#critical role caleb x reader
demigoddessqueens · 3 months
Hello there so I saw a headcanon of Vox Machina having a s/o who is usually calm and nice sort of like the mom friend of the group and one day at a tavern a person picking fun at the member the s/o is with and the s/o being like: “Hold my ale.” All nice and sweet before fucking beating the other person up without hesitation. So I'm wondering if you can do this with the mighty nein as well.
One ale 🍺 coming up!!
main masterlist 11
Some ass was giving her a hard time at the tavern but you were not having it. The minute you stand to defend her, she’s equally emotional at your protection but also raucously cheering you on. Or joining in
Just as every bit of fiery as you but she’s all blushes and giggles when you defend her, a “my hero” kiss on the cheek when you come back
Honestly he’s quite impressed with how good you are in a fight and once you come back over to sit by him, he’s proud to show you off, “next round is on me”
There’s an itching feeling he gets whenever someone tries to cause him problems, but the anxieties leave him when you step up for him. It makes him feel protected after so many years of pain before
Easily knows he could overtake someone but it’s a sense of pride he gets when you stick up for him. Even more amusing if he or said offender towers over you
Ever the calm cleric, he’ll just casually sip away at his drink as you deliver, giving side eye to the one who insulted him earlier, “I mean, I did warn you…”
Not one to stand for rudeness, and though he’s itching to cast that Dumancy, it’s more lovingly entertaining watching you do the honors
She knows you can handle yourself and actively encourages you when you get into it with someone, a proud “kick their ass babe!”
She can only have a faux sense of concern for said offender before you’re winding up to smack them down, a bit of a smug “oh you shouldn’t have done that”
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a Mighty Nein version of the hiding in the alley together Bell's hells scenario you wrote? I really loved your Bell's hells one! Thanks!
Thank you darling! I love that post so much too 🥰
Bell's Hells version 💙
Tight Squeeze (hiding in an alley together)
Beau 💜
You're standing on her toes, and her elbow is poking harshly into your side, and you both just don't know where to look. "Sorry, I'll scoot over a little bit-" "No, wait, hang on a sec-" Awkward scrambling ensues. You whisper and try to convince her to put up with the closeness until you guys are safe, but she. Just. Won't. Listen. Eventually, her squirming has you both off centre and reaching for each other for balance, and she murmurs a quiet: "... oh."
Beau isn't a romantic, never has been, and she's never really gazed into someone's eyes as purposefully as she is right now. You're fucking gorgeous. How has she never stopped to just look at you before? Have you always been so... You blink in confusion as she seems to soften, ever so slightly, calming down enough to breathe in sync with you.
You feel a palm drag itself up your arm, up, up, up until she finally cradles your jaw. And you both stand there, unmoving, for who knows how long, before she eventually tears herself away from you and the alley with a grumble. You take a moment to recover from the intense look in her eye, running after Beau only when she calls your name to hurry up.
Caleb 💜
His mouth is puckered in a tight frown as he looks anywhere but your face. It's an incredibly tight squeeze where you've found yourselves, so narrow that you're effectively pinning the wizard to the wall behind him. Your palms rest flat at either side of his neck and his hands have curled into little fists between your chests. Your heartbeat is thundering in your ears - or maybe it's Caleb's - you're not quite sure whose it is when you're this close together.
It's incredibly quiet. Awkward, even. So you say something. Anything. A stupid comment on how this is like a cheesy scene in one of the awful smutty books that's been passed around the group, and he can't help but huff a laugh and try to hold back an amused smile. His shoulders relax and he rests his head against the wall to finally get a better look at you, and something makes you lean your head towards him, following his lead. His lips part slightly as you move closer and-
Nott/Veth calling both your names from outside the alley jerks your faces apart, and Caleb very hurriedly inches away from you. "We should, ah..." He reluctantly shuffles towards the road, adjusts unkempt hair and smooths down the front of his coat, fingers twisting the buttons shyly. "W-we should go join the others, ja?" His heart sings at the simple touch of you linking pinkies with him. It's a quiet message he doesn't need to worry about deciphering.
Fjord 💜
"Beggin' your pardon." You can't help but snort. Even in times of peril, in situations where you're taking cover from the intense fighting outside of alleyways, Fjord still manages to treat you well and act the perfect gentleman. He shushes you, smiling himself, and it briefly feels like you're the only two people in the world - except for those in the battle mere feet away from your hiding spot.
His eyes soften as you share a secret grin with him, but not in the way you'd like. He clears his throat, peeks out of the gap of the alley."Look, I know this isn't an ideal situation but..." You say his name sweetly, urge him to look up from the ground to meet your gaze, and you see colour quickly spread across his neck in embarrassment. He swallows thickly and looks away, and breathes out the quietest shuddering sigh.
A hesitant hand reaches out for yours, and you grip it tight before he can regret taking the leap. The rest of the Nein find you both in that same position minutes later once the battle had officially ended and it was safe to leave, all tangled fingers and soft gazes. Fjord never wants to let go.
Jester 💜
"Are you gonna kiss me?" She's a little cross eyed, a little flushed and out of breath, and so so pretty this close up. Her eyes flick between your own, both your noses just barely grazing. "It feels like now would be a good time to kiss me." And it does.
But the moment is ruined when a swarm of soldiers charges right by the alley's entrance, and Jester lunges forward to hug you close. Together you find yourselves huddled further in the shadows while the enemy runs right by your hiding spot. She's so soft in your arms, perfect - it's like she belongs there - and you want to tell her that, but saying so out loud would easily blow your cover. So you settle for keeping her close, a hand in her hair while she ducks her head under your chin.
You wait until the last soldier has gone before you reluctantly remove yourself from the tiefling (who visibly pouts) and peek outside the alley. Once the coast is clear, you look over your shoulder, only to find Jester already looping arms with you. She smiles, this time confidently, and you enter daylight once more with no mention of the almost-kiss.
Mollymauk 💜
He doesn't say a word. Which, y'know, is ideal when skulking about in an abandoned alley, away from prying eyes of spies and mercenaries - but the way how Mollymauk is not-so-subtly glancing your way every few seconds is awfully distracting. You lightly push against his chest, tell him in a hushed voice to stop smirking so much, that this is a very serious situation. "What? Can I not look at you now? Can I not enjoy the little things while we fear for our lives? Who knows when I'll see something so lovely again~"
You push him again, a little more forcefully this time, and he actually barks a laugh, sways back to you and tilts his head with sticky fondness. There's a sudden commotion nearby - heavily armoured folk who suddenly look in the direction of the sound and touch their weapons suspiciously. Quick thinking in the moment has you press your body closely to Molly's, making your forms fit within shadow, and cover his mouth with your hand.
And he's silent again, but his expression has changed. He never looks away from you, nor you him, both of you holding breaths in anticipation - of being discovered, or of something more passionate, you are not completely sure - but the moment is never interrupted. When all is safe and sound once more after the hired fighters evacuate the nearby area, he slowly peels your hand away and presses a single, simple touch of his lips to your palm. It's barely even a kiss, but you don't mind. It's nothing. It's something. It's a promise.
Yasha 💜
She's... Well, you already knew that she was tall before this, but you never really knew exactly how tall Yasha was until you were up against each other in a tiny alleyway in some fancy town neither of you know the name of. It's a small space, and there are hired thugs sniffing around town looking for you and the Nein, but you feel so safe with the barbarian - a protective barrier between you and the rest of the world. Your face warms at the thought.
