#crowley being gender
ajjpng · 4 months
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I finished it! I'm honestly really- really happy with it.
It still has kinda weird lighting because it's a mix of the yellow-ish ceiling light in my room & my blue-"white" LEDs so I'll take better pictures tmr when sunlight is on my side.
EDIT: ngl im surprised nobody noticed the sky colours…
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powie-n-fern · 3 months
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We can all, without a doubt, imagine Aziraphale reading to Crowley 📚
But how about Crowley reading to Aziraphale? 📖
What do you think Crowley would choose to read? 📕
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hattersarts · 1 year
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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biceratops7 · 1 year
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Same energy 👆
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bandcampgremlin · 1 year
how am i supposed to function whilst knowing this level of gender exists and i can't have it
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sharkintapshoes · 1 year
Some GO fans: Neil Gaiman not writing Aziraphale and Crowley as explicitly male and sexual is queer baiting and homophobic 😡😡😡
Fans who are asexual, nonbinary, agender, etc: well I guess we should just jump in a fucking volcano then
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Okay kind of a shit post but like Aziraphale telling Hamlet to “buck up” when he’s contemplating suicide is under appreciated comedic genius. I will hear no arguments.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 2 months
(I'm not including ones he didn't hang out with alone onscreen such as s14 Michael, Hester or Benjamin. I am including Raphael because he spent time with him before his vessel change.)
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ajjpng · 4 months
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The camera (and night lighting) makes this look a bit shit- colour wise, but I don’t care right now because I am so happy with it.
I still need to do some colour pencil touch ups in the skin and everything but I’m just so happy with this. (Will probably post a pic in better lighting tmr)
ALSO I know this concept has probably been done before but it was just rly fun.
ALSO ALSO I know this is not DT’s body type- but I wanted to practice muscles and everything so yeah
Lastly- I’m really not that happy with the top surgery scars but I don’t really know how to fix it. I’m thinking of going dark to make them stand out more but I’m not sure (any advice = appreciated)
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One of my all time favorite things about Crowley is the way he's not afraid to take up space.
That signature stalking gay strut that tells you to run--though you're not sure whether it's towards or from--or at the very least get out of his way.
The open-legged slouchy way he sits in chairs, somehow exuding supreme confidence and aloofness yet extreme vigilance.
The way he's not afraid to be in the way. How his body language says "I'm here and I will make that everyone else's problem if I don't like what's going on."
I know internally he's a lot more scared than he lets on, but you'd never know it just from seeing him on the street.
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knifeforkspooncup · 7 months
OK but Mondays? Mondays are for thinking about Gayer Than A Tree Full of Monkeys on Nitrous Oxide Aziraphale and That Flash Bastard Crowley:
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Regblog with your faves, these are just some of mine.
Also, see Sundays are for...
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ineffable-problem · 9 months
During the flood scene, when Crowley says “not the kids. You can’t drown kids.” I’m about 90% sure she was referring to the baby goats on the screen and not the human children.
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performing-personhood · 8 months
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Just friends though. Totally a normal and not at all smitten thing to say about your absolutely platonic buddy. Everyone says stuff like this about the person they absolutely do not ever think about at random times of the day.
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confused-n-sinning · 10 months
My gender doesn't fluctuate between girl->guy, it fluctuates between aziraphale->crowley.
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mommyashtoreth · 9 months
Idk how big of a thing this is or anything but it is extremely funny to me how many people I see who headcanon Aziraphale as gay and Crowley as bi (or pan or whatever), or even treat those readings as somehow "canon" (comparisons drawn between Crowley and Dr. Who being "nonbinary pansexual metaphysical beings played by David Tennant" or whatever). It speaks to such a specific fandom stereotyping of bisexual people, especially bisexual men (or man-shaped creatures), that I'd honestly be offended by if I weren't such a living breathing example of it
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sandinthepipes · 1 year
Raphael this, lucifer that.
No. How about Aziraphale and Crowley are just some guys. Sure it might be fun to speculate a bit and look at all the connections, but at the end of the day, at least for me, it’s a lot more comforting and beautiful the idea that they’re just there. Nothing’s special about them except that they’re being themselves
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