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evilmurlock · 5 months ago
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4 way crossover :3
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rocadog · 7 months ago
Cane Corso vs Neapolitan Mastiff - Dog Breed Comparison
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brainrot-stitch · 5 months ago
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maximuslush · 1 year ago
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NICHOLAS GALITZINE, CISMALE, HE/HIM/HIS The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes MAXIMUS LUSH, a  DISTRICT 4 ESCORT. Word around The Capitol is that they’re CHARISTMATIC & A PERFECTIONIST but can also be ALOOF & SUPERFICIAL. According to sources, they’re 29 and were once described as a golden signet ring resting on the pinky, dark brown hair in the winter, and golden blonde in the summer, a crisp suit walking down the croso, & a glinting smile in the district 4 sun on reaping day. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
name — Maimus Lush
nick names — Max, Maxy
titles & alias’ — District Four Escort 
gender — Cis-Male
pronouns — He/Him/His
romantic & sexual orientation — Homosexual, Homoromantic
age — 29
place of birth — The Capitol
current residence — The Capitol
positive traits — Charismatic, Perfectionist 
negative traits —  Aloof, Superficial 
likes  —  reflective surfaces, parties, attention, shiny things, receiving gifts, & people recognizing him 
dislikes  — being ignored, not getting his way, people looking down on him, knowing people don’t like him, & cheap clothing
eye color — Hazel 
hair color — Naturally; Brunette. Usually Dyed Blonde
hair style — Worn short and neat
complexion — Pale
build — Athletic
height — 6’0
clothing — Finely tailored suits in various colors, always very well fitting and very stylish, maximus is obsessed with his looks and will go to great lengths to always look his best. 
accessories & jewelry — Maximus has one of his ears pierced and usually always has something in it, he also wears a wide range of rings across various fingers, the one constant is the Lush Family signet ring he wears on his pinky. Also never far from him or his person is a pair of sunglasses. 
faceclaim — Nicholas Galitzine 
grandparents — Hadrian Lush (Paternal) 
parents —   Invictus & Vera Lush
siblings — 2 Older Sisters; Mellona & Menodora Lush
romantic interest —  tbd
children — none
pets — a Cavalier King Charles, named; Zelena
Maximus Lush comes from an old money family in the Capitol, his grandfather was a high-ranking member of the War Department, his Father a Gamemaker, and his mother a Capitol Socialite. Maximus could have done anything he wanted with his career, and he wanted to work in the games, but not like his father, he wanted to be on television, and so his family using their connections secured him a position as an Escort for District 4, something he’s been doing for 5 years now.
As an Escort, Maximus is very self-forward seeing the games as a way for himself to get more publicity always having loved the spotlight. That’s why he was happy to be partnered with a District that was known to produce tributes who were popular, and had a real shot at winning. He was also happy that when it was time to go out to the Districts he was going to one of the wealthier Capitol-friendly districts, and the weather certainly did help. Maximus cares about his tributes as an extension of himself, he wants them to do good so that he can look good. Victors after all means more time on camera and more attention on him.
Maximus and the Lush family as a whole are very obsessed with image both their personal images and the family image. They put a lot of weight on status and wealth, and because of that Maximus always strives to look his absolute best. His suits are always finely tailored and in colors that compliment him. Depending on the time of year, he changes his hair color, liking to wear it dark in the winter, and light in the summer. He also usually wears several rings on his hands and has one of his ears pierced. Knowing just exactly is enough accessorization and when it becomes too much. Beyond his good looks, and charming personality Maximus can be incredibly vapid, and not very bright. Something he desperately tries to hide behind a pretty smile and silver tongue.
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theoddshq · 1 year ago
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MAXMIMUS LUSH (nicholas galitzine fc) the odds are in your favor! Please report to your nearest Capitol Agent to be prepped for the 74th Annual Hunger Games!  
Alias/Age/Pronouns/Timezone: Devin/25/EST
Triggers: [REDACTED]
If you had to describe your muse as a canon Hunger Games character, or mix, who would you compare them to and why?: I would compare Maximus to either Caesar Flickerman, or Effie Trinket when we first meet her. He very much believes the Hunger Games are entertaining and they bring a lot to Panem’s culture. He is very blind to the pain of the tributes beyond seeing them as pieces of the game to root for or against, though not that he is an Escort he is very bias towards his kids. His major hope from the games is to become more famous within Panem, especially the Capitol, from them, and to have people recognize him in the streets, afterall now that he is on TV and partaking in the greatest event in Panem, why shouldn’t he benefit just like the kids in his eyes? 