She peers down at you with a blank expression, and you expect awkward silence, but she surprises you with: "Well this is quite cosy, isn't it?" It's dark in the alley, but she can see the wrinkles by your eyes when you smile at her. Good. That'll ease the tension immensely... And the slightly nervous pitter patter of her heart.
Despite it all, she's a little flustered being so close to you. It's weirdly intimate caging you in, and she curses under her breath quietly when you look away bashfully and bite your lip with a grin. She's obviously done something right when you gently rest a hand on her arm and ease her wandering mind. She still feels that touch hours after, and wonders if you're thinking of it too.
Kingsley 💜
You don't want to admit it, but you're panicking. What started off as a cheeky side quest quickly spiralled into a catastrophe, and you now find yourself in a claustrophobic space with bad guys on your tails, and you have grazed knees after tripping earlier and you're stuck with your most charming friend who looks at you like he loves you, and it's all too much, and- "Hey, keep your eyes on me."
Kingsley is holding your face in his hands, and you can barely make out his crimson eyes in the dark, but you know he's giving you that look again. "We're gonna be fine, we're gonna get out of this. I'll buy you a drink later, you'll see." You want to believe him, even as your heart drums loudly in your chest, leftover adrenaline dulling in your veins. You follow his lead, breathe in, and breathe out as you move to hold the wrists of his hand that are cupping your face still. You find calm, and he looks proud. Maybe it's only a shadow of an expression in the dark though.
Instead of leading you back towards the ship, Kingsley takes you by the hand and dances around the crowded marketplace towards a quiet tavern on the outskirts of town. He reaches out and holds the door open for you, and grins when you look puzzled."I owe you a drink, remember?"
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saphirered · 11 months
Autumn/Winter Prompts Masterlist
Prompt List and Rules
Thank you for requesting my lovelies! I still have some spots open! Posting schedule will be a little hectic but expect one to three requests to be posted a week until the holidays! Additional slots may be added if I'm finished before Christmas if there's more you guys want to see!
-Love, Saph 😘
Updated: 12/8/2023
Little Light (Candlelight) Helion fluff
Escapade (Solstice Kisses) Mollymauk spicy fluff
Hot Chocolate (Cinnamon Sweet) Lucien Vanserra fluff
Lukewarm (Steamy Baths) Eris spicy fluff
Stormy Night (Cold Night&Lightning) Ashton fluff
Open Book (Cinnamon Sweet&Library) Gavriel fluff
Dancing Legends (Witches&Full Moon) Azriel spicy fluff
Commoner’s Waltz (Harvest Dance) Lucien fluff
Haunted (Nightmares) Helion Angst
Take a Break (Steamy Baths) Caleb spicy fluff
Rude Awakening (Full Moon&Tangled Blankets Astarion fluff
Comfort (Cozy Morning Cuddles) Dorian Havilliard fluff
Icicles (First Frost) Astarion fluff
Drinking Game (Mulled Wine&Tease) Lucien Vanserra
Reading Nook (Library) Helion fluff
Snowfall (First Frost) Vax’ildan
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randoimago · 5 months
Just finished writing a 9 page essay analyzing Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (WILD stuff in there)!! could you please do headcanons with an Essek-Caleb-Reader poly and a Beau-Yasha-Reader poly about them celebrating their S/O reaching a big goal like that? Thank you!
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Essek, Caleb, Beau, Yasha
Note(s): God I remember analyzing the book in High school and just filling it with sticky notes and having to highlight various things. (fuck I had to do that for The Odyssey over my winter break and I think my brain melted for the rest of the year)
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Essek-Caleb Poly
Well these two are both in love with annotating books and rereading specific passages (and they would use sticky notes or buy a second copy to highlight and write in).
But they also know how stressed you've been with your own essay you're going through so they try not to talk about how fun annotating is when you're stessing out.
When you finish it, Caleb gives you a nice pat on the head while Essek is making some tea to help you relax and decompress after all of that.
If you'd like then Caleb would be willing to read through the annotation essay you wrote just to double check or correct any misspellings or such. He is a teacher and has experience with that.
But as a reward, Caleb is happy to whisk you away to his tower with Essek and make the biggest, softest bed for you three to cuddle and relax in. There are cats also on the bed that purr and knead and are being as cute as possible too.
Beau-Yasha Poly
God Beau has had to read boring books and do her own annotating at the Cobalt Soul so often that she fucking hates it.
She knows what you're doing and says she'll get you some good wine because you're need it. Yasha promises to cook you the tastiest rabbit you've ever had. There's some very yummy spider leg kababs on the side too.
So once you've done your essay, you're awarded with the grandest of feasts from Yasha while Beau really did go all out with the best wine.
It's a very weird meal, but you're used to Yasha's diet and cooking at this point. At least the vegetables are from the garden.
And afterwards, after some interesting magic cupcakes that Jester had given you all the last time she came over, Yasha pulls you both to bed to be in the warmest cuddle pile.
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Taglist: @unhelpfulnpc
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Did you get a request? It's headcanons of dating Mollymauk, Essek, Caleb and Fjord. Thanks!
Love me some Crit Role prompts, hope you like 'em!
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Molly is chaos incarnate regardless of whether you are in a relationship with him or not. Your life with the Nein is never dull anyway, but especially not when Molly's around.
Molly, however, is also incredibly smart for essentially being two years old. He's perceptive and picks up things about people very quickly. He is also adept at using that knowledge for his own benefit. All this to say, he picks up on your crush on him very quickly.
And uses this knowledge for evil...
Molly flirts with you every chance he gets with every possible idea he can think of just to see what kind of reaction he can get. He's incorrigible, but you blush all the same.
Don't worry! He also finds a nice time to chat with you when the two of you are on watch and lets you know that he has become just as fond of you. He, "just likes teasin' you, love."
Will find every opportunity to make you laugh or smile and is your biggest supporter and defender on and off the battlefield.
He's your circus man. He loves you fiercely, loudly, and sweetly as the world allows him for as a long as he can.
Essek Thelyss
Essek is a very difficult man to get to know. But, it has been scientifically proven that he can be worn down. Just keep at it.
Once you find something to bond over, Essek can be very sweet. He, despite any attempts he makes to instruct others that he does not, has a very big heart and cares an awful lot about the people he allows to really see him.
If you have a problem he will do whatever he can, within his abilities and around his busy schedule, to help you.
He is very hard on himself and in some instances probably should be to a degree, but you have to be there to stop him and that brilliant but treacherous brain of his from hurting his poor heart and soul.
Watch out for him please. He's battling a lot.
A relationship with Essek would be a sweet and loving one but it would also be fraught with the dangers of the lines he walks on a daily basis. The good news is, the love the two of you share is more than enough to whether it.
Caleb Widogast
Caleb, like Essek, cares very deeply for those around him. But, unfortunately also like Essek, also suffers through a lot of mental and emotional torment of his own making.
He's gotten better being with you and the Nein but you can tell that he still struggles. The kind of things he's been through are not things you can simply forget. He may need your help in the mental fight against his demons every once and a while.
Caleb would need a lot of coaxing to get him to really open up to you about his feelings for you (I mean we all saw how he got around Jester sometimes). You might have to be the one to make the first move because he will likely have plans to keep that secret to himself until the end of time.
