#cringy fanfiction
otakubimbo · 2 months
Miguel isn't good at flirting, but that should be obvious shouldn't it?
 Miguel’s first attempt at flirting with you was actually the first time the two of you met. He had arrived in your dimension because there was an anomaly there, but by the time he had appeared, you had just finished capturing the sandman anomaly. He was impressed, to say the least by your skills. The way you webbed through the air, you were graceful yet powerful. It was as if nothing could stop you, the calculation of your attacks the sandman didn’t stand a chance. He barely even registered your speed as you came down in front of him.
“And you are?” You ask viewing him with reasonable wariness, you could tell that he was at least somewhat like you.
“I am the head of the arachno humanoid poly multiverse” He states matter of factly as if you should have already known that. The sentence almost makes you giggle.
“So, you mean the spider people multiverse” You take your mask off, shaking your coils out now realizing that he’s probably not a foe and really is just like you. “That’s cute”
At that Miguel almost becomes a stuttering fool if he could even speak, you were beyond beautiful. Your smile gave a brightness that could rival the sun.
“Well, that could be said in layman's terms but I’m more technical.” He finally gets out after feeling like he wasn’t able to breathe, de-digitizing his mask so you can see his face. You giggle at that; he was very handsome but he seemed a bit awkward. Miguel knows that he may never want to hear anything else besides that for the rest of his life.
“Yeah, I see that so what are you doing here, in my universe?” you question, putting a hand on your hip. You had already assumed it was for whatever you just took down, he kept calling for people that you had no clue about.
“Well, if you must know,” He begins “This is a sandman anomaly which seems to not be a cannon event in your universe. And it is our job as the arachnoid humanoid poly-multiverse group that take care of these types of situations. This is why I am here to take this one back, so the multiverse does not collide. It is essential to keep the universe safe” he goes on and on about the society he created.
His appearance didn’t give the type of man to ramble on like this, but. The idea was actually something that you wanted to get behind and when you questioned if you could join, Miguel thought his heart would stop. He assumed he was wooing you with his words but truthfully, you just had a big heart, and it broke yours to think about the loss of other universes.
And that is how you ended up in the spider society, working extremely close to Miguel because once he found out that not only were you a skilled spider fighting wise, but you were also absolutely brilliant. You had such a mind for science that rivaled his own and your enthusiasm had him captivated when you talked about the research you were doing on society’s behalf.
Everything about working for the spider society brought you joy. Expect, for one thing, Miguel. At first, you thought working with him was going to be amazing. He was smart and driven, you could tell his passion from the moment you met him. But now every encounter with him is insufferable. Any given moment that the two of you are working on something he always makes a note to mansplain everything, as if he didn’t himself ask for your assistance. Initially, you thought it was just adjusting to working alongside someone else; everyone in the society was surprised that he even asked for your assistance. As time went on though, it was as if he doubted your intelligence which pissed you off and confused you since he would constantly ask for your opinion or assign you tasks that he would usually take on himself. Every task he assigned you was completed expertly, and every repair he asked you to manage, was done efficiently. And yet, when it came down to you working on things he would make his way over without fail to over-explain everything to you. You didn’t know how much longer you were going to be able to take it.
Now here you were eating lunch with Jess, rubbing your temples from the headache that Miguel gave you earlier from explaining how the multiverse works AGAIN.
“I truly don’t know what his deal is, Jess” you groan putting your head down on the table hoping the cold metal will relieve some of the tension from your head. “Why ask for my help if he is going to micromanage me the whole time?! And according to everyone, he doesn’t even ask people for help so why ask me?!? Next time I am just going to tell him to do it himself.”
Jess just giggles at your frustrations, causing you to groan. She was finding humor in your suffering. The two of you had grown close to each other since you first entered the society, Jess seemed to be one of the few people Miguel put his trust and faith in which wasn’t surprising at first until you saw how he interacted with everyone else. He held her to such a high regard, and you felt lucky to work with her. Now the two of you were friends since she was always the first one you went to complain about Miguel and your friendship blossomed from there.
The two of you enjoy the rest of your lunch together, leaving the frustrating topic of Miguel behind. It helped you calm down a bit, he really had been working your last nerves with all his commentary on your assignments. But you were going to stick to your word, the next time he had something to say you would just tell him to do it himself. And now you are working diligently on fixing some of the watches that other spiders have damaged. They were easy fixes that most spiders could have done on their own, but Miguel has designated you to be the one who fixes them. He claims it is to ensure that it was done right, but who knows? Everything was going well, up until your last one when your Spidey senses told you that someone was standing in the doorway of your lab and all your other senses screamed that it was Miguel. As you resist the urge to audibly groan at his presence, you continue with your work as if he wasn’t even there. You wish you had worn your headphones instead of just playing music from your speaker so you could really ignore him but you weren’t that fortunate. Your spine tingles as you feel him approach you, attempting to think positively that maybe he won’t over-explain how to fix what you’re working on as if he again wasn’t the one who made you the go-to for all gizmo repairs.
“Hey, you know…..” He starts and it’s as if you see red, he begins to explain how to fix the damn gizmo that you were literally already fixing. In frustration, you slam your tools on the desk standing up quickly, surprisingly this takes Miguel back almost making him stumble.
