#cris is a white dove asking for peace
luveline · 10 months
steve!! i miss him too :( what about a cute kbd christmas fic?
kbd —the harrington's start preparing for christmas. mom!reader, 2k
When you get home to absolute silence, you assume your kids have been abducted and your husband murdered. When you find the laundry baskets have been moved off of the stairs and the mountain of little shoes by the door has been lined up neatly, you guess the killers must've cleaned after it happened. 
You forget the stiffness of your back and pinched toes. Arms full of grocery bags, you shoulder into the living room with your tongue between your teeth. “Oh,” you say, breathing out, “good. You're alive.” 
Your girls are sitting in a wavy row. Avery lays with a long leg hanging over one couch arm, littlest Wren by her side swaddled and propped with pillows. Dove sits at Wren's other side with her rainbow Teddy bear in her lap. Bethie, precious sweetheart, is sleeping smushed against the opposite armrest with Steve's sweatshirt over her lap.
“Hey, honeys,” you say quietly, so as not to disrupt their mild moods, “everyone okay?” 
“Yeah, mom,” Avery says without looking away from the TV. 
“What about you, Dove? You okay?” 
“Yis,” she says shortly. 
You turn to the TV, confused. What could be interesting enough to hook them both? Even Wren seems to be watching the TV, her tiny face demure. 
“What's this?” you ask, squinting, before a familiar white beagle takes to the screen. “Oh, it's A Charlie Brown Christmas!” 
“Mommy, can you please be bit quieter, please?” Dove asks. 
You snort and hurry past them to the kitchen. The smell of homemade cinnamon rolls envelopes you, the heat of the oven warming your wind-nipped nose. “Hey,” you say, though you can't actually see your husband anywhere. 
He pops up from behind the kitchen table with water dripping down one wrist, a rag in hand. “Hey!” he says, ditching the rag in a bowl of suds, quick to wipe his hands dry on his chest and stand. “I didn't hear you. You forget how to yell?” 
“And disturb the peace?” You sigh in relief as he takes the heavier bag from your wrist to push onto the clean countertop. “Thanks.” He takes the other bags. “Thanks, baby.” 
“Y'welcome,” he says easily. He looks like he's had a long day in that his shirt is wet in four different places and in three different colours, but he looks happy, cheeks a red hue and almond eyes creased with a familiar fondness. 
Steve's pretty much always happy to see you. You lay claim to at least two of his smile lines, and you love to feel them with your fingers to affirm that they're really there, he's really happy, in this life you made together. (An exhausting, lovely life.) You raise your hand to his cheek and cover one such wrinkle with your fingertips, tilting his face into one palm. “You've been busy today,” you say gently.  
“So busy. All the bedrooms, the bathrooms. Soon as I wipe down the baseboards in here, I'm done.” 
“Want me to do it?” 
“No way. You'll take all my glory.” He presses his smile into a flat line, though the love stays behind in his eyes. 
“I'm gonna look at everything just as soon as I put the groceries away, I can't believe it,” you say, kissing him chastely, then the corner of his mouth before pulling away. The soft brush of his lips lingers on yours, but nothing feels as good as the way he looks at you. “You didn't have to do it all, baby, I would've helped.” 
“Christmas will be here before we know it,” he says with an unbothered shrug. “It creeps up on us every year. I figured I better get the jump on it if I was gonna get it done, but then they've all been so weirdly well behaved. Dove hasn't cried once.” 
“Bethie's sleeping, you know?” 
He takes your arm before you can turn away and works you into a hug. 
“I know,” he says, cupping the back of your head. “Was Wren alright?” 
“Best big sister is looking after her.” 
“God, we don't deserve her. She's not stressed, is she?” 
Avery loves being a big sister, but you're both wary of how she might feel responsible for things she shouldn't have to be responsible for. “She looked fine. They were watching TV.” 
Steve gives you a steady, soft squeeze. You press your nose down into his shoulder with your arms curled around him to breathe him in. He smells of disinfectant, the sugary Christmas one that the girls can't get enough of. Avery begs him to spray down the bath before she gets in so it'll smell nice, and every time he promises her he'll buy her a bottle of bubble bath, but a little disinfectant isn't bad for her, anyways. From over Steve's shoulder you can see he's used it well, every surface sparkling clean, no corner or speck of grime left to survive. 
You kiss his shoulder. “You really didn't have to, Stevie, but thank you. It's amazing in here.” 
He hums into the side of your head. “I love you.” 
You totally, totally get it. You'd clean a hundred houses for him, even with four girls badgering you as you go. 
“Love you too. You finish the baseboards, I'll put the groceries away, and we'll sit down before they realise they're being well-behaved.” 
Steve likes your plan, leaving you with a last little squeeze to get done cleaning. You sort through what's in the fridge, throwing away stuff past due, noting on the whiteboard stuck to the fridge what's about to go bad soon, as well as the dates for the meat. What you've bought today should last for at least two weeks, but it never really does. 
You keep some of the Christmas goodies on the counter and hide the rest away atop the cabinets out of sight. 
Avery runs in as you're taking off your shoes. “Mom, Bethie's crying about something.” 
“Oh no. Thanks, babe, I'll be right there.” 
You sneak a peek at Steve before you go. His brow furrowed in concentration, the muscle of his upper arm tenses and releases with every scrub of the baseboard. It's… Well, you married well. 
Beth cries on the couch, she and Dove pulling at the same dark blob of material while Wren looks on in quiet confusion. She's too small to sit, laid on her back, but she's started turning her head, following people and their movements, and when she sees you, she smiles. It's a very Steve-like expression. 
“Hello,” you say, picking her up carefully, kissing her little head. “Let's get you out of the splash zone, sweetheart.” 
“Mom, she took daddy's hoodie!” 
“I want it!” 
“What if I go get another one of daddy's hoodies?” you ask, attempting a swift defusing. “How's that? We can all have one.” 
“I want this one,” Beth insists. 
“I want it,” Dove says, glaring at her older sister. 
Bethie is a gentle soul that won't pull it out of Dove's hands, even when she maybe should. She cries and balls her hands into the fabric to stop from losing it completely, sending you a desperate frown, “Mom, please, I had it first.” 
“Yes you did, honey. Dove.” You look her straight in her little face, knowing this won't end well. “Bethie had it first, okay? You can have it later, but until then, I can go get you one for yourself.” 
Dove hates that. Wren hates that Dove hates it, and everybody starts crying. Avery didn't follow you out of the kitchen, likely kept behind by Steve to save her from the coming massacre, but she'd probably start crying too from the sheer overwhelming volume. 
Can't have everything, you think. 
“Dove, don't make me call daddy in here. Take your hands off of daddy's sweatshirt. Now, please.” 
Dove shrieks and lets go of it, throwing herself down off of the couch to cry into the beanbag instead. She kicks her legs, and Beth looks shocked at the outcome, any victory overwritten by guilt. She climbs off of the couch with her arm already held out to give Dove the sweater, but you stop her. 
“That's yours, baby, you keep it. Daddy gave that to you.” 
“I'm not being a good sharer,” Bethie says. 
“There's enough to go around,” you promise her. Dove's just showing off ‘cos you've said no, not because there's something special about that sweatshirt. Sure, it has a reindeer on the chest, but Steve has tens of Christmas sweatshirts. 
You get to a point as a parent where the crying becomes white noise, and you can manage one at a time or none at all. Bethie nods, and you lean down to give her tearstained cheek a kiss before turning to Dove with Wren grizzling in your arms. She can't decide if she's upset or not, it seems. 
“Dovey, don't be angry at me, please? Let's go get you another one. Okay? You could even have one of mommy's, if you wanted.” 
Not good enough. She cries and cries and cries until Steve enters the room, his confusion dramatised as he holds out his hands to her. “Dove! What's wrong, sweetheart?” 
“Mom won't– mommy won't–” She sobs. “I want that one.” 
“Mommy's just doing what I asked her to,” Steve says, bending down at the waist to meet her eyes. “So be mad at me, okay? Mommy didn't do it, I told her that that one's for Beth. How about we go and get you another one?” 
Dove immediately takes his hand, appeased now she has someone on her side. You flop down on the couch as they walk away together with one last child to soothe. Wren goes down easy. All she wants is some shushing and back patting. 
“Is it over?” Avery asks, tiptoeing back into the room. 
You laugh. “Yeah, it's over. Sorry.” 
“I'm sorry for hiding,” she says. 
“There's nothing wrong with sitting somewhere quiet when things are too loud, bub. You gonna come and finish your movie? We can get dad to rewind it for us.” You hold out an arm. She sits in front of it with a smile like she's been given the world. 
You really don't deserve your girl. 
Steve and Dove return changed. Steve's in clean pyjamas with wet cheeks, Dove drowned in one of Steve's snowman sweaters. He rewinds the movie without being asked, and he squeezes in beside Avery, and everyone lets out a simultaneous sigh of relief. 
He finds your shoulder across the back of the couch, feeling along it like he knows every curve and divot. It doesn't take long for you to settle in and relax, soothed as the girls had been by a touch of comfort. Your attention flickers between his peaceful face and the baby as she snores on your chest. 
“Snoopy is sooooo bad,” Bethie whispers happily, looking to her big sister for an agreement.  
“He's mischievous,” Avery says. 
“That's a big word,” you say, “where'd you learn that one, honey?” 
Steve pats your arm. He doesn't say anything, just lets you know he's there with you. 
“We're reading a book about Santa at school and they said all the mischievous kids end up on the naughty list.” 
“That's not necessarily true.” You kiss her forehead. “You girls are mischievous, but you're still good girls.” 
“I'm not mist-jiv-us,” Beth denies. 
“You're the most mist-jiv-us,” Steve says, “I know what you're up to, Bethie bear. I always know.”
“I'm not up to anything!” she denies, giggling at his accusatory tone. 
“I am naughty,” Dove says. 
You and Steve laugh at the same time. “Only a little,” Steve says. 
“A lot!” Avery says. 
Dove just laughs and lays back against Steve's chest. Avery languishes between you and Steve like a princess, propping her leg over your thigh, and Beth snuggles into your arm. You breathe in the smell of Wren's hair, totally relaxed in the squeaky clean depths of the living room, your family finally in one place. 
Steve deserves a great, huge, heaping thank you, but you don't have anything to give him. You turn to him over Avery's head, trying to think of what to say to him to express how grateful you are for all that effort and love, years of it, but when he meets your eyes you know he already knows what you want to say. 
“Can we pretend there's mistletoe or something?” he asks, looking down to your lips, his own pursed into a longing pout. 
“Yeah, Stevie,” you say, lifting your chin invitingly. “Wow, look, there's mistletoe! You know what that means.” 
You can feel the shape of his smile when he kisses you, and though he keeps it short and sweet, that evening his hand stays on your arm for hours drawing hearts between iterations of your name, one loving letter at a time.  
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zo3mess · 4 months
This Is Not A Love Story
Summary: Adrian visits the grave of an "old friend" and tries to come to terms with her death. They say time heals all wounds; does it count even to those who caused them?
Warnings: Dead dove, do not eat. Angst, death of fem!character (not necessarily a reader), strangulation, violence, religious themes, pre-canon timeline
Italics are past events/memories
Word count: 2.8K
Extra songs for this fic
Masterlist of my works
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Note: Just to be clear I don’t see Adrian acting like that, however his overall character has the potential for these kinds of stories. After all, he canonically enjoys killing criminals and called himself and Peacemaker “Born killers” (only killing bad guys, usually, unless there’s a mistake), plus he’s obsessive and impulsive. Also I cried while writing this at some point (blame it on my period) so with all due respect I hope this will make you miserable at least a little.
Thank you all who support my work and I’m sorry if this was a bit too much. Have a great day, loves <3
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It had started as a love story.
That is what Adrian is sure of. The only memory he truly trusts, sitting in his mind and reminding him of the time, all those years back. It started as a pure and innocent crush. The intertwining of two grieving souls in the graveyard.
The same graveyard he is walking to now. Feet are heavy, knees threatening to give up under him, shaking hand grasping two white lilies. He doesn’t remember the last time he was this scared.
This place always brought some sort of weird comfort to him. It brought peace whenever he visited the grave of his family. Solace of not being the only one drowning in grief and sadness. Now? A place of sheer horror and guilt.
The truth is he has no idea why he’s walking to the place that haunts him in sleep, for some reason today feels right to dig up skeletons from the closet.
Adrian was standing above his family’s grave, candle already burning, fresh flowers decorating the sad grey tombstone, however, his attention was somewhere else. A girl, around his age, sitting down next to the newer grave not too far from him.
She was talking and even though he could not hear her, sadness was visible on her face. Her perfect face, cheeks all red from the cold autumn wind that was also messing her hair in the most flawless way.
A little smile appeared with one-sided farewell when she was leaving. But the silhouette would not leave Adrian’s mind for a while.
His mind carried another lovely memory of her standing so elegantly under the black umbrella in heavy rain. A few stray raindrops shimmered on her skin and dropped on her coat. Hair stuck to her face and wet eyelashes completed the soft look. He found out she was talking to the grave of her father. They must have been very close.
Each time Adrian saw her smiling more and more, dealing with the death of her close relative, he was more certain she was an angel on Earth, a holy figure sent to torture him with her charm. Perfect. Untouchable.
If only she looked behind her to see Adrian standing next to his family’s grave and thought the same about him. So close, yet so far. If only she would listen to his hasty love confessions and sweet words. He would have been on his knees the second she asked, he would grovel in dirt for one smile just for him.
Legs carry him mindlessly, a habit of his late visits to bring fresh flowers and dust off Chase’s grave located far away from the entrance. Burly willow throwing cooling shade on the final resting place.
Adrian tried to go there many times before, but he was not able to stay for long. A ghost of the poor girl was haunting the place. Even now he can see her figure float around the majestic tree, a place where she died.
He isn’t sure if the specter is just his mind playing tricks on him and not letting him forget his heinous act or if she was, in fact, a real ghost haunting him for what he did. Either way it worked. Since that night he tries to be better, to do good, albeit in his own twisted way, but he tries to become the person she deserved to meet all those years back.
The lump in his throat is so unpleasant, his head starts to hurt and ringing in his ears gets louder. Is that another trick from his body to remind him he shouldn’t be here or is there something supernatural about it? Adrian is basically vibrating out of his skin and his hands are destroying stems of perfectly picked flowers with their tight hold. Until…
Everything falls quiet when he arrives at the crest of her grave. Tombstone from light marble, a plenty of bouquets playing in all colors and plush toys all around. How ironic of a grave to be so lively.
His simple white lilies suddenly look like nothing, but he must lay them down between the rest. She deserves them and all the other flowers in the world, as well as stars and anything else she would have thought of. If only he could bring her all those things.
Between tributes, rose petals and burned-out candles there lays a photo in frame with engraved words ‘We miss you’. And no matter how hard Adrian tries not to cry, his throat starts to burn and eyes swell upon seeing her smiling among her friends on the picture.
He isn’t one of them, he never was and never would have been. The fact he is just standing there and sniffling above the grave of someone he snatched away was outrageous. He shouldn't have come there.
But after all, if the girl hasn’t come to the cemetery when she shouldn’t have, maybe it would be different.
Adrian started to leave notes on the grave of her father, it was with good intention, but could be easily interpreted as something menacing. He knew firsthand how dangerous people can be and all he wanted for her was to be safe and sound. So why not remind her of few tips to keep herself protected?
Notes like: ‘Don’t forget to look your backdoors’ or ‘check the backseat of your car’. He saw them as simple warnings, what he didn’t see was the reaction she had to them. Sudden notes sticked to the grave, messy handwriting, almost weekly occurrence, it all freaked her out and sent child down her spine, but she didn’t want to stop coming to the grave of dear parent despite being sure someone was watching her.
And few days before New Year’s Adrian heard his girl talk to her dead father again, promising she will visit him two days after the celebration of New Year. Two days. It gave Adrian the kick he needed to actually walk out of his home and watch the fireworks as he walked to the cemetery that fateful night.
Smell of gunpowder and smoke filled his lungs when he stood above the grave of girl’s father in the dark. He was preparing to plaster another note on the tombstone, but the tape kept latching on his gloves. All too focused on his task he didn’t notice the soft crunching of snow that got closer and closer.
“So it’s you who keeps bothering me!” A yelp made Adrian stop what he was doing in surprise. And the source? His beautiful angel. All pampered up in a nice dress, on her way to New Year’s party, but unexpected sadness made her stop there on her way to celebrations.
She shouldn’t be here. She wasn’t supposed to be here… Was all he could think of. “I can explain-“
“I’m calling the police. You’ve been stalking me for weeks!” She didn’t even let him finish before flipping out her phone and dialing number with her already cold fingers.
Adrian took step closer to her on instinct, but she immediately took a step back to keep the distance with a warning look, her finger just hovering over the call icon. He slowly inched closer again, his hands up in defense, he already knew he lost her when she took another two steps back.
They kept dancing around each other with caution until she tripped over one of the graves nearby, making her topple to the ground. Adrian moved quickly to catch her, but failed miserably and fell on top of her. Or more like launched at her.
“Get off me, you freak!” She screamed in fear, making their ears ring. A stranger that possibly stalked her was suddenly pinning her to the ground while her phone drowned in the snow out of her reach, of course she was afraid.
Freak. She saw him as a freak, but it still could be undone, no? Adrian could still explain his weird behavior and the sudden ambush. She just needed to calm down and stop screaming. Oh God, she needed to stop screaming before someone might have noticed hem.
Terror in her eyes made his heart skip, she shouldn’t be afraid of him, of course not. His hands cupped her cheeks, the scratchy material of his gloves made her shiver even more. Adrian just wanted to calm her down, make her look into his eyes shining in the darkness of the dawn so she could see he had no bad intentions.
At least he thought he didn’t have any bad intentions.
She wriggled underneath him, desperate to run away. Couldn’t his love see that all of this was just a misunderstanding? That they were made for each other?
He had no idea why he did what he did then. He just knew she needed to be quiet. Hands sliding down her face to her lovely neck. Fingers stretching around it so perfectly. Flickering eyes, dilated pupils, following the movement. He could feel her windpipe already struggling to take in the much-needed oxygen.
She did not even scream anymore, only quiet sobs filled the night air. Eyes puffy and red, pleading for mercy. Something he could not grant her, too busy being drunk on power.
Grip tightening…
What happened next was a blur. Not a single reasonable thought. Heat of the moment clouding mind and body.
And yet, certain details etched in his memory; how fast his heart was beating, the buzzing of blood coursing through her neck under his fingers, smaller hands scratching onto him, gurgling sounds and most importantly her eyes…
Fading light as the hope dropped, as life left her with one last breath.
His grip loosened the second realization hit him what he’d done, and sheer panic took hold, paralyzing him on the spot.
He wanted to be a part of her life, the same as she would be part of his. Never in a million years he wanted to take her life. But his twisted mind was filled with brutish greed, the urge to take and never give back.
And he did. He took away the wings from his angel. Becoming the very predator he warned her about.
“I haven’t seen you here before,” Raspy voice makes Adrian twitch in surprise. An older lady appears next to him like a ghost. “Old friend?”
“You could say that.” Calling himself a friend was more than cruel. He wishes he was a friend, not a stranger with uncontrollable impulses. A friend she would spend the celebrations with. She could have danced the night away with him, cooled his heated face with a cold glass full of whiskey, and maybe even given a New Year’s kiss for good luck.
He wishes he wasn’t so stupid and walked away when he had the chance. But the recklessness and certain buried predatory instincts were stronger than any logic.
“She was such a kind girl. Always helped me with groceries, fed my cats while I was gone…” Her voice dies at the end as grief overcomes her once again. Her quiet sniffling makes Adrian look at her. Understanding of the situation getting clearer. His hands took away not just a girl visiting the graveyard. She had a life, a job, a family, friends. He took that all away.
All that was left were eerie reminders afterward. An empty coffee mug sitting in the sink with the imprint of her lipstick still sticky, an unmade bed hopelessly waiting for the owner to fall into the soft sheets, an abandoned work project open on her computer at work, a barista in a café expecting the regular customer that orders Americano with two sugars.
“Would you believe they never found her killer? Whoever did this should rot in Hell.” The spite in the old lady’s voice is close to unbearable to Adrian’s ears, but deep down he knows it’s right.
“Yeah, they should.” He can’t say more or less. He should suffer, he wishes he would suffer more for her death. Because the punishment never came except for his own remorse.
Days after Adrian rotted in bed, shielded from the world, patiently waiting for the police to knock on his door. They never came for him.
Every hour, every minute he kept checking the news about the hideous murder. Poor girl never lived long enough to see the fireworks firing at midnight.
Tears were streaming down his face and wetting the sheets, skin on his arms was scratched from attempts to punish himself for what he did. Oh, and those thoughts swimming in his head and voices screaming and accusing him. The feeling of emptiness deepened with the realization of slight pleasure. Certain good feelings rose in him when he held her neck, the feeling of power, it disgusted him even more now it was over.
Part of him wanted to walk to the police precinct and give himself up, the fear controlling the other part was stronger. He was no better than any criminal he beats up under the veil of darknesst, what had he become? Secretly he hoped for a death late at night, he would gladly let the ghost of the girl come and strangle him in return. Her cold hands and deadly stare would be more than welcome. But ghosts don’t come back for revenge, so he just waited… Penance never arrived.
What’s the use of wielding the swords of justice, when you’re unable to execute the verdict when time calls?
Seconds, minutes pass as he stands between the graves, completely ignoring everything around him, just staring on the grave as sun beams bounce of all the glass candles and laminated photos of better times.
But there’s still one last stop before he can leave and never come back ever again, or at least until he’s brave enough to face actions of his past.
The chapel… Still as brightly as he remembers and still fear infusing and scary.
The air is still soaked with mold and the age of wooden benches. All cold and unpersonal. No one is there except for an old man sitting in the front, muttering prayers under his breath that are echoing through the big hall.
Adrian sits at the very back, as close as he can to the exit so he can sprint off the second his mind shows him the painful memory. He left her there, right by the altar in the middle and he is sure he will be reminded of it by his own brain. It’s like part of him wants to push him around while the other is screaming for help. He never thought of himself as schizophrenic or to have split personality, but this is quite close to madness.
Adrian couldn’t leave her laying in coldness of the snow. Maybe she just fell into a shock and some warmth would wake her up, right?
He dragged her body all the way to the small building, imitating a chapel. Stale air and dark corners accompanied his course. Deep down he knew it was too late to save her, but the panic seeping through him pushed him to try to wake her up. He called her name, stroked her cheeks before lightly slapping them, shook her body, all with no avail.
His warm tears dripping down on her lifeless stare, even though there was no light behind her eyes, they were shooting daggers right through him. Calling out his true nature. The monster in his soul.
Sparks from fireworks outside lightened the room from time to time, making the stained glass shine and flicker. The window pictured Pietà, Virgin Mary cradling the body of Jesus Christ. She lost her loved one to the hands of  jealousy and chase for power and riches.
And under them, under the holy picture, was Adrian cradling the cold body of his loved one. But unlike the sacred picture above, they weren’t holy, there was no story of greatness to come, this was just a tragedy. And not every loss is the same.
Then he just left her there. Fragile body leaning against the altar, dead eyes staring ahead of her, watching Adrian leave through the heavy wooden doors.