I feel like Caleb would oddly be really good at taking care of you? Like reminding you to get the proper amount fo sleep (after all, he knows exaclty how many hours you've been awake for), and eating the proper amount as well as taking breaks. But, at the same time, he is awful at doing that for himself. Watch this one, make sure he doesn't fall asleep with his head in a spell book.
I also imagine that Caleb, once you get to a certain point of comfort in the relationship, is as cuddly as his cat. Imagine that after a particularly long day, he just flops on top of you, absolutely exhausted, curling in to you. Probably mumbling things in Zemnian that makes absolutely no sense regardless of whether you speak the language or not. He's very tired, just hold him and let him sleep.
Caleb is a very attentive person and he remembers literally everything. He constantly mazes you by the things he remembers about you and your relationship. He loves you and that love comes through in the detail he puts into every magical creation that you are included in.
Fjord Stone
Fjord, Wildmother love him, constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations. You, as much as you love him, have to find the humor in it. You are always there to help him out, but you almost have to laugh at him sometimes. 
Regardless of his occasional fumbling, Fjord is very attentive and romantic. 
He finds his own ways to fluster you, finding moments to be almost comedically romantic like someone out of Jester’s novels.
He, being a Paladin, and a new one at that, most likely feels a need to protect or like he has to prove he can protect you. He knows you are fully capable of defending and protecting yourself and he never wants to step on your toes in that field (he, like everyone else mentioned, is a respectful boi) but he loves you and sometimes assumes that he needs to prove that he is worthy of loving you, prove that he can keep you safe, prove that he himself is safe for you to be around.
He knows how to make you smile in the simplest of ways. Whether it be a flower left for you, a kind word, a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Fjord somehow always manages to know when you need something sweet like that.
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Request Rules/Character Sheet
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pushingdaisies1 · 1 year
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{❥} Authors Note - OOO YES of course! Oh so many feelings and probably a good lot of slow burn , perfect recipe for disaster and a whole lot of realization <3 - sorry if the essek one is a little *bleh.* Ive been watching supercuts for him but I also dont want to spoil myself since I know a lot of his story revolves around the later plot for campaign 2 , SOOOOO.... I tried lol. Though his was very entertaining to write for! {❥} Content Warnings: Mostly proofread , some depictions of “flame” for Calebs part (signifying feelings lol.) Also for Esseks describing love in a rather “painful” manner to put it. Other than that , I think that is all! Please let me know if I should add more in the comments :3c    ₊˚✧꒰ᑕᗩᒪEᗷ ᗯIᗪOGᗩᔕT꒱₊˚✧ ・ That night originally was so peaceful, staring out at the moonlit sky with some of your other friends. Though as you conversed, you never expected to have everything get turned upside down. It was all so fast, not being able to call for the others happily asleep tore you apart. ・ Trying to fight off your captors was a struggle, you thinking the four of you could easily get away. But no, you overstepped and it ended in the bunch of you getting taken away. Not without some battering in the process. ・ You didnt know where you were, trying so hard to break free from the manacles that trapped you. Never stopping to find a way out. Your fighting senses were not very much welcomed by your captors. They picked right through you and your friends. ・ Sadly you got dealt the short end of the stick with Yasha. Spending the majority of your time being captured, getting your absolute shit rocked. All of it was a blur, only remembering the beating that came to you. ・ The coldness of the stone under you welcomed you into sleep. You were staying unconscious with Yasha as well due to the Shepherds. If you WERE conscious, you would have known of the entrance of your friend plus a couple of newbies coming in to save you and the others. ・ After they dealt with everything and opened up Jester and Fjord's cell, they found you and Yasha’s. The others decided to have a search around the Iron Shepherd’s base, and Caleb decided to sit that out. Instead staying behind with the “out like a light” you and Yasha. ・ Seeing you, so hurt and bruised sent something through him. With how much he's known you (I imagine the same as much as he’s known Nott), it sent a feeling of urgency through him. It wasnt like he was scared shitless before, but that made him feel that pit plummet even more. ・Laying there as the others went to go search around, he couldnt stop looking over at you. Those embers grew more and more, becoming a fire in his chest. What was this? , he hadn't really felt it in a while. What was this urgency? You were another one of his companions, why was he feeling all warm on the inside? ・Just like with Astrid and Eadwolf, that fire blazed to high heaven. This stood out to him, and the repeatings of “no no no no…” trailed along in his avoidant mind. He could bare to rid you of the burden of him being in love with you. A lot had happened in only a couple of days, which led him to lie to himself. ・He halted his flooding paranoia to a stop. Taking a breath in, he can think about this later and let it tare him apart. Now he just has to wait for the others to come back. He went on to clear his mind, rattling on directly to the unconscious Yasha next to him. ₊˚✧꒰ ᖴᒍOᖇᗪ ꒱₊˚✧ ・Even though Fjord could portray the persona of a calm and collected fighter, he was far from it. Under that mushy shell of suave southern charm and gentlemen' manners, was but a man. When he got to know you better, he didnt feel like he had to push up this sort of image. ・Originally he had met you the same way he met Jester. You had hitched a ride with the giddy blue tiefling. Trying to get away from some sort of mystery creeping up on you. Stumbling into him, he couldn’t help but trip over his own two feet. He could remember seeing you, watching over as Jester was messing with a few surrounding individuals. ・The way the Port Damali sun shaped your ever-so-collected features. You looked so excited watching your friend (who he would get to know as Jester) using magic to play her little tricks. Something about her and you formed a bubble of thoughts in his ever-expanding curiosity. Your big bright grin almost drew him closer. With this new set of abilities recently gifted to him, this display did defiantly catch his attention ・Fast forwarding to the present time, after trying to travel to the goal of the Solstice Academy in Rexxentrum: now everything was uprooted after meeting the band of assholes you got to know as your newfound friends. Even though he had bumped into you two and traveled alongside the both of you for quite some time, once you joined the “Mighty Nein” your relationship grew stronger in a sense. ・More comfortable with friendly banter, a trust was formed. It would only grow stronger as your party became more and more active. Though you could always be assured that Fjord always showed his loyalty in more ways than one Even if it was shown in smaller, more contained doses, he could and would always be by your side. He may have had appearances to keep up but rest assured that there were some times his heart couldn’t stop doing summer saults for you. ・With all of the chaos that rained throughout you and your parties' adventures, things got a little less hectic once you guys left the Dwendalian Empire and went down to the Menagerie Coast in Nicodranas. ・It was a more free-spirited atmosphere and you enjoyed the constant comfortable weather along with the wonderful ocean. Fjord was oh so overjoyed seeing you taking a liking to the place, being that you were a part of the group percentage that didnt really know of the gorgeous sandy beaches that inhabited the Menagerie Coast/Nicodranas.