#crocodile shifter ghost
ilikeyoualive · 6 months
A snippet for the next fic in our Primeval series, keep in mind that snippets could be is subject to change, so what you're reading now may be different in the final product. If any of you are interested in exploring this AU further, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Missions Gone Wrong, Canon-Typical Violence
Word Count: 529
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Soap jerked awake with a strangled shout, sluggishly lurching upright as his wild eyes raked over the familiar layout of his personal sleeping quarters, his frantic search for a nonexistent threat coming to an abrupt halt when his brain finally kicked out of survival mode. Even so, residual adrenaline hummed through his veins as he bonelessly fell back onto the mattress, rubbing his hands over his weary face with a deep sigh, desperately trying to shake off the vestiges of the dream that had cruelly torn him from sleep.
Every time he closed his eyes he heard the low hiss of a large predator echo in his ears, the sound sending a bolt of ice down his spine, his hands holding a minute tremble as he resisted the urge to reach for the green and black throwing knife that he stashed under his pillow at night. He could still feel the warm water slogging down his legs, trapping him in place as those red-brown eyes peeked out at him from water so black it reflected like the surface of a mirror, the creature’s gaze boring into him with an intensity that made his hind brain scream ‘run’ in a desperate mantra.
He pressed the heel of his palms into his eye sockets until he could see spots dance across the backs of his closed eyelids, goosebumps erupting across his body as he tried in vain to ignore the fact that the flat stare of the animal felt akin to the cold touch of death lingering on his clammy skin. His hands trembled as he held the pressure for a few seconds before letting up with a shaky exhale, his palms reluctantly lifting away from his eyes so he could aim his frustrated stare at the ceiling.
Inevitably, Soap gave up on staying in bed since he wouldn’t be able to find sleep with the ominous dream still stubbornly lurking at the edge of his awareness. So he begrudgingly sat up, carelessly throwing his covers back and swinging his legs off the edge of the bed, shivering as the cool air of the room eagerly bled the warmth from his skin. He was in nothing but a simple pair of black boxer briefs since he ran hot, though he really only wore them for the sake of modesty because people –namely his Lieutenant– have barged into his room on more than one occasion.
Soap pushed out of bed with a grunt of effort, the sensitive scar tissue on his lower back pulling uncomfortably with the motion, and he paused in order to allow the sharp twinge to ease into something a little more manageable. It had been approximately six days since he’d found Price rummaging around in the fridge in the common room as a six-hundred pound grizzly bear in the middle of the night and fourteen days since he’d been impaled by a wayward piece of shrapnel so, while he had already been cleared for active duty and was thankfully able to get away from his desk –and the endless paperwork– in order return to his usual schedule, the scar was still a little tender if he moved wrong.
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henryisabigfatbitch · 7 months
Hello, you can call me Asher, Henry, or Micah
I am a physical nonhuman due to delusions
I am a werewolf, fish, werebat, and dragon, Tornado/hurricane, ecosystem, and a Cuban crocodile-esque creature (bigger and longer)
I am a Holothere (werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire)
I am a samgladiator YHS fictionkin
I love GHOST
I am trans masc (typically masc presenting, I'm genderfluid) and homoromantic(?), omnisexual
Sometimes we use We/Us pronouns, this is sometimes an indication that we're stressed out or in a delusion but sometimes it just feels right.
My diagnosis':
Schizoaffective depressive type (schizophrenia+depression) 👁️🫀🌑💊
Bulimia Nervosa non purging type (Eating disorder) 🍖🍲🍜🍗
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)👉👉👉👉✅ (or else)
SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) 🥲🫂🔊📸
Clinical Vampirism/Renfield's Syndrome (ties into my Holothere identity) 💉🩸🦇📌
I am an extreme maladaptive daydreamer and sometimes forget that I'm not that paraself, my paraselves include OCs such as Chip Zerthagil, Ruskchre Hirouriski, Kelpoltyosha, Fowl Krasikthia, all bogian species. Non OCs include, Alastor (Hazbin), Severus Snape (HP, I don't support JKR), Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Netflix), normal animals, Tigerstar (WC), Aizawa (BNHA), Izuku Midoriya (BNHA), Shirou Ogami (BNA), and one I will not mention because it is someone I idolize's OC and I don't wish to make them uncomfortable.
There is also Alastor, Fae, Sasha, and Gore who are extremely similar to alters but aren't alters.
A lot of my "OCs" happen to be paraselves so please be polite when talking about them
NOTE: Speculation, but I believe some of my paraselves turn into something similar to an alter when I'm under pressure or extremely stressed, they talk to me and comfort me
Post my shit to r/systemscringe and I will fucking obliterate you, fuck off, I'm not a system. (Not diagnosed with any disorder that might make me plural, minus schizoaffective)
Public proshippers (proshipping publicly for non coping reasons or for reasons such as it providing a safe outlet if you have a para)
Anti kink, y'all kinda piss me off, don't want you here.
