#crimson ring carnival
shaymins · 10 months
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references and icons i made for my characters in my friends current fanganronpa game, Noah and Karma!
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rippersz · 1 year
𝕴𝖙’𝖘 𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔𝖔.
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(DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT) (TW: Mentions of cannibalism, murder, slight glorification of both, gore, toxic love, smutty/suggestive themes, etc.) (Larissa Weems x Reader)
“The blood on my teeth begins to taste like a poem, like religion, like the way you look at me.” ~ Sean Glatch
Turns out, the maintenance crew was due to leave only about two hours after everyone vacated Nevermore to go to the carnival. The only catch was that Larissa had to turn it back on five hours later; some inane thing about a system catch up and not wanting to blow the lights and blah blah blah. She didn’t really seem too concerned, so you figured it wasn’t worth worrying about. Though then again, her level of reaction is often exaggerated around others. A smooth coverup to her consistent undertone of intense apathy. She’s a damn good actress, you have to give her that. Even when around you, she puts a bit more life into her eyes. Into her voice. Into her breath. It’s forced, of course. Yeah. Most definitely. She doesn’t just magically feel more alive because of you. That type of thing doesn’t happen in real life.
…Cannibals, on the other hand, happen far more often than people like to think.
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self that you’d somehow fall into a weird pseudo-psychotic-relationship with your one day shape-shifting cannibalistic gorgeous boss, you’re pretty sure your younger self would just burst into tears. Or blink maybe- and ask what a ‘cannibal’ was. You wouldn’t have an answer, of course, but that’s neither here nor there.
What’s more important anyway is the fact that you stupidly agreed to meet Larissa by Nevermore’s main entrance at exactly 9:45. You were exhausted after a day of rowdy teenagers and slow classes and it was only at about 7 PM when you remembered that your day wasn’t even over yet. Oh no no no. You still had a game to play. A game that, now as you think of it, standing by the two big doors and waiting for the guest of honor, may just go on well into the night. It depends on how Larissa’s feeling. It depends on what the ‘terms’ are. It depends on if she’s eaten dinner yet and if she has the energy to kill, cook, and clean before everyone gets back.
God you hope that’s not the case.
You really really hope-
“Always on time, I see,” a familiar voice rings through the hall, sounding from the top of the staircase.
Speaking of the fucking thorn in your side.
You turn at the exact moment that Larissa’s kitten heels start click-clacking their way down the stairs… and then promptly fall short of breath at the sight.
You haven’t seen her all day. Not even once. And now there she stands, all 6 feet and however many inches in those shoes and she’s painted against the moonlight that shines through the large windows behind her and the shadows drink her in as the air loses itself in her beauty, stealing away into her lungs and depriving you of oxygen and you, not for the first time, find yourself wondering why it’s so hard to just accept her. To just come to terms with the fact that maybe, if you ignore her insatiable appetite, you may be able to fall asleep in her arms and kiss her peacefully without feeling shame. Why can’t you just push guilt aside and fall into her body and let her pick you up and surround you and finally feel safe? And why oh why can you not take your fucking eyes off of her goddamn body? Jesus you are barely holding yourself together as she drags one slender hand down the bannister, making eye contact with you as she prowls. Those crystal eyes take on a dark, nearly black hue in the grey of the evening and you find yourself ashamed of the fact that you can’t look away from them.
Perhaps some sins are meant to be indulged in.
Her crimson lips curl into a placating close-mouthed smile. Her skin and hair are as pale and pristine as ever. Her perfume, as she gets closer, is heavier- spicier- but the intoxication of scent is the least of your worries. Oh no; the thing you’re most concerned about is the dress. Never have you ever seen her wear red. Not in your five and a half years of working at Nevermore. Not even in your dreams. Larissa doesn’t touch deep colors. She doesn’t wear the darker shades.
And yet?
Yet, there she is. Torturing you. Wrapping her long slim fingers around your attention span and taking all of it for herself. ‘Mine,’ is what she’s silently saying as she gives her hips some extra sway and shows off the loose sash around her waist. The dress reveals the curve of her calves and the tiniest bit of her thighs and suddenly you come to the (stupid) realization that she’s not wearing any stockings. Which she always wears. Which somehow, the absence of, makes your brain short-circuit and recalculate.
“Thank you for meeting me.” And before you even know it, there the Big Bad stands - hands clasped at her waist and head tilted to the side, looking like the cat who did not only catch the canary but also skinned, filleted, and served the little fucker up on a silver platter.
You feel the need to glare at her, to curse her for her beauty and her allure, but you simply can’t muster up the energy to do so. You’re tired- and your emotions are frayed- and you just want to rest- but clearly someone doesn’t want you to be at peace just yet. No, clearly, she wants you all to herself for just a little while. You’re not sure why, you’ve contemplated it before, but dwelling on anything regarding Larissa Weems is a spiraling whirl of insanity and despair that you just don’t wanna go down right now. So it’s better to stay in the present… and give her a little hum while you cross your arms. If she’s noticed that you take on such a defensive stance whenever she’s around, she hasn’t said anything. And she probably won’t either. Cuz she doesn’t care.
“Yup. Are we gonna get this over with or what?” It comes out harsher than you want it to, forcing your organs to immediately crinkle up like smashed paper as you cringe at your sharp tone.
Larissa fairs no better as her expression falls and her lips twist into a frown. The lines of her face become deeper when she looks so depressed, like she hasn’t slept in 80 years. You want so terribly to tell her to suck it up and stop acting like a baby, but you also know that her excitement about fun and friendliness is not a thing she fakes. The Poe Cup excites her. The Nevermore dances and activities and Outreach Day and this, that, and the other all bring her some modicum of joy. The kids themselves make her happy. It’s weird to know a person who has killed another human being and enjoyed the taste of their flesh… while also finding happiness in the simple annual events of their job. Like she has an alter ego; but you know that’s not the case. She’s 100% herself. Which is both admirable and scary.
“If you don’t want to,” Larissa hisses, making you freeze at the sound of undeniable ice in her tone, “then don’t make me force you. Go to bed, if you so wish. I’m not going to keep you against your will.”
Like a monster. She doesn’t say it, but you think that maybe she’s thinking it.
And though you want to respond and say But you are a monster. You have kept people against their will before. You have killed before. you decide to steer the conversation to safer shores and get yourself out of harm's way. Larissa doesn’t often get serious with you, but whenever she does it, you know better than to push her buttons. Certain boundaries have not yet been established. You never know if you are safe.
“Sorry- sorry. I’m just tired. Really, I’m fine. Let’s play and then we can get some rest. That sound okay?”
A dark gaze pins you to your spot, staring into the very marrow of your bones. It’s clear what she’s thinking. It’s clear what she knows. Like she knows you’re just agreeing to save your own hide. She knows you’re complying out of fear. She can’t hear your heartbeat, but she knows it’s running faster than a speeding train. She knows she’s shifted the line once again.
The only thing is that she really can’t bring herself to care.
You’ve complied. That’s all she needs.
“…Fine. Yes. Are you ready to discuss the terms?”
It’s obvious that the tension hasn’t dissipated entirely, but you figure that as the night carries on, that will change.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
Who knows? It may even be fun.
Larissa smiles.
It’s wide.
It’s.. scary.
A Cheshire grin.
Cold. Steely. It doesn’t reach her eyes. You feel sweat start to bead along your back.
“In the name of saving time, there will be one round. I will seek. You will hide. We will have 45 minutes in total. However, you will get a 20 second head start. Should I manage to find and catch you in under 45 minutes, you’ll join me for dinner. The main course will be poached lamb. And you will be required to eat it.” There’s a pause.
“All of it.”
Okay not fun. DEFINITELY not fun. So incredibly not fun.
You swallow.
“…And if I win?”
Then what? Then what if you win? What the fuck do you get out of this? What could she possibly give y-
“Then I will give it up.”
You look at her wildly. But there’s no expression on her face. She’s just… blank. White behind the eyes. Nothing. Apathetic.
Practiced indifference.
She doesn’t think you can win.
She doesn’t even want to consider you winning.
But all is fair in love and cannibalism. And she’s never been one to tip the scales.
“I’m sorry, you’ll what?” You’re just not sure you’ve heard her correctly. She’ll ‘give it up’?
Larissa sighs, her lashes fluttering as she purses her lips and gives you a ‘look’.
“If you win, I’ll give it up.”
…And that’s it? That’s all she’s gonna give you?
“What do you even mean? Give up the whole killing people and eating them thing? The-” You look around, suddenly nervous about a creature somehow lurking in the shadows. One can never be too careful. Probably best that you don’t speak so loudly. “-the cannibalism?” Your body leans closer to her as you whisper, though your eyes stray and scan the shadowed columns and walls of the entrance hall.
Larissa of course takes that opportunity to get closer to you and bends down at the waist, lining her lips up to your ear while you’re distracted.
“Yes, darling. I’ll give up the cannibalism.” And her voice is so husky and her breath is so warm, flushed against the side of your neck, that you nearly fall right to your knees.
I’ll give up the cannibalism.
