pull you down “Dean help me please!” Sam cried begging his brother. Dean was on his feet in an instant grabbing your other side the brothers pulled as hard as they could but you weren’t budging “I don’t wanna die” you cried. You were terrified, you had no idea what happened one minute you were setting the room up, the next something had you pinned to the ceiling. “I’m not going to let you baby I swear, I’m getting you down!” Sam grunted out his voice stained as he and dean used all their force “alright on three. One, two, three!” Both men grunted as they pulled with everything they had
You cried when you landed down against Sam’s body “hey it’s okay, I’ve got you” Sam promised as he held his hands tightly against your abdomen, wincing when you cried “holy- we’ve gotta go, Now!” Dean yelled panicked when a fire erupted from the ceiling. Sam picked you up bridal style to run out, you couldn’t help the tremble in your body, seeing how close to death you really were, one more minute and you were gonna end up barbecued….
“Lay her down in the back. Keep pressure on her wound” dean rushed out before getting in the drivers seat. Sam was as gentle as possible as he got into the back seat, you were finally able to get a good look at him, well as good a look as you could with your vision blurring from the pain, you could see his face was wet with tears. You wanted nothing more than to reach out and wipe them away but all you could really focus on right now was staying alive. Dean was driving to the hospital as fast as baby would let him he took a glance in the rear view mirror every now and seen Sam’s sad face just staring at your broken figure.
Thankfully with deans speeding you were at the hospital in what felt like forever but was really 14 minutes. Dean parked the car outside the ambulance bay and rushed in for help. Sam was carrying you out of the car and ran through the doors “lay her down here” a nurse told him pointing to the gurney. He watched as they gathered around you including two doctors. They started to wheel you down the hall  and Sam set off to follow after you. A set of hands in front of him stopping him in his tracks “sir you can’t go back there you’ll need to stay here”
“No that’s my girlfriend I’m not leaving her there alone, I- I” Sam panicked dean rushing up behind him to take over with the talking “look my brothers pretty broken up about all this when can he see her” the nurse paused before telling him “I’m not sure, they’re taking her into surgery right now” Sam’s head snapped over his eyes widened in worry “surgery? I thought she needed stitches?” She shook her head and look down at her clip board “sir your girlfriend was rushed in with a slash on her abdomen, she lost a lot of blood and they have to check there’s no infections before they stitch the wound. I’ll let you know if there is any updates” she told him before rushing off down the hall Sam watched as tears made there way down his face.
“Come on, Sammy you need to sit down” dean said patting his brothers shoulder in a comforting manner, Sam said nothing but just sat down on the edge of the seats his head resting against his hands as his leg bounced nervously “Sam… we’ve gotta talk about what happened-” dean tried to say before sam turned to argue “there’s nothing to talk about Dean. I know what did this to her, and I’m not gonna stop hunting it until it’s dead. I’ll be dammed if I ever let anything like that happen to her again!” Said exclaimed quietly 
Dean gave his brother a look before nodding “we’ll get that bastard Sammy, together. When Y/Ns out of surgery and gets the all clear we’ll head to dads coordinates. If anyone wants that demon dead more than you it’s him, he might have a few leads” Sam nodded and stayed silent. This felt like a dream. A really, really bad dream that Sam just couldn’t wake up from.
“Excuse me, Mr Winchester?” Sam’s head snapped up to see an older gentleman in a white coat “yes that’s me, is she okay, Y/N? Is she going to be okay?” Sam asked panicked the man nodded “she’s going to be alright, we were able to stabilise her. She needs to get her stitches removed in three weeks time and they need to be cleaned regularly, there was no visible sign of infection but I’m going to prescribe anti-biotics any way just to be sure” Sam let out a sigh of relief “oh thank god. Thank you so much doctor… can I see her now, please” Sam pleaded making the doctor nod “of course right this way” 
Sam lightly punched a sleeping Deans arm making him jump up “what- oh right I’ll wait here, let me know how she is” dean told his brother wanting to give him some time alone with her. Sam followed the doctor down into your room, the first thing he saw was how peaceful you looked in your sleep, they had a heart monitor and oxygen on you. Sam’s heart dropped at the sight, it was his damn fault you were in this position and he hated himself for causing this
He walked over to you slowly, he sat on the hospital chair beside you he took your hand in his, his thumb rubbed across your knuckles as he stared at your sleeping figure “I’m so sorry this happened to you, you didn’t deserve this. I promise you I’m gonna hunt that bastard down and I’m going to rip him apart for doing this to you” Sam told you as his body shook with anger, wet hot tears falling down his cheeks. 
