#cristian mungiu
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mrs-stans · 1 month ago
EXCLUSIVE. How Sebastian Stan found out he was nominated for an Oscar: "I stopped rehearsals and told him." Cristian Mungiu, interview for Observator
Cristian Mungiu, director who won the prestigious Palme d'Or award at Cannes, spoke to Observator, Antena 1, about the new film he is preparing and which stars Sebastian Stan, an actor recently nominated for an Oscar.
by the Observator Editorial Team
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EXCLUSIVE. How Sebastian Stan found out he was nominated for an Oscar: "I stopped rehearsals and told him." Cristian Mungiu, interview for Observator.
Cristian Mungiu, a filmmaker who won an award at Cannes for the film 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, but also the director of films such as Occident, După Dealuri or Baccalaureat, gave an EXCLUSIVE interview to Observator. He said that he was with Sebastian Stan when the Romanian actor was nominated for an Oscar. Cristian Mungiu also talked about his new film, a production that will take him to Norway for filming and which has Sebastian Stan in the lead role.
"For now, Sebastian came to Romania for some rehearsals. We are not in a promotional phase because we don't really have anything to promote yet. We are organizing to make the film and it was important for us to see each other at this stage."
I met with Sebastian and Renate Reinsve, the lead actress, for some costume fitting and rehearsals, and what was also nice was that we were together when he received this news.
(Reporter: So he was in Romania?) Yes, he was in Romania and we were happy. He was emotional, but we agreed that we would work that day and we were in rehearsals when I received a message. I was happy to tell him: hey, you've been nominated!
Of course we were happy, but it's very important that now we can focus on what we have to do, because what we have to do next is quite difficult.
I hope we can start filming in March. We have to film for about two months, until May, in Norway. It is still not clear whether we will also film in Romania, probably not, but that is a decision we will make a little later. We have a cast made up mostly of Nordic actors: Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, plus Sebastian and a few Romanians.
"We've known each other for a long time. He came to New York once, when I was screening a film, and we met. We agreed to stay in touch in the hope that one day we would find a project to work on together. And look, I found one that was convenient for both me and him. For him, both in terms of role, language, and period," said Cristian Mungiu.
He also gave some details about the script.
(Reporter: What is the film about?) "It's the story of a meeting of two cultures, if you want to say it that way, which is expressed in the film through the meeting between two families who live next to each other in a very isolated locality, in a Norwegian fjord, in a place that we found and where there are only two or three houses. A situation that brings a fairly intimate report between neighbors and that shows a certain exchange related to each one's cultural values, ideas about family, about education. It's a community story, a story about the need to understand that there are no longer monoblock communities like before.
I don't know if it's a "difficult" film, because I've never made easy films. It's a more difficult film because I'm filming in a language other than Romanian, a difficult film because it also has to do with how the seasons manifest themselves today and because we don't know what weather we'll get there.
We're filming for about 50 days and the hope is that during this period we'll catch snow, rain, and spring.
"If everything goes well, we will try to get him to Cannes in 2026," he added.
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killsandthrills · 2 months ago
sebastian stan talking about finally making a movie in romanian with director cristian mungiu.
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notafunkiller · 2 months ago
What did Mungiu say? Because I feel people misunderstand what he said abput Sebastian
Related to Sebastian:
Mungiu talked about ADM & TA and Golden Globes + Berlinale.
He explained how it's easier to do some dramatic films (indie films, small films) after you've been in blockbusters, huge films that all people watch at the theatres (and he mentions his Marvel popularity), and that he actually started this process of playing in smaller films seriously 2-3 years ago (probably referring to Fresh).
He also talked about how Sebastian left Romania when he was a child so all the merits go to him and his family.
About the project, they won't film in Romania + there are multiple languages spoken (English, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian, plus Romanian). Sebastian is working on his accents (Romanian and English) because he has an Americam accent (he said: he has an American accent because he lives in LA, which = he was basically saying he has an American accent because he lives in America. He was not confirming where he lives in my opinion –since people messaged me to ask about this. Here it makes sense to say that –tbh Romanian people assume everyone in the industry lives in LA haha, but who am I to destroy anyone's bubble?)
Mungiu has been thinking about this project for a long time.