Oh you could laugh. You could laugh and you could laugh hard. She’s joking- she has to be. And you’re about to tell her that, you’re about to turn your head and tell her not to fuck around with you, but then your cheeks brush and suddenly you’re letting out an embarrassing squeak and stumbling back to hit the door behind you.
She blinks, straightens up, and smiles down at you as though nothing ever happened.
It’s infuriating.
“You’re lying. You wouldn’t do that.”
A light eyebrow quirks up.
“Wouldn’t I?”
A heavy staring contest ensues; but you’re the only one trying not to blink - Larissa is just looking. And smirking. And god fuck her for being so fucking gorgeous.
“I’m a woman of my word, Y/n,” she purrs, watching with such amusement as you desperately try to collect yourself and steer yourself back on track.
Not that the track was very clear nor sane in the first place. In fact, the track probably leads to Hell.
Oh well.
You were never getting through the pearly gates anyway.
“Okay,” you decide, looking her up and down. “If I win, you stop it. All of it. No more killing, eating, nothing. The only protein you consume comes from livestock. Not human livestock. Just- livestock.” You nod to yourself, giving her a firm stare.
But just because you reaffirmed what happens if you win doesn’t mean you will. And she knows that. So she hums and turns on one heel, taking her burning gaze away from you and sweeping it over the floors and walls- down into the darkness of the corridors. You don’t know what she’s thinking, but you have a feeling it’s not good. Larissa can be very sneaky when she wants to be… cheating, at least in a playful little game like the one you’ll be having, is certainly not below her. In fact, she’s entirely capable of winning. Like on a level you could not even imagine. She’s been around Nevermore for how long? Counting her years in the Academy as a student and as an adult… knowing her roommate used to be the cunning and sly Morticia Frump neé Addams… well. Her big sexy shapeshifter brain probably has the entire fucking place memorized.
And you haven’t even been there for six years.
So you’re saying you’re doomed.
Yeah. Basically.
“Yes,” Larissa finally confirms, turning back to you with a quick shift of her legs. “And if I win, you dine with me.” Oh she looks so excited about that. Her eyes, somehow, are darker than they were before. No light reflects at all as they carve into your soul. Already you can tell that she’s imagining how she’ll cook the meat.
“…Poached lamb, you said?”
She grins, her smile sudden like she’s surprised (and delighted) that you remembered.
“Yes. Would you like to know what other dishes I’ll be preparing?”
At the sound of her cheery tone, your expression sets into a scowl.
“You’re talking as if you’ve won already. What makes you think that’ll happen?”
Her physical response is minuscule. Barely even there. But you notice the slight way in which her cheek twitches; and you see how her hands tighten around each other. When she responds, her red lips are curved into a smirk and her voice is soft. Soft and kind. It sends a blaze of hot warmth across your body.
“I find acting as though you already have the thing you want tends to result in obtaining it.” Her head tilts. Her eyes run over your body. From your feet to your head, over the swaying black cotton dress you’re wearing and the necklaces you have draped over your collarbones. Slow and steady. Tracing your arms… your legs… your shoulders… your waist… your breasts and your hair… not hungry for your flesh in her stomach, but hungry for your skin against her tongue. Your skin against her lips. Your skin against her own. She lets out a sigh. “And I want you.”
It’s breathed out into the night - and accompanied by the sudden loud chime of Nevermore’s clock tower.
You jump at the sound of it, immediately slapping a hand over your heart in shock.
“Goddammit! That fucking thing gets me every time.” It’s definitely not the thing to be focusing on, but you’re not sure you have the mental capacity to pick through and understand the implications behind Larissa’s words. As it is, the change of the hour means you have even less time to play before the rest of the staff and the children return.
Larissa, of course, did not jump out of her bloody skin. Instead, she watched your body tense and your eyes widen with no small amount of fondness. She thought you were silly. Adorable. Hers.
“I suppose that’s our cue, then. Are you ready to begin?” Her white teeth glimmer when she turns to glance up at the staircase.
You feel your heart start to thump within your ears.
Always the little lamb, aren’t you darling?
Always the prey.
Meant to be hunted.
Meant to be found.
Wait. …Meant to be found?
No no no no no no.
Not meant to be found. Not meant to be found at all. The whole point is not to be found. The whole point is to escape.
Oh? What are you escaping from? There is no one here to hurt you. There is no one here to get you. You are safe. You are safe.
Oh if only that were true…
If only she could love you without wanting to swallow you whole.
You finally sigh, resigned and tired.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, Larissa.”
Can you tell I’m hyperfixating on her? Thank you so much for the love. (Let’s just pretend Nevermore’s clocktower works. And the power being out will come into play in the next part ;)) - Rip x
(P.S. Tell me who you want to win in the game of hide and seek.)
(P.P.S. Most of the meat referenced in this series is code for human flesh. ‘Long pork’, for example, is the official name for human. Here, the ‘poached lamb’ and other types mentioned in future is also code. Thx.)
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eldritchdiplomacy · 10 months
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Bottom Table OT3: The Playlist
We, like Jinnah, will mourn our lads forever
(click for song explanations!)
Take Me Out To The Ball Game - Ed Meeker
"Eldritch Harrahs," He says, fingering the bright red laces on a baseball like a rosary
Team - Lorde
Classic poly theme, living in ruins.
"And everyone's competing For a love they won't receive 'Cause what this palace wants is release."
Ravenous - Autumn Orange
Impeccible vibes.
Eat Your Young - Hozier
Post-war heroes left in slums with their ghosts
"Come and get some Skinnin' the children for a war drum Puttin' food on the table, sellin' bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young"
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
A shiny jade jewel in said slums
"She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover?"
Boats & Birds - Gregory & The Hawk
Children without souls
"If you'll be my boat, I'll be your sea A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity Ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze I live to make you free, I live to make you free…"
Hearts a Mess - Gotye
Sean Fucking Finnerty
"You have lost too much love To fear, doubt and distrust, it's not enough You just threw away the key to your heart Don't get burned 'cause nothing gets through It makes it easier, easier on you That much more difficult for me To make you see."
Love In The Time Of Socialism - Yellow House
Teenagers all in love with each other
"But I am home wherever you are near There's no life in anything When you're not here."
Whatever Fits Together - Skullcrusher
I mean…
"Do you ever look back? Does it all fit together? If we're here, does it matter? (If we're here, does it matter?)"
Marked For Death - Emma Ruth Rundle
Marion & Jean
"Who else is going to love someone like me that’s marked for death? Who else is going to be with me when I breathe it all?"
Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect - The Decemberists
Marion & Sean
"And here I dreamt I was a soldier And I marched the streets of Birkenau And I recall in spring The perfume that the air would bring To the indolent town Where the barkers call the moon down The carnival was ringing loudly now And just to lay with you There's nothing that I wouldn't do Save lay my rifle down"
Hard Times - Ethel Cain
The Exorcists' Daughter
"Tell me a story About how it ends Where you're still the good guy I'll make pretend 'Cause I hate this story Where happiness ends And dies with you."
Edith's Theme - Crimson Peak
The Lighthouse
Say Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey
Sean & Jean
"If you go, I'll stay You come back, I'll be right here Like a barge at sea In the storm, I stay clear 'Cause I've got my mind on you I've got my mind on you…"
Sunlight - Hozier
Sean & Jean & Marion
"All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that’s born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And, at last, can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight."
Your Protector - Fleet Foxes
The Circle of Needle & Thread
"As you lay to die beside me, baby On the morning that you came Would you wait for me? The other one would wait for me."
The Mother Road - Chelsea Wolfe
The doc who knows she'll never lead a normal life, have a normal love.
"I do not have a child But I'm old enough to know some pain And I'm hell-bent on loving you Women know what it is to endure."
Running Up That Hill - Placebo
All too stubborn to let each other die.
"Oh, come on, baby Oh, come on, darlin' Let me steal this moment from you now Oh, come on, angel Come on, come on, darlin' Let's exchange the experience…"
A Vampire's Heart - Peter Gundry
Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine
Jean, Sean, & Marion
"I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you…"
Oh, To Dream Of Such Eldritch Things - Autumn Orange
The Compromised Lightkeeper
A Shot Rang Out - Emily Jane White
Sean FUCKING Finnerty, Marion, Jean
"Dreamers we aren't few But I don’t want to bury my dreams with you."
The Ghost On The Shore - Lord Huron
Man down
"Die if I must, let my bones turn to dust I'm the lord of the lake and I don't want to leave it…"
Call Your Mom - Noah Kahan
You can't do this to Peggy, bud.
"Medicate, meditate, save your soul for Jesus Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin' you're breathin' So won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?"
Funeral - Phoebe Bridgers
War boys wearing the same face, so many hearts.
"And last night, I blacked out in my car And I woke up in my childhood bed Wishing I was someone else, feeling sorry for myself When I remembered someone's kid is dead…"
Francesca - Hozier
Jean & Marion re: Sean
"Now that it's done There's not one thing that I would change My life was a storm since I was born How could I fear any hurricane?"
