#critical role 127
Caleb giving Luc the books and talking to him was everything i ever wanted. I have been waiting for that moment for ages. I had no idea it happened after that encounter with trent and everything. My heart.
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bidstore · 2 years
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softbean · 2 years
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I’m running a holiday sale over at my Etsy store! If you’ve ever wanted to grab a sticker sheet from me, now is the perfect time to treat yourself~
Etsy store
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astrid-beck · 10 months
Okay now that I've finished critical role campaign two, I can finally share my contribution to society (artists and cosplayers and fanfic writers) as number one costume enjoyer and reader of critical role transcripts, every single physical description of Astrid or what she is wearing that I could find, in chronological order:
she is "handsome" (episode 42)
she is about 5'3, and she has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She has residuum scars on her arms, like Caleb, and as a teenager her hair was short (episode 64)
In episode 70 they again imply she has brown hair (the volstrucker they interrogate has dark hair, "but not brown... this is not Astrid")
here's the description of young Astrid from episode 77
Astrid is roughly Jester's height, but she has a short brown-- this is-- she looks like she's 17 is when I saw her last. She's got short brown hair, maybe four or five inches long. She is slight. She has attractive, but like severe features.
he later clarifies that the last time they saw each other, she was 18, and he was 17, and that he is now 33, meaning it has been about 16 years and she's now about 34
here's the full episode 89 description:
Human woman in her mid 30s, dirty blonde hair, extremely short in the back, but long and side-combed in the front, framing the right side of her face to just past the chin. She looks over towards you, a familiar face of older with a hard look in her eyes, but a smile, with a heavy scar that is new, that rides from the top of the brow down to the bottom of the chin. She's dressed simply.
her scar is over her left eye from brow to chin (matthew mercer gestures as he says it)
she has a burn scar on the left side of her neck (as above, he gestures), and implies it's from Bren burning her on the night they killed their parents, meaning shes had it her whole adult life
her hair is over the right side of her face, and is blonde rather than brown (has been dyed?)
she's wearing a blouse (with the sleeves rolled up once she sits down)
she has "maze-like" tattoos on her forearms that "appear to be black" (which is for some reason the real way that matthew mercer describes them)
Here's the 110 description:
On the right side, you can see a woman with dirty blonde hair, short in the back, combed over to one side of the face, smiling in a very, very officious looking suit, it seems, that comes into a long dress at the bottom.
In this scene her hair is combed over the left side of her face, which probably just means matthew mercer forgot, but take it as you will. Maybe she's switching it up who knows.
More detailed description of the tattoos on Eadwulf:
you can see the clustered maze-like tattoos that are across his forearms. And you can see similar scars as to the ones that Caleb had with raised areas of the skin, where things are embedded beneath and have healed over [...] and he tenses his arms and as he does, you see energy spark through and arc up the arm.
In episode 114, Liam O'Brien dresses up as Astrid, and has the hair and both scars all on the right side. This is bad for my sanity, but I'm inclined to think in-game trumps out-of-game in terms of the canon hierarchy
here's what she's wearing in 126:
You see stepping in a female figure, wearing a casual, dark gray, looks like a short robe with a mantle over top and a hood.
she's wearing an amulet of proof against detection and location
and the next day in 127:
Similar overcoat and hood, but outfit beneath is a little different, new day.
Here's her and Eadwulf in disguise in 128:
Two gentlemen in cloaks. With heavy scarves around the shoulders with a hood that seems to be of a similar material to the scarf. Wearing casual, baggy, sleeveless, tunic-type attire that's belted in the center with some baggier pants, and some knee-high boots with some tie straps around the top of it. They're both similar attire, but the designs and patterns, and wearing is not uniform, if you will.
In episode 141, her tattoos glow blue when she activates them. She carries a sword
When she comes back, she is "comparatively smaller" than Eadwulf, but "imposing in [her] own right". She's wearing black leather gloves and a hood. Later they give her a sunhat for gardening
In Critical Recap Animated, the scar and hair placement is so inconsistent (read: literally changes second to second) that I'm inclined to think it doesn't count as canon. She wears a short robe, trousers, and a v-neck. I am like. 90% sure this is based on Liam O'Brien's cosplay
In her mini from iron tusk painting, she has her facial scar on left and hair on right, can't really see the burn scar. Her tattoos go all the way up her arms, which checks with the volstrucker illustration in EGTW. I'll let you stare at the outfit and try to figure out what the pieces are, but I respect the industrial goth girl Astrid grind I guess
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gaynglican · 7 months
I think we (Queer Christians) should bring back the Feast of Fools! Here's my pitch:
Medieval Christians celebrated the days following Christmas with societal inversion. If God became a vulnerable child born into poverty, then the best celebration should invert the social order: master and servant, clergy and laity, man and woman. The Feast of Fools–held on January 1st–was the most notable celebration of cosmic inversion. Developed in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, the tradition of the feasts continued until the 16th century. (1)
The festival is popularly misunderstood as a celebration of sacrilege, a result of its apparent burlesque of religion. Yet, the festival’s role reversals were prescribed by clergy, and the "fools" represented those chosen by God for their lowly status. From surviving 13th century manuscripts–notably, the Play of Daniel from Beauvais Cathedral and the Office of Joseph from Laon Cathedral–it is clear that some Catholic Churches in France sanctioned cross-dressing for liturgical purposes. (2) In fact, the Feast of Fools is remarkable for being sanctified rather than sacrilegious.
Many anthropologists of religion have argued that “sacred play,” or “ludic ritual,” is central to how religious behaviors function. (3) Although play may seem counterintuitive to religion, absurdity and holiness often go together, especially considering the role reversals and revelry of the Feast of Fools.
Literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin made a similar argument about the “carnivalesque.” (4) When absurdity is celebrated in religion–when a society’s usual rules are suspended–observant revelers can stretch the boundaries of their identities or reverse their social roles. Men become women; laity become clergy; God becomes a helpless infant; death becomes life. It is on the strength of the absurd that religions delve into hope and new ways of becoming. (5) “Sacred play” is reality altering work, a cornerstone of religious enlightenment and religious embodiment.
In 1969, theologian Harvey Cox proposed that an imitation of the medieval Feast of Fools could rejuvenate modern Christian spirituality, lamenting that the tradition has forgotten sacred play. (6)
As found in the Medieval Feast of Fools, the joy of inversion and freedom of death were, at one point, celebrated in Christian tradition through cross-dressing. Drag exists in Christian tradition as an artform that is capable of embodying the Divine. Sharing in Christ’s martyrdom is only part of Christian embodiment, and redemption and resurrection are essential to any imitation of Christ. Through embodying Christ, religious drag can become a project of resurrection.
(Taken from my Master's Thesis in Art History, "Crucifixion Can Happen To Anyone: Embodying Christ Through The Queer Artist")
1: “Feast of Fools.” n.d. Encyclopædia Britannica.
2: Harris, Max. 2011. Sacred Folly: A New History of the Feast of Fools. Cornell University Press. 113-127.
3: Turner, Victor. “Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in Comparative Symbology.” Revista Mediações, vol. 17, no. 2 (2012): 214–57.
4: “Carnivalesque.” n.d. Oxford Reference. Accessed 12 July 2023.
5: Kierkegaard, Søren. “Fear and Trembling.” From Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard. University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1912.
6: Cox, Harvey. 1969. The Feast of Fools; a Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy. Harvard University Press
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Round 1: Match 23 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
Caduceus Clay
“He heals wounds with fungus and makes tea from dead people which is like basically mushrooms :)” - Submission 97
“my sweet son. my baby boy. love and cherish him” - Submission 136
Critical Role Wiki
“he was accidentally created by joy, a witch who was trying to make a potion and maybe added too many mushrooms? which somehow lead to the creation of a sentient mushroom boy. he has the cognitive and language skills of an average adult, however is clueless about 90% of things and is constantly like "sorry, im gonna need you to back up and explain what an 'economy' is". he co-founded a restaurant chain with his best friend who is a ghost. he considers joy his...mom? god? but also has mixed feelings about her, especially since meeting other people and starting to figure out who he is. they've got family drama </3. he got shown a cave full of big mushrooms and instantly got incredibly excited and was like "!!!!! they're like me!!!!!!!! " and then built an entire massive base in said cave within like, a few days. he's refered to himself as a "fun guy" on multiple occasions. i love him he's so silly. [also, for full clarification: dominion smp is very story and character based. multiple creators have refered to the characters they play as /characters/ rather than just themselves, including this guy! and as stated in my rambles, he's got a bunch of traits that he doesn't share with the person playing him, due to the fact that his circumstances shape a lot of his personality and interactions, and they are. clearly different to the irl content creator.]” - Submission 96
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“Josh is a character on the Dominion SMP! He is the mushroom son of the witch, Joy, who was created after she mixed a bunch of things together in a cauldron. He occasionally refers to her as “god”. He is curious about the world and how it works, and he’s part of the group IOU, which is an organization formed in opposition to POOPA, which is sort of like the Dominion SMP’s version of OSHA.” - Submission 127
No Wiki Available
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grigori77 · 3 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 91
A long episode with an ominous title ... yeah, this can't bode well at all ...