・He could clearly tell though that you were excited about Jester meeting her mother again. You and the girl were as close as could be , you held her really close to your heart. The same went for everyone else in the group. Fjord always admired how you always had that signature friendly air around you. Even if the person is a shopkeeper or a drunk you kept constant conversation with , you were never one for a boring environment. ・After you all become acquainted with the Ruby of the Sea , or better known as Marion Lavorre , you all end off your official first day in Nicodranas with some very rampant shenanigans. Now with the Gentleman potentially being Jesters father? That was a lot to rap all your heads around , especially Jesters. But with the suggestions of Fjord and the rest of the party , everyone decided to head to bed with how late it was. ・Right as everyone was getting used to their new rooms in the Lavish Chateau , you struck up conversation with Fjord about the new realizations that came to ahead. He could clearly see how you were worried for Jester , more so around the fact that this is such new news. Fjord listened to your steady rant about how this could mean so many things. You were really just getting your thoughts out into the air , and Fjord listened to it all. ・He racked your brain as well , though rangled your rampant stream of thought to a stop. Saying that they can figure it out more on on a later date. Which you agreed to , apologizing for keeping him up so late. He didn’t fuss though , instead giving you a warm smile and quelling your worries. He watched as you walked away , you both sharing a “goodnight” before hearing your door make an audible closing noise. ・He leaned against his door frame as he stared down that hallway of rooms , his eyes lingering on your door. Which was when he realized everything , when everything clicked together. He was in love... with you. There was nothing that stopped his brain from pointing this out , and why would he stop it? He wasn’t frightened about it or nervous , just relatively happy! ・You were one of the strongest sparks in his life , you were tethered to him if he liked it or not. He didn’t fight it at all and was just relieved to know this information. Though would he act on it? No of course , you as a group had things to do. He didnt want his feelings to blind him in any sort of way. Which meant he was going to let this meddle , keeping the new revelation close to his heart. ・Taking one final look at your door he would let out a content sigh before turning into bed. He would fully let sleep take over his mind , content with this day. He wasn’t going to fight what he felt for you , instead embracing it. He was in love with you and.. he was okay with that. ₊˚✧꒰ EᔕᔕEK TᕼEᒪYEᔕᔕ ꒱₊˚✧ ・At first meeting Essek was many things. Being in the same vicinity as the “Bright Queen” and in her court already made you tremble in ferocious anxiousness. Mainly because that woman had a certain look that could impale thousands of hearts. All of a sudden , as you and the group were here to get Yussa to freedom, she sent one of her shadowhands with you to escort you down to the dungeons. ・A smirk caught at the tip of your lips when you all were escorted by him. The sharp-chinned drow was definitely appealing in the eyes. His calm but calculated demeanor definitely matched his voice , smooth and cold like sharp icicles. You couldnt help but giggle to yourself like a school girl inside your conciousness , though outside you made sure to keep your composure. ・Impressions for him were wildly different. He wasn’t one for much care in this situation, following to do what he was told. Though he was definitely one that fell harder as your group became more inside his circle of faces he knew. ・When the group got to know him on a more personal level , so did you to him. Especially taking a liking of him , as a bright eyed explorer of the arcane. As you too shared a more ... competitive conversation in a sense after Caleb tried to convince him to the upmost charming manner (and of course succeed) , he even decided to give you some knowledge for new spells that involved Dunamancy. ・You were very open to every ounce of what the Dunamancy offered , no selfishness or greed at all when he explained to you some of the ties that came with those certain spells he would go on about for hours. All you did was listened , which is why you were so around him in the first place after hours. He was clearly taking a liking to you as well , again in smaller doses. But he was getting more friendly to you in his most of all Essek ways. ・When it wasn’t Jester sharing messages over to him about what was going on with the use of “Sending” , you would take a knack at it. One way or another you always got a comfortable chuckle out of him , already sinking your fangs into his affection. Sooner than he knew it , a burning feeling would grow in his chest. ・A painful , but heavy feeling emanated in his heart. His mind winced at the sudden intrusion of this but it slowly became more of a constant ... like the thought of you did in his mind. He tried to shake it off as best as he could , pushing those thoughts down into the pits with the fact that this had to mean NOTHING. It couldn’t and wouldn’t mean anything... or so he thought. ・It especially haunted his mind once he got more into his nefarious business and the situation grew more impactful so to say. The thought of hurting you and his new friendship with your group pained him. Though he had to keep faces up and work on what dealings were made with the Cerberus assembly and so on. ・His internal thoughts came to ahead when you and your friends found out how interloped he was with the chaos that was plagued around your every move. He couldn’t help but feel oh so ashamed, with the sudden realization of the betrayal that he caused with you all. Feeling so very very idiotic as if , within his mind , burning the bridge that he had with your party.   ・Though to his utter surprise, your friends extended a hand out to him. A hand of both un-earthed vulnerability and understanding. Just with him coming forward about everything that was going on , his expectations for how that all was going to go down were very much flipped. ・Everyone shared words of encouragement with him, and words of as well - guarded forgiveness. But what you had told him most definitely left an impression on him and his mental state. The whole time when you all were talking about what he was interloped in, your eyes were trained on him and his presence. Something to say was most, of course forming in your mind. He could clearly see it as your facial features ever so slightly moved. ・You extended a hand to him and figuratively opened your heart up. Giving him a light at the end of the tunnel. Saying that everyone had some sort of redemption for them, especially if they decide to choose a more cleaner path. It was as if you sucked the pain out of him, that had gone widespread in his brain capsule of a head space. ・That once burning, aching feeling clicked in his heart. As Nott extended an invitation to the Mighty Nein, he finally realized what his brain was so panicked about. Finding a name for the one thing that especially plagued him. His love... for you. The love that kept him up at night, that had him pacing around halls when thoughts of you sprung up from his mental depths. ・The word repeated in his mind... love. Love love love love love, that's what it was.                                                    ﹌﹌﹌ {❥} Part Two or “Mollymauks” part
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shitfic · 1 year
i have a super long wip caleb widogast x gender neutral reader (no use of y/n, if it matters) that i was planning on finishing by the m9 animated release.
but with the strikes, it'll be a longer wait than i thought. would anyone be interested in reading it now, while we wait??
its entirely canon-compliant up until what will probably be last or second to last chapter, so it's spoiler heavy, but everything is marked with the episode it takes place in, so you can read it while you catch up on m9, if you're trying to before animated release.
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a-menagerie · 2 years
45 and Caleb or Fjord perhaps? Whichever strikes inspiration, you decide 😊
Why not both? 😘
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
I think out of the two, Fjord would have the easier time falling asleep without you
And by that I mean, he’s going to work himself to the bone during the day so that he just passes out at night, not time to miss you if he’s already snoozing
If it’s only a night or two that you’ll be gone, he’ll do okay. Longer than that and he gets unsettled
He sleeps like a log the night you come home. Also, you’re trapped in bed as long as he is. Fjord may be not be the strongest, but he’s got you in a vice grip cuddle
Caleb on the other hand is much more likely to let your absence affect his sleep schedule
I feel like Caleb already struggles to sleep well but would’ve been sleeping better with you by his side. So to have you gone for however long, he’s back to that not-quite-good sleep
He’d probably sleep in a lot of places that aren’t y’all’s bed tbh. At his desk, in his office at school, or maybe he’d even take your absence as excuse to go visit one of the other members of the Mighty Nein
When you return, Caleb just wants you to be the big spoon and hold him a little while
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botanicalbard · 2 years
So Uhh just finished my last final and am now in fact crying. So I’m going to do head cannons of my Favorite Critical Role character’s comforting a stressed SO.
🎆 Imogen 🎆
She can feel your anxiety literally, although isn’t sure what to about it, Laudna is the comforting one.
She’s very big into words of affirmation to try and calm you down and lot’s of pet names largely Darlin’ Hun or Precious.
She copies what Laudna dose to soothe her after her nightmares, fetching you water, asking if your okay and just listening.
