#cringe under the cut
pixelizedprince · 11 months
I spent wayyyyy to much time to make this lore master post of everyone in Geo's family tree & who/how they fit into Geo's family ((including adopted family such as Cal/Lia/Rolan who get taken in as extended siblings and Arabella who comes and goes but is absolutely mentored/fostered by Geo and Gale))
Cringe zone infographic + info dump below the cut; I don't care how wotc lore works I have my own for a few things / its my dnd I get to be weird without their judgment 😔🤙
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- Avaridan and Talessa died when Geo was just two or three (flash mudslide while out scouting for rarer flora for a client, accidents happen :( ) Viola and Geo were raised by their Grandmother Avasa.
- Avaridan and Talessa met around 16, married fresh at the start of their twenties and had Viola when they were late 30s --- ((Geo's father - Avaridan - was so quiet most thought he was mute, but he just wasn't a fan of speaking and the loudness was a bit much for him most of the time. Talessa ended up talking and being charming enough for them both. She was a teen from the streets of Baldur's Gate and was looking to take care of the other urchins. Stealing from other tieflings they would at least just hate you because you were a thief and not because of your horns. Talessa's charisma overflowed and even though Avaridan saw through her lies he could tell she was hurt/was just trying to help others not be sick anymore. They were quickly rocky best friends, Talessa doing most of the talking and him showing acts of gestures of kindness and helping out just because he was in a position where he could. Avasa was furious when she found of Avaridan has been not stealing/buying a bunch of the meds and giving it to her, while Dyneth was just touched by his son's kindness and welcomed her in to work for them to help her keep a paycheck and look after her lot. It was a messy start but eventually Avasa was proud of the person Talessa had become with some structure and support))
- Geo's grandfather Dyneth is a cambion who made a deal with some leader in hell, his eternal service as a guard dog of the hells as a trade for protection of the family/the hells not allowed to touch his lineage. This was after Avaridan and Talessa died. Geo never met him, Viola only has vague memories of him (made fuzzier from him only being there right before her parents died and then not being there anymore after they left) He is alive in the hells but has not had contact with the family since shortly after Avaridan and Talessa's passing/making this deal/getting dragged to the Hells. [This is also the reason why Geo/Vi are tiefling+, forked tongues, prehensile tails, all that bonus shit wotc says we can't have bc they are fucking cowards]
- Avasa started the family shop "Prosperity's Potions and Plants: Apothecary and Rare Flora Depot" in Baldur's Gate right after she married Dyneth, it has been a family run buisness since (at least 60+ years) Viola took over as owner when Avasa died two years before the events of BG3, but Geo and Vi have helped work/run it as long as they've been alive. Geo's interest initial interest in nature was due to this.
- Geo's sister Viola is five years older than Geo and has a tendency to be overprotective/overbearing on them. Geo and Viola still live in their family shop/home in Baldur's Gate together as of BG3.
- Geo has helped raise their niece Briony the last five years, Geo calls her "Little Minnow" she calls them "GeGe" Briony is very smart for her age,, if a bit spacey and pops the "old soul in a new body" type questions from time to time. She eventually becomes a soulknife rogue, and uses her abilities to work for what she deems moral causes ,, though she does love causing mayhem for the shits and giggles of it with her cousin Philomena. Briony's biological father is a fucking elf named fucking Donavan
- BOO HISS BOO all my friends HATE Donavan he's a drunk and a shit partner and an even worse "Dad",, Viola kicked his ass to the curb before Briony was even a year old. Avasa was alive for the ViolaDonavan courtship and she /HATED/ him. [I am very excited for Halsin to take over the father figure role for Briony even though he comes and goes so much]
- Viola and Halsin hit it off quickly when he meets her while adventuring with Geo during bg3, but Halsin has his extended commitments elsewhere. Viola and Halsin never marry, but they love eachother very much and do see eachother as soul mates. ("You can have more than one soul mate, why would your soul want you to be tied down? No Geo; Halsin is a good man, a great lover, and a wonderful father. When he is here with me I am elated, and when he leaves I miss him sure, but his heart is big, with mine and whomever else wants to share our joy.") Callum is born a good ten years after bg3, he is a calculating person and sees ten steps ahead of everyone else. He is calm, cool, collected and seems a bit full of himself but he really is just that self assured/radiates confidence. He is a circle of stars druid and eventually runs P:P&P
- After the events of BG3 Lia/Cal/Rolan do become like adopted siblings to Viola and Geo and are offered the Prosperity name. They build their own support system and do become a gaggle of snarky tief siblings. Cal and Lia both occasionally help out at P:P&P from time to time when Geo eventually moves to Waterdeep, Lia often running the supply trips out to the wilds to stock up (Geo's former expertise) and Cal helping with the crafting of potions/poultrices. Rolan and Geo talk almost as often as Viola and Geo do, they end up being very close even if they had a weird rivalry (mostly of Rolan's part) when they first met/Geo just kept being a fucking hero through and through. Rolan also has Gale as a wizarding peer and they bounce ideas off eachother regularly ("my brother in law owns Sorcerous Sundries, wow!")