Leaving her alone forever.
Leaving her until morning when early birds already come begging for forgiveness for the sins of the celebratory night. Until half drunken people find themselves in front of a dead body in the chapel and with piercing scream they alert everyone else to come and see the gruesome sight of the warm morning that melted snow and bared secrets.
It’s a strong déjà vu for Adrian. He walks in the same steps through the corridor of the chapel, out and under the early spring sun, back to his car. Where he just sits and stares to space. Everything is still so painful, it stings his heart.
Maybe in another life it ended all differently. In alternative reality they got their happy ending and lived happily ever after, or at least an ending where she continued to live her life without ever meeting Adrian.
There’s still hope he will be forgiven. By God, by the world, by her, by the soul chained to him as a painful reminder. But not now.
He knows he doesn’t deserve it yet.
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
hiiii i just found your blog and love your writing! for lemonades event, may i pls request 🫐 & 🏖️ with dazai and atsushi (platonic)? thank youuuu!
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
It came as no surprise to Astushi that Dazai refused to remove his bandages even at the beach.
To his credit, the man at least wore a plain white t-shirt and shorts, but the bandages remained stubbornly in place. Atsushi had never given much thought to them – chalking it up to yet another of the brunette’s bizarre quirks – but at this point even he had to wonder what was under them.
“You’re not getting in the water, Atsushi?” Dazai asked him now, standing over him with a knowing smile as Atsushi lounged under an umbrella, taking in the warmth of the sand beneath and the sun above.
“I’m not a fan of water, really,” Atsushi replied.
“But you can swim, can’t you?”
“You dove into that river to rescue me when we first met, after all.”
Atsushi blushed and glanced away. “Those were different circumstances.”
Dazai hummed and sat down beside him, seemingly uncaring of the fact there was no towel in the spot he chose to place his rear end. “So many beautiful women here. I wonder if any of them would—”
“Don’t even think about it, Dazai,” Atsushi groaned, unable to muster up the energy to snap at him like he normally would have. “This is a public beach, meant for relaxing and having fun. Don’t ruin it.”
The brunette gave him a wicked smirk. “Why, I was only going to muse about whether any of them would want to have a drink with me at the tiki bar~”
Atsushi was 100% certain that wasn’t what his boss had been about to say, but he let it go. “Well, go find one to ask and let me relax in peace.”
“Oh? Am I bothering you, Atsushi?”
The instant he felt fingers scribbling into his unfortunately very exposed tummy, Atsushi knew he’d made a mistake. He yelped and curled in on himself, giggling and giving his friend a wide-eyed, pleading look. “Nohoho, wait—”
“Does this bother you? Huh? How about this?” Dazai chuckled, easily keeping up with his squirming as Atsushi rolled onto his side and then began flailing, hysterical giggles pouring out of him unfiltered. Then one of his tickling fingers slipped into his belly button, and Atsushi shrieked, and the brunette teased, “Oooh, how about this? Does this spot bother you, Atsushi?”
“Dahahahahahahahazai!” Atsushi pleaded, desperately trying to cover his tummy with his arms, sand raining down on them both as he kicked and writhed. “Plehehehehehehease! No fahahahahahahair!”
“I’m just relaxing and having fun, Atsushi~ Isn’t that what you said one does at the beach? Hmm?” Dazai grinned playfully, grabbing one of his flailing arms and skittering his fingernails into his ribs instead.
Atsushi squealed and cried, “Plehehehehehehehease! No mohohohohohohohore!”
Finally Dazai let him be, ruffling his hair before getting to his feet. Atsushi let out a few leftover giggles and grinned up at him as he dusted himself off as best he could, eyes scanning the beach. “Let’s see now…ooh! Maybe that redheaded beauty would be a good place to start!”
With a wave, Dazai took off toward his intended target of affection. Atsushi pitied the poor individual, but not enough to get up and try to stop him. With a smile, he lay back down and closed his eyes. He was already feeling warmer both inside and out.
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bright-and-burning · 9 months
9 & 15 for ask game
15. fic that's between you and your ao3 history?
this question is difficult to answer bc 9 times out of 10 i have no shame and bookmark them anyways... so uh
restore a peaceful mood by anon
a/b/o christian/max fic which is not normally my Thing but was good . for sure .
also shooting doves ;) but i'll shout that to the rooftops that one's between me and the entire world
9. a fic that made you cry?
ok so normally i dont cry at fic lol like. Ever. i need to be Going Thru It irl to actually cry (not that i don't like physically ache over fic. bc i def do. but tears require a specific fragile emotional state lol). so uhhh. it says something abt my brain during the holidays that this fic made me cry LOL
recovering lost traditions by @glasscushion
max f/lando, holidays w complicated feelings and cats and happy endings!! lando is totally jealous of a cat in this. really and truly made my heart ache for max (he's very relatable here To Me. hence the tears), but also brought me like infinite joy by the end so. here's a bit that i literally watched play out in my head like a movie:
"Sophieracer4 thanks for the resub, Merry Christmas.
What’s that? I seem in a good mood? Do I? 
Lando screeches past Max’s open bedroom door, a tiny black and white ball of fluff in hot pursuit. 
Yeah, it’s all good. Good vibes here."
and a bonus:
telephone by grand-prix aka @grandprix-ao3
pierre/esteban but like . charles playing telephone between them in a rather homoerotic way. toxic mess. the ending... i'll just quote part of my comment: "thank you for this but also fuck you for this (complimentary)"
did not make me physically cry but the ending had me in shock enough that i think i would've cried had i not been shook. if that makes sense
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hhoneyglasss · 1 year
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐈𝐈 — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫
trying to upload in the schedule i set originally (mondays n fridays). here goes lol
꩜ 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 ꩜
꩜ 𝚊𝚘𝟹 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔 ꩜
꩜ 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 ꩜
shades, major character death, major character disappearances, peril, mortal danger, gore, graphic imagery & descriptions.
꩜ 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 ꩜
𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘳 𝘷 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 !!! 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 !!!
I woke up in the middle of the night to peaceful silence, my mother and Anatoly sound asleep. Anatoly slept in her nest tonight, his small frame hidden within her long fur. My nest was pulled closer to theirs as well. 
I yawned but nearly gagged at the scent that filled my nostrils. 
It was stale–decayed. 
I sat up and walked towards the entrance of our den, but didn’t dare leave it. The night was calm—nothing in the plaza could’ve caused the scent. 
The wind coursed through my fur and made me shiver–I backed away. I laid back down in my nest, my head on my paws as I watched the steady breathing of my mother and Anatoly. 
I closed my eyes, but that awful scent still filled my nose. It seemed to have injected itself into the air, a sickly venom that made me dizzy. 
The minutes dragged into hours until I heard a noise from outside—a distant howl from the Southern gate. My ears perked up, but I figured it was just one of the guards calling for another wolf. I’d heard a similar sound before. 
But when the howls continued and grew closer, I couldn’t ignore them. I didn’t leave my nest but raised my head from my paws and looked towards the plaza. The wind was gone. 
I was about to wake up my mother when I heard a crash at the gate, and I saw that it had been shattered. Jagged stone daggers rained down onto the ground as three wolves ran through the wreckage. 
One called out, her voice hoarse in my head, “Shades! Shades are coming! They got through the South–” 
But before she finished, a figure shrouded in black tackled her to the ground. I could barely even see it, but I watched as the shadow moved, slithering its way around her as it tore through her fur and skin, its outline growing more solid as it absorbed the life from her. 
I backed away, my heart pounding in my ears. My mother and brother awoke behind me, and I could hear her ask me what was happening, but her voice sounded like it was muffled by water. A white noise that echoed in my head so loudly I felt like my skull would split in half.
My mother didn’t say anything as she looked outside toward the plaza. More and more Shades had made their way in, shadowy puddles spilling across the ground towards dens and wolves. She turned towards Anatoly and me–he was shivering. 
“We’re going to leave the village,” she instructed, her voice completely calm, “You both are going to follow on my right, do you hear me? Do not trail behind me, move to my other side, or in front of me. Stay on my right.” 
She leaned down to look at both of us. “And do not look back. Do you understand?” 
We both said ‘yes’, and she backed away towards the den entrance. She paused before motioning both of us to follow quickly behind her. 
Once we left the den, we ran along the outer perimeter of the plaza, the sounds of Shades and wolf cries deafening. Don’t look back, I told myself, Don’t look back or you’re dead. Don’t look back. Don’t. 
But when I heard the rattled shriek of a Shade behind me, I looked back. 
I howled when its thick black claws raked through my right hind leg, blood soaking my fur as I flung it off of me into the wall of the den beside me. I dove and clamped its wiry body between my maw, shaking my head back and forth as tendrils of shadow forced their way down my throat. I choked but didn’t let go, one final crunch tearing the thing into dozens of black, viscous pieces. 
Deep breaths filled my throat with flame, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I turned to continue following my mother and Anatoly. They were only a little ways up ahead and I sprinted after them, ignoring the agonizing burn in my leg to keep up with them. 
My mother turned to me, her gaze filled with horror. “Tarak, I’m sorry, I heard the Shade after you did and would’ve come to you but I couldn’t leave Anatoly by himself–” 
“It’s okay,” I reassured, “I’m okay–we’re okay.” 
She must’ve seen the blood on my leg because she cried, “Tarak, you’re bleeding! I’m sorry, I should’ve protected you and I–” 
“Mom!” I interrupted, “I am fine. Just a scratch, we’ll worry about it later, when we’re safe. We need to keep running.” 
I looked at her and didn’t break eye contact. I had never seen her this scared before. 
“Okay,” she said, and she took a deep breath, “Okay. Follow me.” 
I could hear her heartbeat begin to slow down, even when it seemed like the massacre taking place around us grew louder. I shielded Anatoly from it, my tail around his body as I directed him straight forward, not letting him even catch a glance at what was happening. 
Up ahead, I saw Mahsati and Gunibuu, another Ruling House member, directing wolves away from where the Shades were coming in. Their voices rang loud even over all the noise, and I felt some of my worries dissipate. 
We’re gonna be fine. We’ll get out of here, we’ll see Dad and I’ll see Juno, and we’ll go to that lake, and everything’ll– 
A crowd of Shades ripped through three dens on the opposite side of the plaza and charged toward us at full speed. I jumped and called to my mother and Anatoly, quickly pushing them forward as the wave grew closer and closer. 
But we weren’t fast enough–the undertow dragged us under and suddenly, they were both gone. 
All I could see was a tide of black washing over everything in my view, a whirlpool of death and expiry. I turned again in that river of death, hoping to see them, hoping to realize that maybe they were swimming too, but I kept turning, kept looking, kept searching. 
Terror gripped my neck and closed it shut and suddenly my world began to spin. The ground became the sky and I was drowning in the starless night, failing to breathe as I struggled to find the surface. Slippery talons raked through my fur and I cried at the burn, my paws flailing out helplessly beneath me as I tried to find my footing. 
I finally felt the familiar grit of ground on my paw and I clamped my claws down as hard as I could, ignoring the pain that shot through my leg as I shook myself vigorously, the irritated screams of Shades' ear-piercing as they were sent flying throughout the plaza. Electricity ignited from around my legs, and I directed it to the remaining two Shades in front of me, a strangled growl ripping from my throat as my body pumped the magic from my core. 
Two lightning bolts sliced through the solid Shades, their form melting before evaporating into the night air. 
My breathing was labored, my attention quickly shifting from the Shades to getting out of there and finding Anatoly and my mother. They must’ve run through the exit before the barrage of Shades overcame me–I told myself they were okay and safe on the other side. They had to be. 
As I searched for the exit through the chaos, I caught a glimpse of familiar burgundy fur flash through the flurry of black shadow, and I recognized it as Juno’s. Once the realization hit me, I could feel the aura of her core, a glowing beacon of radiative life and vitality that had me stumbling towards it, the agony and aching in my legs now ignored and tossed aside. 
I called to her, a watery, anguished cry that I prayed could be heard over all the noise, “Juno! JUNO!” 
Her head poked out from a horde of Shades, her hind leg kicking out behind her as she stomped one of them into the ground. “Tarak!” She called back, her voice strong and mighty, even when I smelled the blood coating her fur. 
I began to run even faster toward her, fighting the limp in my leg as I felt the need to get to her grow stronger. 
I reached my tail out to her when I finally grew close enough, but I watched in horror as a Shade ran towards her from behind, its massive, solid body towering over her as sickening, wet snarls echoed from its form. I immediately lunged to bite onto her flank and pull her away, but just before my teeth clasped over her fur, the Shade swung its claws down onto Juno, and she launched through the remnants of the plaza gate. 
I sprinted towards her, her name punching its way through my teeth over and over when she remained unmoving. When I finally got over to her, her torso was crushed beneath a dense chunk of stone, her small frame misshapen and deformed on the ground. Blood seemed to have spilled onto every part of her body, her coat tinted black from the smeared essence of Shades on her fur. 
I pushed the stone off of her, choked, suffering grunts vibrating to the tips of my claws as I kicked it into the middle of the plaza, Shades scattering from the impact. I bit down lightly onto the scruff behind her neck and pulled her slowly, delicately, away from the rubble, careful not to shift the shattered bones or disturb the wounds sliced into her skin. 
I pulled her behind one of the dens that were still standing, its large walls safe cover from the Shades running rampant through the village. I stared over her, my eyes trailing over her body again as I assessed her injuries. I had no idea where to start, no clue how to heal her and take away her suffering. 
My paws were shaking and I could feel my core stumbling, pitiful wisps of green light flowing around me as I tried to heal her injuries. I grit my teeth together even as the agony grew worse, my exhausted core taking its revenge against my body, but I tried to ignore it.
I ignored it, ignored the agony until I felt my own wounds rip open even further, and the sickening crack of my ribs filled the air before a groan left me and I collapsed against the ground. I lifted my head slowly and looked towards Juno, the world spinning as I saw that her eyes had opened. Her green, familiar eyes, were awake with the gaze that made me feel like I was home. 
She looked tired, her lids barely open as she stared at me. “Hi,” was all she said. 
The simple, informal greeting made cries close up my throat, and I whimpered. “J–Juno, I–I’m so, so sorry, I just, I can’t–” 
“I know,” she whispered, “I know, Tarak. It’s okay.” 
I shook my head back and forth vigorously. “No, no, it’s not okay, I can’t–I can’t heal you, I can’t–I can’t do it, Juno, my core, it–it just–” 
The words spilled from my core into hers. “This is all my fault, if I just hadn’t called to you, if I had just let you be or–or given you a warning about–about the Shade then–then you wouldn’t be here, you’d still be standing, and you’d be okay, you wouldn’t be hurting, and I could heal you and we’d leave and–” 
I stopped and blinked at her. She continued, “I don’t blame you, okay? It’s not your fault and you didn’t do anything, so why apologize? That’s what you always say, isn’t it? And as far as I know, the great Tarak, future Kahn’méja, is never wrong.” 
“Gods,” I sighed, “Only you would be able to make a joke when you’re about to… when you’re…” 
I couldn’t even finish the sentence, the knowledge that I already knew what was going to happen was too much for me to admit out loud. I watched as Juno feebly lifted her tail from off the ground and laid it on top of mine, and I wrapped mine around hers. 
“How are you still able to do that? I feel like a bag of bones,” I murmured. 
Juno giggled. “I told you I was super-ultra-mega-powerful. My core is gargantuan, far surpassing yours. You underestimate my power, young Tarak.” 
“I thought I was the ‘great Tarak’?” 
“Two things can be true at the same time, young one.” 
“You sound like my father. Stop.” 
“But dichotomy is a wondrous thing, o’ Tarak-mé–” 
Her laughter was quiet and hoarse, but Gods, did I savor the sound. I replayed it in my head over and over again even after it ended, and I turned to her again. We sat in silence for a long while and each time Juno blinked, her eyes stayed closed for a little longer. I pulled myself closer to her when I noticed her begin to shiver, a sickening rattle that had me holding sobs in my throat. 
“Tarak,” she breathed, “Tarak?” 
“Yes, Juno?” 
“We’re going to see each other again,” she started, “We will, I know we will, and it better be millions of years from now because you’re gonna get your immortality, and you’re gonna do whatever makes you happy. I may not be with you physically for all of it, but I will be there, behind you, for every step you take–I did tell you I wasn’t gonna ever let you escape, didn’t I? 
“And I’ll be okay–I know you’re worrying about that. I’ll be fine, I’ll figure it all out. Maybe I’ll be in the sky somewhere, a star so bright you’ll know it’s me. I’ll twinkle just for you so you know–how does that sound?”  
“That sounds perfect, Juno,” I whispered.
A shaky, contented sigh fell from her and I lay closer to her, our coats brushing each other as our paws touched. She rested her head underneath mine, and I kept my cries in as I felt her ending coming ever closer. 
“We’ll go to that lake you mentioned when we see each other again, okay?” 
“We will, Juno. I’ll make sure of it.” 
“Good,” she sighed, “I love you, Tarak.” 
“I… I… I love you, too, Juno.” 
One last glow flowed from her core when she said, “See you later.” Her core’s radiance faded as she took her final breath, her back raising and lowering one last time before it never moved again. 
No amount of Shades’ claws could’ve rivaled the wave of pain that overcame me next, an agony so forceful it penetrated its way into every fiber of my being. I howled into Juno’s chilled fur, cries of anguish pulsing through the thick, suffocating night air. I screamed at the black sky, cursing every Sun and every star above me for taking her away so cruelly, so viciously. Juno lay limp in my arms and suddenly my world was over–everything was over. 
I finally pulled away from her, the sight of her tail falling limply to the ground had me swallowing another howl. I moved her behind the den’s wall where she would be protected, where no Shade could go scavenging for the life that had already been taken away from her. 
Once I made sure she would be safe, I moved away, but I didn’t get far when I began to sway. I looked down to truly see how much blood I had lost, and I saw that my fur was matted in it, and the ground beneath me had been stained red. The sky above me swung back and forth like a pendulum, a rhythmic movement that had me spinning before I collapsed again. 
Consciousness began to leave me, the rim of my vision fading into black. I tried to stay awake, but my lids were heavy, a dangerous weight that slowly closed itself over my eyes even when I fought it. Suddenly my vision mimicked the starless sky and I found myself falling, drowning, suffocating in an endless void of night. 
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caressthosecheekbones · 9 months
4, 8, & 10 please!
I know that ask was actually meant for the writers end of year thing from days ago but as I am no writer... sadly... (well, aren't we all in a way? But also not really?) Anyway. I thought I might just answer it like this... hope you don't mind. 4. Movie of the year
I have two replies to that question: (so. movie(s) of my year)
Aftersun. I watched it twice in the cinema and have cried my eyes out both times. One letterboxd review I wrote kinda turned out like a poem, I love it so much. Red, White & Royal Blue. I've been vaguely aware the book existed when it came out in early 2019 and was a big hit. The content sounded absolutely ridiculous to me at the time and I felt "too mature" to even consider reading it. That was one pandemic + two years of therapy ago and I've since understood that every single kernel of joy that makes me even slightly want to cling to this sometimes godawful life is worth devouring. In its entirety. This summer the movie came out and I first "jokingly" watched it with a friend, couldn't shut up during it and criticized it harshly at times. (Still do on a level that has nothing to do with my enjoyment of it.) But there's an earnest joy and love it transported (also helpful: the two hottest guys I've ever seen smooching outside of gay p*rn), that made me still so happy that I dove deep into ao3 and found absolutely amazing stories from immensely talented writers. And so I kinda fell in love with it a bit unwillingly. Didn't fall first but fell hard lmaoo 8. Game of the year?
I'm not a gamer umm soo... how about I answer number 5?
5. TV show of the year?
The White Lotus, especially season 2. The story, characters, dialogue, production design, costumes... there's absolutely nothing about it I don't love and I watched it twice in two weeks which is insane considering my usual media consumption habits. I can highly recommend it. (thanks tumblr for doing so at the time)
10. Something that made you cry this year?
The joy of being alive. And isn't that the absolute perfect thing to answer. In my case it certainly is.
Thanks for the ask and I hope you don't mind that I played around with it. May 2024 bring you inner peace and confidence in everything you will set out to do in the new year. Until then please enjoy the last hours in this one. <3
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alvres · 5 years
Tumblr media
CRISTINA ALVARES / custom junior prom look !
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I’m not sure where you’re ask went, but its gone. So, here it is.
Ask: Hello. I have a question for you; How would the 2p Allies react to finding how that their darling was homeless? I like to imagine that, during the stalking phase of things, they realize that Y/N is staying in an abandoned building/sleeping in a car/living in a makeshift shelter/campsite in the woods. My personal preference is for a combination of these with the campsite being used for most of the year and Y/N switching to a car/abandoned building in inclement weather and then moving back to the woods before they are discovered in their temporary accommodations. I would really like to know how the yandere 2ps react upon discovering this situation. (Please don’t feel obligated to answer if this topic makes you feel uncomfortable.)
Summer’s reign on the land had begun to wane with the attack of a cool breeze. It rattled not only the leaves on the trees but also the young woman that walked beneath their full arms.
(Y/N)’s spine shuttered as she cuddled deeper into her red and black plaid jacket. Breathing deeply as the warmth slowly returned like the rise of a freshly squished piece of memory foam.
Standing tall once more, (Y/N) turned off the park’s asphalt path. Her scuffed boots crunched the foliage under her foot as she swept branches out of her way. Until she came to a familiar clearing.
As the meadow’s tall grass greeted her with gentle waves, (Y/N)’s shoulders relaxed. Her (E/C) looked toward its shaved center, where her faded blue, tattered tent stood like the ruins of a castle awaiting its lost queen’s return. The fire ring full of white, fluffy ash, and smoked wood quickened her summoning at the promise of dinner and hypnotic entertainment.
All the while, she was unaware of the shadow lingering in the tree line.
America: Under the influence of nature’s rhythm, (Y/N)’s evening and night went as smoothly as a newborn’s first in this world.
The hum of cicadas and the singing of birds acted like an alarm as (Y/N) stretched her stiff body. Muscles burned for a moment before a purr-worthy tingle came from their relaxation.
Shaking the sleep from her eyes, (Y/N) shuffled around, changed, and packed a small, silver bag of toiletries into a large black bag full of her necessities for the day.
(Y/N) left the tent, she inhaled deeply. Letting the fresh, morning air fill her lungs as she began to jog back to society.
Her steps were muffled until they turned into the loud taps on the asphalt.
Alone, she continued on, passing under trees and around water fountains. Lost in the wonder of her inner monologue, she didn’t feel the stare on her back until a thunderous, mechanical roar ripped away her peace.
Much like a terrified rabbit, (Y/N) whipped around to face her potential predator.
At the path’s end was a large, green hilltop. On its peak was a man, dressed in all black leather, his face covered by a dark helmet. The creator of the cacophony was the matte, black Ninja bike between his legs.
(Y/N) stepped back. Her body tensed as it prepared to run. With the second roar acting as a start pistol, she sprinted.
Dashing down the path, she could feel the vibrations from the approaching bike. (Y/N) dove to the side, rolling and sliding in the wet grass when she felt fingers graze her jacket.  
Panting, she was horrified when the bike turned around sharply, kicking up the dirt in an arch. Charging her once more. Scrambling and falling from the dew, (Y/N) could only scream when she was forcibly pulled across the man’s lap.