“What the hell is the point of assigning me shit to do if you’re always going to come in and explain to me how to do it like I already don’t fucking know how to do it.” You almost yell, gritting your teeth, and your face scrunches up in frustration.
“What” he asked, a stupid stunned expression on his face as if he hadn’t done anything wrong and couldn’t even imagine why you were upset.
“Literally every single time you assign me anything or I do anything here you are to explain to me how to do it. What is the point of assigning me shit Miguel if you’re just going to come and tell me how to do shit every single fucking time? Just do it yourself then, stop asking me! It’s like you don’t even trust me!”  At this point you were yelling, talking with your hands, and most likely making a scene that any spider with sense would stay away from. You were absolutely heated, and Miguel just looked at you wide-eyed and confused. “Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?!?!”
“Because I don’t know what you’re talking about. I trust you more than anyone, that’s why I ask you to do all of this.” Miguel speaks softer than you think you’ve ever heard him which quells your anger a bit and now you’re confused.
“Then why do you always come and try to explain everything to me then?!?” Your voice is lower than before but you’re still slightly yelling.
“Well because”
“Because what Miguel”
He looks almost…. Nervous? You don’t think you’ve ever seen him nervous before. Yeah, when you first met him he was a rambling mess but you just assumed that was just the adrenaline speaking, ever since then he’s been this calm, collected, calculated man who despite his instinct to explain things to you, you may have grown fond of him.
“I do trust you to do your job. I wouldn’t give you the task if I didn’t think you would be able to accomplish it without my assistance.” He deflects from your question, which starts to bring back up your irritation.
“That doesn’t answer my question, Miguel. I’m so close to just going back to my universe and being done with this honestly.” Your frustrated threat makes Miguel even more confused about what is going on. He thought you liked being here, he thought he was impressing you with his knowledge.
“I was trying to impress you” He states matter of fact as if it was obvious.
“Impress me?? What???” Your temper is still up, and it comes out harsher than you mean it to because now you’re the one confused.
“I was attempting to show you my knowledge and understanding of things. You know to impress you and show you how intelligent I am” he gives a huff in a really cute pouty way for a man his size, and this confession brings a smile to your face as you start being thrown into a fit of laughter.
“I don’t see what’s so funny about any of this.” His voice is stern, he is obviously upset at your laughter, arms crossed over his chest in frustration. He was cute, he was too cute and now all of it was clicking for you. Miguel O Hara had been trying to flirt with you, in the worst way imaginable. “Has it not been obvious how fond I am of you?”
You catch your breath, as your laughing fit subsides, “No, Miguel you were actually really pissing me off.”  He frowns at the realization that his attempts at flirting have actually been doing the opposite of its intended effect.  “I know you’re smart, you literally developed most of this technology by yourself. There wasn’t anything you had to prove to me.”
“Well I-“Miguel stutters, the great Miguel O Hara stuttered. “Well, then how was I supposed to show you?”
“Show me what”
“That I am fond of you.”
“Fond of me, you mean like you like me?” Your head tilts in the most adorable way that has Miguel flustered, the brown hue of his face getting deeper as a blush crept up his neck.
“Not obviously actually.” You smile gently at him, thinking about all the times you have been so frustrated with him, and he was just trying to flirt with you.
“Well then how would I show you?” He asks genuinely, more awkward than you have ever seen the confident man.
“You could ask me out on a date, you know like a regular person.”
“Okay, so would you like to go on a date with me?”
You smile at him, and Miguel thinks his heart just stopped, “Yes Miguel I would, just tell me where and when” He does a curt nod, not knowing exactly what to say as his brain racks for ideas on where to take you turning around to leave your lab.
“Oh, and Miguel, by the way,” you stop him before he can “You don’t have to try and impress me, you already do.”
And the way you smiled at him after saying that he had to do everything to hold his composure as the stoic man he has tried to portray himself as but he can’t help the small smile that graces his face at your comment.
“You’re really gonna go out with him?” Jess asks the next time the two of you hang out, as you tell her about your last interaction with Miguel.
“Yes, yes, I am. You don’t understand, he was so cute when he was telling me that he was trying to impress me. He even BLUSHED.”
“Such a 180 from wanting his head on a spike” she chuckles.
“I know I know I know I know. But really you don’t understand how cute he was after I basically did put his head on a spike.”
“I could have told you that he liked you”
“And why didn’t you?” You huff, crinkling your nose at the fact she let you sit here frustrated with that man’s behavior for MONTHS.
“Eh, not as fun” she laughs at you, while you roll your eyes at her.
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
We could make such a pretty picture
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Paring: musicianbur x photographer!reader
Summary: you are lovejoy’s tour photographer and wilbur likes to tease you.
authors note: this is so rushed and unedited mostly just my stream of consciousness that popped into my head while i finish up the zombur fic! its almost done!!
warnings: fluff, short, flirting, a little suggestive maybe, i use a cringey (?) line idk take it as you will lmao, unedited!
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“Make sure you get my good side darling.”
Before every show backstage, Wilbur would always tell you to quote: “get my good side” whatever that meant. It was impossible to get his bad side. Every angle Wilbur Soot always looked ethereal, and that had nothing to do with your photography skills.