Is Your Love Strong Enough? - GWTDT
"Just one beat of your heart And stranger than fantasy I knew from the start It had to be the place for me Someone that I would die for There's no way I could ever leave."
Death With Dignity - Sufjan Stevens
The Survivor
"Spirit of my silence I can hear you, but I'm afraid to be near you And I don't know where to begin And I don't know where to begin…"
My Love - Florence + The Machine
The Next Step
"My arms emptied, the skies emptied The buildings emptied…"
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Small Update!
TW/CW: Slightly suggestive pictures (?)/ suggestive mentions
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🐍: Since circus and carnival season is slowing down tickets are half off. I have a shift for tonight, I'm doing the aerial silks along with aerial ring so stop by to see how flexable I am.~ *winks with a smirk* Before work though I stole got this pretty new collar, also repierced lips and tongue. Sometimes I wish I couldn't heal so fast but hey, what's better then having a pierced split tongue.~ *snorts into their hand*
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♥️: My back and shoulders fucking h u r t *groans and stretches* so so much-. My muscles feel so stiff, Archery training was so heavy today. *whines, letting out another groan* But, good news for today! Not only did I straighten my hair and it actually looks good for once but I'm getting my pec tattoo retouched with Di 🥰 I was also thinking of addding on to it, maybe getting a completely new one. Who knows, I'll have to think about it a little but I'm excited! I've been wanting to retouch this for a long time.
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😈: One thing that people don't know about me is that I have fucking talent.~ I am talented and I will always say that. *proud smug smile* I have a job offering up for a horror movie set that needs an FX makeup artist and oh guess what? I'm one.~ So I'm applying and hoping I get it but, while I was looking through my pictures to put into my portfolio to submit I found one of my favorite works. Now I want to recreate it on someone...or myself-. I would maybe do some motifications but I think it would be fun! *bounces* I'm also open to helping people with their Halloween makeup if they want any.~ I expect to be paid though-
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp @enhanced-cb @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb @doom-bc @hybrid-babies @hearthstone-apothecary @theboys-oc @thetoplinecb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb [DM + / -]
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angelic-writer · 1 month
Lichtenberg - The Light of the Party
Day 21 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
Fandom: Cabin Tales
CW: Underage drinking, panic attack
February 8th, 2014
"So, Rachel," Roderick looped his arm around the younger girl. "Remind me again. What's your major?"
"Oh, I..." Rachel rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm doing a major in English."
"Nice! Nice."
"Yeah, I want to be a writer someday. It's uh, it's stupid."
"No no no no no. T-That's awesome!" His face was a bright crimson. He could not believe he was actually talking to Rachel without getting rejected. Maybe it's his chance to finally-
"Would you look at that!" Jeremy came up from behind and held her close. "Rachel as I live and breathe! What are you doing here?"
Roderick immediately gripped his cup. What the fuck, Jay?
"I'm just... I dunno. I got invited so why not?"
"Absolutely! I just never took you for the party type. You're always so quiet in class."
He couldn't hide the utter contempt in his eyes as he gritted his teeth. Just when things are starting to go well for him, Jay had to come here and cockblock him. God, I want to punch that smug look off your face right now...
Not too far away, Kevin was trying his best to keep his beer cup steady. He already had a few sips and he was already getting sick. He hated the taste of beer. It left a disgusting aftertaste in his throat and he didn't understand why his other classmates could even stomach it. The room was beginning to spin around him. Nothing reached his ears as they began to ring. Chest constricted, heart racing...
Air... I need air. I need to get out. Roderick...
He spotted his only salvation at the punch stand with Jeremy and Rachel. With wobbling legs, he made his way over to him, trying to keep himself steady like he was on a moving carnival ride.
"Hey, Roderick...?"
Roderick whipped his head around, immediately going back to his confident look. "Hm? Oh, hey Kevin! What's up?"
"I... I-I'm not feeling too great..."
"Uh..." Roderick looked around him, trying to make sure that no one was watching him. Why did Kevin have to come up to him now? As if Jay's cockblock wasn't embarrassing enough. "What do you want me to say?"
"Can..." His head began to pound. "Can we go?"
Roderick gripped his shoulders. "Kev, come on, man. You're fine. There's probably pills or something you can take in the bathroom, no?"
He blinked. "What?" He expected him to be dismissive of him like before, but he thought he would make an exception just once. "J-Jay..." He reached out to him with a shaky hand, but he and Rachel were beginning to walk away.
"Rachel, you know what? You look thirsty. Come with me."
"Uh, o-okay?"
"Guys..." Why? Why are they leaving him? Weren't they his friends? Weren't they supposed to be here for him?
"You're fine! Kev, just relax, okay? Come with us. Grab a drink."
Kevin pushed him away. "No..! R-Roderick, it's-" The room was beginning to spin more and more. His legs were shaking uncontrollably now. "I'm not... feeling well...!"
"I-" Roderick started to say, but a piercing headache stopped him. He gripped his head, dropping his cup and spilling beer all over the floor as he did so. His head felt like it was in a vice, being slowly crushed. Images of what he was about to say next flooded his mind. Everything he did to Kevin, everything he roped him into...
The room. His screams.
His crime.
You murdered him.
"Roderick...?" Kevin slowly said, reaching a hand out. To rub his back or touch his shoulder? He didn't know because everything was spinning. He was taken aback when the brunette suddenly grabbed his wrist.
"Come with me." It was quick and breathless, but it was clear as day. Next thing Kevin knew, Roderick was pulling him to the front door, making him drop his cup on the way. A couple patrons gave them a weird look as they ran. Roderick was sure that a couple of his teammates were staring at him funny.
Fuck your judgement. Kevin needs me.
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acacia-may · 6 months
Star In A Dark Sky (TDRR Crimsennui Fic)
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When a haunted house fails to live up to Ennui and Crimson's expectations, it seems their date night might be ruined, but a game of ring toss might just save the day.
Crimsennui Slice of Life and (Fluffy?) Goths In Love.
Rated G. No warnings only fluff.
A/N: This fic was a gift for @randomsprinkles who has been insisting I post it for the world too, so I finally conceded put it up on AO3. I honestly wasn't planning on cross-posting to Tumblr, but this is for you @repo-net (I hope you enjoy it!)
Also highly recommend checking out the song "Star In A Dark Sky" by BATZZ in the Belfry (Spotify link; YouTube Link) which inspired this fic and provided its title. It's one of the most goth love songs of all time (in my opinion) and definitely makes me think of this pairing.
This story is meant to be read in their monotone, emotionless delivery and shouldn't be taken too seriously. That said, I hope I managed to give this amazing ship some well-deserved fluff.
Link to the fic on AO3 and full fic text below the cut. Thank you so much for reading! 🖤
“That was a let down.” Even though Ennui’s voice was monotone like usual, he saw the way Crimson was blinking at him and knew he was getting emotional. It was hard not to feel disappointed. That haunted house had gotten such good reviews, but it wasn’t scary at all. The blood wasn’t even realistic, and the supposed jump scares were pathetic. The actor playing the deranged chainsaw killer actually screamed when he turned to find Crimson, allegedly, sneaking up behind him, but she was really just standing there.
If Ennui was being honest, it was the best part. Watching Crimson terrify the haunted house employees made a feeling flutter in Ennui’s chest, and he didn’t hate it. Being with her made him feel like a new man—made him feel things, period. It was a strange but not unpleasant sensation. He just wished he could show her a better time than a pathetic, unscary haunted house.
“Sorry. I thought that would be scarier,” he said emotionlessly blinking at her, but when she just blinked back at him, he couldn’t tell if she was disappointed. She was so much less emotional than he was.
“It’s okay,” answered Crimson in her monotone voice. “It’s not your fault that they completely misused their budget and hired bad actors.”
Ennui supposed Crimson had a point. The problem was probably misappropriated funds, unscary actors, and bad writing. Still… “It was the only reason we came here. I would have never brought you to this carnival if I didn’t think we would get scared.” He paused—blinking at the bright, flashing carnival lights. “It’s too bright.”
Crimson nodded in agreement, but she said, “Walking past that petting zoo and watching you get mobbed by cute, fluffy animals was pretty terrifying.”
Ennui’s eyebrow twitched. The emotionless monotony of Crimson’s voice was so comforting. She knew just what to say.
“You would expect a carnival to be a little more creepy, but they really cleaned things up around here,” she continued, and Ennui nodded. He missed the days when the pier was dirty and dingy—filled with old, dilapidated buildings and shady carnies who smelled like cheap box wine and musty cigarettes.
“Things have really gone downhill around here thanks to the new management.”
Crimson nodded in agreement, and they quietly made their way to the exit. “We’re just not carnival people,” she said. “But I guess some of the games are okay.”
The colorful stalls of carnival games Crimson had just mentioned suddenly caught Ennui’s attention. Maybe he could make up for this dud of date by winning her a prize.
“Do you want to stop at one on our way to the exit?”
Crimson blinked. “Okay.”
Ennui and Crimson stopped at one of the carnival stalls for a game of ring toss. When Ennui won, he was so enthused his eyebrows twitched. From the blank stare Crimson was giving him, Ennui could tell she had definitely seen that gross display of emotions. It was embarrassing, but he couldn’t help it. Crimson brought out a very emotional side of him.   