Definitely quick to notice your stress but is a little slower to do something about it, she trust you to handle it but if you’re over stressed will step in.
Literally just scoops you up and removes you from whatever is stressing you out. There’s no fighting her.
Will probably take you out for drinks and gets you drunk enough to talk about what’s bothering you, whatever it is she’ll handle it.
Probably takes a bit longer to notice your stress but once she dose will not leave you alone until she makes you smile.
Tries little pranks to cheer you up, will steal whatever item she thinks is causing you stress. Uses Mister as a paper work begone machine.
“You should pet my ears they’re soft, it’ll help”
Caleb is also stressed y’all two are kind of a mess(affectionate).
He sends Frumpkin to try and comfort you as he’s really awkward about doing it himself.
Will cautiously suggest he reads to you as a way to help soothe both of your nerves.
You will be going shopping with her immediately, no ifs ands or buts about it. She feels comfort in having things and wants you to have that too.
Lot’s of playful teasing but if that doesn’t work she very seriously puts her hands on your shoulders and says take a break darling.
Will send in Trinket good luck remaining stressed when getting literally bear hugged and hearing Vex laugh in delight at the sight.
What/Whomever is is stressing you out better be prepared for the absolute havoc Jester is going to wreak on them.
You will be brought various sweets until you feel better, the sweets get increasingly strange in nature she once brought something she claims is rock Candy but definitely looked like drugs.
She’s very much the kind to distract You should play a game with her or go visit her mom in Nicodranis. You’re sitting at a desk trying to get work done Nope she’s sitting in your lap.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
I saw a man so beautiful I started crying ❤️‍🔥
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Oooo could you also do a M9 version of the post-intense battle kiss?
Yes. Yes I can. Prepare yourselves for many, many kisses.
I've now written this scenario three times - it's been so much fun, thank you guys for the support <3 Ughh it gives me such a gooey feeling, this 💕 This is also my longest set of headcanons (8 characters involved) and was a labour of love. I hope you enjoy and please do reblog, it's much appreciated xx
~ Poet
Bell's Hells version ✨ Crown Keepers version
After-Battle Surprise Smooch ft. Kingsley and Essek
Beau 💜
She's panting as if the ambush the party just experienced was nothing more than a heavy workout, and she's attempting to brush away the stray flyaways of hair that cling to her forehead. There's a slight flush to Beau's cheeks, her heartbeat is racing - and yours is too. You swallow heavily and step into her space, and tug on her robes to gain her attention. She offers a scratchy "Yeah?" before you take a leap of faith and make a move.
The moment your mouth connects with hers, she turns as stiff as a board for a hot second. All lean muscle and calloused edges, the softness of your gesture has her tensing up while her brain buffers in a post-fight haze. You sigh through your nose, hand cupping her cheek as you lean back and grin and she blinks at you owlishly before returning it easily.
She ducks forward, her hands skirting the edges of your coat back to tuck her fingertips under the hem of your shirt, attempting to steal some of your warmth for herself. It's grounding. She kisses your temple, breathes against your cheek as her eyes slide shut. She allows herself a laugh when you suggest she pay more attention to your lips.
Caleb 💜
The wizard is propped up against a pillar of the temple the Nein had come across, and in the distance he can still hear (and smell) the sizzling remains of the evil cult members he had to take down with a fire spell minutes prior. He sniffs and wipes the dribble of blood from his nose with the back of his palm as you settle down on the ground at his side. It's gotten easier, facing the aftermath of fights ever since you came into his life. Your joints ache and your heart still is thumping in your chest, body still on high alert even though it's all over. He looks at you, concern in his blue eyes, and Caleb must also share the anticipation, meeting you in the middle for a kiss.
You pinch his chin between your fingers and tilt his head to the side, and then they slide into his hair just as his body completely melts into you. It's not a frantic kiss, not rushed nor explosive. But it is practiced and passionate, languid and drawn out as he follows your lead.
The man has the audacity to whimper into your mouth when your fingers tease and tangle themselves into the hair at the nape of his neck. You would have happily sat there kissing your wizard instead of taking a well earned long rest, but eventually he winces and draws back. You're both still in recovery mode, still injured and weak - you both know this. He gives you a small smile and kisses your cheek, mumbles something soft against your skin.
Fjord 💜
The party barely manages to escape the crumbling ruin after defeating the necromancer, and the sunlight is blinding when you reach the surface. Shaken, you quickly wrap your arms around Fjord's middle, seeking some sort of familiarity after all you had faced together. He freezes. You can't help but feel a little rejected and embarrassed when the kiss is cut short as he places a gentle but firm hand on your chest and leans back.
He's panting, remnants of the fear he experienced nearly dying at your side in the battle lingering still. He settles for holding your hand in his, pressing your knuckles to his lips with his eyes tightly shut. It's not your fault that the situation was a bit overwhelming. Being swept up in theatrics after encountering malevolent spirits had Fjord in a slight panic when you moved to kiss him. But it's okay now. You're both safe.
When his heart has a moment to slow and his eyes start to focus, you quickly become the most important thing in his vision. As quick as he's pushed you away, his hand moves to cradle the back of your head and he's pouring every ounce of himself into a proper kiss. He's so warm, his frame completely shielding you from the rest of the world. He mutters an apology into the miniscule gap between your faces, immediately closing the distance after for another.
Jester 💜
You're shaken out of your battle rage by an incredibly exaggerated and disgusted retch from behind you. You turn only to find Jester standing behind you with a scowl, lifting one leg to closely examine her boot. To her dismay, it's completely covered in giant spider remains. She wrinkles her nose at the sight, more annoyed than angry, grumbling about how she wouldn't have worn her new shoes if she'd known the party would be fighting giant spiders while out exploring.
With the way your blood is still fiery in your veins, and your dear tiefling's face is sulking endearingly, how can you not sweep her off her feet? You soften her mood immediately with a kiss. She goes up on her tippy toes, leaning into you enough that she's barely even making contact with the ground. Laughs into your mouth, and you can feel the upturn of her lips against your own.
She pulls away, tenderly reaches out to wipe at the shine of your mouth that she left behind. With a waggle of her eyebrows, she beams at you, says something clumsy and crude that makes you laugh. Squeals if you happen to lift her, spin just a little to ease the after-battle tensions, and she holds onto your shoulders with a vice grip - as if you'd ever drop her. She knows you love her too, especially considering she's covered in spider bits.
Molly 💜
The tiefling has the biggest toothy grin when you find him after the fight, his smile slightly faltering at the edges when he sees your stormy expression and stomp in your step as you get closer. Mollymauk is nursing a cut made on his arm from earlier, one of his own to ignite his bloodhunter powers, but it's also one that also nearly cost him his life. He's so incredibly careless sometimes, but you know it's because he cares so much - about his second chance at life, about the party, about you. He prepares himself to be scolded by you but is pleasantly surprised when you cup his face so delicately and give him the softest look, brushing your lips against his.
The best way to describe the kiss is that he takes his time, as if he desires to taste and savour you while he still has you. He is so gentle, almost lazy with the motion of it, even though it's after such an intense fight. His nose bumps yours briefly, and he's practically purring by the time one of your hands weaves itself into his hair.
But he's selfish, greedy too, and though your lungs cry out for oxygen you can't bring yourself to leave him wanting. A cheeky hand trails down your waist, past your hip until he can get a handful of your outer thigh. He gives a playful but comforting squeeze, a little and innocent thing compared to the way he's ravishing your mouth.
