#cabin tales: lichtenberg
angelic-writer · 29 days
Lichtenberg - Bright Lights
Day 27 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Migraine/chronic pain/phantoms pains
Fandom: Cabin Tales
CW: Migraine, referenced torture
Mild spoilers for Lichtenberg
February 10, 2014
Jeremy sat on the bench, winded from practice. Man, Coach is really grilling us this week, huh? Well, I don't blame him. The game is next week, after all. He took a sip from his water bottle when Dan sat next to him.
"Hey dude! Long day, huh?"
"Yep. Been practicing for the game. Whew, I'm tired!"
"Aren't we all?" Dan chuckled. "Hey, me and the others are gonna go out for pizza later. You wanna come with?"
"Yeah, sure. I-" He stopped when a sharp pain stabbed through his skull. Huh, that's weird. Did he hit his head too hard? Probably, but he would've felt it immediately. Then again, concussions are pretty hard to diagnose.
He was suddenly aware of how bright the overhead lights had become. He screwed his eyes shut and leaned forward, holding his head. When did the lights become so bright? His head was pounding like it was about to explode. He could barely hear Dan's voice as his ears started ringing.
What the hell? W-Where did that come from? Oh god, do I have a brain bleed? Do I need to go to the nurse?
He was suddenly aware of how hot his wrists had become. His fingers were tingling. There was a faint sensation of electricity coursing through his body. The ringing was soon replaced with screaming. Screams that were all too familiar to him.
"I had to."
Kevin's screams rang louder, drowning out the others. The smell...
"How am I stuck with you two?"
"He was your friend! Your friend, Sam!"
"Jay? Jay, a-are you okay? Do you... want me to take you to the nurse?"
An all too familiar voice cut through the noise. Sam.
He slowly looked up and sure enough, there he was with Dan, Dante and the others looking at him, worried. He should be saying that he's fine, that he could take care of it, but for some reason, seeing Sam's face caused a burning hatred to grow inside him.
"No. I'm fine." His voice was terse, causing Dan to flinch. His tone was too harsh. It was unlike his usual jovial attitude.
"Jay, you look like you're about to collapse. Let us help you." Dante tried to lift him up.
"I-I'm fine. I just... need a moment." He attempted to stand up, but he felt his knees buckle. Sam and Dan caught him and dragged him out of the locker room. Despite his protests, they were insistent on taking him to the nurse's office. Jeremy went quiet, glaring at Sam the whole way.
Sam, I'm gonna fucking kill you.
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missr3n3 · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 8
reunion/found family/friends
fandom: cabin tales TW: aftermath of torture, guilt, implied exes to lovers word count: 551 @augusnippets summary: Rachel needed one more letter of recommendation for her college application: a letter her history teacher, Mr Barnett, was happy to provide in exchange for a favor. For his doctorate in sociology, he planned a modified version of the prisoner's dilemma to truly test humanity's trust in each other, a test which needed volunteers. Rachel's first thought was her ex-boyfriend Jeremy and his group of friends - a well-known, unbreakable clique. She had no idea what she signed them up for.
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No matter how many breathing exercises Amber showed her, how many times the doctor assured her of the boys' continued improvement, or how many reminders the nurses gave about Jeremy specifically asking to see her, Rachel couldn't shake the feeling of walking into an execution.
None of them understand. They weren't the ones who encouraged Mr. Barnett's experiment. I… I did.
One more vain attempt to quell her nerves with a deep breath, then the door squeaked open.
Seeing Jeremy not only awake, but smiling at her, made her guilt even more crushing.
“Rachel!” Jeremy beamed; much as he could with a third of his face bandaged up. “Long time, no see.”
“Not that long, really…” Rachel took step after shameful step until she stood beside the hospital bed.
“Shit, yeah… It's kinda hard to tell how long I've been here.” Jeremy sheepishly shrugged. “I've been out of it on… I don't know, horse tranquilizers or something, for a while. Good news is that I'm better enough for them to have finally lowered the dosage.”
“Yeah…” Rachel croaked. Jeremy's bright expression faltered.
“Um… Is something wrong? Like, besides the obvious.” Through bandages and fading Lichtenberg burns creeping up his neck, a faint redness dusted his cheeks. “I, uh, thought seeing how I've recovered might… I don't know, bring you some peace of mind?”
“I-It helps a little…” Rachel’s eyes shut as she willed her tears not to fall.
“But I… Fuck, Jay, this is all my fault!” Rachel’s voice cracked as the dam burst. “I-if I hadn't agreed to help Barnett with his s-stupid experiment and volunteered you guys-”
“Oh, Rachel…” Jeremy sat up straighter – the most movement his bandages would allow. “It’s not your fault. Not at all.”
“Y-you don't mean that,” Rachel sobbed.