After giving them many confused looks, the barker told Ennui he could pick a prize. Unfortunately, most carnival prizes consisted of brightly colored cotton candy and plushies of fluffy animals. Crimson wouldn’t like anything he got her here.
He let out a heavier breath than usual without even thinking to stop himself. He should have thought of that before.
Just as he was about to give up, he saw a ripped and crumbled plushie of a grey bunny hidden behind the others. It was missing an eye, was covered in dirt stains, and one of its arms was hanging on only by threads. It was perfect.
“I’ll take that one,” he said pointing to it. It took the barker several attempts and multiple directions of “Not that one. The one behind it” before he finally picked up the ripped bunny.
“Are you sure?” he asked in confusion. “This one fell off the truck.”
“Even better.” Ennui could feel the corners of his mouth twitch. It was gross, but he didn’t care. He handed the bunny to Crimson who blinked at it.
“It looks like its been through a woodchipper.” After a long pause, she looked up at him and added, “I love it.”
“I love you,” said Ennui. He paused. He hadn’t been meaning to say that even though he had been thinking it for quite some time.
Crimson merely blinked at him. Her blank expression was more unreadable than ever.
His eyebrows twitched again. Had he ruined their evening? “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make things mushy,” he said monotonously, but Crimson cut him off.  
“It’s okay.” She met his eyes—her deep, serious, and unemotional gaze sparkling like a star in a dark sky. Looking at her now, Ennui couldn’t help but think that even if sunlight was overrated maybe starlight wasn’t. And when she said, “I love you too” in that beautiful monotone way of hers something fluttered in his chest again.
Yes, Crimson made him feel things. But maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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missrandomdreamer · 4 months
🐻 for Leanna & Buggy? :D
AHH Thank you! This is such a cute prompt! Thank you so much for the ask! I got a bit carried away and it turned out a bit longer than expected XD but I loved writing this so much! Thank you again!
The Best Prize~: Buggy and Linnea
warning: possibly some innuendos that's it :P
note no editing was done just literally sat down and started typing and didnt look back lol
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The summer night was warm but the soft breath of the sea made it just right as the local village's carnival was just starting to pick up. The Buggy Pirates had landed earlier that day and were enjoying the festivities including their fearless leader Buggy himself more so now with a cotton candy haired woman on his arm. The Buggy pirates whispered among themselves, wondering who this woman was but they were all a bit to afraid to continue questioning their captain, after Mohiji got an earful from Buggy. "Captain Buggy sir, why are we going back to this island again? We were just here -does it have something to do with-" The pet tamer was immediately met with a look mix of anger and embarrassment from the head clown.
"Shut up you buffoon!" A floating hand charged Mohiji poking him square in the nose. "We came back to the island because my sources happened to have found out some important secrets for us."
"Sources sir? Is it that gir-"
"Silence!" And that was the end of it. As soon as the ship had reached the port of the small island, Buggy had given vague instructions for the crew to take it easy all the while keeping an eye on the ship and his treasure while he bounced off the boat, heading straight into town just as the carnival crew had been setting up for the carnival that night.
So that brings things back to the night of the carnival where Captain Buggy had his arm hooked with the woman with cotton candy hair. The woman held his arm gently and sparkling blue eyes looked up at him, making the man blush brightly. "Now Buggy, I'm not keeping you from your duties am I?" her voice was soft and gentle when she questioned him.
Buggy looked down into the sky blue eyes of the woman beside him, a nervous grin spread across his face as he turned his head away and scoffed. "Of course not! Those bumbling fools can take care of things. I promised I would take you to this carnival and I am keeping that promise, Linnea." He turned to her slightly, shyly looking at her.
Linnea smiled, leaning her head on his arm, causing a shiver to run up his spine. "You shouldn't call your crew bumbling fools." she rubbed his hand again. "But thank you for coming out here with me tonight. It's just like when we first met." she laughed a bit, another blush ran up Buggy's features, "Well except now I get to enjoy the festivities instead of be a part of them."
Buggy hummed a response, taking in a big breath letting out slow, "Yeah~" his voice gave a little squeak, face crimson just thinking of when they first met: his arms around her, there faces so close, the spot light upon them-no... no need to get more flustered then he already was. He shook his head, clearing his throat, he needed to be cool-cool as a cucumber.
He glanced back at Linnea whose eyes were now roaming the carnival games, head lifted from his shoulder (much to his disappointment) Though he saw her eyes light up when they landed on a carnival game with rather cute pastel stuffies. "Oh Buggy, we should play some games, I think I want to try to win something for Fay. She would just love one of those little teddy bears." She pointed a delicate finger to a ring toss game where many little teddy bears and bunnies were displayed behind the counter.
Fay was Linnea's daughter from a previous relationship to which Buggy wish he had the pleasure of meeting so he could beat the man to a bloody pulp. Linnea had left the man and now it was just her and Fay, at least for now. Buggy wanted to change that...soon.
Buggy got out of his thoughts and nodded, a large smile on his face. "Linnea you know just as much as I do those games could be rigged. How about I just ," he detached his hand and moved its fingers. "Just make one or two of those prizes disappear." Linnea turned to him with a knowing look, and booped him on his red nose.
"Now Buggy, I want to win it fair and square...well as fair as I can. Maybe these ones wont be rigged?" Linnea murmured the last part to herself. Linnea, ever hopeful, wandered over to the game with Buggy shaking his head but trotting behind her but not before appreciating the view of her backside as it swayed slightly as she walked. He blushed furiously before shaking his head nearly off just as he joined at her side. Linnea placed some berry into the large man's hand who ran the carnival game. Buggy didn't like sinister grin the man was giving his Linnea, so Buggy gave them man a scowl, perhaps letting out a bit of a growl . The carnival man straightened up immediately. Linnea was completely oblivious. She picked up one of the colorful rings then moved her hand parallel to the bottles, she squinted-eyeing a bottle before tossing the ring. It clinked off the soda bottles and fell to the floor. She frowned and she attempted again, but failed. Buggy saw her eyebrows furrow: again she tried but she failed. Linnea was about to go to her purse to get more berry but Buggy stopped her with a gloved hand. She looked up at him curious, Buggy just gave her a cocky grin.
"Let me, you know I am quite the shot. I never fail to miss a target." he winked at her playfully causing her to snort, with a little blush.
The clown just chuckled and gave the man some berry before getting his own three rings. Buggy puffed out his chest, closed one of his eyes, stuck his tongue out causing more giggles from Linnea. He let his hand float before him,(the man nearly fainting behind the counter) bobbing up and down a bit before he then released the ring. Linnea watched the ring fly through the air before it landed perfectly around one of the farthest glass bottles.
The carnival man's mouth twitched, recovering himself from the sight of Buggy's hand detaching itself from his body he called out, "Winner! You may choose your prize." Buggy grinned at Linnea, she gave him a slow clap but she was smiling.
"What prize did you want for Fay?" the clown asked, his voice softer than usual. Linnea blushed again and pointed to the brown bear which the carnival man retrieved and handed it to the cotton candy girl. Linnea thanked the man timidly before turning to Buggy with a shy smile,
"Thank you Buggy, that was very sweet of you. Fay will love this."
The clown grinned puffing out his chest again, "Of course I'm sweet, I'm the sweetest clown around." Buggy waved his finger at her, "I told you I had a good aim and I have two rings left. How about another prize?"
Linnea opened her mouth to decline but Buggy was already tossing the rings, he landed both of them perfectly.
"Winner!" The carnival man shouted albeit this time a tad more weakly. Before the man could even ask what prize he wanted, Buggy with his detached hand snatched up a pink rabbit and a small plastic ring. The man was going to argue but Buggy shot him a look just as he handed Linnea the bunny plush, before pocketing the ring before she could see it.
"A prize for you, doll face." Buggy declared, that cocky grin still turning up his lips. Linnea took the pink rabbit stared at with wide eyes before holding it close to her chest. Her cerulean eyes looked up to Buggy with the most affectionate look. She took Buggy's hand and before he could utter a word she dragged him away from the game to a quieter part of the carnival. Buggy's face was pink, and that cocky grin he had on now turned into a nervous smile. "Linnea where are we going?"
She didn't answer at first just gave him a small shy smile, causing that shiver of excitement to run rampant in him one again. Buggy followed along after her until Linnea brought him down to the pier. The soft glow from the carnival their only light castes an array of colors on the dark water below. The young woman let go of his hand before she reached her arms around his neck and placed a kiss right on his lips. Buggy eyes widened but eagerly kissed her back, his gloved hands traveling down her back to bring her closer to himself.
The two broke the kiss after a moment, Buggy looked down at her speaking first, his voice a little squeaky, "Ah what was that kiss for? All I did was get you a silly old rabbit. Not that I'm complaining at all but-"
"It was your prize." she whispered shyly looking up at him, arms still around his neck. "I thought you might deserve one too."
Buggy was burning up now, his face was the color of his nose. "For-for what?" he stammered.