Anti Reality shifting, I'm not talking about people who don't believe in it, I'm talking about people who go out of their way to harass shifters
Extreme anti endo (I MIGHT tolerate you ONLY if I really like you and you're a good person in general)
Anti alterhuman
Any people with HARMFUL PARAPHILIAS who think PRO CONTACT is okay, I'm not getting groomed and molested again, fuck off
Schizoposters (non-schizophrenic people posting things to trigger paranoia and delusions)
Elon musk supporters (he's a dickbag)
Political blogs (pro-Palestine is not political, it is anti genocide)
Ai bros (not much else to say)
Sorry if I offended you but I have a no-hate policy here
Other than that I'm a friendly person who likes making friends (I do have pretty bad anxiety though so it may take a while) :3
If you have any questions, send an ask
Me (might update sometimes)-
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majingojira · 2 years
"Universal" Monsters: The Update
After the last post went over so well, I figured you all would like to see the 'results' of your input and further research. The original idea was the focus on mythology, folklore, occult, and religious beings. Truthfully, I don't think categorically, anything can really be added to this list even if we include modern monsters. But feel free to mention things you think I missed or should be expanded upon into their own categories.
Humans Who Have Passed On - This is a broad category of undead beings. Notable Subtypes include:
Blessed/Damned - People who've gone to an afterlife and come back from that.
Ghosts - Your standard spirit of those who've passed on. A subtype of this is the Haunt, which is a location so full of death that it's not so much one ghost, but a gestalt entity of horror.
Revenants - Undead that are physical. This can be a zombie, a slasher, or any other physical being that's come back from death.
The Border of Life and Death - Women who die in childbirth and the children who die similarly tend to take on special significance in cultures and tend to come back as some of the most horrifying monsters in many cultures.
Spirits - Incorporeal beings that often embody a concept. Subtypes include:
Elemental Embodiments.
Spirits of Intellect - less in religion and more in occult circles, these are plied for information since they just 'know' things.
Larva - another occult concept, basically the magical equivalent of decomposers. They eat leftover magical and emotional effluvia.
Magical Assistants - Many magical traditions invoke different spirits to perform different tasks. Sometimes, it's gods, but lesser more direct spirits are also invoked.
Patrons - Spirits of Places, Buildings, Homes, or even crafts. Humans have a special relationship with the latter spirits, and they are often invoked to aid in tasks related to the home or work.
Fae/The People Who Are Not People - A common group of supernatural beings that are like people but have both powers and limits that make them more and less than people. Often tied to the natural world.
The High Fae/The Arch Fae - Sometimes conflated with the Nordics of UFO Lore (Yeah, UFO lore has racist connotations to it). These are the High Elves, the Court Faeries, and similar beings.
Communal Fae - These are the "Common" fae, shorter in stature and often seen in groups. The "Greys" of UFO lore. Also, the common short-statured Elves, Dwarves, Svartalves, Goblins, and possibly Huldrafolk).
House Fae - A specific variety of Fae similar to the Patron spirits, but more corporeal. Brownie, Domovoi, Knockers, Gremlines -- all beings tied to the home and hearth, but distinctly 'other'.
"The Little People" - Liliputian Humanoid beings, from "pixies" to Abatwas.
Merfolk - This one is pretty clear. They are like the above Fae varieites, but tied to the oceans.
The Unreal Being - A lot of fae creatures can be just... weird. Not full hybrids, but often hybrid as a base before weirder things are put down. Weird is the key for such beings to show that they are "Others".
Giants - They're like humans, but bigger and more 'primal'. But mostly, they are big.
Giant - This is the basic giant, a person who is bigger.
Ogre - Like a giant, but usually not as big, and less human in appearance. Trolls also fit in here via the popular conception (thou Troll is like the words Faerie and Yokai, as a general catch-all term for supernaturals not infernal or divine).
Wildman/Bigfoot - A big person, covered in hair.
Animal-Like - Animals! But Magical.
Animal Bride/Animal Shifter - An animal who turns into a person, or a person who turns into an animal. These include: Wolves, Bears, Boars, Cats, Hares, Owls, Crocodiles, Lions, Hyena, Jaguars, Leopards, Coyotes, Tigers, Seal/Sea Lion, Frog, Swan, Peahen, Cow/Bull/Ox/Cape Buffalo, Shark, Hedgehog, Fox, Dog, Jackal, River Dolphin, Dove, and Cranes. I'm sure there are more.
Ancient/Sacred Animal - Often greater in size or with magical powers, but still an animal. Probably can talk, but not always.