Sam's a cat again. Great ... oh, Taliesin's a mouse? Of course he is. This is more like it ... Travis is loving this already ... ah, short but sweet, definitely ... oh yeah, I totally agree with Ashley, massive Donnie Darko vibes ... XD
Liam: "I want Sam and Tal to reenact that scene from The Shining." Um ... okay? O.O
So, picking up right where we left off, then ... chaos, and LOTS of craziness, with VERY heavy implications ...
Oh, so Liliana is HUNTING, now? For them in particular? Or just ... ANYTHING? Hmmm ...
Yes, SHUSH, Pate! You're REALLY loud right now ...
Chetney-wolf: "Hold onto my tail! Tighter!" Stop it, Travis ... XD
This is going to be a complicated getaway, clearly ...
PANIC!!! Great ... how long is it gonna be before they get spotted? CAN THEY get away from this?
Mystics? Crap ... "a Murder of Mystics" ... yeah ...
A little on-the-run healing and repair work ...
Balls, good point ... yeah, they have NO IDEA where they are or where they're going ... and now Ashley's cocking dice all over the place ... O.O
Oh, this can't be good ...mystical shenanigans ... FUCK!!! Invisibility is now GONE!!! Shit! Oh this is SO FUCKING BAD ...
PLEASE don't tell me they just lost their Telepathic Bond too ... oh for the love of the GODS, Matthew, you cruel bastard ... NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO!!!
Hide! Just fucking HIDE, people!
Wow ... Taliesin rolled amazing, but Sam and Ashley rolled BALLS on Stealth ... that's so bad ... oh shit, and now they've got GLoamglut RIGHT ABOVE THEM!!! Ouch ... does it see them? Oh no, Fearne, PLEASE do not try to PET the fucking thing!
Marisha: "There are no dumb ideas in D&D!" Are you SERIOUS? OF COURSE there are!
AAAAAAAAAND now they're blown ... good one, Fearne! Now they're coming down ...
Ashton, WHAT THE FUCK are you doing? Oh, that's right, HE IS still in his powered state ... 32 points of damage on the wall? Holy fuck ... oh yeah, that's just a FANTASTIC distraction/escape ... nice! Just run. RUN!!!
Another wall? Oh yeah ... BOOM!!! Ashton's just a demolition MACHINE right now ...
NOW he's knocking down a building they're not even going into ... bit overly much for cover, isn't it? Jeeze, Ashton ... STOP ENCOURAGING THIS, Matthew!
Oh yeah, they're TOTALLY broadcasting their location now ...
Seriously, just HIDE while you got cover, seriously ...
Crap, Dex saves for the three of them? O.O ... oh hell, what's that fucking Fay dragon gonna do? Darkfire? Oh hell ... whoa, 16 points is HALF damage? Ow ...
Oh, NOW Imogen's casting Invisibility? Yes, do that ...
Evoroa gives directions ... yes, good move ... do that now!
Quart mile away? No, HALF of that? Hmmm ...
Back to the panicked chase ... RUN RUN RUN!!!
Can they fit through that? Ashton's going under, apparently ... just SQUEEZE guys ... yeah, shquish in those fantastic tits and that luscious butt, Fearne! Crap, it's coming again! I hate that fucking dragon!
Oh wow, the Sorrowlord speaks! He knows she's here! Crap!
Pass Without a Trace! Finally!
Fearne: "Do we need to cut off your wheels?" FCG: "127 hours!" Cue sawblade startup whir ...
Wow, Zathuda is actually MONOLOGUING ... Fearne: "Can you say all that again?" LOL ...
Fungus? Great ... Annihilation? Cool ...
"Pussy in Bio"? Nice flask nonsense this time, Samuel ...
PEG IT!!! Once it's clear, anyway ...
Polymorph, yes ... a "moon thing"? Hmmmm ... so she turns FCG into a Slither ... okay ... and then she Wildshapes into one too ... okay, get tunneling guys!
Ah, yes ... where ARE THEY going?
A Survival roll? Oh boy ... 28? Nice one, Ashley! Heading back towards their exit, then ...
And so back to the others ...
A Wisdom save IMMEDIATELY? Fuck, Matthew ... 15? Hmm ... wait, THAT'S not good enough? Shit! O.O
Laudna: "You're not like a sleeper agent, are you?" No, really, please don't even put that karma OUT THERE!
The Sprawl Grotto? Cool ...
Yeah, they don't know WHERE they're going right now ...
Bronze fountain! OKay ... oh hell, what's THIS shit?
And now they're very effectively TRAPPED. Great ... is this them SPECIFICALLY, or just general? Oh, it's DEFINITELY for them ... not good ...
SHIT!!! LIliana is now RIGHT ABOVE THEM ... "Did ... you ... KNOW?!!!"
Is Imogen REALLY gonna try and bluff this? Wow ...
Oh, so she has been THROUGH IT ...
The locket? Oooooh ... O.O
Can she talk her down? Get through to her somehow? COME ON ... Persuasion roll? Oh boy ... 16? Whoa ... um ... is that enough?
Wait ... DID THAT just work?
Yeah, just RUN ...
Oh, for fuck's sake ... NOW what? Damn it, more mystics? Crap ... oh yeah, they're proper BUSTED ... crap, this is the ACTUAL Weave Mind?
Oh, so this MIGHT be an illusion? Hmmm ...
Hold on, are they doing something to Chet? Crazy werewolf shit? Crap ... and Travis totally fails that save ... O.O ... bollocks, this is so bad ... Sam: "Quick! Distract them with a toy!"
Liam: "If we keep making these jokes for 30 minutes we won't have to deal with this problem!" LOL
Orym is choosing NOW to invoke Nana Morri ... oh boy ...
What just happened?
Nothing immediately around, but they're in the area ... just GO. Right now, just FUCKING GO. RIGHT NOW.
Back to the Burrowers ...
It's oh so quiet ... that CANNOT be good ... yeah, just BOOK IT ... nuts, more mystics ...
Oh, they FOUND THEM? Okay ... yeah, just FOLLOW THEM!!! Quick!
Going up? Yes, seems the smart way to go.
Yeah, they DO NOT speak Slither ... aaaaand they're finally back together ... in the most ridiculous way possible ... XD
Yeah, sending a merssage to the Volition would probably be the smart move right now ... maybe they could send somebody to find you ...
So, where to go now?
Imogen Sends to Rashinna ... so the safehouse is out ... hmmm ... so they're just going to have to find alternative digs ...
OOh ... yeah, do that! A giant mole sounds so cool ... like that one in City of Ember! O.O That'd be sweet ...
FCG's still a Slither? Oh boy ...
Crap! What's this? Oh no, what the fuck ... PLEASE don't be fucking Otohan! No ... NO!!! Fuck ... that bitch is SO FUCKING CLOSE now ... hell ... JUST RUN, guys!
Ashton pops up out the ground and SMACKS THE ROOF OF THE TUNNEL with his hammer once they're through ... smart and sweet ... oh fuck ... you mean he COULD collapse the whole thing? Thankfully not ... phew!
Bollocks, Otohan is COMING!!! Fuck ...
Crap ... SHE'S FOUND THEM!!! They're in deep shit ... AND NOW he chooses to call a break? Seriously? Matthew!
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ... and now he's producing a Battlemap ... AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Cut Wizzkids plug! Also FUCK!!!
Fuck me ... is the rest of this episode JUST gonna be combat? Gods no ... I'm not ready for this ...
So ... Orym's up first ... he slips between her leags and turns round to attack her fancy backpack ... OKAY!!! A Crit! Go, wee man! 38 points of damage! Yeah! Another hit! Yeah! ANOTHER Crit! Sweet! 25 points ... anmd she's Hexed too ... nice ...