Linnea just smiled and kissed his nose, "For being so sweet, winning those prizes for me and Fay." She kissed his nose again, another noise escaped the clowns lips, "For taking me out tonight and well...spending time with me. I've missed you Buggy." Buggy gulped down something, a spare hand moved the collar of his shirt away from his neck.
"Ah well, it's nothing really." he stuttered looking away pushing back loose pieces of his sea blue hair.
"It's not nothing. I mean it, I really appreciate you Buggy." Buggy met her eyes and he just about melted into a puddle on the pier. Linnea's pink and blue hair danced around her face as she looked up at him with those pleading eyes. She wanted him to understand how much he meant to her. She was never good at speaking or trying to get her words across but she really did mean it. "Thank you Buggy." Linnea moved to hug him and Buggy just about jumped out of his skin. He shut down his nerves for the umpteenth time before hugging her back, awkwardly.
"Well you're welcome." His tone returning to that soft shy one. He gave her a little kiss on the top of her head. He wanted to say something more but he couldn't, not yet. Linnea hugged him tightly once more before they broke the hug now the two of them flustered and shy. There was an awkward silence for a moment:
"Um perhaps...would you like to go on the Farris wheel now?" Linnea asked timidly, hugging the stuffed bunny to her chest.
"Ye-yeah I would love to." Buggy answered once more putting out his arm to her. Linnea took his arm again and they both walked back to the bright lights of the carnival. She once again let her head rest against his arm, letting out a soft relaxed sigh. Buggy smiled softly at her. With his free hand he felt the plastic toy ring in his pocket, the last of the prizes he had won for her. He wanted to ask her-ask her that important life changing question he should have done it on the pier but..he was to nervous..but he would ask her. He would.
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Obscure Characters List - Male Edition
Obscure Characters I love for some reason. (By obscure I mean characters that have little to no fanfic written about them. Not necessarily characters nobody’s ever heard of.) Don’t ask me to explain why.
Abraham Alastor/Anthony Clarke (Dark Pictures Little Hope)
Adam (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)
Adam (Hallmark Frankenstein 2004)
Al Capone (Night at the Museum)
Alan McMichael (Crimson Peak)
Alec Fell (Nancy Drew, The Silent Spy)
AM (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream)
Amphibian Man/The Asset (Shape of Water)
Anthony Walsh (Blood Fest)
Anton Herzen (Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box)
Ardeth Bay (Mummy series)
Armand (Queen of the Damned 2002)
Armando Salazar (Pirates of the Caribbean 5)
Barnaby (Sabrina Down Under)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Baron Meinster (Brides of Dracula)
Beast/Hank McCoy (X-Men, Kelsey Grammer version)
Beast/Prince (Beauty and the Beast 2014)
Ben Willis (I Know What You Did Last Summer)
Bernard the elf (Santa Clause series)
Black Phillip (The VVitch)
Blade (Puppetmaster series)
Bughuul (Sinister 1 and 2)
Caliban/John Clare (Penny Dreadful)
Captain Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion)
Captain James Hook (Peter Pan 2003)
Cedric Brown (Nanny McPhee)
Christian Thompson (Devil Wears Prada)
Colonel William Tavington (The Patriot)
Cornelis Sandvoort (Tulip Fever)
Crown Prince Ryand'r/Darkfire (DC comics/Teen Titans)
Daniel Le Domas (Ready Or Not)
Death (Final Destination series)
Dimitri Allen (Professor Layton and the Unwound Future)
Dimitri Denatos (Mom’s Got a Date With a Vampire)
Dustfinger (Inkheart)
Dr. Alexander Sweet/Dracula (Penny Dreadful)
Dr. Gregory Butler (Happy Death Day 1 & 2)
Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Driller Killer (Slumber Party Massacre 2)
Edward Gracey (Haunted Mansion 2003) 
Edward Mordrake (Urban Legend/American Horror Story Asylum)
Edward/Eddie “Tex” Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3)
Elemer of the Briar (Elden Ring)
Erik Carriere (Phantom of the Opera 1990)
Ethan (Pilgrim 2019)
Father Gascoigne (Bloodborne)
Faustus Blackwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Fegan Floop (Spy Kids trilogy)
Fox Mask/Tom (You’re next)
George Knightley (Emma)
Ghost/Mitch (Haunt 2019)
Godskin Apostle (Elden Ring)
Godwyn the Golden (Elden Ring)
Gold Watchers (Dark Deception)
Greg (Bodies, Bodies, Bodies)
Grim Matchstick (Cuphead)
Gurranq Beast Clergyman (Elden Ring)
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Broadway, Rob Evan version)
Henry Sturges (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)
Hugh Crain (Haunting of Hill House, the book and 1963 film. Not the Flanagan show or 1999 movie remake)
Hugo Butterly (Nancy Drew, Danger by Design)
Ingemar (Midsommar)
Jack Ferriman (Ghost Ship)
Jack Worthing/Uncle Jack (We Happy Few)
Jafar (Once Upon a Time, not the Wonderland spin-off)
Jan Valek (John Carpenter’s Vampires)
Jefferson "Seaplane" McDonough/Alex (Jumanji 2 and 3)
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter (Arkhamverse! Video Games)
Jester (Puppetmaster series)
John (He’s Out There)
Joseph “Joey” Mallone (Blackwell series)
Juan (The Forever Purge)
Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood (Elden Ring)
Kalabar (Halloweentown)
Kenneth Haight (Elden Ring)
Killer Moth/Drury Walker (Teen Titans)
King Paimon (Hereditary)
Lamb Mask/Craig (You’re next)
Lamplighter (The Boys)
Launder Man (Crypt TV)
Lawrence “Larry” Gordon (Saw series)
Loki (Apsulov: End of Gods)
Lucifer (Devil’s Carnival 1 & 2)
Magic Mirror (Snow White 1937/Shrek)
Man in the Mask (The Strangers)
Manon (The Craft)
Man-Thing (Marvel’s Werewolf By Night)
Marco Polo/Merman (Crypt TV)
Marcus Corvinus (Underworld series)
Markus Boehm (Nancy Drew, the Captive Curse)
Mephistopheles (Faust’s Albtraum)
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne)
Miquella (Elden Ring)
Mirror Man (Snow White and the Huntsman)
Mr. Crow/Aldous Vanderboom (Rusty Lake series)
Mr. Le Bail (Ready Or Not)
Mr. Slausen (Tourist Trap)
Nigel Billingsley (Jumanji 2 and 3)
Night’s Cavalry (Elden Ring)
Nothing (The Night House)
Pazuzu (The Exorcist)
Pierre Despereaux (Psych)
Prince Anton Voytek (Vampire 1974)
Prince Escalus (Romeo and Juliet, no particular adaptation)
Prince Quartus (Stardust)
Prince Septimus (Stardust)
Professor Petrie/Phantom of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera 1962)
Peter Quint (Turn of the Screw, the book and maybe some other adaptations. Not the Bly Manor Flanagan show.)
Reese Kelly (Scarlet Hollow)
Rene Belloq (Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Roland Voight (Hellraiser 2022)
Ronin (Star Trek)
Rorschach (Watchmen)
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Rusty Nail (Joyride trilogy)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Sam Wayne (Scarlet Hollow)
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
Simon Jarrett (SOMA)
Sir Lancelot (Night at the Museum 3)
Sportacus (LazyTown)
Starscourge Radahn (Elden Ring)
STEM (Upgrade)
Sutter Cane (In the Mouth of Madness)
Thantos DuBaer (Twitches 1 and 2)
The Auditor (Hellraiser: Judgment)
The Babadook (The Babadook)
The Black Knight Ghost (Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed)
The Curator (Dark Pictures Anthology)
The Designer (Devil’s Carnival 2)
The Djinn/Nathaniel Demerest/Professor Joel Barash/Steven Verdel (Wishmaster series)
The Faun (Pan’s Labyrinth)
The Fox (The Little Prince 1974)
The Jester (The Jester, A Short Horror Film series)
The Kinderfänger (Crypt TV)
The Knight/Tarhos Kovács (Dead by Daylight)
The Look-See (Crypt TV)
The Man (Carnival of Souls)
The Merman (Cabin In The Woods)
The Metal Killer (Stage Fright 2014)
The Mirror (Oculus)
The Narrator (Stanley Parable)
The Other (Hellfest)
The Phantom (Phantom Manor)
The Projectionist (Pearl)
The T-1000/Cop (Terminator 2, Terminator Genisys)
The Tall Man/The Entity (It Follows)
The Thing (The Thing 1982)
The Torn Prince/Royce Clayton (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
The Torso/James “Jimmy” Gambino (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
Thomas Alexander “Alex” Upton (TAU)
Tiger Mask/Dave (You’re Next)
Tommy Ross (Carrie, 1976)
Valak (The Conjuring)
Valdack and his real world counterpart (Black Mirror)
Van Pelt (Jumanji 2)
Venable (Wrong Turn 2021)
Viktor (Underworld series)
Viktor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale (Once Upon a Time)
Vladislaus Dracula (Van Helsing 2004)
Wade Thornton (Nancy Drew, Ghost of Thornton Hall)
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts (The Princess Bride)
Wildwind/Dark Skull, Stormy Weathers, and Lightning Strikes (Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire)
“William”/The Headless Figure (Crypt TV)
William "Billy" Butcherson (Hocus Pocus 1 and 2)
Xenan the Centaur (Xena Warrior Princess)
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edmonia · 2 months
hiii thanks for rbing my horror recs post! sorry it took a while but here's your recs! :)
based on candyman i'd recommend the people under the stairs (1991), his house (2020), get out (2017) and master (2022) about racial injustice and carrie (1976), frankenstein (1931), barbarian (2022) and ringu (1998)/the ring (2002) because they all have villains i sympathize with and felt sad for.