Anything else?: Not that I can think of other than how excited I am for this group!
NICHOLAS GALITZINE, CISMALE, HE/HIM/HIS The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes MAXIMUS LUSH, a DISTRICT 4 ESCORT. Word around The Capitol is that they’re CHARISTMATIC & A PERFECTIONIST but can also be ALOOF & SUPERFICIAL. According to sources, they’re 29 and were once described as a golden signet ring resting on the pinky, dark brown hair in the winter, and golden blonde in the summer, a crisp suit walking down the croso, & a glinting smile in the district 4 sun on reaping day. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
Maximus Lush comes from an old money family in the Capitol, his grandfather was a high ranking member of the War Department, his Father a Gamemaker, and his mother a Capitol Socialite. Maximus could have done anything he wanted with his career, and he wanted to work in the games, but not like his father, he wanted to be on television, and so his family using their connections secured him a position as an Escort for District 4, something he’s been doing for 5 years now. 
As an Escort, Maximus is very self forward putting, seeing the games as a way for himself to get more publicity always having loved the spotlight. That’s why he was happy to be partnered with a District that was known to produce tributes who were popular, and had a real shot at winning. He was also happy that when it was time to go out to the Districts he was going to one of the wealthier Capitol friendly districts, and the weather certainly did help. Maximus cares about his tributes as an extension of himself, he wants them to do good, so that he can look good. Victors after all mean more time on camera, and more attention on him. 
Maximus and the Lush family as a whole are very obsessed with image both their personal images and the family image. They put a lot of weight on status, and wealth, and because of that Maximus always strives to look his absolute best. His suits are always finely tailored and in colors that compliment him. Depending on the time of year, he changes his hair color, liking to wear it dark in the winter, and light in the summer. He also usually wears several rings on his hands and has one of his ears pierced. Knowing just exactly is *enough* accessorization and when its become too much. Beyond his good looks, and charming personality Maximus can be incredibly vapid, and not very bright. Something he desperately tries to hide behind a pretty smile, and silver tongue. 
writing sample
Deceive - 3 Fight - 1 Lore (knowledge) - 1 Notice - 2 Physique - 3 Provoke - 2 Rapport - 3 Resourcefulness - 1 Stealth - 1 Will - 2
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Croso (:
Reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a Croissant (🥐).
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29121996 · 1 month ago
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personal-reporter · 2 years ago
2 appuntamenti legati alla montagna e alla devozione alla Madonna di Oropa
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L’associazione Cammino della Luce di Pray, il Comune e la Pro Loco di Rassa Valsesia propongono due appuntamenti legati alla montagna e alla devozione alla Madonna di Oropa. La prima iniziativa è in programma per venerdì 18 agosto, alla Bocchetta del Croso, in territorio di Rassa, nell’area che è lo spartiacque naturale tra la Valsesia e il Biellese, dove sarà proposta la Festa della Madonna di Oropa, ad un anno esatto dalla posa della statua, raffigurante la Vergine Nera, che il Cammino della Luce ha collocato in una cappella appositamente costruita, al termine di un pellegrinaggio che ha toccato più di 120 parrocchie. Questo il programma della giornata: alle 7,30 partenza dalla chiesa parrocchiale di Rassa in processione attraverso la Val Sorba fino al colle del Croso. Alle 11,30 sarà celebrata la Santa Messa, al termine piccolo incanto. A seguire, il pranzo al sacco. Nel pomeriggio il rientro a Rassa. Il percorso ha un tempo di percorrenza di circa 4 ore, grado di difficoltà BC, l’altitudine di partenza è di 917 metri, quella di arrivo di 1940 metri. C’è la possibilità di raggiungere il Croso in elicottero: i voli saranno effettuati dalle 9 in avanti, il costo del volo è di 55 euro. Ritorno a tutte le ore fino alle ore 16, stessa tariffa dell’andata. Per prenotazione voli contattare Daniela Magliocco 3476613223. I voli potranno essere effettuati anche dalla vallata biellese, partendo da Piedicavallo: il costo è sempre di 55 euro, in questo caso contattare Rosella Mosca 336811161. In caso di maltempo, la festa verrà rinviata alla prima giornata di tempo favorevole. Nel fine settimana del 9 e 10 settembre tornerà invece un appuntamento molto sentito dalle genti della Valsesia: il pellegrinaggio da Rassa