#staying up late to finish 127 last night is started to kick my ass
Caleb giving Luc the books and talking to him was everything i ever wanted. I have been waiting for that moment for ages. I had no idea it happened after that encounter with trent and everything. My heart.
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
ok one more ask.... ten lee promt 68 they are practicing a dance they choreographed in the SM studio at 2am lol that was so specific
Title // 2 AM
Summary // Tali and Ten are late from practice and came home late.
Prompt 1
#68: "You're late"
Italics // English
Note // Sorry this is late but here it is, not my best, but I hope you enjoy 😊
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Tali looked at the time she groaned internally then looked at Ten who was looked dead on the floor. She put her phone down and layed on the ground next to him.
"Ten, its late." Tali breathed out catching her breathe.
"Yeah?" Tali turned her head.
"Its dark." She mumbled but enough for him to hear. She honestly hoping he would get the hint. Ten sat up and turned to Tali raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah? Is there a problem." He questioned her, still not getting the hint. She groaned sitting up as well.
"Ten, girls plus the dark night does not end well, especially for the girl." She huffed, yeah she sneaked out at night but there was always someone there waiting for her near the door to walk with her and when she was more little, yeah of course she left and walked alone at night but she didn't know the dangers of a girl leaving the house alone at night.
Ten finally realized when she meant.
"I can just walk with you, we are going the same place anyway, its okay." He reassured her rubbing her knee. Tali shook her head.
"No, I have Blackpink schedule first." She said huffing. Ten never liked her in two separate groups except for the sub units since the dorm is in the same building. Having her to sign in two different companies just for her to be a in a girl group. He worried for the girl as she was practically in four groups.
"Here how about this, we stay in 127 dorm so they won't worry where the hell you are because one I don't want to walk to the Blackpink dorm its too far, two I don't want you to walk alone, and three if I don't show up with you I'm going to have my ass kicked." He offered, Tali laughed at the last part which wasn't far from off.
As Tali went to the dream dorm because she wanted to be in her own room; and the dorm is 2 floors down from 127, and Tali was supposed to be in 127 that night with Mark walking her. Then when Mark showed with no Tali, hell fire broke loose and Mark remembered to bring her to the right location unless he wants his ass kicked.
"Okay okay, lets go, Taeyong and Doyoung are probably waiting for me." She sighed knowing them, and also she forgot to tell them she supposed to go to the other dorm. But all well that ends well.
She got up and started packing with Ten on her tail.
"Do you really think they are waiting?" Ten asked looking at the time, not really convinced they are up right now.
"Oh they are, especially when I practice alone or with someone who also practices late." She clarified scrolling through her phone.
"I feel like that was an insult." Ten scoffed with a hand on his chest like he got punched there.
"Whatever rocks your boat."
He ran to her as he was alittle behind throwing his arm around her.
"You're mean today." He pouted.
"No Im tried, there's a different." She defended herself as they enter the dorm building. Ten shaked his head at her and pushed the button to the fifth floor.
"You think we are gonna get scolded?"
"For what?"
"For being late, last time it happened Doyoung wasn't the happiest man." She sighed, not really wanting to deal with a scolding as she's tired enough. Ten eyed her and saw how tired she was, he patted her head.
"Its okay I will deal with him." He gave her a small smile as she raised an eyebrow at him.
"You Ten Lee is going to deal with Kim Doyoung. You always lie to the man." Her not believe Ten would take Doyoung seriously. Ten rolled his eye playfully.
"Wow is this what you think of me?!" He asked baffled.
"Well-" She was cut off by the elevator ding. With a small smirk on her face she speed walked to the dorm door.
"Come back here!" Ten quietly yelled since its well 2am. Tali giggled at his effort to he quiet and pushed in the pin. Tali opened the door trying to be quiet as Ten behind her probably gonna complain on how slow shes going.
She took off her shoes and slowly walked to the living room as its in the way to the rooms and tried to be as quiet as possible, making sure her bag doesn't hit anything. Thats when she heard a door open behind her with her and Ten panicking not knowing what to do.
"You're late."
Tali turned to the side she was heading, to see Taeyong with his arms crossed obviously upset.
"Sorry, we were practicing and lost track of time." She said sheepishly, hanging her head in shame a little.
"You should have told us." A voice came from the other side. She turned to it, and as she also expected Doyoung with his arms crossed leaning on the wall.
"I didn't know I was gonna be staying that long."
"Tali you know better than that." Doyoung sighed. Ten didn't like where this was going.
"Chill she made a mistake." Ten added, trying to make them let it go.
"But she could have gotten hurt-"
"She was with me the whole time."
"No buts, the girl is tried and has an early schedule let her sleep." Ten finished pushing Tali to Taeyong so she can sleep with him. Doyoung looked at Ten questionably.
"Don't scold her, you do the same, don't tell me you don't cause you do. The girl has a lot on her plate, no need to tell her the same thing if she is not gonna do it the second time you ask her." Ten continued as he went to Doyoungs room to sleep with him. Doyoung sighed knowing he's right.
Tali is 18 now they are just worried she knows that. Also she's with Ten, and he won't let anything happen to her and if something did he couldn't live with that, and possibly his ass would get kicked so he would live either way so theres that.
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