Her cries for help were hidden by the machine’s screams. Pushing and struggling against the man did nothing for his grip was stronger than steel cables.
She was helpless and scared of what was to come from this strange man.
France: The fire danced and sang with a crackle of dying wood as (Y/N) relaxed against one of her wooden log seats.
A bowl full of simple, canned chili sat in her relaxed hands as she looked up to the sky. The stars blurred like reminders about battery life on a dying phone as the exhaustion of the day began to lower her eyelids.
Grunting and wobbling to a stand, (Y/N) washed her dishes and cooled the fire allowing its grey steam to hiss from the blue bucket of water before heading to her tent. Hoping to reset her biological clock for the next day.
So deep was her sleep that she did not hear the near-silent shift of dirt, nor feel the ground’s momentarily disappearance that became a gentle rocking.
Birds chirped their loud sonnets of greeting to the bright morning. The frequency and intense volume made her brow twitch, once then twice. Before (Y/N) grumbled, opening her eyes and quibbling her way outside, ready to shout for the birds to shut their mouths.
When she froze at the unzipped tent door. Her jaw dropped at the tall cement walls around her.
Eyes roaming, she crept outward. Spinning around to view the small suburban yard. The only thing besides her tent and the grass was the grey house with a man behind her.
She watched as the man leaned against the black railing. His face was hollow from many nights without rest and a cigarette in his teeth. Stubble and greasy blond hair completed the look of someone that was too old and tired to care about the desires of others.
Frozen still, she listened as he called out to her by name.
“Don’t be difficult, it’s time to come inside. I’ve even got the help preparing a bath for you.”
Shaking, she shook her head no, she shuffled back to her tent. Zipping it up she hoped with squeezed eyes that she would awake back in the meadow.
It was silent until the unzipping of the door only confirmed her new reality as cold hands grabbed her arms. Dragging her to the terrifyingly strange man.
Canada: Arms deep in her tent, (Y/N) began to pull everything she needed from her tent. Canned goods, a pot, large bottles of water, and a bundle of wood were set by her knees.
She was smacking the imaginary dirt off her hands when the loud snap of a stick took made her pause. Slowly she looked in the direction of the sound. Her eyes widened and her heart began to pick up its pace at the monster before her.
A large polar bear with crimson-stained claws and maw stood no more than twelve feet from her. Its wild fur and small bead-like eyes sent earth-splitting tremors through her world. The scent of decay that emitted from the beast caused vomit and bile to lurch up her throat like an aggressive dog barley being held back by a leash.
Swallowing, (Y/N) floundered backward keeping low to ground. As much as she preyed that the predator did not see her, it was in vain as the animal lunged.
(Y/N) shrieked and sprinted deeper into the woods. Dodging trees and holding back cries as cuts appeared from the thorny foliage.
It felt like the bear was chasing her for miles as she was forced to alter her path with each lunge and swipe.
(Y/N) followed the yell to the right, spotting a cabin with a man in the distance. His scarred hands waved her toward safety as he ran to her, grabbing (Y/N)’s arm to force her forward up the stairs.
“The door’s open, go!
Staggering she watched as the tall, lumberjack wrestled with the bear. Still screaming for her to hide in his home.
Only nodding, she followed his orders and hid deep within the coat closet of his cabin. Covering her ears as she waited for the battle to end. Wondering if her savior survived.
Her ears perked at the sound of the front door creaking open, and to her relief, she heard only one set of footsteps.
She peeked out the door and gasped at the sight of her mostly unmangled hero. His large arms suffered minor gashes and bruises which darkened his flannel by a few spots.
Their eyes made contact. His brightened at her safety and her full of concern as she approached. Asking if he was alright and how she could thank him.
Chuckling, he answered. “We’re not out of the woods yet, Maple. That bear’s gonna hang around for a while.”
Fear-filled, (Y/N) stuttered. “W-what am I supposed to do? I live in those woods.”
“Well,” The man scratched the back of his head. “You could stay with me. Even repaying the favor by helping around my house. But importantly you’ll also be safe.”
England: (Y/N) rubbed her feet, sore from the miles trekked in old boots as she sat on the cushioned orange sleeping bag.
With her feet now eased of their deep ache, she flopped back. Ready to embrace the darkness of dreamless sleep.
Her heavy lids closed only to snap open at the sound of a dying shriek. She rushed to her elbows and listened closely. More screams and cries cut through the night like a knife slicing human flesh.
Racing through the night, a simple switchblade in hand, (Y/N) followed death’s whistle like a dog to its owner.
Pushing through the overgrowth, (Y/N) nearly vomited at the blood-soaked man before her.
His ribcage was forced open like angel wings erupting from his chest. Body position like he was attempting to crawl away while maintaining eye contact with a deadly predator. His intestines were thrown to the side like rope meant to anchor a boat, his lungs full of punctures, and his heart was gone.
A squeaky choked sob took the place of the vomit that should have been allowed to flow. (Y/N) backed up a step. Shock left her unsure of what to do.
“Poor dear.” Cooed a British accent behind her.
Her hair whipped into her face as she spun to face a thin, pale man with strawberry blond hair. Covered in blood.
“Who are you?” She whispered, curling into herself.
Giggling like a schoolchild at a fearful kitten, he came closer. “You’re husband, dearie.”
 A sudden sharp blow to the back of the head forced her down to her knees. (Y/N) groaned and attempted to recover as the world swirled around her.
“Don’t worry poppet. I’ll fill you in once you wake up.”
The swirling didn’t stop. It progressed to darkness.
Russia: (Y/N)’s night turned to day like the sweet summer breeze. Now refreshed she gathered supplies to begin her restock.
A wallet, an empty backpack, and two large totes were all she needed as she left the comfort of the meadow.
The journey to the store as well as the shopping was like a repeat cut scene in a videogame. The change came on the return trip.
As she walked down the empty sidewalks, a black 1930s GAZ matched her pace. No matter how she moved through the maze of alleys, there the car was. It played with her mind like it was a sick game.
Fear and anger flared like the heat from an open flame as she steeled herself. Standing tall, (Y/N) yelled to the stoic vehicle.
“What do you want?!”
(Y/N) gasped and her knees trembled as more cars appeared. Each one was the same make and model. Her mind ran with questions that had no answers as a car door clicked open. 
A man of tall stature and with a stoic expression that offered no comfort left the vehicle. He stood still for only long enough to close the door before his long legs closed the distance. 
With no choice but to bend her neck back. She looked into his crimson eyes and was enraptured by his deep voice that numbed her brain.
“Privet, little one.” His tone was gentle, as he emptied her hand of the tote and laid a kiss upon her knuckle. “I believe it is time we discussed your living situation.”
Blinking rapidly, removing her hand from the cold kiss. (Y/N) laughed. “Umm… no. I don’t know you and what the heck do you know.”
“Enough. Now, let us be off.” He turned and took a few steps, before stopping when (Y/N) didn’t move.
“Darling, I did not ask. Come now, or else.”
Shaking, (Y/N) asked, “Else what?”
Force was all he said as banditti began to reveal themselves from their identical cars.
China: Groggily (Y/N)’s mind processed the sounds of barking and slapping against her canvas tent. With some effort, she stumbled toward the door. Opening it with a struggle.
As the panel fell, a bright flash blinded her for a moment; before the shadow of an officer dressed in blue filled her vision.
“Get out of the tent.” His voice was thick with authority.
 Compiling, (Y/N) did not want more trouble for being caught camping within a public park. She stood with her hands up, glancing around. She noted in her view that there were three other officers, two with growling K-9 units.
Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself. “On what grounds are you holding me.”
The same officer from before held up a bag full of white crystals. “Squatting and drug possession.”
Like a whip's crack, she denied knowledge of the foul substance. Claiming that it was placed, screaming for a print dust. Her verbal protesting grew louder as the officers moved to take her to the flashing cop car.
Once within the car, she shuddered into silence. The drive and screening process was faster than the color changes of the siren’s light.
Stuck within her mind unable to process the event, she sat shivering in the dark cell. Crying into her knees as her fears came to the forefront of her solitude.
Left in her torment, she ignored the two sets of footsteps that stopped in front of her cell. The soft, warm voice that called out to her awoke her from the pain.
(Y/N) stared with red, itchy eyes at the arresting officer and his strange Chinese partner. Unsure of what both were going to do with her in the dark.
“See, Jin.” He gestured. “Told ya I would catch her for ya. Now, you’re end of the deal?”
This, Jin, nodded and handed the crooked cop a large bag of the same substance that was claimed to be found at her campsite.
“YOU!” (Y/N) accused, jumping to her feet as she jabbed a finger at the drug dealer.
“Yes, me.” Jin smiled, his eyes twinkling in the darkness.
“Now will you come quietly or do you need a few more days to stew before I force you home?”
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cassandra-moon · 3 years
Aaravos and Runaan nsfw head canons
*Requested by @pinknpurplecupcakes​
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So let us all establish that this starry giant is a huge asshole and a tease, let’s just get that one out of the way. One minute you’d be in the study, sitting on the couch, reading a book, then here he comes with that shit eating grin, and then he has his fingers in your pants and inside you, and then their gone. He would pretend to not know what happened and leave you 
It was a quiet day, of course it was always quiet being as no one else nowhere near you and your husbands home, seeing as you have no idea where you are, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that it was very quiet today, a little too quiet. You had also noticed that your husband is nowhere to be seen. This wasn’t unusual, he did stuff like this all the time just to get a rise out of you. Well, today it wasn’t going to work.
You sat quietly on the love seat in the library, reading a book in comfortable silence until they heard the large wooden doors open and close, revealing their giant of a night sky husband, with the usual grin he had. They immediately knew he was up to something. “You're gonna tell me what you're up to, ” They asked, not looking away from your book. He chucked, before striding over to them and sitting down, seeming to show some interest in the book they were reading. They felt a sudden heat coil within them, it wasn’t foreign, just sudden, which also wasn’t strange. They lean into his chest and sigh as his body heat instantly warms them, his strong arms wrap around them in a tight embrace, his arms were so big that they felt even smaller than before, being only 5’2. They felt at peace, relaxed, and after the last few days that was exactly what they needed. 
As they leaned into his exposed chest, they felt one of his large hands slither into the waistband of their pants and gently rub over their lower lips. They gasped, looking up to their husband who only looked over to them to give a sly grin. Just as Y/N was about to question the cosmic being, he pushed over their underwear and began rubbing her their clit.Y/N moved her head back and breathed in pleasure as Aaravos’s warm finger stroked their throbbing cunt, “gods”, she sighed as she felt his large finger fill her tight hole. They grabbed his arm, the book on the floor and long forgotten. “No, you will not call out to the gods tonight”, he whispered in their ear as he moved his finger back and forth, his pace increasing. “Only to me.”
Y/N coils feel his large fingers curved in a come here motion that sends the feeling of electricity through their body as his fingers rubbed their insides vigorously. They could feel themselves about to break when Aaravos removed his fingers then began to suck them dry, he looked over to his breathless and equally frustrated that they didn’t get to finish. He chucked before standing up and leaving, his fingers in his mouth as he licks off their sweet essence. Y/N is so out of breath and frustrated that they could barely form the right words to curse her husband out who was already halfway down the hall.Aaravos sat at his desk, the taste of his lover still lingered on his lips. He was contemplating on whether or not he’d finish what he started, but he decided he’s let them suffer a little bit. “I’d give them what they wanted later.”
He’s a slut for body worship. Like he will collapse to his knees and be your perfect little plaything so long as you keep praising him. But, now here’s where things get interesting. If you tell him you’re disappointed in him, he will go ape shit and make sure he gets that praise. 
Scenario: Aaravos stared up at you with glassy eyes, his cock hard and dripping with precum. The sight was almost enough for you to go crazy and let him take you as he pleased. You stood in front of him, dressed in skimpy black lingerie, your most sacred area exposed to him, making his cock twitch with need. “Have you been a good boy for mommy?” Aaravos nodded quickly, “I have been mommy, please, let me taste you.” He leaned forward, only for you gently to push him back with your foot. You walked towards the bed and spread your legs, your girissening folds making him drool. “I don’t think you have been, honestly.” Reaching down between your legs, you gently began to tease your clit, “I think you’ve been bad. I think you’re going to have to prove it to me.” You raised your hand and beckoned him closer. In seconds, Aaravos scrambled close, grabbing her legs and dove in.You moaned loudly as his tongue danced across your clit, it felt like magic the way he made you feel. Your hands gripped his horns and his hair, grabbing and pulling as ecstasy clouded your senses, nearing your peak. “Good boy Aaravos, very good boy”, you said. “Yes, oh god yes!” Your orgasm hit you like a rock, raising you off the bed as you began to grind yourself against his mouth to drive yourself deeper into pleasure. Aaravos groaned as your arousal landed on his tongue, he removed himself from between your after legs after giving your swollen pussy a long hard lick. The taste of your arousal on his tongue made him groan as he rubbed himself.“Good boy, Aaravos”, you said as your eyelids began to get heavy.
There are certain times where he fucks you into next week. You’d be all out of breath and unable to move your legs and he’d be just getting started. Like it wouldn’t even put a dent in his stamina.
You screamed in pure ecstasy as your husband, Aaravos plowed into you, your warm walls felt heavenly against his hard cock. “How many was that my love, four, five”, Aaravos said in a teasing tone as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder for a different angle. One that he knew you liked after wail of pleasure that effited from your throat. You could barely speak, the only intelligible language that came from you were the occasional moan of his name. His thrust became sloppy, and quicker, indicating he too was nearing his peak, alongside with you, your sixth one that night. 
“Do you want to cum, ,little star. God you look so perfect fucked stupid, a slut for my cock.”He loved to tease you as he slammed inside you, over and over again, hitting that one spot that made you see stars. You clawed at his back, no doubt leaving red marks along his skin, your orgasm just out of reach. Aaravos’ head flew back as he roared in pleasure, his seed filling you. Your orgasm hit just seconds after his, your throat raw from all the screaming. He paused for a minute to allow you to take a breather. Aaravos looked down at you, a smile covering his face. “Look at you, god I hope you’re ready for another round, because I’m not even close to being finished. Your eyes flew open as he shoved his cock back inside of you, ramming you over and over again.
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Runaan will top at any chance he gets, but if you can get him on a good day and butter him up some, he’ll cladly bottom for you. But, here’s where things get interesting, if you get too cocky he’ll flip you over and fuck you to a brutal pace.
It all happened so fast that you didn’t even get to register that your fiance was now on top of you with cock teasing your entrance. “Now, sweet moonstone”, he cooed out to you. Runaan grabbed your legs and pushed his way inside you, the warmth and good feeling of his cock stretching you. Runaan grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head, your breast bouncing as he rammed into you. “Getting too cocky will get you punished.
Runaan loves to go down on you, it gives him a sense of pride. He loves the taste of you on his tongue then looking up to see you looking at him while he eats you out. Don’t expect him to stop after you finish.
You looked into Runaan’s eyes as he tongue slithered between your folds before twirling around your clit. You gasped and gripped his snow white hair tightly. You screamed and moaned as his fingers wished inside your tight hole. “Runaan”, you cried out, “I’m so close.” Runaan understood perfectly, his tongue roughly liking your swollen clit as your orgasm rocked through you. You shuttered and twitched as he continued to assault your clit. “Ah, Runaan.” He ground and licked you harder. “Be a good girl for daddy, and let me stay down here for a little while longer.
Despite LOVING eating you out, he’ll never say no to having you suck him off. He loves the sight of your cheeks filled with his cock and the look on your face as his cums all over your face and upper body
Runaan moaned as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock. He loved to watch you cheek fill with his cock. Runaan gently grabbed your hair in one hand and gripped your horn with the other and gently pushed you down a little further, your tongue rub against his veiny cock. “You are such a good girl.” You moaned, the vibrations making him shutter and moan. “You deserve a reward. Touch yourself.”Your hand flew towards your exposed core, your fingers teasing your clit. “Mmm, god Y/N, you do this so well. God I love.” He thrust his hips into your mouth a couple times before cumming inside your mouth, pulling out to enjoy the look of you covered in white strings. “Goodness you look fantastic.” Runaan gently pushed her down on the mattress and watched as she licked it off her lips. “I hope you called off of work for tomorrow.”
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anders-hawke · 3 years
Day 6: Hypothermia
Fight the Future | Dead Dove: Do Not Eat | AO3 | @today-in-fic
Scully holds him and holds him and holds him, strangely unafraid of the biting cold and the fact that she can’t feel her face. Eventually, Mulder regains consciousness, and opens his eyes against the thick crystals of ice that are stuck to his eyelashes. It takes him a few tries before words actually make it out of his mouth, and when she sees his lips moving she moves her ear close to his lips. “Scully.”
“Mulder,” she rasps, turning her head to face him, not realizing how close they are until her nose brushes his. The warmth of his breath on her skin almost hurts. “How—how did you get here?”
He pushes himself up until he’s sitting and scans the horizon. “Sno-Cat. I don’t have much fuel left but if we can get to it we might be able to wait for someone to come out and help us back.”
“Back where?” Scully asks, pulling each of their hoods up before climbing sideways onto his lap to preserve heat.
“To the research base that loaned me the Sno-Cat. Come on.” He jostles her but she doesn’t move—can’t move.
“Mulder, I—I’m so tired.”
“We can’t give up, Scully. I promise, it’s not far. We run farther distances at Quantico.”
“Not—not in the snow,” she points out.
Mulder gently pushes her off of his lap and stands up before taking her bare hands and pulling her up, wrapping an arm around her waist as she falls into him. “Together, Scully.”
“I’m so tired, Mulder,” she cries, though there are no tears. “So cold.”
“Come on, Scully,” he insists, desperation wrapping its fingers around his throat. “Please. We can make it back.” He pulls her with him for a few steps, but every time she moves her legs, white-hot pain shoots up from her foot and she whimpers. “Scully.”
He acquiesces and sits down again, pulling her back onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her as she presses her forehead against his. “I’m sorry,” she breathes into the warm, stinging air between them.
“It’s not your fault.”
If their bodies are found when scientists inevitably come to investigate the disturbance, will they think them lovers? Scully presses her lips against his and leaves them close together as they entwine themselves together and lay down in the blanket of snow.
“I love you, Mulder,” she admits as they burrow into each other. “And I know you love me, too.”
“When they find us,” he starts slowly, her eyes falling shut out of exhaustion, “will they know our story?”
“They’ll know we love each other.”
“‘Lovers found beside antarctic crater’,” he says, and they both grin, Scully cracking one eye open to make sure that Mulder smiling is the last thing that she sees.
It’s almost poetic; eventually, the shivering stops, and the snow begins to cover them. Even though Mulder’s quest to save her didn’t end up with them alive, at least they are able to die in peace, no one else around for miles. She thinks of their mothers, and the fact that she and Mulder will never get to live together or truly have a relationship now, and burrows into him further. Dying with him at her side is the best death she ever could have wished for.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 11.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Maya Jump Scares (My Fave!), Sweet Yoongi, Talks of BDSM, Mentions of Hard and Soft Limits, Sexual Teasing, Introducing OC to BDSM, Kissing, Panty Kink, Use Of The Color System, Bondage, Training Orgasms, Daddy Kink, Breast Play, Degradation (Slut), Squirting, Mentions of Lactation Kink, Yoongi Cries, Pet Names, Fellatio, Face Fucking, Edging, Multiple Orgasms, Embarrassed Yoongi
A/N: Good luck. I'm fucking DEAD. Always a shout out to the greats @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia, @ppersonna
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Yoongi probably hasn't slept this well in a long time. Probably since he was a kid.
It's difficult for him to rouse from his slumber. It's comforting to feel your limbs contorting around his. He can feel himself drooling on your pillow distantly.
Everything feels like a dream right now. 
He can feel your head laying on his arm. His hand is pressed to your stomach still and he feels such peace.
Opening his eyes, he can make out the chandelier on the ceiling. The daylight rays that bleed through the window bounce off of the Swarovski crystals that hang and they sprinkle the walls and ceilings with rainbow lights.
He would have never noticed these things before. Did last night change something in him? 
Looking around the room, he jumps at the sight of Maya as she leans against the marble wall.
He sighs loudly, his hand running through his hair as his heart beats rapidly.
"What?!" he mouths to her.
Looking over at you, he brushes some hair off of your sleeping face. The baby must be making you so tired.
You did work hard last night on the delicious dinner you made. That might tire you out too.
Maya raises her eyebrows at the both of you in bed.
You groan at the light that now shines on your face since your hair has been moved.
Throwing your body over Yoongis' with a whine, he shushes you gently on instinct.
"Go back to sleep, little dove. You're alright." he whispers gently.
"It's twelve o'clock." Maya mouths to him, holding up his Rolex watch.
He's late for work.
Looking down at you, he watches how peaceful you are in your sleep.
He doesn't care about work. He's perfectly content where he is. 
He flicks his hand, telling the woman who is like his mother to go away. 
With a smile, she bows her head. "Sir."
"Yoongi?" your voice is laden with sleep.
He finds himself smirking as you whisper his voice.
"Right here. I didn't leave," he promises as you pick your head up off of his arm.
"I slept like a brick," you mumble.
Chucking to himself, Yoongi can only agree.
"Me too. I'm late for work." he jeers.
You sit up quickly, eyes roaming the room before finding the digital clock by the bed.
"It's twelve! You're so late!" you gasp loudly.
"It's okay, I'm the boss, little dove."
"That's not a good excuse," you jeer, shoving his shoulder with a laugh.
He finds himself chuckling as he lays back down on the pillow. "I can work from home."
You pout at him, combing your hair over your shoulder as you sit up against the headboard.
"I haven't been up to the third floor, yet." you admit, stretching your limbs to a satisfying degree.
"I can show you what's up there. Maybe after we eat some brunch," the father of your child suggests, laying back down on the pillow.
"I'd like that," you reply, warmly.
Last night, you discovered so much about the man lying beside you. You could never imagine how hard his life has been. It's really a shame. 
But, there are times you find his sweet side peeking out. And you decide to focus on those instances from now on instead of the others.
He deserves it. 
You deserve it.
"Why haven't you made yourself at home?" Yoongi asks, gently.
Looking around the room, you notice the cardboard boxes of paintings and stuffed animals. Small little knick knacks piled up without a place to go.
Humming unsurely, you look around the room. "I just didn't feel like my stuff was good enough to put in here maybe? I didn't really feel the need to do it." you reply with a shrug.
Yoongi scoffs gently as he stands, twisting his back with a groan. The sounds of his bones cracking echo throughout the large room and you smirk as he walks over to the boxes.
You watch his legs contort and flex through his briefs and the image of his pert backside makes an eyebrow raise.
He is really good looking.
Picking up a stuffed red panda, he tilts his head at the cuteness. His eyes look down into the box and he notices just how many stuffed animals you have.
"Jesus, why do you have so many?" he asks with a laugh, continuously picking up some of the toys big and small.
Sitting up to look past him, you giggle.
"Every year during the Fall Festival, I get at least two. Their fun to get! Makes fun memories!" you reply happily as you stand up.
"You can remember every single memory for each stuffed animal?!" he sounds bewildered and it makes you laugh.
"Of course!"
"No fucking way!" he jeers.