“I do. On God, I really mean it. Hell, you're the only reason I'm still here to discuss this! That's like, the opposite of it being your fault.”
“B-but you wouldn't have needed rescuing i-if I hadn't ignored the red flags, if I told him to get lost, if I got you all out sooner-”
“Rachel…” Jeremy fell silent, shame and guilt smothered Rachel's mind. Through her blurry vision, she noticed Jeremy’s eyes widening. “I'll put it this way: You're not the one who chained us to those chairs, right?”
“N-no, the whole thing was… was already like that by the time I got there,” Rachel weakly admitted.
“And you're not the one who set off the timer.”
“No, but-”
“And you're not the one who…” Jeremy's voice shook as he tried to fight back memories Rachel was all too familiar with. “You're not the one who voted to kill Kevin.”
“Th-that wasn't their fault either!” Rachel blurted. “You guys were all scared, a-and you didn't know what would happen-”
“Sounds familiar, doesn't it?” Rachel couldn't decide if she wanted to groan in frustration at Jeremy's cocky grin, or kiss him to shut him up.
“…Fine, you win.”
“Oh, uh, speaking of that… You wouldn't happen to know who won our last game, would you?”
“It…” For a moment, Rachel couldn't decide how to respond: comfort, or the truth. No, he deserves to know what happened. “No one did. It was cancelled. Because… the four of you didn't show up. You were already…”
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peterdiamandis · 7 years
True Breakthroughs = Crazy Ideas + Passion
“The day before something is a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea.”
I first heard this phrase from Burt Rutan, the man who designed and built SpaceShipOne, the brilliant vehicle that won the $10 million Ansari XPRIZE.
As Rutan explained it to me, if the breakthrough idea wasn’t considered “crazy” just a few days ago, then it's not a true breakthrough.
A computer that is 10% or 20% faster is predictable and incremental.  
Going from vacuum tubes to silicon for computation, on the other hand, is a real breakthrough.
This mantra fueled me to push past the criticism for many of my own crazy ideas.
To ignore the many “experts” who said it couldn’t be done, and ultimately to bend reality toward the future I passionately desired.
If I had to name my superpower, it would be persistence (or grit) — i.e. not giving up, even when everyone is telling me that it isn’t going to work.
In reality, many of my successes have taken me 10 years or more to implement.  
Here are a couple of stories:
In 1993, I wanted to fly on NASA’s zero-g (KC-135) plane used to simulate weightlessness and train NASA’s astronauts.
As much as I tried, NASA turned me down.
My response was, “Okay, screw it. If I want to experience it that much, I bet others do as well... I’ll start a zero-g company myself.”
So I did. Along with my co-founders -- astronaut Byron Lichtenberg and NASA scientist Ray Cronise -- I became CEO of a company called Zero Gravity Corporation, or Zero-G.
Back in May 1993 we had our first meeting with the FAA. Their response? "YOU WANT TO DO WHAT?
My answer: “Put 36 people in an airplane, take off their seat belts, put the plane into a parabolic maneuver, 50 degrees nose up, over the top, and then 50 degrees nose down, where they can float in the center of the cabin for 30 seconds.”
This is where my passion hit a bureaucratic decade-long brick wall.
It took us 11 years of constant pressure, hard work, and outlasting bureaucrats to become operational, which finally happened in September of 2004.
Since then, I’m proud to say that we’ve flown over 20,000 people ranging from age 7 to 93, including Professor Stephen Hawking and wheelchair-bound children, into weightlessness. You can book your flight here: www.GoZeroG.com.
XPRIZE Foundation:
I first read Charles Lindbergh’s book, Spirit of St. Louis, in December 1993. I learned that Lindbergh flew from New York to Paris in 1927 to win a $25,000 prize.
It was that leverage and efficiency of an incentive prize that led me to propose the idea of a $10 million purse for the first person to build and fly a reusable private spaceship carrying three people into space on two flights within two weeks.
In May of 1996, without the prize money in hand, I went onstage under the St. Louis Arch and announced the $10 million XPRIZE anyway.
I thought (mistakenly) that someone would quickly fund the $10 million prize purse. After all, you didn’t pay out the prize money until after a team had successfully completed both flights.
Between 1996 and 2001, I pitched 150+ sponsors, and received 150 “no’s”.
Finally (long story) in 2002, I met the Ansari family, who ultimately funded the $10 million purse (we named it the Ansari XPRIZE in their honor).
Two years later on October 4, 2004, the XPRIZE was won.
It took 12 years, from concept to Prize Award…
Once again, this was a tale about grit, persistence and making my own luck.
Today, as the XPRIZE Foundation is hitting its stride, the Foundation is now 24 years old with over $300 million in awarded, funded and/or designed XPRIZEs.
Two Questions for You:
I have two questions for you...