You scrunched your eyes as you struggled to adjust to the blinding hospital light, you looked down at your arm when you felt a pressure resting against it and you found Sam sound asleep on the chair his hand holding yours tightly in his “S-Sam?” You croaked out, your voice raw from the oxygen. Sam’s eyes snapped open at the sound of your voice, he sat up quickly a smile brightening his face for the first time in 12 hours “thank god your awake!” Sam exclaimed and squeezed your hand. He wanted to hug and kiss you but he didn’t want to hurt you anymore than you already were so he held it together 
“Sam, what the hell happened. That was- I mean I was- Jesus I was stuck to the ceiling. I just… I don’t understand what happened” you confessed and Sam could hear your heart monitor start to beat faster as you panicked “hey, hey don’t worry. I’m going to explain everything, I promise” Sam assured you, you nodded and motioned for him to continue 
Sam sat back on the chair his leg starting to bounce once again as his anxiety took over his body “well your going to think that I’m crazy. But please, please just listen to me” Sam begged and you nodded “of course I’ll listen to you Sammy” you promised reaching for his big warm hand, Sam took a deep breath before continuing “well what happened to last night was a demon-” “what do you mean demon?” You interrupted and Sam sighed “what I’m about to tell you is something I wished to god I didn’t have to. Hell I wish I didn’t know! But I was raised knowing this crap. Everything that goes bump in the night is real, vampires, werewolves, witches and well demons. I know this because I hunted them right up till I came to Stanford, that’s why Dean came to our apartment last night, our dad didn’t go missing hunting deer, he was hunting a ghost” 
you were speechless, every damn thing you were afraid of as a kid, always getting reassured none of it was real and that was only stories to make little kids afraid… it was real, it was all fucking real “Y/N please say something. Anything please” Sam begged trying to gain your attention back  “I want to learn it” Sam stared at you shocked “you what?”
“I want to learn it. To hunt these things, I want to learn to defend myself against these things!” You exclaimed and Sam stared at you like you grew a second head “Y/N trust me you don’t want to be a hunte-” “yesI do Sam. I can’t help but think of all those other innocent people who know nothing about this crap. Sam I cannot know monsters are real and not protect innocent people” you told sam as your voice cracked, your emotions getting the better of you “I understand that, believe me I do. Wanting to protect innocent people in this is what keeps you going in the hunting life… look the most I’m willing to compromise in this is you coming on the road with Dean and I, you stay in the motel room, you do not hunt. You can research” Sam said making you smile “alright, that’s a start I can work with that” 
Sam have you an uneasy smile back, he sighed and continued “I just I need you to understand the things you need to forget about if you come.” You nodded your head for him to keep going “you would have to leave college too and you would have to cut family and friends contact to little to none to protect them” you scoffed “that’s it? That’s no problem, I’m flunking college anyway and I don’t even speak to my family- hey I’m already half way to being a hunter” you attempted to joke “alright then, I guess that’s settled, Dean said we’ll hit the road once your discharged” Sam told you and you couldn’t help the smile the crept onto your lips, you get to spend the rest of your life hunting things, saving people along with your boyfriend, all you had to do now was convince Sam to train you to be on the field hunting not behind a dumb computer screen.
Finally after three days in the hospital the doctor decided you were good enough to discharge, though only after Sam got a long letter on how to care for your abdomen wound and you had to promise to go to the neared hospital in a few weeks to have them removed.
Once you signed the discharge papers dean was pulling up behind you and Sam, in front of him was a hospital wheelchair… “alright sweetheart, you chariot awaits” you giggled and sat down on the wheelchair with a small wince, but hey, who were you to argue with Dean Winchester wanting to push you in comfort to his car. “Here let me help you in” Sam said pulling you gently to stand “alright easy does it gorgeous” Sam reminded you as he gently lowered you to the seat. He took note of the pain look on your face before slowing helping you get your legs in “you okay sweetheart? You comfortable enough in there?” Dean called and you nodded “yeah I’m okay, it’s just a little sore but ill be alright” 
Sam leaned in to help you pull your seatbelt on, he ended up taking his jacket off to wrap around your legs to avoid the material hurting your wound further… and to sneak a quick kiss before shutting the door gently.