- Raphael knows of Geo's grandpa Dyneth (might actually know know him) but doesn't know they are related (which fair, Geo didn't know the man either) -- but Raphael fucking /HATES/ the deal Dyneth managed to secure for the Prosperity line. Geo is unable to sign his contract and it makes him FURIOUS. (Geo doesn't know why they cannot take the deal but there is a physical stop to it. Geo also doesn't know that their dumb ass just handing out the family name and swearing familial bonds to people is also extending the protection /to/ them) [I'm allowed to have silly bogus lore as a treat]
- Arabella is /never/ formally adopted my Geo and Gale but Geo remains her friend and mentor and she has an open door policy with both the Baldur's Gate family home and the new Waterdeep Prosperity headquarters 💞✌ she stops by regularly as she can, and Mimi, Rosie and Tessa do all call her big sister
- Philomena, Mimi to her parents, Mena to her friends, you can call her Philomena; knows she's hot shit and smarter than you and she will tell you to your face that you're a fucking idiot. In my shared world state with my wife, her drow cleric Karina romances Astarion, and Astarion is very put off by Gale and Geo having kids "Oh Geo, with Gale? Really?! Ughh. Gods it'll never shut up." but he instantly gets mushy the first time he holds Mena. Astarion is the one to nickname her Mena when she's just a little little kid. And she is absolutely enthralled with her "Uncle Goose" "he's so funny and acts mean and pointy to everyone else but he always brings me sweets and knives, he's a silly Goose" She learns the bitchy part of her cocky attitude from someone 🙄 --- Mena and her cousin Briony become besties and are the most obnoxious tag team that will absolutely steal your wallet and claim you took their's for kicks... She ends up becoming a college of eloquence bard
- Geo and Gale get married a year after BG3, the husbands do make their home in Gale's tower, and but eventually get a family home outside of the tower when Primrose is born.
- Philomena (she/her; Mena, Mimi; oldest) , Primrose (she/her; Rosie; middlest, born five years after Mena), and Tessa (she/they; babiest, born two years after Rosie) are all born down the line starting five years post BG3; they are the Jewels of Waterdeep as Gale so lovingly(irritatingly) refers to them.
- Primrose is so sweet and quiet, whenever she speaks people pay attention/listen because its always thoughtful/insightful. Rosie is very laid back and is no where near high strung as Mimi, taking a lot after Geo's mellow attitude. She loves going out with Geo to scout/forage in the wilderness and has that gentle spooky little girl thing with understanding and appreciating death/a passion for bones. Rosie has very strong innate magical abilities that manifest while she's still young, eventually becoming a circle of spores druid.
- Tessa (she/they) is a ball of joy and curiosity, she is the spitting image of her Grandma Morena (albeit with horns) they are a goofy awkard bean pole of a kid and believes the best in everyone. She's kinda shit at magic, they know a lot about it, but fighting really isn't for them. Still young in my extended timeline for Geo's family, she doesn't know what her plan is yet, only that they are going to try a lot of things and see what feels fun. Tessa does like bothering her uncle Rolan and offers to work at Sorcerous Sundries part time to be around the books/learn as much as she can to which he sighs and says he couldn't be happier than to have her there in the same breath. She stays with Viola from time to time to learn about the family buisness and helps at P:P&P alongside Callum on occasion (he finds her, endearing and in need of some camomile tea, Tessa finds him and is playing 20 questions about how to make poison and what does turning into a star feel like)
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miralyk · 6 months
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one out of many impulsive thoughts i've had when trying to draw desmond lmao
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77ngiez-archive · 4 months
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21 / 15
closeups under cut
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some closeups
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
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Meet Rayne and Elliot!
A few weeks into classes, Elliot finds the only thing he likes about England is the forest that surrounds the prestigious Blackrose University. He spends a lot of his free time exploring it. One night after an explosive fight with his roommate, Elliot retreats to the woods. He can only see by the light of the moon filtering through the canopy, but it doesn't bother him much. Until he hears a blood-curdling scream that has him running the other way.
He runs into a tree and nearly falls backwards, but the tree grabs him around the waist and holds him upright. The tree is not a tree. The tree is a jumpy man with blood on his shirt and the sharpest teeth Elliot's ever seen.
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amazingspider-z · 5 months
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Back at it with Bleach!