Stepping beside him, you watch as he rifles through the box.
Pulling out a panda at the bottom of the box, he hands it to you.
"What memory is that, smarty pants?" he quips, leaning against the glass door to your balcony.
Your lips purse as you stare down at it.
"Well this is Yukhoe, I got him at the fair… seven years ago, I think? I won him for getting the most consecutive balls in the one thousand point hole during skeeball."
"Bullshit!" Yoongi cries with a laugh.
His laugh is so pretty. Even the gummy smile he gives you is heart stuttering.
"I'm serious!" you reply, shoving him gently with your hand.
He snorts loudly, rolling his eyes as he folds his arms.
"You should put them up if you have so many memories," he insists looking around the room.
You hum unsurely, placing the toy down to grab at your stomach.
"Or maybe you can put them in the babies' room? That'd be nice," Yoongi mumbles absentmindedly.
You find yourself smirking even amidst your morning sickness. He's being so kind. It's making butterflies appear when you thought it could never happen.
Finally, he looks back down at you. He notices how you clutch onto your stomach, how you lean against the armchair for support. 
"You feel sick?" he takes it upon himself to tie your hair up without argument.
"Just a little," you reply.
Helping you sit down, he crouches beside the chair. He rubs slow, soothing circles to your back as you rest your elbows on your knees.
"It'll go away," you promise. 
"I know, little dove. Sesame gremlin is really molding your body to how it sees fit," the CEO whispers.
Your heart feels warm as he speaks such kind words.
"You remembered," you whisper in awe, turning your head to look at him.
He smirks, furrowing his eyebrows. "I remembered? That you called it a sesame gremlin?"
You nod happily as he chuckles.
"That's our baby name for now, why would I forget that?" he asks, confused.
"Just didn't think you cared that much," you reply, the nausea starting to ebb away.
"Oh, I care. It's just hard for me to show it sometimes… Most of the time." he whispers, brushing some stray hairs away from your cheek.
You hum sweetly, a noise that fills the man beside you with glee.
"I feel a little better," you whisper, sitting back up.
"Good. Let's go get you some water and food, hmm?" he asks softly, helping you stand.
Watching you walk away to the bathroom, Yoongi can only describe this past encounter as comfortable. It just seems right. It feels domestic and warm. 
It feels so perfectly his.
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"Frederic, that was amazing!" you say, setting down your fork.
The chef looks up at you from the pan, a wide smile set on his face.
"Madame. You flatter me. I am just your humble serviteur," the man says, bowing to you.
Yoongi rolls his eyes with a chuckle. 
It didn't take long for him to call his office and tell them that he would be working from home. But, it was just long enough for him to begin missing you while you were in the shower.
He's starting to become attached to you. He's only ever felt attached to Maya. 
"You have to go work, right?" you ask him as he wipes his mouth with a napkin.
He nods slowly, picking up his coffee while turning to you.
"Yeah, just gotta go over a few documents. You can come up with me though, if you want to. Bring a book or something?" he sounds shy as he asks you.
Not too long ago, that question would have made you feel uncomfortable. But now, you're more than content with agreeing.
"Sure, I'm almost done with a book I took from the library," you reply as he helps you down from the stool.
"What book are you reading?" he finds himself asking, his arm extends, politely telling you to walk first before him.
"Atlas Shrugged," you reply, ascending the stairs.
The prospect of you reading such a large book makes him impressed.
"When did you start reading the book?" he inquires softly, the both of you landing on the second floor.
"Two days ago," you say, walking towards your studio to grab the book.
"You're almost finished with a one thousand page book in two days?!" his voice is filled with awe as you pick up the hardcover book.
Turning to him, you press the book to your chest with a smile. "Well yeah, it's a great book."
His lips purse, seeming impressed. "Well goddamn, you're an enigma aren't you, little dove?" 
 The third floor is perfectly grandiose. There are small cases filled with what seem to be heirlooms lining the marble walls. 
"No one really comes up here." Yoongi explains as you walk through the large hallway.
The two wings at the top seem to be filled with crates and boxes. There are white sheets that cover many pieces of furniture and at night you would hate to be up here. It seems like it would be creepy and daunting.
"Most pieces of furniture and the art and statues in the crates haven't been added down to the museum wings, yet. I just leave them up here." Yoongi says as you wade through them all.
"So interesting," you quip, lifting a white sheet to look at the pretty furniture beneath it.
"Kinda creepy." Yoongi says, folding his arms.
You hate to admit it but you nod along with his words.
"Just a little," you reply with a giggle.
"Come," he whispers softly.
As you continue back to the main hallway, you feel his hand on your lower back once more and it fills you with a sense of calm. 
He's getting good at that these days.
"This is my office," he says, opening up the double doors.
Everything in this room is pristine and you can tell that it's never been used before last week.
As you go to step inside, your feet linger as a black door down the hallway catches your attention.
"What's that room?" you ask, curiously.
Your feet taking off without you.
"Oh, little dove! Wait!" Yoongi cries out as you step in front of the door.
It has a fingerprint key to it. Seems secretive.
"This is just a room of my hobbies and stuff," he sounds absolutely embarrassed.
His hand rubs at the back of his neck and you notice how his irises shake with nerves, looking from the room and then back to you.
"Show me," you whisper as he leans against the wall.
He hums unsurely. 
You sound so excited about it. 
"It's really not for you to see." he replies.
Frowning, you tug on the door handle which gives no reaction.
"Come on. It can't be that bad. Unless, you have dead bodies in here," you joke.
Rolling his eyes, he sighs gently. He doesn't want to see you frown. So, against his better judgement -- he puts his thumb on the fingerprint scanner. The noise echoes throughout the silent floor and he clears his throat awkwardly.
"It's a BDSM room. I've never used it though," he says quickly, opening up the door.
"Whoa," you whisper as the room is opened up to you.
Automatic lights turn on as you step inside. 
The walls are all black marble and the large bed that sits at the far end of the room is mocha brown. 
You can tell the sheets are satin and luxurious even from far away. 
But, the main thing that catches your attention is the multitude of cabinets and drawers that line the walls almost artistically.
Yoongi watches you with nervous eyes. He watches how you run your hand over the wooden fixtures that line the walls.
"What's this?" you find yourself asking.
You point to a large black X figure that is attached to the wall.
The CEO rubs his hands together nervously, pushing himself off of the door frame to walk closer.
"It's an X cross. You hop on these footrests and you get shackled to it," he sounds uncomfortable as he speaks.
"Cool." you reply, setting down the book to hop on.
"Whoa! No! You're pregnant, be careful!" he whines, putting his hands on your rib cage to keep you up against the cross.
"So? Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I'm broken," you quip, putting your hands on his shoulders.
"Little dove," he admonishes softly.
He looks up at you on the cross and the dirtiest things begin to flit through his mind.
Imagining you naked, with your hands and feet shackled to the cross. Seemingly incapacitated as he strokes your pretty pussy. 
What would it be like if your belly was bigger? He'd be able to rub--
"Get down," he begs.
Rolling your eyes, you hop off of the cross.
"You're no fun," you quip, walking around him to the wall of riding crops and canes.
"I am fun!" he retorts, folding his arms once more.
"What's this?" you ask softly, your fingers running through the multitude of leather strands that hang from the top.
"It's a flogger," the father of your child mumbles through gritted teeth.
He sighs softly as you pull it off the wall.
Rearing back, you snap the flogger to your hand and your palm sings with the devilish sting.
"Ow," you whisper softly.
Yoongi watches your eyebrows contort in pain and he's quick to rip the toy from your grasp. It tugs at his heart.
"Stop. You're going to hurt yourself," he admonishes, once more.
The way he speaks, even if it's supposed to come out gruff and annoyed, it just sounds caring and worried. Which is why you're perfectly okay with continuing along with your nosy inquiries.
"Do you like to flog people? Or hit them with this?" you ask, taking a large, thick cane off of the wall.
The way he sighs, it makes you smirk.
"Depends on the situation. How bratty the sub is being," he throws the word bratty right at you and it makes you smile.
"So would you be caning me or?" you quip as you turn to him.
His tongue licks at his lips at the prospect of it.
"I would be fucking wrecking you until you're begging," he mumbles, pulling the thick cane out of your hand.
"So let's play," you whine, tugging his hand over to the bed.
His eyes flutter shut and it takes all of his inner strength to pull away from you.
"You're pregnant. Stop it," he chides, hanging the toys back on their appointed shelves.
"No fun," you mumble, sitting down on the bed.
The bed hugs you comfortingly and you hum in appreciation laying back.
Turning to you, the father of your child watches as your shirt rides up. He can see the small little bump beginning to form and he clenches his teeth at the sight.
"I have to work," he reminds you, watching you run your hands over the satin sheets.
"Go ahead. I'll be here, playing with myself. You have vibrators?" you giggle as his eyebrows furrow.
"Come on, little dove," he says, already heading to the doorway. 
With a small giggle you stand up, you'll break him. In time.
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It's difficult for Yoongi to pay attention to work, once again. His eyes keep drifting to you over his laptop. You finished the book in the first hour that you've been in his office. 
Now scrolling through your phone, you pretend not to notice how he stares at you over the lip of his computer.
The light from your phone highlights your swollen breasts and the CEO finds himself shifting in his seat a multitude of times. 
Just thinking about you in that room is doing things to him. He constantly tries to swat away the thought of having you in that room. But it's becoming more difficult as the hours go on.
What's so wrong with having sex with pregnant women? 
There's really nothing wrong with it per se. But he feels like they should be more paternal, no? You're carrying a child, would you also be indulging in sexual acts? 
He doesn't know how to feel anymore. Like he's thought countless times before, you're fucking with his head.
"This says that Doms and Subs have a contract," you speak aloud.
Yoongi huffs out gently, putting his hands over his face. 
You're getting too obsessed with this.
"Sometimes," he replies softly.
"Do we need to have a contract?" you ask with a smile.
He snorts gently at how pleased you look.
"No, little dove. We're not having sex, so of course there is no need for a contract." he says through gritted teeth.
You are really something else.
Crossing your legs, you scroll through the website.
He tries to focus on the many words that are staring him in the face but he keeps looking back at you as your eyes continue to light up.
"Oh! Soft limits. Let's start here," you say happily.
Yoongi puts his hands in his hair, tugging softly on the strands.
He feels like he's going crazy.
"Y/N, please," he whispers, almost begging you.
"We promised each other that we would be truthful to one another."
Rolling his eyes, he replies. "Yes, in the sense that if either of us asks a question we would answer it honestly. Not in the sense that if you suddenly find yourself on a BDSM website, you feel compelled to tell me the truth about what soft limits you're setting for yourself in a non-existent dom slash sub relationship." 
Scowling playfully, you roll your eyes.
"Well. My soft limits are as follows."
Yoongi sighs loudly, grabbing the glass of whisky off his desk to keep his thoughts at bay.
He feels his lips tugging upward as you look through the website.
So annoyingly cute sometimes.
"Breast bondage is a soft limit. Because they hurt a lot right now," you murmur.
Yoongi takes a deep breath through his nose, his eyes narrowing at you.
You're trying to rile him up. He can feel it.
"Little dove," he warns you as you lean closer to the desk.
"Nipple clamps, not sure if I'd be okay with that right now. Anal play, never done it so I'm not sure if I'd like it. Over the knee spanking, won't be able to do that soon." 
Yoongi sips his whisky slowly, letting the warmth of the alcohol curl around his muscles.
"You've never had your ass played with before?" he asks, obviously intrigued.
Got him.
"No. I've only ever been with a few people before and they didn't seem into that sort of stuff," you reply.
He scoffs gently. Your ass is one for the ages, you should have been played with.
"Maybe after you give birth, I'll show you." he suggests above the lip of his glass.
"Sounds like a promise," you quip.
He smirks gently, leaning back into his chair. "Maybe, little dove." 
"What are your limits?" you inquire, trying to push him more.
He hums, closing his laptop. Clearly, he won't be working anymore today.
"I usually only write hard limits. No fecal or piss play. No straight jackets. No pony play. Shit like that." 
"I have no idea what any of that means besides the shit play," you reply, making him laugh.
"Why are you so obsessed with this all of a sudden?" Yoongi inquires, raising his eyebrow.
"Well it's something you enjoy, so I'm curious about it! You took an interest in my painting. And, I like the idea of getting interested in what you enjoy. You seem very safe and protective of your hobby and that's great!" you say happily, leaning against the desk.
The CEO hums gently at your kind words.
"You're so sweet," he mumbles, resting his chin on his hand.
Fine, he'll play along.
"Is fisting a soft limit or a hard limit?" he inquires.
Locking your phone, you turn your chair more towards him as he throws his feet up on the desk.
"I've never tried it before but it seems painful," you reply honestly to him.
His tongue slowly licks over his lips at the simple thought of you beneath him.
"What about butt plugs? Any preference?" 
"Never tried them," you whisper, picking up your glass of water.
His lips sputter as you tilt your head. 
This feels so free and so right. It's playful and fun. The sexual tension just adds to how normal this all feels.
"You haven't tried a lot of stuff, have you?" he asks, taking his feet off the table to stand.
"No actually, I haven't. I've always been kind of prude when it came to sex. Me and you in the back room was just a one off really. I don't really do that sort of thing," you explain truthfully.
He hums in agreement, rounding the desk. "So I'm special?" 
You certainly think so.
"Maybe," you whisper, your head tilting as he steps behind your chair.
"If I show you my hobby one time, will you leave it alone?" he asks gently, bending down to your ear.
His breath is warm against your now flushing skin.
Since getting pregnant, when you aren't feeling sick or tired, you've found yourself overwhelmingly horny. It's almost a fucking sin.
"I don't think you'll be able to satiate yourself after just one time," you quip, feeling his hands run over your shoulders.
"Oh, little dove. I have the patience and strength to keep myself at bay." he replies, his lips drifting over the shell of your ear.
Yoongi thinks if he can just get this out of his system once then it'll be safer. He's been without sex for a while now and he's perfectly okay with keeping it that way. He'll just take back some wank bank footage and then he won't have to continue thinking about it.
"Will you be gentle with me?" you find yourself asking, your voice sounds small and it makes Yoongi's cock begin to harden beneath his briefs.
"I'll take very good care of you, little dove. I promise." he says, holding out his hand.
You feel excitement starting to creep through you. You've been thinking about this for a while now, if you're being honest. When you had sex with him in that back room, it was the greatest sexual experience you've ever had.
Taking his hand, you find him smiling down at you. 
"Come on, little dove. Time is money." 
His voice is more playful this time around and it makes you giggle. Winking at you, he tugs you out of the large office.
"We'll go by the color system for today, okay?" the father of your child asks softly, unlocking the secret room with his fingerprint.
"Color system?" you ask, gently.
He hums in agreement, running his hands over your sides as the door shuts behind him.
Bending down, his eyes flicker to your lips. 
God, he hasn't kissed you in so long. Is this something else he can indulge in just for today?
Taking shallow breaths, his hand cups your cheek. Your eyes flutter shut at the softness, breath hitching as you wait patiently.
This feels so right.
Without a second thought, he presses his lips to yours. 
You've almost forgotten what he tastes like. You've forgotten how excited and on edge you were in that back room.
Groaning against your lips, the tip of his tongue traces the seam for you to part for him.
His hands grip at the globes of your ass. "Jump." he whispers against your lips.
Doing as told, you mewl into the kiss. You wrap your legs around his strong waist, hands carding through his hair.
His tongue is rough over yours, taking the small gasps and moans you give to him freely.
Yoongi walks towards the bed, laying you down gently as he climbs over you.
Pulling away from you, his lips are red and raw. His eyes are hooded with lustful intentions.
You've both been thinking about this for a while now. 
"What do you say to me if you want to play?" he asks, sitting up.
Your eyes trail over his body, finally landing on his erection that strains almost painfully through his pants.
Licking your lips, your mind completely goes blank.
"Little dove, you answer me when I'm talking to you. Or have you forgotten?" Yoongi asks, running his hands over your clothed legs.
Your mouth opens to reply but it isn't fast enough for the CEO. 
Pinching your inner thigh just hard enough to cause a reaction, he smirks as you squeal softly.
"Answer me, little dove. Or I'll go back to my office and we can forget all of this playful fun," he threatens.
Pouting up at him, he simply chuckles.
"Daddy." you whisper.
"That's it." he replies, bending back down to kiss you.
You can feel your loins beginning to curl and unfurl with hopeful desires. 
"Take off your clothes only on the upper half of your body. I wanted you stripped by the time I get back to this bed," Yoongi's voice is dominating as he whispers against your lips.
Reaching up to kiss him once more, you find him already pulling away. 
"You're not going to fuck me?" you ask, quickly taking off your clothes to accommodate his words.
"No, little dove. You're pregnant," he reminds you, digging through a drawer for rope.
You roll your eyes at his words. It's always pregnant this or pregnant that.
"It's perfectly safe to have sex while I'm pregnant y'know," you tell him hopefully as you unhook your bra.
"I'm sure it is, little dove." he replies softly.
Once he finds rope that he thinks is suitable, he tugs it in his hands a few times to hear the fabric snapping back onto itself.
The sound sends a shiver down your spine, your heart starts to beat faster with excitement.
"Are you naked for me?" he asks, focusing his eyes on the many toys that hang on the wall.
"Yes," you reply, breathlessly.
He's afraid to turn around. What if he falls deeper into his lustful ways for you if he sees you so bare before him?
He has this unrelenting fascination with you so far. Something that truly makes his palms sweat. You're so good and kind, so beautiful and understanding.
What if he just continues to fall? He doesn't know how he'll be able to cope or cushion himself.
He musters his strength. 
Turning around, he takes in your swollen breasts, your veins visible against your skin from how huge they're already becoming. Your nipples are bigger, darker and puffy.
"Oh fuck," he curses under his breath.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He's not going to be able to keep this at a one off at this rate.
"Are they okay?" you ask nervously, looking down at your breasts as he continues to ogle.
"You're gorgeous," he assures you, walking slowly back over to the bed.
With the sweet compliment soothing you, you find it easy to lay back.
Drifting his thumb slowly over his bottom lip, he takes you in.
"Take off your pants," he instructs as he sits on the edge of the bed.
He watches you do as told, his eyes drifting over your breasts to the small bump that's growing slowly but surely.
You're a vision to look at. 
Unfortunately for Yoongi, he's already becoming attached to you in everything. 
"Give me your panties," he commands.
"I think you have a panty kink," you quip, throwing your underwear on his lap.
Chuckling, he stands up putting your panties into his back pocket.
"Just your panties, little dove. We're going to go over some instructions before we play, okay?" he asks, running his free hand over your bare side.
The warmth of his hand makes your body go rigid. You nod understandingly as he bends down to kiss you.
"When I'm with a new sub or," his thumb grazes over your cheek as he pulls away from you, "a very beautiful mother of my child. There needs to be rules." 
"I'm listening," you reply, earnestly.
"We're going to use the color system. Green means it's okay to keep going. Yellow means to proceed with caution. Red means to stop. If you say red at any point, that's it. It's over. We don't have to play anymore. If it gets too much you have to make sure you tell me red, do you understand?" his voice is gentle as he explains.
"Alright, that sounds fair." you say as he lets the rope fall loose from his hand.
"Can I tie you up? Is that okay with you?" 
The prospect is too good to deny. You nod with a small smile, sticking out your wrists.
"Repeat your colors for me while I tie you up, little dove." he instructs, pulling your arms over your head.
"Green for okay, yellow for slow and red for stop." you repeat for him, the neediness starting to seep into your voice. 
"Good girl," he praises you.
Pulling the rope tighter, he makes sure you have breathing room but not enough for you to get out.
"You're good at tying knots," you compliment, tugging on the restraints.
Yoongi chuckles as he slips down the bed to tie your feet. "Just call me a boy scout."
With a giggle, you wiggle your hips playfully as he travels south.
His eyes narrow up at you, a glint of happiness flitting through them as he smiles. He nips at your outer thigh, earning a gentle groan from your lips.
He doesn't even need to watch how fast his fingers move to tie you up, he could honestly do it with one hand behind his back. Instead, he decides to focus on you. To focus on how you squirm for him and how shallow your breathing is. He watches your chest heave up and down, your nipples turning into stiff peaks at his longing gaze.
He wants to remember this, remember all of this because this is a one off. And, he has to remember it as such.
"You okay?" he asks, finishing up the knot tying.
"More than okay," you reply.
"We're going to try to train your orgasms, little dove. Make it so that your orgasms belong to me and only to me," his voice is gruff, the prospect of having your orgasms to himself and only himself is sending him into overdrive.
"You can do that?" you find yourself asking.
Situating himself between your stretched legs, he begins to smirk.
"I can, if you want to give your orgasms to me. Do you want that?" he asks, brushing some hair behind your ear.
While he has been caged off, you haven't been. You understand him more than ever and it would be special to have him control something so powerful. He's already given you a child, given you somewhere so grandiose to live. You can give him your carnal pleasure. 
So you nod.
"That's my girl," he whispers with a wink.
Bending down, his lips trace over your jaw. He takes in every hitched breath and every signal of rigidity as it sets into your bones.
"Your tits look so good." he compliments, earning a gentle gasp from you.
Your head turns, wanting to give him more access to the column of your neck. 
"You're going to need patience, little dove. You need to give yourself over to me completely, do you understand?" 
You can feel your arousal beginning to soak the sheets beneath you, your hands strain against the ropes begging to feel his body. "Y-Yes Daddy, I understand," you whisper softly.
"Good. I'm going to let you cum once and you tell me when you're about to cum, do you understand me?" he asks, pulling away from the shell of your ear to lock eyes with you.
You feel yourself falling into his mocha irises, can feel yourself wanting to give him your everything. "Yes."
"Good," he kisses your lips gently.
His lips continue to kiss over your skin, your hips bucking into the air for more.
"Behave or I'll stop," he threatens against the column of your throat.
Your eyes flutter shut, lips pressing into a straight line as he gently suckles on your skin.
He leaves small cherry blossom petals in his wake as he continues to lavish on your skin. 
This training is something Yoongi has always been good at. He's always thrived from being in a position of power. But for once, he has an overwhelming urge to please. Something he hasn't felt… well ever. 
Moving his hands up your side, you gasp loudly as he gently cups your breasts.
He shivers at how full they feel in his hands, how swollen and sensitive the skin is beneath his palms.
"Oh, Daddy!" you moan as he squeezes softly.
"What's your color, little dove?" he can barely contain himself above you, his cock is so hard and throbbing within the confines of his jeans.
"G-Green, Daddy. Feels so fucking good!" you whine, your head lolling back as he continues to squeeze.
"Fuck, I bet it does," he whispers, kissing over your collarbone.
Pulling away from you, he can see how flushed your skin is. He can see how swollen your clit is already becoming and he knows that he can make you cum easily without even having to touch you.
"You're a little slut, aren't you?" 
You whimper at his words. It takes you back to the night you were together.
You enjoyed hearing how dirty he could talk. How perfectly degrading his words can be.
"Your slut, Daddy. I promise," you moan out as his knees knock your legs open wider.
"Yeah, I bet you are. Pregnant with my baby and letting me take your pleasure how I see fit," he mumbles.
Biting your bottom lip, your body shudders as his thumbs swipe over your sensitive nipples. 