You would gaze up at him from the pits, readily pointing your camera to capture any shot of him playing his heart out to the screaming fans behind you. Rightfully so, you couldn’t deny how good he looked up on that stage.
Skin glistened with sweat, hair sticking to his forehead, and the light eyeliner slightly smudged in the corners of his eyes. His lips pulled up in a smirk as he flipped his hair in a certain way when a beat dropped. It was undeniable now, that he was doing this on purpose. He was goddamn attractive and he knew it.
After the show you would always sit in one of the green room chairs, keeping to yourself and letting the excitement of the after-show buzz from the band fill the room. You were scrolling through the photos, admiring your work on a picture of Ash with the lightning just right when you felt a presence creep up behind you.
“That ones quiet good,” Wilbur’s voice made you jump out of your skin, and he laughed at your startled state.
“Thanks,” you replied, returning to scrolling through your pictures but Wilbur stayed right by your shoulder. Sounds of his bandmates laughter filled the space, he couldn’t care to jump into their conversation. Too entranced by your photography. Wilbur had never truly seen your work before. Of course there was pictures the band used for the instagram account, but those were taken by their previous photographer.
You were new, and Wilbur had briefly seen your work before. Only two shows into the tour, you didn’t have the time to sit with the lead singer and exhibit your entire portfolio to hkm. But seeing how you captured his presence on stage so well, with the white strobe light hitting him at just the right angle, caused his interest to be peaked even further. It made him want to get to know you better.
“you know, we make such a pretty picture,” you can hear the deviousness in his voice and the underlying meaning behind his own lyrics he was using towards you. It warms your cheeks and you avoid his eyes that are burning into the side of your face.
You cleared your throat and repositioned yourself in your seat. “whatever you say, its all you up there on that stage,”
The next night, standing once more in the pits, camera ready as the first chords of 'Portrait of a Blank Slate' blasted through the venue speakers, and screams exploded around you. As the color lights switch from dark blue to deep red, Wilbur saunters to the microphone and begins singing the first lyrics.
You lift your camera up to your face and look through the viewfinder to be met with an up-close Wilbur, who is pressing his lips right into the microphone. A smirk pulled the corner of his mouth when he peeked open his eye to catch you pointing your camera at him. Cheeky bastard.
As he sang the next few lyrics, his hands lift up to the top part of his shirt where it was unbuttoned. Running his index finger from from his collar down to his chest, he sang; ‘shes an artist, paints across my chest,’ while sending you a quick wink.
Your mouth parted in utter shock and felt your heart beating in your ears. How does this man do this to you? You hadn’t even known him that long, but he was making you feel dizzy with the slightest little actions. You quickly shook away any thoughts popping into your mind and took a couple more photos of him. The last one was of him leaning back while strumming the next chords, then you moved on to capture more of the other band members. You just had to force yourself away from him before you got carried away.
That same night later on the tour bus, you were going through your photos again. One in particular caught your eye, it was of Wilbur with the red lights behind him casting him in a dark glow, and his guitar lifted into the air while he threw his head back. Infamous rockstar pose, you decide to call it. You chose a couple more to post to your professional instagram account, tagging the band members each in their respective photos.
About an hour later a notification came up on your phone that a mutual had commented on your photo. You checked it and immediately felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the words on your screen.
@/WilburSoot: Told you we make such a pretty picture ;)
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taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @scenefaez @highstonedcat
if you want to be added or removed from the taglist let me know!
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
*throws phone across room while reading ao3* “the second hand embarrassment is burning through my veins.”
*proceeds to pick up the phone again, only to repeat this endless cycle*
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ganondoodle · 9 months
utterly random late night panic thoughts but
if you read my zelda comic and like it i love and appreciate you but i really do need to be upfront about it being very much a self indulgent enemies to lovers story with a villain at the center that has done bad but isnt bad at his core and is struggeling to come to terms with the fact that he doesnt actually want to be the evil beast he and almost everyone else believes he should be
yes im one of those people ... fake villain fans or something ... i think .. i dont know the rules to that ... q-q
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cherubshert · 3 months
warning: grammar/ spelling errors; making out ; implied reader has a shitty boyfriend.
a/n: I didn't know how to end this :( uhhhh yo, i can't describe emotions well. stream cosmic
His ringtone blares loudly for the nth time, Sunghoon stares at it, his face contorted into one of anger arms crossed over his chest. The rain outside harshly hits his window, soft murmurs from the tv, but he's too angry to pay heed to anything.
His doorbell rings, his head tilting up towards the door, forcing himself off his chair. He swings his door open, his harsh glare quickly soften at your pitiful state. "sorry, I... i didn't know if you were in." you struggle to let out, You're shaking, from the cold of the rain and the heavy tears you've shed all night. You peek up at him, his disappointment face causing your heart to drop, tears burning in your eyes. "I'm sorry... I... know I said I would not... come here again... I just... he... I'm..." he pulls you in, his arms protective around your shoulders, his warm lips to your temple.
You've never cried so heavy, struggling to breathe as you drenched his shirt, your nails digging into his back. You feel your worries fade, your previous sorrows flowing out as he rubs your back. he pulls you into his home, locking his door behind him.