based on creep i'd recommend behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon (2006), spree (2020) and what we do in the shadows (2014) because they're all found footage movies about being dragged around by some weirdo with comedic undertones.
based on dead ringers i'd recommend audition (1999), may (2002), american mary (2012) and antiviral (2012) for their strange surgical elements and ginger snaps (2000), crimson peak (2015), goodnight mommy (2014) and stoker (2013) for some unique family relationships.
based on carnival of souls i'd recommend let's scare jessica to death (1971), someone's watching me (1978), it follows (2014), the invisible man (2020), watcher (2022) and oculus (2013) about becoming convinced someone is following/watching you.
based on hellraiser i'd recommend the cell (2000) (not a very good movie but i love the visuals), event horizon (1997), silent hill (2006) and talk to me (2022) because of their strong visuals and special effects.
hope there's some you haven't seen yet! :)
so lovely, this list is stunning! thank you!! these are exactly what i’m looking for i will be eating these up effective immediately🖤🙂‍↕️
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Gah. This took such a long time and I'm not especially proud of it, but it's done and I have Inktober shit to catch up on so.
Okay, so this is my concept of Greed Ring. The main color here is yellow/gold but it really embraces all the colors of the Rings as it tries to be an embodiment of all of them (the extra green is a nod to US American money since, let's face it, that's where I'm from and that's where capitalism really has a lot of freedom to move. Also, the audacity of Mammon annoys Leviathan). A real melting pot of Hell, if you can believe it. A Vegas meets Mardi Gras meets shady carnival realm of exploitative entertainment and temptation. So, parties, casinos, bars/clubs, theatres, and restaurants. Money is king here. Mammon is ruler of this domain, naturally, but is rarely seen within it since he leaves most of his torturing to the demons he appoints as his Jesters, masters of various performance arts and professional drainers of wallets. "Jester" is an actual title in my rewrite. It's a job that allows Hellborn demons of any class to rise to minor royalty status and yes, Fizz is one of these Jesters. He's the first imp to be appointed to the position in over a century during the events of It's A Helluva World. He, Blitz, and Barbie were all being trained to be Jesters from a young age, but only Fizz impressed Mammon enough to be appointed. Unfortunately, it came at a terrible price.
That's the role of the mini circuses around the Ring: as training grounds for new Jesters for Mammon's ranks. One of the few appearances the Ringmaster of Greed makes to his domain is his tour of the Ring every three years to observe and select new Jesters. Sometimes, he doesn't pick anyone. Others, he might pick someone from every carnival. The criteria is known only to him and is deeply arbitrary to anyone else. There is a lot of gang activity in Greed Ring, as to be expected, but the majority of these gangs are under Mammon's rule as well. Any who try to avoid giving him a cut of their profit or taking over the Ring "mysteriously" disappear, never to be heard from or seen again.
Between constant advertisement and unchecked capitalism, most denizens think nothing of it. One less gang means one less group to shake you down for protection. The Sinners who opt to stay in Greed whisper of a being who lurks beneath the ever-sprawling dumps surrounding the Ring, however. Since they are regulated to only the slums, Sinners are the ones who encounter it the most. Trash scavengers have come back to their tent cities with tales that there is almost a living quality to the rancid garbage piled high and it is said that if you go wandering about in it alone, you will see it shift closer out of the corner of your eye. Some even claim they could hear a muffled voice muttering "Mine. Mine. Mine,". Many don't return from the dumps at all. It is said that whatever makes the garbage move and mutters claims them for its own.
The majority of the Ring is bright with a veneer of good humor and not taking anything seriously, which is the downfall of those who don't learn to see through the illusion quickly. Even Mammon puts on a good show of being a jolly and buffoonish ruler, but his mean streak is obvious to anyone who knows him personally and he is endlessly calculating and underhanded with how he acquires wealth. Most of this wealth is either horded or offered to Belphagor for new tech developments to make Greed the top Soul earner in Hell, something that sticks painfully in the craw of Leviathan who hates Mammon's style of tormenting Sinners. Belphagor, ironically, finds it all very funny.
Notable characters from this Ring are Fizzarolli, Barbie, Blitz, their parents: Buckzo and Beatriz, Moxxie, Crimson, and Sir Pentious. The Overseers of this Ring are The Hoarder a.k.a. Le Roi des Ordures/of Refuse/Rubbish (depends on who you ask) and Buddy. Also planning on doing a map view of this Ring later so I can paint a better picture of where everything is in relation to each other.
Up Next (though not for a whiiiile): Envy Ring!
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I don't really post about Sonic much on here but after watching a Secret Rings retrospective I think back to a question many Sonic fans ask, which is "what levels would you choose for Generations?". I cheated on mine and added three new levels, one each from CD, Secret Rings, and Black Knight, because they deserve to be here too. Sonic 1: Green Hill Sonic 2: Casino Night Sonic 3&K: Sandopolis Sonic CD: Stardust Speedway Sonic Adventure: Red Mountain Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape Sonic Heroes: Hang Castle Sonic '06: Kingdom Valley Sonic and the Secret Rings: Night Palace Sonic and the Black Knight: Dragon's Lair Sonic Unleashed: Crimson Carnival (Eggmanland) Sonic Colors: Tropical Resort
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goth-desires · 3 days
↓ watchlist/watched ↓
28 Days Later
3 from Hell
A Cure for Wellness
A Nightmare on Elm Street
American Psycho
A Quiet Place
Ajin: Demi-Human
An American Werewolf in London
As Above, So Below
Bad Moon
Bad Moon Rising
Before I Wake
Bhediya ✓
Bird Box
Black Death
Black Swan ✓
Blood For Dracula
Blood Quantum
Boarding School
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Brotherhood of the Wolf
Carnival of Souls
Corpse Bride ✓
Crimson Peak
Dark Shadows ✓
Dawn of the Dead
Daughters of Darkness
Devour ✓
Dogma ✓
Dog Soldiers
Don't Grow Up
Dracula Untold ✓
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dylan Dog
Edward Scissorhands
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Evil Dead
Evil Feed
Eyes Without A Face
Final Destination
Freaks of Nature
Fright Night ✓
From Dusk Till Dawn
Get Out
Ghost Rider ✓
Ginger Snaps
Godzilla ✓
Good Manners
Glass ✓
Halloween ✓
Halloweentown ✓
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters ✓
Here Alone
Hounds of Love
House of 1000 Corpses
House of Wax
Hubie Halloween
Hellraiser ✓
Hellraiser II
He Never Died ✓
Hocus Pocus
Hotel Transylvania ✓
Hour of the Wolf
I Am Legend ✓
Insidious ✓
Insidious 2 ✓
Interview With The Vampire
Jennifer's Body ✓
Kill Baby Kill
Killer Legends
Krabat ✓
La Loba
Late Phases
Let the Right One In
Love Bite
Metropolis ✓
Monster High Movies ✓
My Babysitter's A Vampire ✓
My Bloody Valentine 3D ✓
Nature of the Beast
Near Dark
Never Cry Werewolf ✓
Night of the Living Deb
I Had A Bloody Good Time At House Harker
In Fabric
In The Tall Grass
Pet Sematary
Perfect Blue
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Raw/Grave ✓
Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Saw ✓
Saw II ✓
Saw III ✓
Shaun of the Dead
Sicilian Ghost Story
Silver Bullet
Snowpiercer ✓
Split ✓
Stardust ✓
The Addams Family ✓
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
The Beast Must Die
The Black Cat
The Boy
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
The Butterfly Effect ✓
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ✓
The Changeling
The Conjuring
The Craft
The Crow
The Cured
The Cursed
The Curse of the Werewolf
The Dead Don't Die
The Descent ✓
The Endless
The Faculty
The Fall of the House of Usher
The Fearless Vampire Killers
The Fly
The Haunting
The Haunted Mansion
The Howling
The Last Days On Mars
The Last Exit
The Lesson
The Lighthouse
The Little Vampire ✓
The Lost Boys
The Masque of the Red Death
The Matrix
The Mist
The Monster Squad
The Munsters
The Night of the Virgin
The Night of the Wolf
The Old Guard
The Picture of Dorian Gray ✓
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Purge
The Raven
The Return of the Living Dead
The Ring
The Rocky Horror Picture Show ✓
The Shallows
The Shining
The Skin I Live In
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Thing
The Turning
The Uninvited
The Vampire's Assistant ✓
The Wailing
The Witch
The Whip and the Body
The Wolfman ✓
The Wolf of Snow Hollow
The Woman in Black
Teen Wolf ✓
Train to Busan ✓
Trick 'r Treat
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Valley Of Shadows
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Sisters I-II ✓
Van Helsing ✓
Victor Frankenstein
Warm Bodies ✓
We Are The Flesh
We Are What We Are
Werewolf: The Beast Among Us
Werewolves Within
West of Hell
What Keeps You Alive
When Animals Dream
Wolf ✓
Wolf Guy
World War Z
0 notes
clubzy · 3 months
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Aluante Bat
Now, at the moment I don't have a background story set up for him yet but I do have a few bits for him to give you a general idea of what this OC is like.