Yaogwai - An animal that has lived for so long and gained so much wisdom that it's become a magical being. Often taking human form. The age part is more important than the shifting part.
Chimeras - Mixtures of multiple animals or impossible combinations (like Mothman)
"The Foreigner" - Like Chimera but for people. These range from people with a face in their chest and no head to those with a giant foot they use for shade, to just normal-looking people with strange habits. A product of xenophobia.
Sea Monsters - Monsters of the ocean depths. Often hybridized with land animals or otherwise of 'abnormal' proportions.
Demons - Demons are negative spirits, beings that cause maladies, calamities, and other things. They are dangers, warnings, and cultrual tools to explain away problems or to guide culture.
Hag - Fears of aging and death manifest in these evil magical old women who do all sorts of evils to the world. Sometimes just referred to as "Witches" in those cultures, but more specifically when a full dehumanizing aspect is applied to them rather than just having them be malicious spellcasters. Yes, it is often found in cultures with rampant misogyny.
Fiends/Lesser Demons - Your "Generic" Demon/Malicious spirit.
Devils - Tempters and smooth talkers. Bargaining beings.
Disease Spirit - Spirits used to explain away various illnesses.
Boogiemen - Spirits used to warn children away from activities or locations that often have mundane dangers they won't take seriously.
Vampire - A variation of the Disease Spirit, specifically accounting sickness/pestilence with a being literally 'draining the life' from others. Often given a lot of powers, but also the word itself is bandied about to describe so many monsters that it loses a bit of its meaning.
The Beautiful Lure - Succubus/Incubus/Temptresses of the Road. It's something between a Devil and a Boogiemen, but because the archetype is so common, I placed it here.
Dragons - Big, Scaley, Dangerous. Sometimes exhales a dangerous substance.
Wyrm - Dragons without limbs
Horned Water Serpent - Dragons of North America, associated with the earth and poison/disease.
Lindworm - Dragons with two limbs (legs).
Wyvern - Dragons with four limbs (wings and legs).
Classical Dragon - Dragons with six limbs (wings, arms, and legs)
Naga - Shapeshifting Serpents of India and Indonesia
Amphiptere - Dragons with wings
Asiatic Dragon - Ryu, Lung, Rong, etc. Serpentine, magical, 4 limbs, fly via magic.
Feathered Serpent/Wadjet/Quetzalcoatl/Seraphim(?) - Sometimes winged, sometimes not winged.
Celestials - Spirits and beings associated with the skies/divine realms
Standard Celestials (Angels, and so on)
Personal Guardian Being - "Guardian Angels" or "Aspects of the Soul", it depends on the culture.
Celestial Animals - Animals associated with the divine realms (often Chimerical)
Hellhounds/Black Dogs - Dogs of darkness and the night. Sometimes demonic, sometimes not. A lot of folklore around these beings. Often they are guards.
Automata - Rare, they are inanimate objects brought to life as a psuedo-living thing either by gods or humans. Includes Golems, Karakuri, Automata (IE: the Greek Talos). More common in modern times.
Plant Monsters - Plant monsters are actually very rare in folklore. Most early ones simply expelled poisonous vapors/gases. By the 1800s, they began to move and invade locations (a dark inversion of colonialism) or used to enhance the exoticism of a location. When insectivorous plants were discovered in 1875, they got nastier, and 'reports' of such things as man-eaters began to appear. By 1889, the monsters became truly mobile. And in 1907, we get our first Fungal Infection/Takeover Plant monster.
Guardians - Spirits and beings which are designed to guard locations or even concepts. Often associated with justice or retribution as well. These can range from Tengu, Fu Dog/Shisha, and Otoroshi, to Dakini, Harpy, Furies, Sphinxes, and Gorgons. Yes, Gorgon's heads were used like a "Mr. Yuk" face in Ancient Greece.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Well now I'm curious. Are there any crocodile shifters in this story? Is that the Alpha Pack? And does that make Jennifer a sea witch? I'm invested and I want to know more!
Also, random questions about your Beacon Bay story: is this on an island or a peninsula or something? Is the Nemeton a lighthouse or something similar, really leaning into that whole beacon metaphor? Is there a star-crossed lovers thing going on here at all (*cough*scanny*cough*)?
Sadly, no crocodile shifters in the actual story, though it was more written as a series of shorter episodic stories that I bounced around between. And the crocodile shifters are just sitting there ripe for the picking, its just I didn’t have need of any in the story and/or characters they matched up well with. The Alpha Pack isn’t really a thing here, mostly because I was like “I am Deucalion, the Demon Dolphin” doesn’t really have quite the right ring to it and also he’s just honestly not my favorite villain, he’s too ridiculous. Its like calm down dude, who do you think you are, Death, the Destroyer of Worlds? Oh wait. Awkward.