When you both pull away, he rubs your face wiping your tears away. "Go take a shower, so you don't catch a cold." He said trying to sound indifferent, but the slight concern mixed in makes your heart flutter, you nod dragging your self deeper into his home towards the guest room. Sunghoon sighs, cursing under his breath going to pick something warm for you from his closet.
The bathroom is hot when he enters, placing the cloths next to the towel by the sink. He watches your silhouette for a second before leaving to fix some food.
Your come out 30 minutes later, the aroma of ramen filling your senses. you sit on his couch and he enters a few seconds after you placing a bowl of ramen before you.
His eyes burrow holes into your skin, tilting his head to the side, hand crossed on his chest. "Are you going back?" he questions, you look up before shaking your head. "I don't want to but... I'm scared, I always end up back in square one."He frowns, standing up from his seat. His hands placed your sides, successfully caging you on his couch.
"It's a yes or no question y/n. Are you going to return to that bastard?" his voice is harsh, eyebrows furrowed leaning in slightly. "No" You croak out, cringing internally at the slight crack in your voice. He smiles, "Good."
His lips press to yours immediately, catching you by surprise. You melt into him, goosebumps rising on your skin as his hand slowly drags up the skin of your neck. Tilting your head back to kiss you deeper. when he pulls away the rush in your veins is replaced by embarrassment.
"I won't let you go back."
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sunsetsandsunshine · 6 months
~ 𝙶𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙, 𝚋𝚛𝚘! ~
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💜🐢🧡 𝙵𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: @savemeafruitjuice💜🐢🧡
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚕𝚎…𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝…𝚘𝚑 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕. 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚎!!!˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙷𝚞𝚛𝚝/𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟹,𝟺𝟼𝟸
𝙻𝚎𝚎: 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 🐢💜
𝙻𝚎𝚛: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 🐢🧡
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚘𝚗…𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚞𝚜𝚞𝚊𝚕), 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛.
(𝙰/𝙽: 𝚃*𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙳𝙽𝙸. 𝙱𝚞𝚑-𝚋𝚢𝚎. 𝙰𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚜. 𝚂𝚊𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚊. 𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕…)
𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚐𝚜𝚜𝚜𝚜: @tiggleebug @what-youd-expect @veryblushyswitch @someone1348 @titters-and-tingles
@odder-outlet @itzsana-kiddingmenow @kanene-yaaay @turtletimewriting @mysteriouslee
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐…𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗’𝚝 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 😖. 𝚂𝚘, 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚙𝚕𝚣 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚜 💞✨‼️
𝚃𝚆: 𝚃𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜/𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜/𝚓𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐.
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢, 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
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It was currently 2:00 in the morning. And the only things keeping Donatello Hamato alive at the moment were cans of Red Bull, Dr. Pepper and a slice of pizza. And by ‘slice’, he means the entire box.
Which…the more and more Donnie thought about it, that was a hell of a combination to consume for the rest of the night. Also super duper concerning. But it kept him 101% awake, so he couldn’t really complain all that much.
But why was the young scientist staying up so late you may ask? The second youngest was currently working on the de-mutagen mutagen to un-mutagize Mr. O’Neil (try saying that 10 times fast). The tallest turtle has been engrossed in the project for weeks; his eyes have been stuck to his computer as if someone glued them there.
But…why would Mr. O’Neil need ‘de-mutagen mutagen?’ Well…you, my friend, ask the good questions at the wrong time. You see, Donatello and his brothers kinda…maybe…accidentally…spilled mutagen on April’s Dad…
Accidentally! Accidentally. It wasn’t really as bad as it sounded. I mean, how would you react if you saw your Dad turn into a mutant and start flying all over New York? Pretty cool, right?
…Alright. Maybe it was as bad as it sounded.
Turning April’s Dad into a bat…creature-like…thing wasn’t a part of the plan in all honesty. Which was why the tallest turtle of the four was so stubborn on getting this freaking blob of green slime disgustingness finished.
I mean…it was him and his brother’s fault that the scientist got mutated in the first place. And as well as Donnie knows, that’s April’s only family she has as of right now. And that just makes this whole mutation situation (<- hey that rhymes) even worse.
Donnie knows all too well what it’s like for a family member to go missing out of his control. I mean, have you met him? Or literally anyone in his household? It wasn’t out of the ordinary that they would (or could) get kidnapped, captured, or held hostage from time to time.
I mean, the sky’s blue. The grass is green. They get taken from away each other on a daily basis. Duh.
…Anyways; steering away from that sad but true fact, Donnie’s family was, well, his family at the end of the day. His comfort.
And so to just…take that comfort outlet April once had and not do anything about it seemed…inhuman.
I mean, he wasn’t human…not human in the slightest, really. But you get his point.
Huh. And…speaking of family, if Leo was in the second youngest’s room right now, the young leader would’ve said some statements along the lines of: ‘Donnie! Sit up! Your backs built like a shrimp!’ or ‘Don! Stop typing and sit up straight before your back looks like a crooked tree!’
And in all honesty? He should probably fix his posture. But Leo reminding him every millisecond of the day makes him not want to…
Besides, it’s not like he was using the computer for shits and giggles. He was using it because he needed to use it. Because he had to use it.