You gasp loudly, your body undulating beneath him.
"I've-I've wanted you to touch me for so long," you moan, tugging on the restraints. 
His lips turn upwards into a smirk at your words. He's been wanting it for a while too.
"Me too," he replies truthfully.
His thumbs and index fingers nibbley roll your nipples.
Trailing his eyes over your body, he can see how much arousal is trailing down your perineum and soaking the bed. His eyes flutter shut at how gorgeous and vulnerable you are beneath him. 
He lets his lips trail over the curve of your breast, releasing one to reach for the apex of your thighs.
Your body shudders under his touch, preening for more.
Picking up your spilt arousal on his fingers, he suckles on them. God, he almost forgot what you taste like. 
"Jesus Christ." he mumbles.
His tongue peeks out, flicking quickly at your stiff peaked nipple.
Your gasps and moans goad him on, he can barely pay attention as your breath becomes shorter and stunted.
You can feel the band within you tightening.  
You would have never thought that you could be on the brink of an orgasm with Yoongi just playing with your breasts.
"D-Daddy, I'm so close." you whine, spreading your legs wider with hopes your center will be touched.
He hums in agreement as he forsakes one breath for the other.
He makes a mental note of how sensitive you are for him. 
Suckling your nipple into his mouth, he moans against your skin. 
"Daddy, I'm cumming!" you moan loudly, your back bowing off of the bed as white hot pleasure courses through your bones. 
He pulls off of you, rolling and pinching your nipples with his fingers until you're orgasming beneath him.
Your ears ring, mouth going dry as you babble his name incessantly.
"Good girl, little dove." he praises and he raises an eyebrow as you squirt onto the sheets below you.
He takes all of this in. Every little reaction you had to his advances, all of your ques to elude to your orgasm. You'd be very easy to train. 
He waits patiently for you to come down from your orgasm, stroking your skin lovingly.
"What's your color, beautiful?" he asks softly, palming the erection in his pants.
"G-Green." you whisper, already wanting more.
You don't want this to end, and you don't want this to be a one off.
"Well aren't you just such a good little sub," he jeers, bending down to kiss you.
You could get drunk off of his kisses. They make you feel on top of the world. You want to please him, really and truly please him.
"Can I suck your cock, Daddy?" your voice is so innocent as you ask.
He groans gently, cupping your cheek. "No, little dove. That isn't a part of this." he replies, against your lips.
His hand drifts from your cheek to between your breasts before finally situating over your stomach.
He swallows thickly, feeling how hard your womb is beneath his hand.
"Please? If it's a one off, you should get pleasure, too." you suggest coyly, thrusting your breasts closer to his face.
His gummy smile appears then, almost breaking your fragile heart. "I'm already getting pleasure from seeing you beneath me."
His thumb drifts slowly over the almost invisible bump on your stomach.
You begin to pout, tugging roughly on the restraints that hold you bound.
"Yoongi, please?" you whisper, eyebrows furrowing as you beg.
He sighs gently, his bottom lip purchasing between his teeth as he thinks.
He really shouldn't. This isn't right.
"You're pregnant," his excuse is sounding weaker and weaker every time he says it.
"So? Doesn't mean I can't suck your dick, Daddy. Wouldn't you like to feel my breasts in your hands while I suck you off?" 
He groans gently at your questions, you can see his cock throbbing at your words.
"Little dove," he says breathlessly.
"I'll swallow for you, Daddy. Let you cum in my mouth." you whisper, laying back on the bed.
His eyes roll back at the prospect of it all.
"Maybe when my tits get bigger and filled with milk, you can suckle on them." 
"Jesus, when the fuck did your mouth get so filthy?" he wants to sound appalled but it comes out amused and turned on, as it should.
"Guess you'll have to clean it out. Let me suck your cock." you reply with a smirk.
"Oh fuck." he grumbles, unbuttoning his pants.
"This is a one off!" he reminds you gruffly, tugging down his pants and brief.
Untying your hands, he sighs gently to himself. He's going to give you whatever the fuck you want from now on, isn't he? What the fuck is wrong with him?
As you wait patiently for him to finish untying you, you stare at his cock as it rests against his stomach.
Even on the first night you were together, it's still a beautiful sight.
"This is supposed to be training." he mutters to himself.
You giggle to yourself as your wrists become free.
With over zealous confidence, you press your hands to his chest. Shoving him down, he laughs loudly.
"Watch yourself, little dove!" he chides, holding your hips steady as you straddle him.
You wrinkle your nose playfully at him and he can only smirk.
Man, you're infectious.
It feels good. Like, tingles inside of oneself and giddiness in spades.
Gripping both hands onto his shirt, you raise your eyebrows.
"This shirt was made in Italy." he warns you.
With a careless shrug you rip it open, hearing the buttons pop and scatter along the marble floor.
He shakes his head with a chuckle as you stare down at his toned body.
God, he's so fucking hot.
Your eyes drift over the planes of his abs and they get softer as you look at the small circular burn marks from cigarettes.
"Wait," he whispers, squeezing his eyes shut.
You keep your eyes on his face as you bend down. 
"I don't normally let people touch my-- oh, God," he cries out as your lips drift over his skin.
Your lips feel healing against his skin. His hands grip at your sides rougher as you take your time worshipping his stomach.
His breathing is ragged and his palms are becoming sweaty.
"You're very handsome," you say, kissing over the biggest burn.
His body shivers and undulates under your touch.
He's never felt such odd comfort before.
"O-Okay. Little dove, e-enough," he practically begs.
Maybe he needs training too. Training on how to be loved.
You take pity on him, leaving his burn marks alone for now. 
He sighs gratefully, bringing his hand to his face to wipe away tears he didn't know had even arrived.
"You're so sweet, little dove." he mumbles, carding his fingers through your hair.
You smile up at him kindly, the act making his heart beat quicker inside of his chest.
Focusing back on the task at hand, you run your lips over his long length earning a hiss through clenched teeth from the father of your child below you.
"Fuck," he curses, pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail.
Wrapping your hand around his length, you watch precum begin to pearl incessantly at the seam of his mushroom head.
You look up at him for confirmation and he smirks at your subservience. 
"Very good, little dove. You may." he says, gripping your hair tighter with anticipation.
Swirling your tongue around the head, you take immense pleasure in the way he groans. The groan is long and stunted and you know you're pleasing him already.
"That's it, baby." 
The pet name slips so freely and he doesn't take it back as you bow your head down farther.
"Fuuuck, keep going." he instructs.
Licking his tongue over his lips, he curses gently beneath his breath as you begin a rhythm.
Stroking whatever doesn't fit in your mouth, you can hear words of praise leaving his lips like a prayer.
Your arousal has started to drip down your thighs at this point and Yoongi stares for the longest time, dying to be inside of you.
"Take it all. Like you did the night we made our baby," he commands.
With a gentle moan, you swallow around him. Gagging and sputtering on his cock, your vision becomes blurry with tears.
"Fuck, you're so good at sucking my cock. Jesus Christ!" he moans loudly, his eyes rolling back as you hollow your cheeks around him.
His free hand comes up to palm your swollen breast, being as gentle as he can in the throes of his pleasure.
"You're all mine, huh? I can just take you up here whenever the fuck I want, can't I?" he asks through gritted teeth.
His mouth is getting looser as his pleasure takes over.
You moan in agreement, getting sloppier on his cock. Precum and spittle stream down your chin as you continue to please him.
"You're such a bad girl, little dove. You're too good at sucking my cock, gonna make me want you over and over again."
That's the plan.
With a gentle whine, you let him into the recesses of your throat. His head falls back to the bed, his hips gyrating and thrusting on their own.
"Little pregnant slut, begging to be full of me when she's got my kid inside her. That what you want? You want to be my pregnant slut?" 
You moan loudly against his cock as he begins to precum once more.
Tugging his hand off of your breast, you pull it to your parted thighs.
He curses loudly, feeling how much of your arousal is soaking his fingers. He begins to rub quick circles on your swollen clit, feeling it throb beneath the pads of his fingers.
"You're gonna kill me." he threatens through gritted teeth.
Rocking your hips in time with his fingers, you practically lose yourself when his cock begins to throb for release in your throat.
"Squeeze my thigh when you're about to cum." he warns you and you moan in reply.
Everything about this is so perfect and so yours.
You forget everything going on besides just the two of you in this bed.
It's like it's meant to be.
"Messy little thing," he praises, letting your hair go to wipe your chin.
Sitting up on one elbow, he watches you in your entranced pleasure.
He can feel himself coming to an end but he edges himself, pushing away his orgasm until you do.
With a loud whine, you squeeze his thigh harshly begging to cum for him.
"Uh uh. You wait until Daddy says you can cum." 
You mewl sadly around his cock, squeezing your eyes shut.
"Countdown from ten and then cum." he instructs.
Doing as told you count slowly, breathing shallowly through your nose as he continues to fuck up into your mouth. 
Reaching ten, you squeeze his thigh again.
"Good girl. Cum." 
On his command you cum around his cock. Moaning and undulating as you see stars.
He curses loudly, feeling the vibrations in your throat around his pulsing cock.
"Swallow." he groans out, falling back onto the bed as his thrusts become sloppy.
With a few more thrusts, streams of his cum meet the back of your throat.
You swallow diligently, adoring the taste of him with a whine.
He groans breathlessly, his eyes fluttering shut as he becomes boneless on the bed.
"What the fuck did you do that for?!" he asks, putting his hand over his heart. 
Swallowing all of him, you let your mouth hang open. He grips at your chin, pulling your face down to his eye level.
"Good," he replies in a whisper.
He sighs loudly, running his hands through his hair.
What just fucking happened? 
How did that just turn into some of the best foreplay he's ever had?!
"That was a one off?" you quip, sitting back against the headboard.
He rolls his eyes, sitting up at the end of the bed.
"That was a one off?" he retorts with a whiny voice, grabbing his briefs.
Your mouth falls open as he stands up off the bed.
"You're mocking me!?" you gasp loudly.
"Shut up." he mumbles with a chuckle, bending down to kiss you softly.
His eyes widen at how normal that is before he's pulling away quickly. 
"This was a bad idea!" he says quickly, grabbing his pants. 
You watch how nervous he is and it makes you sad. He doesn't even know what normal is.
"Was it a bad idea? Or are you just scared?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
He picks up his shirt, looking at the broken buttons.
"This shirt was from Italy! I had it hand stitched by a ninety eight year old woman living in Florence!" he yells, shaking the shirt in the air.
"Well buy a new one, you love buying stuff." you suggest.
"She could be dead before I get my next order in!" he replies, shaking his fist quicker.
"Are you ignoring my question because you're embarrassed?" you ask, tilting your head.
He grunts angrily, busying himself with untying the knots.
"Miss Therapist, keep your questions to yourself!" he cries out, giving up on the knot untying.
He paces back and forth, his hands in his hair.
"You could kiss me again, that might be an idea." you suggest.
He grits his teeth, his mind running a mile a minute.
This was just a bad idea all together. He should have NEVER given in! He should have just ignored it like he always does. He's still falling, maybe even faster now.
You can see his eyes flickering back and forth nervously.
"Okay!" you cry out, clapping your hands.
Jumping off of the bed, you step into his path. He stares into your eyes as you look up at him.
Grabbing your wrist, he struggles against you slightly. You tuts your tongue, placing his hand on your stomach.
He looks up at the ceiling, pieces of black hair falling into his eyes. 
"It's not wrong that we did what we did. If anything it was nice. Don't let your guilt eat at you," you tell him.
He sighs loudly. 
"I just don't… know how to feel. You know how I get by now…" he replies softly.
"I do know. And, that's why I'm telling you it's okay," you promise.
He closes his eyes for a mere second. Looking back down at you, his eyes open.
His gaze fixes to his hand on your stomach. Then to your swollen breasts which are now covered in small marks made by him.
"We're being truthful with one another still?" he asks.
"Always," you reply earnestly.
He takes a moment, pulling you over to the bed.
"This just feels right, it feels too good… I've never felt this or had this before. And, when I thought I was getting it, well… look at that catastrophe." his voice falls flat, looking down at the marble floor.
"You still have to learn what happiness is, Yoongi. You don't have to be afraid to feel something new. And, if you do then you can tell me all about it. I'm just across the hall." you whisper, nudging your shoulder against his.
Warmth is the first thing he feels after he hears your words.
"This wasn't a one off, was it?" he mutters, earning a laugh from you.
"Doesn't have to be." you reply as he puts his shirt on.
"What if I get the urge to kiss you?" he sounds shy as he asks you.
"Then just do it. You have my permission," you say simply.
He smiles to himself gently, his eyes drifting over your naked body.
"Well, that sounds okay then." he says softly. 
With a hum, you kiss his cheek.
"What if I want to kiss all the time?" he asks, pulling your clothes away from your hands.
"Well, maybe not all the time," you jeer, laying back on the bed.
"But you said I have to learn happiness, and maybe kissing makes me happy." 
You giggle at his sweetness. "I think you're going crazy."
"Me too." he whispers, bowing his head down to kiss you.
As you continue to kiss slowly, your stomach rumbles hungrily.
"Someone's hungry." Yoongi mumbles against your lips.
Smirking against his lips, you feel your clothes return to your lap.
"Can I have my underwear?" you ask, putting your bra on.
"No. They're mine." he replies, helping you put on your pants.
"What, are you making a Y/N pantie collection?" you quip, slipping your arms through the sleeves of your shirt.
Yoongi takes in this moment, feeling how compassionate and fun you are. How absolutely radiating with beauty you are. 
"If you're a good girl, maybe." he jeers back, helping you stand up.
Snorting gently, you roll your eyes.
"Can't believed you ripped my fucking shirt, like a pregnant wild animal." he mumbles, motioning his arm for you to walk first. 
Laughing together, you open the room door.
Standing before you is Maya, a hand on her hip and an eyebrow quipped up to the sky.
"Jesus!" you both yell at the sight of her.
With a small smirk, she simply shrugs.
"Madam. Sir." she says, happiness enrapturing her voice as she takes off down the hall to his office with a feather duster in hand.
Yoongi snorts loudly, tugging his shirt closed. 
If this is what happiness is, he might just be okay with delving into it.
"Let's go get you some food, little dove."
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Next Chapter ----->
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Third Wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer, @imluckybitches, @slothykreuger, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland, @rspbrryy, @iv-bts, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts, @mxxngxdss, @bluewhale52, @milesjeon11, @diamonddia-mond, @vinylphwoar, @yxnxxli, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn, @bts-7beauts, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace, @eclectically-esoteric, @nikkiordonez12, @kaitswrld, @skamlover200, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria, @jikooksgirl19, @hobbledehoy26, @singular-itae, @dchimminie, @lowlifeoeuvre, @sugaslittlekookies, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth, @softysuho, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire, @betysotelo18, @jeonmisha, @iwanttohitmyself, @ayyyocee, @neverthefirstchoice, @itsbangtanoclock, @little7bitchh, @veryuniquenamegoeshere, @deathkat657, @firstlovesuga-93, @namjoonia, @paperpurple, @muzikabijou, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites, @kleff03, @ruinsofangels, @brightwingr5, @leekanchol, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside, @melaninkpops, @y00ngisbabygirl, @ungodlyjoon, @prochnost513, @dunixxd, @athenakyle, @igotnotype, @chxmachxps, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog, @alpaca1612, @ohcarolinamin, @thegreatestsushi, @jooniebuggy, @eltrain80, @btsmylife21, @deeepvibes, @httpminyg, @deliciouslydisturbed365, @rkchmestizangmaldita, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie, @preciouschimine, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii, @kooafraid, @ladykadyrova, @singjisu, @yazanii, @moonlitmyg, @justzeera, @absolutefantrash, @whocaresarchives, @loosewindmill, @vantesfx, @bt21chim, @flowerboyhobi, @kozuume-kenma​, @taepiper​
Sorry for those it didn’t tag!
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continued from HERE 
Roy blinks and shakes his head a bit, snapping himself out of the trance he’d been in as he gently traced his fingers along the scars on her back as she lied in bed. He looks over to meet her eyes and quickly shakes his head, “no-” He then pauses a moment and sighs, glancing at her back then returning to meet her eyes, “I mean yeah, but not like that. I just,” he gently sighs, worry in his eyes as he asks, “what did they do to you?”
—✹ WHAT did they do to you? Her mind repeats.
Sylvia lingered on how to answer, unsure how to form the words. Instead, she squeezes her eyes shut, her hand instinctively covering the twisted scar on her chest--the very spot where her heart had been ripped out of her chest from Dad’s weapon. She hissed out air through her teeth as she recalled how fragile she felt on the cold ground, bleeding out gold. A color of blood belonging to gods, not humans. Yet, as his footsteps approached her, Sylvia remembered how she cried out: Why? Why do you keep doing this? I just want to go home!
She remembered calling out for her mom, her actual dad, and her younger brother. But none of that mattered. She was trained--that’s what she would claim it was rather than admitting it was torture. She remembered the scream that went with the burning pain of her body failing to knit itself back together. He just looked so disappointed in her, with that grimace of his. As if she was the one that was disgusting, he was the one who caused physical harm to his daughter. The memory that followed was hazy, she lost count on how many hours she trained. How many years she was trapped in a pocket of space where time simply did not exist. It was a place appearing to be a temple, but she was forced to worship the blade. She was dragged to kneel in front of a forced duty of being a God Killer. Day in, day out, constantly reminded she couldn’t know peace--not when she was built to fight. 
Her body shook as she was trapped in that ivory cage disguised as divinity. Sylvia forced her eyes to open in an attempt to find one thing to keep her in the present. Her face buried itself in the crook of his neck and she breathed him in and in turn, it allowed her mind to ease from the memory.  
Sylvia’s face pulled away as she looked at him. She failed to keep her gaze steady. Her white lashes flicked when she looked away. The truth needed to be said. It needed to be said. Roy made her feel worthy, rather than like a failure when it came to him tracing her scars. Her voice trembled as she replied, “It was my...” 
She couldn’t say the words, it ached too damn much in her chest. But holding onto it was only going to burn until she couldn’t take the heat anymore. Sylvia cleared her throat and said, “biological dad. He’s a Dove--Someone meant to keep the peace between galaxies. Like me. He replaced my humanity with weaponry. I’m...Not even sure I deserve you like this.” 
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Levi’s. (Levi x Reader)
Summary: the origin of a café’s name.
Warnings: there’s manga spoilers here.
C/n: I cried way too hard while writing this. Enjoy.
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The café’s door was always open. It was fairly popular so to have the bell ring every five minutes became a bit of a bother to Y/n. Not that she didn’t love seeing regulars and new comers, the bell was just so annoying. It reminded her of her alarm.
“Y/n! Hello!” A cheery greeting is directed to her as a regular to the cafe, Jane, says. “Jane! Lovely to see you again. The usual?” “Of course. May I have one of the special muffins you made today as well?” Y/n smiled as she nodded her head and set to make Jane’s regular tea with a hint of Indian spices and honey.
The cafe has been open for almost two years now. Since the Titan war had ended and everyone could live normally, Y/n wanted to work until she had enough money to buy capital for the café her and her beloved dreamed of owning one day.
It had every thing. Every single flavor from places Y/n had traveled and people who invested in supplying her café when traveling became a thing. The interior was a mixture of white and brown, polished tables with fancy chairs that set the tone of relaxation. Beautiful pictures hung on the walls with flowers one each table. Something Y/n pitched in when her and her love spoke about it.
The day progressed and once it hit the afternoon, the cafe died down. Morning and lunch rush passed by with ease and Y/n sat, sipping his special blend that he taught her how to make years ago. It had that taste but it wasn’t like his. His touch wasn’t there.
“Levi! We need to get back! This is too dangerous! We won’t make it!” Her voice rang through the area and Levi looked at her. “This is the only way, Y/n!”
Levi sees her lips part and tears fall as he knew that she knew what he meant. He was running out of stamina, the fatigue taking over from his injuries but him and Mikasa needed to do this. They needed to fight with all their might.
“I love you.”
He mouths and tries to smile to her. But before he saw her reply or shout back at him to stop, him and Mikasa shot their gears and flew to the Founder. He wouldn’t make it. Mikasa might, but he knew this was the last fight he would have to fight. Y/n watched Levi from Falco’s bird and saw him shoot a thunder spear at the Titans mouth but her screams sounded when another titan grabbed Levi.
And crushed him.
It was over. The rumbling had stopped, Eren was dead and everyone survived. Everyone but him. Y/n ran to where Levi might’ve been. The titan that crushed him was covered with steam and when she looked down, she dropped to her knees.
Levi laid there, blood oozing out of his legs, mouth and stomach with his eye closed. His bandages had come undone and he looked worse than he had ever been.
“No.” She whispers as she crawls to him, her vision blurring as her tears filled her eyes. “No. Levi.” She sat next to his head and cupped his face. Warm. He was still warm as his soul was dragged out of his body. Y/n whispered to him as he hand held his, hoping, praying, that she would feel a heartbeat.
But nothing.
Armin and many other stood behind her as she cradled the fallen soldier. Everyone saw what happened and how it had happened. It was one of, if not, the greatest sacrifices for humanity anyone had ever made.
Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder as she cried. Then many more and arms surrounded her shoulders and waist. Her cadets, her kids, hugged her as they mourned for their Captain.
His funeral was held a day after and Y/n stood right next to his coffin. She had removed his bandages completely and cleaned him up. His face was so soft and, finally, at peace. He was relaxed and content. She hated to say but she was a tad bit jealous that he got that peace without her. But she brushed it off as she laid the last kiss on his cold lips.
“I’ll see you again, my love. Wait for me.”
His grave was filled with flowers, notes and letters from the survivors of the Survey Corps and of the war, expressing their gratitude and prayers for him. They hugged Y/n. Telling her that he was okay and what he did was heroic. She knew. She knew what he did was heroic but she just wished that she had died with him. Being together for almost 9 years made her hate the fact that she now had to wake up without the grey eyes watching her. Without the soft touches of his hands on her or soft lips touching her earlobe as he whispered of how much he loved her.
She had to live without him.
Y/n worked for a year after the war and bought the abandoned shop that was cheap on the market. The real estate agent said that it hadn’t been used for years and the last thing it was used for was to clean old army equipment but when she stepped foot in it, she knew that this was the place. If he was here, he would agree.
Onyakappon looked at Y/n as she nodded. “I’ll take it.” Onyakappon spoke with the agent and went over all of the details as Y/n looked around. She could already see it coming together. “Y/n? Please come and sign.” She turned and walked to the pair and happily sighted her name. ‘Y/n L/n Ackerman.’ Written in a beautiful cursive he taught her a long time ago.
“Now that it’s yours, what will you like to name it?” The agent asked and she looked at the entrance. She smiled as she said it:
She shakes her head out of her memory and looks at Gabi and Falco as they called her. She wiped her tears and smiled to them. “You okay?” Gabi asked and Y/n nods. “Fine. Just..thinking of him. Finish clean up?” Gabi and Falco nod and Y/n gets up from her seat by the window. “Ok. The fair is nice today. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves.” She says as she holds her cup.
“Will you accompany us, Y/n?” Falco asks. Y/n takes a breath and thinks for a moment but ends up shaking her head. “You two enjoy. See you tomorrow.” Without pressing any further, Falco nods and takes Gabi’s hand as she waved goodbye to Y/n. She saw Falco twirl Gabi under his arm and kiss her forehead as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She smiles at the young love that blossomed out of the war.