But now that I think about it, I hardly ever got the urge to use Deucalion as an antagonist? Just running through my WIP files real quick, and off the top of my head, my villain breakdown in TW fics was:
Lightning Crashes: the nogitsune, Jennifer, Kali and Theo
Where Wild Things Are: Peter, Matt and Gerard
Beacon Bay: Corrine, Peter and Theo
Loki’s Get:
Ouroboros Dreaming (Jackson’s Story): Peter’s ghost, metaphorically
Fenris Waking (Scott’s Story): Peter’s ghost, less metaphorically
Hel Rising (Lydia’s Story): Peter’s ghost, least metaphorically. Also, Hell. But mostly just the suburbs of it.
Born to Run: Jennifer. (That random The Most Dangerous Game rip-off with Scott and Jackson. Making the bad guys hunters was like, eh, so I went with necromancy instead).
The Forest or the Trees: the Nemeton. Like, the tree itself. Also, demon fruit. Look, its that AU where Scott’s a druid and Danny’s a werewolf, the tree wants to kill Scott, its a whole thing.
So, My Step-Brother’s Probably A Werewolf: The deadpool. Basically a S4 AU where Dr. Geyer and Melissa have a whirlwind romance and Liam’s trying to figure out why the fuck his new step-brother is so weird.
Forgetting’s Just Another Way of Saying Fuck You: Theo and the Dread Doctors. This one was that one S5 AU I was writing where the Dread Doctors used their forgetting/mind-wipe powers to make everyone forget about Scott, except they ironically forgot about people outside the town, meaning Isaac, Jackson and assorted others still remembered him. Aka that expansive headcanon that was literally the exact same thing as Season 6′s ‘forgetting Stiles’ plot, only posted about a full year before S6 even started shooting BUT I DIGRESS. (I’m just saying, it was a pretty specific plot, only using the DD instead of the Ghost Riders, but whaaaaatever). LOL.
So the only times I’ve ever really used Deucalion beyond peripheral werewolf politics in Where Wild Things Are is in that one Scydia I was writing, Kingmaker, and also an unwieldy behemoth that somehow got to six chapters without a title, where like, when the Alpha Pack came to town in 3A they used their werewolf memory-sucking mojo to steal Scott’s memories and thus make him more susceptible to Deucalion’s recruitment pitch while everyone else was like nuh-uh, THEY’RE the bad guys. 
(Oh and also he did show up in one part I wrote for this Leverage meets Ocean’s Eleven mash-up, with a cast of Scott and the Chimeras. Remember how way back before Eichen House was introduced, Chris made an allusion to there being a werewolf jail they could use to deal with werewolves.....so like, imagine if Chris had caught Scott in S1 but couldn’t justify killing him and then enter werewolf jail and Scott being like mmm, yeah, this isn’t working for me, I’m gonna jailbreak, who wants to come, and then he and random other characters from throughout the series just go around robbing the various douchebags of the series in ways that were mostly just an excuse for me to ‘practice writing action scenes and also heists and also I was bored.’ Also, there’s a distinct presence of multiple unnecessary car chases as apparently most of the times I added to this file came smack dab in the middle of my Fast and the Furious phase. I regret nothing. Also, everything.)
Anyway, as for Beacon Bay, no, Jennifer isn’t a sea witch in it mostly cuz she isn’t in it, as I’d already used her in a few other things and I wanted to give Corrine a whirl as the prime bad guy. So she’s like, an assassin witch for hire. Also, three thousand years old, and as mentioned, like....she’s Circe. 
Malia: Ugh, shut up, mom, nobody cares that you’re famous.
Mason (raises hand): I mean, I care, a little bit.
Liam (not helpfully): He asked her for her autograph.
Malia (to Scott): You see? This is why people should have to be over four feet tall to sit at the big kids’ table.
Brett (also not helpfully, but then, he isn’t trying to help, he doesn’t do that): To be fair, Liam’s the only actual Smurf present. Mason’s just Smurf-adjacent.
Mason: *beams*
Liam (staring at him in betrayal): How was that even a compliment? Why are you feeling complimented by that?
Anyway Part Two: the Anywayer.....I did not actually ever have any plans to make the Beacon part of Beacon Bay a literal lighthouse, as the town was less a point of interest for other supernatural beings because of Nemeton-type shenanigans, and more just purely because Peter’s a magical artifact oriented klepto who hooked up with Circe and then stole all her shit when sneaking out in the middle of the night and eighteen years later she’s still pissed and Peter’s just not home at the moment. So she’s like, “eh, I guess I could settle for just wiping this entire town off the map in the meanwhile. I needed a new hobby anyway.”