AKA the: If arrancar get to look kind of like shinigami despite starting off as hollows, Visored should get to look a little bit hollow all the time despite starting off as shinigami. As a (not) treat. post
(Bonus: some more floating heads under the cut)
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rooksnooks · 3 months
My love and hugs to @anxiousotters for the tag!!
Instructions: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same
Personally I have way too many favourite characters for a 5 person poll so I've just put down a few beloveds from live-action movies that I've watched in the last few years. I might make another if I feel up to it!
Popping this off to @des8pudels8kern @multifandomworshipper@quiet-waters @flameeagleheart75 @thequeenoffishburrito and anyone else who wants to play!!!!
Pictures of each character under the cut!
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the-great-anteater · 6 months
Rose x Frank sketches! Might be slightly nsfw
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adhdo5 · 4 months
Can't stop thinking about that post. O5ver assemble what staff they have, then get up on the upstairs landing and Nazarene gives a speech about how they're going to fix or work with this and will be demanding everyone's cooperation in the meantime. Jonny D'Ville shoots her immediately, which does 0 things to stop her and gets him shot in retaliation; talks begin with Raphaella about him while Nazarene as demonstration rips a potted plant off the wall, holds it out as it instantly withers and dies in her hand, and then drops the plastic pot onto the floor where it shatters like ceramic and spills enough blood to be about an inch deep on the whole downstairs. Further questions are redirected to Dr Shaw (amuletsys) and Dr Clef. Technoblade has a further question which is that this sounds a lot like a government; around the same time talks with Raphaella reach a point where Lesser sighs exasperatedly and says that it's called monopoly on the legitimized use of force, get with the program, which several Overseers find very funny and several others do not. Tubbo sees no problems with this; Ranboo sees several and an ideological tug of war over Tubbo that Ranboo is doomed to lose to the Foundation immediately commences. The Foundation find out about the respawn timer on Mechs with delight and get to work on heartrate monitor and a thing to cart Jonny around in while he recuperates so that he can simply be shot again when necessary. The StarCraft guys are trying to decide how to handle the fact that Zeratul and Tassadar are alive again (generally good!), the Overmind is alive again (terrible!), Zasz is alive again (also bad!) and also this random Protoss researcher whom only Sarah Abathur and Izsha recognize is alive again (no one knows how to feel about this one)
Meanwhile Lady Jessica is looking upon this all and reinventing transphobia
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trickostars · 1 year
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Aberfaeth fake dating to real dating au because I really like this ship all of a sudden (also Figaydaine is v slay)
(Quick wee scene doodle under the cut)
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They’re so eighteen by arbor coded,, you don’t get it,, it’s about someone who has so much pent up love they express it negatively finally giving it healthy
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vodka-and-ocs · 5 months
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drawing her like one of those late 2000s emo angels <3
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lavampira · 1 year
some self-indulgent malena/kaidan thinky thoughts in the post-destroy ending 🙈
okay as a preface. I’ve never been the ‘and they had kids and lived happily ever after’ person with any sort of canon. BUT I thought too hard about a shepard-alenko kid in the future once things have settled. something rattling around malena’s head since the convo with anderson before he died beside her. something she never really thought to want for herself, doesn’t even know if she’d be good at it, but she knows without a doubt that kaidan would be (and damn if the idea doesn’t nearly KO her heart), and her parents were both actively alliance and raised her without issue, and they actually have all the time in the world to do what they want now that they didn’t think they’d even get, so you know, why the fuck not. what’s left for her now that she’s survived? it’s this - rebuilding their lives and adding to their kickass little family.
also: girl dad kaidan. “hey, there’s my girls” with a lopsided grin every single time he sees both of them.
mal not wanting to name her after any of the lost, no matter how much they’re loved and missed, too harsh to put on her baby girl’s head. but maybe luna. it works as a name on its own, but also maybe a little after the moon, its steadiness in its place in the universe with each rise of the tides and a guardian of earth in its way. and maybe a little bit in thought to that first meeting with EDI and how far organics and synthetics had come together by the end of the war, in spite of her anti-ghoulish tributes stance, and how that’s a legacy she could give.
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mikuchan · 7 months
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I restarted my longest and oldest bg3 campaign
in order:
Sabine's birth father, who she has only dim memories of. The Emperor took his form.
Z'brnn, AU version of how Sabine would have turned out if she'd been raised in Menzoberranzan.
Sabine in Act 3.
and Sabine now, back at the start.
Sabine was born as the third daughter of the Matron of a pretty low House in Menzoberranzan. She was left as a very small child as a sacrifice to Lolth - but her parents were idiots and did not do their research, and they left her for a nest of giant spiders that were a) sentient and b) not actually followers of Lolth. Instead of being eaten as a sacrifice, Sabine was taken in and raised by the mama spider.