Also he said that he wants to see how it's possible through this project for the other very talented actors to have an international visible careeer without needing to go through the filter of the "American movie" (related to the other actors that will be in the film)
Mungiu and Sebastian met for the first time in 2007 when he presented his famous film (4 luni, 3 săptămâni și 2 zile) in NYC. Sebastian came with his mom at Mungiu's film to watch it and talk to Mungiu. They kept in touch. And then he asked him to come to Romania in 2018. They wanted to work on a project for years and found Fjord the right fit.
Sebastian and him will talk face to face soon.
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musette22 · 1 month ago
https://x.com/hourlyseb/status/1882141377427087535?t=dIPM2zjwlUBDYpm9-VhgTg&s=19 SEB IS IN ROMANIA APPARENTLY!! OMG IM CRYING SO HARD
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh oh my god, that's incredible!!! He must've gone there straight from Italy, I LOVE that 🥹🥹 Back in his motherland! And with Renate and Cristian Mungiu too, this is so exciting aaahh 🥰 And he looks AMAZING. He always does, but still 💞💞
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 8 months ago
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cinematicmasterpiece · 1 year ago
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4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days (2007)
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filmap · 1 year ago
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R.M.N. Cristian Mungiu. 2022
House DJ107M, Rimetea 517610, Romania See in map
See in imdb
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apicturespeaks · 9 months ago
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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, Cristian Mungiu
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mtonino · 1 year ago
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Cinediario 2023 - giugno
R.M.N. (2022) Cristian Mingiu
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filmografie · 2 years ago
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Favorite films watched in March 2023:
R.M.N. (2022), dir. Cristian Mungiu
FTA (1972), dir. Francine Parker
L’Atalante (1934), dir. Jean Vigo
Providence (1977), dir. Alain Resnais
Family Life (1971), dir. Krzysztof Zanussi
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davidhudson · 2 years ago
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Happy 55th, Cristian Mungiu.
Dan Petris’s poster for R.M.N. (2022).
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mrs-stans · 1 month ago
Details of Sebastian Stan's visit to Romania. He stayed at a luxury hotel in downtown Bucharest, went out on the town and posed for pictures.
From Hollywood to Bucharest. Sebastian Stan found out he was nominated for an Oscar while he was in the capital, at rehearsals. The Romanian superstar is preparing for his role in the film directed by Cristian Mungiu. The visit was planned discreetly and few details were known to fans. He stayed at a luxury hotel in the center of Bucharest, went out on the town and posed, among others, with another champion - David Popovici.
By the Observator Editorial Team
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Two weeks after his declaration of love on the Golden Globes stage, Hollywood star Sebastian Stan has arrived in Romania for a visit . He is preparing to film his first Romanian feature film, directed by Cristian Mungiu.
"Sebastian came to Romania for some rehearsals. We are in a preparation phase. It was important to see each other for some costume tests and rehearsals. We were together when we received the news that he was nominated for an Oscar . So that he wouldn't have too many emotions, we agreed that we would work that day and, during rehearsals, I received a message that he had been nominated. I was pleased to give him the news," said Cristian Mungiu.
The superstar's film partner, Norwegian actress Renate Reinsve, who won an award at Cannes, also arrived in Romania.
Sebastian Stan and Renate Reinsve also starred together in the film "A Different Man"
"I asked him if he had time, I gave him the script, he liked it, we met and decided that we would work together. We have known each other for a long time. He came to New York when I was preparing another film and we agreed to stay in touch to find a project to work on together," added Mungiu.
In a recent interview, Sebastian Stan said he can't wait to get into the role he has in the film directed by Cristian Mungiu, titled "Fjord." "I tried to find a project that would bring me back to Romania and exploit that personal history that I have. I'm excited to work with Cristian Mungiu and I hope everything ends well," the actor said.
Before filming began, Sebastian Stan went out on the town with the production team and several businessmen, at the Universul Palace.
"He seemed to me to be an extremely modest and friendly character, very involved in this project. It is his first film in Romanian, which he speaks with his mother. I think this project has a very high personal value for him," said Laura Mihăilă, communications director at a bank.
Sebastian Stan met with swimming champion David Popovici
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The actor also met with swimming champion David Popovici . "Yes, Sebastian Stan is just as cool in real life. They say if I train hard enough, maybe I'll get a role in a Marvel movie," Popovici wrote on Facebook. In just a few hours, the post received tens of thousands of likes.
Sebastian Stan was accommodated at a five-star hotel in the center of the capital and was driven around Bucharest in a luxury limousine. The actor speaks Romanian fluently, thanks to his mother, a piano teacher.