Anywayest, the conclusion: And yes of course it was Scanny. When, where faced with the possibility of Scanny, do I simply...not do the Scanny? Its like you don’t even know me right now.
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myth-lord · 5 years
Mythika’s creatures from Southern and Western European myths.
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The Marabbecca is a bizarre creature which can teleport through any source of water, they mostly reside in water wells feeding on the fear of children and pets, when they become very hungry they teleport through water sources to get into the homes of their victims, giving rise of stories of monsters underneath the sink. 
Aatxe (Basque) – Undead (Spirit) - Red spiritual bull ghosts born out of pure wrath and hate.
Aerico (Greek) – Undead (Human) - Much like zombies covered in cysts bursting with diseases.
Agrippa (French) – Construct (Tsukumogami / Spirit / Summoner) * - Animated Grimoire books which summon demons and undead from their pages.
Butatsch (Swiss) – Aberration (Alien / Summoner) - Horrifying formless creatures covered with the eyes of their victims.
Chicheface (French) – Demon - Demonic, extremely thin cattle of the Horseman of Famine.
Coco (Spanish) – Plant (Bogey) - The spirit of a bogey trapped inside a pumpkin, spreading fear.
Codrille (French) – Dragon (Reptilian / Cursed) - Dragons of diseases and sickness.
Colorobetch (French) – Aberration (Avian / Alien / Bogey) - Alien birds with humanoid faces living in cold places picking the frozen flesh of their victims.
Egregore (French) – Aberration (Psychic) - The collected thoughts and minds of a cult, taking the form of a brain-like beast.  
Gargouille (French) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Stone dragons which can turn their skin into stone, appearing like a statue.
Gaueko (Basque) – Elemental (Shifter / Spirit / Summoner) - Elementals of darkness and shadows.
Hellequin (French) – Humanoid (Human / Summoner) - Insane jester-like humans which sold their souls to demons.
Kaw-Kaw (Maltese) – Aberration (Alien / Bogey) - Living prisons, blob-like monsters with humongous maws.
Libélula Diablu (Spanish) – Demon (Vermin / Cursed) - Dragonfly demons, each sin has its own color variant.
Lou Carcolh (French) – Aberration (Drake) * - Giant slug-like aberrations with endless tentacles.
Malebete (French) – Fae - Fae bears which hunt for pretty fae creatures to kill or scar them.
Marabbecca (Italian) – Aberration (Amphibian / Bogey / Tulpa) - Bizarre bogeys which live in water-wells and which can teleport through water sources.
Minotaur, Erchitu (Italian) – Demon (Beastman / Cursed) - Demonic white Minotaurs, forever tortured by imps who ride it.
Musca Macedda (Italian) – Aberration (Vermin / Swarm / Cursed) - Giant fly-like insects living inside treasure chests, opening a chest may release a swarm of them.
Nuberu (Spanish) – Fae (Gnome / Summoner / Mounted) - The gnomes of wind and weather, they ride on clouds.
Odei (Basque) – Elemental (Spirit) - Tempests, living storm elementals.
Pyrausta (Greek) – Dragon (Reptilian / Vermin / Chimerae) * - Insect-like dragons.
Scarbo (French) – Fae (Gnome / Mara / Tulpa) - The gnomes of iron and art, they torture artists and poets.
Stella (French) – Aberration * - Starfish creatures with a burning touch, bigger variants exists as well.
Tcaridyi, Kranokolaptes (Greek) – Beast (Vermin / Vampire) - Adult Tcaridyi look like Large red, fiery moths with burning dust coming from their wings.
Tetragnathon (Italy) – Beast (Vermin) - Giant solifugid arachnids, bite very hard.
Traicousse (French) – Fae (Vermin / Cursed) - Strange fae crustaceans with many pincers, said to be once hags.
Trenti (Spanish) – Plant (Gnome / Parasite / Summoner) - Once gnomes, now slaves and minions for the Kayeri, the fungi covering their bodies took over their lives.
Velue (French) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Wingless dragons covered in quill-like hairs.
Wyvern, Cuelebre (Spanish) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Ancient wyverns scales turn into iron, these are called Cuelebre and they are almost impossible to hit.
Zitiron (French) – Humanoid (Beastman / Fish / Centauric) - Merfolk dressed in magical iron armors which love to wage wars on other races.
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The Gwyllgi is a bigger, badder and more advanced Barghest, they hunt from within the shadows from which they randomly can teleport and disappear again, doing hit and run attacks until they wear their targets down in both stamina and sanity. 
@rt = Pathfinder/Paizo
Afanc (Celtic) – Beast (Reptilian / Chimerae) - Combining the crocodiles aggressiveness with the beavers creativity.
Alp-Luachra (Celtic) – Aberration (Amphibian / Parasite) - Nasty amphibian-like parasites which feed on your undigested food inside your body.