I mean, the more and more he thought about it, wasn’t it really his fault in the first place? He was the genius. He was the scientist. He was supposed to know the answer to every. single. problem.
Even if the problem was…well, himself.
But what could he even do at this point??? April cut all contacts with him, Mr. O’Neil could be who knows where, and Donnie just ran out of pizza!
Triple. kill!
Well…perhaps using that kind of phrasing isn’t appropriate at the moment, but your picking up what’s he’s putting down, right?
…oh God, he’s starting to sound like Leo…that’s how tired he was.
The scientist groaned, resting his head on the table and rubbing his arm in irritation.
My gosh did he miss sleep.
Even if he got, like, 3 hours on a daily basis…it was 3 hours of sleep! Which is something he rarely got anymore since everything has happened.
He rubbed his arm a tad bit harder, glaring at his computer screen as if it was the most disgusting thing to ever make way on this planet.
And that’s saying a lot. I mean, have you met Raph?
The purple banded turtle sighed in pure annoyance, tapping his other finger on the desk in a repetitive motion.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
At least this he can do without screwing it up. Like he’s done with absolutely everything.
Donnie tapped faster.
Back and forth. Back and forth.
“You look like absolute sugar honey iced tea, broski.” Donnie jumped at the sudden voice, stumbling out of the spinny chair he was sitting on as he grabbed his bō staff which was planted on the floor. He drawed the staff, only to find his baby brother with his hands slightly up in a surrendering position.
“Oh. Hi, Mikey…” The taller turtle relaxed, dropping his staff in complete exhaustion and sinking into his chair like he wasn’t about to chop the other into pieces.
God, did he want sleep...
“Why are you up so early, Dee? It’s, like, 3 a.m. now…” The youngest turtle asked as he walked over to his older brother, pulling up another spinny chair as he sat next to him.
“Late. Why am I up so late. Morning technically starts after midnight. However, 3 a.m. is way too early to be considered part of the daytime. For most of the world, it is still dark outside at this time. And so, 3 a.m. is considered night.” The purple banded turtle rambled. Mikey blinked in confusion at his brother’s rebuttal, rolling his eyes playfully, “Nerd emoji…”
Donnie didn’t even counter the remark. He wanted to, obviously. Sibling bickering is a thing, y’know.
But he had to finish this cure even if it killed him. And how the way things were going, he would have to be revived 14-15 times in order to complete it.
Mikey looked at his older brother worriedly, seeing how focused and entranced he was on the computer. And usually? That would’ve been an amazing thing. Like Mikey here, Donnie would tend to hyperfixate on certain things and spend hours upon hours researching and de-coding and…
Well, you get the idea.
But ever since April stopped talking to them completely, Donnie’s been so…prone to figuring out a way to cure her Dad.
If there even was one…
And the youngest couldn’t even remember the last time he saw his immediate older brother in a bed. Sleeping. And that made the youngest worry. Worry beyond repair. And if you didn’t already know, he doesn’t do worry. That’s Master Splinter’s job…if you weren’t able to tell by all the grey/gray hairs.
“You're doing the tappy-tap thing; you only do that when you're nervous or stressed about something...” Mikey randomly said out loud.
Well…not entirely randomly.
Anytime the second oldest would do that, he would usually end up moving his hand down to tap onto his thigh, and then the light feeling would be overwhelming for him and so he would start scratching…
It was a domino effect that Mikey really didn’t want to go down if he didn’t have to.
The taller teen looked down at his left hand and…sure enough, yep. He was rubbing and scratching and tapping his arm like some crazy crack addict. He adjusted them so they were in his lap, trying not to fidget with any part of his body but soon started bouncing his right leg. “Sorry…” He mumbled.
“Wha-? No…you don’t need to apologize. I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself, Dee. That’s the only reason why I pointed it out.” Mikey rambled comfortingly, frowning a little bit as he saw Donnie’s face in a scowl. The elder’s hands tapped on the desk again, his nails gripping onto the table as he did so.
Mikey glanced at his brother sadly. He’s never seen Donnie this upset before…and that made Mikey worry. And again, Mikey didn’t do worry.
The blue eyed teen went into his pajama pants pockets and grabbed a rubix cube. He honestly completely forgot he had it in there and just happened to remember in this exact moment, but perhaps it was a good thing he forgot.
Because it was obvious his big brother needed it right now.
Mikey gave the other the cube, which he gladly accepted. The taller turtle frustratingly solved the cube…not because solving the cube was frustrating, but because he was frustrated with himself.
“You…wanna talk about it…?” The youngest asked gently. “No…no not really…” The older said as he looked at his computer blankly, solving the cube.
My gosh he needed sleep. And he knew he said that a couple times already but being tired was starting to get…well, tiring!
And you know what the worst part of all of this was?
He did the best he could.
The best he could muster wasn’t enough but at least he tried. Saving the world every day and night sometimes didn’t always go as planned.
But was that good enough? No. Of course it wasn’t. But at least he tried. He always tries. There hasn’t been one mission he hasn’t at least tried to do his part.
It's just kinda hard when you’re a 5'8 mutant turtle that the whole world is afraid of and yet you save their asses each and every day.