Where in your organization do you allow crazy ideas to be funded and attempted? If that doesn’t exist, have you committed yourself to only pursuing incremental improvement? Or do you plan to buy your innovation from the outside world?
What do you believe in strongly enough that you will dedicate a decade to its pursuit, and be able to withstand 150 ‘no’s’?
At the end of the day, the formula for a true breakthrough is equal to “having a crazy idea” you believe in plus the passion to pursue that idea against all naysayers and obstacles.
Interested in Joining Me? (Two options)
1. A360 Executive Mastermind: This is the sort of conversation I explore at my Executive Mastermind group called Abundance 360. The program is highly selective, for 360 abundance and exponentially minded CEOs (running $10M to $10B companies).
If you’d like to be considered, apply here.
Share this with your friends, especially if they are interested in any of the areas outlined above.
2. A360 Digital Mastermind: I’ve also created a Digital/Online community of bold, abundance-minded entrepreneurs called Abundance 360 Digital (A360D).
A360D is my ‘onramp’ for exponential entrepreneurs – those who want to get involved and play at a higher level. Click Here to Learn More.
P.S. Every week I send out a "Tech Blog" like this one. If you want to sign up, go to Diamandis.com and sign up for this and Abundance Insider.
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angelic-writer · 1 month
I've been cooking up OCs for Lichtenberg. They are members of the high school football team that Roderick, Kevin, Jeremy and Sam are a part of. Here they are!
Kyle Marvin - He has short, trimmed brown hair and soft brown eyes. He is the quarterback of their team and is considered the de facto leader. He is a bit hot headed, but has a kind heart.
Joey Emmerson - He has neck length black hair and amber eyes. He is considered to be Kyle's foil, always cracking jokes and lighting up the mood whenever people are down. Despite his silly exterior, he is shown to have a surprising amount of intelligence.
Dan Watson - He has short, blonde hair and blue eyes. He is a gentle giant just like Jeremy and doesn't like when others are in trouble. He likes to be the mediator when Kevin and Roderick's antics get too heated.
Nolan O'Neill - He has short, curly black hair and sharp blue eyes. He is what people call a know it all and likes to butt heads with Sam a lot. Just like Sam, he is on the honor roll and looks down on anyone who he considers beneath him.
Jason and Jerry Byers - Twin brothers who both have fluffy, black hair and brown eyes. They are the ones who heckle the core four the most out of everyone. Jason especially has a habit of teasing Kevin while Jerry teases Jeremy. Despite their harsh words, they don't have any malicious intent behind them. Both Jason and Jerry adore Kevin and would do anything to protect him.
Dante Hamilton - He has dark skin, black hair styled in dreads and brown eyes. He is Roderick's best friend and closest confidant. He is the one who convinced Roderick to hang out with him and the others when he first joined the team. Unlike Roderick, Dante likes to stay out of trouble and keep himself in Principal Morrison's good graces.
Coach Swanson - Their high school football coach who is a retired police officer. He has short, greying hair and silver eyes. He is considered a hardass by the other kids in school, but the other players on the team refer to him as an exceptional coach who looks out for his players.
Despite their different personalities, this team is extremely tight knit and when something happens to their players, there will be hell to pay.
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angelic-writer · 1 month
Lichtenberg - The Light of the Party
Day 21 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
Fandom: Cabin Tales
CW: Underage drinking, panic attack
February 8th, 2014
"So, Rachel," Roderick looped his arm around the younger girl. "Remind me again. What's your major?"
"Oh, I..." Rachel rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm doing a major in English."
"Nice! Nice."
"Yeah, I want to be a writer someday. It's uh, it's stupid."
"No no no no no. T-That's awesome!" His face was a bright crimson. He could not believe he was actually talking to Rachel without getting rejected. Maybe it's his chance to finally-
"Would you look at that!" Jeremy came up from behind and held her close. "Rachel as I live and breathe! What are you doing here?"
Roderick immediately gripped his cup. What the fuck, Jay?
"I'm just... I dunno. I got invited so why not?"
"Absolutely! I just never took you for the party type. You're always so quiet in class."
He couldn't hide the utter contempt in his eyes as he gritted his teeth. Just when things are starting to go well for him, Jay had to come here and cockblock him. God, I want to punch that smug look off your face right now...
Not too far away, Kevin was trying his best to keep his beer cup steady. He already had a few sips and he was already getting sick. He hated the taste of beer. It left a disgusting aftertaste in his throat and he didn't understand why his other classmates could even stomach it. The room was beginning to spin around him. Nothing reached his ears as they began to ring. Chest constricted, heart racing...
Air... I need air. I need to get out. Roderick...
He spotted his only salvation at the punch stand with Jeremy and Rachel. With wobbling legs, he made his way over to him, trying to keep himself steady like he was on a moving carnival ride.
"Hey, Roderick...?"
