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zanypainterglitter · 3 days ago
From here I'm going to criticize the theme of the fanfics.
The main character is reincarnated into a Sonic character or directly into the Sonic world.
Those fanfics where the main character is reincarnated into any Sonic character are nothing remarkable, they are predictable and the only thing that changes is the character's personality making him boring.
The same goes for the fanfics where the main character dies for the truck-chan and God reincarnates him into his favorite world and, he's not born in some mother's womb, no, they literally appear in Green Gill as if he were teleporting them, they're basically like those animes where the main character dies and they take him to a magical world, he gets rich and gets everything he wants just because, without any worthy and/or special quality, without any effort as if he were God's favorite (coughcough the author got into the character cofcofcodcofdcodfrfsdgdsd agh he has a heart attack).
Also, I think it's stupid that he doesn't have a minimum ability or power, another thing that makes him boring, having several powers doesn't make you unique and special but we all have a useful ability but these Protas don't.
If you want to make a character in the world of Sonic, DO NOT follow the original plot of Sonic or in the world of your favorite franchise, because the characters you put in will only be a hindrance. And you will have to remove some character so that yours can stand out.
The copies of their parents, I mean, Sonic's children.
The best word to describe the children of Sonic characters is, recycling, they are too similar to their parents, their appearances are a fusion of the two parents and they have the personality of the father or the mother, or they can also be classified as being happy and loving or mature and serious. No child has a remarkable ability besides having the abilities of their parents copied.
And there are the fanfics where they put Shadow in an alternate universe and by another universe I mean another franchise that has nothing to do with it, but they don't update it again, just like the fanfics where they put another character in the Sonic universe.
From here I will criticize the characters in the fanfics.
Bipolar or abusive or psychopathic Shadow. Triple award xd
The bipolar Shadow is very common, not everyone understands the complexity of Shadow and they screw it up completely, for example in some fanfics Shadamy starts insulting Amy out of nowhere but then becomes interested in her, or he also treats others like garbage to then help them for his convenience.
There is also where, especially in ship fanfics, they make him out to be abusive especially with Amy, Sonic, Silver, etc.
And there are those where they literally put attitudes on him that would be worthy of a psychopath like that he doesn't care about anything or anyone and if it were up to him the whole world would die or that he sees others as inferior beings. Despite having protected the world from the Black Arms and even sacrificing himself to save the earth, he's now a jerk.
Amy is a crazy obsessive or stupid.
It's okay that some still portray her like that, but Amy becomes toxic to the level of Chernobyl by being able to physically attack Sonic's other love interests, invent plans to ruin his love life or scold him for not paying full attention to her, I'm surprised that Sonic doesn't tell her to fuck off.
Or in some she's stupid, she lets them do everything and starts whining if they do something she doesn't like, this happens mainly in ships or else her dialogues are pure bullshit.
Sonic is an arrogant jerk who hates Shadow and wants Amy for himself just because.
In almost all of the Shadamy fanfics, Sonic hates Shadow for no reason, it would be understandable if Shadow did something in the past that upset Sonic enough to hate him, but no, he just hates him and gets jealous when he finds out that Amy is with Shadow even though he rejected her all his life but now that she got a new love he gets angry, in short, hypocrisy.
Sally is a nuisance for the ships.
In almost all the fanfics where Sally appears, she is practically just a nuisance, because she only serves to be a nuisance in the lives of others and it is ridiculous and it disgusts me the fact that the characters do not have the balls to send this type of people to eat shit.
Eggman is a filler character.
Every time Eggman appears, there is only a moment where they fight and Eggman loses and simply leaves and does nothing else in the plot, I don't even know why they put him if he does nothing that affects the characters.
Manic and Sonia are useless.
Neither of them has a personality of their own, Manic is only good for being Scourge's partner and Sonia doesn't matter to anyone.
Tails is a useless crybaby.
They give Tails submissive attitudes that make him more stupid than possible. It doesn't matter if he knows 1+1=2, he depends on everyone else completely and is like a newborn baby.
Silver is a naive bastard.
Silver's intellectual level is similar to that of a 2-year-old child and he can even behave like one.
I won't criticize Rouge because she is the nicest, she helps with advice from girls and doubts from others, especially Shadow who tells her his truths to her face although in some fanfics she doesn't do it, but at the end of the day she acts like a true friend.
Now from here I will criticize the ship fanfics.
The way they fall in love and their whole love story plays out is simple and predictable.