The irony…
And on top of it all, he hasn’t been making a smidge of process.
The mutagen still looks the exact same as it did a week ago. And the week before that. And the weeks and weeks and weeks before that…
“Dee…” Mikey started, looking at his older brother with sad, pleading eyes. “No. Stop. Don’t look at me like that.” Donnie scowled, “I’m not in the mood to be pitied.” Mikey returned the cold stare slightly, crossing his arms loosely, “Well, you should be in the mood to sleep.”
“I’m not tired.”
“Like hell you’re not.” The smaller turtle laughed bitterly, although nothing at the matter was truly ‘haha’ funny. More so ‘what the actual fuck— go to bed’ funny. “Your eyebags literally have a whole story arc right now. A plot and everything. You can’t tell me your not even a smidge sleepy.”
“That’s hilarious. It’s almost like I just did.” Donnie spat, glaring at the rubix cube as he continued to solve it.
The freckle faced turtle sighed, “Just…look. Listen to me for a sec, okay?” Donnie solved the cube, putting it on the table as Mikey held his hand.
“I know that your work is important to you. And I know you feel responsible for Mr. O’Neil’s mutation.” He started, squeezing Donnie’s hands comfortingly, which caused the elder’s hands to untense a bit, relaxing in the other’s hold. The smaller turtle smiled at the small but impactful motion.
He started up again, “We all do. But we’re not gonna get any step closer to figuring out the cure if our #1 scientist bro keeps working himself to death...”
“And by the looks of it? You’re 50% there…” The younger said as he let go of the other’s hand, getting a better look at his face. “How would you feel if I stayed up working on this all week? Wouldn’t you be worried?”
“You’re not smart enough for that.” Donnie mumbled, a small smug smile on his face.
Mikey gave his brother a playful punch to the shoulder, rolling his eyes playfully as his older brother laughed, tears welling up in his eyes. The blue eyed teen’s eyes widened in surprise, looking up at him.
“Are those…happy or sad tears…?” Mikey asked. “Probably both.” Donnie snickered, wiping away his tears, “Sorry. You know how emotional I get when I’m tired…”
The smaller teen hummed in acknowledgement, resting his head on the taller teen’s shoulder. “How about this: I’ll stay with you in you’re lab to help you go to sleep.” He offered, a small reassuring smile on his face as he looked up at Donnie once again.
“Okay…but what do I get in return?”
“A good night sleep.” The younger deadpanned.
“Touché…” Donnie hummed, now too tired and too emotionally drained to argue at this point. He yawned, standing up from the chair as the action was soon being followed by the other turtle in the room.
“Do not kick me while we’re lying down, got it?”
“Nooooo promises, bro-bro…”
“Okay…I feel utterly ridiculous.” Donnie mumbled as he crossed his arms in Mikey’s hold. Since Donnie couldn’t sleep, the youngest thought it would be a great idea to give him a hug just like their Dad did when they were turtle tots. Which, was to basically hug them from behind while the turtle being hugged was lying down slightly.
It helped them sleep on hard nights…and it seemed like Donnie was having a hard night.
“Don’t be. It’s alright.” The youngest smiled reassuringly, giving his brother another tight squeeze. “Dad did it exactly like this! You’ll fall asleep in no time!”
“Well, Dad’s a 6'2 mutant, Mike. You’re 4'6 while I’m 5'7. This hug is nothing but just pure awkwardness...”
“I’m 4'10!” The smaller mutant corrected, obviously offended by the false statement.
“Then I’m 6 feet tall.” Donnie chuckled.
“Okay, Mr. Wise Guy! Do you want this hug or not?!”
The elder chuckled, making no further comments as Mikey hugged him. The two sat in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company as the quietness overtook the room.
“I’m…sorry for being such a dick earlier…” Donnie murmured sadly, “I wasn’t being bitchy on purpose…I was just…” He paused, trying to figure out what he was going to say before suddenly losing the train of thought. “Stop thinking so hard. You’re gonna hurt your big brain.” Mikey pouted, poking Donnie in the cheek a couple times.
“And don’t worry about it. I didn’t take it personally. You were really agitated and tired so you had to let your Alpha male come out. No shame in that.”
“Still. I shouldn’t have treated you like that. So I’m sorry.” Donnie simply mumbled, before blinking in confusion a couple of times, “Wait. Did…Did you just call me an…Alpha male?”
“I sure did.” Mikey beamed proudly.
“Ugh…I hate you so freaking much, y'know that?”
“Suuuure you do. I’m the Alpha, I’m the leader, I’m the one to trust…” The youngest started to sing, rocking himself and Donnie side to side as the eldest tried to get out of the hug. “Ihi rehefuse to get comforted by ahan individual thahat knows thahat atrohocity by heart.” He snickered.
“Oh come on! I think I’m a pretty good singer!” The purple banded turtle only rolled his eyes at the comment, scoffing lightly, “Meehee and yohou hahave different definitions ohof thehehe word good…”
“Fine then! I’m a great singer!” Mikey challenged.
“Lihihike hell yohou are, yohohou bihig oaf.”
“I’m shorter than you, Einstein!”