al Santuario di Oropa. La manifestazione avrà inizio sabato 9 settembre, con la messa alle ore 20,30 nella chiesa parrocchiale di Rassa, al termine della quale partirà il pellegrinaggio devozionale a piedi, che per tradizione si svolge di notte. Sono previste soste alla Bocchetta del Croso, dinnanzi alla cappella della Madonna, a Montesinaro e al Santuario di San Giovanni di Andorno. L’arrivo ad Oropa è previsto attorno alle 11 del mattino di domenica 10 settembre. Alle 12,30 il pranzo presso il Ristorante Le Fornace, su prenotazione al costo di 25 euro. Nel pomeriggio, alle 16,15, la processione dai cancelli di Oropa fino alla basilica antica, dove, alle 16,30, si parteciperà alla Santa Messa. Il rientro è previsto alle 18, con partenza da Oropa in pullman GT per il rientro a Rassa, anche questo su prenotazione al costo di 15 euro. Il percorso è consigliato a camminatori molto esperti. La quota di iscrizione al pellegrinaggio è di 10 euro, in santuario ci sarà la possibilità di usufruire di uno spazio comune con doccia, a 10 euro su prenotazione. Iscrizione obbligatoria entro e non oltre il 27 agosto compilando i moduli disponibili presso il Comune di Rassa, sul sito Internet comunale, alla Locanda delle Alpi di Rassa, o contattando il Cammino della Luce al 3476613223. Per i pellegrini non camminatori, ma che desiderano raggiungere il santuario per partecipare alla giornata di domenica 10 settembre, c’è la possibilità di usufruire del pullman: per informazioni contattare il Comune di Rassa 016377287 o Sara Sisti 3295379739 Read the full article
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asksomakicro · 4 years ago
How often do Soul and Crona spend time together, and what do they usually do together?
Crona almost always tags along with Maka and Soul on missions, but just Crona and Soul time usually happens when Maka and Kid are stuck with DWMA duties.
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They usually like to share hobbies. Soul teaches Crona about music and the arts, visiting music stores or just chilling together at home.
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Crona tries to teach Soul about cooking. Key word ‘tries’. He still has a long way to go.
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blackbloodteeth · 3 months ago
I'm the kinda guy that doesn't shut up so I'm gonna answer as many of these as I can, I'll leave them under a read-more though haha
I don't think I can really answer how many fics I've done this year because I've lost track of both my WIPs and how much I've finished since there's still a lot I posted on my tumblr that hasn't been updated onto my AO3 (and especially with The Ramble Room)... I can at the very least guarantee that I'm still working on stuff so stay tuned for that hahahah
2. First-person perspective, proper. Was for a couple snippets earlier in the year but thought I'd give that a go at least. Also finally wrote SoMa lesbians (not the werewolf ones tho whoops)
3. I mean obviously Soul Eater is where a lot of my brain is because variants, but I get a lot of inspiration from a lot of different horror games. You can mainly see that in my art because I keep writing about insomnia instead
4. [dial-up noises as I try to remember how many AUs I did this year] I haven't actually written anything for my The Edge of Sleep AU, but it did happen to multiple drawings, so that probably counts for something
5. TBH some of you are probably already aware I really only care about ships that involve Soul just because of exploring character dynamics with him (and that's usually not really traditionally romantic), Maka just happens to have the most grabbable chemistry. Biggest reason why I haven't done more Crona x Soul haha I will say that I have ended up paying more attention to Spirit/Stein just because they come across my eyeballs a decent amount.
6. re: Spirit/Stein, Stein has a fun aesthetic. I think I've dipped into drawing characters that aren't Soul a little more this year haha (skater void really kicked off, wow)
7. Kinda reiterating above, but I did write CroMa and CroSo during the ship week event! I think there was also a Stein and Spirit snippet I wrote at some point, although that may not be inherently "shippy"...
8. Alright I'm gonna actually look through my ao3 list hahaha... wow okay, there's a lot from this year even without the scattered stuff on my tumblr haha Happiest to work on? Well I can say the 4/20 fic was definitely extremely funny to work on haha, so that has to count for something (especially with the silly tags and art haha)
9. Most satisfying to work on... Well the reverse vampire fic "And all that counts is here and now" took a lot of energy, it was a big fic! So I was very fulfilled when I finally finished it. I'd say it turned out pretty well, hm.