Legendry Action? Crap ... Telekinetic Control? Fuck ... and even with Indomitable Orym can't resist it ... she flings him like a ragdoll! Ouch!
Laudna unleashes her Hellhoud because she is FURIOUS right now! Yeah ... FCG names the pooch Caviar? Cute ... now she Banes Otohan ... goody!
Otohan dashes off ... giving the Hellhound an attack of opportunity ... which fails ... crap! She attacks Chetney ... oof ... 27 points of slashing damage! Ow! Plus the Psionic knocks him prone ... another 16 points with additional Force? Argh ... and another 13 plus 9 more ... AND another hit? 13 plus 10! Fuck ... he is BARELY alive now ... O.O
fuck, and she has ANOTHER attack with an offhand weapon? Fuck ... ACTION SURGE?!!! Matthew NO!!! PLEASE don't do this! Silvery Barbs from Laudna ... which fails? Shit! Fuck ... and now he's OUT!!! She keeps hitting him, 2 IMMEDIATE Death Saves ... argh ...
Fuyck ... she just straight MURDERED him ... LAST WORDS? What the fuck?
Sweet fuck ... CHETNEY'S FUCKING DEAD?!!! Are you serious, Matt?
Now she's going after Fearne? FUCK!!! No ... and now SHE'S on the ground too ... fuck!
Ashton pops up out of the ground RIGHT IN FRONT of Fearne to block the coming attack ... he swings at her with the hammer ... "Gosh, you got a punchable fucking face!" 23 points of damage and he knocks her back HARD ... Density Well? OKay ... he batters a nearby platform and knockd it RIGHT ONTO HER ... YES!!! She sort of dodges so it's just a glancing hit ... he's monochrome now ...
Otohan rushes Imogen ...
Fearne is FURIOUS about Chetney as she flames on like the Human Torch! Nice! Oh, nice fiery Fearne mini, Matt! O.O She comes in right behind the bitch ...
Oh, so Otohan's like doing MONK SHIT? Fuck ...
FCG goes to Chetney's corpse and casts Revivify at 7th Level ... please ... please please PLEASE let this work ... come on, Changebringer! Come thorugh in clutch ... please ... YES!!! THE WOLFMAN IS ALIVE AGAIN!!! Thank fuck ...
Caviar! Attack! Kill this bitch, you wonderful Hellhoud! 19 MISSES? Seriously? Fuck ...
Otohan attacks Imogen ... 14 points of Force damage ... she gets knocked BACK but not down, at least ...
Imogen Telkinetically grabs the backpack and tries to tear it right off her ... oh wow ... and it WORKS!!! Oh yes! Let's go! She pounds it into the ceiling and smashes it to fuck! BEAUTIFUL!!! She grabs her hand and casdts Shocking Grasp ... go go go ... 14 points of damage! Yes!
Orym Misty Steps to her and pulls a Bat & Switch with Imogen, then takes a swing ... NAT20!!! YEAH!!! 23 points of slashing damage! Then 14 points! A Crit! 28 points! VENGEANCE!!! YES!!! Go wee man!
Laudna drops a 5th Level Blight on the bitch ... oh fuck, Legendary RESISTANCE? Damn it ... whoa ... 51 damage? Even halved that is SWEET ... Eldritch Blast! Yeah! Hit! Hit! And another hit! SWEET!!! 13 damage, then 15, then another 15! YEAH!!!
Now Otohan goes for Imogen again? Oh for fuck's sake ... thankfully she fails miserably ... second hits though ... ouch ... Orym to the rescue! Nice defence! And Silvery Barbs from Laudna! Yes ...
She keeps going for Imogen ... she is just POURING the hurt on ... and now she's going for Orym? Hmmm ...
Three way attack of opportunity? Fearne CRITS IT!!! Nice! 16 damage! Yeah ... Orym gbets another 22 on her ...
Now she goes for Laudna ... just hits her Mirror instead ... and the second ... and the third ... but then gets her with a CRIT!!! Oof ... 14 slashing and 12 Force damage ... ow ... and she's knocked down ...
Chetney shakes off the rust ... as he flanks he Misty Steps to Imogen and pours a healt potion into her for 12 points back, then slopes back away to safety ...
Ashton powers up as close as he can to Otohan, then holds until she gets into range ...
Otohan uses anothe Legendary Action to attack Laudna ... 10 points of slahsing damage and 18 of Force ... ow ...
Fearne casts 6th Level Blight on her ... gah, only half? 39, down to 18 ... fuck's sake ... it's STARTING to take a toll, but still ...
She's going for Laudna AGAIN?!!! Fuck ...
FCG rolls towards Orym, then pulls a mass Cure Wounds on everyone. ALL OF THEM get 23 points back except himself ...
Caviar attacks again and it's another miss ... crap!
Imogen gets up AGAIN and hurls a Psychic Lance at her ... a Nat20 on her save? Are you FUCKING KIDDING? Argh ... 30 points halved to 15 ... nuts ... so so tries to Telekinetically Push her towards Ashton ... but it fails ... crap ...
Orym tries to jump on top of her and slash down into her ... it hits! Yeah! 9 points, then a Crit ... 18! Third misses, though ... then he backs off to give Ashton room to attack ... she gets an attack of opportunity ... OUCH!!! 16 slashing and 10 Force damage ... shit ...
Why does she KEEP attacking Laudna?
Destroy this bitch, Laudna! HUnger of the Shadow Shard? Oh sweet ... wait ... WHAT? That doesn't work? COME ON, Matthew! Argh ... so she Quickens a 5th Level Hunger ... which HITS ... 48 damage on this bitch! Yeah ...
Oh, she's FLARING? Fuck ... Exultant's Fury? Double fuck ...
But now she's been pulled into Ashton's Gravity Well and he attacks ... 23 plus 2 of fire damage! POW!!!
But now it's HER turn ... she goes for Ashton ... and hits him ... ow ... twice ... AND ANOTHER? Fucking hell ... I can't believe he's still up ... wait, he has Erratic Defence? Okay ... so he slams her right into the wall! Nice ...
She retreats ... and attack Imogen while she does it? Fuck ... Imogens's knocked down ... AND she gets an Action Surge? What? FCG takes half of the damage, BARELY saving her from going out right there ... second hit takes her out, though ... FUCK!!! Now she's going for Chetney instead ...
FUCK ME, CHetney's out AGAIN?!!! Un-fucking-FAIR!!!
Now she's going for FCG ...
Top of the round ... come on Ashton ... he charges her flat out while charging up ... Nat20 on the first hit! Yes! Chaos Burst ... 64 points of damage in a single hit? Wow ... how is she STILL UP?
Otohan goes for FCG ...
Fearne pulls Scorching Rays on her ... fuck ... that doesn't work out HALF as well as we'd expect ... wait, she's FIRE RESISTANT? FUCK!!!
She attacks Letters ... and he's OUT!!! Fuck! Death save ... 19 ... oh thank fuck ...
Wow ... Caviar is just COMPLETELY BALLS on this fight, isn't he?
Imogen Crits her Death Save ... SHE'S AWAKE again! Oh thank fuck ...
Orym picks himself up and draws Seedling, using it to pull himself to Ashton, bouncing off him to attack her ... first attack misses ... second hits ... 12 slashing damage ... next hits ... eight damage ...
Laudna casts Wither & Bloom at 3rd Level to get FCG up again ... spends a sorcery point to quicken qnd pours 12 Necrotic damage points into Otohan ... quckens again, pours an Eldritch Blast into her ... two hits one miss ... 16 damage altogether, halved to 8 ... oof ...
Otohan goes for Orym ... fuck, she is just KILLING It tonight and I hate it ... Orym is BARELY UP right now ... wait ... where the fuck ... she just DRANK A SUPERIOR HEALING POTION?!!! Son of a bitch! 66 POINTS BACK?!!! Fucking hell ...
Chetney succeeds his second Death save ...
Legendary attack on Fearne ... gods fucking DAMN IT ...
Ashton attacks ... first hit is a CRIT!!! 46 points of damage! Yeah ... next hit is a miss? Fuck ... what, is that ALL he can do? Shit ...
She hits him right back ... FUCK!!!
Fearne casts Aura of Life ... it helps, i guess ... zand there's NOTHING ELSE she can do ... O.O
Otohan hits HER ... nasty hit ... but she's got Armour of Agathys, so she burns her right back ... but Aura of Life is GONE ... fuck ... as if she NEVER cast it ...