D.O.B.: 10/25/1296
Age: 727
Height: 6'10
sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Bat
Breed: Vampire
Abilities Powers/Abilities:
He can survive being decapitated but suffers a short term amnesia
He can look into people's hearts, seeing their true nature but uses this as way to either mess with or flirt with others
He can shape shift but he'll always have his six crimson blood red eyes
Dream Manipulation
Scaling Walls
Healing Factor
Hypnosis but he only uses it as a joke to mess with others.
Aluante bothers Skully at the wee hours of the morning asking about games on her phone and Skully impales an iPad into his abdomen as Aluante makes a joke about being a telly tubby then Skully asks about the stuff that she sent Zax & Aluante to get but dummy forgot and deleted the list off of Zax for mp3 that wasn't safely downloaded as Zax got "Sick" from the virus filled playlist
Aluantes Playlist:
Patterns - Band Of Skulls
Bruises & Bitemarks - Good with Grenades
Bad Boys - Cascada
Don't Stop me Now - Queen
I Laugh In The Face Of Death - Voltaire
Come Get Your Love - RedBone
Blood Suckers - Johnny Hollow
Hanging On The Telephone - The Nerve
The Headless Waltz - Voltaire
Bad Guy - Billie Ellish
Unholy - Sam Smith
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
Sexual Hallucination - In This Moment
For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert
I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
Degrade Me - TX2
Flesh - Simon Curtis
Call Me Master- Blood On The Dance Floor
Being Evil Has A Price - Heavy Heathens
Heathens - 21 Pilots
The Red Means I Love You - Madds Buckley
Raised By Bats - Voltaire
Dead Bite - Hollywood Undead
Hypnotized - Simon Curtis
Bones - Drxk
My Demons - Starset
Blood End Credits - My Chemical Romance
Another Way Out - Hollywood Undead
Villian - Stella Jang
Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis
Monster - Aruvn
The Night - Voltaire
Dragula - Rob Zombie
Light Em Up - Fallout Boy
The Heat - Good With Grenades
Call Me By Your Name - Montero
Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz
Monster - Starset
I Wanna Be Your Slave - Mâneskin
Written In Blood - She Wants Revenge
Freak - Sub Urban
Cruel Pornography - Blood On The Dancefloor
Dead On Arrival - Kordhell x Kute
You're Going Down - Sick Puppies
Getting Away With Murder - Papa Roach
Natural Born Sinner - In This Moment
Remedy - Seether
The Sexorcist - Blood On The Dancefloor
Will Not Break - Good with Gernades
Zombie Prostitute - Voltaire
Beast Within - In This Moment
Problematic - Get Scared
Vampire - The Orion Experience
Rule 34 - Fish In A Bird Cage
Freak On A Leash - Korn
Animal I've Become - Three Days Grace
Unchained - Blood On The Dancefloor
When I Said I Was Evil - Voltaire
Sarcasm - Get Scared
Gorgeous Nightmare - Escape The Fate
Blood - In This Moment
If I Was Your Vampire - Marilyn Manson
Miss Murder - AFI
Monsters - Matchbook Romance
Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold
Murder Melody - Cult To Follow
Animal In Me - Solace
Monster - Fight The Fade
Whore - Get Scared
Pretty Little Devil - Shaya Zamora
Dead On Arrival - Fallout Boy
The Devil Within - Digital Daggers
Hooked - Why Don't We
Filthy Animals - Blood On The Dance Floor
Freakshow Part 1 - Nomy
My nightmare - Get Scared
I'm not okay (I promise) - My Chemical Romance
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Party At The Disco
Whenever Aluante decides on wearing any sort of make up or dresses up, he'll put on Eye liner that'll look like Shadows.
Skully sends Aluante out on a mission, goes missing for a week then Skully goes out looking for him only to find him at a carnival as a attraction as a detached talking head
Aluante has a tendency to not answer his phone on the first few rings
Aluante at first would have to be supervised in the kitchen by Skully to make sure he doesn't purposely make a mistake whenever he makes food which makes him feel emotionally vulnerable to a point where he actually makes Nachos for the first time correctly, everyone freaks out and worries for him.
Aluante gets too close to a raider dish after Skully tells him not to and gets zapped, goes deaf for a day and Skully laughs at him.
Aluante gets petty whenever someone else gets on Skullies nerves cause he feels like he should be the only pain in the ass to Skully
In order to really have a contract with Aluante, you'd have to prick your finger as blood starts coming out of it and trace the star on the sigil that's inside of his right palm.
0 notes
| Masterlist | Bakugo Masterlist | Navigation |
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Everyday life includes an unfortunate aspect.
Warnings: Angst; Referencing character death
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"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom."
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Your feet carry you to your front door as you insert your house key. It sticks as usual but only takes a moment before your trudging inside and toeing off your shoes. 'Tadaima.', you think in whatever part of your brain is still properly functioning at the moment. Vermillion eyes bore into you when you enter your living area.
They always do.
"Heyy.", you softly call out. You let out a sigh as the events of the day begin to effect you. "Took down a small group of villains today. They're apart of a bigger syndicate, so there'll be bigger fights on the horizon."
You continue to ramble as you make your way to the kitchen and grab a water bottle out of the fridge. "I know, I know. 'Drink more water, Dumbass.'" You chuckle quietly as you give a bad imitation of your high school sweetheart. Your first love. He doesn't say anything in response to you about it.
He never does.
You round the corner as you come back into the room. "Wish they would've warned us in UA about all the agency bullshit we'd have to go through." Just before you go to slump down your phone buzzes in your pants pocket. It's from Midoriya. He tends to be the one you talk to most. You already talked to Shouto at lunch.
The Nerd: How ya doin today? [19:22:46]
You give a small smile when you read his text. 'Just like the Number One. Still thinkin' of everyone else.', you think. He already knows what his contact name is in your phone. Knows you still use Kacchan's old one. "It's that damn Deku." Your smile weakens but remains as you inform your love of the sender.
It's almost like you can feel his eyes narrow at you.
"He just worries about me.", you sigh. You send a quick reply but put your phone away. Even though you know you'll get a few more through the rest of the night. He'll understand when he doesn't hear from you for a bit. You told him you just got home.
There's more important things to do.
You grab ahold of the lighter on the shelf and light the closest candle. Then the one on the other side. Finally you drop to your knees onto the cushion in front of him. "Wish you were here, 'Suki.", you say in a hushed tone.
You always do.
A large frame with a blown up print of Bakugo's school picture rests on the shelf. Another attached in a conjoined frame that features him in his Hero costume. Resting nearby is his red tie from his UA uniform that you've seen him wear for maybe one time. A green and orange glove sits on the opposite side from that.
A strip of four smaller pictures is tucked into one side of the frame. From the time you pulled him into the photo booth at that carnival. He's even got a small smile in the last one. The thing that makes your breath shaky is the other corner of the frame where his All Might card has been gently placed. Mitsuki and Masaru were very generous to let you keep that when they presented it to you at his memorial.
It's still has splotches of dark brown on it that were once a crimson red.
You still keep in touch with them often. You lost him that day on the battlefield. You all did. That was the toughest thing you've been through in life. He was your Hero. Your Number One. He always will be. You loved him with everything you had. Still do.
He loved you too. Still does.
You were his world until the moment it went dark. You swallowed thickly but took in a deep breath to steady your breathing. You had to carry on with life because Bakugo wouldn't allow for anything else. "I love you, Katsuki." You push off the ground and rise to you feet. As you do so you give the promise ring still resting comfortably on your finger a spin.
You bring the tips of your middle and index fingers to your lips and give them a kiss before gently pressing them to his face in one of his pictures. You do that everyday. Morning, bedtime and instances like right now. You let out a trembling sigh and move away before you lose it again.
Even after all these years.
You don't see the pair of red eyes that follow your every move, and you never will. Not until after the moment your world will go dark. He doesn't want that to be for a long time, though. He'll always want you happy and healthy above all else. Above his own selfish longing to be able to hold you in his arms once more.
You feel a short breeze on your neck. It's that feeling that creeps up your spine and makes you shiver. The feeling you've gotten for years. You don't know it's his words back to you. Your name in silent worship off of his lips.
'I love you, too.''