The Romanian film directed by Cristian Mungiu follows the story of a Romanian family that moves to Norway and ends up involved in a complicated civil lawsuit, following accusations of physical abuse. The film addresses themes such as tolerance, freedom and the boundaries of privacy, with children in the foreground. Filming will take place in Norway, and the project is financed by the National Center of Cinematography with 3.5 million lei. The film "Fjord" is already one of the most anticipated titles of 2026.
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fearndtrembling · 1 year ago
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Beyond the hills (2012) by Cristian Mungiu
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musette22 · 2 months ago
https://x.com/sebstan44/status/1869648346199253339?t=lfgIz2nVswIczPOGeKAORg&s=19 Sebastian's movie with Romanian director Cristian MUNGIU will be filmed in Norway in the spring of next year!!! (Which side eye because doomsday (marvel) will be filmed in the spring too so he might not be in that one after all OR he will be only a little (let's hope!) 🤭
Oh wow!!! This is amazing news, I am LOVING the sound of this! YAY more Sebastian as a dad! And Norway, how cool is that!! (hoping Seb isn't actually in doomsday because of various reasons but also because marvel does not get to get in the way of Sebastian's passion projects ever again thanks very much). This all sounds great, very excited for this project (and for Sebastian!) 😊
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ozdeg · 2 years ago
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Vlad Ivanov, Anamaria Marinca, and Laura Vasiliu in 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (Cristian Mungiu, 2007) Cast: Anamaria Marinca, Laura Vasiliu, Vlad Ivanov, Alexandru Potocean, Luminita Gheorghiu, Adi Carauleanu. Screenplay: Cristian Mungiu. Cinematography: Oleg Mutu. Production design: Mihaela Poenaru. Film editing: Dana Bunescu.    A harrowing, brilliant film, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days is set in 1987 Romania, during the final years of the Ceausescu regime. Gabita (Laura Vasiliu), a student, wants an abortion, illegal in Romania, so she prevails on her roommate in a university dormitory, Otilia (Anamaria Marinca), to help her. But Gabita is so deeply sunk in denial that she's incapable of doing much more than ask for help: It's up to Otilia to do most of the planning and strategy after Gabita has telephoned the abortionist, a Mr. Bebe  (Vlad Ivanov), to make the initial arrangements. Otilia even borrows money from her boyfriend, Adi (Alexandru Potocean), to help Gabita, and when the day arrives, she has been persuaded by Gabita to meet with Bebe and to go to the hotel room Gabita has supposedly reserved. Otilia has to bear the brunt of Bebe's scorn and bullying when he finds he is dealing with an intermediary. The hotel has no record of Gabita's reservation, and Otilia is forced to find a room in another hotel, every time encountering resistance and hostility, plus additional charges, from the hotels. Director Cristian Mungiu, who also wrote the screenplay, finds a tone halfway between Dickens and Kafka in his portrayal of bureaucratic indifference. Moreover, when Gabita finally arrives for the abortion, having characteristically forgotten the plastic sheet she was supposed to bring, we find that her capacity for denial extends to how far advanced her pregnancy really is: She had told Otilia that it has been three months since her period, but Bebe forces her to admit that it has been almost five -- hence the film's title. He demands more money, and when the women are unable to come up with it, he agrees to proceed if they will have sex with him. Mungiu uses long takes, carefully framed without camera movement or cuts, to set up this sordid tale, and the performances by Marinca, Vasilu, and Ivanov are equal to the demands of what amounts almost to filmed theater. After Bebe has performed the procedure and left, while Gabita is waiting to expel the fetus, Otilia leaves for a while, having agreed to attend a birthday dinner for Adi's mother. Once again, Mungiu uses a long take at the dinner table, where the guests, friends of Adi's parents, chatter on inconsequentially as Otilia sits there virtually silent, though obviously anxious about Gabita's plight, as well as feeling guilty about having sex with Bebe. It's to Mungiu's great credit -- not to mention Marinca's -- that he does nothing to communicate this subtext to the scene, other than allow the banality of the dinner table talk to make us focus on Marinca's face and to project our own uneasiness about the situation onto her. Mungiu also contrasts his long, still takes with long tracking shots filmed with a handheld camera as, later, Otilia hurries through the nighttime streets looking for a place to dispose of the fetus. It's undeniably an unpleasant story, but it's also a haunting one, given great resonance by the skillful characterization of the script and its performers and the superb cinematic technique of its director. In a BBC poll of film critics to name the best film of the 21st century, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days came in at No. 15. I might have placed it higher.
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