Amadan (Celtic) – Fae (Leprechaun / Cursed) - Evil black-wearing Leprechauns with magical sweat which causes chaos and anger in other creatures.
Awd Goggie (Celtic) – Fae (Vermin / Cursed / Summoner) - Giant man-eating caterpillars the size of an elephant.
Banshee (Celtic) – Undead (Spirit / Elf / Cursed) - Evil wailing, female elf spirits attracted to areas where death is to occur.
Barghest (Celtic) – Undead (Bogey) - Black dogs of despair.
Barghest, Gwyllgi (Celtic) – Undead (Shifter / Bogey) - Greater black dogs which can teleport from shadows and darkness.
Bloody Bones (Celtic) – Undead (Vampire / Human / Cursed) - Victims and creations of the Rawheads, they look like Mohrgs.
Bocanach (Celtic) – Fae (Cursed) - Large black goats with silver horns and hooves, they haunt battlefields and their blood spawns poisonous flowers.
Boobrie (Celtic) – Beast (Avian) - Giant aquatic birds, pretty much like horse-sized Hesperornis.
Brollachan (Celtic) – Undead (Spirit / Cursed / Bogey / Psychic) - The collected fear of fae who died together, now they summon your worst fears.
Brucha (Celtic) – Beast (Vermin) - Metallic locusts, minions of the Horseman of Famine.
Bugbear (Celtic) – Humanoid (Shifter / Beastman / Goblinoid / Bogey) - The monster or goblin from under your bed or from within your closet.
Buggane (Celtic) – Fae (Beastman / Troll) - Like some ugly mixture of ogre and mole, these underground Trolls love to dig.
Burach Bhadi (Celtic) – Aberration (Parasite / Psychic) - Magic-eating and absorbing leeches which often attach to wizards.
Ceffyl Dwr (Celtic) – Fae (Shifter) - Winged variants of the Kelpie, riding into the sky then turning into fog to make victims fall to their death.
Cirein Croin (Celtic) – Dragon (Shifter / Reptilian) - Silver scaled, shapeshifting, always-female variants of the Sea Serpents.
Clurichaun (Celtic) – Fae (Leprechaun) - Blue, Orange or Yellow wearing Leprechauns, which sweat will cause drunkenness, sloth or gluttony.
Cwn Annwn (Celtic) – Fae (Summoner) - The white hounds of the wild hunt, they can merge together to become bigger.
Dullahan (Celtic) – Undead (Elf / Cursed / Mounted) - The headless horsemen, once proud elves.
Dullahan, Coiste Bodhar (Celtic) – Undead (Elf / Cursed / Mounted) - Greater Dullahan who ride a chariot instead of just a horse.
Each Tened (Celtic) – Demon (Shifter) - Fire, hot-headed variants of the Kelpie, their riders will burn to ashes.
Fachen (Celtic) – Aberration - One leg, one arm and one eye, these ugly things have perfect balance and use ball-on-chains weapons.
Far Darrig (Celtic) – Fae (Leprechaun) - Red wearing Leprechauns which magical sweat will spread uncontrollable laughing, jolliness and dullness.
Fear Liath (Celtic) – Aberration (Giant / Bogey / Psychic) - Mist giants with powerful psychic and telepathic abilities.
Fomorian (Celtic) – Humanoid (Giant / Cursed) * - Once beautiful giants, now cursed into hideous forms.
Gancanagh (Celtic) – Fae (Leprechaun / Summoner) - Purple wearing Leprechaun which magical sweat will spread extreme lust towards the Gancanagh.
Grindylow (Celtic) – Humanoid (Goblinoid / Mounted) * - Aquatic Goblins which ride on giant Pond Skaters.
Hodag, Beannach-Nimhe (Celtic) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Family of the Hodag, though these poisonous, spiky lizards are full dragons.
It (Celtic) – Aberration (Ooze / Shifter / Alien) - Ooze monsters which can shapeshift into any creature they have ever devoured, much like the Thing.
Kelpie (Celtic) – Fae (Shifter) - Water horses which drown their prey/riders.
Knucker (Celtic) – Dragon (Reptilian) - Neurotic, smaller dragons with beautiful frills that live inside knucker-holes.
Kobold, Pech (Celtic) – Fae (Gnome / Summoner) - More powerful Kobolds which control the very stones and earth they live on, creating living armors of stones and earth.
Lavellan (Celtic) – Aberration (Alien) - Extremely poisonous alien rodents, they can even poison undead and spirits.
Leanan Sidhe (Celtic) – Fae (Nymph / Mara / Summoner) - The evil variant of the Muse, absorbs charisma and creativity, wears all kind of beautiful and creative dresses.