10. Oh oops, I've gone out of order haha (processing issues strike again). For question 8: What fic meant the most to write... hm. I really live for writing all of my fics, but I guess I can say "Today Is Special" was really stepping outside my norm (surrealism aside haha) by writing about characters I don't usually think about too much. This one also took a lot of work, but it is indeed rather special with the way it all strung together haha
11. Most difficult to write... Probably the previous one given it was with different characters haha, but so I don't repeat any answers... "One Shot" is relevant because I started it... two years ago? And finally came back and finished it. It's hard having so many WIPs because I want to eventually finish all of them, so it's a testament that this can be done, just at my own pace. The biggest struggle I'd say was my writing style changing but it was fun to adapt to that hah
12. Easiest to write? Probably all the snippets because they're so short lmao I guess for this answer I will say "how the Devil was made" was unique in that it spanned over several writing sprints even as I was sleep deprived, so it was something that was kind've done in a day. I suppose to that effect the Thanksgiving work also applies considering I wrote it in like a couple hours at most hahaha Did you know my record for fastest snippet is 15 minutes?
13. I'll just stick to what's on my AO3 because the tumblr stuff is a mess. Shortest: "My chest's a bird's nest and it's filled with feathers of you" (642 words) Longest: the fic under answer 9 (9,800 words), but for added trivia the one below that is "I'm falling down into my shadow" (7,986 words) look I'm having fun answering different fics for different questions
14. Oh I don't really listen to music when I write or draw, stuff just kinda plays through my head. Some fics have songs associated with them when I make them though, so spot them if you can haha
15. There's a lot of times the title ends up coming first or really close to the start of writing a fic. Sometimes, not so much. "Between Two Points" title was very much last second, and only because I was grasping at a song in my brain's playlist. I actually remember at one point not being able to think of a title/summary for a fic to the point I had it sitting completed in my drafts for over a day, but I can't recall if that was even this year hahah
16. Ooh, favourite title, that's a toughie... Not quite the same, but "Purgatory Maybe" has probably the funniest chapter titles to me. My series "The Wolf" has names and summaries that I really enjoyed as well, honestly.
17. Favourite opening line? Killing me with these hahaha Alright I don't think I've brought "What a beautiful wedding" in yet, so I'll say the opening to that is pretty fun:
His fingers brush lightly against his canvas, careful brush strokes painting a scene of darks to draw out that earthy shade of green, like a beacon shining brilliantly through the storm just waiting to begin as it rolls in over the sea to land. …Or something along those lines. He's doing his best to really bring out the colour of her eyes, is what he's saying.
18. And favourite ending? Dang hahaha Alright, wild card, if you get this you win I guess lmaoo
Some would even say Maka is so good at ordering him around that Soul was far too preoccupied with obliging to remember to flip the little demon off on its way out.
19. Man, if only I could share Resbang stuff haha What fics haven't I answered with yet... "Sorry for Party Rockin'" has some pretty fun interactions hah
"Sorry, lady," a dark voice growls from her throat, "need to borrow this for a minute. No time for answers." What are you- With a laugh that isn't hers and a few pops of her neck loosening up under what was her hands, Maka doesn't even get the chance to interrupt her interrupter as she feels her arms now moving around like a puppet show and turning off the bathroom light completely. Hey— "At least I'm saving your power bill."
20. Funniest line, might as well two-for-one it haha
"I'm never asking you for directions again."
21. It's not really surprising if something surprises me or changes the entirety of a fic considering I don't write with outlines and will usually just write the first thing that comes to mind (which is how you get gems like Soul's Hornkler moment). It's also something I like about writing linearly (although I would like to try writing a story out of order someday, not to be confused with writing a non-linear story linearly haha), is that one small action can effect the rest of scenes. First one I can think of is fic from answer 15, where one interaction between Little Oni and Soul led to it being an ongoing thing, and ultimately added the whole scene at the end haha
22. While I have actually written traditionally before (wrote in a notebook and then typed it up on PC), it very much does not play well with my brain's difficulties with processing words, and the fics written during that phase are some of my least favourite. I've jumped from quite a few things though. Google Docs on both pc and mobile, libre office, notepad, Discord. I write pretty much only on Discord now hahaha Kind've a general answer and not just for this year, but technically I did have one fic where I wrote each part in a different text editor so hahaha
23. Most satisfying writing moment? How can you have me just pick one haha Well I've already said finishing up that big fic was really satisfying, so... hm. Here, I'll answer with the first fic I have listed for this year, "I am Maka's Monster". There's a lot I love on how this came together, so I can say I am very satisfied with the way this idea was brought to life. Also the last tag is still funny.