FCG flips his coin and asks "Run or fight?" Hmmmm ... it lands on its side? Interesting ... so he casts a mass Cure Wounds ... 23 points back to everybody but Fearne ... and now his mood has turned RED?!!! Fucking hell ... so he's gone berserk again ...
Caviar tanks YET ANOTHER FUCKING ATTACK ... oh my GODS why is the Hellhound even OUT?
Imogen casts Sending to her mother ... REALLY?!!! Fucking hell ... and she's COMING?!!! Wow ... mothering instinct is STRONG. Otherwise there is NOTHING she can do right now ... so she's just gonna continue to play dead? Nuts ...
Orym is in shitty condition but pushes through ... makes an attack, small hit ... he's barely hanging in on this fight ... fuck ... so he downs a potion on the bonus action? Okay ...
Laudna casts Phantasmal Force to make Otohan see Liliana coming in to FUCK HER UP?!!! Wow ... and the bitch RESISTS IT ... shit ... that was almost so cool ... so she just Eldritch Blasts her instead ... a hit and a Crit ... 7 on the hit ... she Empowers the Crit ... 11 altogether ... not spectacular but it chips away at her ...
She attacks Orym ... and he's DOWN ... FUCK!!! Next on Fearne ... Shield protects her! Yes! So she goes for Ashton instead ... now an Action Surge on him too? Fucking hell ... and he's ALMOST down except that he's RAGING so he keeps 1 hit point ... fuck ... but her next takes HIM down too ... FUCKING HELL!!!
She attacks Imogen while she's down ... Deception Check? OMG ... barely makes it through ...
Is there ANYTHING Chetney can do? He pulls out Turmoil and casts Shatter ... 19 points of Thunder damage ... and that's all he wrote ... fuck ...
Now she attacks FCG ...
Fearne cuts her off and inflicts 48 points of damage on her ...
She attacks FCG again ... he is BARELY alive at this point and completely insane right now ...
FCG casts Guiding Bolt ... on HIMSELF?!!! Fucking hell ... what the fuck is he DOING? He's self-destructing? What the hell, Sam? Oh, this sounds SO BAD ... is this genuinely going to DESTROY him if he does this?
Oh my gods he is genuinely making a fucking MEAL out of this self-sacrifice ...
Fuck me ... is Matt CRYING? Wow ... whoa ... EVERYBODY IS LENDING HIM DICE to do this ... O.O ... what the epic FUCK, Sam? Oh my fuck that is A LOT of rolls ...
79 damage ...
Sam's description of FCG's death is BEAUTIFUL in the most heartbreaking way possible ... his eyes go white again? Oh my fucking gods ...
Otohan is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT ... holy fuck, she is DEAD ... and so is Letters ... oh my fucking gods I don't believe it ... what the fuck, Samuel?
Holy shit, the whole table is just IN SHOCK right now ...
Just like the rest of the party ... slowly they start to pick themselves and each other up ... those who are down are nursedc back enough to get them on their feet ...
IS THERE anything left of FCG? Ashton finds the coin ... Chetney collects Otohan's backpack ...
They throw what's left of Otohan in the Hole.
Ashton POUNDS an exit into the wall with his fists. They're on the surface again ... and here comes Liliana ... she can already tell they just lost someone ...
So is she with THEM now?
That's it for the night ...
Fuck ... we're all exhausted and completely devastated and SO FUCKING SAD ... oh my gods ... seriously though, NOW what?
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democracyatwrk · 3 months
Richard Wolff on Israel as a Project of Colonial Capitalism
Full Episode:    • Richard Wolff: A Marxist’s Case For P...  
Robinson's Podcast #190 - Richard Wolff: A Marxist’s Case For Palestine
Richard Wolff is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a visiting professor at The New School, where he works on economics in the Marxist tradition. This is Richard’s third appearance on Robinson’s Podcast. In episode #127, he and Robinson discussed some of the most profound criticisms of capitalism, and in #154 installment, they focused on the myths surrounding Marxism and Marx himself. In this episode, Richard and Robinson talk about the current—and enduring—Israel-Palestine conflict, with particular emphasis on how, with his Marxist training and background, Richard understands it from that perspective. Some particular questions discussed are how class figures into the conflict, whether ideology plays any pernicious roles, whether Israel should be considered a refugee state, why pro-Palestinian views are suppressed in the United States, and how Marx might have attempted to adjudicate the conflict.
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kouichikimura · 7 months
Favorite critical role c2 episodes. Eps I love rewatching:
97- Fancy and the Fool
72-76 (fjord fjocused episodes and Mica is in it)
55- Duplicity
87- The Cathedral
126- Beauyasha Date
91- Stone to Clay
93- Misery Love Company
43- In hot water
111- New Homes and old Friends
127- Sarsaparilla, Licorice, and Red Hot
So many wonderful eps. God I love Campaign 2
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onewingedsparrow · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @skyyknights and @traveleorzea ! Forever ago but I'm finally getting around to tackling all these questions. Thank you so much for the tags! :D I decided to answer these questions (mostly) based only on the fics I have posted to AO3 right now. I could have answered some of these questions based on WIP's I haven't posted yet, but I decided to keep it simple. The stupid new format of Tumblr kept screwing up my links, which is part of the reason why it took me so long to post this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? At the moment, only 43!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 39,225 as of December 30, 2023. I expect this to skyrocket once I eventually post my megafics for Transformers and Fire Emblem. But, it is not this day.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Anything I want to write for 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥The Legend of Zelda, Transformers, Miraculous Ladybug, Fire Emblem, the MCU, Critical Role, and Puss in Boots are the fandoms represented on my AO3 now, but that's only the beginning! I have a few more fics in the works for many other fandoms, including but not limited to Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Batfam, Honor Among Thieves, and The Stormlight Archive, that simply aren't ready for AO3 yet. I hope to get them up someday, in the years to come. 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? From the top and descending, that would be: "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) I'm genuinely unsurprised this is at the peak. It's held this rank ever since I posted it. Wholesome Team Friendship Fluff, post-movie! "To Bee a Leader" (Transformers: Robots in Disguise 2015) This one always surprises me!!! I never expected it to get so much traction! But I'm so happy it keeps getting hits! I'm so happy people are enjoying / relating to my Prime in Disguise Bumblebee angst + emotional hurt / comfort! "Release Me" (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) With the advent of TotK, it is only logical that this shot to the top 5. This is my fic I wrote before the game released, where I theorized: what if the green arm was actually antagonistic? "Watched" (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) I think the LU fandom finally found this one, because it wasn't this high in the ranks before, lol. It's not technically Linked Universe, but you could certainly read it as either TLoZ or LU, as you prefer. Pre-canon, still in Ordon Village, Link doesn't know it...but he's being watched. "A Name Aptly Chosen" (Bumblebee (2018) / Transformers: Rise of the Beasts) Oh, when did this happen??? When did you hit the top 5? 👀 This is news to me! This makes me so happy!!! This is how I imagine Bumblebee explained to Optimus Prime his name-change from "B-127" to "Bumblebee" ✨
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Most of the time, yes! I love when readers leave comments because I'm excited to hear what in my writing stood out to them. Thus, I try to reply to as many as I can. I hope that if I stay engaged with my readers, they'll feel more comfortable with commenting, whether on my fics or someone else's ✨ That being said, however, when particular comments don't pass the vibe check, I see no need to reward with any response. <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ooh. As of now, that trophy goes to "Where Sorrow Rings" (Fire Emblem: Engage). A close second might be "Out of Tune" (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.) (The even-heavier angst that I write is currently unpublished, because most of it is in my megafics.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Good question! My first instinct would be Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, but depending on preference, I suppose Welcome Home and Dissonant Echoes could possibly compete with that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not much yet (lol), but I figure it'll happen eventually because that's how the Internet works, regrettably. 9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope. I don't read it either.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Lol, this is a super funny question for me personally. I crossover so many things, but my best crossovers haven't made it to AO3 yet because I'm still building up the greatness to reach its full potential. I think the only crossover I have right now on AO3 is a Stormlight!AU for TLoZ, The Song of Stormlight. But oh, the crossovers in my mind...! I gotta mention some of them just for fun, in the hopes it'll motivate me to bring them to fruition:
Psych x Transformers Assassin's Creed x Transformers Assassin's Creed x Fire Emblem Fire Emblem x TLoZ Fire Emblem x TLoZ x MCU x MtG x Nintendo-in-general x 신의 x Stormlight Archive x literally anything else I can think of and no I am not joking, this is very much a thing. This is my magnum opus. One of the biggest worlds I'll ever write; one of the biggest projects I've been working on for many years that have already passed, as well as many more years to come.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not. 🗡️🗡️🗡️
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of. If someone wanted to translate a fic of mine, I might be truly honored, but I would want them to ask permission first.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hmm...not seriously. I've collaborated worldbuilding with many people over the years, and done much roleplaying, but I've never co-written a "fic" that wasn't a for-fun "Round Robin" game.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? OoT Zelink. They are my OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? *laughs That could be literally any of my WIP's at any point. I want to finish them all. I plan to finish them all. I hope to finish them all. But, actually finishing them all is dependent upon many factors. I think of ideas faster than I can finish them, and I have many priorities to juggle. I hope I don't abandon my stories, but I make no promises. Even so, I try not to doubt that I'll finish my fics; I strive to keep a positive mindset, because that will lend me the motivation to finish them, even if it takes me years to do so.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, poetry (I love writing words to a beat even within prose), and coming up with titles, to name a few!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I think it's delightful when it's executed well, and distracting when it's not. That's why I try to be careful when I attempt to do so. When I do so, I wish to respect the language and the culture the language is a part of; language has much nuance, so I don't just wanna copy-paste something from the Goog's Translate without taking certain linguistic factors into account.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I posted for on AO3 was Transformers: Prime. That's not the first fandom I ever wrote for, but I'm not telling you that, Tumblr.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? This is a cruel question. I could well cheat this question and say "all my fics are my favorite fics I've ever written, because writing is a delight." I would mean that. But, in the spirit of the ask game, I will respond with "Safe With You." 🏍️ Oh, I just realized now I gotta tag people 😂 All rightyyyy, I'm sorry if you've been tagged before, but I'm going to tag @misscrazyfangirl321 @cooking-with-hailstones @clawedandcute and @margindoodles2407 but only if you want to! <3
P.S. This is probably self-explanatory but just in case: if you hop onto this game, please make a new post <3 Thank you in advance, friends!