In some Sonic is a submissive while Shadow is a dominant or vice versa, they sell it as "romance" but they are really irritating and disgusting, for example the submissive is stupid and easily abused by anyone, while the dominant is almost abusive or in others it is a cliché like when he corners the submissive. And there are stories where they are not, but still the narrative is quite stupid.
It happens very often, Amy sees Shadow from a distance and when he sees her he approaches her and starts insulting her, he does it for free, and sometimes he does it with other characters like Y/n, Amy starts crying at the end, but that would only be the beginning to show us Shadow's shitty attitude but 3 Doritos later he acts "seductive" and becomes interested in Amy, Shadow acts like the character who treats others horribly but then does something good and sells it to you with the fact that he's good deep down, like with Bakugo.
The funny and ironic thing is that, if it's a Sonic story, Amy hates Shadow, and if it's a Shadamy story, Sonic hates Shadow. I'll never understand why they say that the whole universe hates Shadow.
I haven't read any of this couple but the problem is that from their description everything that will happen is predictable, both are innocent and will fall in love in an innocent way while facing "hard fights" against Eggman although in most stories he only appears when the author remembers him and they get married and have a happy ending.
Any Sonic character with Rayis, T/n, reader as they want to call her.
These fanfics are very simple and it is obvious that the characters will end up falling in love because that's what the title says and the script dictates it like that, the worst thing is that there are only two types of Rayis in these stories, either she is super kind, naive and exaggeratedly affectionate/sensitive or she is super dark, serious and grumpy and that is all the personality they usually have.
Instead of character X falling in love with Rayis because she is "special". Literally, Rayis appears and as soon as they see her they talk to her with all the confidence as if they had known each other all their lives and they say "but how beautiful" or it is a work of fate that they fall in love, the character would fall in love because of having similarities with him and you understand each other or because he is attracted to her being different from what he usually sees or not being like him but with some small similarities.
Infinite's redemption is quite weak, it seems that he does it because Rookie is cute and that's it. I understand that Rookie saves him out of kindness and ethics, but Infinite never shows that he has anything good, out of nowhere Infinite went from being a Darwinist, megalomaniac and cruel being who tried to carry out a massacre in order to obtain power to being just a sarcastic and arrogant guy but a good person.
The way they both fall in love is so stupid, you don't have to complicate your life to make two people fall in love, but you have to make an effort, in one day they are literally like "oh, I've fallen in love."
They could have them fall in love like in the Archie comics, which is not a romance but it is a good start.
Something curious is that in some fanfics when they ship Shadow with X character, whether it is Sonic, Amy, Silver or in this case Tails, they change his personality to that of someone submissive, stupid and useless, and it happens with almost all fanfics portraying poor Tails.
I would have Shadow get together with Tails at the beginning simply out of pure nostalgia looking for the same warmth as Maria, Tails finds out and gets angry for being practically used to fill a void and there a deeper relationship would begin to form to eventually lead to a romance.
And there are fanfics where the characters are in a toxic relationship, but either it has a really bad ending or they were never updated again, and everything that's going to happen is predictable.
The rest of the fanfics about ships don't have much material to criticize.
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darymont28 · 1 month ago
"Es muy fácil criticar al Sol, cuánto te ocultas en las sombras"
-Micro TDH-
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la-ley-del-corazon · 19 days ago
Cuando juzgamos a voces o mentalmente a otros
nos estamos comportando como los fariseos que llevaron a la mujer adultera para acusarla delante de Jesús
Así mismo nosotros a veces decimos señor mira a tal persona anda mal en su caminar contigo o le decimos Dios te castigara y está triste por causa de ti.
Dios nos enseña y nos muestra en Juan:8 que cuando acusamos a otros y no estamos limpios estamos siendo hipócritas, tenemos que ver primero nuestros pecados , porqué juzgar sin justicia dice más de nosotros que del pecado de otros .
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rojosweet · 3 months ago
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"No solo de pan vive el hombre"
De lo más bello que he leído de Lorca:
“No sólo de pan vive el hombre. Yo, si tuviera hambre y estuviera desvalido en la calle no pediría un pan; sino que pediría medio pan y un libro. Y yo ataco desde aquí violentamente a los que solamente hablan de reivindicaciones económicas sin nombrar jamás las reivindicaciones culturales que es lo que los pueblos piden a gritos. Bien está que todos los hombres coman, pero que todos los hombres sepan. Que gocen todos los frutos del espíritu humano porque lo contrario es convertirlos en máquinas al servicio del Estado, es convertirlos en esclavos de una terrible organización social.