Y/n decides to clean up one more time before locking up. A habit since no matter how many people cleaned, she had to do it herself just to make sure. She cleaned the tables, pushed the chairs in, wiped the counter, checked the back of the cafe to make sure everything was off and finally took her special dust cloth and made her way to a picture that hung above the preparation station of the cafe.
Levi’s portrait was there. Standing in his green scouting uniform while he saluted with his signature cravat. The picture was taken many a year ago when Erwin wanted everyone to have their self portraits to be hung. It was the thing she made sure to take when she came back home.
She dusted the frame and stared at it. The golden writing that hung below it read: Humanity’s Strongest Soldier: Levi Ackerman.
She smiled as she touched the words. She kissed her fingertips and then laid it on his name. The one she held legally after getting it added four years ago. She couldn’t help herself from crying. It still hurt. She could only imagine what it would’ve been like if he was right here by her side. She always pictured the two of them dancing in the empty cafe as the radio, a new device that was a gift to her from Armin, played a tune. It was a dream that came true only when she closed her eyes.
As much as she felt alone, when this cafe was up and running buzzing with the chatter of people, she knew he was with her. His voice telling her how to prepare the tea right, where she missed a spot while she swept. Stupid things but she would kill to hear him say for real.
When she turned off the lights and locked up the door, she looked up to see his name on the top of the door, knocked onto the wall securely.
Flashing it a smile, she says goodbye as she walked into the town. As she walked, a white dove followed her all the way to her house from the cafe. Before she went inside of her house, she looked at the dove which sat on her porch. It’s grey eyes watching her head inside before taking off.
Yeah, he was definitely keeping an eye on her.
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🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 13
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
Even on the last day of their rut, the boys find it hard to control themselves around you. But when the exams finally come, Jungkook finds a way to make it up to you. Now, something seems to be threatening your peaceful life. 
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“(y/n)! (y/n)! (y/n)!” There was pounding on your door and you groaned, hiding under the covers. It was the day before the first exam and you wanted to get as much sleep as possible. Today was also the last day of heat/rut week. 
“(y/n)!” The boys continued to knock. Of course, you couldn’t act like you weren’t home. They’re werewolves and with their sense of smell, they knew you were home. Suddenly, you heard footsteps in your room and another body dove under the covers beside you. 
“Intruder!” You nearly screamed but a hand covered your mouth. 
“Relax, it’s just me.” His bunny smile was a dead giveaway. Coming out from under the covers, you slapped Jungkook’s chest as he laughed at your scared reaction. 
“Not funny!” You scolded. 
“I beg to differ.” He snickered and you rolled your eyes, snuggling into your pillow to try and get more sleep. 
“How did you come in anyway?” You yawned.
“Hyungs were too distracted to notice me climbing through the window on the side, which by the way, you should lock that. Intruders could come in and really attack you.” Jungkook said and you scoffed. He was talking about intruders coming in when he was the one that broke into your house. You closed your eyes to fall back asleep. 
“Hey, don’t sleep.” He whined. 
“I’m tired, Koo... I’ve been up studying every night, in between work shifts and chasing horny wolves away.” You said and Jungkook blushed. 
“Okay. You’ve worked hard, you deserve more sleep, my mate.” He put an arm around you to draw you into his embrace, letting you press your forehead against his chest. 
“You shouldn’t even be here. Your rut isn’t over yet.” You mumbled sleepily. Jungkook remained silent and you lifted your head to get a good look at him. 
“Go home, Koo. Bring your brothers with you.” You distanced yourself. Jungkook let out a low growl as you pulled away from his embrace. There was a cloudy look in his eyes, he was definitely not off his rut. 
“Koo, stop!” You said sternly as he continued growling. 
“Mine.” He said lowly, pulling you closer against him until you were flushed against him. The hand that was on your waist gripped your hip tightly, you were sure that you were going to get a bruise. You couldn’t help the whimper of pain that escaped from you. 
“Jungkook, you’re hurting me...” You felt tears prick your eyes. 
“Jungkook!” The door burst open and Jungkook was ripped away from your grasp. You gasped as you fell back. Luckily, Hoseok was there to catch you before you could fall off the bed. 
“Snap out of it! Do you like seeing our mate hurt?” Yoongi held Jungkook’s collar. Jungkook’s eyes grew soft as he stared at you.
“(y/n), I can’t believe... I...” His chest rose and fell in panic. 
“You were hurting her!” Yoongi shook him. Namjoon had to pull them apart. You stepped out of Hoseok’s embrace and held Jungkook. His rut made him very emotional. He could be angry one second and a crying mess the next. Yoongi was similar in the sense that he was very visibly angry with the world. Jungkook cried in your arms. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He repeated. 
“It’s okay, Koo. It’s okay.” You hummed as you rubbed his back. You knew that heats or ruts made them lose control a little and they couldn’t help it. 
“I promised I would never hurt you and I did!” 
“But you didn’t mean it. It’s alright. I know you didn’t purposely do it. Besides, I’m okay, aren’t I? I’m still standing here.” You rubbed his head. Hoseok consoled a sad Jungkook as you hugged the rest. 
“I’ve missed you.” Yoongi and Namjoon were the only ones that stuck to the pack word of ‘keeping a distance’. 
“I missed you too, Alphas.” You giggled and they couldn’t help the growl that rumbled in their chests, hearing you call them ‘Alpha’. 
“Oops, probably not the right time to joke like that, right?” You blushed and Yoongi couldn’t help but shoot you a dirty look. Namjoon cleared his throat, stiffening slightly as he hugged you. You walked all of them to the door with promises of meeting them tomorrow. 
“Study hard for the exam tomorrow!” You shouted as you waved. 
The next day came rather quickly. Your heart raced anxiously as you walked to the bus stop. You were so lost in your worried thoughts that you didn’t even notice your 7 mates. 
“Hello?” Jimin waved his hand in front of you. 
“Huh? Oh! Good morning, boys.” You smiled at them. They could all feel your slightly nervous and negative emotions. 
“Don’t psych yourself out. You will do great, hmm? You worked hard and you aren’t one that is falling behind either. You need to trust yourself, give yourself and your beautiful brain more credit.” Namjoon cupped your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. You smiled softly, immediately feeling a little calmer from the effect of his words. 
“Thanks, Joonie.” You smiled. 
“At least we’ll all be sitting near one another.” You turned to face all of them and they nodded. Indeed, all the boys had a calming effect on you. 
“You’ll do fine.” Yoongi grasped your hand as you sat beside him on the bus. He gently rubbed the back of it in an effort to calm your nerves. You leaned your head onto his shoulder. 
“Can’t wait to have you over again.” He leaned his head against yours.
“I can’t wait for the exams to be over. It’ll be more relaxing then.” You said and he chuckled in agreement. 
When the bus pulled up, all of you got off. Thankfully, everyone was kind of in their own world when it came to the exam season so you didn’t get bullied as much. And now with the boys always around you, most of your bullies backed off. Well, at least the male bullies did. 
“Wh*re.” Kira scoffed as she walked past you, bumping shoulders with you. You ignored her, far too jittery about the exams to deal with her. 
“Take a deep breath.” Taehyung held your hands in his as he flashed you his signature boxy smile. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You smiled up at him. 
“This connects us. If you need to feel calm, we’ll feel it.” Jin showed you his pink crystal necklace and you nodded, touching your white one through your shirt, feeling the rock under your fingers. 
“Let’s go.” Namjoon gestured for everyone to enter the classroom. It was time to put whatever you studied with the boys and on your own to use. 
You sat down in your allocated seat and the teacher went around checking the classroom to make sure no one had anything to cheat before she headed to the front. Giving everyone one last look, she began to give out the test papers. You received yours with a slight bow of the head and waited for her to start the timer to begin the exam. 
“You may begin now.” She said and the sound of multiple papers being flipped was heard. 
“Deep breath.” You remembered Taehyung’s words and took a deep breath as you started the first question. 
From their seats, the boys occasionally looked up at you. You were so focused that you didn’t even feel the multiple stares on you. Your eyebrows were creased together in a frown as you bit your bottom lip. 
“She’s so cute even when she’s so serious and focused.” Jungkook snickered slightly. 
“You know how serious she takes this.” Yoongi said. 
“It’s all for her grandfather.” Jimin softened. 
It was true in that the wolves didn’t need to do well in the exam. Heck, they didn’t even need to go to school. They are princes, they are already feared and ruled the land. They could do whatever they wanted but they stuck around to support you, their mate. 
“You have an hour left.” The teacher reminded. 
“Hyung, what’s the answer for question 20?” Jungkook asked Namjoon. 
“Do it yourself! This is cheating. Besides, you don’t even take this seriously. You were the one that said this is a waste of time. You might as well hand in the paper blank.” Namjoon scoffed. 
“But if I do well, (y/n) might give me a reward.” Jungkook whined. 
“All the more I wouldn’t tell you. Then I can have her reward all to myself.” Namjoon said smugly.
“Selfish! It’s not fair that you were the one born with the brains of the pack.” Taehyung cried out. Namjoon didn’t care, it was his gift, his blessing that he was the smartest of the pack.
When the exam ended, the teacher went around to collect the papers. Jungkook groaned at his half empty paper, not because he was afraid of failing, he didn’t want you to know that his paper was half empty and not give him a reward for doing well. Honestly, you never even told him of a reward, he was just wishing for one. 
“How was it?” Hoseok asked you. 
“I think... it was okay.” You gave a small smile. He patted your head, wrapping an arm around you to give you a side hug. 
“What are you guys?” You asked. They all shrugged in response, not really caring how well they did for some dumb human exam. You all headed to the cafeteria to wait for the next exam. 
“I’ve never been here before.” You whispered. 
“The cafeteria?” Jimin asked and you nodded your head. 
“I’m always bullied and it’s worse if I’m here alone so I never come here. That’s why my usual spot was that spot underneath the tree out back. But of course, Kira...” You sighed as you remembered that Kira and her group took your only peaceful, quiet spot in the campus. 
“It’s okay. You’re not alone now. No one will dare to do anything to you.” Taehyung smiled. 
“Thank you.” You blushed. All of you went to get your lunches. 
“Oops.” Kira smirked. You looked down at your uniform that was now stained with red kimchi soup. The liquid was hot on the skin as you winced. You felt the stares of all the students in the cafeteria. 
“HEY!” Taehyung and Jungkook shouted but Jin and Hoseok held them back to prevent them from shifting and ripping Kira’s head off. 
“It was an accident.” Kira blinked innocently. Jungkook growled and Kira jumped slightly in shock. You had to get the soiled clothes off your skin before it started to burn so you ran out of there. Jimin and Yoongi ran after you while Namjoon stayed with the others. Frankly, they were all angry with Kira but shifting here and fighting here wasn’t going to help anyone. 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” Namjoon shook his head as he stared at Kira. 
“Why do you all hang around her? I’m much prettier and richer! She’s a nobody!” Kira stomped her feet in frustration.
“I suggest you not insult her unless you can deal with the consequences of your words.” Hoseok grunted as Taehyung struggled in his hold. They had to get out of here. 
“You better watch your back!” Jungkook kicked in Jin’s hold as Namjoon helped to haul them out of there. 
“Is she okay?” Jin asked the two that were waiting outside the handicap stall for you. They shrugged in response. You have locked yourself in and not let anyone else in with you, despite the boys knocking and calling out to you. You were busy cleaning your uniform. 
“(y/n)?” Namjoon knocked. 
“Uh huh? I’m okay. Just cleaning up.” You replied. Opening the door, you poked your head out to see them. They all had worried looks on their faces. 
“I can’t sit for the exam in this. They won’t let me in. They’re strict on dress code and I don’t have a spare.” You bit your bottom lip anxiously. You weren’t going to be sent home because of this. 
“Wear my shirt. It’ll be a little big but you can tuck it in.” Jungkook offered. 
“But you won’t be able to sit for the test.” 
“I don’t care about the dumb exam. It’s more important to you than it is to me. Besides, I don’t want to see her face again or I might actually attack her.” Jungkook said. 
“Thanks, Koo.” You smiled softly and he ran off to change, coming back in just his blazer and a white undershirt. He handed his clean uniform shirt to you and you went back into the bathroom to change. The shirt smelled just like Jungkook and it made your cheeks heat up slightly as you slipped it on. It was a little big but you tucked it into your skirt. 
“Done.” You came out. 
“You smell just like Kookie.” Jimin smiled, rubbing his cheek against your gently. You giggled as he kissed your cheek. 
“I’ll take that.” Jungkook took your soiled shirt. 
“We’ll see you after the exam then.” You cupped his cheek and he nodded, putting his hand over yours. 
“All the best. You can do it.” He turned to kiss your palm. He sent you all a lazy wave as you headed back to the classroom. Safe to say, Kira was shocked when she saw you enter with a clean uniform that she didn’t even notice that Jungkook wasn’t with you. 
“Where’s Mr Jeon?” The teacher gestured to his empty seat. 
“He wasn’t feeling well so he went home.” Jin informed and the teacher looked suspicious but nodded her head. She couldn’t do much if he wasn’t here anyway. Taking the stack of papers, she gave them out. 
“You may start writing.” She said. 
“Hyungs! T-The... intruder!” Jungkook grunted. 
“We need to go. Now.” Namjoon said and you looked worried as Jimin held your hand and pulled you along with them. You were confused at what was going on. 
“No time to take the bus.” Yoongi frowned. They couldn’t shift here. It was too risky with there being so many people. Hoseok flagged down two taxis and you all climbed in. You just followed them wordlessly, not wanting to be an obstacle when they were clearly rushing back home for an emergency. maybe something happened with Jungkook?
“Jungkook found the intruder. The one Taehyung fought off.” Jimin explained to you softly and you nodded your head. 
“Is he hurt?” 
“We’ll find out when we get there. But don’t worry.” Jimin comforted. When the taxi pulled up to the forest edge, the boys immediately shifted. 
“You guys go help Kookie. I’ll head back to my house.” You told them and they nodded, running off to save their youngest. Grabbing all their bags, you hauled everything back to your house. But you weren’t expecting to meet a visitor that was waiting for your arrival. 
“S-Stay back.” You dropped everything and stepped behind you as the black wolf walked forward, barring his sharp canines at you. 
“I’m warning you.” You tried your best to sound brave but the wolf could probably smell your fear. Quickly, you grabbed a small rock and chucked it at him, momentarily distracting him. 
“Boys!” You cried out as you took off and ran. 
You heard the wolf running behind you. The tree branches scratched you and tore your uniform but you didn’t care. You needed to escape. 
“No!” You fell onto the ground, turning to see the wolf right behind you. He lashed out to try and bite you but you were quick to draw your limbs in. Suddenly, there was a flash of white and brown. You gasped as Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung stood in front of you protectively. They growled, snapping their jaws at the enemy. 
“B-Be careful!” You yelped as they charged at the black wolf, who did the same as them. They clashed and fought each other but the wolf was no match against 3 princes. 
“Jin-” Your vision was blocked by Jin putting his tail over your eyes. But you could hear the enemy wolf’s whimper and slowly grow silent. 
Jin released you and you looked to see Yoongi. Taehyung still stood in a place that blocked your sight of the enemy but you knew well enough what was going on. Your legs were wobbly and scratched that you couldn’t stand properly. Taehyung used his nose to push you. 
“Are you sure it is okay, Yoongi?” You checked and he gave a nod. Slowly, you climbed on top of him. Yoongi would be the best candidate since he was an alpha, which made him bigger. 
“Let’s go.” You whispered, clutching onto the white fur as they began walking to their house. 
“(y/n)!” A fully clothes Namjoon came out and carried you. 
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
“Yes. The 3 came just in time.” You smiled softly. He nodded but still noticed the superficial injuries that you had sustained as you were trying to escape. Namjoon turned to bring you into the house. 
“Go get changed.” He said to the 3 who saved you. They nodded and disappeared from your sight. 
“Here.” Namjoon set you down on the couch. 
“Are the rest okay? Jungkook?” You asked as Jimin came with a first aid kit. Jin, now also fully clothed, jogged down the stairs to help the younger in cleaning your wounds. 
“Jungkook is okay, normal injuries that would heal rather quickly. Hobi took most of the attacks. He is a little more roughed up that Jungkook but he will be okay. Don’t worry about a thing.” Namjoon patted your head. You winced as Jin dabbed alcohol disinfectant on your open wounds. Jimin placed a band aid over your cheek while Jin tended to your knees. 
“May I see Hobi?” You asked. 
“Of course.” Namjoon carried you up and headed to Hoseok’s room. You couldn’t help but gasp at his condition. 
“Hobi...” You whispered and he opened his non black eye to see you. Even when he was beaten up with bruises and cuts, he was still able to give you his sunshine smile. 
“Hey.” He smiled. 
“It must hurt.” You held his hands in yours as Namjoon set you down beside Hoseok on his bed. Hoseok shook his head. 
“I’ll heal in a couple of days. What about you? I don’t like seeing my mate hurt with bandages.” He frowned, running his fingers over your bandaged knees then touched the band aid that Jimin put on your cheek. 
“I’m fine. They’re all superficial.” You said softly. 
“My strong mate.” Hoseok leaned in to kiss your temple. You put your arms around him gently to hold him and soon enough, Hoseok fell asleep. You heard that Jimin had given him some strong painkillers to help with his pain and healing process. 
You were now curious. You wanted to know who was so set on hurting you and the pack, and why?
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
A oneshot of how you two met in the beautiful city of Italy, how Harry finds you an Angel descended from heaven above that took his hand and became his light. Dad!harry full of fluff..oh yeah dad!harry nation lets rise. .Part two of tooth rotting dad harry of it is here too. young and beautiful (II)
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It's Saturday night. Harry and you intentionally have no plans but to loaf around in your guys cosy homely space. The candles flames with rośe tranquilness, the intro to movie watched many times together rolling in. Both of you are snuggled onto large body sucking sea-green velvet couch infront of telly.
His daddy long legs nestled atop your hip hooking around your ankle protecting you from falling if possible (moreso the fact he's extremely protective of you in your pregnancy.) His one elbow snaked around your collarbones which are now hiding underneath soft swelling, his sweater pawed arm sheltering around your huge eight months baby bump slender tender fingers tucked underneath your side.
You relaxes into him, back pressed to his tanned chest and with his chin resting atop your hair whenever he rasped out something it bobbed your whole head.
"Yeh' kay, baby? comfy?" He asks you for the hundredth time now caressing and stroking your chin, then earlobes, collarbones to your belly and the list goes on. It's one of his habits that he doesn't realizes himself more as ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑔𝑒. Harry's love language's physical contact, lots and lots of them. He finds calm in touching you here and there, raking his palms without them knowing their destination. He's cuddly and clingiest when drunk. Although, he has stopped drinking since you both are expecting but the clingy part of him jumped out during this period his only excuses are "wanna stay close to me' three babies." Or "i feel empty when you're even a bit away from me." 
"'M lover, stop worrying." You bring his jaw down with the tip of your pointer finger to kiss his lips gently with a tilt of your chin. He mumbles an anxious "cant." in your mouth running his thumb under the curve of your womb with amiable affection.
You hiss into his mouth when one of your bubba kicks you with ever most force and he pushes away with amused eyes, when he felt the kick against his palm. It's not like it's his first but everything related to his unborn babies muse him to utter excitement and tears of joy.
He shifts a tad resting his a little scruffy cheek against your silken naked bump, you're wearing one of his crotched zinc orange crop top and it bunched up your belly in very much likeness of Harry, he thinks you look so endearingly sexy he could make you use him as many times you want. His ear tucked under the crescent of your chest, "feels like jus' a barrier of skin between us." He bubbles his accent and you smile down at him infectiously. Meanouvering your fingers into his chestnut curls and massaging his scalp that made his eyelids futter into bliss.
There was another visible kick and Harry smoothed down the skin eyes shinning up at you, "a footy champ this one." You sucked your bottom lip trying not break into fits of laughter because from the weight your pelvis muscles has become weak and you end up leaving wet tiny splotches most of the time. First time you had it was two months ago you were fucking embarrassing and couldn't stop crying right after an hour of genuine laugh ofcourse caused by Harry when you guys shopped for babies and he wore that one onesie on his head being all goofy and child of two while expecting two himself.
"How're meh' baby girls. meh' bunnies." He smauched loud wet kisses all over your belly making slobbery snuggly voices to annoy you. You tug at his roots whining loudly because you know the undeniable loving scene of Harry talking to his two daughters will bring you to tears all because of stubborn hormones. Yes, two!
While you weren't even expecting a pregnancy, God said wait for my bumper surprise.
Everyone told your bump looks healthier than normal pregnancies but you ignored it until the day of gender check-up. Harry was ecastatic, fist pumping the air, bouncing with your hands intervined tears bloodshot in his eyelines. So were you...but you had a huge breakdown on the wooden floor of your home's threshold. You were blabbering thousand questions to him, body shaking and fighting to breath.
"I...I can't do this, Harry...too much 's too much." You cried to him that day. But he cradled your face into his calloused palms his temple kissed yours, "ye' can, my sweet girl. we can. wish I could bear one of our baby bunny, it's sad that I cant help ye'. But, it's my promise to be there for you forever and always." He leaned down to kiss you with so much love, more love he was keeping to himself ever since and more more love he can't put into words.
He comes back from your belly to leave a feathery kiss on your lips that makes you yearn for him more and settles back to his previous position, his face shoved into the crook of your neck and he presses kisses to the corner of your lips while your eyes remains glued to telly.
As Sally and Harry bickered in the car you chuckled softly fingers tracing his nose and the mole sheltered under it, "remember how we met?" His breath fanned tickling your cheek heartily when he shook his head with a giddy giggle.
"How could I not? Yeh' were a honey pot and a weepy mess after tha'." He scrunches his nose at you adorably reminiscing the night and series of nights after that.
"It was your fault mister." You twitch your lips turning to his side with his help and his hand sprawled at your back instinctively. "Ye' souvenired t' give a lonely guy like me some company, first." He smiles when you huffed. His beam getting joyously wider when your belly pressed tightly against his's and he kisses your forehead multiple times.
"Who thought that guy escapin' from Gucci's biggest event could be a dad of two girls." You quip playing with his neckline and his chest rumbled with a titter that sent you to cloud nine.
"Not me at all. But, if I could meet him back in time I'll tell him how lucky he's gonna be, how happy he'll be, that he doesn't needs to be a grumpy daddy when he could be a real happy one." His eyes are glassy and you cupped his cheeks placing your lips atop his into a feverish kiss of gentleness.
~𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠ℎ𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 2015~
Gucci's spring festive on full blossom in the most popular old city of Italy, Milan. It's luxurious in all it's glory. A-list celebrities and world claimed most beautiful models. The hall clattered and shushed with talks, rumours, gossips and greets. Then it's fashion and tailored-fitted clothes, formal gowns. Fake smiles. Cold hearts.
On the long dinning table piled with food that sometimes's too difficult to pronounce Harry sat along with Kendall Jenner. His ex-girlfriend and a friend for now. She talks excitedly with the person infront of her snarling rude remarks here and there. Her hand came squeezing his thigh under the table that startled him from his imaginary world. A world where he's at peace, the luxuries doesn't exist and he's nothing but a normal person.