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dailyanarchistposts · 16 days
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Footnotes 101 - 188
[101] Toby Rollo, “Feral Children: Settler Colonialism, Progress, and the Figure of the Child,” Settler Colonial Studies (June 2016), 1–20.
[102] Gilles Deleuze, “Postscript on the Societies of Control,” October 59 (1992), 3–7.
[103] Institute for Precarious Consciousness, “We Are All Very Anxious,” WeArePlanC.org, April 4, 2014, http://www.weareplanc.org/blog/we-are-all-very-anxious/.
[104] Sitrin, Everyday Revolutions, 37.
[105] Ivan Illich, Tools for Conviviality (New York: Harper & Row, 1973), 12.
[106] Our readings and understandings of Illich’s work, and our understanding of conviviality in particular, is indebted to conversations with friends who either knew Illich personally or worked closely with his ideas, including Gustavo Esteva, Madhu Suri Prakash, Dan Grego, Dana L. Stuchul and Matt Hern.
[107] Quoted in The Invisible Committee, To Our Friends, 232–3.
[108] Marina Sitrin, ed., Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina (Oakland: AK Press, 2006); Sitrin, Everyday Revolutions.
[109] Rebecca Solnit, A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster (New York: Penguin Books, 2009), 2.
[110] Idem, 7.
[111] Leanne Simpson, “Dancing the World into Being: A Conversation with Idle No More’s Leanne Simpson,” Yes! Magazine, March 5, 2013, http://www.yesmagazine.org/peace-justice/dancing-the-world-into-being-a-conversation-with-idle-no-more-leanne-simpson.
[112] Quoted in Tony Manno, “Unsurrendered,” Yes! Magazine, 2015, http://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=b24e304ce1944493879cba028607dfc7.
[113] INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, “INCITE! Critical Resistance Statement,” 2001, http://www.incite-national.org/page/incite-critical-resistance-statement.
[114] Rachel Zellars and Naava Smolash, “If Black Women Were Free: Part 1,” Briarpatch, August 16, 2016, http://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/if-black-women-were-free.
[115] Victoria Law, “Against Carceral Feminism,” Jacobin, October 17, 2014, https://www.jacobinmag.com/2014/10/against-carceral-feminism/.
[116] Creative Interventions, “Toolkit,” CreativeInterventions.org, http://www.creative-interventions.org/tools/toolkit/ (accessed December 1, 2016).
[117] Quoted in carla bergman and Corine Brown, Common Notions: Handbook Not Required, 2015.
[118] Gustavo Esteva, interview by carla bergman and Nick Montgomery, video, 2012.
[119] Kelsey Cham C., Nick Montgomery, and carla bergman, interview by carla bergman and Nick Montgomery, October 26, 2013.
[120] Marina Sitrin, “Occupy Trust: The Role of Emotion in the New Movements,” Cultural Anthropology (February 2013), https://culanth.org/fieldsights/75-occupy-trust-the-role-of-emotion-in-the-new-movements.
[121] Gustavo Esteva and Madhu Suri Prakash, Grassroots Postmodernism: Remaking the Soil of Cultures (London: Zed Books, 1998), 91.
[122] Day, Gramsci Is Dead, 200.
[123] Zainab Amadahy, Wielding the Force: The Science of Social Justice, Smashwords edition (Zainab Amadahy, 2013), 36.
[124] Esteva and Prakash, Grassroots Postmodernism, 89.
[125] Amadahy, Wielding the Force, 149.
[126] Emma Goldman, “The Hypocrisy of Puritanism,” in Red Emma Speaks: An Emma Goldman Reader, ed. Alix Kates Shulman (Amherst: Humanity Books, 1998), 157.
[127] Chris Dixon, “For the Long Haul,” Briarpatch Magazine, June 21, 2016, http://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/for-the-long-haul.
[128] We first encountered the concept of “public secret” as a way of getting at the affect of anxiety today, described by the Institute for Precarious Consciousness. Earlier uses can be traced to the work of Ken Knabb (which credits the concept to Marx) and his curation of Situationist writing, as well as Jean-Pierre Voyer’s reading of Reich. See Institute for Precarious Consciousness, “Movement Internationalism(s),” Interface 6/2; Jean-Pierre Voyer, “Wilhelm Reich: How To Use,” in Public Secrets, trans. Ken Knabb (Bureau of Public Secrets, 1997), http://www.bopsecrets.org/PS/reich.htm; Jean-Pierre Voyer to Ken Knabb, “Discretion Is the Better Part of Value,” April 20, 1973, http://www.bopsecrets.org/PS/Reich.add.htm.
[129] This was suggested to us by Richard Day.
[130] brown, interview by carla bergman and Nick Montgomery.
[131] Amador Fernández-Savater, “Reopening the Revolutionary Question,” ROAR Magazine 0 (December 2015).
[132] Federici, interview by carla bergman and Nick Montgomery.
[133] Touza, interview by carla bergman and Nick Montgomery.
[134] Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo, ed. Walter Kaufmann (New York: Vintage, 1989), 32.
[135] Foucault, “Preface.”
[136] Cited in Ashanti Alston, “An Interview with Ashanti Alston,” interview by Team Colours, June 6, 2008, https://inthemiddleofthewhirlwind.wordpress.com/an-interview-with-ashanti-alston/.
[137] Thoburn develops his conception of a “militant diagram” through a reading of Deleuze and Guattari, and we have found it useful in thinking about rigid radicalism as an affective tendency that is irreducible to the gestures, habits, practices, and statements that are simultaneously its fuel and its discharge. See Nicholas Thoburn, “Weatherman, the Militant Diagram, and the Problem of Political Passion,” New Formations 68/1 (2010), 125–42.
[138] Colectivo Situaciones, “Something More on Research Militancy: Footnotes and Procedures and (In)Decisions,” 5.
[139] Thoburn, “Weatherman, the Militant Diagram, and the Problem of Political Passion,” 129; Cathy Wilkerson, Flying Close to the Sun: My Life and Times as a Weatherman (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2007), 265–300.
[140] Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, and Jeff Jones, eds., Sing a Battle Song: The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements, and Communiques of the Weather Underground 1970–1974 (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2006), 18.
[141] Bill Ayers, Fugitive Days: Memoirs of an Antiwar Activist (Boston: Beacon Press, 2009), 154.
[142] Esteva, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[143] Thoburn, “Weatherman, the Militant Diagram, and the Problem of Political Passion,” 134.