Yasha 💜
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Her worried voice over the dissolving battle carries a tenderness that greatly contrasts the heavy sword she carries. You quickly clamber over debris when you spot her, a deeply emotional urge to just be close to your barbarian that began as kindling is now a roaring need. Your foot catches on the edge of an abandoned cart and gravity suddenly pulls you down.
Yasha reaches you and, having dropped her weapon, swoops just in time to keep you upright and unharmed. She's your constant balance, what keeps you grounded. By pure instincts alone, you thank her by crashing your mouth into hers. Your arms wind around her neck and your body is buzzing all over, electricity flitting along your skin and through your veins. Her eyelashes kiss in the corners of her eyes when she closes them, strong hands lovingly caress along your shoulder blades. Your mind, love-addled, barely registers the way her thumbs stroke back and forth there.
She lifts you a little bit, just enough that she supports your weight and your tippy toes are grazing the earth. She makes a noise in the back of her throat and breaks the kiss, her hair a little bit frazzled. "Well... that answers that. Heh."
BONUS: Kingsley 💜
It's pouring rain, storm clouds have engulfed the sky. You stand, soaked to the bone with your overcoat torn to shreds, over one of the many (now deceased) sea monsters that managed to scramble onboard the ship and attack you all. A victorious cry comes from the helm, and Kingsley victoriously lifts his sword high above his head as the crew cheer. He sees you amongst the fray and charges straight to you, about to assess you for wounds but it's hard for words to form when your mouth captures his.
So fucking eager. He wants to wrap himself around you, surround you, instinctively curling an arm around your back to keep you anchored to him. He's still so new to the world, new in general, but this - you - are so easy for him to adapt to. The kiss itself does not last as long as you would want, but he makes up for it with hasty and almost desperate smaller kisses to your cheek and jawline. It feels as though he's trying to imprint these fleeting touches into your skin, moulding into you, little memories of a moment of calm after the storm.
Kingsley holds you close to his body after that, cradling you into him while his eyes dart around the scene of battle with his chin perched on your shoulder protectively. His hair is matted and sopping wet and tickles your face, the buttons of his coat scrape harshly against your thin shirt, and you catch a glimpse of some of the crew averting their eyes - but you couldn't care less. Kingsley is living and breathing and here and yours.
BONUS: Essek 💜
This poor man. He's still getting used to the intensity of physical fights rather than diplomatic ones. His feet hit the ground and he stumbles to balance himself before you hold him by the elbow to steady him. His smile is wobbly, cocky but wobbles slightly as he thanks you. His white hair stands in all sorts of angles and there's a small cut above his brow, and you know it seems impossible but it post-battle Essek just does something to you and he has no time to react when you grip his collar and tug him towards you.
You quickly find he's just as desperate as yourself. His hands find your waist and smooth towards your back, fingertips pressed into the skin there and accidentally treading upon and brushing against bruises in the process of forming. You wince and he breaks the kiss, immediately concerned and hesitant, his touch turning gentle when he settles his hold on your hips instead.
You assure him you're okay, but he's not having it. He decides to go slow now, peppering small, lingering kisses to your face before he steps back and adjusts how his robes sit upon his shoulders. He looks cool and composed, and you want to hate him for it when you yourself feel so disheveled. Don't worry though - you'll get even with him later.
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saphirered · 2 years
ooohhh i have a request? maybe one where caleb spared reader’s life when he was a volstrucker and they meet again sometime during the campaign?
Hope this is to your liking. A little angsty. 😘
There is no freedom in names or titles, not for their owners nor their kin. Those who do not benefit from the protection of their resources are victims of the cause, easy targets to be exploited in the name of king and empire. These are the lessons of a Volstrucker. Caleb, no matter how much he might wish to forget them, will always carry them with him. The things he learned will forever haunt him and perhaps worst of all is still even after all these years he still resorts to those lessons for the sake of survival. It eats him up from the inside. His past is a curse upon his future and he cannot shake it. He carries the curse of being a good student; obedient and skilled, until he broke of course. There is very few flaws, even fewer falters he can recall in his time as a student. He had nearly forgotten a particular one, one he did manage to push to the deepest darkest depths of his mind be that for his protection… or yours… A brief lapse in judgement and rise in guilt conscious. 
Many many years ago before children grew disillusioned with the ways of an empire forged on the blood of the innocent and riches of the wicked with ambitions far darker, there was one such innocent child strolling through the market greeted kindly by any who passed. Little did you know about the horrors of those you shared a very comfortable roof with. You were innocent to their choices and deeds, their aspirations and their ways. That didn’t matter to the ones seeking to hold leverage over others. By simple coincidence you stumbled into a lanky boy with the bluest eyes you had ever seen and cropped ginger hair. He had a kind smile and his sheer presence radiated a warmth akin to a hearth on a winter’s day. His name was Bren. You’d believed you’d simply run into him as he went about his day gathering supplies for his master, same as you did your household. By coincidence you’d talked about your latest reads and shared some overlap, exchanged some recommendations. It was a mere coincidence when this repeated the week after, and the next, and you seemed to enjoy each other’s company enough to meet up for these weekly trips, until they became more frequent, almost every other day. 
It was just a coincidence. It was a coincidence ordered to be by the poor boy’s master. You were just unfortunate enough you had people of some repute that happened to care about you a decent amount. He was ordered to get close to you and so his master would make apparent the threat to your life through your not-so-innocent close ones. When they forbade you from seeing the boy you met in the streets, they neglected to tell you the reasons and rebellious child you were, you simply snuck out to meet with Bren. He showed you some minor magics, hid the truth of his life and played you like a fiddle. He had you wrapped around his finger. You cared about him and looking back now, he cared about you. You were freedom, innocence, and good-hearted. You were everything now looking back he wanted to be. You were everything that was taken from him so cruelly under the guise of a higher purpose. 
And then time ran out. His master had no further need for leverage and simply needed to make something very very clear; no one is untouchable. You would be the victim of this message. He would be the one to wield the weapon. He would be the one to end your life. It was his purpose after all. Your people, they were bad people. You had always just been a means to an end. If those things were true then why did his heart ache so much? Why did he not feel bitter for your happiness? Why did he feel incapable of having your blood stain his hands? You were the beginning of his end. You were the key to the truth of his disillusioned life. You didn’t even know it. Still he had orders to follow. He had to be the one. You’d sneak out of your home to go on one of your evening walks with him. You expected to be met with kind sweet Bren. Instead you were met with a soldier forged by the empire in the blood of others. 
You walked and talked and had a good time but you felt some distance from Bren even though you held onto his arm as you observed the outskirts of Rexxentrum. You had asked him if he was alright and he had lied to your face. You could see the guilt in his eyes for lying to you but you did not read further. You didn’t press the matter. It was getting late. You’d have to cross back through some of the darker alleys if you wanted to be back on time before anyone would notice your disappearance. When you passed through the first, something felt wrong. The second alley gave you a sneaking suspense as if something would be coming but you were alone, with Bren and no one else. Speaking of Bren, he had been fiddling with something around his neck hidden beneath the neckline of his shirt and jacket. 