She loved her adoptive family, but she does wonder about her past. Various cave-ins had severed the spiders' Underdark caverns from Menzoberranzan, so just before the start of BG3, she ascended to the Sword Coast - intending to see the greater world around her, learn more about drow and her heritage, and maybe even find another path down to Menzoberranzan. She also wanted to learn more about her budding druid powers: she could always wildshape, but could she learn to wildshape permanently? Instead of finding other drow, could she turn herself into a spider like her mother? Either way...she stepped out of the Underdark ready to explore, learn, and find where and how she could fit in.
Instead she got grabbed outside of Baldur's Gate, and the rest is history.
She goes by Sabine because it's the closest name in common (phonetically) to what her spider mama calls her. (The spiders call her by a bastardization of Z'brnn, her birth name, overheard at the time of her abandonment.)
I was sad in my initial playthrough that I had to fight Minthara AKA the first other drow Sabine had met since she was a baby! I'm excited that this time I can rescue Minthara from Moonrise while still doing a good playthrough.
I also want her to romance Gale this time through (originally romanced Astarion/Halsin, but I think she would be better with Gale)
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ljsarts · 7 months
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Look I need to sit down a redraft the backstory of these two because it's all over the place but the tldr of them both is-
- Samy and Mari moved from Vancouver to Bright falls when their Aunt died and left her home to them. It's located just outside Watery.
-They've lived here now for around five years long enough for the lake to get fenced up and the general store go from a place of work (for Mari) to a summer break spot having made a home in the basement beneath the general store. (I know in game there is not a basement but we're making one up cause I had a cute base concept in mind).
- One summer everything falls apart. Samy starts getting snappy and on edge won't discuss why until she finally confesses to Mari she's having weird dreams about drowning in the lake and Mari confesses the Lake feels off this summer that she should stay away from it. They argue and Samy storms off to go swimming to prove to Mari (but mostly to herself) that it's just a bad dream like all the others. (This is a Lake Mungo inspired bit great film devastating though).
-she doesn't come back. Mari looks for her for two days straight and passes out on day 3 only awakening when Charlie their dog starts howling up a storm and just in time for her to walk out of the general store to see the grizzly aftermath of a 'cult ritual sacrifice' her sister on the table heart half cutout and figures disappearing into the woods out of the corner of her vision.
They're designed to be a early game parallel to The Koskela Brothers with a sort of mid story twist of Samy returning from her shallow grave to bring her sister down with her and Saga having to rush to save her (inset the save me saga save me meme here).
And well I won't ramble anymore like I said I really need to redraft/rewrite the original background I wrote for these two cause drawing them they've grown close to my heart and I've got a bunch more art I want to make +more AW fanart cause I'm in a deep hyperfixation and I ain't complaining .
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thevikingwoman · 10 months
I literally just started shb and yet my head returns to the ruby seas and
what if Meryta keeps visiting Tansui and what if she can't stay away though she doesn't know why and what if she tries to explain big, worldshattering, reality breaking problems to him and he can't quite understand because the nature of it is so big and so outside what he does but he just listens and supports and shrugs and tells her she'll figure it out and what if he has a small injury from a random pirate related scuffle and what if she fusses over him and what if their problems are just so wide apart in scope but they treat it the same for each other and what if he's someone who's outside it all but there in the sunshine and fresh seas and deep night and a place where her burdens can't haunt her and she can worry about his and what if
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8ripecunts · 1 year
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age swap au
ignore me LMAO lemme just ramble about this
i hardly changed their core personalities because their characters are already perfect but yeah, here's my thought process:
- bsu's golden boy, worked his way up in being an integral part of the department in his young age; liked by his colleagues and superiors, basically The Cool Guy in the fbi
- keeps the crewcut he got during law enforcement training in the fbi academy; maintains a healthy physique & judges holden's shitty lifestyle
- married early, which will eventually crumble due to his immaturity in handling relationships as he tends to run away from his domestic problems by hanging out with colleagues & drowning himself with work
- knew from the start that he wouldn't get along that well with holden because of how uptight he is, but for some reason is drawn to him and feels the need to protect the old man
- has been thru a lot of shit in his years in the fbi, and has been stubbornly trying to reform how the bureau is being run because he's sick of seeing how nothing has changed through the years
- has a scar on his chest that he got when he was drafted during the korean war (based on jgroff's actual chest scar ehe); bill couldn't believe holden has been in the army
- looks older than he is due to chainsmoking, reliance to microwavable food, and mostly stress from his work
- haven't had a serious relationship because he is "married to his work" until he meets debbie who is way younger than him. their relationship don't last long, which gives him existential crisis, accepting that he would die alone so he eventually pushes people away (especially his partner, bill) like he always does
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soubiapologist · 4 months
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ocs or st idk mostly just designs i tried to make them somewhat period appropriate #DRESSWITHJEANS #2002
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