[144] Esteva, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[145] Sitrin, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[146] Emma Goldman, Living My Life (New York: Dover Publications, 1970), 54.
[147] amory starr, “Grumpywarriorcool: What Makes Our Movements White?,” in Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth (Oakland: AK Press, 2006), 379.
[148] Idem, 383.
[149] crow, Black Flags and Windmills, 81.
[150] Alston, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[151] Richard J. F. Day, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman, phone, March 18, 2014.
[152] Alston, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[153] CrimethInc., “Against Ideology?,” CrimethInc.com, 2010, http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/atoz/ideology.php.
[154] Erich Fromm, Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics (Oxon: Routledge, 1947), 235.
[155] See Raoul Vaneigem, The Movement of the Free Spirit, trans. Randall Cherry and Ian Patterson, revised edition (New York, Cambridge, MA: Zone Books, 1998); Federici, Caliban and the Witch, 21–60.
[156] Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo, 33.
[157] Idem, 36.
[158] Quoted by Maya Angelou in Malcolm X, Malcolm X: An Historical Reader, ed. James L. Conyers and Andrew P. Smallwood (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2008), 181.
[159] Kelsey Cham C., “Radical Language in the Mainstream,” Perspectives on Anarchist Theory 29 (2016), 122–3.
[160] Asam Ahmad, “A Note on Call-Out Culture,” Briarpatch, March 2, 2015, http://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/a-note-on-call-out-culture.
[161] Ngọc Loan Trần, “Calling IN: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable,” Black Girl Dangerous, December 18, 2013, http://www.blackgirldangerous.org/2013/12/calling-less-disposable-way-holding-accountable/.
[162] Ibid.
[163] Chris Crass, “White Supremacy Cannot Have Our People: For a Working Class Orientation at the Heart of White Anti-Racist Organizing,” Medium, July 28, 2016, https://medium.com/@chriscrass/white-supremacy-cannot-have-our-people-21e87d2b268a.
[164] Ibid.
[165] Ursula Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven (New York: Scribner, 1999), 137.
[166] This section title is borrowed from Eve Sedgwick, from whom we’ve also taken the concept of paranoid reading. See Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, “Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, Or, You’re so Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is about You,” in Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity (Duke University Press, 2003), 124–51.
[167] Killjoy, Interview with Margaret Killjoy.
[168] Sedgwick, “Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, Or, You’re so Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is about You.”
[169] Day, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[170] Mik Turje, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman, March 4, 2014.
[171] Walidah Imarisha, Angels with Dirty Faces: Three Stories of Crime, Prison, and Redemption (Oakland: AK Press, 2016), 113–15.
[172] Walidah Imarisha, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman, email, December 22, 2015.
[173] Federici, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[174] John Holloway, Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today, 2nd Revised Edition (London: Pluto Press, 2005), 215.
[175] Coulthard, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[176] This turn of phrase comes to us from Stevphen Shukaitis’s wonderful book Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life (New York: Autonomedia, 2009), 141–2, http://www.minorcompositions.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/ImaginalMachines-web.pdf.
[177] This idea is paraphrased from Lauren Berlant and her conception of “cruel optimism,” a relation in which our attachments become obstacles to our flourishing. See Lauren Berlant, Cruel Optimism (Durham: Duke University Press, 2011).
[178] Federici, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman.
[179] Zainab Amadahy, interview by Nick Montgomery and carla bergman, January 15, 2016.
[180] Jo Freeman, “Trashing: The Dark Side of Sisterhood,” JoFreeman.com, n.d., http://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/trashing.htm.
[181] Marge Piercy, “The Grand Coolie Dam,” (Boston: New England Free Press, 1969).
[182] See Jo Freeman, “The Tyranny of Structurelessness,” Ms. Magazine, July 1973.
[183] Silvia Federici, “Putting Feminism Back on Its Feet,” Social Text 9/10 (1984), 338–46.
[184] See Raúl Zibechi, Dispersing Power: Social Movements as Anti-State Forces, trans. Ramor Ryan (Oakland: AK Press, 2010); Zibechi, Territories in Resistance.
[185] Silvia Federici, “Losing the sense that we can do something is the worst thing that can happen,” interview by Candida Hadley, Halifax Media Co-op, November 5, 2013, http://halifax.mediacoop.ca/audio/losing-sense-we-can-do-something-worst-thing-can-h/19601.
{1} BIPOC is an acronym for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. We understand these not as ethnic categories or essentialist identities, but complex political categories forged in struggles against white supremacy and settler colonialism. For instance, the creation of BIPOC-specific spaces or “caucuses” within various struggles has created opportunities for understanding how racism or whiteness is playing out, and how it can be confronted effectively.
{2} ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, often used interchangeably with Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
{3} Note: when we interviewed Silvia Federici, we were still using the phrase “sad militancy” in place of “rigid radicalism.” The original terminology is retained throughout.
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lilbittymonster · 3 months
Fanfic Writer Asks
Tagged by @crackinglamb 💜💜💜💜💜
Tagging: @ardberts @gatheredfates @allycryz @captainsparklefingers and @piratekenway
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
113,822 words
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for Final Fantasy XIV, have previously written for Borderlands, Fallout 4, and Critical Role.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Only A Thought Away (Critical Role) - 182 kudos
This Is Home (Critical Role) - 169 kudos
I Will Endure (Critical Role) - 127 kudos
Forgiveness (Critical Role) - 118 kudos
Boy, Oh Boy (Critical Role) - 104 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments?
I try to, yes! I will respond in the same energy as whatever the comment is given in. And now that we have the block function, I have no compunction of simply taking commenting privileges away. Manners matter :)
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Extinguishing the Last Light (FFXIV) is the bad ending AU where the Scions don't succeed in defeating the newly formed Lightwarden after the events of Mt. Gulg, and Estinien gets called to the First. it continues to haunt me and I ended up gposing a scene from it.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably This Is Home.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, but I have gotten a couple of the "moar plz/when are you gonna updaaaaate?" type comments. See above commenting privileges policy.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have exactly one E fic (An Owl In Limsa) that has been published, but the HW fic will also be explicit pretty much right out the gate. I have far, far more smut pieces that are just for me and some friends.
So far, it's just been a single hookup. That's been published. There's. A variance. In my word docs. Some may see the light of day, some may not, only time will tell.
10) Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
Eh, not really my thing. It veers a little to close to crack for my tastes.
11) Have you ever had fic stolen?
Not as far as I know. It may sound self deprecating, but I don't think any of my work is good enough to be worth stealing, and certainly none of it is big enough in the fandom to catch the eye of scammers who sell fic on Amazon or whatever.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge, though if someone were interested I would be happy to discuss!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, at least once, yes! I was part of a small group doing a Critical Role AU where Mollymauk was a lost de Rolo child, and we were all taking turns puppeting the M9 and VM with their official character sheets. I kinda miss it sometimes but we all just kinda drifted. Very very fun though, would highly recommend it.
14) What's your all time favourite ship?
I don't really do the whole "this is my Only Ship Ever" thing. I'll have a preferred ship per fandom, but especially since getting into XIV I have fully embraced the motto of "learn to multiship like an adult".
Some favourites include; Caleb/Essek, Caleb/Mollymauk, SoSu/Hancock, Krieg/Maya, Beau/Yasha
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My canon divergent Borderlands 2 AU. Every now and again I'll think about it, and I do have the original outline I wrote for it (past me really did me a solid there) but the fandom drift has hit so hard I really just lost all momentum on it. I don't want to orphan or abandon it because What If Some Day I get back to it, but that day is looking pretty far off.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Characterisation, use of tension, descriptions, call and response/motifs, Show Don't Tell
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Combat sequences, movement, adverbs, endings? beginnings??? middle?????
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So I haven't had this problem yet, but it will definitely be happening a lot once I start writing Stormblood stuff, because Kitali speaks fluent Doman as well as Dazkar Xaela, and will be switching between those and Eorzean common quite a bit.
Personally I'm not a fan of having a different formatting for each language (plain for the main language, bold for one, italics for another, underlined for another, etc) and would rather just have a dialogue tag stating what language is being spoken, with a new one each time the language switches.
I also am not a fan of having footnote translations in the author's notes, and would rather just have the actual translation instead of having to either scroll back and forth (annoying and I lose my place) or remembering what was said when and with what context (I have memory problems).
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Borderlands 2
20) Favourite fic you've written?
Of the ones I've published, I think I have to go with Extinguishing the Last Light. It's the one I think about the most often, it's the most evocative (imo) emotionally, and it tells the story it needs to tell in several concurrent layers.