Lunantishee (Celtic) – Fae (Fairy / Swarm) - Swarms of carnivorous fairies, covered in little thorns.
Marool (Celtic) – Demon (Fish / Summoner) - Large angler-fish which use their bizarre shiny-eyes as lure.
Morgawr (Celtic) – Beast (Reptilian / Drake) - A very aggressive and elusive Plesiosaur variant.
Muirdris (Celtic) – Aberration - Monstrous jellyfish-horrors which cause the flesh of onlookers to deform into horrid forms.
Nuckelavee (Celtic) – Fae (Bogey / Cursed) * - Spreaders of diseases, corruption and fear, rider and steed forever merged together.
Phooka (Celtic) – Fae (Shifter) - Mysterious tricksters that play dangerous pranks on all other creatures.
Rawhead (Celtic) – Fae - Butchers for evil Unseelie leaders, dressing themselves with the skin of their victims.
Redcap (Celtic) – Fae (Gnome / Vampire / Cursed) - The gnomes of bloodshed, war and murder.
Shellycoat (Celtic) – Fae (Bogey / Mounted) - Beach-Bogeyman dressed in all types of shells, riding on Sarmatian Sea Snails.
Sianach (Celtic) – Fae - Megaloceros-like monsters which huge antlers are covered with runes and other magical objects.
Sluagh (Celtic) – Undead (Spirit / Swarm) * - Entire swarms of wraith-like spirits, a soulnado of pure evil.
Spriggan (Celtic) – Humanoid (Shifter / Goblinoid) - Very ugly Goblinoids, when you make them angry they grow into the size of a giant.
Springheel (Celtic) – Fae (Elf / Bogey / Cursed) - Cursed elves with the ability to jump very high and to breath blue fire.
Stray Sod (Celtic) – Plant (Cursed) - Strange grass-creatures which curses anyone that steps on them into forgetfulness.
Stray Sod, Fear Gortach (Celtic) – Plant (Cursed) - Stepping on these more dangerous Sods causes extreme famine, hunger and thirst in the victim.
Succubus, Caorthannach (Celtic) – Demon (Shifter / Nymph / Mara) - Stronger Succubi which flames also poison victims.
Water Leaper (Celtic) – Beast (Amphibian / Chimerae) - Bats merged with frogs, very annoying to fishermen.
Will o Wisp (Celtic) – Undead (Spirit / Swarm) - Swarms of floating lights which lure victims to their doom.
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ilikeyoualive · 3 months
Finished the first chapter of Animal Instinct, it's got some good UST between our favorite boys. Go and give it a read!
And, if you're interested in learning more abut this AU, or getting snippets as my co-author and I write, then check out my Shifter AU Masterlist.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Here's the Ao3 link to our first fic for the Shifter TF-141 AU!
And for those of you who are curious about this particular AU and want to read more lore and snippets as chapters develop, check out my Main Masterlist here on Tumblr!
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Anyone else bored of wolf/cat shifter Ghost AU’s? Well, if that is indeed the case, might I interest you in the concept of albino saltwater crocodile Ghost shifter? Because, of the 26 species of crocodilian currently recognized, 8 are known to regularly attack humans. Saltwater crocodiles in specific are known to actively hunt humans and will even crawl out of the water to take humans from the shore. Crocodiles, in general, are much more bad-tempered and far more likely to attack humans, even unprovoked. Still not convinced? Why don’t you take a peek at my Main Masterlist and read a few sneak peeks? Who knows, you might just change your mind…
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Yet another idea for Shifter AU idea because self-restraint isn't a word in my vocabulary... but I have no regrets. And if you're interested in looking into this AU, here's a link to my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Drowning, Mission Gone Wrong
Word Count: 692
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Soap and Ghost are on a mission together, just the two of them. Ghost is meant to infiltrate a base for intel and Soap is on overwatch with a sniper in order to give him cover. Things are going well until they have to exit the premises and Ghost’s voice comes over comms and it sounds like he’s running as he tells Soap that things went sideways and that he’s going to come out from the north side of the building. Soap gives his affirmative and readjusts his aim, only having to wait a few seconds before Ghost practically explodes out of the exterior door, wildly firing behind him as he goes. When the door swings open behind Ghost once again, Soap gets to work picking off anyone that comes out after him, giving the other man ample time to make his way to the fenced perimeter. 
Ghost radios Soap a second time to warn him that he’s compromised and that hostels have breached the building that he’s in. Soap lets him know that he’ll meet up with Ghost in the agreed-upon spot, but stubbornly stays put until he sees Ghost reach the fence and scramble up the chain link with his own two eyes before quickly and efficiently packing up his gear. He leaves the room just in time to see the team that had been sent after him come out of the elevator, Soap firing his side arm as he runs in the opposite direction until he turns a corner and moves out of view. He hauls down the stairs two at a time and makes it out of the building in one piece before making his way to their meet up spot. 