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"Huh, love?" He kinks his brows together fiddling with the napkin in his lap and she gave him a furious pout for not giving her full attention, "I was pointing out how fast-fashion brands are shit." She rolls her eyes. Harry can't believe her bratty arse. He shrugged his thigh with a tad more harshness to get rid of her touch.
"Dunno. No' everyone could afford luxury brands." At this the model infront of them cackled more in her mock and sniffed to be polite in the fake hush of the room. Harry's eyes turned glassy and the jade in the murky to the visible irritation at their behaviour. His expressions dark and unreadable under the very less light.
Quiffing his long hickorey curls back he nibbed at his pointer finger's knuckle only to bend it under his chin afterwards, "'m serious." Kendall sighs loudly at this clearly annoyed by the way he's acting and the model infront of him gave him a 'whatever makes you sleep at night.' look and a shrug of her shoulders in arrogance while eating her steak.
Enough. Harry thinks with a grumble struck in his chest. He rakes the chair back that drew some attention but it drifted to some person sharing their experience and all that shit talk again on the loop.
Harry's guard followed him behind pushing the paparazzi away. Flashes in his eyes. Made up assumptions to his ears and shoved up opinions to his chest. He's sick. From all of this. He wants to shout to no-one in particular but himself, he wants an escape. He wants it with his every bleeding cell.
Then he takes a curt turn with a whiplash of his torso to dark alley beside the building from which he just exited and when he reached the end it was blocked by a brick wall so he jumped with ease to other side, his expensive boots scruffing against the gravel. He gave no care to the guard behind him.
He was in a local less populated street. Wider with the bumpy stones and there were people indeed but nobody paid him heed.
He sat on the concrete bench. Flinging his one leg over another hand gripping near his crotch and with a relieved huge exhale of breath he took his phone out going through it. After, so long he feels like he's a free dove who could breath free escaping from it's cage.
He's broken. Empty and in the rough path of his life. He doesn't know how to cope with it. It makes him fuckin' insane.
There's an ice-cream cart few steps away from where he's sitting alone onto bench. His head snaps at the beautiful giggle bouncing through the tangerine sky. He squints his eyes to get a better look of the group of friends crowding near the cart and licking onto their ice-creams.
Your white cotton dress furled with a wave of zephyr and the loose errand of your hair slipping from your low bun cascading around your face while you gave a belly ache laugh to one of your tall friend bopping his nose at his silliness.
Harry stares at the interaction of young people. They're just like him but looks more happy and youthful then why couldn't he?
His eyes are set on a certain figure and that's you still hidden from him as your friend Mona blocked the sight of your perfect view to Harry nudging your ribs.
"Is that Harry Styles." Jo mutters when his eyes fell over him and then he bashfully hisses, "don't look back! Don't look back. You guys are being too specific." Considering yourself stupid you spinned to have an ethereal sight of Harry sitting all by himself on the cold bench, his carved features glowing with the illumination of his phone screen still unlocked while he got distracted by you people.
"Doesn't feels like he's enjoying himself." Mona quipped taking a large swipe of her cold delight. None of them too interested in his wear abouts.
Call it clićhe but you don't have any thought in your mind before you're asking for an ice-cream cone from the ice-cream man heading towards him with your hands occupied with two.
Harry's breath hitching in his palpalating heart at the complete sight of you, for sore eyes for sure. His nerves jittery and knee bouncing in restlessness as you approaches him with a sweet grin. He takes in your complete look. White flowy dress and nude sandals, loop earrings and the bright red lipstick resembling the blood gush of his heart. 'Less is more' making you appear so beautiful.
Harry's so lost in his own brain wrecking that he forgot where you went but you rounds him from behind flinging your left leg on the other side of bench to sit on it with your legs on either side of it, he again startles getting off-guard hastily turning to face you when you tapped his shoulder.
Licking your own vanilla sweetness you forwarded the cone to him a sweet sheepish smile on your glowing hearty features. His body guard instantly changed his position to stop you but Harry gave him a stink eye accepting your offer shyly. Your cheeks heating even in the mild temperature when his supple fingers brushed yours.
"Thank you." His voice timid wiping the corners of his heart shaped lips but you just shrugged your shoulders leaning back with your hand pressed against the bench, "no problem. you're welcome." Harry gazes at your collarbones prodding from the flimsy fabric of your v-line then he shifted his gaze down to his Gucci loafers telling himself not to be a pervert. It's just you're too delicate that he can't stop admiring.
"I like your suit." You compliments him with glinting eyes and his cheeks flushed with shyness mumbling a "thank you." Under his erratic breath.
His eyes flutters and tummy flips when you bring your hand closer to him taking the sleeve of his jacket tugging at it, "it's too graphic you know...in a good way." He finds it endearing that you were this engulfed in just the design of his suit and when you tilt your chin peering up at him, he feels like his brain stopped functioning. He nods eyes still locked to yours and when he sense some coldness dripping down his thumb he quickly ducks down to lick it off causing his sculpted cheek to stroke against your silken ones in utter gentleness.
You gulp timidly sitting back straighter.
"So...? For what stuff you're here for Harry?" He loves the way his name sounds mellow coming from you. He clears his throat unwinding his long legs to stretch them wide and it nudged yours sending jolts to both of you, "uh, 'm 'ere fo' Gucci event." You beam at this shifting closer to him.
"I like the way it sounds comin' from you." He cackles at this running his fingers to tame his matte curls.
His tense demeanor slipping bringing his shy, timid and goofball ones exposed to you. He's himself surprised that all the built up frustration in his nerves drained away from your presence.
Being an art major and a fashion geek you asks him with ferverishness patting his knee, "what was it like? I've heard it's mesmerising." He chuckles at this. He wanna scoff because a sweet girl like you wouldn't last a second there.
"'S okay. I guess." He elevates his shoulder in bored expression and when the ice-cream swipes at the tip of his nose you giggled bunching forward to his side. He smiles down at you squinting his eyes narrow in an accuse.
"And what yer' here fo'? Wait yeh from here?" You bite the waffled cone chewing it. Words muffling with a full mouth, "having a trip with my University's friends. I live in London though. I really really wanted to see Milan. So, here I'm." You make an innocent childish face raising your arms in air to show him and his heart's soothing to peace with every homely action you'd pull to make him relaxe.
Then there was silence that Harry was unaware how to break. He could hear you talking for an eternity. On the other hand you aren't that akward to make conversations with people. No doubt you're shy, and wants your own space to blossom but this one habit of yours is inseparable.
"You know when back home. An ice-cream man would come daily at midnight in summers. Me and my cousins would climb up his bicycle cart like darn monkeys. Pop our heads inside the freezer and annoy the fuck outta him. God I miss home." There's this un-pointable feeling. That's unfigurative to Harry but it's there; of admiration and of endearment. His heart's at cloud nine caressing itself to the pink cotton candy.
His heart reaches out for you from his ribcages as the homesickness glistered in your irises. You weren't obliged to talk to him, to give him company but you still did beacuse beautiful accidents and coincidence happen in the admist of rushed streets.
Harry parted his lips to talk to you more but he has nothing, his life's not unknown by anyone and the normal scenarios of people entertains him so much.
His head snaps when you grin widely at him throwing the last and best of cone inside your mouth. Your small pretty mouth chewing like a rabbit and Harry wants to have a touch, just some to shush the fire in his stomach.
His head snapping when you yelled to children that were skipping on rope waving to them, "hey kiddos! Wanna have some ice-cream!?" They all left their play of galloping running towards you. Harry looks at you wide eyes eating his last bits away.
"Our hotel gave us a coupon for free ice-creams." You laugh standing up and he wants to catch you by wrist to stop you going away from him but when you squeeze his shoulder leaning to whisper in his ear chills ran down by his spine, "will be right back." He swallows thickly nodding eyes trailing to you as you collects all the little fellas to cart.
He watches you. Is she an Angel? A mirage to help him out of his anxiousness? Or a smoke in his mind that'll disappear soon? He thinks picking on his nails. He's not ready to step out of the calm bubble you created so delicately around him. Only if life could be this easier.
He rolls his eyes playfully sucking his lips inside his mouth when he sees you paying extra for more. He looks back to his body-guard. Maybe you didn't noticed him or cares less but Harry's kinda annoyed that he has to be here in such a happy vulnerable moment of his life.
"Thank you nice lady!" Harry chuckles gleefully when all of the kids thanked her licking onto their sweets. "It's okay kids, be careful before I take them back."
Shaking your head you strides back to Harry coming to stand infront of him. You can fit perfectly between his legs if he opened them wider for you, that desireful thought swooshed through his mind but he shakes it away.
"Thank ye' nice lady." He squeaks in high teasing pitch standing up and your eyes widened when he literally towered you fully. Your height differences funny even you're in heels.
"Not you now." You declared with blushed cheeks. His irirses glinted when you fumbled with the sides of your dress.
"So...this's it?" You ask him peering up at him with such gooeness he could whimper. Shivers running down your body as the weather turned rather more chill.
"This's it.." Harry whispers. He feels what? a lump of wetness in his throat? He's at the brink though.
"Thank you for bearing my monkey ass." You guffawed out but he has serenity in his eyes. He thins his lips. "I should be the one to say thanks."
He was taken aback when you hugged him running soothing circles at his back. He inhales your tangerine vanilla scent embracing you fully now. If he could freeze the time he would in a snap. He feels like he's all the way back home after travelling shallow through the whole world.
"It's gonna be alright, whatever it's Harry. It'll be alright. You're gonna be alright. It gets bumpy but you still have so much for you." Harry wants to cry in some strangers arms. He feels so defeated and tired. But, the determination and affirmation in your voice made him think opposite. He'll do it. He can do it.
He didn't let you go first. You untageled yourself from him gently swaying on your feet, taking a step back and he couldn't blink his eyes away from you as you bit your crimson lip.
You take steps away from him eyes still locked to his jade ones and he calls you out through the breeze looking for passing by cars if possible because you're standing in the middle of street.
"Hey, stranger!!!" You tilt your chin in a questioning and shake your head at his lopsided cheshire smile, "forgot t' tell ye'r name!" He yells out in rushed anticipation and anxiousness as if he'd loose you if any minute ticks by.
Goosebumps appears at your bare legs from the chill, "Y/N. Y/L/N." Then you spin around raising your hand high atop your head waving it for Harry.
"Ba-bye. Harry." You says loudly but it doom vacuumed to emptiness once you step inside your hotel's lobby leaving Harry at his own sake again.
Standing still at his spot. Hands shoved into his trouser's pocket and long spiral curls framing his sculpted features he watches you with a furrow of his brows from the glass of hotel. His frown getting deeper when you threw your head back laughing when you bumped into your friend who was coming to find you, you caught his wrist eyes widening at something funny he said and Harry sighs thinking maybe you're just this kind and generous and that he's not a special case in your book.
With an exhausted sigh he makes his way towards his bodyguard who gives him a side mishevious eye, "happy now, Styles?" Harry jabs a shove to his bulky shoulder playfully lips twitching and eyes narrowing, "oh shut up!" His mood more lightened and gleeful than his previous one thanks to you.
Next day when Kendall and her friend dragged Harry to fancy the local streets of Milan. Harry had a less scowling face than before. They stopped infront of some shop to buy bagels that someone bumped right square into Harry's back making him stumble a little.
It's you. Rushing out of a pharmacy. Harry's gaze trails from your toe to head and his lips parts in surprise. The whole past night in his lonely hotel bedroom you were his dream of heart and the stubborn thought of his mind while the thump of after party going downstairs kept him occupied and fainted the erratic pace of his heart. Then his brows kink in worry and concern at the grueling sight of you.
You're in a pink sweater and pyjamas. Eyes glassy. Cheeks flushed and blazing. Nose running and hair poking out in every direction. He takes a gentle step towards your astonished figure brewing fingers reaching out to hold you but when you keeps a distance from him his heart falls in his arse, and when you cough in your elbow he realizes that you're maybe cold or having a fever.
"You okay, love?" He asks you. Voice that of honey and panic dripping from his features. You gives him a big smile bobbing your head quickly and he have an urgency not to roll his eyes at you. Because you don't seem okay from any angle!
"'M just having a tiny cold it's not that worrisome." Harry's eyes pops out from his socket at your voice. It's groggy and hoarse not that sweet warm honey that was fusing in his ears last night. "Y/N. You can barely speak, are you sure you're okay?" You try to give him a small smile at his care but it got suppressed by another throat tearing cough. Poor little thing. Harry fawns looking down at you.
At this he abruptly saturates the distance between you two, "note me' number, darlin'. Promise me you'd call me if you feel too sick." You give a glance to his two friends coming by to stand beside him.
"Hi." You greet them in hoarseness and they wince when you forward your hand for a shake making you feel ashamed and embarrassed of your politeness when they didn't accepted it. Harry jaw ticks in furiousness as he glares them it's all adding up to push his nerves now.
He takes your shivering hand with an arch of his brow to his friends in challenging sterness noting down his phone number at your palm. You give him a soft "okie." and a "thank you." waving him and his friends a good-bye. He notices that you're not someone to hold grudges against someone. He knows that Kendall's behaviour throws people off but you didn't seem to mind it too much.
"Who was she Harry?" Kendall asks him chewing onto her bagel. Harry shrugs not keen to spill any precise details, "someone I met last night."
She tries to scrape more from him. "How?" Harry closes his eyes tugging at his roots not ready to snap at her.
Harry thinks many times to say the right words so that she'd shut up but still ends up saying something that infuriated her ego and mock, "she offered me ice-cream—" Her friend scoffs perking his head.
"Mate you're nuts for accepting something from a stranger." Logically yes. But you meant no harm to him. Your eyes were truthful and shined with sincerity.
Harry stays silent walking inside their hotel. The hostess asks them if they'd like to have a brunch.
On the other hand you climbed up the stairs to your room with a lazy gait. Your lungs burning. Once inside your room. You takes your medicine with a shivering body and minus energy to even raise your finger. You want to cry but you give a pep talk to yourself that you're a brave girl squishing yourself in your bed, hiding under three blankets.
There's bright sun outside but still you're feeling like someone placed you atop Antarctica's glacier snatching every clothing item from you. Your friends are all out and you wish you could have them. You hate being sick and alone.
When you woke up again. You felt horrible. Feeling like a truck crushed you underneath itself. When you tried to sit up, you fell back a reckless painful sob erupting from your lungs as with wavering fingers you massaged your sweaty forehead. The sheets under you drenched into sweat and hotness. Panic rising in your chest as your vision blurred with blackness so you dialed Harry's number immediately in the fear someone should be with you in case you faint.
"He—" He was cut off with your loud crying. The fork in his hand clanking against the sleek plate gaining everyone's attention. "'S okay. 'M comin'. I'll be there in no time love." He speaks hastily telling his bodyguard not to follow him with a gesture of his hand while striding to his car in big steps.
"Y/N. Darlin'? Yeh' there?" He asks you with his chest tightening with anxiety when the other end of line was dead as grave, "'m, i'm." Your breath spurts into coughs and Harry sighs sympathetically at your condition. It took him fifteen minutes to reach your hotel.
"Which room?" None of you noticed that the phone was still on line. You were half conscious cheeks soaked and smashed into silk pillow case. "Room number, sweets?" He asks you patiently running through different floors to take care of you as soon as possible.
"2-234.." You stutter. Harry halts in the middle of corridor snapping his head everywhere your room was three rooms away from him.
"Can yeh' stand up for me and unlock the door for meh? Can yeh do that sweet girl?" Harry's standing at your door and your sob muffles into your arm when you shake your head in denial. Luckily the door was unlocked.
"Stupid girl." Harry mutters under his breath pressing the red button when he finally tumbles inside your room. He wants to scold you for not caring for your safety when you're sick, fragile and barely able to stand up.
His heart grips into a knot when you turn to your side. The girl he was with last night long gone. Your lips blue and wobbling. Cheeks red and wet. Sweat sheening. Your body shaking. You could be barely seen from under the layers of blankets.
"Oh sweet girl. 'm so sorry." The mattress dips under his weight and he hovers over you taking you in his arms instantly. Squeezing you tight and warm, it feels good so you cuddles your face into the crook of his neck. He gasps when his hand glides down your back and finds it pooling with so much sweat, and you burning like sun outside.
"You're burnin' love." He says with wide eyes cautiously smoothing his hand at your back to make you feel better.
"It hurts, Harry." Harry pulls you from your shoulders rolling his thumb in the dips to massage them, "where?" Your chest rumbles with another whimper as you bolt your eyes shut.
He inquires further and you give a drowsy moan when he expertly massages your shoulders and arms, "did you take your medicine?" You nod at this head falling against his chest and if he wouldn't be so worried about your condition his tummy would've flipped so hard.
"And did yeh' ate somethin' befo' that?" When you shake your head in rejection he again pulls you back looking down at you in offend and shock.
"Y/N..." He warns you with a tough expression. Then he cups your cheeks making you look at him even though your eyes are closed he scolds you strictly, "Y/N you should be kind to yourself too."
"Now. 'M gonna take ye' to hospital." He announces and you squirm away from his grip shaking your head like a child. You hate hospitals.
"Y/N..don't be difficult darlin'." Only if he knew he has to deal with this his whole life. As you try to speak your words swallows back when he snakes his arms under your armpits making you stand up.
"No buts. Look at ye'. Yer condition will worsen if yeh' keep refusin' to go." With your whole weight over his side he makes you sit in the passenger seat, stroking your cheek with his knuckles giving you a reassuring smile and rounding to his driver side.
He keeps on checking you through the whole drive. You're still high on fever when he places his palm at the curve of your neck then at your forehead tsking when you moaned in pain, "'s gonna be alright." He rubs your knee trying to give you a smile through his own anxiousness.
They checks you in the ER. The doctor notes your symptoms on his notepad and Harry gazes you in full concentration sitting right beside you, he has your fingers laced with his's and he's continuously rubbing your back to provide you with any warmth.
"I've a very low immune system since I had a tonsillectomy when I was nine. Had an ice-cream last night and quite often I know I get sick in this season." You toy with his silver rings carelessly. Harry admires you. Dunno why. He just do. Because he thinks he might be falling for the way you talk, you behave and try to remain polite in every circumstances.
"Miss Y/N since you've your tonsils removed your coping mechanism from bacteias's less and you've caught a pneumonia." Your head immediately turns to look at Harry and when he sees that fear in your eyes he unwinds his hand from yours leaning to take your chin, "hey...hey lovie'. It's okay you'll heal in a week."
The doctor hands the prescription to Harry. The next thing he announces makes you sob like a five years old, "no. no. no." You shake your head shrinking back and Harry gives the doctor a sheepish akward smile stroking your hair.
Doctor sighs at your behaviour leaving at last, "the nurse will be here soon to give you injections."
Harry quickly stands up shutting the large curtain that's around the stretcher bed you both are sitting at as soon as he comes back you wrap your hands around his forearm. He hisses when you dig your nails to his flesh your tears dropping at his wrists.
"I don't like needles. I loathe them. They scare me." You sniffle and Harry ducks to your level metting your glossy gaze. He caress your head kissing your hair, "you're so brave. I know it. It would just be a pinch. Ye' can squeeze the fuck outta my hand if yeh want to." He has his fingers tucked under your earlobes as he again and again wipes your tears.
The nurse comes to you shutting the curtains behind her. She's old lady in age and observes the couple infront of her. Well, for her you both are looking like one.
You immediately move back to Harry's side as he's sitting now with his front infront of you, "scared of needles." Harry tells her timidly in a low voice puffing his cheeks a bit in gentility.
Harry saps his opal teeth into his lower lip when you wrapped your elbow around the nape of his neck bringing him down closer to you and your face shoved to his chest near his armpit. His other arm wrapping around your waist to flush you closer to him. He tries to drift your attention to himself whispering sweet nothings into your ear and the nurse awes applying alcohol where she has to inject the needle.
"'S okay. We're gonna get home after this, have some soup, will take a nap, watch some telly...." He smoothes his hand over your spine grasping it softly. You stiff in his genial hold twitching and hissing loudly when the needle was poked and pushed into your delicate skin. His white shirt's completely soaked into your tears now but he doesn't give two fucks.
"Just two more." The nurse mutters and you perk your head away from Harry's chest looking at her horrified, "two more!?" You squeak out hiccuping and Harry has to suppress his giggle at your expense from how adorable you look.
He again shoves your head back in his armpit muffling your huffing and tantrums. "Don't move darlin' don't wanna get yeh' hurt." His hold tight and firm.
"Hurts." You pout and Harry traces it stopping himself to just lean down and kiss it. Nurse left you guys to yourself and Harry breaths loudly grinning at you, patting his thighs standing up helping you too.
"Thank you, Harry." You crane your neck to see him properly rubbing your nose once Harry makes sure you're sitting in his car comfortably.
"No problem, love." He kisses your cheek making your lips quirk up for the first time.
You're sitting crossed legs on the twin sized bed of your hotel room. Harry takes a quick glance of you pouring soup into some bowl. Your temperature a little bit coming back to normal, sweat still there as you rests your head back at the board of bed. You're room's nothing sort of luxurious it's dinky and compact.
"Here love." Harry hands you the soup making sure to be careful that you don't get burnt and you takes it from him with a series of appreciation.
"Feelin' better now?" He asks you rubbing your ankles as you places your feet in his lap. Blowing onto your soup and he does the same shoving spoonful in his mouth.
"Way better. Felt like dying honestly." Harry couldn't imagine how bad your condition was he saw it himself and he gives you a weak smile, his man-bun getting loose now.
"Where are your friends? they should have known that you weren't feeling well."
"They asked me but—" Harry's low voice cut you off. In just a day he got to know what your nature's like.
"But you didn't wanted to spoil their fun." You roll your eyes playfully wiggling your toes in his lap to tickle his tummy but he catches them making you squeal through sore throat.
He giggles when you slurp purposedly attaching your lips to the rim of your bowl. Once you're full he places your medicine in your palm and when you makes an icky face he gives you a stern gaze, "uh-huh. Take 'em."
When you swallow the bitter medicines down with a huge gulp of water he pats your head, "good girl." He puts the glass at nightstand. Caressing your jaw, "wanna take a nap?" You nod.
"W-would you lay down with me, ...'s just my body aches and—" You tried to explain without letting heat to creep at your cheeks. He bobs his head furiously more than okay to fulfil your wish.
Without any word he shifts gently to your side getting rid of the hair band that was trapping his long curls into a bun, squeezing into twin sized bed with you, "sorry." he quips when you hiss at his cold bare feet touching your warm ones.
"It's okay." You smile up at him moving closer to him. Sheets rustling underneath as you rests your head over his sprawled forearm. Your bodies reacting automatically like one of soulmates when your knee nudged his legs and he parted them so that you could place your sore one in between them. You molded into him like a piece of puzzle, that was just meant to fill the part of him that was scraped out because of his fate leaving him shallow and empty.
"Sorry for ruining your day." You mumble into his neck fingers brushing the baby curls at the nape of his neck. He shakes his head running his thumb in circles under your hair that were sticking to your neck, "No, thank you fo' makin' my day better. 'M havin' fun babying you." You titters at this and he sighs. There's calm. Heart beats in sync. Yours was racing moments ago. You're tangled into eachother's embrace and he pulls thin blanket ontop of both of you.