“Doesn’t mehean your nohohot bihig…” Donnie mumbled giggly but smugly.
The youngest glared, jabbing Donnie in the side, causing the russet eyed turtle to shriek loudly in surprise. Mikey giggled, poking Donnie in the sides repeatedly. “The Boo scream from Monster’s Inc goes crazy, bro.”
“That’s my name~! What’s up? You need something?” The orange banded turtle asked teasingly, peering down at his brother who was now squirming uncontrollably.
“No? Well okay then…” The youngest mused as he continued to wreck his brother. “W—Wahait! Wahait! Ihihi’m gohonna wahahake eheveryone uhuhup!” Donnie squealed, leaning against his little brother’s chest as he squirmed in the hold.
“Then stop laughing then.” The younger one huffed, smiling even more as Donnie’s blush increased in volume and size. “Buhut you’re tihihickling me!”
“I think that sounds like a you problem, dear brother of mine. Maybe you should try being less ticklish and it wouldn’t happen to you!”
Donnie’s giggles became more frantic, turning his face to hide in Mikey’s side. The younger smiled at the shy gesture, ceasing his tickling for a moment.
“I promise I’ll stop when you want me to, okay?” Mikey said with a soft smile on his face; which, was nice and all but at the same time why did he have to be so nice about it???
Donnie nodded embarrassed, preparing himself physically and mentally. “Oh! And thanks for opening this spot for me, Dee.” The smaller mutant giggled as he scribbled his fingers against the crook of Donnie’s neck, which made the taller turtle flail around and try to hit him. “Hehey! Hey! That's not very nice!”
He pulled one of Donnie’s arms up and wiggled his fingers directly in his underarm. “NAHA— *hic* NOHOH!” The older cackled as he desperately tried to pull his arm back down as he hid his face deeper in Mikey’s side. The blue eyed mutant awed teasingly at the sight, chuckling to himself as his big brother laughed his heart out.
“Nahat thehere?” Mikey faked gasped, “What about…right here~?” He giggled, squeezing right above the other turtle’s hip bone. Donnie kicked and squirmed as more hiccups followed.
“Awh…is my big brother tickwish~?” Mikey said as he buried his face into the crook of Donnie’s neck, giggling as the older’s cackles began to increase in volume at the teases. “ShuhuHUT yohOUR’E *hic* TRAHAP!” The purple banded turtle shrieked, trying to push at his baby brother’s face to try and stop him.  
“You’re hiccups are adorable, big bro~!” Mikey cooed, now noticing how red Donnie’s face have gotten due to all the laughing and teasing. Mikey stopped tickling Donnie but his face still remained in the crook of his neck, smiling at the giggly mess he made of his older brother. Donnie glared while laughing, pushing on his baby brother’s face.
“StaHAP!!! Stohop…”
“I’m not even doing anything!” The other laughed as he hugged Donnie, rocking him back and forth again.
“Lihiterallty dihihie…” Donnie giggly grumbled, trying to wipe off the grin happy smile his brother plasteed on his face. “Yohohou’re. the. absolute wohorst…” He giggled tiredly, curling in on himself as he swatted his baby brother away from him. 
“Now…do you wanna go to bed or should we…” The orange banded turtle trailed off of his sentence, looking down to his elder brother whom’s eyes started to droop.
“Pff. 'Night, Dee.”
Donnie relaxed in Mikey’s hold, which made the younger one’s eyes soften greatly. He pulled out his phone, taking a picture quickly and going into the family’s group chat:
👁💀👺💥Teenagers who are Mutants who are Ninja’s who are also Turtle’s🍕🌝🧫👼
Yo 😼😼😼
What are you doing up so early?
Ur lucky Don isn’t online here Leo
He would go on a full on RANT abt the ‘late’ and ‘early’ bs
I’m aware…
So what’s up, Mikey? You okay?
Yeah💕💥!!! I’m fine!!!
Just wanted to tell you guys that I’m in Don’s room catching some ax’s ✨✨✨
Mikey. Never do that again.
Oh grow up, Raph
Yeaaaaah Raaaaaaph, grow up 🙄🙄🙄
Anyway 😾
I came into his room bc he was working on the mutagen thing
Poor Don.
He’s been working on that thing for ages
Thanks for doing that, Mikey.
I’m sure he appreciates it.
He better
My shell hurts from supporting his big ass
Just go to bed, Mikey— b4 Leo kills the both of us
Love ya bro
See u when u and Don wake up
Love you guys too 💝💘💖💗💓
Mikey smiled as he turned off his phone, putting it on Donnie’s nightstand as he relaxed against the bed frame. He rubbed his brother’s shell comfortingly, humming a small tune softly.
“Hey, Mike?”
“Thank you for this. I…didn’t know how much I needed it…thank you. I love you.”
Mikey smiled brightly, squeezing Donnie a tad bit tigther, “Love you too, Don. Now go to sleep before you become more wrinkly than you already are.”
“Oh, fuck you…” Donnie chuckled, drifting off to sleep along with his little brother.
Things weren’t perfect. I mean, they never will be. They never would be.
But being apart of a team means your never alone.
And being apart of a family means you’re never alone.
And as long as Donnie had his…he’d be quite alright.