He arrives and slows his pace when he hears unfamiliar voices, being careful to stay out of sight as he takes stock of the situation. Ghost had been shot in the thigh and taken hostage by a group of ten men, one of whom had the muzzle of a gun placed against the skull mask, Ghost calmly on his knees with his hands held placatingly up on either side of his head as he stared up at his executioner. Soap is sure to check his weapons -taking note of the ammunition, homemade bombs, and knives that he currently had on his person- before making a move. 
It wasn’t even a question of whether or not he would intervene -because he was going to, whether Ghost liked it or not- but rather his likeness of getting them both out the shit situation alive. 
Soap starts by immediately taking out one of the guys at the edge of the makeshift circle they’d formed around Ghost’s prone form, trusting that Ghost will take advantage of the ensuing distraction in order to disarm the man standing over him. Soap draws as many of the hostiles to his position as he can before leading them away from Ghost, who was up and fighting his own battle with an injury. 
Soap is tackled from behind by one of the men following him and they fall down a steep ravine and into the water, Soap begins to wrestle for control with his attacker in the hopes that the other men wouldn’t risk taking a shot at him due to his proximity to one of their comrades, though the fight quickly spirals out of control and the man begins attempting to drown him. In a burst of adrenaline, Soap manages to slip free of the other man’s grip and flip their positions, pinning the enemy beneath his weight and forcing the hostile’s head underwater.
One minute the man is flailing desperately flailing under him and the next there’s an insanely strong tug on the body below him, yanking the man from his grasp and sending Soap tumbling face first into the frothing water. He comes back up with a gasp and blinks the water out of his eyes just in time to see the very same massive platinum crocodile begin to roll in the water with the screaming man’s leg firmly clamped between its jaws, blood turning the water around the commotion a deep red.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
More crocodile shifter Ghost stuff because the brainrot is real, lmao. And if you want to read more about this AU, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Blood and injury
Word Count: N/A
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Soap had been shot during a mission that went sideways and —after taking out the man that shot him— had slid down the wall to sit on the floor, one of his shaky hands dropping to put pressure on the bullet wound in his thigh, causing him to hiss, the sound echoing in the empty hallway.
He sat there, internally monologuing or something, until he heard an odd sound, rhythmic heavy steps, but it was too slow and too constant to be human. He pried his eyes open —unsure of when they had fallen shut— and looked down the hall to his right, his breath stalling in his chest when he spotted the very same white crocodile from before lazily lumbering towards him, its muzzle stained red.
He let out a hysterical laugh, assuming that the blood loss had finally gotten to him, and proceeded to state his thoughts out loud. He wonders if the croc had really made that big of an impression on him, if the reason death took on that particular form was because that moment was the most terrified he’d been in his entire life.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Just a Shifter AU brain worm that I'll get to writing a full-fledged fic for eventually, lol. And if you're interested in reading more about this AU, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Mission gone wrong, Mentioned injury
Word Count: N/A
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The initial encounter that Soap has with Ghost in his shifter form is in the swamplands on a mission, Soap is injured in the chaos and is trudging through waist-deep water heading toward exfil.
“Sergeant, on your feet!” Ghost shouts. “C'mon Soap! Up!” “Ghost… what?” “Run, Johnny! I’ll cover you!”
But then he hears a strange, ominous hissing growl behind him and he slowly turns his head to look at a 16-foot saltwater crocodile that was partially submerged in the murky water.
In his hysteria, Soap blurts a comment about how big the crocodile is aloud and, as if it’s heard him, the odd growling quiets. Neither of them move for a long moment, then Soap takes an experimental step back and pauses again. Though the crocodile doesn't so much as blink, those black eyes fixed on Soap as he tentatively begins to back away.
Once Soap has put a good few feet between them, the crocodile smoothly glides through the water to follow Soap’s slow progression to the nearest tree that looks sturdy enough to hold him.
Then he scrambles up into the relative safety of the tree and once he settles on a thick branch that’s high enough from the water to be out of lunging distance, looks back down only to find that the crocodile is gone. Soap correctly assumes it’s merely gone under, lying in wait for him to eventually come down so it could take a chunk out of him.
Although, after only a few minutes, Ghost wades into view in full gear, his brown eyes immediately finding Soap up in the tree as if he had somehow known to look there. Soap warns Ghost about the crocodile but Ghost brushes him off, telling Soap to come down so they can get the fuck out of here.
Cue typical banter where Soap complains about wet socks and how he’ll never feel dry again as they make their way to exfil together, Soap’s completely forgetting the tense and —admittedly— bizarre interaction with the crocodile for the time being.
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