Yo tengo mucha más lástima de un hombre que quiere saber y no puede, que de un hambriento. Porque un hambriento puede calmar su hambre fácilmente con un pedazo de pan o con unas frutas, pero un hombre que tiene ansia de saber y no tiene medios, sufre una terrible agonía porque son libros, libros, muchos libros los que necesita, ¿y dónde están esos libros?
¡Libros!, ¡libros! He aquí una palabra mágica que equivale a decir: “amor, amor”, y que debían los pueblos pedir como piden pan o como anhelan la lluvia para sus sementeras. Cuando el insigne escritor ruso, Fiódor Dostoyevski, padre de la Revolución rusa mucho más que Lenin, estaba prisionero en la Siberia, alejado del mundo, entre cuatro paredes y cercado por desoladas llanuras de nieve infinita, pedía socorro en carta a su lejana familia, sólo decía: “¡Enviadme libros, libros, muchos libros para que mi alma no muera!”. Tenía frío y no pedía fuego, tenía terrible sed y no pedía agua, pedía libros, es decir horizontes, es decir escaleras para subir a la cumbre del espíritu y del corazón. Porque la agonía física, biológica, natural, de un cuerpo por hambre, sed o frío, dura poco, muy poco, pero la agonía del alma insatisfecha dura toda la vida.”
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nubis84 · 4 months ago
Criticar el modo de ser de otras personas es como criticar que los árboles sean altos, que hayan animales con pelo o peces en el mar.
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bambinamoon · 9 months ago
Inventan para criticarme.
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arte-inmortal · 1 year ago
Siempre tuve miedo a quedarme sola, todavía sigo teniendo ése miedo. Pero ahora prefiero quedarme sola a rodearme de personas: que me juzguen, que no me acepten.
Ahora prefiero quedarme conmigo, prefiero ser mí mejor amiga. La que no se quiere: juzgar, criticar, hablar mal. La que quiere: amar sus defectos y aceptar sus errores porque son parte de mí, de quién soy, de la persona única que soy.
Tengo miedo a quedarme sola pero es bueno ser consciente de que no necesito a nadie.
No importa: que me humillen, que me rechacen, que me juzguen, que me miren raro, que me hablen mal, que me pongan apodos. Nada de eso importa porque no me haré el mal que me quieren hacer.
Empezaré de nuevo, sin dar explicaciones.
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reynx-veneno-medus · 2 years ago
"𝑽𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒎𝒐𝒔 𝒆𝒏 𝒖𝒏 𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒛𝒈𝒂, 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂 𝒚 𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂 𝒅𝒆 𝒍𝒐 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒎𝒐 𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒔".
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dana--07 · 11 months ago
Siempre trato de ser mejor persona, de intentar ser lo que se espera de mi, de sacar buenas notas, de lo que como para tener buen cuerpo, de mostrar felicidad.
Pero realmente haga lo haga jamas va a ser suficiente, porque siempre va a ver alguien que critique, alguien que no valore el esfuerzo.
E intentando ser perfecta para los demás me olvide de quien era yo, me olvide de mi, la única persona que realmente siempre va a estar conmigo, y en vez de quererme intente ser perfecta para una sociedad que es incapaz de valorar.
Ahora cada vez que me miro al espejo intento averiguar quien soy, y donde esta la persona que era, ahora cada vez que me miro al espejo me quiero un poco mas, por todo lo que hecho y nadie quiso valorar
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capsulas · 1 year ago
"El pesimista critica, el optimista crea".
- James Clear.
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zanypainterglitter · 2 months ago
I managed to see Earthspark and I would like to talk about episode 3 which I think was the one I liked the least.
I don't understand why they treat Bumblebee like he's the stupid misfit who ruins the fun, it's understandable that Twitch, Robby, Thrash and Mo aren't interested in training and just want to play, but they treat him very badly as if it were his obligation to fit in with them, that Bumblebee is the one who adapts because he should do what the kids want, it's also... Strange that Bumblebee says he wants to be a hero again but that's ridiculous because what did he do to think he's a hero? The only thing we know he did was that he was in the war and now he just escapes and hides, he has all kinds of marketing and toys of him but that doesn't make him a hero. Seriously a couple of million years and Bumblebee still hasn't matured about that concept? Dot and Alex should make it clear to them that they should respect and obey him because he is simply there to be the teacher, it is as if they hired a tutor but he must play at the home and the family because if not the children would not care and will not want to learn, Alex should not have apologized, it should have been Twitch and Thrash because Bumblebee is supposed to be there to learn but they treat him as if he were a ruffian who should let them play or else they would not respect him. How can Dot, a military soldier, not do anything about it when she sees that they broke the table and the roof, throwing a tantrum for not being able to play?