Roderick whipped his head around, immediately going back to his confident look. "Hm? Oh, hey Kevin! What's up?"
"I... I-I'm not feeling too great..."
"Uh..." Roderick looked around him, trying to make sure that no one was watching him. Why did Kevin have to come up to him now? As if Jay's cockblock wasn't embarrassing enough. "What do you want me to say?"
"Can..." His head began to pound. "Can we go?"
Roderick gripped his shoulders. "Kev, come on, man. You're fine. There's probably pills or something you can take in the bathroom, no?"
He blinked. "What?" He expected him to be dismissive of him like before, but he thought he would make an exception just once. "J-Jay..." He reached out to him with a shaky hand, but he and Rachel were beginning to walk away.
"Rachel, you know what? You look thirsty. Come with me."
"Uh, o-okay?"
"Guys..." Why? Why are they leaving him? Weren't they his friends? Weren't they supposed to be here for him?
"You're fine! Kev, just relax, okay? Come with us. Grab a drink."
Kevin pushed him away. "No..! R-Roderick, it's-" The room was beginning to spin more and more. His legs were shaking uncontrollably now. "I'm not... feeling well...!"
"I-" Roderick started to say, but a piercing headache stopped him. He gripped his head, dropping his cup and spilling beer all over the floor as he did so. His head felt like it was in a vice, being slowly crushed. Images of what he was about to say next flooded his mind. Everything he did to Kevin, everything he roped him into...
The room. His screams.
His crime.
You murdered him.
"Roderick...?" Kevin slowly said, reaching a hand out. To rub his back or touch his shoulder? He didn't know because everything was spinning. He was taken aback when the brunette suddenly grabbed his wrist.
"Come with me." It was quick and breathless, but it was clear as day. Next thing Kevin knew, Roderick was pulling him to the front door, making him drop his cup on the way. A couple patrons gave them a weird look as they ran. Roderick was sure that a couple of his teammates were staring at him funny.
Fuck your judgement. Kevin needs me.
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angelic-writer · 1 month
idea that could either be REALLY funny or REALLY angsty:
Lichtenburg but all the boys remember but they try not to tell the others and keep it to themselves for their own reasons
Ohhhhh, I actually have a similar idea as well.
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angelic-writer · 20 days
Thinking about Lichtenberg again. <3
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angelic-writer · 29 days
Lichtenburg!Sam 🤝 Second Chance!Sam (+ rest of the boys)
Dying and coming back yet remembering everything
(and possibly additionally: Sam absolutely losing it at one point)
Yep. That's pretty much the plot.
(Also, oooh, that's a good idea.)
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angelic-writer · 29 days
Sam: I can finally leave! Amber I'm coming home sweetie- IM BACK IN THE FUCKING CHAIR AGAIN!?
XD Sam is like "Goddammit, not again!"
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angelic-writer · 1 month
Someone pulls out a taser and Sam has flashbacks (or would they be flashforwards?) while the others watch on in confusion/concern
I don't know why I thought of this hcchjv
Ooooh, that sounds like an interesting idea.
Like Kevin is shaking in the background, Roderick is trying to get the guy to back off and Jeremy is being the protector.
Meanwhile, Sam is having a full on panic attack.---
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angelic-writer · 1 month
Roderick has unlocked: guilt!
Achievement unlocked: You're an asshole!
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angelic-writer · 13 days
TFW I get a potentially awful idea for the climax of Lichtenberg, but I can't say what because that would be spoilers.
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angelic-writer · 15 days
If you want, you guys are free to draw Lichtenberg fanart. My submissions box is open and you can send it to me. :)
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angelic-writer · 1 month
Over and Over reminds me a bit of Sam. I won't elaborate.
I'm not sure which band the song came from when I looked it up, but I feel like Three Days Grace is what you're talking about. It kind of fits Sam's dilemma.
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angelic-writer · 1 month
Oh boy! New idea coming in from the Cabin Tales brain!
Plot: Roderick, Sam, Kevin and Jeremy were all trapped in a strange room strapped to electric chairs with a dial in front of them and numbers on the floor. Every time the timer hits zero, they get hit with an electric shock. They all learn that they were supposed to turn the dial to the person they want to kill. A majority vote.
A sick game of Russian Roulette.
Kevin was the sole victim of this game, but in the end, the rest refuse to play. They all died, reminiscing about the good times. Memories they can never think again.
Sam wakes up, soaked in sweat, trying to figure out what just happened. A dream? No, it was way too real to be a dream. He dismisses it as just that - a dream and tries to go through the school day as normal. However, as the days go by, Sam starts to notice that the things that happened before were happening again. He realizes that he had been sent back to the days before he and his friends were kidnapped. Can he convince the others of what's to come? Can he save them from their fate or are they already doomed?
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angelic-writer · 20 days
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Wow Sam. You're a dick.
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