He followed dean to the trunk as they unloaded there everyday weapons “you ready Sammy?” Dean said shutting the weapons cover, Sam nodded and slammed the trunk down “let’s go get that son of a bitch!” 
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pollsnatural · 1 year ago
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shallowseeker · 2 months ago
Do you think that Crowley watched Linda Tran fight with everything she had to protect Kevin, and just...
...thought about how Rowena didn't?
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lukas-dusk · 10 months ago
imagined a AU where Dean leaves with Sam but he becomes a famous singer
And so it's just supernatural but
Family of the victims : Aren't you the famous singer Dean?
Dean pretending to be an FBI agent. : Nah just a lookalike
Monster : I WILL KILL YOU BOTH AND- ohmygod- are you.. Are you the Dean??
Dean : Hun? Oh yes I am.
Monster : Oh my god! Hi! I'm so fan of you!!!
Dean : Well I'm always delighted to meet a fan but... You're a monster and I'm going to have to kill you, so hum sorry?
Monster : Oh no don't worry, I totally understand, can you just like sign my body before you burn him?
Dean : Sure.
Sam Smirking : So, is there a reason why you've only been writing love songs since you came back from hell?
Dean :
Dean hiding his new love songs about Castiel : nO-
Dean After stealing Jo's gun : Not bad but you'll need more practice, I'm Dean by the way.
Jo has the second of the panic attack because she is talking to her Idol : yes?
Kevin : You're telling me that the famous rock star Dean kills monsters in he's free time?
Sam : Yeah.
Kevin : How does he even manage to do interviews and all the other stuff???
Sam : To be honest I have no idea.
Benny coming out of purgatory, and separates with his new friend just to see him on all the billboards in all the cities : Hun.
Crowley wearing a Dean fan t-shirt : Hi boys~
Dean : seriously?
Castiel : Can I have one?
Mary and Sam in the car listening to the radio
Sam : Oh, that's one of Dean's songs.
Mary : One of Dean's WHAT?!
I hope you liked it!
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docilelucille · 2 months ago
my absurd supernatural headcanons that have no explanations ✩
Sam once spent hours building a lego set only to realize his instruction manual was wrong
Dean knows exactly how many licks it takes to get to the centre of a tootsie pop
Cas likes collecting pretty rocks and sticks
Jack has a very bad spice tolerance
either Metatron or Chuck has committed tax evasion at least once.
Crowley got swarmed by a group of 7 geese once
Garth watches HGTV and tried to get Kevin into it.
Gabriel only ever drinks flavoured water/drinks, specifically fruity stuff, cause he’s fruity.
Charlie likes eating popcorn with a fork.
ducks hate John, ducks always attack John.
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anassemblageofpassions · 1 month ago
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jays-bonnie-on-the-side · 10 months ago
𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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PAIRING : dean winchester x original female character
SUMMARY : maricela is a hunter who's been in love with dean winchester for years. given the age gap, he's made it clear he only sees her as his little sister. when she officially joins team free will after the angels fall, dean begins to see she isn't a kid anymore. with abaddon on the rise, dean takes on the only weapon that could kill her: the mark of cain. sam, mari, and cas watch as dean suffers the effects of the mark. after metatron kills dean, what's left of team free will does everything to find and save the beloved winchester. with the news of dean becoming the very thing he hunted for a living, sam and mari set out to bring him home. once dean's back in the bunker, they begin the demon curing ritual, hoping for success. when demon dean gets loose and finds maricela alone, he does what dean could never do. before he could kill, they finished the ritual, curing dean. though the eldest winchester was no longer a knight of hell, the curse remained, only worsening the effects from before. as they desperately search for a way to remove it, maricela deals with the marks dean gave her and the aftermath that goes with it.
WARNING : mature content. pining. age-gap. angst. fluff. smut. violence. murder. death. alcohol use. depictions of torture. graphic scenes. sexual abuse. mental abuse. verbal abuse. physical abuse. corruption. degregation.
each chapter will have it's own warning. i would include more but i don't wanna give anything away!
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𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝…
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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doctorsherlockwinchester4 · 2 years ago
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lower-the-volume · 3 days ago
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8.07  A Little Slice of Kevin
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