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chicaconsuerte-universe · 4 months ago
Cada una tiene un punto de vista de la historia y bueno esta bien eso, pero lo tendríamos que haber resuelto antes. Porque ahora que vamos ha estar haciendo? Tenernos odio? Y criticarnos como si no hubiesemos sido amigas nunca? Pues no. No estoy de acuerdo. ¿Como sabes que te tengo odio y rabia? Quizás lo he tenido porque en su momento me llevé un chasco del cuál no me esperaba. Pero a medida que pasa el tiempo me doy cuenta que ya no pienso en ti tanto como pensaba antes y eso quieras o no es un alivio. Porque estaba muy obsesionada contigo y es la realidad para que mentir. Te dí muchas veces mi corazón y muchas de esas veces lo rompiste. Te dí el poco amor que tenía porque pensaba que lo necesitarías. Te dije muchas cosas de las cuáles algunas me arrepiento, pero para que arrepentirse ya de las cosas? Ya está todo pasado y es mejor no volver ha darle vueltas, porque ya dí demasiadas y me he cansado.
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cosasquequierocompartir · 2 years ago
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magneticovitalblog · 1 year ago
"Muchas veces la gente del exterior no sabe realmente lo que estamos batallando desde nuestro interior. A veces ni nosotros mismos lo sabemos, nuestro sufrimiento se refleja no solo en nuestro físico, sino en nuestra actitud en la vida, lo que no evita ser juzgados y criticados por la sociedad gratuitamente, sin preguntarnos antes que nos pasa y en que podemos ayudarte"
- MagneticoVital
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rojosweet · 8 months ago
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¿Cómo puede uno mismo cambiar sin crear resistencia?
La propia idea de cambiarse uno a sí mismo , contiene un patrón preconcebido que impide la comprensión crítica. Si tenemos un concepto previo de lo que queremos ser , de lo que deberíamos serb, entonces la percepción de lo que somos no es crítica , ya que sólo nos interesa amoldarnos o rechazar.
Queremos ser esto o aquello ; en consecuencia , estamos incapacitados para realizar un verdadero examen crítico de lo que somos y por lo tanto , cuando cambiamos en relación con lo que "deseamos" ser , estamos obligados a crear resistencias y de ese modo , el cambio fundamental no ocurre en absoluto.
En vez de ocuparnos del cambio que debe ocurrir en nosotros , veamos si tenemos ideas preconcebidas acerca de lo que deberíamos ser.
Puesto que las tenemos , nuestra atención debe volverse hacia la investigación de cómo y por qué han surgido. Si investigamos seriamente , encontramos que el miedo crea diversos patrones , ideas preconcebidas sobre nosotros mismos y sobre lo que deberíamos ser.
Sin estos conceptos previos , ¿qué somos? Y así , teniendo conceptos e imágenes acerca de lo que deberíamos ser , nos esforzamos en pos de tales conceptos e imágenes , lo cual sólo contribuye a deformar la comprensión crítica respecto de nosotros mismos ; erigiendo de este modo todo tipo de resistencias.
Pero si somos capaces de mirarnos tal como somos , existe entonces la posibilidad de un cambio radical que no habrá de producirse mediante la comparación. Todo cambio comparativo es sólo un cambio en la resistencia.
¿Y con respecto a una escuela para niños? Ésa es una necesidad actual.
Esta no es sólo una necesidad actual , sino una necesidad de todos los tiempos. Se vuelve importante e inmediata cuando se trata de nuestros propios hijos y las circunstancias son críticas.
Las circunstancias son críticas siempre para una persona seria y reflexiva. Sí los padres , los tutores , viven ellos mismos en la confusión , ¿cómo pueden establecer escuelas en las que los niños sean educados sin confusión , sin odio ni ignorancia?
Por cierto , este es otra vez el mismo viejo problema , ¿no es así?, el problema de que debemos comenzar consigo mismos ; es el interés de nosotros el que creará o ayudará a crear escuelas en las que pueda desarrollarse una generación no atada por el miedo y el odio.
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antoniussoules · 1 year ago
'Cuando alguien busca criticarte, su propósito es que los demás ignoren tus virtudes.. !!
-Antonius Soules 💊
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