24. Oh huh, doing something special to celebrate finishing a fic... That's a real interesting one. I'm not sure I've ever thought about it before. Oh, actually, I don't really remember if it was this year or not but, I do recall there was one fic... or maybe event? That after I had finished working on something for it, I went and got pizza because I was happy with getting it done haha I don't think I could tell ya what it was in relation to though hahaha
25. Recharging between fics usually is just me drawing or writing something else (usually a snippet), since a lot of times fics vary in size. I'll also read other people's fics but uh... I shamefully haven't done that in a long while. Trying to reread the manga really jammed me up there haha (also guilty that the last fic I read I stopped reading because I didn't want it to end, and then happened to get sucked into a lot of things haha).
26. I think you might just be able to tell I draw outside writing fanfiction. Although I guess with the blurbs, sometimes I'm doing both at the same time haha In rare occasions, sometimes the blurbs are poetry/made-up song lyrics. I'm not much of a musician, surprisingly.
27. How many events did I take part in... shoot there were quite a few haha There was definitely the Valentine's Exchange, March of Madness, Reverb, Soultember, that Thanksgiving thing- oh the trick-or-treating too haha, Secret Santa (almost done making mine), and of course Resbang haha Oh yes, SoMa Day. Looking forward to next year's :^)
28. I would like to thank the entire Grigori Wings server, it's such a nice fandom home there haha. And as always, everyone who enjoys the Soul variant shenanigans! And of course people who comment on my fics haha I don't wanna give a certain someone anxiety if they happen to read this, but shout-out to you as well; you actually make me excited whenever you show up and I wanna dump 100 Soul bnnuys onto ye
29. What's left on my to-do list this... oh fuck I forgot I still need to finish that animation. At this point I have no idea how to approach it anymore, I'm in too deep, chat.
30. Last question! What would I like to do next year? Well, just wherever the wind takes me haha. Though specific things would be working on Resbang, doing my New Years raffle, and hopefully going through and doing one final edit of all my works so that I can update the formatting an' whatnot. I also need to update The Ramble Room as well, but one thing at a time haha I always have so many ideas for so many things, so I just enjoy doing what I can whenever it happens haha. I'd also like to actually not be anxious about going through the Soul Eater tag, and also maybe finish rereading the manga / bonk my brain into reading people's fics again, so we'll see what happens haha
Whew, that should be all the questions haha Of course I always am open to questions all the time (and for those still in my ask box, I didn't forget, I just have to ration out my ability to focus haha), but this was fun to just do for a bit :-)
I will probably not be proofreading this :cartwheel:
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A slightly revised version of last year's questions! Two ways to play: Reblog and have your followers send you numbers, or answer the whole list!
How many fics have you worked on since January?
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year?
What piece of media inspired you the most? (This can be the fandom you wrote the most for, the one that spawned the most ideas, the one you thought about the most, etc.)
How many fandoms did you write for this year?
What ships captured your heart?
What characters captured your heart?
Did you write for any new fandoms or ships this year?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
What fic was the most difficult to write?
What fic was the easiest to write?
What were your shortest and longest fics posted this year?
What were your go-to writing songs?
What was the hardest fic to title?
What's your favorite title of the year?
Share your favorite opening line
Share your favorite ending line
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
Share your funniest line
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
What writing programs did you use? Did you write by hand?
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
How did you recharge between fics?
Did you create fanworks other than fic?
How many events did you take part in? (bangs, exchanges, ship weeks, zines, prompt memes, they all count!)
If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
What's left on your to-do list for 2024?
What would you like to write next year?
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stephaneschambion · 7 years ago
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Crososolar “Lumière sur l’avenir”, CROSO France, 2017
_ Brochure 12 pages Format : 297x297mm
Pour S& - Serge Gutnick, à Strasbourg
Et merci à Arthur ! http://arthurgoujon.tumblr.com/
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wally-b-feed · 3 years ago
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anthony fineran (b 1981), palta croso, 2021
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cotty-150 · 3 years ago
Dibujos hechos en Paint en clase mientras nos dejo rato libre en computación
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gentek · 5 years ago
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when your corso riggs is glitched out in game and wont stop flirting with you even infront of your lliteral wife.
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somnibun · 6 years ago
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So I felt like making some OC’s sooo yeah here are two countries. Together they are ruffly the same size of Spain.
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This is Kosneh and Croso!
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followniceinchnails · 3 years ago
i dntat want to fuckigng hit post limit todtay Crosoing my finggetrds deltarune spoilers:
im listseingggg ot lanacers theme int the background its ssssssss Like music IM squieezing my lancer bplushand shakging
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