Blank template under the cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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mbenvs3000w23 · 5 months
Privilege refers to the advantages and opportunities given to only a particular individual or group of individuals. I think that there are various ways in which privilege can play a role in nature interpretation. This is because there are various different types of privilege. 
The key role that privilege can play in nature interpretation is impacting an individual’s access to and participation in natural spaces (Beck et al., 2018). This can be due to educational privilege, cultural privilege, economic privilege, or even time privilege, among others.
Those with educational privilege may approach nature interpretation with a more informed foundation, resulting in a better, well-informed understanding. Their more knowledgeable understanding can make it easier for them to engage in interpretation in a meaningful way, making the experience more rewarding all around.
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Similarly, cultural privilege could influence people's views and relationships to the cultural aspects of nature interpretation by shaping their perceptions and connections to their heritage or culture. However, this factor may also introduce potential biases and assumptions rooted in the individual's specific cultural understanding, providing the ‘advantage’ to those with different cultural ties to the specific area.
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Those with economic privilege may have greater access to parks, reserves, or other natural locations. Additionally, this privilege could lead to greater educational privilege in turn due to the greater opportunities that those of higher economic privilege can often attain.
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Lastly, time privilege refers to the advantage that individuals with more free time or flexible schedules have over those who have less time. This could be due to various commitments such as a job, caregiving responsibilities, or any other time-consuming obligations. In nature interpretation, time privilege can influence how individuals participate in and benefit from interpretive programs and activities. 
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Privilege can also influence an individual's level of environmental awareness and advocacy. Individuals who have the luxury of time and funds may become more involved in conservation activities, environmental advocacy, and/or sustainability practices. In contrast, individuals facing economic hardships may be distracted by urgent worries, making it difficult to prioritize environmental issues. This could also be apparent in regard to education. Those with greater education would likely be more inclined to advocate for environmental stewardship as they may better grasp the science behind it. 
However, it should be addressed that this post uses a lot of assumptions which may not be the case in every situation. Where something may seem like an obvious privilege to one person, it may be the opposite for another. I think that there are so many ways in which we can interpret everything and, because of that, it can be really hard to give definitive answers to such complex questions.
In summary, privilege, whether educational, cultural, economic, or time-related, has significant effects on an individual's experiences and interactions with nature interpretation. While having any of these privileges is not necessarily something to be embarrassed about or regret, recognizing them and their dynamics in nature interpretation is critical to producing inclusive and accessible programs that appeal to a varying audience. This helps to establish a more fair and lasting relationship between individuals and the natural world.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Chapter 7: Serving Diverse Audiences. In Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World (pp. 127–158). Sagamore Venture.
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dojae-huh · 3 months
So his original plan was just to, eating nd going around with doyoung, chatting....etc......but the company made it more like a veriety show interview where they could bring guest nd ask abt their upcoming activities!!! Haha..... That's funny.... What haechan wanted was a relaxation, just enjoying the eating with doyoung's company, he picked doyoung coz of their reaction over foods so ppl won't get really bored just see them eating... Nd yes if it is harchan nd doyoung ofcrs they fight nd it is kinda fun to watch... But now it become more serious job, like its ok if the guests are from nct, or the person they already known.... But the guests coming from outside of the bubble makes it more visible.. The epi with minhyung, like they did well but the awkwardness was visible, minhyung was not shy seeing strangers for the first time was a plus point in that episode... I'm not criticizing, it is a great opportunity for them to make new frnds nd also a new path... Since 127 is going on a hiatus.... Nd ofcrs doyoung nd haechan were enjoying it and also doing a good job this far... But I'm just wondering how would it be it for just 2 of em to go on a show... Like of ot was only dy nd hc would it be as successful as it is now?! Just wondering!! What is ur thought on this!!
Haechan and Doyoung eat out together a lot as it is. More like, Haechan wants a programme for himself. In the past he pitched the idea about Haechan's radio, that one lasted for some time.
Mokchu is low budget. There are only 2-3 staff members at the location, maybe, plus editors at SM. To attract non k-pop fans or non-NCT fans a restaurant-review show should have a better camerawork (i.e. cameramen at the shooting location), lighting, sound. Just look at Heechul's drinking show Do attended. There were like 10-12 staff members on the side, sitting in two rows. There is a big competition as there are many mukbaeng shows.
Therefore, I get why SM turned it into a more common format (hosts+guests). 2Dongs can shoot episodes with only two of them anytime later, as specials. I'm more concerned about another member replacing Haechan and later Doyoung. That will be a bigger deviation from the original plan, even more like work instead of doing something the two enjoy.
Fans tend to watch mostly content with their faves. And not all of them do. Even such a popular member like Taeyong gets 200-300k views for his TY vlogs. (Although I do believe that YT doesn't count many views, maybe from those who use adblocks). Therefore, I think 2Dongs show would have been watched only by their fans.
This show is a good practice though. The episode with Minhyung showed that both 2Dongs are not very good with dealing with new to them people in a situation without a prepared script, where they can rely on a professional role and don't need to decide how they should act (be more polite/be more friendly). Haechan can't even be his cheeky self (which he plays easily on variety shows). And Doyoung can't be MC easily (because their show doesn't have a structure, rules to follow, yet).
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
An Indecent Proposal- Chapter 11
A03,Prologue, Chapter 1,Chapter 2,Chapter 3, Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Interlude,Chapter 7,Chapter 8,Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Daemon x Rhaenyra Multichapter AU:
Daemon leaves Rhaenyra at her wedding feast. Rhaenyra marries Laenor. After a year of trying to do their duty and produce an heir, Rhaenyra writes to Daemon.
She needs a true Targaryen heir.
It only needs to be an arrangement of business, she says. And it would result in Daemon’s child one day taking the Iron Throne.
Daemon accepts the proposal and returns to court.
Only, ventures like these are never simple. As much as they would wish to, Daemon and Rhaenyra cannot let go of the past, or the feelings they once had for each other.
A/N: So originally, I was going to do a ten year time jump as they did in the show, (117 AC to 127 AC for this story), and only refer to events that happened during the gap. But after getting reader feedback on the Daemyra discord, I decided to write the ten years in short segments over the course of three chapters because I didn't want to skip 10 years of Daemon x Rhaenyra moments.
I outlined the bullet points of each year, sat down to write 117 AC and then I ended up adding extra scenes.
Then I decided to do each year as its own chapter. So the next 11 chapters will cover a year in Daemon & Rhaenyra's story. I hope you enjoy the shift in style for the middle part of this story.
117 AC
When Rhaenyra gave birth to her twins, the maesters had been less than helpful. So when she suspected she was once again with child, she summoned Kalinda and Merosi directly. They had helped her through nearly a day of laboring, while the Grand Maester Mellos and his lower maesters had observed and criticized the Essosi techniques of Merosi and ridiculed Kalinda for being baseborn with little education.
Rhaenyra asked them to move into a dwelling near the Red Keep and established a monthly allowance for their upkeep. With funding from the Crown, the two midwives were able to help many others in King’s Landing.
Rhaenyra was relieved that she would have her two midwives close at hand, for she wanted many more children. Partly to solidify her legacy, but mostly because there was no one she loved more than Alyssa and Jacaerys. Daemon told her one night that they could very well rival Good Queen Alysanne and Jaehaerys with their progeny.
Court was convinced that Alyssa and Jacaerys belonged to Laenor, and while Daemon did not like the fact that another man got to lay claim to his children, Rhaenyra knew he loved them fiercely, and he doted on them in the privacy of their chambers in the dark hours of the night.
Laenor upheld his role as father in public, and he loved the children as well, but he never made any decisions of significance when it came to their welfare.
It was a strange arrangement, but the three were tolerating it well.
Daemon and Rhaenyra were curled around each other. The full moon hung high in the sky.
Alyssa and Jace, nearly a year old, both cried at the same time, waking their parents.
Daemon held Rhaenyra back from rising. “You need sleep, love. I will see to them.”
The source of the children’s distress became clear. Their cradle mates had finally hatched.
In Alyssa’s cradle, there was a blood red dragon hatchling with ebony claws, wings, and horns. It was studying the princess with a sort of draconic wonder. Daemon smiled and took one of Alyssa’s small hands and placed it on the dragon, covering it with his own. Alyssa stopped crying and smiled.
“Rhaenyra, come and see,” Daemon said, his voice low.