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carnihell · 2 years
The outer exterior to the Carnival, frankly, was just as massive as it was intimidating. Large purple walls, erected as if it was the coils of a massive, monstrously huge serpent, spanned around the entirety of the area that used to be a housing sector within the North Side of Pentagram city, so far so that it was impossible to see where the wall began or how far it stretched off into the distance, the tops of the walls glinting with sharp spikes that look as if they could easily gut any demon that tried to climb over them. It gave the impression that a snake was wrapping itself around this part of the city, just as much protecting it from the outside as it was isolating the interior from everything else.
There was only a single gap in such a massive wall, and it was where the open gate of the Carnival entrance itself stood, a large glowing sign hanging overhead the archway that proclaimed “THE RINGMASTER’S CARNIVAL” in bright bold green letters. Two large, towering guardians to the gate, standing straight and clutching angelic spears in their hands, stand on either side of the entrance, looking like they were wearing suits of jagged plated armor, also colored a deep purple, with the only things visible being the eyes, glowing a deep, crimson red under the visors of their helmets. They were massive, whatever they were, easily standing 10 feet tall on either side. The inside of the carnival beyond the gate was filled with buildings on the horizon, most of them looking to be that of large spiraling tents that were nailed into the ground by ropes and stakes, others appearing to be actual residential buildings, the windows lit up with a bright orange glow, with dozens of demons, Hellborn and Sinner alike, all walking around the various lit pathways, each one of them marked with brightly lit signs that all pointed off in different directions. On the horizon beyond the gateway, one could barely see the beginnings of tendrils of darkness, slithering around the edges of the carnival’s paths, seeping out around the gaps between buildings and tents, seeming to blanket every inch of the ground despite the fact that the open air of the Pride Ring was still very much visible.
There was a single sign, parked next to the Carnival gateway, marked in bright red capital letters.
1: No killing other customers
2: No harming other customers
3: No killing or harming staff members (unless they broke rule 1-2 by attacking you/another customer)
4: No weapons are to be brought or smuggled into the Carnival and must be handed over upon entry
Rule 5: HAVE FUN!
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realcube · 3 years
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choose-a-date ♡ choose love! — 2k event ♡ @giveitallyougotbuddy
tw: swearing & no beta
instructions: for each decision you make, you will be given points. at the end, tally your points and click on the links at the end to view your results! everything in red bold is a question for the reader
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The carnival was packed. waiting patiently, you sat perched at the end of a bench, trying your best to avoid the ketchup smeared on the seat beside you, slurping your slushy while absently staring into the masses, observing the idle chaos.
Distant screams could be heard from the rides surrounding, as if that didn’t clog your senses enough, the blinding lights piercing through the night had you squinting and was on the verge of causing you a migraine. Noise-cancelling headphones or a blueberry slushy couldn’t save you; all you wanted to do was leave. Bored out of your mind amidst the overwhelming atmosphere. 
 Until, it all went dark. 
Cold yet soft palms were pressed over your eyes, shielding your vision as warm breath tickled your ear, “Guess who?”
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> “My love!” ♡ 3 points
> “Tendou!” ♡ 3 points
> “Ushijima!” ♡ 2 points
> “God!” ♡ 2 points
> “No clue.” ♡ 1 point
A warm chuckle erupted from behind you; the hands parting from your eyes to reveal an upside-down tendou hanging in front of your face, his loud smile immediately filling you with joy, “It’s me!” He chirped, swiftly taking a seat beside you but only swinging one leg over the bench so he could face you and press his forehead against your own.
“Sorry I’m late, I got caught up back there.” He gestured in the direction the entrance, where you was lined with booths which you could hardly resist yourself, so you couldn’t blame Tendou for getting a bit distracted too.
“It’s fine, you’re here now.” You shrugged while pulling away from his touch slightly so you could continue drinking your slushy, casually offering him some too and laughing as he eagerly snatched the cup from your had and took a sip. 
Then, he pulled it away from his lips with a refreshed ‘ah’, handing it back to you with cheesy grin, “Thank you.” He paused, throwing off his backpack and bringing it on to his lap, unzipping it then staring at you with anticipation, “Alright, guess what I won you.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, the surrounding, flashy rides suddenly becoming more interesting as you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his crimson eyes, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“But I did.” He cooed, shaking his bag and considering the incomprehensible rattling noise to be a ‘hint’ as to what’s inside, “C’mon, guess what I won, just for you.”
Your unwavering blank expression was enough to prompt him to elaborate, “It’s a plushie of an animal that reminds me of you!”
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> “A tiger!” ♡ 3 points
> “A bear!” ♡ 3 points
> “A bunny!” ♡ 2 points
> “A panda!” ♡ 2 points
> “A chicken!” ♡ 1 point
Tendou blinked a few times before bursting out into laughter, slowly revealing the plushie with a shaky arm, the inner corners of his eyes already beginning to glisten in amusement. “I—”
He stuttered, and you weren’t sure what was so entertaining about your answer, until you saw the plushie. Hello Kitty holding a cupcake.
“I probably should’ve mentioned that it wasn’t real.” He wheezed, struggling to pry his eyes open and watch as you scooped the item from his hands, admiring it with a concentrated look; the sparkle in your eyes causing the tips of his ears to redden. 
“I mean, cats are real.” You pointed out, absently squishing the kitty’s soft cheek with your finger; the sight was oddly amusing, however maybe that was due to the fact you were too tired to deal with anything else. 
The time you spent alone in the booming crowd had evidently drained you, but Tendou going out of his way to win you something, proved your waiting to be worth it; you couldn’t express how much appreciated him, but you could try. “Thank you so much, Satori.”
Even when you turned to smile at him, with his chin resting against his palm, his lovesick gaze never faltered; neither did his gentle smile, as he cooed, “Do you like it?”
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> “Obviously! It’s so cute!” ♡ 3 points
> “Of course, but I feel like I need to win you something now.” ♡ 3 points
> “Yeah, I love it!” ♡ 2 points
> “Yep, you know me so well.” ♡ 2 points
> “I’m not sure.” ♡ 1 point
Tendou simply nodded, taking the plushie from your hand and placing it back in his bag for safekeeping. 
“Careful!” He laughed at your exclamation, making sure to zip it up extra slowly as if that was going to make a difference to Hello Kitty’s wellbeing. Once it was secured in his backpack, he slung it back over his shoulders, “I’ll give it back to you before we leave.”
There was a moment of silence between both of you while Tendou’s attention seemed to fray from his previous fixation on your lips, hence you followed his gaze to see multiple bags of cotton candy — of various sizes — hanging from the edges of what looked to be a ring toss stall. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Tendou opening his mouth to speak but before it could reach your ears, you had already darted off in the direction of the stall with a mischievous smirk painted on your face; one would think you were about to cheat, but no, you were just proud of the fact you could finally win your boyfriend something. 
Upon approaching the stall, you slammed the crumpled game ticket which had been pushed down to the depths of your pockets, onto the counter. Allowing the worker to exchange it for a small, plastic ring. 
Preparing to throw, you leaned back and curled your dominant arm round your body, assuming that would provide it with more power. Your eyes fluttered shut as you took a deep breath, the stress of the carnival melting off your body and leaving warmth in its place. 
Just as you were about to step forward to through your first ring, a scream was ripped from your throat in response to feeling hot breath against your ear; a eerily mellow voice muttering, “What’re you doing, babe?”
All the warmth rushed to your cheeks, not only from embarrassment, but also how close Tendou was, for a split second. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You panted, placing your hand over your chest in attempt to calm your heartbeat, “I’m trying to win you that candyfloss.”
Tendou let out an elongated ‘oh’ of realisation as he stepped aside, giving you more room to practise your throwing technique, “Sorry for interrupting, carry on.” He sung with sickeningly sweet smile which you couldn’t stay mad at, even if you tried.
You huffed out through your nose and shut your eyes once again, attempting to find your zen while crossing your arm over your chest in order to put enough force into the throw. After stabilising your breathing, you pried one eyes open to observe the options laid before you. 
There were three rows of sticks; the farthest ones obviously being worth the most points, hence able to win you the largest bag of candy floss with the singular ring you had. However, the number of sticks in a row also decreased along a greater distance, hence it would be less risky to aim for the closer sticks.
Which one will you aim for?
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> The farthest away stick ♡ 3 points
> The stick in the middle ♡ 2 points
> The closest stick ♡ 1 point
Surprisingly, the ring followed the exact course you sent it on, leading to it landing perfectly around the stick you aimed for; which left the worker looking almost as stunned as you, meanwhile Tendou was simply dancing, free cotton candy!
“You did it!” He cheered, shooting you a cheesy grin while being handed the bag of cotton candy, of a size in relation to how many points you won. But regardless of how large it was, Tendou simply appreciated the fact you went out of your way to win it for him.
One of his hands dipped into the plastic bag to take bites of the candy, while the other clutched the item in his back pocket; he was certain he wasn’t going to regret this. 
“So,” He almost stuttered, fidgeting with the strap of his bag, “Can I take you somewhere?” His found its way into yours, gently rubbing the back of your cold hand with his thumb as he awaited your response.
“Sure, but where is ‘somewhere’?” 
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