“No need to be nervous. These alleys are too abandoned for thieves and robbers. Nobody goes here at these hours. It’d be a waste of their time.” You remarked, as if assuring him nothing would happen to the two of you, that you were in no danger out here. There’s a reason he chose this place for that exact reason. No one would be around at night, not until dawn upon which point your corpse would be quickly discovered. That was part of the orders; make sure the news would spread fast. 
“You know this city well.” He simply commented with a forced smile. It’s then you stopped him, faced him and took his hands in yours and squeezed them. It’s then he flinched and you felt the bandages around his wrists. You pushed up his sleeve and saw the blood though darkened and dried, stain through. You fussed about him. “Please, don’t.” He begged and you stopped. Though it wasn’t his plea that made you stop. It was the cold sharp metal you felt when you checked his other arm. Your breath stalled and your eyes went wide. You looked at him. 
“Bren? What’s going on?” You didn’t push back, not when he muttered under his breath, twisted his fingers and you felt yourself paralyse. A clever trick from his friend and fellow student; the component of this spell could double as a small weapon too. You began to panic but you couldn’t move. The spell willed it so. He unsealed your fingers from his other wrist, until he was free. He grasped onto that small blade with a death grip that turned his knuckles white. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He brought the blade to your side, right between your ribs and held it there not yet breaking through fabric and skin. He couldn’t. He couldn’t do it. His eyes burned. The imaginary words of his master echoed through his head of what he would face should he return not just a failure but exposed. He doesn’t know what he might have faced should you have ran to your family, should you have escaped and hid beyond those walls. His mission would be a failure and he’d have been made a fool. He doesn’t know what would have become of him. He saw your tears beginning to cusp and roll down your cheek, your struggling breath, he saw it all. He hesitated for too long, lost track and the spell ran out. You were still frozen but not by magic. You held onto the hand with the knife. You held on so tight his fingers went numb. 
“It’s alright, it’s alright. Just let go of the knife. Everything will be alright.” His grip loosened until you pulled the knife away from him and tossed it to the side out of reach. He made a note of where it went. You threw your arms around him and held him. You rubbed his back and cradled him to you until your knees grew weak and the both of you lowered to the dirt. You pulled back, stroked your thumb along his cheek. You might not know the details nor the reasons but you had pieced things together.
“They-he told me to kill you.” The words are but a silent whisper, an admittance to guilt. He expected you to back off, to run while you still could. You didn’t. 
“You haven’t. It’s okay. Just look at me.” 
“He won’t let you go.” Bren begged and you just cupped his cheeks. 
“It’s alright. You’ll do it. You’ll succeed. It’s alright.” He stills. Freezes, like a deer caught by hunters. You’re supposed to be the one fearing a horrid end, not him. “You’re clever, Bren. I know this city. If I must be dead, they’ll think me dead.” Perhaps your family had instilled more values within you than he had grasped. It became clear then neither of you would be innocent children ever again, you’d always be complicit. He’d have been your downfall either way. 
You were clever indeed. You stayed true to your promise. You knew this city well. You knew the busy streets of the back alleys and underbellies, where no one would bat an eye at a committed crime, but the news would spread like wildfire. No secrets there. You’d ran by the butcher’s wastes and gotten as much blood as you could from it, stained your shirt and coat with it. He’d given you his coat to cover up. You’d pushed the knife back up his sleeve where it had been hidden before. You went over the plan once more and then the time came.
The next events were a blur to him to he point where Caleb now does not know wether this story is one fabricated by his mind out of self-preservation, an attempt to cope with your horrid murder, or if this is true because on all accounts your murder had happened, a body was found, and there was no trace of you, not even through magical means. Only after you had screamed and cried and shouted and dragged your supposedly bleeding body into the darkness as he had ran the weight around his neck felt much lighter, the chain and amulet that resided there before had disappeared. You must have taken it when you had embraced him, must have done so as a safety precaution or something. You always were clever. You were never seen again and the story turned as following; a poor innocent child of a reputable family wandered into a bad part of town and met an untimely end at the hands of discontent citizens. You were mourned. His master was proud of him and he could forget this whole ordeal. They congratulated him on being a murderer. Soon after he would commit the sin that would break him. 
Much time has passed since then. Bren died a long time ago. Caleb survives now with all the heartache and regret of the life before, the one he so desperately tried to shake but never seemed able to. It took him a long time to open up to his goblin companion, and even when he told his story to the Mighty Nein he still kept many secrets. Slowly his walls came down, slowly the doubt ebbed away until one fateful day in Nicodranas. His curiosity had gotten the better of him. That magic tower in the city called his attention as did the mind and resources of Yussa Errenis. When he spotted a familiar handwriting among the works of Yussa, he thought nothing of it but that handwriting would plague his mind for weeks to come until his next visit where he got confirmation. Without warning the Mighty Nein had used the teleportation circle. Without warning they had been escorted outside but in passing Caleb spotted a familiar being in the sitting room, simply reading. 
It was you, undoubtedly. You had gotten older, same as he has. That’s what the years do to a person. You’re no longer children. You look like you’ve faced the hardships of life but you’ve overcome them too. When your eyes met his, he expected something like anger or fear but instead he saw intrigue. You’d made up some bullshit excuse for Wensforth to see to other business and oversaw their escorting out of the tower personally. He was the last one out. You stopped him. You toyed with something around your neck. It reminds him of how he sometimes used to fiddle with the identical version he hides beneath his layers when no one is watching. He’d paid for his in blood. You’d paid for yours with your life. What a cruel thing. 
“It seems our paths cross again, Bren. Different tidings this time I hope.” You speak to him before he crosses the threshold. He looks at you before he goes, in a way Caleb is not known to look anyone in the eye. The others know he avoids eye contact whenever he can. You were a strange exception they definitely had some questions and opinions about. Especially since they couldn’t hear your conversation. 
“Caleb Widogast.” He corrects. “Different tidings.” He nods. 
“Well then, Caleb Widogast, how about an evening walk? For old time’s sake?” You suggest and Caleb finds himself smiling lightly. He nods. 
“For old time’s sake.” He repeats to himself. “I’ll see you tonight?” You smile. 
“Yo, did Widogast just score a date-“ Fjord covers Beauregard’s mouth before she can continue. You shake your head and close the invisible door as Caleb exits. It’s been a while. 
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randoimago · 2 years
I absolutely love your CR writing (you encapsulate them so well) and am sending in a request for Caleb Widogast x fem!reader!
My idea was that the reader has a crush on Caleb and gets all flustered when he speaks in zemnian cuz she finds it really attractive. He notices and likes her too and starts to speak it more to get her reactions and flirt with her. In the end they’re together/kiss/up to you!
Thank you so much for considering my request! 💕💕
They Speak Another Language to Fluster S/O
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Thank you so much! Also, very cute request, I'm happy to write it!
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At first, he didn't even realize. He would speak and sometimes slip Zemnian into his common when the words came easier.
And then he was reading a Zemnian book aloud and saw you scout a tad closer. He was mostly trying to annoy Beau, but his focus changed to your expression and how much you hung on to his every words, despite not knowing what he was saying.
Caleb probably didn't even realize he was flirting. He pieced together that you enjoyed the language, but didn't factor in that it was him speaking it that you enjoyed. So when he spoke to you, he used Zemnian more, making sure to substitute simple words so you can understand and maybe slowly pick it up too?