You purr wishing he could be always with you at how he's a walking talking heater, "you're warm." Harry senses come to a pause at the kitten voice you just let out snuggling into him deeper and exhaling the breath he was holding in. He melts into you kissing your forehead and petting your cheeks.
"Sleep sweet girl." His breathing lulls you to deep slumber.
It's late in night. Harry squints his eyes to street lights coming from the balcony window. He groans and when pushes his face away from you, a huge lovesick smile dances at his lips. He slept so good after so long. Your warmth and sweet flesh pressed into him made him drift to sleep so quick.
He brushes your loose hair back, adorning every feature of you. Fever making you look more glowy and swelly. Then when he leans to kiss your forehead he hears the quite whimper escaping from your lips.
He places his hand at your neck to check and you're again burning. Sighing he wakes you up by smoothing his hands down your arm, stroking your hair gently and tapping your cheek with his two fingers.
You're murmuring weepily in your sleep. "Wake up y/n. It's time for your second dose." He keeps his voice slow not to startle you and your eyelids fluttered taking it's time to absorb his presence.
You shift back against the headrest. He brings the glass closer to your lips after giving you medicine. One hand on your head other making you sip water.
"W-wanna go home. Home Harry." You say in your breaths hiccuping and Harry feels so helpless. He tries to calm you down in every way possible.
He knows you're not talking about going back to London. Your talking about your actual homeplace. Then it hits him, that you're both missing that feeling. Even though you're bubbly, happy and cheerful girl you still miss home as Harry does too. You're perfect for eachother.
He takes you in his arms bringing you back to bed. You hug him close to your heart tearing in his embrace, soft whimpers in his ears that's a knife to his stomach. He pecks the side of your head multiple times.
"Home." You sniff eyes dropping. Harry messages your scalp. Your body moving up and down as he breaths. Your continuous blabbering of 'home' dulls to your sleeping breath and Harry's own eyes craved for more drowsiness with you.
He bolts his eyes shut when his phone vibrates under him. "What!?" He spats whisper yelling, you still over him. He doesn't want to disturb you by any means. Not when you're sick and went back to sleep with so much difficulty.
"'M not coming." He declares dryly as his manager tries his best to coax him back to whatever place they want him asap.
He throws his phone onto sheets cuddling back into you, letting your scent to consume him fully. His heart prancing at the thought of serenity he'll feel while sleeping else it's just jolts of anxiety.
Next morning your arms were holding onto nothing, there's no shoulder on which you were crying earlier. The room's dull and sheets cold. Sun refused to outshine for today it didn't got any emarld to beam at.
"Harry...?" You whisper innocently rubbing sleepiness from your eyes and when the silence laughed back at your face you sigh sadly.
You knew from the very start that his presence was just a mere touch of heaven and it's not his fault that you never got to complete dive into him.
It's just you and your homesick soul staring blankly at the flower wallpaper. His soft, giddy vanilla smell hugging you from every side. Consuming your body and you didn't realized you'll miss him until now.
Maybe, you and your love was contagious to him.
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 a 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞!!! Don't forget to give your feedbacks.
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kwanisms · 4 years
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Collision Course 13: goodnight all (BONUS CHAPTER)
➭ series masterlist
summary: Seonghwa notices Bunny feels down and doubts her self worth, which he can’t let happen; not on his watch. So he comes over and decides to lift her spirits, among other things.
pairing: Seonghwa x Bunny
warning: graphic sexual content, strong language, oral sex (m & f receiving), breeding kink, unprotected sex (use protection kiddos!), rough sex, deep throating, slight degradation, choking kink, slight angst at the end )):
word count: 4.3k (LMAOOOOO WOW idk what happened here)
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It took Seonghwa no time to reach your place. He only lived a few blocks away from your building. You crossed the room to answer the door, finding one of your favorite smiles waiting on the other side of it.
Your own face broke into a smile as you let Seonghwa into your apartment, glad that he was there. As he removed his jacket, you moved into your kitchen.
"Do you want something to drink?" you asked. "Just water," he replied and you turned to pull two bottles of water from the refrigerator. You tossed one to him and opened your own, watching as Seonghwa twisted the top off and took a sip before moving to sit on the couch.
You followed him, sitting on the other end of the couch. Seonghwa set his bottle down and turned, fixing you with a soft stare, silence falling over the two of you. After a moment, you felt your face start to heat up.
Despite the fact you and Seonghwa were very familiar with one another, he still could make you blush with one look. His stoic expression morphed into a half smirk when he noticed your cheeks turning pink. "What?" you asked, trying and failing not to laugh. Seonghwa shook his head wordlessly.
Instead he patted the sofa cushion next to him. You took that as an order and moved, sitting next to him. Seonghwa wasted no time, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him. 
Even though your heart felt compelled to play the song of its people against your ribs, you felt warm and safe in his embrace. Part of you wondered what it would be like to date Seonghwa but that was something the two of you had set rules against when you first met.
"Are you feeling better?" you heard him say in a low voice. Surprisingly, you were. Seonghwa had a peaceful and calming effect on you and it was definitely something you could get used to. You nodded, snuggling further against him. You heard him chuckle, feeling his chest move.
"Good," he murmured, cheek squished against the top of your head. "I want you to remember that you are so amazing and special, Bunny," he stated. "Regardless of what anyone says." You scrunched up your nose. "Including you?" you asked teasingly. Seonghwa scoffed.
"No. Whatever I say is true," he said like a defiant child. You couldn't help but giggle, letting out a squeal when you felt Seonghwa's fingers skim the hem of your shirt, tickling you.
"Ah, Hwa!" you shouted, falling over as Seonghwa started tickling you mercilessly. "S-stop!" Seonghwa let out a menacing laugh and continued to torture you, pinning you to the couch. "Seonghwa!!" you cried, tears in the corners of your eyes as you struggled to free yourself.
You tried to grab his hands and stop him only for him to grab your wrists and pin them against the couch cushion by your head. Your eyes snapped open, locking with Seonghwa's eyes to see something had changed. Something in him had switched and it sent a shiver up your spine.
The way he was gazing at you was so animalistic, but despite the obvious sexual tension and lustful look in his eyes, there was still a softness to them that was inherently Seonghwa and it made your heart warm.
Without a word, Seonghwa leaned down, pressing his lips to yours as he settled on top of you on the couch. With your wrists still pinned, all you could do was whine against his lips, hoping he would free at least one of your hands.
But he refused, instead, sliding his hands up to lock fingers with yours. You moved your legs, one of them resting against the back of the couch while the other hooked around Seonghwa's waist. Letting out a soft moan when you felt Seonghwa press his hips against yours.
His lips moved, kissing down your jaw and to your neck. Another moan escaped you when he rolled his hips again, this time nipping sharply at your neck. Seonghwa lifted his head, his lips brushing against your ear before he growled "goddammit, that's my favorite sound."
You let out a whine as you felt him push off you and opened your eyes to look up at him. He pulled his sweatshirt off, tossing it aside before grabbing the bottom of your sweater dress and pushing it up. "I can't believe you're still wearing this," he said as he started pulling off the fishnets you had worn with it.
You watched as he threw those aside and eyed you hungrily. With the bottom of your sweater dressed bunched up around your waist, your lower half was on full display for him, including your white and black polka dot panties.
Without a word, Seonghwa leaned down, pushing the fabric of your dress up, his lips making contact with the skin of your stomach. A sigh escaped your lips as he kissed the exposed skin before sinking his teeth into your flesh.
You let out a gasp, fingers moving to knot in his hair as he sucked on the skin of your hip, no doubt leaving a fresh mark in his wake. He repeated this in various spots across your stomach and hips before moving further down and starting to kiss and nip at the flesh of your inner thighs.
You let out a short giggle when he blew a raspberry on your thigh. You were about to reprimand him when you hissed instead, feeling his teeth sink into your skin again. "Ah, fuck," you breathed, hand still locked in his hair.
"Such naughty language," you heard him murmur, feeling his lips against your thigh. Seonghwa pushed your left thigh forward before biting into the back of it. You let out a squeak, covering your mouth and looking down at him.
Seonghwa had pulled back quickly, giving you a smirk before bringing his face closer to your center. Your face flushed pink as you watched him kiss you through the material of your underwear. You could feel your arousal pooling in your panties even though you tried as hard as you could not to let it out.
Seonghwa must have been able to smell it because he gave you another smirk before pressing his tongue flat against you, pressing your panties right into the pool of your wetness, allowing it to seep into the material.
"You're so wet already?" he asked softly. Sitting up, he took the fabric of your panties gently and slowly started to pull them down, keeping his eyes locked with yours. As your underwear traveled down your thighs, you felt some of your slick smear along the inside of your thigh.
Once your panties were fully removed, Seonghwa tossed them aside, not caring where they landed and wasted no time in diving between your legs again. Instead of the usual teasing he gave you, he dove right in, spreading your lips and giving you a slow lick from your entrance to your clit.
Before you could say anything, his tongue was back on your clit, giving it torturously slow and even timed links, using the tip of his tongue. Each flick made your body tense up and relax when you realized that he was giving you time between each lick. After a few minutes of this, you started to whine, wiggling your hips as you silently begged for more.
"Ah, ah," he said, giving your outer thigh a light slap. "Be patient, sugar," he said, his breath fanning over your core. "Behave and I'll be good to you," he promised. You nodded, one of your hands still in his hair, the other gripped the edge of the couch cushion as he went back to his work.
Seonghwa's pace increased slowly, toying with your clit in quick sessions before pulling away and blowing gently on it. The cool air made you squeak before he ducked back down to lick at your sensitive bud. 
When you were starting to get impatient again, Seonghwa surprised you by sucking lightly on your clit, making your hips buck involuntarily. "Sorry!" you gasped. Seonghwa snickered and shook his head. "Don’t worry about it, sweetheart," he replied. His lips and tongue were back on your clit, giving you no time to prepare for the sudden onslaught of stimulation.
As if the two together weren't enough, you felt the tip of his finger toying with your entrance. He gathered some of your wetness on his finger before slowly pushing the digit into your slit. You let out a soft moan, head rolling to the side as Seonghwa's finger moved in and out of you, a second joining the first rather quickly. His pace wasn't very fast, more like he was just trying to keep you at the edge.
"Seonghwa," you breathed, drawing his attention. He lifted his head, fingers still moving as he fixed you with a curious stare, his lips and chin glistening with your arousal. "Hmm?" he hummed in response. "Please let me come," you whimpered, back arching as he curled his fingers inside you against that one spot he knew could make you see stars.
"Have you been a good girl?" he asked, his tone teasing. You nodded quickly. "Yes, please, I've been so good," you begged. Seonghwa smiled, lips parting as he continued to curl his fingers, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
He knew exactly how to wind you up, making the coil inside you tighter and tighter before he would make it snap. He wasn't done with you just yet. He slowed his fingers, allowing the orgasm he had been drawing out of you to slip away. "Seonghwa!" you whined. You felt him slap the outside of your thigh again. 
"Good girls don't whine, Bunny," he said sternly. You whimpered in submission as he watched you. "That’s better," he added when you fell silent. "If you whine one more time, I'm going to have to punish you," he said as his fingers started to speed up, curling occasionally to bring you towards the edge again.
You could feel your legs starting to shake slightly from the built up tension. You just wanted release but Seonghwa called the shots and you couldn't cum until he said you could. "Take your dress off," you heard him command.
You grabbed the material and wriggled out of it, in a rather anticlimactic way but Seonghwa didn't seem to mind. As soon as the dress was gone, his eyes were on your body. 
No matter how many times he had seen it, he always made a point to tell you how beautiful you were. Seonghwa was big on praise and body worship. It turned him on to compliment his partner and you were no exception to this.
"God, you're so gorgeous," you heard him groan, eyes watching the way your chest rose and fell with each labored breath. You opened your mouth to respond but Seonghwa silenced you with a curl of his fingers, his thumb lightly brushing over your clit. Instead, you let out a deep moan.
Seonghwa smiled, shifting to sit up, his fingers still slowly coaxing you to your climax. "Are you close, baby?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. You nodded, unable to speak from the feeling of being overwhelmed. 
"Good, then let go," he said, thumb moving quickly, massaging circles against your clit as he thrust his fingers deep inside you, curling them in time with his thumb.
You back arched off the couch, thighs shaking as your orgasm built quickly. Moans left your lips, mixed with curses and Seonghwa's name as you teetered near the edge. "It's okay, " you heard Seonghwa say softly. "Let go, Bunny."
One of your hands moved to grab Seonghwa's wrist, high pitched moans and mewls now leaving your mouth. "I'm gonna-" you whimpered. Seonghwa knew exactly what you were going to say. "Do it. Come for me, baby," he purred and you did, walls clenching around his fingers as you came, a cry emitting from you as your toes curled in bliss.
Seonghwa helped you ride out your high, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of you until you winced, trying to pull his fingers out of you. He withdrew his hand, inspecting the mess you made on them. Without a word, Seonghwa brought his fingers to your lips and you parted them, letting him slide them inside your mouth.
This wasn't anything new. You knew how it drove Seonghwa crazy when you sucked on his fingers, especially when he was fucking you. After watching you clean your own release off his fingers, Seonghwa pulled his hand back, using the back of his hand to wipe his mouth and chin. He reached for and undid the button of his jeans, eyes still on you.
You sat up as he pushed his pants down, discarding them before sitting on the couch. He didn't have to say anything but he still ordered you off the couch with the words "on your knees, baby girl." You moved as quickly as your shaky legs would allow, kneeling between his legs on the floor.
He rested his back against the couch and waited for you to start. You maintained eye contact as you reached up and began massaging his bulge with expertise. Seonghwa let out a quiet moan, his eyes fluttering shut as his head fell back against the couch. You took your time working him up until you not only wanted more, but needed it.
Grabbing the waistband of his boxers, you tugged at them, signaling him to help you remove them. Seonghwa lifted his hips, allowing you to pull his underwear down past his thighs and discarding them on the floor. Without a word, you leaned forward, taking the base of his erect cock and giving the head a slow purposeful lick, keeping his attention with your eyes. It drove him nuts when you kept eye contact while sucking him off. 
It was probably one of his favorite things.
After giving the tip a few more links, you opened your lips, taking the head of his cock in your mouth, enjoying the way he hissed and how one of his hands moved to the back of your head, resting there, giving you a couple reassuring strokes as your tongue swirled around him.
"Fuck," he hissed as you took him deeper in your mouth. "You're so good at this," he moaned, fingers grabbing a fistful of your hair and giving the locks a short tug. The sensation made you moan around him. You continued, bobbing your head as you took him in your mouth again and again. You could feel him lightly press your head down, asking for more. Removing your hand from his shift, you instead braced yourself, sinking down on his cock until the tip of it was close to the back of your throat.
"Come on, baby," he urged. "I know you can take more than that," he added, adding pressure to the back of your head. You inhaled deeply, opening the back of your mouth and sank further until the head of his cock was nestled in your throat. "Fucking hell, Bunny," he moaned, eyes rolling back.
You held it as long as you could but he wouldn't let you move just yet. "Just a little while longer," he groaned, his cock twitching in your mouth. You held back the tears forming in the corners of your eyes, trying to hold your breath but your lungs were starting to burn. You needed air.
You tapped on his thigh, hoping he would get the message and thankfully he did. Seonghwa pulled you off him, watching the thin string of saliva that connected from your lip to his cock. "Fuck, you're so hot," he said breathlessly. You glanced up at him, wiping the tears from your eyes as your lungs rejoiced at having air again.
"Can you do that again for me, baby?" he asked. You nodded. "Okay," you replied, your voice hoarse. You took Seonghwa's cock in your hand again and guided it into your mouth, sinking slowly and repeating the same process, allowing the head to slide back into your throat again.
Seonghwa held you there, both hands on the back of your head. You tried something new, attempting to swallow with him in your throat. The new sensation caused Seonghwa to gasp and he bucked his hips into your face, sending his cock further into your throat.
Immediately, Seonghwa pulled you off him and started apologizing. "Are you okay?" he asked, taking your face in his hands. You nodded, coughing as tears clouded your vision. "I am so sorry, Bunny," he added. You shook your head. "S'okay, Hwa," you murmured.
"Let me finish," you added, reaching for Seonghwa but instead, he grabbed your shoulders, turning you around to face your coffee table. Pushing you over it, he slid behind you and wasted no time in aligning himself with your entrance. He pushed into you, sliding in with ease.
You let out a sharp yelp when he gave you a hard thrust, one of his hands grabbing your hip, the other resting on his coffee table. "Shit," he hissed. "You're always so damn tight." Your head swirled at his praise but you didn't have time to dwell on it when he asked "how do you want it?"
You turned your head to look back at him. His dark hair was already starting to stick to his sweaty forehead, his lips parted as he breathed heavily, and his eyes glossy. "How do you want it, baby?" he asked again. "D-dominate me," you choked out. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Make me see stars, Hwa," you breathed, resting your head against the table and preparing yourself.
Seonghwa leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. "You know the safeword. Use it if I'm too hard with you," he whispered against your skin. You nodded to let him know you heard and understood him, whimpering as he took your hips in both hands and pulled back, snapping his hips forward, thrusting into you. He was testing the waters to make sure you really wanted it hard. When you didn't resist, he set a pace, hard and slow rather than rough and quick.
Seonghwa was all about quality over quantity. He would never go at it like a mad man because he focused on the quality of his thrusts instead of how many he could give you. Each thrust was powerful, making your thighs hit the coffee table where you knew bruises would form.
Holding you tightly, Seonghwa's fingers dug into your hips as he pounded into you from behind. Each rocking hitting that one spot that only he seemed to know how to hit. One of his hands left your hips only to land on your ass with a loud smack. You cried out, burying your face in your arms.
"Let me hear you," Seonghwa growled, hand moving to grab your hair and pull your head up as the other hand landed another blow on your ass. You let out an unrestrained cry followed by a moan which made you blush from the sheer volume of it. "Don’t hide your face, Bunny," Seonghwa ordered as he let go of your hair, grabbing your ass instead.
You pulled your arms under you to prop yourself up, hanging your head as he continued ramming into you. "You take me so well," you heard him praise you. "S'like you were made to take my cock," he added. You moaned as he angled his thrusts downward, hitting your g-spot head on.
"S-seonghwa," you stammered. "Yeah, baby?" he replied. "Don't s-stop," you answered. You heard him chuckle breathlessly. "Hadn't planned on it, baby girl." His thrusts grew in number but he continued to hit the same spot over and over each time. Your legs were shaking, your body tired and convulsing as you came a second time, your walls squeezing his cock but he wasn't even close to being done.
With renewed vigor, Seonghwa took your hip in one hand, giving your ass another slap, this time much harder than the previous two. You let out a shrill cry, your walls squeezing him again and forcing another orgasm out of you.
Your lips parted as moan after moan tumbled out. Seonghwa pressed your neck down, forcing you flat against the surface. "Stay down like a good little girl," he ordered, still holding your neck. You didn't dare move as he slammed into you repeatedly. Your slick was dripping down your thighs and doubt starting to collect on the floor as Seonghwa, quite literally, fucked your brains out.
"Such a good slut, taking my cock so well," he purred and your insides clenched at the mix of praise and degradation. Only he could sound so nice while calling you a slut. "Such a pretty girl, covered in her own mess," he added. You moaned, cheek pressed against the table.
You felt a little bit of drool pass over your lip but you couldn't be bothered to care. Not when you were getting it so good from the only person who could give it to you that good. "Can't wait to fill you up," you heard Seonghwa grunt. You knew he had a bit of a breeding kink but that didn't bother you. He fed into your fantasies so you had no problem feeding into his. "Please fill me up," you whimpered.
Seonghwa groaned, his hips stuttering for a moment when you spoke. "I knew you'd like that, you dirty whore," he growled. "Want me to fill you up like the little cum slut you are?" You whimpered again as his hand made contact with your ass once more. "Only for you," you replied. "Only want your cum." Seonghwa let out an animalistic groan.
"M'gonna fill you up. Breed you so good," he breathed. You knew his own climax was coming so you added fuel to the fire. "Breed me, Seonghwa, fill me with your seed and get me pregnant," you moaned barely lough enough to cover the sound of his skin against yours.
"Fuck, baby girl, I'm gonna come," he hissed. His hand on the back of your neck moved, allowing you to push yourself up. "Choke me," you rasped, your voice growing more and more hoarse. Seonghwa obliged, reaching around to wrap his fingers around your throat but not squeezing enough to cut off your blood supply.
He pulled you upright against him as he thrust a few more times before he came, releasing his load inside you with a loud and deep moan, his fingers around your neck tightening slightly. Your walls clenched around him, squeezing his cock and milking him as your final orgasm washed over you. Seonghwa gave you a few more thrusts, riding out both highs before he slowed to a stop, his forehead resting on your shoulder.
After a few moments filled only with your erratic breathing, Seonghwa let go of your throat and wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close to him. You were too worried about pregnancy as you were on birth control. You just enjoyed the warmth and intimacy as much as he did.
Finally, Seonghwa spoke.
"Are you okay?" he whispered. You nodded. "Yeah, m'okay," you replied softly. "What about you?" you asked. Seonghwa nodded his head. "I'm great," he replied, paired with a light chuckle. "Thank you for feeding into my fantasy," he added lightly. You smiled, grabbing one of his hands and brought it up to your lips, giving it a kiss. "Any time, Hwa," you replied.
"Guess we should get cleaned up," Seonghwa murmured, clearly not wanting to let go of you or move. "We can take a bath," you suggested. "I like the sound of that," he replied, kissing your shoulder. "Let's go," you said, wiggling in his grip. Seonghwa let out a laugh and let go of you. "Alright, alright," he whined as you stood up, feeling some of his cum leak out of you and drip onto your thigh.
"Oh, I really made a mess, didn't i?" he asked. You shook your head. "When do you not?" you asked to which Seongjwa replied with a frown. "Hey!" he pouted. You grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. "Come on!" you urged. Seonghwa let out a groan as you tugged him along.
After your shower and you changed into some clean clothes, you sat on your bed as Seonghwa pulled on his pants. "I should probably get going," he said awkwardly. You rolled your eyes. "You know you're welcome to stay here," you replied to which he smiled and laid down on your bed.
You decided to grab your phone and hand it to him, snapchat already open. "What?" he asked but fell silent when you sat on his crotch, back toward him. "Take a photo," you said. Seonghwa held up your phone and snapped a photo before handing it to you.
You adjusted the photo with a black and white filter before adding the caption "goodnight all 🌙 😉." You added it to your story and closed the app. You got off Seonghwa and climbed onto your bed. "Lets go to sleep," you said, grabbing his outstretched hand and tugging gently. 
Seonghwa groaned and got up, turning off your light, undoing and kicking off his jeans and climbed into bed next to you. You curled up into his side and felt content the moment his arms wrapped around you for the night.
You had fallen asleep rather quickly but Seonghwa on the other hand wasn't as lucky. All he could do was look down at you sleeping peacefully in his arms and wish that it was more than just hooking up. He was screwed big time but it wasn't worth ruining your friendship so he said nothing and instead allowed himself to drift off to sleep.
'In another life, maybe,' he thought to himself.
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