He can finish the mutagen later…as of right now, he needed to go the fuck. to. bed.
And thanks to Mikey, he can finally do that.
(P.S.: If you enjoyed this fic, please consider reblogging!!!)
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kt-cant-focus · 2 years
So I hear the Teen Wolf movie is a shit show.
Time to reread the Sterek fanfictions I haven't looked at for 8 years
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trappedinmymind · 3 months
(today on things I wish I could tell my younger self)
Honestly, write that self-indulgent fanfic. Draw that self-indulgent art. Even if it’s cringe or done bad. You don’t have to post it. But if you feel compelled to make it, then make it.
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moodyseal · 2 years
Still thinking about this dialogue from TSATS
Tumblr media
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flaurosdevice · 4 months
i wonder if there's a 'bad' fanfiction discord server out there? im just such a fan of subjectively or even objectively 'bad' fanfiction with 'bad' ranging from anything like it can be poorly written it could be a complete self insert power fantasy it could be a everybody falls in love with the oc fanfic it could be anything that classifies as 'bad' fanfiction and it'll mean everything to me
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
Too much Daryl in the Carol tag. Spell of banishment
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steelthroat · 26 days
I will never be able to relate to any of the "animated movies that traumatized you as a child" tales like...
These are all movies I watched between 4 and 10 years old:
Lion king? Didn't shed a tear
Coralie? Fucking loved it
The bad guy from Roger rabbit? Dude I saw that movie thousands of times and I LOVED that bastard!
The pink elephant scene from Dumbo? Oh I've always been too mesmerized by anything that is animated to feel any sense of grotesque.
A bridge to therabithia? Sad but I was delusional and I thought Leslie was actually alive so I didn't suffer THAT much ( I cheated it isn't animated)
Taron and the black cauldron? That movie is such a masterpiece, I loved the villain so much, he was a SKELETON. WHO. WANTED. TO. MAKE. AN. ARMY. OF. UNDEAD. HOW COOL IS THAT!??!?!‽
The Russian animated movie of the Ice queen? I think I fell in love that day don't talk to me.
Zarafa was my Roman empire
the story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly didn't make me sad, it made me hopeful
The last unicorn made me want to fight God (I was bad at reading the room and understanding messages or match the emotional tone of most stuff I watched. Still am)
The painting(le Tableau in French) made me decide I wanted to be an artist. GOD PEOPLE SHOULD TALK ABOUT THAT MOVIE MORE IT'S FUCKING AWESOME.
Kirikou and the sorceress had such a positive impact on my still developing brain. I love that movie such a normal amount... (lying. I am NOT normal about that movie)
Watership down? Not even a twitch. I was fascinated
The suicide shop was grotesque alright... but again it didn't make me sad, made me reflect and I was fascinated by the main characters
The Triplets of Belleville: had a weird style and I didn't understand shit because I found it in French and I didn't speak French when I was 7 with unlimited internet access.
Plague dogs. I didn't understand a single word of English, in my mind the dogs made it to wherever they needed to go idc. (Now that I have watched it with an adult eye, it's rather depressing, but I'm choosing to be delusional, and so I'll keep the same opinion kid-me had. The dogs made it don't talk to me)
However... there was a movie that kind of- unsettled me. You may have gathered form the movies I named above that they are- unusual, and some of them should not be watched by a 4/10 years old kid.
BUT... I have always loved animated movies and from the moment I learned how to type on a keyboard I spent several afternoons opening youtube and looking for "complete animated movie free" optionally I also added "italian" but I didn't care to understand, animated images were enough to sate me.
So that faithful day when I was 8 or 9 and I pressed "search" and I saw a cat in the thumbnail and the title of that movie was "Felidae"... I thought I was in for a normal time okay????
I didn't understand ANYTHING. That movie was in Deutsch and I DID NOT SPEAK THAT LANGUAGE LOL. I STILL DON'T.
Now- rewatching it out of curiosity in English and I k ow what the hell it was about, some things weirded me our more than they did when I was 8. That movie is... something???? Like yeah it's weird, it's violent, it has a cat sex scene in it. I don't even know what to say other than: "shit I guess....????"
Anyways I am so glad it didn't fuck me up big time lol. I mean I get why I didn't have many friends growing up because... YEAH? How many people were THAT level of obsessed with animated movies?????
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acearchivist359 · 29 days
in every girls brain lives that one really shitty fanfic about their favourite movie they were writing in like middle school that they can’t watch the movie without thinking about
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'What Fandom you're in says about you', 'You can't cosplay this character, they're problematic', 'Why do you draw this character in this certain way?', 'Chat, why is no-one hating?', 'No, I don't agree with that headcanon', 'That ship isn't canon, you can't enjoy it', 'I hope you're not part of THAT side of the fandom'
Y'all remember when it was fun to be a fan of something?
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billowingangel · 1 month
Going to be doing a collection of canada oneshots (。^▽^) most will probably be rarepairs and I'm going to add my works for hetalia rarepair week here :]
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gayashawol · 6 months
i was going to do cute fluffy black imagines (with the doing your hair, admiring your african outfit and blah blah blah) but i think i’ll let @xotaemintol do all the work.
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