It would be Beau that brought up the "flirting" and how much you liked Caleb speaking in Zemnian that he truly realized. Beau's observation made Caleb speak Zemnian around you more. Not because he was being bold, he's still shy about his feelings, but he likes the look on your face when he speaks and wants to continue seeing you flustered.
Caleb ends up using many terms of endearment for you in Zemnian now. He would put them in now and then previously, but was too flustered to tell you what they meant. Now he decided he should say them more. Especially since you don't quite know what they mean.
Until one day he does let it slip that he loves you. He says this in Zemnian and he ends up freezing. Relief hits him as he realizes that you don't know what he means. Or at least he thinks you don't, but that one phrase was the one you had been waiting to hear from him.
Caleb doesn't even have time to process that your lips are on his before you've pulled away. He can't tell if his brain is moving way too fast or at a snails pace when you tell him, in near perfect Zemnian, that you love him too.
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Fictober 2022: Day 3
(Sorry for the delay y'all, couldnt manage the motivation or inspiration to write yesterday.)
Your eyes flicker open to see a wooden wall in front of you, barely lit by the embers of the fire you had built last night. As you shift in the bed you’re lying in, you can feel warm arms wrapped tightly around your midsection and a head leaned against your back. Chuckling quietly enough not to wake him, you wrap your arms around where Caleb’s hold you. Leaning your head back a bit, you listen to his quiet breathing as you halfway drift back to sleep. The warmth beneath the blankets is comforting against the brisk air that tickles your nose a little bit as you breathe deeply. 
You lay there in peace for a little while longer- Caleb would be able to tell you exactly, were he awake- until a crash shatters the silence, and immediately the air is filled with curses- a mix of the party’s voices echoing through the wall. With the crash, you had felt Caleb stiffen behind you, the abrupt awakening sending him into a panic response as his arms tighten uncomfortably around your stomach. You let out a soft grunt- more out of surprise than pain- and gently tap his forearm to bring his attention to you.
“Caleb, darling- it’s okay, probably just Fjord breaking a bowl or something.”
You can feel his stilted breath begin to calm against your back as his rational mind begins to awaken, and his arms let go of you entirely as he shifts to the edge of the bed to stand. You turn over on the mattress to watch him as he begins to dress for the day, then murmur just loud enough for him to hear.
“You didn’t have to go anywhere, you know- I was rather enjoying feeling like your teddy bear, even when that means a little extra squeeze now and again.”
“I hurt you. That was not my intention, and I do not wish to repeat that occurrence.”
“Hurt? No, Caleb, I was just startled. I’m just fine, see?”
As you say this, you sit up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed to let them dangle. Pulling up your loose sleep shirt (stolen from him weeks ago) and stretching your arms out to show your distinctly unbruised abdomen, you watch his reaction. He sighs in relief to see your undamaged skin, then looks away quickly with a blush. Beginning to pull on his book harness, he quietly responds. 
“I am…very glad to see you are in good health, liebling.”
“Am I ever not?”, you joke back, but sober quickly as he freezes mid-buckle. You stand and move towards him, stepping around in front of him to take his face in your hands. As you do, you can see something in his eyes, though it fades too quickly for you to identify it. Hardly loud enough for you to hear, he replies in earnest to your jest.
“Yes. I can’t lose you, seelenpartner- I couldn’t live with that.” with this, his eyes drop from yours and he pulls on the buckles of his harness again. Tapping your fingers gently against his cheek, you lean just a fraction closer until his eyes flick down to your lips, then back to your eyes. 
“I’m not going anywhere. Every morning, every evening, I’m here with you, okay? Right here.” With that, you drop your hands from his face to his chest, tapping where his heart beats beneath the skin. As the heartbeat beneath your fingers quickens, you quickly finish buckling his straps, then pull against one to bring him the final fraction closer, resting your lips against his as your eyes drift shut. His hands come to rest on your waist, holding you possessively as he deepens the kiss. 
Though you could spend the rest of the day happy here with him, you are both suddenly reminded of the time by Jester almost breaking the door open with her knocks, and you swiftly pull on your day clothes and gather your things as Caleb goes to divert the energetic tiefling, a soft smile shot your way before he cracks open the door to talk to her.
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pushingdaisies1 · 1 year
For funsies , I decided to start something! Im making moodboards for the fandoms I write for. At first I started with doing Mighty Nein , but Im deciding to branch out more!! These are the ones I already have made (including Ruby of the sea , aka the best lay ever<3)
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I wanted to make these to take place of gifs that I like to use for them , but I definitely gonna make more for separate fandoms and characters. Hope yall like it!! ^^ ARTISTS: @squillflower-art - (jester) ,  @elkk-en​ - (fjord) , @Ian MacDonald - (veth) , @merildae - (caleb) , @deerlordhunter - (marion lavorre)
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fandom-friday · 9 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! This was one HECK of a week, and it couldn't have happened without all of the submissions I received! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: Vermillion (Clone OC Specter x f!Reader) by @dickarchivist New Members (Fives x OC Rasha Skohl, Echo x OC Ari Nierre) by @fives-lover ✨ The Den (Kix x OC Nihlus Brek) by @for-the-sake-of-color ✨ Dancing Lights (Wolf!Wolffe x f!Reader) by @the-bad-batch-baroness ✨ I Yearn, And So I Fear (Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ✨ Man on the Moon (Fox x Riyo Chuchi) by @emeraldvsociety ✨ In Command (Rex x OC Senna Aven) by @wild-karrde ✨ Eight Shades of Blue (and the Touch of Orange) (501st Legion x f!Reader, Cody x f!Reader) by the_rain_on_kamino (AO3) Crèche to Command by Boredom (AO3) The Commander Swap by @brainrotrants Dominoes by meridianpony (AO3) Fox Hates Red by @stormyblue90 Dead Dog by @corvod
The Bad Batch: ✨ Stars Beyond Number (Echo x Riyo Chuchi, Gregor x OC Cerra Kilian) by @dystopicjumpsuit Tooka Dad (Crosshair x OC Rayla) by @drafthorsemath Sunflowers & Blasters (Crosshair x OC Isabella Ramót) by @523rdrebel Low Battery (Crosshair x gn!Reader) by @523rdrebel ✨ Cleaning Up (Tech x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Secret Kingdoms (Knight!Hunter x f!Reader) by @jedipoodoo/@lizartgurl A Cosy Bed: A Stardust Conspiracy Fanfic by @just-here-with-my-thoughts
Call of Duty: ✨ If I Had a Heart (Ghost x Soap) by @cod-fishing
Legends of Chima: The Forgotten Legends of Chima by @olivescales3
Marvel/MCU: Black and Tan (Bucky x Sarah Wilson) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Crossovers: The Misadventures of Cosplay Man (Danny Phantom x DC Comics Crossover) by Shynnohwen (AO3)
The Clone Wars: How Dominoes Fall by @frostycatblr-fandom-files Temeura Morrison Study by @keldabekush Cody with Long Hair Art by @rochenn Commander Cody Art by @captora Blade to Blade by @rackcty Anakin and Ahsoka Art by @finpews
The Bad Batch: The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Character Introduction by @amorfista The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Introduction by @amorfista Hunter and Omega Art by @eggdrawsthings Tech Art by @talesfrommedinastation
Critical Role: Caleb Widogast Art by @middimidoris
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko Artwork by @chiptrillino-art
Yonderland: Cake Bake Lady Edith Art by @bahoreal
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