Rhaenyra joined him and tears came to her eyes. “What shall we call her?”
“Meraxes, in honor of Queen Rhaenys’s fallen mount.”
“Perfect,” Rhaenyra said.
Jacaerys’s dragon coloring matched that of a sapphire, save for the smattering of silver scales. “We shall call Jace’s dragon Vermax,” Daemon said.
Vermax curled up next to Jace, and the babe settled and nuzzled against his cradle mate.
Rhaenyra’s heart clenched at the sight. “They will be phenomenal dragon riders.”
“We will teach them well. I will go summon the dragon keepers. Now that the eggs have hatched, they will need to be trained.”
“Wait,” Rhaenyra said, and she quickly wrote a message on a sheet of parchment. “The dragon keepers are loyal, but not immune to gossip amongst each other.”
Daemon kissed her. “One day, love, we will be free to wed.”
“Are you planning on killing Laenor?” Rhaenyra asked, her tone light and teasing.
Daemon shook his head. “No, but you and I are meant to burn together. The gods will intervene someday.”
“The small council still needs a Master of Laws,” Viserys said.
Daemon and Viserys were sharing a midday meal together as they often did since he had become Hand.
“We should write to Rhaenys. She has been passed over too often. It would tie the Velaryons closer to the Crown. And Rhaenys would agree to take the position in order to reside in the same city as her children.
“A woman on the small council? One who is not the heir?”
“It is not without precedent,” Daemon said. “And she is our favorite cousin.”
Viserys nodded. Perhaps it was time to finally mend the breach between himself and Rhaenys. “Very well. I will send a letter to Driftmark.”
Rhaenys accepted the position and within the moon, she arrived at King’s Landing. Her good-brother Vaemond would watch over Driftmark in her absence, as Corlys was still in the Stepstones. Her dragon Melys took up residence in the dragon pit. For the first time in years, the Targaryen dragons and the Velaryon dragons were all together.
In the sixth moon of 117, Queen Alicent gave birth to her third son. She allowed no one in her chambers but the maesters
The babe was named Daeron, and he was born without hair on his head. His features, however were distinctly angular and Dornish. His skin was not pale and milky as most Tagaryens, but darker and freckled. His brows were a dark brown.
Viserys was delighted when Alicent presented the healthy child to him. It did not bother him one jot that his son looked more Andal than Targaryen.
Rhaenyra congratulated her stepmother, as was proper, but from the moment she laid eyes on the child, she was certain it belonged to another man. Though she could not say who the father might be. Daemon’s spies still had not discovered any potential lovers that Alicent might have. They simply reported that she had not shared a bed with the king in nearly eight moons.
It was Daemon, however, that broached the matter with his brother over one of their midday meals a fortnight after Daeron was born.
“Does it not trouble you that Daeron does not share any of your features?” Daemon asked.
Viserys shrugged. “Daeron is a strong little babe. He favors his mother, who has blood of the Andals and the First Men. Nature is mysterious. We Targaryens have become so accustomed to marrying other Valyrians that it is easy to forget that Valyrian features are not always dominant. Once the boy has a dragon, his heritage will be clear. If only Syrax would produce a fresh clutch soon.”
“And what of the stolen egg,” Daemon asked. “Are you still intent on trying to recover it?” Daemon was sure the egg had turned to stone without a worthy Targaryen to claim it. Rhaenyra had long ago made her peace with the loss. Daemon and Rhaenyra were certain that Syrax and Caraxes would produce a fresh clutch in time for their third child. They were determined not to waste one on Alicent’s half-breed.
“There are gold cloaks searching each of the Seven Kingdoms. Alicent tells me that Ser Criston Cole and several of his fellows are quite determined to recover the egg for the prince. It was generous of Rhaenyra to agree to give it to Daeron should the egg be found.”
Daemon resisted the urge to smile. Rhaenyra had only done that out of certainty that the egg would never hatch for Daeron. It was enough to appease Viserys at least.
Rhaenyra’s labors began in the middle of the night during the eleventh moon of 117 AC
The midwives, Merosi and Kalinda, had the situation well in hand. The maesters were kept away. Viserys had to soothe the pride of Grand Maester Mellos. Laena had been called to sit at Rhaenyra’s bedside, as she had been present for the birth of the twins.
Daemon resented the fact that he could not be with Rhaenyra as she gave birth. If only he and Viserys had reconciled years ago, Daemon could have been holding her hand as she was laboring. It was yet another sin to lay at Otto Hightower’s feet. Daemon was glad to be rid of the whoreson.
Daemon sat and drank wine with Viserys and Laenor as they waited for news. In one hand, he held his goblet, while the other hand fiddled with the pommel of Dark Sister.
“The gods have blessed you again, Ser Laenor,” Viserys declared, raising his cup to his good-son.
Daemon drained his cup. He was accustomed to seeing Laenor credited as the father of his children, but it still rankled. Laenor was well aware of Daemon’s ire, though they never spoke of it directly. “The gods have blessed Rhaenyra, Your Grace, for she is an excellent mother. I am a passable father, but I am grateful that the babe has a devoted grandsire and uncle to provide what I cannot.”
The words mollified Daemon, but only a little bit.
Rhaenyra was only in labor for a few hours. Just before dawn, Prince Lucerys Velaryon was born. He had silver-gold whisps of hair and Rhaenyra’s eyes, down to the exact shape and shade. Rhaenyra chose to take little Lucerys to her own breast for his first feeding, brusquely dismissing the wetnurse.
The night following his birth, Daemon and Rhaenyra celebrated together in private, with sensuous kisses and Arbor Gold.
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kosmictales · 2 years
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و musical asteroids in haechan’s chart (mini overview)
in my haechan brain rot era & he deserves all the love. for this post, i will be using his leo rising chart cause i fully believe he is one
⊹ terpsichore (81) — muse of dance and choral song
19° gemini in his 11H
conjunct his sun and mars — it’s evident that dance and music is a big part of haechan’s life. in fact, with it falling in the 11H, he finds himself participating in dance and music primarily in group settings (hence why he is an idol). in a more literal sense, with it in gemini, he finds himself in two groups — 127 & dream
he learns how to dance and sing through imitation (gemini), primarily from those within his community (11H). so other idols really push him to become a better dancer and singer. he learns a lot of his skill from the people around him.
with his terpsichore in gemini, he is very versatile, being able to embody different dancing styles and musical genres. he becomes an important asset in the groups he is in due to his versatility.
terpsichore in the 11H makes him a role model to other people within the kpop industry
in short, haechan can do it all — sing, compose, songwriting, choreograph. a true all-rounder
⊹ harmonia (40) — musical talent
18° capricorn rx in his 6H
haechan is very dedicated to his musicality. in the 6H, music is a huge part of his daily routine. whether that be listening, practicing, creating — he incorporates it in his daily life.
(maybe a stretch) but since 6H deals with physical health, if you don’t know already, haechan has perfect pitch, which is often genetic.
both his parents are musicians so its safe to say that from an early age music was instilled into his daily life
with harmonia in capricorn, haechan won’t stop until he feels that he is a master in his craft
⊹ polyhymnia (33) — muse of hymns (linked to acting, poetry and creativity)
15° taurus in his 10H
this asteroid sits at the highest part of his chart, joining his mc, saturn, and jupiter in the his 10H. at his best, haechan is a never ending creative outlet. that is what he enjoys being seen as and of course, it his career
his creativity is where he feels the most comfortable (taurus) and it may take time for him to really come into his own creatively. art is important to him and he does not want to rush developing his crafts
polyhymnia is also known for her desire to want to pursue different mediums in her career. with this landing in haechan’s 10H, it shows that any art medium that he desires is up for grabs and he will pursue them with time.
⊹ melpomene (18) — formally the muse of chorus, she is now the muse of tragedy. can be used as an indicator of singing ability and/or acting ability
12° leo in his 1H
lol @ it being in his 1H cause we all know haechan is dramatic as fuck
this placement makes haechan widely know for his singing abilities. (its giving, you’ll hear his voice before you see his face)
it trines his chiron in the 5H and i can just imagine singing has been very healing for him :( this can also indicate having to overcome criticism of his voice , which is likely due to the unique tone he has. he has learned to embrace it. as long as he enjoys it, that is all that matters
in this sign leo, haechan was always meant to receive recognition and notoriety for his singing abilities
please do not repost anywhere without crediting me! i want to keep going but we might be here forever. might do a part two or do it for all of nct, who knows!
©kosmictales all rights reserved
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